13 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY. 31 AY 5, 1920 BEAL ESTATE. For ha I B1HR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded by i CAREY-SAV1DGE COM PANT- Ufain 747. 219 R'- Exch. Bldg. BUO MOUKRN CITY IfO.MKS FOR SALE. Tho public is Invited to come to our showrooms on the wroml floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Third and Stark streets, and inspect the hundreds of p hot-as on display. A gal Iitv crammed full of neatly arranged liliotoffraplm of homes. Eight real estate salesmen with autos to show you prop erty, a pleasure to show our homes. No obligation on your part. NEW ROSE CITY HOMES. Twenty brand-new Hose City bungalows just being completed 5 and 6 rooms oak floors, finished In white enamel; select yours to day. Easy payment plan. CHAT-MING ROSE CITY BOMB. JOOOO Located on beautiful Alameda drive near 50th at., a home only a few veara Id and built very substanti altv. Interior decorations including nta'nv unusual and attractive effects, a large handsome built-in buffet, white enamel dutch kitchen. 3 bed rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, paved street and all other liens paid in full; garage, 2 Eng. llsh walnut trees, sightly grounds, selected roses. One block to Rose Citv car. If you know values, by all means see this place today. Pleased to show it without obligations to you. ROSE CITY. JOOOO 2-story, 7-room bouse: 50x100 lot. Living room, dining room, dutch kitchen, dn, toilet first floor: 3 bed 1 . rooms, bath and toilet second floor. t Furnace, fireplace, oak floors down Hi aim. On 36th at. North of Sandy. Ail street liens paid. $'2000 down. . AVOTHER DANDY ROSE CITY HOME. $5000 Here's truly an unusual offer. An 8-room modern home, hardwd. floors throughout down stairs, beam ceil- " 1ng and panel doors in dining room. & French doors, all built-in features; R furnace, fireplace, paved street. East ' 44th st. Finished in white enamel. PIEDMONT SPECIAL. '. 3500 Here is a real snap: 7-room, 2-story strictly bungalow type home, built , onl v a few years, near .Jefferson P high school. One block from Penln- W aula park. 4 "bed rooms, bath, toilet, furnace, manv trees. $1100 down. ST. JOHNS SNAP. flSOO 100x100 lot with 3-room house. Va cant, immediate Jossesion, on Jer sey street, in St. Johns. CASH. KEMLWORTH BARGAIN. $3150 2-story. 6-room house on a corner lot. a bed rooms, bath, toilet, gas, electricity, paved street, sidewalks t and sewer paid in full. On Wood- . ' stock car linn. $5O0 down. HAWTHORNE OPPORTUNITY. $3500 Dandy typical California bunga low, 5 rooms, corntr lot, paved street, full cement basement, fireplace, ' - ' completely retimed and redecorated throughout. $ 11 oo down. WOODSTOCK SNAP. 12325 100x1 HO lot, a 5-room cottage, not a modern home, but in good repair: ' 15 bearing fruit trees, many kinds T of berries : fine chance for garden and chickens : $oo down. OfALl.ORY AVENUE 1 ALBINA $3000 1 2-story 6-room home near Fre mont st., 1 block, off Union ave. $500 dow n. ALBERT A BTNGALOW. 13200 6-room bungalow, all on one floor: oak floors throughout, full cement basement. Unusual bargain. Seeing is buying. Small down payment. A XOTHK R A LBERTA. $2350 "Here is a bargain if there ever was one: 5-rooni, modern bungalow with large room, all newly tinted, large closets. Owner sacrificing to go ino business. $1200 down. NEAR UNION AVENUE CAR. $3000 Here is an attractive, classy little 5-room bungalow, built only one year: retinted inside, neat as a pin; vacant and ready to move into, a Dutch kitchen in white enamel. Ker Is a dream. Hard-surfaced Bfcreet. $700 down. Homes in every district in the citv. Phone in for appointment. A salesman will be delighted to drive you around to inspect them. No obligation on your part. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded bv CAREY-SA V I DGE COMPANY 219 Ry. Exch. Bids. Main 7487. Open Evenings and Sunday. $ 1 400 $.100 CASH. For a 4 -room new bung-clow nea Peninsula industries ; bath and' good plumbing: this knocks the rent ques tion absolutely dead. Investigate U07 liaJe street, near McKenna. CO IS A. McKENNA & CO., Branch office . Columbia 038, r i $5G0. v Fine little bungalow on 100x100 corner lot. on macadam street; has water, elec tricity, gas. bath, living room, kitchen, bedroom and full cement basemen: fur nace heat, fine lot, paved street, 1 block to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. F I V E - ROOM BUNGALOW ' On Willamette blvd., St. Johns; prac tically new; close to . Industrial center. If you work In this district you will liko this home. Can sell vou this place fur nished if you like. $500 will start vou: balance terms. Shown bv appointment UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 284 Oak st. Marshall 70ft. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Beautiful 7-r.. bungalow; hardwood fToors, splendidly finished; double ga rage. A wonderful value big lot get after this. MAHOXET, COE A. McKENNA & CO, - 4th St Main 6871. $050 cash. t A good fi-room bungalow In north Mount Tabor, house is double con structed, concrete foundation, full base ment, large lot with good soil for gar den, large bearing fruit trees, hard-suf-faoed street and sewer included in price. Price only $3009. ALAMEDA PARK. 7-room house, in best location. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, white enamel finish, full cement basement with furnace, 5Cxl00 lot, block to car: price 6000. JOIINSON-DODSON CO.. W3 X- W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ALAMEDA PARK, fi-room modern house; large living room with fireplace, dining room. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace. S beautiful bedrooms upstairs. You must inspect interior to appreciate its value. Price $5500; cash 13700. Owner. Wood I awn ti-."27. LOOK LOOK LOOK. Here it is! One of the finest homes. in Laurel hurst, never before on the market ; modern throughout; right up-to-date; elegantly furnished, which goes with same; large grounds, fine lawn; owner leaving city, nas got to sell. Price $10 000: wonderful terms. Phone 42:1-40. 47000 FINE 1RVIXGTON HOME 7tio 0 rooms, sleeping porch and maid's room, siricny moain. rurnnce, fireplace K. V. floors, near car, corner 53x1 00 : parage. If you want to live in Irving- ton, see iius. ierms. Alain 7107. Marlcla or Lillians, S20 Cham, of Com. It if Ipf. HOLLADAY Park district, 5-room bunea low, with sleeping porch, fireplace, full cmrnt basement, furnace. 50x100 lot, nil street improvements in and paid; price iouu, .'Mnr can. - JOHNSOX-PODSOX CO.. A3 3 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37HT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-ronm bungalow. every built-in feature, fireplace, furnace, gara p, 4 Titce rruit trees, -z piocks from avenue. uei nusv. j e r m s : .t.io. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. ;Uuh and Hawthorne, Tabor 7403. f-ROOM hous near Klllingsworth ave". Mr block from ca r. Has Z large bed- rooms, rnina cioset, nntn. cement walks. hard -surfaced st. Berries, shruhhers' film la wn. i nriivr mi , iiimxiiiii. hTice only mm. .i.o.i cown ana $2 per mo. H. i.arenoy, w -nn. nu.ii. 1 MEDIATE POSSESSION. $315o Modern 5-room bungalow; fur- race. A100. 1 no f ne corner, garage, lots i mm; - o.ks. to car; $oo cash, term on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 2 IS Stark st. Mam 5429. o-rvin-fAi ounKaiow-sty ie nome with den ana sleeping porrn. fireplace, buffet gas and electric lights, cement basement furnace, lOtKloo feet of ground with enoice iruit ana oerries; price $4400, ?itm casn. JOHNPON-DOnSOX CO.. S3 X. "VY. Bank Bldg. Main H7S7. NEAR ST. JOHNS. R rooms and a lot. 02x110 feet: only a block from Willamette boulevard : aa.- rage, too: an;J a beemnt. This is near me innum rifs; "i't: $.uo crown. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Branch offlra Columbia fi:t. ROSE C1TT NEW $3400. 5-room newly built R. C. bungalow of artistic design: Dutch kitchen, book cases, buffet; full lot; $800 cash; photo ai oiiic". O H. fiKOTHETM COMPANY. 332-333 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main RJft. FOR SALE At a bargain, a dandy mod ern fl-room Peninsula bungalow, fruit trees, stra w berries, raspberries, barn. ea. rage, large lot with 4 adjoining lots for garoen. a iso n-acre pasture ; a small farm in tne city; $23uo. half cash, bal ance mortgage. 1 429 Mears st. C-ROOM bungalow near Peninsula Park and Jefferson high, $.1300, $500; $35 month Jv inciudlng Interest. IOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. 33 X. W. Bank Bldg. Matn S7S7. TIN Ft 7-room modern bungalow in East moreland; sleeping porch, garage. 50x1 OO Tot. fine shape. If you see this vou will buy of owner. Price $3000. 406 Haw thorne. Will aell furnished. REAL ESTATE For Pale Houses, IT COSTS YOU LESS. to buy a farm from us than from the owner. Why spend your time In riding over the country when we have already done this for you? Come- directly to our office and state your wants. Our farm expert can place you immediately upon the exact farm you want. We have hundreds of choice farms to se lect from, and our years of experience will save you time and money. Let us be of service to you. It costs you noth ing. For appointment call Main 530. AlcCR I LLIS-C LEAVE LAND CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. SPLENDID PRODUCER PRICED RIGHT. 47 splendid acres near Beaverton. Seasonable crops all in. Ground ready for potatoes. Good, practically " new house ; good barn and out buildings. Extra well drained. On good road only eight miles from Portland. Fruit and berries. A beautiful ' country home. $13,700; $600 cash, balance 6 per cent. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO., 322 to 32$ Henry Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. SO acres near Gresham, with good house and fine, large barn, well, wind mill, tank, water piped to barn. Splen did drainage Crops all in. Fruit, berries, garden and flowers; 0 good 4-ows, 5 shoats; choice span mares. Situated on rock road ; a bargain ; 914,500; $0000 cash, balance your time; 0 per cent. ' McCRlLUS-CLEAVELAXD CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. 160 ACRES NEAR SANDY. 525,000 FARM AT $20,000. Owner 111 and will sacrifice. Fullv stocked and equipped. Crops all in and everything in good, going shape. New house with fuli cement basement, fire place, running water. Large barn for cows and horses. 98 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture with stream through it. Abundance of fruit and berries. There is no better soil in Ore gon than that of this farm. Completely equipped; 50 head of livestock, besides chickens. This is a real snap. Let us show you. McCRTLLIS-CLEAVELAN'D CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. 87 ACRES NEAR HOPEWELL $100 Per Acre. A . Splendid Buy. 35 acres In cultivation; 20 slashed, bal ance timber; 8-room house with bath, tair barn; spring water piped to house and barn; wealth of fine fruit and ber ries of every kind. Wonderful view of valley. This Is a monev maker from the start; $5000 cash, balance per cent. We have many more attractive farms. Let us show you. Call Mr. Knappenberg. - Main 5uo. The -Man Who Knows Farms. McCRTLLIS-CLEAVELANTD CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. Main 630. ROSE CITY PARK. 3io0 You who are looking for a brand new. nifty and up-to-the-minute 5-room bungalow at a reason able price, shouid see this. Good location, splendid neighborhood. Large living room with dand? fireplace, dining room with built in buffet Dutch kitchen with splendid built-in features, break fast room; two nice light bed rooms, with bath between. Hard wood floors throughout. Hot air heat. Ivory and mahogany finish. A good buy. Main 530. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 5. 50 You who want something swell, as well as something substantial, will be pleased with this one. Six extra large rooms; lots of closet And hall space. Living room clear across front -of house, with fine fireplace and mantle. Splendidly arranged dining room and kitchen with breakfast room and all the modern built-in features any housekeeper would want. Three big bedrooms. Hardwood floors every room, ivory finish, best tapestry paper, elegant electric fixtures, artistic and nifty, splen did garage; 2 blocks to car. , A reasonable price. McCRlLUS-CLEAVELAXD CO. 322 to 3116 Henry bldg.. Main 030. $200 CASH. DaJance easy terms, buys a good 5 room cottage: bath, good kitchen, wood suea, uoxjuu-rt. lot, cement walks, etc.; 1 b'.k. from Willamette bivd., 2 oiks, from car. Price $170o. $:;oo cash. balance easy terms, buvg a good 6 room houte. SOxlOO-ft. lot, and abuu- aance ol shrubbery, etc. Price $2500. X300O EQUITY in a good modern 7-room bungalow in South Portland, to sell or exchange for a o-room uungaiow c;ose in. See Mr, ChrlMenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN PORTLAND FOR THE MONEY. 7-room house, north of Irving ton. on 1 00x100 corner, st. improvements all and mostly paid. House has only been ouut a tew years and is in as good con dition as new ; has hardwood floors downstairs and polished floors above All nice light rooms, fireplace and piped for furnace up and downstairs; large view porcn in iront ; cement casement This property can be bought for only $5300. Some terms. See us at once if you want this bargain. ST E2 WART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ouuu -M.t. ioo nne . fiat proposi tion; lrvmgtoa; $lo00 bandies. $280d Portland Heights, charming view, oeais renting; e rms. with attic $4100 Hawthorne dist.. 6 rooms and garage, improved street clpse in, rooms $20O Hawthorne, 6 rooms and bath. ii. w. i oor, inrnace, etc. ; c. oasement. S4.0 Irvlnrton, 6-room house and garage, wnite enamel trim.: fruit trees. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 81 S Cha n, of Com. Bldg. $1250. HALF CASH. Modern 8-room house, only one block to car and 2 to school; full BOxtOO cor ner lot; here you have a well-built double constructed house with fireplace, book case, buffet, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room and cement basement; fine lawn; some frr.it; about 20 . minutes from heart of city. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO., 033 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful 6-room house, full plumb ing, bookcases, buffet, firepiace. hard wood floors, furnace, double constructed, $7 0io. $2000 cash, balance can be ar ranged to fUlt. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. 033 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $1750 50xlOft lot. large shack house; $130 down; terms, au am, oregonian. S ti b u rban H o mea . SMALL FARM ONLY $1400. Two acres i ine rich soil, fair- 6-room plastered house. 3 hearing fruit trees, all kindrf small fruit, chicken house, small barn, located between Portland and Oregon City, near good school end stores. For quick snle will take 1400 worth much more. Phone Main 5S14, or AB 341, Oregonian. ON OREGON CITY carline. $0OOA buys ; real home, one acre, bearing fruit, ber rirs. nuts, large gra p arbor, choice roses, flowers and natural trees; garden in: wll-bullt O-room house. sleeping porcn. run cement casement, water, gas, electric light, good a uto roads. Inquire owner, tirst house west Kupert station No aecnts. OSWEGO LAKE Beautiful modem home, run cement nasement, furnace. fire place, hardwood floors, white enameld plumbing, electricity, phone; something exira nn:e. o rnwrns nntr sleeping porch 2 acres, fine view, garden, berries, roses! fruit, rir trees, auto road. Full par ticulars. Main 3672. Frank McFarland, 1:0 failing Diog. 10 ACRES, close in; all in cultivation large house. cement basement: fine water; assonea orcnara : partly in cro woven wire fence; best soil : $750 ner ecre : easy terms. Owner. 611 E. 50th N. i abor wa-f. HIGH UP AMONG FIR TREES. Four-room bungalow, bath and toilet, fi4x too corner, beautiful view of tnonn tains. 6-cent fare. Bull Run water and gas. Only 14J0. Kock road. PRENTISS. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. HOW'S THIS? Nearly 5 acres, mostly In wheat, good barn, well, fenced, close to electric sta tion, only $1200 on easy terms. Call 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from sisoo up. inquire Jrt house nort or Kisiey station, on Oregon City car line, sign Aioer urooK. FOR SALE Miplewood station, 4 -room cottage with water and gas. 160xl2i fenced grounds: 11 bearing fruit trees near county road. Price $1300. Call wain. luou. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. 0 acres improved, half in fruit ; 1 0- room nouse, city conveniences. Tabo .'iioo alter f. xi. tKU4 d st. $I50 CLEAN 3-room house, one-half acre, electricity. Main JbiJ. McFarland, Failing bldg. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow near Cap noi run station; $uU0v, terms. Marsha AS I. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH HOMES. 5000 New modern 8-room house on largo tract of ground fronting on improved county road. Place nev er been lived in. 15000 Modern 5-room bungalow with large attic, half acre of ground, beautifully situated on boulevard. $4o0 Modern bungalow on Improved county road. large tract of ground: trm; will take aa low as $1000 down. $3i50 One acre of ground with over 40 fruit trees; new modern 4-room bungalow. $1800 4-rcom house, 2 blocks from sta tion; terms. All the foregoing for sale by BEN R1ESLAXD, Exclusive Sales Agent of Homes and Building Sites In MULTNOMAH DISTRICT;. Office at Multnomah on the boulevard. City office: 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Tel. Main SSO. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. located In the beautiful section or Mt. Tabor (restricted district); ft rooms on 1 floor. 1 room fin ished upstairs, old Ivory enameled throughout, hardwood floors in mam rooms. iany built-in ef fects, full cenuent basement and furnace. This place has been occupied by the owner onlv a short time and Is indeed a good buv. The fir trees In this district make It & very attractive home location. Price only $5750, $1500 cash, ba!-a.?arr.anetl- J- J'- HARTMAX LMPAN V- No- 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 09. m m BIG BARGAIN $5500. 5 ACRES INSIDE CITY LIMITS. All in cultivation, 1 acres In various Kinds of bearing fruit, including some nne English walnut trees, about 2 acres In berries, same being logans. raspber ries, currants, gooseberries, etc.: balance of land in crops: all this land is the best of loam soil, about three blocks from the Mt. Hood depot, a 12-minute car service. 6-cent fare; small house, fair barn and chicken houses, gas and city water; what more do vou want right in town? Terms. A fine specula tion for someone, or beautiful suburban home right in the citv. East 894. W. E. WHITESIDE: WITH R. T. STREET. CLOSE-IX SUBURBAN FARM. 5 ACRES. 2 miles from city limits, just off the Base Line road; all in cultivation, lies almost level, well drained; just the place for poultry, 'berries and fruit; Bull Run water on premises, gas if wanted; small house, outbuildings; near electric sta tion. This Is an exceptionally good buy for $2750; pay $850 cash, balance at 6 per cent, long time. MacINNES A PRATT. Main S9G8. 413 Board of Trade bldg. .15 ACRES located close to Union ave.. ana near the interstate bridge ; 3 acres in bearing fruit of every variety, the trees are in their prime and have been given the best of attention. Berries of ail kinds. The income from the iruit on this place last year was over $1800. Good 8-room house, full cement base ment, good plumbing, improved street, large chicken house, small barn. One acre in early potatoes. The soil is free from rock or gravel. A good commer cial orchard, located right in the city. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGU SON, Gerlinger bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW WITH ACRE, WORTH $5000 PRICE $3850. Close to station at Garden Home we have the nicest little bungalow you ever stepped into ; four rooms and sleeping porch, acre of ground, all In cultivation, fireplace, gas heating radiators, Dutch kitcnen, garage, fine-bath with shower; niftier than any apartment you evei lived in; a positive sacrifice for only $3S50: about haif cash. For the best and most sightly suburban homes around rortmnti, see the G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main S220. PARKROSE HOME. If you want an ideal suburban home, located on main highway, only 4 blocks from car line, this is it. 5-room bun galow, 4 concrete foundation, with Vi basement, gas. electricit y and water, 13 fruit trees, berries, garage and beauti ful location. Price only $3M0, good terms. . F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Beautify Portland. LOOK THESE UP. RUSTIC BUNGALOW, ACRE. ALL TILLABLE," $1800, TERMS. OWNER MUST SELL. 3 U -MILE CIRCLE. R.50 ACRES. BUST SOIL, ALT, TILL ABLE, ORCHARD, BUILDINGS, ONLY $.VMK. GOOD TEitMS ; MlGHT TAKE HOUSE. DAB TNG & McREYNOLDS. 615 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 6054. IN TIGARD. 4.29 acres, located one block from the pavement and three blocks from the de pot; all under cultivation; 100 loganberry plants, 150 raspberries, gTod fences, fi room plastered house, garage, chicken house ; close to grade and high school ; price $3500. $2300 cash. Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 7.42 ACRES located "17 miles from Portland, just orr tne fortiana-.ew-berg highway. All In cultivation, finest of black loam soil." Family orchard and acre of loaranberries. fine spring on place. Six-room house with fireplace, first-class barn and other outbuildings, rine jersey cow and number of chickens and a few farm implements go with the place. Price I2B00. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. METZGER BARGAIN. 2 acres, all In the hiehewt state of cul tivation, fine black loam soil, 10 minutes walk to the station of Metzaer. Good four-room plastered house, barn and new chicken house, 40 full bearing fruit trees in fine condition, lots of berries and sev eral cords of wood: 05 high-grade laying hens, garden implements ana nouse noiu furniture. Can you beat this for $2750? JOHN B. HOWARD, 31S Cham, of Com. MODERN 5-ACRE HOME. $70OO. Near Garden Home, on the Orecon Eiectric, we have a dndy 5-acre tract; good i-room house with ail monern con veniences, including private water sys tern, bath, gas, electricity; high and sightly locat Ion. with good view ; good outDuiiaings: an if teal country nome -price oniy $7000; some terms. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main R22A. 1U ACRES wit h 4-room plastered house and other bTdgs. ; edge of city limits, 4 blocks to rar, 30 minutes out ; 25 full bearina cherry trees. Price $2500. easy terms. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. A REAL FINE HOME. 5 acre, all cleared, over 50 bearing Truii trees; nne o-room piasicrea nouse, sleeping porch. good barn. chicken house; lO-minute walk to Aloha station some berries; hou?e wired for light; nil city conveniences can be had; full ce ment basement and floor. Price $450O, on easy termw. or will sell 10 acres with the home. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY SNAP. 5 acres on Columbia highway; a loca tion for home; your own beach, etc. Price is right. For full details see RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. . $1750 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1 V acres, gar den, orcnaru. spring, near electric. Main 3072. Frank McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. I- or Sale Business Property. FINE BUSINESS CORNER. CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE. IOOjcIOO; this is a beautiful corner worth a great deal more money than the price asked. Located on the southwest corner of Second and Hall sts. Has two build ings now paying 10 per cent on price asked. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. INVESTMENT SNAP. If you are looking for a bargain, here is a 50x50 building with two stores that rent for $35 per month, with an up-to-date 6-room apartment with sleeping porch above ; price is $4000 and $1000 will handle. See LUNDGREN, 318 Cham, of Com. HALF BLOCK with trackage, clost in west side; specially adapted for warehouse or mfg- plant, $35,0O0 if sold at once. Hart, 9t0 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 1585. For SaleAcreage. NICE 2 '.-ACRE HOME FOR $2JO0. This side of Troutdale on perfect road. 2'; acres, all cleared, beat of soil, no rock. 5-room house, barn, garage, out buildings. Lots fruit and berries. Price $22uO. $1000 cash. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 43S1 9 ACRES large fir and cedar, close to Gll lis station on Bull Run electric; wood will more than pay for clearing ; very best of soil: five blocks to station and spur. $180O; terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. REAL KSTATE. -Acreage". FURNISHED AND EQUIPPED. 10 acres, located i mile from Tuala tin, on a good country road ; all under cultivation except 4 acre of standing timber; all In crop oats, wheat, vetch, clever; good orchard and 700 strawberry piants: good well. emented to the top; ft-rooni house, electric lights, good barn; plas all fenced v ith heavy woven wire; with this place goes over 200 chickens. 1 cow, all the crap and $500 worth of furniture: close to Portland, with good ar service and cheaj commuters fare. Price $40OO; y;2S0O cash. JOHN FER GUSON, GerMnger bldg. A VERY ATTRACTIVE PTJACE. Hatf acre, located on East 40th street, ft blocks from car ell under cultivation, fruit trees. "100 strawberry plants. All city conveniences, best and complete Flumbing; full cement basement, cement loor; runways and chicken house: at tractive 4-room plaster bungalow. Price $2500; $50O cadh. This property is well worth J.350O. Persona 11 v inspected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger bldg. IS ACRES about 16 miles from Portland on crushed rock road, a, short distance from Newberg highway. This is all in cultivation with exception of four acres of- timber, 2 acres In orchard and ber ries of different varieties. A good 6 room house In first-class condition mod ern barn, chicken house, outbuildings and good well; 3 cows. 2 calves. 5 pigs. 50 chickens, implements of all kinds, harness, buggies. cultivators, etc., in short, all equipment of every descrip tion goes with place, tiood terms can be made on this place. TURNER CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. 10-ACRE HOME, GRESHAM. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. WELL-IMPROVED 10-acre place, all in cultivation, very best of soil; located on good road near school; good 7-room house, good barn. 3 good large chicken houses, other good outbuildings ; good family orchard, all kinds of berries for home une; 2 good cows, span of work horses, plows, harrow, disc, cultivators; everything to work the place. Price $5S00. J2500 down, balance easy. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Or. RIGHT AT GRESHAM CITT LIMIT3. 10 acres of fine land, all in wheat and looking fine; large barn, potato cellar, some bearing fruit trees, wagon and farm implements, enough lumber to build a house; price $4200; a fine buy and line location. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. 5 ACRES on crushed rock road, 1- mile from hard-surfaced highway, close to school and electric station. 13 miles from Portland. Kood modern 6-room house. plastered and has basement, gas for lights and cooking, good barn and out buildings, 6 acres In first-class com mercial orchard. the remainder of ground sown to clover and oats. Price $7500. $1500 will handle. Will gtva immediate possession. TURNER & CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. ONE acre, under cultivation; located on arood traveled road. 3 blocks out or city: new plastered bungalow of 4 rooms; city water in, and gas can be had; small garage and chicken house. Price $1300 cash, cr will get you a loan for part of the value. Personally inspected : pnoto at office. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. ACRES, 3 cleared, 5-room plastered bungalow, fruit, berries, garage, chicken house, barn; good cow, calf and chick ens. $4400; half cash; near station. -10 acres, near 8 cleared, 4-room hnnffnlnw. mi t hii 1 1 A t e 1 V. acres fruie. A I condition; good road near towu school: $350O; can give some terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5429. 248 Stark St. OSWEGO OPPORTUNITY. EASY TERMS. , 7 acres of tine garden soil, free of rock or gravel. 9 miles, machine, 4th and Wash. ; 1 i miles Oswego station. Few feet good graveled road to the highway. 5 acres under cultivation. Cheap house, well, $2500. J. C. CORB1N CO.. &05-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. FARM. 57 acres, good 7-room plastered house, barn, other small bldgs. 15 acres in cul tivation, good soil: 1 mile from R. R. de pot and school ; 1 team horses. 1 cow. heifer, some chickens. All farm tools and furniture. Price for all $4500, terms. FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S69. 10 ACRES AT REEDVTLLE. Thin is a good buy. One-half mile red electric, lo acres, all cleared, perfect land good 6-room house, good barn, outbuildings, orchard and berries. Price $3700; $1200 down, balance eHy pay ments. It Is all in crop. Hargrove R"Mty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. 7 ACRES, southerly slope, with beautiful 8-room bungalow, located on Shoals Ferrv road, just 8 miles from heart of city, elegantly finished inside, fire place, large, well lighted rooms, bullt ins. full cement basement. acre in choice fruits and berries, remainder in crop. Price $7200. TURNER & CO., 230 Cham, of Com. LAND HUNTER LISTEN. Do you want a big bargain? Come In and see me. I will sell you 120 acres of good land. 4 miles west of Forest Grove. About 80 acres, good timber. 2 500.000 feet, balance open land easily cleared. Price for quick sale only $1800, terms $500 cash. bal. easy payments 67c GIBSON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. 7 ACRES AT HIL'jSBORO FOR $1700. Just mile from Hillsboro. 7 acres, 5 cleared, best of land, nice stream on boundarv; 3-room house, good well and pump on hack porch, outbuildings. Price $1700; $775 rash. bal. 4 years. 6 per cent. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4381. A BEAUTIFUL acre tract at East 7 th and 50th sts. S. E. all in bearing fruit trees, cement sidewalk, gas, water and electricitv all available, only a short distance from hard surface. This is a beautiful home site and much cheaper than surrounding property. Price $1700. TURNER A CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. 5 ACRES, 40 miitites out, on Oregon Elec tric, all under cultivation, fruit, berries, with 5-room bungalow, bnilt-ins, barn chicken houses, can move right in, -$300, wonderful terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 614. Panama Bldg. $50 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Splendid 5-acre tract of logged-off land; I1" acres cleared In and around the stumps; 2-room shack house, large woodshed, good roothnfte ; V mile to railroad 30 miles from Portland. Total price $550. Fred W. German. 732 Cham, of Commerce. ""NICE ACRE HOME FOR CHICKENS. Right at station and Just outside city limits, one acre, new 4-room plastered bungalow, rhlckcn-house. gravelly land, especially nice for chickens and berries. Price $1400 Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. f-t h st. Broadway 4JS1. 3 ACRES on Red Electric only 1 miles from city, 6-room bungalow 50 fruit trees of various kinds, large straw berry bed. good garage and outbuild IngaT Price $3500. TURNER & CO., 230 Cham, of Com. DO VOU WANT A BARGAIN? 4 ACRES NEAR POWELL AND BUCKLV. $1700. 6 MILES FROM THE COURTHOUSE. ,T. C. COKBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. TEN acres on paved road, close to city, all in one field : good soil, buildings, fenced; a buv; $1500 will handle. F.DWTN t.lACOBflON. 71S SPATTdING BLDG. 10 ACRES, close In; all In cultivation: 4 room house, fine barn and chicken houses: fine strawberry and loganberry soil- $650 per acre: easy terms. Owner. 511 E. 50th N. Tabor 8352. 3 V ACRES, all in cultivation, 1 mile from Oregon City ; near nign scnooi ; iair house. goon wen " 1 ' . ' " ' fenced; all furniture goes. Price 92D00. terms. L. O. Gerber, Alder hotel. Mala 5275. ' OSWEGO LAKE. Five acres close to lake. racing roeit road ; fine for boating, nsning, cnicK eiiH and berries. PRENTISS. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. 471 ACRES, all cleared, good soil : ideal place for chickens or berries; close to Gillls station on Bull Run electric. Snap for $1500; terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 5-ACRE home place at Gresham: all good soil, fruit trees, berries: 4-room house, chicken house, barn, running water, nice grove crop partly in ; price $2500. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. oil ai'U'ES. $2500: at end of Hawthorne avenue carlipe; In cultivation, fine home site. Owner 910 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 15S5. 514 ACRES, partly cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg & ACRES near Wlllamina. level, cleared fenced. 4-room house, barn; S1350. S15U cash. I& mo. -J. pnarp, pa ,q mt. 10 ACRES, J.2750. short distance east of city; uncleared but a big bargain. Hart. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 15S5. HOUSE, barn, 110 acres, 2 miles of PorT land. $150 per acre. Broadway 4683. ONE ACRE on Oregon City electric Hue, cash or serms. Mar. 3935. t ACRES, near Albany, 5 in apples, 2 hi good for berries. Mar. 3935. REAL KSTATK. Fur eie -Acreage. COLUM-BIA HIGHWAY SNAP. 'O cres on Columbia highway; a loca tion for home; your own beach, etc. Price Is right l-or full details see R.UMMELL & RLMMELL, 274 Stark st. 2-ACRE BARGAIN. $!30. 2 acres with fruit and small house, barn, chicken house and vard. This place Is all under cultivation and cer tainly a. bargain at $S5o. $550 cash. F. L. EDDY. A FITTER, LOWE A CO.. -" - --7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONE ACRE. $2000. $500 cash, balance $20 per month; choice location for chickens: street Im provements 60 per cent paid; 2U blocks from Rose City car. Owner. 518 Cor bett bldg. 6 A., 6 MILES OUT, FOR $0000. . Exceptionally rich garden land. 6 acres. 0 cleared, on paved road, right at station, just 6 miTes city limits; splen did small ho'jB" good barn, nice fruit and berries. Price $3000. Hargiove 4381 N" 6tU Bt Broadwa' 5000 AcRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers oniy; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map ahowing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. Fruit and Nut .Lands. FOR SALE 15-acre tract: 14 acres In 6 and 8-year-old bearing Italian prunes splendid condition: good location; reas onable, terms. Address Owner. P. O box 756. Newberg. Or. bLAL lit ll apple orchard, produced over u.uu iasL rail. highly improved. $60,000 invested. No Incumbrances; will ell on terms; might consider part trade Owner 203 Gasco bldg. For Sale Farm. THIS PLACE "WILL MAKE YOU MONEY. 60 MILES DOWN THE COLUMBIA. Kemember, this is a good buy; 600 acres and while you are paying for it it win grow into a fortune; all good, deep soil, but very little waste land, 70 acres under plow, a lot more easily cleared, all in good pasture, all fenced and. cross-fenced, 2 sets of buildings. family orchard, spring water piped to house, 2 living creeks and several springs on place; with this goes 51 head of cattle, team and implements and tools enough to run place, all for $30 per acre. casii. long time on balance at 5 per cent ; think where can you find another place that offers the oppor tunity this does for the same money. Don't lay this aside, act - Rt once. STEWART & BUCK. 315. Northwestern Bank Bldg. CLOSE-IN RANCH. 40 acres near Oreseon Citv and on main highway, all level and in high state of cultivation; ol acres in crop. 6 acres good pasture and 3-acfe grove of beauti ful second-growth fir. 2 acres of family orchard, consisting of apples, prunes, cherries. Deaches. olums. Dears and wal nuts, all in bearing ; some grapes and berries: good two-story. 6-room pi tered house with fine fireplace, wood shed, smokehouse, barn 40x60, granary chicken houses, etc. ; all under woven- wire fence. W ith this place go 2 milk cows, brood sows, chickens and com plete line ot farm machinery; price, In cluding everything, $10,500. See Mr. Blyth with JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. ONE miie from Philomath. Or., sidewalks to farm; 70 acres, 50 under cultivation, and in wheat, clover, rye, oats, berries and 1 't acres in orchard; fuliy equipped with farm machinery, and stock, includ ing 3 hors??, H Jersey cows ; hogs and chickens, etc. Farm is fenced and cross fenced with woven wire ; two wells. 3 springs, 8-room house, with hot and cold water, barn, 40x00. and other outbuild ings. Must be seen to appreciate value offered. Price $0500, $6500 cash. Will consider a trado for Portland residence Tip to $3000. H. X DRIESSEL. 1205 Wilcox Bldg. Main 6416. East 5S60. CROPS ALL IN ON THIS FARM. 96 acres near Molalla; good graveled road right to place : about 60 acres cleared and In crops; 7-room house, barn and outbuild ings. spring water piped to house, some timber; good team of mares. 2 cows, heifer and 2 calves. 2 brood sows will farrow soon ; 3 shoats, some chickens, all kinds of machinery, implements and tools, all in good re pair; everything for only $SUO0. half cash. Can vou beat It ? STEWART AND BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. WE ARE offering a fine 08 acres, in Che halem valley, over half In cultivation, 2 0 acres prunes, which will soon produce a large revenue. Some very good oak timber. Fair 6-room house, barn, work hop and granary. Spring water. r. F. D. ; 2 cows, some young stock and farm Implements, on good gravel reads, close to school, onlv 4 miles from Ta fayetta. Price $S0O0, la cash, bainnce long time. H.?sard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth. St. PRETTY COUNTRY HOME OF 15 A. Something exceptionally choice, just 12 miles out. on fine road. 15 A.. 12 cleared, best of elightly rolling ground, all in crop: 5 acres in potatoes: house on knoll with pretty view; lots nice fruit and shrubbery and shade: S-rooni house. hot and cold water, bath and electric lights : good outbuildings. You ecu Id not ask for a nicer country home than this and the price In onlv $0000. Har grove Realty Co., 122 X". 6th at. Broad wav 4381. $1450 BUYS 5-room cottage with ga rage, on a corner lot. easy walk ing distance of west side.. Paved streets ; cement walks and steps. Better see thla today before some one cets It. Mr. Lazenby, Wood lawn 5051. 20 A. WITH BEAUTIFUL STREAM. 1ft miles out, on good road, right at electric ste.tlon, 21 A 7 cleared, balance pasture, timber, with pretty stream and spring ; 5-room house, hot and cold water, bath, nice barn and outbuildings, fruit and befriea; te?.m, 2 cows. calf, chickens, wagon, hack. feed, full set Implements. Price only $4O00. Har grove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th at. Broad way 43S1. 81 ACRES, near Estacada. 50 acre In cultivation. Family orchard. 36 ucres in wheat and oats. 7 acres in clover. Fine S-roon house, hot and cold water. Large bain, granary, etc. This place can be had for $11,000, Ji cash. Let's go out and see this. H?sgard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth St. :4 AC'ES, 12 acres liottom land, suitable for berries, ba 1. table land ; all cleared but one acre; 5-room cottage, small barn and other outbuildings; ail under fence: 1 5 acres In crop; watered by wel 1 and sprang; situated on county road. Vi mile from school and 24 miles from Wtlla mina and R. R. : price, including 15 acres of crop. $2700; 1-3 cash, balance on easy time at 6 per cent Interest. Address Perie Marl:, Sheridan. Or. RIVER BOTTOM POTATO LAND. 'I have 40 acres of the best potato land in Oregon, located mile from Oregon Electric station, on Ssntiam river. One big bargain at $10,000. Terms; write or see R. McDowell, 4127 Upshur St.. Portland, Or. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 200 acres in Clackamas county. 1 mile from Logan, in dandy farming commun ity; 20 miles from Portland. Pru-e $50 per acre, good terms. See Mr. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg. SJO ACRES near Prinevilie. all fenced; 40 under plow; shack: clear of incumbrance; for Portland property vacant lots ex cluded). See 'owner. 203 Gasco bldg. 5 DOWN ON 12 ACRES. On S. P. electric. 5-mInute walk to station, store and school, pries $1200, $75 dowrn. 7 yars time on balance. Dra per. 401 Board of Trade. 14 ACRES, 3 miles S. E. from Mflwaukle, on carline and county road, Jarge flow ing springs, new 6-room bungalow, some timber, cows and chickens go with the p'ace. Phone Owner, Milwaukie 81-Y. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. First-class farm, 140 acres, good im- nrAVpmpnts. fine team 10 cows, brood sftw, calves, etc.; price low. Easy terms. Owner, any w if cox xsiag. wain e.tftii. . GREAT bargain. 35-acre dairy ana stock ranch with good outside range. One mils from S. P. depot, at $130 per acre. Terms easy. L. F. Crouch. Can ary. On ' STOCK or dairy ranch for sale. 1090 acres. 4 miles from ocean, $32.50 per acre, with . Hereford cattle, sheep, horses and hogs. Owner Q. Powell. Florence. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, (75 to S200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all siren. McFarland 209 Failing bldg. FOR TRADE 160 acres. 4 miles south from Estacada. MO per acre; about 20 . acres under cultivation. - Carlton Hotel. 110 ACRES. 25 miles from Portland. Call evenings 414 College st. or phone Main 7911. FOR SALE 92-A. dairy ranch ; 25 A. in crop. Write for information to Chaa, E. Sprague. Greenleaf. Or. LOGGED-OFF lands. 10 acre up; running water; good soil, tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R Sharpe, b3Vi 3d sU REAL ESTATE. .For Sale -Farms. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 4t acres located half mile from good town and Columbia highway, on a planked road, 26 seres can be cultivated. 13 acres under cultivation 12 cres pas ture, thai is very easily cleared. Largj family orchard and all kinds of ber ries Good 6-room house with cohnplte plumbing, water piped to all the build ings from large spring. Best of wire fencing. Crops In and go with place Double gara ge, large barn, chicken house, woodshed. With the place go good team, cow, heifer, 25 chickens, farming implements, tools and house hold furniture. Price $4500. $1500 cash. IavU with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH. 5'-i Acres Near Beaverton, Or. All under cultivation, good family or chard, fine soil, brooder house 20x100. w-ater heated, capacity 1500 chicks; two incubators. capacity 1500; 3 laying houses. 1 new, 20x1 00. new. other two good shape, 1 double-decker, capacity of all 1500 hens; good small barn; feed enough to last two months; 100 laying bens. 4 cords wood, all tools. 9-room house, all goes; on hard road, half mile from Beaverton. Or., half mile to high way ; this place has Income of $5000 per year; price $$000, $3000 cash, bal. mortgage. 6 per cent. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. NORTHWEST OF NEWBERG. 60 acres, located In the Chehalem val ley, right on the main road, with gravel road on both sides of t he place ; only 1O0 yards to high and grammar school. All under cultivation and in crop. 40 acres of clover, 10 acres Dot a toes, bal ance In garden and corn ; small creek through the place, 5-room house, barn, gra nary, chicken house and shed ;" email ' orchard along the creek, enough fruit for family use; pries $225 per acre with stock and equipment and all the crop: JOOOO cash. Marsters-. with JUfci.N FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON. 4R acres, located on the main highway that is being paved; all can be culti vated. 43 acres under cultlvatJon and in crop, which goes with the place : over 2 acres of young bearing orchard, in fine snape; tne nnest Kinu ot sou. tree irom gr-ivel ; good 6-room house, large barn, chicken house and all the necessary out buildings; only 2 miles from town, with sood hia:h school: a well-located place. with irood aurroundines orice $8000; $4000 cash: this Is less than 23 miles from the center of Portland: personally inspected by Mishler, with JOHN 1 EK GUSON, Gerlinger bldg. A BIG BARGAIN FOR THE MONEY. 10 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION. Good 6-room house, large barn and out bui Mines, wind mill with water plDed to buildings, all painted and In fine con dition : good family orchard and plenty of berries-; crops most all in ; with this goes good team of horses, four good cows, brood sow, 7 pigs, Z tat hoas. lot of chickens, farm implements, tools. etc. This Is fine garden land. Near Vancouver, on paved road all the way from Portland. Everything complete for $o00O. $2oo cash. Terms on balance. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 20 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Every foot in cultivation and in crop black loam soil, family orchard, some small fruit, neat 5-room house, good barn and other outbuildings; Just out side city limits of good valley town stock consists of 4 good cows, all fresh. 1 horse, 15 hogs.. 60 laying hens, about 60 chicks ana ail farm tools ana impie ments; price $7500, $50CO cash, balance mortgage 6 per cent : this is an extra choice piece of property. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4Lh St UNCLE SAM INVESTS $15,000,000 In irrigating Yakima valley land; last year's cron was u4.4i ; lo.uou peo Die shared this fortune. When you plant seed under government Irrigation in the Yakima valley, it means "crop insur ance" for you. f SAMPLE BARGAIN. SO a cres. producing alfalfa and corn, H mile to town, school, railroad; fully tinid water riant. 1 Per acre mainte nance; price $-50 acre. Write for 1020 price list booklet. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES COMPANY, 512 Selling bldg, Portland, Or. BEST upland farm In Cowlitz Co., Wash. uo A., go under cultivation, an in cron 37 irules fr-m Portland, midway between Woodland and Kaloma; V mile Pacific highway; Portlard-Seattlj Ry. ; school and church, R. F. D.. mile Columbia river and Martins Bluff Ry. station Good 7-room house, 2 big bains and all necessary macmnery; a norses, cows, lots of fruit, sold $342 cherries 1919. Price $8700; consider Portland modern residence to $K50O in exchange. Mrs. E. E. Large, owner (on farm), Kalnma, Wash. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buyilng. J can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 201-7 . Board of Trade Building. 98 ACRES 70 acres In cultivation, large dairy barn, 2 silos, good 7-room house; also a 5-room house; mostly all seeded; 1 mile from United Railway; close to church and school. 15 miles to Portland; well drained, very best soil in Washing ton county, on Liberty road. $2 J5 per acre, with terms. For further Informa tion call at 166 North 21st St.. or at Terminal Garage, southeast corner Fifth and Hoyt sts.. city. 80 ACRES. 20 acres in cultivation, all in crop; fair house, good barn, the best of well water, live creek, good family or chard, 2.00.04tO ft. saw timber, old growt h ; 200.000 ft. fine cedar; 3 cows. 1 tea m of horses, harness, 1 sow and 3 shoats. 24 hens. 1 wagon, plow, harrow and cream separator. This is 7 miles from Oregon Citv on main road. This is a snap at $0500, good terms. L. O. Corner. Alder hotel. Main 5275. MONTANA ranch at a bargain. 1104 acres. Two full sets of up-to-date buildings. About 300 acres being put in crop. 40 head ca f tie. can be used as a dairy or stock. 17 head horses. Flag station a few rods from house on the Chicago, Milwaukee R. R. and Northern Pacific R. R. All machinery and tools and stock go with ranch. If Interested write "Owner." W. E. GRIDLEY, Garrison, Mont. SO ACRES. 67 acres cultivation, 7 acres river frontage; 15 miles from Portland on main highway; 9-room modern house, good barn and outbldgs., woven-wire fenced; 7 Holstein cows. I team. 3 brood sows. 1 boar. 24 pigs, chickens, complete line of machinery, new Fordson tractor and gang plow, all crops in; $19.0o. good terms. This is a fine place. L. O. Gerber. Alder hotel. 1S5 ACRES In Lane county, Oregon: 30 acres beaverdam, 12 aores cleared; good full set of farm buildings; 145 acres merchantable timber on logging creek; price $J5 per acr,e; terms; part exchange. Apply to owner between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., 266 Jefferson St., Portland, Or. 74 ACRES. 20 acres bottom land In crop; hal- pasture; about looo cords or wood; 5-room house, good barn and outbuild ings: spring water piped to house, fine creek, small orchard: 8 mtls from Ore gon City. Price S4500: terms, half cash. Mr. M I ! Icrsh 1 p. Alder hotel. Mai n 5275. 5 ACRES, wall improved, finely located, at Scholli, 15 miles S. W. from Port land, crop growing, dairy. 15 cows, for sale, at mill, store, .church, near school. $1 2.500. half cash. 4o trade. I nquire Wdln. 479 or writa J. H. Jack, Sherwood, Or.. Route 4. 10 A C R ES Near Hill sboro ; good house, outbuildings, orchard, berries. grain: $0500; on highway; electricity, gas. water. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Falling bldg FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley farms- Paul Ro;.ier, Stockton. Cal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT .5 or 6-room bungalow in Rose City or Alameda park not over $5.ViO. The house I have been renting has been sold and I must buy immediately. H 166, Oregonian. WANT a good lot In Irvlngton in trade for 20 acres of good land in Cowlita county. Wash. Give location in answer. AO 354, Oregonian. WANT San Diego property In exchange for Portland property. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED to buy. 5-room home at or near Oak Grove, state price and best terms; also size of property and distance from the car. A K 346. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow, large rar. ' den space; Alberta or Woodlawn lines preferred. Phona East 433, from 6 to s. P. M . . WILL PAY $50 monthly with $100 down for a desirable 6-room home to cost about $3000. Give location. Address AR 349, Oregonian. MUST have Rose City bungalow by Junt 1. No agents need answer. Phone Mr. King, at Bdwy. 266. WANT for cash one or two cheap lots, un restricted district. near car. M iss Slocomh. Box 924, city. Main 4246. WANTED To buy small rooming or apt. house from owner. AO 346, Oregonian. WANTED KAL ESTATE- OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' Worth of homes sn'id SINCE JANUARY 1. 3920, BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Tou want results? Try our live, ef ficient method of home selling (no charge except the standard brokernee ' 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale). Our record: 869 homes sold during 1919. 9 homos sold in one day, March 9. 1920. 112 homes cold in March, 19CO. 396 hompR sold since January 1. 1920. We personally Inspect and photo graph everv house listed. We display all photographs in our large showroom., which are continually thronged wn h earnest hono buyers. Your home is sold if listed Jith us. We need it today. If vou cannot come down, telephone us and we'll gladly call. 14 experienced salesmen with autos to worfc on the sate of vour home. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Mam 100. Deal With An Old Reliable t irm. "WANTED ACREAGE! AND SUBURBAN HOMES. We are having clients in every da? for acreage and suburban homes; if you desire to sell list with us and WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS F. L. EDDY. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. YOUR HOUSE. We are In touch with a number ef people, many with all cash, who will buy if we can suit them. May be your house Is Just the one we need to satisfy one of these clients. Phone us the num ber of It. We will take an interest in your property and give you prompt and courteous attention. Lt'EDDEMAXN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. WANT SUBURBAN - HOME. Hv 2 client wan tins: from H acre to 3 acres, with either small house or thoroughly modern bungalow. -a cl -you QUlca action iz price ia risnv. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Beautifv Portland. HOMES WANTED. We have a Ht of prospective pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from $3000 to $0000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department and are pleased to have your property if linger bldg. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. WE are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because e cannot supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOUR farms and acreage for you? We are the odd est and one of the most reliable firms In Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE many calls for well-located. improved valley farms, on or near the highway, 30 to 50 acres, within 35 miles of Portland, If our orloe Is right can sell it. We also want two smaM creaees, with fair buildings, about 2500, close to car line. Hesgard. with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. W E have two parties looking for a place with two sets of bin: dines that will run about $SOO0: win consider two places close together. $4O0O each, not more than 30 miles from Portland; will pay cash if price is right. Write or phone us at once. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank B'dg. WANT suburban homes and improved farms vicinity of Portland and illam ette valley. If you really want to sHl w-rite A. K. Hill, xia uumnermens oiag. LONG established; Reliable service. WANTED Small farm not less than 2T. or 30 acres in cultivation, with house and barn, within 25 mi. qf Portland. Call F. E. Francis. Mar. 1950. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED--To rent 2 acres or mre with buildings, not too far from Portland : best of references. R. R. S., 596 Rodney ave., Portland. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS t pr 1000 feet. 30-35 million feet, Douglas fir and hemlock, in Ideal log Ring country in Linn Co.. Oregon. Mu-t be sold immediately to close estate. J. Michaels, 324 7th st. N., La Crosse, Vis. 9xl0 SEATTLE DONKEY, 1200 feet of 1-inch line. 2S0O feet of i-lnch line, all necessary blocks, chockers, yarders and small tools; price $2000. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER Yellow fir and cedar; lies near Columbia river. Fine chance to get out yellow fir cooperage bolts and cedar hlngle bolts. Address owner, G 240. Oregonian. 3:0 ACRES SAW TIMBER. On S. P. electric, Yamhill county, mile from station and sidetrack. For good sawmill deal and good terms see Draper. 401 Board of Trade. 1023 ACRES, estimated 31.000.000 feet, six miles from railroad! southern Oregon. . Price $38,500: terms $15.ooo cash, bal ance to b arranged. Address A V 722. Oregonian. 6000 ACRES timber land, southern Orenon must be sold to settle a i estate. Addi tional acreage adjacent can bo purchased at reasonable price. H. CT. St odd a rd 1133 Filbert street. San Francisco Cal' MUST relinquish 80 acres In Klickitat county. Washlncton: cruises over million feet yellow pine. Particulars at 30S Fenton bidg. WANT TO BUY 5.00O.O00 to 50.000.000 fir. must be on or near R. R.; suitable mill site; stumpage basis; have mill. AC 3i3. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY EQUIPMENT AND LEASE FOR SALE. Located a t Corva 11 is. Oregon ; has been established for 25 years under the same name.- is doing a fine business, hut owing to per sonal reasons the owner will sell his stork and equipment and his three-year lease on this fine 90 acre farm, located on the edg of town, with city conveniences ; the place Is well improved, everything arranged for convenience, is thor oughly equipped and make bottle del i very of milk d irect to custo mer. Corva His Is a town of 700O and 3000 additional students. AH milk sold by ticket system with cash in advance. With the place go 58 cows. bull. 3 horses and harness. heavy wagon. mower, rake, disc harrow, plow, roller, corn binder, manure spreader, drill, silage cutter complete, two horse corn cult iva tor. spring-tool h harrow, spike-tooth harrow, com plete Empire double unit electric milking machine, cream separa tor. Dodge delivery car. hay. grain, feed, silage, wood and coal. cans, bottles, cooler and complete mod ern dairy equipment ; 30 acres of clover. 15 of vetch and oati, 40 acres of corn ground; putting out about 100 gallons dally; land buildings rent for $1500 per year. Price for lease and full equip ment is $12,500. KINNEY A CO. Corvallis. Cr. FARM FOR RENT. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 19 acrs. 16 acres under culti vation: fine sandy loam soil, with large running stream through the place all the year: good 6-room house, large dairy barn. 2 a-'res in commercial orchard. The fol low ing personal property for sale: 5 cows, 2 calves. 2 hogs. 100 chick ens, full line of farm machinery and house completely furnished; located 1 W miles from good coun try town and 12 miles from Van couver; rent $300 per year. Price. Including all personal property and household goods and rent paid up to October 15. 1920, $1750, half cash. See Mr. Blair. THOMPSON. SWAX & LEE. 3d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL KSTATK. FOR SALE or will trade ror tarm or city property, two '-4 sections of tiiaber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000.000 feet. Address Hotel Osborn. Eugene. Or. PORTLAXD improved property to trade for Tacoma or Seattle residence! Owner, AV 708. Oregonian. TWO corner lots In Rose City Park to cxchanT for a roadster. Imperial hotel, room 243. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE- ADJOINS LAUR El .HURST FOR SMALL ACREAGE, .room, modern and sleepinj; porch. larKo. $5000. Want piece acreage with buiidings, not over 12 miles. J. ROB BINS-EPTON. S01-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. GROCERY STOCK SACRIFICE. For quick action and live wires onlv ; $20ou for $1500 lumu, or will invoice and give 20 per cent discount: clean stock, a going business; stock just invoiced; will show inventory; owner must sell quick. If you want a real barieain don't wait until tomorrow, see owner at 15-3 East Giisan st. Phone Tabor 102. FARM. STOCK E D E XCHANGE. 30 acres. o acres cult. ; good 5-room honsr. barn, etc.; 5 cows. 3 good hc.'ers, good team hoses, farm machinery, etc. Price $7om. Will consider good house, value of $3500. J. ROBR1NS-EPTON. Railway Exchange. Main 7931. 3OI-.10: A CRES, 40 acres in crop, balance paa ttire and timber; 2'j miles from Oregon City, on fine road ; 7-room house, good l,arn and outbuildings, family orchard. Prints and creeks; $9000. Will trade for home in Portland. Mr. Millership, A lder hotel. HOMESTKAD relinquishment. 30 mies iioni raso komcs, cat.; good for ranch ing or pleasant home; will trad, lor ranch property near Portland ; wish to be near my folks. Ray Benton, Lompoc, 1 HAVE to wheat farms to trade for p. aces est of the mountains, one of 4o acres and one of 9tiO acres. For sK particulars write M. Fitzmaurlce. Con d n. Or. VALUABLE quarter block. Belmont street. paved and paid, also quarter block Haw t hrne car. exrnan.p both for farm, acreage. or other property. Owner W din. 14Cn. WA XTEU Trade two corner lots. Rose t ity Park, for roadster automobile in nrst-class condition. Apply Imperial ho tel. room 414. between 11 and 2 P. M. i ACRES good farm land, all in cultiva I Con: adjoining valley farm; exchange for Portland property or good automobile. A. Holden. 693 H E. Morrison. WILL exchange 57x100 lot. near St. Johns cartine, for good player-piano or will take second-hand piano as part payment. Address K. X. Stacher, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE or exchange, nice lot in Van couver, B. C. G 216. Oregonian. TO EXCH ANGE -MISCELLANEOUS. 3 LOTS and some cash to A rade for Vic- trota. 227 Mill. 1 FOR SALE. Horses, A chicles. Livestock. J 1ST arrived, 2 carloads of eastern Ore gon horses and mares ranging from 120O lo iboo lbs.; well-matched teams, 11 rtMid color, heavy boned and blocky built, rom 4 to ti years old: if you are in th market for good teams, we have the beat that hae been in Portland for two years; everything is thoroughly tried be fore you b.v it and guaranteed as rep resented; also a few other cheap horses. 3 Belgian colts, yearlings ; every tea?n can be fitted with collars and names, s. Williamson, 240 E. Sth St., corner of Main. " JUST ARRIVED. Carload of mares and horses, weight 13 04 lbs. to ISOo lbs.. 4- to 7 years old; heavy-bone, blocky-built chunks, some ell matched teams. If vou want satis faction at the right price, call arid look this stock over. Ail horses guaranteed. San It a ry Stables. 303 Union ave. ., cor. Stephens. L. Glass. WANTED To buy a Shetland pony. Must be perfectly safe for S-year-old boy. Stata condition, etc.. and price. Mignt aio consider harness and buggy. D 219, Ore gonian. ONE black horse. 5 years old. we.ght 1400 lbs.; 1 gray horse. 5 years olu. heay boned, block v built, weight 1375 lbs : 1 sonet mare, 5 ears old. weight 1 320 lbs. Cor. Cth and Hawthorne. H. H&rn. SPAN of sea! browns, horse and mare: weight about 2800; gently and true to work; right out of work. Marion Fuel Co.. ft. of Taylor st. dock. FO R SA LE, cheap, good team, 5 and 6, weighing 20OO; harness and neariy new farm wagon. Mrs. Walker, 80S Front, take South Portland car. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crlppted horses. Pqoq Milwaukie G9-J far results. WF BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 30J Couch bldg. ONE span of mares for sale. S and 9 -! old. W'lliams ave. Fuel Co., 577 W i lams ave. YOUNG 5-gal. Holstein, Jjuft rresh ; tin-' 4-yr. Jersey-Durham, 4-gal day. 7J East 3!d. South, near Powell. WANTED Work for four to eight horses. Da v or summer. J. R. Perrj , R. R. I. Beaverton. Tel Main 3367. 4 COWS, .lust fresh: 3 springers. If vou want something extra Kood see these 13S Florid a st. M a ; nl 3 1 9 MULES Big team of young sound work ers. bargain if taken at once. 401 Syra cuse at., St. Johns. 2400-LB-. team, to work. $13; Montgomery. harness and wagon, tru . Blue Front Stables, foot FO R S A LE- Sev era 1 ton w a sons. good tops. Empire Transfer Co.. 234 Bdw. Hroad way 1 55. SALE or trade for a' cow; grav mare, 5 years old; weight 1200. Phone Wood lawn 2497. SPAN of colts, 4 and 5 years old : ill seU very reasonable. Stables ft. of Taylor st. (dock i. ONE thoroughbred Jersey cow for sale. Cai 1 Wdln. til lit WANTED A farm team, wagon and har ness. AM 355. Oregonian. DEAD hDrics, anlmali hauled away fres. Portland Rendering Co., Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. i 90 B U V S s ray in a re, wei g h t a bo tit 1 -150 lbs. : good work mare. 'l ay lor-st. dock. WANTED Beet cattle and veal. Tabor 7U30 llanos. Organs and Musical Instrument. UNDER PRICED PIANOS Downstairs store. Factory rebuilt and used pianos. Upright piano, $165. $235, $290 to $4H5; player-pianos, $395, $ 495. $535 to $63. ; parlor organs, $25. $35, $45 to $65 ; pho nographs. $18, $25. $35 to $120. Terms, $10 to $25 cash. $3. $6 to $15 monlhiy. Schwa n Piano Co., 101 10th st. NEWMAN S RECORD EXCHANGE. WF. BUY, SELL. RENT A EXCHANGE Records, phonographs, player piano mu sic, pianos, organs, brass and string In st rumen t s. 12S FIRST. M A IN 4495. TABOR 679S. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out. $275 to $500 used upright pianos. $75 to $290 ; $Mi0 to $ 1000 used piayer-pianos, $;60 to $495. Pianos stored 75c monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Corner 10th and Stark sts. ' PIANO FOR VICTROLA. S200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best propo sition. Main S5S0. SEI BE RLING- LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. PLATER piano, looks and plays like new. mahogany case. 20 records, selling new at flooo. owner will sell for $500 cash. Call Sunday morning or any evening. Main 6499. PIANO SALE. Not a fake. Every one reduced. Sp them. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st. PIANO PALE. A real sale. Every one reduced. F-e them. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4x h st. HALLKT & DAVIS player piano, mahog anv case, cabinet and 7o music rolls. $450 a.h. Marshall 4727. KuK SALE High-grade piano In good con d it ion. $225. Ca U Marshall 374 or 7o Market st. drive. N KA RLY new Rush & Lane walnut piano cheap or wtU take Victrola as part pay ment. 15lf East Hoyt. LEAVING city; wl'l sell nearly new player piano and '30 late rolls at bargain. East 0222. KIMBALL Only $200. nice upright, plain cas. $50 down, $12.50 per month. 312 W O re e s t e r Bldg: . ORG A N $20 Mason -Ham i in, good condi tion. Seiberling-Lucas M usic Co., 123 4th st. PIANO WANTED. Pav cash: get our price. SeiberMng-Lu- cas Music Co.. 125 4th at. Main 8586. NEARLY new Edison diamond disc gold en oak; 30 selections; $200 value, for furniture. What have .rL01! Mar. 3983. CONCERT GRAND, like new, $750. Tou may rent it- Harold S. Gilbert. 364 Yamhill. RENT A phonograph. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhin -t. 13-INCH Orpheum banjo for sale. Call Main 8490. TH REE octave Marimba xylophone, frr sale. Phone East N2l 6. 221 Cherry st. USE of piano for storage; transfer paid one way. Bdwy. 26G4. PLAYER piano with rolls. Phone East JO0S. 475 Pacific street. WANTED Use of piano lor stora are ; transfer paid one way. Broadway 2064. WANTED Sood tone piano, at once. Pay cash U baigaii. Marshall 5709. i