TJIE MORNING OltEGONIAN, TUESDAY, MAT 11, 1920 RACERS IN STREET. ARE SENT TO JAIL Four Fined $25 Each and Ret 24 Hours for Speeding. FARMER'S CAR BARRED Court Ttefuses to Iict Visitor Run His Machine In City Limits YYlien He Comes to Town. Two impromptu automobile races Staged on Union avenue resulted in the lour racers being: fined 2a each and sent to jail for 24 hours on charges of speeding: when they ap peared before Municipal Judge Ross man yesterday following their arrest by Motorcycle Patrolman vvlles. J. A. Spady and H. Wirth, two of the racers, were caught racing side by side for five blocks down Union avenue at a epeed of about 35 miles an hour. Joe Tatuseri and S. Mak'ipo -were reported to have been speeding through heavy traffic at the same rate when they were arrested. The street is decidedly no place for a race," declared Judge Ropsman in giving sentence, "and I am of the opinion that the Jail is the place for racers who persist in using the street tor such a purpose. Orientals Race to rtcalc. Spady attempted to explain his racing by declaring he thought the other machine to be a stolen car and he was trying to get a look at the man driving the machine. However, his explanation was not considered a good one. It was when the two Japanese racers came before him that the judge's lingual talents were taxed, and he had to resort to pidgin Eng lish in the attempt to get the in formation be sought. "Why you go so fast?" he asked the two. They only replied by broad Oriental smiles and the declaration that they were going to a picnic. "I lead once. He lead once." de clared Maklno when asked who won the race. Tony Sinay, farmer living near Cornelius, was told to check his au tomobile at the city limits in the fu ture and walk into town when he appeared before the judge to answer to a charge of reckless driving. To make certain that he would not drive again inside the limits of Portland the Judge assessed a fine of 150 and suspended payment on condition that he would not bring his automobile inside the city. Driver Chased by Police. Sinay was arrested by Patrolman Stone after the driver had struck W. G. Madder. 105 Grand avenue, and an automobile in the attempt to avoid running Into a street car at Twelfth and Washington streets. Mr. Madden was badly bruised. Patrolman Stone said that he or dered Sinay to report to the police station, but that the man instead con tinued on up the street and he had to chase hi:n in a comandeered automo bile to place him under arrest. On the way to the police station, the po liceman said, Sinay narrowly escaped having another collision. Sinay explained that he intended to- report to the police station after he had left some passengers at a cer tain address. Other traffic violators fined includ ed: G. H. Blackman, speeding, $10; O. Byer, speeding, $10; C. G. Davis, speeding, $10; C. H. Gray, speeding, $10; Frank Moulton, speeding. $.; George Ross, speeding, $7.50; R. A. Volheim, speeding, $7.50; C. E. Par ker, speeding, $5; John Weller, speed ing, $10; George Rlsley, speeding, $10; C. Franks, speeding, $13; E. W. Grif fith, speeding, $5; J. C. Peterson, speeding, $10; James Colombo, reck less driv'ng, $25; R. D. Beaver, speed ing, $10. Another Royal Suggestion COOKIES and SMALL CAKES From the New Royal Cook Book T X THEN the children VV romp in hungry as young bears, here are some wholesome, economical de lights that will not only be received with glee, but will satisfy the most ravenous appetite in a most whole some manner. Cookies cup shortening z cups sugar cup milk 2 eggs "4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or grated rind of 1 lemon 4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Royal Baking . Powder Cream shortening and sugar together; add milk to beaten eggs and beat again; add flowly to creamed shorten ing and sugar; add nutmeg and flavoring: add 2 cops flour sifted with baking pow der; add enough, more flour to make stiff dough. Roll out very thin on floured board; cut with cookie cutter, sprin kle with sugar, or put a raisin or a piece of English walnut in the center of each. Bake about 13 minutes in hot oven. Cocoa Drop Cakei 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 14 cup mule Mi cups Hour 3 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder V, eup cocoa y, teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanula extract BAKING POWDER Absolutely Ruro Cream shortening; add sugar and well-beaten egg; beat well and add milk slowly; sift flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa into mixture; stir until smooth, add vanilla. Put one tablespoon of batter into each greased muffin tin and bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes. Cover with boiled 1Cl"g' Orange Cakes 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar i cup mils: legg 2 cups flour teaspoons Royal B axing Powder teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon orange extract ' grated rind of 1 orango Cream shortening; add sugar slowly, beating -well; add milk a little at a time; then add well-beaten egg; sift flour, baking powder and salt to gether and add to mixture; add flavoring and grated orange rind; mix well. Bake in greased shallow tin, or in dividual cake tins, in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. When cool cover with orange icing. COOK BOOK FREE Just off the. press and finer tban ever before. This new Royl Cook Book con taining 4P0 delightful re cipes, will be sent to you free if you will send your name and address. SOTsX BAKTTO POWDER CO. lit FnHon StTM Nw Tart On with Royal and be Sure 9 NT- tin OT merely a smart social affair. but a happy gathering of old- me friends, was the tea yes terday at which Mrs. William D. "Wheelwright entertained in compli ment to her sister, Mrs. Robert w. dewis, who is here from the east for a month's visit. Mrs. Wheelwright had asked a few of Mrs. Lewis' Inti mate friends to assist and among these were Mrs. .J. C. Ainsworth, Mrs. "W. C. Alvord. Mrs. George F. Wilson, Mrs. William H. Warrens, Miss Mae Hirsch, Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs. Sherman Hall, Mrs. It. W. Wilbur, Mrs. W. O. Van Schuyver. Mrs. Ed ward Shepard, Mrs. C. H. Davis, Miss Plunders, Mrs. William Washburn and Miss Lucia Morris. Mrs. Ains worth, Mrs. Alvord, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Warrens poured. Mrs. Wash burn and Mrs. Davis cut ices. Sev eral attractive maids and matrons as sisted about the rooms. The table was adorned with an artistic ar rangement of spring blossoms In va rious gay colors. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Boody were hosts at a wedding dinner giv en Friday at Bancroft Heights in honor of Captain and Mrs. E. S. Crawford, who were married on April 23. The guests -also included Mr. and Mrs. George G. Maris, Miss Madeline i'-. - Crawford and Evelyn and Fred Boody. m The home of Mr. and Mrs. August Sperling of 1091 Garfield avenue, in Walnut Park, was the scene of the merry festivity yesterday when Au gust Jr. celebrated his 7th birthday. A handsome birthday cake was. the renter of attraction when the dainty luncheon was served to a group of young friends of the host. . As it has been their custom this year, twice each month, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heal Torrey and their daugh ter. Miss Elizabeth, were At home on Sunday afternoon. An exceptionally large number of friends called and iicarly everyone brough'. gay spring flowers for Mrs. Torrey. The rooms were decked in bright blossoms and the tea table was attractive with its adornment of golden poppies, blue bells and ferns. An informal dance will be given Wednesday cvenftig in Laurelhurst clubhouse by Rose City chapter. Or der of Eastern Star. All members end their friends will be welcomed. Flowers and messages of - sym pathy are finding their way to Miss Maude Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan of Irvington, who underwent an operation for appendi citis at St. Vincent's hospital the first part of the week. Mjss Ryan Is reported progressing iiicely. Mrs. Mark Warren of Cannon Beach Vias returned to her home at the Warren. Ecola, after a visit with Mrs. Richard Sleight of 546 Nine teenth street North. The marriage of John Kohnen Honey of Portland and Miss Marga ret Fargo Larrison of Seattle will take place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Calvin S. Larrison. in Seattle the latter part of June. They win mate their homo in Portland. The engagement . of the young couple was announced a few weeks ago at a tea given by Mrs. Larrison and Mrs. H. F. Ostrander. a cousin of the bride. Miss Larrison was educated at the "University of Washington. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority and popular socially. During the war ishe was engaged in public service in Washington, D. C, which also gave iher opportunity to pursue her studies in economics and politics, in which fihft specialized while at the univer sity. Mr. Honey Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Honey, pioneer residents of North Dakota, who live near Gresh m. He attended Stanford university and the University of Washington. He served with an ambulance unit In France during the war and is treas urer of the International . Lumber company in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wheeler are welcoming another daughter, born yesterday. She will be named Mar garet. Mrs. M. Baldwin, president of U. Ladies' Aid society of the Cathedral parish, has asked for a full attend ance of all members of the commit tees from the various parishes of the city at the meeting this evening at the Jeanne d'Arc on Fourteenth, near Jefferson street, to make final ar rangements for the big entertain ment, dance and card party at the auditorium Tuesday evening. May 18, for the benefit of the Jeanne d'Arc. At a meeting of the Portland Wom en's union yesterday in the Martha Washington, Mrs. Adolph Dekum, newly elected president, named the committee chairmen, as ' follows: Household, Mrs. Hicks Fenton; pub licity, Mrs. C. R. Templeton; member ship. Mrs. L. A. McNary; big sister hood. Mrs. H. B. Van Duier. The other officers are: First vice-president. Mrs. Elliott Ruggles Corbett; second vice-president, Mrs. J. s. Bradley; secretary, Mrs. Max Hirsch; corresponding secretary, Mrs. David Goodell; treasurer, Mrs. W. A. Mac Rae: directors, Mrs. H. E. -Jones, Mrs. F. Stelnhardt, Mrs. J. B. Comstock, Mrs. A. J. Meier, Mrs. A, T. Smith, Mrs. H. H. Northup, Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley, ivirs. jrienry juaaa coroett. Mrs. W. W. Cotton. The union maintains the Martha Washington, a residence hotel for self-supporting young women.' Mrs. W. A. Church will entertain the members of the Corriente club at 1 o'clock luncheon todav at her home, 287 Fargo street. A good at tendance Is desired, as election of officers for the ensuing year will take place at this meeting. Election of officers will take place at the meeting of the Vernon Parent Teacher association this afternoon. In compliment to Mile. Helen Losa nitch and Miss Mathilda Spencer. Mrs. E. C. Giltner entertained last night at the University club at dinner. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett will be hostess at tea for the visitors today. , The annual meeting of the Irving ton club will be held at the club house tonight, when three directors will be elected. The names proposed are: Everett Johnson, Walter A. Goss, F. A. Rosenkranz. Frank E. Smith, Dr. Charles T. Chamberlain and J. P. Mulder. The directors whose terms expire are: Walter Evans, W. F. Woodward and F. A. Rosenkranc. The meeting will be particularly interesting because a decision will be reached as to whether the club will go out of existence as the Irvington club proper and make an arrange ment with the city commissioners to make a community center of it. .The directors will submit a plan which may result in turning over the club house as a city recreation center. It is understood many of the directors favor such a plan. The closing dancing party of the season will be held Friday night. Mrs. S. P. Lockwood is chairman ol the .committee. I "Bake His special topic for this meeting is "Isaiah, the Prophet of Universalism." All Interested are cordially invited, either for the whole day or, if more convenient, for a part of the time. The Daughters of Isabella opened their six da"ys' rummage sale at 401 First street Monday with great suc cess. Although much of the stock had not yet arrived, buying was lively throughout the day. The stock will be substantially replenished today. Contributions of men's clothing of all kinds is especially solicited. Anyone who cannot deliver their contribu tions may telephone East 3071 and they will be called for. The salesroom on Monday was in charge of Mrs. J. J. Burke, Mrs. B. D. Coffey, Mrs. H. A. Maloney, Mrs. A. D. Herold and Miss Dolly Meager. More than 100 of Portland's leading organizations of women have already given their unanimous indorsement to the 2-tmill tax levy for the sup port and maintenance of elementary schools, and the merits of the meas ure are still being presented in . an effort to make this phase of the cam paign 100 per cent. The schedule for today's meetings follows: Rotary club at the Hotel Benson at 12:15. Davis school at 2:30 P. M., Lents school at 8 P. M., Speaker, Mrs. Alex ander Thompson: Catholic Woman's lcgue' at headquarters I' the Eilers building at 10 A. M., speaker, Mrs. Saidie Orr-Dunbar: Travellieres club with Mrs. .Wright,-731 East Sixty-first street, at 2 P. M., speaker, Mrs. A. W. Cooper; Shaver Parent-Teacher asso ciation, at 3 P. M., speaker, Mrs. Charles E. Hart; Montavilla Parent Teacher association at 3 P. M., speaker, Mrs. W. J. Hawkins; Wood lawn Parent-Teacher association at 3 P. M., speaker, Mrs. Jennie Richard son; Illinois society at Hotel Port land at 8 P. M., speaker, B. F. Mulkey. - . The Portland Business Women's club tonight will give an informal reception in honor of its new mem bers. The reception will be given at the University club at 8 o'clock, when programme of music and other en tertaining features will be presented. The annual meeting of Glencoe Parent-Teacher circle will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Annual reports of officers and election will be In. order. Mrs. P. G. McYVhinney will be soloist and special entertain ment will be given by the children. Montavilla Parent-Teacher associ ation will meet in the assembly o th. school this afternoon for their annual election of officers. A large ttendance is desired, as arrange ments have been made for a good programme. SALVATION DRIVE ENDING OUTSIDE STATK SHOWS FULL QUOTA. COLLECTIONS. Hires Household Extract contains the actual juices of roots, barks, herbs and berries. It makes rootbeer as pure as it is sparkling and delicious. WW I Bo muro you 4ef thim pacfcrf. It bring you tho gonuinm Hirmi HoukioM EMtrmct. THE CHARLES E. HIRES COMPANY Philadelphia. Pa. Women's Activities The Women's Ad club meeting the Hotel Benson this noon will be a business meeting for members only The Psychic club will meet tomorr row at East Seventh and Hassalo streets at 2:30 P. M. After the bus ness meeting there will be one hour of psychic development messages by the new pastor, Mrs. Louise Brown of Kansas City. The Catholic Women's league will have Its regular board meeting in the league hearquarters this morning at iu:3U o ciock. ah members are urged to attend. - Woodlawn Parent-Teacher assocla tion will hold its regular meeting this afternoon at 8:45 o'clock. Annual election of officers and other impor tant business will be taken care of, and a plant will be awarded to the room with the largest representation of mothers, The Community Service class in military drill and physical training meets tonight at the armory at 7:45 o'clock. Captain D. D. Hall Is in charge. These classes are chaperoned by the war mothers. The Women's association of the First Congregational church will meet tomorrow from 10 to 4 o'clock to sew for charity and the bazaar and to spend the day In social Interchange. Hot lunch will be served at boon. At 2 o'clock Dr. McElveen- will give the last of a series of Bible studies that he has been carrying on all winter. WILLAMETTE ALUMNI DINE $1,000,000 EXDOWMKXT HINT ED WITHIX TWO YEARS. Organized Labor Team Turns in Good Sum Showing Working ',Ajien Favor Army Work. With the annotinced determination of completing the Salvation Army drive during the present week, the force of field workers under the lead ership of John L. Ejhertdge. state chairman, began their canvassing activities yesterday with -renewed vigor. A partial check on the amount subscribed in Portland will be an nounced either today or tomorrow. The entire quota for the state of Oregon was fixed at $284,000, of which Portland has been asked to contribute one-half, or $142,000. The state, out side of Portland, has practically com pleted its quota. Contributions -reported yesterday by Otto Hartwig, captain of the organ ized labor team, indicate that Port land labor, is doing Its full share to ward assisting the Ha I vat ion Army. Unless the Portland quota Is pro cured, the operation of- the ., White Shield rescue home for wayward girls may be seriously curtailed during the coming year. This is one of the big gest projects the Salvation Army has mapped out for itself in its 1920 pro gramme. Mr. Etherldge, in an appeal last night, urges every business firm which can possibly do so to contribute the services of one employe td assist during the closing days of the drive. All firms or business houses which will make this contribution are asked to notify campaign headquarters at the Portland Press club. SI G.DOIJ DAMAGES ASKED IKia OF SUITS FOR INJURIES STARTED BY WO.ilEX. noon on which the murder occurred They said she left their house and started for her- noma about 6 P. M Several other witnesses testified along the same lines. The opening statement for the pros ecution was made by District Attor ney John F". Hall and was a brief exposition of what the prosecution in tended to prove. John C. Kendall, for the defense, in his opening address characterized the third trial as more of a persecution than a prosecution and contended that the state must fix with some reasonable certainty th time of the killing and must show some motive. I. W. W. GETS SIX MONTHS Prisoner Changes Plea to Guilty When Vanderveer Doesn't Appear VANCOUVER, Wash., May 10 (Special.) When George F. Vander veer. I. W. W. attorney, and attorney for Thomas Rooney, charged with v olation of the criminal syndicalism act, failed to appear at the trial in the superior court here today, the defendant changed his plea to guilty R. C. Sugg was appointed by the court tor the defense. Judge George B. Holden, of Takim county, sitting for Judge R. H. Back sentenced Rooney to six months in the penitentiary at Walla Walla. James Evans and C. W. Morrison under a similar charge, were ordered released because ot insufficient evi dence. Success of Present Campaign for $100,000 Said to Mean Future Generous Donations. , That Willamette university will have at least "fl. 000. 000 In endow ment within two years if its friends in the northwest show their inter est and faith in the institution now by pledging for It during the pres ent campaign the 100,000 for which subscriptions are to be taken prob ably next week, was the declara tion made by A. F Flegel, chairman of the executive committee, at the annual meeting and dinner of the alumni last night in the First Meth odist Episcopal church. "I am not at liberty to maKe public facts in my possession," said Mr. Fle gel. "but 1 can tell you. without go ing into details, that if the friends of Willamette university give us' this $100,000 within two years this school is going to be so big that it Will be able to do its work in a way that will be perfectly wonderful. , "All that is needed is for us to show to the world that we are interested $100,000 worth in Willamette univer sity. If this is done, others, Metho dists among them, but some not Meth odists, stand ready to help put the school on a very large basis, with new and fully modern buildings." James Crawford was toastmaster of the dinner. The programme was un der direction of the Portland chaptef of Willamette alumni and the nun.bif present taxed the dining facilities of the church to the limit. Others who spoke included Dr. Carl Gregg I'oney. president of Willamette university; Dr. Guy Woods, Miss Margaret Gar rison, J. Frank Irvine, Dr. B. L. Steeves, president of the board of trustees, Edward L. Wells, president of the Layman's association, and Fred Lock ley. The quartet rendered se lections during the evening. Trials of Cases Against Railways Arc Under Way and Elevator Complaint Is Filed. Damages of $5000 are sought by Mrs. Rosa Hunt from the Portland Railway; Light &. Power company In a suit opening in the circuit court yesterday before Judge J. U. Camp bell of Oregon City. She asserts that the car from which she was alight ing at Woodstock avenue and Se?-. ehty-fourth street started too soon, tfirowinff her to the pavement. Mrs. Julia A. Ardnt Is asking $5200 In a damage suit before Circuit Judge Tucker against the Portland & Ore gon City railroad for injuries she says she received when a car over turned near Rusk station last Oc tober. For injuries received in a drop of the . elevator in the Royal building from'' the third- floor to the base ment on April 4 damages of $4780 are sought by Thelma Ward from Stanley, Smith & Boise, lessees of the" building, in a suit filed in the cir cuit court yesterday. She was in the hospital six weeks, she asserts. Astoria Rock Contracts Let. ASTORIA, Or., May TO. (Special. The county court today awarded contracts for quarrying and crush iing rocks at t-he county's three plants in the Xahalem river valley The price per yard at therespectiv plants Is as follows: Elsie, 90 cents Flshawk Falls, $1; Grand Rapids, 95 cents. A contract was also let to day for quarrying and crushing rock at what i known as the summl 3 4 I nil .Till . -iB BRAND FLOUR. for every purpose f AjaVA'V-ri.V. MAM FRIEND4 Costs More Per Sack Costs Less Per Loaf This trade phrase which we have -adopted tells, in a nutshell, why the housewife should buy 5fc-W BLEND FLOUR. It may cost you a few cents more per sack because it costs us just that much more to produce. It costs you less per loaf because actual baking tests, scientif ically made, demonstrate that it bakes more and larger loaves of better bread to the given amount than other flours. Made of choicest Eastern Hard Wheat and the choicest of Western Wheats BLEND is a perfect flour for . ever purpose as good for cakes and pastry as for bread. Manufactured in "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by Fisher Flouring Mills Company Seattle .Bellingham Portland. Tacoma. .Mt. Vernon plant near the junction of the Ham let and Tillamook roads. The suc cessful bidders were Fritz Sarpola & Co. and the price is 96 cents a yard. Read The Oregonian classified ads. HOWELL EVIDENCE STARTS TESTIMONY' THUS EAR SAME AS IX FORMER TRIALS. Defense Contends State Must Fix Approximately Time or Killing , and Show Some Motive. MARSHFIELD, Or.. May 10. (Spe cial.) After a week spent in securing a jury, the opening statements made by both- sides and the Jurors having visited the scene of the murder, the prosecution this morning began the introduction of testimony In the. third trial, of Harold Howell, on the mur dering Lillian Leuthold, In the Circuit court at Coquille before Judge Coke, j The testimony so far was a repeti tion of that given at the former trials. A. E. Hadsell, a surveyor, who accom panied the Jury to the place where the body was fpnd, produced a large map which was accepted by both sides and which will be used In the trial. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John G. Leuthold. par ents of the murdered girl, identified the girl's clothing,' and Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Jennings, at. whose house the! girl called Just before she left on the fatal trip through- the woods, testified about her visit on the Sunday after TAKE OUR COOK . WITH YOU to any clime, to the most distant corner of tKe earth.There you will find Shredded Wheat BiSCUit the same biscuit you have always eaten crisp, tasfy delicious. OWe have ten million dollars invested in the process of cooking the whole wheat for you. EatShreddedWheatBiscait wherever you ara Makes you fit for the days work and fortifies you against disease.Delicious for any - meal with milk or creamMost , real food for the least money. . Always Fresh Made and baked with exacting care. Ma chine wrapped in waxed paper. Deliv ered fresh to your grocer each day. But ter Nut comes to ypur table clean, fresh and wholesome. Ask for BUTTER NUT II fcTjsI Bra mi fe m Big reduction in price of Mazola at your grocers. All size cans. Buy in quantities. ' never see any pie crust left on the plate when Mazola is used for shortening. Everybody knows the 'crust is the best part of the pie. Mazola-made pies have such a delicate flaky crust you're sure to cat the last crumb. Corn Products Refining Company .' P.O. Box 161. Now York City JOHNSON UKRKIt CO.. PonTI.AD,