THE MORNING OREGONIAX, MONDAY,, MAT 10, 1920 13 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. IRRIGATED ALFALFA FARM. HIGHLY IMPROVED. 67-acre ' IrrlKated alfalfa farm Joining the city limits of Redmond, Oregon, which in a town of about 100 population and still growing, principal trading and shipping point for a large acreage of irri gated lands; 2 banks, high, school, electric lights, city water system, telephones; this farm has about 40 acre sin alfalfa and IS acres plowed and in fine shape for po tatoes, which should produce $500 per acre above expenses other farmers in this neighborhood have , made more than this on pota toes this year; has good 5-room bungalow, silo, barn and other out buildings; It is level and easily ir rigated: the main irrigation canal fend main highway from The Dalles to California, which is to b paved, is in front of the door; owner has applied for electric lights, which will be Installed soon; this farm properly handled will pay for It self in two or three years and will bear inspection. Owner's repre sentative from Hedmond will be in Portland at the office of Coe A. McKenna & Co., 82 Fourth St., May 10, 11 and 12. and you can get further particulars by call ing at the above address. ASK FOR MR. MURROW, 62 Jfourth, Street. CANADIAN" FARM LANDS Tour last op portunity; In central Alberta and Sas katchewan are rich park lands, open prairie ready for the plow. Interspersed with trees, which afford excellent shelter lor stock. Here grain-growing, dairying and livestock are being carried on mc ceBsfully. The country Is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands In the Lloydminster and Battle lord district!. This fertile land will be come home of thousands of prosperous farmers. Near Lloydminster the world's prize oats have been grown, and on sim ilar land Searper Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat, and butter of "the highest quality Is made. A man can soon become independent on a farm In This district, -tt'heso lands can be bought now at prices averaging about $18 an acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If land Is purchased under settlement con ditions no further payment of principal until the .end of fourth year, then 16 annual payments, interest at t per cent. For . literature or further particulars. Canadian Pacific railway, 2fs Railway Kxchange bid.. Portland, Or.. L. P. Thornton, district representative. FOR SALE By owner. Willamette valley farm in Linn county of 120 acras; 2 creeks, family orchard, 6-room house jUHt remodeled, nearly new horse barn, row barn 40x45, outbuildings, carrying $2500 in&uram-e on buildings; 300 acres has been under plow, plenty fine pas ture, good stand timber; government loan of 20O, wMch speaks okeh for land; this place can't be beat for stock, dairying and general farming; will sell Btucl furniture, wood rawing outfit, de livery truck, everything, if desired; ac count serious illness will sell for $7000 and asnume; .will be at Oregon Hotel until Monday noon, or write to me at fcclo. Or. R. K. .Man tor. B0 A.. CLACK A At AS CO., all colt.; good loam sotl ; 20 A. of bearing orchard. trees have been well cared for and arc in A-l condi tion, with prospects for a good crop this year. The other 2d A. is now in crop; good 8-room house with hot and cold water, large modern barn, water tank, wind mill ; stock and farm equipment in cluded with this place at $13,000, on terms or trade. Here's a chance for a fruit man to make the price ot this place in a very short time. Mr. Jesse. 527 t Cor bett bldg. . IS ACRES. 8 acres crop, balance timber, asy cleared; 5-room plastered house, large barn, chicken house and woodshed, all new ; on graveled road 1 mile from Hillsboro, Oregon. Price $5000. terms. 100 acres, on highway and well Im proved. Price $25,000. good terms.- We have other good buys, both large and malt. WASHINGTON COUNTY REALTY CO.. Hilisboro, Oregon. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at tha right price, it will .pay you to see me before buyiing. I can -save you money. I have some 500 fine farms: my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or writs to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-1 Board of Trade Building. . ' 40 ACRES, nearly all in high state of cul tivation: dandy eieek. with chance for a tine lake; beautiful place for a horns or summer resort; only 11 miles from Portland, fin good auto road; Ideal farm, enjoying clone communication with Port land; o wrier is an old gentleman and can not occupy the property himself, for that reason wishes to sell; $tjr00, $1000 cash will handle the deal. Kor particulars . call at 4'4 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. HOt; RANCH on rented place for sale, with best of feed routes In town: build ings and equipment enough to feed 400 boss and one 2-ton Standard truck in good condition. Also have chicken ranch, buildings enough to handle 1000 laying bens with BoO-egg incubator, brooder and dome laying hens. Will sell same with hog ranch or separate. See Fred Lee. Take MA Kenton car. walk to foot of Argyle and Columbia blvd. " REAL BARGAIN FOR $.1000. 3 miles of Oregon City; 14 acres, 11 planted ; small creek, best soli, rolling; buildings small; G cows, horse, buggy and cmp. This is tho price of bare land in neighborhood. $2100 down, balance 3 years. Owner, F. Bombard, 600 Duane at., Oregon tuy. WAKTBO REAL KSTATE. HOMES WANTED - HOMES WANTED HOMES WANTED HUNDREDS SOLD THRU OUR OFFICE n. C. GOUDKNBER'i. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803. "35 YRS. IN PORTLAND RELIABLE SERVICE CLIENTS WAITING ; MANY WITH CASH. LIST TODAY. WE ARE SELL ING THE HOUSES. WE EARNESTLY NEED YOURS NOW. G. C. OOLDENBERO. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4303. "35 YRS. IN PORTLAND" HAVE nartv wanting 6-room house in close-in east side district, prefer corner with east and south exposure ; win pay up to $6000. with $1200 down, balance arranged. Ask for Mr. Rogers. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 203. W ANT SUBURBAN HOME. Have 2 clients wanting from V acre to 3 acres, with either small bouse or thoroughly modern bungalow. Can get Vou quick, action ir price is nou F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Beautify Portland. WANTED v-rnom modern house In Sun nvstde or Hawthorne district. value Sft.ftO. will pay fiono cash. Ask for Mr. Rogers. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamoer of Commerce bldg. ALain zua. I AM EARNESTLY in need of modern places in any good dtsi riet. Call Mr. Clearwater. J. U hAnlMAA COM PAN Y. Main 208. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers watting who want homes rang Ing from $3000 to $6000 in good dis trict Phone, write or call. ' COE A. McKENNA A CO., 2 Fourth St- Main 4522. WANTED Business building. Front v First streets, between Madison and Mor rison; I also want west side houses, nan cling west Aide property is my soeclaltv. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce building. WANTED Six or 7-room bouse in good district up to $4000. Buyer will make food pay men rs. 1ENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St MUST you sell your house quickly? Quick action ana ine cann J or oargain. 34 tnamoer oi commerce. WANTED To buy furnished house. 3 to u rooms; w flown and $io monthly pay Tuenta at o per cent. J b, oregonian. WANT ttt buy 4 or 5-room modern hnmc east side, give full particulars. Address k. a., son. aei., Astoria, or. - PARTY with cash wants 5 or 6-room bun galow; must be close In. modern and reasons oie. AC S4 7. oregonian WANTED To buy small rooming or apt. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 0'ER ONE MILLION DOLLARS worth of homes sold SINCE JANUARY 1. IOL'0. BY FRAN K L. MAGUI R K. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results? Try our live, effi cient method of, home selling (no charge except the standard brokerage of 0 per cent In the event of a satisfactory sale). Our record: 800 homes sold during 1019. 9 homes sold in one day, March 0, 1920. 112 homes sold in March, 1920. 414 homes sold since January 1, 1920. We personally-inspect and photograph every house listed. We display all photo graphs in our large showrooms, which , are continuaJly thronged with earnest home buyers. Your home is sold V listed with us. We need it today. If you can not come down, telephone uh and we'll gladly call. Fourteen experienced sales men with autos to work on the sale of your home. FRANK L. MA GUI RE To Sell? our Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Deal With an Old Reliable Firm. WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW. .We are celling more homes than ever; are better equipped to handle your prop erty than ever before. We will call, photo and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your home is as good as sold. We advertise ex tensively, have seven salesmen with autos to show you property. We have cash buyers waiting. Phone us. Do it now. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 583. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very, easy terms; we have sold over 600 homes in the last year. If you want action list with us. Fred W. German Co., 72 Chamber of Commerce. Farms W anted. WE HAVE many calls for- well-located, improved valley farms, on or near the highway. 30 to 50 acres, within 35 mites of Portland. If your price is right we can sell it. We also want two small acreages, with fair buildings, about (250O, close to car line. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. FOR SALE Sellers' contract of $2S0O. will take small house on the sain a. Phone Main 27r,7. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Dairy farm 145 acres, 16 mgn-graae jerseys, crops ana imple ments; none but a first-class dairyman need apply. J. L. -Talbot, Jefferson, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1 TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS $1 pt-r 1000 feet. 30-3." million feet, Doiiglas fir and hemlock. In ideal log ging country in Linn Co., Oregon. Mut be sold immediately to close estate. J. Michaels, 324 7th sL N., La Crosse, Wis. WANTED Bridge plank and tin.bcrs; al ways in me mantel. w . k. uavis, iou Lumbermens bldg., Portland. Or. TO KX CHANGE REAL ESTATE. BY OWNER, t.ave commission, a dandy tu-acre farm. 20 cleared, balance nearly cleared ; crop in ; 5-room house ; large barn and silo, chick en-bouses and rurts; all fenced; fine soil; 2 acres strawberries, orchard : 5 fine Jersey cows, 3 heifers; good team, I. O. I. C. brood sow, far rowing soon; 85 chlckenS; cream sep arator, gas engine, 2 wagons, 1 buggy, mower, 2-horse cultivator, 1 12-inch plow ; 1 year's wood ; all other tools; close to school and church, near paved road. All for $7000. Take house to $4000 and some cash, balance terms. Come to Vancouver then to Orchard, then north west 2 miles to my place, or take Si f ton cars to Orchard. R. 1. Gillihan, owner, Vancouver, R. 6. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 160 acres, Lincoln county ranch, two room log house and unfinished attic, barn, chicken house, well. 5 acres under cultivation, 40 acres slashed, 35 acres fenced, about 100 acres tillable land after cleared and 60 acres, best kind of second-growth fir. Will trade for a house in Portland up to equal value. Mt. Scott district considered. Price $1330. The stock: 1 cow, 1 heifer, 1 calf, 1 steer, 1 horse and some chick ens, not included in the price, but can be bought at reasonable price. E. A. LINDGREN Savon Land Co., 35 N. W. Bank Bldg. BENTON COUNTY FARM. 70 acres. GO cultivated, bal. pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced, mostly woven wire; 25 acres in crop, balance ready for spring crop; 8- room modern house, good barn 40x60 and all outbuild ings; all stock and equipment to handle good ranch; nice family orchard and all kinds of berries;- on good gravel road, 1 mile to R. R. town; price $:ro0; mort gage $3000; balance cash; or would con sider i-room house in Portland up to $3000. SEE BROWN & BIDDT.E. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. - 46 ACRES, Clackamas Co., easy driving distance of Portland, on good road, beat of loam soil, first class dwelling, 7 rgoras, fireplace, hot and cold -water, large barn, chicken house, hog house, wagon shed, good fences, bearing family orchard, crops all inr stock and tools go with place. Price only $7000, terms or trade. Mr. Ackley, Main 714L 250-8. 60-ACRE farm in Washington Co., near Forest Grove. Very rich loam soil, 40 acres cultivated and in crop, good 8-room dwelling, family orchard and berries, farm tools of all kinds, 8 milk cows, several head of young stock, team, wagon and harness. Owner is getting old and will sell for $10,5"0, on easy terms or part trade. Mr. Ackley. Main 7141. 60-12. $4100 EQUITY in 5-room modern bunga iow; nrepiace and xurnace ana duiii-jhb, full cemenf basement, garage, chicken house and runs; lot 100x100; garden and fruit trppfi : to exchange for grocery store; price $5000; mortgage $000. What nave you? SEE BROWN & BIDDLE 324 Ry. Exch. Bldg Phone Mar. 3331. EXCHANGES. We can handle your properties, farms for city property of an Kinas ana epl houses- houses, etc.. for other proper ties; deals from $2O00 to $.",00,000. See J. KyHBl. ii-lltf lUi'., 301-302 Railway Exchange. lfirt ACRES. 40 acres fine bearing apples. good condition, all but lo acres tuiapie. on Mosler crceK, memoers oi association, house Aiiri barn, fine water; will con- aider Portland property. Zimmerman St White, bis Cham, or com. w vf. .Vrnnm modern bungalow to ex change for acreage wun goou. nouse. uer Portland, up to $5500. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE IN V K&1M6 A Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. HAVE soveral good building lots to apply as first payment on a nome. i nes iul are located in Jonesmore add., close to (;ii;un st -. mieht bav some cash and as sunie. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1G58. WILL exchange for Portland property 12 choice residence iots in Jciasniiem. ur.. improved with berries of all kinds; good home wit n water, oain ana iqubi auu electric lights. Phone Sellwood 3441. i.nvrw wno-nn built rf oak. tiled floor, ruiiy equippea, copper sum. vucaie, etc; will trade for auto, small truck or cash. 540 Lombard East. Take Wood- lawn car. ft ACRES, house, barn, orchard, lo minutes from Broadway, traae ior nousu. DARING & McRBYNOLDS. 615 Couch Bldg. Main 6054 4i ACRES unincumbered fruit land near W'enatchee for modern Portland resi dence. Might assume. Owner, 719 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or will trade for farm or city nroDertv. two W sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7,000.000 feet. Address Hotel osborn, wugene, ur, WANTED 2 worm-drive trucks rom 1 to 2 tons capacity: have in exchange im proved 60 acres near Eugene. Or.; Pacific highway. jqx uosnen, vr. . PORTLAND improved property to trade for Tacoma or Seattle residence, owner, AV 708, Oregonian. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. HANDSOME team, well matched, brown Belgian mares, weight 3500 lbs. ;-price $450. Marlon Fuel dock, foot Taylor st. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash tat dead oows. Tabor 420S. FRESH Jersey, 3 4 gals.. $70; 549 E. Lom bard. Take Woouiawn car. HORSES, wagons and harness ioT sal. cheap. Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE A prize milk goat. Just fresh. Tabor 6120. 964 43d ave. 4-YEAR OLD milch cow, price $'J8. 4245 avenue r. c. wooaatocK car. GOOD young Jersey-Holsteln: 5-gaL cow: 1 Durham. 4 gal. 728 E. 32d St. FOR SALE Fine milk cow; fresh, five weeks. Tabor 6272. " WANTED Beef cattle and Tabor 70S JTUK HALE, Morses, Vehicles, LivestoA, JhST arrived, 2 carlnfcds ot eastern Ore gon horses and mares ranging from 1200 to lfcOO lbs.; well-matched teams, all solid color, heavy boned and blocky built, from 4 to 6 years old; if you are in the market for good teams, we have the best that have been in Portland for two years; everything Is thoroughly tried be fore you buy it and guaranteed as rep resented; also a few other cheap horses, 3 BeJgiari colts, yearlings; every team can be fitted with collars and harness. S. Williamson. 240 E. bib, fit., corner of Main. TWO CARLOADS HORSES! Just arrived from Eastern Oregon, 1100 lbs. to 1100 lbs., some well matched teams as well as odd horses. All in good shape, grain fed and right out of hard work. Plenty of all kinds to suit everyone. See this stock before you buy. Also several sets new harness. One new 3 4 -Inch wagon. Prices you cannot re sist. JARVIS WARD, STABLES FOOT TAYLOR ST. (DOCK). 70 HEAD DAIRY COWS. I am offering for sale my entire herd of grade cowa. This is probably the best herd of grade milk cows in the state, having only good ones in the herd; the culls- have been weeded out. This. Is a splendid opportunity to stock up. when most of them are milking heavy and ready to go on the grass. Holstein. Jer sey, Guernsev and Durham. Address BF 302. Oregonian. JUST in from the country and must sell at once, 6 mares, 2 geldings. 120 to 1600 lbs., age 4 to 8; 4 sets of double har ness. 1 farm wagon, 1000-lb. mare, well broke to garden work, also to drive single and double with buggy and har ness cheap for cash. Call in rear of piano store, 265 Russell street; take Williams avt. car on Second and Alder street to Williams ave. and Russell st., one block west. - YOU can see them at their work or on Sunday at Cochran barn, 401 Syaracuse St.. St. Johns, 24 bead of good sound horses and mares, weighing from 1400 to 1700. from 4 to 8 years old, they are In ennH nonrtitlnn. some good logging farm and orchard teams, must sell as my contract will soon be done. SA..NTTART STABLES. "We have 30 head of hordes and mares left out of our last ronplRnnnent. weish lnic. from 13O0 to J.tftO Ins.. 4 to 7 yeara oM; every horse sold with a euarantee. 3fi3 Union ave. S.. cor. Stephens at. jyVlHlainson & Olasa. FIVE roan seldings. heavy-boned, blocky built. .700 lbs: span ox a roan mares. blocUv built', 2700 lbs.; guaranteed aa represented, grain fed. H. Horn. Haw thorne Stablea. cor. K. th and Haw thorne. We expect a carload of horses from the ranch any day. Phone East 7-i. I HAVE left with the barn man at Coch ran s barn, ayracuse st., jm. jonns, my team of fi-year-oldw. horee and mare, weighing 2700 lbs., gentle and true, must be sold, a spiendid farm or orchard team. HAVE cow giving about 3 gallons of milk a dav, would traae ror gooa wotk norse. miiKt weigh 1200 lbs. or better: must be good hor. no old plugs wanted. T. E. Bledsoe, Beaerton, Or., R. 4. box 64. MUST sell before the 12th, team of big young mule, ana live ipami oi norses, all large, can be seen working at Guthrie camp, aat of Linnton, 2 Va miles, ask for Hayner. PAIR young dappled gray mares, well matched, weigni d-uu ids., gen tie, true, In good working condition ; price $376. Woodyard. foot of Taylor st. (dock).- 1 . LARGE Holstein and 2, Jersey heifers. calves Dy siae, t. eacn. jane Van couver car to Columbia blvd., so 1 block north. VERY gentle team, coal black mares. weight 30 ou ids., extra wen maicnea. true pul lers, good cond i tlon ; price $350. Stables, dock, foot of Taylor st 3400-LB. TEAM, bay geldings, slightly sored up from pavtncnt, genue ana true to work ; price $3o0. Marion Fuel Co., dock, foot Taylor st. FOR SALE Fine 5-year-old black Jersey cow, giving 4 gallons mint now: guar anteed gallons when fresh. Price JlOO for quick sale. Main 8179. $125 BUVli .pair bay horses, weight 200 lbs., well DroKe in an Kinas ot xarm work. Ask for Sharpe'a team, dock, foot Taylor st. DEAD stock removed quickly: cash paid for dead cows ana crippiea norses. moo. Mllwaukie 69-J for results, WANTED Work for four to eight horses. Day or summer, j. k. i-erry. k. n. , Beaverton. Tel Main 33B7. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and coats. Campbeii-rneian uoi catu. Co., aoj Couch bldg 5 SPAN of work horses. 4 to 8 yeara old. an sisea. uoiiie iu idijiLAt .liiuies, soj Front, for bargains. WILL sacrifice my 7 dairy and family cows, . just irpsn anu o to rresnen in 2 weeks. 138 Florida St. Main 1319. XiAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland yenaering o., wooaiawn 30, Pianos, Organ, and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. We hstva the BEST PRICES on used pianos.- Shop around, then . come and see ours. You will be convinced. FULLY GUARANTEED. SMITH & BARNES, lfe new $300 BAII.KY. mahoganv case 243 P1XUKR. mahogany case 250 EMERSON, walnut case '. . . . 350 DUNHAM, mahogany case, a snap.. 250 MOM Kit, plain oak case 250 SINGER, used short time 275 VICTOR, oak case 3-5 IRVING, oak case 240 Terms given. Bonds accepted. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 525-127 4th St., bet. Washington ft Alder. DO YOU WANT A PHONOGRAPH? Come in and see us. We save you money.. Others are raising prices: we are lowering them. A better phono graph for less. Buy today; pay later, GRAND AVE. PHONOGRAPH CO., 145 Grand Ave. East t156. PHONOOR A PHS. PHONOGRAPHS. 1: udve a numner ol una pawiio' graphs at very low .prices anA easy t , r 1 1 1 GRAND AVE. PHONOGRAPH CO. 14j Grand Ave. East 6150. UNDERPRISED PIANOS Downstairs store, ractorv rebuilt and used Dlanod. Upright pianos, (105, $2:15, J-l'O to I4rt5; piayer-pianos, ;3'.a, ?4ua, soa to .t.o; parlor organs, sjo, s.i., S4D to too: pno nograbhs. S18. i25. 235 to 120. Terms. Slo to i- cash, 13, (8 to S15 monthly. !cnwan riano Co., 101 jotn st. VOCALION ORGANS. Two-manual, base pedals. Just the organ for church or moving pictures: maKe us an oner. SEIBERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St., bet. Washington A Alde, SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out 1 tuuu uacu urjsub l 1 n u u a , .10 lo $-110: SS00 to 10(H) used player-pianos, $360 to $485. Pianos stored 7c monthly. Corner 10th and Stark .sts. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. $200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main 85S6. SK.BEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. USED. PIANOS at prices you CANNOT COMPARE. Try around, then see our bargains. SKIBERLIXO-LL'CAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. Washington ft Alder. PIANO SNAPS. For PIANO BARGAINS that, are REAL BARGAINS see SEIBERLlNO-bLTAS MUSIC CO. 125-127 4th St.. bet. Washington & Alder. TRADE TOUR PIANO or orsran on a new Vlotrola and records our proposition will please "you. Seiher-linsr-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main K5SJ. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash; get our pric. Selberlin&r-LU' ess Music Co., 129 4th St. Main 8586. CONCERT GRAND, like new. $750. You may rent it. Uarold S. Gilbert. 304 xamniu. KENT A phonograph. Harold S. Gilbert, 3 xamniu bi FOR SALE Beautiful mahogany upright piano, genuine Henry Miller. Main 1461. 6-FOOT grand piano, almost new; owner will sacrmcc. ll nt. xamnui. LOVELY upright mahogany Singer piano, eneap. iiDantroii ave. USED piano for sale. 1084 Grand ave. Furniture for Sale. SPECIAL on rugs We have several rugs . . Hxi2 ana smaller tnat must oe sold al once. 31 N. fith. near Burnside. fidwy, Jiju. l sea oince turniiure. BUFFET. $30; dining room table, $15; rug uxi, $io; sanitary coucn ana pad, $io 2"f E. Bin ttu jn. Apt, l. i-none tin 3101. BY OWNER Furniture for 4-room house -bargain If taken at once. A. R. Burt, 14lu suss, ave, ojty. BUFFET, bed davenport, small writing desk, ail golden oak: dresser, worn rug. No dealers. Tabor 4394. 237 E. 50tu S, FOR SALE 54-inch fumed oak dlnln room table: 6 chairs and carver. Mar. S12, between and 12 A. M. NEW Firefly como. heater, dining table. chairs, rocKers. center table, also lady' aesK. luoor 2 is-. RANGES and water heaters moved free connections a specialty. Tabor 3307. FOB SALE. Furniture fur Sale. CLOSING out furniture, ranges.'rugs. Most wi me louowing prices are less than pres ent cost. All strictly new goods. $S3 large wainut buffet. 3 mirrors. $4!.M0 28x40 oak library table, worth $20. 14.85 $4 oak dining chair 2.0 Folding card or camp tables 2.25 2 step-ladder stools 1.25 Hall settee and rack with mirror.. 17.50 $24 imitation mahogany library table 9. $17 white enameled child's crib ... 11.95 Iron beds and mattresses ..$5.05 to 14.95 $ i5 Universal coal and wood range. 49.15 $65 side oven Superior gas range . 49.95 Cedar chests $12.95 andL 16.95 Oak telephone stand and chairs ..7s- 7.98 Lady's oak writing" desk 14.95 $6 child's desk and chair 8.99 bx Deltox grass rug 9.95 8x10 Deltox grass rugs 13.05 Superior combination range 160.00 Oak and ivory dressers $11 to 04.00 $3 20-inch smoker's stand 1.98 We are also reducing vur jiardware and paint stock. See us lor many other bar gains. . SUNNYSIDE HARDWARE CO.. "So Belmont. Tabor 2497. 6-HOLE cook etove$10. dresser. $10. gas Biaiia -,,c. Kitcnen table $, kitchen treasurer $3, bed spring and mat tress $6. garden tools, hose, lawn mower. 384 E. Washington. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if olif east or to California; we can save you mdney on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer ft Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. 8 KOOMS of extra swell furniture, lnclud- " sewing machine and swell mahogany living room set: very cheap, and house for sale or rent. 1224 East Main "st. ,Il.J?AI-E NE OAK DINING TABLE ZA' y inAittB. iMtSK AKK IN GOOD CONDITION AND WILL SELL AT A 2ftkuV-JANITOR' CHETUPA APTS. BEAUTIFCL antique walnut bedroom set Poultry. MAGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Ked.i. $30 per 100. O. A. C. Barred Rocks $30 per 100. Brown -.Leghorns, $25 per 100. White LeghornH. O. A. c. and Tancred strains. $20 per 100. The best chicks from high-grade Ho gaiuzed stocks. J. R. MAOUIEE. 87 Oregon at.. Portland. Phone E. 1805. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, tho world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganlzed stock only; March chicks, $14 per 100; April, May and June chicks, $12.00 uor 100; July chicks, $11. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Pctaluma. Cal. BABY . CHICKS. 3000 a week: O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; get the best while the getting Is good Eggs $1.50 a setting. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. S2d St. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. PETALUMA White Leghorns lead the worm in egg production; we sell BABY CI1IX at $13.&o per loo during May and June, safe arrival of full count, stnong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th' St.. Pctaluma. Cal. O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS. $20 per hundred. Buy yonr chicks In May for winter layers that pay. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. 82d st- and 74th ave. 8. E. Tabor S107. $1.8.50 PER 100. White Leghorn baby chicks, best stock; prompt deliveries; lew Reds and Hocks at 24c each. Mall us your order today, c. N. Ncedhain. Salem. Or. 00 WHITE LEGHORN laying hens at $1.50. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. 82d st. and 74th ave. S. B. Tabor 810T.' LAVING White- Leghorn and Brown Leg horn hens, mgn-grane Hoganized stock. $1.50 each. J. R. Magulre. 787 Oregon St., near E. 24th. WHITE Leghorn pullets, 1 yr. old. 3 silvr spangiea namtiurg pullets and 1 cockerel. Tabor 6895; 6348 84th St. FINE laying hens. $1.25 each, also thor. ougnorea ciue Anaaiustan rooster, $5. Taoor 6209. THOROUGHBRED white leghorn baby cnicas langrea strain, uc each, 664 Linn ave. Sell 1818. FOR SALE Full blooded White Orpington nens ana -. rooster. wain. itJ18. 20 CHICKENS for sale, all laying, very cneap. ton rsorLiiwicK. rnona 319-34. INDIAN Runner, Pekfn and R, I. eggs for lettintr. wain. o-oo. Dogs, Rabbit. Bird. Pet Stock. ST. ANDRE ASBERG roller, fine singer. 249 Alder st FOR SALE Good singers. Call the Stu dio. Main 408. Maclilner AUTOMATIC WOOD SAWS. LOOK UP THIS MONEY-MAKER. SAFE. NO DANGER; one man can cut 25 cords a day: cutting season, mencing. 289 Union avenue. Phones: Broadway 4637. Woodlawn 310L AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatiu switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR ft EQUIPMENT CO.. Broadway 3300. 329 Couch st. ONE 4-cyl. Russel gas tractor engine, size T-?5. Excellent rilnnlne orrlr Sdr.n Advnnce-Kumely Thresher Co.. 340 Bel mont at. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 55 1st st. "ifc-TON ice machine with motor and high side complete. Adams, 372 Broadway. Main 34H3. ROCK-FACE concrete block machine. $50. w m. A. jMorana, j-torjag, vr. Lsmncbe. sod Dosvts. HOUSEBOAT for sale, furnished or un furnished: white enamel finish: built-in conveniences; lights, water, gas and phone. No. 22 Willamette moorage. Sellwood 3783. 32-FT. T ROLLER, or work boat, and troJ- ing gear. sunnay or evenings, uftty, 6-W Alameda St., Astoria, or Getty. 2U2 Vj Clay st.. Portland. 22-FT. launch. 14-H. P., 32 miles: 26-ft, launch, 18 H. P.. 15 miles. Below air, Johns shipyard. Ely ' Typewriters. TYPEWRITER SALE EXTRAORDINARY U. S. gov't, slightly used typPs., No. 10 self-starting Remingtons, new price $110 our price $70; Underwood, No. 4, Elite type, slightly nsedv serial 985000, like new. $75: new condition latest model Oliver No. 9. 2 color ribbon tabulator, etc., $50, late model wide carriages. $60 and up, no junk, good maclis.. right prices and one year guarantee on each, 263 V Oak st. Jack Doane. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. W. are exclusive die tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; suppiica for all makes. - E. W. PEASB COMPANY. 110 Sixlh st. Main 22S3. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All make, overhauled. Expert mechanics, REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6197. Supplies. 263V4 Oak St. " GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKKS, tsold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. 821 Washington st. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 8668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1401. pWANT Underwood typewriter, any condi tion, casn, a j iUQ, oregonian. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE .380 cal. Remington auto matic -pistol, same as new, $30. o 269, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sal.. ij..n. Tn.t jt, Awnlntr 1 TJ la, FOR SALE One large and one small safe, p 100, Oregoalan. REBUILT typewriters. K. W. Pease ft Co 110 Sixth st, COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening Presses slightly worn. Main 9567. POTATOES Seed and table at 406 Haw thorne ave. -,CR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR SALE A good range; a bargain. 768 Michigan ave. DESK ADDING MACHINE, $15. 518 COR BETI BLDG. MAR. 557. GARDEN MANURE. " TRUCK LOAD, $5.50. TABOR 2704. WOOD for sale at the east end of Morrison bridge. Call East 1610. 301 E. Morrison. NEW METHOD gas range for sale, price $10. Phone Tabor 5470. FOR SALE, cheap. Enryelcpedla Biilan ntca, oak case, new. 249 Broadway. fOR SALK. Miscellaneous. CLASSY CLOTHES. READY TO WEAR. ALTERED BY AN EXPERT. OUR SUITS ARE STRICTLY TAILORED. I We also have a few high- -grade tailored suits uncalled for. LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE REAL MONEY ON YOUR SUIT. II. L BLUM, 164 Tenth, near Morrison, Main 2789. FOR SALE 300-fmthom seine with bunl 47 fathoms on the lines. 42-ply. medium laid. 41nch mesh. 120 meshes deep, dou ble mesh selvage; winps 253 fathoms on the lines, 15-ply. medium laid, 5-inch mesh. 90 inches deep, with cork and lead line complete; also S5 4bs. 15-ply, 5-inch mesh. 9 meshes deep wing ma terial and 1 piece 51 lbs. 42-ply. 4-inch mesh, 120 meshes deep bunt material. This siene is in good condition. Apply 228 U. S. Bank bldg., Portland. . OREGON REPORTS. CYC. L. R. A, PA CIFIC REPORTER DIGEST. ALL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. WILL SELL AT BARGAIN FOR CASH. ALSO HAVE REVOLVING BOOK CASE. FILING CABINETS. ETC MILLER, 325 EAST 70TH .NORTH. TEL. TABOR 6291. NEW PLAYING CARDS. SUCH LEADING BRANDS AS BICYCLE. CONGRESS, STEAMBOATS: CHIP.- PIPES AT 20 PER CENT LESS THAN JOBBERS' PRICE. CALL OR WRITE. MILLHR. aar. east 70m north, tel. tabor tiUl. LARGE WOOL BUNTING FLAG. 10 FEET BY 20 FEET, NEVER BEEN USED. COST $60 WHOLESALE. WILL FULL FOR $30 CASH. MILLKR, 320 EAST 70TH NORTH. TEL.. TABOR 6291. BY ALL MEANS clean the moss off that old roof before the Shrlners come and coated with tho celebrated Web- " foot Roof Security. It goes direct to you froin the factory with a positive guarantee. Main B644. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers art most valu : able. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mall the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. 3d and Wash. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, old for lees; nu agents employed; com, plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Mam Si. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. " 190 Third, near- Taylor. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and socond-hand. at'right prices, bought """sold and exchanged. . . NORK18 SAFE ft LOCK CO. 105 Second St. Phone Main 204 HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7: 40 gal.. $9; tesxed and guaranteed; stove and . Xurnace colls, gas healers installed; ex ' pert, plumbing, repairing. East ide . Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8516 FOR SALE SPECIAL The ONLY com Iriete Ale of all the .oples ot "THE AMAROC NEWS," the otricial newspa per of the American forces in Germany. L. P. Bellarts, Band, Or. MOSS ON YOUR ROOF? Have It re moved and we" will paint the old roof and make it like new with the cele brated Webfoot paint, the roof security. Phone us today, .lain 5644. ONE AJax 6-hole range, water coil, all complete; also 9x12 Axminster rug and bicycle with mud guards and practically new tires; all in good condition, cheap. ' 91 E. 58lh st. N., cor. al. Everett. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked, weather beaten and old. leaky roots rejuvenated by our famous and instantaneous rubber bonding system, all worte guaranteed. Phone Automatic 527-33; Eifst 4i)24. FOLEY FUEL CO.. Best grade country Blabwood. four foot. $7. Orders promptly filled for a limited time. Phone East 2691. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sal. or rent at Barell'a clothing store. 51 3d, Multnomah hotel. bldg. TWO roll-top desks, one mahogany, one oak; chairs to match; barga'in. 31 N. 5th. Broadway 2739. Other office fur 's niture. EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY PLANTS. The "Progressive will give you full crop this fall; $2 per 100. postpaid. P. R. Johnson. Granger. Wash. BEAUTIFUL new pan velvet dress, size d. lor sale at sacrltice: never worn. Phone or call Monday. Main 9398; 304 College St., apartment ro. 4. SMALL, large National registers, latest models, from a penny up. Safe and meat s.tcer, coffee urn, marble slab, gas range. 'Zz bulmon street. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, if taken at once, duofold davenport with mattress; original price, $95; practically new. 201 202 Rlvoii Theater bldg. WOOD- for sale, country block and slab, 10 to 16-in. long: heavy. $6.50: medium. $6; also 4-ft. slab; east side only; prompt ueuvery rnone .viain FLOOR cases'; wall cases, refrigerator cases, large, small Iceboxes, scales : 3 piece mahogany set; office or private use; very ,ow prices. i?almon. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, :) monthly Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STOR8, 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE ft SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Frost St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD TJOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB: "-ALSO COAL SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. T020. IVORY enameled bed. sin-UI dresser, springs and mattress; S-A Eastman ko dak. East 711. BOX wood for sale. $4.75 per load. Wood lawn 1539. Klrkham ft Tuxler. 1120 Montana ave. run-cr' rrav all wool bathins .ult. aiz 42, Edison phonograph, cut glaa and pictures. f.. i.. LATHS for sale, retail and wholesale, for local traae; quality ana service- fori land Lath Mfg. Co.. Tabor 1142. GEORGETTE waif-t, never worn. em broidered wool, WO. Mar. 329u, Sunday, and evenings. FOR SALE No. 1 body fir wood In oar. lead lota. Apply A. Pinkney, Cove Or, chard. Or. ' MUSIC written to your words, satisfaction guaranteed or no charge, Bdwy 256. 14S latnNStreei. KODAKS. We bay. sell. 'rent snd exchang. ko daks. Sandy's. 3-a Washington at. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair, 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top desk. 1 safe. ft Co., HI pant st. JOHTXSON'S BOOK STORE. 248 Main at N-ew and second-hand books, bought, sold and exenangeq. ah suDjects. BUREAU AND COMMODE, SOLID OAK. . Lawn mover, -i-in., mmosi new. Electric fan. 16-ln. Wdln. 5461. E-fiR SALE Second-hand brick and lum ber. 1 big icebox cheap. Main 2606 or 15th and Tayior sls TTSIT.r APPAREL, secured from wealthv ladles, reasonable price. 1132 East Gil- Ban. Montavma car to satn. Tabor 2825, LADIES' leather trimmed motor coat, fine condition, bargain. Mar. 3295, Sunday and evenings exchanged, bought. Bentley Co, Mala . . HONEY. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Qt.. 80c; 24c lb. In cans. East 1416. POPULAR Universal kitchen range, coal or wood, in nrai-ciass conauion. cheap at $30. 3iJ nay at. jviarsnan a-na. FOR SALE Hiking boots, like new; price f l o : size 6. t-none .Marsnail lu SODA fountain, sacrificed, $665. value $loOO, as gooa as new. ,1, salmon. $240 STANDARD computing scale, $100. t'lO I ,1,1 p v. DANDY salmon trolling outfit. Marshall 2 963. 24a onapm a n St.. a i ter o f. Al , BOY'S set of carpenter tools, $25. 26Vj . Fifth street, room -io. WAIST and blouses made to order; hem stinflring. 352 Yamhill Bt. FOR SALE Case ef stuffed birds. If In. teres ted call 324-19. ROOT beer barrel for sale, slightly used, but 3ust nuts new. v-.ii r.rtni ojoo. BOXWOOD FOR SALE. $4.75 PER LOAD, W UO 11-A ioot. GORMAN gasoline saw, a bargain if taken at once, only ustra si weena. main oio. FOR SALEr-1 tent, 14x16 ft. Phone Tabor 4439. SUMMER orders for old-growth flrewood and country tie slabs. East 7299. FOR BALE G cape and dress. 86. v a"- FOR SALE 2 pool tables complete. 171. N. 6th st. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. day, $1; delivered anywhere. Wdln. 5088. rOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. LIBERTY SIX Like new, pric. right, will consider smaller car in trade. Bissell ft Lister. E. 7th and Belmont. 1918. CHEVROLET. good mechanically, splendid rubber, extras, a snap at $600. Tabor 6268. FOB SAI.K AI TOMOBIIE8. HOW WE MADE ONE FELLOW HAPPY YESTERDAY. MAYBE WE CAN" DO IT FOR YOU, TOO. A young acquaintance of ours, blew Jn yesterday and with an air of perfect innocence started in cross-examining us about used cars. Laying his bands on a Chandler Six that we took particular pride in. he remarked. "How about this one?" "Try it out for yourself," we replied, "and If It Isn't Inst about as good as new, you're only out a little time." He oame back in an hour with a de posit, tickled to death; said he had three different mechanics look It over and all declared it "in good condition." We merely mention this Incident to convince you of the fact that we really have some excellent "buys" and that we give it to you straight about what they're worth and th. condition they are in. In other words, you don't gamble much on a used car bought here because we are not used car dealers (every one having been taken in oa a new car) and because the well-known Obye reputa tion for dependability is behind every settlement made. And another attrac tion, of course, is the well-known easy Obye terms. AMONG THE EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS From which you can select today, are LIBERTY. 1919 A beautiful little 8 cylinder. 5-passenger. powerful, ecooom ical and just like new; $1550. APPIRSOS nHTTMMT A - Tiowerful roadster, in finest condition; looks like new: five good tires; every equipment; $1900. STUDE BAKER SIX 1918. 5-passenger. good looking, alt cord tires, plenty ot pep. A rare bargain; $950. WINTON ROADSTER A claBST high grade car of unquestionable merit, wire wheels, good tires; $850. . CHANDLER Just painted and com ' pletely overhauled; a light six. too well known to need special mention. This will not ba with us long; $1250. BUICKS. - DODGES. OVERLANDS. MAXWELLS. m . MITCHELLS. ' COLES. FRANKLINS. HAINES. OAKLANDS. OLD3MOBILES. PAIGES, -BEOS. STUDEBAKERS. SEVERAL MOTORCYCLES. DELIV ERIES AND TRUCKS. SEE! THIS ONE SURE. A light six demonstrator, run 800 miles. Red Seal Continental motor, Borg ft Beck clutch. Tiinken bearings. Stewart vacuum; a standardized car. equipped with bumper, extra tire, ignition lock, wind deflectors, tire cover, etc.: practi cally new; powerful car; sell for $2350 new; our price. $1950. . ' W. trade in small cars and accept Liberty bonds. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO, 12 Grand Avenue North Also Broadway at Couch. 1912 CADILLAC. EXCELLENT CONDI TION. GOOD CORD TIRES. ELECTRIC STARTER 'AND LIGHTS; SNAP AT SG50. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 5195. HUDSON. HUDSON. HUDSON. The car or good will. Why not buy a car tnat will give you years of piuasant use? Will give you same replacements and service as factory gives on new car. You are taking no chances. Price and w terms to suit. Phone Marshall 2766 or Main 4028. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. TV FINE CO.VDITION; GOOD CORD TIRfclS A.NU A RbAL BARGAIN. CALL TABOR 630. HUDSON LIGHT "" touring. In first -class mechanical condition; $100 down, bal ance easy terms. s STATES AUTO SALES TRUCK CO. 430 Burnside. SURE IT CAN BE DONE. Selling used cars with a conscience. That's our business. No curbstonlns: no vacant-lot. fly-by-night shoe-string met noas. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont Street. Cor. 7th. "THE BIG BRICK BUILDING." SEE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY for auto tops, seat covers, etc Builders of Gould snd GUlig tops. WASHINGTON ST. AT 21ST. IF YOU have In mind buying a new anto. mobile and want something good. I can save you $1000 on my 5-pasa. new Jor dan automobile. 1920 modeL Inquire r. qui b l. owner. . 191T STt'DEBAKBR delivery. Just the thing for a farmer. 47 N. 9ch at, Broad way no. . 1919 OAKLAND SIX. $1050. In best of eonditipn. tires good as new with spare tire, spotlight. bumper. rnone lauor 1 . oqj j-. . .isx St. N. 1920 OLDSMOB1LE 8. This car is like new. it you want a standard Quality car at iiucrai uifwuni anu aeuverv now BUICK LIGHT 6. In first-class mechanical, condition cord tires: a bargain at $110O. Call Larmn. proaqway toil, ol'-j Burnside, PACKARD 6. first-class condition, 9 good tires; wouiu xnaae great lor-rure citr K. E. Wilson. 90 N. Broadway. Broad way FRANKLIN touring, good condition throughout. owner, jualn 2428. fidwy. 1764. Part terms. BUICK BUG, runs fine, with lots of pep all new tires. 'Just' rebuilt and painted. TWIN BED camp trailer. The most com pact home on wheels for 6 people. $240. 'ia-or o i Tin T Ai-t , c inta For sale by private party, seme terms r- . T- , umj FOR SALE 1919 Case car. 7-passenger, good as new: part cash, balance on time t nil Wdln. 4783. DODGE touring: looks and runs good: spot light; $750. 268 E. 35th St., off Hawthorne. -R X RY SAXON four for sale chean- inu overhauled: self .tarter; cheap If sold at FOR SALE Ford car. touring, late model 1915. price tJ. otn ave. s. E. Woodstocit car KING 8. new tires, iust overhauled, owner needs money, maae us an otter. fidwy. SWQ. BEST Mitchell four in town: $750 cash. $hoo. terms, hjw r.asi io ortn; ; Sunday all day. Monday till noon. ONE Overland car for sale or trade; pie- fer t:nevroiei. o-jm aim pemiont. FOP-D CHASSIS, excellent condition. 1920 .. .ton 1.. .. V) 1 ... license. ooi ,,.,..,. imu.iy i i . BARGAIN Ford touring, like . new. 389 Everett. Broadway l.n. DOCGE touring, new tires, good finish just overha-aled. Pric. 8750, Wdln. 993. 1917 DODGE touring car. 1920 license, bargain. $750. terms. 462 Hawthorne ave. BARGAIN Chaviolai, touring, Marshall -A rTOMOBILES. CLEAN-UP SALE. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE HAVE ADVERTISED A SALE. AS A RULE WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM. BUT WR ARE GETTING LOADED UP WITH CHEAP CARS; MUST SELL THEM. . THESE ARE ALL MIGHTY GOOD CARS: SOME LATE MODELS. SOME OLDER ONES; SOME S E LF-STA RT KRS. SOME CRANK STARTERS; ALL GOOD. . YOUR PICK FOR $2S5. BUICK FOUR NEW TIRES, FINE SHAPE. RAMBLER WONDERFUL MOTOR; SEE THIS. OVERLAND GOOD BARGAIN FOR THE MONEY. YOUR PICK FOR $385. OVERLAND STARTER, LIGHTS. ETC. WINTON SIX SOME CAR, THIS ON E. STUDEBAKER WORTH MONEY. . THE YOUR PICK FOR $485. REO SELF-STARTER. SEE THIS. OVERLAND JUST MODERN: PAINTED; DANDY. MARION HANDY BUG, SELF- STARTER. ETC - YOUR PICK FOR- $585. STUDEBAKER LATE MODEL MOD ERN: SEE THIS. BUICK FOUR A" WONDERFUL LITTLE CAR. OVERLAND DELIVERY A GOOD BARGAIN. CHEVROLET 490 JUST PAINTED NEW .MOTOR, MAXWELL IN FINE SHAPE: SEE THIS. NOW. FOLKS. COME EARLY AND PICK OUT THE ONE YOU WANT: EVERY CAR GUARANTEED AND SOLD WITH A 30-DAY FREE SERV ICE. COME OVER AND SEE WHAT $100 WILL DO. CASH OR TERMS. JUST BRING AN HONEST FACE. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. BELMONT ST., CORNER 7TH. . PHONE EAST 6057. THAT BIG BRICK BUILDING. REBUILT AUTOMOBILES OF THE HIGHER GRADE. 1 1920 4-paES. Stut3l. -1. 1919 7-pass. Cadillac. 1 1920 B-pasa. Velie, new, never been driven. 1 1916 4-pass. StutTt. 1 1917 7-pass. Cadillac. 1 1918 4-pass. Chandler chummy. 1 1918 2-pass. Buick roadster. , 1 1917 2-pass. Bulrk. 4-cylinder. -1 l'.ri7 2-pass. .leffery spurt roadster. The above cars all are thoroughly re built, new paint, and tires are first class and priced to sell, you may drive any one of them three days and if not as represented will refund the purchase price. Call at 92-94 N. 10th St. Phone Broadway 4557. Open Sunday. $150 DISCOUNT ON Ford roadster, used only 3 months: never off the pavement; this is a real bargain and you wilt have to work fast. Apply owner, 270 E. 20th St.. near Haw thorne. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. CLEANING UP. We have a few old "wrecks" we will ae'.l cheap. Sure they will run. Com. over and see what $100 will do. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont St.. Cor. Seventh. Phone E. 6057. THE BIG BRICK BUILDING." ESSEX. ESSEX. ESSEX. This Is the wonderful Hudson product that has made more records since being in the hands of the public than any car that has been on the market. Can make you a very attractive price on one like new. 1920 model. Terms. Phone Marshall 2766 or Main 4028. OWNER compelled to dispose of high- grade 1919 car In perlect mechanical condition: fully equipped; has two tops, one closed for winter, and a touring top for summer. A real bargain at half the cost of 1920 model. Part cash, balance monthly payments. Call Main 5530, eve nings after 6. 1918 ELGIN CHUMMY, just overhauled and refimahed; b tires, seat covers, other extras; -uns and looks beautiful. Come early. The first party who sees this car will surely buy it. Terms. 47 N. 9th st, Bdwy. 118. FOR SALE Cadillac; this car is in good mechanical condition: tires practically new; new top. newly painted: runa and looks like a new car; this must be seen to be appreciated; price $1950. Call Woodlawn 12o9. FORD ROADSTER LOOKS LIKE NEW. A-l MECHANICAL CUND1TION, NEW TIRES, BOSCH HIGH-TENSION MAG NETO, SHOCK ABSORBERS, ETC. A BARGAIN. CALL OWNER. AUTO MATIC 517-05. 532 WASH. ST. 0ERLAr.D louring, I91i. all new non- skid tires, new battery, self-starter, re painted ana overnauiea; souu. wul dls count for all cash.. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. LOOK over all the ads on used cars In this paper and see If you can beat this. 1920 Overland 4, run 14o0 miles; liberal discount for use, as owner wants larger car for trip to California. Terms. Phone Marshall 2.CS er Main 4028. 17 FORD touring, first-class condition, with demountable rims and extru tire spot light, storage' battery, 'shock ab sorbers and other extras. AH for $40. Call at 2G8 E. 35th St., off Hawthorne. 1910 FORD SEDAN. Equipped with starter, demountable rlTns, 4 new tires, large steering wheel and in lst-class condition. Make an of fer. 90 N. Broadway. Broadway 3247. 1917 FORD, demountable rims, spotlight, shock absorbers, generator, storage bat tery, tire carrier, in Al condition; 1 Overland delivery, cheap. Call garage, 103d street and Foster road, Lents Junc tion. 1919 BUICK Light Six in excellent condi tion: all cord tires, bumper, spotlight; car has run only on city pavement. Must be seen to be appreciated. $1500. Call owner Main 2324 or Mr. Knox at Broad way 1130 during week. FORD BODY 1914. like new; also 14 in. windshield, hood etc. Soil all or part cheap. FORD SPECIALISTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 510-212 J-fferson. Main 7644. 1920 OVERLAND Four Nearly sew; must sell; sacrifice; terms. 47 N. 91b st. Bdwy. 118. FOR SALE by owner, at a sacrifice, Studehaker six, 7-passonger, mechanical ly perlect. Fully equipped with ail -necessary extras. Dealers need not apply. Terms. Tabor 5717. 1916 HUDSON S-40 touring car in tho fin est of condition, good cord tires; car Just overhauled and repainted: new top. Car is a bargain. Will give terms. Phone Marshall 1613. LEAVING Portland, will sell my 1919 Velie, fully equipped-, run 70OO milee, in good condition, lot of extras. Private oAner. No dealers. Phone Bdwv. 3217. 1917 BUICK 5-pass. light six touring car in A-l mechanical condition and has the original finish like new and a brand new top: a bargain; terms. Phone East 1962. DODGE, late model. $700, all ready t. run, 1920 license, owner transferred to New York, car at Union Depot garage, Hoyt st., cor. Broadway. " 1920'VELIe; " Better than new", run 3500 miles, -will take $400 less than cost. Call E. 1314, or see Mr. Sullivan. 20 E. 7th St. 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 in fine "condition: new tires; car only run few thousand miles and will sell at a bargain and giv. terms. Phone Marshall 1950, Apt. 42. 1920 SUPER-SIX Hudson speedster, good as new; will sacrifice for cash. Call Mon day at o, r.asi Jotn .orin. WHY pay dealers commission? Save this on '18 Chevrolet. 212-43. 1919 MAXWELL, excellent condition, $600. -.en. oi'i 1019 CHEVROLET roadster: good condi tion. 504 E. Oak st. LATE model Haynes. in good condition cheap on terms. Bdwy, 3'06. SICVEN-PASSENGER Winton for sal. cheap; a snap. AE 343, Oregonian. FOB 8AI.1 FOB S ALE AFIOMonn K8 REMOVAL, SALE. REMOVAL, SALE. REMOVAL SALE. HERE WE ARE. AUTOMOBILES SACRIFICED. THE BIGGEST EVENT PORTLAND AUTOMOB1LDOM EVER WITNESSED. tAb'IVFTIRB STOCK OF USED M? I?.Rr-,CoZ:S ANL TRUCKS MIST BiT SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICES LARGE FROM. ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE -r,I0, , THO:5E r-ISTKO BELOW TV.V, 1LI' EI N D 4. 6. AND 8-CYLIN-ffRS IN AND 7-PASSENGER ROADSTERS. ALS CHC1,MIla AND i.tbertts tiuii-ks chalmers national premier PACKARD WINTON Ol.IiSMOBILE STUDEBAKER. JEFFKRY PRTSCOES H I'PMOBILES DODGES-" MAXWELLS t'H MVP.OLETS FORDS OAKLAND MITCHELL LITTLE GRANT B CADILLAC B U CHEVROLET U G MAXWELL G S S Pi r, WALLINGFORD CO., ALDER ST. BDWY. 2492 52: USED CARS SACRIFICE. FORD MOON Run TOURING ... 5-PASsr .$ 475 . 1350 . nan . 510 . 12 25 . 750 . 250 . 575 . 650 . 7.-.0 . 575 60U . 1950 CHEVROLET SCRi Pi'S-BOOTII . CADILLsC HERCULES CHEVROLET OAKLAND McFARLAND CHEVROLET .. FEDERAL TRUCK REPUBLIC SEE MR. MATHEWS. 86 10TH ST. , SPECIALS. A few of the 'better class ot cars: Buick A dandy, $785. . Bell New car. $1350. Empire Some bus. $1050. Overland 90 New. $925. and a lot more. Open Evenings Cash or Terms. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. Belmont st.. dor. 7th. Phone E. 6037. COLUMBIA AUTO SALES CO.. East 56. 345 Union Ave.. Nr. Bd-wy. Classy Ford bug $175 -will handle. Ford touring, new top SI 75 will handle. 19IS Maxwell touring $175 will handle. 1918 Chevrolet touring $200 will handle. 191S Chevrolet touring- 225 will handle, 1919 Chevrolet touring $200 will handle. $1917 Moon Chummy 5ix will handle 1911 Sluiiebaker 4 $150 will handle. 11'17 Studehaker 4 $20O willYandle Stutz roadster. $225 will handle. Late- 1919 Nash touring $000 will han dle. ELGINS. We have some dandy Elgin Scout models. Demonstrators, but very slightly used. Wonderful values. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. Belmont st., cor. 7ih. Phone E. 6057 That Big Brick Bide. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on 1920 new MAXWELL. Will take Ford. Dodge. Chevrolet or Maxwell as part payment on brand new 1920 Maxwell and give terms tor balance. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. FORD TON TRUCK $450. In good shape. A wonderful value. See this. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont St.. Cor. Seventh. Phone E. 8057. THE BIG BRICK BUILDING." FORD TOURING, 1917, many extras, new tires, finn condition. $175 will handle this; balance easy. 47 N. 9th st. Broad way 118. BUICK. In good condition, some cash, balance terms to suit buyer. Automatic 216-23 any time. East 60S9 evenings. DODGE for sale, mechanically perfect, new tires, new battery. $7-?5. Tabor 5350. 696 E. 4th st N. Call after 4 P. M. 7-PASSENGER A p-person six: run S5O0 miles: i-n splendid condition; good tires, many extras; bargain at $1500 cash. Tel. Main 1603 or write AJ 34S. Oregonian. LIBERTY SIX. in perfect condition, has wire wheels, cord tires, new finish, would take a Ford or Dodge as part payment, balance terms. Col. 832. 1919 LIGHT SIX STUDEBAKER Run only 4100 miles, two new cord tires; looks like new; private owner; $1550. Marshall 1710. evenings only. 'FORD BUG. I have the classiest Ford bug in Port land; I must sell. See it and roako ma sn offer. 90 N. Broadway. DANDY LITTLE HUPMOBILE. Good car, good tiros. Need some money: will sell at $ 1 25, easy terms. Sellwood 601. 1919 COLE1 AERO 8. newly painted, some rent car. would consider a smaller car - as part payment, balance terms. K. 2766. ONE 48 Pierce Arrow, one 1914 Franklin, 3 Fiats, one Paige, excellent condition, for sale cheap. Main 20. 261 12ih st. ONE- 1917 little six Oakland for sale, first class condition. Oregon Taxi company. 261 12th St. CHANDLER nearly new. 7-pass.: new cord tires. 1 extra: bumper, spotlight ana winuMiium. uuoumwn . jsay. EXCHANGE or sell Mitchell roadster for high-grade roadster only. Automatic 213-06. FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet. 5 good tires, good condition. Call Woodlawn &4Si. Terms. BUICK BIG 6 MOTOR. 5-PASSENGER. Wonderful car, good condition. $825 S30 E. 34th st S. Sellwood 601. WANTED A good used motorcycle aa part payment on a good auto. Bdwy. 3606. A 1914. 6-CYL.. 7-pas. Packard touring; A-l condition. A wonderful bargain. See' owner 62 Bdwy. FORD eedas. driven 3'iO miles; will sell at discount or take touring or roadster. Woodlawn 2785. CHANDLER, "-passenger, late 19IS. run 9000 miles: oversize cord tires; perfect I'Dlliiiiiim, in ins. Duwy. .Ml. FORD touring, good mechanical condition, good tires, new paint. $375. 508 East Harrison. HI UMllRll K IfttT I,' 1 . --- ... - - - ...... ....v in,-., gooa pnit, Bogeh magneto, $775. Bdwy. :;o. : a ' ' ' J,,J"-V' '" HUDSON SUPER-6, excellent condition 5 cord tires. $1100. Call Main 1:T