THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1920 IT H N ED ONE L 1L V V You, like many other retailers may be satisfied that your business is paying you a profit; yet you do not know how much money you are losing every day through pencil and paper methods of figuring. Neither are you getting any of the business-building figure facts that are necessary to make your business pay you all the profits that rightfully are yours. : . ' ;- . . ' . - A Burroughs Figuring Machine will give you this information quickly and accurately. It will put organization and accuracy into your business be it large or small and will stop the unseen profit-robbing leaks that are keep ing many a retail business close to the edge. ' : :. V You don 'P want to lose money by errors especially in the addition of sales slips, where most mistakes occur; One figure added wrong 'spells a certain, loss for you-7-and such , errors usually get. by without detection. ' ; " - y You don't Want to offend customers . by overcharges 1 V ! If you overcharge a customer even once through a perfectly understand able error in the addition of a sales slip or statement, you've lost some part of her confidence. If you overcharge her again and explain that "mistakes will happen" she becomes interested in other stores that she'd never thought of before. You want to know your Daily Profits No man likes to do business blindfolded yet many retailers do, simply because they hate to wade through a maze of figures to get to the light. A Burroughs will give you the amounts of your daily profits, sales, and expenses. ? It will tell you every day just how your business stands and it gets this information quickly and accurately. You want to keep tab on your clerks . This information is absolutely necessary. You should know how much each clerk and each department sells every day. You should be able to tell which clerk is an asset, which department is paying and where you are making money. A Burroughs Machine will get this informa tion for you speedily and accurately. You want as simple bookkeeping as possible Keeping books with a Burroughs is not only the simplest but the least expensive method. It is automatic and absolutely accurate. Among the more than 100 models of Burroughs Machines there is one -designed especially for every retail establishment either large or smalL It fits into any retail bookkeeping system without changing the system. It makes all postings from sales slips to ledgers, all entries on state ments, and proves the work as it goes along keeping the books in a continuous balance. It prevents errors and saves time and money on every item it handles. Statements are always out on the first of the month. Let the Burroughs man show you how a Burroughs Machine will help you increase your profits. Such a request will place you under no obligation whatever. PORTLAND AGENCY Burroughs Adding Machine Company Beck Building N. B. GREGG, Manager Phone Broadway 398 This Burroughs is 'designed especially for use in small retail stores. Jt can be bought on terms, if desired. Wffis Adding BooRkeepirig Calculating. if '