MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1920 17. THE K V V RKA1-. ROTATE. Ir'or Sale HoaiM. MT. TABOR MANSION. One of the finest homo on ML Tabor till; 8 rooms, all modern conveniences, approximately a lots, beautifully land scaped, with all kinds of shrubbery and more fruit on the place than yot could ever use. This Is blossom time and the orchard looks like a bower of beauty. Will give purchaser use of 1 Vi acres adjoining, mostly la bearing fruit, lor taking care of it. The sale of cher ries alpne thla year should more than tav ai of your tames. This property is still In acrearo, as it has never been subdivided, and taxes are very light. Absolutely the best buy on ML Tabor Mil at $13,500. Will show only by ap pointment. Call Main 6425. Ask for MR. ATCHISON. 204 Henry bide (00O0 NINE ROOM 3. fine flat proposi tion ? lrw'nirtn.l l-00 handles. $2S0O Portland Heights, charming lew. beats renting; 6 rms. with attic, xtinn uvthnrD diet.. 6 rooms and garage, improved street close in, rooms """t- . . , r.2Gn Hawthorns. 6 rooms and bath. 1, flMra rtirnnr. t(! ' C basetnent- t4KA4 lrvinifton. 6-room house and min. white enamel trim.; fruit trees. Z1MM3RMAN WHITE. 818 Cha.n. of Com. Bldg. 'Fin s-r Tr.VATTTTS CHURCH. Large, well-built 8-room house and large Bleeping porch; 1 bedroom on low er floor. 4 bedrooms above; all built-in ennv.. fireplace. full cement basement anrf Al fitmttce: 1 Kfaort blk to paved St.. 3 to car. This Is an Ideal homo for a large family. Price $1000. Watch Our Arts. We Get Results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. UlWK Ac CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . GRAND IRVINGTON COLONIAL. 1 l.uree. cheerful S-room house, com plete in all appointments, substantially hi, in- all the niiiit-lns: hardwood floors. I fireplace, furnace (hot water), very large room well lighted, plate glass, fine garage, shrubbery, rosea! Thia Is one of I those grand square homes with splerrnid lines and a delightful home; $9000, term". " THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S69. " HAWTHORNE BDNGALOW. Really a. fine 5-room bunsalow -with e'en, fireplace, nice laige rooms, all the bullt-ins. Ilooreo. attic; one piaaiereu room in attic: Bovir.gton tubular fur nace, garage, imrjrovements all In and Bald: you cannot beat thla for the. I monev; $4."no, $eno cash. THE FRQ. A- JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. CLOSE IN. AWOIMNij LADD TRACT. Modern 7-room home, brick and ce ment construction with tile roof; a very attractive looking place. taken over by m.f Knnlr aiM must be unloaded. They I will makeenn exceedingly low price or SR500 on terms for Quick Fale. Pee bank's representative at 204 Henry bids. Phone Main 5425. - " IRVINGTON HOME. Just a splendid 6-room colonial home with heaps of shrubbery. . ropes, several . vnnnv fruit trees; sun porch, sleeping orch. 3 nice bedrooms, fireplace, all the bullt-lns. rood furnace-: all Im provements in and paid; 3 blocks from car; $ki00. cash THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 686. KF.AR PENINSULA PARK. 1S.-.00 6-room California bungalow, fireplace, built-in buffet, white enam eled kitchen with all the built-in con venience, full cement basement, fur- napn heat laiindrv travs. etc.: 4OX120 lot. m?i' iron and shrubbery: quite a few extras go with this beautiful place; $1000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ' in-r ar.tiM THINK. I.H50. A suburban home In the city on paved IreAlg- a Kemi-COl Onlal DUIlltaiOW. ga rage, chicken house, some fruit and berries, shade trees: garden partly in. Owner has left the ci'.y and is making a real sacrifice for a quick sale; terms; $650 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 1 04 Fifth St. M aln 68S!). PENINSULA DISTRICT 3 dandy houses. a 8r,0 3-room House wltn ground ouxiuu. Sl'JOO Modern 4-room iiouho. ainoo 7-room house wtih 2 lots 100x100. These are all excellent buys and if you want a nice little place at a low figure, be sure to investigate the above. For particulars call at u nail iug., 127 Park street. m-STORT. 7-room bungalow on 43d St., near Alder, 2 blocks to Mount Tabor car; modern, sewer and sidewalks In, bath. laundrv travs. bookcases, buffet, fire places, concrete foundation, cement floor; 8 years old, $4000. 500 will give you possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $1400 $3110 CAS1. For a 4-room new bungniow. near Peninsula industries: bath and good -Plumbing: this knocks the rent Ques tion absolutely dead. Investigate. 007 Vale street, near Mi-Kenna. COE A. McKENNA & CO., . Branch office Columbia tV',8. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW Oh Willamette blvd., SU Johns; prac tically new: close to Industrial center. If you work In this district you will like this home. Can sell you thia place fur nished If you like. $rt00 will start you: balance terms. Shown by appointment. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRlST CO.. a&4 Oak st. Muranall Tag. ' $2,100 : Fine little buncnlow on 100x100 cor ner lot, on macadam street, has water. electricity, gas, hath" living room, kitch en, bedroom and full cement basement. lurnace heat; fine lot, paved street; onl Dlock to car. JOHNSON-DnrsON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMBDA PARK. 6-room modern house; large living room with fireplace, dining room, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, S beautiful bedrooms upstairs. You must inspect interior to appreciate its I value, price -jUu; cash $3700. Owner. woodiawn o-::. $3SO0 J700 CASH $3804. ROSE CITY PARK. Here is jour opportunity of locating In this exclusive district; well-huilt 5 room bungalow, cement basement; one ! Dioca irom car. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN, 228 Cham, of Com Bldg. Main 6550 . A HAvt, come aown from Ponuieton to ell my property and must dispose of it this week, 7-room home, at 705 Willam ette blvd., opposite Columbia university. m aacnnca ior quick sale lor $:MOO on I terms. Will be home daily from 4 to 7 i-. vi. ueai wnn owner, who is down here to make a quick doal. Ruth Frick. $4750 ROSE CITT PARK $4750. uanay o-room, nungalow on cornet lot, interior just ocen rennlshed. hard- wooa iioors. ilreplsce. furnace, cemonl basement, den. Don't overlook this euap. HOLDEN A KOHLMAN," 228 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. I-fiOOM house near Killingsworth. ave , block from car. Has 3 hr .hori. rooms, china closet, bath, cement walks Jlara-snrroed St. Merries. shrubbery in .i'riicr lot, - l uux i oil. Price winy uown ana -u per mo. NEAR feT. JOHNS 5 roomij) and a lot, 02x116 feet: only " "iwR "oni niiiamcue oouievard; ga-I rage, too:, and a besement..-. This Is near I auo iiiuuaincf, ;msu aown. . COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch office Columbia 638. ALBERTA BUNGALOW GARAGE. Modern tfyomo bungalow. located Pear Twelfth and Alberta streets; full cement oasement. laundry trays, buffet I and bookcases; cabinet kitchen. This la j at picK-up at ,.mnj; terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 67: O K SALE At a bargain, a dandy mod ern o-room fentnsula bungalow, fruit I ifvvB, uiwnrrries, raspoerries, barn, ga rage, large lot with 4 adjoining lots for garden, also 5-acre pasture; a small l" toe city; .hm, naif cash, bal- uni-H mortgage. H2'j Mears St. $2100 buys a fine 0-room bungalow, macadam street, bath, buffet, kbs, electric 1. slits. city water, gooa Dasenient. several fruit 1 trcv-o, -"w va:i, oaiance iiKe rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO , 633 ,N. W. Bank Bids. Main G7S7. YES. YOU CAN ' ruy a gooa ;-room nouee. bath and basement, fine lawn and garden, 1 block 'j nawinuuie cr, directs paia, for $21H)0 '$500 cash, ha!, at 6 per cent: EDWIN JACOBSON. T1S Spalding Bid,?. - Main 8642. 1TNE 7-room modern bungalow In r,.i. moreland; sleeping porch, garage. 50x100 lot. fine shape.. If you see this vou will buy of. owner. Price $39O0. 406 Haw-I thorn! ne. Will sell furnished. COST 4-room bungalow, 84th St., big lot; i-aan, oaianco iikc rent; all the fur niture free; only $1750. Main 3672 McFarland. 208 Falling bldg. 6-K- HOME, garage, full lot. fruit trees; berries; chicken-house: $2100. $300 cash. Terms on bal. Marshall 3352, or Tabor 30!IO. ' DLTLEX house, 6 rooms in each, fur nace, fireplaces; rents for $SO; good ' Investment; close In. Owner, Tabor 7143 13759 ROSE CI tT PARrT $1600 cash"; modern story-and-half house. Owner, Tabor 37 .""HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 42S9 RODABAUGH. PLBASANT 6-room house, 2253. . close in. Tabor BEAI. ESTATE. For 8ale Bun. .5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 1STH NEAR FAILING. $-650 Nice 5-room bungalow, electric ity, bath. attic, cement base- I mnt. buffet, travs. fine lot. 50x 100; paved street, paid; 7 fine fruit trees, small fruits; about cash. -ROOM HOUSE. CORNER E. MAIN AND 23D. $3850 Good 6-room square house, 3 bed v rooms, all light, airy rooms; elec ts trlrtty, bath, attic, cement base ment, buffet, trays, fine lot. 60x 75, paved St., paid; $850 - cash, I - per montn. 6-ROOM RTOr.ATflW. 100x100 $4500 Nice 6-room bungalow, hot wa- I ter neat, cement basement, elec tricity, bath. buffet, cabinet kitchen: 10 bearing fruit trees, 6 walnuts, grapes, lota of small fruits, chicken house and run, lot 100x100. corner on E. 28th St. In irvlngton Park, 2 blocks to. car. -Price rlear of everything. a ram. ORl.'SSI KBNVIiTT. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 6-ROOM LAOREI.HURST BUNGALOW. tlLIX WATKK HEAT. A BIG BARGAIN. OWNER AN INVALID OBLIGED TO SELL AND CHANGE CLIMATE. If you want a beautiful home at a very attractive price, don't fall to see this bungalow. An extra . large lot and a fine garage. No agents need answer. Phone before ';no0 or of tr 6 P. M. East Oso. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $6300 A most complete 7-room bunga- ' " in line condition on 63d, 1 diock irom sandy blvd. Living room, fireplace, dining-room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, first floor, 4 bedrooms on second floor: hardwood floors, white enamel nnisn; cement basement; laundry travs? furnace a-nt-no- $1200 down. $30 per month. This 4a cneap as rent. METZGERlPARKER-FF.RGlTSON CO., -o uan S.U Main 3534. LOWER .PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very attractive and uniiauaiiv wn Bullt, 2 "4 -story, 10-room home located on double lot commanding wonderful view of city and ML Hood; verv large living and dining rooms, den, 4 fine bed room" sno a baths on second floor: maids rooms and bath on third floor: old Ivory finish, hardwood floors. 7 mortem Iireplaces: basement subdivided. artistic billiard room: e-roiinria beauti fully . landscaped with ample ' room for aouple garage: house In excellent con dition and worth $.10,000 but $22,500 tabtes-it; terms it wished. Tabor 407. 8-ROOM THlNT.Al.OW $3000 A well-built 6-room bungalow on i.tcl Bt. north of East Glisan car- line: beautiful corner, 50x100; living-room: built-in buffet: Dutch kitchen with linoleum: 1 bedroom first fjoor, 2 bedrooms on second, floor, gas, electricity; - ears oiu. riere Is your oppor tunity to get a wonaeriul ouy METZGER-PARKER-rERGt'SON CO., aou Oak St. Main 3534. FTNR Piedmont home, has S large rooms, h. w. floors with Inlaid bor.ler. Furnace, buffet, den, 2 large parlor bedrooms, cement basement, laundry trays, beautiful lot with shrubbery. 75x100, cement wal' paved streets. Good neigh borhood In restricted district. Price $.",7.-19, on easy terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. H. Lszenby, Wdln. DOoi. BUT AN ACRE CUT THE COST OF LIVING. City conveniences, gas. water, elec tricity, on crushed rock street, two Plocks OIT H,vpri hie-hwav in. Pnrt anfl Just a nice drive to work or 42 minutes to Portland on S. P. or O K Whv spend 4(1 minutes on a crowded street car go- I ing to a stuffy city lot when you could I bo nouie to an acre or loganberries. chickens, etc? See us about this close- in acreage. UNION' SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., -84 uak at. Marshall 706. OUICJC POSSESSION. 14000. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. $4000. j nia nome is nicely located In the Sun nyslde district. 7 good-size rooms. 1 bed room and large den on lower floor.- 2 Dearooms above: lull high cement base ment, Dutch kitchen; very nice carpets anu ru gooa iurniture; hard - surface streets in and paid; Ilrst-class car serv ice. East Salmon near 35th St. Don't miss this bargain. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE At CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. KLS'l 'RlCTrJD erstnet, residence fur nished, A bedrooms., bath and sleeping porcit. large attic, tioorea.. Dulit-ln buf fet, panels, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, concrete basement, laundry i'kbi cic. , darase witn concrete iloor High-class neighbors. This house alone wouia cost you ksuimi to build. My price furnished, $7000. The rugs and furni ture are brand new. $2700 cash, liberty uuiiu, or auiomuuiie: tne rest. $o month. This house can be rented as It is ior a montn oi more, call Wood- lawn is. . iso agents. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. Non-resident owner tells me to sell quickly nil modern Z-story, 7-room nouse with sleeping porch and garage. located on idxIOO . site commanding wunutTLui view oi city; corner East 53d ana naunon streets: center entrance hall, large living and dining rooms, con venient kitchen. 4 nice bedrooms, sleep ing porch, large attic, fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, lawn and shrub bery; price cut to $9000;. terms. Tabor '4 07. STRTCTLT modirn Hawthorne bun galow, h. w. 4 loors, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, bookcase, ce ment basement, laundry trays, paved street and cement walks. Price only $3,100 on easy terms. Don't miss thia bargain if you want a bungalow. Mrs. Lucius. - Tabor 3089. A REAL BUY For sale by owner, a dandy good bouse. Vi block from car; has 8 pieces plumbing fixtures, fine furnace. fireplace. 7-ft. full cement basement: every corner completely finished; double constructed ail through: one of the best- built homes In Portland: can be bought witn eitner id rt., 100 ft. or loo ft. ground; must be seen to be appreciated. ottered at half what it would cost to day: must sell, owner leaving- city. Call woodiawn 62S3. TOUR HOUSE. IS IT FOR SALE? Talk It over with us. PACIFIC AGENCT. INC, 614-20 Swetland bldg. APPRAISED $6250. , . PRICE THIS WEEK $5300. A splendid 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors in all rooms, ivory finish throughout, handsome buffet, artistic fireplace, exceptionally large basement, high grade furnace. This Is positively one of the hest buys in Rose City Park Pay $1000 cash and move right In. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 50 Other Good Buys In This District. 22S Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6550. WALKING DISTANCE. 7-room, full 2-story home, located con veniently to east end of Broadway or raiiroad bridge; belongs to a non-resident who wishes to sell at once; $4500 is exceptionally - low price, will make terms very easy if desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE-AVE. HOME. 4. Modern 6-room home, full -basement, bath, trays, new furnace; 50 rose bushes, garage; cement walks and curbs: both streets hard surfaced; house faces east, corner lot: 1 block north of Hawthorne ave.. No. 259 East 46th St. $5500; want $1500 cash, terms on balance; property clear. Owner. Sellwood 2388. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE, $5250. Modern, 8-room home7 hardwood floors, furnace: beautiful buf fet, cabinet kitchen, breakfast room; 4 fine bedrooms, full cement basement; first class condition throughout; pric $5250; easy terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch Bldg. Main-6752. $2500 A GOOD ONE $2500. , 4 largo rooms, bath, basement, paved sts., sewers, fruit and berries, 2 blocks to car: good district; terms. 4 EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bldj. Main 8642. FOR SALE HOUSE. 9- rooms, good looking, well built, choice neighborhood, Laurelhrust; $5100. terms. Owner. Main 279. HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. 6-roora. bungalow one block from- r'rankun nigh school. x.,uo cash, balance terms to sun. uau laoor ilbe. MODERN house, with basement, attic, hot water heat, on 50x100. restricted district ast side. Owner, AF 405, Oregoniaa. REAL ESTATE. ' For Sale Heam. $19,000. One of the choicest orrer homes. about four years old: mahogany and ivory and oak throughout first floor: second, ivory, hardwood floors through out: & perrect bathrooms. 4 extra lava tories: 'hot-water heat: double garage; beautiful porches: liloxlOO grounds; line, shrubs ajid natural trees.' six r.rwi One of the beautiful corner homes one always admires: living room, dining room, breakfast room, sun room, kitchen, maid's room and bath first floor, also telephone room: four charming bed rooms. 2 sleeping porches.- tiled bath, shower. 2 extra lavatories second floor: beautiful shrubs, vines: wonderful con crete porca; line garage. Kait tu. xi l imo Burs this real home on 52d St.. near Tillamook: large living room, library, dining room, kitchen, two fireplaces. ilrst floor: three wonderful bedrooms, two baths. extra' lavatory. sleeping porch, second: maid's room, third: fine garage; $6000 cash. East 419. a HdSOl)' Buys dandy corner home: botrwater neat: large rooms. Owner will e-i&ae amajler home as. part payment. io. mm. Eight-room bungalow homo built Tour Tears ago: hot-water heat: plate glass and hardwood floors throughout: im ported tile bath with pedestal plumb ing; garage; eay terms. East 419. ' $11,000. Large, rambling bnngalow: 7 rooms first floor; all ivory: tiled bath; sepa rate toilet: H. W. floore throuelrout: 100x100 grounds; near Knott, heart of Irvlngton. East 410. $7500 Buys eight-room house. 25th. near Hancock; living room, large- sunroom. dining, kitchen, breakfast nook first floor; 4 B. R. tiled bath second. This house is two years old. East 419. THIS GROUP. Kino corner bungalow, garage. $5750. Two fine homes. 14th. $.-50U and $4500. English home, large rooms, two baths and garage. $9500. Fine home. 22d at.. 8 rooms, double garage. $H000. Fine home. 20th St.. garage. $7800. Good bungalow near 18th. $5600 HA WTHORNE-AVENUE DISTRICT. Beautiful, modern home, close in. 10 rooms. 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms, garage, lot 100x100. street Improvements In and Jiald; $10,000. $5000 cash. Fine property, ow price. House. 7 rooms, and flat, both good, close In: lot 50x100: street Improvements in: $10,0011: will trade for acreage no to $3000. or will tell separate; house $4500. flat $6000. House 7 rooms, street improvements in; will pay balance due; $4600. half cash. Two fine, modern homes. I.add Add. 2 blocks to Hawthorne ave.. walking dis tance. 570 Ladd ave.. has 9 rooms with garage, paved alley. 564 contains 11 rooms, double constructed and built for a home; shown by appointment only: . price for each. $7500; no incumbrance: terms can be arranged. FARNS WORTH & UOULDSTONB. 1364 Hawthorne Ave. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. In this choice district we have a fine 6-room modern home tp sell way below value; this was built by present occupant for a home: extra well constructed, large living room with fireplace, lovely dining room, light, airy kitchen., large bed rooms. . plenty clothes closets. bath room with choice porcelain plumbing. full concrete basement, excellent fur nace. fruit and laundrv rooms: on full 50x100 lot. with excellent view; price $ooOO; very attractive terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. JUST OFF SANDY, near Laurelhurst. only 14 minutes' car ride to city: strictly modern home, consisting of living room with artistic fireplace and massive man tel, dining room, reception hall. Dutch kitchen. 3 ' bedrooms. glare enclosed sleeping porch and bath on second floor finished in old ivory; French doors into living room, also from living room to porcn. iou can t beat this for S6250. Must have $2500 cash payment, balance terms. uwner, tjroaaway 2os. SUCH NICE HOME $800 CASH. $3500 Queen Anne bungalow, west of Laurelhurst; has furnace, cement basement, enamel plumb ing: 50x100; garage; paved eta.: $800 cash. G. C. GOLDEXBERG. Ablngton Bldg. Main 4803. FURNITURE HAWTHORNE HOME. CLOSE IN. tauiornia Dungaiow. o rooms, very cozy, modern built-ins. hot-water fur nace, solid mahogany furniture. Vlc- trola. Sleeping OOrctl. full cement haee- ment. hardwood floors, only $5500: some terus; owner leaving city. See it. Mar shall 1022. IRVINGTOM HI-1M1T9 MCLHINKLL. EAST 419 ouu r-sst f ourteenth North. SUBURBAN HOME $4700. fine new. s-room house, not quite fin isnea. double constructed.- fireplace, big uMviiinui. wooaeriui view. two-thlrdi acre bearing fruit trees, strawberries cnicken and cow house. - gas. electric lights. 4 blocks to 6c r rt a r, ,-InB KnfV5d.'hotoK"aPh and description with blD.NET G. LATH HOP, 516 Abinifton piag. taign or the horseshoe). $3500 TOUR OPPORTUNITT. e nave for sale, on nice corner, nea yv liiiams avenue, easy walking distance jenerson nign, -room house- in good conaitl-- basement. good plumbing, connected to sewer, gas. electric lights, both streets Improved and paid: $500 VMS,.. uaiauv easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. "'7 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. AAlMfJOiATE possession to my home near bandy, only 14 minutes' ride on car to oLrictiy moaern 2-story. 6-room ivue. biu ciosea-jn sleeping porch: h an tne necessarv hullt-ln ra,,iPU - while there may be higher-priced homes there are none better for the price of auium payment or 250O required uaiance terms. Phone Broadway 2SS for ay"'" nncut to see tola nome. ROSE CITY BEAUTY. one of the prettiest 7-room bungalow at le homes In this district. It Is ultra ns everytnmg you could wish for to make a home complete,- with naruwiioa tJoora. fireplace, a wonderfu "uitei, rrencn aoora, plate "glass. cuamciea tnrougnout; lurnace garage. In fact', we could write a volume on this maieiian ooo, iaoor u'.io evfningB. $2750 $500 CASH. -room oungaiow, a additional rooms upstairs wnicn are unfinished, but could oe used as sleeping rooms; large living rwii, uiuuig room, oearoom, Kitcnei and bath on first floor: gal and elec trio iignts. gooa oasement. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 1 633N..W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. RIGHT ON THE BOULEVARD. Nearly one-third acre. grand view, comfortable 6-room. H4 -story cottaaa. 12 choice fruit trees In bearing, berries. currants, only blocks to carllne: bar gain at $4000. pay $10OO down. Photo grapn ana aescription with SIDNEY LATHROP.- 516 Ablngton bldg. (Sign oi wie norsesnoe. I WALKING DISTANCE. 7-room 2-story home. located conven lent to east end or Hroadway brldg belongs to a non-resident who wishes sell at once: $4000 is exceptionally lo price: will make terms very, easy if de- si rea. JOHXSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $2500 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. In Creston district. 2 blocks to car. convenient to Franklin high and grade schools, good basement, choice plumb ing, gas. electric lights, on choice lot. . 50x100; $500 cash, easy terms on bal ance. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Exceptionally beautiful English-stvle home overlooking city, large lot 70x 130, garage: 10 large rooms. 2 sleeping porches, oak floors and white enamel finish, fireplaces, good porcelain plumb ing. Will give big discount for cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S7S7. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3750. Fireplace, furnace. sleeping porch, built-ins, cement basement. laundry trays, large attic, garage, lawn, roses, close to car. restricted; $1250 cash! MUTUAL REALTY CO.. 1219 N- W. Bank bids Main 1643. 9 ROOMS AND BATH $4500. v New. weli-built home with -big base ment. 5 bedrooms, overlooking Swan island. 1 block to carline; $1000 cash balance easy. Photograph and descrip tion with SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 516 Ablngton bldg. tSlsn of the horseshoe). FOR SALE At 456 E. 10th St. North, d"- room modern home, full- cement base ment, wash trays, gas range; lot SOxluO; 4 uearing iruit trees, apples, pears, cner ries: if necessary will sell furniture and piano. Owner. Phone East 7928. TWO DANDY BUYS. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage and paved street; t.2.u. 6 rooms, sleeping norch, double ga rage. corner, on paved street; $4000. Call Broadway aohl. $200. FIRST PAYMENT. 5-room house, close in and very con venient to railroad yards, etc.; walking distance. trice sau. COBB BROS., 263 Oak St. $5000 BUYS a 7-room bungalow. 2 blks. f rom Rose City car line on 41st. strictly modern garage, paved streets paid; $1004 cash. r.. o. Adcock. 513 uekum bldg. main oi. evenings laoor 020d. MT HOME in Irvlngton and all my furni ture for sale at sacrifice: corner 15th and Hancock. Phone East 2189. Sundays and evenings. NEW 6-room bungalow, ivory finish; $3700, souu caso. !t Aui laeuy. SEAL ESTATK. For Sale Houses. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT. A WONDERFUL BUY. . It la worth vour time to see tin beautiful home. Right in the heart of Piedmont and modern to the min ute; 6 rooms, music den, breakfast room and sewing room. Ti-lnch hard wood floors, large fireplace. built-in bookcases and heantiful buffet- full Dutch kitchen In white enamel; all nice large bedrooms with built-in conven iences in each: full cement basement wtih A-l furnace; full lot and alley; nice lawn and1 shrubbery: large ga rage. Daved streets all in and paid: just S short blka. to car. If you are looking lor a real buy and a real home, don t miss this. , - C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade . Bide . Beautify Portland. LADD'S ADDITION. $0500 An 8-room home with sleeping I porch on Poplar St.. at 18th and Hawthorne, the choicest part of I Ladd'a Addition: hardwood firs.. reception hall, living-room with I fireplace, dining-room, kitchen. den or breakfast -room on first I floor; 4. bedrooms and dressing- room on second floor: largw at tic, screens. awnings. cement basement, laundry trays and fur nace, fruit trees and berries, al- I ley. . METZOKR-PARKER-FERGUSOS 'CO., 269 Oak St. . Main 8534. ROSE CITT PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW. $.1350. FOLLOW EVERY LINE. OF THIS AD grasp every word of it for here's one of those real nifty, comfortable home like bungalows where all the little de tails and conveniences are featured. Ton will appreciate tha.big living room ex tending the entire width of the house and the high quality of workmanship and material. Complete, even to the Gasco furnace and instantaneous' hot water heater. Let us show you, A fi. TET.PE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Me-ln 8092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. WAWTHflRVK BUNGALOW HOME. lr.r.00 Ton ought to see this nifty home. Tou will want tt as soon as you . see the outside. Complete in every detail. Furnace, fireplace. full cement basement, an miiit- Ins. fireplace, garage. If you want a home that folks win ad mire when they drive by. let ti show you this one. Shown by appointment only. Why not call at our salesroom and inspect our I photos. Seven antos at your service. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 2:i Ry. Bxch. Bldit. Main HH4 and S83. WEST SIDE HOME $30,000. - This Is one of the most exquisite homes In Portland, overlooking the entire city. with .unobstructed view. Tt was built 6 I vrs ago by the present owner, a lumber man, who nut in it the finest of lumber. It has beautiful living room 16x3R. fin-1 ished in African mahogany. A tiled bath rooms. 2 steam-hettted sleep ing porches;- hardwood floors throughout. servants quarters, etc. Nothing; better I in Portland. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN. $4200 You would never expect to buy I thla attractive l'B-story nome for so little rnonay; 6 rooms and bath with usual bullt-ins. : st- jmpa In and pd.; surrounded by I beautiful homes; close in, near 1 Hawthorne ave. $4200 Buys 6-room corner home with I full basement, wash trays, pan eled dining room, fireplace; St. imp. In and pd. ; only 1 blk. to I Hawthorne nve J. A. WICKMAN CO.,. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 5S3. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW HOME. $2750 Say! We are Just waiting an opportunity to show you this nifty ho:n. Immaculately clean and In perfect condltoln. With swell lawn and flowers and shrubbery galore. "We are proud to show this" home with buffet. Dutch kitchen, dandy electric fixtures. A modern chicken house and runs for a small flock of I chitrffens. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 and 583. 8 ROOMS WALKING DISTANCE. 50x100 lot. house in fine condition, cedar woodwork, tiled fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, wash trays, electrlty. gas. oatn and toilet: just 1: minutes' walk from heart of city; a fine proposition for home or. renting out rooms. A bargain at $000; $120 down. balance easy. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. HOLLADAT PARK HOME. $3700 buys a 5-room bungalow -with ndwd. floors, furnace, fireplace. finished in vnite enamel through out. . Full cement basement. Terms. Remember this la a high-1 cwa district lull oi fine homes. 1 rerms. call and inspect our I photos and listing before buying. Seven salesmen with autos at I - your service. -.T. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bid-. Main 1094 and 583. FINK VIEW. MOST SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. CORNER LOT, BEAUTIFl'L GROUNDS. HARDWOOD FLOORS - FIRST AND IStel-orN Ll r I AK.I KM. TMKRE ARE TEN KOO.MW. HAbl.KUUM AND 2 BATHS. HOT-WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. prui-n; j.-i.i.immj. mmow.n (inly by AP POINTMENT. NO PHONE INFORMA TION. POINDEXTER. 208 SBT.LTNG BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. 271-20. $1450 BTJTS 5-room cottage with ga rage, on a corner lot. easy walk--ing distance of west side. Paved streets, cement walks and steps. Better see this today before some one gets it. Mr. Lazenby, Woodiawn 8051. ROSE CITY PARK. WEST OF THE HILL. A 7-room bungalow-type home; 4 rooms downstairs. 2 and sleeping porch upstairs: hardwood floors. 2 sets plumb ing: condition perfect: full lot. paved street, full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, wash trays. Close to Sandy blvd.. school and church. Underpriced at $5000. with exceptional, terms to right party, rnone laoor ov. $4250 HALF CASH. Modern 8-room house, only 1 block to car and 2 to school; fun 50x100 corner lot; here you have a well-built, double Constructed house with fireplace, book case., buffet. Dutch kitchen, paneled din ing room and cement basement; fine lawn, some fruit; about 20 minutes from heart of city. JOHNSON-DODSON -CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Five rooms, papered walls, bullt-ins, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large 2d floor unfinished,' with finished front stairs; fiae lighting fixtures, enameled woodwork, garage, corner lot 60x100, with view of Mount Hood. At corner 11th and Brazee. Price $7500, terms. See Ladd Estate Co., 240 Stark st. Mar shall 5454. ROSE CITT PARK. $4o00 Here is a dandy home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly mod ern: fireplace. bulfet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, garage, full lot; vacant, move right in; terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 583. KENTON BARGAIN. Well constructed. conveniently ar ranged S-room cottage. Dutch kitchen, porcelain bathroom, fixtures, good base ment, electric lights, on corner, both streets hard surfaced, all paid, at $2050: $300 cash, balance like rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO..' 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $4800 BUYS this modern, nifty, new 5-rm. bungalow. Furnace, fireplace, lidwd. floors, all cuilt-lns. lull cement basement. warntrays. completed In October of last year and would ' cost as much as asked to build . -home alone now. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. -204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 and 5SS. ao-ino 1U-STORY 7-room house. In ele gant condition: large closets, light rooms; ; , . 1 (- int. nf fruit a n .4 . .. - chicken house, etc.; a very beauVlful lot located on the Willla-ms-ave. car line $800 down payment. For a good home you could not do better for the pries. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $400 CASH. Balance to suit, buys a good 5-room house with bath, elect, lights, gas. good basement: 50xl00-ft. lot, near Irvlngton and AlDerta car lines; owner must sell at once. A bargain price of $8750. See Mr. Chrlstenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743; 410 Henry Bldg LAURELHURST. i TWO-STORY SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. FOUR BEDROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT. GA RAGE, CORNER LOT: $8500. POINDEXTER, 203 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. 5-ROOM house. Oswego: bath, hot and cold water; terms. Cor. id au it ets. Oswego. , REAL. ESTATE. For Bale -House. T HEIGHTS HOME ; TO BE SACRIFICED. Palatial right-room residence on com manding view atte of attractive Willam ette fielgnta district. Ground area 66 2-3x114 feet. Rooms have modem annalBtmailta and are- elegantly finished- Garage, connected with kitchen. Basement na. , (-. quarters, furnace room and laundry. lard IS fUtttlral na.k ! t V. -.- shrubs, winding path, rose and berry uuBMcwi plenty or garden aoaca. PRICK $8000. PVr full information apply to K. TAYLOR CO.. l.N'IDE PROPER- DEALERS. TWELFTH FLOOR TEON BLDG. ROSE CITT PARK S7000. IVW. mnriern .. ... .... - .. w uoume constructed, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, large plate glass windows in front and dining rooms, shades and viuna closet and Dunct, Dook cases; finished in ivory: Dutch kitchen nnoienm. breakfast room. den. 3 bed rooms- with closets; extra large bath room, linen cloaet, clothes shute. elec tric SWltchM in auerv Mim ,K) - switch for up and downstairs: cement uasemenr, rruit closet and laundry trays garage with cement floor and runway nothing left out for . convenient mnii nice home and. beat of alL good work done on this house. For appointment tait wwMiiawn uwner. LAURELHURST HOME. A Tery neat anri airrtf-Mv. 6-room home with large sleeping norch and garage located In best section, near park; very large rooms throughout; old ivory finish, best oak floors, 1 large bedroom and bath downstairs. 2 large bedrooms. Immense sleeping porch, toilet and lavatory upstairs: east front, ex cellent condition; built when they be lieved In using lots f lumber; dandy fireplace, full cement basement and guaranteed furnace; never offered for Vt'or: bought larger "home: price $KQ00; terms If desired. Tabor 407. ELKGANT 6-ro-tm bungalow, near naw-.norne canine, close In. la strictly modern; h. w. floors, fur nace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, sleep ing porch. Large parlor, bedroom, cement basement. laundry trays. $1000 will handle this place as ten ants are moving to the country this week. Tabor 1524. FOR SALE. IRVING TON CORNER. ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, 2 r l KKf LACKS. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. EVERY CONVEN IENCE; BUILT FOR HIS HOME BY OWNER. WHO NOW LIVES OUT OF iuw.n. PKICfJlJ FOR QUICK. SALE lljOU, IKK MS. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., -O Vjn. OI. JUAKSnALiLi t OB. ALAMEDA VIEW BUNQADOW. Cozy 6-room bungalow with -large at tic and garage located on 85-foot lot. commanding unoDstructea view of en tire city: old ivory finish and heavy oak floors throughout: tile bath, large plate glass view windows across entire front: the classiest little home in the city and neat as a pin; $8000; easy terms, -jaoor 4U1. HIGHLAND DISTRICT BUNGALOW. $5400 Strictly modern 1 Mi -story. 8 rooms: paved street, sewer in: lot 9x 100; nice garage, fruit and flowers: a real home, well built; owner obliged to leave. $2000 cash, balance 69. Save agent s commission. cai l wain. 974. LAURELHURST. TWO-STORY BBVEN-ROOM HOIISS. FOUR BEDROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. MOT vv A 1H.K HJfiAT. GA RAGE, CORNER LOT: 500. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800; RESIDENCE 271-20. ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. Can give immediate possession, strict ly modern 7-room house, just repainted and In flrst-clasa condition, plate-glass windows, hardwood floors, fine large rooms, full cement basement, excellent; garage, uwner. laoor itiKHf, FOR SALE Small house, double con structed. full plumbing. - nearly new; built so can easily build on to: lot 30x 156. ten bearing fruit trees, variety of berries, fine location; all assessments Paid. 1 block from Montavilla car. about $100 worth of lumber will go with place; price $1550. 74 East 65th st. N. t THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments,-1 ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. E. 21ST. NEAR THOMPSON. 8 rooms, living room. 16x30, sun room, dining room, large kitchen, also bed room and bath on first floor, 2 large snd 1 small bedroom on second floor, garage; $K750. Owner. East 797 6.- CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HOME Here's a rare buy in a 2-story. 8 room modern house located on choice lot near 18th and Hoyt sts. Price only $7000 with terms; house In good condi tion and would rent for $75; lot alone worth price asked. Tabor 407. PRACTICALLY" new and Just been tinted. 6-room house lu Beaumont : large living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, bullt-ins Three bedrooms and sleeping porch, large clothes closets and good furnace. Price $5890. terms. E. 2604 at 451 Weidler. MULTNOMAH. A dandy bungalow, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping I porch. double-constructed throughout, 1 block of depot and high way, 80x100 lot, set to fruit, berries snd roses. Price $30o0. $1650 cash. George flout, munrioman station. 6809 85TH S. E. Mr. Miller's 3-room. bath. garage. $1500; $500 cash. 6318 85th S. E.. 4 rooms, $900; $400 cash. 6424 57th S. E., 80x123 lot, 5-room bungalow, full base ment, attic, cement garage, $3S00; $800 cash. Fred bpear, laoor &t7. BARGAIN Owner leaving city. 7-room modern, cement basement, Dutch kitch en, sleeping porch, fine woodwork and fixtures, 100x100; bearing fruit trees, chicken house and garden. 4036 42d mv. S. E. $S0OO. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. SOO0 locatea en"i tit para., o rooms, an on one floor: tile bath, fireplace, furnace. ,inr. See J. A. McCarty. ii 0th and Gllsan. Tabor 3433: eve.. Tabor 5iXi7. LARGE rooms, basement, laundry trays, fruit and berries, sewers In, lot 45x150 feet, Vi block o car, $3000. You can pay $60O cash and move In. EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bids. Main 5642. FOR SALE BY OWNER. MODERN. WELL-ftlj IL l , B-rtutai nuuattl. r I 1.1, CEMENT BASEMENT. FURNACE. GA RAGE. CORNER LOT. LOCATED AT 431 E. 89TH ST. EASY TERMS. - FOR SALE Roe CityPark 5-room bun galow. 1 2 diocks irom. canine, large attic, of-ment basement, fireplace, fur nace; price $4000. half cash; reasonable terms, pnone iim-oi. FINE MODERN BUNGALOW, o (-Hflli'F. LOTS. GARDEN. FRUIT. This fine home. 6 rooms, sleeping norch. furnace and, all modern conven lences- immediate possession; to $3250. terms. Tabor 82112. sacrifice 700 NEW, moaern oungaiow in irvlng- I . -.nla.H If VOI, BCd lAnbi ton, juat - ., . J IS for a cosy nome see tnis one; elegantly finished In ivory and mahogany. Owner, 1101 SpaiPlOB u'"8-i ' V "4IH i . IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern; furnace, hardwood floors, built- ins etc.; $1000 down, terms on balance See it today. Phone owner. East 4000 7riOO WEST sliJfc. sacrinee, 9 rooms, OWT7 ,11 1 HI A mom a 0 1 A l:..-..i ' ..,- 64 th S. E.. $1600. 2 fine lots' Mt. Scott car, $1200. Terms.- Broadway 3232. . COOD 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, large lot. fruit, an ciear: near mv. car Shihi reaeonable terms; immediate pos session. Call at 1911 E. Irving at. . ou KPW BUNGALOW. XR KILLlNfis WORTH AVE.. 50x100. MODERN H. W FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE. CE MENT BASEMENT MAIN TOO. IRVINGTON Owner must sell this week, new 6-room colonial cottage at 701 E 17th st- N. See it z to 4. arternoona, phone Marshall 8821 for appointment ROSE CITT PARK bung, from owne Modern bungalow on, bet. Ala meda and Stanton. Phone owner. Mar shall 3494 evenings. BUT THIS WEEK, SAVE COMMISSION. - 8-room moo. nouse, lots, on corner. with 15 fine bearing fruit trees; price $3800. easy icriiia. "ist ave. B. E. ax-iam CITT New. strictly modern. 7-rnnm Built by day labor. Buy from owner at COSt- an caat wain St. IN. SIX rooms, batn. rurnace. buffet, big closets, full basement, fine lot, paved street; price 4-4.,vv. tnna. ooo jci. aota st. FOR SALE Second mortgage.' $800. $40 per month, new house, first mortgage runS'3 years, j-nmns cvcmnKS. ia:n 0705 FOR 5ALK .t-room cottage, soon som terms. 4704 70th st, s. E. Take ML Scott cax to X lrtauu. sua. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honais. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. ' ww. OVER 909 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. , SEE " '. FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. TO THE HOME-SEEKING PUBLIC: "We extend you a cordial Invitation to visit our showrooms and look over our REMARKABLE DISPLAY of over 900 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR ALE. Many WONDERFUL BAR GAINS. Every type of home. Every price. Every district represented. Our extensive listings offer you a wider and better selection than can be had any where In the city. Our salesmen are competent. Our methods modern, ef ficient. We guarantee SATISFACTION. 16 automobiles constanly at your SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. $6S50 HERB'S .EXCEPTIONAL VAL UE! -family residence apart ment; in the heart of WALNUT PARK, one of Portland a most exclusive residence districts: lot 62x100. Complete 5-room home on lower floor, with cheery fire place, beamed ceilings, solid pen eled dining-room, Dutch kitchen sunny breakfast-room, bedroom HARDWOOD FLOORS: on tha second floor are two apartments wnicn rent for S4U eacn. run cement basement with HOT- WATER HEATING SYSTEM UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO own a high-class home with good Income. Cleveland ave. $2500 100x100. On 15. Taylor St. is this PRACTICALLT NEW, mod ern CALIFORNIA bungalow: full -width front porch with concrete columns; o pleasant sunny rooms white enamel plumbing: electric lty. gas. street liens paid: lust 1 blk to ML Tabor car. THIS -IS UNUSUAL VALUE. Call and an auto will take you right out. $1650 QUARTER-ACRE HOME, , being 142 by 272 ft. West side of river on Hamilton ave.. with a WON D K RFUL UNOBSTRUCTED vifJW. 6-room substantial bun galow. fruit, house, gain. There s an abundance berries; bam, chicken Terms. THIS Is s. bar $3500 P L E A S A N T HAWTHORNE . HOME. 6 rooms. COMPLETELY "FURNISHED: many labor-saving bullt-ins; white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas. good cement oasement. o-a near riaw-tnorne. Terms. THIS IS GOOD VALUE. $2650 ONLY $500 down for THIS UN USUAL HAWTHORNE. Berore YOU BUY look at this 6-room BUNGALOW BARGAIN: very al tractive lines; full-width front . . porch, pretty living room, artls tic dining room .with massive 6- ft. buffet, full Butch kitchen. . sunny bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas. NO. RESIDENT SACRIFICES THI FOR QUICK SALE. S24O0 FURNISHED. SELLWOOD Tes, whji go further when all you "a, troubles should end right here THIS IS A REAL BUNGALOW cheery, fireplace. labor-savin built-ins. 2 sunniest bedroom best white enamel plumbing, elec. trlclty. gas. GARAGE. House LIKE NEW. See our 900 homes BEFORE YOU BUY. $1995 HOMELIKE little ML Scott. Aren't vou Inst wanting a ouain little home with a beautiful blossomy yard? This Is one OF THE NEATEST, most comfort able cottages In Mt. Scott: lOOx 100: aara Just S500 down. 9-' per month. YOU'LL BE CLOSE TO NATURE HERE. $2500 ALBERTA partly furnished home. onlv 8500 down: built-in conven iences: white enamel plumbing VACANT, immediate possesslo Prescott at. A REAL BARGAIN. We Have 70 HOMES IN ALBERTA. If vou are In the market for a home It will PROFIT TOU TO VISIT OUR OF FICII and look over our listings. ov BOO rHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sal MODERATE HOME BARGAINS from every district. Avail yourself of the OPPORTUNITT NOW. S1E FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 106 Deal with an Old, RELIABLE Firm. IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT 100x100. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH PARLOR. LIVING ROOM. DIN ING ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR: FOUR BEDROOMS. TILED BATH. LARGE SLEEPING PORCH SECOND FLOOR. LARGE FINISHED ATTIC AND MAID'S ROOM. HARDWOOD FLOORS: MANY BLTILT-1NS: FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. LAUN DRY ROOM, FURNACE. GARAGE: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: $12,500. IF YOU WANT A MODERN HOME IN MOST SELECT PART OF IRVINGTON POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1BO0. RESIDENCE 271-20. I65fJ HERE is your opportunity to buy a home at pre-war prices. Just think of buvtnsa home of 6 rooms , and bath, with furnace, for so lit tle monsy. Full basement, wash trays, living room across entire front, Dutcli kitchen, one bedroom and bath down, 2 bedrooms tip. Nice lot with fine lawn. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. . "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 10U4 and 583. WESTMORELAND SNAP. nan.r movlncr to Seattle and will sell and give immediate possession of their beautiful, modern, up-to-date bungalow of five rooms, located on 17th street in Westmoreland, with all street Improve ments In and paid for. Fine view from front porch, nice lawn snd all kinds of shrubbery, price a-tuuur some terms. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Cham, of Com $ 60001 R VINO TO N-- $ 6000. T.nnU .at this a nice 6-room house on a paved street, all assessments in and paid: finest of hardwood floors. 8 nice bedrooms, all white enamel: lurnace. fireplace, double garage, full-sized iot: $2000 cash. bal. easy terms. RKI.laRLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Bdwy. 4133. $2900 BUY'S a corner home with 6 rooms ana DStll, iiirjn:o. nnnw noi,, dining room with fine buffet, Dutch kitchen, garage, only one "block to car. Convenient to Franklin high. Terms. , J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 and 583. INSURANCE. FIRE AUTOMOBILE. LIARILITT. EXILE Bl'RKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE. 208 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1800. $1700 HERE is vour chance. Tou who want a larg-o lot n-itw nun, -- v, ... and bath, with chicken houses and runs; 27 full bearing assorted fruit trees. Look at this and you have bought something good. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. ' 204 Ry..Exch. Bid. Main 1004 and C3. ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful 6-room house, full plumbing, bookcases, buffet, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, double constructed; $TO00, $2000 cash, balance can be ar ranged to suit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. "633 N. W. Bank Bld-g Main S787. $2000 $800 CASH: 3 blks. from car. Al Derta aisTrict. i-tHuin . 1 -1 lights, gas, etc.; lot 75x100. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME. $18,500. lion t tail to see tnis as ' - it is worth much more. Original design. Beautifully finished. 1 NEUHAUSEN. Main 8078. KENTON DISTRICT. ' $350 cash, balance $25 per month. Including Interest: 4 rooms and bathroom, no bath tub: full lot, 1 blk. to car; can give immediate possession. Call Main 5429 IRVINGTON $7500 buys beautiful home. 6 rooms, reception hall, sleeping porch and garage: strictly modern and In beau tiful 'condition; screens for all windows. Tabor 6441. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $4500; terms; 5-room bungalow: sleep ing porch: 50x200. 842 Multnomah st. Neuhausen. Main 8078. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, glx-faratly apartment, close In, east Bide; live In one, let others pay good income on investment; low price of $7250 for quick sale, terms. Phone owner, 816-19, morning and evening. FOR SALE 2-family flat, upper flat 3 room and bath: lower flat. 4 rooms and bath: full cement basement; $3000. half cash. balance easy. 966 Borthwlck. Mississippi ave. car. l?Ort rj - ....... ,,uuac. uin iv, corner bldg.; good furniture; 50 good chickens; first time oflered In 8 years party leaving city. Phone East 8273. Suburban Homes. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and -crease, well located, near car line iimm xisoo uo. Inauire 3d house north of RIsley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook. $1250 HOUSE, Main 3672. bldg. 2 acres, near Oswego lake McFarland. 208 Failing REAL ESTATE. ' 8abnrban Homes. "OREGON CITT CARLINB" My Specialty. EVERGREEN STATION. Five-room plastered house, four lots; eras and electricity; near car; $2650. Five-room plastered cottare. -nice lot ; cement walks, gas and eiecaricity ; $lt0. COURTNEY STATION. TTIghlv Improved acre home, fine loca tion; dandv eight-room plastered house; god outbuildings; abundant fruit: only $4209;. buildings alone well worth the price; only three blocks to Courtney sta tion. MELDRUM JENNINGS LODGE Strictly modern four-room bungalow, choice three-fourths acre on hignwaty; everything tlrst-cUss: $:;."0O. $15oo cash. Pretty five-room bungalow, three lots: fireplace, gas, electricity, running water; ideal location; some fruit: price $40O. C. E. APPLE. OAK GROVE, OR. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located In the beautiful section of ML Tabor (restricted district! : 5 rooms on 1 floor. 1 room fin ished upstairs, old ivory enameled throughout, hardwood floors In main rooms, many built-in ef fects, fuir cement bsajement nd furnace. This place has been occupied by the owner only a snort time and Is Indeed a good buy. The fir trees in this district make It s. very attractive home location. Price only iT50. $1500 rash. bal ance arranged. J. L. HAttiJiA.n COMPANY, No. 1 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. . A VERT ATTRACTIVE PLACE. 2 acres, located 1 block from the Red -i.,.,,- ttf.-.n striewalk to place. 1 A blocks from paved road, irood cheap train service. All under cultivation, best of aoll. 14 bearing warnut trees, large orchard of apples, pears, cherries, etc 4 blocks to school; walk all the way. Good double constructed bungalow, plas ntnino- T-nr, n living room, kitchen. ...... v. .i , n -itv water, large naintea- n lck e n-house. room for 5i'0 chickens; $11 0O cash and eaay monthly M.mni, Vei-oo-nallv inspected. Ander son, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. - IN BEAVBRTON, OR. One acre, located close to depot, all tinder cultivation. 20 bearing fruit trees. 3 rows of strawberries across the acre, raspberries, blackberries. Modern hun- galow of 4 large rooms, best of ing. ' Plastered. Gas. city -le' , elec tric lights. On good roaa. close to either R.;d or Oregon Electric depots. Price 2Si". on terms. a--i,j speeted. Marsters, with JOHN UUSON, Gerlinger bldg. FER- LOOK THESE UP. RUSTIC BUNGALOW. ACRE. ALL TILLABLE. $1S00. TERMS. OWNER MUST BELL. JU-MILE CIRCLE. 8 56 ACRES. BEST SOIL. ALL TIT.I- ARl.Ti, ORCHARD. BUILDINGS, ONLY $rrv.lor GOOD TERMS; MIGHT TAKE HU DAR'NG t McRETNOLDS. 615 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 60o4. ltt ACRES with 4-room plastered house and other bldga.; edge of city limits. 4 blocks to i"r' 30 minutes out; 25 full bearing cherry trees. Price $2.00. easy t-rms. F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett bids. Main 714L ON OREGON CITT carline. $6000 buys a real home, one acre, bearing fruit, ber ries nuts, large grape - arbor, choice roses, flowers and natural trees; garden In- well-built 6-room house, sleeping porch, full cement basement, water, gas. electric light, good auto roads. Inquire owner, first house west Rupert station. No agents. g ACRES, fine beaverdam soil, right at station on elect, line, rock road. mile to paved highway, good buildings. 4j bearing fruit trees and berries, good well ar.d running water. 11 -cent fare; the price is only nmw. terms. EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bldg. Main 642. YVHT VYOR1T about the high cost of-liv-ing when you can buy a 5-acre tract of splendid soil. In Cultivation, nest -rouiii bungalow, garage, barn, chicken yard, on paved road, rlsht at station, elect, line. 11-cent fare? $3300. EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bid. Main 5642. S-ACRE LOTS. MODERN HOUSE. Berries fruit and poultry: a choice suburban home; come on; let's do busi- Ae HILL. 215 Lumbermens Bldg. Long established. Reliable service. 10 ACRES, close in. an in large nouse, ciium. water- assorted orchard: partly in crop: woven wire fence; best ."oil: $750 per a?rV! easy ! terms. Owner. 511 E. 50th N. TanoTMoi. HIOH UP AMONG FIR TREES. Four-room bungalow, bath and toilet .,,,., ...... benulltui view ot moun- ?-i it-cent "fare. Bull Run water and gas only $1400. Rock road. aVHi-NTISS 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. r.... ,nuiH STATION 7-room home on -u .' r.. itnnlevard. new and up I.; riate Al! modem conveniences. Will to7,a t-.r.oo on terms. Call owner. V... 7 117. R. Shelley, on Balrd Lane and T-aurette ave.. Multnomah station it irnK Good 5-room cottage, dandy chicken v, nlentv fruit, alt kinds: garden . . nralVn' nice aWD eT'VeaTcsrron MdsT.; $2700; ground worth more. Tabor bu h W. Bank bldg xiSOO FIXE bungalow cm 1 acre, lust smTclty limits: ""V'dSyo" all modern: a bargain. C. Dei out lust out nd oung Co.. 819 SpalrilngbtdS. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME seres improved, half in fruit: 10 room house, cit 2:155 after 7 P. M conveniences. 6504 N2d St. c xt nriMS $2500. 100x100 fruit trees, cement basement. 7-cent fare, a fine plaeofor chickens. 500 Concord mag. 2d and Stark. .- ! ..- NEARLY HALr!. Fruit berries. English walnuts; no r.T-i .- -lehtlv. $3500: terms. lu- ti 1 Realty co 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow near Cap itol Hill station: -$3000. terms. Marshall For Sale Business Property. $26,300 APT. bl apts. w- and side. ground (1 $12,000 will d.i.i, 'hniTipai bldg.. close In 40,ouv-o. .-,---- ,,,,.,,1, sie: -nnri investment- Don't hesi ZIMMERMAN A WHITE, 81S Cham, of Com. Bldg. otiphES. PEARS. PRUNES. Apples, berries. English walnuts. . acre and larger; Alberta car. Kennedy school; no gravel or city assessment $1 -vments. R. W. Cary. l-m is. w. Hank bldg. TEN ac. , in bearing orchard mil. Address William Schraedn, Aloha. Or. For Sutie tvrwilliger'boulevard ACREAGE. . Five acrVs or more of the best acreage bout the City, some oi ti i .c.c L. L -, i, la rpntlv sloping. You can mucu .v rm..i f tlew Thereyare man? beauUf u."trees. This in ss cloe in as Irvlngton and of fed' a tt vtry reasonable price and- .n terms. K. " ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1063. COST $6000 SELL $4500. 1 S acres, all In cultivation: 1 .,.,;nn- 1 acre Soitzi block S tzenler; aopTea. abudance of berries ; good 4-room E and barn; good w;l L rH from 12000 cash, balance terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO MJl 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. r -rRB tracts at Jennings' Lodge. Price tJOO per acre. One quarter mile from the Ration, with John E. Howard Se Lundgren 318 Cham, of Com. ' Z a" ACRES located at Evergreen Station on oreiron City carline and on paved road. Mood S-room house. Price $i700. See Xundgren. with John E. Howard. 818 Cham, of Com. a ACRES near Wlllamina. level, cleared. fenced 4-room house, barn: $1350 Juo , ca"n. $15 mo. J- R- sharp, Say, Kd st. 10 ACRES. $2750, short distance east of city; uncleared but a big bargain. Hart. J10 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. l.j.Sj. HOUSE, barn. 110 acres. 2 miles of Port land. $150 per acre. Broadway 4683. ONE ACRE on Oregon City electric line, cash or terms. Mar. S1I35. 1 14 ACRES, near Albs good for berries. M bany, S in apples, 2Vfe ar. 30.1 TROUTDALE. garden soil, sale or trade. Room 319 Tall hotel; Broadway 077. " 5 ACRES. COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. At city limits, nouse. us, ""' uVldings eod well, city water can be a Some fruit; $8500. terms. 1219 N. WAIF BLOCK with trackage, elm t in west side; specially adapted for warehouse or mf. Plant. $35,000 If sold at once Hart. B10 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 15W5. Fruit and Nut Inds. REAL, ESTATE. Ior Sale Ai-renar. THIS FERTILE 20-ACRK FARM OH ON BEAVERTON-H1LL6BOKO : HIGHWAY. Located mile from hlghwav. one mile to electric station, every foot of it the richest soil, all in cultivation and ' crop; grain, vetch, oats, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries-, grapes, fruit and garden: 5-room house, barn, good water, garage, cellar, chicken houM, hog house: price iK,tKI. Following per sonal property ailutd for $7350: 4 good fresh cows. 15 hops and pigs. GO layir.s hens. 6o chicks. 1 horse, harness and farm tools, new heating stove and steel range. See photos at our office. SAM HEWEY at J. 1- HARTMAN CO.. No. I Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOE TO OSWEGO LAKE. ' 6 seres, located on a good road, all in -bearing fruit, except acre. All kinds of berries. The income from the frutt. on this place last year was over $4ilu. All fenced with wovt-n wire. Good 6-rm. bouse, with plumbing. Fireplace. Large bairn, wagon shod, chicken house, hg house, smoke house and other buiidrngs. all in good condition. Close to the dc-pot sn-i school; telephone. Price $.-0.iV $3500 cash. The fruit on the place will pay 10 per cent on this investmont. , Davis, with. JOHN FERGUSON. Ger linger bldg. 1200 CHICKENS. 5 acres, located '.i-mlle from Oregon I Electric station; 2 acres in wheal t, 2 acres plowed and ready to seed. 1 acre pasture; drilled well with steel casing: 4-room heuse. barn, - brooder house 32X 4S. chicken house 12x4S. 100 laying hens and 1100 chickens: few berries on the place; 2 plows, horse, buggy, har ness and tools, Price $4rK for ever lhin$r. $lri cash: or will consider a small cottage in Portland up to $2500. This Is close to Boones. Ferry road. 12o commutation fare, 40 minutes out. Per sonally Inspected. JOHN r'KKUCSOX,, Gerlinger bids. VERT SMALL PATMENT DOWN. '. 5 acres, located right In Pleasant Home, oast of Gresham. Oregon: close to electric line and school; all fine soil, all under cultivation, large family orchard, loganberries. raspberries. blackberries and strawberries; good 4-rodm house, barn, chicken house. A good piece ot land well located. Trice 3"H1 with some equipment. Personally Inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FEHGL'SON, Ger-. linger bldg. . ' 10-ACRH HOME. GRKSH AM. r STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. WELL-IMPROVED 10-acre place, nn in cultivation, very best of soil; located on good road near school; K-od 4-room. house, good barn. 3 good large chicken, houses, other good outbuildings: gooii family orchard, all kinds of . berries for home use; 2 good cows, span of KorK. horses, plows, harrow, disc, cultivators, everything to work the piace. Price $."SO0 $2o00 down, balance easy. KRIDER & El. KINGTON. Gresnam. Or.. COME TO GRESHAM. ., FINK HOME. IS ACRES. i Fine Improved 15 -a ere farm, close to station, all In cultivation, very best so-.l. , lies perfect, all In crop, looking fine., good variety of fruit, paved road, fine. 6-room bungalow, milk house, root eel lar, chicken house and runs, good barn. pump and well on porch. The buildings, are new and worth almost the price we ask for the place. This is an excep tionally bic barsaln and won't last long. Price 45600. hall cash. KRIDER & ELK1XGTON. Gresham, Or. ' A VERT SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. . 5 acres, located right In Pleasant Home east of Gresham. Oregon: close to electric line and school; all fine sou. alt under cultivation: laifre family or chard: logan. rasp, black and strawber ries; good 4-room house, barn, chicken house. A good piece of land, well lo cated Price $.'HloO. with some equti-, ment,' Personally inspected by Brookts with JOHN FERGUSON. Uerllnger bids. CHICKEN RANCH In high state of cul tivation. 2 acres ot grouuu faced boulevard. 3 blocks from good car and lti miles from city limits, nice 5 room house, barns. Incubators, brooders and all machinery necessary to run th place; 4on full-blooded LeKhorn chirk ens. There Is plenty of fruit, berries. 1...... , .. Thar. I neitrlv 82O00 worth of personal property noes with this high' ly developed little chicken ranch. Price $C,000. For particulars see my anwuw at 404 Piatt bldg 127 Park st. RIGHT AT GRESHAM CITY LIMITS. 10 acres of fine land, all In wheat and lnnkinar nne: larKe oarn. potato some bearing fruit trees, wagon and farm implements. enough lumoer to build a house; price a200, and fine location. KRIDER ELK ING TON. . Oresham, Or. ONLY REQUIRES $..00 UAH uuvi.v. To buy a future nome 01 o'r i;ita ni,.e trout stream, on county roaa. mll railroad ami store. 27 miles of tr, I-.M.4. Lt acres bottom, bal. rolling hench land, all rich soli, adjoining im.- tirovcd larms; price $1625, on easv terms at 6 per cent. J. Rule)', 92S Chamber of Commerce. TEN ACRES. ALL IN u-i.iiiio.v In Tualatin vauey. on - ' , ' 14 miles from center of Portland, nearly level, very rich tertlie lanu. n "r.'iT' aiate. close to railroad, no buildings; nrice 820OO. Requires $500 rash pay Ruley. 928 ment. bal. on terms. J. Chamber of Commerce. .-.n DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. , 1 : .1 X -.-. iTQCl rtf logged-off nien'.iu .-.. a xr -- - - - " land: 1 tcrci cleared in ana the stumps; 2-room shack house, large woodshed, goo.irom.ious. .... .. V mile to raiiroao. "i". T:n Cham. , t. milA from t'ortian nines iiu'" . ... ......... - price $;.. rrea of Commerce. ,n icnrs P-riR 4:1700. 1 mile to railroad and town county road to land, some nice wood timber. 3 acres eas" to clear. 2 fine springs, ml ffjy T .oil "free from rock or gravel. $300 cash. bal. Per cent on terms, 11. Rulev 928 Chamber of Commerce. -r, ,11.-1.' T.ANTJS Tracts s' acres up. located within 30 mile, of Portland, on railroad: good soil no rock, plenty of water; work nearby: buy n your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 Per aCrC LTSUDDEM ANN CO.. 013 Chamber oi Commerce. ONE ACRE- f 20OO. balance $20 per montl.; s 6ft per cent paid; 2 " blocks nrnVPTTlfnl from Kose City car. bett bldg ,0 ACRES NEAR XEWEEM. ion" fine fS"frvCor 'nVaU under WALTER SCHl'LZE oo xt second St. Phone Bdwy. 727.-: i,i Pea$140S,C Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 JV B, h yt. Broadway 4.191. souO-ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only: easy terms low price $5 per acre and up. Liberty bdnda Accepted at par. Write for map showing WeVeRHAeTse'rTTMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. a ar-RFS large fir and cedar, close to ?il li station on Bull Run electric: wood will more than pay for clearing; very best of soil: five blocks to station and spur. $100: terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. ' - CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. 8000 1st growth. 2000 2d growth:. 40 acres near Scappoose, and good roaKrs. $ "300. $000 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 542B. 248 Slark Street. 10 ACRES, close in: all in cultivation: 4 room house, fine barn and chicken houses: line pl; c - . . ...... .un.,uc,(J soil' $50 per acre: easy terms, 511 K. ''0th N. Tabor oSW Owner. OSWEGO LAKE. Five acres close to lake. Facing rock road; fine for 'boating, fishing, cljlcle ens and berries. PRENTISS. 61d Cham, of Com, bldg. - Rii ACRES, 2H: aires potatoes. .00 rasp berries, some strawberries, grapes and currants: 2-room house: all fenced, dandy orchard: $1450. easy terms. Mr. Miilership. Alder hotel. Main 52T&. 41X ACRES, all cleared, good soil; Ideal place for chickens or berries; close to Glllls station on Bull Run electric. Snap for $1300; terms. 209 Oregon blug. Broadway 1658. 5-ACRE home place at Gresham: all good soil fruit trees, berries; 4-room house, chicken house, barn, running water, nice Krove- crop partly In; price $2."iOO. KRIDER ELK1NGTON. Gresham, Or. RViN STATION acre on auto road, all ready for cultivation. High and sightly. Will take $500 down and monthly pay ments. See owner at 204 Henry bldg. 1 ACRES. $2500: at end of Hawthorne avenue carline: In cultivation, fine home cite. Owner 910 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 15S5 S ACRES FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 block from Shattuck station. S. P. electric: 10 minutes' ride, close to Pa cillo Highway. Owner Main S3 SO. ; W-Tr-tr ACRE HOME FOR CHICKENS. Right at station and just outside city limits. or.e acre, new 4-room i plas ered n-nouse- Krtt.njr ... . u . i