THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAT 5, 1920 23 HIGHER PRICES RULE IN WHEAT W1ARKET Soft White Brings 55 Cents Over Boise Quotation. PREMIUM ON HARD STRONG STOCK COURSE REVERSED WHEAT Government basis. 12.20 per I bushel. FLOUR FamdT lutuiti 11S.15: bakers. I hard wheat, (13.75; white wheat. (12.05; graham, JU.80; valley. sil.40; straights. 11 per barrel. run. 484U per ton; rolled barley. $72 CBSTAXTlAIi GAINS SCORED run, I4647 per ton; rolled barley. 72 Active Demand .From Exporters And Coast and Eastern Millers. Feed Grains Also Firm. 'Wheat was strong yesterday with de mand from exporters and eastern coast millers. Premiums up to 55 cents on soft white and 70 cents on blue stem and Tur key were quoted by western buyers, while the eastern trade did business In Mar quis on the basis of 70 cents. feed grains were also firm. May corn was np 60 cents on the local board and May eats were 35 cents higher. Barley bids were advanced from 25 cents to $1. Chicago barley options closed tt?3 cents higher. There was no change In the mill feed market. There Is a strong demand from the east for prompt shipment, but the mills have little to offer. Trading In the grain bag market baa been reduced to small proportions. Tho Merchants Exchange association voted in favor of standardization of the trading rules of the Portland, Seattle and Taeoma exchanges, and a committee was appointed to report on the necessary changes and steps toward co-operation. Broomhall cabled from Uverpool: "Corn trade in the United Kingdom is restricted. Argentine prices are firm and tho market maintains a heavy undertone. There Is a large surplus this season, but, due to lateness of the season, early de liveries will be light. Further business wlth America Is reported. There Is a heavier tone In oats in the United King dom for both imported and domestic." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Bar. Fir. Oats. Hay. Portland. Tuesday 14 ... 12 ... Tear ago T ... 7 2 8esson to date...78!8 174 3984 441 2071 Tear ago 7183 1031 25UI 682 8054 Tacoma. Monday. 20 1 20 . . . 1 Tear ago 18 2 Season to date... 6624 93 3047 175 813 Year ago 6295 34 ... 104 1207 Seattle, Monday. 25 1 14 ... 5 Tear ago 1 ... 6 Season to date... 8911 243 1088 643 1163 Year ago 5286 74 1225 532 2543 EASTERN FLOCB IS STKADILY RISING Market Follows Upward Course of Wheat Prices Buying Is Small. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., May 4. (Spo- olaL) The Northwestern Miller's Weekly Bevlew of the flour trade says: "With cash wheat selling at 32.90 to $3.35 per bushel flour prices have gone Bteadily upward and patents now average from S13 per barrel for soft winters to $15.50 for springs. There Is. considerable inquiry from buyers, but purchases are mostly small and for immediate needs Transportation difficulties are preventing many mills from either getting wheat or shipping flour. "Absolute uncertainty as to the future course of wheat prices after the grain corporation goes out of business June 1 is making everybody cautious, but much is boped from the conference called by tho wheat director for Friday. There is considerable fear of a scramble by for eign government buying agencies for American wheat. - - - -The output continues about the same. Kansas and Oklahoma hard winter wheat mills reporting an output last week amounting to 49 per cent of capacity, the Ohio valley soft winter wheat mills 28 per cent and the spring wheat mills 38 per cent." MOM AIR MARKET IS MOKE ACTIVE I-rlce Will Be Established When First Fool Sales Are Held. Mohair Is moving more freely this week. Phearlng Is well toward completion and stocks are accumulating at country points. The present price is 40 cents to the grower, but the market will not be fully established until the pool sales are held. The first sale scheduled will be at Dallas on May 10. It Is reported that a pool is being formed at Eddyvtlle and it is prob able there will be pool sales at Browns ville, Lebanon. Scio and Corvallls. It is pointed out by the buyers that If early notifications were given of coming sales, it would be to the advantage of growers by providing more competition. 73; rolled oats. 7071; scratch feed. CORN Whole. $75076; cracked. $77 78 per ton. HAT Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $34;, cheat. $23; valley timothy. $31. . ' Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 55c per pound; Prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, 58o per pound; cartons. 69c: half boxes c more; less than half boxes lc more; I butterfat. No. 1, 56 57c per pound at sta tions: Portland delivery. 58c. cirtiB joooing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, case count. 4J.C; candled, 42c; select. 44c. unwais Tillamook. I. a. b. xinamooa: Triplets, 32c; Young America. 83c; long- noma, 33c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Paint: Triplets. 81c: Young Americas. 82 c per pound. ruui-TKl Hens, zsspttzc; orotiers, aap 40c; ducks, 4c; geese, nominal; turkeys. nominal. VEAL Fancy, 21c per pound. PORK Fancy, 22 Vic per pound. Fruit and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $4.508; lemons. $5.506.25 per box; grapefruit, $3.508 per box; bananas, 10 11c per pound; ap ples, $1.504 per box; strawberries, $5 5.50 per crate. VEGETABLES Cabbsge. e pound; lettuce. $4 per crate; cucumbers, $1.253 per dozen; carrots, $3.50 per sack; celery, $1.602 per dosen; horseradish. 25c per pound; garlic, 0?0c per crate; tomatoes. $5.50 per box; parsnips. 4c per pound; artichokes, $11.25 per dozen; spinach, 8 9c per pound; rhubarb. 4HJ3g Dr Dound: neas. 14(17iic per round: as paragus, 14c per pound; cauliflower, $20 2.50 per crate. POTATOES Oregon. $8- per sack:. Takimaa, $8.50: new California, 13 V 2 14c per pound: sweet, jzc per pouna. ONIONS Oregon. J 7 60 per sack; Austra lian browns, $7.50 per sack; Crystal wax, $5 per crate; yellow Bermudas, $4.25 per orate. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane granulated. 24 lie per pound, extra C, 23.85c; golden C, 23 c; yellow , 23.65c; cubes, in barrels, 25.10c. NUTS Walnuts, 26 38c; Brazil nuts. 35c; filberts, 35c; almonds. 38&38Vfcc; pea nuts, 1616V&c; cocoanuts, $2 per dozen. SALT Half around. 100s. $17.25 per ton; 50s. $18.75 per ton; dairy, $27.25 per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 15c per pound. BEANS Small white. I4c: large white, 7c; pink, 15c; lima, 13c per pound; COFFEE Roasted. In drums, au'ecuc. bayous, 11 Vic; Mexican reds. 10c per pound. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, 39W43C; skinned, 87 44c: picnic, 25o; cottage, 35c. LARD Tierce basis. 24c; compound. 25c per pound. DRY salt snort clear packs, 232n per pound; plates, 23c. BACON Fancy. 45a55c; standard. 84 9 44c per pound. Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salt bides, under 45 Ibe.. 22c; green hides, under 45 lbs., 20c; salt hides, over 45 lbs., 18c; green hides, over 45 lbs.. 16c: green or salt calf, to 15 lbs., BOc; green or salt kip, 15 to 30 lbs.. 28c: salt bulls. 14c; green bulls. 12c; dry hides. 30c; rirv salt hides. 24c: dry calf under 7 lbs.. 55c; Salt liorse, large. $7: salt horse, medium. $6; salt horse, small. $5. PELTS Dry pelts, fine long wool, 85c; dry pelts, medium long wool, 30c; dry pelts, coarse long wool, 25c; salt pelts, long wool. April take-off. $8 to $4. Hops, Wool, Etc. HOPS 1919 crop, $1 per pound; 1920 contracts, 75c; three-year contracts, 45c average. MOHAIR Long staple, new clip. 40c IX WALL, STREET MARKET. Largest Part of Trading Is In In dependent Steels Further De cline In Liberty Bonds. NEW YORK. Mar 4 Probablv en the theory that the recent continuous reversal nad exceeded reasonable limits, the stock market today reversed Its cotfrse decidedly, recording a number of substantial gains. Trading was unusually llsht. the turn over being the smallest of any full ses sion or tne past fortnight. Save for freer offerings of call money at 8 per cent and later at 8, the factors which long had governed the market were not materially changed. The Industrial situation was even less encouraging as evidenced by the reported expansion of the New England textile workers' strike. Mora than a proportionate quota of the day's business was supplied by inde pendent steels. High grade rails were on or two points up at their best and secondary or speculative Issues one to three, but these aiso yielded to profit taking with motors, shipments and sugars at their close. Sales. 875,000 shares. Further weakness of liberty Issues, es pecially the 3 Vis at 89.30, representing a loss of 2 per cent, unsettled the general bond market. Total sales (par value). $13,675,000. Old United State bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. High. Low. Sale. Am Beet Bug. 1,400 94 93 93V4 Am Can 2,100 41. 41 41V Am Car A Fdy 90O 1333. 132 133 Am H A L ptd 1.9O0 100 98V4 99 Am Loco 4,500 95 V4 84. 95 Va Am 6m A Rfg 8,200 60 69 60V Am Sugar Rfg 1.600 130 . 129 V 1S0VA vj sura luu. . i,ouu OB Am Tel A Tel 1.40O 94 ?i Am Z L A Sm 300) 15 Anaconda Cop 2.800 67 Atchison .... 8,000 79 A O A W I S S 800 150V4 Baldwin Loco. 51,000 1194 Bait Ohio.. 8.300 83 V Beth Steel B. 64,600 95 B A S Copper 900 23 Calif Petrol .. GOO 81 V4 Canadian Pae. 600 117 Cent Leather. s,T00 72 Ches A Ohio.. 800 53 Chi M & St P 1.500 84 V Chi & N W .. 900 80 . Chi R I A Pac 21,000 33 Chino Copper. 500 32 V Col Fu A Iron 200 36 Corn Products 12.200 96 Vi Crucible Steel. 8,000 141 Cuba Cane Sug 8.40O 52 4,200 12 Vi 900 144 1.900 298 1.50O 75 2.UOO 30O 2,100 1,300 1,200 4,400 600 21.52; cables, 21.60; marks, demand, 1.T9; cables. 1.80; drach waa 8.68. Sterling- fell sharply In the lata deal ings. Sterling, 60-day bills, 3.80; com mercial. 60-day bills on banks, 3.80; com mercial 60-day bills, 8.80; demand, 8.8S; cables. 3.85. Government bonds, weak; railroad bonds, irregular. Time loans strong; all dates m. Call money strong. High 8; low 6: rul ing rate 8; closing bid 8; offered at 7: last loan 6. Bank acceptances, 6 per cent. Bar silver, $1.00 V. Mexican dollars, 82c. LONDON, May 4. Bar silver, 64d per ounce. Money 4H per cent. Discount rates, short bills. 6 per cent. Three-month bills. 6 per cent. Swift Co. Stocks, Closing prices of Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 113 Llbby. McNeill Llbby 29 National Leather 12 Swift International 88 Standard Oil Dividend Declared. SAN FRANCISCO. May 4. Tne regular uarterly dividend of $2.50 a share, to gether with an extra dividend of $1 a share, was declared on Its outstanding stock today by the Standard Oil Company of California. The dividends are payable on June 15. May.. July. . depend upon developments in railroad I Sent. . circles. It waa strongly Intimated to-1 day that an early settlement of the ex-1 May.. whins iauw oiixicuities is to oe expected. July.. uu neavy Duying, credited to cover ing by eastern interests, advanced orices sharply immediately after the opening. w earner conditions were not exactly fav orable in that temperatures were too low. but clearer sklea have permitted the pro motion of seeding operations and numer ous advices reported seeding now nearly completed. A substantial setback seems more than likely based on technical con ditions alone, after which it will bo large ly a question of transportation. Loading futures ranged as follows: May. . July. . Sept. . July. . CORN CLIMB CONTINUES SMAIX OFFERINGS AND SHORT COVERING LIFT PRICES. 35 85 52 85 19 70H 28 EGO BUYING PRICE IS RAISED Dealers Offer 41 Cents to Country Ship persButter Is Steady. Kggs were firm and higher yesterday, with a good outside shipping demand. Buyers sent bids of 41 cents delivered to country shippers. The butter market was steady at pre vious quotations. There was evidently a wide spread in the quality of the cubes offered. Judging from the prices asked. The best grades were held at 54355 cents. Poultry was weak, particularly light hens, which sold down to 28 cents. Heavy bens brought 32 cents. Broilers moved at S5Qy40 cents. Dressed meats were un changed. Trading Small In Hide Market. While hide prices are unchanged, trad tng is almost at a standstill. Tanners largely withdrew from the market some time ago, and they have not yet resumed buying. The reasons given for their in activity were the financial situation and the probability of tannery strikes the first of this month,, when the wage agree ments expired. No word has been received yet of labor troubles on this scoi'e. Increase in Week's Shipments. Wheat shipments for the past and for mer weeks were: Wk. end. Wk. end. Wt end. Mav 1 Anrll 24 Vnv 3.1fl TT.' B. A Can. 2,710,000 2,230,000 12,335.000 Argentina... 7,977,000 7,783.000 1,125,000 Australia.... 733.000 656,000 936.000 Total 11.423.000 10.669.000 14.398.000 snipments for the season to date com para as follows: Total since Same period JulV 1-19. last TT. S. and Canada. .245.788,000 275,325 000 Argentina 18o.084.0n0 71 575 000 Australia 82.083,000 48.432!oOO India 120,000 6,461,000 Total . .808,975.000 400.793,000 Sngar Advance Is in Effect. New sugar prices went into effect in the local Jobbing market yesterday, based oa 2sV cents for cane granulated. An advance of 25 cents in a leading western brand of condensed milk was an nounced. Bank Clearings. Bank cleartags of the northwestern cities yesterday wre as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $5,876,290 $ 970.586 Seattle 7,047,491 1,240.581 Tacoma 1.018,797 ' 1A0.561 Spokane 1.732.29 2 487.410 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Floor, Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Bid- Oats May. Ko. 3 white feed $6.75 Barley No. 3 blue 66.75 Standard feed .............. 65.50 Corn Ko. 3 yellow 69.50 Eastern grain, bulk: . Corn pound. TALLOW No. 1, 11 12c; No. 2. 10c per pound. CASCARA BARK Per pound, old peel, llVic; new peel, 10c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 40 & 60c; valley, medium, 60c per pound. GRAIN BAGS Car lots. 21c, coast. Oils. LINSEED OIL t Raw, barrels. $1.98; raw drums, $2.05; raw, cases, $2.13; boiled, barrels, $2; boiled, drums, $2.07; boiled, cases, $2.15. TURPENTINE Tanks, $2.46; cases, 2COAL OIL Iron barrels. 1-4 V 17c; cases. 27 34c. GASOLINE Iron barrels. 27c; tank wagons, 27c: cases, 39Vc. FUEL OIL IJUIK, i w per uwici. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc.. at Bay City. ban FRANCISCO. May 4. Butter iwir. rrade. C6fec: extra, firsts, normal. Secern Fresh extras. 4oc; firsts, normal. pullets, 41 He: undersized. 34c Cheese Old style California nats, tancy, 25 Vic: firsts. 23c: Young America, 28 c. Poultry Hens. large. 42B!4Jc: smau, 36&3SC; strictly youna roosters. oasc for good; old. 1719c: .fryers. soaoJc, K-n,-. I,.,... 44&46c: small. 3c: geese, per pound. 3032c; ducks, 2931c; Belgian i dozen, as to size: pigeons, per dozen, $2.603: squabs, 5058c per pound. Vegetables neans. J'uiinini ,iij. 14&?17c per pound; bell peppers per pound. large. 3540c; small. 715c. Squash, summer squash, per crate. $1.2o 1 75: Italian squash, $1.501.75. Tomatoes. Mexican, fancy. $3.5O64.50 per 30-pound lug: Imperial. $3.253.50. Potatoes, rivers. $7.50 7775 per cental; plow outs, $6.50 7; netted gems, $7.507.75; new potatoes, garnets. 7Vj8c; white. 7Vi,8V4c per pound; Turiock sweets, wiw. mhuh Kmwn cARr.n nn Ktrent: Imperial Ber muda, 6 7c per pound; crystal white. 7Sc per pound: cucumDers, notnouse. per box. Garlic. 3035c per pound. Artichokes. $4 6 per large crate. Tumlos. 1 7Kt carrots. 81.25 lfi 1.50: beets. $2.20 2.75 per sack; lettuce. $!&.!. SO. Asparagus, 7&9c: fancy graded. iuwi-c; green asparagus, 35c; green onions, $1&1.25 per box; celery, per crate.; egg plant, Los Angeles. 10l'5c per pound, p'l-tiit O-ranees. navel. $36(7 according to size; Valencia. $4.508; lemons, $3.25 6; grapefruit. $2.5003.50. Bananas, cen tral American, 9lic: Hawaiian. 10S12C per pound; pineapples, $3&5 per dozen. Apples. Newtown Pippins, 3V tier. $3 3.25; 3-tler. $2.753; 4-tier. $2.502.7o. Rhubarb, $1.251.50: strawberries. Penin sula and Watsonvllle. 75cef$l: loquats. 510c; avocadoea, per dozen. $48 for large. Apricots. $6 per crate. Receipts Flour, 1780 quarters: wheat, 2R2 centals; barley, 182 centals; oats. 12O0 centals: beans, 93 sacks; bay, 390 tons; eggs. 35,880 dozen; hides, 250 rolls; livestock. 46 head. 1 Grain at San Francisco. SAM . FRANCISCO. May 4. Grain Wheat. $3,66 2-8 per cental: oats, red, $3.103.15; barley, feed, $33.10; corn, California yellow, $3.25 3 50: rye, nominal. Hay Fancy wheat hay. light, five-wire bales. $3841 per ton; No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat hay, $3538; No. 2, $330 35; choice tame oat hay, $3740; other tame oat hay, $3337; barley hay, nom inal; alfalfa hay, $3237; stock hay, $299 32; Oregon wheat and oat mixed, $29l032; No. 1 barley straw, 70c ($1 per bale. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. Wash., May 4. City delivery: Feed, mill, $49 per ton; scratch feed, $88; feed wheat, $96; all-grain chop, $78; oats, $76; sprouting oats, $80: rolled oats, $76; whole corn, $79; cracked corn, $81; rolled barley, $76: clipped barley, $81. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed. $45 per ton; double compressed. $o0; alfalfa, $43; straw, $18: Puget sound, $38. U S Fd Prods. Erie Gen Electric. Gen Motors . . Gt No pfd Gt No Ore ctfs Illinois Central Insplr Copper. Int M M pfd.. Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper .. K C Southern. Kennecott Coo 2.500 Louis A Nash. 300 101 Mexican fetroi 7,uuu lio .Miami Copper 700 Mldvale Steel. 8.300 Missouri Pac 8.60O Montana Pow. 100 Nevada Cop.. 300 N T Central.. 8,200 X T N H & H 7.500 Northern Pac. 1,200 Pan-Am Pet.. 27,700 Pennsylvania.. 8,000 Pitts A W Va. 200 Pittsburg Coal 500 Ray Con Cop. w Reading 37.200 KeD lr Sfc Bteel Shat Ariz Cop 300 S C Oil & Rfg 18.300 Southern Pac. 15.500 Southern Ry.. 4.400 Studebaker Co 36.500 108 Texas Co 15,000 47 Tobacco Prods 1.500 47- Union Pacific. 2.80O 118 Untd Retl Strs 16.200 71 U S Ind Alco. 6,900 85 U S Steel 63.300 95 do pfd 800 107 Utah Copper.. 1,600 68 Western Union 300 85 Westing Elect 800 49 Wlllys-Overlnd 13,500 18 Mtttlrtnnl Lead 80 Ohio Cits Gas 2,400 40 Royal Dutch 21 46 24 63 13 71 29 75 96 41 81 69 17 87 96 9 86 96 21 88 94 13 67 77 148 116 32 93 22 81 117 71 62 83 80 82 31 86 95 135 50 62 12 J4 289 74 35 85 52 84 19 63 13 27 V 101 172 21 44 23 63 1S 70 28 74 95 40 80 68 17 87 94 9 35 94 20 106 43 46 116 68 83 94 107 67 V 85 48 17 7R 39 113 88 94 13 67 78 148 116 33 94 22 31 117 71 83 83 80 32 31 S8 95 137 50 64 12 143 289 74 35 85 52 84 19 69 Vi 14 27 101 173 21 45 24 63 13 71 28 74 40', 59 17 87 94 86 95 21 46 46 117 69 S4 94 107 68 8.1 49 18 HO 40 113 15.000 116 BONDS. rr n T.ih 89.401 Anrlo-Fr. 6s... 98 An 1st 4s 84.S0lAm TAT cv 6s 94 do 2d 4s. . . ,.84.80lAtchen gen 4s.. 71 il 1t 4Us 85.58 DtR G cons. 4s 69 do 2d 4s... 85.04. N Y C deb 6s.. 87 rio Sd 4ti s. ..BO.lOiNor Pac. 4s... 70 do 4th 4s. . -85.62(Nor Pac. 5s... 80 Vlntnrv 34is 96.24IPSC. TAT OS. . 82 do 4s 96.26JPen con 4s 84 U S 2s reg "lOlte Sou Pac cv 6s. 89 U S 2s coup. .101 Sou Ry 6s 78 U S 4s reg 106Unlon Pac 4s.. 79 U S cv 4s cou. -iobu a ateei os.. sa Pan. 8s reg 80 Pan. 3s coup . . 80 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, May 4. Closing quotations Allouez 30 Cal. & Ariz. ... 60 Cal. & Hecla ..325 Centennial .... 12 3op. Rg Con Co. 89 Franklin 2 isle Roy cop. . . 20 Mohawk 61 isortn utte Old Dominion Osceola 43 Quincy 65 Superior S sup ; Boston M 4 Shannon ....... 1 Utah Cons 6 v oivenne ..... I n Granby Cons. . . 40 18 Green Cananea. 30 28 Money Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. May 4. Mercantile paper, Exchange strong. Sterling, 60-day bills, 3.82; commercial, 60-day bills on banks, o.o-s; commercial, ou-aay Dills 3.81; d mand, 3.86; cables. 3.87. Francs, de hand. 16.42: cablea. 14.40: Rrlrian r,.n demand. 15.36; cables, 15.34; guilders, de in. im. .o..; caDies, aofe; lire, demand PAYMENTS monthly buys otifricht mrv stock or bond. rXttxhasmr secures mil diviehndA vaaiott cur sptcatty. Writ fbrsihettd list and Ml particulars - FREE. CHAPLES E.VAN RIPER temtwr Cor.ftGlirfot.J Stock CehwiM SOBWOAD ST. N rwvop kT Only Moderate Selling by Bulla to Realize Profit Oat Bought Heavily for Kxport. CHICAGO. Mar 4. Nw Tilrh prie records continued to be mad today by raders In corn and oats. Scarcity of of ferings together with uneasiness -ton the part of shorts did a rood deal to force values upward. Corn closed nervous, 1 o 3Vc net hirher, with July l,o9 C9 1.70. and September $1.81 (91.62. Oats rallied to 24 c. In provisions the out come varied from 20c decline to 12 c advance. About the only sellinr of corn durlnc most of the session came from, bulls who wished to realise profits, but with the markat almost Incessantly pom tins; up ward the majority of the longs were con tent to hold tight. In oats the feature was big purchas ing of July and September deliveriei supposedly for an eastern exporter. Weakness in hog values depressed pro visions, but the effect was largely, coun ter-balanced through the strength of grain. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeck A. Cooke company of Portland said: Corn After reaching new high figures. the market became erratic and fluctuat ed In an Irregular manner until Just be fore the close, when pressure subsided and the market rebounded to the high point, closing at the best of the day. Short covering has been indulged in" very extensively the past few days, and not withstanding the firm appearance or the market at the close, there is little doubt but that the tech leal position has been materially weakened, leaving the market susceptible to bearish news Items. For the Immediate future a great aeai will Province of Saskatchewan Dominion of Canada Four-year Gold Bonds to yield 30 Open. SI. 79 1.60 1H CORN. Hlah. SI. S3 1.70 1.62 OATS. .9.1 Low. Close. SI-79 SL82 1.68 1.69 1.60 1.61 .1 ,4 2i .77 .78 .77 MESS PORK. S&60 36' 60 36.35 LARD. 19.50 19.80 19.80 2O40 20.70 20.40 SHORT RIBS. May. July. 18.85 18.45 18.25 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 1 mixed. S2.95. Corn No. 8 mixed. Sl.8701.89 yellow, $1.06. Oats No. 2 white. S1.181.17: No. 3 white. 1 101.16. Rye No. 2, S2.17. Barley 1.76 fa, 1.8 7. Timothy seed $10(S11.50. Clover seed $25&35. , Pork Nominal. Lard S19.75. Rlhs $12.75018. .78 ! 84.80 ' 36.50 S. K ! l!!l!siHlii;iiili!i!!lii!!, Jl : No. 2 ' , (1 ! 17.45 18.45 OLD ROOFS CAN BE SAVED 1 Your neighbors make badly worn roofs corns to life anl last many years longer by applying COATUICi ItresaturatesanolddriedKjritroof. It contains penetrating preservative oils that soak into the dry crust and dry fabric and soften it, give it new elasticity, body and toughness. The Asbestos fibre and the genuine Carey Asphalt fill up the pores, add new body and seal the surface air-tight. That's why this is the best coating you can buy. That's why Fibre Coated roofs last so many more years that the coating is paid for over and over again. Don't wait till your roof is all gone. ' We aeTT it in oaraa or barwvtm. ASPHALT ylSsSEaSTlslS MAGNESIA A. Jm4W Eomry Building PACIFIC ASBESTOS & SUPPLY COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS 67 and 69 First Street, PORTLAND, ORE. 4V-2S Four-year 6s at 95.56 Due May 1, 1924 Payable in U. S. Gold Coin Wire orders "collect Freeman sesess nsea S FAITH Sl K.BTM.f .TI . M BASK llM j. S BUS S4S Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 4. Barley. j1.76. Flax No. 1, $4.674.77. $1.45 Dnlntb Linseed Market. PTJLTJTH. May 4. Linseed. $4.67 ''M. 72. June. $67.00 6.0 65.00 Position Wanted Have had several years' ex perience as foreman and super intendent in eastern factory. Understand production and cost systems. Willing- to' consider any position in which there is an opportunity for advance ment. AC 348, OREGOXIAJT. Owing to Market Conditions UADD S.T1LTON bonds of the Canadian Provr inces may be purchased to day to better advantage than ever before. These securities, backed by the enormous re sources of the Provincial governments, are safe investments, which at present low prices yield a high return. Principal and interest on all these issues payable in gold coin in the United States. We own and recommend for investment: PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN 6's Due May 1, 1924 Price: 95.56 To yield 7.30 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA 5's Due April 15, 1923 Price: 94.03 To Yield 7.25 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 6's Due April 15, 1925 Price: 95 To Yield 7.20 4 BOND DEPARTMENT LADD '& TILTON BANK Oldest in the Northwest 1EMBER"- LFEDERAL RESE .SYSTEM . Washington and Third May Investment Opportunities THESE securities are selected from our May purchase sheet, which lists or de scribes seventy-five issues of bonds, short term notes and preferred stocks, all yielding at present prices an unusually high rate. Tlrldina- Issae Maturities About ' Two Rector St. Corp. 1st Mtg. 6s ....Apr. 1, 1935- 6.00 Illinois Central Ref. 4s Nov. 1, 1955 6.33 New Orleans &N.E. 4 '2s Jan. 1, 1952 6.47 Pennsylvania RR. Co.Sec7sApr. 1,-1930 6.88 Virginian Ry. Equip. Trust 6s Apr. 1, 1921-26 7.00 Am. Public Service Co. 6s Dec. 1, 1942 7.26 Kingdom of Norway 6s Feb. 1, 1923 7.60 Public Utilities Co. (Evans- ville, Ind.) 6s Jan. 1, 1929 7.73 Motor Corp. 1st Preferred Stock 8.00 Monon'hela VaL Trac Co. 7s. July 1, 1923 8.25 Japanese Government 4s.... Jan. 1, 1931 10.00 Our municipal offerings now include issues of more than fifty different municipalities in nine teen separate states, with a wide choice of maturi ties at prices yielding from 4.90 to 6. We recommend these attractive securities for investment. Send for oar May circular , mailed on request for OR-302 The National City Company Correspondent offices in more than SO cities, s Portland Yeen Building Telephone Main 6072 A National Investment Service Ira tV!nt, ri'u...iiiM - ill! ! !&!!!! iniuMiiiujiiiimsuji limit nun i r Two Splendid Canadian Offerings Free from all Dominion Government Taxation. Principal and semi-annual interest payable in U. S. Gold Coin in Ne York or at quarters of Morris Brdthers, Inc. " S45.000 GREATER WINNIPEG Gold Bonds to yield 72 Rate 5 to 6 Per Cent. Maturities 1922 to 1923 Prices 93.90 to 95.85 .and Interest. Denomination $1000. S225.0O0 CITY OF EDMONTON Gold Bonds -to yield 72 Rate Per Cent. Maturity 192S. Price 86.68 and Interest. Denomination $1000. -TIMPKG ISSCE The Greater Winnipeg Water District comprises the ' J;y ?r Winnipeg and its Important suburbs, area over 91 square miles. Winnipeg: is the capital of the province of Manitoba, the third largest city of Canada, with a population of over 220,000. Net debt of this dia trlct is less than 4 per cent of assessed valuation. EDMOTO ISSCE Edmonton is the capital of the province of Alberta has a population of over 60.000: is served bv three trans-continental rail roads, and is one of the most substantial cities of Canada. Assessed vo-.ukiwii iui liutes over SU tinllirni Telegraphic Orders May Be Placed at Our Ersesn. LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If too must sell roar I.lhertT or Victory bonds, sell to m. If you ran buy more I.ibrrtv or Victory bonds, buy from us. , 0lJ,May 120. the closing New York market prices were as riven be- 1w- rney are the EovernlnK prices for Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and the hichest. We advertise these prices daily in order that you may .'"'" !low, the iew York market and the exact value of your Liberty and victory lionds: 1st Market... (81)34 Interest... l.Oti 1st 2d 4s 4s S4.30 SS4.S0 1.35 l.SS 1st 4V.S I S3 SO i.e.-: 2d d 4th V 1 c t o r htB Mm 4is Sis 4"is JS.VCVO Jbll.10 (86.62 196.22 193 20 2.00 .50 .23 1.45 1.84 Total $90.40 J85.85 JS6.6S $S7.15 $87.00 tS9.6 $8o.S5 I9T.8T $98.04 'When buying we deduct 37c on a $50 bond and $2.30 on a 11000 bond. Ws ell at the Nnw lork market, plus the accrued Interest. Burglar aud 1 lreproof bale Deposit ktoxea for Beat. Open until g P. M. on Saturdays. M I CasHTAL 1 OhcMhwon orris Brothers ins ne 7remierQMumcipa! Sond'House Morris Bide.. 309-311 Stark fit. bet. Fifth and Sixth. Telephone Broadway 215X ESTAftu&MtO I Oven QuAHTta I CcNTuav f 0 Province of Saskatchewan Comprising: an area four times that of France, with a population of three quarters of a million people and wealth assessed at more than a bil- , lion is security for this issue. 4-YEAR 6 GOLD BONDS PRICE 95.56 YIELD 7.30 Principal and interest payable in U. S. Gold Coin. Our May Investment List will be sent you on request meii43mCo. Under- SiarvlsloiuOrooa siaieBamhinOepsdmmt, BONDS TRUSTS ACCEPTANCES . Lumber "iens Bldg .isssmimMsy Pacific Gas and Electric Company 5 YEAR, 7 CONVERTIBLE GOLD NOTES Due: May 1, 1920 Denominations: $1000, $500 These Notes, convertible into Common or Preferred Stock of the company, are the direct obligations of the third largest con cern of its kind in the United States. The company operates in thirty-three counties in California, having an estimated population of 1,850,000. This issue secured by collateral which the company agrees to maintain at market value of at least 115 of this issue. PRICE 97 Vs TO YIELD 7.70 BlYTri WiTTER & Col ' UNITED SEMES GOVERNMEUT MUNICIPAL AUD CORPORATION BOOTS - YEON BLG. PORTLAND a Main 8304. d San Francisco Seattle New York Los Angeles ifiiHIIiVi '"L"-'"'-lJ MM''a-Ts'!riisxsm.'m..wwm-.l,.aLlli ,,-,j.s.muumw e $25,000 0 Province of Manitoba 6 GOLD BONDS Dated: April 1, 120. Due: April 1, 1925. Semi-annual interest, payable in GOLD in New York City. Price 94.64 to Yield 7-30 JSE BUTLT SQ1 Qarstens Jarles, Incorporated Est. 1891. Government, Municipal & Corporation Bonds Third Floor U. S. Bank Bldg. Telephone: Broadway 4108 "THE HOUSE BUTLT SQUARE" Ko. S yellow 70.60 69X i