1G THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, 31 AY 11, 1020 BAPTISTS OPEN MEETING SEW WOULD MOVEMENT TOPIC AT 1IIL-LSBORO. Memorial Session to Be Held Oldest Haptist Church AVcs-t of Rooky Mountains. in JTILLSBORO. Or.. May 10. (Spe cial.) "The New World Movement" is the theme of the annual Willam- ette Baptist association convention w hich opened here tonight, with the . annual sermon by Rev. A. E. Smith. One ' of the features of the con-1 vention will be the sessions to be j held in the oldest Baptist church west of the Rocky mountains, which j was built in 1853 and is still in good j repair. Previous to its erection the i Baptists who came across the coun- try by ox team were compelled to ; hold church services in private houses. In the session tomorrow morning I Dr. O. C. Wright, state promotion director of the Baptist new world movement In Oregon, will conduct minute speeches In behalf of the new world movement in the Willamette association. Dr. Wright will report that Oregon in the present campaign has passed the $400,000 mark and that the national campaign has passed the $55,000,000 mark in the crusade for $1,000,000 and $100,000,000, respec tively. "Lessons of the New World Move ment" will be given by J. C. Austin, assistant promotion director for the etate. The remainder of the pro gramme follows: Tuesday Afternoon. "The Xew World Movement and Evang elism." by Dr. S. J. Reid. The New World Movement and the Bible School Facing Facts a They Are." by A. D. Bossernian. "Where the Colportcr Gets into the Move ment." by "W. I.. Wilson. "What the Association Promotion Board Did lor tho Movement." by C. C. Hesse mer. Tuesday evening the voting people of the Baptist churches will nave charge ot the meeting. . Wednesday Morning. "Rrliglous Education In the Xew World Movement," conducted by Dr. G. l. Young. "The New World Movement and the Col lege." conducted by McMinaville college stii'lcnts. Womcn'6 cession, led by Mrs. W. E. Scotton. On Wednesday arternoon the meeting, a memorial session, will be held In the old West Union church, the oldest Baptist tclifice in the west, which service, it in expected, -will bo attended by a thousand or more persona, the convention closing at 4 p'e;oek nt this place TOO T.ATK TO CLASSIrT. VA N TEH Competent stenographer, am bitious, physically fit, with good judg ment, willing to work for. promotion, ad vancement to secretary president's of fice; one used to or willing to live in country town near metropolis; no ob jection to beginner having innate busi ness qualities if reasonably accurate and interested In work; state experience and salary expected in first letter. First State Bank, Grcsham, Or. It'lS FORD touring; 1920 license, terms. 462 Hawthorne ave. $100. WAIT KSrt wanted. AUCTION SALES TODAY. AUCTION SALE Beginning Tuesday incrniiig we will change our auction pales io 10 o'clock A. SI., Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays. Okl Auction House. At the Baker Auction House. Yamhill nd West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. AMUSEMENTS. TNI BE VAUOIVILLI 3 Nights Sun, 15c to T.2 Mon.-Tuea. loo to $1. Mats Sun.-5Ion.-Tues.-Wed. -15c to 73c Sylvester Schaffer Jlilt Collins: Mme. Claire Forbes: Drmaresl & IoM: Herbert & Dare: The ftofeairea: Kiuograiii,. Topics of the Day. Florenze Tempest 'OTE!! Tills Khotr rloe with the Matinee Wednesday, May 12th. Bt.Vlll AKT UN THE FAMOUS SINC-ER HOMKR LINO "THE fclNUlNG TKACUER" "A wnnr. man's chance" J. HJUBliN KERRIGAN NIOBE VEXES OF THE WATER SEVEN SCFERB ATTRACTIONS t Bin Shows OVE ADMISSION S Big- Shows May Music Festival At Auditorium May 13 and 15 Presented by Portland Oratorio Society Jos. A. Finle, Conductor Chorus of 150 Orchestral Accompaniment ' In Haydn's "CREATION" May 13 An Elaborate Miscellaneous Programme May 15 Special Soloists MISS MARTHA ATWOOD Soprano E. Graham Morgan, Tenor. E. M. Evans, Basso Prices $1.50, $1, 75c and 50c (Plus 10 War Tax) Mail orders received -now, by Western Musical Bureau, Inc., 287 Washington Street. Box Office opens at Sherman-Clay & Co., May 12. PANT AGES MAT. TA11W. Laosdon McCormiick rmeiits "On the High Seas" Vaudeville". Mot Sp'tnrulRr Mrlodmma MX OTHKK lilti ACTS. Three periormancea daily. Kiglit curtain at 7 and . CIRCLE t hlngtoa. Irene Fenwick "The Sin Woman" Also a Mack Sennett comedy, "HMttle Koyal" and tbe famous "Screen Magazine." 1 IN 'AMISE51ENT9. Tlt'KKT OFFICE SALK Now Open ! HEILIG THIS WEEK IWrtll: NIGHTS, MAY 'V4' Special Price Mat. Sat. GUS HILL'S T MINSTRELS 50 ALL WHITE ARTISTS 50 To GEO. WILSON JIMMIG WALL, GIOOKCE GORMAN FAMOUS SAAO HUNT ETTE. MA RK WITH HKOS. EVE'S I.r.O. SM, "5c, 50c. Special I'ricc Sat. Mat, 1. SOc. PARADE AT HIGH NOON GLOBE Eleventh and Washlnston Harry Morey "The Man Who Won" JOIN THE D.M'CI.VG TONIGHT AT COUNCIL CREST PARK Ten-Piece Orchestra and Monte Austin DAN CERS ATTENTION Mr. it in jrl or Announces the Kn Kagetncnt of That n:rrv. simv ijack OR4 HKSTIt A fo Popular With Us Last Season Kranfriica Bll-, wizard of the banjo and "violin, loader; Olllc t-ll-Mtvnt, pianist extra ordinary; oc Held, Portland's greatest trombon ist; K. Amnio, syncopated traps a ni xylophone ; Frnnk I'a ranjit direct from the Hip, Seattle, famous accordion player, and our own Milton Biilterf ielri, the silver- tcnorl cornet ist and Hinder. A LI Till'; J.VI KST D AM K HITS A.N U IMiKMY OK IT, Cotillion Hall Opening Wednesday evening:. May 12, and every week tiiprht except Monday. Coolest and MoMt Heautl ful Hall in tbe West. Wonderful liall-Kearln&r .Sprint? Floor. 1'uMic Invited. Courteous Introducers. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Matinee Daily at 2. Evenings at 7 and 9. MIKE AN l IKK (Thop Two Funny Boys) With the Rosebud Beauty Chorus Make k"an of THE PRINCE Ok" PILSNER. TUESDAY NIGHT Country Store. BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY. Tonight All Week M atinee Saturday. A Tale of the Virginia Hills DAWN O" THE MOUNTAIN'S. It's another Trail of the Lonesome Pine. 25TH & RALEIGH Two sCommencing Mon.May V ACl V UOUL ACT -CVUIT 4JUMAI AN KKM AL C BARNES" tSjm CHALLENGE MOOT I LIONS IN ONE BfC ACT nnt 1st assnt nasi ht fasat fa i PERFORSBNC BOGAt Ml AND SIBERIAN TIGERS f I V sit il.s $W.nm,linT ha A f As rqnestmuiAct Supreme A g ML 8AKMF3 OFTVKS S3 AM AOOCD ATTT ACTION FOB THE 9CASON A MOST KWII. STUPDSIOUS GLrmsMct.Y ooacams pomptxof au srm- .CALPACCANiaX OF HOUSES TBt E4H5flAM) FAMTASY DOOB3 OPEN I AW) 7 P.M. PEBFOBMAMCES Z AND 8 PJ Dancing Guaranteed All dances taught In eight three-hour lessons. Ladies 93, gentlemen 93, at De Honey's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington. Be ginners classes start Mon day and Thursday eves.; ad vanced classes Tuesday eve. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers in a real school. Phone Main TtiOti. Private lessons all hours. DIKD. BKOXI.KEWB In this city, at his late residence, uoO 4th st. South, May 10. Thomas a. jttronieewe, aged years. husband or Aita Kronieewee, lather ol Klla K. and R. H. Bronleewe of this city, Mrs. H. K. Janssen of Geneseo. Kan.: G ti. Bronleewe of Hutchinson. Kan. ; H. G. Bronleewe or Lorrane. Kan.: T. G, Bronleewe of Tlilisboro. Or., and O. B Bronleewe of Frederick, Kan. Notioe of f u n e ra I he re-i ft t. A r ra n gemeali In cnarg. ox w. r inicy oc boo. jjb sd mimr-rmmc bttj h m ii n i n m m. m in immm wmmmmm Mil 'I ?iJ.j -ji'"jr mt - w-j-TTI -iSririliiiliirl-tl.l 30 111 THE SK.T Hit LB A CSM3S IMIH" ton irnwa mm -..SZJL gogpa 1 I m lATTTvirr na .T Tia nuns uoa m il MEETING NOTICES. A. AND A. S. RITE. OREGON LODGE OF PER FECTION. NO. 1. Special - meeting In auditorium, t-cot-' Huh Rite cathedral, this eve s' ning at S o'clock. Work In 11th degree. Elmer H. Cook, 2d decree, presiding. BY ORDER- VEX. MASTER. WASHINGTON COM MANDER Y NO. 13. K. T. A stated conclave -will be neld Tuesday evening. May 11. at 7 .'to T Vf Ri.alnsa ..f importance will be considered. Sojourning fair Knights cordially invited. G. P. E1SMAN. Recorder. WASHINGTON COM MANDERY NO. 15, K. T A Fpecial conclave will be held Tuesday afternoon. May 11. at n ' f ' 1 rtc U flrHar exf (ha temple will be conferred. Candidates please report, at i P. M. A larce attendance la desired. G. P. EISMAN. Recorder. OREGON LODGE NO. 101, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication today (Tues day) at 12:00 noon, for the purpose of conducting the fu neral K.n'ircH ftf mir late brother, Peter A. Klrsuheiner. Services at the undertaking parlors of A. D. Ken worthy & Co.. at Lents at 1:30 P, M. In terment Mt. Scott cemetery. Brothers please brins atitos. Visiting brethern wel come. By order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. IMPERIAL LODGE. NO. 15a. A F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Tuesday; evening. May 1. at 8 o'clock. Work also in Fellow Craft de gree. A special communication will also be held tomorrow afternoon and evening in the hall of Oregon Commandery. -Fifth floor Pythian Castle, commencing at 5 o clock. Work in Master Mason degree. Visitors cordially welcome A. C. JACKgON. Secretary. PALESTINE LODGE, NO. 141. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication today (Tuesday). May 11. 7 o'clock. E. A. degree. Visiting breth ren Welcome Arista Inlinn Scott car. W. s. TOWN SEND, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. spe cial communication this (Tuesday) at 5::;o and 7 I'. M. Work in the E. A. degree. Dinner at 6:U0. Visiting breth- C. E. MILLER, iiec. KUNNTSIDE LODGE. NO. 163. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Tuesday) 7 P. M., temple, 39th and Hawthorne. Work In M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of V. M JAMKS S. GAT JR.. Sec GET READT for the big pic nic at Forest drove for tbs Manonlc s n d Eastern si t a r Home Fund on Monday, May 31." MULTNOMAH s CHAPTER. NO. 104. O. K. S. Stated com. municatton tonight (Tuesday) at & o'clock. ViMiors cordially invited. Kenton Bank bldg. Take Kenton car. By order of the worthy matron. ESTHER M. CAUDY. secretary. DANCE TONIGHT FOR the public, given by An chor Council No. 746. Se curity .Benefit Association, W. O. W. hall. 128 llth st. Come, and we will show you the time of your life. Admission 35c ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1, I. C. O. V.. will meet this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Oddfellows' Temple, 226 Alder St. Wrork in the oatri- archal and golden rule degrees. Visiting patriarchs are always welcome. WM. LINKLATER, C. P. CHAS. CHISTIANSEN. Scribe. COURT MOUNT HOOD. NO. 1, FORESTSrlS OF AMERICA, meets every Tuesday night. For esters' hall, 123 Fourth street. Visitors welcome. A special meeting of the stockholders of Masonic Building association of Port land, Or., will be held at the office of the corporation, room 41a icon building, in said city of Portland, on Monday, May 24 at io o ciock a. .vi.. to taKe action rela. tive to the sale of all of the real estate of the corporation. By order of the board of directors.- jas. isoiSlNSON, Sec y. EMBLEM Jewelry, Buttons, charms, pi as. mew designs. Jaeger Broeu, 181-S 6th sc. FRIEDLANDEH'S for lodge) emblems, class pins and medals. 810 Washington st. FUXKKAf, NOTICKS. PETERSOX At the family residence, Bor ins. Or., May 10, Anna Sophia ePter- son,' aged 01 years, mother of G. K. Peterson of Uoring, and E. T. Peterson of this cit y. Deceased is also survived by six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the F. a. Dunning Inc.. 414 East Al der, tomorrow (.Wednesday), at - P. M. Friends invited. Interment in Muitno mab Park cemetery. KENTON" At the residence of his daugh ter, .n rs. DuiMian, -uu inurcn si., Sun day, May !, Andrew Jackson Fonton, a,ged Sti years, father of Mrs. M. E. Burk hart, Anna, Z. F. and F. It., all of Port land, and Rev. W. J. Fenton of Corvallis. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at the MelhodidHt church, South corner Multnomah st. and Union ave., today (Tuesday), at 1 P. M. Interment in Riverview cemetery. Chambers Co., directors. McKXIGHT Tn this city. May 10, James William McKnight of Vale, Or., aged 87 years, beloved father of E. M. and G. W. McKnight, Ida and Roma McKnight, -all Of Yale. Or.; D. B. McKnight of Corvallis, Or.; Wimella McKnight Armstrong of I Portland. Tbe remains will be forward-I ed by WaUtjr C.-Kenworthy to Albany, i Or., where interment will be made in ! the family burying ground. J CROOKS At Hillsdale.. Or., May 9, Lillian : A. CrooKs, agca years, wite or Charles A. Crooks of UillsdaJe, Or., sister of Mrs Marguarite Wilson of La Center, Wash., and John Abraham of McMinnville, Or. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at 1 o'clock P. M., at Finley s Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Incineration at Portland Crematorium,' private. TAYLOR In this city, Sarah .T. Taylor, aged years, laie oi no n.. ;utn ISorth, wife of I. I. Taylor. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. May II, a 2 p. M , at the chapel of R. W. Gable & Co., 1U73 E. Glisan st. George Wright corps and Orpha Kebekah lodge. No. fel. will have charge of the services. Interment in Hrainard cemetery. KIROIIHEINER The funeral services of the late Pettr A. Klrchheiner will be conducted Tuesday, May 11, at 1 :i0 P. M., in tho funeral parlors of A. D. Ken-w-orthy & Co., VJd at. S. E., in Lents. Services under the auspices of Oregon Lodge, No. 101, A. F. and A. ?.. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. ARUXDELL At Hillsdale, Or., May 9, Grace Grlswold Arundell aged 41 years, wife of C. It. Arundell and mother of the late Robert G. Arundell of Dosch Station. Funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at ii:oU o'clock P M , at Finley s, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cem etery. DOSCH At IHllBdale, Or.. May J, 1920. Fleurot Dosch, aged 6 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Portland' Crematorium, 14th and By bee sts., at a P. M. today. Tucsdav. May 11, 19J0. Remains at Hoiraan's xunerai panora. Aniru ana calm on sts. ARUNDELL At Hillsdale, Or., May 9, rioocri j. Aiunutii. aQeu years, son . of C. R, Arundell and the late Grace Arundell of Dosch station. Funeral serv ices wiil be held today Tuesday) at :i;30 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at xwvciview tviucLerj, DYER At St. Martin's Springs, Wash May 8. Elizabeth M. Dyer, aged 47 years funeral servicts will be held at the resi- GOnilUL lunciMi panors oi Aicb.nted &. filers. ioaay lueiaay, aiay il, at ii p. M. Interment at Multnomah Park cemetery. PKEB Ltrt At iinisuaie, ur.. Way 9 j FredericK Jfeeoier, aged yeara hus band of Minnie Peebler of 304 Ross st Funeral services will be held Wednesday May l- at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Fin- ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends ia- viieu. McGtBBON At 6J8 Bidwell ave.. May 9 William McGtbbon. aged 63 years. The iunerai pariora ui nmter r. Kenworthv 15XJ and lu34 L. 13th st., Sellwood. Friends in ita. incineration at the Portiana crematorium. WILSON May 9, Robert Emmett Wilson, mcu io j c i i uniaiiiB win ue ior warded today (Tuesday) to Pendleton Or., by A. D. Kenworthy t Co., wSu-04 ren welcomt Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JLLIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems established maintained; income tax service: reter ences. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Main 714. ALTERATIONS. LE FITTING and making of ladies' gar ments; reasonable; work guaranteed. 1. Reubln, 40a Hush & Lane olug. ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ALTO. PAINTING. AUTO PAINTING. QUALITY, FINISH. STANDARD AUTO PAINTING CO.. EAST ThlMb AND MAtll&uN fel'S. CARPET WEAVING. RUGS lhe kind that wear the best are II WWW made trom- your woru-out carpets by the Northwest ivug Co. dormer ad dress 15a Union ave.). Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpel cleaning, refuting and resizing. Alail oruers solicited. loii E. Mh si. Phones Last JOsu. a 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS -iag rugs, ail sizes Mail orders prompt- Send for Booklet. wxi rugs steam or uiy cleaned. J1.50 - ., FLUF RUG CO., o4-u6 Union Ave. N. East Bul6. B 1473. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL. POKTLA.SD KLG CO., E. 1 1 1 h St. scltwood 3622. CARPET SWEEPERS REPAIRED. AUTHORIZED Bissell carpet sweeper re pair agency; ali pari iurnisiicd. uOo Alorrifcun su - CEI.LCLOID BUTTONS. -J1J1S- iKWl.H(JDSON COMPANY. 3a Washington. .Bawv. 434, A 125. CHIROPRACTOR. 3000.000 KNOW McMahon. 1007. Chiroprac- jinungs pronounce treatment best. (IIIKOPODI ST A ll(H SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estcile and Florcllo De Veny. tlie only scientiClc chiropodists una srch specialists la the city. Parlors 302 tier lingur bldg., s. w. cor. 2d. anu Aider. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODISTS. DR. O. O. FLETCHER, ascptio chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant; all mal lorinanons ot tho loot ocientilically cor- . rccf.-d. auite 512 Morsan bid. Main BI2. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns. bun Ions, loot arches made to order. 311 Swelland bldg.. 5tb and Wash. Main loel. DR. B. LOUISE Cu, cbiropodi&L 10 A. M. to .7 P. M. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 4S)a. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. ' BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3KS3. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multigrapning, mimeographing and mall adverusiug. COLLECTIONS. WM. WILLING. COLLECTIONS FOR LESS. GET my rates belore turning your business elsewhere. 1 will over Jon money, get your money and remit promptly. 762 E. 32d st. Sellwood 1150. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1786. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile and concrete, phone Jack Wempc. Woodlawn 6230. DANCING. ur.nrvcur, t uancing Academy; private n-"n, uiJi eve.; latest Steps and JaZZ shown. Classes triday. 12D 4 th. Main ojio. jars, aummers. MRS. BAYH, 308 Dekum lessons day and evening. bldg. Private Alain 1345. HALLKUUM and stage dancing. Miss uoroiiij' nasmussen. oio toners bldg. DENTISTRY. IF YOU have dental work to be done, have it done without pain by the nerve-block. ins memou. DR. A. W. KF.ENE. DR. E. H. PREHN Majestic Theater Bldg.. 35Hi Washington St. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, tio E.asi in. iat ana ZIK-6.. ELECTRICAL REPAIBUng. Mnmn Dcwnnwn ana iiiwiwiiw iiuiiuohu Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone D27-27 24Si4 First st. Main 871 H.M.H.ELECTIilC CO, 34 N. 1st. Portland, (Jr. Re winding and electrical repair- lng a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. l-LJEL DEALER. Dltr BON WOOD. $4.75 a loau. A Iberia, -W out! lawn, Pied mont, Kenton and Peninsula. Woodlawn 571 and Woodlawn 31)64. North Portland Fuel Co. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want big cropbi read about "G. M. Wonder" In our lyilo catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 -d st.. Portland, Or. m 1045. A. it WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-8D Front. KAHN BROS.. 15 Front St. tiKALN MERCHANTS. PHMB1NO SLPPLIES AND PIPE. " - THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-SO-S7-SU Front. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board ot Irad. Md. l'KODU'C'E COMMISSION MERCHANT HATS AND CAPS EVERU1NG & FARRELL. 110 Front St. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. M-So Front St. ROPE AND BIDEK TWINE. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Noi thrupl W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. SAfjH. DOORS AND CLASS. BASMUSSE.N & CO.. Second and TAYLOR. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. yCXERAL NOTICES. WILLETT At Hillsdale. Or.. May v. bilas K. Willett, agea o years, nusuanu oi Cora Willett o SBS E. Kelly st. Funeral Services will be held Wednesday, May 12. at 10:30 o'clock A M., at the Portland Crematorium, 14th and Bybee streets. Friends Invited. J. P. Finley & Son. di rectors. KEMMER Nick Kemmer of Cooper Moun tain died Sunday; May a. liKio. aged 08 years. He is survived by his wife, Anna Kcmmer: sons Joe, JacoD. Element ana Albert Kemmcr. and daughters Eva and Kimin Kcmmer. Funeral 10-A- M. .lues- day at Cooper Mountain ; I CNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LI VERT. MARSHALL 114. FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141 Vi 6tn, opposite Meier St Frank's. Main 7215. Lubliner Florist ailS Morrison, S48 Morrison, Portland hotel. Marshall 753. bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 257. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 289. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 587 Morrison st. Main 770U. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch Btores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays U-50 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A Hal. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS fi Fourth St., Opn. City Hall. NeoBroa. hj BLAESING GRANITE CO. rLr THIWOAT MADISON flTWCET MACHINERY INSTALLATION. MACHINERY INSTALLATION. Complete plants or single machines, of every description, motors, etc. by ex perts. Wdln. 1180. East 5945. , MEAT BLOCK TRIMMER. ED. ODBERT. JU?AT BLOCK TRIMMER. Blocks trimmed by aa adze. Prlco'ac eording to condition of block. 4103 o2d st S. E. MBSEKY STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choica - fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORENCO. OR MLS1C. MCS1C TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac tlce piano. 1 nr. day, $5 mo. Bdwy. 'J5.'5. OPTOMETRISTS AXrjiOPTtCTAN S. GLASSES AT A SAVING. EcgvifrVy 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou ' sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Chanes W. Good man, optometrist. 2U9 Morrison. M. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST, ed . with modern instruments. Olasees fitted from S2.30 UD. A. E. HLRW1TZ, optometrliit. 225 1st st. UEORGB RUB EN STEIN, the veteran op tician. Is an expert eye litter and his charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 220 Morrison St., near 2d. ORIENTAL KIU3. ORIENTAL RUGS woven. repaired, washed,' cleaned and stored by nature's own modern plant, liroad ay CAKTUU1A.N BROS., Inc.. importers of oriental rugs. ORIENTAL RUGS. Native Expert in Repairing, washing, cleaning and stored. M. E. UINIHANIAN, Established 1014. Broadway 2ii0. 4tia Washington gt ORIENTAL KIGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUtiS, CLEAN EL ANU REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & I'EltGUSON. TEN IBARa WITH AillEll liROS. 151 N. 2oU. PHONE MAIN 520S. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice lias extended over a period of 4 years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prutnpt. ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN CO.. patent attorneys. 6an Francisco office. Hot-art bldg.. 5S2 Market st.; Chicago office, rooiu bio Totter bldg.; Washington of fice, room 100, 625 K st.; iNew xurk. of lice, Woulworlh bldg. R.-C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patcn'.s. tiOl Lickum bldg. PHYSICIANS. BR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, buwul, lung, liver, Kiducy, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth, marks. PLUMBlNti Sl'ITLLES. PLUMBIN"! SUPPLIES AT WHOLESAL.U Prices. Stark-Lavis Co.. lbS 4lh. Al. TWi. PBIT1NG. rBlNIINU F. W. DALTKS it COMPANY. 1st and oak t. La. M. 7bo, jll-ti3. PAlTLNti. PAINTING and antecd. ' Call alter 6 P. M. kalsoniining; Johnsou. AI work guar Lishall 33 12 i'AINTlNG. paperhauging. John C. Con iiak, 133 ItitU at. N. .Broadway 2'Jio. TAINTING AND TINTING. PAINTING and tinting, first-clata work and good material. Phuna Automatic 31t-5'J. I'LVN'O TL'NLNG. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Mjers, .Blind School. Marshall uuou. POULTRY feUri'LIKS. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue tree. Routledge Seed 4t Floral Co. liJ -d au, Portland. ROOFS REPAIRED. " ROOFS reshingled and repaired. Berkley, carpenter and shingler. . Marshall 1T6U. S KCON D-H AND bTOKES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. x FKONT ST. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 0l Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANS EER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVlNG-PACK'li-STORAGE-HAUCJAGE. loth and Kearney. Branch lis t-a Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3303 . NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO, tM-Gfi Front Street. STORAGE AND HAILING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phones Main 446. 044-68. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Giisan St.. corner lillh. Phone Broadway lllbl or 11 60. We own and operate two large claas A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLEN TRAXSl'ER CO.. 248 Pine. " PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SEGL'nlTl STORAGE &. TRANSFER. CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 5193. A 1001. FOR any local or long distance hauling or moving call Sellwood '31bl. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FCN'ERAL DIRECTORS. Saw located in their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at Uth st.. west side. Telephone Broadway 4U0, automatic 040-8. The funeral borne of refinement and distinctive service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking lirm. JEDWARD HOLM AN &SON , . Funeral Directors. .Third and Salmon Sts. Mala 607. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady assistant. Main 2C91. 578-S3. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. ltith and Everett sts. Teieuhona Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. F 3. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction free use ot -floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. P. L. LERCH E. Eleventh and Clay. t-"' 781. T 1833 ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Sts. Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTH T. & CO 6802-0 82d St,, Lents. Tabor'52g7. A. R. ZELLER CO. 082 Williams av. East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK SKE'WES UNDERTAKING COMPANY 3d and Clay. M. A Z-ll, Lady assistant. Rates for Classified Advertisements Id The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per line One time ........ 1-e Two conteatl re time ........... ,S2e Three conwecutiT timee ..4w...... . SOe Seven consecutive times....... 63e The following clastdficatlons excepted, the rate of which i 9c per line per day: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Want I emale. No ad taken for let than two lines. Count lx word to the line. Advertisement (except "Person .' and "Situations wantrU") will be taken over tbe telephone if the adver tiser is a subscriber to either shone. No prices w 1 11 be q uoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered tbe following day. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Orrgoniam until 7:30 P. M-: for Tbe Sunday Oregoniaa until 6 P. Ml. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home. 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn '764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. Dicked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. 'VT'B'F'.TfcTTVfl" ZS T4T- Sectional i Krecf-d In Portland or SHIPPED ANYWHKRK, in section s rea d y to put Urcther. Kasy for one man to erert in a - day. Our cash prices, factory direct to you. no midd !e niaii, mean a GRKAT SAVING. Wend 'or circular. Call at factory, tfee Hfe-Fize sample. KKDIMADK, Bt II.D1NO CO., :tl5 K. 1 1 tit M.. 2 blkN. X. Hawthorne. i'hone Kat oll4. Portland. Oregon. A Distinctive Home--$9000 Beautiful corner residence in ono of Portland's best home districts, built year ago. too large for present owner; old ivory enameled woodwork and hanlwood floors throughout; large livinsr room, lovely dining room with French doors, JDutch. kitchen with Pullman nook, bedrooms and fine tile bathroom on firwt floor; 2 large bedrootn.s, sewing- hall or den and bathroom on second floor; fine base ment, furnace and garaec: complete in every detail. I'ricc $3000. L-et us show you. l.l I-:lDKM AN COMPANY. tfi:l Chamber of Couimcrer. Main 41067. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Ham and Woolen Clothing. We Blake Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Slxe Kluff Hugs, Woven. 1T.50 flmm Rags Woven All Size. Cltt.e C'lesning and Dyeing Iepta. Mail Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Hugs, Steamed Cleaned. (1230 WESTERN KLl'FP RIG CO. 54 I sion Ave N. Phone East 6516 FOR RENT CHOICE BUSINESS PROPERTY Burnside at Fourteenth il,000 SQUARE FEET Two Floors Immediate Possession SEE HINGLEIt, Hall. JIOMROSE t Colillioi IRYINGTON BUNGALOWS Those two beautiful new bungalows at Twelfth and Si.kiyou streets are now completed and ready for" sale. They contain five lame rooms and every up-to-date feature to be found In the modern buuinalow. The loca tion is sitrhtly and the district of the best. First-class material has been used and the workmanship is of tho very best. Nothing chaap or shoddy about them. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Call and let us show them. Tt'RNEIt CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. Ordered Sold Have received from European resi dents a power of attorney with In structions to dispose of a high-class business property in exclusive dis trict for $7250. This property is easily worth about $13,000. Income per month $94.50. Inquire SIS Corbett Bide FOR SALE A fine home, including one of the most beautiful half blocks in Portland. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 3342 WE CALL FOR VOIR OLD CARPETS. Rasa and Woolen Clothing FXUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ont Promptly Ri( Hsgs Woven All Slses Mall Ordera. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RIG CO. ISM East Stb St. Phone Eaat 3SSO. LIBERAL LOANS We loan oiw own money on real estaca, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. SIO Cham, of Com. Bldff. Main 302. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans United States Bank: Building i XEW TODAY. EXCEPTIONAL BUY Practically New Mod ern Brick Apart ments. Well - Located Corner Lot, 60x100. Producing Good Return on Investment. PRICE $55,000 Full Information Inside Property Dealers, Twelfth Floor, Yeon Building". FOR SALE Factory Building Concrete and RITK 29th and Nioolai Sts. VIKING MARINE PAINT COMPANY. INC. Phone Main 6200 between 11 and 1 or Tabor 9453 evenings. (Mr. lleiberg) Portable Summer Homes moderately priced. Krom one to live rooms. Shipped any where in sections. W rite or pnoiie lor catalogue. Elwood Wiles & Son M2 Title anil Trn.t BldfC. Phone 4724.- Dalit Today the Sllllmade Way! FOUR FLATS FOR SALE IN KING'S SECOND ADDITION, WEST SIDE. Completely m o rl e r n, all in first-clrtsa condition; each flat with own separate fur nace and fireplace. On cor ner lot, close in, walking dis tance. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT AT $15,500 A. W. COCHRAN OIIEIiOMAS BUILDING. 518 STORAGE SPACE InTeallarate Ovr Plant and Rates. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costa' CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Orsyace and Slsrsge, !3tb and L. It. an. Phone Bdwy. Mortgage Loans Lownt Interest rateaf Installment re payments If desired. Build In ar luama made. No delay In closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank. Build In Marshall 4114. REAL ESTATE. For iSale Beacu Property. FOR KALE or rent, furnished cottage and full lot. Gearhart Park, four bed rooms, kitchen and large living room, two stoves, hot water tank, four double beds, three single beds, child's crib, tables, chairs, large supply dishes and cooking utensils. Hell at bargain. 16o0. terms If desired or rent for summer, $15. H. W. Stone, T. M. C -A Main 8T00. ; FOR RENT or Bale, furninhed cottage and full lot, irearhart Park. 4 bedrooms, kitchen and large living room, 2 stoves, hot water tank. 4 double beds. 3 single beds, child's crib, tables, chairs, large supply dishes and cooking utensils. Sell at bargain, $10o0. terms if desired or rent for summer, $125. H. W. ione, Y. M. C. A. Main STOP. FOR BALE Or will rent or lease, twe choice lots 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Address H 180. Oregonian. S'OR SALE Wathoma cottage st Seaside, Or.: unusually attractive House and lot; ideally located. For terms and price, call East -441'-. or write Mrs. N. A. Perry. til E. 14th St. JJ.. Portland. Or. cMALL cottage for sale, Gearhart. Oregon. " for particulars write box 200. Portland, Oregon. TWO houses on CiOxlOo lot, ocean view; 250. Main 5404. For ale -Lota, TWO beautiful highly Improved lots on Holgate street, near 41st St.; 20 fine fruit trees and all kinds of berries in full bearing and in the best of condition; no building' restrictions; Just the place to build a bungalow and beat the high rent; easy terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON LUia iiwiiou,, M. w. cor ner of lstn ana iremont; price 2bi0, ter m a Phone Tabor 5601. 3 53x100. ments 213-Otf. VIEW. 50th and Taylor: assess paid: S'JOO each. Automatic FOR SALE 2 lots 50x100 each. Jonesmore. E. Everett St.. between "Ota and 71st. 230 each Phone CoL 882. If I Ilnmm-lmannaHBSBSaBHSSSaBBVBal i REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lou. A ERT nice Laurelhui-Kt 1 ..r frti u!. . t sacrifice. H 233. Oregonian. PORTLAND lots. Wiliametto boulevard. to trade. TV. C. Keuter. St. Maries. Ida. 'or Sale Flat and Apartment Property. ON BROADWAY. 12.00O. Walking distance from business cen ter. family flat bldg.. a real snap. The building alone would cost a great deal more than we are asklns tor the entire property RITTER.' LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. STORE BLDG. J4300. COMMERCIAL AND MORRIS STS. Rented for JSO per month. There are two stores and. two apart ments above. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. . 01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. --FAMILY FLAT RIGHT CLOSE IN. ON 11TH ST.. .NEAR MAIN. S3000 cash down. bal. 5 years. Total price $12,300. One flat has 5 rooms, den and sleep ing porch. The other has 5 sooms. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bld?! INCOME PROPERTY. J16.000. 100x100 corner Thurman sno 21st. There is a store Mdir. with flat abnvo and 5 cottages. This is an old-established business corner. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade B'.df. lor Sale House.. TRVrN-OTOV EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. $5300 Owner forced to leave city im mediately, offers his splendid Irvlnmon residence, completely furnished, at two-thirds actual value. This is a splrdld home, exceptionally well located and needs only a little paint to rut it In extra fine condition. Tou enter reception hall with wind ing stairway; off of this is a nice living room and at the side of. the living room is a very splen did dining room; back of this is a very fine den. The kitchen Is large and has a splendid pass pantry. There are three hie bed rooms, sewine room, sleeping porch and bath on second floor. The third floor has a larce at tic. With the furnituro is In cluded a T.udwig piauo in cood condition, a coal and gas ranse in fine condition and een the Pictures on the wslls. The fur niture is all in -very cood con dition and is complete for hom:e. keeping excepting the linen. This is the biggest bargain we have seen for 6 months, and you will have to hurry to get It. Tri- complete, furniture and all. j300. Hawthorne Bungalow. $600 Down. Balanco Monthly. $2600 This dandv four-room banpa'o is a RKAL bargain. A 11 rooms are large and well arranged. Good bath. built-in features. Kine closet room and good atti:. Improvements such as paving, sewers and sidewalks in and paid for. Close In and good looalion. A danriv home for a small family. Lot r0i.93. fcine lawn. tcar carline. Main ."n. McC Rl I.I .IS C:LI'V KtiAXh CO., 322 to o-'j Henry Bldg. RELIABLE SKRVK'W. li. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ahlnton Bldg. Main 41H. $1300 rm.. bath, bas't. gas. 40x100. nesr 62d and Powell: $30O carih. $23."0 Eleg. bung., fircpl.. brltfbt. room, en. plumbing, cement bas't.. 4. bias. S. W. car: 1M cash. $2950 Alberta, bung. type. 5 rm.. mort em. 60x100; paved sts.; blk. car: $100 $3250 7-rm. typirsl bungalow, full ce ment bas't. en. plumbing, large rooms, blk. school and car; paved eta.: nr. 21st and Prescott. $3500 Wueen Anne bung-, furnace, mod ern, 30x100: garage, paved sts.: nr. 28th and Ankeny. $3f75 7-rm. bung.: pink of condition: fireplace, slpg. porch, full baa t: buill- 1ns; bouse worth J.i"u sts.: close in; nr. 32d i only 67o cash. This is tlone: paved und Division: a mtg. fore- closure. . A . $3-473 375 cash; 6 rm.. 50x100: paved; garage: 3 blks. Irv. car. 1K75 Adj. Laurelhurst; 6-rm. eleg, home: turn., flrepl.. oak firs., den. slpg. pr.. bullt-lns.: 50x100; paved: terms: house cost oooo. Main 4oUJ. f GOLDEN UERG. "33 YRS. IN PORTLAND; BilAUTlFL'L RIVER VIEW HUM6. 7 HUOMS AND SLEEPING PoltCll. STRICTLY MODERN lO,.0O. Overlooking tho beautiful Willamette river and located right on the paved river road, on the WEST SIDE, we have that beautiful, strictly modern suburban home you havo been searching ,,ro,r There's over i of an acre, beautifully landscaped and highly improved. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow with sleeping porcb ; every modern convenience is em bodied in this up-to-date home, includ ing all the buill-ins, hardwood lloors. Gasco furnace. Instantaneous water heater, fireplace, etc.; largo living room 13x30; wide porches on two sides. 3-.lve Bpring will furnlth water under pressure for fish pond or fountain. Located close to station and in Multnomah county. Shown only by appointment. O. G. McCOltMIC CO., 242 Washington SL Main S220. ROPE CITY PARK DISTRICT S3500 Strictly modern 5-rooin bungalow, fur nished complete, with exceptionally good lurniture, reception hall, with cioak room, large living room with fireplace and bookcases, dining room, built-in buf fet, hardwood floors, large dutch kitchen, 2 larso bedrooms, bath, while enameled plumbing, large floored attic, lull ce ment basement, furnace and laundr tras, street improvements in and paid. This is tbe best bungalow buy in the city Wo can arrange easy terms. Mar. 3H93. $;;U0 Fruit? Well I should aay! A cor ner with largo lot. An b-room home in fino condition. Just the place for a largo family to beat the high cost of living. Imme diate possession; easy terms. Call and see our photos of the best buvs in the different sections, and salesmen with autos at jour serv ice. .1 A. W1CKMAN CO.. "fl R v Exch. Bldg. Main lo'.M and 5S. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Attractive and unusually well-built 2 W story 10-room house, located on dodb.e lot with view of city and mountains: very large main rooms in old ivory; 4 fin bedrooms, with 2 baths on 2d floor; fino oak floors; maids' rooms and bath on 3d fir; fino biiliard room In base ment; 7 splendid fireplaces; beautiful grounds with room for double garage, p rt ce cut to $22,300. Terms. Tabor 40". LAURELHURST. Modern 8-room bungalow, entire firs floor oak, very attractive living and dining rooms: built less than one year; in the very heart of LaurelhursL $SiuO. C. M. DliRR, COR A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and den, fireplace, bnfftit, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. . floor, furnace, garage; 40xlOO lot. Price HO' i0. $1000 csn. balance terms. C E. ADAMS. 607 Cham, of Com. Rids. Marshall 2373. Evening Wdln. 3433. ALBERTA $2730. A dandy 5-rooin bungaJovr, fireplace, dutch kitchen, full cement basciuenl. laundry trays; a few steps off the pave ment. Easy terms. Sellwood l'Jb'J. Aek for Mrs. Carr. " $2300 HOUSE AND ACREAGE $2o0. I14 acres in Tualatin View . park, small house, fruit trees, chicken ' house. Bargain. $2300. Cash $300. balance easy terms. II. J. Driessel. 120.1 Wilcox bids- Main 6416. Res. East OSgQ. OWNER must sell nice 5-room bung-alow on 36th avenue and 50th at. Price $2000, on very easy terms. See I.undgren with JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN NEAR S. P. SHOPS. 6- roora house, modern, on corner, t block to Sellwood carline and near S. V. shops. $4500; $750 cash and bal. favor able terms. Tabor 5. ' $1950 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS.- Cosy, clean, modern 4-room bungalow, finished In ivory; bath, toilet, electricity. gas full basement, shade trees. Vacant. Move In. Why pay rent? Tabor 635U. SEVEN-ROOM house. modern, sleeping porch, bath, electricity: lull basement, garage: 67x109: alley: good fruit trees and vines. $3100. By owner, A 283. oregonian. " Sear sandy blvd. 7- roo: 1 bungalow-type, modern hotme. Rose Citv Park, west of the hill, near Sandy blvd.; $5O00; easy terms. Tabor 31'. TrOOM bungalow with large attic. Haw. thorne district, fine neighborhood. $2500, This is a bargain. See owner. Ha E. Davis st. v A I . I - bouse and acre U mile from Council CreEt car for. sale by owner. Phone East 3421. BY OWNER. 6 -room double constructed good condition, close In, Hawthorne dis trict .405odj5outh. labor41SL SMALL plastered bungalow, fruit and ber ries, $1100, if sold at once; vacant now. Inquire at 51 N. 6th St. A