so THE MOllXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. MAV 4. 1!)20 rOR SALE TRICKS AND TRACTORS. TRACTOR BARGAIN These tractors have only Wen us! for demonstrating and are guaranteed ts Rood as new, CLETHAC, 12-20. will discount J350 Crawler. MLSOX, 13-30. will discount $ 500 Wheel. . sECOxn-HASn traotohs. HOLT. IS, just overhauled, snap, $100. HOLT, 73, first-class condition, $45uo. t'LUVELAND 12-20. good as now. 9 1 100. ALEXANDER BADLEI, 423 E. Morrison FURN1TURK BODY OX A 1-TON FORD TRUCK. BOTH FOR $500. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch S ts. A REAL bargain. 101 S Ford ton truck, good shape. $300. Main 2060. GARAGES. GARAGE. For sale, concrete bldg., 50x60; rent 560; lathe, air compressor, emery, power blower, welding outfit, rectifier and lead burning torch ; good tire business; leav ing town; a bargain for $o250. A 105, Oregonian. SAVE garage rent. Get a "KEDI MADE" garage, erected, ready to drive in; prices low. Phone East Ml 4. RED1MADE BUILDING CO.. 515 East 11th. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. . 5th and lioyt. Bdwy. 153ft. At TO REPAIRING. FORDS OVERHAULED CHEAP. Front end S1S.00 Rear end 3.UO Valves ground 3.O0 Carbon removed 1.50 Bring in your electrical troubles. Open evenings until S:3). and Sun flftvn come pnd pee us. or rail Hell. 108. FRANK LAWRENCE. 720 Division fct. E. If. CHAMBERS. GENTRATj AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, M A X W K LL SP ECJ A LI STS. C"f AND DIV ISIOX. HELL. S7B5. EX PE RT MECHANIC will overhaul your rar, your garane or mine; day work 'or .lob; reasonable prices; all work guaran teed. Phone evenings 6 to 7. Main H46I. WW NT EI M I SC F, LI. A N EO V S. WE CUT DIAMONDS. We buy diamonds for cash. At the highest possible price, Sr us If you want to sell. Pawn tickets bought. Jewelry. Gold, silver, precious stones. Wo pay what'yotir diamonds Are worth. Spot cash. Any amount. No d (.-appointment Business strictly confidential. Private offices tor ladies. THE AMERICAN RItOKER AG S. Licensed bv the City. 405 Spalding Bidg., 4th Floor. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. T PAY SPOT CASH AND THIS HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGS FOR MR TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED B A LA RGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THIS DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CON FIDENT I A L. ERNEST DEEDS, 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3173. WAR BONDS BOUGHT. VICTORY BONDS. We buy your war bonds and victory bonds for cash at a basin 'of latest N. Y. Stock Exchange quotations. Bring or mail. Mail orders promptly attended to. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 405 Spalding Bldg.. 4th Floor. ' $12.50 TO 425 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1220. or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. $8.50 UP TO 425. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3032. 245 Va 13 URN SIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France lur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and I'amhiU. Main 6520. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay auy price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 2d su. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken ; oid-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. 3d and Wash. W A N TED Cut off saw on table with 3-horse power electric motor, ready for service, to make crates or shipping pur poses. 1 ne wiuara storage Battery Co., 13th and Olisan sts.- Plume Bdwy. 2'JU3. J UN K W ANTE D J UNK." Spring house cleaning is here. Don't forget we pay the very best prices for rags, papers, all kinds of tools, furni ture and oid doming. cai Main 734. We pay from $10 up for men's used ults and overcoats. Call us and you will 167 1st at., near Morrison. Main 738. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, (or Giamonus. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington St., cor. 3d. Main 6G49. WE ARE IN DEMAND FOR CAST-OFF LLU1U1AU. My name ts fine and I pay the Ilncst prices lor ciothing if you call Main to. jjo sure ana can Main 734 today OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off ciouung; nignest casn prices paid; wiu can, uay or nigni. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND SIORB, Marshall 3225. 200 Madiaon. WANTED tirst-class latest improved National Cash register which has been used. Apply to Lewis Steuger Barber supply company. TWO second-hand doors. 2-ft. 8-in. or 2-ft. ju-iu. wiue, most any neignt; one or both with glass preferred. Tabor 4507, y A.M. to 3 P.M., or 7512 47th ave. S. E. WANTED Will pay cash tor second-hand saie; give size insiae, aaaress and phone. 001. regoman. WANTED steam Jacket kettle. 25 to 50 gal. capacity. H. S. McKay, 847 Will iams. BABY buggy and white enamel bassinette for sale reasonable. Main 5024. 525 Mill street. WARDROBE wanted. East 727. Asn st. 474 E. CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUN OR RIFLE 1 U I'll CT HI A I v: 11- m .. - HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla- monua. jau amrA 1.0.. .-53 Wash, st WE will buy your old typewriters and oav Vrtu r-i oh Orn'nn Tvnuu-Hio. ... I J jwv. - - j" -u.. om. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers. Ar Morrison st.. near 11th. WILL buy one or two small bears V Oregonian. aii aaie: meaium size: v r.Bh state prlce and make. E 107, Oregonian! A ANTED Dump wagons. Marshall 1333, ait ,J1 . i.cave pnone jso. WANTED Used catalogue or brief case. ttimnma, iit yimmuer or tOTtl m e re C ONE gallon angleworms wanted. Call East Furniture Wanted. BE SURE AND LET ITS SEB your furniture and household goods be fore you sea. Wo are In the market for ana win jmy nignest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 203 First St. Main 7728. tv c x 3"ui luuuiure, carpets rugs bedding, etc., to furnish a 50-room apt! Will cav more than dealers r0n ... immediately and we will convince on me price wo pay. uay, pnone Alain 7US eveniiigs, war. THE St. Johns Furniture Co. will renne for business April 15. We are in th market for all kinds of used household goous ana win pay nignest casn price. Phone Col. 724. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. I WANT used furniture: cash will b ni for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods, can us tor one articl nr houso full, and a competent, courts ous buyer will call. Marshall 2003. Crown. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; nave tne reauy cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or le First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PA1 (.'ASM. .A1. iij. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay belt . prices. Main 5064. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOOD3 WANTED. We want your used furniture, rujs. carpets. stoves and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and cell hardware, tools. sporting Koods. tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy. sell or trade, CALL MAIN' 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. 221-223-225 Front St. MARSHALL 598L GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 4 .WE BUY TOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. " 185 FIRST ST. PIIONB MARSHALL 5981. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILT. BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. K LIN K FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICK FOR USED FURNITURE. t CALL EAST H417. ASK. FOR MR. ORMANDY. WNT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. S TO V ES ETC.. TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE TOU. CALL MAIN 4773. . REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household gooos. racjuu vuasi re warding Co., 0th and Hoyt. Bdwy. i03. HELP WANTED MA UK. PRINTER-FOREMAN WANTED. The Malheur Enterprise at Vale wants a first-rMass linotype oper ator, capable ofcjruig for model 5 and setting sood. dean string, willing and able, to put one-third to oi-half of his time on the floor as ad and job compositor. Man willing to work in small town sod who understands necessary co-op-eratlou required in country shop. CARRIER wanted for one of the best routes on t)e west side; 5 minutes walk irom tins 011 ice. Appiy 011 y oircuia tlon Dept., 203 Oregonian bldg. THE Meier & Frank company requires me services 01 an experienced picture iramer. Apply employment bureau, tith iioor, ivieier t r rana 00. Out-of-town applicants please write, stating experience in first letter. MAN to develop and complete new road macnine, wnicn is -J -a finished. This ma chine is a competitor to the ehean auto mobile; a good workman with some in ventive ability can find in this adv. the epportunity he iias been looking for. Apply 101 Wash, st., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A bright young man for cler leal work in oliice ot large corporation; must be fast and accurate at figures. Answer in own handwriting. stating age, experience, telephone number and salary expected. AM 343, Oregonian. LOG AND LUMBER HAULING Truck owners desiring contracts or operators ready to let contracts, send us particu lars. WIU print 20-word free notice in our monthly motor truck . department. The Timberman, Portland, Or. WANTED -A fry cook for town close in no pastry worn, $IOO per month, room and board. Millwrights for city con struction work. $8 for 8 hours. Port land Labor Agency, 1 1 2d st N. WANT 2 trucks for hailing cordwood out or timber to town or load on cars. 13 mile haul to town, 3 miles to car; 100 d road. Williams Ave. .fuel Co.. 5ii v illiams ave. WANTED Ambitious young men; a chance to start your own business: automobile necessity; IOO per cent returns. See M. i. .1. Nelson, imperial Hotel, between nours to 1 r. M. WA NT ED IO good men for inside labor, steady work, wages $4.2. for 8 hours married men living at Kenton preferred Apply in person at Coast Culvert & r lume Co., Columbia blvd. and Derby st, WE want several woodcutters, good ground ana line, timner, camp furnished; 13 miles from Portland. Williams Ave. Fuel o.. ot W ms. Ave. OFFICE CLERK Young man, good writ er ana quicK at ngures. state salary expectea ana pnone number. su 353 oregonian. WXNTED A married man to clerk in logging camp; above $12o ner mo. Ca De Laney's Employment service, 15 N -a st. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman must be capable of getting results. Apply between 8 and 9 A. M. only. Cooner & Hoi man. 322-3-4 Falling bldg. WANT Several men to unload freight and z ror winnow wasning. Apply 510 Ore gon Diag: WANTED 2 plumbers. 2 painters and electrician for out-of-town work. Apply oto Oregon 'Diag. W ANTED J lrst-class alteration man, Bdwy. Dye w orks. Grand ave. and Schuyler. FOUR men, heavy work. $5 per day, Apply 3J f ront st., :au xuesaay morn mg. WANTED Automobile painter. experience r.ot necessary. Page Malstrom Auto tainting Co.. lith and Hoyt. 1000 CORDS of wood to give away, 2 miles 10 raiiroaa. urea jueier, Aurora, or it. 3. WANTED Men who shave themselves to let the Owl barbers cut your hair; chil dren a specialty. 200 W 3d st. WANTED Printer-operator, country shop state experience and wages wanted. AV d. oregonian. LINOTYPE operator. 1600-1700 lines, country. Jew ert, 7S& Northrup. Port iana. BARBER WANTED Steady. Must be nrst-ciass; ffs guar.; good over money. j. c . j. nomas, vvauowa, or. 50X 10, CALLER for photographer. Will consider partner. Phone Bdwy. 978. Room 319, evenings. WANTED All around printer and lino. type man; country office; $36 per week. f ion-eer employment uo., X- .n . St. BOY wanted to fill orders; hardware and auto accessories. A L. 380. Oregonian WANTED A man to put In garden. Derby st. WANTED Washman at once. Troy Laun ary, ampa, inano. WANTED A business man or woman solicit for a real estate firm. 718 Spa Id mg 01a?. EXPERIENCED solicitor, good money for tne ngnt man.- An at, oregonian. EXPERIENCED doorkeeper for prominent ineaier. 001, oregonian. PAINTER wanted, 5485. $6 a day. Call East ONE wringer man. ISO Grand ave. Apply U. S. Laundry, BOY to clo odd jobs around factory an drive Ford delivery. 84l Washington s BOY to help in tire shop and learn vul canizing. vs st. NON-UN ION barber wanted, steady jo ju guaranteeu. jyorngon St. BOY with motor or bicycle. 351 Alder st. Haack Bros. WANTED Experienced Jap good wages. Edison Hotel. . houseboy A BOY to drive a Ford delivery. Division st. Call S41 OPERATING MILLWRIGHT. BECK BLDG. APPLY 20S WANTED A janitor. San Marco, 422 y Washington st. WANTED 2 experienced gardeners, steady good wages. Apply 41t Prescott st. WANTED Man to deliver and work In grocery store. Call Tabor 2091. WANTED Man dishwasher. 107 4th st. BOY wanted to learn trade. 309 Oak. gEI-P WANTED MA I.E. MEN WANTED FOR RAILROAD TARD SERVICE. WAGES ftVcENTS AN HOUR EIGHT HOURS' WORK A DAT. 6 CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDITIONAL HOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS A DAT. BOARD AND LODGING PLACES WILL BE ARRANGED FOR STRIKE CONDITIONS, BUT STRIKE DE NOUNCED BI RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED: PRO TECTION ASSURED. ' PERMANENT PLACES FOR GOOD KEN. APPLY TO A. T. MERCIER. SUPER INTENDENT. ROOM 82. SECOND FLOOR. UNION STATION. PORTLAND. OR. 6OUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANT. DEPARTMENT 3f THE INTERIOR ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION VV A N T B D. Railroad Laborers for ALASKA. , For U. S. GOVERNMENT RAILROAD under construction from Seward to Fair banks. Alaska. EXTRA GANG and SECTION MEN for MAINTENANCE OF WAY. Wages $5 . pur oay ooara si.oo aav. oKi nea men win De given opportuni ties iu their line of work wheuever pos- atioie. STATION MEN. ATTENTION. Station Work in the Broad Pass will pe ready to let In the near future. ' Men accepting laborers' jobs at tfiis time will have opportunity to secure Sta tion vvora later. For Sailing Dates and Further Infor mation, .Auuiy to ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION. i"jwiu oui iew jrosi vi iice i3uuuing, Portland, Oregon. $300 TO $000 A MONTH I Are you earning that' Many automo bile experts are. You may join the, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER Investigate, enroll, and don't Day us a cent until you are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't lt7 w rite for our $1 bS-page catalogue. its iree. ask lor Hook No. 5 OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET. 16.287 YOUNG MEN have. In the past 10 years, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This la not an "agency," and no extra zees or commissions are charged. Employers nat.ura.ilv turn to the v for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is xar greater than the supply. iou never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment serre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics. Is su pervised by leading automobile and trac tor men of Portland. Students do prac tical repair work. Free tuition t o ex service men. clip this ad. Send it or trail at office 410, V. M. C. A. building. LA BO RE US wanted for out-of-town work; good chance of advancement; company stands good for board and room until payday; pays time and a half on Sunday work; free fare from Port land to job. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg., between Ankeny and Burnside on Sixth st. LUMBER STENOGRAPHER at sawmill town in Washington; must be rapid, ac curate and thoroughly capable in sales department work; good future for party who is reliable and will stick; young married man preferred; state experience, past connections, age and salary wanted. Replies confidential. A V 674. Oregonian. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Big de mand for high -salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op- rtortunities:- Write at once for parttcu ars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Washington, D. C. WANTED Thoroughly experienced book keeper to take charge of country ledgers and billing in wholesale house. Must be competent, reliable and able to give bond. Prefer one who can use type writer. AB 346. Oregonian. CAN use two young married men for city salesmen for tea and coffee route; sal ary, commission and bonus. Bond re quired. Apply in person only. Jewel Tea Co.. 21 South trrand. YOUNG MAN, 25 to 30, to take position local branch eastern supply house, good salary and good opportunity; must have good reference and state experience, rer erences and phone. V 68, Oregonian. COUNTRY PRINTER WANTED Also combination floor man with some ma chine experience, steady Job; $34.50 and up according to ability; cheap rent; fine place to live. Wire Tidings, Ashland, Or. WANTED Ex-service men as musicians three cornet players, three trombone players, three clarinet players and three altos. Communicate with American. L,e glon Post No. 3i. Monteaano, N ash. BAKERS WANTED Experienced all round bakers and helpers. Highest wages paid. Apply Royal Baking and Confec- tionery to,, iitn ana Everett s 1 s WANTED An experienced automobile washer and simonizer. Must have refer ences. Phone number and address. E 108, Oregonian. WANTED--To contract six to eight mil lion feet timber to fmKey engine; con tractor must furnish own outfit. 070 Olive st., Eugene, ur. 10 SALES people, educated, to travel, good pay, weekly; we train ambitious iniattve workers.. Apply quica. ine Chief, box 503, Heppner, Or. SALESMEN Make $5 to 120 per dav: ex clusive territory. Call 830 Chamber of Commerce Diag.. tn ana tark. BARBER wanted; must be first-dns wages good. Palace Barber Shop. 444 w asn st. WANTED Two experienced janitors and one aisnwas ner. Appty aiter 11 A, M 348 Alder st. ELD.ERLY couple for janitor work In apt. house. Must be experienced. Call- Main 4842. WANTED First-class presser, good steady position. Apply in person. U. S. Laundry dry cleaning dept.. ISO Grand ave. MEN wanted to lump briquets. Apply Portland Gas & Coke Co.. 241 Flanders. MEN for country mill and woods work 714 Couch bldg. wora. WANTED Cement finishers, per hour overtime double. Apply to 262 4th st. WANTED Flour and feed packers at 71 Third st. Good wages. Call WANTED Experienced dishwasher. Ad. ply to chef before 11 A. M. 348 Alder st. FIRST-CLASS baker helper wanted L cafeteria,, 123 Cth st. WANTED A man to do chores around a hotel. 1751 Terby. Phone Wdln. 2915. WANTED Two - house carpenters at Wasco. Or. R, L. Low. Sherman Hotel. LEARN thi vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. EXPERIENCED egs candler wanted. 169 Front. HELP WANTED MALE. SWITCHMEN WANTED. . Men experienced In railroad yard work desiring employment should cail at once or send names and addresses to super intendent Southern Pacific Co- Strike conditions prevail, but ths strike Is unauthorized and derouaced by office of railroad- brotherhood. Apply to Mr. A. T. Merder, super intendent, room 32, second floor Unloa Station, Portland, Or. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE . For Army and Navy Ex-service Men. Any ex-service man who is lookmg for work or who wishes to change his pres ent Position Is requested to register with this office. All odr services are free of charge and we want to place the ex service men in positions most suited to their training. Any request for men by employers will . be promptly filled. . KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 205 Beck Bldg., Broadway and Oak. Bdwy. 1307. 500 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcamzers; -only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers as auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed It after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier st., Seattle. Wash. MR, EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job, or seeking a career 7 Have you discovered where you fit In 7 Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you? The Y. M. C. A. advisory and em ployment dent, can assist you In choos ing, and can help you find the place wi r wiLii jru ro uni 1 11 Leo. 1 11 is service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. SPINNERS WANTED CAN TAKE CARE OF FEW GOOD SPINNERS. EITHER NIGHT OR DAT WORK; GOOD WAGES, STEADY EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEED. APPLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS, ST. JOHNS. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 715 Wilcox Bldg. tith and Wash. Bkpr-stjno., lumber exp $150 $175 Inv. elk., Ibr., out-of-town 125 Typist, fast, wholesale llo Stono., good experience 125 Bill elk., 18-21, good penman " 85 Ofc. elk., 18-21, goou penman 80 Carbon paper ralemen, commission. Many other good positions. WANTED One saddle maker able to flower stamp: one border stamp saddle maker; one chapp maker able to oper ate Campbell machine or willing to learn. MILES CITY SADDLERY CO.. Miles City, . Mont. WANTED Bakers ana apprentices; open shop. Apply McDanleL. 94 Spring st. Seattle American Association of Crafts men and Workmen. YOUNG MAN over 18 years old having had 2 or more years in mgn scnool wishing to learn the electrical business. Apply in your own handwriting, stating what wages you expect and references. L 100. Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE GENERAL BOY. SOME HOUSEWORK AND SERVE DINNER. CARE OF GARDEN AND 2 CARS. NO COOKING. S00 MONTH. CALL BE TWEEN 12 AND 2. ALSO 5 TO 8. MAR SHALL 1441. ABSTRACT clerks, competent to post In dexes, make, chains of title or compile abstracts; city position wun expanujn business and opportunity to advance. State experience ana salary expectea. AG 402. oregonian. ROYS FOR BOX FACTORY. Wanted, boys for night and day work In box factory. Not under it; years 01a, Good waves to start. Apply In person. Multnomah, Lbr. & Box Co.. ft. of Ban croft st. WANTED Party to take horse logging contract of about 2.000,000 feet, second growth fir, good level country, clean ground. Three teams needed. Address K. G. & M. Logging Co., Newberg, Or., -box 826, phone Col. 728. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE & OAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. T07 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt, Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to East 20th. or phone East 8068. YOUNG MEN FOR VAUDEVILLE WORK; EXPEKltiMli UNNECESSARY. NORTHWESTERN AMUSEMENT EN TERPRISES, 201-2 RIVOLI THEATER BUILDING. . BAKERS AND BAKER'S HELPERS WANTED. CALL 71 THIRD ST. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES, WANTED Names men. over 17. wiahlns become U. S. government railway mail clerks; SIIO-9100 monto, A V 562, Ore gonian. CYLINDER press feeders wanted for night sn irts, uoiumoia raper oox Co.. E. 25th and Hoiiaday ave. WANTED Good shoe repair man. ligh work, wages per day. By W. M, Hayes, Grants fass. or. A SPLENDID opportunity for a IIva mn- azine and bookman. Call any afternoon this week. 2Q8 umocr Exchange bldg. BRIGHT boy, over 18, pleasant appearance and good manners; references. Apply Union depot news siana aner jo a., m GOOD ad man. can find permanent job on Washingtonian, Moquiam, wash.; morn ing daily; m.oo tor 3 nours; union. EFFICIENT DooKKeeper ana cashier, pre fer som one with bank experience. S01 N. w. BanK mag. WANTED An experienced elevator man give references, also telephone number. AJ o. uregonian. WANTED Strong, willing 109 Second st. boy. room 3, HELP WANTED MALE. OPERATING MILLWRIGHT Small mill. Close in; $175 month. ROSS ELECTRIC lumber carrier driv er, $6.50. b hrs. Call 35 N. 2d. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED. In the Portland district we have ter ritory where we can place at once a strictly high-grade salesman who has a record of well-demonstrated merchan dising ability over a period of several years. We manufacture WHIZ BRAND automobile chemical specialties and sell direct to the automobile and hardware trade. Our factory branch at address below carries a, complete stock of this big line, which numbers about GO spe cialties. Insuring prompt deliveries to the trade. This is a real opportunity for a salesman wishing to make a per manent connection either on salary or commission basis. Phone Broadway 4002 for interview appointment. The R. M. Holllngshead Co.. 10th and Up shur sts. I NEED four honest, intelligent, high-class men of rood aDDearanco. who would ap predate a real opportunity to connect themselves with a fine position; large earnings, promotion sure to right men; don t answer this unless you are a high class man. Appiy Mr. Fox, 1109 Spald- Ing bldg.. 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. DON'T overlook thU big money; practl callv no competition: iroods sold on f money-back guarantee, $5O0 or $600 monthly from $lou to $:too investment for equipment. Call 033 Wash. St., OA. M. to 3 :UO P. M. SALESMAN now calling on groceries, hotel and drug store trade, to carry a side line, a strictly staple product; liberal commission, sccora at btusser, i-JVs . 1st st. SIDE line srrocerv salesmen. New- no corn petition, use will be universal. Large coiumiosions. Investigate, rotating ter- rltory covered. AG 350. Ore gonian. TO three rood salesmen can make excen tional otter; ii to pr usv wnn ease; references first letter. AH 346. Oregon ian. WANTED Salesman for farm accessory for car; must have machine; every farm er a buyer. See Mr. 11 owe, iiamapu no tel. 10 to 3 P. M., Tuesday. HIGH-GRADE man with ability to handle sales fore in well-known rral estate office. Write B 205, Oregonian. BY LARGE established local firm. 2 young salesmen, state experience and previous salary. O lie. oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once, seiiing 60c per monto hospital tickets. BUI CorDett Diag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. wivTirn v.Trtrionrpd rown nrcssers. Bdwy. Dye Works, Union ave. and Schuyler st. GIRLS bet. 1R and 25 years, remember to be successful In business now more than ever- you, munt specialize. New comp tometer classes starting all this week. Tuition, $40. See Miss Frank, 313 Mor gau bldg. WANTED Woman cook for Bay View hi.toi Timv Or. Must be first-class. Good salary to 'he right person. Apply Chef, 3KS Wasnington st. LADY flunkey for mill hotel, $70 mo., room and board. urnsiae. WIDOWER, no children, desires House keeper; state age ana wages expecieu. incumbrances If any in first letter. AO 50, Oregonian. ONE garment press operator for starch work, one gin ior snort wui "vi" IT. S. Laundry. 1 SO Grand ave. WANTED Refined, capable girl to serve n Betty Lampe Tea itoom irom a- m- P. M. Main 3007. EXPERIENCED lady clerk wanted for bakery and caretena worn. -! Hngsworth ave. WANTED Girl for general office work; ni'Jht b? goou Pienograpnci. " straet, 02 1st st. WOMEN to make 12 bed and Keep nans clean In apt. nouse. uo pei 6102. EXPERIENCED young girl wanted ior confecticnery ana cigar eiorc 41 N. 3d st.. cor. Couch. t WANTED Experienced hosiery girl; none oth-r need apply, rwnigm. w rison St., near Broadway. ( YOUNG GIRL to assist with nousewora: no washing, no ironing, e,uuv Tabor 2019. - COUPLE employed have girl, aged 6. want gOOU. Kind nouoirncvj , " AN 347. Oregonian. HELP for quick cewing on dons; steany employment it aaupLeu. .... bldg. WANTED Experienced, office girl n1""1 eive references, unurciuumi 1200 Belmont st. YOUNG woman for general 01 1 ilo or. afternoons; state ag. C1 salarv wanted. AM 353, Oregonian WANTED Middle-aged chamDermam ior nlsrht work irom 10 o - ton hotel. DEMONSTRATORS who know how to meet ihe public. MB Multnomah St.; Rose City car; get on at -om tir 4 VTTTn A rr.ftltl ISt Tor VOCR1 SlUUPIH 14 hour twice eacn - price. B 77, Oregonian EXPERIENCED salesladies for all depart ments to assist wnn 'ui X. Levitt's store, 4th and Wash. sale. tuc vinrii(A Crittenden Home Is ready anv girl in distress. 55 East Gllsan. "MV" par. East 316. r.iRi. wanted to work in lunch room and confectionery bioic way. Natatorium piub. WANTED First-class presser, good steady position. Appiy m r'. V- " " rirv cleaning dept.. 180 Grand ave. iTtrl to assist with general nouse worn, no washing or cooking. Appiy morn ings. 099 Lovejoy. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN HOUSE KEEPER; GIVE PHONE NUMBER. AC ' 385, ORKOyMA- r.TRLS wanted at the Tru Blue Hiscuit Co., tn ana 1 ota WANTED Short order ana counter gin. Phone Main 5727. WANTEI 1751 Derby st. Wdln. 2915. WANTED An experienced waitress. Mai lo'rv Hotel. 171 Lownsdale WANTED Woman to do plain cooking. No baking. Apyiy - WANTS Hotel. chambermaid. International WANTED Girls for box factory work. West Coast Box & Lumber Co. WANTED First-class vest operator. Main 529. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply 407 14th st. , POWER machine operators wanted. Co lumbia Awning & Shade Co.. IS 2d t EXPERIENCED power machine operator. The McCreery Mfg. Co.. Royal bldg. 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses. Cat'n Fid die. 145 Broadway. WANT housekeeper for widower with one child. A v git, oregonian. MANICURIST. shoPj Multnomah hotel barber GIRL wanted to work in restaurant. So u t h Jersey st. TWO girls. Apply Studio, Penny Arcade, 26 N. aa. - EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, darin cafe. Call at 1 P. M. Man WANTED First-class chambermaid. Alex andra Court, 63 Ella st. GIRL for light bookkeeping and take care of store. Wdln. 1325. WANTED First-class tailoress. Call 744 Lombard st. Columbia 55. KITCHEN helper for small hospital. Bdwy. 3404. Call MISS M ATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $6 mo. 269 14th. Main 8893. STENOGRAPHER and office Apply 419 Lumbermens bidg. WOMAN for general housework. $50 month. Phone aeuwooa ooiu. WANTED Exp. sorter and checker; good wages. Apply Oregon Laundry. WANTED Exp. flat work washerman. Apply Oregon Laundry. WAITRESS wanted. Apply The China Inn, 153 Broadway. GIRL to work in delicatessen and lunch room. Phone Tabor 7112. LADY Repairing, altering, at once. Pressing Co.. 183 Park st. Club HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN WANTED TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. $13.50 A WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING IN SCHOOL, RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INCREASES AT REGULAR INTERVALS. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601, 6TH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING, PARK AND OAK STREETS. THE PACIFIFC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPANY, BUSINESS M EN'S CLKA RING UOtSfl. 715 Wiltsjx Bldg. " 0th and Wash. Steno-nkpr.. auto supplies ? 1 25 Inv. ctk.. Ibr., out-o-town 1 SfMio-bkprs.. ge icral $100 1. Stenography, law $110- 1U5 Stenographers, all lines 85 1 n0 Bkpr-typist, good at figures... 75 00 PUpr-ty pist, groc-ru-s 85 P Steno., good beginner 05 Cashier-typist, instrc $30, II. and B. Steno -ofc. girl, afternoons Open Many other good posit Ions. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR BASK KT FACTORY. Wanted Women and girls to make fruit baskets and berry boxes. Girls must hot be under 10 years. Work ensy to learn and good pay while learning. Chaneo for advancement. Apply in per son. Multnomah Lbr. & Box. Co., ft. of Bancroft st. AN EXPERIENCED coat hand for ladies alteration room. Experienced sewers for drapery workroom. Apply em ploy men t , bureau, sixth floor. Meier & Frank Co. THE Meier A Frank Company requires the services of experienced manicurists. Ap ply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier & Frank Co. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand for high-salaried executives, past experience unnecessary ; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Washington, D. C. EXPERIENCED operators on shirts, pants and overalls; experienced operator to tell shirts. Good prices and steady employ ment. Apply at Mount Hood factory, 233 Couch st. I HAVE more positions open tnan I ha pupils ready. Why aot take up wont which will make you independent? Six weeks' course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school apd be con vinced. Class hours from 8:30 to 12:0. Room 411 Beck bldg. WANTED A middle-aged woman to care for an old gentleman 83 years old. part of the time he Is able to be up and some of the time he is not. Wages- $30 per month. For particulars write G. H. Crandall. Oak Point. Wash. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to 35 lor wood working factory at St. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AB 392. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer fw well known machinery house. One with ! taphmie expedience preferred. Hours and salary right. Saturday afternoon off. Phone Main 1047 or 524-25. PRIVATE secretary $125, legal stenogra pher 130. 5 stenographers- JWi-SIOO, bookkeeper (lumber) $125, typist and biller $75. dictaphone operator $90. 301 N. W. Rank bldg. YOUNG LA DIES FOR VAUDEVILLE WORK: EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. NORTH W EST E R N AMIS K M E N T E N TERPRISES. 201-2 RIVOLI THEATER BUILDING. WANTED Lady receptionist for photo studio; must nave experience ana ne a retoucher; state salary and experience in first letter. G 7i, oregonian. 10 SALES people, educated, to travel, good pay. weekly ; we train ambitious inlatlve workers. Apply quick. "The Chief, box 503. Heppner. Or. WANTED Girls to help on cutting table and learn cutting or tents, awning, etc.; the rinht kind can arn good waees. An ply Hlrsch-Weis Mfg. Co.. 205 Burnside. A REFINED family of 3 adults wish maid for general huu&ework; tierman or Swiss prelerrea; oefii wages. i?4 "oyt nr. 24 th st. Call evenings only. WANTED Names girls, women, over 1 wishing U. S. government positions; $0o month : experience unnecessary. Answer AV 5C4. Oregonian. ANY girl In need of a friend applv to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 8450. DM car. GIRL wanted for soda fountain, must be experienced. Apply Perkins Pharmacy orn ana v asningion. YOUNG- lady to work in confectionery store, light nouseworg; not under 1 years. Apply 695 East Morrison st. COMPETENT housekeeper, family of wages $50. Phone Marshall blO, during oirice nours. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Girl to clean apartment and cook evening meal. Call Main 459 afte GIRL or woman ws.nted to assist with housework, small family adults. Main B18-J. WANTED Girl for general housework In small house; no furnace work, 2 in fam tly. pnone Auto. i7-9i. WANTED Girl for general small family, good wages. 4124. housewor! Call Wdln WANTED Competent s;irl or wpman for He ner at iiuuwwurn , wmkjn .u. tan BS 35th st. N. Phone East 2930. GIRL General housework. experienced cook not necessary : no washing. Woo lawn 4311. Broaaway car; good wages. WANTED Woman to cook on rancha?ood wages, no washing. Mra A. C. Kascberg, Wasco, or. . CAPABLE srlrl for' cooking or genera! housework; 3 adults: high wages. Phone mornings. Main 1 8 1 7. COMPETENT second maid, family of 2 good - wages. 640 1-landers st. Phon Broadway 2493. WANTED A girl to assist with llh housework good home and good wages Apply 432 Mill st. Phone Marshall 2S0. WANTED 2 experienced girls; 1 for up stairs work and 1 for downstairs work. Phone Mrs. Hunt Lewis. Marshall 2483 GIRL wanted to assist with housework good wages ana nome. juain wu. 7 Irving st. YOUXfl GTRL to assist with genera housework find rare for 4-year-old child, 1S5H iotn st. oouiiK WANTED Comuatent maid for genera housework, no luunxiry, wages $60. 7 Flanders. ' WANTED -;in . tor cooKing ana some housework. .Main it-j. U4i Washing ton st. WANTED Girl for light housework, good nome ana goou pay. on ruuioit. COMPETENT woman for cooking in prl vate family. East 6645. COMPETENT second girl. Mrs. R. Koehler, 172 N. 1'Jtn st. rtroaaway 31 20. GOOD wagstg competent second maid. Marshall ioo. j--o inurman st. GENERAL nouse worK. goon wage3, very desiranie piace. w r,. urn in. WANTED Pet tied woman work. Apply 12 E. 7th st. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily. Call Mam ui--'. WANTED Either roll-tor or flat office desk. Phone Automatic 312-38. WANTED Lady barber at 324 Couch at."" HELP WANTED FKMALfi. Wan ted Pom es t tcs. GIRL to assist with general housework ana children; must be . tirsL-ciass. trained, reliable and of pleasant dispo sition, American girl preferred; or would consider middle-aged woman of refined nature and competent . good home; wages $50 a month. Write for appointment to P. O. Box 007, Kelso, Wash.. Mrs. Robert H. Barr. MAID for general housework, family of tnre, m small house on ronianu Heights. We want someone who will respond to conNlderate treatment and good living conditions; no washing. Tel. Marshall b30. WANTED Neat girl for general house work; must understand plain be willing to spend part of summer at Seaside. No washing. Hood wage. Ap ply mornings. 770 Mareha',1 eireet. GIRL or woman to take care of a 14 months old baby; a good home. wsp. Call Mr. Sigel at the White House Cloak and Suit Store. 342 Alder t. Mar. 502f. WANTED GIRL F O R GENKKAL HOUSEWORK; 3 ADULTS IN MJULi. EVENINGS FREE. 540 EAST 21ST ST. NORTH. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; must tffe good cook; no washing; wages sou ana up. 37 SS. Mrs. Babson. East WANTED Girl for downstairs work and cooking: high wages, summer at Gear hart. Call between 10 and 2, 3u E. 21st N. GIRL, experienced in light housekeeping and cooking, can find good home with small family at good wages. Apply in person, Otiti Lovjoy st. WANTED A reliable girl for genera! housework. 4 Mi family, a' I electrical on veniences; good wages. Apply 11 E. 8th N. B. W. ear. GOOD girl wanted for general housework; 2 children: no washing, no furnace; . Mrs. Frederick Kiehle. Mar. 1435. est ver Terrace. EXPERIENCED nursemaid to care for 2 children. No laundry. Best wages. Phone Main 182S. Mrs. J. W. Roseufeld. COMPETENT girl for housework : no w ash ing; good wages. Call Main 303S, Port laiul Heights. . EXPERIENCED ,'lrl for general house work, o adults. $.". 85S Weftovnr road, head of Johnson st. Marshall 471. COMPETENT second girl, must ha vo ref erences; good wages. Mrs. E. R. Corbet t. Main 4.tf7. WANTED Reliable girl to do mending and upstairs work 111 private Home in country. Phone Main 4007. GIRL for general housework; 3 adults; all conveniences. io'J ivearne . HELP IV A N T E O M ALE OK 1 EM A Li-.. WANTED PEOPLE FOR MOTION iJX.- TUUE K iv. ALL TYPES. CLL AT RtM 521 CHAMBER Ob COMMERCE RLDG.. BETWEEN 12 AND P. M. J N V E T1GATE AT ON CE. MIPS M ATTINGlsY'S PRIVATE SCH 'I. SHORTHAND, Ti I'KW Ki l -N 1 ' AND NIGHT. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUC TK N. 200 14th, near Jefferson. Main ;;sic WANTED Men and women ot all i.vpes to register for motion -picture worn. 01 Artisan bldg., Broadway at Oak. GOOD HOM E wanted for w ell behaved black and white temaie cat ; smenuiu mouser. Mrs. Mohr. Marshall 4200. WANTED Christian woman or elderly man to solicit. Apply jionaay ueiwee" 2 and 4 P. M. 414 E. Ash st. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men the course Is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll sny time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. nRF.ho HARBER COLLEGE will teach vr.11 Mm trade in 9 weeas scaip anu iai; massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteea ; pay wnne learning; iuiuuu reduced mis iprm. jiamaun. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep- lnir atenoerapny. Civil service, etfcrcirti- ial. special courses; expert teachers, daj and night. Enroll now. Bawy. ousj. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. mi Buckel's private school; Individ ual Instruction 122 Va Grand ave.E.427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you wblle learning, gie pci ui ivwi free, position secured. 38 N. 2d St. ..-ahm TELEGRAPHY Railway Tela craoh instuuic, ..t rvi w u.j c-.niikD bldg. Free booklet. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky Bidg., Third and Morrison S.s. A Position for Each graduate. pncK Y MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enro supt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg.. Main 8276. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration, jiain ty Mm. FISK Teachers Agency journal mh. 435. Teacmng posnmns. ' ' irjwu THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your wa'?. -3 SITUATIONS WANT E D M A r E, POSITION AS SUPERINT EN 1 1 N I t'J ; HAL KUK1',.M.'A v 1 ' ' KUiP. STRANGER IN CITY. B 141. OREGONIAN. WEST M AGI" I RE Pnintinr oaner-hanging and tinting Phone auto. 210-11 East "ith st. Res. and shop. 3'. A-l AUTOMOBILE electrician 1 1 vKfaaca rv : married: age - 1 rf.rrnr AddrCSS P. O. Box 4122 CARPENTER contracts ror bui idings lnrze or sniaii, !m 1 . - Save yon money Manny, Seliwood 2421 1 ,. vniir own caraiir im n- vnnr rnr! SI ner llOUl " years' experience. Phone- East 5:;70. cppinv .mninvment by young man as " truck driver- or chauffeur; experienced AM 354. Oregonian. w nnintin?. calclmintng. decorat i'nir "and sign wor e done before the rush 20 E. Gllsan. Phone Tabor 20 season, j rvru-i x. v " R I ) chauffeur or truck drive "wants steady position. be!t of references, phone before 0 or after 6. Auto. 524-31. tt-vtop draftsman wishes position; -foun d'ry experience. Phone Wood lawn 12 M. -7 P. M. PAINTING, paper-hanging and tinting, es timates cheerfully given; leave orders a 107 E. 28th St.. or call Tabor 8243. cirdPOOLS sewer connect ions. cemen work, sidewalks and driveways; wor guarnr teert. laoor AUTO mechanic wants position in garag .where ne my ti1" --i - 230. Oregonian. CEMENT walks, steps, runways, kaslo mine, tinting, job work; material fur nished. .Eastio. t Trr ' T r dent wants job ; rapi 1 accurate." not afraid of work. Oregonian. H SO, AUTO mechanic, married, steady wor in valley or central Oregon town: writ full particulars. B 2:tw, uregoman. WANT work for two 3U-ton trucks, lum hr- nr road work : out of town. vV rit L. Hykes. general delivery. WOULD like to get 4 to C hours' work nlo-ht nfter H O CIOCK or neiore .i M. M. Belard. 122 Broadway North. PATVTTNT,. TINTING. riTo.niTE WORK. REASONABLE FQTTMATES : RELIABLE. MAR. 3214 JAPANESE young man wants nice job ; no kitchen work. Orejroninn. any kin AN 34: n"vrr xnerienced Japanese cook wlshe rtosltl-m. rS North Fourth St.. H. II A BOY wants work, ace in years. Hoiiaday nve. Phone East 6023. BOY near 16 wants 1ob Larrabee st. East 203O. on farm. ROOFS reshingled and repaired. Berkv ornntpr and shingler. Marshall 1700 POSITION as chauffeur. Can run make of car. AH 343. Oregonian. AV old man, inside job as janitor. 500 Couch st. iTvRPWOOD floors cleaned and polished. Call Tab or 3s 51 evenings . I HAVE a 1-ton Republic; let me do vour hauling, by day or month. Main 6160. WANTED Garden and lawn work ; prices reasonable. Address R 66. Oregonian. FOR BRICK mason rv, store and cement worK. can ' " . Al CARPENTER builds and remodels ' cheap by contract. Wood lawn 126. ROOFING, palntlnc and general repair work. C. Coote. Phone Marshall 33fW. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work, reasonable. Seliwood 1309. PAINTING, tinting; best material' good work: prices reasonable. Tabor ::i5i. CITY garden lots to plow and Broadway 304. Broadway 3Q16. harrow. PLOWING done and all kinds of team work. Wdln. 8S3. CARPENTER A -1 Remodelinur or new work, day or contract. Tabor 0049. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED LUMBER OFFICE MAN DKSIKKS POSITION WITH KELIA RLE CONCERN. NOT A BOOKKEEPER. CAN TAKE 1IC T T I ON . G O-J D T Y P E WRIT E R OPKIUI'OR. CAN ACCEPT PO SITION IMMEDIATELY. ADDRESS K 150. OREGONIAN. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, , 70b-15 Wilrox Bldg. Main MOO. We are in a position to furnish em ployers with corn pet tit. experienced book Keepers, stenographers, on ice men, in oiee clerks, billing clerks, etc.. with lumber and gen oral experience; fn or out of town. Tt-ll us vour needs. WRiTE. WIRE OK PHONE. ALL that would give a competent book keeper and office man who use crutches, though exceptionally active, v chance, now or 111 the future, please answer this ad verliseniont ; this man is much in need of employment. X 70, Oregonian. EXPE HI ENCED and succosstui commercial teacher, with Oregon life diploma, de sires position in hiuli school, academy or college. Is well liked by young people: can manaue school or department, and has the 'know how" of teaching. A.K. 4 .m. o re go n 1 a 11. , GENERAL MERCHANDISE clerk with 10 years' experience in general store and commissary; cut torn; meat: am 28 years oii . married ; have A-1 references as to ability and character. R 200. Ore gonian. WANTED Position as private secretary by young college professor, la well edu cated along 1 he lines and knows ac counting from ali angle; refined: can give the best of references. Adurcss AV 7o 4, Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN, 10 years' experience motor and generator installations. familiar with automatic elevators, etc.. position with good firm; married, age good references. A-idre.-s P. O. Box. 41 22. A YOUNG MAN 24 years old. of good health. cannot spchk good English, wants to set ji on farm for 50: want to learn English, lnqulro at Hotel Ohio, Room 5. Jim Hamieoeff. oUNG married man wants d riving pri at r ear or I ruck with d untper ; ha. e hren ick , not nolo to ilo heavy w orn ; e.irs' ilriving experience. Call Marshal! . .'or..;, aficr o 1. M. Ol'NO MAN wants- to take charge of and run farm or ra nch for p;i rty a nyw her in t 'recon or Washington; can prune and laKti care of orchard. Write to L. F. Rome No. 1, Rtx 22. Amity, Ore. CHAUFFEUR. IO yuir. experience; can oft ow tt ri-pa us; no ob.teot ion to 1 cav in g rity; first-class certificates from Cana dian mechanical transport. BD 350. Ore gonian. EX.-SERGT.. f irsi-e;sM Eng. corps . de- si res posit ion. timf kt'Cp-r. commissary el-rk. ere., executive ability; best of rfrenres. Alt 35. Oregonian. V A NTED My reliable all-around triKk driver, position on heavy truck, city or country. A. E. Cook. 304 5th .-t. Main 5 MS. YOUNG MAN now eniplojed wants some thing to do aliout - nours ner ore o'clock; restaurant work preferred. R SO. Oregonian. WANTED Truck hauling job with a gooa ;n--ton outfit: lors. thinner or wnut liavo you? Address C. E. Beaver. 574 Borthwick st. FLHR WAXING, windov. washing, wood work, vacuum clean ing. g. ncra i mousg cieaning and rcpuiriui. Tabor 220O eve nings. RESH I NG LING and patching. East GSS4, ooin 15. ' Bookkeepers. Htenographerw. Office. EXPERIENCE D LUMBER OFFICE MN DVJSIRKS POSITION WITH RELIABLE '"ONCERS. NOT A BO.OKKEEPER. CAN TAKKl'lC T TU N GOOD TY PEW RITE R OPERATOR. CAN ACCEPT PO SIT I O N I M M E D I AT E L Y . ADDRESS R 150. OREGONIAN. OFFICE manager and cost accountant: wants permanent position, r irteen years varied experience, including lumber. BJ 355. Oregonian. EN PERI KNCED accountant bookkeeper would like another small set or oooks ia keep. Reasonable. Phone Hayes, Mar shall 50 1 3, (JENKKAL office man. typist, thorough knowledge bookkeeping, open ror posi tion; com bin at ion bookkeeping and see ing acceptable. AP 357. Oregonian. BRIGHT man of 27 desires a clerical po sition or as stenographer gooa penma n. 2 years experience. P '.!, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. M 1 P DLE-AGED woman would like house keeping for widower and son or 2 or .5 men; country preferred. Call or write 121 Grand ave. South. Room 0. MARRIED LADY with experience would lik position as housekeeper m apartment house for use of apartment and some gal ar. Phone Main 1520. LACK. SCRIM AND MARwTjISB'PTK cur tains done up like new W.U can. East S518. W A NTED Chiidre-.i to core for; .0o fr eit licr day cr even i rig. Mrs. Oraham. r.2l 1 1 1 isa n. rear apt. LADY wants housecleaning. other work, work guaranteed. Wood hours, day; lawn CJ05. I.AC E. scrim, marquisette curtains, clothes hand laundered; experts; called lor. East fillhi. MOTHER and daughter want rooking and second work : references. o'J I Halght ave. Phone Wood lawn 4615. MH'PLE-AGED woman wants housekeep ing for 2 people employed or take cart of conv alcsci East UtOS. WANTED liildren to rare for. 5Uc per day. Rear apt. 321 Gllsan. Mrs. Gra ham. WA NTED A place to tak care of chil dren evenings w hile mother i aw ay. References. Wood. awn 1011. LADY with experience wishes day work or. do housework bv day and help take care of chlMren. AG 351. Oregonian. LADY wants to keep house for bachelor,, or widower. No children. E 232, Ore gonian. WANTED Position by a lady cook or housekeeper. Telephone Broadway 1770. Call room 4 WANTE D P L A I N S E W I NG. CALL MAR. 3053. COLOR EI i woman wants work by hour. ' AG 340, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants Phone East 507, room 20. day work. TWO sisters want a position as cook and helper, for a small crew. JJ Taylor. LADY demonstrator, experienced, wants position. O 200. Oregonian. . EX PER1ENCED head waitress wants po sition. E 233, Oregonian. . v v pvRiTTVfKD easnu-r or checker: best. "of references. Phone East 7040. VY I LL take good care of babies evenings. Call Main 088. - HOUSEWORK by day. Mar. 1372, room 17. Call evening anei o- ELDERLY woman wants light housework. Phone Seliwood 529. Call after 0 A. M. YOUNG WIDOW would like some light day work. 487 E. Ash st. WOMAN wants camp or dairy cooking.. Call 320 2d st. - WOMAN wants day work. 5143. room 30. Phone East WOMAN Room 2; wants day work. East 5t7. YOUNG widow woman with 4-year child, wants job as housekeeper. Seliwood 3112. JANITRESS work, also hour work. Phone Seliwood 3t23v " Bookkeeper, fete nog rap ncrs. Office. BUSINESS" M EN'S CLE A RING HOUSE. Main SlOrt. Main S197. 71. Wilcox Bldg. We are in a position to furnish em ployers with competent. experienced stenographers, bookkeepers, billing clerks, tvpists and office women. In or out or the citv. Tell us your needs. WRITE. WIRE CtK PHONE. BY STENOGRAPHER with' ten years ex perience in law work familiar with all details of law office ; well educated. Miss Moore. Marshall 4200. WAVTKO Position as tVliist and Ktenoc- rapher by a woman of mature years; no objection to leaving city ; references. AR 44. Orcgoni.m. W ANTED A position. $20 week ; knowl edge bookkeeping and typing. 17 yrs. Wdl n.. 2'J53. EN PERI ENCED accountant bookkeeper wants another small set of books to keep ; reasonable. D 208. Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED stenographer desires po sition. Call Woodlawn 540. WANT position as filing clerk; lives at home. Call Automatic 316-66. E.X PKJ.IEM'ED bookkeeper and stenog -rnpher; hj-t of references Main 2817. Dressmakers. COATS. PRESSES. SUITS M A PE AND lU.'Mi -hKl.KP. Dressmaking Dept.. Em porium Dye Wks.. 540 Morrison. Bdwv. 4 2 50. HE M S TITC H ING. 8c a yard. M. Dal ton. room 201 Broadw ay-Yamhlll bldg. D R ESS M A K ING rea on abt e. 3T1 Central Bldg. Tenth & Alder. Main 340S-