TTIE MORNING OREGONIAN", FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main "070. A 6093 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 6095 Advertising department. .Main 707O. A 0095 buperlntendcnt of Bids. ..Main 7070. A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. HI3ILIG (Eroadwdy at Taylor) Sonora Italian Urautl opera company. Tonlsht- BAKKK (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Stock company in "Wbala Vour lluaband L'oing?" Tonight. LTRic (Kourth at Stark) Musical com edy. "Watch the Little B." Three ahowa dailv at '2. 7 and 'J. HIHPODkoAlE (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5, 4:45 to 11 P. M. Satuidays, Sundays and holidays, continuous 1:15 to 11 V. M. rANTAUKS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three showa daily. 2:30. 7 and :U5. COUNCIL CHEST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washington streets. THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Orcgonlan. Fishing Licenses Incrkase. More fishing gear will be in operation on the Columbia river tills season than ever in its history, as already there Is about a 20 per cent increase in the number of licenses Issued and the season is but six days old. -Indications point toward anaverage run of fish, according to Carl D. Shoemaker, secretary of the fish commission. So far his office has issued permits for X94 gill nets. 245 set nets. 58 traps, 29 fish wheels and 2i seines. Last year on the same day there were but 23 seines recorded. The seines always make the heaviest catches. K. O. Holland to Speak Hekc K. O. Holland, president of the Wash ington State college at Pullman, will arrive in Portland Saturday morning to speak twice in this city on the elementary school measure which will be voted on May 21.. This .announce ment was made yesterday by Eugene Brookings of the Citizeius' Klementary p:ducational league at the league's headquarters in the Heilig theater building. Mr. Holland's first address probably will be made at the Port land hotel at a noon luncheon. The evening meeting has not been fixed definitely. Art Lecture Today. "Michel Angelo and the Art of the Renais sance in Europe" is the subject of the last lecture ot the series on the his tory of art and will be delivered by Charles H. Cheney at the Art asso ciation, Fifth and Taylor streets at 4:15 P. M. today. This lecture Is free to the public. The ubject while tell ing primarily ot the work of the great master will also give som'e- account of the other great painters, sculptors and architects of the period, illustrat ing their works in comparison by lantern slides. New Motel Approved. Plans for a new three-story building to be erected at 3 North Broadway were approved by the building inspector yesterday. The structure will be erected by K. C. Dunniag. owner of the property, and the cost is given as 75,000. The building will be used as a hotel. Krection of a building on Hroadway between Lovejoy and Kearney for the use of the express companies was also allowed, the Northern Pacific Terminal company taking out the permit. The cost is given as $25,000. Ouija Proves Undoing. Trying to solve problems with a ouija has proved the undoing of many. Let the $15 Calculator (length 12 in., weight 8 lbs.) do all your figuring and your work will be done in. half time with out any errors, headaches, or dizzi ness. Addition, subtraction, etc.. is so simple that a child can get results. Simpler than merely writing figures on paper. Phone for demonstration. Calculator Co., 51S Corbett bldg. Mar shall 557. Adv. Memorial Is Planned. Although wreckers are making fast work of tearing out liberty temple, steps are being taken to provide a suitable marker to be placed on the site in. commemoration of the patriotic activi ties which transpired in this his torical structure. A committee com posed of City Commissioner Barbur, Kdward Cookingham and Dow V. Walker was named 3esterday by Mayor Baker to arrange for a suitable marker. Candidates to Be "Exhibited." ' Tfie Portland Realty board will have an "exhibition, of candidates" as the feature of the programme at ifls regular weekly luncheon this noon at the grill room of- the Portland hotel, .ludge Stapleton will act as chairman of the day and will call upon the candidates present for brief talks. Candidates for a large number of offices have been extended invita tions to be at the luncheon and speak and a large attendance is expected. Pianist to Be Presented. Miss Flora Maloney will be presented in concert by Mrs. A. E. Scruggs in the assembly room of the Portland hotel on the evening of May 15. Miss Maloney will be assisted by Mrs. Dell M. Warren, soprano. Patronesses are Mrs. C. K. Dentler, Mrs. Helen Miller Senn. Mrs. E. K. Pernot. Mrs. J. E. Steele, Mrs. B. J. Burnett and Miss Hessie M. Thorp and. Miss Abbie Wright. Traffic Bureau Gets Chief Clerk. Henry m. i-ouuerer, a Portland man. who has had several years' experi ence in railroad work, has been made chief clerk of the traffic bureau es tablished and maintained jointly by the Port of Portland commission and commission of DUbnc docks, it was announced yesterday by H. L. Hud eon. Whether Mr. Poulterer will re main in. this city has not yet been decided. Bird Lecture Tomorrow. "The Smaller Birds of the Woodland" will be the subject of an illustrated lec ture by W. A. Eliot before the Oregon Audubon society tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in library hall. The birds shown and described will include the Warblers, Vireos, Kinglets, Nut hatches and Titmice. The public is invited. Irish Meeting Tomorrow. Robert Emmett Branch, Friends of Irish Free dom, will hold a May party tomorrow evening in Women of Woodcraft hall, P,94 Taylor street. Irish music will be played throughout the evening as a special feature. Special room has been reserved for "5" 0." All friends are cordially invited. Rabbi to Discuss Homeland. The subject of Rabbi Jonah B. Wise'd Bermon tonight at 8 o'clock at Tempie Beth Israel will be .'The Probability and Possibilities of a Jewish Home land." Saturday morniiig st rv:ces at 10:0 o'clock. .-'Iranfrera are welcome. $200 Keo a!:h ,,i Sltri apiece for the recox ery tl.e- :.o;:u.-s of E.R. Thomas and David Tliuiiwis two men drowned at Oregon City lulls, while fishing last Thursday morning Marshall 679. P. J. Thomas. Adv. . Services Scheduled Tonight. Servk-es will be held at Congrega tion Aliavni -Shoiom. Park and Clay streets, tonight at S o'clock. Tomor row inurninu; services will be held at n o'clock. Ilabbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. Plastlr Board, beaver bo-rd. Cor nell board for walls and ceilings. Timms, Cress & Co., 184 Second st Adv. Feet Hurt? Have our foot spe cialist examine your feet: free con sultation Knight Shoe Co. Adv. Kehmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co, mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ave East 11S8. Adv Fine, heavy. i2-ft. oak counter, suitable for office; $150. Main 5371. Adv. Dr. T. Hokeh Coffen returns May 10. Adv. Milk Curs at the Moore Sanitarium. Adv. Ashes to Be Scattered on Grave. The ashes of Miss Lily Stack, tele phone operator at the Portland hotel for the past eight years who died Tuesday morning from blood poison ing, believed to have resulted from te dye in her stocking infecting her foot, will be taken to Spokane by her brother, W. B. Stack, today, and scattered on the grave of a brother, Richard Stack, of whom she was very fond. This is in accordance with her last request. The funeral services were held at 2 o'clock yesterday after noon at the Portland crematorium. Confirmed Forger Sentenced. William McKay, confirmed forger, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary by Circuit Judge Gatens yesterday, following conviction by a jury. Two days stay of execution were granted to permit a statement to be drawn up by George Cathey, who is said to believe the boy. may be more properly a case for the state, hospital for the insane, as the result of an old injury to his head. The statement will accompany him to the penitentiary. Deputy District Attor ney George Graham conducted the -prosecution, William C. Campbell the defense. Hoys Arrested at Car Shops. Sam Fridge. 13, and Edward Rus sell, 16. two boys who are said to have run away from the Chehalis, Wash., reformatory, were arrested at the Southern Pacific car shops at 1:30 yesterday morning by Patrolman Grenelle. The two boys, who are. said to have just arrived in the city on a freight train, are being held for the Washington authorities. Fridge was sent to the Frazer detention home and Russell to the juvenile ward of the county jail. Mail Interoepte'r Fined. A fine of $25. for causing mail to be mis directed, was levied against Mrs. W. H. Martin of Nashville, Lincoln county, when she pleaded guilty yesterday before Federal Judge Bean. Mrs. Martin, according to the evidence, sought to intercept letters from her daughter to the young man of her choice. She disapproved of the pros pective match. While executing this ruse, it was said, the young folks slipped away and were married. Marshal Comes' for Prisoner. T. D. Sweeten, city marshal at Arlington, Or., was in Portland yesterday and' took Norman Friede, arrested in this city on a telegraphic warrant, back to Arlington for trial. , Friede was charged with the theft of a saddle which he is said to have brought, to Portland and to have, sold for $20. According to Inspectors Leonard and Hellyer, who made the arrest, the man confessed. Woman Held to Jury. Mrs. May Shultz. of 282 'x Park street waived preliminary examination in the dis trict court yesterday and was bound over to the grand jury on the charge of obstructing an electric meter. She said to have escaped payment of meter rates on electricity by an ingenious arrangement in which' a hairpin played a large part. The crime is a felony. Mrs. Shultz was ar rested on April 13, and bound over yesterday by Judge Jones. S. Pltmale, 81, Drops Dead. Sebas tian Plymale, SI. of 91 Grand, ave nue, dropped dead on ihe Morrison street bridge yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Deputy Coroner Goetsch, who took charge of the body, announced that death was due to cerebral hem- morhage. The man. .had left home about 15 minutes pr ious and was on his way downtown. He is sur vived by his widow and a son, Harry L. Plymale. Business Men Meet Thursday. The Kast Side Business Men's club will hold its May monthly dinner, social and dance at the club parlors and hall. 114 '.2 Grand avenue, corner East Alder, on. Thursday evening. May 13. Dinner will be served in the hall at :30 by the women of' the Central Presbyterian church. All candidates for the May. primaries are specially invited to -attend. , . Company Confesses Judgment.. The Portland Railway, Light & Power company yesterday confessed judg ment in. the suit of Mrs.. Florence Nelson for $3250 damages asked for the death of her husband. William Nelson, a lineman who was electro cuted April 16, 1920, at Seventy-second street and Fifty-seventh avenue southeast. Veterans Will Meet Tonight. A special meeting of the veterans of foreign wars of the United States will be held in the courthouse tonight at S o'clock to do honor to and to be in spected by Colonel Robert G. Wood side, chief of staff of the national or ganization. Colonel Woodside is on a tour of inspection of the posts in the United States. Willamette University Alumni and Friends. Reserve promptly places for annual good-fellowship dinner. First Methodist Episcopal church, Monday, May 10, meet 6 P. M., dine at 7. Willamette quartet, good speakers. Plates, 85 cents. For reservations, phone Mrs. N. L. Zimmerman, Tabor 5958, or Mrs. J. R. St. John., Tabor 6991, before Saturday noon. Adv. Baptists Reach $400.000. Oregon has reached the $400,000 mark and the national campaign fund of the Baptist new world movement . has reached $50,000,000, according to in formation given out last night by Dr. O. C. Wright, state promotion direc tor, whose headquarters are in the Tilford building. Clothing Prices Lowered. Mill-to man methods are proving their price- ( lowering power. Analysis, of costs shows we can. reduce prices 10 on all men's and boys' clothing and that is just what we are dofhg. Browns ville Woolen Mill Store, .Third and Morrison. Adv. The Clean Place and the place to get clean inside and out. Brown Hydropathic Institute, Stevens build ing, basement. Sweat baths, scien tifice massage, electricity, light, etc. Adv. Seaside Via Auto. Cars leave for Astoria, Seaside and way points at 10 A M. daily from 125 6th street (near Washington). For rates and reserva tions telephone Mar. 4381, Shepard's Auto Bus lines. See page 3. Adv. Bahai assembly Tokoht. The regular meeting of the Portland Bahai assembly will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in room 516, Bush & Lane building. . fiUMM age Sale Extraordinary-. Portland Woman's club, May 11 to 15. fire house market, 170 Fourth at. Adv. Reward for return of small silver bowl marked "Orlando," taken from ice chest 436 East 24th N. Wednesday r.ight. Adv. .the of getting 1 1 1 -r" r-l- since Jve eat TOASTXES -(Batty Sister says DRY GOODS CHIEF VISITS PORTLAND DKALKItS PROMISE TO ATTEND COXVEXTIOX. Fred Harries, Membership Secre tary of National Association, Confers With Merchants. Fred Harries, membership secretary of the National Retail Dry Goods as sociation, was in Portland yesterday conferring with local dry goods mer chants relative to the enlistment of a local delegation to attend the na tional convention of the organization, which is to be held at San Francisco on June 2 and 3. After meeting several of the lead ing dry goods merchants in the green room of the Chamber of Commerce, in conference concerning the pros pects of Portland representation. Mr. Harries was assured that a number of merchants from this city would at tend. The San Francisco assembly will mark the first year that the or ganization1 has held its convention on the Pacific coast. Committeemen have been appointed to canvass the local subdivision of the dry goods trade and to enroll dele gates to the San Francisco meeting." Z. Swett will have charge of the cloak and suit stores,' while W. A. Dinsmore of Olds, Wortman & King will solicit the department dry goods stores. The same committeemen will seek to en list delegates from other Oregon cities. During the national convention of the dry goods men, the coast will be visited by 20 British merchants, or drapers, as the term dry goods is translated in Great Britain members of the Drapers' Chamber of Trade of the United Kingdom. The party will be in Portland on June 14, -arriving late the previous night, and will spend the entire day here. TRAIL TO BE SURVEYED Members oC Clubs to Plant Flow ers and Shrubs on Larch Mountain. The principal subject of discussion at the Wednesday lunch of the Trails club was the new trail from Angel's Rest to Larch mountain. Fred J. Cleator of the Oregon forest service will sro out Saturday, accompanied bv C. E. Warner of the Trails club, to survey a portion of this trail which has not yet been cut through. as it has-been decided to plant flowers along the new trail, those participating in the trip of May 22-23 will be asked to bring along as many seeds as possible,, preferably those of hardy plants, such as nasturtium and sweet William, as well as cut tings of such rose climbers as Dor othy Perkins and crimson rambler. The meeting next week will be ad dressed by Charles E. Warner on the subject of Larch mountain and its importance to Portland as a scenic and a commercial asset. SHRINE GETS LOW RATES Several Lines Announce Fare and Third for June Conclave. Ten railroads and one steamship company reported yesterday at the Shrine headquarters that they had put in the transcontinental rate of a fare and one-third for the benefit of the thousands who will come to Port land during the shrine conclave in June. They include? The Union Pacific: Chicago. Bur lington & CJuincy. Chicago & North western. Santa Fe: Chicago, Great Western. Denver & Rio Grande, Great Northern, Los Angeles & Salt Lake. Kl Paso & Southwestern. Western Pa cific and the Pacific Steamship com pany. The Northern Pacific, Spokane, Portland & Seattle and the Southern Pacific roads had previously an nounced that they would put in the summer rates. HOLD-UP MAN GETS $1000 Dr. N. Stuart Reingold Reports Robbery to Police. Dr. N. Stuart Reingold, dentist, with offices in the Morgan building, ' re- MiH-to-Man Methods Reduce High Costs Men's All-Wool Suits Boys' All -Wool Suits Reg. Prices $30 to $60 Reg. Prices $10 to $20 A. Permanent Reduction Now of 10 From These Prices Included Also on About 1000 High-Class Suits Just Completed. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Third and Morrison. See Our Windows uenume Panama HATS In the newest and smartest of the season's styles. $7.50 Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland. Morrison at Fourth. ported to the police early yesterday morning that he had been held up Wednesday night by a lone bandit at the intersection of Ladd and Haw thorne avenues and relieved of money and jewelry aggregating $1000. Dr. Reingold had been attending a banquet at the Benson hotel during the evening- and was walking to his home on the east side at the time. He said that a man suddenly stepped out from the shadows and pointed a revolver at him. The robber took $65, a diamond ring valued at $650, a Masonic ring and a watch, the dentist told the police. Inspectors Phillips and Tackaberry were making an investigation yester day. . The robber was described as about 5 feet 8 inches in height, slender, of dark complexion and wearing- a cap and a muffler. Dr. Margrave Moving to Berkeley. MEDFORD. Or.. May 6. (Special.) Attorney T. W. Miles, who served in the council in 1914 and 1915, has been unanimously re-elected to that body to succeed Dr. H. P. Hargrave, What Does the Baptist New World Movement Mean to Oregon? Four hundred thousand dollars will be spent for buildings, workers and endowment. Seven hundred thousand dollars will be given to McMinnville College for new buildings and endow ment. Too and. your church should help for your own good, the good of your state and college, and even more for that other half of the human race who has no teacher, no doctor and ho Christ. OR. HI.N'SOV says: "A wise church avails itself of the tide of the re sponsibility and finance which is now proposed, and for the task of the spiritual work of the .church. "We should get our giving systematized so that evangelism may have the first place. My church has multiplied its benevolences nearly three hundred per cent." If you desire yam may designate your subscription. See your own church director, or consult the Ore gon Baptist State Convention Head quarters, 405 Tilford Building, Port land, Oregon. Phone Broadway 2828. O. C. WRIGHT, iKirrutive Secretary. W. O. SIMS. Campalgra Director. We say only whatwc know. We don't say, for instance, that Schilling Tea will make 300 or 400 cups to the pound. . That depends upon how large your cups are, how strong you like your tea, how long you let it stand in the leaves. We do say this, ahd we money-back it: Schilling Tea will make more cups per pound than any other tea. If we make a mistake, we like to be caught at it, so that we shan't - make it again. A Schilling ? Company San Francisco veteran councilman of the past ten years, who resigned because of mov ing to Berkeley, Cal. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in monthly Installments and really own your home. See us about your renewal. Special proposition. Port land Trust Co.. Sixth and Morriaon. Adv. Read The Oregontan classified ads. A PRINTER usually- "follows copy" but when he doesn't do so or when you wish personally to explain some changes well, that's only one of the advantages of our cen tral ground floor location. 25,000 feet of floor space de voted to the production of quality printing, bookbinding and paper ruling and to a dis play of high-grade desks, chairs and filing cabinets. Estimates cheerfully given. Glass & Prudhomme Company Printers, Bookbinders Desks, Filing Cabinets 65-67 Broadway 10 Made on Men's and Boys' Clothing Mill-to-Man methods are proving their price-lowering power. Analysis of costs shows we can reduce prices. Therefore, we give you the benefit of a 10 reduction all the way through. 4 r i JUST GLANCE OVER THIS SPLENDID LIST FOR MAYS Daddy, You've Been a Mother to Me. . Henry Burr! 18636 Just Like the Rose . ......... . . , ... ... Charles Harrison 83c How Sorry You'll Be (Wait'll You See) Esther Walkeri 18657 He Went in Like a Lion and Came Out Like a Lamb. .B. Murray 85c Hand in Hand Again . . . ... Albert Campbell-Henry Burrl 18638 All That I Want Is You . ...... . . ........ . .Charles Hartj 83c Hiawatha's Melody of Love .Sterling Trio 18660 I'm Always Falling in Love with the Other Fellow's Girl. .E. Shaw 85c I'll See You in C-U-B-A Medley Fox Trot ..Palace Trio 18663 The Crocodile Fox Trot Wiedoeft-Wadsworth Quartet 85c Left All Alone Again Blues Medley Fox Trot. . .J. Smith's Orch. 18661 Whose Baby Are You? Medley One-Step. . . ... . . J. Smith's Orch. 85c Karavan Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra"! 18662 When You're Alone Fox Trot. . .P. Biese and His Novelty Orch. 85c . How Lovely Are the Messengers Victor Orchestral 18653 If With All Your Hearts (2) Pastoral Symphony. ..Victor Orch. 85c RED SEAL RECORDS Carmen Habanera Gabrielle Besanzoni 74613 $1.50 Chanson de la Touraine .Emilio de Gogorza 64862 1.00 Song Without Words MischaElman 74607 1.50 Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark ...Amelita Galli-Curci 74608 1.50 Call Me Thine Own Mabel Garrison 74612 1.50 Sunrise and You Edward Johnson 64864 1.00 Fond Recollections Hans Kindler 64861 1.00 Symphony in G Minor Menuetto. . . .Philadelphia Orchestra 74609 1.50 Duna Reinwald Werrenrath 64863 1.00 Come in today and choose the ones you want from the above list, or sign and mail this ad, checking (X) the number you wish. Name PIANOS PLAYERS MUSIC WANTED Assistant in Advertising Office Young man or woman as assistant to advertising manager in retail lage store one with steno graphic experience preferred State where pre viously employed and length of time. AO 384, Oregonian. ICE to the consumer for the sea--son of 1920 WILL NOT BE ADVANCED. ' ICE DELIVERY COMPANY LIBERTY COAL & ICE COMPANY STAR ICE & COAL COMPANY The Pride of Portland Petunias Originated by Swiss Floral Co. Make any Gardens and Flower Boxes Distinct and Gorgeous If Planted Freely Now. Sold for 75c' to $2.50 Per Dozen at East Hrvpnth and Hancock. , I'lrone Kat 5370. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. SUPERIOR RECORD SERVICE NeV The same 'superior record service which has given you the newest things in music during the winter months, will also bring to you at the earliest possible moment the very latest numbers for lawn parties and veranda dances. .. Address MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY railgB Allen MASON AND HAK2JN PIANOS- OTHER STORES, SAM PRAHCtSCO. OAKLAND. PRUNO. MM DICOO AN JOSE. SACRAMENTO, LOS ANCCLCS Notwithstanding that rumors have been circulated that the prices of ice to consumers are to be advanced, we the under signed companies wish to no tify the public that our prices To the Public In order to maintain and im prove the already high-class easel style bronze Shrine, em blems it will be necessary for me to increase the price to S7.00 each, beginning Monday, May 10, 1920. Rich, elegant and everlasting. For show windows, mantels, dens, etc. Worth $10. H. r. EMERY Concessionaire I nnrpn it n-3 rT) Tigftftd (TALKING 1 MACHINES I RECORDS EAT A LOGAM1TKRY JAZZ CnvnSCTION PRICE 5 CENTS Russell & (filbert Co. SAN FRANCISCO Gear) Street, fast ofl Union Square Famous for good service, comfort and excelleat t cuisine at reasonable prices. Rates from $1.75 a Day Breakfast 40c and 75c Lunch 60c: Sundays 75c. Dinner $1.25; Sundays $1.60. Municipal Car line direct to door. Motor bus meets trains and steamers. Watch for The Comet Visible Soon Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 V2 First St., Portland, Or. f HOTEL STEWART