19 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, 3IAY 7, 1020 REAL ESTATE. For SaJe House). LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OVER 9U0 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. TO THE HOME-SEEKING PXTBLIC We extend you a cordial invitation to Visit our show rooms and Inspect our unparalleled display of over 900 pho tographs of real home bargains for sale. Many wonderful vaiucs. Every type of new home. Every district. Every price. Our extensive listings afford you a wider and better selection than can be had anywhere In the city. Our salesmen are competent. Our methods modern, effi cient. We guarantee satisfaction. Id autos constantly at your service. Open evenings and Sundays. ftS50 Here's EXCEPTIONAL. VALUE ! 3-tainily residence apartment, in the heart of WALNUT PARK, one of Portland's most exclusive residence districts. Complete 5 room home on lower floor, cheery fireplace, beamed ceilings, solid paneled dining room, Dutch kitch en, sunny breakfast nook, hard wood floors. On the second floor are two apartments which rent for $40 each; full cement base ment with hot water heating system. This is your opportunity to own a high-class home and enjoy a fine income. Cleveland avenue. 95500 A lovely Laurelhurst with deci sive character, ideally located, best possible construction, recep tion hall with lull mirror, living room with artistic bookcases, cheery fireplace, dining room -with mn-s8lve buffet, hardwood floors throughout, all wood work in white enamel, splendid Dutch kitchen, beautiful lighting ef fects. A true home in every sense of the word. East 44th. $4500 Adjoining Irvlngton is this 9 room very substantial modern home; has 5 pleasant bedrooms, best white enamel plumbing fix tures, electricity, gas. splendid lot, 85x100, street liens paid in lull. Fremont street. 3100 Attractive Dutch colonial home. unusually distinctive lines, large front porch, artistic living room with fireplace and built-ins, pret ty dining room with hardwood floors, convenient kitchen, 3 air iest bedrooms and pleasant sleep ing porch; full lot, 50x100; close to car. Th is splendid bargain could not be duplicated today tor $4200. Easy monthly pay ments. Don't miss this $3050 North Mt. Tabor home. This is splendid alue. 5-room attractive little bungalow. A real bargain, you'll say so when you see it. Low, rambling California lines, large front porch witth nmsslve columns, practical floor plan; many clever built-in labor-savers, white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas; only $000 down, balance easier than rent. East Davis tst. SKE THIS TODAY. ,$1600 Quarter-acre home, being 142x27 feet, west side of river, on Ham ilton ave., with a wonderful un obstructed view; 6-room substan - tial bungalow, with abundance of fruit, berries; barn, chicken house. Terms. 1-300 WEST SIDE REAL SNAP. Just $u00 down and $20 per month (impossible to rent fpr that) are the j,:""a whs very substantial homev" home of 6 rooms; white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas, street liens all paid. 7 - J"?- f tre ,near Currv- THIS IS UN - L cLAli V A LL E . $2G50 only S500 down for this unusual Hawthorne. Before you buy look at this 5-room bungalow bargain Very attractive lines, full width frortt porch, pretty living room, artistic dining room with massive 6-foot buffet, full Dutch kitchen, - sunny bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. Non resident sacrifices this lor quick sale. $2400 Substantial home in the Sellwood d M net. This price includes fur niture. Attractive 4-room typical bungalow type, clever lines, best white yiainel plumbing, full ce- Vih"nen1- ara6. EASY r LR MS. East 22d st. i?iou ure ln lne market for a home t will profit you to visit our office and 'er ?u,r Over io pho tographs of homes lor sale. Moderate home bargains from every district Avail yourself of the opportunity now. sk FRANK L. Alctil'IRK TO BUY YOLK HOME. Abington Bldg. Main in Ieal with an old, RELTAB L E " i r m ' STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. Beautiful corner residence in Rose City; built year ago; owner obliged to sen; white enamel woodwork and hard wood floors in every room; large living room extending across entire front of house, lovely dining room with French doors. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen breakfast nook on first floor; 3 bedrooms on second floor, 2 hah In; all nece.s.sarv built-in features, full cement basement furnace, garage. Price, $9000; let us now you. LUEDDEM ANN 913 Cham, of Com. COMPANY. Main 6101 Suburban Homes. LOOK THESR UP. RUSTIC B!'N 1ALOW. ACRE. A LL TILLABLE. $1S00, TERMS. OWNER MUST SELL. 3 '? - M I LE CIRCLE. ."; ACRES. REST SOIL. ALL TILL ABLE, ORCHARD, BUILDINGS, ONLY $.ViOo. GOOD TE;MS; MIGHT TAKE HOLSt:. nARNG McREYNOLHS. ft 15 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 6054 BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow on E. 37th, All modern conveniences, fireplace, fur- nHrr, tun nascment ann wash travfi. Large combination living and dining room. vry ta-tiiy finished with all built- in ef fect3. K iteheii is finished in white namri. icn a-nn music room down pairs, thre finished bedrooms and sleeping porch uostairs. Price only -i.-n. will handle. Turner ."z CO., v.namn-r oi commerce. $3750 FOR a 7 -room house at Easl 28th and Sherman sts.. lots 70xMI ft. on corner, both sfreets hard surfaced and a i assessments paid ; house has brick foundation, good plumbing, pas and -lec- incny. aii rooms nicely papered; sight ly location. This is a splendid home and very cneap at this price. TURNER & -v" Hamper of Commerce. ROSK CITY PARK. -room nunpHiow w tin Earac. on paven street: strictly modern; built 1 roonins: narawooii floors throughout- old lory finish, trench doors, breakfast nook, pantry, cement basement, furnace: three short blocks to car and stores. For iy owner. v ;il faKe liberty bond a-4 iitm pwncni up to 9-i-Ou at Par Prlce $65oo; $2000 down. Call Tabor 1186. $4200 FOR 8-room house and 50x100 lot at r, iitn n . ints property is close In o-.i tiara surrace pavement, lias first class hasomont, furnace and best of piumomg ana in in gooa condition. This is a very rneap piece or property at .his price and belongs to a non-resident who is anxious to sell. Terms very rea sonable. TURNER & CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. ACHKS with 4-room plastered house and other bldgs. ; edge of city limits, t blocks to car, ;;o minutes out; 25 full bearing cherry treee. Price $2500. easy trms. F. K, Jesse, 627 Corbet t bids. Main 7141. ON OREGON CITY carllne. $r000 buvs a real home, one acre, bearing fruit, "ber :es. nuts, large grape arbor, choice rosea, iiowers ana natural trees; garden n : w-i uoin no use, sieepin jr porch, full cement basement, water, gas viectric light, good auto roads. Inquire owner, first house west Rupert station No agents. 15 MINUTES' RIDE. By auto or 20 minutes by Red electric cars, on Terwiiliger boulevard; 5-room house with large bathroom, 0 closets, fireplace, full .cement basement, gas. Bull Run water, modern electric fixtures price $21100, terms. 510 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone 542-:t3. SUBURBAN PLACE, joining Eastmore land; could be made an ideal chicken ranch; garage, woodshed. 5-room house mciuaing city conveniences; fruit trees nu oernes; jot iUtxl leet. Call Sell wood 3043. OWNER SACRIFICE. Cash or terms, 1 acre, fruit, berries, poultry houses, small 2-room house, fine water, at Garden Home; 7c fare ; $1250 : this is big snap. For particulars call owner, Main 943. 6-ROOM, modern house. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; 2 brooders. 2 incubators, 24 chickens. 1 cow. 5 cords wood ; barn 29x14: lot UOxKiO; $3500, $1500 down' Main 3430. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE. SO feet on lake shore, fine view, splen did trees; price at $1200. terms.' 600 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. 9 acres improved, half in fruit; 10 room house, city conveniences. Tabor 2355 after 7 P. M. 6504 S2d st. BUNGALOW and nearly acre fine land: A lberta car ; Kennedy school : all kinds fruit and English walnuts. $3600. Terms. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BUNGALOW. NEARLY HALF-ACRE. Fruit, berries, Lngllsh walnuts; no gravel and sightly. $3.00; terms. Mu tual Realty Co.. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. s-,0 ;i ROOMS, gas. water and electricity. lot 50x121; 6 fruit trees, on county road. Main 34.t9. $4500 5-room bungalow. ' cement base ment, fireplace, built-lns;- 4Aacre; 5fe fare. Main 3439. m REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located In the beautiful section of Mt. Tabor (restricted district); 5 acorns on 1 floor, 1 room fin ished upstairs, old Ivory enameled throughout, hardwood floors In main rooms, many built-in ef fects, full cement basement and furnace. This place has been occupied by ihe owner only a short time and It L.deed a good buy. The fir trees ii .his district make It a very atii a. tive home location. Price oniv $5750. $1500 cash, bal ance arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPA.v . .no. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Ma,.i JOS. A VERY ATTRACTIVE PLACE. 2 acres, located 1 block from the Red electric station, sidewalkto place, 1 blocks from paved road, good cheap train service. All under cultivation, best of soil, 14 bearing walnut trees, large orchard of apples, pears, cherries, etc., 4 blocks to scnool; walk all the way. Good double constructed buirgalow, plas tered, dtning roo.n, living room, kitchen ette, bedi ocn, gas, city water, large painted chicken-house, room for 500 chickens; $ll- cash and easy monthly payments. Personally inspected. Ander son, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bids. MODERN CHICKEN RANCH. 3 ACRES, FULLY EQUIPPED. In the Woodlawn district at the edge of city limits! we have the best -equipped chicken ranch in the state: equipment alone worth about $2500; there's a good modern 4-room house with basement; bearing fruit trees and berries; if you know the chicken business you tan make this place pay for itself in the nexc three years; 15 new incubators, 7000 hatching capacity ; brooder houses for 2000 chicks: about 600 chickens, horse and all -tools go; owner going east; price is only $s5o0 for everything; half cash will handle. . G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main S220. $3000 $750 CASH. MOVE RIGHT IN. A Ltracli ve 6-room house, one block of the river. 2 blocks of Island station, just south of Milwaukie. House in pink of condition, large living and dining room, big light kitchen with lots of built-in work; t'y water, gas, etc. About V4 -acre with all kinds of bearing fruit, berries, etc. : modern chicken house and fences ; corner on 2 graveled roads. It's a bit; bargain without any question. KASER & RAIXET. 823-6 Gasco bldg. Main 7602. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH ACRE, WORTH $0000 PRICE $3S50. Close to station at Garden Home we have the nicest little bungalow you ever stepped into ; four rooms and sleeping porch, acre of ground, all in cultivation; pi re place, gas heating radiators, Dutch kitchen, garage, fine bath with shower; niftier than any apartment you ever lived in ; a positive sacrifice for only $o0 : about iia If cash. For the best and most sighiy suburban homes around Portland, see the G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 212 Washington Hi. Main 8220. IN BEAVSRTOX, OR. One acre, located close to depot. nil under cultivation, 20 bearing fruit trees, A 3 rows of strawberries across the acre, r raspberries, blackberries. Modern bun galow of 4 large rooms, best of plumb ing. Plastered. Gas. city water, elec tric lights. On a good road, close to either Red or Oregon Electric depots. Price $2S,"V0. on terms. Personally in spected. Marsters. with JOHN iR-GUSO-V, Gtrlinge; bldg. . CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, nea r car line, from $lSOO up. Inquire 3d houre north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." I or Sale Business Property. FOR HALE Good Business Bldg., adapted for auto repair, paint shop or general automobile busi ness ; must be sold in 10 days;. $2100 will handle. D. D. SOCOLOFSKY, 341 State Street, Salem, Oregon. $2o.500 APT. bldi?. and apts. ) west side. ground fl2 $12,000 will handle. $40.000 Brick business bldjr.. close In west sia"; ror quu-K sate: i good investment. Don't hesi late. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 818 Cham, of Com. Bldg. For Sale Acreage. AT MA PLYWOOD STATION. 5-room hniisi'. ba rii, ehicken bouse, fr:i1t and berries; ai-re good land, 7c carfare. t'riee $25tK; $50 cash, bal ance $25 pT .nontli. AT MULTNOMAH STATION. Fine S-rooni .loue, full cement base ment. 7 years old. in fine Khapt-; splen did view, on gn vet road ; 2 acres fine land, iill in cultivation ; 15 fruit lots, lu rries, chicken house and barn, ail for StuliOO; caVh $3O0ri. halana- terms. -AT MULTNOMAH STATION. 4-rojin house, basement lights, gas. w.it'sr, fruit and berries; acre good ground: garden in; 1 block to station; cash, $2."o. R 15 L ABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. A REAL SNAP, TIG A RD. ' 4A acres, all cultivation, finest of soil. 2" acre-s fine clover, cut SO tons last year, today hay alone is wort h $2000 ; balance for gprden purpose. Would dl-vidt- in smaller tracts if wanted; good 5-rrmm house, barn, etc. $10,000 for the tracl, $25t down, hakuvv terms. W KOBBINS EPTON. C01-302 Railway Exch. Main 7031. ONE ACRE. .2nno. $500 cash, balancfl $20 per month ; choice location for chickens; street im provements tin per cent paid; 2 blocks from Rose City car. ou tier. 51S Cor bett bldg. A BEAUT1KUL acre tract at East 77th and 50th sts. S. E. all in bearing ' fruit trees, cement sidewalk, gas, water and electricity all available, only a short distance from hard surface. This' is a beautiful home site a nd- much cheaper than surrounding property. Price $l7oo. TURNER & CO., 2.10 Cham, of Com. ACRES, l-j ACRES. l4 ACRES. Why ,rv as much for lots rt or S miles out? Opening of Stokes farm. 42d and Simpson street. Some traets all in fruit; $lo per month soon pays tor larre home site; Alberta car. See me Sundav on tracts. H. W. CARY. 1219 N. W. Bankbldg. HCK 2Vj-ACRE HOME FOR $2200. This side of Troutdale on perfect road, 2i acres, all cleared, best of soil, no rock, 5-room house, barn, garage, out builtllngs. Lots fruit and berries. Price $2200, $1009 cash. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. 6000 ACRES la southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. 3 ACRES on Red Electric only 16 miles from city, 6-room bungalow 50 fruit trees of various kinds. large straw berry bed. good garage and outbuild ings. Price $3500. TURNER & CO., 230 Cham, of Com. THREE 10-acre tracts. 2 miles from ond of Monta villa ct r, base Line road ; Bull Run water, with water right; within each tract. l'ri t -r00.50 per acre, good terms. O. P. Potts. 19S0 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 300. 9 ACRES large fir and cedar, close to Gil- lis station on oun tiun electric; wood will mort than pay for clearing; very best of soil; five blocks to station and spur. $1800; terms 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 0 CHEAP ACRE. $600 1 acre and small 2-room house, few minutes to Metzger station: close to main paved highway. Fine black loam soil. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com. Qtt ACRES, 2 acres potatoes. 700 rasp berries, some strawberries, grapes and currants; 2-room house; all fenced, dandy orchard ; $1450. easy terms. Mr Millership. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 10 ACRES close to Forest Grove; 7 acres In 9-year-old apples; 1 acre fir and oak Price $3500 and $1000 will handle JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com 3 ACRES FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 block from Shattuck station. S. P electric; 19 minutes' ride, close to Pa cific HI gh a y . O v. ner Main K3S0. 6 ACRES near Wiliamina. level, cleared. fenced. -room oouse. oarn, 1 1 j ju. $150 cash, $15 mo. J. it. Mnarp. 83 Vm d su fiH ACRES, partly cieared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain. 607 fcpaldlng bidg. HOUSE, barn. 110 acres, 2 miles of Port land. $15Q per acre. Broadway -ltS3. 6 ACRES. beAverdam, 8 -cent fare, bids all in cultivation. Main 41&0. REAL F STATE. For Sale Acreage. THIS FERTILE 20-ACRE FARM OUT ON BEAVE RTON-H ILLSBO RO . HIGHWAY. Located mile from highway, one mile to electric station, every foot of it the richest soil, - all In cultivation and crop; grain, vetch, oats, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, fruit and garden ; 5-room house, barn, good water, , garage, cellar, chicken house, hog house; price $6500. Following per sonal property added for $7350: 4 good fresh cows, 15 hogs and pigs. 60 laying hens. 00 chicks, 1 horse, harness and farm tools, new heating stove and steel range. See photos at our office. SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOSE TO OSWEGO LAKE. 8 acres, located on a good road, all In bearing fruit, except V acre. All kinds of berries. The income from the fruit on this place last year was over $400. All fenced with woven wire. Good 6-rm. house, with plumbing. Fireplace. Large barn, wagon f hod, chicken house, hog all in'good condition. Close to the de pot j and ecnool; telephone. Price $3500 cash. The fruit on the place will pay 10 per cent on this in vestment Davis, with . JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. 1200 CHICKENS. 5 acres, located 4-m!le from Oregon Electric station; 2 acres in wheat, -acres plowed and ready to seed, 1 acre pasture; drilled well with steel casing; 4-room bouse, barn, brooder house 1 2x 48. chicken house 12x48. 100 laying hens and 1100 chickens; few berries on the place; 2 plows. hore. buggy, har ncis and tools. Price $4500 for every thing. $1500 cash : or will consider a small cottage in Portland up to $2500. This Is close to Boones Ferry road. 12e commutation fare, 40 minutes out. Per sonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 1U ACRES. All in crop, most of the garden Is up. 12 bearing fruit trees, straw berries, raspberries and other small fruits: 5-room house, barn. On car line, '.l1 miles from Oregon City; large range. You will like this place at $1100, part cash. , A. C. HOWLAND, 8th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. 28 ACRES about 16 miles from Portland on crushed rock road, a short distance from Newberg highway. This Is all in cultivation with exception of four acTes of timber, 2 acres in orchard and ber-. ries of different varieties. A good 6 room house in first-class condition mod ern barn, chicken house, outbuildings and good well; 3 cows, 2 calves. 5 pigs, 50 chickens, implements of all kiads. harness, buggies, cultivators, etc., in short, all equipment of every descrip tion goes with place. Good terms can be made on this place. TURNER & CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 5 acres. located right Sn Pleasant Home, east of Gresham. Oregon; close to electric Hue and school; all fine soil, ail under cul tivation. larce family orchard. loganberries. raspberries, blackberries and strawberries; good 4-room house, barn, chicken house. A good piece' of land well located. Price $3000 with some equipment. Personally inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. COME TO GRESHAM. FINE HOME, 15 ACRES. Fine improved 15-acre farm, close to .station, all in cultivation, very best soil, lies perfect, all in crop, looking fine, good variety of fruit, paved road, fine 6-room bungalow, milk house, root cel lar, chicken house and runs, good barn, pump and well on porch. The buildings are new and worth almost the price we ask for the plae. This is an excep tionallv big bargain and won't last long. Price $50O, half cash. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. PRETTY COUNTRY HOME OF 15 A. Something exceptionally choice, just 12 miles out. on fine road. 15 A., 12 cleared, best of slightly rolling ground, all in crop; 5 acres in potatoes; house on knoll with pretty -view; lots nice fruit and shrubbery and shade: 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath and electric lights; good outbuildings. You could not ask for a nicer country home than this and the price ts only $t000. Har grove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broad way 4381. 15 ACRES on crushed rock road, mile from hard-surfaced highway, close to school and electric station, 13 miles from Portland, good modern 0-roomhouse, plastered and has basement, gas for lights and cooking. goo barn and out buildings. 5 acres m first-class com mercial orchard. the remainder of ground sown to clover and oats. Price $7."ti0. $1500 .will handle. Will give immediate possession. TURNER & CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. A VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 5 acres. located riirht in Pleasant Home, east of Gresham, Oregon ; close to electric line and school; all fine soil, all under cultivation; large family or chard; log an. rasp, black and strawber ries; good 4-room house, barn, chicken house. A good piece of land, well lo cated. Price $.1000. with some equip ment. Personal I v inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. ACRES, all first-class soil. 30 bearing fruit trees ami berries, 4 room bungalow. barn 145x20: 2 blocks I o paved highway. Price 20yo. $ Sn0 down. K. R . .1 esse, 527 Corbclt bldg. Main 7141. ACRES, southerly slope, with beautiful S-room bunga low, located on Shoals Ferry road, just ft miles from heart of city, elegantly finished inside, fire place, large, well lighted rooms, bullt ins, full cement basement. acre In choice fruits and berries, remainder In crop. Prrce $7200. TURNER & CO.. 23Q Cham, of Coin. 19-ACRE SUBURBA N HOM E. " 4 miles from Portland on Tine road, i All in cult, except beautiful grove . of l.irge firs, beautiful view of valley: i room. neat house; good barn, fruit trees, team. 2 cows, heifer, farming tools; move right in. Price $6250. cash $4000. .1. B. Ruley, 928 Chamber of Commerce. Ma in 7592. IK YOU want small tract. 1 to 20 acres, between Portland and Oregon City, come see what I can offer you at right prices. 6-acre tract on E. 92d, well improved and close to carline. You can't beat It as a bargain. L G. DAVIDSON. S19 Chamber of Commerce. $50 DO W N, $ 1 0 MONTHLY. T Splendid .Vac re tract of logged-off land; 1 acres cleared In and around t he stumps; 2-room shack house, large woodshed, good roothouse; mile to railroad 30 miles from Portland. Total price $550. Fred W. German, 732 Cham, of Commerce. 7 ACRES AT HILLSBORO FOR $1700. Just 4 mile from Hillsboro 7 acres, 5 cleared, best of land, nice stream on boundary : 3-room house, good welt and pump on back porch, outbuildings. Price $1790; $775 cash. bal. 4 years. 6 per cent- Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. , LOGGED-OFF LANDS Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $63 per acre LEUDDEM ANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ' NICE ACRE HOME FOR CHICKENS. . Right at station and just outside city limits; one acre, new 4-room plastered bungalow, chicken-house, gravelly land, especially nice for chickens and berries. Price $1400. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 0th st. Broadway 4381. NICE ACRE HOME FOR CHICKENS. Right at station and just outside city limits, one acre, new 4-room plastered bungalow, chicken-house, gravelly land, especially nice for chickens and beiries. Price $1400 Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 43SL For Sale -Farms. CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN. We have a few good chicken ranches close to Portland that are worth the money; if you are in the market come and see us. EDWIN JACOBSON, 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. READ THIS OVER. 20 acres of ich soil, near Tualatin: 3 acres in cultivation; some very fine cord wood timber, will almost pay for place. Price $3000: terms. E. J. OEISER. 417 Cham, of Com. 75 DOWN ON 12 ACRES on S. P. Electric, close to station, store and school : price $1200; S75 down; 7 ears time on balance. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. 1020-ACRE STOCK FARM 22 A. barge outrange adjoining, located in one best grazing districts in state, on county road. 6Vi miles from railroad and town. Terms. 1219 N. W. BANK BLDO. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soiL Farms ror sale, all size. IdcFarland. 209 Falllns; bids. REAL ESTATE. For Ssde MODERN CLARKE COUNTY FARM. 160 acres rich loam soil, 100 acres in high state of cultivation, balance In pasture and timber, all fenced and cross-fenced., fine wa ter, 2 acres of assorted orchard ; fine 10 -room plastered house, with full set of white porcelain plumb ing, large airy rooms, with built , ln effects: 2 large barns, fully equipped with hay forks, etc., ga rage, with concrete floor, granary, chicken houses', hog houses, pump with gas engine attached, elevated tank, dairy, together with new tractor, plows, disc and harrows attached. 2 binders, 2 motors, grain drill, hay rake, walking plows, 3 wagons, manure spreader, plat form scales, potato planter and digger, fanning mill, tedder, blacksmith outfit, horses.' 2 cows, hogs, tseveral sheep and lambs and all manner of small tools, crops are all seeded, extra good stand, in highly Improved farm district. ad Joining some of the best prune orchards and diversified farms In Clarke county, beautiful view of Mount Hood. St. Helens and sur rounding country; short distance from large general store, and high school, 1 mile from North Bank paved highway and railroad sta tion, only 8 miles from Vancouver. It would cost $900O to build this farm house. Price $40,000; liberal terms. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, Third and Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 100-ACRE RANCH IN YAMHILL COUNTY. PRUNE BELT. 1ST CLASS 13-ACRE PRUNE OR CHARD. Good 7-room house, water piped in; big new barn: other outbuild ings; 8S acres in cultivation : 70 acres verv rich bottom land good for any kind of crop, loganberries hops, grain or potatoes; 10 acres pasture: 3 acres timber: every foot of the land is good: the prune or chard alone is very valuable. The prune orchard Adjoining this owner refused $1000 an acre; 3fe miles from a good town on Red electric: 40 -miles from Portland. Price $19,000. See SAM HEWEY. at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 40 acres, located 2 miles from good town, and f2 miles north Vancouver, Wash. AU good land, no rock, gravel or hardpan. HO acres under higii state of cultivation; 6 acres pasture; 4 acres green standing timber. Good fences. Deep well, with steel casing; 7-room house; large barn, 4Sxti5. chicken house and other buildings. One acre bearing orchard. Telephone and all rural con veniences. Paved road in front of place and good graveled road on the side. A well-located, nice level piece of land. $2000 cash and most any terms on the balance at G per cent. This is conven ient to grade and high schools. Person ally inspected. Photo at office. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 28 ACRE!;. 17 miles to Portland; will be all hard surfaced this summer; all good level land, 6 acres in cultiva tion. 2 acres in large bearing fruit trees, large spring, some timber; 5-room house, also a --room house, 2 barns, other outbuildings. Price $4500, part cash. . A. C. HOWLAND, 8th and Main Sts., Oregon City Or. 53 ACRES, located on the main rond that is being- paved between Woodburn and Newberg, 3 miles from Woodburn ; all can be cultivated ; b acres under culti vation. 3d acres picture and the bal ance in timber ; spring and creek on pi ice. Good fencing, H acres orchard, bearing; 4-room house, barn, 30x40, other buildings; cream and mail route; with the place goes team. 3 heifers, 1 brood sow, & pigs. 200 chickens, 15 stands of bees, plow, harrow, cultivator, new drag saw and other Implements; will consider cottage or bungalow in Portland up to $4000 and some cash. Personally in spected. Anderson, with JOHN FER GUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 20 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Every foot in cultivation and in crop, black loam soil, family orchard, some small fruit, neat 5-room bouse, good barn and other outbuildings; just out side city limits of good valley town ; stock consists of 4 good cows, all fresh, 1 horse, 15 hogs. 60 laying hens, a bout 60 chickt and all farm tools and imple ments; price $7500, $5000 cash, balance mortgage 6 per cent; this is an extra choice piece of property. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. UNCLE SAM INVESTS $15,000,000 in irrigating Yakima valley land; last year's crop was $25,194,497 ; 75.000 peo ple shared this fortune. When you plant seed under government irrigation in the Yakima valley, it means "crop insur ance" for you. SAMPLE BARGAIN - 80 acres, producing alfalfa and corn, tfc mile to town, school, railroad; fully paid water right, $1 per acre mainte nance; price $2i0 acre. Write for 1920 price list booklet. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES COMPANY. 512 Selling bldg.. Portland, Or. BEST upland farm in Cowlitz Co., Wash. 90 A.. 55 under cultivation, alt in crop; 37 miles from Portland, midway between Woodland and Kalama; Mi mile Pacific highway : Portland-Seattlj Ry ; school and church. R. F. D.. mile Columbia river and Martins Bluff Ry. station. Good 7-room house, 2 big jtains and all necessary machinery ; 3 horses, 4 cows, lots of fruit, sold $342 cherries 1919. Price $8700 ; consider Portland modern residence to $3500 in exchange. Mrs. K. E. Large, owner (on farm), Kalama, Wash. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will jay you .to see me before buyiing. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience a re w oxt h many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWK & '0., 201-7 Board of Trade Building. 100 HIGH LY Improved acres, directly on paved hfghwav and electric line. 15 miles from Portland, all in the h Ighest state of cultivation with excel lent buildings; 6-room home. large barn and warehouse; 5 large hop dryers and outbuildings: running water. This is one of the finest farms in Washington county and easil v worth $3O0 rr acre. Will sell for $260. Let us show you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main'3787. 24 ACRES mostly sandy loam eoil, V mile to Pacific highway; new 5-room bungalow, barn, chicken house and garage. AH in crop and can be had for $4000. Terms. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. CROPS. STOCKS AND IMPLEMENTS. Near Portland, best section of the state ; 160 acres black creek bottom land all In high state of cultivation : good, large buildings, well fenced, rock road, school on place; near town; milk route, all rural conveniences; price $210 per acre: $10,000 cash. balance 10 years, 6 per cent: crops and personal worth the payment asked. Investigate Own er. 526 Chamber Co m merce Bldg. MONTANA ranch at a bargain 1104 acres. Two full sets of up-to-date buildings. About 300 acres being put ln crop. 40 head cattle, can be used as a dairy or - stock. 17 head horses. Flag station a few rods from house on the Chicago, Milwaukee R. R. and Northern Pacific R. R. All machinery and tools and stock go with ranch. If Interested write '"Owner." W. E. G RIDLEY, Garrison. Mont. 20 aTwith beautiful stream! 18 miles out, on good road, right at electric station, 21 A., 7 cleared, balance pasture, timber, with pretty stream and spring ; 5-room bouse, hot and cold water, -biih, nice barn and outbuildings, fruit and berries; team, 2 cows, calf, chickens, .wagon, hack, feed, full set implements. Price onjy $4000. Har . grove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broad way 4381. BEST BUY THIS YEAR. 40 acres. 25 acres cleared, good set of buildings, gas pump, water piped In; good auto road ; fine soil ; price only $4500; accept some trade. Call Broad way 30S9. 14 ACRES, 3 miles S. E. from Milwaukie, on carline and county road, large flow ing springs, new 6-room bungalow, some timber, cows and chickens go with the place. Phone Owner, Milwaukie 81-V. 110 ACRES, 25 miles from Portland. Call evenings 414 College st. or phone Main 7HH. FOR SALE S2-A. dairy ranch; 25 A. ln crop. Write for information to Cbaa. E. Sprague. Greenleaf. Or. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; good soil, H tillable; employment: Svsy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 63-4 ad tc FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Rosier, Stockton, CaL KEAL ESTATK. for Sale WH EAT. WHEAT. WHEAT. BUYERS OFFERING $2 50 PER BUSH. bOO ACRES IN WHEAT. ALL CROP TO BUYER. 1500 acres in this wheat ranch. 1480 acres in cultivation; extra good wheat soil, gentle north slope, all- operated by tractor and combine. We have a record running back 15 years, lowest yield 20 bush, to acre. On a good road, five miles to railroad station and grain elevator. Improvements high class: 7-room house, large' barn, big house for tractor and combine; sheds for machinery ; drilled well, fine water, cannot be exhausted; 8 grain bins holding 1000 buah. each at different parts of the ranch. Every thing right up-to-date. Immediate possession If desired. Price only $45 per acre. Terms, $20,000 cash, balance long time. Fine stand. Wg rain last week; pros pects nevec looked brighter. As an investment it is great, as a home it U a money-maker. See it. Personally inspected. Pictures at office, SEE TH.EM. McINNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade bldg, Portland. Or. 10. ACRES. 2 miles from aianning. Or., on county road. H mile R. F. D.; 2 .cres under cultivation; 1-room box house; barn 16x20; spring water. Price $S00: cash. 20 acres: 9i mile of Buxton on county road. R. F. D. and telephone: 3 acres under cultivation; 1G acres tillable when cleared: good 6-room house, hen house and root houFe : young bearing orchard ana oerrtes. Price $1500; 5500 cash, bal ance 6. t0 acres: S1 miles from Buxton. Or.: 12 acres in cultivation; 00 acres tillable when cleared: 3.O00.0OO feet of good tim ber; good 7-room house : good barn aux 40; family orchard; crop and farm tools go with place. Price $3000 on good terms. 82 acres, U mile of Fairdale and rail road statton, 8 miles of Yamhill. Or.: 28 acres under cultivation: 60 acres till able when cleared; some timber: old house and barn; good milk house and enclosed pig pecs; family orchard. Price $4000; $Q00 cash, balance $500 every two years at Gclr. 87 '-j acres. 1 miles from Davics. 4 miles from Banks. 20 acres under culti vation, on R. F. D. and telephone line : extra good 7-room house, good barn and all necessary outbuildings: good bearing family orchard; alto 150 4-year-old prune trees ; good water system, gas engine, storage tank, hot and cold water in house. Price $5000 on good terms. J. R. SHRECK, 502 Spalding Bldg. 40 ACRES, located 4 miles from Beaver creek and east of Oregon City, '.-j mile from graveled road ; best of black loam soil; 25 acres can be cultivated, 6 acres under cultivation and in crop ; good garden, family orchard ; 2-room, rustic, ceiled and papered house : barn, chickey house, spring and well; place well fenced; rural route. The land not under cultivation is ln standing timber. Price $2400. , $1500 cash. This includes the furniture. Davis, with JOHN FERGU SON. Gerlinger bldg. VALLEY FARM, Blocked and equipped. Sate or exchange; 70 acres, 50 under cul tivation; 4, mile trt-m good valley town; 1 acra orchard ; S-rooni modern house, good condition ; large barn, outbuildings, well and springs ; team, 5 Jersey cow?, chickens, pigs, all farm machinery ; .$9.iOO will tftk.-3 bungalow to $4000; some cash, balance long time. INTERSTATE LAND CO., -Main 5429. 24S Stark Si IS THERE a man in Portland who really knows a good farm when he sees it ? Is there such a man wanting a farm. If so I surely can please you. I have ft surprise in store for the man who will investigate this one. SO acres with good bldgs., running water; 40 acres in crop, bal. pasture and timber; near city, mail delivery, telephone, milk route. To see this place, means to buy it. EDWIN JACOBSON, 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. EASY TERMS 23-ACRB FARM. CLOSE IN. West side, 9 miles center of town; 13 acres under cultivation. Deep rich soil no rock or gravel, level, fine bearing orchard : 6-room house, oak floors, fire place. Faces main road, 2 miles of Skyline blvd. Eastern owner offers at $6900; cannot be equaled for the money. J. C. COR BIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 240 acres, ln Wash ington county. lOO acres finest bottom laud. In cultivat ion, build ings. insured for $1 0.000; immediate possession ; all ready for crop. Address AN 350, Orego nian. 40 ACRES of rich bottom land, all in cul4 tivation and only 20 miles from the cen ter of Portland. Within six months will be 4 mile from paved road. I4a inc stream, good family orchard, fair house and barn. Price $6500. This urice has been put on in order to close an estate. CLE V ELAN L- H EN DERSON CO.. 212 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 6752. NEWBERG VICINITY. 60 acres. 25 miles soul h of Portland. All cultivated, crop in; 1-3 to buyer. Gentle south slope, well -drained, good rock road: school and church handy; no buildings; a good buy at $125 per acre: terms. C. E. CR A N KILL, 203 Vj First st. Main 4203 SHERWOOD VICINITY. 55V. acres on naved highway. 45 cul tivated : rich river bottom ; crop in. 1 -3 to buyer; bal. pasture and timber. Run ning water, all necesa ry building ; im mediate possession. $'.miOO. terms. C. E. CR AN KILL. 203 Vv First at. Main 4-203. HA N TKI H KA L EST AT E. WE HAVE customer that call daily for houses of all types. List your property and homes' with us. Personal intst and ' service gtiara nteed. McClur. & KchniAiich Co., aO'J Ky. Exchange. TcL Main 1503. DESIRE about 5-room house In good lo cality and ootid it ion. presen t brief de scription and price : prefer owner. F 143. Oregonian. WILL pay as high as $12,500 cash for modern home on Portland Heights. This will be a quick sale. Phone us. JOUNSON-DODSON CO.. D3 N. V. Bank Bldg. , Main 3787. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow in Roe City or Alameda park not over $5500. The house I have been renting has been sold and I must buy immediately. H lQo, Oregonian. NOB HIIL and Willamette Heights res idence wanted : present details in reply and prefer owner. M 171, Oregoulan. $200 CASH as part payment on home. In answering (five terms, location ana in formation. E 170, Oregonian. WANTKD Six or 7-room bouse in good district up to $4000. Buyer will males good payments. HENRY W GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 40 ACRES. Oregon 'valley, unimproved land as part payment on 4 or 5-room house: vacant lot or house equity. A 151), Oregonian. WANT to buv modern six or seven-room house in Piedmont district. What have you? Oive description and price. AO :tb5, Oregionian. WANT San Diego property In exchange for Portland property. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WE .MUST have houses- in all parts of the city and at different prices; have buyers waiting. Peper & Richards. 508 Bu- chanan bldg. . Main 5175. ' M WANTED to buy, 5-room home at or near Oak Grove, state price and best terms; also size of property and distance from the car. A K a4t. Oregonian. CLIENT waiting for Portland Heights home. 7 rooms, near school, not to ex ceed $7500. Zimmerman & White, 818 Chamber of Commerce, Main 8052. WANT a small, modern home, any desir able location ; give me particulars, loca tion, etc. V 240, Oregonian. WANTED West side, fairly modern house not over $S0O0. John M. Payne &. Co., an M o hawk bldg.. Main 9Q12. WANTED 6 or 7-room home, located in Portland Heights; willing to pay $15,000 to $25,000. U 170. Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow at once with full lot: small payment down: will Ing to pay $250O. L 172. Oregonian. WANTED House from $1000 to $2500 on or near carline; will pay half cash; must be a bargain. O 2tiu. Oregonian. MUST you sell your house quickly? Quick action and the cash for bargain. 634 Chamber o Commerce. WANTED Best Rose City bungalow that S50(H will buy. No agents need answer. Phone Bdwy. 269. Mr. King. A. tlOOD FA RM from 10 acres up. not over $10,0tM; owners only. 540 Mason st.. Portland. Or. WANT to buy from owner 20 to 40 acres Improved farm; have the cash. AP 385, Oregonian. ' WANTED To buy small rooming or apt. house from owner. AQ 346, Oregonian, -REAL ESTATE. OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' worth of homes sold SINCE JANUARY 1. 1020, BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You wan: results? Try our live, ef ficient method of home selling (no charge except the standard brokerage of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale). Our record: 8G0 bomes sold durnig 191'.. 0 homes sold in one day. March 9, 1920. 112 homes sold in March. 1920. 408 homes sold since January 1, 1920. We personally inspect and photograph every house listed. We display ail photo graphs in our large thowrooms, which are continually thronged with earnest home buyers. Your home Is sold If listed J with us. We need it today, it you can not come down, telephone us and we'll gladly call. Fourteen experienced sales men with autos to work on the sale of your home. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Deal With an Old Reliable Firm. WE NEED YOUR. HOME NOW. We are selling more homes than ever; are better equipped to handle your prop erty than evep before. We will call, photo and appraise your home free. If listed at our appraisal price your nome is as good as sold. We advertise ex tensively, have seven salesmen with autos to show you property. Y have cash buyers waiting. Phone us. Do it now. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Jty. Exch. bldg, Main 1094 and 583. WANTED To buy a modern home; must be in good district; wi pay all cash; price not to be over $ 500. Wanted. 0 or 7-room house on Mt. Tabor car line; will pay up to $4500 for same; can pay half cash. Wanted. 5 or 6-room modern dwell ing; must be located in good district; bungalow preferred ; will pay all cash; price not to be over $5500. MeCLURE & SCHMAUCH CO.. :0G Railway Exchange Bldg. THIS AD IS NOT TO GET LISTINGS. IF YOU HAVE A PLACE LIKE MY CLI ENTS WANT. PHONE OR MAIL FULL DESCRIPTION. WAKT ONE HOUSE WITH AT LEAST FIVE BEJ3ROOMS. A NOTH E R W1 TH SIX OR MORE BHD Hi OMS. MUST BE STRICTLY MOD ERN AND WELL LOCATED. MY CLI ENTS MEAN BUSINESS AND RILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IF SUITED. POIN DEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE 271-20. WANTED ACREAGE AND SUBURBAN HOME.". We are having clients in every d-iy for acreage ana suburban homes; if jou desire to sell list with us and WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS F. L. EDDY. R1TTKR LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade. Bldg. YOUR HOUSE. We are in touch with a number of people, many with all cash, who will buy if we can suit them. Maybe your house is just the one we need to satisfy one of these "clients. Phone us the num ber of it. We will take an interest in your property and give you prompt and courteous attention. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 69S7. MAKE A SPEC! ALT OF SELLING HIGH-CLASS HOMES FROM $6000 -VP. LAURELHURST, I RVINGTON, ALA MEDA, MOUNT TABOR AND THE HEIGHTS. IK YOU HAVE A HOM fcl FOR SALE. ONE WORTH THE PRICK ASKED. PHONE OR MAIL FULL DE SCRIPTION. POIND ENTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. At A IN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. WANT SUBURBAN HOME. Have 2 events wanting from acre to 3 acres, with either small bouse or thorough i modern bungalow. Can get you quica action if price is right. F. L. KDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Beautify Portland. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers, wait in g w ho want homes rang ing from $3000 to $ono in good uis trict. Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA Hi CO., S2 Fourth St. Main 4522. I RVINGTON. Laurelhurst or like part of Portland ; desire to purchase good resi dence. Kindly give data: owners, please. E 171. Oregonian. WANT good 5-room house., price must b right. Main 7031. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. W E are turning CAS H bu era for farms and acreage away from our office every day because e cannot supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOU R farms and acreage for you? We are the old est and one of the most reliable firms in Portland. See SAM HEWEY at .1. L. HARTMAN O., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE II AVE many cails lor well-located, improved alley farms, on or near t be highway. 30 to 50 acres, within -i' miles of Portland. If your price is right we can sell it. We also want two small acreages, with fair buildings, about $2500, close to ca r line. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. W F have tw o parties looking for a plaec with two sets of buildings that wil. run about $S00rt: will consider two ptaoes ctoe together. $40OO each, not more than 30 miles from Portland; wiil pay cash i f price Is right. W rite or phone us at once. f .STEWART & BUCK. "15 Nort b western Bank Bid g. WANT PuhiliiMn homes and Improved farms vicini of Portland and Willam ette valley. If you .really want to sell write A. K. Hill. 215 Lumber mens bldg. established; Reliable service. WAN'TKI) Small farm not les;, than 25 or :t0 acres in cult i v a I ion, with house and barn, within 25 miles of Portland. Call K. E. Francis. Marshall 1950. Angela hotel, 025 Washington, WE H AVIS buyers fr farms and acreage, either for sale or exchange: list with us. We get results. P pe r Ac Richards. 50.S Buchanan hide. Main 51 75. FOR KENT -.FARMS. DAIRY EQUIPMENT AND LEASE FOR SALE. Located at CorvaJ I is. Oregon ; has been established for 25 yprs under the same name. Is doing a fine buHtnesf. but owing to per sonal reasons the owner will sell his Etock and equipment and his three-vear lease on t h is fine ',10 acre farm, located on the edga of town, with city conveniences ; the place i well improved, everything arranged for convenience, is thor oughly equipped and make bottle delivery of inilk direct to custo mer. Corvallis is a town of 7000 and 3000 additional student?. All milk sold by ticket system with cash in advance. With the place go 58 cows, bull, 3 horses and harness. heavy wagon. mower, rake, dis-n harrow, plow, roller, corn binder, manure spreader, drill, silage cutter complete, two horse corn cultivator, spring-tooth harrow, spike-tooth harrow, com plete Empire double unit electric milking machine, cream separa tor. Dodge delivery car. hay. grain, feed, silage, wood and coal, cans, bottles, cooler and complete mod ern dairy equipment; 30 acres of clover, 15 of vetch and oats. 40 acres of corn ground; putting out about 100 gallons aily : land buildings rent for 150O per year. Price for ea?e and full equip ment is $12,500. KINNEY & CO.. Corvallis. Cr. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS $1 ner IOOO ieet. ..o-,; minion feet. Douglas fir and hemlock, in ideal log ging country in Linn Co.. Oregon. Mu.-t be sold immediately to close estate. J. Michaels. 324 7th st. N., La Crosse, Wis. 320 ACRES SAW TIMBER. On S. F. electric, Yamhill county. mile from station and sidetrack. For good sawmill deal and good terms see Draper. 401 Board of Trade. PROFITABLE going lumber enterprise, sawmill, flume to resaw and planers. logging equipment, capacity 75.000 feet plenty timber, ,long time . operation, largely yellow fir. P 2"5. Oregonian. 1U23 ACRES, estimated 31.000.000 Teet, six miles - from railroad! southern Oregon. Price $38,500; tern $15,000 cash, bal ance to be arrange . Address AV 722. Oregonian. 60O0 ACRES timber land, southern Oregon, munt be sold to-settle ait estate. Addi tional acreage adjacent can be purchased at reasonable price. H. C. Stoddard. 1133 Filbert street. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED Bridge plank and timbers; al ways in the market. W. G. Davis, 5ir9 Lumbermen oiatf., Portland, or. wante: TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BY OWNER, save commission, a dandy 80-acre farm, 20 cleared, balance nearly cieared; cro-p in; 5-room house: large barn and silo, chicken-houses and run.-; ail fenced; fine toil; 2 acres strawberries, orchard; 5 fine Jersey cows, 3 heifers; good team. I. O. 1.. C. brood sow. far rowins soon ; 85 chickens ; cream sep arator, gas engine, 2 wagons, 1 buggy, mower, 2-horse cultivator, 1 12-lncli plow; 1 year's wood ; ali other tools ; close to school and church, near paved road. All for 370tMJ. Take house to $4000 and some cash, balance terms. Come to Vancouver then to Orchard, then north west 2 miles to my place, or take Sifton cars to Orchard. R. 1. Gillihan, owner, Vancouver. R. 6. SOME t KING EXCEPTIONAL Have you 1 or 2 good Portland homes, a piece of suburban property, or a small business property, valued in the aggregate up to $25, 0(H). as partial trade for a ii-story brick apartment yielding about $r.o net per month'.' Let us start something at once. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO., Ky. Exch. bldg. Main 5199. FARM STOCKED, EXCHANGE. R0 acres, 20 acres cultivated; modern 5-room house, barn, etc.; 5 cows, 5 good heifers, good team, farm machinery, etc. price $"000, will consider good house to , $4900. J. ROBBTNS-EPTON. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 55 acres in city limits of Portland, unimproved, Linn ton district ; sight ly, good soil, some cordwood; value $250 per acre, no in cumbrance, terms. Exchange for good equity, improved. Owner, AG 403, Ore gonian. WANT FARM. Modern 5-room house, $25O0. clear oJ incumbrance; want about 25 acres, not over $3000. J. ROB BINS-EPTON. 301-302 Railway Exchange. .Main 7931. FOR SALE or trade, hotel building and complete furnishings in low.n with two big lumber mills; 58 beds: house plas tered and wired and in lirst-class condi tion; price $0OO; will lake income prop erty up. to $4000, cash and terms to suit. O. G. Larson. Silverton. Or. WE H AVE several stocked and equipped farms that we can tuke in city property ,on up to $ 5oO. These farms range in value from $sooO up. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank B d g . ALMOST' NEW 4-room plastered house. 2 blocks from carline; fine location: will sell cheap or will take a litfht latc-model automobile as first payment. Phone Sellwood 717. 1 HAVE two wheat farms to trade t'nr places weft of the mountains, one of 4-n acres and one of i0O acres. For all particulars write M. Fitzmaurice, Con dun, Or. VALUABLE quarter block, Belmont street, paved and paid, also quarter block Haw thorne car, exenange both for farm, acreage, or other property. Owner Wdln. 143. W I LL sell cheap or trade for livestock, Cadillac ar livery, first-class mechanical condition, oi wi'.l trade for small house and lot. Will give cash .difference. Phone Sellwood 717. FOR SALE or will trade ror iarm or city property, two sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000,00'i leet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene, or. $11 00 EQUITY in $17-"0 house. 4 rooms, trade tor equity in 5 or U-rooni house; no ex tra cash ; w ii 1 pay $2."i or $;;o a month. Not over $3"oo. Tabor 0"i 1 2. 20 ACRES, unimproved, ' mile from Co lumbia highway, near Crown point, creek runs through place, will trade for vacant city lot. Last tWW. WA NT a home, not exceed $5000; pay cash $2."00 and good ItiO acres laud at$25oo. P. O. box io:i. PO RTLAN D improved property to trade for Tacoma or Seattle residence. Owner, AV 70S. Oregonian. TO EXCIIANG -M ISC'E LLA N EO V S. ALMOST NEW 4-room plastered house. 2 blocks from carline; fine location; will sell cheap or will take a light late-model automob"- as first payment. Phone Sellwood 717. WI LL sell cheap or trade for livestock. Cadillac delivery, first - cinss mechanical condition, or will trade for small house and lot. Will give cash difference. Phone Sellwood 7 1 7. WI LL TRA PE good young team of work bores and some fresh cows for late model auloinooilo. ooo Powell Valley road. 3 LOTS and some cash to trade for Vic trola. 227 Mill. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, I Jvrstock. JUST arrived. 2 carloads of eastern Ore gon homes and mares ranging from 1200 to l.vxj : its. -. well-matched icums, all solid color, heavy boned and blocky built, ti'oin 4 to 0 years o:d; it' you arc in the marktt lor good teams, we have the best thai have btcn in Portland lor tw. yi'nrs; everyhing is thoroughly tried be fore jou buy it and guaranteed as rep resented; ;so a lew oilier cheap hoi"r-s, 3 Beltiiait colls, yearlings; e ery team can be fitted with collars and harness. S. Williamson. 24o E. fc:h st.. corner of Main. TKAM of blacks, mare and horse, .1 and 0 y-ais old. wciU :.Mo lbs: bcsi ot work ers; team of ir.n gray. 4 and 5 years old. weieh 2on. must be soid by Monday. N o further us-. Will sc II v ry no un able. Woodsto'- k h r to ii'n ii w ikmI a v o., 5 blocks north to t!M Powell valley roan. SEVEN head of filsl-clasj dairy and fam ily cows, inil.cii from 4 to i r;i11 mi. p r day. If ou an- h-okin; lor something kood come and see us; milk them. Wo dstocU car t i Jrecii wood ave., .' blocKs nort h to !'. Pow ell Valley road. FROM tlio counlr oun-- ii nd sent I .1 erse co s. rich milkers, for rca.sonal.de. 1'tloi no NO- I Mnwaukic - I Milwaokie. Henry t 1. allies, one Waff-.n. block soul h Smith. One l i ' ?:om City t ii r f A RL A D E ASTE UN OKEOON marcs and horses arrived .May 0; mated tra nisi and single workers to suit log ger and rancher. Trial allowed. Dock Foot Taylor St. YOl : NO. g'-itl f a m i ly cow. fr i vi n g 4 ga I- Ions of rich mil r aay. Will sell verv rt Hf-ona bl'-. Wood.to k car to :'ttb M.. ninth to Powell Valley road to a small ycilow houe ONE black horse. 5 years oid. weight I 0O lbs.; I gray hois'. 5 yara ohj. heavy honed. blockv built. weight 1..75 lie- ; 1 sorrel mare, 5 ears old. weight i ;;jo lbs. or. tit h a nd Ua wt home. H. Ham , y P N of sa! brawns, bor.se and ma re ; weight wbout 2S0O; gen 1 Ie and true .0 work ; rign t out of work. Marion Fuel Co.. ft. of Taylor st. tdockt. DEAD stock rrnioved quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crlppied horses. Phons Milwaukie CO-J fqr results. WF BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats Campbell-Pheian Land &. Cattle Co., 30J Couch bldg. YOUNG 5-gal. Holsi?in, just frsh; fine --r.' ,frsey-Iurham. 4-gal day. 721s Fast 32d. Soul h, near Po well. WANTED Work for four to eight horses. Day or summer. J. It. Perry. R. it, t Beaver ton. Tel Main 3307. 4 4"OWS. Juht fresh; 3 springers. If ou want something extra good see thete. 13a Florida st. Main 1319. 2400-LH. team, harness and wagon, true to work. 5135. Blue Front Stables, foot Mont gomerv. FOR SALEt Several tori wagons. good tops. Empire Transfer Co.. 254 Bdw. Broadway 155. . ALE or trade Tor f years old ; weight lawn 2417. cow ; 1200 gray mare, 5 Phone Wood- SPAN of colts, 4 and years old; will sell very reasonable. Stables ft. of Taylor st. (dock). 10 HEAD of horses. 4 to 1S00 lbs. Inquire :o 7 years old, 1200 ."64 Northrup st. DEAD hort.es, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering o. Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows Tabor 420S. S0O BUYS gray r.are. weight about 1350 lbs.; good work mare. Taylor-at. dock. 5-G A LI-ON fresh Hoist ein cow for sale : i-ht-ap. " BARGAIN, '5 Big. 1200-lb. ranch horse. "l)t7 E. Stark St.; trial allowed. WANTED Beer cattle and v'-a.i. Tabor 7030 Pianos, Organ and Musical Instruments. " PIANO WANTED. paV cash : get our price. Seiberling-Lu cas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8586. N EARLY new Edison diamond disc gold en oak; 30 selections; $200 value, for furniture. What have you 7 Mar.39t3. CONCERT GRAND, like new. $750. You mav rent it- Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill. $-"0 BUYS $675 genuine Hazeiton piano, $0 bench ; $ UK down, $12.50 month. ;tl2 W'orcestcrblds. $10 BUY-S $500 Franklin piano: $50 down, S10 month. 312 Worcester bid;;. KENT A phonograph. 3S4 Yamhill st. Haroid S. Gilbert. pLAYEP. piano w ith rolls 6O0S. 475 Pacific street. Phone East WANTED Use of . piano for storage; transfer paid one way. Broadway 2irt4. WANTED Good tone piano, at once, cash it ba.galn. Marshall 570f. Pay W'ANTED Piano, can be old if bargain. Call today. Main 3S64. Before 6 P. M. FOR 8 A LE. Pianos. Orgnns and Mu-ical In-tmment. PIANO SALE. Every used piano has positively been TI ucel to a price you cannot compare. . !;"' nihogany case ......... .$245 DUNHAM, plain mahogany 2."0 HOMER, oak case........ 2..0 IRXING. oak case 240 aii m & BARNES, mahogany case. S i NGER. plain mahogany JENNINGS & SON, oid style BAILEY, like new VICTOR, plain mahogany 2.-0 50 350 i ernis liiven. REISER LING-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. UNDERPRICED PIANOS Downstairs etore. Factory rebuilt and used piano. Upright pianos, $105, $2:;5. 5290 to $4ti5; player-pianos, $395, $195. $535 to $035; parlor organs, $25, $:i5, $45 to $65; pho nographs. $1. $25. $35 to $120. Terms, $lo to $25 cash. $3, $6 to $15 monthly. Schwun Piano Co., 101 10th st. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. WE BL.'Y, SELL. RENT & EXCHANGE Records, phonographs, player piano mu sic, pianos, organs, brass and string in struments. 12S FIRST. MAIN, 4495. TABOR 6798. SECURITY S TO RAG E CO. closing out $275 to $."i0u used upright pianos, $75 to $2ii0; $Soo to lOio used player-pianos. $360 to $495. Pianos stored 75c monthly. Pianos bought and so d lor cash only Corner 10th and Stark sts. PIANO FOR VIC.TROI.A $20O New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main 5M SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victroia and records: our proposition will plea.se you. Seiber 1 inar-Luca.s Music Co., 125 4th st. Main So SO. PLAYER piano, looks and plays like new, mahogany case, 20 records, selling new at $looo. owner will sell for 500 cash. Cull Sunday morning or any evening. Main 64!t. Not a fake. Every one reduced, them. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 4th st. PAY cash tor pianos, phonographs, rec ords, musical instruments, exchange, ex pert player piam tuning, repair. Y. Kremar, 254 M ark el. PI A NO S A LKC A real sale. Every one reduced. See them. Sei ber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. NEARLY new Bush A- Lane walnut pidno cheap or will take Yictrola as part pav-m-Mit. 1 Mi East Hot. DKi'KKR BROS, piano, in good condition : ebony finish; must be so.d today. $200. Phone P-dwy. 4m3 before 1 P. M. KIMBALL Only $200. nice upright, plain case. $50 down, $12.50 per month. 312 Worcester Bldg. 1 PHONOGRAPH outfit, $140 cash, includ ing $.0 worth of records. Call at 51 East 27th st. ORGAN $20 Ma son -H ami in. good condi tion. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Furniture for Sale. CLOSING out furniture, ranges, rugs. Most of the following prices are less than pres ent cost. All strictly new goods. $S5 large wainut buffet. ; mirrors ,$4H. 5 2Sx40 oak library table, worth $20. 14 S. $4 oak dining chair 2. OS Folding card or camp tables 2.2" $2 step-ladder stools 1.2" Hall settee and rack with mirror.. 17.50 $24 imitation mahogany library table S.!s $17 white enameled child's crih ... ll.!r Iron beds and mattresses . .$5.l5 to J4.f.i $7o Universal coal and wood range. 49.1." Sti." side oven Superior gas range . 4i.o.". Cedar chests $12.15 and lt.i- Oak telephone stand and chairs ... 7.1s Lady's oak writing desk J4.i $6 child's desk and chair ;;.l:i tx'. Deitox grass rug y.r, hxlO Deltox grass rugs Superior combination range ltio n.j Oak and ivory dressers $17 to 54. nu $5 20-inch smoker's stand I.! We are also reducing our hardware and "paint stock. See us for many other bar gains. SUNNYSTDE HARDWARE CO.. fS5 Belmont. Tabor 2417. SALE OK STEEL RANGES. 4-hoie Economy steel range, with sani tary base, grate for wood or coal, warm ing closet and fine oven ; brand new ; special at $10.50. Easv terms. MIS1I KIRNIPLRE CO. 1SS-1VO First St. ALL kinds of household goods lor saiv One upright grand piano, tine condition. E'iit-on phonograph, a. lot ot records, one Charter Oak range with coils, one sas " water heater, two heating stoves and pi pc. one ieat her com-h, almost ni'H. there bedsteads. springs, mattresses, rugs, dishes, lawn mower, he;i barrow and many other thing,. 4445 4-tii S. E., corner 4."t h a v c. Phone Sellwood 5.w. Woodstock car. ONE BLI Davenport, one library table, one ch i I fon ier, two dressers, one bu 1 1 et . one V. M. bed complete, me cot and pad. three kitchen chairs, two commodes, three rugs, Iruit jars. Must sell, leaving city. Phone or call. 440 Miller ave Sen wood 2!22. COM P t.KT E oak dining room sot. includ ing beautiful bullet and lounge, tabic and 0 chairs, in first -class comli I urn. Will cll at sacrifice. I mjuire 340 iOth st.Maiii Uf-SJ. ON IS gas range. Axminter rug, Uxl2: library la hie, buffet. a oiuet Mnpr iti -chine, fia tiloi: hose and lawn mower, kitchen in en si Is; all like new. Phone I. roadway 157. FOR SALE ONE OAK I'IMMl TAI1LE AND I'll A IKS. THESE ARE IN t;ooD CONDITION .AND WILL SELL AT A HAItH.MX. .1AN1TOU, CHETOPA AP I S NO I'HU N E. DON'T sacrifice our furniture if gotntc money on your freight in our through i varH; fucproof htorase. C. M. Olauti ' , rosier A Storac Co.. 24tf Pine at. fci 1 Lt " 1 A L on rug--- AVc bae several rugs -JtxIJ and smaller ttiHt must be told at dnec. ;;i N. 5th. nea r Itti rnsidc. Bdwy. 27.it. I'scil office f urn i i ure. FOR RKNT Furniture for sal'; 5 room-, baih and pantry, all new and conip.et- tH rn lulled ; 1110U" i n, ch.sr in, cti iidC Address W 2 1 . Oregonian. 1 LN TENSION d'nin-j table. I pas range it li oroih-r. 1 hi rge pa.s w atT hr tcr. , I'acift,- Storage. Last 1st and Madi.otu HI VT'KT. kitchen t rewsure. heating -lo e. iiotiinu beard, window shades. 4tiu Rod ney nr. All ."Si, Oregunia n. Fl r.MTl'HK lor tale beds, chairs-, sewing Phone T.ibor M'Tn. ehca p . dining ta bc. machine, couch, etc. SALK Furniture. 227 W hitakrr, cor ner First; party leaving city. Act quickly. LLA'I liKK s-J.. ; oval nucll, wall $2 ; mirror. ak $n hhfonierr. .50 EabL Fu It SALL :;-peee ivory bedroom sa;. librarv table and rocker, o 10 Larrabefl M. Flat 3. REAL leather make offer, shall S5S. cou"h, like new ; cost $150; 404 Gerlititr.-r bldg. M ar- FOR SALE Pia no, dining chairs, good trunk, gas plate. o P' Harrison Ft. Fl'RNITLRK $75. 253 h in eluding sewing machine, verett. and 3d. MO V I NG. Good furnitui e lor sale reason able. No dealers. East K02. RANGES and water heaters moved free : connect! on a a specialty. Tabor 2307. FO I : S A 1 . 15 Sol id perf ect cond it ion. oak furniture, all Call 754 Water st. S-Pl E -'E d tii in g- room set. Marshall 1 2...'.. Poultry. FOR SALE 407 White Leghorn chick., s weeks old, for sale; going to roost, thor oughbred stock, trap nest records 21 o o R. C. ; every chicken perfect and In goo a order: 05 cents a piece or J2S5 for the entire lot. Armstrong. Multnomah sta t ion. PKTALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in eirg production; we sell BAKV CHIX at $I3.5o per loo during May and .1 une. safe arrival of full count, strong, live chick guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 tith at.. Petal u ma. Cal. $1S.5I PKR IOO. White Leghorn baby chicks, best stock ; prompt deliveries; few Reds and Hocks at 24c each. Mail us your order today. . N. Need ham . Salem. Or. R. I. SETTING eggs, my prize Hoganizcd stock, faruuus k.lloti; May. June spe cial. $3.50. Dick Laposea. South Oregon ii. It. K. l. S. C. W. Leghorn baby chix, 2 to 3 days old . I S per 1 00 ; good stock. Rex H. Hottorff. Nolin. Or. O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORN settings, $1.25 for 15 esss from Hoganized stock. W o od lawn 00. FINE laying hens. $1.25 eacn, also thor oughbred Blue Andalustan rooster, $5. Taiior 2t0. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, friers, laving hens, hatching eggs, incubators, 'iibor 3S22. THOROUGHBRED white leghorn baby chicks; Tangrcd strain. 2uc each. 0tl4 Linn ave. Sell 1S13 EGCS tile. for waterglass. East 404. Fresh laid, infer- A B ALL PORCELAIN G-holc gas ranae. Call East G20O. BAKRED R. hens for sale, E. 7 2d St. N. :;ic lb. 200 FOR SALE White Pekin duck cga for hatching. Tabor 16.6. 4