TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAT 7, 1920 17. JTEW TODAT. SECTIONAL GARAGES Ereeterl tn Portland or SHIPPED ANYWHERE in sections ready to bolt tcrther. Kaiy for one man to erect In a day. Our cash prices, factory direct to yon. no middlemen, mean a GREAT SAVING. Send for circular. Call at factory. See life-size sample. REDTMADE BUILD TNG KO. SIS E. 11th St.. 2 bile. 8. of Hawthorne. Phone JEast 6114. Portland, Oreffon. A BUNGALOW AMONG THE FIRS $3500 H0OO cash, $20 monthly, burs this larga, well-built bungalow: full base ment, concrete foundation; ground 100x100. with beautiful native trees. Fine lawn and garden spot. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. T33 Chamber of Commerce. Send Us Your Old Carpets i- (We Call and Deliver) Old Rngca and Woolen Clothingr. We Blake Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Rasa. Woven, 17.SO Raa; Rdr-s Wotm All Sizes. Clothes Clranina: and Dyeing; Depls. Mail Orders Send for UuoklcL t Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning hll natb Steamed Cleaned, $1.50 WKSTEHN FLIIFF Rli CO. M Union Ave IN. Phone Kast 6516 APARTMENT HOUSE NOB HILL, WEST SIDE Ponr-storr apartment house; 16 three room apartments, four two-room; 100x100 errounds: Income $72S per mo. Netting- nearly 13 per cent. Fine loca tion on Lovejoy street. PRICE $45,000 - Some Terma If Hen-red. Xo Phone Information. GRUSSI & BENNETT 31 no Ann of thapk Bin. Fine Nob Hill Home TS EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT on west side. Modern and up to date in every respect. Surrounded by elegant homes; close in. If you are looklnpr for some thing Rood, phone Tabor 3089 for ap polntmnnt and I will call with my automobile and show vou this place. Price - $15,000. Worth double the amount asked. Terms. FOR SALE A fine home, including one of the most beautiful half blocks in Portland. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 3342 WK CALL FOR VOIR OLD CAR PUTS, , Ragl and Woolen Clothing FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly Rag Hub; Woven All Sines Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. NORTH WKST RC; CO. IX Kant Nth St. Phone East 35S0. OVERTON BET. 24TH AND 25TH STREETS. 6-room house, lot 50x100; very best neighborhood; price $8000. HENRY W. GODDARD, ; 243 Stark St. Attractive Irvington -Corner Six rooms, bath, den; cement base ments Good and clean inside and out. " Phone: East 6759 3000 to 5000 FEET OF SPACE WANTED On second floor or above. In business district, any time within three months Permanent and desirable tenant. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW IIST COMPI.KTKD SIX ROOMS AND BKtAKI'AM' ROOM. Kxtra large living- room. Ivory Wood work and papered. Hardwood floors throughout. Tiled bath with ex pensive plumbing. Gasco furnace. Garage. 672 K. Sixteenth at. North. K. .MLSO V, Owner and HuildrS STORAGE SPACE Investigate Our Plant and Rates. Why Afcsume Kxpensive Leases Under Present High Costs' -CLAY S. MCRSE, INC. Drayace and Sttorsjfe, I3tlt and Glisaku Fhose Bawy. 347.' NEW TODAT. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc . F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, of Com. Bide. ' Main 8036. ATTRACTIVE IRVINGTON HOME Thoroughly modern. Seven rooms, den, sleeping porch; full lot. Owner leaving city. $8000, terms. Xo As;ents. East 22578. BEAL, ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. CHOICE BEACH LOTS AT SALTAIR (TILLAMOOK BEACH). CLOSE TO STATION ANT OCEAN. WILL EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINOL AB 397, OREGON IAN. FOR BALE Or will rent or leans, two cholc. lots 60x10 feet, at Tillamook 1 beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dauee pavilion and boteL Address H 180. Oreconlsn. For Sah -Lota. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. We have two fine building lots on the west slope of Mt. Tabor placed In our hands at a sacrifice price of $i00, each with sewers and all street improvements paid. CLEVELAND-VENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange bide. Main 6io2. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. W have a few 50x100 lots located from 66th and Sandy blvd., to and including 80th St.. $300 and up. which we will sell on small monthly payments. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., . . 518 CORBETT BLDG. LOTS aYe bound to be hicher. Buy now, A beautiful 50x100 lot. only 16 minutes to Broadway and Washington st. : S50U cash. $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 638 N, W. Bank Bide. Main 3787. BLOCK Lies rough, but near In, and sear factories; $."00 cash or $o00 on terms. Phone Main 2028 or calL O 23a, Oregonln. FOR SALE Fine lot, Ross City Park, east front nice trees on back of lot, 61st, first vacant lot north of the Ala meda. Phone 317-70. ALAMEDA, best section, block from car line. 50x100. By owner. $1100. Bdwy. 660. FOR SALE Rose City lot, east front, $650 If taken, at once. Marshall 3043, between 12 and 1. $3600 .Comer 100x150, large shack. East 21st and Oak. AC 401. Orgonian. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. TO CLOSE AN-ESTATE. Six-family apartment, dote in, east side; live In one, let others pay good income on Investment; low price of $72o0 for quick sale, terms. Phone owner, 316-10. morning and evening. " REAL SNAP OWNER SICK. ' 72 roomi, apartment and Bleeping rooms, good lease, hurry price of $0000. See Mrs. Albau7h. J. ROBBINS EPTON. S01-302 Railway Exch. Main 7,031 FOR SALE 2-family flat, upper flat 8 rooms and bath; lower fiat, 4 rooms and - bath; full cement basement; $:;U0o. half cash, balance easy. UtiO Borthwlck. M issiBSlppI ave. car. FOR SALK 22-room ppt. house, brick, comer bjdfr. ; good furniture; 50 good chickens; first time offered in 8 years party leaving city. Phone East 8273. SMALL house in Kern Park, with barn suitable for garage; corner lot 40x100. Price $650, on terms. Owner, B 198, Ore gonian, or phone Main 2028. EVERETT ST. corner, 4 apts., .I7.&00; east side fiat. $67r0; both have good in comes; terms; owner. East 7722. THE HILLS ARE CALLING. Sometime you must have heard the summons; why not cradle your home now in the sheltering protection of their etornsl embrace, within easy reach of the busy marts by day, your nights glorified with the gold-flecked star-dust. High and clean and far from the maddening crowds. The same delirious rhetoric ap plies to this house wo offer for sale. It's sweet. Kive rooms downstairs, two rooms and sleeping porch giving on a fertile little valley, upstairs. Vou could hardly visualize what we try to describe. You must personally Inspect it. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $6:;i0. MA HONEY, COE A. Mi KENNA & CO.. 82 FOURTH ST., Main 6S71. IRVINtiTON. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT 100x100. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH PARLOR. LIVING ROOM. IIN INO ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR: FOUR BEDROOMS, TILED BATH. LARGE SLEEPING PORCH SECOND FLOOR. LARUE FINISHED ATTIC AND MAIDS ROOM. HARDWOOD FLOORS: MANY BU1LT-INS; FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. LAUN DRY ROOM. FURNACE. GARAGE: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; $12,500. IF TOU WANT A MOKERN HOME IN MOST SELECT PART OF I R V I'S GTON PHONE POINDKXTER. 20H SELLING BI.DG. MAIN lbOO. RESIDENCE 271-20 ROSE CI TV PARK $7000. ip w, modern, up-to-date 7-room house, flntlhla rnnal miwf awl V u ..- A f nnre flre- ee; finished in ivory; Dutch kitchen nnoieum, nreaKiast room, aen, Deu rooms with closets, extra large bath room, linen close t. clothes shute, elec tric switches in every room, double switch for up and downstairs; cement basement, fruit closet and laundry trays, garage with cement floor and runway; nothing left out for a convenient and nice home and, best of all, good work is dono on this house. For appointment call Wood U w n 62:1. Owner. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. LARGE 6 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH AND GARAGE 750O. Near KNOTT street on East 12th we have the best real home bargain you will find In the city; six large rooms and sleeping porch; full 50x100 lot; fine garage. In this home you will find all the attractive features you are looking fo: si m. li 1 jut iac i'v low xiiuii vaiuc, uuiii rlcht. iiiRt befom lh advpnt of hi?h prices for materials. Let us show you this real home bargain at only $7500, half cash; or if you have all cash, make us an offer. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St. Main 8220. FINE 8-ROOM HOME. Built by day labor, A-l materia'! throughout ; nice large rooms, weli ar ranged; modern, full cement basement, 50x100 or 100x100 as desired; extra lot has good 5-room house, right on godd carline and improved strt; $4500 for 50x100; $5600 for 100x100 with two houses. Call us" for full particulars. THE LAWRENCE? CO., 212 Corbott Bldg. Main 6915. 7-ROOM modern, 2 lots, S blks. to car, good location; vacant, move in; $2850. $500 . cash. 4-room and place for bath; lights, gas, toilet, full lot, one blk. to car; $1650. $300 cash. $25 per mo. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5429. 248 Stark St. $2500. $2500. 5-room plastered bungalow, one and one-half lots. Has both gas and electric lights, nice front and back porch, on paved street; close to carline. See Mr. Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Bdwy. 4381. . v GIVING TOU THE FURNITURE. 7 rooms, SOtlOO lot. fine fruit, bath and tot let, completely furnished, price only $3000, ea-iy terms. J. ROBBINS EPTON. 301-302 Railway Exch. Main 7931. WHY FAY RENT when you can buy a house on Alberta street with nice mod ern 5-room apt. with sleeping porch and 2 stores below that are bringing in $35 per month? Street improvements all In and paid. Price $4000 and $1000 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. 3 1 S Ch am. of Com. IRVINGTON district, $4500, "terms; good -5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace; 50x200. fruit, berries; 842 Multnomah st. Neuhausen. Main 8078- IRVINGTON Seven rooms, built 5 yrs. ago; largo living room, French doors, old . Ivory finish; at half the cost of con struction ; immediate possession. Owner, East JS013. . OWNER 6 -room modern house, corner, ha rd surface street, 2 blocks from Irv ington car, $4500. Wdln. 41S. $254X 5-ROOM cottage, a nice little home for the money; Kenilworth district. 614 Swetland bldg. 4 BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. HAWTHORNE-AVENUE DISTRICT. Beautiful, modern home, close In. 10 rooms, 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms. Karaite. iot ivvxivv, street Improvements in ana t paid; 4U0.000. $5000 ca.sh. Fine property. ' low price. j House, 7 rooms, and flat, both rood. I close in; lot 50x100; street improvements : In: $10,000; will trade for acreage no to $3000, or will sell separate; house $4500. flat $6000. ! House 7 rooms, street improvements ; in: will pay balance due; S4600. half cah. Two fine, modern homes. Ladd Add. 2 blocks to Hawthorne ave..- walking dis tance. 570 Ladd ave., has 9 rooms with ftarage. paved alley. 54 contains 11 rooms, double constructed and built for a home; shown by appointment only: price for each. $750O; no incumbrance; terms can be arranged. FARNS WORTH & UOULDSTONB. 13 6 4 Vz H awthorne Ave. OWNER MUST SELL LEAVING CITY. V LADD'3 ADDITION. Close-in home for sale in this exclu sive improved residence district, on cor ner lot facing East Rose Park, with 14 foot alley in rear; -house built and occu pied toy present owner, who desires to sell quickly; eight rooms and strictly modern; all very best 'construction throughout; fine porch, shrubbery, flow rg, etc.; everything yftu want in a home; buy direct and save commission. Priced at $7600 for immediate sale, with easy terms. Call 646 Cypress, st. or phone Kast 2168. 6-ROOM LAUTELmrST BUNGALOW. HOT WATER HEAT. A BUI BARGAIN. OW N K R 9 A N IN VALID. OBLIGED TO SELL AND CHANGE CLIMATE. If you want a beautiful home at a very attractive price, don't fail to see this bungalow. An extra large lot and a fine garage. No agents need answer. Phone before 12 noon or oiler 6 P. M. East 2086. $5000 NINE ROOMS, fine flat proposi tion: Irvington; S1."iQ0 handles. $2800 Portland Heights, charming view, beats renting; 0 run. with attic. $4100 Hawthorne dist., 6- rooms- and garage. Improved street close in, rooms light. $o-2GO Ha wthorne, 6rooms and bfith, h. w. floors, furnace, etc.; c. basement. $4850 Irvington, 6-room house and garage, white enamel trim.; fruit trees. ZIMMERMAN A WHITE, 818 Chain, of Com. Bids. BATS TOUR CARFARE. Fire-room cottage within 20 mlnutes' walk over town. Lot 60x100. On paved street, all Im provements tn and paid. 2 blocks to car. 5 large cherry trees and other fruit. A snap at $3500. f00 down. K. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett Bldg. &laiu 7141. . ' ONLY $7S00. ' -oom f-aiirelhurst colonial. Fine cor ner lot. commanding an unobstructed view in all directions from every room. Hardwood'fluors In every ,100m; a large living rooni, large library or bed rob m, dandy kitchen, large dining room ; up 'stairs 8 extra tM'e sleeping rooms and enelosed ftunily sleeping porch. Very close to car and fine neighborhood. This is a forced sale. Act quick. No agents. M r. Delahunty. Main 1700. LAU RELHUUST (GEM) BUNGALOW. One of the homeiest bungalows ever offered for sale in Laurethuret; beauti fully located on an oversized lot east of park ; 5 rooms, den and breakfast, room ; fine base men t ; hot-water heat, f lioplacc. lare garage, fine shruftoury. Pfice $7500, some terms. Shown by ap pointment only. J. A McCarty, E. ZUth and Glisan. Tabor 3433; eve.. Tabor r057. PORTSMOUTH. 10-room house, only a block from the heart of this thriving district; suitable for either rooming or boarding house; laundry trays, full basement, doubly con structed; Vs block irom carlin,; $3400, $500 ca&h. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Branch office Columbia 638. "" FOR SALE. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW; PAVED STREET. HARDWOOD FLOORS LIV ING AND DINING ROOMS. DISAP PKARIXG ktiZU, HVl L.T-1N COALING SYS T EM. G A S RANGE, RU U D GAS HEATER. $2b50, TERMS. MANY OTHER DESIRABLE HOM ES FOR SALE. UNION SAKE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO, MARSHALL 756. 284 OAK ST. ST. JOHNS. 8-room house with big lot, 05x100 feet, 2 blocks from carline. built-in Dutch kitchen; so mo fruit trees; here is a dan dy, close to the industrial district, Xor $3300 and only $500 down. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Brancn of fire Columbia. t3$. - THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. W offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 024 N. W. Bank bldg. $1400 $300 CASH. For a 4 -room new bungclow, near Peninsula industries; bath and good plumbing; this knocks the rent ques tion absolutely dead. investigate. 907 Vale streot, near Mr Kenna. COE .A. McKENNA Ac CO., Branch office Columbia K38. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW " On Willamette blvd., St. Johns; prac tician y new ; close to industrial center. If you work in thin district you will like this home. Can sell you this place fur nished if you like. $54)0 will start you; balance terms. Shown by a ppointment, UNION SAFE DEPOSIT Sr. TRUST CO., 284 Oak st. Marshall . 756. NEW BUNGALV. Five rooms conveniently arranged, basement, attic, and on a paved street, V block from carline. You should .see this. $3300, $500 down. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch office . ' Columbia tt3. , IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME, located 684 Brazec, 75x100 corner R. J9tb. All hardwood floors, gas furnace, plate windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very well built and, lor sale by owner. Ijr0 R. C. PARK; almost new, partly furnished; bath, 'gas,, etertricity. large corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right in; soma distance -Dut. out fine chttnee for honest man with $600 to get nice little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor 2678. LAURELHURST. TWO-STORY SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE. FOUR BEDROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT. GA RAGE. CORNER LOT; $8500. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800 RESIDENCE. 271-20. FOR SALE or trade. 5-room house, or chard, hen house with eight runs, capa city 500 chickens: will trade house with b lots or 1C lots. 50x125 with 15-ft. alley 2 blocks from carline. Wdln. 186S. I4iy E. ltn XNortn. 7-ROOM house, large shed. 2 chicken houses, 6 fruit trees; walking distance , from business district. Alao 5-room house Piedmont district, close to car barns; $2500 each. Owner. 691 Borthwlck s;. Woodlawn 3339. 7-ROOM house near Killingsworth ave , block from car. Has 3 large bed rooms, china closet, bath, cement wallf.i hard-surfaced st. Berries, shrubbery and lawn. Corner lot, lOOx.00. Price onlv $260(1. 5oo cown ana 25 per mo. H. Lasenby, Wdln. 5051. NEAR ST. JOHNS. 5 rooms, and a lot. 62x116 feet:"' only m. block from Willamette boulevard! ru rage, too; and a besement. This Is near tne industries; -io; ouu oown. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Branch office Columbia 638. FURNISHED BUNG A LOW. 6 rooms and den, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, c floor, furnace. garage; 40x100 lot. . Price $40 )0. $1000 cash, balance terms. C. E. ADAMS, 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575. Evening Wdln. 333 CLOSING ESTATE $2000. 5-room house. 2 fine lots. 4 4 blocks from Alberta carline; garden, fruit trees, berries, etc.; splendid location. Call at j98 Glenn ave. N. for Particulars. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow; near Union-ave. and Piedmont; a few hun dred dollars down will handle it, balance like rent. Phone owner.' East 4000. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS. " ' 6 rooms, semi-bungalow, fine attic hardwood floors in living and dining room, beautiful view:$5G00: terms. BROOKE. Marshall 4827: TO SETTLE an estate, lot 50x100. on Bel mont st.; $2100. This is the bet buy I know of. See J. 9. McKenna. Belmont at S9th 13 ears Tabor 4493. imoat 6-K. HOME, garage, full lot. fruit ' frees berriee; chicken-house; $21H), $300 cash' Terms on bal. Marshall 3352. or Tahor 3O0O. - - DUPLEX house, 6 rooms in each, fur nace, fireplaces; rents for $80; good Investment; close in. Owner, Tabor 7143 1 2 MOP"1 hou5,--3. lots. InGreahamT I $o000. terms. 227 MilL J BEAti ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL EAST 419. 30O EAST FOURTEENTH NORTH. . $10.0OO. One of the choicest correr homes, about four years old: mahogany and ivory ftnd oak throughout first floor; second. Ivory, hardwood floors throurh out; 2 perfect bathrooms. 4 extra lava tories : hot-water heat : double Karaite : beautiful porches: 100x100 grounds: fins shrubs and natural trees. $13,500. One or the beautiful corner homes one always admires: living room, dining room, breakfast room, sun room, kitchen, maid's room and bath first floor, also telephone room: fooir charming bed rooms. 2 sleeping porches, tiled bath, shower. 2. extra lavatories second floor: beautiful shrubs, vines ; wonderful con-, crete porch; fine garage. East 419. $11,000 Buys this real home on 22d st.. near Tillamook; large living room, library, dining room, kitchen, two fireplaces, first floor; three wonderful bedrooms, two baths. ex,tra lavatory. sleeping porch, second; maid's room, third; fine garage; $6000 cash. East 4T9. $10. 0OO. Eight-room bungalow home built fout years ago; hot-water heat; Plate glass and hardwood floors throughout: im-' ported tile bath with pedestal" plumb ing; garage; easy terms. East 419. S11.OO0. Large, rambling bunralow: 7 rooms first floor: all ivory; tiled bath ; sepa rate toilet; H. W. floors throughout: 100x100 grounds; near Knott, heart of Irvington. East, 419. $7500 Buys eight-room house. 23th. near Hancock: living room. large sunroom. dining, kitchen, breakfast nook first floor; 4 B. R. tiled bath second. This house is two years old. East 419. THIS GROUP. Fine corner bungalow, rarage. $3750. Two fine homes. 14th. $5500 and $4500. English home. larEe rooms, two baths and garage. $95U0. Fine home, 22d st., 8 rooms, double garage. $S00O. Fine home. 20th St.. garage. 7S00. Good bungalow near 18th. $560O. Two houses on 14th street, not new but good; $4500 and $0600; terms. - McDONELL- EAST 419. 500 EAST FOURTEENTH NORTH. FINE Piedmont home, has 8 large rooms, h. w. floors with 11 laid bonier. Furnace, buffet, den, 2 large parlor bedrooms, cement basement, laundry trays, beautiful lot with shrubbery, 75x100, cement wal, paved streets. Good neigh borhood in restricted district. Price $5730, on easy trms. Must be seen to be appreciated. H. Lzenby, Wdln. 50uL BUT AN ACRE CUT THE COST OF LIVING. City conveniences, gas, water, alec- triclty, on cruahed rock etreet, two nocks off paved highway to Portland. Just a nice drive to work or 42 minutes to Portland on s. P. or O. E. Why spend 40 minutes on a crowded street car go ing to a stuffy city lot when you could go home to an acre of loganberries, chickens, etc? See us about this close in acreage. UNION" SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 2S4 Oak St. Marshall 756. ELEGANT R-rojm bungalow, near Hawthorne carline, clone In. Is strictly modern; h. w. floors, fur nace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, sleep ing porch- Large parlor, bedroom, cement basemeut, laundry trays. $1000 will handle this place as ten ants are moving to the country this week. Tabor 1524. FfNE VIEW. MOST SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. CORNER LOT, BEAUTIFUL I ROUNDS HARD WOO D F LOO R S FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS. THERE ARE TKil ROOMS. BALLROOM AND 2 BATHS HOT-WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE PRICK $35,000. SHOWN ONLY BY AP POINTMENT. NO PHONE INFORMA TION. ' PO IN DEXTER, 20A SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20 STRICTLY modern Hawthorne bun galow, h. w. floors, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, bookcase, ce nicnt basement, laundry trays, paved street and cement walk. Price only $35O0 on easy terms. Don't miss this bargain if you want a bungalow. Mrs. Lucius Tabor 30S9. A REAL BUY For "sale by owner, a dandy good house, block from car; has 8 nieces plumbing fixtures, fine furnace. fireplace, 7-ft. full cement basement;- everjrxorncr completely limsned: double constructed all through; one of the bet bullt homes in Portland; can be bought with either 75 ft.. 100 ft. or 150 ft. ground; must be seen to be appreciated. Offered at half what it would cost to day; must sell, owner leaving city. Call W ood l a w n - 6283. FOR SALE. IRVINGTON CORNER. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. ? FI REPLACES. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. EVERY CONVEN IENCE; BUILT FOR H IS HOME BY OWNER, WHO NOW LIVES OUT OF TOWN. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE $7500. TERMS. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., 2S4 OAK ST. MARSHALL 756. $1450 BUYS 5-room cottage with ga rage, on a comer lot, easy wa Ik ing distance of west side. Paved streets, cement walks and . steps. Better see this today betore some one gets it. Mr. Lazenby, Woodlawn . 5051. ROSE CITY PARK. - WEST OF THE HILL. A 7-room bungalow-type home; 4 rooms downstairs, z ana sleeping porcn upstairs: hardwood floors? 2 sets plumb - ing; condition perfect: full lot, paved street, full cement basemen f, fireplace, furnace, wash trays. Close to Sandy blvd., school and church. Underpriced at $5000. with exceptional terms to right party. Phony Tabor 59. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Five rooms, papered walls, bullt-lns, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large 2d floor unfinished, with finished front stairs; fine lighting fixtures, enameled woodwork, garage, corner lot 50x100, with view of Mount Hood. At corner 11th and Brazee. Price $7500, terms. See Ladd Estate Co., 246 Stark st. Mar shall 5454. PORTSMOUTH. Splendid 5-room bungalow with screened-in sleeping porch ; large clos ets and a big lot. 60x110 feet; 1 block to carline; 6 fruit trees; $2750, $500 down. COJS A. McKENNA & CO., Branch office Coiumbla 638. BUT THIS FOR A SELECT BOARDING HOUSE. Thin fine large residence is Ideally situated for the above purpose and is be s4 ties a splendid Investment at the price offered. LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 246 Stark Street. FOR SALE Small house, double con structed, full plumbing, nearly new; built se can easily bund on to; lot 50 x 156, ten bearing fruit trees, variety of berries, fine locatibn ; all assessments paid, 1 block from Montavllla car. about $100 worth of lumber will go with place; price $1550. 74 East 65th st. N. HIGHLAND DISTRICT BUNGALOW. $5400 Strictly madern 1 H -story. 8 . rooms; paved street, sewer In; lot 60x 100; nice garage, fruit and flowers: a real home, well built: owner obliged to leave. $2000 cash, balance 6. Save agent s commission. au wain. P74. INSURANCE. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITT. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT y NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 208 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800. 8-RjOOM modern home on 60x100 lot on East Main St.. near- 24th. for ST.inft- owner moving away and will consider 4 or 5-room cottage or bungalow, up to 330OO in trace, oaiance can oe arranged, See AllMu.i, -:v-t nenry otqg. IRVINGTON $7500 buys beautiful home. 0 rooms, reception hall, sleeping porch and garage; strictly moaern ana in beau tiful condition; screens for all windows. Tabor 6441. TWO DANDY BUYS. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage and 6 rooms, sleeping norch. double pa rage, corner, on paved street; $4U00. Call Broucway juw MY HOME In Irvington and all my furni ture for sale a t sacrl f ice : corner 15th and Han cock. Phone East 2189. Sundays and evenings.- ROSE CITY New. strictly modern, 7-room T.,ii Kw nav lahnr Riiv fpnn. UUHt J -.v.w 1 W 1 Hf .t cost. 34 East 55th st. JM. $yTOU KOSE CITY PARK. $1600 cash; mooern Bigij-wiu-utfi iiou.e. . Uwoer Tabor 37. B-ROOM house. Oswego: bath, hot and cold water; terms. Cor. 3d and F sts.. Osweo. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4290 RODABAUGH. PLEASANT 6-room house, close in. Tabor - 2253. NEW 6-room bungalow-. Ivory finish; $3700 $MM cash. 95 East Kelly. - 1 BEAL KSTATE. For Sah -House. HAWTHORNS TIXE HOME. $ooOO Fine 7-room lsrir. square house: furnace, fireplace, all bullt-lns: full cement basement, cabinet kitchen, trays: 4 bedrooms, lot ."0x100, east front: paved st. paid; on E. 33d. near Hawthorne; some terms. . MOUNT TABOR SWELL HOME. $9000 Swell -room house: furnace, four fireplaces. 'J toilets; all buiit-lns; corner. 100x100, One view; $1500 city liens paid; on East 53d and Morrison. I block to car; about SJ00O cash. B4g snap. Worth $14,000. SWELL 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. 2 LOTS. $8300 Swell, strictly modern house, 5 bedrooms; nothing - missing to make it up to date; lot 100x100; aaragre with 2 rooms finished: lots of nice fruit; on K. 3id and Clinton; easy terms If desired. GRUSSI Sc. BENNETT. '318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7432. ROSE CITY PARK. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW. 53oO. Gasco furnace and automatic hot wa ter heater. Can you- imagine a more modern bungalow? This bunjralow is finished In old ivory and white through out, the living room extends the entir. width of house, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement, wash trays, etc.; paving and sewer paid. See this today. A. G. TEBPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3002. Branch office, SOth and Sandy. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST bungalow of 7 pleasant rooms, all on one floor, finished In old Ivory; every modern feature; het water heat, cement basement with cold room, garage with concrete floor and whIIp; lot is extra large, with choice shrubbery and fruit trees, in best part of Iaurelhurnt. near the park. An attractive, well-constructed home and worth more than price asked. $7300, half cash. MacINNBS A PRATT. Main 8S8. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. $B00 . will buy this beautiful home; east front. 00x100 loL plate-glass windows, beauti ful receprion hall with mirror, phone cabinet, seat, coat closet with hat case, extra large living room, fireplace, French doors. bookcases, hardwood floors throughout, paneled dining room, large buffet and an up-to-date kitchen with Inlaid linoleum, breakfast nook with china closet, large, airy bedrooms with two closets each, tile floor bath with the most costly fixtures: Bccond floor suitable for 3 large, airy rooms; automatic Gasco furnace, fruitroom, laundry tn basement; doors open from 3' to 5. East 27th st. N.. Knott st. Broadway car. By owner. ROSE CITY PARK. 0-ROOM BUNGALOW J47r0. HURRY. FOLKS! You never would ex pect to buv a home in Kose "ily Park like this for so little money. Tli is home was built 4 years ago by one of Port land's best builders. This home ha an exceptionally large living room and ia modern to the last detail. Ideally lo catod. See it today. A. G. TEUPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main "092. Branch Office, SOth and Sandy. MY HOME on Rose City car. line for sale at once; only l. minutes riae to cu, s'trictly modern home, consisting of liv ing room with French doors, dining room, reception hall, Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, inclosed sleeping porch and bath on 2d floor; finished in old ivory. You can't beat this for the price of $.U50. No commissions, must have $25mi " cash payment, balance terms. Am going to sell this home within the next 48 hours: no information given over phone. Call Broadway 2S8 for appointment to see this home. No agents. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $n75"). Extra well built and well kept home is now offered at the present price for quick sale. Strictly modern and right up to date; hardwood floors, all hullt-in conveniences, sleeping porch, etc. Fine view of city and surrounding hills and mountains;, grounds beautiful, high and sightly. Agents need not apply, .!. L. K A RNOPP & CO.. 310 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675 or evenings Main 0457. 0-ROOM house, close In on Belmont street, $::o0. This place has paved street, cement walks. 4 housekeep ing rms. upstairs and 5 nice rms. downstairs. It is a fine place for 2 families: $1200 down. G Cone. Tabor 1524. A FINE -UOOM HOME. On Miss, avenue, 1 block to car. 3 blocks to Jefferson high school. 3 fine rooms down, 4 bedrooms, bath and toilet and sleeping porch up: all improvements paid; a buy; see It; I4OO0; very reason able terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main S0t5. - $5300. 350V. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Beautiful 6-room .'Unpalow . in the heart of this exclusive district, complete In every detail, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, cement basement, all the. convenient and attractive built-in fea tures. &0 other good buys in this district. HOLD EN A; KOHLMAN. 22S Cham, ot Com. Bldg. Main 6550. LAURELHURST. A beautiful 8-room home right In the heart of Laurelhurst, near good carline: nice large rooms throughout; has just been painted and looks like new; full lot: all Improvements paid: this is posi tively a buy. See it and Judge for your self; $S0O0. terms. THE LA WRENCH CO.. 212 Corbett. bldg. Main 6015. IMMEDIATE possession to my home near Sandy, only 15 minutes ride on car to city; strictly modern 2-story. 6-room house, also closed-in sleeping poroh: has all the necessary built-in features and while there may be higher-priced homes there are none better for the price of $5030; initial payment of $25fK) required, balance terms. Phone Broadway 2SS for appointment to see this home. NICE 5-room bungalow with good basement, qailte modern, well built on 100x100. just west of .Piedmont, In a very good district. Price 3200. $1000 cash. H. Lazenby. Wdln. 5u51. $2:;oo BUY: 5-room bungulow. in fine shape, 2 blocks of car line. 30x100 lot. cewer and gas: good terms, fine base ment. A bargain. 5-room modern house. 2 lots, 100x100, fine orchard, fine basement: 4 blocks Irotn car. Price $2300. $1000 cash, bal ance per month, b per cent interest. O. P. Potts, 1S0 E Stark. - Phone Tabor :tis. $2500 1 4 story, 7-room house. In elegant condition: large closets, light rooms: 50x 107 lot; lots of fruit and berries: chicken house, etc.: a very beautiful lot. located - on the Williams ave. carline: $.S00 down payment. For a good home you could not do better for tlia price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. YOU ARE looking for a good home in a good part- of the city at the right price; we may have what, you are looking for: come and talk it over with us: we find what you want. Auto at your disposal. MoCLURE A SCHMAUCH CO.. .106 Railway Exchange, Telephone Main 1503. HAWTHORNE $4200. terms: beautiful semi-modern bungalow type home of 7 rooms. See photo in our office. Surely you will like thifi place. PACIFIC AGENCY, ' Swetland Building. LA URELHUR ST $ 7500 LAL'R ELHL'RBT. This home has 7 rooms, den, sun room and large steeping porch. hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, iuilt-lns, ce ment basement, furnace, all plate glass; s wonderful view, 2 blocks to car; $2000 first payment, balance terms. Call Mar shall 3352 for appointment. J. B. ROCK CO., 403-4 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY $.1000: only $1500 cash, for a beautiful modern 5-room bungalow: fruit, flowers and berries. See the pic ture at our office. PACIFIC AGENCY. Swetland Bldg. WALKfNG DISTANCE. 7-room. , 2-story home, located con venient to east end of Broadway bridge: belongs to a non-resident who wishes to sell at once. $4300 is exceptionally low price; will make terms very easy. - JOHNSON--DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Slain 3787. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. OHOICEST OF LOCATIONS VIEW. Close to car. strictly up-to-the-minute, modern in detail, full lot. all improve ments paid. Can move right in: low price; good terms. Owner. Tabor $202. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses? EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. IRVINGTON. $3u0O Owner forcea to leave city immedi ately, offers his splendid Irvington residence completely furnished, at two-tiiirds actual value. This is a splendid home, exceptionally well lo cated and needs only a little paint to out it In extra fine condition. You enter reception hall with wind ing stairway off of this Is a nice living room, and at the side of the living room Is a very splendid dining room back of this is a very fine den. The kitchen is large and has a splendid pass pantry. There are 5 big bed rooms, sewing room, sleep ing porch and Bath on second floor. The third floor has a large attic. With the furniture is included a Ludwlg piano In good condition, a coal and gas range in fine condition and even the pictures on the wall. The furniture is all In very good condition and Is complete for house keeping excepting the linen. This Is the biggest bargain we have seen for six months, and you will have to hurry to get It. Price complete, furniture and all. $D30O. MAIN 330. ROSE CITY PARK. $5730 You. who are looking for a brand new. nlftv, and up-to-the minute o room bungalow st a reasonable, price, should see this. Good loca tion, splendid neighborhood. Large living room with dandy fireplace dining room with built-in buffet Dutch kitchen with splendid built-in features breakfast room two nice light bed rooms with bath between. Hardwood floors throughout. Hot air heat. Ivorv and mahogany fin ish. A good buy. MAIN WO. ' IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 17750 You. who want something swell, as well as something substantial, will be pleased with this one. falx large rooms, lots of closet and hall Phcc. Living room clear .cross front of house with fine fireplace and mantels. Splendidly arranged dining room and kitchen with break fast room and all the- modern bui.t in features any housekeeper ould want. Three big bed rooms. Hard wood floors, every room: ivory fin ish : beet tapestry p-per. J-1'";" electric fixtures. Artistic snd nlftv. Splendid carage: 2 blocks to t-ar. A reasonable price. McCRILLIS-CLF.AVFJ.ANO CO. to sn HENRY BLDG. MAIN 530. IRVINGTON 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $7400. We want vou to see this nifty bunga low. It is ideally located and truly a home you would be proud to own. nis beautiful bungalow has just been com pleted and Is now ready for occupancy. It .was built by one of Portlands best builders. The quality of workmanship and material speak for themselves. oti will find everything one would expect to find In an expensive home. es. there Is a garage. Let us show you. .V. G. TEEPE CO.. 2l". Stark st.. near Third. Main .".002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. COLONIAL LAURELHURST. 7 charming rooms and large floored attic; large living and dining, rinished with tapestry paper, enamel and hard wood floors: large plate glass windows; firepiaco. all huilt-ins. Dutch kitchen with cor.y breakfast nook: dandy base ment, fine furnace; garage: full lot: all Improvements: you should see this won derful homo, it's different; f300, terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6913. KTNFI 7-room modern house, paved st ret. fruit t rees. herrlen. saras.. chicken house; lot SnxloO; nrar carline. This is a barpaln for $:iS"0: trms. Wttl trade for from 10 to 20 acres.. 11. Lazenby. Wdln. 5031. A GRAND HOME. 11 rooms on 78x100 lot. high, beauti ful terraced law n; the house Is modern tliroughoul and in excellent shape ; lo ca led on Kast Morrison t.t 1 block to Hawthorne or Ml. Scott car: fine nclsrn borhood; owner must sell Immediately and it will pay you to in vetstipate ; $8000. reasonable terms. Call Main 0015. 44000. $4000. ROSE CTTY PARK rISTRTCT. 6-room. 2-Ftory house: just 'think of (tettinjf all the features ol" a much h i sr h repriced home, hardwood floors, furnftic, fireplace. large living room, modern built-ef fecta, cement base ment, m HOLDKN & KOHLMAN. 119, Ch. of Com. Bids. Main 6.V.O. ST. JOHNS 150 cash, completely fur nished 3-room house, full lot. 1 hlork from car. See this at once: It won't last. Price J1300. I'ACTKIO Ar.KNTT. Swetland Bide. $2r,o. $.00 down, $'23 per month buys fine 4 room sltinpled huncalow. cobblestone foundation and f i replace, buffet. Rood bath, built-in kitchen: prood basement, laundry tra: 2 blocks to car. JOHNSON-POUSON CO.. B33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IR.VINGTOV Modern 6-room cot tape ; well located and nicely built : less than lis cash. PACIFIC AGENCY. Swetland Bldu. PRACTICALLY new and just been tinted. 6-room houne In Beaumont : large living room, dining room, Dutcli kitchen, hard wood floors, built-lna. Three bed room and sleeping porch. Iarice clothes closets and Rood furnace. Price $3800. terms. K. 2rt04 at 4..1 Weidler. MULTNOMAH. " A dandy bungalow, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch. double-conetructed throughout, 1 block of depot and high wav, 80x100 lot. st lo fruit, berries and roses. Price $:10(0. flC.'.O cash. George Stout, Multnomah station. $1330 NICE little home In Alberta: 4 rooms, pantry, pa and electricity ; only $330 required. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. Swetland Bid. $2100 BUYS a fine 5-room bungalow on macadam street;- bath, buffet, uas. elec tric lights, city water, itoo-i basement, several fruit trees; $300 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BARGAIN Owner leaving city. 7-room modern, cement basement. Dutch kitch en, sleeping porch, fine woodwork and fixtures, 100x100; bearing fruit trees, chicken houw and cardan. 4936 42d a v. S. ri. tSOOO. LAURELHURST BUNGALOV. $S000 Located east of park: 6 rooms, all on one floor; tile bath, fireplace, furnace, garage. See J. A. McCarty, 12. 2!th and Gli&an. Tabor fc4o3; eve.. Tabor .HM i . . A NUMBER of 5 and 6-room bungalows close to Rose City carline;' modern, pretty homes, $3SO0 to $GnfH: terms. K (i. Adcock, f13 Dekum Bldg. Open Sundays. Main 6S14. Tabor 5205. FOR SALE Rose City Park 5-rooni bun galow. 1 blocks from carline. large attic, cement . basement, fireplace, fur nace; price $40t. half cash; reasonable terms. Phone 31i-P7. jig,) COM E and see It, cozy 4-room house bath, full dry basement, corner lot 4ftth and E. Glisan; house open for inspection Saturday and. Sunday. 1 to 5 P. M. - IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern; furnace, hardwood f'.oors, bullt lns. etc.; $1000 down, terms on balance gee It today. Phone owner. East 4000 7.-.OO WEST SIDE sacrifice. 9 rooms modern. 2. P,00",?- Gantenbein.' 5 rooms. 64th S B.. $1600. 2 fine Iota, Mt Scott car, $1200. Terms. Broadway 32 32. GOOD 3-room bungalow, sleeping porch, large lot, fruit, all clear; near MV. car' j-M-oo; reasonable terms; immediate noa aesaion. Ca:l at 1911 E. lrvmg et FOR SAHf 6-room house and two lots corner 63d and Foster road, best site on the line for a garage; some terms. K. J. Collins, 4020 61st L. S. E., Portland. FOR SALE BY OWNER Attractive 5 room bungalow In Irvinjrton; ail modern conveniences ; alo fruit and berries. 494 East 8th street North. 5-RM. NEW BUNGALOW, NR. KILLINGS WORTH AVE.. nOxlOO. MODERN H V FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, "ciil ME NT BASEMENT MAIN 700. IRVINGTON Owner must sell this week" new 6-room colonial cottage at 701 E 17th st. N. 4. afternoons, or phone Marshall S8J1 for appointment. $400 CASH, balance easy, 6-room bunga low, modern, built-in effects and pantry; only 13375; southeast, 514 Swetland building. . 3-ROOM cottage, $2600: $500 cash, balance to suit. Phone Woodlawn 1 70!. WILLIAMS AVE., modern 3 rooms; p: ice $2ii0; iioO nan aes. owner, r.a&t 7 1 22. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded bv CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. 7 4 NT 500 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. I The public is invited to . come to our 1 show rooms on tire second floor of the j aiiwa. ji.x.'iitiiu uuiiuiiik, cuiuei ut Stark and Third strets. ami inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gallery crammed full of neatly arranged 5x7 photographs of homes. Eight salesmen with autos to show you property A . pleasure to show our homes. No obli gation. 3M500 Brand new bungalow In Rose City. 20 cf them all similar to this one. 5 rooms in . liite en- floors, cozy fireplace, full cement ! basement, substantially built I throughout; only a few hundred down payment required. Sec 1 these new hemes toda... WALKING DISTANCE. $5000 Just a couple of blocks across i Broad-jvjy bridge, easy walking , distam"!. 2-story. 7 rooms, fur- j lino., fireplace, paved st. s $10"0 1 down. j NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. $5000 100x100 lot. paved St.. 2-story. I 7-roqm house in A-l condition, j fireplace, garage, near MIto. car: -O bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries: SUOOn down. ROSE CITY SPECIAL. $4473 An unusual offer in tho he-frt of Rose City Pr.rk. 54th st. : 5-room handsome bungalow, finished in eld ivory; p .tetically- new; elabo rate built-ins. French doors, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, paved st. and other liens paid in lull; term.?. HERE IS A BARGAIN. $3400 Hide out and rce it yourself. 5111 41st st. S. E.. on H hard-.urlaced st. and ear line. 8-room. 2-story, : well built home. All assessments paid ir. fullr Splendid yard and shrubbery. Only $70u down. Non resident owner. HAWTHORNE PRETTY BUNGALOW. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $4500 7-room 1 i.j-etory modern home. 5O10il; 5 rooms down. 2 up. 4 bedrooms; splendid furnace. This is a large, substantial home; $2000 cash. 0-KOOM MONT A Vll. LA HOME. $2800 Just think ol a It-room home on a hard-.-urlace street with sewer and street li ns paid in full. P.est plumbing and all for VJS'Hi. It's a real Irirain. sihi down. T T P I CA L C A L I FO Ks I A Hl'NGA LO W. $1000 Very vrctty 4-room modern bun galow in Montavllla; built only 3 ears; in A-l condition; $,25 down. NEAR UNION-AVE. CAR. $3000 Here Is an attractive, classy little 5-room bungalow, built only one year; reti.ited inside, neat as a pin; vacant and ready to move into; a Dutch kitchen in white enamel. Here Is a dream. Hard surfaced street: $70o down. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $3100 6-room bungalow, all on one floor. oak floors throughout, full ce ment basement. Unusual bargain. Seeing is buying. Small down payment. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Suceeerted bv CA REY-SAVIDGE CO.MP INT, 21! Railway Exchange bldg. Main 717. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. NEAR WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL. Well butlt. modern tt-room home, witn in wulking distance of city: larcc rooms, fireplace, furnace, cemt-nt basement. t tic. Owner leaving city and th is place must be sold within 10 days. This is y the location and I he kind of a home that you really get jour money's worth. Price $5S00, $20m) cash, bslanre ar ranged. J. I. ilARTM A N COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. f-t; WILL SAY "IMPOSSIBLE." rtyrdering this side LiiurolhurL e of fer at a special REDUCTION this mar velously const rue (ed mid fascinatingly at l ractlve 7-room home, colonial 1 y pe, nearly new ; elf gain fixtures, hdw d. floors. Ivor). Dutch kitchen. French doors, finest furna' and fireplace. A real home at a price unusual lss f'r all than cost of construction $t!23; $23i0 cash; photo at office. O. H. MvOTII EI M CO.. Main 3 1 !H. T!y. Kxch. EIGHT" R.V OM S W AL KIN' 1 DISTANCE. 50x100 lot.- house iii fine condition, cedar woodwork, tiled fireplace, full ce ment basement. furnace, wash tra vs. electricity, gas. bath and toilet; just 13 minutes' walk from heart of city; a fine proposition for home or renting out rooms. A barfeain at $3000. $11130 down, balance easy. LUE D DEM AN N CO M PA N V. P13 Cham, of Com. Main 6W7. - ROSE CITY l-ARK HOM E. Modern 6 -room hou.se. fireplace. nace. cabinet kitchen, run cement $25O0. $2300. A 7 -room house on Portland-boulevard, has 3 rooms downstairs and lifdrooin and bsth u p. House in good condi tion on a lot 5ix100 It.. 6 blocks to carline. See Mr. Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Bdwy. 4381. l!--STORY. 7-room bungalow on 43d t.. near Alder. 2 blocks to Mt. Tabor car: modern ; sewer and sidewalks in: bath, laundry tray, bookcases, buffet, fire places, concrete foundation. cement floor; 8 years old; $4ooo; $500 will give you possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 533 N. W Bank Hld). Main 3787. EAST SIDE home for $2000. on fc-t HOxlOO; has 4-room cottage in good repair, near a. carline; $500 down. Tabor 30tsl. $0800 By owner. Pied mont dist rict, mod ern duplex house: fine investment; live In one apartment, th other rented for $:'5-; each has five rooms and bath, fire place, full basement ; lot 50x1 00; ah rubs, roses, grape arbor, fruit ; grand view ; near car, park and school ; boulevard ; terms. Call Wdln. 46I0. " AU EY 6UskLLING YOU K HOME? We offer a $4U,ooO apartment house, 3-story brick,, west side; $40 income. Will accept I or 2 clear houses as first pa vment, balance can be paid from in come. O. H. SKOTti E1M CO.. Ry. Exch. Main 5100. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME. Beauutul 100x100 corner, fine shrub bery: the interior is a work of art, all oak floors, 4 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms: IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING CHOICE. SEE THIS. Neuhausen, Main 8078. BUNGALOW. Finest in Alameda drive; targe-living room, with fireplace. French doors to suu room. 2 bedrooms with connecting bath iu ivory, breakfast and dining room; Pullmun kitchen, -sleeping porch, garage. Oniy $0850. East 1347. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3750. Fireplace, furnace, cement basement, large attic, dandy sleeping porch, gar age with cement floor and water ; lot 50x100. - Nice roses and lawn. Close to car and school. Terms. 1210 N. W. BANK BLDG. 7 LARGE rooms, well constructed, plas tered house, full 5xl0O lot. chicken yard, fruit trees, close in, one blk. to car, on improved street. A good buy, $2700; ter.'ns. EDWIN JACOBSON. 713 Spalding Bids;. Main 5642. TERMS $500 CASH. Five-room bungalow, nice neighbor hood, near Laurelhurst, lovely corner on paved street and car line ; a splendid buy at $3000. Don' t pass this up. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Com. ALAMEDA Modern home. 5 rooms, built in effects, beautiful buffet, lawn and roses; price $525u : cash $2000. PACIFIC AGENCY, Swetland Bldg. SNAP $2SO0. 5-room ' house and basement, garden and chicken houses ; lot 2-4x113; East 72d st. Sell on easy terms. Joe Gente marrw, 107 Vs First st., Portland. Or. NICE modern bungalow, near Hawthorne car, fine district; all improvements paid. A surprise party for you. See us. EDWIN JACOBSON. 71S Spalding Bldg. Main 5642. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3500. TERMS. 7 rooms, 50xl0O lot. 2 blocks to Sandv, full basement. Fox furnace; price $3500, $700 cash. Call 304 Oak st. Broad way 20t: $7500 NEW. modern bungalow in Irving ton, just completed. If you are looking for a cosy home see this one; elegantly finished in ivory and mahogany. Owner. 1101 Spalding bldg., or call Main 27. PERFl-Jf TLY furnished 5-room modern home, lot 50xHKt. wide perches, fiuit. roses : $3500 ; best of terms. Close in, ent plrie. THOMSON. 620-621 HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON 8 rooms on E. 21 st sL x7. lr rge living room 1 6x30, dining room, sew. room. Jarge kitchen, one bedroom ,ind bath on first flour ; 3 Ik u romps on .second floor; gaittge. Owner, E, 7676. fur- ba.se- trees and flowers. This is an extremely well built double-constructed house. 30I 00 lot. all st. Imp. in and paid; gar age, located near 30th and Sandy. I'r.ce $12'0. terms. I'hoto at office. CLEVELAND-H ENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. OWNER GOING ON FARM, located in Mt. Tabor, on 7ft 150-foot lot, targe 7-room home, floored attic, double aleeping porch. Ideal kitchen and buil t -ins. all kinds of fruit and harries, large chicken run; . a small cottage on i-amo lot could be ' rented for $2." per month. Owner asking only $5250. Mar shall 3352, Tabor 3000. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House.. DIGNIFIED HOME. Central Albina we offer a verv dlg nined story home on a 5UxliK) lot- ail i p2?Sme"l ln ""d Pnid. This is elnse l.iii f u0" niKn "hool. in a splendid neighborhood. Two rooms are now rented leTm. " Can be bousht for I3S00. home fed-morlt- e have a ch.rmlng " ' ' rooms and sleeping poroh; 011 floors fireplace, furnace, ave,. convenience to delight the family; ga ow J""."''' 'ot. nice berri?s and 5. "" res A lovely home Is all IVL-0;"1 without showing it to you. SixoO, terms. Phone Main 5624 and we will be glad i?,,"1"1", an, appointment to show you others above choice homes or RLTH HARRIS COM PANT, M'. Chamber of Commerce. I RVINGTON SPLENDID II O M I ; . $6300. IrJ'in'i.V' " '-"d' T",r "ott. One of Jriingtons very choicest 1, .cations You ' u!cr ri,;,OU!1 cxpc,-t I" bu a home ot suih durable construction and so we. I 2,,ot.!fFd fo'"J!0 ""' money. Vou will appreciate the- exceptionally largo living room hardwood floors, fireplace buffet fur'nh.et"tr"C',rU" -'cnPt basement; .unuVio'showou "Sk iS u,,"or- K. , A'- G. TEEPE CO.. -M Mark st. nc,,- Third. Main "002. Branch Oil ice. 50th and Sandv WEST SIDE HOME XS0.0O0. inTr-ort'1S-,e7Vf V1,1?""" e.,uisite hoinea wilh r.rf Z . ovrrl,"k'"K the entire citv vrs ago hv ?h'L'"d V"'W- Jt WaS bUi,t hero. R V ,hp Present owner, a km. or ft hWh, PUt '? " "" f ' " rinr , h 1" lr?u"ful living room I6x:l.s. rinishud lit Africa,, mahogany 3 tiled sit omgmS- V ,"-!!to, 'Wised-Vo Moping porches. hardwood floors throughout: servants' quarters etc Nothing better in Portland " ' oii,'I?rC,,i:MAJN COMPANY . IJ Cham, of Com. Main 6067. . 1 Ioa ly or tomorrow, a strictly Ttrun irr,"1 ,bu'"o-- double con structed, bath, floored attic. flrenlco .T a 410 Henry BUg. ir A,rfV,nont nn"ie. 8 1arce room, W. f 00 ra ,rh JnUii.j border; furnace, buffet, den. 2 Jaigc parlor 1r'"-" basciiiem. uuu , lriv. l-eautiful ,ut wfth shrul. -i'-r, .,M(o, remniu walks, paved si. : vouil neighborhood, in restrict ed district. Must be see,, to be p Picciateu. ouncr will giw- har- wdi.f503utck ":c- '-""I. HIGHLAND Co I. ON I AL RESIDENCE'" xvell ! roloi1,ial tyP iWidenc 5 largo h-sin-A rHnp,;d rot""" and Lath, maple hardwoou fluors. all m,.tKr huilt-iii Plastered hot water lusting plant, lull and iit VSemeMt- witn "fonar tub Him to let. concrete retaining- wall. iTViugtuii carline. An exceptional good investment : $ i-.-.o. $.-,u ,-arth. 7 i rw 0i,lt noubio eonstrncteii H. .1. DKIESSKL. J-'-'o Wilcox bldj,-.. Main 64 If. East 3St. Ml. TABOR HOME I-'uit .SALE HY OWNEH. On fine corner lot. wlih unsurpassed J '7V uf mountains; 7 pleasant rooms; iwng room, dining room, kit. -hen. una bedroom and la aiorv o hrst fIo.r bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch "on sc. olid ft.. or; !1a , (j v ood Honrs, tire place luiiijic.-; au unusually pl-a.ant homo. e there, ts a garage. Price $55trt. ha It cash. Drive (,nt and seP it. N. W. cor. Eat Senty-nrst Mid Stark. WAVfcRLElGH HEIGHTS, 2 LOTS. Lots is and I!. block 17. on KranWiia st.. bet. roth and 31st; pavni st. and ail city liens all paid; price $lsr.O. term, or $t--,tt cash; also lot H. block S. 0-1 Kim ivorlh ave.. near Kianlfliu. fo- $0 terms or $70n cash; everything Paul. 1 nesc an; bargains. GRI'SSl & HENS KIT 31 S -321 Board of Trade. Main 7 4 3.'. HARMING ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A most delightful home ..f ii rooms 4 rranged just like on on id want it; tiiudcrn. 3oxl W iot, line garage; owner moving to country and mut oll imm iiatel; you will appreciate this home nd the price Ik absolutely right. $0250; Immediate possession. Mr. Home Buyer don't pass this up. TJ1 E LA WREWCE CO. J12 Corbett Bidg. Main '15. TWO HOUSES FOR $250. f ust off Mississippi n r. ; Z lurnisbcit houses; nice 5-room cot tag. .s ; rent loi" $3o per month; both house:- nnd furni ture only $25np: casilv mm IOr $4n per tiio. HARGROVE LEALTY CO.. 122 N. 0th st. ttdwv. 43SI. $55H ALAMEDA PARK 57.0 COMHLETE AND VERY MODERN In every detail, I rooms below, witii hardwood floors, fine paper and nat ural finish; nice stairway to 3 bedroom; sLecping porch; good bath: tuia is a. re;Ll home with f i repiace. furnace, buf fet, bookcases, closets and ail modern conveniences; terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 6752. 5-ROom collage on Going street; 2 bedrooms, attic, living room, din ing room, kitchen, cement base ment and walks, i'rice only $1K0; $500 down. H. Lazenby. Wdln. 5031. HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. Out-of-town owner wishes to disposo of a 7-rooni modern house, among lino homes. 1 1 ha fireplace, elaborate built ins and lighting fixtures, c incut base ment, furnace, wash t ra vs. garage. For a quick siale, 45oo, $2"in cash; no mort gage or liens. Marshall 3352. Tabor 3 09o. J- B. ROCK CO., 403-4 Couch Bldg. 5-IiOOM bungalow r-n East Sherman, largn lot. full basement ; vacant the 10th : $2700; 5500 cash, $10 per 1110. New. just completed 5-room bungalow, modern in every respect ; l ull lot, im provements paid; $4250; $1250 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5420. 248 Stark St. $400 CASH. Balance to suit, buys a good 5-room house with bath, elect. lights, gas. good basement; 5uxlu-H. lot. near Irvington. and Alberta car Tines ; owner must sc. 1 at once. A bargain price of $2750. See Mr. Christenson : INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. 1450. , $4750. ROSE CITY PARK. Dandy 5-room bungalow, surely it has hardwood floors, f urnacjr, cheerful fire place, cement basement. wash trays, fin ished in white throughout, a'U modern and up-to-the-minute built-Ins. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 223 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. $2750 $500 CASH. 4-room bungalow; 2 additional rooms up-stairs. hich are uniinished. but could be utiwd as sleeping rooms; larg living room, dining room, bedroom ami bath on first f ioor; gas and electric lights ; good basement. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. Wi Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WEST PIEDMONT BUNGALOW Modern 7 7 room bungalow, full cement basement, laundry trays, 1 bedroom. -bat n and toile down ; 3 bedrooms up ; SOxltrS lot. 2 blks. to Killingsworth. Price, $300O, $750 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. SEVERAL good homes to offer at right price in Alberta dis'.;.also three good Hawthorne baugalows. Ask us ahout them. EDWIV JACOBSON, 718 Spalding1 Bldg. Main 501,2. ALMOST NEW 4-room plastered hOBse. 2 blocks from carline: fine location; will sell cheap or will take a light late-model automobile as first payment. Phone Sel 1 wood 717. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. On foot of hill, loveiy homo, all mod ern, hardwood floors ; furn:-.ce ; close to car. $5000, easy terms. M 52, Orego nian. (iuC'U fl-room house, large lot. Richmond dist.. $30OP; ... rush. EDWIN" JACOBSON. 71S Si -aiding Bldg. Main 5642. ... 40O cXSH, strnetl buys a well-con- and otlh hT,'"',lr '- "r'incs- & rooms foil it ' ' 'e.CtV " '"St front. Prrniro. "'?.'"', rR'xl"0 " -sewer I rt.perty nil clear. Price $7511 . J iuii cement hascmpnt. roo4 furnace. 4xlL'0 ft. lot. RaroKe with ymeat runways, east front Si.vm ,loMu. IrtfiO If no- iri.UJSlA.fei IN V ESTATE .vain iiij.