1920 L E 2 n Change in Naming District Superintendents Urged. SAMPLE SHOP 264 Alder St., Near Third Opposite Gill's Book Store CONFERENCE TO DECIDE Nomination of Candidates Would Go to Methodist Conference for Approval Under Plan. THE MORXrco OKEGOXrAS", FTtlDA Y, MAT 1IT BISHOPS POWER PROPOSED GMBE DES MOINES, la., May 6. An ef fort will be made at the ffeneral con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church in session here to limit the powers of the bishops of the church by requirinpr them to nominate candi dates for district superintendent in each district of the church, and al low the annual conference to confirm the appointment, it became known today. In case the annual conference should refuse to confirm, the Bishops would then have to nominate another, per son. This matter is receiving spirited discussion in the committee on itin erancy and will probably be reported out of committee within a few days. In his address at the night session. President Lynn Harold Hough of JCorth western university, made a plea for adequate salary for public school teachers. He spoke on the subject. "Methodism and the Intcllectial L,ifc," urging intellectual freedom in educa tional institutions. He said: Conservative Radical Held neat. "There are two prominent types in the industrial, political and religious world. They may be called the bour bon and the radical. The bourbon Is the man who appreciates so highly the good things in the present scheme of things that he wants to keep them all. The man of the' other extreme sees so vividly the good things to be that he is. willing to de stroy the values of the present. "The true progress of the country depends on what may be called the conservative radical, the man who joins to the approved values of past f-xperience, the readiness to adopt r.ew measures and make new experi ments wh'ch do not destroy these values." Dr. Hough defined Methodism as being first an individual experience of life of God in the soul of man, and second, a new sort of experience in the life of God in humanity. Uagut of Nations Indorsed. He urged that it is the duty of the church to make both of these ele ments of religion vital forces in the life of today. The committee on state of church has voted to report favorably the resolution referred to it which would instruct the conference to send to the president of the United States and congressmen the paragraph from the address of the bishops relating to the league of nations and which practically indorsed a league as a guardian of world peace. Just what the committee will report has not been announced. Among matters pending before the committee on itinerancy are those fixing a minimum salary of $1500 a year for ministers and recognition of women In the ministry. HEART BALM CASE HEARD M. B. HOFFMAX SUES CAPTAIN FOR $50,000. Wife and Defendant, J. G. Wallace, Deny Guilt; Jury Gets In structions Today. SEATTLE, "Wash.; May . Spe cial.) Whether M. B. Hannum, '36, restaurauteut. is entitled to $50,000 from Captain J. G. Wallace, widely known Puget sound tugboat skipper, in view of the alleged loss of Mrs. HaanumV love, is to be decided by a jury in Judge John S. Jurey's de partment of superior court Friday. Testimony in the case was completed tonight and adjournment taken for the court's instructions a ad final argument of counsel. Hannum recited that he and his wife, Charlotte Victoria Hannum, were married January 19, 1916, and lived together in reasonable harmony until about July 1, 1919, when Cap tain V allace began to press his at tentions." Captain Wallace was said to have bestowed upon Mrs. Hannum a diamond ring and silk clothing, and the two were represented to have met secretly for motor rides. The first of the year, charged the husband, his wife told him she no longer leved him, but cared only for Captain Wal lace. They subsequently separated January 2S, 1920, it was deposed that Mrs. Hannum and Captain Wallace were discovered together in a room at a local hotel. "Before she met Wallace," testified Hannum, "my wife was willing to do what I wanted her to and I always iid what she told me in other words we got along fine. Of course, there were the usual married couple's quar rels. On the witness stand Captain Wal lace admitted a friendship with Mrs. Hannum, but emphatically denied that there was . any wrong-doing. Mrs. Hannum backed up the assertion. She has been employed as a waitress in local restaurants. NEW INDUSTRY RUMORED Woodenware Plant May liocate at North Bend. Or. NORTH BEND, Or... May 6. (Spe cial.) It is reported here that the Menasha V oodenware company, i large wood-products concern of Me nasha. Wis., is negotiating through its local representative, Herbert Arm strong, for a lease of several hundred feet of water frontage near the Bay l'ark mill from the Simpson estate with a view of establishing a plan for the manufacture of staves and barrel heads. It is rumored the proposed plan will employ about 50 persons and that it will secure its supply of material largely from the local mills, using much of the waste that is now be ing burned. JAN -- tf g. ri9i8 APft.ll 1920 t )3S 23 Building A Modern Pyramid A Monument to Seivice WHAT could be a more fitting tribute to the initiative and endeavor of an institution than the record of its own progress? Like the works of the ancient Egyptians, the house of Morris Brothers, Inc., is being builded substantially and permanently. Each day, week and month marks the lengthening and broadening of .the foundation of our service structure. . The comparative statement above shows the growth of our business in periods of four months during the past three years. There represented are not only the figures indicating our periodical turn over of Government and Municipal Bonds, but also the facts which bespeak the ever-growing knowledge of and confidence in the securities we handle. We are proud of this record from the standpoint of accomplishment, in which every person in our organization has faithfully played a part. The public will also be proud of that record in appreciation of the investment service afforded. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. "The Premier .Municipal Bond House" . Capital One Million Dollars Telephone Broadway 2151. Morris. Bldg 309-11 Stark St, Bet. Fifth and Sixth Established Cfver Quarter Century in operated under the two-platoon sy- gold, according to a special dispatch tern after the first of January is I from Kovno. to be submitted to the voters at the coming primary election on May 21. COTTON WAGE IS RAISED Operatives in English Factories Get 28 a Per Cent Lift. MANCHESTER, England. May 6. The wage dispute in the cotton trade. which involved 400,000 operatives, has been settled. - The operatives have Teceived an in ctease of 28 Vs Per cent in the current wages,' with an additional 10 per cent to male cardroom workers. Aberdeen Has Warm Day. ABERDEEN, Wash., May 6. (Spe cial.) Mercury in the government bureau here at noon today reached 76 degrees, the highest recorded this year. There was no discomfort, but overcoats generally were shed by men. In the business section many office windows that had been closed since last summer' were opened. Last night the thermometer fell to 34 de term of the circuit-court at St. Helens Monday In June and it , is not ex Monday. He expects to he in Colum- pected that-any more jury trials will bia county at least two weeks; . The j be held before that time, although next regular term- of court In this 1 the panel will not be discharged until city will be convened on the third the end of the present term. American' Steel Gives Dividend. CHICAGO. . May 6. The American Steel Foundries today declared a stock dividend of 6 per cent on the common stock payable . May 29, to stock of record May 15. Lithuania to Get 5,000,000. Copenhagen, May b. A large st Helens court Opens Monday. British bankine: concern has entered into an arrangement for financing ASTORIA, Or.. May 6. (Special.) Lithuania to the amount of f5,000.000 Judge Eakin will open a regular .Slayer Asks V. S. Citizenship. MINEOLA. N. V., May 6. Mrs. Mar guerite LeBaudy of Weitbury, the French woman who last year shot f nd killed her husband. Jacques" Le Baudy. "emperor of the Sahara." to day took .. out her first citizenship pa pers. Fire Plans Up to Voters, ASTORIA. Or., May . (Special.) The iuestlon of whether or not the Astoria firu department will . be Salmon Are Striking AT OREGON CITY The man who makes his living; by fishing the com mercial fisherman buys his tackle of us. We know what to use and recommend. Buy your fishiifg; tackle of us. EVINRUDE MOTOR CO. Fishing; Tackle, Gasoline Engines, Rowboat Motors . Marine and Electrical Supplies 211 MORRISON STREET Camping and touring are most pleas urable when you feel that your au tomobile has been properly over hauled and repaired. Let us tell you about our new price in advance plan of automobile re pairing. You are . guaranteed full value. . . Cook & Gill Co., Inc. Eleventh and Burns ide Streets Phone Broadway 3281. m CREME DE CAM ELI A UQUtO TOUT POWDER makes nam tnsnoa rat a PlUSIMC STORY-WPCOVtS TOT I ODaPUXKM - SOU? EVERVWHUf SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes and sprinkled In the foot-bath. The Plattsburg Camp Man ual advises men In training; to use Foot Kase In thfclr shoes each morning. It pre vents blisters and sore spots and relieves painful, swol len. smarting feet and takes the. sting out of corns and bunions. Al mays ute Allen's Foot-Ja to break in new shoos. Adv. , I THE BETTER WAY TO SHAVE . Keeps Your Face JLooking Its Best It it .YOUR face is yen have a right to suffer if 70a want to, but I . am introducing, you 'to Tha BETTER WAY. TO SHAVE, one that you will enjoy knowing. MEET Ezonall and I am sure you will never share any other way. , Ezonall Shaving Cream is sold by Drug Stores, Department Stores, high-class Barber Shops and at Toilet Counters. If your dealer cannot supply you, order direct from us. Large Jar, $1.00 Big Tube, 50c The big JARS contain months of HAPPY SHAVES. USE NO SUBSTI TUTES they will not give the guaran ted satisfaction that Ezonall will. Ezonall Products Company 455 Mitii St., Sm Fraacsic, CaL We give what we advertise and your money will be refunded if you are not satisfied within three days of time of the purchase Big Doings at The Globe Women's Dresses Values to $35 Women's Suits All sizes, serges and tricotines, values to $53, at extra special $18.95 $36.95 Hundreds of Silk and Georgette Waists Values to $10, extra special .95 PoloCoats With leather belts, all j sizes, values to $30, at only $12.95 t ''Jr i PoloCoats With or without the leather belts, values to $45, at only $18.95 Sample Suits, Coats Values to $85, spe- J cial at only $36.95 P and Silk and Satin Dresses Most wonderful bar gains, values to $55, at only $26.95 and 18.95 Suits, Coats, Dresses $18; Mostly samples, to close out, values to $65, at $26.95 and Hundreds of Jersey Dresses All sizes, values to $35, extra special a t 4- i E 3 Rational Home Remedy for Wrinkled, Baggy Skin Bathing the face !n a simple lotion made follows, is the bent thin known to dis perse wrinkles, from the finest lines to the deepest crowsfoet: Powdered saxollte, one ounce, dissolved in witch-haz?I. one-half pint. Tour nearest druggist can supply the constituents. It is a natural and rational treatment, as it tends to remove th cuse of those tell-tale sisns of advancing- ape. worry or 111 health. Having both astringent and tonic properties, the solution tightens the too-loose skin and tends to sotidifv the undei lying muscular tissue. This smooths out the wrinkles and gives the skin a firmer supporting foundation. Obviously this effect must also reduce hanging cheeks, dour. Ie chin and bajfgy neck. The remarkably prompt action of this harmless lotion Is another commend able feature. Adv. Phone 'your want ads to The Orego-nia-n. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. . People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a vegetable compound mixed with olive oiL They act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the Wood, and " purifying the entire system. They do that which calomel does, without any of the bad after effects. Take one or two every night for a week and note the pleasing effect. 10c and 25c a box. rhonc your want arts to The Orega nian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95.