THE MORXIXG OREGONIAJV, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1920 2S"EW TO DAT. Valley Hotel For Sale Building; and Furniture Hotel Clearing; $500 Per Month Dining Room Clearing; $250 a Month Located in one of the best valley towns in southern Oregon. A three story pressed brick building; on lot 50x100, with furnishings of hotel and dining room complete, for $18,500. Building is 10 years old, built when prices were at rock bottom. Would cost $30,000 today. Thi3 is a fine opportunity for a live man to in crease an already good business. House full all the time, but prices will stand increasing. Terms Half Cash STRONG & COMPANY 634 Chamber of Commerce TO LEASE Ready July 1. 50x100 feet in my new building, Tenth and Davis Sts. Suitable for automobile lines. PERCY A. SMITH 204 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mala 410S. BGAL ESTATE. For bale Beach Property. CHOTCE 'BEACH LOTS AT EALTA1R (TILLAMOOK REACH). CLOSE TO STATION AND OCEAN. WILL EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING AND PA PERH ANGINO. AB 397. OREGON IAN. FOR SALE r will rent or leas, two choice lots 60x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Address H 188. Oregonlan. For lsde -Flat and Apartment Property. . MODERN FT, AT BUILDING. $16,000. -family flat on corner lot: extra well located; close In, high-class district: the bldgs. are well constructed; present in come $250 per month. If you want a good clean investment look this up. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. tOOOO INVESTMENT 10-room flats, near Northwest Steel Co., now making 17 per cent; four flats rented now; al ways full; if furniture goes, add $500. Main 3072. Frank McFarland. 208 Fail ing bldg. For Bale Lota. 100x200. HALF BLOCK FROM SANDY BLVD. PARK ROSE. $1350. ALL CLEARED. RICH GARDEN SOIL. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, " 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch office on Sandy Blvd. at end of Farkrose car lino. $S25. PARK ROSE. 113x140. $30 down, $15 a month, pressure water piped to tract, rich garden soil, fine fir trees, on macadam street, south of Sandy blvd. and car line. J. L. HART- ; MAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com. - bldg. Main 208. - Parkrose Branch office n Sandy Blvd. at end of Parkrose car line. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Wc have a few SOxlOO lots located from ftTith and Sandy blvd., to and including 80th St.. $300 and up. which we will sell on small monthly payments. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO.. 518 CORBETT BLDG. ' SEATTLE lot for sale at a sacrifice, cost me, up to date, (1550 cash. 60x1:13; 1 block from car. 2 blocks from Ballard beach; sidewalk in; gas all paid for. wain, srnty. SACRIFICE Lots 7-8. block 7. Fairport add., corner Mississippi ave. S., Watts St., close to Kenton car; sidewalk in, paid for. Will sell cheap for cash; make me an otter, am o.-m. oregonlan. LAURELHUEST lot. clear. two blocks from car. cheap for cash or trade for good aiamona or cottage at seaside and pay qincrence. nu .so., uregonlan. FOR SALE Alameda lot. choice location, would consider good car in trade. H I,. Clark, Milwaukie pool ball, box 226, jviu waume, ii. ALAMEDA, best section, car line, 00x100. By Bdwy. 880. H block from owner. SHOO. $900 CHOICE corner lot. down. $15 per month. 7. . wood 1927. fenced: $25 owner Sell X.OT, In Hyde Park. Falling and Beech Tabor 1507. 68th sts.. st., between $250. Phone FOR SALE Rose City lot. east front. $650 If taken at once. Marshall 8043, iwiwenn t - ana J. 0x100 LOT for sale. Rose City Park, by GOOD residence lots In Laurelhurst and vvaverieign neignts. mar. iiyno. $3000 Comer 100x150, large shack. East -1 st ana un. au 4ui, oregonian. lOOxlOO CORNER. 5th st. and Slst ave $1000. terms. 308 Kenton bldg. For Sal -Houses. $0500 LAURELHURST. $6500 LAURELHURST. Greatest value ever offered In this choice dist. : 8-room complete bungalow type, with all the finest built-ins; French doors, mirrors, library, large living room, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, break fast room, laundry, coal room, fruit room; cost $65o0 in the good old days. Lot worth $1500. To day you could not duplicate the house for less than $8500; terms arranged; block to car: nice lot. Offerings of this nature are rare: see it at once. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." STRICTLY MODERN NEW HOME. Beautiful rorner residence In Rose City; built a year ago. owner obliged to sell; white enamel woodwork and hard wood floors in every room; large living room extending across entire front of house, lovely dining room with French doors, 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook on first floors 3 bedrooms on second floor. 2 tiled baths, all necessary built-in features, full cement basement: furnace, garage. Price $9000; let ua show you. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main '6967. tiOTS OF ROOM FOR GARDEN. $2850 ARE YOU HOMELESS? $2850. VACANT MODERN BUNGALOW. 6 rooms on one floor, fine basement, fireplace, first-class plumbing, lights and gas. some built-lns; east front: house Just newly painted outside, deco rated Inside, lot 76x110: some fruit, fine oil. near car and hard-surfaced street.'- li you Know a bargain you will say this is one. See it todav: easv terms. Ualn 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber or Commerce bldg. $2250 YOUR OWN TERMS $2250. A SURE ENOUGH BARGAIN. 8-room plastered, double constructed house, small basement, good plumbinr. electric lights, gas. lot 95x100. with lots of berries. Now, don't holler RENT PROFITEER when you can buv a place line tnis on your own terms. Main 7967. Marlels or Williams. 820 Cham of Com. IRV1VGTON DISTRICT. Vacant 7-room hou, nwlv painted and decorated; beautiful lot. 50x100, with bearing fruit trees: worth $5000; for quick sale sanou. terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. g 2. VI DOWN 5-room house, close car; $2250 if sold this week. COBB BROS. 2ot OAK ST. In and REAL ESTATB. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICKJlAN COMPANY. . "Shortcut War Home." ..Tar of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with values and a splendid or ganization enable us to rive you the maximum service In home buving. There Is never any question regarding the Price being right on any piece o prop erty offered by us; it is a simple ques tion of the arrangement and design of ' the home suiting your requirements. SEVEN AUTOS AT fOUR SERVICE. It Places You Under No Obligations. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. $4100 You win find nothing more complete for sale at this price. Living room across the entire front. nice dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors; ft rooms and bath down, large sleeping porch with attic for additlenal room up; full cement basement, wash trays furnace. $2730 Here'is your opportunity to se-I cure a beautful cosy bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, immaculately i clean and in xirst-class eondt--tion; elaborate electric fixtures, usual built-lns, fine lawn with abundance of shrubbery. A mod ern chicken house if you wish to keep a small flock of chickens, t HAWTHORNE HOME. $4200 You would never expect to buy this attractive, semi-bungalow home of 6 rooms and bath for so little money; surrounded by beau tiful homes, close In and con venient to Hawthorne ave. ; street Improvements paid. $4200 6 rooms, story and one-half, cor ner home; street improvements paid; full cement basement, laun dry trays, piped for furnace, bard wood floors, fireplace, paneled dining room; 1 block to Haw thorne. Let us show you. $2000 Hero Is an attractive - corner home of 6 rooms and feath. Dutch kitchen, white enameled dining room with built-in buffet, fire place, garage: anly 1 blofk to car. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Here is an opportunity to secure an absolutely double-constructed home of 6 rooms and a sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, wash trays, garage. We can show you the Identical home you desire. We have homes at all prices and in all sections of the city, are con tinually getting In new listings, list only salable homes and you will find the time spent with our salesmen or In spectlng our photos and listings to your advantage. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004 and 5S3. IRVINGTON'S BUYS. $5500 A large, modern bungalow-type home, with extra bedroom or two on first floor, also -extra toilet and lava tory; several bedrooms on second floor; mortgage foreclosure. Immediate pos session. No. 522 B. 27th st. N. $4500 A snap 907 East Broadway, by appointment only; modern six-room cor ner home, full cement basement, good furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, den, sleeping porch, good, attic New listing Fine modern home, facing east, 18th near Knott; can be bought either with one lot or with two, $7500 or $9500. Owner leaving city. When you look through this you will know it is a lucky find. It is first class. R. T. STREET, Easx 894. Good Homes Realtor. A SACRIFICE AT $1650. f0x!70 lot, 4-room plastered house with gas. electric lights, cement base ment, good garden, chicken house, runs, berries, fruit trees, located in close-in addition on 42d st., near carllne; the lot alone Is worth this much and you are getting the house for nothing; $8115 down, balance $14 per month. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 61)67. SUCH NICE HOME $800 CASH. $3500 Queen Anne bungalow, west of Laurelhurst; has furniture, cement basement, enamel plumb ing; 50x100; garage; paved sts.; $800 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg. Main 4803. STOP! LiDOK! LISTEN! $3000 ROSE CITY SACRIFICE $3000. MODERN BUNGALOW VACANT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, space in attic for 2 rooms, good basement, fur nace fireplace. hardwood floors, ail kinds of bullt-ins, corner lot. 50x100: several evergreen trees; sidewalks in. street not paved. This 'is a wonderful bargain, the best best we have had for months; easy terms. Main 7967. Marlels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow on E. 37th. AH modern conveniences, fireplace, fur nace, full basement and wash trays. Large consbination living and dining room, very tastily finished wtth-all built in effects. Kitchen is finished in white enamel. Den and music room down stairs, three finished bodrooms and sleeping porch upstairs. Price only :-ioO. sihoo will handle. Turner a CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. This 6-room bungalow, would appeal to any one seeking a home with H. W. floors and everv built-in feature. A -1 furnace. Yes, an excellent garage, with 1 not ana coia water, this la a corner, located between S. S. and Hawthorne line, near a business center, good sub stantial payment; $4500. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. WESTMORELAND SNAP. Owner moving to Seattle; will give Immediate possession of their beautiful modern, up-to-date bungalow of 5 rooms, located on 17th street in Westmoreland with all street improvements in and paid for; fine view from front porch, nice lawn and all kinds of shrubbery. Price $4000: some terms. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. FINE VIEW HOME TO BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. 5-room bungalow, overlooking the Llnnton road, close to St. Johns ferry, no one could ever get lonesome with the view from this place, and the price is $2000. half cash, remember this has all city conveniences. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $3750 FOR a 7-room house at East 26th and Sherman sts., lots 70x80 ft. on corner, both streets hard surfaced and all assessments paid; house has brick foundation, good plumbing, gas and elec tricity. All rooms nicely papered; sight ly location. This is a splendid home and very cheap at this price. TURNER & CO., 2:10 Chamber qf Commerce. R. C. BUNGALOW WILL ACCEPT AUTO. Most beautifully designed new corner bungalow; 5 big rooms; furnace, fire place, all built-lns; double constr. : some furnishings included; going away; will accept auto; $5500. Terms easy. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5190. $2100. Buys a fine 5-room bungalow, ma cadam street, bath, buffet, gas, elec tric lights, cttv water, good -basement, several fruit trees; $500 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FURNISHED HOUSE SNAP 13000. 7 rooms, on E. Pine st., 4 blocks from car; completely furnished, furniture worth $500. Price $3000. $600 down bal. terms. v. J. ROBBTXS-EPTON. 301-302 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Price reduced: owners moving into country; will sell their attractive five room bungalow on 41st street in best of repair, walls nicely tinted, both ' electric lights and gas. Good view and full lot. Price $2800, and $750 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com HIGHLAND DISTRICT BUNGALOW. $5400 Strictly modern lH-story. 8 rooms: paved street, sewer in: lot 60x 100: nice garage, fruit and flowers: a real home, well built: owner oblige'd to leave. $2000 cash, balance 6. Save agent's commission. Call Wdin. 974. TWO HOUSES FOR $2500. Just off Mississippi . ave. : 2 furnished houses: nice 5-room cottages: rent for -$30 per month: both houses and furni ture only $2500: easily rent for $40 per mo. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th et. Bdwy. 4381. $5250 IRVINGTON. 8 rooms and sleeping porch; close to Broadway, walking distance; 2 bath rooms; can rent upstairs as flat; Income will almost pay for property. Act quick if you want this. COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. LAURELHURST. TWO-STORY SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, FOUR BEDROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT, GA RAGE. CORNER LOT: $8500. POIN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO; RESIDENCE 271-20. ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. Can give Immediate possession, strict ly modern 7-room -house. Just repainted and in first-class condition, plate-glass windows, hardwood' floors, fine large rooms, full cement basement, excellent; garage. Owner. Tabor 3066. NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW. 4 r. poms, block to car, near Reed col lege. aOOxLOO-ft. lot, variety of fruit and berries; only $2550, $300 cash, bal. easy. This is one way to beat the landlord. Marshall 8352, Tabor 3u90. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $3500 TERMS. Bungalow. 5 rooms, large attic, fire place, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, ' full basement, wash trays: $1000 cash. Call 304", Oak SU Bdwy. 266. REAL KSTATK. For Sale Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE ' PACIFIC COAST. 000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE . P'an io tiny iour Home, to attend our Mav carnival of hurffalna rii-.. i,no n u -rrt . nomo S.,.H,f-iL HOMES FOR SALE. MANY .i.i VALUES. Every dis trict In the city represented. Every home naa been personally appraised before be ing offered for your consideration. We protect all your Interests. We put you In Immediate touch with the home you 5r.?. LppKina FOR. If necessary, we Sent you make your DOW:' pay is Autos at Tour Service. Open Evenings and Sundays. $4250 NEW . ROSE CITY. Just being COMPLETED; living room with art brick fireplace and beautiful built-in bookcases ; French doors ieaa to- distinctive dining room With built-in buffet; Ideal Dutch kitchen; HARDWOOD FLOORS: splendid cement basement with furnace and laundry trays; floored attic: close to school and car. East 47th. $3465 Is the price we ask for another ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY; clever, new. BUILT-IN LABOR SAVERS that will make your Work days pass QUICKLY and PLEASANTLY; E. r0th. WHY NOT COME INTO OUR OFFICE and LOOK OVER our list of SPLENDID ROSE CITIES ? $3500 P L K A S A N T HAWTHORNE HOME. 5 rooms. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; many labor-saving bullt-Ins; white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas, good cement basement. 52d near Hawthorne. Terms. THIS IS GOOD VALUE. $2650 ONLY $500 down for THIS CX USUAL HAWTHORNE. Before YOU BUY look at this 5-room BUNGALOW BARGAIN: very at tractive lines; full-width front porch, pretty living room, artis tic dining room with massive 6 ft. buffet, full Dutch kitchen, 2 sunny bedrooms; white enamel Plumbing; eiectricltv. gas. NON RESIDENT SACRIFICES THIS FOR QUICK SALE. $3500 WEST OF LAURELHURST Is this truly splendid home bar gain; 6 attractive rooms; mod ern; close to Rose City car on Lawrence. THIS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE, and THEREFORE IS sacrificed. $2400 FURNISHED. SELLWOOD Tes. go further when all your troubles should end right here? THIS IS A REAL BUNGALOW; cheery fireplace. labor-saving built-ins. 2 sunniest bedrooms, best white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas, GARAGE-. House LIKE NEW. See our 000 homes BEFORE YOU BUY. $2750 JUST THINK, a real ROSE ! CITY BUNGALOW AT THIS ex ceedingly low price: LIKE NEW: artistic lines that will appeal to you. Paneled dining room, con venient kitchen. MANY CLEVER BU1LTINS. best white enamel plumbing. SPLENDID LOT SOx 100. GARAGE. Easy terms. E. . 65th st. $2975 HOME'S CORDIAL ATMOS PHERE INVITES YOU to this attractive 5-room BUNGALOW, comfortable, neat. FULL GAR DEN LOT 75x100. 16 LARGE FULL BEARING FRUIT TREES. Summer!! be here soon. E. 79th, 1 blk. to MV car. $2800 JEFFERSON -HIGH DISTRICT; 6-room substantial modern home; white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas. TERMS. Humboldt st. We also have a 5-room very at tractive modern home on the cor ner of Blandrna and Halght: many lahor-saving built-lns; best enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. ANOTHER BARGAIN. only $3150, $500 down. $1995-HOMELIKE little Mt. Scott. Aren't you Just wanting a quaint little home with a beautiful blossomy yard? This is one OF THE NEATEST, most comfort able cottages in Mt. Scott: 100x 100: garage. Just -$500 down, $20 per month. YOU'LL BE CLOSE TO NATURE HERE. $2500 ALBERTA partly furnished home, only $500 down; built-in conven iences; white enamel plumbing; VACANT, immediate possession. Prescott St. A REAL BARGAIN. We Have 70 HOMES IN ALBERTA.. If you are in the market for a home It will PROFIT YOU TO VISIT OUR OF FICE and look over our listings. Over BOO PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale. MODERATE HOME BARGAINS from every district. Avail yourself - of -the OPPORTUNITY NOW. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 10SS. . Deal with an Old, RELIABLE Firm. LAURELHURST. A very attractive home of 8 rooms, and they are real rooms, ivory finish. hot water heat, garage to match, beauti ful corner lot with improvements paid the appraised value is $12,000. for a short time I can deliver at $10,000. If you want Laurelhurst look this up. DUTCH COLONIAL HOME. IN IRVINGTON. 8 charming rooms, center entrance double fireplace, exceptional living room and very attractive dining room: you will appreciate the value on inspection the price Is less than $50O: make an appointment to see this at once. HAWTHORNE. $3750. 6-room semi-bungalow, fireplace, very attractive , buffet In dining room, full cement basement, nice lawn, all im provements in and caid. 2 blocks to school; $3750 for this im pre-war prices. CREPTON. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. '5-room cottage, all good-size rooms and fine condition, full cement base ment. 50x100 lot. 4 block to car. six blocks to grade school, s. blocks to Franklin high: $2750 will buy this on good terms. C. M. DERR. RALES MGR., COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4th st. Main 4522. $5400. ROPE CITY PARK. Ntftv 6-room bungalow on NER lot; finished in ivory cement basement, furnace, floors, all the modern and $5400. full COR fireplace hardwood convenient built-in features. HOLDEN KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 6550. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $0750. Extra well built and well kept home Is now offered at the present price for quick sale. Strictly modern and right up to date: hardwood floors, all built in conveniences, sleeping porch, etc.; fine view of city and surrounding hills and mountains; grounds beautiful, high and sightly. J. Tj KARNOPP & CO... 310 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 675. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow with rarage. oi paved street: strictly modem: built 9 months: hardwood floors throughout: old Ivory finish, French doors, breakfast nook, pantry, cement basement, furnace: three short blocks to car and stores. For sale by owner. Will take liherty bonds ' as first payment up to $2000 at par. Price $6500:$2000 down. Call Tabor 1186. ALAMEDA VIEW BUNGALOW. Cozy 6-room 'aungalow with large at tic and garage located on 85-foot lot, commanding unobstructed view of en tire city: old ivory finish and heavy oak floors throughout: tile bath, large plate glass' view windows across entire front the classiest little home in the city and neat as a pin; $8000; easy terms. Tabor 407. $400 FOR 8-room house and 50x100 lot at 455 E. ltth NT This property Is close in on hard surface pavement. , has first rlauR basement, furnace and best of plumbing and Is In good condition. This Is a very cheap piece of property at this price and belongs to a non-resident who Is anxious to sell. Terms very rea sonable. TURNER & CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN? $31SO-HAWTHORNE BUNG ALOW $31 50. 5 rooms, one floor, floored attic, with stairs up. good basement, laundry trays, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en: first-class plumbing-: reception hall; east front, one block from 50th st. car; lot 50x100; hard-surfaced street all paid. This is a very attractive place and a barealn. Terms. Main 7067. Mariels or Williams, R20 Chamber of Com. bldg. DANDY bungalow on 20th St.: this pleace Is nearly new: fine lot. only 1 block from car. Price C2750. on easv terms: vacant, ready to move Into. Main 7141. JUST WHAT YOtrVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $7000. 5 large rooms and attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, all kinds o-f built-lns, plate-glass windows. Ivory and white enamel throughout; full cement base ment, furnace; one block to car; also a garage, in fact everything complete. Call Marshall 3352, Tabor 3000. LOVELY Portland Heights residence. $10. 000. Paved street. 0 rooms. Tabor 6337. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honses. BEAUTIFUL , BUNGALOW AT BARGAIN. ' PIctnresque setting In Alameda Park, on 100x115 foot corner, with native trees, shrubs and excellent lawn. Nine-room. 14 -story bungalow with all modern appointments and conve niences. French doors, cove relllngi. large fireplace. Dutch kitchen .with large built-in refrigerator. Full cement basement with fruit closet and laundry. Large garage, well lighted. PRICE $10,000. House can be inspected at any time. Occupancy can be secured by May 20. For full Information rpply to F. E. TAYLOR CO.. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. TWELFTH FLOOR TKON BLDQ. OWNER MUST SELL LEAVING CITY. LADD'S ADDITION. Close-in home for sale In this exclu sive Improved residence district, on cor ner lot facing East Rose Park, with 14 foot alley In rear; house built and occu pied by present owner, who desires- to sell quickly; eight rooms and strictly modern ; all very best construction throughout; fine porch, shrubbery, dow ers, etc.; everything you want in a home; buy direct and save commission. Priced at $7600 foi Immediate sale, with easy terms. Call 646 Cypress St. or phone East 2168. NOB HILL. $12,500. $8000 CASH REQUIRED. . ft-roora house, modern, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, all large rooms, 2 fire places; a fine furnace; 50x100 lot; 1H blocks to car. Shown by appointment only. Call Tabor 8089. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and den, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, c floor, furnace, garage; 40x100 lot. Price $4000. $I00 cash, balance terms. C. R. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Bide Marshall 2575. Evening Wdln. 8483. SAVE YOUR CARFARE. Five-room cottage within 20 mlnutes' walk over town. Lot 50x100. On paved street, all im provements In and paid. 2 blocks to car. 5 large cherry tnees and other fruit. A snap at $3500. T00 down. F. R. Jesse. 62T Corbett Bldg. Main 7141. ONLY $7500. 8-room Laurelhurst colonial. Fine cor ner lot, commanding an unobstructed view in alt directions from every room. Hardwood floors in every room; a large living room, large library or bedroom, dandy kitchen, large dining room; up stairs 3 extra fine sleeping rooms and enclosed family sleeping porch. Very close to car and fine neighborhood. This is a forced sale. Act quick. No agents. " Mr. Deiahunty. Main 1700 . LAURELHURST (GEM) BUNGALOW. One of the homelest bungalows ever offered for sale in Laurelhurst; beauti fully located on an oversized lot east of park: 5 rooms, den and breakfast room; fine basement: hot-water hest. fireplace, large garage, fine shrubbery. Price $7500, some terms. Shown by a p pointment only. J. A. Mccarty, E. 3ih and Glisan. Tabor 8433; eve.. Tabor 5057. $2500 1-story, 7-room house in elegant conaition; large closets, ugnt rooms. 50 xlOi lot; lots of fruit and berries, chicken-house, etc.; a very beautiful lot lo cated on the Williams ave. car line; $800 down payment for a good home. You could ntl do better for the Drice; only $3uoo. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ST. JOHNS. 8-room house with big lot, 05x100 feet, 2 blocks from carllne, built-in Dutch kitchen: some fruit trees; here is a dan dy, close to the industrial district, for 533UU ana only .oo down. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch otfice Columbia 638. IRVINGTON HOME. Centrally located, near E. 21st and Tillamook sts., large living room, cen tral hall, dining room, screened in front and back porches. 3 large bedrooms and bath on second floor, bedroom and bath on third floor. Appointment arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Paimtf, 440 E. 21st N. East 7076. PORTSMOUTH. Splendid 5-room bungalow with screened-in sleeping porch; large clos ets, and a big lot. 60x110 feet; 1 block to carline; 6 fruit trees; $2750, $500 nowa. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch office Columbia 038. MAGNIFICENT 10-ROOM HOME, IRV INGTON. HARDWOOD FLOORS. 5 LAV A TORIES. 3 TOILETS. FINE BATH. MUSIC ROOM. CENTER HALL, LARGE 1.1 VlINli KUUfll. nu t WATER HEAT CHARMING LOCATION. THIS IS fa W . l.L. nU.n Ri. LAI.l. LI l FOR PRICE I have number of others. If you want nome can r.ast zis. neraman. $2850 BUYS a good 4-room home on a 00x100 cor ner: has built-in kitchen, cement base ment, furnace neat, good chicken run and can .be had on easy terms; lots of fruit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. THESE for sale at the old prlcee: 4-room houre, acre cleared. $liOO, terms; room bungalow, $lt00. it cash; 7-room house, 100x100. $1sno. $500 cash; 7-room house, luoxui". now. o cash. E. E. Cumpston. Sellwood 1422; evenings. Sell- wood o... $3SOO $10C0 CASH. 5-room modem, hardwood floors, fire place, paneled dining room, bc-autlful buffet, built-in kitchen, cement base- ment, furnace heat, garage. 60x100 lot. frulL JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main. 3787. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazee, 75x100 corner B. inth. All hardwood floors, gas furnace. plate windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very well built and tor sale by owner. SIX-ROOM 'BUNGALOW. Lot 50xl0rt. modern plumbing and sewer, one block from street car and paved street. Total price $2uo3.03. Easy terms. W.. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE At 456 E. 10th st. North. 6- room modern home, full cement base ment, wash trays, gas range, lot 50x100 . A. bearing fruit trees; apples. Dears ' cherries. If necessary will sell furniture and piano. owner, rnont cast ivt lu.-,0 R. C. PARK; almost new, parti furnished: bath, gas, electricity, large pnrnM- lot: Dart cash, balance 6 Der cent rnnvA right in: some distance out. bu fine chance for honest man with $600 to ..get nice little home; good neighborhood. near scnooi. uwiicr, t "in -oio. FOR SALE or trade, o-room bouse, or chard, hen house with eight runs, capa city 500 chickens; will trade house witl s lots or 10 lots. 60x125 with 15-ft. alley, 2 blocks from carline. -Wdln. 1868. 1481) E. 15th North. 7-ROOM house, large shed. 2 chicken houses. 6 fruit trees; walking . dlrftar.c . from business district. Also 5-room hous Pltfamont district, close to car barns $2500 each, owner. 6UI Borthwlck Woodlawn 3539. $5000 BUYS a 7-room bungalow, 2 blka ernm Rose City car line on 41st. strieriv modern garage, paved streets paid; $1OO0 cash. B. ti. -AOcoOK, oia liekmn bjdg. Main ltse-, evanmisn j aoor o.uo. 6-ROOM ceiled house, full lot, fruit, chick en house, $i.uu; iiu casn, $15 per month. ... INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. CLOSING ESTATE $2000. R-room house. 2 fine lots. 4 4 blocks from Alberta carllne: garden, fruit trees, berries, etc.; splendid location. Call at 998 Glenn ave. N. for particulars. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow; near Union ave. and Piedmont; a few hun dred dollars down will handle It, balance like rent. Phone owner. East 4000. ' - INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT, AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. ' MAIN 1800. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 6 rooms, semi-bungalow, fine attic, hardwood floors in living and dining room, beautiful view: $5500: terms. BROOKE. Marshall 4827. TO SETTLE an estate, lot 50x100. on Bel mont st.; $2100. This Is the best buy I know of. See J. U- McKenna. Belmont at 89th 13 years. Tabor 6493. BUY THIS WEEK. SAVE COMMISSION. 8-room mod. nouse. 2 lots, on corner, with 15 One bearing fruit trees; price 83S00. easy terms. 4S05 4tst ave. s. E. FOR - SALE HOUSE. 9 rooms, good looking, well built, choice neighborhood, Laurelhrust; $5100. terms. Owner. Main 279. t , w K7 r T TV New. strictlv modern. 7-rnnm Built by day labor. Buy from, owner at cost. 864, East 65th su N. REAL F.STATE. For Snle Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW $6300. SEE THIS NOW TODAY. You would never expect to buy so fine a home as i iniu one so intensely modern, fo aown- i;nt gooa in every way ana so taeaiiy located for so little money. We Just can't over-describe this beautiful bunga low home. Just give us an opportunity to show you. Oh, yes, there is a garage. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 8092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. LAURELHURST HOME. m A very neat and attractive 114-story, 6-room home with large sleeping porch and garage located in best section, near park; very larcre rooms throughout: old ivory finish, best oak floors. 1 large bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 large bedrooms, immense sleeping porch, toliet and lavatory upstairs: east front, ex cellent condition: built when they be lieved Jn using lots of lumber: dandy fireplace, lull cement basement and miranifeil furnace; never offered for !a!. Dcfre: bought larger home: price 0OO; terms If desired. Tabor 407. T ROOMS. LOT 84x125. ONLY $500 DOWN. Located half way to Sellwood. 15 mln. from center of city, easy walking dis tance to S. P. shops: 7 rooms; 4 bed rooms, fine Dutch kitchen; 8 bearing iruit trees, extra large lot for mar ketable produce, fine soil, pretty lawn ..u .uiuuuBry; a DIOCKS oeuwooa car. Here's vnur chunc I g h.,. ih, H f T. Price $3500. $5oo down. bal. cheap rent. This Is a dandy home for someone with family. I.t us show you. Call Main evj xor appointment. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10OT Yeon bldg. QUICK POSSESSION. $4000. COMPLETELY H:RXISHF11. $4000 This home Is nicely located in the Sun nyslde district. 7 good-sixe rooms, 1 bed room and large den on lower floor. 2 bedrooms above; full high cement base ment, Dutch kitchen; very nice carpets and all good furniture; hard-surface streets In and paid: first-class car serv ice. East Salmon near 85th at. Don't mi&s this bargain. C. A. WARRINER." RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Bung.-ilow .-..s.-.o Strictly modern 6-room bungalow right on Sandy blvd. Large living room, dining room, with built-in effects. Dutch Kitchen and breakfast room. Fine sleep ing porch.. Beautiful hardwood floors. good basement and furnace. Large porch and plate glass windows. b in view. An ideal home. All improve ments in and paid. J. 1 KARNOPP & CO.. 310 Ry. Exch. Oldg. Main 675 OWNER leaving city, has listed a very good home of 7 rooms, furnrshed. at very low price. This property is close in. In good neighborhood; will sell at $.ViOO. will make good terms If de sired. This property Is worth consid erably more, but owner wants quick re turns. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6.13 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE Small house. double con structed. full plumbing. nearly newj built so ran asilv build on to: lot 50x 156. ten bearing fruit trees, varietv of berries, fine location; all assessments paid, 1 block from Montavllla car, about $100 worth of lumber will go with place: price $1550. 74 East 6jth St. N. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Exceptionally beautiful English style home, overlooking city: large lot. iuxi..u garage, 10 large rooms, two steeoing porches, oak floors and white enamel finish., fireplaces; good porcelain plumb ing. Will give b:g discount tor casn. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. - 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3.87. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income? We design and build apartments,- ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years: we offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ONE-STORY. 5-room bungalow, near Pen insula Park, SOxlOO lot. city liens paia; modern, large rooms, concrete founda tion. Vx cement basement, double con structed. furnace heat, in good con dition; $4200. $1200 gives you possession. jonsu.-i'tiu)Uft -. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8TS7. IRVINGTON HOME. E 21ST. NEAR THOMPSON. 8 rooms, living room. 16x30, sun room, dtninsr room, large kitchen, also bed room and bath on first floor, 2 large and 1 small bedroomin second floor, garage pl.nste.lN WEST SIDE HOME Here's a rare buy In a 2atory. 8- room modern house located on choice lot near 18th and Hnyt sts. Price only $7000 with terms; house in good condi tion and would rent for $"; lot alon worth price asked. Tabor 407. phi rmr A T.I.Y now and Just been tinted. 6-room house in Jjeaumont; large iivimk room, dlulng room, uuicn Kiicnen. wnnrl floors, bullt-ins. Three bedroom; and Bleeping porch, large clothes closets and good furnace. trice eooou. lenns. E. 2604 at 451 Weldler. R.RfiftM biinralow. all on one floor, bath toi et. gas. electric ugnia. iwoni-iiafa, full from noreh. also side porch; garage, 37Vix10 lot. paved street. 1 VS blocks to car; $2soo. siooo casn. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W.. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 MULTNOMAH. A dandy bungalow. 4 rooms, bath sn iuninr north. double-constructe throughout. 1 blork of depot and high Kiivioo Lit. set to fruit, berries an roses. Price $3000. $I00 cash. Georg stout. Multnomah station. 6800 85TH S. E. Mr. Miller's 3-room. bath garage. $l-oo; soini casn. r.,,in r. I'JOO- 40O cash. 6424 67th S. E fiirri-'ft lot 5-room bungalow, full base mesit. attic, cement garage. $3800; $800 cash. Fred Sriear. Tabor 5S7. JS50 3-ROOM house, noxiuu mi, 7 frul rive worth more than the price of the $300 down, $13 per month SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. 614 Panama Bldg lot muEDIATK POSSESSION. tn-.ri 7-rrtnra modern, well-built home, 10(1x100 corner. 3 car; $0OO cash, balance easy terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark st. Main 5429 RAltGAIN Owner leaving city. 7-room m0rn eement basement. Dutch kltch en sleeping porch, fine, woodwork and fixtures, 100x100; bearing fruit trees. chicken house and garden. 4036 4 2d av. S. E. 3-KOOM house bargain. $1600; east Sid close in. terms, $:too cash, plastere hnth. toilet, electric and gas. sewers, pip. in and paid, nice neirhbo hood. ' H. W, Garland, 201 Third, corner Taylor $8000. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $8000 Locatea cum Ul lain . 'J rvums, an od one floor: tile bath, fireplace, furnace. ..mite. See J. A. Mccarty. E. S'.n and Glisan. Tabor 8433; eve.. Tabor 557. J14O0 4-ROOM house. electricity, gas, fruit trees, chicken house, woodshed blocks from car. foOO down. $20 per month, snap. . SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. 014 Panama Bldg. irvint.tON $7500 buys beautiful horn 7 rooms, reception hall, sleeping 'porch and garage; strictly modern and In beau tiful condition; screens for all windows. Tabor 6441. FOR' SALE BY OWNER. MODERN. WELL-BUILT. 8-ROOM HOUSE. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. FURNACE. GA RAGE CORNER .OT. LOCATED AT 431 E. 39TH ST. EASY TERMS. f,4o)0 NEAT, new house for sale cheap by owner. 4 blocks to Hawthorne car: 2 lots, good house. Call personally and see at 3504 6th St. S. E., corner Powell t:rtW-5-ROOM BUNGALOW; electricity "and gas, woodshed, chicken house, ga rage, fruit, berries, roses; 4 blocks from car: $1000 down, terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 014 Panama Bldg. FOR SALE Rose CltyPark 5-room bun- galow 1H blocks from carlind. large attic, cement basement, fireplace, fur nace: price $4000. half cash: reasonable terms. Phone 319-87. $1700 LARGE SVoom cottage In Ivory finish, modern except bath: improved st : . $250 down. $25 month.. Call out of working hours. 7009 60th ave. 8. E. SIX rooms, bath, furnace, buffet, big closets, full basement, fine lot. paved street: price $4500. terms. 338 E. 85th st. FOR SALE Second mortgage. fS0O, $40 per month, new house, first mortgage runs 3 years. Phone evenings. Main C795. A 5-ROOM-and-sleeping-porch modern bun galow, all conveniences: wery good value: corner lot: blk. to car. 618 E. 64th N. FOR SALE Contents of 5-room furnished house, very reasonable, cheap rent, close In 580 East Ash street. CLOSING estate: $2250: clear title: oV.m pletely furnished 5-room bungalow. East R56. FOR SALE 3-room cottage. $6O0. some terms. 4704 70th St. S. E. Take ML Scott car to Flrland sta. 2 MODERN houses. 6 ots. in Gresham, S300O. terms. 227 Mill HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4299 ROD ABA UGH. IRVINGTON home, almost new. Widow must have $1200 cash quick. East Stilt. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -H o usee. - THE PACIFIC AGENCT. INC 614 8 WETLAND BLDG. FURNISHED HOUSE of It rooms, of fered for quick sale; completely fur nished, large corner lot. fruit trees, roses and nice lawn. Garage on this place; now - rented for $H per month, with room for one more cai -one blork to varllno and close in. $4000; terms. RICHMOND. Photo S10. $3000 5-room bungalow, alt Improve ments in and paid for; nlco little place lor tne money. $1000 cash. REED COLLEGE WAY. Photo 322. $4000 Terms, seven-room bungalow Ftyle, near car line; strictly modern. How much of a down payment can you make on a home like this? MT. SCOTT. Photo 351. $3575 $400 cash, 6-room house, all modern, 115x115 ft. corner lot; hard surfaced street, on car line. EAST SIDE. Photo 352. $300 cash, 6-room house, walking dis tance, close to school; price $2500. ROSE CITY PARK. Photo 341. $1173 for 8-room newly plastered lit tle place, on a full lot with 11 bearing fruit trees; garden already put in; close to Sandy BfVa., and only $300 cash; easy terms on balance. THE PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 61 S WETLAND BLDG. HAWTHORNE FINE HOME. $3600--Flne 7-room large square house: furnace. flrep;ace. all built-lns: full cement basement, cabinet kitchen, trays: 4 bedrooms, lot 5oxl00. east front : paved st. paid: on E. 33d. near Hawthorne; some terms. MOUNT TABOR SWELL HOME. $9000 Swell 0-room house; furnace, four nrepiaces. 2 toilets; all bunt-ins: corner. 100x100, fine view; $1500 city liens paid; on East 53d and Morrison. 1 block to car; about $2000 cash. Big snap. V orth $14,000. SWELL 9-ROOM RESIDENCE. 2 LOTS. $S500 Swell, strictly modern house'. bedrooms; nothing missing to make it up to date; lot looxlOO; garage with 2 rooms finished: lots of nice fruit: on E. 32d and Clinton; easv terms if desired. GRl'SSI BENNETT. 31S-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ALAMEDA PARK. NEW BUNGALOW A GEM. $0750. Here, folks, is -one of those real good looking, super-modern bungalows, built along the new modern lines. Right up to me minute. .Nothing better, r.very thing that one could possibly ask for you win una here. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Owner reduces price $5oo for nulck sale: here's a chance to buy a 'dandy bungalow in Portland's most popular exclusive district at a bargain: 7 rooms, breakfast nook, sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, beautiful buffet. 50xloo lot, ga rage. You would like this artistic bun ga.ow; the beautiful trees and sur rounding homes; located on prettiest street in this beautiful district. If you are in the market for a Laurelhurst bungalow don't fail to see this. It won't last long at $S500; terms. Shown by appointment only. Call Main Soli. 'GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. A REAL BUNGALOW $7850. A HOME OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Lots of clafs and distinction. Here's a home you will be proud to own. 5 rooms and den. We Just can't say too much ahbut this place. All we can hope to do is to get you to inspect it. You. your self, can be the Judge. See this today. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. 264 Stark st., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. KILLINGSWORTII AVE. DISTRICT. Modern 7-room bungalow, full cement ' basement, laundrv trays. 1 bedroom, bath and toilet down. 3 bedrooms on second floor; cabinet kitchen, living room and dining room across front of house. This is one of those old-time bargains at $3000; $750 cash. C LEV E LA N D- H ENDE KSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. NEAR ST. IGNATIUS CHURCH. Large, well-built 8-room hou.-e and large sleeping porch; 1 bedroom on low er floor. 4 bedrooms above; all built-in conv., fireplace, full cement basement and Al furnace: 1 short bik. to paved St.. 3 to car. This Is an Ideal home for a large family. Price $4OO0. Watch Our Ad.i. We Get Results. C. A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOWE A: CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $3300 HERE Is a good buy, 5-room Cal ifornia oungniow, tirepiace. Duut-in oui fet. white enameled kitchen with all the bullt-ln conveniences, foil cement base ment, furnace heat. laundry trays, etc.; 40x120 lot. garage, trees and shrubbery, quite a few extras go with this beau tiful place: $1500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. EXCLUSIVE ROSE CITY PARK. SubKtamial 7-room l'-j -story house double constructed throughout; built by; ewnor for a home. Surely it has hara wood floors, fireplace, full cement base ment, wash tr:iys. fruit closet, dandy furnace, all the modern built-lns; 1 block to car. Now, here comes a sur price ONLY $1000 DOWN. HOLDEN & KOHLMAN. 228 Ch. of Com, bldg. Main 8350. WALKING DISTANCE. 7-room, 2-story home, located con venient to east end of Broadway or rail road bridge; belongs to a non-resident who wishes to sell at once: $4500 is exceptionally low price; will make terms very easy if desired. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST. $1750 EASY TERMS. 5-room bungalow, standard plumbing, full cement basement, large attic with extra room; gerage and large chicken house; 3 blks. to car. Johnson, INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. Main 6429. 1 -STORY, 7-room bungalow on 43d St.. near Alder: 2 blocks to Mount Tabor car: modern, sewer and sidewalks in; bath, laundry trays, bookcases, buffet, fireplaces concrete foundation, cement floor: 8 years old; $4000. $500 will give you possession. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank B Id g. Main 3787. " HAWTHORNE. $2750 Good 5-room house, bath and attic, newly tinted, fine corner, lot. 50x100, streets paved, gas, stove and water heater thrown in. Terms. 350 E. 37th. cor. Stevens. Key next door. Owner Mar. 835. FINE MODERN BUNGALOW. 2 CHOICE LOTS. GARDEN, FRUIT. This fine home, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace and all modern conven iences; immediate possession; sacrifice t o $3250. terms. Tabor 8292. ROSE CITY SNAP $ kotIoii on E. 50th. near oo. Broadway : paved St. and all improvements in; price for quick sale $500, plus $163 city liens. GRUSS1 Bt-..Mil l, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. CLOSE-IN 6-room home, fireplace, hot water heat, full lot. macadam street, S4O0O $1200 cash, balance easy. ' JOHNSON-DODSON Cg.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. S3700 IH'JRTLAND HEIGHTS. 200 feet frontage, 6-room house, 2 bathrooms, sleeping porch; garage: $1500 handles; st paved: will consider acreage. Zim merman & White. 818 Cham, of Com. 7500 NEW, modern bungalow In Irving ton, Just completed. If you are looking for a cosy home see this one: elegantly finished In ivory and mahogany. Owner, llol Spalding bldg.. or call Main 27. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern; furnace, hardwood floors, built ins, etc.: $1000 down, terms on balance. See it today. Phone owner. East 4O00. $7500 WEST SIDE sacrifice. 9 rooms, modern. $3100. 6 rooms. 914 Gantenbeln. 6 rooms. 64th S. E.. $1600. 2 fine lots. Mt. Scott car, $1200. Terms. Broadway 8232. GOOD 6-room bungalow, sleeping porch, large lot. fruit, all clear: near MV. car; $200o; reasonable terms; Immediate pos session. Call at 1911 E. Irving st. WE HAVE fine list of Portland homes and Oregon tarms: need one or two high-grade salesmen with auto. Write A 246. Oregonian 5-RM. NEW BUNGALOW. NR. KILLINGS WORTH AVE.. 50x10(1. MODERN H. W FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE. CE MENT BASEMENT. MAIN 700. RKAI, KSTATE. For 8ale Houses. HEIGHTS HOME TO BE SACRIFICED. Palatial eight-room residence on com manding view site of attractive Willam ette Heights district. Ground area 66 2-3x114 feet. Rooms have modern appointments and are elegantly finished. Garage connected with kitchen. Basement contains servants quarters, furnace room and "laundry. Tard is natural park, w-ith large trees, shrubs, winding path, rose and berry bushes; plenty of garden space. TRICE J8000. For full information apply to F. E. TATI.OR CO., INSIDE PROPER DEALERS. TWELFTH FLOOR YtyN BLDG. FINE Piedmont horn, has S large rooms, h. w floors with Inlaid bor.ler. Furnace, buffet, den, 2 Inige parlor bedrooms, cement basement. laundry trays, beautiful lot with shrubbery. 75x100. cement wals. paved streets. Good neigh borhood in restricted district. Price $.7-J, on easy terms. Must l seen to he appreciated. H. Lsxenby, Wdln. -OOol. STRICTLY mddarn Hawthorne bun galow, h. w. floors, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kltohon, bookcase, ce ment basement. laundry iravs, paved street and, cement walks. Price only $3',00 on easy terms. Don't miss this bargain If you want a l-ungaiow. Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 30S9. ELWOANT 8-rojm bungalow, near Hawthorne carline, close in. Is strtcily modern; h. w. floors, fur nace,, Dutch kitchen, sleep- ' ing porch. Larg-j parlor, bedroom, cement basement, laundry trays. $10no will handle this place as ten ants are moving to the country Una week. Tabor 1024. I HAVE 2 fine modern homes to offer one In Irvington. on corner, large living room, library, dining room, built-in side boards, pass pantry, kitchen, a fire places, 4 sleeping rooms and sewing rwui", cement casement. wash travs, good furnaee. Yes. It tins a fine caraiie. Price $s50il, terms, or $b50 all cash. The other is East Taylor, near 2!ili close to car. 6 rooms in fine condition, has 3 sleeping rooms, all modern conveni ences, m, terms. Call Mr. Helm Tabor 8605. SUNNTSTDE SNAP $450 CASH. 5-room home, near 3Ulh St., 2 blocks SS car; this is a ;ood home on fine 50x100 lot; hard -surfaced street. near Laurelhurst park plenty of fruit. All for the low price of $3000. balance $20 a month. Main 7141. A REAL BUI For sale by owner, a dandy goon nouse. block from car; has 8 liieiou piumDing llxtures, fine furnace fireplace. 7-ft. full cement basement every corner completely finished; double constructed all through; one of the best built homes in Portland; can be bought iiu enner t it., loo tt. or 150 ft. srouna; must be seen to be appreciated -'iierea at naif wnat It would cost to day; must sell, owner leaving city. Call vooa,awn t::)o. FOR SALE. IRVINGTON CORNER. ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH FIREPLACES, HA H D WOOD FLOURS l iiiioluholt, EVERY CONVEX IBM K; BUILT FOR HIS Hi'ME BY i n .n r.K. nun now LIVES OUT TOWN. PRICED FOR, QUICK. SALE i .em. i r. it .m t. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO -4 UAh. S.1. .MAKSHAl-L,. 40 ACRES. i in cultivation, 2 miles fmm Oregon City, school adjoining, fine build lnrs, pressure water system, R. F. D. telephone, milk and cream route, also sonic iarm implements. If ymi have hoose in the city. I can take this in. your price is rmht. You can get thl line piece or lana at Hesgard. with COE A. M-KENNA & CO. fr2 Fourth St. 6-KOOM plastered house, in good condi tion, $1800: $500 cash. 6-room. modern, close In on Interstate ave.. $4000; $1000 cash. 7 rooms, modern. 3 lots, $3000; $700 cash. 5 rooms. 2 lots on corner, fruit and berries. $2050; $500 cash. 7 rooms. 3 lots, house in Al condition. $3000; $1000 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 243 Stark st. Main 5420. FOR SALE. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW: PAVED STREET. HARDWOOO FLOORS LIV ING AND DINING ROOMS. DISAP PEARING BED. BUILT-IN COVLlMi SYSTEM. GAS RANGE, UITI1 GAS HEATER. $285l, TERMS. MANY OTH Eli KESIRARLE HOMES FOR SALE UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO, MARSHALL 756. 2S4 OAK ST. OWNER GOING AWAY AND MUST SELL. Best buy in the Hawthorne paved dis trict; five-room modern bungalow with large floored attic, bedrooms in old Ivory, convenient kitchen, white enamel, fu'l cement basement, furnaee, fireplace, bookcases; priced very low for quick sale; $3S50. half cash. Owner. 266 E. Mstst., half block north Hawthorne car. 100x100 LOT that will cut your living expenses in half: fine garden already in. 8 large fruit trees of ail varieties: also large varietv of berry bushes, chicken house. 5-room cottage. In good condition, concrete foundation, large basement: Mount Tabor car; for quick sale $21:50. $500 cash will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. $4730. TERMS. Fine home, 8 rooms, modern, walking distance. 124 E. 15th st., near Morrison. PORTS MOUTH. 10-room house, only a block from the heart of this thriving district; suitable for either rooming or boarding house laundry trays, full basement, doublv con structed: block from carlinu; $34O0, a.iuu casn. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch office Columbia 638. $2."i50 $700 CASH buys a 5-room cottage. 3 living rooms, 2 bedrooms, on Terry street, west ot nranuon: l block to car 4 to school: 50x100 lot; paved street and sewers in and paid Tor; bath, toilet, lav atory, cement Abasement, double con structed. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main ."7S7 NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms conveniently arranged, pasement, amc, anu on a pavea street. 2 block from carline. You should see this. $3..oo, down. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch office Columbia C'lS. 14 100 $1200 CASH. BALANCTC st $35 per month, buys this 7 rooms and sleeping porch, on two lots, double con structed. full cement basement. Just 100 feet to car and paving, deferred payments only o per cent. JOH.VSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Ulils. Main 37S7 8-ROOM modern nome on boxioo lot on East Main rt.. near 24th. for S7r,cri- owner moving away and will consider 4 or 5-room cottage or bungalow., up to $3000 in traie. balance can be arranged. See atihi.-o:n. -"4 iienry bldg.- $5011 COR. 100x100. Alameda: lovely, modern 9 rooms, bungalow style. 2 fire places, center hail. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, h. w. floors, built-lns; garage: attractive terms. Zimmerman Ac White, t ham ot com. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, bath basement. attic. fireplace, first-class eiec. fixtures, z lota, corner, close tn car. $2600; will, consider diamonds or good roadster as first payment, balance to suit. owner, rsroanway .;ou. MT. TABOR HOME. 5 large rooms, bath, full basement, &6X14U lot, garage, cnicsen nouse, gar den, several large fruit trees. Price is right. Call on owner. Tabor 4727 even ings GOOD 7-room house. 3 up. 4 down: lights, bath and toilet: fine garden spot: loox 100; lots of fruit; SISOO: $400 cash. $-'5 per month: 1702 Druid st. Call after 6 o'clock or for particulars phone Marshall 23U peiween i auu x o ciock. 6-ROOM modern bungalow. Irvington dis trict; paved streets; furnace, fireplace $3750. $1200 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark et. Main 5429. ROSE CITY PARK bung, from owner Modern bungalow on 4,tn. bet. A a f meda and Slanton. Phone owner. Mar shall 34H4 evenings. FOR SALE by owner. Phone Tabor 909L 5-room cottage, REAL ESTATE. For Kale House. 1500 BI TS a modern 3-room houso on oitn street southeast. with is sere of ground; $300 down, balaaho to suit. $2100 takes a practlcallv new 6-room-' house near Lents Jet., v.-lth large tract of ground with bearing fruit eo-nn'V''"8- chicken house, eta. ' ,.y modern 5-room house tin Ktlllngsworth avenue, near Nth St.. will take $300 down and easy terms on h.itance. $3000 takes a 2-story. 5-room house on t-.. 14th near Powell valley. noxlOO V of uml: good buy. f JjllO buys a modern home on E. Morri son street, between K. 34th and E. rf.t h; houso built by owner for -a home; $1250 cash $6000 takes a dandy modern 6-room house on E. 7th street, near Broad way; an excellent buv. The above are for sale throuKh my of .,wn som f tho properly and others belong to clients of mine. for F."tlrulB,r ee me l 404 Piatt Bldg 1- 1 ark street, telephone -Main -m EXTRA $42.".n XTR A. "Oft. CITY park BUNGALOW. Want t.l ill,rd ...... 1.A speedy action required to oe the proud possessor of this cosy 5-room buiixa J . eyer again will you get an op portunity like this. Owner leaving cUv and sacrifices for quick sale. one of tnose large living rooms that you have a. ways wanted, extends clear serosa iront; hdwd. floors. bookcases fire place gas heat: t.ipestrv papered, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, full cement nient. piped for lurnace: 50xlo0 lot. bearing fruit trees, benrles. tine lawn and shrubbery. Why pav $50oo for a iilnB on a street above the bill wlien you can get this with street Improvements and sewer In and pam? Located 'J blocks from Sandv. below t:i hill. Shown by appointment nly If you are wise you'll act at once. Won t last until tomorrow. Requires half ciua to handle. Call Main M2 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg.."' ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $4750. TOUR OPPORTUNITY! Yon will as preciate the real value here. This tru.y modern. double-constructed bungalow has a value far In excess or present prices. Fniished In rich old Ivory and white throughout, hardwood floors, fire, buffet. Dutch ktichen. breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc; full lot, assls. paid. Let us show you. ' A. G. TEEPE & CO.. - J64 StHrk st.. near 3d. Main S09! J Branch Office. 5oia and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK $7000. New, modern, up-to-date 7-room house, douhl constructed, hardwood Moors, fire place, furnace, large plate glass windows in front and dining- rooms, shades and fixtures, china closet and buftet. book cases; finished In Ivory; Dutch kitclwiai littoleum. breakfast room, den. 3 Iki'-I-moms with closets; extra largo batii room, linen closet, clothes shuts, elec tric switches in every room, double switch for up and downstairs: cement basement, fruit closet and laundry travs, g,trage nith cement tloor and runw;y: nothing left out for a convenient and nice home and. best of all, good werk is done on this house. For appointment call Woodlawn 62:;9. Owner. 6-ROOM LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. HOT WATER 4IKAT. A BIG BARGAIN. OWNER AN INVALID OBLIGED TO SELL AND CHANGE ' CLIMATE. If you want a beautiful home at a very attractive price, don't fail -to see this bungaiow. An extra . , large lot and a fine garage. No agents need answer. Phono before ' 12 noon or of tor 6 P. M. East 20&U. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very attractive and unusually well built. 2-story, 10-room home located on double lol commanding wonderful view of city and Mt. Hood; verv large living und dining rooms, den, 4 fine bed rooms and 2 baths on second floor; maids' rooms and bath on third floor: old ivory finish, hardwood floors. 7 modern fireplaces; basement subdivide'd. artistic billiard room; grounds beauti fully landscaped with ample room for double garage; house in excellent con dition and worth $30,000 hut $2-J.5iiO takes it; terms U wished. Tabor 4ti7 BUY AN ACRE CI'T THE COST OF ' LIVING. City conveniences, gas. water, elec tricity, on crushed rock tsireet. two blocks off paved highway to Portland. Just a nice drive to work or 42 miuules to Portland on S. P. or O. E. Why sucitd 40 minutes on -a crowded s;ree.t car toe ing to a stuffy city lot when you could go home to an acre of loganberries, thickens, etc? See us about this ctocie in acreage. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 2S Oak St. Marshall 756. RESTRICTED district, residence fur nished, 3 bedr:j OS. bath and sleeping porch, large attu, floored, bulit-in buf fet, panels, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace. concrete basement, laundry trays, etc.; garage with concrete floor. H ij; li-cl:iss ueiIioors. This house alone would cost you $-5000 to build. My price, furnished. $.00O. The rui;s and furni ture are brand new. $27ou cash, liberty bond, or automobile: the rest. $50 a month. Tins hoi:se can be rented as -it is for $0 a month or uioro. Call Wool lawn 211S. No asents. MT. TA FOR BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and ceiled attic, cement bail ment, cabinet kitchen, luriie living and dining rooms, 2 fino bed rooms ; linished in vory and white tliroiiKiioUL. ."ioxioO lot. all st. imp. in and paid; 1 block to Mt. Tabor car. Fine vj.-w of city mid close to park. Price $:'.ooo. easy terms. Vacant, immediate possession. tall on ner. Mam O7o2. rF.NINSL'LA BUNGALOW. $33110 A BEAUTY $35011. . ;. 6 rooms and tloored attic, modern 'to the minute and exceptionally well built. This is somelhlns far above the ordi nary; about 1-2 bik. from paved street and car. Price 3."ioO. terms. Largo grounds and abundance of fruit tree- can be had at an additional price. Quick possession can be had. r. A . W A R R I N E R . RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. Non-resident owner tells me to -well quickly his modern 2-story. 7-room house with sleeping porch anil garase. located on 75x100 site commanding wonderful view of city: corner East 53i and Salmon streets: center entrance hall, large living and dining rooms, con venient kitchen, 4 nice bedrooms, sleep ing porch, large attic, fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, lawn and shrub bery; price cut to $9000; terms. Taoor 407. ' YOUR HOUSE. "IS IT FOR SALE? j Talk It over with as. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swetland bldg. EASY TERMS BUY BEAUTIFUL RIVER VIEW. Good 7-room house, full basement, fu.l SOxlOO lot: on car line and hard-surface street and clear of all incumbrance. Tins home has an unobstructed river view. $700 cash will handle, balance almost like rent. Price $3000. Watch Our Ads. We Get Results., C. A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOW E : CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. J37O0 2-STOLJY. 6-room homey home, large, light rooms, large cfosets. ail street improvements In and paid: three blocks to car: Williams or Mississippi; 2 blockB to school, concrete foundation, full basement, furnace heat, double ga rage, all kinds of fruit nnd berries, lot 50xlOO. $1200 will handle with bal ance easy payments. - JOHNSON'-nODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787.. JUST COMPLETED ROSE CITY. 6 rooms, living, dining. 3 bedrooms, bullt-ln buffet, breakfast nook, tapestry paper, ivory finish, hardwood floors, fire place, cement floor in basement, laundry trays, furnace, trees, garage, driveway, at improvements in aud paid. Owner will show place. 650 E. 46th st. N.. bet. Stanton and Siskiyou. H A WTHORN E-AVE. HOME. Modern 6-room home, full basement, bath, trays, new furnace: 50 rose bushes: garage; cement walks and curbs: both streets hard surfaced: house faces east, corner lot; 1 block north of Hawthorne ave.. No. 259 East 46th st. -$5500; want $15i0 cash, terms on balance; properly clear. Owner, Sellwood 233. $2750 $500 CASH. 4-room bungalow. 2 additional rooms upstairs which are unfinished. but could be used as sleeping rooms; large living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath on first floor: gas and electric lights, good basement. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7-. IRVINGTON Owner must sell this week, new 6-room colonial cottage at 701 E. 17th st. N. See tt 2 to 4, afternoons, or phone Marshall 3821 for appointment.