TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAT 3, 1920 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. A 6005 6unday Editor Main 7070. A 6005 Advertising department. . Main 70i0. A 6085 Superintendent oE Bids- .Mala 7070. A SOUo AMUSEMENTS. HEIL.TG (Broadway at Taylor) Parish Williams, baritone. 8:30 tonight. ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This afternoon. BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Stock company In "What Your Husband Ioingt" This afternoon and tonight. LT RiO (Fourth at 8tark) Musical com edy, -Watch the Little B." Three shows dailv at li, 7 and 0. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 6. 4:43 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, continuous 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGES (Broaaway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dally. 2:30, 7 and 9:05. COUNCIL CREST Free amusement park. Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washington streets. THRIFT STAMPS. ' WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Oregonlan. Parish Williams Recital Tonight. Parish Williams, baritone, will ap pear in recital at the Heilig theater tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Williams will present an interesting and un nsual programme, Including: "Ama rilli", "Mia Bella" (Caccini); "Dance Song" (Handel), "In Memoriam," an ancient Hebrew melody; "The Petals Drop" (Baton), "The Traveler" (Godard). "The Rain" (Georges). "Black Roses" (Sibelins) a group of Swedish and Norwegian folk songs and a "request" group of English songs including two by Katherine Glen. The recital Is under the direc tion of the MacDowell club. Rosarians Plan Theater Pabtt. The Royal Rosarians have engaged the boxes at the Orpheum theater for themselves, their wives and women friends on the night of May 10. On .this night the Rosarians will appear in uniform and the Rosarian quartet will be on the bill as a regular number of the Orpheum pro gramme. The entertainment com mittee, Frank V. Smith chairman, is in charge of the details of the the ater party and it is expected that the majority of the 100 members of the organization will participate. Alleged Thief Bound Over. Frank Murphy, who was arr -ted by Inspec tor Morak Saturday afternoon after a chase of about a block and a half down a north end street, was bound over to the grand jury yesterday in 'municipal court on a charge of larceny. Murphy -waived preliminary examination. The man was charged with the theft of a suit of clothes and other personal belongings from John Buesing, the value of the alleged stolen articles being estimated at 60. OnEGONTAN Has Fire. A short cir cuit in tlephone wires at the fuse board in the basement of The Orego Tiian building caused a fire yesterday morning at 11 o'clock which did dam age estimated at $250 to the board and wiring. The building was not damaged. Smoke which made its way out the ventilation chute caused a belief at first that the fire was in the chute and it was some little time before the fire department could locate the blaze. Reckless DnrvrNO Charged. George Grischaw, driver for a local transfer company, was arrested yesterday morning by Officer W S. Tully of the traffic bureau, on a charge of reck less driving following a collision with a machine driven by N. Minshoven, 187 Twenty-eighth street north at FoiA-th and Burnsde streets. Grischaw is said to have cut the corner and thereby caused the collision. The following concessions at the Oaks amusement park to let for the season 1920, commencing May 15: Shoot the chutes, giant whirl (Rodeo), joy wheel, dancing pavilion, photograph gallery. Apply at the office at Oaks Amusement Park, be tween 2 and 4 P. M. Applicants must have first-class city references as to character and business qualifications, D. R. Ladd. treasurer. Adv. Third Pratt Lecture Tonght. The third number in the series of the Robert Murray Pratt lectures will be given in the Y. M. C. A. audtorium this evening at 8 o'clock. Subject will be "Matters of Profit and Loss. Henry J. Dirkson, bass soloist, will assist in the meeting. These lectures are given under the auspices of the T M. C. A. service department. The publi is cordially invited. . Restaurant PROpkiETrR Arrested. Louie Foo, Chinese, proprietor of a restaurant at 362 Morrison street, was arrested yesterday morning by Patrolman Converse on a charge of maintaining an unsanitar;- restaurant. Charges against Foo were preferred by J. W. Jones of the city health de partment He will have a hearing in the municipal court today. Worker Loses Fingers. Frank Jefferies, 1337 Corbett street, had the ends of the first three fingers on his right hand cut off yesterday morn ing when he was caught in a machine U the Oregon Chair company, where he was employed. He was taken to the St. Vincent's hospital for treat ment Jefferies is 40 years old and married. Trading Stamp Theft Charged. Harry Jackson, negro chauffer, was arrested yesterday morning by In spectors Swennes and McCulloch charged with the larceny of trading tamps valued at $12.50 from D. Lieb reich, .415 Sixth street. Jackson's bail was placed at $50. He will have a hearing. in the municipal court to day. Former Chief "Tagged." Nels F. Johnson, former chief of police, had his machine tagged for parking longer than 30 minutes on Park street, between Stark and Oak -streets Mon day. The former chief reported at the police station yesterday morning and was released by Patrolman John- eon of the traffic bureau. Franklin Club Meets Tonight. The Franklin Community club will hold Its first meeting of the month In the gym of the Franklin high school this evening at 7:45. Walter Jenkins as well as other talent are on the programme for the evening. There also will be games and re freshments. Decoration Lecture Announced. Mrs. Grace R. Wilmot, government lecturer on interior decoration, will give an illustrated talk at the Albina branch library, 350 Knott street, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The public is invited. 200 Reward or $100 apiece for the recovery of the bodies of E.R. Thomas and David Thomas two men drowned at Oregon City falls, while fishing last Thursday morning. Marshall 679. P. J. Thomas. Adv. The fitting of artificial teeth Is an art as well as a science. To those in need of plates Dr. E. . C. Rossman offers the advantage of specialized service. 307 Journal bldg. Adv. Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red, wash cleaned. Cartozian Bros. Inc., oriental rugs and carpets. Wash., near 10th. Adv. Cause for Jot. Just read the nice things said about us on page 2 of this paper oh, we're so glad. Calculator Co. Adv. Feet HurtT Have our foot spe cialist examine your feet; free con saltation Knight Shoe Co. Adv. Kemmebir Coal, Carbon Coal Co, mine agents, S21 Hawthorn av. East llS8.-Adv. Dr. L. H. Hamilton has moved his office to the Journal building. Adv. Basement for rent. . 284 Oak St. Adv. Milk Cure at the Moor Sanitarium. Adv. Christian Volunteers in Trouble. Colonel George H. Davis and Colo nel W. H. Jones, who assert they are officers of an organization known as the Christian Volunteers, and who are charged with taking contribu tions intended for the Salvation Army, will have a hearing in the munic ipal court Friday. Colonel Davis Is out on bail of $250 and Colonel Jones on his own recognizance. Charges against them were preferred by Will iam H. Raymond of the Salvation Army. Negro Girls Sentenced. Dorothy Williams and Gladys Watson, negroes, were each sentenced yesterday to 30 days in jail by Judge Rossman. Alfred Bourke, a farm hand, who com plained that the gfrls had robbed him of $50, and who returned to the room and demolished the furniture with an ax after he discovered his loss, was sentenced to 30 days for disorderly conduct, but in his case the sentence was suspended. The girls gave notice of appeal and bail was fixed at $250. ' Aib Patrol Discussed. C. S. Chap man, secretary of the Western For estry and Conservation association, was the guest and speaker of the day at the regular meeting of the Kiwanis club yesterday at the Benson hotel. Mr. Chapman spoke on the subject of the "Oregon Air Patrol" and the need for legislation to secure forest protec tion of this sort for the state. George Natansori, the club's song leader, lead a number of songs. Countt Funds Turned Over. iFrom fees of the circuit and probate courts, recording and license departments of County Clerk Beveridge's . office, a turnover of $9955.70 was made to the county treasurer yesterday, ac cording to the report of .'. E. Wil loughby, ' bookkeeper in the county clerk's office. The Multnomah county law library received $431, and O. P. Hoff, state treasurer, received $246.52 from fish and game license fees. Cracksmen Are Frustrated. Ef forts of two cracksmen to rob the safe of the F. W. Baltes printing company, sZVz First street early yes terday morning, were frustrated when Patrolman Pratt arrived on the scene. The lookout-signaled the man inside and the two made a swift escape down the street before the patrolman could overtake them. Nothing was missing from the office. Plant Protectors to Meet. The second annual meeting of the western plant quarantine board will be held at Salt Lake City from May 11 to 13,, according to announcement received yesterday by Portland members. The purpose of the organization Is to protect western states from the In troduction of plant pests and diseases in the territory west of the Rocky mountains. Instructor Wins Scholarship. Miss Laura Celeste Foulkes of Port land, now an 'instructor in botany at the University of Oregon, has been awarded a graduate scholarship in geology at Bryn Mawr college for the next year, according to word received yesterday by Portland friends of the young woman. The award was made by Miss Helen Taft, acting president of the college. Timber Sale Awarded. Amos Furuess of Olympla, Wash., was high est bidder on 270 acres of government timber near Quinault lake in the Olympic national forest. Bids were opened yesterday in the district for ester's office. There were four bid ders and competition was close. Furness offered $3.52 for cedar, $1.60 for fir and spruce and 65 cents for hemlock. Thirty Mazamas Take Hike. The largest Mazama hiking party of the season was the one last Sunday on the Upper Latourelle falls trials, when 84 members made up the party. Packs were .left at the old Falls Chalet site and 30 persons under the leadership of C. E. Warner took the loop trip around and under the lower fall. The return trip' was mad through the town of Bridal Veil. Six Cities "Over Top. Six cities in Oregon have "gone over the top' in the Baptist new world movement drive, reaching a total last night of $382,588.70 in the state campaign. A report from the national headquarters states that the total had reached $46. 000,000, with the prospect that the half million mark would be reached before the week is out. Fall Injures Aged Man. K. P. Skaly, 71. of 702 Ivanhoe street, re ceived a possible fracture of the right shoulder yesterday afternoon when he accidentally fell down stairs at his home. He was taken to Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. Skaly Is a widower. Youth Loses Middle Finger. Charles Dickey, 16, lost the middle finger of his right hand yesterday when he was caught in a machine at the Nicolai Door Manufacturing com pany. He was taken, to Good Samari tan hospital for treatment. Dickey lives at 1354 Campbell street. Three Seek Divorce. Divorce suits filed In the circuit court yesterday were: Joe R. Routsong against Lucille E. Routsong; Hazel F. Goode against Frank Charles Goode, and C. H. Poppenhagen against Lottie B. Poppenhagen. Educational League Moves The Citizens' Elementary Educational league has moved its headquarters to the Heilig building. The telephone numbers, axe Automatic 612-12 and 513-13. Not Wild Just happy; page 2 has the secret. Calculator Co. Adv. Big Legion Meeting Planned. ELMA, Wash.. May 4. (Special.) C. W. Jones, commander of theHyder Harlow post of the American Legion, has asked all members to journey to Montesano and participate in the big meeting at that place, to be held Wednesday evening. Major Gill of Seattle will be the sp aker. The Ar tillery band from Camp Lewis will furnish the music. Atiyeh's Quality counts in everything and especially so in rtental To satisfy you with the quality kind is our sole ambition; and when you buy here you get the best of the best. - Atiyeh Bros. Tenth and Alder M1LLHEE LEVY INDORSED CLUB PLEDGES SUPPORT TO EDUCATIONAL ' MEASURES. Excellent Musical Programme Red dered at Meeting by 4 Visitors From Oregon University. Appeals to support the proposed taxes for higher and elementary education were made by speakers at a meet ing of the MacDowell club in the ball room of the Multnomah hotel yester day. One of the speakers was Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean of women at the State university, who spoke for the higher institutions of learning. The other was Mrs. Harry Bal Torrey, who made a plea for the elementary schools. On motion of Mrs. Fletcher Linn, the club pledged Itself to aid both measures. A music programme was afterward rendered by four musicians from the University of Oregon: Rex Under wood, violinist; . George Hopkins, pianist; Curtiss Peterson, bass-baritone and Miss Patty French, piano ac companist. Mr. Underwodd is a violinist of ex perience and marked talent and his tone is clear and vibrating. He played with cultured ability solos from the works of Ries. Albeniz-Elman, Dvor-ak-Kreisler and Brams-Joachim. Mr. Hopkins is a pleasing, modest pianist, whose tone pictures have infinite beauty. He played solos with fine finish by Scarlatti, Doquin, Hofmann, Mendelssohn-Liszt, Tschaikowsky and Chopin Mr. Petersen is a young singer of considerable promise. He has an agreeable, well-schooled, man ly voice. His selections consisted of gems from the works of Gounod, Haydn, Molloy, Debussy and Oley Speaks. One of his extra numbers was "Deep itiver" (Burleigh.) Miss French is a dainty, skillful accom panist. All the Eugene music friends were cordially applauded. THEFT OF WOOL CHARGED Defendants Facing Trial This Morning in Federal Court. Trial of Harry Schulman. Harry Hafter, Harry Nudelman and Jack Hiramelfarb. under indictment for the alleged theft of $5000 of government wool, will start this morning in fed eral court. The four defendants are alleged to have stolen quantities of wool at va rious times from a Portland ware house. Two others who were in dicted with them have already pleaded guilty. TBey are Abe Weinstein. now awaiting sentence, and Robert Camp bell, who was sentenced to nine months in the county jail. Chief Assistant United States At torney Lusk will handle the prose cution. GALLI-CURCI. Mail orders for the Galli-Curci con cert at the Heilig theater. May 12, are being received for $2 stage seats only, plus 10 per cent war tax. Steers & Coman. Columbia building. Adv. Elma Attorney III. ELMA. Wash., May 4. (Special.) E. S. Avey, attorney of this section is ill. although his condition is not pre carious. Mr. Avey is one of the prominent lawyers in the western part of the state. . , - xi "T THEN you get at the wheel V V c ncw Premier and drive it for one day no one can ever weak en your fanatical devotion to it. You do not find the same POWER, the same smoothness, the same velvety road indifference in any other car not even in the finest and most ex travagant European Importations. 490 Burnside Street Genuine Panama Hats 3 '.AiwV F KM-1' .j- . ..7-.'- ,1' s'.. Do you know? In Te Olde days the castes of societr could be told by the kind ot clothes each Individual wore. That day Is done. Today the position of folk Is judged by the good taste and care each Individual uses in bis dressing. MORRISON AT FOURTH JUDGE QUOTES SCRIPTURE PROPERTY ORDERED SOLD AND PROCEEDS DIVIDED. Parents and Daughter Air Troubles in Court In Connection 'with. , Running Grocery Store. "Honor thy father and thy mother, as the lord thy Cod hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged and that it may go well with thee in the land which . the Lor4 thy God giveth thee." "Hearken nnto- thy father that be gat thee, and .iespise not thy mother when she is old." , " Circuit Judge Tucker opened the Bible at Deuteronomy when he read the first scriptural quotation and Proverbs when he quoted the second phrase, in deciding a case in his court yesterday in which a daughter was arrayed against her aged father and mother. The family trouble involved the ownership of Fir Lodge grocery, 362 East Sixtieth street North, invwhlch Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gee. parents, and Mrs. Jessie M. Cadarette, the daugh ter, claimed an interest. Judge Tucker found that the fSfcck of groceries on hand in the store was almost balanced by the debts and that the equity tn the real estate was about all that wa3 left. He decreed that the property should be sold, all debts paid and the money remaining divided equally between the parents and daughter. J. D. Watts was ap pointed receiver. William Cadarette, husband of the daughter, testified that he had worked as a woodsman, sending money to his wife often. He said he had never spent but 5 cents on moving pictures in ten years and the suit he was wearing In court had been worn for nine years. The chief complaint of the daughter was that her father had saved about $700 while working in the shipyards during the war and had put the money in a bank Instead of into the grocery. Mrs. Gee was 56 and her husband 70. The former was an epileptic and the latter had lost all the fingers of one hand. In spite of the apparent feel ing displayed in the case the families still are living together and the two children of Mrs. Cadarette played about on the knees of their grand parents during the trial. I ,,",."""'r" , ' 1111,1 ' '! '?V " " J.!"' "I" ' " '" PREMIER THE ALUMINUM SIX WITH MAGNETIC McCraken Motor ' Distributors $7.50 y - 'kA'.. - .AV ' Let us show you the tasteful new models of our spring stock. Here are lines and styles and colors that will meet your ideas of clothes appearance and clothes quality. FOREMOST VALUES $50 Lion Special Suits From $30 Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland TONIGHT Parish Williams Baritone. HEILIG THEATER, 8:30 O'clock. Direction the MacDowell clnb. Prices: f 2.00. $1.50, $1.00. 75 and 50 cents. The Pride of Portland Petunias Originated by Swiss Floral Co. Make any Gardens and Flower Boxes .Distinct and Gorgeous If Planted Freely Now. Sold for 75c to J2.50 Per Dozen at Kant Seventh and Hancock. Phone East S370. 1 ; J i A& ) l.-;.J&ZL ! ... . a- 1 Witifn ! i The third lever, shawm above, is mil there is to the Magnetic Gear Shift tt far as the driver it ameennd GEAR SHIFT Co., Phone: Broadway 93 See our windows. WE SELL KUPPENHEEMER Good Clothes BECAUSE our long selling experience has convinced us that THEY ARE THE BEST CLOTHES For Men and Young Men S. & H. STAMPS GIVEN A PRINTER "follows copy" "usually but when he doesn't do so or when you wish personally to explain some changes well, that's only one of the advantages of our cen tral ground floor location. 25,000 feet of floor space de voted to the production of quality printing, bookbinding and paper ruling and to a dis play of high-grade desks, chairs and filing cabinets. Estimates cheerfully given. Glass & Prudhomme ' Company . Printers, Bookbinders Desks, Filing Cabinets 65-67 Broadway Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 J'f'.-K ; ".i -JSTSJ.rjJ-iTMJt.rr fill PlJWBIlKQLLS Four Jfh ' Good Numbers Mfe From May List N "Just Like a Gypsy" ,B Fox Trot by Simons-Bay es $1.25 jFy JM "Oh! By Jingo! Oh! By Gee!' ljf Fox Trot by Brown-Von Tilzer $1.25 i jj ! ' ! x !S "So Long, Oolong' ! j! I 1 1 (How Long You Gonna Be Gone?) l iP ! f7 Fox Trot by Kalmar-Ruby $1.25 j j!j tfe "When the Harvest Moon Is Shining" lA Waltz by Sterling-Von Tilzer $1.25 Vf f ffk Special Attention to Mail OrJeTT) fj!l Aeolian Player Pianos, $745 I S1 Pianolas from $800 1 . Duo-Art Pianos from $1225 iT hJKi-X-fer"l ('Opposite PostoffIce jfifriift ' JT'rn .tfiffc . ww'i,j"itmgtiifiV in ii i mi, i ihwmi urn Misiiiiiiwiwm Ant trunk- ORDER your coal right now and fill YOUR bins, while the price is right ' and the coal available. COAL is your cheapest and most efficient fuel.' Right NOW is the time to get your winter's supply. Concrete Garages Drives Walks Basements Floors AU work done by experienced men. Phone for estimate. EUGENE C. SCHIEWE. Woodlann 6483. 888 Rodney Ave. TO ii "' STHAT SHIELDS YPURLUftflgS r HOTEL TEWA SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, tut oil Union Square Faraeas for good serrfes. comfort and excaOaat cuisine at reasonable price. Rates from S1.75 a Day Breakfast 40c and 76c. Lunch 60c Sundays 75c. Oinnsr $1.25; Sundays SI .60. , j aiitnTMnal tlmm aflurl f n i!mm J Stanley Myers For District Attorney Paid Advertisement. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 2 First St., Portland, Or. Watch for The Comet Visible Soon Phone your want ads to The Oregv nian, Alain 707Q, Automatic 660-95. RT