Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 10, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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G. 0. P.
14 Vital Issues Chosen From
7000 Offerings.
Price InTestlgation and Co-operation
of Capital and Labor in
Production Advised.
NEW YORK, May 9. (Special.)
The average eitizen who casts" his
vote and is not usually heard , has
written a platform.
More than 7000 planks were sub
mitted :n the New York Tribune's re
publican platform contest. From them
the judges, have secelected a prize
platform of ten planks, representing
the ten issues that received the
greatest number of votes.
For the best plank 1500 was award
ed, for the second best $250. For each
of the eight next best $100, and for
the best letter - written during the
contest, $100.
Ten Flanks In Platform.
The following platform of ten
planks was written by conestanta in
the Tribune's republican platform con
test. The ten issues were determined
by votes cast during- the contest.
Four additional plank? were chosen,
because the judges believed that the
issues they represented wer essential.
The order in which the planks irpear
is according to the vote.
Capital and labor We recognln m
Indisputable the right of ' labor te
organize and to bargain collectivelj
but not to strike when such actio
violates the law or menaces publu
welfare. To protect the nation as J
whole from Injury by controversiei
which 'concern ctirectly-only a small
minority, we pledge the enactment oi
legislation to increase the account
ability of both unions and employers
and to compel the arbitration of those
disputes which affect the production
and distribution of the necessaries of
life. W. R. Fishre, Princeton, N. J.
Safeguards for IT. S. Urged.
Foreign relations (First prize.)
We believe that the United States has
an international duty, but we do not
believe in internationalism. The re
publican party has favored and still
favors the immediate ratification ot
the treaty of peace, but with such
reservations as will safeguard our
traditions and interests. We are not
opposed to a league of nations "where
international law may be codified and
disputes arbitrated, but we are un
alterably opposed lo the league of na
tions in its present form. The inter
ests of the world and ourstVyes de
mand that we continue our .policy of
avoiding entangling alliances. Ray
mond C. Ellis, 177 Montague street,
Americanization It is. impossible
for us to expect the automatic as
similation of a large alien population.
"Americans can best be made by edu
cation. Accordingly, the republican
party advocates the extension of
Americanization work among our
aliens by the enactment of laws re
quiring, as a condition precedent to
admission to citizenship, attendance
upon a school, maintained at public
expense, where the alien would re
ceive instruction in the English lan
guage and citizenship for the period
between his declaration of intention
and his examination for admission to
citizenship. A. A. Gross, 44 Neal
street, Portland, Or.
Universal Training Favored.
National defense The republican
party, believing that the rights and
privileges of citizenship carry with
them duties and obligations, favors a
system of universal military training
modeled upon the Swiss system.
Mabel F. Yeomans, Cornell university.
Cost of living The cost of living is
rapidly threatening the ' national
safety, and is one of the chief .causes
of the growing spirit of unrest. Wo
favor a thorough investigation of the
causes of high prices and pledge our
party to do its utmost to reduce them.
We appeal to capital and labor to
work together in harmony for in
creased production. This is without
doubt the first step that should be
taken to lower the cost of living
Ruth L.
Benjamin, 46 West Eighty-
third street.
New York city.
Power Usurpation Rapped.
The constitution This republic is
a government of checks and balances
and of distributed powers, and it can
not truly function without a faithful
observance of this principle. We con
demn the usurpation of power exer
cised by the executive during the Wil
son regime and pledge ourselves to
restore to the different branches of
government their true canstitutional
power. Richard Marlowe, Elmira,
New York.
Bolshevism. (Second prize.) The
republican party realizes that the
country should not be stampeled by
passion or prejudice into any too pre
cipitate action against radical forces.
The right of free speech and assembly
should be jealously guarded. In pros
ecuting radical agitators, the consti
tutional distinction between parties
advocating revolutionary change with
the use of force and those advocating
evolutionary change by constitutional
methods should be recognized. Ern
est M. Spaulding, 28 Richardson Hall,
Kdncatlon Secretary Wanted.
Education The republican party
favors the establishment of a national
department of education, with a sec
retary of education, who shall "have a
place in the president's cabinetlr-Cy-rus
G. Milne, 3936 Fulton street,
Woodhaven, Long Island.
Conservation We advocate co-operation
between national and state gov
ernments to safeguard the supply or
natural wealth for future generations
and to guarantee economy in its use
for present needs. Specifically, we
favor more extensive irrigation and
reclamation, instruction in the rota
tion of crops and in efficient agricul
tural methods, regulations to insure
less waste in the extraction of min
erals, more adequate prevention of
forest fires, utilization of water
po'fer for fuel, and improvement of
waterways to render them navigable.
The federal ggvernment should also
exercise greater care in the disposi
tion of lands, so that only legitimate
sottlers may be accommodated. J. W.
Friedman, 26 New York avenue',
Brooklyn, New York.
Taxation The republican party ad
vocates the repeal of all war taxes
that kiH initiative, as well as the
spreading of our war debt over a long
term of years, and we pledge the
party to the development and execu
tion of a plan for the reduction of
taxation. . We further advocate such
a reduction in the cost of administra
tion as will make possible the reduc
tion of taxation which we promise.
C. A. Lemmers, budget and efficiency
commissioner. State House, Denver.
The four additional planks are "as
Tariff We urge the return to the
policy of a protective tariff. W be-
For Your Choicest Blouses
or Heaviest Blankets
You know with what care you plunge your choice blouses. It
1s juBt this same lifting and dropping: with the added feature of
pumping the hot. soapy water and air through the fabrics- that
makes the "Daylight" so popular with folks who have, many nice
things to be laundered. y- .
Then. too. there's the other side of It. .Because the machine
does not tire like one's arm it can wash the heaviest blankets.
The big three-in-one. Triple Disc Cones keep steadily at it The
continued passage of the air through the -blankets gives them
that fluffy, new feeling which can .only be had when they are
washed in this way.
Any of the dealers listed below will be" glad to show you the
"Daylight" at your own convenience:
Portland Tt a 1 1-
Portland Ball
I way. Light &
Power Co., Elec
tric Bldg.
Olds. Wortman
. King. Morri-
! son & W. Park.
Kennard i
: Ad
ams. !9
iams ave.
Pierce Tomlln
son Electric Co.,
-SB Oak St.
Grand Electric
Co.. 127 Grand
.Chris F. Heick,
901 Belmont st.
Wm. Gahlsdorf,
Salem. Or.
Portland Rail
way. LlEbt
Power Co.. Sa
lem. Or.
lieve that had the principles of the
republican party been carried out in
the last ten years, this country would
not today be dependent upon Europe,
for drugs, dyes and numerous other
necessaries Which have aggravated
the high cost of living.-" Dr. Ethel
Hurd, Minneapolis, Minn.
Definite Mexico' Policy Urged.
Mexican Question To secure from
infringement the rights of Americans
in Mexico and to render our southern
border safe from attack are among
the first duties of the government. To
this end we believe a definite policy
uniformly asserted far more effectual
than neglect alternated With unsup
ported threats. If armed interven
tion seems the only methdd certain to
maintain American rights, then inter
vention should be thorough and com
plete. A. T. Otis, White Plains, N. Y.
Budget Expenditures of the gov
ernment should be determined upon
and made in accordance with a regu
lated system, and not haphazard, as
they have been heretofore. We, there
fore, pledge ourselves to establish a
budget syste mof expenditures, so that
the , finances of the government may
be 'administered in accordance with
recognized business, principles. H. G.
Chase, 835 Park Row building. New
York city.
Merchant marine We favor an
American merchant marine, privately
owned, and such governmental assist
ance as will enable it to compete with
the merchant marine of other nations,
so that American goods can be car
ried in American bottoms, under the
American flag. William E. Ecker,
750 Broad street. New York city.
EfctaJ jBJ KAkial WtnflnCanl
' J(jy
That Wonderful Kid From
I'll See Yon in C-U-B-A
Lazy Mississippi
Rose of Virginia A2909
Abe Kabbibble at the Ball Game
Abe Kabbibble Dictates a Letter A2907
When My Baby Smiles at Me (Fox Trot)
Rose of Washington Square (Medley
Fox Trot) '. A2908
Who Wants a Baby (Medley Fox Trot)
The Crocodile (Fox Trot) A2010
Delilah (Medley Waltz)
In Shadowland (Waltz) A6147
Mikado Medley (Overture).
Mile. Modiste Medley (Overture) A6146
Don't Forget, "This Store Is Record Headquarters"
Bush &Lane Piano Co.
Bush & Lane Bldg.
way. 1 1 g h t &
Power Co.. Ore
gon City. Or.
Apple Citv Elec
tric Shop, Hood
River. Or.
.T. D. Hibbs Co,.
Independence, Or.
Portland Rail
way, L. I g-.h t ' &
'Power Co., Van
couver, Wash.
Grand R a p 1 d s
Furniture C o.,
Vancouver, "Wn.
General Salen Cor
poration. IMwtrlb
uter. 718 Miftalon
fct., San FranciHCe,
Seattle Branch,
1010 N. 47th st.
Portland Branch.
1021 Hancock st.
Made Br
Mfg. Co.
Despondency Due lo Loss ot Money
Believcd Cause of Act.
Harvey C. Huffman, 3S, a salesman
for William Waltke & Company, St.
Lcuis, Mo., committed suicide some
time Saturday night or yesterday
m m
morninc bv drinkinr carbolic acid
in. a room at the Rama no hotel. Four
teenth and Washington streets. The
man was found dead yesterday morn
ing by F. AV. Kenyon of the Ramapo
hotel, an acquaintance. The body was
turned over to Deputy Coroner Leo
Huffman bad been staying at the
Ramapo hotel for the last three
weeks. He is - said to have been
drinking of late and to have been
Motorcycle Patrolmen . Stiles and
Wiles, who made an investigation
reported that they found a letter
which Huffman had written to a
brother, Frank Huffman. New' Paris,
O. In the letter he mentioned that
he had lost $250 and said he did not
have the courage to "face the music.
Woman Admits Murder.
DEMING, N. M., May 9. The case
of Mrs. Maud Doster, accused of mur
dering her common-law husband. Cap
tain Wade Doster, United States medi
cal corps, came to a dramatic end
this afternoon when District , Judge
Raymond R. Ryan accepted a plea of
guilty - to second degree murder on
the plea of. Defense Attorney R. F.
RWrTFW SaJPnS T'Ti f' W9
MMbbbbbI anUtannWl aaaWalaaaaS ajajg bbbbbbUmI Mafaaaal Ifl
Mid - Month
y-jusi out!
A2898 $1.00
Come in and hear them
. order by phone.
Complete line of Grafonolas on
Convenient Terms
Mail this ad for catalogues.
Broadway at Alder
Main 817.
OjO Guaranteed, try
Your children's favorite, formerly with Meier & Frank,,
now conducting the
Ideal Children's Haircutting Parlor
315-16 Medical Bldg.,
wishes to announce the enlargement of the only ex
clusive children's haircutting parlor in Portland.
After devoting eight years to the study of scientific
children's haircutting, we are able to give a thorough
attention unobtainable elsewhere. Now specially equip
ped to give the imported C&steel Shampoo so beneficial
to the delicate scalp of a child.
The mothers' rest room in connection is thoroughly
equipped to give comfort while waiting.
Lady in Attendance.
Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian
Main 7070 A 6095
TOASTING makes the
Lucky Strike cigarette
You like to spend your money
in exchange for real facts. We give
them to you about Lucky Strike.
Lucky Strike it's toasted. It's
toasted to improve the flavor of
the Burley tobacco. The result is
perfect. You cannot obtain this
delicious toasted flavor, in any
other cigarette.
PAre you a pipe smoker? Then try
Lucky Strike pipe tobacco. Made
from the finest Burley tobacco that,
money can buy. The toasting process
seals in the Burley flavor and takes out
every bit of bite. It's toasted.
, I N C o at a o at AT
which means that if
Cigarettes you can-get
to Mothers
ci j-pN "17 c-1
11 Im Li Lmbzi
e o
you don't like LUCKY STRIKE
your money back from the dealer.
S3 E' I
m 7 'at. JiimuiiH mmiiMTBrarosra:
It May Be
the Heat
HOWEVER, don't
take chances. -Consult
your physician first
and then , bring your
prescription to the store
of "Dependable Drugs"
for filling. ,
Isn't it a relief from anxiety
to know that this store is
open day and night to serve
' We Never Close
-n 2? AMOALOett sts.
DunME MAIN 721 .
Coal Prices
depend on freight rates.
Freight rates are
Due to
increase soon, as the rail
roads are asking for a 24
per cent
Buy your coal right now,
you will have to pay con
siderably more.
Phone your want ads to The Ore0
niiiii, -Mam iOT'J. . u.oiiuuil- 360-9.