4Q TUB MORNING OREGONIANV FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. k- HOUSEHOLD GOOD3 WANTED. We want your nsed furniture, rug's, carpets, stoves and alt household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. " We also buy and sell hardware), toots, sporting goods, tents, bi cyciea, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and' office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, f CALX MAIN 0072. , LEVIN HARDWARE A FL flMTUKK CO., . "221-223-225 Front St. MARSHALL. 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., WE BUT TOUR HOUFEHOLD FUR MTURK FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTKNDliD TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE A HE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 383 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 59SL CALL MAIN SOU IMMEDIATELY. WK PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. . KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 30S, WANTED Used furniture. Will pay beat prices. Main 006-4. HELP WANTED MALK. BL'SIXESS MEN S .CLEARING HOUSE. 715 WUcox bldg., Oth and Wash. Inv. elk., lumber, Montana ....... .. $1 50 Steno., lor., out of town $125- 350 Steno.. young, some exp city 32o cvteno., Ity., out ot town 317 Gen. office irian, Al 1 15 Lodger clerk, city 00- 1DJ Ofce. aisst., 1S-21, city 8 Many Good Positions Open. TWO energetic neat single men by large eastern tirni ait salesmen in crew -working on coast; experience unnecessary as . travel with sales manager? Here is that , chance- to be a Epecialty salesman : ad vancement; reference. See F. S. Hut'f man, Oregon hotel. 9 to 12. UVE MAN with pales ability for dry cleaning and dyeing route; man with so liciting experience preferred. Apply in person. Frank's Dry Cleaning. Co.. Union ave. at Weidler st. ONE head millwright, $9.50 up; 2 mill wrights. $8; job just started. Pacific Employment Co., 235 Burnside st. WANTED For hotel restaurant, Chinese or Japanese second cook, Idaho town ; transportation paid. Call T. H. Moore, Imperial hotel, 1 to 3 today. EXPERIENCED gardener to take care of Jawn, bhrubbery and flowers; givo ref erences and state experience. AN 382. Oregonian. , , "YOUNG man with some experience in cut ting room, opportunity to learn shirt rutting and designing. Shirek & Son Co., 311 Pine st. liXrBRlKNCED manager for cafeteria. Apply Coffee Cup lunch, room, 133 Park st. OROCERY man wanted, must be active, honest and reliable. Call White Palace grocery, 2lst and Glisan. WANWD Experienced d ish was tier. Ap ply The Chef, before noon. 90 Broad day. WANTED H ula Hula dancers, diving girls ; circus acts of all kinds. 812 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall S8. GOOD ad man can find permanent job on Washington! an, Hoquiam, Wash. ; morn ing daily; $1.50 for 1 hours; union. WANTED Man for rough carpenter work, w ho can use adze. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. BARBER WANTED" Steady. Must be first-class ; $28 guar. ; good over money. C. F. Thomas, Wallowa, Or. Box 18. WANTED Good shoe repair man. light work, wages $6 per day. By W. M. Hayes, Grants Pass, Or. WANTED A form setter, $7 for 8 hours, steady all svmmer, in the city. Call 270 Burnside. WANTED Machine men for window Irame factory. Apply to Mr. Anderson, Spaulding Logging Co., New berg. WANTED Dishwasher at 341 Washington st., and boy to do odd jobs in candy iac tory and drive Ford delivery. WANT number of boys and young men over the age of 18 for manufacturing establishment. Apply tiO Oregon bldg. GOOD hotel cook wanted ; must be aii round cook, country hotel; wages $lo0, r. and b. Write M. B. Haines, lone, Or. 3 FIRST-CLASS auto painters wanted: highest wages paid. Apply 4th floor, North west Auto Co., 18 tn and a Ider. CAN PLACE several reliable men in ware houses; steady employment. Advance ment. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. MAN to handle, high striker; must have at leust $75; long season on road. 811 Thurman st. ADVANCE man carnival co., com mission basis. Shoemaker &. Bell Amusement Co., 81 1 Thurman St. lOl'XG MAX W ITH GOOD SING ING VOICE, FOR MUSICAL COMEDY SHOW. 201-2 RIVOH THEATER BLDG. " WANTED Men to cut wood-for wood. In quire 121 Vs Russell st.. room 2, after .i P.. M. JANITOR wanted, single man preferred. Angela hotel. 625 Wash. WANTED Man and team to do plowing. Call Bdwy. 2l6. WANTED Paperhanger to paper house. :;00 Shaver st. Wdln. 3 600. WANTED Auto mechanic to overhaul Kissel car. Wdln. 3 0O0. SCO Shaver st. BOY to work in dining room from 5:50 to 8 P. M. Campbell Hill hotel. BOY to help in tire shop and learn vul cpntzing. 'J4S 2d st. HAN DY man, who understands motors, apply Coffee Cup cafeteria, 133 Park st. WANTED Night tnopper at Public Li brary. Apply general office. WANTED Dishwasher :108 Oak st. for dairy lunch. BARBER for Saturday North 3d st. (7 guarantee. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $7 guar antee. The Panama, 249 Alder st. LABORERS wanted for work both in and out of city. MO Oregon bldg. WANTED An office boy by wholesale house. 34 N. Front st. WANTED Page boys at Multnomah ho tel. See M r. CambeU. WANTED Man for night janitor work, give age and phone. 11 3 68, Oregonian. HIGH school boy to carry paper route. Record Abstract, 02 1st st. MATCH ERMAN to operate Berlin No. 99. Sticker man, 240 Salmon St. NON-UNION barber wanted, steady job, y20 guaranteed. 205 j Morrison st. WANTED 2 cabinet repair men. f s Harmon & Co., 14th and Johnson. LEARN thfl vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. WANTED An all-around baker. Apply Peerless Bakery. Oregon City. A-l MECHANICAL draughtsman to work evenings. N 171. Oregonian. WANTED A man to put in garden. . 1731 Derby st. OPERATING MILLWRIGHT. APPLY "OS BECK BLDG. NON-UNION barber wanted; salary :o guarantee. 120 2d st. " LUMBER and log haul; requires two trucks. Call at 3N8 3d st. WANTED A man to do -chords around . hotel. 1751 Derby st. Phone Wdln. 2it3. BOYS wanted. Apply factory, 34 Firstst North. BAKER'S helper for calfeteria. Oregonian. BUS BOY wanted. University club. Oth and Jefferson. WANTED Experienced ianiror for Mult nomah hotel lobby. Apply Ash st. WANT hotel night rlerk; give references and experience. BC 384, Oregonian. CABINET MAKERS in furniture factory. Apply 652 Sec ond st. BARBER Steady Saturday man, half or full day. 389 E. Morrison st. BARBER wanted; $20 guarantee per wk. 2:54 1st st. WANTED Dishwasher; apply to chef be fore It A. M. 34S Alder st. WANTED Dishwasher for dairy lunch. 30S Oak st. BARBER wanted, steady job, wages guar an teed. 209 Burnside st. W A NTED Experienced janitor. , Hotel Morris. 10th and Stark. "W ANTE D Kitchen porter. Mar. 2197. OFFICE BOY. 310 Oregon bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. SWITCHMEN WANTED. Men experienced in railroad yard work desiring employment should call at once or send names and addresses to super intendent Southern Pacific Co. Strike conditions prevail, but the strike is unauthorized and denounced, by office of railroad brotherhoods. Apply to Mr. A. T. Merrier, super intendent, room 32. second floor Union Station, Portland. Or. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. WANTED. Railroad laborers for ALASKA. For U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD under construction from Seward to Fair banks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG and SECTION MEN for MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wages $0 per day; board $1.50 day. Skilled men will be given opportuni ties in their line of work whenever pos sible. STATION MEN, ATTENTION. Station work in the Broad Pass will be ready to let in the near future. Men accepting laborers 'jobs at this time will have opportunity to secure sta tion work later. For sailing dates and further informa tion apply to Public Employment bu reau, 311 Pine st., or ALASKAN EXGIN'RTXG COMMISSION, Room 301 New Postoffice Bldg., Portland, Oregon. BOO INEXPERIENCED mea wanted to quality as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene, weld ers and tire vulcanizers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U 8 government war department for train ing soldiers as auto mechanics: don't en roll in any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. t, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier st-. Seattle. Wash, $300 TO $500 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. iou may Join the n.gh-saiaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by. the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN AN X OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a cent unui you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't It? W rite for our $1 88-page catalogue. Its free. Ask for Book No. 5 OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 18.287 YOUNG MEN have, in the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland 1 . M. C A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency." and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. 1 ou never had Such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the. employment serre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job. or seeking a career? Have you discovered where you fit In? Would you like to talk over your . problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you ? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment- dept, can assist you in choos - ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 3U7. WANTED A married man with small or no family, thoroughly practical in gen eral farming and commercial orcnard work, to take charge of a 2u-acre mod ern apple orchard and small farm with some stock near Llvle. Wash. Annlicant must be experienced, energetic and d - penaaoie; ne win ue nis own boss; will furnish modern home. cows, room for garden and chickens; position perma nent to right party ; salary reasonable. Jn answering state age. experience and give references from people who know . your ability in this line. T 117 Ore gonian. SPINNERS WANTED CAN TAKE CARS OF FEW GOOD SPINNERS. EITHER NIGHT OR DAY WORK; GOOD WAGES, STEADY EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEED. APPLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS, ST. JOHNS. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is su pervised by leading automobile and trac tor men of Portland. Students do prac tical repair work. Free tuition t o ex service men. clip this ad. Send it or call at office 416. Y. M. C. A. building. LABORERS wanted for out-of-town work ; good chance of advancement; company stands good for board and room until payday; pays time and a half on Sunday work ; free fare from Port land to job. Apply 210 Commonwealth bidg., between Ankeny and Burnside on Six t h a t. J EXPERIENCED special ediition advertis-' ing men wanted for our Seattle office; work commences shortly for four R. R. organizations' book; 2 to 3 months' steady work; have good indorsements; also 2 men here to secure time contract for established publications. R. C. Clyde, 2lo Stock Exchange bldg. Established EXPERIENCED truck driver with $500 to take part interest in suburban truck line and drive truck. Call Bdwy.' 1758 be tween 5 and 6 P. M. WANTED-- Ex-service men as musicians three cornet players, three trombone players, three clarinet players and three altos. Communicate with American Le gion PostNo. 37, Monteaa no. Wash. HAWTHORNE A U TO sVhOO iZ 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANTED Names men. over 17. wishing become U. S. government railway mail clerks, $110-$150 month. AV 562, Ore gonian. WANTED Men who shave themselves to let the Owl barbers cut your hair; chil dren a specialty. 209 Va 3d st. WANTED A coat maker. Apply Turley & Turiey. 4Ul' r- auing oiag. WANTED A good all-around tailor at once. Tony, the tailor, Corvallis, Or. KELP WANTED MALE, MEN WANTED FOR RAILROAD TARD SERVICE. WAGES 4 CENTS AN HOUR. EIGHT HOURS' WORK A DAT. . 96 CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDITIONAL HOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS A DAY. BOARD AND LODGING PLACES WILL BE ARRANGED FOR STRIKE CONDITIONS. BUT STRIKE DE NOUNCED BY RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED; PRO TECTION ASSURED. PERMANENT PLACES FOR GOOD MEN. . APPLY TO A. T. MERCIER, SUPER INTENDENT, ROOM 32, SECOND FLOOR UNION STATION, PORTLAND, OREGON. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. MAN. Honest and Ambitions WILL YOU WORK? A GREAT PROPOSITION FOR A GOOD MAN. SEE MacGI BBON. 702 SPALDING BLDG. HIGH SCHOOL graduates can connect up with a large concern in starting posi tions at a fair rate of salary by reply ing to this ad: state age, whether iiving at home or not, and make application in your own handwritting. Excellent chances for promotion. N 83, Oregonian. OM' saw puller, $5; ratchet setter, $3.84; edgerman, $6; in good pine mill east, with good hotel accommodations. Fare advanced. 235 Burnside st. Pacific Em p. Co. WANTED An experienced kn itter as as sistant superintendent . in mill making Jerseys, sweaters and bathing shits, splendid opportunity to advance. Wrfte Albert Kaye, room 702 Savoy hotel, Se attle. Wash. HAULING PROPOSITION. Have truck and good logging and lum bering contract. Further information see Nash, Pacific Motor Sales Co., 328 Glisan st WANTED Bright office boy by large whole-sale house; good chance for ad vancement. High school education pre ferred ; state salary expected. T 169, Oregonian. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to East 20th, or phone East 8068. BAKERS AND BAKER'S HELPERS WANTED. CALL 71 THIRD ST. BOY wanted to learn, trade; $12.50 a week to start; must know how to drive Ford; if not aggressive you need not apply. Call 404 Manchester bldg.. on 5th bet. Stark and Oak. Couture Mail Service. YOUNG man wanted for factory work. Apply Western Waxed Paper Co.. North Portland. Take Mississippi, ave. car to end of line, then take stockyards car to our door. MAN wanted to buy 3 - ton truck and trailer with good log contract; can make $800 to $1000 per month. 372 East 37th st. Tabor 8338. WANTED Four men for country sawmill; houses for married, men at the mill ; good wages paid to experienced men. Moehnke Bros., Hoff, Or. Route 1. EXTRACTOR man. American Laundry, 140 East Third st. N. WANTED Good strong boy 10 or over for store work, with chance to learn busi ness; only boys able to furnish references need apply. Joi stark st. WANTED Good clerk by large wholesale house ; must be A-l ; state experience and what salary wanted. L 168, Orego- jiian. WANTED Good man for extending in voices; prefer one who can use comp tometer ; state experience and salary , wanted. A 157. Oregonian. WANTED Two teams with or without drivers, for highway construction work out of town ; transportation paid. Call Bdwy. 4862. SALESMEN $23 day. exclusive on state of- California or Portland. Call 8o9 Chamber of Commerce bld.. 4th and Stark. WANTED Two first-class barbers for lone. Or.; guarantee $0. 60 per cent over $42. For particulars apply to Lewis Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED General repair man, one with some experience running engine and fir ing oil burners preferred. Crystal laun dry. E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for wholesale concern ; state age, experience find salary expected. AO 3S3, Orego nian. WANTED Young man for lunch counter. One who can do some fry work. Must be neat; apply Pillsbury, 10O West Park now. MAN wanted on large plantation In Suma tra to take charge of Gas engines, au tos, etc. For particulars address P. XJ, box 1091. WANTED Married man for general wort in warehouse. Rasuiussen & Co., East 11th and Irving sts. WANTED Young man, 17 to 20. to asisst mechanic in typewriter repair shop. Ap ply 8OO Spalding bldg. YOUNG man over 16, living with parents, who desires opportunity to learn lumber. Address AC 400, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer familiar with lumber invoicing, .etc. ; good opportunity right party. Address AE 490, Oregonian. WANTED A watchmaker with some sell ing ability; young man preferred. Apply 121 3d st. WANTED 3 more students to fill a class in the new method of vulcanizing and retreading. Call at 433 Stark st. WANTED Man and wife for work on ranch; everything furnished. Phone Tabor 7607. WANTED Clerk. f."st in handling figuree. Give complete references and salary ex pected. B 167, Oregonian. CARPENTER to exchange work (remodel ing house) for Jersey cow. AG 405, Ore gonian. NIGHT man for elevator in apartment house; single man, room furnished. 705 Davis st. WANTED For Alaska, one linotype op erator and a pressman. Inquire Edward Kane, 2t6 Oregon bldg. WANTED A machinist helper; only those who have actually worked on locomotive repairs need apply. Call 235 Stark st. BILLIARD man and bowling alley man wanted. Write, giving references and state experience. Handley's. Astoria. Or. WANTED A man to stay with sick man from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Phone Wood lawn 5001, WANTED Good men for fish counter; good wages. Pacific Oyster Co.. at Lib erty market, 5th and Yamhill sts. STRONG boy; steady work, good pay. Ap ply Simmons Glove Mfg. Co.. 83 5th, cor. Oak st. BARBER Steady ob: 2 Saturday men. S. H. Howard, sec. Master Baroers' as- sociation, 110 4th st. WANTED A barber at once; guarantee $25. 05 per cent over 35. Mart Wilcox, Kelso, Wash. WANTED Conductors and motormen. t ages 23 to 35. Apply 901 Electric bldg.. between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. WANTED Boy to drive service car. Must be experienced driver. Francis Motor Car Co.. 13th and Hawthorne. FIRST-CLASS hardwood finisher, must be gooa au-around man. t'. t. A Inge Co 29th and Nicoiai. Phone Main 7675. HELP WANTED MALE. AN OPPORTUNITY is offered to a clean-cut young man. 20 to 23 years of age, who is interested in advertising. A lot of experience Is un necessary, 'but tact, courtesy, ambition and a willingness ana interest in the work together with ability in salesmanship are vital. The position which is In advertising department of a dally newspaper, will pay a fair salary to start and advancement wil be made as you have proved your ability. In answering, state age, edu cation or other information which you believe qualifies you for the position. Ex-service man preferred. ADDRESS K 59. OREGONIAN. BRIDGE AND HOUSE CARPEN TERS wanted by Southern Pacifle-Company. Steady employment. Wages 53 to 63 cents per hour. Good board and lodging furnished at $30 per month. Men to furnish their own bedding. Write or ap ply to division engineer. Southern Pacific company, room . 1, Union station, Portland, or apply ; to nearest station agent. WANTED A first-class automobile me chanic who can rebuild and thoroughly overhaul automobiles without any as sistance. Apply used car department, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., East First and Morrison. PRINTER Want country printer. one Who can do general work in country shop. Machine experience not neces sary. Must understand presses. I will be at Imperial hotVl, Portland, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ask for R. P. Richardson. The Dispatch, Dayton, Wash. PV ANTED A man to take charge of es tablished laundidr route; must be a hus tler and a good collector; able to give bonds; one who can drive Ford pre ferred. Ask for Mr. Blake. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Columbia. WANTED Makeup pressman and floor man for daily Oregon newspaper; good town to live in, permanent position; married men preferred. Positions now open. Address AV 819, Oregonian. WANTED, AT ONCE Married man to either work in mill or fire boiler, wife to take In 3 to 6 boarders ; shack sup plied. Apply Homer Millard Lbr. Co., Mulino, Or. FIVH7 more men wanted at once for gen eral garden work; age no objection; 55 cents per hour. Apply 479 Elizabeth, neat 10th, Portland Heights. WANTED Boy or young man in fire in surance office; one who can operate typewriter preferred. Room 516, Oregon bldg. WANTED An experienced truck driver to haul lumber from country mill; must be used to rough road; wages $6 per oay. u. r, MoeinK won:, or. WANTED Active, reliable young men for window washing; no experience neces sary ; good pay ; 8 hours. Apply 609 Oregon bldg. WANTED Experienced driver for Ford delivery truck to deliver groceries in the city; state ref. and salary expected. H 170. Oregonian. WANTED Painter to refinish safes, must be good striper; none but - experienced man neea apply. Uive phone, j 245, Ore gonian. Help Wanted Sales men. SALES MANAGER. Large Chicago Manufacturing com pany wants party with a few hundred dollars capital to take exclusive sales contract for this district for Its products which are In demand and everybody uses and must have. In Chicago, the hotels, banks, large and small business 01 1 ices, schools and city government, also the U. S. government are our cus tomers; west of Mississippi river still virgin territory. Campaign for distribu tion begun four months ago has been Heretofore conunea to central ana east ern states and one million Dackaxes sold Right man can clear $300 up per week. Jii g, sure repeat business; clean, digni ficd. See E. T. FOX, Suite 555 Hotel Multnomah. WANTED Experienced salesman to call on the general store trade In eastern and southern Oregon for old efttahlinhed house; prefer salesman wlAt previous experience in wholesale drug business. .tnougn this experience is not absolutely . necessary; permanent position, good sal ary and every chance for advancement. Answer giving experience and references to T 7, Oregonian. 1 NEED four honest, intelligent, high-ctas men of good appearance, who would ap preciate a real opportunity to connect themselves with a fine position; large earnings, promotion sure ito rleht men: don't answer this unless you are a high- ciass roan, Appiy Air. ox, J low fepaiaV ing bldg.. 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. A SALESMAN who Is willing to devote his entire time -and the best that is in him whereby he will be given instruc tions and with Intelligent effort will insure him an attractive compensation in a fast-growing institution. See Mac Gibbon. 702 Spalding bldg. TWO energetic neat single men by large eastern firm as salesmen In crew work ing on coast ; experience unnecessary as travel with sales manager. Here Is that cnance 10 oe a specialty salesman ; ad vancement; reference. See F. S. Huff man, Oregon hotel, 9 to 12. SALESMAN A prominent umbrella manu- tacturer or rsew York desires to place his line on a strict I v commission basis with wide-awake salesman covering the state or Oregon. Address Direct Dealers' Syndicate. 16 West 22d street. New York. WANTED Salesman, high-class specialty proposition salesmen who have sold books, stocks, insurance specialties ore ferred. If you have not the punch don't apply. Our men earn $73 to $150 per week. Art sj.', oregonian. SALESMAN for office efficiency devices; new, proven line of merit; commission basis. Big money for right man. GEO. G. BO WEN SALES CO. Spalding Bldg. HIGH-CLASS salesmen to sell preferred stock in going concern on liberal com mission and later handle rapid selling articles in exclusive territory. 427-8 Lumbermen bldg. . SALESMEN to hire and appoint salesmen; requires good references and $50 invest ment as bond. Give phone number. For interv lew address AN 384. Oregonian. SALESMAN with conveyance who has had experience selling to farmers; must be able to leave city; salary and expenses. Call 603. Oregonian bdg. LARGE corporation desires services of capable, man over 25, as salesman; good compensation; permanent Income. 413 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Salesman, one who is familiar . with concrete machinery, steam shovels and general contractors' machinery and eq u I p ment. M 65. Oregonian. WANTED Salesman with Ford delivery to sell goods to retail trade ; good opportunity for right man. Call at 113 North Jersey St., St. Johns. SALESMAN with top references wants partner with $200 to go Into bus-in ess. Write giving phone number, X 09. Ore gonian. WANTED Salesman for electrical -household appliances; most popular line on the market; liberal commission. Electric Maid Shop. 133 10th st. BY LARGE established local firm, 2 young salesmen, state experience and previous salary. O 116. Oregonian. $250 WILL BUY Oregon state agency; splendid opportunity. P. O. box 370, Portland. SALESMEN who can speak foreign lan guage; good opportunity for live men. 327 Henry bldg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted, all parts of Oregon, In troducing fast-selling Miracle Gas Tab lets. Write or call Tabor 2517. C. E. Densmore, 8S0 Belmont st.. Portland. AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets, 501 Corbett bidg. ' HELP WANTED FEMA IE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN GOOD SALARY 7 A salary that is paid while you learn the business that increases frequently as you gain experience? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE-OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you tho facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 001, 6th Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Sts. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. READY-TO-WEAR saleslady for one of our nest eastern Oregon stores; must oe first-class and well recommended; an excellent opportuninty for one who can qualify. Call at our store. 111 Fourth St., Friday, from ai A. an. to - f. J. C. Penney Co. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE! requires the services of thoroughly ex perienced saleswomen for ribbons and laces. Apply superintendent s 01 nee, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. 0 AN EXPERIENCED coat hand for ladles alteration room. Experienced sewers for drapery workroom. A pply em ployment bureau, sixth floor. Meier & Frank 00. WANTED Neat young woman for cook ing and general housework, who intends to earn her salary and who would ap preciate a nice room and bath ; family of average size; reasonable pay ; no laundry. b.iO Thompson st. Call between 9:30 and 11:30 mornings. Mrs. Stanley Smith. TUP U,li L It.snl JnmnanV MfllllrM th services or experiences mumwunBia. n v- piv employment bureau, oiaio k Meier & Frank Co. GIRLS bet IS and 25 years, remember to be successful In business now more than ever you must specialize. New comp tometer classes starting all this week. Tuition, $40. See Miss Frank, 313 Mor gan bldg. EXPERIENCED law stenographer, $150; private secretary, $125; lumber stenog rapher and bookkeeper, $125; stenog " rapher. Insurance, $90; bookkeeper, in surance, $125; 3 beginners, $65-$75. 30 1 N. W. BANK B LDG. WANTED Two seamstresses; one on straight sewing and one to patch shirts, etc.; also two girls on mangle. Crystal laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. . APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AB 392, Ore gon ian SOLICITOR for house to house; can make $13 and up, working four or five hours; exclusive line; virgin territory; no com petition. BJ 469, Oregonian. WANTED Neat appearing girls over IS years, about 5 ft. 1 or 2 ins. high, for ushers. Apply Star theater between 2 and 4 P. M. WANTED Names girls, women, over 17j wishing U. S. government positions; $o month; experience unnecessary. Answer A V 564. Oregonian. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to .. The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. s TWO or three good girls to work in cono factory, good pay for the right sort. Apply Perfection Cone' Co., 1122 Ma cadam st., foot of Kelly. GIRT., to do cooking and waiting on table: private family; wages $65. Phone East 3126. WANTED Woman cook for Bay View Hotel. Bay City. Oregon; must be first class; good salary to the right person. Apply chef,3bo Washington st. WANTED A cook. 2 in family, good room on second floor; house within walking distance ot town; second maid kept. Phone friain -lv a. SHIRT operators, plain sewers, two experi enced needle machine operators. Shirek & Son Co., 311 Pine st.. room 4. Broad way 3S26. . WANTED Young lady as assistant dan cing teacher; good salary, free instruc tions. Call today. De Honey Dancing Academy, 23d and asnington si a. WANTED Experienced operator for power winc machines : rood w aires. Ameri can Bottle, Ba & Metal Co.. 181 Front street. EXPERIENCED lady to take charge of high-class hotel dining room: references required. AC 40o, oregonian. CANDY girl; $12 week; experience unnec essary; prefer girl living with parents. Call after 1 P. M. Harris, 12U' 5th. WANTED Girls to work in candy fac tory Russell & Gilbert Co.. East 24th andHjoUadayj ave. Rose City car. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 4. Phone Tabor 3749 between 10 and 12 A. M. COMPTOMETER operator wanted; good salary to right party; give. phone number. anu quitno. m r, . WANTED Experienced hosiery girl; none other need apply- Knight Shoe Co., Mor rison st., near Broadway. EXPERIENCED waitress for hotel work near city. $50 per mo., room and board. Wdln. 24QU. XHE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. "WANTED Hula Hula dancers. diving girls; circus acts of all kinds. 812 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 88. . WANT housekeeper for widower with one child. AV 818. Ore go n i a a. MANICURIST, shop. Multnomah hotel barber GIRL wanted to work in restaurant. 109 South Jersey st. TWO girls. Apply Studio. Penny Arcade, 26 N. 3d. WOMAN for general housework. $50 a month. Phone Sellwood 3519. TWO experienced waitreses one bus girL Cat'n Fiddle, 145 Broadway. COMPETENT fitter and coat hand wan C. E. Holliday Co., 383 Wash, st, ted. CHAMBERMAID wanted at Whitehall ho tel, 253 6th st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply 407 14th st. WANTED A waitress. 1751 Derby st. Phone Wdln. 2915. GIRLS wanted in mangle room. Opera House Laundry. 245 Everett st. WANTED Lady for alteration room Ap ' ply at once, 409 Washington st. MIDDLE-AGED lady or girl for house work on west Bide. Broadway 4875. GIRLS wanted. Apply factory. 34 First sL North. BAKER'S helper, cafeteria. AO 86. Ore gonian COMPANION for convalescent lady; sal ary. A Q 53, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Mallory hotel, 171 Lownsdale. TWO experienced waitresses, tonia hotel. Apply Nor- EXPERI ENCED waitress wanted.. 20 N. Second at. WANTED Experienced maid. Multnomah hotel. .Apply Ash st, WAITRESS wanted. Bean Pot. 154 5th st. WANTED Waitress. Campbell hotoL HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. WANTED STRONG, RELIABLE WOMAN FOR PLEATING AND BUT TON COVERING; PERMANENT POSI TION, GOOD SALARY; EXPERIENCED PREFERRED. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO., 65 5TH ST., ROOM 201. GIRLS WANTED to work in paper box factory, steady position. Apply F. C. STBTTLER MANUFACTURING CO., At east end of Steel Bridge. GIRLS for factory: good pay. easy hours. Saturday afternoons off. Apply 7:30 A. M.. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis. EXPERIENCED operator on union special outseaining machine. Experienced operator for felling shirts. Experienced operators on single needle machines. f Apply Mt. Hood Factory 233 Couch street, corner Second. WOMEN FOR FACTORY WORK. TAKE NS CAR SOUTH TO END OF LINE. STERLING FOOD PRODUCTS CO.- COOK on ranch, a in family, $60 Cook, small hotel, $60. Cook for city restaurant, $18, 6 days. Housekeeper, out of city. Lady kitchen helper with child. Clerk in store, experienced. , Waitress In city, $50, board. 301 RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED Bookkeeper-stenographer to develop into position as cashier in insur ance office; must be able to handle cor respondence and assume responsibility; reply in handwriting stating experience and sala ry. O 253. Ore gon la n. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER for life Insurance office; opportunity for ad vancement to position as cashier: ex perience in insurance preferred; state experience and salary expected. O ii52. Oregon ian. . PERMANENT position for experienced stenographer In well-known machinery house; one witn aictapnory? experience preferred ; hours and salary right, Sat urday afternoons off. Phone Main 1047 or 524-25. EXPERIENCED girl, general housework; one willing to go to coast July and part of August. Phone East 2390 before 11 A. M.. or call 493 Hassalo st.. corner East Tenth. I WANT nice appearing woman to take charge of down-town rooming house; must be one who is willing to work. Permanent place for right party. Call 502 Couch Bldg. WANTED Young lady of neat appearance to operate elevator. Apply to Mr. Whit ney, the Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison fet al Broadway. WANTED by widower a neat housekeeper in house and store; light work; one that wants home more than wages. W 233. Oregonian. WANTED Bright young lady to work in branch laundry office, steady and easy work. Apply Oregon laundry, E. 6th and Oak. WANTED Office clerk, must be good penman, state salary expected. AC 398, Oregonian. ' . C AN D YGT RL. $12 week: prefer girl liv ing with parents. Call after 1 P. M. Harris, 1204 5th st. WANT a competent stenographer in law office; salary $90; give references. Ad dre&s J 24t. Oregonian. WOMAN About 23 or 30. as housekeeper for butcher; good, respectable home. K 54, Oregonian. WOMAN about 25 or 30 as housekeeper for batchelor; good respt. home. K 04, Ore gonlan. . SHORT ORDER girl Wanted for confec tionery, to work Saturday evening and Sunday. Klees Shop. 291 Morrison. WANTED Girl to pack egg noodles 8 hrs. ; good pay. Oeo. A, Lehman Co.. 383 E. Pine st. WANTED ALTERATION HAND FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. APPLY AT B ARXETTS, 55 MORRI S ONST. WANTED Body ironers. Portland Laun dry Co.. Oth and Couch. W OMAN for morning and evening janitor work. Apply Oregon Bldg.. 5th and Oak. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Hotel Philip, 5th and Burnside sts. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, at Hotel Philip. WANTED Experienced Alexandra Court. chambermaid, RESPONSIBLE woman to manage apart ment house. Call Marshall 3922. EXPERIENCED waitress. 1 Cafn Fiddle, 145 Broadway. bus girl. WANTED A woman to help with 000k- ing. Campbell hotel. WANTED Experienced girl or general housework. K. 7976. W NTED Nurse girl for young baby. E. 7976. W A NT K D Two waitresses for Hotel Ump- qua, Roseburg. Or. WANTED A niht cook in lurchroom; must be eXpPriencfd. 229 N. 23d st. ALL-AROUND taMoress wanted at the Victory Tailors, 403 Washington st, CHAMBERMAID wanted. Angela hotel 625 Washington st. GIRL to work in dining room from 5:30 to 8 P. M. Campbell Hill hotel. WANTED A chambermaid for boarding house. 163 Twelfth St.. The Norton. GIRL to do bus work in dining room. Campbell Hill hotel. EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted. 126 Fifth street.. Liberty Lunch. WANTED A goqd cook. Call Main 57. COMPETENT COOK at once. East 6645. Wan ted Dom e t ics. A GIRL or woman to cook and do general housework in family of 2 adults: good wages. Phone East 5879. - YOUNG woman for general, housework; pleasant situation, excellent wages. Sell wood 1099. , WANTED A grammar school girl to help with housework; good home and wages. Tabor 2026. WANTED Experienced girl for housework In family of 4 adults; wages $00. Phone TTaat 1 1 S9 EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and down- Heights. Marshall 895. WANTED Woman to cook on ranch, good wages, no washing. Mrs. A C. Kaseberg, Wasco. Or. " EXPERIENCED girl for downstairs work and cooking; 4 in family; 2 adults, 2 babies. Call Tabor 80H9. WANTED Experienced girl for general houework; small family; .good wages. Marshall 3956 " EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and downstairs work, wages $70 and up. Call 489 K. 17th st. N. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no furnace. Apply 671 Schuyler, cor. 19th. East 3746. GIRL to assist with housework in home with all electrical conveniences. 508 E. 11th st. N., telephone East 1179. GIRL for general housework, family of 3; good wages. Tabor 9271. CAPABLE woman for general housework, small house, best wages. Aut. 523-28. GOOD wages to competent second maid. Marshall 3634. 1240 Thurman st. GENERAL housework, good wages, very desirable place. 460 E. 17th N. GIRL for general housework; 3 adults: all WANTED Experienced maid for second work. Phone Main 1317. WANTED Lady barber at 324, Couch st. " HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. GIRL to assist with - general housework and children; must be first-class, trajned. reliable and of pleasant dispo sition, American gir! preferred ; or would consider middle-aged woman of refined nature and competent . good home; wages $50 a month. Write for ppolntment to P. O. Box 607, Kelso, Wash., Mrs. Robert H. Barr. WANTED Neat girl for general house work : must understand plain cooking, be willing to spend part of summer at Seaside. No washing. Good wage. Ap ply mornings. 770 Marshall street. WANTED Capable, experienced girl for cooking and some housework;. 3 in fam ily; keep second help; highest wages. Apply Immediate tv, 741 Everett st. Phone Marshall 3311. ' AT ONCE Cook and maid, Japanese pref erably : married couple ; for small pri vate family. Appiv British consulate, Ainsworth bldg.. between 10 and 1, or phone Main 3Siy. AT ONCE Cook and maid for small pri vate family. Appiv Uritish consulate. t Ainsworth bldg.. between 10 and 1-, or. PUoiifi Main 5MH. COMPETENT maid for cooking and house work, all summer at Gearhart; good wages. Call mornings only for appoint ment. Automatic 511-8-'. EX PERI ENCED maid- for general house work ; must be good cook; no wash ing; WairpH SKfl atirt un M r Rbson. East 37SS. GIRL wanted for cooking and light house work by young couple in new modern house; good home and good wages. Phone Main 3096 before noon. GI RL t assist with housework ; no cook ing; when through with work may have her time off. 161 10th St., cor. Yamhill. Main 3'J99. WANTED Nurse for a iittle gin. one who is willing to assist with some house -work ; w ages 50. Phone Marshall 1010. Call 1I0S Westover road. EXPERIENCED girl for general house w ork. good room, good wages, modern conveniences. 408 N. 3-d St., Willamette Heights. Main 7S59. W ANT girl for general housework, good accommodations; 4 in family. Apply 565 E. 3d st. . N., cor 23d and Knott, take Broadway car. WANTED A competent maid for general housework; ho washing; good, home, good wag?. East 2547. 4S7 East 21st N. COMPETENT girl for housework: no wash ing; good wages. Call Main 3938. Port land Heights. $(0 FOR experienced maid, over 20, to assist in care of two young children. 243 Cornell st., head" Marshall. Main 355. GIRL wanted for cooking and srme house work ; small family ; no washing ; Rood wages. 715 Flanders, cor. 22d.Main 2f6S. COMPETENT second girl, must have ref erences; good wages. Mrs. E. R. Corbett. Main 41R7. GIRL to assist with work and do plain cooking, pleasant room, modern con veniences, summer at beach. 37 6th. WANTED Reliable girl to do mending and upstairs work in private home in country. Phone Main 4967. WANTED Girl or woman, general house work, small family; reasonable wages. Tabor 5177. WANTED A girl for general housework. $25 per month ; no w ashing. 80 E. 16th N. WANTED 2 girls, friend or sisters if possible, for adjoining homes, 2d work ; wa ges $ 50. Main 49 6L WANTED Girl for general housework in small house; no furnace work, 2 in fam ily. Ph3ne Auto. 217-99. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework: good borne and best of wages. 307 Ainsworth ave. WANTED-7 Girl to assist with housework and care for children ; no cooking or laundry. Main 6099. WANTED First-class painters and fcalso miners at 550 Williams ave. W. M. Smith Co. WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework; wages $50. 735 East 35th st. N. Phone East 2930. CAPABLE girl for cooking and general housework ; three adults ; high wages. Apply mornings. Main 1877. HELP WA NTED MALE OR FEMA LE. WANTED PEOPLE FOR MOTION "PIC TURE WORK, I ALL TYPES. CALL AT ROOM 521 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. BETWEEN 12 AND 6 P. M. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. MISS MATTINGLY'S PRIVATE SCHOOL SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. DAY AND NIGHT. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUC TION. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3893. WANTED Men and women of all types to register for motion-picture work. 312 Artisan bldg.. Broadway at Oak. EXPERIENCED pastry cook. Dairy Lunch, 186 Broadway. Hoosier EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured Ore gon ex-service men the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any ..time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON SaRBER COLLEGE will teacb you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning ; tuition reduced this term. 253 Mad ison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 50S3. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOU Miss Bucket's private school: individ ual Instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, give you set of tool free, position secured. 38 N. 2d' st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tels graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet, ROCKY MOUNT Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 827 6. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Ma. 4835. Teaching positions, free registration. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 265 S Oak st. SITUATIONS WANTED 31 ALE. DRUGGIST, registered, wants work eve nings and Sunday; references. Address, Y 2o2. Oregonian. WANTED Position as gardener on pri vate piace: well up In all brant es. B 5G, Oregonian. PAINTING TINTING. UP-TO-DATE WORK; REASONABLE ESTIMATES; RELIABLE. Al A R. 3214. GET your painting, calclmining, decorat ing and sign worlc done before the rush np:nn i:i'0 F. GHsan. Phone Tabor 266 SALESMAN with auto wants full time or non-conflicting side lines for city and 50 mile radius. R 97. Oregonian. PAINTING, paper-hanging and tinting, es timates cheerfully given; leave orders at 107 E. 2Sth st., or call Tabor 6248. EMPLOYMENT by elderly man, handy with tools: general housework; refer ences. L 200. Oregonian. GARDENER Lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. Phone East 6296 between 6 and 8 P. M. . CESSPOOLS, sewer connections, cement work, sidewalks and driveways; work guarartec-d. Tabor S0QS. BY FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST. prefer banch or floor work; state wages. BF 391. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. GRADUATE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. DESIRES EMPLOYMENT IN GARAGE. AN 380, OREGONIAN. WANT work with 1-ton truck, chain drive. Phone Main 868. 447 Main st. . WANTED Steady hauling job for any size truck. BP 351, Oregonian, ROOFS reshingled and repaired. Berkey, carpenter and shlngler. Marshall 179. ROOFING, painting and general repair work. C. Coote. Phone Marshall 339S. CITY garden lots to plow and harrow. Broadway 394. Broadway 3016. POSITION Saw titer, either band or cir cular; A-l references. Y S2. Oregonian. BOY 15 wants job on farm. 162, M i 1 w au kie. Or. Address box PLOWING done and all kinds of team work. Wdln. 883. CARPENTER A-l Remodeling or new , work, day or contract. Taoor 9049. EX-SOLDIER, auto mechanic, wants work in city. Tabor 374. - MARRIED MAN wishes position drive Ford delivery. Wood lawn 3235. JUNIOR draftsman wishes position; foun- dry experience. Phone Wdln. 5250. GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wishes position. 58 N. 4th st.. H. H. S. I HAVE ll--ton truck, want some hauling Phon e Bro a d way 447 6. PAINTING, tinting, prices reasonable, work guaranteed. Tabor 8077. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BUSINESS MAN. AM 30 YEARS OLD. SINGLE. UNI VERSITY GRADUATE. EXPERIENCED AS EXECUTIVE IN Ul-'KICB. ROAD SALESMAN. ORGANIZATION WOKfC WITH FARMERS AN L PUBLIC SPU A K. l.VtJ; NOW WORKING FOR COV:rt.N--MENT BUT DBSIRB TO ENTER. COM- MKRCTAL K1ELD. ADDRESS 05 EVERGREEN, BOZEMAN. MONT. EXPERIENCED and successful commercial teacher, with Oregon life diploma, de sires position In hlch school, academy or college. Is Well liked by young peopfei can manage school or department, and has the" "know how" of teaching. AJL Oregonian. MAN with small family wants position on poultry plant; has had 15 years' expe rience in breeding fancy and commer cial poultry ; would consider proposition on chares or salary; can f urniali ref cr ences. AV 7U9. Oregonian. HOUSECLE AN ING. Dirty, grimy, germ -lad en walls and ceilings, woodwork, floors, etc., made to 100k like new; scientific. expert method. Rose Cic' house renovators, Broadway 1S06. TRUCK DRIVER with l ton, pneurrratio equioped truck would like to get rn touch with firm or parties having steady liauling; will go any place. East 59612, I. 5t. Oresonian. YOUNG MAN with good mecban!ral ' ability wants position in garag wher he has a chance to further learn the trade; can give best of reierencei. J Oregonian. W ANTE DHY K RELIABLE A LT, ROU.VD TRUCK DRIVER, POSITION" ON HEAVY TRUCK. CITY OR COUN TRY. A. E. COOK, o94 5TH ST., MAIN 5148. YOUNG man would like position driving private car, no objection to leaving c;ty; a capable and careful driver. T 55, Ore Ionian. RAILWAY special atrent: 10 years general experience as R. R. special officer and police work, want work at once: A-l rr icrencc. BC 381. Oregonian. FLOOR WAX I NO. window washing, wood work, vacuum cleaning, general house cleaning and repairing. Tabor 2200 eve nings. WEST M.VGU1RE. Painting, pa per-hanging and tinting. Phone auto. 219-77.. Res. and shop, 397 East 39th st. MARRIED man, 46. wants steady work .'u city, wholesale or warehouse preferred: experienced with carpenter tools. AE :;i4. Oregonian. MAN FAMILIAR WITH AUTO ACCES SORIES WANTS POSITION AS SALES MAN OR STOCKMAN: GOOD REFER ENCES. N 247. OREGON I A N. W ANTED By married man, 2 hours eve ning and Sat. afternoon, janitor work. Call even in gs. Marshall 341 9. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract; will go out of town. Tabor 7194. WANTED Work, all kinus jobs; have 1- t ton truck. Tabor 2704. Bookkeepers, ate nograpners. Office. "BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, 70S-15 Wilcox B;dg. Main SI 96. We are in a posit ion to furnish em ployers with competent experienced bookkeepers, stenographers, office men, invoice clerks, billing clerks, etc., with lumber and general experienc e : in or out of town. Tell us your neds. WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE. AUDI TOR of large corporation, employed during day. open for sparetime work;, systematizing, auditing. financial re ports. Books wri un up. H ighest-grade references. A P 354, Oregonian. MARRIED man, 34 years old. 12 yearV experience in implement business, 3 years traveling salesman, desires perma nent position with retail or wholesale implement firm. BJ 463, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - accountant wants to connect with good concern; 39 years of age; have had public account ing experience. AO 3S2. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman desires position as bookkeeper and general office work: has been keeping books for one firm for l:i years. J 244, Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED accountant bookkeeper would like another small set of books to keep. Reasoi.fLble. Phone Hayes, Mar shall 5913. EXI'KKI ENCED bookkeeper, part time, evenfng preferred : books balanced, in stMled. BF 38. Oregonian. EN PE R I ENCED lumber invoice clerk wa.nts position In or near Portland; best of references.' Main SI 96. Mr. Gibbons. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, wants set ot books to keep; charges reasonable. BD i63. Oregonian. CREDIT man and office manager. local, experience, desires position: 7 years with. last firm. BJ 3SS. Oregonian. , Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SOLDIER wishes position driving pri vate car or truck; 5 years' experience, AO 01, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. A YOUNG lady desires position in doctor's office ; 14 mo. experience with eye, ear, noe and throat spec. ; some experience In giving anesthetic; some book work and typing; also had experience with dentist and gen. practicing physician; references. Call Miss Wagnon, Main 31S1. REFINED, trustworthy woman wants to assist with housework or chores on ranch near Hood River, good home pre ferred rather than high wages. AV 731, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman, good cook, desires position in Christian family where sec ond gir! is kept; city, country; wages $00 cash : reference. O 2t2, Oregonian. ELDERLY lady wishes housework w here husband and wife, both employed, or for widower with one or two children, in city. 1170 Boise st.. near 3tth st. YOl'NG woman wants place to assist with housework in exchange for board and room while attending business college. Telephone Broadway 182L LACK. SCRIM AND MARQi.USETTE cur tains done up like new Will caX East 8518. ; ( LADY wants housecleanlng. other work, hours, day; work guaranteed. "Wood Jaw n 6303. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains, clothes hand laundered ; experts; called for. East 6196. . WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away. R r Teren ces. Woudlawn 1611. WOMAN with boy 8 years wants perma nent position as housekeeper or rare apartment house. Phone Briwy. 43G9. W AN T E D A place to care for children afternoon or evening while mother is away; can give references. Main 5224. A COLORED woman, experienced, would like cooking or housew ork by day or hour. ' Phone East 5703. E. I'EKl KNCKD laundress wants day work for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Broad? . way 4036. EXPERIENCED woman will cook for small camp or ranch, in city or out. AR 3S2, oregonian. EXPERIENCED telephone operator, 4 yrs. experience, want P. B. X. position. Call Kroad way I 796. EX PE Rl ENCED caterers prepares and servos lunches and dinners. East 2534. or Tabor G2S1. WoM A N wants housekeeping or camp or ranch cooking. Call -Mrs. Conabie, 320 2d st. LADY wants small wages and nice hom in private family ; capable. L 258, Ore gonian. WOMAN wants work by the hour, clean ing or cooking. Call mornings. Main. 4.H70. VERY experienced woman wants all-around day work: expert laundress. East 2034. WOMAN wants day work. Room 23. East 567. LADY wishes care of children afternoon and evenings. Main 4723. . EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid wants work. Phone Bdwy. U417. COLORED woman wants day work. phone Bdwy. 2417. BUSINESS college girl wants position a., ernoons. Call Main 3102. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. 5 to 8 hours. Main 1140. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. colored, wishes work. Call Tabor 9103. SCRIM curtains done up. bang like new. Mrs. Ida H.. Main 1473. EXPERIENCED laundress. Call Marshall 4306 before 10 A. M. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. Main 8196, Main 8107. 715 Wilcox Bldg. We are In a position to furnish em ployers with competent, experienced! stenographers, bookkeepers, billing clerk, typists and office women. In or out the citv. Tell us your needs. WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE. WOULD like clerical position to take care -of people who come in office; am alto stenographer. X 96, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. years' experience, can do some stenographic; best city refer--, ences. Main 741 7. STENOGRAPHER with general office ex perience wishes position. C 100, Or -gonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of references. Main 2SI7 D rew makfrn. W A NTED Sewing ha ts, coats or drese Will go out or call for work. CaU morn ings. Main 4373.