21 TIIE MORXIXG OREGONTAX, FRIDAY, MAY .7, 1920 Remember "MOTHERS' DAY" Next Sunday The Book Shop Offers Appropriate Suggestions Fifth Floor 1378TII FRIDAY SURPRISE Jewelry 29c Useful little gold filled bar pins and brooch pins with -various kinds of imitation stones. All summer one needs just Buch pins for flowers and other purposes. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Drug Specials '; Russian mineral oil, regularly $1, now 79. Anton Berti castile soap, reg ularly $1.50, now 79. Hinkle pills, 100 to the box. Syrup of figs, 19. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. J578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Ribbon Remnants Thousands of remnants from our regular stocks. Satin, taffeta, moire, velvet, gros-grain and many novelty ribbons for hair bows, sashes, trimmings. V2 to 3 yards. At 2 Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 157STH FRIDAY SURPRISE Chocolate Walnut Fudge 39c Regular 60c kind made in the usual delicious Meier & Frank Candy Kitchen way. Full of fresh cream, lots of good honey sugar, corn syrup, walnuts and chocolate. Pound boxes. None delivered. Ninth Floor. The Pocket Books 25c PUBL.ISHKD BY GEORGE H. DORAX J Nicely bound, well printed books by Horace Annesley Vachell, G. A. Bir mingham, Mrs. Baillie Reynolds, John Ames Mitchell, Arnold Bennett, Baroness Orczy, J. J. Bell and others. Interesting stories which can be slipped into a pocket for train and street car reading. ' The price originally was more than double. Meier &. Frank's: Fifth Floor. THE- Q.UALITTrSTOKIt.Or PORTLAND 1578th Friday Surprise Enters Heartily Into the Spirit of the HI N y Scores of U nadvertised Bargains ..... v rxltf Uhrzft in partlattd Scores of U nadvertised Bargains 31EIER & FBAXK'S 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Wliite Summer Tub Skirts SfT.OO Regularly $70 to $10.00 Sizes for Women and Misses A big special purchase of samples, together with a maker's surplus stocks of fine white skirts. White gabardine, cotton tricotine, ratine, plaid crepe and surf satin. Five of the styles are shown, but there are a great many other variations of pockets and belts. The skirt with tucks is of cotton surf satin and the gabardine with embroidery is extremely effective. Practically all sizes so that women and misses of almost any size are pretty sure to find what they are seeking. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. MKIER A. FHA.XK'S 1578TH FRIDAY SlRPRIiE Washable Cape Gloves $1.83 Regularly $2.75 pair. Women's washable cape gloves in white, silver, Newport, gray, tan and beaver, also a number of mocha gloves. One-clasp style. P. K. and P. X. M. seams. Sizes 524 to 724 included, but not all sizes in every color. Meier & Frank's: Glove Shop, Main Floor. I578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Handkerchiefs Men's Handkerchiefs 25c Regular 35c grade of imported cambric lawn handkerchiefs. Plain white with woven satin striped and corded borders. Quarter-inch hem stitched hems. Men's, Boys' Handkerchief s ,10c 3000 white lawn handkerchiefs sheer enough to be nice. Full regulation size. Half -inch hem stitched hems. Women's Handkerchiefs 25c Regular 35c grade of imported shamrock lawn handkerchiefs with real Irish hand-embroidery and floral and figured designs with French knots, some have woven, taped and corded borders. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. " " 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Scrim Curtains $1.19 500 of these pretty summer curtains that are . 2 yards long and have plain hems. They are all in white and just what a great many homes need for bedroom curtains. Scrim always looks well and it is practical because it washes satis factorily. Very specially priced. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Average Yz Price and Less Women's Girls'. Shoes $3.50 There's value for you! 400 pairs pf solid leather shoes taken' from our regu lar stocks. A surprisingly large assort ment at the price. Shrewd women will buy several pairs. In the lot are black kid and calfskin lace and button shoes, some with cloth tops; low, medium and high heels. Patent button shoes with washable white kid tops; French heels. Pearl elk outing shoes with heavy flexible leather soles ; low heels. Other short lines. All sizes in the lot; but not all sizes in each kind. Come early for these shoes at $3.50 pair. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. MKIER & FRANK'S 157STH FRIDAY SURPRISE $3.00 to $4.00 Silks Printed Pussy Willow Printed Georgette 1 Printed Radium Plain Colored Satins Fancy Silks $1 .98 Wide variety of colors and designs for dresses, blouses, smocks, petticoats, skirts and negligees. Mostly 40 inches wide. All-silk, of course. Limited quantity. No mail orders. Meier & Frank'B: Silk Shop, Second Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 1S78TA FRIDAY SURPRISE Thread Silk Stockings 2000 Pairs of Women's Extra Fine Stockings at 2 Pairs $3.50, Pair u An unusual lot of extra fine stockings at a reasonable price. These have the famous "stop ravel" tops, together with mock seams, and reinforced lisle tops, heels and toes. Large range of styles. Black, white and cordovan. Kiddies' Half Sox for 40c 2 Pairs 75d Hundreds of pairs of mercerized box in sizes 4M to 9Vz for the kiddies who want to play outdoors. Some have white grounds an(i fancy colored striped tops, others have colored grounds in tan or Copenhagen blue with fancy roll tops. All in tnis sale at 40c pair, 2 pairs 75c Meier & Frank's: Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. METER A FRANK'S 1578TH FRIDAI SURPRISE Remnants of Lace and Georgette All sorts of short lengths of washable laces, embroideries, nets, georgette crepe and metal novelties. The georgette crepe comes in lengths of V -to yards. The laces are usually . from 12 to 3 or 4 yards. Prices as low as 3c for a remnant of the laces. Meier & Frank's: Lace Shop, Main Floor. METER A FRANK'S 157STH FRIDAY SURPRISE Heavy Huck Towels Standard Quality 30c 18x36 Inches in Size Another example of MEIER & FRANK'S underselling pol icy. Fine heavy huck towels of good absorbent quality. Challies 30c 36-inch comforter challies in pretty colors, floral and conven tional designs. . Cotton Batts 95c Full 2-pound 6titched batts, 72x90. Meier Sc Frank's: Second Floor. 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Stationery 39c, 53c "Cretonette" is the pretty name of daintily boxed paper with 24 sheets and 24 envelopes in white, pink, blue and so on, regularly 60c, now 39c box. ' Linen finished paper in white and a number of colors, of our regular $1 grade, now 53c box. Meier & Frank's: Mfiin Floor. 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Leather Bass $6.50 Regularly $8 to $12. Real leather hand bags have been so scarce and expensive that when ever the price drops there is al "ways sure to be a big response. These special bags at $6.50 in clude goat and shiny vachette leather. Only one of a kind. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. MEIER fc FRANK'S 1578TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Baby's Sulky for $7.98 Regularly $9.50 and $10.50 A beautiful surprise for the youngest member of the family. A sulky with reed body and leather cloth seat which has 12 inch rubber-tired wheels and grip handle. Mothers will like them because they come in cream, green, brown or gray finishes, which seem a proper back- . ground ' for His Royal Highness. $7.98 is very little when one thinks of all the health and pleasure the baby will get from such a cart. . . Meier & Frank's: Wheel Goods Section. Fifth Floor. Stop ! Look ! Listen ! Sale of Sox Pair 45c 6 pairs $2.50. Some are half price. Many perfect, some sub-standard. Mostly of fine lisle, a few silks. Good run of colors and sizes. Silk Knit Ties Each $2.95 Very handsome patterns in these silk knit ties, which are sub-standards of $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 grades. Fancy weaves for well-dressed men. Cooper's Silk Lisle Union Suits $3.75 HALFPRICE these are regularly worth $7.50. Good spring and summer weights. Broken sizes. Limited number, of course. Here Is the Big Noise for Today 204 Silk Shirts Each $5 HALF PRICE and less because of the possibility of a slight imperfection being found in silk shirts of good quality, sizes 14 to 1712. Fine Eden Cloth Shirts $1.75 HALF PRICE for regular $3.50 grade collar attached shirts of Eden cloth for outing and summer wear. Sizes 14V-J to 17. Half Price Sale of Pajamas $3.25 Regularly $6.50. Just 84 suits in the lot. Of fine madras in desirable colors. Sizes 15 to 18. Meier &. Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor. Speaking of Better Value This Sale of Suits Is So Much Better as to Rank Supreme $3g.50 It wouldn't be a MEIER & FRANK An niversary special if it belonged to the rank and file. Instead, it's so far ahead as to be a certain winner and men and young men are strong for it. And it isn't only the saving represented by our Anni versary price, which in itself is anywhere from $6.50 to $16.50, but it's the NEW NESS of the garments these were bought specifically for our regular stock of Spring 1920 suits. And they look it! And what else would a man have? Made of excellent fabrics by far the greatest percentage all wool. Every style that a man or young man who wants to be correctly dressed would choose. Tai lored by Society Brand and Adler Roches ter and other reputable tailors for men. A Good Investment A man can't go wrong by getting him self a new suit from this admirable assort ment at $38.50. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Third Floor. And Now Our Entire Great Slocks of Rnicj' Quite oniin tsv ? .rev , . . . -ST to new low prices lor a Dig Anniversary v yiSZMLvS event of which this is the second day. More . i .?" tnan zuuu suits invoivea in tne live great saie i i Avj groups. Everything in the Boys Suit Store Jf is reduced lor Anniversary- even tne new- xSjf est spring jrarmcms, mtiuumu swiyie ijuui J -A "7 SERGES. W?VW m 1 Uo $15.00 $16.50 and Ci Q Q WZiYl $16.75 suits w v yy $1 8.75. $20.00 and & 1 A O CT t "-'---"7 t - im, 4 m m $22.50 Suits U 1 $24.75, $25.00 and sl ft 7 $26.75 Suits -- Qx X $30.00, $32.50 and Q 9 A Q $35.00Suits V $37.50, $40.00 and Q9Q ft $45.00 Suits .OO Sampeck and Dubbelbilt suits included. Many of the suits in the sale have TWO PARIS of knickers. Sizes for boys from 7 to 18 years included. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Boys, Third Floor. r WJm S.CL m M l 11 M 1 f'VSr I KM J