Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 11, 1920, Image 1

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    VOLi tiTX 0 18 552 Entered at Portland (Oregon)
V UU. UiA J O'''- Pctoffice as Second-Class Matter.
Tumulty, However, Fails
as Peacemaker.
Miss Camille Dosch Dies
of Injuries. .
Fuel May Be Denied to
Pleasure Autos.
Treaty Reservationists Hold
President Studied Course.
Message to Hamaker of Oregon Is
Regarded as Putting Weagon
in Hands of Enemies.
Washington. May 10. Disavowal by
Secretary Tumulty today of any in
tention by President Wilson to inter
fere in the tDregon democratic sen
atorial campaign in behalf of the
enemies of Senator Chamberlain failed
to assuage in any 'degree the anger
and perturbation of a large number
of democratic leaders.
Even if Secretary Tumulty's asser
tions were in good faith, it was main
tained that there could be no satisfac
tory explanation of the hasty action
of the president, the titular leader of
the democratic party, in sending such
a telegram without knowing some
thing of the person to whom it was
ent or the purposes for which the
reply was desired. In the backs of
their heads democratic leaders and
particularly those democrats in the
senate who, like Chamberlain, voted
for the ratification of the peace
treaty with the Lodge reservations,
were not accepting Secretary Tumul
ty's statements.
President's Act Resented.
Mr. Tumulty said that the .mooted
telegram which was dispatched last
night to Gilbert E. Hamaker of Port
land, Or., leader of the anti-Chamberlain
forces in that state, declaring
that the democratic party "should at
once proclaim itself the uncompromis
ing champion of the nation's honor,"
was sent without knowledge of Mr.
Hamaker's active connections with a
campaign to defeat Senator Chamber
lain for renomination. In apparently
condemning Senator Chamberlain for
having voted for treaty ratification
with the Lodge reservations, the
president evoked the deep resentment
of the other democratic senators who
voted with Chamberlain, and they did
not conceal their feeling, though de
clining to be quoted.
The Tumulty explanation was that
the president was merely outlining a
general policy on the peace treaty for
his party, which caused the retort
from democratic senators that such
i an important policy as this should
certainly have been announced under
more carefully ordered circumstances.
Tumulty Explanation Doubted.
If this were true, why did he not
give out his announcement through
Senator Underwood, the Democratic
leader in the senate, or through the
secretary of state or Chairman Cum
ming3 of the democratic national
committee, that is what democrats
are anxious to have explained.
To use the language of one of the
senators who was always a thick
and thin administration senator until
he voted for peace treaty ratification
with the Lodge reservations after all
other efforts to compromise had failed,
the comment which rebounded to the
Tumulty explanation was: "Does the
president make a practice of an
swering the inquiries of obscure per
sons on great public questions with
out inquiring the identity or motives
of his correspondents? If so the demo
cratic party will wake up some fine
morning to find itself in a pretty
While eastern newspapers did not
wake last night to the fact that the
White House- telegram had its great
est interest as it related to the demo
cratic senatorial campaign in Ore
gon and several other states, the
democratic senators atiectea recog
nized the significance of the presi
dent's utterance the moment their
eyes alighted on the first page of
their morning papers.
They came to the capitol confident
that the White House outburst was
aimed at Senator Chamberlain and one
toy - one they flocked to the Oregon
senator's side -when the senate con
vened at noon.
Some Are "Hopping Mad."
Before the chaplain had had time
to utter the prayer the most of them
had informed themselves of the Ore
gon political situation and had become
assured that their original surmises
were correct. Vice-President Mar
shall and Franklin K. Lane, cx-secre
tary of the interior, were described as
being "hopping mad" over the presi
dent's telegram. Senator Chamber
lain was the least talkative of all the
senators affected, although the hard
est hit of the number. A council of
war was called for tonight . at the
home of Senator Phelan of .California,
where several leading democrats in
dinner coats discussed seriously the
j president's pronuncia:
k supposed that any c
'"w' tion ever will be ma
jr publication and it is
f it would be printable
president s pronunciamento. It is not
of the conversa-
made available for
doubted if all o
itable even if released
for that purpose.
It is readily seen upon an analyst
of the telegrams exchanged by the
i.l.nt '. .1 AT I- H 'I in-. 1.... . . I
W"""-"' ... uir.
Wilson's message could have but little
Father of Slayer Arrests Youth
Who Is Thought to Have Be
come Demented in Ear Xorth.
SEATTLE, May 10. (Special.)
Rev. A. R. Hoare, missionary of the
Protestant Episcopal church and
known in this city, was shot end
killed at his isolated mission at Point
Hope, on the barren Arctic ocean 175
miles north of Nome,' by Janres Ma
guire. aged 18, on the evening of
April 27, according to radio advices7,
received Monday by W. T. Lopp, chief
of the United States bureau of edu
cation, Alaska division, with local
headquarters. The missionary was
returning from a 400-mile Journey by
sled made to Point Barrow, the
northernmost point of Alaska.
Yeung Maguire is the son of James
Maguire Sr., superintendent of the
northwest district of the bureau of
education at Kotzebue, Kotzebue
sound, north of Nome. Meagre radio
advices flashed here from Noorvik,
the northernmost wireless station in
Alaska, give but few details of the
grim tragedy at the Eskimo mission.
The youth is thought to have been
demented by long isolation on the
Arctic coast.
James Maguire, father of the boy,
arrived at the Point Hope mission
two hours after his son shot Rev. Mr.
Hoare and himself placed his own
son under arrest and is now escort
ing the youth by dog team 150 miles
to Candle, where a federal deputy
marshal maintains an office. Mrs.
Maguire and another child are nJw
residing in Los Angeles and Rev. Mr.
Hoare, on one of his trips to the out
side last summer, went to the Cali
fornia city and there induced Jimmie,
as the boy was called, to accompany
him to his Arctic mission and act as
his assistant.
Former Mrs. Leeds and Greek
Prince Held in Switzerland.
(Copyright by- the New York World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
LONDON. May 10. (Special Cable.)
Friends of Princess Christopher of
Greece, formerly Mrs. W. B. Leeds.
hear that she and her husband, whose
exact status has not been defined by
the Greek government, are most
anxious to come to London, but are
unable to obtain passports.
They claim that Premier Venizelos,
who was in favor of the marriage -of
Mrs. Leeds to Prince Christopher
when it 'took place in Switzerland
subsequently gave the couple diplo
matic passports, but, their friends as
sert, arranged with the allies that
vises should be refused so that the
prince and his wife are compelled to
reside in Switzerland.
Circuit Court Gives Judgment in
Favor of Government for $13,20-1.
Unitd States district court decision
directing Willard N. Jones to pay
$13,204, the value of certain public
lands in the Siletz Indian reserva
tion of Lincoln county, Oregon, which
he was alleged to have induced the
government to deed and convey to
him, was upheld by the United States
circuit court of appeals here today.
The government in the original suit
took, exception to the manner in
which, the deed had been secured.
The land was ceded to the United
States in 1892.
Two Constables and Sergeant Are
Shot to Death in Cork.
DUBLIN, May 10. Two constables
of the Timoleamue (Cork) police
station were shot dead on patrol duty
today by men in ambush. At Bandon
Sergeant Flynn was shot dead and
another constable wounded.
Police Sergeant McDonnell was shot
dead Sunday night near his hut at
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Net
Income Shows Advance.
' CHICAGO, May 10. Net income of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad in 1919 totaled $7,643,045,
equivalent to J6.57 a share on the
preferred stock, according to the an
nual report, made public today.
This compared with income of
$6,241,509, or $5.36 on preferredvstock
on preferred stock in 1918.
Aviator Ascends 17,100 Feet and
Carries Three Passengers.
EL CENTRO. Cal., May 10. Captain
Lowell H. Smith broke the world's
altitude record for an airplane car
rying a pilot and three passengers
today when he ascended 17,100 feet.
The plane was in the air two hours
and 40 minutes.
180 Members of Eaters' Associa
tion Raise Prices.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 10. Bread
prices were raised today by ISO Mil-
waukee bakers, members of the Master
i Bakers' association.
small loaves cost 11 cents,
luaves 16 cents and rolls IS cents.
Killing Revealed After Life
Term Is Given.
Eleanor Fraser Pushed Over
Falls in Spokane River.
Slayer, Who Says His Xame Is
Holden, Adds to LJst of Women ,
Married and . Killed.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 10. A
total of nine murders of his "wives'
hadv been confessed tonight by the
man who today, under the name of
James P. Watson, was sentenced to
serve a life term in San Quentin peni
tentiary for the slaying of Nina Lee
In making that statement Thomas
Lee Woolwine, district attorney, ex
pressed the opinion the prisoner had
laid bare all of the murders he was
alleged to have committed.
No additional information was ob
tainable on bigamous marriages
charged to the confessed murderer,
but officials declared the number was
in excess of 20.
Three of the alleged wife murders
became known Xoday. They were the
slaying of Mrs. W. A. Watt, Winnipeg,
Canada; Marie Austin and Eleanor
Fraser, both of Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. The first two were drowned
in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and the
latter in the Spokane river, Washing
ton, it was said. ,
Real Name Is If olden.
In addition the man asserted his
true name was Dan Holden and that
he had been born and reared in Ar
kansas and was of -a "respectable"
family. .
The ninth alleged murder was that
of Eleanor Fraser, who, according to
the district attorney, Holden admitted
he bad drowned in the Spokane river,
above the falls, near the city of Spo
kane. Holden had intimated before his
sentence that nothing more of his his
tory or alleged crimes would be ob
tained from him until he was assured
he would get a life sentence and not
sent to the gallows.
Holden was quoted by the district
attorney as saying he had married the
Fraser woman in Seattle a year ago
and "had pushed her into the river
and thought she had been carried
over the falls and crushed on the
rocks below."
This cleared up the mystery sur
rounding the fate of the woman
known previously to officers only as
"Eleanor." They had obtained some
information concerning her from- pa
pers in his possession.
Holden declined to state in just
what part of Arkansas he had been
born and reared, and would say only
that he was a member of "a respect
able family."
Watson, who earlier confessed the
murder of eight women, was sen
tenced today to life imprisonment at
San Quentin prison by Judge Willis
of the Los Angeles county superior
court. The sentence followed Wat
son's plea of guilty to the murder of
Nina Lee Deloney, entered last week.
Sentence was pronounced at 11:25
o'clock. Watson applied for a stay of
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
Legion of Honor Awarded to Com
mander of "Oregon's Own"
162d Regiment Overseas.
To Coionel John L. May, commander
of "Oregon's own" 162d regiment
overseas, has been awarded the cross
of the legion of honor of France, one
of the highest decorations of . the
French republic The cross was re
ceived by Colonel May yesterday, hav
ing been forwarded to him by William
S. Biddle, adjutant-general of the
United States army.
Colonel May was in command of the
old Third Oregon regiment and took
the aggregation to France. For a
considerable period he servedwith the
41st division, in charge of training
and replacing troops. He was located
with the fifth regional training sec
tion of the French army under Gen
eral Petain, and it was upon recom
mendation of that officer that he re
ceived the citation. The order of the
black star, the military division of
the legion of honor, was founded by
A large share of the' honor of the
decoration is given by Colonel May
to the Oregon troops, whose general
deportment and military behavior, he
declared, was such as to merit the
highest praise.
The statement accompanying the
French cross reads as follows:
"The grand chancellor of the na
tional order of the Legion of Honor
certifies that by decree of September
24, 1919, the president of the French
republic has conferred upon Colonel
John L. May of the American army
the decoration of officer of the Order
of the Black Star. Done at Paris,
September 24, 1919."
Hood River Forest Blaze Is Started
in Old Orchard.
HOOD RIVER, Or., May 10. (Spe
cial.) A forest fire starting on the
upper valley place of Judge L. N.
Blowers, where diseased apple trees
were being burned, broke bounds and
was driven across two miles of brush
land yesterday. The burn created
excitement and a messenger sum
moned the men of the neighborhood
from church services. The flames
were controlled before serious dam
age resulted.
To prevent an outbreak last night
Judge Blowers placed guards around
the burn.
Mr. Wilson Called Obstructionist
for Stand on Treaty.
CHICAGO, May 10. W. H. Taft to
day scored President Wilson for his
statement that the democratic party
must stand four-square for the Ver
sailles treaty in the coming campaign
"Mr. Wilson is the greatest obstruc
tionist in Washington," he said. "He
desires to destroy all if he cannot get
The ex-president defended the
Lodge reservations.
When asked if he were personally
interested in the coming republican
convention, he laughed and replied:
"No, not at all. Not a bit. No, sir.
Boh rd Barred From Disposing of
Ex-German Liners.
WASHINGTON. May 10. The ship
ping board, under a decree signed to
day by Justice Bailey in the district
supreme court, is perpetually en
joined from selling the 29 ex-German
liners seized when the United States
entered the war. An appeal was
Today's decreee resulted from a
suit brought by William Randolph
Hearst of New York.
Foreman of Construction, Native
of Scotland, Survived by
Widow and Family.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 10.
(Special.) James A. Atkins, a former
captain in the British merchant ma
rine, but a resident of this vicinity
since 1889, was killed at the Camas
paper mill at 9:30 'o'clock this morn
ing, when his clothing caught
in the n-achinery and he was whirled
around a shaft.
Mr. Atkins was born in Selkirk,
Scotland, in 1863. and entered the
British merchant marine in his early
youth. As & result of a wreck he
landed in the United States and even
tually became a citizen. He worked
in Vancouver throughout the con
otrofction of the North Bank Bteel
bridge and later was captain on the
river steamers takinc rock from
Fisher's landing to the mouth of the
Willamette river. Since the rock
quarry was closed he has been fore
man of construction at the paper mills
in Camas.
He .was a resident of Fishers since
1889, where he had a farm. He is sur
vived by the widow. Mrs. Anne Eliza
beth Atkins, three sons, Gordon A. of
Portland and Clyde A. Atkins and
Leslie S. Atkins, and a daughter, Mrs.
rtoiand Hitchcock, all of Fishers.
xne runeral will be held at 2:30
o'clock Wednesday. May 12, and in
terment will be in the Fishers ceme
" ' - AiKins was a Mason, a
member of Washington lodge No. 4
lnis city. The Camas lodge of
Masons will conduct the services.
Butter and Vegetable. Trices Drop
in Seattle Market.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 10. (Spe
cial) The high cost of living was
jolted in Seattle this morning when
the prices of butter and vegetables In
the wholesale market declined. Butter
dropped 2 cents a pound, owing to an
increased supply of milk, and is now
oiierea to the retal trade at 56 cents,
Strawberries fell off 25 cents a
crate, selling today at $4.75 and $5 for
a crate of 20 baskets. Rhubarb could
be purchased at almost any price be
cause oi. me nign price of sugar. It
was quoted as low as 3 cents a pound
and new potatoes were down to 11
cents a pound, a decline of 1 cent
since Saturday.
i-opuiauon Increase of 38.3 Per
Cent Over 1910 Reported.
WASHINGTON, May 10. Census
figures made public today were:
Berkeley. Cal., 55,886, increase 15,
432, or 38.2 per cent.
Webster. Mass., 13,258, increase 1749,
or 15.2 per cent.
Hartford, Conn., 138,036, increase of
39,121, or 39.6 per cent.
cnampaign, III., 15,873, increase
34a2, or 27.8 per cent.
d.ui.uii, j.i.u, 4u,?.s, increase 47o, or
4.5 per cent., in., iu,;.b, increase 1985, or
24.1 per cent.
Connecticut's Governor AVill Not
Grant Wish of Suff ragists.
HARTFORD, Conn., May 10. Gov
ernor Marcus Holcomb, replying to
the request made by the "flying
squadron" of suffragists representing
the 48 states, again has declined ic
call a special session of the Con
necticut legislature to act on the
woman suffrage amendment.
His decision was given in a letter
to Miss Katherine Ludington. presi
dent of the Connecticut Woman's Suf
frage association, made public tonight.
Conductor Says Pilot Replied
to Siding Signal.
Injured Trainman Tells of Trying
to Rush Ahead to Give Warning
When Smash-Up Occurred.
Another fatality was added to the
list of victims of the Southern Pacific
electric train wreck Sunday morning
near Bertha station when Miss Ca
mllle A. Dosch, society editor of The
Oregonian, died at 1:45 this morning
at Good Samaritan hospital from in
juries sustained in the head-on col
lision. The death of Miss Dosch
brought the number of fatalities to
Although Miss Dosch showed signs
of improvement yesterday morning,
she suffered a decided change for
the worse during the afternoon and
by 6 o'clock her condition had be
come alarming. At that time attend
ing physicians held out only slight
hope for her recovery.
Death was due primarily to the
nervous shock caused by the serious
nature of her injuries. She sus
tamed a compound fracture of the
right leg-, a fracture of the left leg,
a fractured collarbone, injuries to the
chest and other deep cuts and bruises
about the head and body.
Wreck Laid to Motorman.
A momentary lapse of memory on
the part of Silas K. Willett. motor-
man of Southern Pacific train No.
124, is believed by Southern Pacific
officials to have been the cause for
the fatal head-on collision.
In his investigation of the trag
edy yesterday. A.- T. Mercier, super
intendent of the Southern Pacific
learned that, contrary to earlier re
ports, train No. 124 had stopped at
Bertha station to take on passengers
and just as the train was pulling
out of the station Austin Pharis. con
ductor, signaled his motorman to take
the siding just east of the station.
Willett Answers Slgaal.
Willett, the investigation developed,
answered this signal with the ac
knowledging two blasts of his
whistle, but instead of slowing down
to take the siding his train speeded
on toward the death curve.
"Just as we were leaving Bertha
I gave Willett the signal to stop
at the siding to meet No. 107," Con
ductor Pharis asserted in a state
ment yesterdav to Superintenden
Mercier and Fred A. Rasch, examine
of the public service commission.
"Willett acknowledged the signal.
Cut failed to stop at the siding.
Knowing instantly that something
must be wrong, I rushed forward
but before I could reach . the fron
vestibule the crash came."
Emergency Brake Not Used.
Investigation yesterday also dis
closed that Conductor Pharis failed
to apply the emergency air brake
when he found his train speeding
past the meeting pojnt for the out
going electric
It is a railroad rule that when two
trains are to pass on a siding th
conductor of one train must know
(Concluded on Pago 8. Column 4.)
Payments for Home Service AVould
Be Cut Down and AVould Drag
Over 12 Installments.
WASHINGTON, May 10. Republi
can members of the house ways and
means committee agreed today to
bring in a substitute bill for the
soldier bonus bill with the proposal
for a one per cent tax on sales
eliminated as a means of raising
necessary funds. Other tax provi
sions would be extended over three
Under the new bill compensation
for home service is reduced from
$1.25 to $1 for each day of service,
while payments for foreign service
remain at $1.25 . day. Fayments
would be made for service from April
1917. to July 1, 1919. under the
new bill instead of from April b,
1917, to January 1, 1920, as under the
pending measure.
Payments of the cash bonus would
begin April 1, 1921, and be continued
n 12 quarterly installments. The
four options for the cash bonus,
home or farm aid, paid up insurance
and tuition for education, would have
a 40 per cent increase in value over
the cash bonus under the substitute
measure, instead of being determined
on a basis of $1.75 a day for each
day of service. The plan of reclama
tion of land to provide farms was
changed in the substitute bill to
eliminate the $1000 loan and also to
reduce authorization for carrying out
the scheme from $300,000,000 to $250,
000,000. Republicans estimated approxi
mately $400,000,000 in the cost of the
original measure had been eliminated
and that the remodeled bill would
call for an expenditure of $400,000,
000. Taxes levied by the bill would be
come effective next December and
would include the increase on in
comes, tobacco and real estate sales
and a new levy on stock and grain
exchange transactions.
Knox Resolution to Be Called V"p
in Senate Today.
WASHINGTON, May 10. A vote by
Thursday or Friday on the resolution
to end the status of war with Ger
many and Austria was the aim of
senate leaders in arranging today to
call up the resolution tomorrow. Re
publicans plan to keep it continually
before the senate until the vote is
Senator McCuraber of NortV Dakota,
a leader of the so-called "mild reser
vation" group, is to speak tomorrow
against the Knox measure, proposing
repeal of the German and .Austrian
war declarations.
Circus AValchcd From East Portico
of AVhite House.
WASHINGTON, May 10. President
Wilson reviewed the season's opening
circus parade today from the east
portico of the White House.
Seated Mn a chair, he laughed at
the antics of the clowns and sev
eral times removed his cap in ac
knowledgement of the greetings by
the circus folks.
' The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 64
degrees; minimum, 3S degrees.
TODAY'S Fair and warmer; heavy frost
in morning; westerly winds.
free in Mexican
Blood flows
Page 3.
Hap at Chamberlain candidacy by presi
dent is denied by Tumulty. Fa;e 1.
Republicans agree to trim cost bonus.
Page 1.
Mexico aK craft. ex-Consul-Urncral Cham
berlain tells senate investigators.
Page 4.
Daniels turns fli-e on Sims at. senate in
quiry. Pge
U. rf. unofficially watching Germany's at
titude to peace treaty. Page .1.
Wilson call to rr?ke treaty campaign issue
draws fire from oppponcntsi Page 6.
flcds throw socialist convention Into up
roar when they attack conservative
programme submitted. Paso 5.
$14.15 net profit on each lOO-pound sack of
KUgrar realized by Ctah-ldaho company.
Page 2.
Senator Iodce named temporary chair
man for republican convention. Page 2.
Bluebeard" "Watson tells of ninth murder.
Page 1.
Methodists in genera! conference report
progress by movie films. Page 4.
Pacific Northwest.
Missionary in Alaska is ki:lcd by his
protege at far northern mission. Page 1.
Ex-British apiain killed In Camas fac
tory. Page I.
Beavers due for tough games while on
present trip. Page 14.
Portland Golf club players qualify for
directors' cup. Pago 14.
McCarty and Murphy in shape for match
at Milwaukie arena tomorrow night.
Pago 15.
Commercial and Marine.
Week looms as one of busiest for port.
Page 22. .
First pool of Oson mohair sells at 50
cents. Page 2U.
Advance In Canadian wheat lifts Chicago
corn market. Pago 22.
Stock prices yield with lack of support.
Page 23.
Portland and Vicinity.
Names of 60 movie viewers to be presented
to board of censors. Pago 13.
Four who race on streets draw fines and
Jail sentence. Page 12.
Laughter of child Is silenced by wreck.
Page S.
Wreck blame put on lapse of memory by
motorman. Page 1.
Gasoline famino menaces industry. Page 1.
ilamakcr-Wilson attack on Chamberlain
bode evil at national convention
Page 4.
Colonel John T.. May gets French war dec
oration for training troops. Page 1.
Colonel Hofer owns 0.000 income in
talk against salary increase. Page -'6.
Governor Asked to Suspend
Gravity Test Law.
Tractors Idle on Farms Near The
Dalles Astoria Fishing; Firms
. Appeal for Aid.
NEW YORK, May 10. Motor
ists today became latest victims
of advancing prices.
The Standard Oil company of
New York announced that the
price of gasoline to garages
would be raised to 30 cents a
gallon, an increase of 1 cents,
while independents were re
ported to bo quoting "gas" as
high as 32 cents. This, it was
said, would mean that the re
tail price would be at least 34
cent? Today's advance brings
advances since January 1 to 22
per cent.
But price advances for oil
products were not confined
solely to gasoline. Prices on
virtually all oil products con
tinued to rise, based on an ex
tension of the long-sustained
An authority in the oil trade
was quoted, in effect, as declar
ing that the domestic supply of
oil is far below demand and
that the requirements of motor
cars and trucks in parts of the
United States calls for about S5
per cent of the present pro
The gasoline supply to passenger
automobiles will be cut off completely
within a few days by the Standard Oil
company unless the present gasoline
shortage is relieved. This drastia
measure will be necessary to prevent
the complete disruption of industries,
farming, fishing and road building ia
Oregon, according to J. E. Balsley.
sales manager of the company..
State Treasurer Hoff spent the day
in Portland yesterday with W. A.
Dalziel, deputy state scaler of weights
and measures, endeavoring to arrange
for the suspension of the specific
gravity test law temporarily, but up
to a late hour yesterday had not suc
ceeded. State Treasurer Hoff will confer
with Attorney-General Brown this
morning to learn what steps must be
taken to give proper assurance to oil
companies operating in Oregon that
they will not be prosecuted for sell
ing gasoline below the 56-degreo
gravity required by tie state law
during the emergency.
Mrh.firld Physicians Appeal.
Urgent appeal for action by the
governor to relieve the gasoline
shortage was contained in a telegram
from the Commercial club of Marsh
t'icld. Marshfield has but a six-hour
supply of gasoline allocated to physi
cians and business concerns, accord
ing to the wire. No gasoline i3 avail
able there for passenger automobiles.
Business men of Bandon wired the
governor requesting that they bo al
lowed to ship gasoline to Bandon
from California. Little gasoline re
mains in this city with little pros
pect for renewed stock, it was said.
The seriousness of the present gaso
line shortage was called to tho at
tention of Governor Olcott yesterday
by telegrams from business men of
Astoria and ranch owners of The
Dalles, the former telling the gov
ernor that unless relief was accorded
the gasoline situation the fishing and
canning industry now In the midst
of the spring pack would be tied up
completely, and the latter informing
the governor that because of lack of
gasoline hundreds of tractors in east
tern Oregon were idle.
Crippled Industry Looms.
' From other parts of the state came
word that supplies of gasoline were
fast dwindling and with apparently
no relief in sight, farming and other
industries will be severely crippled.
Oregon is not alone in gasoline
shortage, according to Thomas H.
Hays, vice-president of the Union Oil
company of California, who says that
a shortage of 100.000,000 gallons of
gasoline now exists on the Pacifio
"In Oregon you say that you must
have a special gasoline," said Mr.
Hayes. "This gasoline that you de
mand is not one whit better than the
gasoline prepared for use in Wash
ington, California and other states.
Not only does it cost more to pre
pare tho Oregon gasoline, but in ad
dition it creates an added burden to
the refineries. It would relieve the
general situation to some extent if
the refineries could concentrate on
one general commercial product."
That a shortage will exist despite
(.Concluded on Page 7, Column 1