20 THE MORNING OKEGOXTAN, "WEDNESDAY, 31 AY o, 1920 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY DIAMONDS. We buy diamonds tor cash. At the highest possible price. See us tf uu want to sell. Pawn tickets bought, jewelry, Gold, silver, precious stones. We pay what your diamonds Are worth. Spot cash. Any amount. No disappointment. Business strictly confidential. Private offices foi ladie. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Licensed by the City. 400 Spalding B.dg., 4th Floor. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I FAY SPOT CASH ANU THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LA KG S FOR ME TO HANDLE. 1 AM COM MISSIONED B t A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY - ALL THE DIA M ON DS OFFERED. M Y LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. '340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. WAR BONDS BOUGHT. VICTORY BONDS. We buy your war bonds- and -victory bonus for cash at a basis of latest N. Y. Stock Exchange quotations. Brine or mail. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 405 Spalding Bidg.. 4th Floor. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND teUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR, He pays more than anyone in the city for suit.-, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. S.50 UP TO 125. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HHJHKST CASH PRICE FOU MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOAT. S SHOES. ETC B ROA VV A Y 3032. 245 BU RNS1DE BETWEEN 2D AND I'D. CALL .ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE F U RS. FU RS. FU RS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use l,a France fur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. I. 1' UANCE. FUR M KG. CO.. 163 W. Park, bet. Morrison and Yamhill Main 6520. WANT KD Dump wagons. Marshall 1333, n wk for M r. Myers. Leave phone No. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rug's. carpets, etoves and all Household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWART3 & FURNITURE CO., 221-223-225 Front St. MARSHALL 098L GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL. 5081. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 102 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 300. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. ASK FOR MR, ORMANDY. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS, . IsTOVES. ETC.. TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for name and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2 OS First St. Main 7728. WE WANT your furniture, carpets, rugs, bod ding, etc.. to furnish a 50-room apt. Will pay more than dealers. Call us immediately and we will convince on the price we pay. Day, phone. Main 738; evenir.gs. Mar. 34 S I. THE St. Johns Furniture Co. will reopen for business A pril 15. We are in the market for all kinds of used household xoods and will pay highest cash price, i'hone Col. 721. CALL MAIN SS7S. Wc pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S7S. X WANT used furniture; casn will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a bouse full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 26M3. Crown. "WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First, sc. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household, goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main 5064. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED First-clai-s painters and kai Bo rn iners at 350 Williams ave., W. M. Smith Co. WANTED -Steady married man to drive Ford truck ; must know city. Cail 65 Union ave. N. TRUCK driver for 3-ton White truck; ex perienced man; must know the city. A n p I y 334 Front. 7:30. TEN laborers for work in city. $5 for S Hours; pay every 2 weeks; steady work. Call at 270 Burnside st. BOOK KEEPER Good future for man with ability; credit experience preferred. Answer fully. A J 3S0. Oregon ian. WANTED Experienced dishwasher. Ap ply The Chef, before noon. 00 Broad day. WANTED Hula Hula dancers, diving girls; circus acts of all kinds. 812 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 88. BUSINESS chance, office starting, opciv ing for hustler on percentage. AK 345, Ot egonian. BOYS w anted in the manufacturing de partment. Vogan Candy Co., East 11th and Flanders. 1 EN wanted in the manufacturing de partment. Vogan Candy Co., East 11th and Flanders. "W A NTED ON E AIR TRIM M ER M A N M 1ST BE Al. $7.50 FOR 8 HOURS. CALL 37 N. SECOND. BOY for odd jobs around warehouse. Ap ply Aluminum Cookijig Utensil Co., cor. 15ih and Irving mj. FIRST-CLASS boy over 3 6 to help about i arm $-10 per month and board. 2"o Aider st. A GOOD proposition for a live real estate salesman; must have car and know conn try. Soe Garland, 2ul 3d st. WILL tto 1 business course in Alexandra Hamilton institute at sacrilice; new. BD MAN with tools to fall 1 tree and cut Id inch and split 3 more and clean up lot. East SI 7 4. W A N'T ED Old-time cla v modeler v i rli outfit to travel with carnival. Call 812 liimra oi i raae DHig. CARPENTER and painting laborer for equity in good lot. 900 Chamber of Commerce bids. SHIP carpenters wanted. Portland Ship building Co., foot of Nebraska tt. WANTED Glass blower to travel with carnival. I'all M2 Board of Trade. JANITOR for the Rainier hotel. 12S X 6th. NON-UNION barber wanted; salary $20 guarantee. i -a st. WAN TED Strong, willing boy, 16 or over. Apply 3S2 Stark st. LUMBER and lot? haul; requires two trucks. Call at 3S ;;d st. WA NTED A man to do chores a round hoiel. 1751 D-rhy at. Phone Wdln. 2!15. WANTED A coatmaker. Apply Turley & Turiey. 400 Failing bldg. NON-UNION barber wanted, steady job, $20 guaranteed. 205 Morrison st. HELP WANTED MALE. AIEN WANTED FOR RAILROAD TARD SERVICE. WAGES 64 CENTS AN HOUR. EIGHT HOURS' WORK A DAY. 96 CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDITIONAL HOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS A DAY. BOARD AND LODGING PLACES WILL BE ARRANGED FOR STRIKE CONDITIONS, BUT STRIKE DE NOUNCED BY RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED; PRO TECTION ASSURED. PERMANENT PLACES FOR GOOD APPLY TO A. T. MERCIER. SUPER INTENDENT, ROOM 32. SECOND FLOOR, UNION STATION. PORTLAND, OR. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPAN1 $300 TO 500 A MONTH! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if yuw take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't It? Write for our $1 68-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 18.28V YOUNG MEN have, fn the past 10 years, been assisted In finding positions through the Portland Y. AL C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Employers naturally turn to the "Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men In clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment serre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. CARRIER wanted for one of the best routes on ine west side; o minutes walk from this office. Apply City Circula tion. Dept., 203 Oregonian bldg. THE Meier & Frank company require the services of an experienced picture framer. Apply Employment Bureau, tith floor, Meier & Frank Co. Out-of-town applicants please write, stating experience In first letter. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is su pervised by leading automobile and trac tor men of Portland. Students do prac tical repair work. Free tuition t o ex service men. clip this ad. Send it or vo-.i unite fio. m. j. a. ouiiaing. LABORERS wanted for out-of-town worn, good chance of advancement; company stands good for board and room until payday; pays time and a half on Sunday work ; free fare from Port land to job. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg., between Ankeny and Burnside on Sixth st. LUMBER STENOGRAPHER at sawmill town in Washington; must be rapid, ac curate and thoroughly capable in sales department work; good future for party who is reliable and will stick; young married man preferred; state experience, past connections, age and salary wanted. Replies confidential. AV 674, Oregonian. WANTED Ex-service men as musicians inree cornet players, three trombone players, three clarinet players and three altos. Communicate with American Le gion Post No. 37. Montesano, Wash. WANTED 10 good men for inside labor. steady work, wages $4.25 for 8 hours; married men living at Kenton preferred. Apply in person at Coast Culvert & Flume Co., Columbia blvd. and Derby st. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. OFFICE CLERK Young man, good writ er ana quick at tigures. State salary expected and phone number. BD 353, Oregonian. BARBER wanted in good live town. 50 miles from Portland : good guarantee. Particulars at Jacob Miller Barber Sup ply Co.. 232 3d st. WANTED Names men, over 1 7. wishing become U. S. government railway mail clerks; J110-J150 month. AV 562, Ore gonian. BAKERS WANTED Experienced all round bakers and helpers. Highest wages paid. Apply Royal Baking and Confec tionery Co.. 11th and Everett sta. WANTED Two experienced janitors and one dishwasher. Apply after 11 A, M. 348 Alder st. 1000 CORDS of wood to give away, 2 miles to railroad. Fred Meier, Aurora, Or.. H- 3. WANTED Men who shave themselves to let the Owl barbers cut your hair; chil dren a specialty. 209 3d st. WANTED Printer-operator, country shop: stati experience and wages wanted. AV 720. Oregonian. BARBER WANTED Steady. Must be first-class; 28 guar. ; good over money. C. F. Thomas. Wallowa, Or. Box 18. WANTED Good shoe repair man. light work, wages $6 per day. By W. M. Hayes, Grants Pass, Or. WANTED Colored dishwasher and cook's helper. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room. 5bl Salmon st. A SPLENDID opportunity for a Jive mag azine and bookman. Call any afternoon this week. 20S Lumber Exchange bldg. GOOD ad man can find permanent job on Washingtonian. Hoquiam, Wash.; mora ing daily; $7.50 for 7 Vj hours; union LEARN the vulcanizing business, write 158 E. Broadway. Call or WANTED Night watch at local hospital Tabor 202. BOY about 18 years old for factory work Apply American Box & Crate Mfg. Co. WANTED An all-around baker. Peerlcgs Bakery. Oregon City. Apply A-l MECHANICAL draughtsman to work evenings. N 171. Oregonian. WANTED A man to put in garden. 1751 Derby st. . WANTED Washman at once. Troy Laun dry, Nampa, Idaho. EXPERIENCED solicitor, good money for the right man. AB 314. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED doorkeeper for-prominent theater. AC 384. Oregonian. PAINTER wanted, 16 a day. Call East 54 So. WANTED Experienced Jap good wages. Edison Hotel. housebpy. OPERATING MILLWRIGHT. APPLY 20S BECK BLDG. - W A NT ED Man to deliver and work in grocery storp. ranor -ui. WANTED Experienced dishwasher. Ap ply to chef before 11 A. M. 348 Alder eL HELP WANTED MALE. SWITCHMEN WANTED. Men experienced in railroad yard work desiring employment should call at once or send names and addresses to super intendent Southern Pacific Co. Strike conditions prevail," but the strike la unauthorized and denounced by office of railroad brotherhoods. Apply to Mr. A. T. Mercier super intendent, room 32, second floor Union oiaiiuo, roniana, or. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE For Army and Navy Ex-service Men. Any ex-service man who is looking for work or who wishes to change his pres ent position is requested to register with this office. All our services are free of charge and we want to place the ex service men in positions most suited to their training. Any request for men by employers will be promptly filled. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 20 Beck Bldg.. Broadway and Oak. Bdwy. 1367. 600 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to quality as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanizers; only auto . mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers as auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier aL, Seattle. Wash. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job, or seeking a career 7 Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you ? The Y. M. C. A. advlsorv and em ployment dept. can assist , you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men; See one of the secretaries. Room 3C7. WANTED. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Clerk. Salary and commission; must be fa miliar with hiring loggers and milimen; good money to live w ire, STANDARD EMPLOYMENT CO., 927 and 929 2d t.. Sacramento, Cal. PRINTER-FOREMAN WANTED. The Malheur Enterprise at Vale wants a f irst-lass linotype oper ator, capable of caring for model 5 and setting good, clean string, willing and able to put one-third to one-half of his time on the floor as ad and job compositor. Man willing to work in small town and who understands necessary co-opera tio a required in country ahoy. WANTED A married man with small or no family, thoroughly practical in gen eral farming and commercial orchard work, to take charge of a 2o-acre mod ern apple orchard and small farm with some slock near Llyle, Wash. Applicant must be experienced, energetic and de pendable; he will be his own boss; will furnish modern home, cows, room for garden and chickens; position perma nent to right party; salary reasonable. In answering state age. experience and give references from people who know your ability in this line. T 117 Ore gonian. ARE YOU mechanically Inclined ? If so, ou can earn $10O to $300 a month in the auto and tractor business. We can teach you in a short time. .Practical work on up-to-date equipment, expert instructors, ideal working conditions; southern California, especially Los An geles, offers exceptional opportunities; you can earn board and room while at tending school. Write today for free catalogue. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 818 South Figueroa, Los An geles, Cal. SPINNERS WANTED CAN TAKE CARE OF FEW GOOD SPINNERS. EITHER NIGHT OR DAT WORK; GOOD WAGES. STEADT EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEED. APPLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. ST." JOHNS. EXPERIENCED truck driver with $500 to take part interest in suburban truck line and drive truck. Call Bdwy. 1758 be tween 5 and 6 P. M. WANTED Bakers and apprentices; open shop. Apply McDaniel 94 Spring sL. Seattle American Association of Crafts menand Workmcn. ABSTRACT clerks, competent to post In dexes, make chains of title or compile abstracts; city position with expanding business and opportunity to advance. State experience and salary expected. AG 492, Oregonian. BOYS FOR BOX FACTORY. Wanted, boys Tor night and day work in box factory. Not under 1C years old. ', Good wages to start. Apply in person. Multnomah Lbr. & Box Co., ft. of Ban erott st. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to East 20th, or phone East 8068. BAKERS AND BAKER'S HELPERS WANTED. CALL 71 THIRD ST. WANTED Four men for country sawmill ; houses for married men at the mill; good wages paid to experienced men. Moehnke Bros.. Hoff, Or. Route J. MAN wanted to buy 3V-ton truck and trailer with good log contract; can make $800 to $1000 per month. 372 East 37th st. Tabor 8338. W ANTED A barber at once: guarantee $2o, G5 per cent over $35. Mart Wiicox, Kelso. Wash. FIRST-CLASS baker hciper wanted. I cafeteria. 128 6th st. BOY wanted to learn trade. Apply 382 Stark street. HELP WANTED MA LE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. WANTED. Railroad laborers for ALASKA. For U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD under construction from Seward to Fair banks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG and SECTION MEN for MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wages $5 per day; board $1.50 day. Skilled men will be given opportuni ties in their line of. work whenever pos sible. STATION MEN', ATTENTION. Station work in the Broad Pass will be ready to let in the near future. Men accepting laborers 'jobs at this time will have opportunity to secure sta tion work later. For sailing dates and further informa tion apply to Public Employment bu reau, 311 Pine st., or ALASKAN ENGIN" RING COMMISSION. Room 301 New Postoffice Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 710 Wilcox Bldg., tith and Wash. Steno., lumber, out of town, $150. Steno.. railway, out of town, $117.' Gen. office man, city, ex p., $115. Typist, fast, exp., $110. Office elk., 18-21, good penman, $$5. Many Good Positions Open. TWO energetic neat single men by large eastern firm as salesmen in crew, work ing on coast; experience unnecessary as travel with sales manager. Here is that chance to be a specialty salesman; advancement; reference. See F S. Huff man, Oregon hotel 9 to 12. WANTED An experienced knitter as as sistant superintendent in mill making jerseys, sweaters and bathing suits, tplendid opportunity to advance. Write A lbert Kaye, room 702 Savoy hotel, Se attle, Wash. A FIRST-CLASS accountant who thor oughly understands bookkeeping, for the Auditing depai'tment Oaks Amusement Park. Apply at office at Oaks pmtk between 2 and 4 P. M. D. R. Ladd, treasurer. SECOND cook, $35 week; cook's hciper, $00 month; porter. $6' month; dish washers. 3; flunkeys. $60 month ; we want first-class chefs and cooks to reg ister w ith us, can get you a good posi tion. Lewes Employment. WANTED Party to log 70 acres of hem lock; this show lies directly on a tide water for mile; an easy proposition and could be logged with hures. Address A. E. Kinney, Hotel Benson; after to morrow write to Mohler. Or. TIMBER CRUISER I want a timber cruiser to do about a week's work on a tract of land adjoining city of Port land. Must be a good reliable man and understand cruising well. v For particu iars call Main teSO. YOUNG MAN FORV A UDE V 1 LLE WOK K. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. NORTHWESTERN AMUSEMENT EN TERPRISES. 201-02 R1VOL1 THEATER BUILDING. WANTED. an energetic young man with experience in retail grocery store ; must have experience in driving car. A-'all 700 Hawthorne, or East US9, after 6 P. M. EX PERI EN CED solicitors and delivery man for dry-cleaning and dyeing routes, none but hustlers need apply. Frank's Dry Cleaning Co., Union ave. and Weld ler st. WANTED Two good logging teams to work by the day or will contract the skidding of second-growth fir logs, good ground to work on and a long Job. 1. L. Smith, Phone 1404, Da lias, O r. WANTED Two teams with or without drivers, -for highway construction work out of town; transportation paid. Call Bdwy. 4862. GROCERY delivery man. must be steady, live at home, bring references required. Place permanent to right party. 80S E. Broadway. HEAD millwright; construction and oper ating; $9.50, 8 hours. 235 Burnside. FOUR young men, 18 to 20, to work in rubbing department in finishing room. Apply at once, Oregon Chair Co., 1190 Macadam at. Do not phone. THREE men to make cordwood, would like to get contract estimates. Address 807 E. Everett St., Portland. Phone Ta bor 2091. WANTED AT ONCE Fist-class, experl enced open-shop machinist for brass works. Apply 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED AT ONCE First-class, open shop, all-around machinists for work In the city. Apply 020 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak ets. SOLICITOR for house to house, can make $15 and up. working four or five hours; exclusive line ; virgin territory ; no com petit ton. BJ 460, Oregon i a n. WANTED A man to stay with sick man from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Phone Wood lawn 5001. WA NTED A platen press feeder. Cail room 9, 250 Oak st. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED. In the Portland district we have ter ritory where we can place at once a strictly high-grade salesman who has a record of well-demonstrated merchan dising ability over a period of several years. We manufacture WHIZ BRAND automobile chemical specialties and sell direct to the automobile and hardware trade. Our factory branch at .address below carries a complete stock of this big line, which numbers about 60 spe cialties, insuring prompt deliveries to the trade. This Is a real opportunity for a salesman wishing to make per manent connection either on salary or commission basis. Phone Broadway 4062 for Interview appointment. The R. M. Hollingshead Co., 19th and Up shur sts. WANTED First-class real estate sales man, residence lots, busine&s lots, acre garden tracts; homes being built by the company ; most attractive proposition in Oregon. We are building a fine, up-to-date residence district across the river from Oregon City, most attractive propo sition in Oregon; thoroughly live and competent man wanted, no others need apply : h ighl y remunerative proposition to the one qualifying. INTERSTATE SALES COMPANY, Second Floor Eilers Music House, 287 Washington Street. WANTED Reliable salesman with auio mobile for largest eastern manufactur ing concern in its line; tnls connection means an income from $4000 to $15,000 yearly; line staple and repeater, re stricted and protected territory with lib eral draw ing account. Our field man ager, who will be here, will work with you for a time If .necessary. Good ref erences required. Read carefully. Give telephone number. AN 316. Oregonian. I NEED four honest. Intelligent, high-class men of good appearance, who would ap preciate a real opportunity to connect themselves with a fine position; large earnings, promotion sure to right men; don't answer this unless you are a high class man. Appiy Mr. Fox, 3109 Spald ing bldg.. 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. DON'T miss this opportunity. Tou can make big money. $5(M) to $600 per month. Goods sold on a money-back guarantee. Experience unnecessary. $100 to $300 - for equipment. Call 633 Washington St.. 3 0 A. M. to 1:30 P.M.; SALESMAN for office efficiency devices; new, proven line of merit; commission basis. Big monev for right man. GEO. G. BO WEN SALES CO. Spalding Bldg. THREE good men for Portland. oie each for Astoria. Salem and Southern Oregon districts, exclusive virgin territory, fast seller, no competition. BJ 468, Ore gonfan. SALESMEN Security or stock for Oregon and. Washington; good for big money getters. Come in and look It over. 327 Henry bldg. SALESMAN with conveyance who has had experience selling to farmers; must be able to leave city; salary and expenses. Call 603. Oregonian bldg. WANTED Salesman with Ford delivery to sell goods to retail trade; good opportunity for right man.' Call at 113 North Jersey St.. St. Johns. SIDE line grocery- salesmen. New, no com petition, use will be universal. Large ' commissions. Inveetigate, stating ter ritory covered. AG 330, Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE man with ability to handle sales force in well-known real estate office. Write B 295, Oregonian. BY LARGE established local firm, 2 young salesmen, state experience and previous salary. O 116. Oregonian. WANT Ell AGENTS. AGENTS at once, setiing rt0e per moats hospital tlrketR ftOl Corbet t bid. HELP WANTED FEMAI.B. WANTED A waitress. 1751 Derby st. Phone Wdln. 2115. WANTED A platen press fcetler. Call room 9, 250 Oak st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO TOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY? f A salary that Is paid while you learn the business that increases frequently as you gain experience? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE-OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And what excel lent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment superviFor will gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company, Room 601, 6th Floor Telephone Building, Park and Oak Sts. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEG RAPH COM PA X Y. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR BASKET FACTORY. Wanted Women and girls to make fruit baskets and berry boxes. Girls must not be undor 16 years. Work easy to learn and good pay while learning. Chance for advancement. Apply in per son, Multnomah Lbr. &. Box Co., ft. of Bancroft st. AN EXPERIENCED coat hand for ladles' alteration room. Experienced sowers for drapery workroom. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor. Meier & Frank Co. WANTED Neat young woman for cook ing and general housework, who intends to earn her salary and who would ap preciate a nice room and bath : family of average size; reasonable pay; no laundry. b;0 Thompson st. Call between 9:30 and 11:30 mornings. Mrs. Stanley 1 Smith. THE Meier & Frank Company requires the services of experienced manicurists. Ap ply Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor, Meier & Frank Co. WANTED Experienced power - machine operators for pants, overalls, coiu and banding, 44-hour week, Saturday after noon oil; operators can earn $ 15 to $30 per week, depending upon their ability. Apply to Mr. Tregilas, Hirsch-Weis Mfg. Co., 205 Burnside st. I HAVE more positions open tnan I have pupils ready. Wby not take up work which will make you independent? Six weeks course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from 9:30 to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. WANTED Experienced gown pressers. Bdwy. Wye Works. Union ave. and Schuyler st. GIRLS bet 18 and 25 years, remember to be successful in business now more than ever y"4 must specialize. New comp tometer classes starting all this week. Tuition, $40. See Miss Frank, 313 Mor gan bldg. EXPERIENCED law stenographer, $150; private secretary, $125; lumJier stenog rapher and bookkeeper, $125 ; stenog rapher. Insurance, JOO; bookkeeper, in- surance. $125: beginners, $65-$75. 301 N. , W. BANK BLDG. WANTED Girl capable of taking ordinary dictation and assisting with general of fice work. This Is a position with a fu ture for an industrious person. 309 Oak street. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to. 33 for wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AB 392, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer for w ell known machinery house. One with dic taphone experience preferred. Hours and salary right. Saturday afternoon off. Phone Min 1047 or 024-25. WANTED Neat appearing girls over 18 years, about 5 ft. 1 or 2 ins. high, for ushers. Apply Star theater between 2 and 4 P. M. WAITRESSES, out of city. $50, board; ho tel maid, city, $60; pastry cook, city. $21 a week; nur.-egirl for child. $40: house keeper, out, $50; kitchen helper, one witn babv. 3111 Raleigh bldg.. 327 Wash. st. A REFINED family of 3 adults wish maid for general housework; German or Swiss preferred; best wages. 7S4 Hoyt St., nr 24th st. Call evenings only. WANTED Woman cook for Bay View hotel, Bav City, Or. Must be first-class. Good salary to he right person. Apply Chef. 38S Wasalngton St. COMPETENT maid for cooking and house work, all summer at Gearhart: good wages. Call mornings only for appoint- ment. Automatic oii-o-L SCHOOL GIRL to assist with housework and care of children: will pay fair salary together with board and room. East 7977 WANTED Names girls women, over 1 1, wishing U. S. government positions; $95 month- experience unnecessary. Answer AV iu4. urtsuiimii. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Mam 3450. DM car. ., GIRL wanted for soda fountain, must be experienced. Apply Perkins Pharmacy, th and Washington YOUNG lady to work in confectionery store light housework: not under 13 years. Apply 695 East Morrison st. EXPERIENCED lady clerk wanted for bakery and cafeteria work. 147 Kil- YOUNG lady as assistant bookkeeper, ex n.t.ino.i s.t "Mrs. Jones, main office Jones' market. 4th and Alder. WANTED Lady for flat Ironer depart ment. Palace Laundry Co.. East 10th and Everett sts. t RESPONSIBLE middle-aged woman to care for email apt. house in exchange for apt. Bdwy. 317. ; FIRST-CLASS millinery saleslady with long experience: call from 9 to 11. Hoff man MilWnery Co.. 367 Morrison street. WANTED Girl for general housework. - familv of 4. Phone Tabor 3749 between lt and 12 A. M. COMPTOMETER operator wanted; good salary to right party: give phoae number and address. BF 3S6. Oregonian. WANTED Exoerienced hosiery girl; none oth'r need apply. KnighShoe Co., Mor rison st., near Broadway. YOUNG GIRL .to assist with housework: no washing, no ironing, good wages. Tabor 2019. ' EXPERIENCED waitress for hotel work near citv. $50 per mo., room aim board. WTdIn. 2400. YOUNG woman for general office work afternoons: state age exDenence and salary wanted. AM 353, Oregonian. THE Florence Crittenden Home H ready to help anv girl in distress. 933 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN HOUSE. :; S 5 , OREGONIAN. WANTED Second cook or pastry woman, one willing to go out with chef, hotel or camp work. BD 358. Oregonian. W ANTED Strong, capable woman to care for helpless invalid, in exchange for cot tage; light, water, gas and salary. BF :;S7. Oregontar WANTED A chambermaid. Olympia ho tel. Telephone Broadway 11. WANTED Short order and counter giri. Phone Main 5727. WANTED An experienced waitress. Mal lory Hotel, 171 Lownsdalc. WANTED A chambermaid. International Hotel. WANTED Girls for box factory work. West Coast Box & Lumber Co. WANTED First-class vest operator. CaJl Main 520 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Appiy 407 14 th st. EXPERIENCED power machine operator. The McCreery Mfg. Co., Royal bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION SEWERS. BROADWAY DYE WORKS. UNION AND SCHUYLER STS. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, 715 Wilcox Bldg, Olh and Wash. Fdfphono operator, city, $!tO-$l)'i, Bkpr-Steno.. wholesale. $90-$l0t). Stcno. familiar abstracts, $ 1 00 up. Steno-Bkpr., timber, $I3M. Stenographers, general, $b5-$ 1 00. Many Good .Positions opsu. GIRLS FOR CHORUS OF Mt'SU'A L COMEDY AT ONCE. BOTH EXPERI ENCED AND INEXPERIENCE 1. N O RT H W EST ERN A M U SE M E N T K N -TER PRISE, 201-02 RIVOLl THEATER BLDG. WANTED Experienced confectionery girl between the ages of 18 and 21: one who understands soda fountain and fancy Ice cream dishes. Apply 225 N. 23d St., be tween 2 and 3 P. M. GIRL ushers between IS and 20 eurr, not over 5 fe 4 Inches tall. Call be tween 1 and 5 P. M. Ask for head usher. Majestic theater. WAIT RE SS $"i 775) wk., Payette: wait resses. $60 mo., Chehalis; waitress, $ 15 wk., Eugene, and many others at good wages. Lewes employment. STENOGRAPHER, must have first-class experience and references. AF 346. Ore gonlan. WANT stenographer with some knowledge of bookkeeping, reasonable wages. See H. A. Dryer. 50S-9 Lewis bldg. 10 CASHIERS. Apply at office Oaks park Sunday, Mav 0, 1020. between 1 and 4 P. M. D. R. Ladd, treasurer. EXPERIENCED lady to take charge of high -class hotel dining room ; references required. AC 43. Oregon ian. WANTED Hula Uuia dancers. diving girls: circus acts of all klndK. 812 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall SS. W AN T E D A dinner cook. Coe" s ca f e trria, 637 Washington St. Phone Main GIRL to clerk in bakery evenings. 423 Morrison st. 2 GTRLS Must be steady, neat and quick. loi m fanoy Co.. 7 r. -Mn r. WANTED Woman to work in small hotel. Phone Wdln. 4 05T.. . WANT housekeeper tor widower with one child. A V 818. Oregonian. MANICURIST. Multnomah hotel barber shop GIRL waited to work in restaurant! 109 South Jersey st. TWO girls. Apply Studio, Penny Arcade 26 N. 3d. WO MAN month. for general housework. Phone SeHwood 3519. $50 WAITRESS wanted. Apply The China Inn, 153 Broadway. TWO experienced waitress., one bus girl. Cat 11 Fiddle. 145 Broadway. EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted at Liberty Lunch, 126 5th st. COM PETEXT "titter and coat hand wanted. C. E. Holliday Co., 33 Wash. st. W A NTED Laundress. Hand laundry, 127 X. Kith. CoOK for small Institution; $b0, room and board. AO 353, Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID wanted at Whitehall ho tel. l53 6th st. SALESLADY, experienced in retail butter arid egg market. Apply 171 4th st. WOMAN for chamber work and some light janitor work; $15 a week. 124 14th st. WANTED Tailoress. Call 744 Lombard st. Columbia 55. Wanted Domestics. GIRL to assist with general housework and children : must be first-class, trained, reliable and of pleasant dispo sition, A merlcan girl preferred ; or would consider middle-aged woman of refined nature and competent, good home: wages $50 a month. Write for - appointment to P. O. Box 607, Kelso, Wash., Mrs. Robert H. Barr- WANTED Neat girl for general house work; must understand plain cookies, be willing to spend part of summer at Seaside. No washing. Good wages. Ap ply mornings. 770 Marshall street. WASTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: 3 ADULTS IN FAMILY. EVENINGS FREE. 540 EAST 21ST ST. NORTH. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work ; must be good cook ; no washing ; wages $60 and up. Mrs. Babson. East 37hS. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with general housework, smalt family; $50 a mo. Call mornings. Main 8271. 714 Lovejoy street. MAN and wife, Chinese or Japanese pre ferred, for general housework and cook ing. Apply in person mornings, British consulate, A Ins worth bldg. WANTED A reliable girl tor general housework. 4 in family, all eleel rical conveniences; good wages. Apply 371 E. 8th N. B. W. car.. GIRL wanted for cooking and light house work by young couple In new modern house; good home and good wages. - Phone Main 3006 before noon. ' COMPETENT gVl for housework; no wash ing; good wages- Call Main 3938. iPort land Heights. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 3 adults. $6r.' S58 Westover road, head of Johnson st. Marshall 4781. COMPETENT second girl, must have ref erences; good wages. Mrs. Ei R. Corbett. Main l4:67. GIRL to assist with work and do plain cooking, pleasant room, modern con veniences, summer at beach. 387 6th. WANTED Reliable girl to do mending and upstairs work in private horns in country. Phone Main 4967. WANTED A girl for general housework. $25 per month; no washing. 80 E. 16th N. WANTED A young girl or middle-aged woman for general housework. 164 N. 21st st. GI RL or woman wanted to assist with housework, small family adults. Main 9186 WANTED Girl for general housework in small house; no furnace work, 2 in fam ily. Phone Auto. 217-99. WANTED Maid for general housework; 3 afternoons off. Call 933 Shaver St., cor. Regents drive, today. GIRL to assist In housework, small family, small house, good wages. Main 2u94. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, good wages. Call Wdln. 4124. NEAT, wilting girl for second work; pri a vate familv of 4. 702 W. Main St.. cor. King. Main 7258. WANTED Competent girl or woman fof general housework; wages $50. T35 East 35th ot. N. Phone East 2930. YOUNG woman for general housework; pleasant situation, excellent wages. Sell wood 1099. WANTED Woman to cook on ranch, good 'wages, no washing. Mrs. A. C. Kaseberg, Wasco. Or. COMPETENT second maid, family of 2. good wages. 640 Flanders sL Phone Broadway 2493. YOUNG GIRL to assist with general housework and care for 4-year-old child. 1S34 16th st. South. WANTED Competent maid for general housework, no laundry', wages $60. 778 Flanders. WANTED Girl for cooking and some housework. Main 1723. 641 Washing- EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and downstairs work, wages $70 and up. Call 4S9 E. 17th st. N. EXPERIENCED children's nurse, no laun dry, best wages. Phone Main 1828. Mrs. J. W. Rosen fcld. GIRL to assist with housework in home with all electrical conveniences. 508 E. lth e-t. N.. telephone East 1179.. WANTED Woman from 45 to 50 years of a go t o help with housework. Bdwy. 1 8 65 WANTED Girl for light housework, good home and good pay. 674 Elliott. COMPETENT woman for cooking in pri vate family. East 6645. GOOD wages to competent second maid Marshall3654. 1240JThurman st. GENERAL housework, good wages! very desirable place. 460 E. 17th N. WANTED Maid for genera! housework; two in family. Phone East 6379. GIRL for general housework; 3 adults; all conveniences. 739 Kearney. WANTED Lady barber at 324 Couch st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED PEOPLE FOR MOTION PIC TURE WORK ALL TYPES. CALL AT ROOM 521 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. BETWEEN 12 AND 6 P. M. ' INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. WANTED A business man or woman to solicit for a real estate firm. 718 Spald ing blds: WANTED Men and women of all types to register for motion -picture work. 312 Artisan bldg., Broadway at Oak. UELPWANTEU MALE OB FEMALE, f MISS MATTiNGLY'S PRiTaVes3iToOI. ! " B 'jit 1 n a i L. 1 YrK V R 1 TING. DAY AND NIGHT. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUC TION. 200 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3 HO 3. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE U1 teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of touis and some pay while learning. Positions hecured. Ore gon ex-service men ihe course la free to you Write or cail for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER HuadnebH College, Portland. Enroll ny lixtiv. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and tace massage specialty ; tools tree ; positions guaranteea. ; pay while learning ; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses: expert teachers, daj and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 50f3. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket's private school : individ ual inst rue tion. 1-2 Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, give you set of tooi free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Xlisky Bldg., Third and Morrison Ss. A Position for Each Graduate. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg .M a i nS 276 YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. VOCAL or piano lessons by evpert; i0 lepsoiiH $5. AC 353. Oregonian. F1SK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4S35. Teaching positions, free registration. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 265 Oak st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED 1,1'MPKR OFFICII MAN DESIRES POSITION WITH RELIABLE f DNC F, RN. NOT A BOOKKEEPER. CAN TAKE DIC TATION. GOOD TYPF.W KIT EU OPERATOR. CAN ACCEPT PO SITION 1MMEDIATF.LY. ADDRESS K 150. OREGONIAN. BUSINESS MAN. AM 30 YEARS OLD, SINGLE, UNI VERSITY GRADUATE. EXPERIENCED AS EXECUTIVE IN OFFICE. ROA D SALESMAN. ORGANIZATION WORK WITH FARMERS AND PUBLIC SPEAK ING: NOW WORKING FOR GOVERN MENT BUT DESIRE TO ENTER COM MERCIAL FIELD. ADDRESS 205 EVERGREEN. ROZEMAN, MONT. EX PE RI KNCED and successful commercial teacher, with Oregon lite diploma, de sires position in hijrn school, academy or college. Is well liked by young people; can manace school or department, and has the "know how" of teaching. AK 46. Oregonian. GENERAL MERCHANDISE clerk with 10 years experience in general store and commissary ; cut some meat; am 28 years old, married; have A-l references as to ability and character. R 290. Ore gonian. MARRIED man wants posit ion ih wholesale house, wa rehouse or storage ; good packer: can drive heavy or light truck and knows city well; reierencc. Call Tabor 2624. ELECTRICIAN. 10 years' experience motoi and gererator Installations, familiar W'ith aut omatlc elevators, etc., position with good firm; married, age 33; good references. Address P. O. Box 4122. A YOUNG MAN 24 years old. of good hea 1th, cannot speak good English, wants to get job on farm for $50; wants to learn English. Inquire at Hotel Ohio, Room 5. J im Hamicoef f. YOUNG married man wants job driving private car or truck ivith dumper; have been sick, not able to do heavy work; 7 years' driving experience. . Call Marshall 2953, after 6 P. M. CHAUFFEUR. 10 years' experience; can do own repairs; no objection to leaving city ; tirst-class certificates from Cana dian mechanical transport. BD 356, ore gonian. EX.-SE RGT., first-class Enff. corps., de sires position, timekeeper, commissary clerk, etc.. executive ability; best of references. AR 350, Oregonian. WANTED By reliable all-around truck driver, position on heavy truck, city or country. A. E. Cook, 304 5th st. Main 314S. WANTED Truck hauling job with a good 3'-ton outfit: Iocs, lumber or what have you? Address C. K. Beaver. 574 Borthwick st. FLOOR WAXING, window washing, wood work, vacuum cleaning, general house cleaning and repairing. Tabor 2200 eve nii.gs. WEST MAGU1RE. Painting, pa per-hanging and tinting. Phone auto. 210-77. lies, and shop, 307 East 3!th st. A-l AUTOMOBILE electrician position with good firm, 10 years' experience, can oversee if necessary; married; age 33; good references. Address P. O. Box 4122. STEADY employment by- young man as truck driver or chauffeur; experienced. AM 354, Oregonian WANTED Situation as night watchman or janitor; hast of references. Call Main 4S. Herman West hoff. GET vour painting, calrimining. decorat ing and sign wor done before the rush season. 1320 E. Glisan. Phone Tabor 266. EXPERIENCED chauffeur or truck driver wants steady position, best of references. Phone bef ore 0 o ra f t er 6. Auto. 324-31. PAINTING, paper-hanging and tinting, es timates cheerfully given: leave orders at 107 E4. 28th st., or call Tabor 6248. CESSPOOLS, sewer, connections, cement work sidewalks and driveways ; work guaranteed. Tabor S00S. EXPERI KNCED dragsa w man with drag saw wants work, day or contract. AC 352, Oregonian. POSITION few hours evenings and on Sun day by refpon?ible young man; corre spond enceinvjd. AH 343, Oregonian. AUTO mechanic wants position in garage where he may gain more experience. B 230. Oregonian. AUTO mechanic, married, steady work In valley or central Oregon town : write full particulars. B 23S. Oregonian. WANT work for two 3'2-ton trucks: lum ber or road work : out of town. Write L. Hykes. general delivery. " "painting, tinting, it-to-date work. reasonable; estimates; reliable. mar. 3214 j A PANES E youn man wants any kind nice job: no kitchen work. AN 343. Orcgoniitn. A RELIABLE married, middie-aged man wants job as night watchman. AL 384. Oregonian. WANTED Steady hauling job for any size truck. BD 351, Oregonian. GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wishes PO S 1 1 1 o Tl. rNOrn r uui n bl., 1 1 . n. p. A BOY wants work, ace 16 years. 243 Holladay ave. Phone East 6Q23. gOY near 16 want. job ..on farm. CSS Larrabee st. r.a?t "ROOFS reshingled and, repaired. Berkey, carpenter and shin filer. Marshall 1 769 AN old man, inside job as janitor. 500 Couch st. WANTED Garden and lawn work: prices reasonable. Address R 66. Oregonian. FORBUirK masonry, etore and cement work, rail East 76S. CAR RENTER buil'ls and remodel cheap by contract. Woodlawn 1 2rt. KOOF1NO. painting and general repair work. C. Coote. Phone Marshall 330S. PAINTING, tinting; best material. Rood w o rk : prices reasonable. Tabor 3Q5 1 . CITY garden lots to plow a nd harrow Broadway 3H4. Broadway 3016. PLOWING done and all kinds of team work. Wdln.8 S3 CARPENTER A-l Remodeling or "new work, day or contract. Tabor P040. RESH INGLING and patching. East 6SS4, room 15. MAN wants tinting, housed ean ing or grading a rds. Automatic 211-27. EX -SOLDIER, auto mechanic, wants work in city. Tabor 3074. LINOTYPE operator, 16OO-1700 lines, country. 7S5 Northrup. JUNIOR draftsman wishes position: foun dry experience. Phone Wdln. 52 3o. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract. Mr. tampDfll, Main ""Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. WANTED By married man, 2 hours eve ning and Sat. afternoon, janitor work. Call evenings. Marshall 3410. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, part time, evening preferred ; books balanced, in stalled. BF 388, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER will keep get of books in exchange lor groceries. A N 454, Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, wants set of books to keep; charges reasonable. BD 563. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Book keepers . btenog; mp tiers, Office. EXPERIENCED LUMBER OFFICE MAN DESIRES POSITION WITH RELIABLE CONCERN. NOT A BOOKKEEPER. CAN TAKE DIC TATION. GOOD TYPEWRITER OPERATOR. CAN ACCEPT PO SITION IMMEDIATELY. ADDRESS R 350, OREGONIAN. BUSINESS MEN S CLEARING HOUSE. 708-15 Wiicox Bidg. Main S196. We are in a position to furnish em ployers with coin peten t experiencea bookkeepers, stenographers, office men, invoice clrks. billing clerks, etc., it h lumber and general experience: in of out of town. Yell us vour needs. WRITE. WIRE OK PHONE. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 708-15 Wilcox Bldg. Main M!6. We are in a position to furnish em ployers with competent, experienced, hookKeepers. stenographers, office men. invoice clerks, billing clerks, etc., with lumber and general experience ; in or out of town. Toll us vour needs. WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE. AUDITOR of large corporation, employed during day, open for spare time work : svsteniat izing. auditing. financial re ports. Books written up. Highest-grade references. AP 354, Oregonian. MARRIED man, 34 years old. 12 years' experience in implement business. 3 years traveling salesman, desires perma nent position with retail or wholesale implement firm. BJ 463, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant bookkeeper would like another small set of books to keep. Reasonable. Phone Hayes, Mar shall 5'.M3. G ENERA L office man, typist, thorough knowledge bookkeeping, open for posi tion; com bind lion bookkeeping and sen -ing acceptable. AP 357, Oregonian. BRIGHT man of 27 d-sires a clerical po sition or as stenogra ph-r. good penman. 2 years' experience. P 99. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. MARRIED LADY with experience would like position a.- housekeeper in apartment notice for use of apartment and tome sal ary. Phone Main 1520. i; FJ N ED young worn a u w it h daughter, wishes position as housekeeper: home desired more than wages. BF 389, Ore iron ian. LACK, SCRIM AND M ARw? ilSETTJt cur tains done- up Uks new W1U caiL Kfl5t S3 IS. LADY wants housecleaning. other work, hours, day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. I.AC E, scrim, marquisette curtains, clothes hand laundered ; experts; called for. Kaat 6116. WANTED -A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away. References. Wood lawn 1611. FOR companionship, young woman w ishes to meet girl contemplating trip to Alas : references .given. AM ;;5S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cateress prepares and serves lunches and dinners. East 2534. or Tabor 62M. EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants day work. Call all the week. Phone Broadw ay :;S70. LADY with experience wishes day work or cio house w ork by day and help take care of children. AG 351. Oregonian. WANT E D PLAIN SEWING. CALL MAR, r.05::. TWO sisters want a position us cook and helper, for a small crew. 412 Taylor. YOUNG WIDOW would like some light day work. 4S7 E. Ash st. WOM AN wants camp or dairy cooking. Call 320 2d st. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants general house-w--rk. AM 340. Oregonian. J A N I TRESS work, also hour work. Phone Sell wood 3Q23. LADY wants all day work, washing and cleaning, 45c hour. Woodlawn 5l67. BUSINESS college girl wants position aft ernoons. Call Main 3102. FI RST-CLASS lady barber wants position. Phone Main 3411. WOMAN wa n ts day work. Ea.ct 260. Bookk fcpent. Stenogra pnr rs, Of f i ce. BUSINESS MEN'S CLE A RING HOUSE. Main S106. Main 8107. 715 Wilcox Bldg. We are in a position to furnish em ployers with competent, experienced stenographers, bookkeepers, billing clerks, typists and office women. In or out of the citv. Tell us your needs. WRITE. WIRK OR PHONE. BY STENOGRAPHER with ten years' ex perience in law work; familiar with all details of law office: well educated. Miss Moore. Marshall 4206. STENOGRAPHER desires copy worn or addres-sing envelopes to do al home, by h.uid or typewriter. AG 4 S3, Orego nian. WA N TED A posi'ion. $20 week ; knowl i dge bookkeeping and typing, 17 yrs. Wd.n. 2053. EXPERIENCED accountant bookkeeper wants another small set of books to keep ; reasonable. D 208, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of references. Main 2817. Dressmakers. 20TH CENTURY Dressmaking School and helpers shop wishes to announce to the ladies of Portland their short-hand course in cutting and fitting. We offer special rate to the first 12. 303 Dekum bldg.. 3d at. Phone Main 622. COATS. DRESSES. SUITS MADE AND REMODEL E D. Dressmaking Lept.. Em porium Dye Wks., 540 Morrison. Bdwy. 4 259. ARTISTIC and stylish work on coats, suits and dresses by an expert; moderate prices. Phone East 7933. WA NTED Plain sewing at home. 564 Flanders. Broadway 34 7 W. HEMSTITCHING. c a yard. M. Dalton. room 201 Broadway-Y'amhill bldg. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 3ll Central Bldg. Tenth & Alder. Main 3408. I Nurses. MARRIED woman, graduate nurse, whose husband is at office days, would take charge of home with one or two small children; mother's care and supervision; references given and required. Address P. O. Box 6S4. CA RE of inv alid or convalescent patient by practical nure. Miss Phipps, Main 110. Housekeepers. WIDOW with one child, position as house keeper in widower's home. Call even inr after 8 or Sundays, room 14 Barton hotel. YOUNG widow w ith small child w ishes position housekeeper or housework. Main :tss4. apt. B. ELDERLY woman wants to be house keeper tor widower. East S79K. Domestic. THE VE RIB EST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 4638. House-cleaning, floor-waxing and all kinds work in the home and office. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Sellable, up-to-date lists of desirable , vacant houses, apartments and f ats with definite Information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANT to lease by responsible party by June 1, for one year, a nice six of t-even-room unfurnished house ; w ill pay six months' rent in advance; prefer Roe fty district: no phone calls; give house adaress. T 56, Oregonian. COL'PLf) wit h 3-months-old baby want to rent by June 1 4 or 5-room modern fur nished house in good neigh borhood ; W'ould lease for a yenr. At! dress Mr. Kean, :U5 Gasco bldg. Tel. Main 050i. KG R Juiy and August, small cottage at Seaside, close to the ocean and main street : xn ust be reasonable. AF 345, Oregonian. WANT a furnished house or apt.; have 2 small girls ; good location : best of reference-; Immediate Possession. Call Ad a m s. room 50 1. Hotel B en son. WANTED A modern 5 or 6-room bunga low, located in first-class district; wiii pay bei ween $50O0 and $6000. Phone room 23Q Portland hotel. WANTED Furnied house June 1 for not less than one year by two adults; give location, size, condition of house. A L 3S5, Oregon ian. FURNISHED house wanted, with or near garage; must be good district, not too far out; will lease, p. Q. box 922. city WANTED 6 or 8-room furnished or partly furnished modern house, edge of city, stale price. AG 352. Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished by May 15. a 4 or 5-room house, permanently. AK 31 4, Oregonian. W A NTED 0-rooin modern house, qood location: permanent tenant, four adu.ia. Phone East 2015.