16 OIG STEEL COMBINE 1 CANADA DEBATED Merger Called "Gigantic .Stock Watering Enterprise." TORONTO LETTER CITED Member ol Hons of Commons Heads Missive Charging Scheme by Prominent Manipulators. OTTAWA. May 4j The recent mer ger of Canadian steel, coal and trans portation companies into the British Empire Steel corporation, said to be the second largest of its kind in the world, was brought up in the house or commons today. K. A. Richardson, member from Springrfield, Manitoba, declared he had received a letter from av "prominent financial man In Toron to" charging that the consolidation was "an attempt by London and New lorK manipulators closely connected with the United States Steel corpora tion" to effect "a gigantic fitock wateringr enterprise." He declined to give the name of his Toronto correspondent. Merger Is Debated. J The merger was debated for three hours, during which the United States Steel corporation was mentioned fre quently. E. W. Neubit, South Oxford, and Colonel J. A. Currie, North Simcoe, both declared they found the Ameri oan corporation honorable in its transactions and agreed on the at tractiveness of its prices. Colonel Currie contended that the merger would supply capital that had hitherto been lacking for development of Canada's iron and coal resources, beside which, he asserted, those of , the United States Steel corporation "pale into insignificance." He further stated that the new combination would compete with the American corporation for British trade and remove the menace to all Canadian steel plants in the proposed United States Steel plant to be built at Windsor, Ontario, at a cost of $60, 000,000. which would have forced Canadian firms out of business. Objections Are Made. Overcapitalization and the fact that it included the Canadian steam ship lines were among objections to the merger made by several speak ers. W. F. MacLean, member for York, stated that the combine prob ably would aim at control of the Canadian government merchant ma rine as part of its scheme. Other -speakers objected to amalgamating transportation with the eteel in dustry. The debate ended with the under standing that the government would safeguard public Interest. AERIAL PATROL PLANNED Civilian Pilots May Be Engaged for Protection of Forests. SEATTLE, Wash., May 4. An aerial forest fire patrol of the state of Wash ington operated, by civilian pilots will be put into effect this sum mer if plans now being completed by the Aero clib of the northwest are carried out, it was announced to day. Following the receipt of word that the proposed government patrol would not extend to Washington be cause of a shortage of fliers, a spe cial committee of the club today began a canvass of lumbermen in an effort to secure the necessary in dorsement for the project. ' The patrol, if organised, will have its headquarters at Camp Lewis, it "was announced. The plan is for the government to furnish equipment if fliers and funds are provided. BERRY DECISION APPEALED Phez Company to Carry Case on Contracts to Supreme Court. " SALEM, Or., May 4. (Special.) The Phez company, which recently lost its case filed in the Marion county circuit court to compel the Salem ..Fruit union and approximately 100 growers of this vicinity to deliver to that corporation their loganberry yields for the year 1919 at a stipu lated price of 3 'A cents a pound and bonuses which brought the total re turns of the berries up to 5 cents, today appealed the decision to the supreme court. As the result of the appeal, these growers who have received offers of 'as much as 13 cents a pound for their 1920 logan crop, will be unable to sell unless they agree to protect their contracts with the Phez company, pending a . decision of the highei court. R0SEBURG WILL BEAUTIFY Former Mayor Rice Appointed to ' Take Charge of Work. ROSEBUHG,' Or., May 4. (Special.) A systematic plan for beautifying the city is to be undertaken at once under the direction of former Mayor N. Rice who was last night appointed by the city council to take charge of the work. Particular attention will be given all public properties. Mr. Rice referred the council to the appearance of the Roseburg city hall and grounds, which he stated were bare and unkept only a few years ago, but with an expenditure of just $3.75 for grass seed and , shrubbery and . with a little work by city employes the place was transformed into a beauty spot and a subject for the .cameras of hundreds of tourists. I. W. W. JURY COMPLETED - Walla Walla, Wash., Trial Begins. Ex-Service Man Attorney. WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 4. (Special.) The jury was completed "and the taking of evidence was . Started in superior court today in . the retrial of the three men accused of being members of the I. W. W. The three are Dan Stewart, O. Kowalchuck and Joe McCaskill. 'With one exception the witnesses were local men, mostly officers and American Legion members, who were . present at the time. " Giles Callahan, attorney and ex service man, was named today as assistant to Leslie Sulgrowe, Butte .. attorney, in charge of the defense. -GERMAN PAPER IS ACTIVE Xachrichten, With Max Lucke Back, a " Takes Fling at Hurlburt. ' Editorial opposition to Sheriff Hurl burt is voiced by the Nachrichten, a local German language newspaper. The German-Americans are told that it is a matter of honor to remove him from office and Mark Petersen is of fered as the candidate to vote for. Max Lucke, one of the German editors who during the war was interned and who was a witness in the espion age trials in San Francisco before he was interned, is back in Portland working on the Nachrichten. He was editor of the Zeitung when the gov ernment took him into custody. Following is the editorial in the Nachrichten of April 29: "We take the liberty to request oar read ers not to re-elect the present sheriff in the coming election.. HIb treatment of the persecuted German-Americans during the period ot the war makes it an affair of honor to remove him from office. When the Nachrichten was threatened with vio lence he promised it every protection. It was his sworn duty to give them this pro tection. He did not keep his promise. Whether it was due to weakness of charac ter or hatred of the Germans, we won't say. for it doesn't matter. His opponent Is Mark Pedersen." ALflSKA DBMS THRONGS IXIXUX OP PROSPECTORS AXD OTHERS REPORTED. Large Xnmbers of Men Said to Be Going North, in Search of Land, , "Which. Is Plentiful. SEATTLE. Wash.. Mav 4. (Spe cial.) There will be more prospectors in m north this season, than since the boom days and early rushes, ac cording to a news dispatch from Anchorage, Alaska, today. Every steamship entering Alaskan waters carries capacity passenger lists and the majority of the goldseekers are going to Anchorage, whence they will penetrate the interior by train. In addition to goldseekers large numbers of men are going in search of land and V work on .the govern ment railroad and in the coal mines, and accommodations in Anchorage are taxed heavily. Anchorage is the gate way to one of the largest agricul tural regions in the territory, vast stretches of level valley land lying to thejiorth and south awaiting set tlers. The government having completed its new deepwater pier, which gives a minimum of 40 feet at low tide, it is now prepared to load ships of anj draft without lightering. Experiments In wheat raising have proved that southwestern Alaska is destined to add materially to the hard wheat supply of America, samples showing fine quality. Already home steaders are going to the peninsula to the south, where, in addition to farming, cattle raising has proved successful. JW0 WAIVE TRIAL, FINED Deputy Game Warden Collects $5 0 Following Arrests. EUGENE. Or.. Mav 4. fRnMti&l.i "M. V. Logsdon, a lumberman of Noti, was yesterday arrested by Ed S. Hawker, deputy state game warden. on the charge of allowing sawdust to enter Elk creek a fishing stream and as he did not have time to come to Eugene to plead guilty he paid his fine of $25 to Mr. Hawker. Hawker on this trip also arrested Dewey French of Noti, on the charge of fishing without a license and he, too, entered a long distance of plea of guilty and paid his fine of $25. Obituary. home near Halsey last evening from V. 1 J : : . i i i uiuiju iuiauuiiig AiLri uciilg less than 24 hours. She leaves a husband, four children, father and mnthpr Thn family came here from Missouri in November of 1918. The funeral will be held Wednesday after which the body will be taken to her native state for burial. GRASS VALLET, Or., May 4. (Spe cial.) Mrs. J. H. Dugger died here May 1. She was born in 1840, and came from Alabama, many yeara ago and settled in Sherman county. She is sur vived by her husband, J. H. Dugger, and by three sons, Robert Dugger' of this city and Andrew and Alvin Dug ger of Alabama. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Monday, Rev. L. E. Tabor officiating. MEDFORD, Or., May 4. (Special.) Funeral services were held at Central Point today for William A. Beale of Butte Falls, prominent rancher and resident in that section ever since 1876 when he came across the plains from Putnam county. Mo. Mr. Beale died of paralysis Sunday at Eagle Point where he had gone for medical treatment. He is survived by his wife and six children. Rev. A. C. Howlet of Eagle Point officiated at the services. MARSHFIELD, Or., May 4. (Spe- cial.) Mrs. Lida M. Stafford, wife of 1). v. btatlord and a well-known resi dent of Marshfield for the last 13 years, died at her home here today after a long illness. The body will be taken to Decatur, 111., for burial, that being Mrs. Stafford's former home. SALEM, Or., May 4. (Special.) Rev. John Burdett, aged 89 years, and for more than a quarter of a century a resident of Marion county, died to day at his home near Chemawa. He is survived by his widow and one eon. Funeral services will be held here to morrow. Shriners' Addresses Wanted. Shriners of Pennsylvania or mem bers of temples in that state are re quested to get into communication with E. H. Sensenich, vice-president of the Northwestern National bank. He has something of interest to whisper to them and. wants them to either send him their address and telephone number or call and see him soon. Two Fined $6 Eacli. OREGON CITY. Or., May 4. (Spe cial.) John Millen and Rich Miles of Oregon City were arrested Tues day and taken to Canby on a charge of disturbing the peace. They pleaded guilty and were fined $6 each. They were accused of fast driving in Canby and otherwise making a disturbance. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. FREE Employment Office 1671is North Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon Trackmen, Bridgemen, Helpers and Laborers WANTED SHERIFF SEEKS PHILPOT ASHVILLE OFFICER HERE WITH EXTRADITION PAPERS. Efforts Being Made to Effect Fi nancial Settlement So as to Avoid Facing Frand Charges. Everett Philpot, known for the last six years in Portland as E. M. Padden, still hopes for a financial settlement in Nashville, Tenn., which will make it unnecessary for him to return and face fraud charges in that city, though Sheriff J. W. Wright of Nash ville arrived here yesterday with ex tradition papers. "Active efforts are being made to reach a settlement with Nashville people who have been keen for a prosecution of Mr. Philpot," said A. L. Veazie, his attorney, yesterday. "Most of the creditors appear willing to make arrangement but one man, a former employe who had been well protected by Mr. Philpot, has been very ugly in the matter and appears to be of a revengeful nature. "It is not likely that Sheriff Wright will insist on Mr. Philpot returning to Nashville with him for several days. It is very important to Mr. Philpot to be permitted to stay in Portland at his presentijv'ork if an agreement is to be arrived at, as he could do noth ing financially in Nashville. "The charge that the amount ap propriated by Mr. Philpot is $40,000 is absurd. The sum not protected by property Interests is small and) there should be no difficulty in the matter unless revenge is the real issue in which his former friends and asso ciates re interested." Sheriff Wright declared yesterday that he knew nothing of how much is involved in pending charges against Philpot in Nashville but that he was satisfied the matter might be settled. City to Sue County. TACOMA, Wash., May 4. (Spe cial.) Impatient with the delay oc casioned the city of Tacoma by the holding back of .$300,000 in taxes, City Attorney Dennis was instructed today by the council to start action against the county treasurer to re cover the funds. The city's levy of an 8Tmill tax in addition to the 15 mills allowed by the city charter has been contested as. illegal and because of this the county treasurer held up the taxes. Onalaska Mill to Resume. CBNTRALIA; Wash., May 4. (Spe cial.) The Carlisle-Pennell Lumber company's big mill at Onalaska will resume operations next Monday after a three weeks shut-down to permit electrical installation ' and mechani cal changes in the plant. The im pgovements include the installation of an independent skid-lift on the log deck. Complete remodeling of the manu facturing wing and the changing of all transmission to electrical drives. AMUSEMENTS. IBRGIXS TOMORROW NIGHT I -1 jTlfiKFTS NflW SFMINfi r HEILIG THIS WEEK Sonera Italian Grand Opera Co. THIH. EVE. MAY , tt RIGOLETTO" Kill. EVE., MAY 7, DOUBLE BILL,, " CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA," "IL PAGLIACCI" SPECIAL PRICE SAT. MAT, tt LA TRAYIATA SAT. KVK., MAY 8, it IL TROVATORE " The Bin: Cast of Artists' Includes Beatrice Pizzorni Enriquita Pal ma Consuelo Medina Alfredo Graziani Speria Castel Carlos Mejia Rosa Di Carl! Eduardo Lejarazu Soto-Mayor SPLEXDID I CHORUS I AUGMENTED I I ORCHESTRA IGNACIO DEL CASTILLO, Conductor. EVE'S 2,- 1 J"0. t, 7!5c, BOc SAT. MAT. SI. 50, 91, 75c, 50c Sonday Monday Tuesday Wednesday. Portland s Bis; IjMirh Shoo MERCEDES, lsychic iithth Wonder and the' Myster ious MLLE. SANTONK; TA1XOR HOLMES K . Bid-l'ttin comedy "THE VERY 1UK.A. Seven Fine. Bis: AttrcMHnn VAUDEVILLE. PHOTOPLAY; 1 AdnTts?ion GLOBE Eleventh and Washington Bessie Love I.N "Over the Garden Wall" COME TO O U N C I L REST PARK I'rre Amusement Park; ISOO-foot ele vation. Take C. C. Cars. DanctnK wy evening except Sunday. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AMUSEMENTS. 8 Nights Sun.. 15c to $1.25: Men., Tubs.. to,1-. Mats. Sun.. Moil, Tuea Wed., 15o to 75c , NOTE. Entire proceeds of the matinee Wednesday, May 5, will be donated to National Vaudeville Artists. Doc Baker in "IXASHES." Anthony Rocers. Newhoff Sc. Phelps. William Cutty. Hart A Dymond. Rlnaldo Bros. Klno-sr.- TP'cs of the Day. WALLIS This show closes with the matinee Wednesday. May 5. rsratln Matinee Wednfiday BAKER Tonight All Week .Hs tinea Saturday What's Your Husband Doing At the Boadhonae. "The Honeysuckle Inn. " 'N EVKR-TH1NO.' Married Women Take Note. PANTAGES MAT. DAILY. 8:30 Alexander Pantaces Presents Vaudevilles Most Gigantic Production "DERBY DAY" With the Original New York Company, including- Ralph Bell. Joseph Kemper. Ann Montgomery and the Famous Broadway Beanty Chorus. SIX OTHER BIG ACTS, xnree performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Matinee Daily at 2 Evenings at 7-9, Those Great Funsters Present -That Wonder Show WATCH FOR THE LITTLE (B) FRIDAY NIGHT (Chores Girls' Contest) CIRCLE Fosrtt at Washington. Margarita Fisher The Hellion' Also a Christie Comedy, "Too Many Wives," and the I'athe News. Open from ft nVllw.b in th. ... : ii 1 . . , Vii i ""is liiiui i VCIOCK ol the following morning. Dancing Guaranteed All dances taught In eight three-hour lessons. Lad lea J3, gentlemen $5, at Z Honey's beautiful academy, 23d and Washington.' Be ginners classes start Mon day and Thursday eves.; ad vanced classes Tuesday eve. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers in a real school. DANCE TONIGHT BROADWAY HALL and COTILLION BALL, Portland's Finest Pavilions $50.00 Cash Prize Waltz Thursday, at Broadway AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House. 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-171 Second st. MEETING NOTICES. THE funeral of our late comrade. W. H. H. Blaney, aged 79 years, member of George Wright Dost. G. A. K-. served during the civil war in Co. 10. Maryland Infantry, will be from Holman's. 3d and Salmon sts.. at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday), May 5. Inter ment Riverview cemetery. C. A. LAMAR, Commander. A. C SLOAX, Adjutant. MEMBERS and friends oi security Benefit Assn. are cordially Invited to at tend a picnic and dance Sunday. May 9. at Cedar, yille park. Estacada car line Come prepared for a good time. It lasts all day. Dancing afternoon and eve- OREGON COMMANDERY. K-' T. Special conclave this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 Order of the Temple. WeMfark and Yamhill sts. C. F. WIEGAND. Recorder. OREGON COMMANDERY, r Special conclave Thursday. April 6. Red Cross . t 4 o'clock P. m. Order of ..7 icmpie at 7:30 P. M. .- , " lour attendance will be appreciated. . C, F . WIEGANP. Recorder. Ml. TABOR LODGE, NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication today (Wednes day). Pythian temple, 388 Yamhill street, as follows: VI O'clock. F. C. 4esrr A n'flfwlr M. M. degree; 7 o'clock, special or der of business to consider report of com mittee on site for new temple; 8 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. L. V. JENKINS. W. M. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. No. 162. A F. & A. M. Special communication Wed nesday evening. May 5. at 7:30 o'clock, called by dispensation for the DlirDDSC Of CflnaiflRrlnr p.iutrf relative to new Masonic Temple. All members are requested to attend. Vis itors welcome. By order of W. M. G. W. COOK, Sec'y. ' WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46. A. F . AND A M. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening, 7:30 East 8th and Burnside. Brother Frank S. Baillie. S. Ci w win h present and address the- lodge on the sub ject of the Masonic and O. E. S. home. A full attendance desired. Visitors welcome. Order W. M, J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. F. AND A M. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening. May -6, 7:30 o'clock. We vote on moving. Visiting brethren welcome. Refreshments. Arleta station. ML Scott car. W. S. TOWN SEND. Sec, VICTORY CHAPTER, O. E. S. A special communica tion Wednesday, May 5,, 11 A. M., for the purpose of conducting funeral services of the late Anna Holter man of Creswell Chapter, By order of W. M. GRACE CRAMER, Sec CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27. O. E. S. Members invit ed to attend funeral services of our late brother. W. H H. Blaney. at Holman's un- dertaklng parlors at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Wednesday). By MART r. ROBINSON. Sec. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, asw designs. Jaeger Broa, 131-S OLu st. FRIEDLANDER'3 for lodgs emblems, class fins aad medals, S10 Wasulnctoa l O. E. S. order of W MEETING NOTICES. OIHT Is REGULAR meeting this i a fff wdneiday) evening at -4rftSw 8 O'clock. TTa at Slvth Alder streets. , First de sre. ATI vi.i.A- w-i No. 17 ' STARR. Sc-creYar1OBLE- N' ' SAM ATlITiV TATViw 2. I. O. O. F. Meets every J.8d; evning at 8 o'clock. Uddfellows' temple. 226 A I- NIGHT. Vising broWrs ayslcc JESSE T. JONEsf sS: KB" PEEP. HEM)RICKSON-I this cltv. May 4. " Hendrickson. aged years, Mmih.0 Mrs' JAn""e Jacobson of ?f K-L0'0r'.Bnd Han J- Hendrickson of Norway Member of Portland lodge fi K?t:J?llt.Ko- 142' The "mains are UcoFo? lu.raf Tater.mery " F1Uh' L TnrSPP-1", thl" cU My Phoebe c uf. o00d' ed 83 years: mother ? Jftr 1,B- nl Wallace A. Lockwood wVU' B- C- Lockwood of P.,?. i,?""' The "mains are at Fln funiral ?a,Vr!mery " FiftlU Notlce of HA.RD,IB In this city. May 4. Lillian E. Hardi. aged 50 years, late of 68H Fln.n xrtreet- Th" "mains are at ot tZZXiZRZ' at Fith- NoUce M""Y At the residence. 655 Hoyt I J5t'?Iay 3' 19-- Colonel John Murphy, -aged 83 years, beloved husband of Mary A. Murhpy. Notice of funeral later. TELL In this city. May 3, Jacob Tell, aged 53 years, formerly of Sitka. Alaska erv arFffth " Flnley'a Montgom- FUXKRAT, NOTICES. rSA7ltiSF,, "i1 clty- May jii Ruthford Millard, age 60 years 1 month it iy.s'o,D.iloVed wlfe of F- A. Millard of 6510 Bid st. S. E., mother of Eleanor Stewart of Fresno, Cal., and Albert Mil- i1d vot ..Portlan,d- Tho f"eral services wil' be held today (Wednesday). May 5. at 3 o clock P. M. from the residential ;VSSr?i.?a,rior" of "Wa'ter C. Kenworthy. 1532-1534 13th St.. Sellwood. Friends In-y.ufd- Interment will be made in Fresno. California. ' BLANET In this city. May 3. 3920. Will iam H. H. Blaney, aged 78 years, be loved husband of Mary Blaney and father of J. Warren Blaney. Friends in vited to attend the funeral services at Holman s funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday). May 5. 1920. Interment Rose City cemetery. C(SiN,?,RAt the family residence. 1677 Pacific st.. May 2, Mrs: Layra Connor, aged 59 years, wife of John Connor. Ths funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 E. Alder St.. at 2:30 P. M today (Wednesday). Friends Invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. HATS The funeral services of the late Mrs. Millie Hays will be held from the conservatory chapel of the F. . S. Dun ning, Inc.. today (Wednesday). May 5. at 10:3O A M. Interment Mt Scott Park cemetery. Friends invited. LUND Funeral services of the late Chris tina Lund will be held today (Wednes day)' at- 2:30 6!clock P. M.. at Flnley-s Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cem etery. v JENSEN Funeral services of tho late Jens Jensen will be held Thursday. May 6. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited Interment at Mount Scott Park cem etery. FRIER The funeral services of the late Rose Frier, will be held at P. L. Lerch funeral parlor. East 11th and Clay st. Wednesday at 3 P. M. Friends invited. FRIES The funeral services 'of the late Rose Fries wtll be held at P. L. Lerch . funeral parlor. East 11th and Clay st. Wednesday at 3 P. M. Friends Invi t ed. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service.' JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL PIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee jriiN'EKAL PIRECTORS. Now located In their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th St.. west side. Telephone Broadway 430, automatic 645-58. j.ne xunerai nome ol refinement and distinctive nArvlr Note We have no branches nor any con nections wnatever witn any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Snrvice for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady assistant. Main 2691. x 7885. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE&EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. F. S. DUNNING. INc! " " 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross, Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. P. L. LERCH las?1-f8vrth anT?: TfRTPDTM Twelfth and Morrison Sts. t-'t.lVOWl Broadway 2534. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. K802-04 92d St., Lents. Tabor 8267. AD 7CI I CD 0( 592 Williams ave. n. i-LLULn uui Eagt 10S8 c 10Sk BREEZE & SNOOK.s8 BsYa. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's progressive florint. We special ize In funeral designs. 141 6th, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7213. JAPAN FLORIST 168-170 4th fit., Firehouse Market. All kinds of flowers. Bedding and vegeta ble pl&nta. Japanese shrubbery, nursery stock, tubs, baskets, gar den seeds. Special sale. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. LUBLINER Two stores. We strive to nlin.A 328 Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 753. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 257. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington st.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161 MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS S6 Fourth St.. Opp. City Hall. Nea Bros. rfb B LAPSING GRANITE CO. i Tl TH I Ft O AT WAPISON STBtET 1 OftEGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates alt cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city ftound at its home. 635 Columbia boul evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans United State Bank Building; n MAY 5, 1920 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems established maintained: income tax service: refer ences. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar L'Re'Jb.nfMr.; ,w?r 1 "aranteed. - - nuq wiub. ASSAYER8 AND ANALYSTS. M?N3A'N ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second told. silver and platinum bought. AUTO PAINTING. AUT?AJr?IT.lrs'G- QUALITY, FINISH. KADTAJt,SrAt:TO FAINTING CO.. EAST THIRD AND MADISON STS CARPET WEAVING. RUGS e kind that wear the best are k .Kmar9 'rom your worn-out carpets ??'i-twest Ku Co- former ad dress 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven. ri.i MPet S'ean'nK- refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 183 E. tn st. Phones East 3.VS0, B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs, sll slxps Mail orders promot. Send for Booklet. "XI i rugs steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. tt LUFF RUG CO.. . 04-56 Union Ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. . WRITE OR CALL. . PORTLAND RUG CO.. n- E. l.th St. Sellwood 3622. CELLULOID BUTTONS. ,R,w'N-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Bdwy. 4o4. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 3000.000 KNOW JIcMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello I) Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger nnger bldg.. s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODISTS. a, . LKTCHER. aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nurse assistant: all mal formations of the foot scientifically cor Maln STfrUUo 512 iIorBan bld8- Pbone DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland b:dg.. 5th and Wash. Main 10S1. DRinB,LOUISE COX-" 10 A. M. to 7 P. St. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 4998. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3SS3. CIRCULAR LETTERS. C:RANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5S22. Multigraphing, mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile and concrete, phone Jack Wempe. Woodlawn 6230. DANCING. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and evening. Main 1343. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Eilers bldg. DENTISTRY. IF YOU have dental work to be done, have it done without pain by the nerve-blocking method. DR. A W. KEENE. DR. E. H. PREHN. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 351H Washington St. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 415 East 7th. East 1847 and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Reared Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. 24SVi First st. Main 871. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 34 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. FUEL DEALER. DRY BON WOOD. $4.75 a load. Alberta. Woodlawn. Pied mont. Kenton and Peninsula. Woodlawn 57U and Woodlawn 3984. North Portland Fuel Co. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want big crops; read about "G. M. Wonder" in our 1920 catalogue. Roulledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d st.. Portland. Or. GLASS AND GLAZING. WINDOWS repaired, any Dart of city; auto service. Edw. Fransen. Bdwy. 716. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park. MACHINERY INSTALLATION. MACHINERY INSTALLATION. Complete plants or single machines, of every description, motors, etc.. by ex perts. Wdln. 1180. East 5945. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-80 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg HATS AND CAPS THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Second and TAYLOR. NEW TODAY. SECTIONAL GARAGES Erected In - Portland or SHIPPED ANYWHERE in sectlons'ready to bolt tceether. Easy for one man to erect in a day. Our cash prices, factory direct to you. no middlemen, mean a GREAT SAVING. Send for circular. Call at factory. See life-size sample. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 315 E. 11th St., 3 blks. S. of Hawthorne. Phone East 5114. Portland. Oregon. WIS CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS, Rasa and Woolen Clothlns FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly Rig Raga Woven All Sixes Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RI G CO. 188 East 8th St. Phone Esat 3SSO. Mortgage Loans Lowest Intercut rateag Installment re. payments if desired. Bulletins; loans made. No delay In closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 317-219 Kortnweatern Bank Hull ding. I alaxahall 4114, 1043. A. 1 BlZ Sift MEAT BLOCK TRIMMER. ED. ODBERT. MEAT BLOCK TRIMMER. Blocks trimmed by an adze. Price ac cording to condition of block. 4103 52d st. s. E. MUSIC TEACHERS. POPULAR and ragtime taught in 10 to 20 lessons; guaranteed or money refund ed; sheet music given with first lesson. Phone Tabor 8S15 for appointment. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano, 1 hr. day. $5 mo. Bdwy. 2S35. NURSERY STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORENCO. OR . OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICL4NS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A - trial will convince you. Charies W. Good man, optometrist, 20y Morrison. M. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST g ed with modern instruments. k Glasses fitted from (2.50 up. A. E. HURW1TZ, optometrist, 225 1st St. GEORGE RCB EN STEIN, tho veteran op tician, is an expert eye fitter and his charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 226 Morrison St., near 2d. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL RUGS woven. repaired, washed, cleaned and stored by nature's own modern plant. Broad way 3433. CARTOZIAN BROS., Inc., importers of oriental rugs. ORIENTAL RUGS. Native Expert in Repairing, washing, cleaning and stored. M. E. DINIHANIAN, Established 1914. Broadway 2870. 465 Washington St. ORIENTAL RUGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH ATIYEH BROS. 151 N. 23D. PHONE MAIN 520S. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LINDSEY, specialist in goiter and rheumatism, 610 Morgan bldg. Main 6:6U. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. All communi cations strictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 582 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington of fice, room 103, 623 K St.; New York of fice. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowei, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE Prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th. M. 797. PRINTING. DDHuTIMO F. W. BALTES COMPANY. I illlll IliU 1st an, nd Oak sts. M. 765. 511-65. PAINTING. GET YOUR painting, kalsomining. decorat ing and sign work done before the rush season. 1320 E. Glisan. Phone Tabor 266. HOUSE PAINTING by contract. Woodlawn 1403. Phone PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Myers, Blind School, Marshall 506O. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue free. Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d St.. Portland. ROOFS REPAIRED. " ROOFS reshingled and repaired. Berkley, carpenter and shingler. Marshall 1769. SECOND-HAND "STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVINO- PACK" G -STORAGE - AGO AG E. loth and Kearnev. Branch HS1 Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-R6 Front Street. STORAGE AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phones Main 446. 544-68. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner 13tli. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Pine. PACKING." MOVING STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER, CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 5195. A 1051. FOR any local or long distance hauling or moving call beuwooa aisi. IUANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA RARK. KAHN. BROS.. 195 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S6-87-89 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison, NEW TODAY. LOOK AT THIS Well-built house ad joining 24th and Sandy Blvd.; 6 large rooms,' sleeping porch, full size basement, hot water heating system, - fire place, etc. Call East 8440. FOR SALE A fine home, including one of the most beautiful half blocks in Portland. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 3342 STORAGE SPACE InTeatlg-ate or Plant and Rain. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S.MQRSF. INC. Orayaxre and Storage, 12 (b and GUaa. . Phone Bdirr, 3470. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE LEASE and FURNITURE IN 68 ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE GOOD s LOCATION LEASE URXITUREt Net Income Over $5000 Per Year. Rents have not been increased. STEAM HEAT ELECTRIC ELEVATOR PROMINENT CORNER PRICE $10,000 Main 530 McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO. 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. A Hawthorne Beauty Large Grounds and Fruit This is just what you are looking- . for A modern bungalow nicely lo cated in the Hawthorne district, with ground 66x100. and abundance of fruit trees, nice lawn and -shrubbery; 5 rooms and floored attic; full Dutch kitchen; built-in bookcases and buf fet: fireplace; hardwood floors; large cement basement; paved streets all in and paid; gas. water heater and wood range would go with place; just 2 short blocks from Hawthorne car; quick possession can be had. ' C. A. VARRiKU. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade 11 id ft. Order Now while ' you can get immediate delivery on that Portable Ga rage that you have been plan ning to get. The busy season is here. Ask about our Easy Monthly Payments Portable houses, garages and chicken houses shipped any where in convenient 4-foot sec tions. Write or phone for catalog. Elwood Wiles & Son, Sale Office 802 TITLK A Till ST BI.DG. Phone Main 4724 (araee on exhibition at factory. FT? A BUNGALOW AMONG THE FIRS $3500 $1000 cash, $20 monthly, buys this large, well-built bungalow; full base ment, concrete foundation; ground 100x100, with beautiful native trees. Fine lawn and garden spot. FHED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Nob Hill Home on Easy Payments Corner lot. Nine large rooms ele gantly finished. Hardwood floors, hot water heat. Heavy .plate glass windows, fireplace, beauti ful buffet. Close in West Side surrounded by beautiful homes. Nothing better in Portland. For Appointment Call Tabor 3089 Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Iluru and Woolen Clothing;. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Ruga, Woven, SU7.30 Ran Rum Woven All Size. Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Depta. Mail Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x12 Rasa, Steamed Cleaned, l.5u WESTERS FLlt r RI G CO. R4 I nion Ave Si. Phone laat 6516 cM1 $ i'S fsas.f ISI x A