THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, 31 A V 11, 1020 RE A EST A TE. l-'or Sal llouse,. LARGEST HOME SELLERS OM THE PACIFIC COAST. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRAN'K L. MpGUIRB To Buy Your Home. An EPOCH MAKING evrnt of REAL Importance to HOME KEEKERS is our Kreat MAY SALE of HOME BAIUiAIXK. Ovr HOD PliOTOIiHAl'HS OK HOMES for sale Every TYPE of honjt, at every PRICE, from every IMSTKICT. Our ex tenHive listings afford you a BETTER AND WIDER SELECTION than can be had anywhere in the entire city. Hun dreds of remarkahi.e bargains. Our moiiern, eflW-irnt system of AP PltAISlXC, AND 1XSPECT1XO, and our COMPETENT LEGAL DEPARTMENT, insure you the UTMOST SATISFAC TION in HOME BUYING. 18 Automobiles at Tour SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. tVJ.-.O IDEALLY BEAUTIFUL IRV INGToN BUNGALOW. Popular Cali fornia type with spacious front veran da: re-ption hall; living room with artistic fireplace; attractive dininer room with massl-K built-in buffet; SPLEN DID DUTCH KITCHEN; 3 bedrooms. liKht and airy; sleeping porch; furnace: laundry - travs; full lot with all liens paid. HOUSE IS JUST LIKE NEW. K. in;h. This is but ONE out of 50 1RVINGTON homes we otter. 3150 A REAL DUTCH COLON TAL HOME; very distinctive lines; at tractive living room wttli cheery fireplace; built-in bookcases; paneled dining room; IDEAL Dutch kitchen; 3 sunny bedrooms and sleeping porch; HARDWOOD FLuOHS; best white enamel plunihinp: full lot; HOUSE LIKE NEW: WHERE CAN YOU DU PLICATE THIS VALUE? 350u ROSE CITT OAR. This is TRULY SPLENDID VALUE; ! room practically new, attraet ' ive bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing; electricity: gas; E. Davis near 11 Hi: WALKING DISTANCE. We have hundreds of elose-ln homes at IVODERATE PRICES. Here are a few OP PORTUNITIES where you can SAVE CAKPARK and EN.lOY A SPLENDID BRAC1XO WALK: touOO 8-room comfortable home. ar ranged for two families; TiOxlOO lot; street liens all paid; E. Oak . near 10th; A BARGAIN. 13050 NORTH MT. TABOR HOME: a typical CALIKOKN1A bungalow type: quaint rambling lines; fi attractive rooms: THIS IS AN UNUSUAL VALUE; you'll say so when you see It. Large front ' porch with massive columns; VERY" PRACTICAL. FLOOR PLAN; many clever built-ins; ' white enamel plumbing; electric ity; eas. Just think! ONLY $000 down: BALANCE LIKE RENT. E. Davis st. 2ZoO Here's a BARGAIN! Tf yo'J HAVEN'T the DOWN PAYMENT ' of J'JOO, WE WILL HELP YOU MAKE IT. This will soon be valuable business property; sub stantial, comfortable 5-room bun galow cottage; full set of plumb- ' ing; splendid corner lot, 50x70; all street liens paid. The terms are Just $l."i per month, and it would RENT FOR MORE THAN THAT! If you want a bargain, SEE THIS TODAY. 2750 ONE OUT OF NINE HUNDRED. This Is absolutely the BIGGEST, MOST EXCEPTIONAL HOME BUY in our entire listings -CHALLENGES YOUR UNDI VIDED ATTENTION; spacious living room with cheery fire place: artistic dining room with massive t-toot built-in buffet; . HARDWOOD FLOORS: FULL DUTCH KITCHEN; central hall with well-arranged linen closets (u place for everything ; 2 sunny bedrooms; WOODWORK OK EN TIKE HOUSE FINISHED IN WHITE ENAMEL; best plumh ing fixtures: FULL LOT; 2 blks. to Mt. Tabor car; TERMS. You couldn't BUILD THIS HOME TODAY FOR J3300. 18150 ATTENTION. Homeseekers: If YOU REALLY WANT to get the VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY, don't fail to see this. On a full lot with all street liens paid, is this .Vroom, attractive modern bungaldw; 2 airiest bed rooms; best white enamel plumb ing; electricity, gas, full cement basement. OWNER WILL SELL runrtiBHLii tor 3;u additional Do you wish to look nt I We'll send a car right out. THIS WON'T LAST. 3,-00 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED Alber ta home; rooms large and airv; numerous built-ins; -best white enamel plumbing fixtures: splendid FURNACE; laundry trays; full lot: close to car. A REAL ALBERTA HOllK tar GAIN. E. HSU, St. WE HAVE SO ALBERTA HOMES. $3130 HAWTHORNE'S TYPICAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN; large front porch, full width of house MANY CLEVER BUILT-INS; white enamel plumbing; electric ity, gas, paved street, all paid; only $j0O down, $25 per month. E. Sherman st. This is splendid value. WE HAVE 125 HAW . THORNE HOMES. 1D5 HOMELIKE little MT SCOTT Aren t you just wanting a nice quaint little home with a beau tiful, blossomy yard 7 This is one of the NEATEST. most com fortable cottages in Mt. Scott; lot 100x100. Just :,00 down balance i20 per month. 80 MORE KoV,T-t2"flAPHS OK MT' SCOTT HOMES in our office. If you are in the market for a home. ,,!J- i'our advantage to visit our o"r?uTdff(??MS AN1 INSPECT our wSn ?. . l-o isr'lay of over 1,110 HOME BR- anomoneV save your tLmk SEE FRANK L. McOTIlRE ... t T Buy Tour Home Abington Bid. Arain 1068 buccrors to K. r. McGuire 40 Years of Reliable Service" Tim PJXB, 8-OOM HOME. Built by day labor, A-l material throughout; nice large rooms, well a? ranged; modern, full cement basement ..0x100 or 100x100 as desired ; extrT Jot has good a-rrom house, right on good carline and improved street; $ tr00 i or 50x100; $5600 for J no 100 with houses. Call us for full particulars. THE LAWRENCE CO :i2 Corbett Bid Main 6915. IRVINOION (CAR, IRVINGTON $5250 ($050 CASH) $5250. bargain ana then some; alt street Improvements in and raid, brand new. , ' . 1 1 jr uiouern; rur- nace, hardwood floors, built-in e-te "Pen- Tor inspection. tiee it today. 821 WEST "SLOPE MOUNT TABOR. Aionern -story 7-room house with sleeping porch and carac- inrat. .xluo lot with splendid view of city center entrance hall, main rooms are large, oak floors; 4 nice bedrooms and sleeping porch : attic, lawn, shrubbery Price cut to $0000. Terms-Tabor 4071 ALAMEDA VIEW RnVP.Ainw Charming 0-room bungalow with ra rase on 85-foot view lot; old ivory fin ish. heavy oak floors, tile bath plan glass view windows across entire front riKiii un-io-ine-mmute and in excellent w "V" - caay terms. T Dor 4H SWELL MODERN BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK CORNER LOT This pretty home on choice corner "wil meet with your annroval- a breakfast nook, a stricilv modern resi dence; 50x100 lot; also improvements in and paid ; low price; very good terms Owner, Tabor 8292. terms. BEAUTIFUL HOME, PAVED RESTRICT ED DISTRICT. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL, SIX ROOMS CABINET WORK FINISH. FULL BASEMENT. FURNACE BETTER SEE THIS. DARING & Mc RKYNOLDS, 615- COUCH BLDG. $1U.V) R. C. PARK: almost: new furnished; bath, gas, eleetrlcltv. ir-e corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent move right in; some distance out but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home; good neighborhood near school. Owner, Tahor "678. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, five rooms I large at tic. fireplace, hardwood floors' ! white enamel finish, concrtjte basement'! price onlv $."900, terms. Main 1063. Com. 5 Op Cham, of j 6-ROOM house, lot 50x100. on I I2t (i. For price ami terms :t78.. or M in Utf-ll evenings. Oak, near cairMain 5-ROOM house, 50x1 no jot. full basement good garden and cherry trees, for Quick afc. ;$J201t-rmg. 121:6 Detroit ave or SALE Comfortable 4 -room home" beautiful view, fruit, flowers. 249 J3anI -rnft ave.. near Tcrw till per b I v d . FOR S. LE 5-room hmis -, casv term.s- on premises all day Sunday. 1013 Misaifc sippi. tifiir i u r wnd park. BY OWNER Modern s-rnom bungalow; h.ird wood floors, buil t - ink. garage and garoen. i-none imu.r 1 it. terms. j;K T Tt-room buntralow, l9ii W. Winchell t. $2000, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoium. $350 ROSE CITY PARK. A HOME ON SANDY BLVD. $2500 CASH BAL. 6. Large reception hall with cloak closet, living room, dining room, kitchen and cooling closet, sleeping porch upstairs; has front and back stairway, cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, good garage. Call Tabor 2004; evenings call Tabor 8436. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. .Branch office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL COKNER LOT 100x100. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH PARLOR. LIVING ROOM, DIN ING ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR; FOUR BEDROOMS. TILED BATH. LARGE SLEEPING PORCH SECOND FLOOR. LARGE FINISHED ATTIC AND MAID'S ROOM, HARDWOOD FLOORS; MANY BUI LT-1NS ; FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. LAUN DRY ROOM, FURNACE, GARAGE; IMMEDIATE POSSB1SSION; $12,500. IF YOU WANT A MODERN HOME IN MOST SELECT PART OF IRVINGTON PHONE POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. $12,000 BUYS A BEAUTIFUL 0-ROOM HOUSE, a real bungalow, with 5 sleeping apartments, two immense bathrooms. full-sized basement, every modern convenience; located on a choice corner lot. 100x100, surrounded by hard-surfaced pave ment. "The grounds are planted to beautiful shrubs and fruit trees. This home is situate in one of Portland's finest residence districts. It will take a good substantial payment down to handle the deal. Place is too large for present owner can give possession -immediately. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. " ACRE. One of best kept J4 acres In city, near 52d S. E. Plenty fruit ail kinds, roses, beautiful lawn, garden all planted ; good 5-room cotta ge, chicken house and run, cement sidewalk all paid. Must sell. Best buy in Portland; $2700, easy terms. Tabor 322. $3000 LAURELHUP.ST $5000. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW IT NEEDS PAINTING AND K ALSO MINING. $500 expended will make it like new and will be worth $7500. The location is ideal- only two blocks from car; choice part oi the district; arrangement of rooms is excellent; extra fine living room about 1 5x30 French doors to dining room and conservatory; -i extra fine bedrooms. Phone Tabor 3433, or call at office E. 30 th and Glisan sts. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow on E. 37th. muuern conveniences, tirepiace, fur nace, full basement and wash travs. large combination living and dining room, very tastily finished with all built in effects. Kitchen is finished in white enamel. Den aTid music room down stairs, three finished bodrooms and sleeping porch upstairs. Price only $3850. $1800 will handle. Turner . CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST. A beautiful 8-room home right in the fc'-art of Laurelhurst, near good carllne; nice large rooms throughout; has just been painted and looks like new; full lot; all improvements paid; this is posi tively a buy. See it and judge for your self; $8000. terms. TH E LA WHENCE CO.. 212 Corbett bidg. Main 6915. ALAMEDA VIEW CORVF.R Well appointed 2-totory 8-room home, located on choice double corner, with view of city; built for home by owner several years ago when they believed in using plenty of lumber and no expens was spared; main rooms, including den are very large and beautiful; 2 baths, hot water beat, oak floors throughout; 3 nice bedrooms, dressing room. slepin porch, finest- basement in city, garage" Want fair offer. Tabor 407 REAL HOME, BEAUTIFUL. CORNER LOT 100x150. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE FIRST FLOOR FINE FOR ENTER TAINING: SECOND FLOOR HAS FIVE BEDROOMS. TWO BATHS; THIRD FLOOR TWO MAID'S ROOMS. LARGE BILLIARD ROOM AND BATH ; HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20 ROSE CITY PARK. Just a splendid 6-room home on 62d st. North. 2 blks. from car, surrounded by fine homes. - This is a homey home with oak floors, fireplace, furnace and all the built-ins. Well lighted and cheer ful. 50x100 lot. finest garden and shrub bery. Finest state of repair and splen did value. $4750, $1500 cash THE FRED A. JACOBS CO 304 5th St. Main 6869. FINE VIEW. MOST SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. CORNER LOT, BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS HARDWOOD riiOORS FIRST ND SECOND FLOORS. THERE AIE TEN ROOMS, BALLROOM AND 2 BATHS HOT-WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. NO PHONE INFORMATION. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20 LAURELHURST HOM'E. Owner moving . Into larger home wishes to sell attractive, unusually well built 2-story. 6-room home with sleep ing porch and garage; just repainted and decorated, like new. right-uo-to- t he-minute, large rooms. beautiful grounds and shrubbery ; takes several years work to fix a place up like this; Immediate possession: terms. Tabor 407. ro se cTty park b ung alo w! One of the finest and most complete 5-room bungalow s you could wish to step into; oak floors, fireplace, built ins. Pullman breakfast nook and a most vpbs tan t tally built home ; you must see it; you will want to move right in; $5250. $100 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st.p Main 6S69. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $5500. Attractive -story bungalow, FUR NISHED, center entrance hall, 1 bed room with toilet downstairs. 3 and bath upstairs; full cement basement, goOd furnace and fireplace; no hardwood floors ; beautiful yard with trees, alley, paved street, near car; possession June 15. This is a real home, built right and a red hot snap. Tabor 407. $3750 FOR a 7-room house at East 26th and bherman sts., lots 7Ox80 ft. on corner, both street hard surfaced and all assessments paid; house has brick foundation, good plumbing, gas and electricity.- All rooms nicely papered; sight ly location. This is a splendid home and very cheap at this price. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. PARK ROSE BUNGALOW. A dandy little 5-room bungalow on 50x100 lot. Vs. block off Sandy car. This is really clever little home. N Ice gar den soil, some fruit and this property la all clean and neat and a most exceptional buy onl v $2350. half cash. TH FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main 6f9. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Beajatif ul 8-room house, wonderful view and beautiful grounds, 75x110. The value of this property is not considered. It is strictly modern and really wonder ful home, must be seen to be appreci ated. - PACIFIC REALTY, . Main 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. $8000. $8000 8-room furnished house, 6 lots, cement basement and walks, gas, elec tricity, garage, garden, chicken house and runs, 10 apple trees, cherries, crab apple, pears, plums, grapes, all kinds of small fruit and shrubbery; lawn view Mt. Hood. Car stops at door. Tabor 9107. VACANT BARGAIN. Out-of-town has had his 6-room bun galow vacated to give purchaser im mediate possession. Price $2750. One block from car. Good location, full lot, $500 cash. W. H. ROSS. 1100 M. W. Bank Bldg. NEAR KENTON. I have three houses at prices of $S50, $1200 and $1900, being respectively J, 4 and 7 rooms; fine lots with fruit and flow era: I am leaving the city and wish to make a quick sale. For par ticulars, call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. LAURELHURST. TWO-STORY SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE. FOUR BEDROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT, GA RAGE, CORNER- LOT; $8500. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE 271-20. a IRVINGTON. A grand Rq. 6-room home with sun and sleeping porches, all the built-ins, fire place and furnace, 50x100 lot. on paved street in and paid. $oo. ?u0O cash. THE F RED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th St. i la in 68H. IRVINGTON HOME $K000! ' Neat, modern wdl -built 2-story 6-room home, located in good neighborhood. rtiH in 'rooms, nicely papered, fireplace, furnrtce. cement basement, beauttill lawn arid shrubbery. Terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK bargain, by owner. New. 4 rooms, Hirirny moaern. no en- 1 .... l.r nsA tin u nnnlK T 1 V.r.r- 1 T:fi ' 'DANDY litt'e 4-room house. Commercial I ht.: price $1950: terms to suit. Marshall 4114 ot- Tabor i01 evenings. BEAL ESTATK. For 6 le House. HAWTH9RNE FINK HOME. $5500 Fine 7-room large square house, furnace, fireplace, all buiit-lna; full ce ment basement, cabinet kitchen, trays; 4 bedrooms, lot 50x100. east front; paved street paid; on E. 33d, near Haw thorne; some terms. MOUNT TABOR SWELL HOME. $0000 Swell 0-room house, furnace, four fireplaces. 2 toilets; all built-ins ; corner. 100x100. fine view; $1500; city liens paid; on East 53d and Morrison, 1 block to car; about $2000 cash; big snap. Worth $14,000. SWELL 9-ROOM RESIDENCE, 2 LOTS. $K500 Swell, strictly modern house, , 5 bedrooms; nothing missing to make it up to date; lot 100x100; garage with 2 rooms finished; lots of nice fruit; on E.. 32d and Clinton; easy terms If de sired. . GRUSSI A BENNETT, . 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. t $4500 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH Three rooms and sleeping porch up stairs, living room, dining room and kit chen down ; hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, two blocks to Rose City car line. $2000 cash, bal. $25 per month at 6. Call Tabor 2!04; evenings call Tabor 8430. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. $7000 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Very large living and dining rooms, bedroom, den, cabinet kitchen, bath room on first floor; 2 bedrooms up: large store room ; fireplace, furnace, bullet, hardwood floods, etc. ; a magnificent home. ' CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch, Bldg. Main 6752. IRVINGTONV New 5-room bungalow, large attic, full cement basement, elegant tapestry paper on living and dining rooms, large buffet with mirror, woodwork finished in ivory nd mahogany,. large garage. This is an elegant little home on Broad way car line. For appointment cull owner, Main 27 and ask for- Taggart. 1102 Spalding bldg. NEAR PENINSULA SCHOOL. 7-room, 2-story bungalow, one block from car line ; conveniently arranged and accessible to stores; this Is extraor dinary value at $;000; $500 down. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Branch. Office, 768 Lombard St. Columbia 638. HOLLADAY. " 7-room 2-story home in the test of condition, large airy rooms, oak floors up and down, 2 fireplaces, dandy base ment, garage, 50x100 lot. $7000, $2500 will handle it; balance to suit. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. Main 4522. LOOK AT THIS $1200 HALF CASH. 8-roomed house, living room, kitchen and bedroom on 50x100 lot. fruit trees, shrubbery, chicken house, large run: lot fenced in ; house wired for electricity, good foundation: house in excellent con dition; 1 block from macadam street. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W.Bank Bldg. Main 3787. PORTSMOUTH. Fine 5-room bungalow with full base ment; 50x100 lot; all in garden and some fruit trees; nice fireplace; $3300. CUii A. AlcKbANA &. CO., Branch Office. 768 Lombard Si. Columbia C33. THOROUGHLY modern west side bunea low. old ivory enamel, fireplace, laree buffet. hardwood floors, many built-ins in kitchen; cement basement: full plumbing: attic; 0il00-foot lot on rood car: $4500; $1750 cash, balance $30 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. KOSM CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, ivory finish, oak floors throughout, plate glass; complete in every respect, strictly modern, priced very low. PACIFIC REALTY. Main 847. 400 Spalding Bldg. HAWTHORNE. 6-room, 2-story, bungalow type, located, two blocks to school, all paid; a real buy at $3750. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. Main 4522. well imp. $4250 9-ROOM, lot 65x100. full cement base., furnace., L. trays, fireplace ; this is money-getter for housekeeping rooms; location is grand ; would make a good home for large family; liberal terms. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th 13 years. Tabor 6493. HOT WATER HEAT. Laurelhurst 6-room bungalow. Extra large lot, trees, flowers and shrubbery ; fine garage. Owner invalid and must change juick. Your opportunity be quick. Phone Tabor 3433, or call at office E. 3iKh and Glisan sts. FOR SALE Practically new 6-room house in Beaumont ; large Jiving room, dining room, with built-ins, fireplace and hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen, sleeping on second floor; large ciothes closet; Boyn ton furnace. Owner at 451 Weidler. East 2604. BRAND NEW 4-rooni modern bungalow, with complete b-ithroom and breakfast nook, located on E. 87th and Pine, six blocks to cars. Full lot.' cement side walk, basement, etc. Price $3000; tyms to suit. Owner. H P. McCoy. 1251 Bei mont st. Tabor 58C1. $3730 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY 5-room modern bunealow and all beau tiful furniture for few days only. Owners called east, therefore the terrible slaugh ter in price. This home is in Sunnyside and Hawthorne district. Do you want it? COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. 6 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. Large attic, fireplace, furnace, built ins, cement basement. garage, lawn, roses, close to car and school; $3750, terms. MUTUAL REALTY CO.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN house and acre; will take $3850, just what would coat to build house; on account of large family; fruits all kinds; garage. About Mi cash, bal ance terms. 4U2S East 76th st. S. E Call evenings, Tabor 1014. 2 HOUSES on lot 50x100 on E. 27th at., near car barns, full cement basements, wash trays, fireplace; gas and electric, street paved and paid; price $3500, terms. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bid g. $ COTTAGE of five rooms and sleeping porch, modern except bath, gas, elec tricity, good location. 2 blocks to Sell wood car. Price. $1500. easy terms. Phone evenings. Sellwood 1107 or see owner Sunday at 1415 E. 16th st. $3100 $700 CASH. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, complete kitchen; full cement basement: laundry travs. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. $1500 CASH. 6-R. cottage, full cement base., furnace, laundry trays, , fruit, grapes, streets, sewers in and paid; price $3250. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th 13 years. Tabor 6493. IRVINGTON $7000 By owner, leaving city, 7-room mod ern house, all hardwood floors, two fire places, sleeping porch, garage ; 759 Weidler. East 6485. 8-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. $3S00; 16 AS SORTED FINE BEARING FRUIT TREES; CORNER LOT. 78x100; BEAU TIFUL PLACE. EASY TERMS. 4805 41ST. AVE. S. E., COR. 4STH ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Nice 5-room modern bungalow with fin attic and garage: lot 75x100. Price $5600; $30 0O cash, balance mortgage. BROOKE, Marshal! 4827. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 2 good modern 5 and 6-room cottages in gooa conuiLion, 101. uujuuu on bnerman st, west of 6th; price only $50o0. . See owner, 1102 Spalding bldg. READ THIS OVER. Good 6-room house, full lot, fruit trees, garden, full basement, laundry trays, newly painted, $3750; terms. Wdln. 836. $5000 100x100. 12 rooms, 16 fruit trees. cniCKen nouse, garuen pianiea, an con veniences, partly lurnisneo, sale on terms, trade lor acreage. Tabor 2213. MODERN bungalow, 5 rooms, all conven iences; block Richmond car, near high, grade and Catholic schools; substantial payment. Owner, 1203 Ivon st. 7 ROOMS, full 2-story house, large living room, fine large garage, good location and close in. East 7th and Tillamook. Terms to suit. Owner. Broadway 1007. BY OWNER New, modern, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. It has all the built-in conveniences and all up to date. Come out and see It. 188 Laurelhurst ave. FOR SALE, by owner, 1 i -story bungalow, 7 rooms, all conveniences. $35oO, terms. , 1174 Ivon st., 1 block from Richmond car, near 39th. IRVINGTON. For pale, 7-room bungalow. Phone East 0416. Owner. 5 ROOMS, furnished, two blocks to carline, $1900; $."oO down, $15 month, 6 per cent. Tabor 660. GOOD 5-room South Portland, only $1 750; easy terms. Marshall 4114 or Tabor 901 evenings. HAWTHORNE -M T. TABOR HOMES" TABOR 4299 RODABAUGH. $17'0 BUNG A LOW. $4tn st.. furnished. Alain o672. McFailand, 208 Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Our new, modern offices on the SKCOl FLOOR of the ABING TON BLDG. are now open, and we are readv (IF THIS IS POSSI BLE) to SERVE YOU better than ever before. OUR HOVE SERV ICE IS UN EQUALED. Our thorough familiarity with the best home districts, our careful in spection and appraisal of every HOME listed and every facility of our large, competent organisation are placed at the disposal of the HOME SEEKER. Our UNPAR ALLELED display of over 900 PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale, will afford you an unlimited choice. If you are in the MAR KET for a home, you can't miss SEEING FRANK L. McGUIRB, Ablngton Bldg. Main 10G8. 18 Autos at Your Service. Open Evenings and Sundays. PRICE REDUCED $250. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT RESIDENCE. OWNER MUST LEAVE FOR EAST BY MAY 15. THE HOUSE IS A WINNER. Just a few of its fine points, large living room, dining room and classy sun parlor. French doors between. these rooms are old Ivory finish and the floors of the finest quartered oak; the sleep ing rooms are all laree and the sleeajn. porch close to the bath ; splendid heating plant in full cement basement; you can make arrangements to sve this excellent property in the evenings by calling at the residence of Mr. Neilan, 1217 Rodney ave., which is only a short distance from the property. During the day call at the office of NEILAN & PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermen s Bidg., 5th and Stark Sts. IRVINGTON. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $7250. Here, folks. 1s one of those real at tractive, downright modern, exception ally well-built b angalows. The location Is ideal. You will appreciate the little conveniences and refine me nta that you will find here. The room- are all large and especially cheerful. The living room and dining room are separated by French doors. This bungalow is finished in old ivory and white throughout. Of course there ia a garage; reasonable terms. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $4950, WITH TERMS. This Is one of the cosiest little bunga lows In the Park, full c.f large windows. fireplace, furnace, wood lift, built-in buf fet, cabinets, etc. ; good attic, cement basement, abundance of closet room and on a corner lot. Call Tabor 29u4; evenings call Tabor 8436. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW $630. SEE THIS NOW TODAY. You would never expect to buy so fine a home as this one so intensely modern, so down right good in every way and so ideally located for so little money. We just can't over "describe this beautiful bunga low home. Just give us an opportunity to show you. Oh, yes, there is a garage. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK 17000. New, modern, up-to-date 7-room house, double constructed, hardwood floors, fire Dlace, furnace, large plate glass windows In front and dining rooms shades and fixtures, china closet and buffet, book cases; finished in ivory; Dutch kitchen, linoleum, breakfast room. den. 3 bed rooms with closets; extra large bath room, linen closet, clothes shute. elec tric switches in ev cry room, double switch f o; up and downstairs; cement basement, fruit closet and laundry trays, garage with cement floor and runway : nothing left out for a convenient and nice home and, best of all. good work is done-on this house. For appointment call Woodlawu 6239. Owner. UNIVERSITY PARK. 8-room 1 Vb -story bungalow with mas sive stone supports and wide-stone steps; Paneled dining room; enclosed sleeping porch overlooking Columbia park ; ga rage, too. One block from car line; many rose bushes and fruit trees: full concrete basement; lot 68x100; $4500; $1000 down. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch Office. 768 Lombard St. . Columbia 038. FINE home In Ladd's addition: 6 large rooms, fireplace, furnace, good bawement with laundry trays: only 1 block from Haw thorne car on lot 50x100 with abundance of shrubbery and nice lawn ; improved street and re stricted "district ; price $7O00 easy terms. Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 30S9. IRVINGTON. New modern Dutch colonial borne, large living-room, 4 large bedrooms, li brary, breakfast-room, enclosed back porch, tile bath, fine plumbing, hardwood floors and first - class construction throughout ; all ivory vi trail te enamel finish; walls artistically papered. Open for Inspection tdav. Price $9500; terms. 729 E. 22d st. North. ROBERT B. BEAT, OWNER. Woodlawn 177. BUILDER. COLONIAL LAURELHURST. 7 charming rooms and targe floored attic; large living and dining. . finished with tapestry paper, enamel an hard wood floors; large plate giass windows; fireplace, ail built-ins. Dutch kitchen with cozy break fast nook; dandy base ment, fine furnace; garage ; lull lot; all improvements; you should see this won derfu. home, it's different; $0500, terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. CHARMTNG ROSE -CITY BUNGALOW. A most delightful home of 6 rooms, arranged iust like you would want it ; modern, 50x1 OO lot, fine garage ; owner moving to country and must tell imme diately; you will appreciate this home and the price is absolutely right, $0250; Immediate possession. Mr. Home Buyer don't pass this up. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg- Main 6915. 1-3 ACRE. WOO DM ERE. $3150. A suburban home in the city, on hard surface street, four blocks from car; six-room semi-colonial bungalow, good condition ; garage, chicken house, some fruit and berries, shade trees, garden partly in. Owner left the city and mak ing a real sacrifice for a quick sale. Easy terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th St. Main 6860. HAWTHORNE bungalow for $3500 on easy terms: has H. W. floors and other modern conveniences; on paved street ; near the car; good neighborhood. Mr. Cone. Tabor 1524. SUNNYSIDE $3400 $1500 CASH. BALANCE MONTH LY. " 5-room bungarow. with room uostairs "for 2 frne sleeping porches: fireplace : some built-ins: hardwood floors: full ce ment basement; laundry trays, furnace; 50xl00-foot lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUMONT. 6-room, 2-story, modern home, excep tional woodwork, plate -glass windows, wall high-grade tapentry paper; a well built house and complete in every detail. $7000, $2500 cash. MR. RODGERS, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. Main 4522. THAT VACANT LOJ. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build a partments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plant and finance. Established ten years. We .offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 924 N. W Bank bldg. , IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOMB. Located 684 Brazee, 75x100 co-ner E. 19th. AH hardwood floors, gas furnace, plate windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very well Dunt ana ior Ftie iy owner. FOR SALE- 5-room. new. modern bunga low, fireplace, full basement and attic: lawn and garden in, w indows and doors all screened ; lot 50x 100; double garnge. . Call Sellwood 3288 or 601 Glaybourne avenue. HOUSE and lot 50x100; six rooms and bath; H block from car. . BA RGA IN. See ewncr," 435 Albina ave. Eaat 3060. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IF TOU WANT REAL HOMB VALUE see this one, located right here in Sunnyuide, close In, 1 block from Sunnysldo carline. It has 7 large rooms, sleeping porch and floored attic, 3 fireplaces; equipped with gas. full cement basement, special Storm King furnace. This h om e was b uil t for com fort and convenience and nftthtug was over looked to make it complete. Every room, including the base ment and attic, has built-in con veniences. The lot Is 50xloo. Paved street, city sewer, garage ; is absolutely free ami clear of debt and the best value in Portland for $7250; $1250 casa will handle. balance just like rent. See E. W. HUGHES, 507 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2858. ROSE CTTY PARK. ' NIFTY BUNGALOW. $5350. " FOLLOW EVERY LINE OF THIS AD Grasp every word of it. fur here's one of those real nifty, comfortable. homelike bungalows where all the little j details and conveniences are featured. You will appreciate the big living room extending Uie entire width of the house j and the high quality of workmanship 1 and material. Complete, even to the Gasco furnace and instantaneous hot wa- j ter heater. Let us show you. ! A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. GREGORY HEIGHTS. $3500 TERMS. 114 -story bungalow, 7 rooms and den. full cement basement, furnace, 50x100 loot lot. 3 cherry trees. 1 block to Rose City car, $750 cash; balance straight monthly payments. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce building. Main 208. NEW Irving ton Colonial Home. 8 large rooms, central entrance hall, extra large living room, dining room, sun room and convenient kitchen with pass pantry; second floor, 4 large bed rooms, tilod bath with best of plumbing, hardwood floors throughout. 2 fireplaces; do expense has been spared to make this a most complete and convenient home. Owner's price $10,500, terms. Phone Tabor 5604, or Tabor 2124. 680 East 15th North. WONDERFUL HOME $450 DOWN. 8 large rooms, bath, 2 toilets, full basement, new furnace, grand porch- ex tending around 3 sides ot house; beauti ful Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, lOOx 100, lovely corner, abundance of the finest fruit you ever Haw, and berries; absolutely fine condition. Take W. L. car to 15 th et., 2 short blocks south, ttuo Liberty. -Oh. yes, price (about cost today), $4500. Wdln. 52S3. STUDY this offer, housekeeper or specula tor. Have you heard of any such offer as " this: Business or residence property in So. Portland, on macadam st. ; fine lot 50 xl2 nu.a sold lor $1200), large, splendid building thereon 2."x 40 ; few hundred dollars, repair and change, make 6 good rooms; can sell for SJOou or more lot with building offered today for $850, $350 cash; need money. Mr. Becker, 312 Labbe bidg. 74O0. $7400. ELEGANT ROSE CITY PARK HOME. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, finished in ivory throughout, buffet in dining room extends full width of room, French ooors leading Into den, convenient kitch en, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, garage, cement runway. H OLDEN & -KOHLMAN, 228 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. $150 CASH 6 PLASTERED ROOMS. $1750. Close in, macadam paved street, sewer, everything paid, bath, basement, electric ligms. gas. oux iou lot ( not level) fin garden soil, newly painted and decorated. lake M. A. car to itusbeii, 'A Mocks east. 1 block south to 502 Ross st. Vacant. Owner Tabor 84, forenoons. DEAL W iTh'oVnER. Williams ave., 0-rooin l Vj -story ; full cement basement, stationary wash trays, 3 bedrooms, garage, concrete driveway ; all improvements in and paid ; white enamel plumbing; on car line, near school and churches; city playground contemplated one block away ; walking distance: ;,uo, terms. baat bi i4. $4000. $4000. KUSK CI 11 U1M K1CT. Attractive 6-room house, you wouldn't expect to find hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, modern built-ins, at this price, would you ? lour inspection will con vince. 0 HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 22S Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. IRVINGTON $11.000 HALF CASH Irvingion real home, built 5 years; large living room. fireplace; library fireplace ; beautiful dining room, perfect kitchen: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, extra laun dry, second floor. hardwood floors throughout; fine concrete garage. Mc Doneli. East 419. WEST SIDE, 5-rooin cottage in fine con dition, business property on Gibbs, be tween Front and Water sts., you will have a good home and an investment, you can move right in as house is va cant; price $2250, reasonable terms. John Sintrer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow on E. 37th st. ; living room extends across front of house; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, improvements in and paid. $1300 down. balance $25 per month, including 6 per cent interest. Owner, TaOor 8327, IRVINGTON. 5-room bungalow ; furnace, fireplace. H. W. Ooors. F. C. basement. 35x100 lot; double constructed; 1 block to car. near school. Call E. 8174 immediately, as the price Is onlv $3700, $l00O down. Rinehrt. East 8174. $1000 BUYS $1200 equity in a nice 5-room cottage ; neat homo; 2 rooms plastered, 1 canvas. 2 papered, cellar, porch, lawn, some garden room, nice fir shade, big vine on porch;- $1600, like rent; $16 per month; deal with owner; 5008 4lst st. Sellwood 3460. $580. BY owner; Piedmont district; fine Investment ; duplex house, five rooms each and bath; beautiful sightly place to live and income of $35 beside ; full basement, fireplace, shrubs, roses, arbor, fruit, near car, park; terms. Woodlawn 4600. ALBERTA BARGAIN. 5 rooms, nice bath, .shrubbery, re painted, etc. ; $2500 or best 'ah offer; mortgage $840; my eq utty $ lti0; half cash. bal. easy. J. W. McColym. 210 212 J e ff c rso n st $2500 5-ROOM cottage in Sunnyside; fruit trees, street and sew. in and paid ; one block of Sunnyside. car; $2.". cash, bal. monthly. See J. P- McKenna. Belmont at 30th 13 years. Tabor 6403. s:;500 RICH MONO $35on. A good 5-room houe on 75x100 lot : full basojnent and attic; plenty of fruii and berries, paved street, close to car. SMITH-W A G JNER CO.. STOCK EXC. ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2000. S5oo cash. baWtnce easy. 5-room newly decorated and painted, owner needs the money, hence low price ior quicK saie Marsha'.! 3352. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Good 7-room house; oak floors, mantel, fine plumbing and new furnace; lot 50x 100. with grand view; st. paved: only $5000. terms. Call owner. East 3225. NEAR REED COLLEGE. 4-R. new, nifty bung.. loOxlOO-ft. lot, 27 fruit trees, berries, one blk. to car; $:loo cash. bal. easy. Marshall 3552. Res. Tabor 3O0O. HAWTHORN E C LO S E I N V A C A N T . $270O. nice 4-room bungalow, newly nalnted and tinted, cement uasemem ant walks, paved street, 50x80 lot.1 Ill Grant, near 37th. E. 4-ROOM bungalow, E. 24th. near Gladstone- oak floors, fine plumbing: place like new; $2."00, $50t cash, bal. month ly. Owner. East 3225. fiOOD 5-room oungaiow, sleeping porcn, iX- it fruit, all clear: near MV. car: $2000; reasonable terms; Immediate pos session. Call at 191 1 E. Irving at. rig 7-room houfe on cor.. 4vx 115, E. loth near Holgate; $3500; will take good lot as 1st payment, bal. monthly, owner. East 322 o. WKST SIDE snap. 7-room modern house, earacc. on car line, bargain for $2600 and terms. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MY HOME in Irvtngton and all my furni ture for sale at sacrifice: corner 15th and llancocK. Phone Eabt 218U. Sundays BROOKLYN shops. E. 35th. dandy 5-room bungalow, 50x100; st. paved and paid ; $2S00. $50 cash, bal. monthly. Owner, Last '.".225. r H WTHORXK BUNGALOW 6 ROOMS. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place, full basement, fruit. Only $4 too. Automatic 523-4 6. HOME BUYERS. ATT E N T I ON t 5-room double const rue led bungalow, garase. 1 OOx 1 on lot. furnace, fruit, near car. $315tt, $'V0 cash. Automatic 523-46 FOR SALE 8-room plastered house, $-000. 1275E. Taylor. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. IRVINGTON. SPLENDID HOME. $6300. Located on 23d near Knott. One of Irvington's very choicest locations. You never, never would expect to buy a home of such durable construction and so well arranged for so little money. You wiii appreciate the exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc. All we ask is an oppor tunity to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy, OWNER MUST SELL LEAVING CITY. LABD'S ADDITION. Close-in home for sale In this exclu sive improved resiaence district, on cor ner loC facing East Rose Park, with 14 foot alley in rear; house built and occu pied by present owner, who desires to bell quickly; eight rooms and strictly modern: all very best construction throughout; fine porch, shrubbery. flow ers, etc.; 'everything you want in a home; buy direct and save commission. Priced at $7 GJ0 for immediate sale, with easy .terms. Call 646 Cypress st. or phone East 2168. ROSE .CITY PA-RK. TERMS. t A no a-resident owner has placed his new 5-room bungalow and garage for immediate sale and has offered excep tional ly easy terms to a responsible party. As to price, construction, location and latest modrn features, this one con not be duplicated, so make an appoint ment early. J. L. HARTMAN COM 1'AN Y, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. LARGE 6 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH AND GARAGE $7500. Near KNOTT street . on East 12th we have the best real home bargain you will find in the city; six large rooms and sleeping porch; full 50xl0O lot: line garage. In this home you will find all the attractive features you are looking for at a price far below actual value ; built right, just before the advent of high prices for materials. Let us show you this real home bargain at only nan. casn; ir you nave ail cash- make us an offer. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. TWO VERT CHOICE ROSE CITY PARK COR. BUNGALOWS, i--ach a fine corner and 6 rms. one fir. coin exiraora lnarny well built. and exquisitely modern in every wa v. One hot-water heat, radiators, den. etc. Other, dainty brkfst-rm.. garage, etc. Each worth $8500. Consider offer $7500. Phone Schaefer. appointm't to see them. uroauway ox.xt or Alain 666. $4200 2-STORY. 7-roora house on Russell s leaver carline, this is a nice clean home, situated on a corner. 6 blocks to Thnmn- son school, walking distance to Jelferson i.ign, reception nail, iing room, dining loom. Kucnen, au nice large rooms. -. nice light bedrooms and bath upstairs plumbing, white enamel; full basement lurnace neat. This is an Mxntinniiv fine home, $1500 cash payment, baianee JOHN'SON-nonsnv rr till X' ' I I - TH.J in 3787. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT S550A Strictly modern, 5-room bungalow, fur- m.-Mieu complete, wun exceptionally good furniture, receution hall. with e!ok room, large living room with fireplace and bookcases, dining room, built-in buf fet, hardwood floors, large dutch kitchen. 2 large bedrooms, bath, white enameled plumbing, large floored attic, full cement udsemeni, lurnace ana la unary trays treet improvements in and paid. This i! tne best bungalow buy in the city. We can arrange easy terms. Marshall 3993 $30 1 5 Let us show you this dandy 4 room home with bath, gas. electric lights. In addition to this you get inree lots wit h a storeroom now occupied as grocery. This place is doing a fine business and is rented, but jiot leased. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Let us show vou. J. A. WICK.MAN CO.. 204-Ry Exch. Bidg. Main 1004 and 5S3. A GRAND HOME. 11 roqms on 78x100 lot, high, beauti ful terraced lawn ; the house is modern throughout and in excellent shape ; lo cated on East . Madison st., 1 block to Hawthorne or Mt. Scott car; fine neigh borhood owner must, sell immediately and It will pay you to Investigate; $S0O0. reasonable terms. Call Main 6915. LAURELHURST (GEM) BUNGALOW. One of the hem lest bungalows ever offered for sale in Laurelhurst. Beauti fully located on an oversized lot east of park. 5 rooms, den and breakfast room; fine basement, hot water heat, frep!ace, large garase, fine shrubbery; price $7500, some terms. Shown by appointment only. J A. McCarty. Main 1700. Eve., Tabor 5 or. 7. ROSE CITY PARK. A real honest buy in a 7-room home, all in white, oak floors, fireplace, fur nace, 50x100 lot. One bedroom down and three up. About a block off Sandy car. This Is a nice home and exceptional value as owners wish to move at once. Only $1350. $1500 cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. Main 6869. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $8000. Attractive IV--story 7-room Swiss chalet with garage, located on cholce lots on Ta Ibot road near Pat ton road, having unobstructed view of city and mountains; 2 baths, billiard room, 4 bedrooms; a little paint wouiu make this a very artistic heme, worth much more than priee asked. Tabor 407. HAVE moved to Pendleton and am forced to sell my 7-room home at 705 Willam ette boulevard. Will be home Sunday all dav and week days from 4 to 7. Will sacrifice at $240u on terms. Deal with owner, who Is willing to make quick deal. Ruth Frlck. VACANT; MOVE RIGHT IN. $3100 buys 5-room cottage bungalow on full 5'txl00 lot in Hawthorne d istrict. w ith street imp. all in and paid. Full cement basement. Fruit and berries. Terms. J. A. WICK.MAN CO.. 204 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 and 5S3. HIGHLAND DISTRICT BUNGALOW. 95400 Strictly modern lVs-story, 8 rooms; paved street, sewer in: lot 60x 100; nice garage, fruit and flowers; a real home, well built: owner obliged to leave. $2000 cash, balance 6. Save agent's commission CaU Wdln. 07 4. FOR SALE 6-room. bath and toilet, full cement basement, wash trays, cement - garage, 15 minutes walk from Rroad wav bridge; lioufe in A-l condition and a bargain at $3500. Call Ph. 317-79. 761 Albina ave.. after 6 P. M. or any time Thursday. 2750 5-ROOM mod. cottage, s!eeping "porch, good basement, fruit, berries and roses one block of Sunnyside car; th,s is a cosy home; liberal terms. Seo J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 39th 13 years. Ta,bor 6493. IRVINGTON. Beautiful modern home, cost $9500 5 vears ago. 9 rooms, glass sleeping porch, modern, up-to-date, will sacrifice, $7800, if taken at once. Owner. P 2U3. Ore gonian. KENTON. 5 rooms, bath, basement, cement block foundation, paving and sewer paid; block to car $250, $850 down, bal. monthly. 37 xl00. Woodlawn 4038. " -.ihCs-ROOM ' BUNG A LO W $ 250oT Here is one splendid home, modern conveniences, large lot, - blocks to car and a pretty place: liberal terms to right party. Tabor 8292. IRVINGTON $7500 buys beautiful home, 6 rooms, reception hall, sleeping porch and garage; strictly modern and in beau tiful condition; screens for all windows. Tabor 644L $300 CASH, price $3000; 6-R.. lot 50x100; fruit and berries, street, sew. in and paid; this is a good buy. See J. P. Mc 'Kenna. Belmont at 30th 13 years. Ta bor 6493. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 8-room house ; beautiful den; price $12,000;owner. AG 407. car-Ore- Roman. NEAT SUMMER HOME. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $1209. SMALL PAYMENT. DARING & McREYNOLDS, 615 COUCHJBLDG. ' M Al N 6054. M3DERN 4-room well-furnished bunga low. E. 25th. near S. P. shops; $27m. $500 cash, bai. montniy. uwncr, mast 3225. " FOR SALE By owner, 1 '4-story bunga low, 7 room.", ie 30x100; term. 1174 Ivon ft., near 39th, one black to Rich mond car. FOR SALE S-room house, full basement, w.t .VWI25. carage for 2 cars: X550O. easy terms, street. mono r.. ni". oui Jiucscu ATTRACTIVE SELLWOOD HOME. Good modern 7-room plastered hnu?. $2sro Phone Automatic 21 8-41. No agent--?. ' SACRl FICK $2600, one acre and good 5 room house, $1000 cash. Tabor 7792. REAL ESTATE, Ior Sale Houses. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. I am just completing a very elaborate Georgian colonial residence of hollow tiie and stucco construction, located n double lot. lying between 2 streets, at 3079 Westover road, commanding an un obstructed view of the entire city, all of the mountains and the river. It was designed by A. RoIItn Caughey of New York, and every new feature has beeji Installed, including brocaded silk paneled walls. batik hand-painted solarium, hand -carved fireplaces, arches and ex terior decorations; 12 sets French doors, dainty breakfast room. 17x30 living room, vestiouie with toilet and lavatory and coat closet, ornamental iron stair; 4 main bedrooms with dressing room and 2 elaborate tiled baths. 3 view porches . specially designed electric fixtures and most expensive decorations throughout : 2 maids' rooms wit h ba t h separated : heavy oak floors throughout douole pa rage connected with house : bi:'. iard, laundry, fruit store and furnace rooms in basement; most , expensive gas hot water heating piant with 1-3 more radi ation than needed. I -built this for an advertisement and the construction is far above the ordinary. Eouph: ma terials Jast summer and as am not try ing to make much money on it. will sell for less than actual cost tod a v. with terms if wished. NOT open for inspec- j tion yet; if interested will be glad to! taiK with you. No agents. R. H. Tor ley, owner. 103 Floral avenue. Tabor 407 HOLLADAY. 6 ROOMS $3500. We want you to see this splendid home located close in on Multnomah st. Full 50x100 lot. This home is in perfect con dition. You will expect to pay at least $4500 or $.000: can be handled on very ea sy terms. This house will probably never be advertised again. Someone with knowledge of values will realize the low figure at whth this is being ottered. Investigate today. -A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. 7-RM. BUNGALOW on 32 d st.; exceptionally well bui It bv a lumberman ; has fine fireplace, new pipe less furnace. buffet, china closet, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, cement basement with laundry trays. 2 lavatories, corner lot. Owner is going to live on his farm and offers this fine bungH low for $42O0. $ lOoO cash, monthly payments to be arranged. Don't miss seeing this place. Ralph Acklev, Main 7141. IRVINGTON. HOME OF SINGULAR CHARM AND" BEAUTY. From large, reception hall yon enter through French doors to beautiful living room in art nouvcau, "latest," also French doors to dining and breakfast and sun room In Ivory trimmed in ma hogany, Pullman kitchen, three bedrooms In white, glassed sleeping porch, $7750. East 1347. $275 CASH, balance esy terms, buys a 6-room house, fireplace. good basement, bath, e;c, 66 2-3xl00-foot lot fenced in. cement walks. I block from Willamette bl vd., i blocks from car. Price $1800. $4uO CASH, balance terms, buys a good 5-room house, full basement, terraced lot, swer. etc., 2 blocks from Irvington car. Price $2750. See Mr. 'h ristenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 1743. 410 ilenry Bldg. FOR HOMES in Hawthorne dis trict phone Ralph Ackley Land company. Main 7141 for appoint ment. We have been making a specialty of Hawthorne homes and have exceptional bargains in that district now. Agents with autos at your service any time. $3075 JUST a splendid 6-room home. white enael plumbing, nice light rooms wjth plenty 01 closet room, full base ment, corner lot, 4 holly trees, ail k Inds or shrubLery. 2 peach trees. 3 kinds of berries. 2 blocks to East Ankeny car, 4 blocks to S. S. car; street improvements in and paid. $1000 cash will handle, balance easy pay men t p. JOHNSoN-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, CLOSE IN, ADJOINING LADD TRACT. Modern 7-room home; a very attrac tive looking place; taken over by our bank and must be unloaded; they will make an exceedingly low price ot $r-i0 on terms for quiuk sale. See bank's representative at 204 Henry bldg. Phone Main 5425. A FINE 7-ROOM HOME. On Miss, avenue, 1 block to car, 3 blocks to Jefferson high school. 3 fine , rooms down, 4 bedrooms, bath and toile; and sleeping porch up; all improvements paid; a buy; see it; S40U0; very reason able terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.; 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Let us show you this dandy double - constructed home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Bath. gas. electric lights. Furnace, f irenlace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. Add itional toilet and lavatory down. Garage. 5uxl OO lot. Terms. J. A. WIi-KMAX CO.. 204 Ry Exch. Bldg. Main J94 and 53. AN OUT-OF-TOWN owner has instructed us to eell her 7-room house at once. It is walking d istance. located d i recti v be- . tw-een the Broad way and steel bridces on East First street. It is exceptionally well built; the price Is very low consid ering the property. Easy terms if de sired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. ?B ank B Id g . M a in 37S7. ST. JOHNS. S-room 2-story corner house in ex cellent condition; lot 91x100, 2 blocks from car line in exclusive residential district. In our opinion this is a splen did barcain at $33oo and s500 down. CUE A. McKENNA -Sc CO., Branch. Office. 768 Lombard St. Columbia 638. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6 larjre. light rooms and large sleep ing porch : this house was built for a home by one who wanted everything the best. It is very comfortable and wel i arranged. Much fancy s-hrubberv adorns the grounds, w bich are 100x100. The price is $75iii. JOHNSON - DO DSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST. NEW BV NO A LOW 53300. Five rooms, full basemen t and attic. Large rooms and nicely arranged. On paved strt-et a few feet from good car service ; .."iU0 down. COE A. McKENNA A- CO.. Branch Office. 70S Lombard St. Columbia. 638. CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HOME. $7000. Modern 2-story S-room house In excel lent con d i' ion. located on very valua hie lot near Eighteen th and Hovt streets : cement basement, furnace, fireplace: 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch; no hard wood floors. Best buy onwest side. Terms. Timor 4i7. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKKTT. AGENT NEWARK Fl RE I NSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 20H SELLING BLDG. PHONE ,MA1N 1800. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $4400. "7n Piedmont district, a fine, modern 5-room bungalow with basement, attic. bui;t-ins. hd w. I loors and completely furnished. Quit your shopping and take this. $lu00 cash. O. H. SKOTHE1M COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. HAWTHORNE BARG A IN $4000. Five rooms and sleeping porch: fireplace, hdw. floors, buffet, built-ir.s. Exceptional buy. Only $12(H cash. Call Leppere. with O. H Skotheim Co. Main 5109. FOR SALE, by owner, $ J500, modern 5 room bungalow, gas and Bull Run water; 1 acre tine toil, berries and fruit. Garage and large chicken bouse. $10O0 will han dle. Phone Mil. 28-J. A REAL ONE. R. C, $4200. 6 rooms 4 .. nnrnV, a n f i phice. Near Sandy. Cannot be beat at $1200. Terms. L a! 1 ffohusoii, with sot heim Co. Main 5199. SAY E ONE THOUSAND. Plastered bun galow home nearly new and one acre of line soil, near station; only $12.i0. O. H. SUotheim Co., -332-333 Railway Exchange. DA N D Y H AWTHORN E B UN' i A I -O W. $3800. 5-rooms, fireplace, built-ins, base ment laundry, fruit; all for asurd.v low price; $ 1 OOP cash. M a i n 5199. LARGE. ROOMY. WELL-BUILT. GOOD LOOKING. MODERN. GOOD NEIGH BORHOOD. NEAR 31TH AND SANDY. ' $5UM. TERMS. OWNER. MAIN 279. FOR SA LE A modern tent house. 1 6x2 4. with fly and porch, easily mord. 5u6 Lexington ave.. o-- phone Sell. 33."5. BEAU M ONT B U N G A I AJ W. 5 rooms nnd pier ping port-lies ; strictly modern; ?47.n. Owner. Tabor i,.84. FOR SALE By owner, three cottages. Call Woodlawn 6186 If you want a good bargain on a small payment plan. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. WONDERFUL VIEW HOSTS. MODERN BUNG ALOW $3b50. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. Only two years old and modern as you could wish; 4 room and sleeping porch; triple constructed ; large living room with fireplace, fine bath, gs. electric lights and cement basement.; nice lawn' w it h shrubbery and liowera; cement walks; located just off tlite paved high way on good macadam street, and ha3 a wonderful view of tne whoie valley, the west coast range of mountains and the Council Crest hiil there's over one-third of an acre o" ground with lots ef berr!. price is ; -;icrific for quick tale; $3ts50; $1500 ca&u required, balance mofegage. G. G. McCOZiMlG CO., 242 Washington St. Main 820. FOUR and 15-1O0 acree. located clos ft Union avenue and near the interstate bridge. 3 acres in bearing fruit, of every variety, the trees re in tbeir prim and have been given the best of attention. Berries of all kinds. The Income from the fruit on this place last year was over $1800. Good 8-room house, full ce ment basement, good plumbing, improved street; large chicken house, mail barn. One acre in eariy potatoes; the soil Is free from rock or gravel. A good com mercial orchard, located right in theerty. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. GBRLTNGE R BLDG A VERY ATTRACTIVE FLACK. 2 acres, located 1 block from the Red electric station, sidewalk to place,' 1 blocks from paved road, good cheap train service. All under cultivation, best of soil. 14 bearing walnut trees, large orch ard and apples, pears, cherries, etc. ; 4 blocks to school, walk all tb way. Good double-constructed bungalow, plastered, dining room, living room, kitchenette, bedroom, gas, city water. large painted chicken house, room for 500 chickens. $UOO cash and mv monthly payment. Personalty Inspected by Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GER LINGER BLDG. MODERN CHICKEN RANCH. THREE ACRES. FULLY EQUIPPED In the Woodiawn district at the edge of cltv limits, we have the best equipped chicken ranch in the state; equipment alone worth about $2500: there's a good modern 4-room house with basenwnt; 'bearing- fruit trees and berries; it you know the chicken business you can make this place pay for itself in the next three, vears; 15 new incubators. 70OO hatching capacity; brooder nouses for 250O chicks; about 6000 chickens, horse and all tools go; owner going east; price is only IS.iOO ior everything. Hair cash wLl handie. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220 VN BEAVERTON. OREGON. One acre, located cloe te depot. All under cultivation. 20 bearing fruit trees, o rows of strawberries across the acre, raspberries, blackberries; modern bunga low of 4 large rooms, best of plumbing. Plastered, gust, citv water, electric lights, on a good road, close to either Red or Oregon electric depots. Price $2850. on terms. Personally inspected. Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON. GERL1NGER BLDG. CN YOU BEAT THIS? ll'A A.. all cultivated. 8 A. In full bearing Italian prunes and variety other fruit. 1 A. strawberries. 30 Concord grapes; good 5-rm. house with attic, barn and other outbldps. ; ranch joins paved highway and electric station on corner of place; 12 mi. to Portland. The owner is going east and for quick sale will take $450O with $2000 down. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7111. GARDEN BOME ACRE SNAP Fine acre with all kinds of fu.i-beanng fruit trees and berries; foundation for Iioufc; there is a small 2-room shack house and 3 small chicken houses; all fenced, fine well. gas. located about 6 minutes' walk from Garden Home station on Oregon electric. If you want a real snap, grab this acre; price is only J12o0. ha.f casn. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BUNGALOW. SUBURBAN. SUBURBAN. 4 rooms, lovely white kitchen with all built-ins. breakfast nook, largo living room, oak floors, fireplace and 2 bed rooms. Math, gas and tree electricity for two years, full concrete basement; j acre ground. This is a money-saver. PACIFIC REALTY, Main 847. 409 Spalding bldg. MULTNOMAH STATION. 7-rOOM MODERN HOME. On hard-surfaced boulevard; new and up to date; ail modern conveniences; can give immediate possession. Will sell for $55oO on terms. Call OWNER, Main 7115, R. Shelly, on Baird lane and Lau retta ave., Multnomah station. 4 ACRES CLOSE TO BEAVERTON. Has city water ant! gas; all under cu it ivatioti and in crop ; 4 -room house ; only mile 'from carline. This place can be bought for $2750, which is a real bargi in. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. UN COLL'M BIA BLVD. j ust outside ci ty limits. 5 acres or more fine land, some fruit, house, barn ami other improvements, city water to be had. A good investment. MUTUAL REALTY CO., 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. OSWEGO LAKE HOME SITE vv ONLY $S00. Beautiful tract overlooking lake ; wa ter, lights, good road ; fine native trees; excellent view; $80 down. $10 per month. Owner. rO0 Concord bldg. BY (iW.N'li R. beau tii ul suh urban home on Pacific highway at Milwaukie. sit uated in grove of trees; all modern con veniences; house could not be duplicated for $sooo, price $72oo. 1 120 E. Lincoln, Phone Automatic 210-28. 75 ACRES Llnnton district. $7500; and 8 acres west of Willamette Heights. $tooo. Will subdivide or trade. $2600 Lot and 6-room house, near Killings worth ave. Newton McCoy, 715 Orego n i an bUlg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1 800 up. Inq uire 3d house north of Rislcy station, on Oregon Citr car line, sipn "A lder Brook.' 6-ROOM modern home, with all kfcV of fruit, pood auto road. This is s- real buv. See owner, 432 Chamber of Vm meVce bldg. G. S. Smith & Co. $1000 ACRE, house, garden, trees; te-tis; Oswego Ikc. McFA KLAND, 208 tail ing building. $04Hi Acre bouse, garden, trees; terms; Oswego Lake. McFARLAND. 20S Fail ing building. I-or Sale Hu!ines Property. LOT 50x100 feet and brick bldg., within 1 block of 2d and Wash, sts.; pice $25,000 for quiek sale. K 26 S. Pregontan. " Home trad Relinquihhmentw. 3 RELINQUISHMENTS, county road, saw mill, running water, 2 have improve ments. 1 has 6.00O.000 beautiful timber, others are burnt off lands, near McMinn vl le good neigh bnrs. telephone, mail route. S900, $70O, $200. cash. 301 Cor- beit bldg. Fruit and Nut Lands. yOH SALE 10-acre apple orchard, 10 years old. full ocaring. AP 456, Orego n!an. For Sale -Acreage. : ACRES at Courtney Station, in the highest state of cultivation ; attractive 3-room bungalow with electric lights and gas; all kinds of fruit and berries in full bearing and lots of beautiful shrubbery and natural treos. This is one of t he most beautif ul location around Portland. Price $4!if7o. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamber of Commerce. 7 3-7 ACRES, all in cultivation except about 1 acre of fine wooded pasture, lies fine, some fruit trees and berries; good new 6-room bunealow with large front porch, new garage, chicken house, barn, e: c : .lust one block off the Port -Jand-Newberg highway, about 12 miles from Portland. 4 Beautiful location. price f6HiO. 10 AC RES. hard -surface road right to house, 3 miles from city limits of Pert land" all in cult.; good soil: house, barn, water, etc. Price $ 1500: terms. Other bargain?. H . W. G ARLAND, 201 3d st. 10 .1CRE iust outside city limits; fine house, bam. fruit, berries nnd grapes: fully eq nipped as small dairy anri rent ed for $'.oo per year; will sell thU at eacrihee, with or without equipment. Sherrill. 40 First St. Bdwy. 14sS. FRUITS. NUTS. CITY WATE1L Acres. l acres, H acres. Albert:, car ; no gravel "or city assessments; $10 pay ments. MUTUAL REALTY CO., 1219 N. W. Ba n k Bldg. OAK GROVE. 2 acres with cood 5-room house, floored attic, furnace, fireplace; close to depot and schor,: on Poi Uand-Oregon City highway. Alain 7511. . TWO acres, close to Ruby junction, one ha If cb ared. balance fir grove ; S 1 000. terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. T W splendid acres 1m potatoes. $700; 4 crop 3672. hu ver f ree : halt rash. Main McEarland. 208 Failing bldg. HALF A CRMS More or lest. 71M. near Hawthorne car. Owner. East 3b60. KH 1 1 OP