13. TIIE MORNING OR EG ONI AX, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1020 Bates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per line fn time l'-e Two eooMatlV0 times ........... .22o Thre consecutive time .......... .SOe brven consecutive times ....... 63 The following classifications excepted, the rate of which la 9c per line per dayi Situations Wanted -Male, Situations Wanteds Female. No ad taken for letia than two lines. Count six word to the line. Advertisement (except " Person als" and "Situations wanted) will he taken over the telephone if the adver tiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will he quoted over the phone, but statements will he rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for The Iaily Oregonian until 7:30 P. M-: for The Sunday Oregonlaa until 6 P. M. Saturday. . OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY; Investigates all cases of alleged , cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 i courthouse, fnono aiain sis iruio 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city ftound at its home. 635 Columbia boul evard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764 Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. oicked ui lree of charge. SEW TOIAT. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE J7500 for a very fine modern up-to-date home of 6 rooms. Reception, liv iriK and dining rooms in ivory and mahoganv. Dutch kitchen in white, all hardwood floors downstairs. 3 lartre bedrooms and bath and in white upstairs, has 2 toilets, French doors, built-in bookcases and buffet, fur nace, fireplace, garage and full lot facing east. Mife-ht consider auto at right price. Some terms. Marshall 829. F. L. Blanchard 519-20 Hallway Exchange. FOUR FLATS FOR SALE IN ICING'S SECOND ADDITION, WEST SIDE. Completely modern, all in first-class condition: each flat with own separate fur nace and fireplace. On cor ner lot, close in. walking dis tance. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT AT $15,500 A. W. COCHRAN K18 OUEGONIASI BUILDING. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Riikh and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reveralble, Unnd-VV Oftn FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Ruga. Woven, K17.50 Rac Roar. Woven All Sizea. Clotbe. Cleaning and Dyeinaj Uepta. Mall Orderi Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Ruga, Steamed Cleaned, $1.50 WESTERN FLt:FP RUG CO. B4 I'nlon Ave N. I'hone East 6516 FOR RENT CHOICE BUSINESS PROPERTY Burnside at Fourteenth 11,000 SQUARE FEET Two Floors Immediate Possession SEE MONTROSE RIX.LER, Hall. It Cotillion FOR SALE A fine home, including one of the most beautiful half blocks in Portland. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 3342 WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS, Rng. and Woolen Clothing; FLUFF RUGS All Work Toned Out Promptly Rag Kogi Woven All Sizes Hall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. 1SS East Sth St. Phone Eaat 35&0. NEW, ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW Six rooms and breakfast nook: hard wood floors throughout: ivory finish tile bath: best plumbing; fireplace and garage. Open Sunday from 2 to 5; weekdays from 3 to 5: evenings by appointment. 590 E. Twenty-sixth street North, near Stanton. HERMAN NII.SON, Owner. Phone Woodlawn 4S41. Late Model Cadillac 8 7-Passenger Touring Car Almost New Call Tabor 769 STORAGE SPACE Inveatia-ate Our Plant and Rate. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under fresent uign uostsr CLAY S.M0RSE, INC. lira tm and Storaae. lath and .Uni. Phone Bdwy. 3470. 3000 to 5000 FEET OF SPAHE WANTED Ob second floor or above. In business district, any time within three months, Permanent and desirable tenant. Y 254, ORKUUMIV. Edward E.Goudey Co MORTGAGE LOANS United tHatea Bank, .Buildla NEW TO DAT. NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rates installment re payments If desired. Bnlidioff loan made. No delay In el o sin if. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 117-219 A'arth-nmlern Bank Building, Marshall 4114. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Beach Property. FOR or rent, furnished cottage and full lot. Gearhart Park, four bed rooms, kitchen and larfje living room, two stoves, hot water tank, four double bods, three single bedu, child's crib, tables, chairs, large supply dishes and cooking utensils. Sell at bargain, $1600, terms if desired or rent for summer, $ J 25. 11. W. Stone. T. M. C. A. Main S700. . FOR SALE Or will rent or leas., two choice lots 60x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad: near dance pavilion and hoteL Address H 180. Oregonian. SMALL cottase for sale, Gearhart, Oregon, for particulars write box 250, Portland, Oregon. ' 1'WO houses on rOxA00 lot, ocean view; f22C0. Main 5404. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property, J250 MONTHLY income, IOOtIOD cor., Irv ington -, 4 finely furnished flats, only $16,500. $"000 handles. Zimmerman & White. 818 Cham, of Com. For. Sale -Lots. WAVEKLEIGH HEIGHTS. 2 LOTS. Lots IS and 19. block 17. on Franklin St.. bet. 20th and 31st; paved st. and all citv liens all paid: price $1850 terms, or $1750 cash; also lot 6. block 8. on Ken ilworth ave.. near Franklin, for 500 terms or $700 cash; everything paid. These are bargains. GRUSSI & BENNETT.' T.18-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. FOR SALE CHEAP One-half block. 102X 210 ft.. 5 blocks from Tremont station. Alt. Scott car, on 72d St.. just out of city limits: half of ground planted in hearing fruit trees. See M. A. Schuster. 1287 E. 14th N.. Phone Wdln. 158. FOUR beautiful sightly building lots;. E. 6:d N-, K. 65th N.. E. 66th N. corner. Hillcrest Drive. Owner. Adams, 215 11th st. TWO fine boulevard lots. Clinton, near 43d street, $500 each. J. H. McMahon, 2606 East 4-iia. lauor uooi. IRVINGTON LOTS 100x100. N. W. cor ner of ISth and Fremont; price $2650, terms. Phone Tabor 5694. 3 5:;xl00 VIEW. 50th and Taylor: assess ments paid; $900 each. Automatic 213-06. FOR PALE 2 lots OlnclOO each. Jonesmore. E Everett St.. between 70th and 71st. $ inO each. Phone Col. 362. A VERY nice Laurelhurst lot for sale at a sacrifice. B 233. Oregonian. NICE COTTAGE for J500 down; corner lot. 100x100, two blocks from car line; pood neighborhood; all kinds of fruit and berries; price $2500. Mrs. Lucius. Ta bor 3089. , BEAUMONT. 6-room, 2-story, modern home, excep tional woodwork, plate-glass windows, wall hich-grade tapestry paper; a-well-built house and complete in every detail. $7000, $1:500 rash. MR. RODGERS, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 8'J 4th St. Main 452. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We desicn and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 24 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee, 75x100 corner B. lftth. All hardwood floors, gas furnace. plate windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures, wallpaper and cue oatn. very well built and for sale by owner. LAURELHURST. Modern 8-room bungalow, entire first floor oak, very attractive living and dining rooms; built less than one year; in the very heart of Laurelhurst. $8500. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & 'CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. ft rooms and den, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, -cement basement, c f'.oor. furnace, garage; 40x100 lot. Price 14000 $1000 c.sh, balance terms. C E. ADAMS, 507 Cham, of Com. Bide. Maranaii oto. evening wain. HIGHLAND DISTRICT BUNGALOW. $5400 Strictly modern 1-story. S rooms: paved street, sewer in: lot 60x 100: nice garage, fruit and flowers: a real home, well built: owner obliged to leave. $2000 cash, balance 6. Save agent s commission. iall Wdln. 974. A SNAP FOR ONLY $5500. A beautiful modern 8-room house on east Wasco St., full basement, furnace. fireDla.ce. hardwood floors and ail built in conveniences. Camnbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. S03 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 5-room, new, modern bunga low firenlace. run basement .and attic lawn and garden in, windows and doors all screened; lot ouxluu; double garage. Call Sellwood 3288 or 601 Claybourne avenue. $2750 5-ROOM mod. cottage, sleeping porch, good basement, rruit. berries and roses, one block of Sunnyside car; this is a cosy home; liberal terms, see J. P. McKenna. .Belmont at aath Id years. Tabor 6493, IRVINGTON. Beautiful modern home, cost $9500 5 years ago, rooms, glass Sleeping porcn, modern, up-to-date, will sacrifice. $7800, if taken at once, owner, f 23, ore gonian. S1S0O BUYS A MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE on naisey St., miuu lot; x must have at least $500 cash. For par ticulars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg. 127 farK street. . . , - . . . - . .'IT . .. f'lnn- It 1 r. EVw1ft . .. Ka iab atpaat bast In .1 paid; this is a good buy. See j. P. Mc- . .- I !" FOR SALE 7-room modern house with fireplace, furnace, cement basement, sleeping porch. 412 E. 2tith St. Phone 973 J. Vancouver, Wash. NEAT SUMMER HOME. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SMALL PAYMENT. DARING MCKEIKOLUS, 615 COUCH. BLDG. MAIN 6054 FOR SALE t-room house and lot, 40x100, price SiOU. toman payment down, bal ance like rent. 5000 60th st. S. E., cor. 50th ave. WANTED Bungalow or house. 6 rnnnm must ne mooern; no nmsiae property considered; price auoui touuu; no agents. AK 4tsa, oregonian FOR SALE By owner, lVi-story bunga low, 7 rooms, sine 30x100: terms. 1174 Ivon st., near 39th, one black to Rich mond -car. FOR SALE s-room house,-full basement. lot 50x125. garage for 2 cars: S.V.0H easy terms. Phone E. 1740. -381 Russell street. FOR SALE By owner, three cottages. Call Woodlawn 61SG if you want a good bargain on ti oiuan pajment plan. GOOD 5-room house. South Portland, onl ll7oO: easy terms. .Marshall 4114 or I aopr irvi cvcunitiB IIOUHE and lot oiixiikp; six rooms an 1 V. 1.. h I nf- IT Tmm a t. I , . . ... See owner, 405 Albina ave. East 30O0. DANDY little 4 -room house. Commercial t. : price $1950: terms to suit. Marshall HAWTHORNE 8-rm. house; cor.: asse paid; opportunity to rent part to h meet payments: $500 down. Tabor 70 ROSE CITY PARK bargain, by owner. New. 7 rooms, st rirt ly modern, no en- cumoraucc; no uienis, i.aoor 1(68. Sub 1 Rreffd in Portland or PHrPPEn (J ANYWHKRK. In sections ready to 1 put together. Easy for one man to fj J,: erect in a day. Our cash prices, jij I' factory direct to you, no middle- jg man. mean a GREAT SAVING. fi Send for circular. C&ll at factory. F 't See life-sixo sample. Hi KKniHADK BI'llDINK CO.. I L S15 K. 11th bt.. 2 blks. (. Hawthorne. J I'hone Kawt 5114. l'ortland, Oregon. EEAI. ESTATE. For bale Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OVER 0011 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Plan to attend our MAY SALE OF EPOCH MAKING HOME BARGAINS. Over 1)00 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. MANY REMARKABLE VALUES. Every type of home, at every price, in every district of the city. Our extensive listings afford you a wider and better selection of HOMES THAN CAN BE HAD ANYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Our methods are mod ern and efficient. We guarantee SAT ISFACTION. 18 Automobiles Constantly at Your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundavs. $a300 CHARMING ROSE CITY ON THE ALAMEDA: 5 rooms: mas sive brick columned front ver anda; fireplace; built-in book cases; massive buffet; LUS TROUS HARDWOOD FLOORS; 2 light, airy sleeping rooms; model Dutch kitchen; beautiful lighting features; splendid fur nace; HOME LIKE NEW. THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST BARGAINS WE HAVE IN ROSE CITY. You'll agree with us when you see this. $o2o0 IDEAL IRVINGTON BUNGA LOW; beautiful California type; spacious frot veranda: recep tion hall; living room with ar tistic fireplace; attractive dining room with massive built-in buf fet; SPLENDID Dutch kitchen; 3 bedrooms, light and airy; sleep ing porch; furnace; laundry trays; full lot with all liens Paid; HOUSE IS JUST LIKE .,r NEW. E. 10th. $3u00 ROSE CITY CAR; walking dis tance; 5 room practically NEW attractive bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing: electric 'V": a. E. Davis near 11th. THIS IS SPLENDID VALUE. See It today. $o00DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED Alber ta home; rooms large and airy; numerous built-ina: best white enamel n 1 u m h f n rw-, ,-. SPLENDID FURNACE: laundry trays; lull lot; close to car. A REAL ALBERTA HOME BAR CAIN. E. 2Sth St. $lo0 ATTENTION. Home-seekers: If ,'OU REALLY WANT to get the XFy, BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEi . don't fail to see this: On a full lot with all street liens Paid, is this 5-room. attractive modern bungalow; 2 airiest bed rooms: best white enamel plumb ing: electricity, eras, full cement basement. OWNER WILL SELL FURNISHED for $;;50 additional. Do you wish to look at this? end a car right out. THIS WON'T LAST. $3150 A REAL DUTCH COLONIAL HOME: very distinctive lines; spacious living room with cheery fireplace: built-in bookcases, pan eled dining room: IDEAL DUTCH KITCHEN; 3 airy bed rooms and pleasant sleeping porch: HARDWOOD FLOORS; best white enamel plumbing; full lot: house LIKE NEW. WHERE can you duplicate this value ' $3050 north mt. tabor home: a splendid CALIFORNIA BUNGA LOW; quaint, rambling linsa; 5 attractive rooms. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL VALUE; you'll say so when you see it. Large front porch with massive columns"; VERY PRACTICAL FXOOR PLAN; manv clever buiK-in la bor savers; white enamel plumb ing; electricity; gas. Only $500 down. BALANCE LIKE RENT. E. Davis. 12750 ONE OUT OF NINE HUNDRED. This is absolutely the BIGGEST. MOST EXCEPTIONAL HOME BUY in our entire listings CH A LLENG ES YOUR UN DI VIDED ATTENTION; spacious living-room with cheery fire place; artistic dining-room with massive 6-foot built-n buffet: HARDWOOD FLOORS; FULL DUTCH KITCHEN; central hall with well-arranged linen closets a place for everything); 1 sunny bedrooms: WOODWORK OF EN TIRE HOUSE FINISHED IN WHITE ENAMEL; best plumo ' ing fixtures; FULL LOT: 2 blks. to Mt. Tabor oar; TERMS. You couldn't BUILD THIS HOME TODAY FOR $3500. $3150 HAWTHORNE'S TYPICAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN; large front porch, full width of house; MANY CLEVER BUILT-INS: white enamel plumbing; electric ity, gas. paved street, all paid; only S500 down. $25 per month. E. Sherman st. This is splendid value. $1995 HOMELIKE little MT. SCOTT. Aren't you just wanting a nice quaint little home with a beau tiful, blossomy yard? This is on of the NEATEST, most com fortable cottages In Mt. Scott: lot 100x100. Just $500 down, balance t'JO per month. If you are in the market for a home, it is to your advantage to visit our SHOW ROOMS AND INSPECT our won derful display of over 00 HOME BAR GAINS. We can SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Successors to H. T. McGuire Established 1886. "40 Years of RELIABLE Service." $550 ROSB CITY PARK, A HOME ON' SANDY BLVD. $2500 CASH BAL. 6. Large reception hall with cloak closet, living room, dining room, kitchen and cooling closet, sleeping porch upstairs; has front and back stairway, cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, good garage. Call Tabor 2904; evenings- call Tabor 8436. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Branca office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. B.RGAINS. Magnificent 6-room bungalow. Holla day's add. Splendid 9-room home, Irving ton, $7500. Grand 9-room home, Irvington, $S500. Fine 8-room home, Irvington. $10,000. Excellent 9-room home, Irvington. $13,000. Superb 10-room home, Irvington, $16,000. Good 8-room, Holladays add., $6000. Charming 6-room home, Irvington, $6000. Bon 10-room home, exchange for a smaller one. $10,000, every convenience, cheap; These beiow cost. East 273. Herdman. ACRE. One of best kept V acres in city, near 52d S. E. Plenty fruit all kinds, roses, beautiful lawn, garden all planted; good S-room cottage, chicken house and run, cement sidewalk all paid. Must seli. Best buy In Portland; $2700, easy terms. Tabor 322, . $5000 LAURELHURST $5000. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW IT NEEDS PAINTING AND KALSOMINING. $500 expended will make It like new and will be worth $7500. The location is Ideal only two blocks from car; choice part of the district; arrangement of rooms is excellent; extra fine living room about loxou French doors to dining room and conservatory; 3 extra fine bedrooms. Phone Tabor 3433. or vim-is rj. oi'ni nun j il nan BTSL $2200 BUYS 4-room home in perfect eon cnuon ; aouoie constructed throughout, breakfast nook, neat and attractive; ga rage; you wilf like this home, immac ulately clean; lot 00x116; east front; call and Inspect our photos of the best buys in all sections of the city; prices and terms to suit; 7 salesmen with autos at your service. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful 8-room house, wonderful view and beautiful grounds, 75x110. The value of this property is not considered It is strictly modern and really wonder- I ill home, must be seen to oe appreci a ted. PACIFIC REALTY. Mat n 847. 409 Spalding Bl d g. $8000. $8000 8-room furnished house. 6 lots, cement basement and walks, gas. elec tricity, garage, garden, chicken house and runs, 10 apple trees, cherries, crab apple, pears, plums, grapes, all kinds of small fruit and shrubbery ; lawn view Mt Hood. Car stops at door. Tabor 9107. VACANT BARGAIN. Out-of-town has had his 6-room bun galow vacated to give purchaser im mediate pocsesslon. Price $2750. One block from car. Good - location, full lot, $0O0 cash. W. H. ROSS. 3-100 N. W. Bank Bldg. $4750 $4750 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER! Nifty 6-room bungalow on corner lot. Interior just been re tin ished, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-in ef fects, den. A real bargain ; investigate. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6050. ROSE CITY, modern 7-room home, near 42d: furna, fireplace, 3 3 bearing fruit trees, $00OO, half cash. Interstate 1 Land Co, Main 0429. 218 Stark at. REAL ESTATE. For ale -Houhcs. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY Succeeded by CARE Y-SAVIDGE COMPANY. Main 74S7. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. REAL SERVICE TO HOMESEEKERS. All kinds of good homes for sale. Any district. Never before have we had such a varied assortment of tin home bar gains. A showroom brim full of photo graphs of snappy homes. By all means come in and look them over or phone Main 74S7, and our car will call at your residence to show the best we have in the district you prefer. UNPARALLELED BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY. $1475 Read the description of this al most new 5-room bungalow, fin ished in old ivory, and compare it with other $5000 values. Hard wood floors throughout. French doors, all built-ins, wonderful in terior dfenrat iona Located on paved 04th st. Furnace, fire place, full cement basement. See ing in buying. $16o0 down. KRfi.wnRTH wnvE. $3150 2-story, tt rooms. 3 bedrooms, all large, ngni ana airy, wun wam and toilet second floor. Paved street and sewer paid in full. On carline. There are a few hundred dollars to be made on this home; $000 down takes it. CLASSY TVANHOE BUNGALOW. $3000 The owner is hard pressed for money for operation and will sell this attractive 5-room bungalow, on paved street, several hundred dollars under value. Hardwood floors, fireplace, large attic, ga rage; half block off car on 4-d st. $1000 required down. IRVINGTON PARK. $3150 6-room. li-story home on" East oOth North; 50x100 lot. right on Alberta car; 3 large bedrooms up; w hite enamel plumbing; $1100 down. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. THEY ARE BOTH GOOD VALUES. $1600 Large, roomy, well-built Jiorae on 23d st. in A lberta: 4 rooms, fine white enamel plumbing, gas, elec tricity, basement; $80U down, OR $1600 6-room ' nifty little bungalow on 13th st., just 00 feet off paved street, -toilet, but no bath, fin . ished in white enamel, $7000 down. ALBERTA FORCED SALE. $3100 5-room bungalow, splendid prac tical arrangement; only built a few years; hardwood floors throughout; several bearing fruit trees and abundance of berries. Only $70O down. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $5000 100x100 lot with 7-room home: one block off Miss. car. Paved street and sewer paid In full. Here is an excellent location and a splendid home ; 20 bearing fruit trees of every description. $2000 down. VACANT MOVE IN TODAY. $3000 0-room bungalow, built only one year; rooms retinted and nic Dutch kitchen in white enamel. Paved street, sewer paid, near Fremont st., one block, east to Union ave. Easy walking distance to Jefferson high. $700 down. Homes of this type are very scarce today. ANOTHER CLOSE-IN feoME. $5000; No street-car fare to pay here! Large, substantially built 7-room home on paved corner, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, full cement basement, 10 minutes walk to heart of city; 4 large bedrooms and sleeping porch. Terms. HERE IS A FINE BUY. $1950 Modern 5-room bungalow on 45x 100 lot in Montavilla. Here is a clever little bungalow, built only a few years, must be seen to be appreciated. Only $500 down, balance like rent. GARDEN SPOT IN MONTAVILLA, VACANT $lo00 Good 6-room house, built only four years. Completely retinted throughout and painted outside. 70x100 lot. 250 strawberries; plants all in bloom; 300 bearing raspberry bushes, several bearing fruit trees, lawn, roses and flow ers; several blocks from car. but just consider the give-away price. Ideal spot for cow and chickens. $600 down, balance like rent. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. Main 7487. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. $4000 M000 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Just give us the opportunity of show ing you this modern 6-room 2-story house; you'll be surprised! It has not only furnace and fireplace but HARD WOOD floors, cement basement and all the modern built-ins. See for yourself and be convinced. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN, 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. LAURELHURST (GEM) BUNGALOW. One of the homiest bungalows ever offered for sale in Laureihurst. Beauti fully located on an oversized lot east of park. 5 rooms, den and breakfast room; fine basement, hot water heat, fireplace, large garage, fine shrubbery; price $7000 some terms. Shown by appointment only." J. A. McCarty. Main 1700. Eve.. Tabor 5O07. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 208 SELLING BLDG, PHONE MAIN 1800. JUST A SMALL EXPENSE, for tinting and enameling inside on a 7-rm. and sleeping porch; mod. bunga low home in Laurelhurst, blk. to Rose City Park car. One next to It sold for $7000 this week. Can do the same with this one. Only $5000; $15(10 cash asked. Mar. 3332. Eve., Tabor 30i0. IRVINGTON (CAR) IRVINGTON. $5200 ($950 CASH) J 5200. A bargain and then some; all street improvements in and paid, brand new, 6-room bungalow, strictly modern ; fur nace, hardwood .floors, built-ins, etc. Open for' inspection. See it today. 821 E. 16th st. N. Owner. E. 4000. BEAUTIFUL HOME, PAVED RESTRICT ED DISTRICT. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL, SIX ROOMS CABINET WORK FINISH. FULL BASEMENT, FURNACE. BETTER SEE THIS. DARING & Mc REYNOLDS. 615 COUCH BLDG. $1950 R. C. PARK ; almost new ; partly zumisnea; oam, gas, electricity, large corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent; move right in ; some distance out, but fine chance for honest man with $600 to get nice little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner, Tabor 2678. HIGHLAND BUNGALOW. $3300 for a fine 5-room, with Dutch kitchen, buffet, furnace; in very fine shape; streets paved, sewer in and paid; only $800 to handle this. Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD, 519-20 Ry. Exchange bldg. REAL CHOICE BUY. NON-RESIDENT. 5-room modern. E. 29th st. 50x100. hard surface: owner non-resident; price only $3000. tu casn aown, bal. terms, J. ROBBINS-EPTON. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, five rooms. large attic, nrepiace, narowood rioors, white enamel finish, concrete basement. corner lot. on paved street; price only $3900, terms. Main 1963. 508 Cham, of Com. - KENTON. 5 rooms, bath, basement, cement block foundation, paving and sewer paid; block to car. $2000, shoo down, bai. monthly, 37xl00. Woodlawn 4038. AN IMPROVED 5-acre home In Vancouver with good buildings. fruit, chicken houses, in high state of cultivation: price $5000. Campbell-Pbelan ,Land & Cattle Co.. 303 couch mag. ATTRACTIVE SELLWOOD HOME. Good modern 7-room plastered house, $2350 Phone Automatic 218-4 i. No agents. 4-ROOM bungalow with large attic, Haw thorne district, fine neighborhood, .$2500. This is a bargain. See owner, 74U E. Davis et. LARGE. ROOMY. WELL-BUILT. GOOD- LOOKING, MODERN. GOOD NEIGH BORHOOD. NEAR 34TH AND SANDY, $0 1 0O. TERM S. O W N ER. M A IN 279. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 8-room house; beautiful gar den; price $ia.uuu; owner. AG 467, Ore gonian. 15 OOO 50x100. IRVINGTON 9-room house, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, $1500 handles. SIS Cham, of Com. Main 8052. FOUR-ROOM house, 50x100 lot in Kenton district; small payment down, $2o per mo. 16' East fctaitora st. G ROOMS, two blocks to ear line. $1900 $500 down, $15 month, 6 per cent. Ta bor 660. vor. SALE A modern tent house. 16x24 with fly and porch.' easily moved. 506 Lexington ave., or pnone &eu. a...-. BEAUMONT BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and sleeping porches: strictly muduru; $4o0. Owner, labor bysi. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale -Houses. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL . EAST 41J. 5O0 EAST FOURTEENTH NORTH. $19.O00. One of the choicest corcer homes, about four years old: mahosany and ivory and oak throughout first floor: second, ivory, hardwood floors through out: 2 perfect bathrooms. 4 extra lava- torie.r; hot-mater heat; double narace; beautiful porches; 100x100 grounds; line : shrubs and natural trees. $13,500. One of the beautiful corner homes one- always admires: living room, dining room, breakfast room, sun room, kitchen, maid's room and bath first floor. al telephone room: four charming bed rooms. 2 sleeping porches, tiled bath, shower. 2 extra lavatories second floor: beautiful Phrubs. vines: wonderful con crete porch; fine garage. East 41. $11,000 Buys this real home on 22 d at., near Tillamook; large living room, library, dining room, kitchen, two fireplaces, first floor; three wonderful bedrooms, two baths, extra lavatory. sleeping porch, second; maid's room, third; fine garage; $6000 ca.-h. East 419. $10,000. Eight-room bungalow home built four years ago; hot-water heat; Plate glass and hardwood floors throughout: im ported tile bath with pedestal plumb ing; garage; eav terms. East 419. $11,000. Large, rambling bungalow; 7 rooms first floor: all ivory; tiled bath: sepa rate toilet; If. W. floors throughout: 100x100 grounds; near KnotU heart of Irvington. East 41. $7000 . Buys eight-room house. 25th. near Hancock: living room, large sunroom. dining, kitchen, breakfast nook first floor; 4 B. R. tiled bath second. This house is two vears old. East 419. THIS GROUP. Fine comer bungalow, garage. $!s(S0. Two fine homes. 14th. $5000 and $4o00. . English home, large rooms, two hatha and garage. $9000. Fine home. 22d eL, S rooms, double garage. $8000. Fine home. 20th st.. garage. S7RO0, Good bungaJow near l&lh. $0600. Two houses on 14 th street, not new but good: $4000 and $0500: terms. McDONELL EAST 419. 50O EAST FOURTEENTH NORTH. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. VERY ATTRACTIVE. All finished In old ivory and white enamel, oak floors, breakfast nook, built in buffet, bookcases, cabinet, etc.; fur nace and fireplace, closets in bedrooms, good attic; this Is an exceptionally well constructed house which can easily be seen. Call Tabor 2904; evenings call Tabor 8436. J. L, HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Branch Office, 40th and Sandy Blvd. FOR SALE. U. S. GOVERNMENT PORTABLE BUNGALOWS. We have two new very attractive bun galow portable houses built for U. S. of ficers homes during the war. made of 3-ply material; have 6 windows. 5 doors and 2 partitions. Put them on yo-ir acreage or vacant lots, send them to tne beach for your summer home. Any two men can put them up in three davs; would cost about $1000 to build. We are selling them at only $500. See these to appreciate them. TURNER & CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $3400 for a fine 6-room with furnace; fine place; paved streets; lot 50x100; blk. from car; $40O cash, bal. terms. $3000 for a good roomy houpe in fair condition, with fireplace, furnace ; paved streets; near Alberta car; lot 50x100; and only $000 cash. bal. monthly. $260o for a fine 4-room bungalow with fireplace, basement, bath, toilet, hot and cold water; in fine shape ; corner feOx 100 with alley; $0K) cash. bal. monthly. Phone Marshal! 8J9. F. L. BLANCHARD. 619-20 Ry. Exchange bldg. NEW i Irvington Colonial Home. 8 large rooms, central entrance hall, extra large living room, dining room, sun- room and convenient kitchen with pass pantry; second floor, 4 large bed rooms, tiled bath with best of plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, 2 fireplaces; no expense has been spared to make this a most complete and convenient home. Owner's price $10,500. terms. Phone Tabor 5694, or Tabor 2124. 660 East 15th North. WEST SIDE BARGAINS. $3500 for a 6-room oji 21st N. ; only $500 cash. $2650 for a 6-room bungalow with large attic, full basement; street paved and all improvements in and paid; $b0U cash, bal. terms. This Is on Savler. 43000 for a 5-room on Keliev. with basement and fine garage 22x28; streets paved ana paia; opiy oou aown. .uar ahail 829. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Ry. Exchange bldg. SPLENDID large residence. $450 cash, bal ance to suit you; 8 rooms, new furnace, full basement. laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, buffet; construction exception ally good ; double walls throughout and besides it's in fine condition now. and quick possession. You'll be delighted with the grand porch extending around 3 sides of house; 100x100 corner lot; lots of fine fruit and berries. Price is very low. $4500. Take Woodlawn car to 15th. 2 blocks south. 605 Liberty st $4900 HAWTHORNE $4900. Here it Is, a good 8-room house suit able for two families: hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen; a won derful buy and a fine garage thrown in; $2000 cash and only $30 per month. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. HAWTHORNE AVENUE HOME. Modern 6-room home, full basement, bath, laundry trays, new furnace. 50 rose bushes, garage, cement walks and curbs, both streets hard surface. hous faces east; corner lot, 1 block north of Hawthorne ave. ; No. 259 E. 4tith st. ; $5000. $1000 cash. Terms on balance. Property clear. Owner. Sell. 23S8. IRVINGTON $11.000 HALF CAI Irvington real home, built 5 years; large living room, fireplace; library fireplace ; beautiful dining room, perfect Kitcnen; 4 Dearooms, j. oatns, extra laun dry, second floor. hardwood floors throughout; fine concrete garage. . Mc Don ell. East 419. WEST SIDE. 5-room cottage in fine con dition, business property on Gibbs. be tween Front and Water sts., you will have a good home and an investment, you can move right in as house is va cant; price $2250. reasonable terms. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern o-room bungalow, reception hall, fireplace, boofcease, hardwood floors, finished in old ivory, papered through out, full basement, cement floors. ftcrn shades, fixtures: imp. in and paid. Price iuuy casn. marsnati o;8. ALBERTA BARGAIN. 5 rooms, nice bath. shrubhrv 1 nainted. etc.: $2000 or best cash rrr-- mortgage $840; my equity $lo60; half cash, bal. easy. J. W. McCoIpin, 210- FOR SALE 6-room house. 2 stnrio il block from Alberta car: chicken house grape arbour, lilac hedge, bearing fruit ana Derries; i.uu aown. Dai. liae rent. Call owner, automatic 310-09. $7500 WEST SIDE sacrifice, 9 room. modern. jiwu, o rooms. H14 Gantenbein o rooms, o-tiu ci. x-j., 1 uuu. y fine Int Mt.Scott car. i-uu. Terma. Broadway $2500 5-ROOM cottage In Sunnyside; fruit n trrrr. o i. i - - i. . Ill UnQ Paid: On A " , casn bal monthly. Seo J. P. McKenna. Belmont - will - j " ' i uur o-:.s. hkjcl c.tuu uy 1 -room hours witn lot 50x100 with chicken house" fruit' berries and flowers. sit 1 1 r.u-1 uuvu o-rwo.i. u..fitww, sleeping porch 1 a rcrift fruit. &.U n Auf nw. - w. 1 $2y00; reasonable terms; Immediate nl - Call at 1911 E. Irving s(P session, WEST SIDE snap, 7-room modern garage, on tr uur ovrgain Tor $26O0 anu icdiia. JHamber 40-ACRE improved farm, 4 miles east of Oregon City, bearing orchard, two wells 2 sprin gs. close to good school. 3u"i Couch bldg. - MY HOME in Irvington and all my furni ture for sale at sacrifice; corner 15th and HaneocK. Phone East 2lb9. Sunday. and evenings &TrOOM house. 50x100 lot. full basement, good garden and cherry trees, for ouiujc sale. $2200. terms. 1226 Detroit ave. DEAL with owner: 5-room modern bunga low for sale, $1800; $r00 will handle. 7427 56th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott Car. FOR SA LC Comfortable 4-room home beautiful view, fruit, ftowera. 240 Ban croft ave., near Terwilliger blvd. FOR SALE '5-room house, easy terms; on premises all day Sunday. 1513 Missia sippi. near car and park. FOR SALE By owner, a modern 6-room house, walking distance. 70tt E. Burn side st. BY OWNER Modern 8-room bungalow; hardwood floors, built-ins. garage and garden. Phone Tabor 5140. SMALL plastered bungalow, fruit and ber ries, $1100 if sold at once; vacant now. Inquire at 51 N. 6th st. SAC RI FI CE $2600. one "acre and good 5 room house. $lQOQ cash. Tabor 7795. NEAT 5-room bungalow, 153 W. Wiuchcll iU $-G00, terms. REAL ESTATE. tor bale Houses. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 13TH NEAR FAILING. $2650 Nice ft-rooin bungalow, electric ity, bath, attic, cement base rnent, buffet, trays, fine lot, OOx lOO; paved strt-et( paid ; 7 fine fruit trees, small truils; about cah. 6-ROOM, HOUSE, CORNER E. MAIN AND 23 D. $3800 Good G-rootn square house. 3 bed rooms, ail light, airy rooms; elec tricity, bath, attic, cement base ment, buffet, trays, fine lot. OOx 70; paved street, paid; $800 cath, $20 per month. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, 100x100. $4000 Nice 6-room bungalow, hot wa ter heat, cement basement, elec tricity, bath, bui'tet. cabinet kitchen : 10 bearing fruit trees, 6 walnuts, grapes, lots of small fruits, chicken houso and run. lot IllDxinil, corner on E. 2Sth st. in Irvington park, '2 blocks to car. Price clear of everything, $4000. cash. GRUSS1 & BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Our new, modern ofiit-cs on the SEC OND FLOOR of the AJB IN G TO N BLDG. are now open, and wc arc ready ( 1 F THAT IS POSSIBLE) to SERVE YOU better than ever before. OUR HOM E SERVICE IS UNEQUALLED. Our thor ough familiarity with the best home dis tricts, our careful Inspection and ap praisal of every HOME listed and every facility of our large, competent organ ization are placed at the disposal ot the HOME SEEKER. Our VNPARA LLELED display of over 0t PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale will afford you an un limited choice. It you are in tho MAR KET for a home, you can't miss SEEING FRANK L. .McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. IS Autos at Your Service. Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. $450fJ 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH Three rooms and sleeping porch up stairs, living room, dining room ami kit chen down; hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, two blocks to Rose City car line, $2000 rash, bal. per month at 6'fe. Call Tabor 2004 evenings call Tabor 436. J. I HAHT MA.Nc: COMPANY. Branch Office. 40th and Sandy Blvd. i-uu i,fc,r us show you this nifty home of -m iuuuw aiiu uain aown wit& one largo room 14x37 up; fireplace, brftfet. Dutch Kitcnen; living room 14x6. full baso- icm.. teraeni noor; hot-water svstem lor heating that would cost $1000 to install today; double constructed throughout; convenient to Vancouver ana Kenton cars and Jefferson high; this is a wonderful buy, with lot 60x127. Beautiful trees and shrubbery; $1000 nut nanuic. rsever before adver tised. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 3094 and 5S3 3 ROOMS, modern home ; paneled living room, den. white enameled breakfast room. Dutch kitchen hn f h rnnm with toilet, bedroom first floor, upstairs 3 bed- luums. irom room, sleeping porch, with French doors; ail with large closets and lavatory; tun cement basement, lurnace, cement laundry tub. fruit room with shelves, bins for vegetables; will take small car or vacant . lot up to $000 as pare aown payment; price $4650; $2000 en a ii. is j xt. uregoniao. A REAL HOME. Owner leaving; no better built in city; best plumbing; all improvements; Si berian oak floors; art glass windows: cut stone fireplace and columns; full cement basement; 5 rooms, sleeping porch. Ad Joining Laurelhurst park. Around $5000 for quick action, according to terms. No agents. rnone ij-aet 12. FURNITURE AbiU. " HOLLA DAY. 7-room 2-story home In the best of condition, large airy rooms, oak floors up ana aown, 2 fireplaces, dandy base ment, garage, 50x100 lot. $7000, $2500 win uanaie it; Balance 10 suit. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. Main 4322. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, ivory finish, oak floors tnrougnout, piate glass; complete every respect, strictly modern, priced PACIFIC REALTY. Main 847. 400 Spalding Bldg. HAWTHORNE. 6-room, 2-story, bungalow type, located, two blocks to school, all paid; a real buy at $3750. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. Main 4522. well imp. 4-'oO J- KUUM. lot 60X100. full cement base., furnace., L. trays, fireplace; this is a money-getter for housekeeping rooms; location is grand; would make a good home for large family; liberal terma See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at o'Jtn ij years. Tabor 6403. HOT "WATER HEAT. Laurelhurst b-room bungalow. Extra large lot. trees, flowers and shrubbery; fine garage. Owner invalid and must -change quick. Your opportunity he quick. Phone Tabor 3433, or call at 011 ice n. oum ana ousan sts. FOR SALE Practically new 6-room house in Beaumont; large living room, dining room, with built-ins. fireplace and hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, sleeping on Betona uoor; larpe cioines cioset; auyn ton furnace. Owner at 401 Weidler. Jast 2004. BRAND NEW 4-room modern bungalow, with complete bathroom and breakfast nook, located on E. 87th and Pine, six diocks xo cars. v uii lot. cement side walk, basement, etc. Price $3000; tejms to suit, owner, ri. h McCoy, 1201 Bel mont sr. idDor oui. $370O WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY 5-room modern bungalow and all beau tiful furniture for few days only. Owners called east, therefore the terrible slaugh ter in price. This borne Is in Sunnyside turn nawiaorne ur&Lrici. Lto you want It COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. MODERN house and acre; will take $3800, just what would cost to build house; on account of large family; fruits ai! Kinas; garage. adoui cash, bal -ance terms. 4028 East 76th st. S. K, jau evenings, raoor iui4. 2 huusks on lot ouxiuo on E. 27fh m near car barns, full cement basements, wash trays, fireplace, eas and elotri. street paved and paid; price $3000. terms John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce Diag. LUiiAur. 01 xive rooms ana sleeping iufun, iiiuuci u c a y l uain,- gas, eiec tricity. good location. 2 blocks to Sell wood car. Price, $1000. easy terms. rnone evenings, eenwooa 1 io or see owner bunaay at I4ia t:. 16th st. 5-ROOM bouse, walks in and paid, frui and garden, $1600, $300 cash. 6-room .modern house near Franklin high, full lot, $2600. $500 cash. Jones, Aiam o--. FOR SALE by owner 4-room bungalow, $1700 cash only; nara -surface streets, lot auociuu; minutes irom town. Seiiwooa car. Apply i.. iota, near Center st evenings ana Sundays. $1000 CAbii, o-k. cottage, lull cemen base., furnace, laundry traya. fruit, rraoes. streets, sewers in and paid: nrir- $3200. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at SiMh 13 years. Taoor 64U3. 6-ROOM house, full lot. bearing fruit, near school ana car; owner leaving fo Seattle, Immediate possession; $1200, $400 cash, $li per month. Main 5429, Sunday Main l8o2- IRVINGTON $7000. Bv owner, leaving city. 7-room mod ern house, all hardwood floors, two fire places, sleeping porch, garage; 759 Weidler. fciast oio. NEAR REED COLLEGE. 4-R. new, nifty bung., 100x1 00-ft. lot, 27 fruit trees, .berries, one blk., to car; $;lv0 cash bal. easy. Marshall 2352. Res. Tabor 3090. 8-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. $3800; 16 AS SORTED FINE BEARING FRUIT TREES; CORNER LOT. 78xl00: BEAU TIFUL PLACE. EASY TERMS. 4605 41ST. AVE. S. E., COR. 48TH ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. "Nice 5-room modern bungalow with fine attic and garage: lot 75x100. Price 45300; $:00O cash, balance mortgage. BROOKE. Marshall 4S27. $750, ALBERTA district, 75x100 and im provements, can be converted into a comfortable 3-room house with little ex pense. Owner, 15 11th at. Phone Main St78. ATTRACTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. Thoroughly modern; 7 rooms, den. sleeping porch; full lot. Owner leaving city. JsuoO: terms. NO AGENTS. EAST 2578. READ THIS OVER. Good 6-room house, full lot. fruit trees, garden, full basement, laundry travs, newly painted. $3750; terma. Wdln. 830. MODERN bungalow. 5 rooms, all converT-ienc-s; block Richmond car, near high, grade and Catholic schools; substantial pay ment. Owner. 1203 lvoti st. 7 ItOOMS, full 2-story house, large living room, fine large garage, good location and close In. East 7th and Tillamook. Terms to suit. Owner. Broadway 1V07. BY OWNER New, modern, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. It has all the built-in conveniences and all up to date. Come out. and see It, 1S6 Luuielliurot au. REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. LARGEST JIOM E SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC I'O AST HOMES! HOMES! HOMES! HOMES! NINE HUNDRED Homes FOR SALE. Bv FRANK L McGUIRE. 900 photosraphs of homes FOR SALE. Our extensive listings afford you a wider and belter selection than tan be had anywhere. Every photograph has accu rate description, with price, iorms. un der it. Our MODERN M ETHoDS OF HOME SELLING will sine vour TIME AND MONEY AND ESTABLISH Yul! IN the HOME lor w hiirh vmi have lone been wn i t i n g. M AN Y R E M A KKA11I .E BARGAINS which will never occur again. See FRANK L- McGUIRE To Buy Tour Homo. Abington Bldg. Second Floor. Main 1053. IS AUTOS at Your SERVICE. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $4950, WITH TERMS. This is one of the cosiest little bunga lows in the Park, full of largo windows, fireplace, furnace, wondlift. built-in buf fet, cabinets, etc.; BOud attic, cement nasoment. abundance of closet room on a corner lot. Call Tabor ti , J Wrrenmp! caU Tabor S4on. ,T. L. ShRT!.A' r'M!'AN1'- Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. ROSFS CITY PARK $7000. isew, modern, up-to-date 7-room house, aounie constructed, hardwood floors, flre piace furnace, large platp glass windows in trnnt and dining rooms, shades and nxturcs. china closet and buffet, book cases; finished in ivory; Dutch kitchen, linoleum, breakfa-st room. den. 3 bed rooms with closets; extra large bath room, imrn closet, clothes shute. elec- u W't( nOM m every room, double switch for up and downstairs; cement basement, fruit closet and laundry trays, ga.ra.Ke w ith cement iloor and runway ; nothing left out for a convenient and nice home and, best of all, good work is dono on this house. For appointment call oodlawn t -'. : i. O w n c r. IRVINGTON. New modern Dutch colonial home, larRt liv i tip-room. 4 large boil rooms. 1 brary, brea k fast -room. enclosed back 'porch, tile hath, fine plumbing, hardwood floors and first - class construction throughout; all ivory vif raiiie enamel finish ; wa :is artistically papered. Open for inspection lodav. Price jlKiOO; terms. -9 E. U1M st North. KUHKKT fc. BEAT, OWNER. Woodlawn 177. BUILDER. A REAL BUY -For sale bv owner, a dandy pood house, Vj block from car; ha 8 pieces plumbing fixtures, fine furnace, fireplace. 7-ft. full cement basement; every corner completely finished; double constructed .ll through: one of the best built homes in Portland; can bo bought with either 75 ft., 100 ft. or 150 ft. ground; must be seen to be appreciated. Offered at half what it would cost to day; must Bell.' owner leaving city. Call Woodlawn 6--S3. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES tabor 4aaa rodabaugh. Suburban II omen. $U5 DOWN. $lJ50 MONTHLY. We have about 2T 1 -acre tracts, which may be purchased separately ; all set out to bearing apples, cherries, pears, phuns, prunes, black raspberries, goose berries and red raspberries. These tracts are within mile from the tic car line. They are in the very highest state of cultivation and in perfect condition. The acre which has the gooseberries on it netted the owner neariy $:tuo last year. The surroundings are good and the price. $lo0 per acre, makes this an attractive proposition to the man de siring to get just outside of the city limits. Fred W. German Co.. 73- Cham ber of Commerce. BY REASON OF THE DEATH OF MY HUSBAND I am compelled to part with our little 2-acre farm, which is highly developed with a nice t-room house and a full equipment of chicken houses to take care of from G00 to IOOO chickens. I will sell the whole place as it stands with over 400 chickens, considerable fuel, briquet tes for brooders, incubators, a blacksmith outfit and sme furniture at the price of $00m0. I cannot take less than $1000 in cash, but will give good terms on the balance. To be shown the place kind! v call at my attorney's of fice. 404 Piatt bldg.. 17 Park st. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BUNGALOW. SUBURBAN. SUBURBAN. 4 rooms, lovelv white kitchen with all built-ins. breakfast nook, large living room, oak floors, fireplace and 2 bed rooms, bath, gas and free electricity for ' two years, iuii concrete nasemeni; acre ground. This is a money-saver. PACIFIC REALTY. Main R47. 4u0 Spalding bldg. 6-ROOM house barn, 1 acres. $lSOO; rooms above, barn. 1 cultivated, fruit, water; Store bin g.. , acres. SJ 00; also 1 T. o-acre tracts. S-..t up; r;usu potatoes, chickens, cow ; close to United EIctric, highway, school; west side, near mfg. district; plenty work, easy terms Owner, ;ilO Railway Exchange. Main 675. residence East 1 OSS. 75 ACRES Linn ton district. $ 10OO; and 8 acres west or Willamette Heights. $60i0. Will subdivide or trade. $U0oi Lot and 6-room house, near Killings worth ave. Newton McCoy. 715 Orego nian bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lst0 up. Inquire ad house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." G-ROOM modern home, with all kinds of fruit, good auto road. This is a real buy. See owner, 43 Chamber of Com merce bldg. G. S. Smitli & Co. 1000 ACRE, house, garden, trees; te Oswego Lake, McFARLAND. 2Q& rms ; Fail- ing buuaing. $2000 HOUSE, well, berries, hen houses, 2 acres. McFARLAND. 1'OS Failing bldg. For Sale Businewn Property. WEST SIDE Three 2-family flat build ings. Sell one or all. Modern, fine in come; easily changed to apartments. Owner in flat, 349 tith st., near Lincoln high For Sale -Acreage. 10 ACRES, all first-class soil. 5 acres cultivated, lots of fruit and berries, good 5-room house and outbuildings, on good graveled road and Pacific highway. An ex cellent place for chickens, berries, etc. A snap at $0ot easy terms. F. R. JESSE, 527 Corbett bldg. SNAP. 50x100 ft.: paved sts. all paid, 3 blocks to Irvington car. 2 blocks to Broadway car; $90O; liberal terms. Ask for Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Mam 203. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 20 acres level land. 8 miles Vancouver. i.i mile small town and electric R. It. station, school and church. 1 mile hard surface highway: 2 acres cleared, balance partly and timber; chance to live out and work in Portland. Price $2500. easy terms. Irvine. oOO Hawthorne ave. (000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, iow price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Writ for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. MULTNOMAH district, acre. $550: acre. $750: on highway, 2 blocks to Ore gon Electric station; tic fare; water, gas, electricity; fine for chickens; garden, cow; easy terms. ;:iO Railway Exchange. Main OTTj, residence East 70"SS. 10 ACRES. 14 under cultivation; good buildings: on new i'acific highway and S. I. electric; $20,oo0. A 1 so 5-acre tracts. 4 miles city limits. R 128, Ore gon la n. ACRES, close to Mabery station, on Bull Run electric; unimproved ; ideal place for summer horn1: right on main road, $lloo, terms. 209 Oregon bidg. Bd wy. ItiuS. IDEAL BERRY FARMS. 20 acres rich berry land, all til'aMe; 2 miles off paved highway. Price $100; fCr.O cash, balance to suit. L. J. Lamb, 1026 -C. of C. Bidg. Marshall 3,"t3. TWO acres, six miles from 6th and MoT rison sts: 40O ft. oft' hard-surfaced road, and a very sightly building site. For in formation call mgr. Rainier hotel. 10 ACRES, J27.M), short distance east of city, uncleared, but a big bargain. Hart, 0 ! o Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 1 5.". 6 ACRES, partly cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. 2V- ACRES at end of Hawthorne ave. line, specialty offered at $2.O0. Hart, J10 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mar. 15t5. ACRE for sale. Skidmore and Slauson sts.. Parkrose; new 12x20 cabin ; culti vated. See owner on place. 6 ACRES near Willamlna. level, cleared, fenced. 4-room house, barn; $1350. J150 cash. 915 mo. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d st. ONE acre, cleared, one block to Kockwood station on Troutdale electric: $750. terms. 20J Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 10-"S. TWO acres, close to Rubv junction, on half cleared, balanee fir grove; mo0, terms. 201 Orvfiou bid.'. Bdwy. 165b. RKAL ESTATE. For Eale Acreage. $550 PER ACRE AND L P. NORTH TARKnOSS ACRES. NEW ACREAGE TRACTS. VERY EASY TERMS. Special terms to people wh- make ae lecuon before the plat is filed. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW. 2 AND 3-ACRE TRACTS. Th greater proportion of this prop erty is aJl cleared a-nd ready for the plow. This is the propertv l--ing north a Sandy Blvd. fCOLUM Bl A H 1G11W AI In Parkrose. and is undoubtedly fi.m fj tn finest garden land in the state. 1 nt land has been overflowed with tbo spnng freshet. for years, and is now being diked a-nd drained. It is now covered with a rich stlt. The plat will be filed In a few da-s. fC bc snro and one of the early ones. Com out and see it. TMKTiOST) RRANTTT OFFICE OV f.N'fJY R,'VO- AT END OF PARK KOSE CARLINE. OR CAX-Tj MATN OFFICE. J". L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Com. bids. Main 2 OS. 1 1-5 acre, all cultivated and first-class soil, only 20 miles out on Oregon Electric, 1 V blocks to station, near paved road; good house with basement, can have wa ter, electric lights and gas. chh-k-en house 12x24, woodshed. 2700 bearing strawberry plants and oth or fruit: furniture and garden too's included lor only $3 600, lorms. F. R. JESSE, 627 Corbett bldg. ROSE CITV Fa!rJC SAP. .OxTO? ft., northwest corner of 5t and Stanton. 1 block, north of carline. east and south, front, some fir trees, lot on grarie w ith street ; price onlv $7n. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. l or Sale IRRIGATED FARM. 40-acre farm with 35-acre pai up perpetual water right from the state of Oregon. There is 35 acres in sweet clover this, year; good 4-room ceiled house; small barn ; all fenced and in good shape. Tel ephone and mail route, also auto busies to carrv children to and from school. This is fine land fr alfalfa or potatoes. Owner's rep resentative from Redmond will be at the office of Coe A. McKenna & Co., 82 Fourth st.. May 10, 11 and 12, and can give you full details. Ask for Mr. Mitrrow, 82 Fourth Street. 155 ACRES, most all tillable. 20 acres in crop, several thousand dollars worth of timber, bordering on Lewis river, adjoining LaCenter, abundance of fruit and berries. 6 room house, barn, all necessary out buildings, fin team, harness, wagon, 4 dairy cows. 2 calves, 2 brood sows, will farrow soon : 2 shoats. 2 plows, drag harrow, disc, new separator, all small tools, all household furniture; price $14,000. $MK0 cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main Streets, Vancouver. Wash. CAUGHT PROFITEERING ON LAND. When you read of merchants taking 50 per cent on their investment, you shud der. On ten acres of Yakima valley ir rigated land that cost them from $2m) to $500 per acre manv farmers har vested a crop that brought from $liO0 to $ 130O per acre last year; prospects are better now than last year. Quit kicking. . Get busy. Ten acres all in 10-vear-old Winesap apple trees with peach and pear fillers. The li20 crop brought $5100. Government water, sight lv location, fenced hog tight. $r500. on terms. $lf0O cash and H crop. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 512 Selling bldg.. Portland. Or. . FOR SALE by owner. 240 acres, in Wash ington county. 10O acres finest bottom land. In cultivation, buildings, insured for $10,000; immediate possession ; all ready for crop. Address AN 50, Orego nian. FOR SALE lOO-acre farm near Turner, Or., wit h 5-room house and abundanc of "running water, also good barn ; acres under cultivation, most in crop balance is pasture and timber; rural route and telephone; i mile of school; $100 an acre takes everything, including stock and equipment: can arrange terms for half if desired. R. H. Farns, Route 2. box 23. Turner, Or. POLK COUNTY. 66 acres, all tillable, with 54 acres In cultivation: balance oak brush: 3 wells; 5 acres bearing prunes; well taken care of; rural route, rock road. 3s mile from town and railroad. In a thickly settled farming district; price $8250; 150O cash; terms on the balance. FRED W. GERMAN. 732 Cham, of Com. $100 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY. Ill acres of logged -off land, well built 5-room bungalow. in Klickitat countv. Wash. Log R. R. through place," volcanic ash soil, particularly adapted to fruit raising. Total pric $16oo. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. GOOD wheat ranch in good location; 8 miles from Dufur ; 50 acres in wheat, 50 acres in summer fallow; good im provements: plenty of water: all ma chinery, 1 good team and harness, and 1 good cow goes with place. Price S10.0O0. W. C H ANNA, Dufur, Or. 164 ACRES near Dufur. Or.; 115 acres in cultivation ; 50 acres in crop; 7-room modern house: good barn and outbuild ings; all hog-tight fences; creek run ning through ranch : 18 acres under ditch: good family orchard. Price 53500. For terms, write W. C. H ANNA. Dufur, Or. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 40 ACRES. IS acres' in hay. bal. tim ber and pasture; 5-room house, good barn, outbuildings, fine family orchard: spring and well at house: lots of small fruit. For quick sale, 52500. Mlllership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. IF YOU have a few thousand dollars to invest in 200 acres of real farm land, only one hour drive from Portland, in a beautiful farming district, and only $50 per acre, easy terms, see Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. NICE country home on creek, 6 miles above Dufur; 8." acres under ditch: good orchard: growing clover and alfalfa: about 50 head of sheep go with place. For terms, write. W. C. H ANNA. Dufur. Or. FOR SALE 32 acres. 25 in crop: on cream and mail route: living spring; money voted to hard surface road; 17 miles to Portland, 3 miles to Oregon City. Owner. D. T. Brown, route 1, box f5. Oregon City. SAVE commission; buy of owner cheap for sightlv home, etc., between Mosier and The Dalles. Send quick for full written description to R. H. Cummlngs. 237 E. 50lh st., Portland. FA R M SACR1 FT C E. 52 acres. 45 in cultivation; good build ings; electric station on piace ; bst of soil- Washington county. Investigate at once, rice $7500, terma Owner, 47 E. 53d st. m 30 ACRES. 1 5 applet, walnuts, prune, cherries. 5 timber; house, barn, near sta tion, .church and school; hour's ride; jsoon, terms. 213-06 Automatic. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $20O per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all aiaea McFarland. 209 Failing bldg 110 ACRES, 25 miles from Portland. CaU evninga -414 College st. or phono Main 7911. FOR SALE 62-A. dairy ranch; 25 A. In crop. Write for information to Chas. K. Sprague. Oreenlcaf. Or. L.OGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water: good soil, y tillable; employment; asy terms. J. R. Sharpe. S3 3d st. 20 ACRES. 10 acres fenced and in culti vation : 10 in timber, house, barn. Price $ 1 100. box 13i Vernonia. Or. GOOD ranch for sale in southern Oregon. Box 115. Eagle Point. Or. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley iarms. Paul Rotate r, Stockton. Cai. I