TITE MORNING OREG ONI AN, TUESDAY, 3IAT 4, 1920 17, Portland Business Bulletin A -directory of business firms and professional nn condensed and clas sifieifor ready reference. For rates by the-month or 'year, or other inforrfiation, telephone The Oregonian) Main 7070 or -A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. 7 BLACK, public accountant. u- qitor,g. accounting systems established, JJialusained: Income tax service; cefer . encey- Concord bid., ad and Stark. ALTERATIONS. ".'"-'S "H making of ladies' tar- menia - reasonable: work. Guaranteed. "atiWii. 4nx u.;,h & Lane bids- A'SS.WKRB AND ANALYSTS. MJi?iI"?NA ASSAT OFFICE. 142 Second 1d.llver and platinum bought. ACTO PAINTJNli. "IS" -PAINTING. QUALITY", FINISH. STANDARD AUTO PAINTING CO., J.A.ST THIRD AND MADISON STS. C.AKl'KT WEAVING. RUGS The kind that ear best ar ki niaile from your worn-out carpets Qj the Northwest Rug Co. u'ormer ad dress 153 Union ave.). Hag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and rtsii-.irig. Mail orders solicited. 1S3 K. th st. Phones East .'ir.Su. B 1 -'SO. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. I12 rugs si ram or irv clean d. i.50 .t FLUFF Rt:t CO.. f'i Union ave. X East 6516, B 1475. CARPKT CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. rr.iTrp and rag nuas WOVEN ALL SIZES. WTJ1TK OR CALL PORTLAND nr:n r-i- , B- 17th St. Sellwood SS22. CKLLll,Oll BUTTONS. THK IP.WI.V-HOWON COMPANY-, "aghlnglon. Bdwy. 4X4. A 1254. C'H I KOPRAC'TOIt. DFV .- O- fl.KTCFIKR. .,optic chipo clist. -graduate nurse aosistanl; all mal loi illations of the loot scientifically cor- Jrttdo--KuU'! il- Morgan bldg. Phone " 9 in Sifi'J. WaOOO KNOW MrMahon.. J00 Chiroprac tor. Throngs prenounce treatment best. HinoroniM-arch srVci alist. wi'f;IA.M, lCstolle and Florello Do Veny. LEri?n,'y dentine chiropodists and arch WcCialisti, in the city. Parlors 302 Ger i'iser ?,d-- 5. W. cor. 2d and Alder. JR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun Ions, foot arches made to order. ail Swetland bldg.. 0th and Wash. Main 101. CrTrfiyT.Y SWEEPS. BI3HOP CHTMNTET SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3883. CIRCULAR I.ETTEKS. CRANK I.KTTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Roval b.dg. Marshall 5S22. -VI tilt igraphing, mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NF.TH & CO.. Worcester bids. Main 1706. No collections, no charges. Et,tab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. FOrt -RR1CK WOr.K, tile and concrete, phone Jack Wetnpe, "Woodlawn DANCING, MRS BAVH. T.08 Dckum bldg. Prlvatt lessons day and evening. Main K14."i. BALLROOM and staei- darning. Miss Dorothy Rasmupson. G10 Eilers bldg. nF.NTISTRY. rF T6u have dental work to be done, have it done without pain by the ncrve-block-incr method. DR. A. W. hTEN'l!, DR. K. IT PREHN, Majestic Theater Bldg., H Washington St. HOG AM) CAT HOSPITAL. ROSK CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 415 East 7th. F.ast 1847 and 213-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND R-.d Bought and Sold. hn TJ'SLLS KLECTRIC WORKS. Phone o2. ,. 24SU First St. Main S71. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. I oi 1st. Portland. Or. P.e- I, nding and electrical repairing oee u aopui new or ed motors. Bdwy 1040. A 1048. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want big rops; read about "ii. M. Wonder" in our 1S20 catalogue. Routledge Sed & Kloral 'o.. 14o 2d sr.. Portland. Or. GLASS AND GLAZING. IN'DOWS repaired, any part of citv: uto service. Kdw. Fransen. Bdwy. 716. HARDWOOD FLOOKI.NG. t GT estimates for new or old house. Port- Harqwood x loor C o., 1ST W. Park. MAMUNKKY INSTALLATION. . "MACHINERY INSTALLATION. ( Complete plants or single irtacoines, of vecy description, motors, etc.. by ex pwtijVdln. 11 SO. Kast 5l40. MCSIC TKACHERS. l'(JPUl-A R and ragtime taught in 30 to o lessons; guaranteed or money refund d;'ihect music given with first lesson. I'hone T,abor 8815 for appointment. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal iessons. prac tice, piano. 1 nr. day, 90 mo. Bdwy. l-55 : WHOLESALERS AND BX(iINKH RS' AND MILL- SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. P AO IXJ GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. ' THANH A USER HAT CO.. 5'.t-55 Front St. PAINTS. Ol 1.8 AND GLASS. W.' P.' FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN &. CO.. Second and Taylor. KEAt, ESTATE. J ROSE CITY FAUK DISTRICT. We have a few 50x100 lots located from T.th'and Handv bivd.. to and including hiHh st.. $:mn and up. which we will sell on small monthly payments. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., .MS I'OHBUTT BLDG. i - LOTS AT BARGAIN. , VOL It OWN TERMS. V. S. BONDS TAKEN AT PART IjOTS NEAR SANDY BLVD & 41ST. J400 to elOOO No SHcnts. Owner East 491. 60100." NEAR P.enlnsula Iark and Jef- (erson high school. $."U0, 150 cash. $18 monthlv; streets paid. , Ji HNSON-DODSON CO.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $1000 BUYS 3 concrete foundations (bun galow), first floor laid, 110x110. Penin suhi district. Lverythlnif paid. Call East 7l'.t2 or AP 341, Oregonlan. KENTON dist., Kairport : 4 lots on Mis Sip.siiipi e.: walks and curbs in and paid: r"t cash. D. D. liathrick. 015 ( h. of Oom. bidg. oi HSK. Winchell. V"' BLOCK Lies rough, but near In, and " ,cnr factories; $500 cash or $600 on i- rms. Phn Main 2028 or calL C 239, Oregon i in. r'CTR SALE Alameda lot. choice location, vwuu'.d consider good car in trade. H. tClark. Milwiukie pool hall, box 226, Mwaukte. Or. ' 2 CHOICE lots on Alameda. Rose City P"nrk. one block to car. Streets Improved. Bargain. Hdny. 271, evenings. ALAMEDA, best section. H block from car line. 50x100. By owner. $1100. Bdwy. B0. LOT In Hyde Park. Fa-Ming and Beech Tabor 1507. HHth st.. between sts.. $230. Phone $!0EP-CHOICE corner lot. down. $15 per month. 1. fenced; $25 Owner Sell- wood 102i. . $1500 BEAUTIFUL building lot. heart Af Irvington. All improvements paid. Call Kal 7-".'2 BJ HIP. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Rose City $650 if taken at once, between 12 and 1.. lot. east front. Marshall 3043, NUMBER of fine building lots, Clinton, near 43d, $50'i each. Tabor 5361. 1F.VIKC.TON LOTS Ksst frontaBc-. 23d rcirll-'rcmont. hy on m r. 7'4 Kverett st. IOT. 32x3. hlork 26. Hyde ParkTtSO" Phnni- Tsbor tr.117- 60x100 t-OT for sale. Ttose City Park, by owner. Jttr.O. 701 Da-is .it. ' JJ1."'I IHVIMITOX i. and Siskiyou, clear. '-1 -i. & MKAT BLOCK .TRIMMER. . . - ' - ED. ODBERT. MtAT HLOCKilKiMMCE. Blocks trimmed byan adze. Price ac coiding to condition ot .block. 4103 o-d at. S. K. ' - , . NLRSEBV STOCK. WE CARRY, a fufl assortment of choice .fruit trees;- berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses.' etc. - . OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORENCO. OR. OPTICIANS. I NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. fieort-tt Rnt-.enst pin. the veteran op- , tician, still fits the post- ejesm.-. very moderate prices. Tories. -Kryptoks, also the chea per grades -226 Morrison. OPTOMKTKIST8 AND OPTICIANS, GI.AKSF.S AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the j basis of capable servloe. Thou- ...,u ne ..ti.riaH enstomers. A I trial will convince you. CHiarles .W O001 man, optometrist. 20U Morrion M. -K.4 ts EVES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed . with modem Instruments. at . - - f ,r..H from S2.30 UP. 'A. E. HURW1TZ, optometrtet. 225 1st St. I OitlKNTAL BUGS. " ORIENTAL RUGS woven. ' repaired, washed, cleaned and stored - by nature's - own modern plant. Broad- ws.v .-t-i:::: CARTOZ1AN BROS.. Inc.. importers of oriental rugs. ORIENTAL RUGS. Native Expert in Repairing, washing, cleaning and stored. AI. E. D1NIHANIAN. E.-tablished 1914. Broadway 2870. 465 Washington St. ORIENTAL KK.S REI AIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. . "CLKANKD AND NKHAillKD. KARAGOZIAN it FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH AT1VKH BROS 151 N. 2UD. PHONE MAIN 5208. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. L1NDSEV. specialist in goiter and rheumalisin. 61 Morgan bldg. Main 6060. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. Ail communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN 4 CO.. patent attorneys, fcian Francisco office. Hobart bldg... 582 Market St.; Chicago- office, room 810 Tower bldg., Washington of fice, room 103, 625 F St.; New York of fice, Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience TJ. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lunr. liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, f-iinalc disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlargfd tonsils, moles, birth markH. LIMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT W1IOLE.SA I.E Prices. Stark-Davis Ci.. 1S8 4th. M. 707. PRINTING. DDIfJTIHf? F. W. BALTES - COMPANY II1I11IIUU 1st an d Oak sts. M. 765. 511-65 painting". GET YOUR painting, kalsomlnine, decorat ing and Sign work done before the- rush season. l.".2 E. Glisan. Phone Tabor 206. PAINTING, paperhanglng John C. Con lisk. 1S3 16th St. N. Broadway 2945. HOUSE PAINTING by contract. Phone Woodlawn 1-103. PIANO TUNING. PIAVO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Mvers. Blind School. Marshall 5060. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry' keepers; catalogue free Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d st. ortland. SECONP-HANP STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and - furniture line. Phone Main U0i2. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 01 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks TRANSFER AN D STORAGE. "OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service1 With a Reputation. MOVING-PACK'G-STOR ACE-BAGGAGE" 13th and Kearney. Branch OS's Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. ' 64-fi Front StrrW. STORAGE AND IIAVLTXG. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phones Main 446. 544-68. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner loth. Rhone Broadway V2SX or 116fl. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks Lowest insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M OLFEN TRANSFER CO.. 24 Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST Main 513.1.- A 10.T1 FOR any local or lone- distance nVulinc or moving call Sellwood 8181. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. U. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. SASH. DOORS" 14th atrid Northruo. AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Iits. 100x200. HALF BLOCK FROM SANDY BLVD . PARK ROSE. , $1350. ALL CLEARED. RICH GARDEN SOIL. J.L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg Main 20S. Branch office on Sandy Blvd. at end oX Parkrose car line $825 . - PARKROSE. . 113x140. $50 down, $15 a month, pressure water piped to tract, rich garden soil, fine fir trees, on macadam street, south of Sandy blvd. and car'line. J. L. HART MAN COMPANi. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. Parkrose Branch office on Sa,ndy Blvd. at end of Parkrose car line. IRVINGTON, 100x100. SNAP. Fine quarter block on northeast corner East 7th and Thompson; over $1200 city liens paid; no restrictions. Price J3750. about 10oo cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. We want an offer. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. BEAUTIFULLY wooded home siteon 10V foot boulevard, near park and high school; 100xl00 feet, . and price only $lo00, easy terms. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. lor Sale Business Property. MODERN 74-ROOM APT. HOUSE 37 APTS. Corner location. 10xlO5 lot. building and all goes at a wonderful low price $20,000 'haijdles this money-maker. Will consider some trade NORD. 20Q Henry Bldg. HALF BLOCK with trackage, clost in west .,.rV.?,a,,t.- !"i(H" " sold at once. Hart, tOR, SAU. Planders-st. business corner lot ..0xHO. east of IHth st. Bargain if taken-at once. No trades. Owner P O Box 2131" l-'or Sale Houi.es. l $7500 WEST SIDK SMorifi.. 9 rooms i modern. 131 Ou, 6 room. 914 Gantenitein! . . ' i"- rJ-. ime lots, !ig. car" 1:;o0- Terms. Broadway WE HA,VE "n5 "t of Portland homes I ana Orepon farmy; need one or two ' hlo'.'L"s!d'' t,e--",!n 'th uto. Vkriie A 246. Oresonian. - tS3 ' BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. " MT. TABOR MANSIO.V. One of the Si nest homes on Mt. Tabor hill; 8 rooms, all modern conveniences, approximately 5 Lota, beautifully land scaped, with all kinds of shrubbery and more fruit on the place than you could ever use. This is blossom time and the orchard looks like a bower of beauty. Will give purchaser use of 1 1 acres adjoining-, mostly in bearing fruit, for taking care of It. The sale of cher ries alone this year should more than pay all of your taxes. This property is still in acreage. as It has never been subdivided, and taxes are very light. Absolutely the best buy on Mt. Tabor hill at $15,500. Will ahow only by ap pointment. Call Main 6425. Ask for MR. ATCHISON". 204 Henry bldg. irVingtom. beautiful corner lot 100x100. strictly modern residence with parlor. living' room. din ing room. kitchen first floor, four bedrooms. tiled bath, large sleeping porch second floor, large finished attic and maids' room. hardwood floors: many built ins: full size concrete basement. laun dry room. furnace. oarage: immediate possession. $12,500. if you want a modern home. in most select part of irvington. PHONE POIN DEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20." 6-RCOM I-AUREI.Hl'RST BUNGALOW HOT WATER HEAT. ' A BUi BARGAIN.. - ' OWNER AN INVALID. OBLIGED TO SELL AND CHANGE CLIMATE. If you want a beautiful homo at a very attractive price, don't fall to see this bungalow. Am extra large lot and a fine garage. No agents need answer. Phono before 12 noon or ofter 6P. M. East 200. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very attractive and unusually well built. 2H-story, 10-room thome located on double lot commanding wonderful view of city, and Mt. Hood; verv large living and dining rooms, den, 4 fine bed rooms and 2 batua Inn second floor; maids' rooms and bath on third floor: old ivory finish, hardwood floors. 7 modern fireplaces: basement subdivided, artistic billiard room; grounds 'beauti fully landscaped with ample room for double garage; house in excellent con dition and worth f.lO.OvO" but J22.500 takes It; terms if wished Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, srarage. a very choice corner on Sandy blvd., paved streets: yes. there Is a fireplace and furnace, full cement basement. This place will actually Furpriso you. $2500 cash and assume a $300O mortgage takes it; shown by appointment only. Ask for Mr Cle:rwater. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. ; Chamber of Com. bldg Main 208. RESTRICTED district, residence fur nished. .1 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch, large attic, floored, built-in buf fet, panels, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, concrete basement, laundry trays, etc.; garage with concrete floor High-class neighbors.- This house alone would cost you $sooo to build. .My price, furnished. $7000. The rugs and furni ture are brand new. $27t0 cash, liberty bond, or automobile; the rest. $50 a month. This house can be rented as It Is for $90 a month m- more. Call Wood lawn 2:i. No agents. ONE-HALF BLOCK TO ROSE CITT" CAR 7 rooms and den, full cement base ment. Fox furnace; 50xlO0.-ft. lot. 3 fruit trees and 2 fir shade trees; $3500, $750 cash. Ask for Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Cora. Bide. Main 208- LACRELHURST BUNGALOW. An extremely attractive 6-room bungalow-, located on East Flanders at., near 3th st.; living room 16x32. French doors to beautiful dining room with C windows, convenient Dutch kitchen, ell glass breakfast room. 2 nice bedrooms and bath on first floor: maid's room in a.ttic; dandy fireplace and furnace, best oak floors, brick front: built Fsveral years ago when they believed In using plenty of lumber; rice $8000; terms. Talior 4Q7. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. Non-resident owner tellB me to sell Quickly his modern ' 2-story. 7-room .house with sleeping porch and garage, located on 75x100 site ' commanding wonderful view of city; corner East &3d and Salmon streets: center entrance hall, large living and dining rooms, con venient kitchen, 4 nice bedrooms, sleep ing porch, large attic, fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, lawn and shrub bery; price cut to $9000; terms. Tabor 407. TOUR HOTJSB. IS IT FOR SALE? Talk It over with ua. PACIFIC AGENCT. INC.. 514-20 Swetland bids. LOT 65x200. THINK. .$3150. A suburban home In the city on paved streets; a semi-colonial bungalow, ga rage, chicken house, some fruit and berries, shade trees; garden partly in. Owner has left the city and is making a real sacrifice for a quick sale; -terms; $6.j0 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st- Main 6869. PENINSULA DISTRICT 3 dandy nouses. $ 850 3-room house with ground 60x100. $120i Modern 4-room house. Sl'ioo 7-room house wtih 2 lots 100x100. These are all excellent buys and if you want a nice little place at a low figure, be sure to Investigate the above. For particulars call at 404,Platt Bldg., 127 Park street. SPLENDID CLOSE - IN MT. HOME. TABOR 0 rooms with fine plumbing, full base ment, stationary tubs, fruit trees, on paved street, 85x100 lot; $4S0O; $1000 down. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st. Main 6S69 ALAMEDA VIEW CORNER- Charming 8-room home located on doubie corner with view of city: rooms oversized. -2 fine baths, hot-water heat, finest, oak floors throughout; built for home 1T present owner several years ago and in perfect condition; priced much below value. laDor 4iu. BUNGALOW. Finest in Alameda drive: living room 16x25, from which you enter through French doors to sun room, French doors, dining room and breakfast room, Pull man kitchen. "2 bedrooms in ivory with connecting bath, sleeping porch and ga rage, eb.iou. cast ii. CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HOME. Here's a rare buy in a 2-storv . room modern house located on choice lot near 18th and Hoyt sts. Price nnlv $7000 with terms; house in good condi- -i .. ... . i .1 . r , . C-7R. -1 nun auu - - .v. '. tub tione wortn price asKen. .laoor ui. ATTRACTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. Can eive immediate possession, strict ly modern 7-room house, just repainted and in first-class condition, plate-glass windows, hardwood floors, fine larg rooms, full cement basement, excellent garage. Owner, Tabor 3066. HERE Is your opportunity to buy from owner the finest little bungalow in Portland for $2745. All modern and complete in every respect, brand new, enamel woodwork throughout, shades linoleum, radiant fire. 1646 Minnesota ave. Take" Kenton car. Term. BARGAIN Owner leaving city. 7-room modern, cement basement. Dutch kitch en, sleeping porch, fine woodwork and fixtures. 100x100; bearing fruit trees, chicken house and garden. 4936 4 2d av S. E. $8000. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 8000 uocAien east ot para; o rooms, all on one floor: tile 6ath. fireplace, furnace, garage. See J. A. McCsrty. u. SBth and Glisan. Tabor 3433: eve.. Tabor 50-57. t23.M J300 cash; 0-R buns., large lot; owner out of town, will sell cheap streets and sewer In and paid; splendid location. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at SDth 13 years. Tabor ti43. yOR SAIE 6-reoni house. 414T 63d . st S. E.. 2 blocks north Laurelwood station Mt. Scott car. $2000. $000 down balance $20 and interest. 7 per cent. Come and see. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-rooni bungalow. trt-.nv modern: furnace, hardwood floors, bullt ins. etc.: $100O down, terms on balance See .It tod a y P h one ow n e r. East 400ol buttrTim own BR Modern house, two lots, well improved . $Ti0 worth of garden planted. Inquire Marshall 19S4. $30O0 3-P.. bungalow ; large lot: $t!00 'cash If ynu want a horry. we handle snaps See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3Uth 13 years. Tabor 6493. IRVINGTON TWO HOUSES. NOT NEW BUT GOOP. ON 14TH NEAR THUMP. SON ONE $.'.500j OTHER $4300 EAST 419. . ' FOR HAWTHORNS HOMES CALL HUBBBLL, TABOR 8893. BEAL ESTATE. : For Sale Houses. SUNNYSIDE BIG SNAP. $2500 Good6-room square house; elec tricity", bath, full cement base ment, 3 bedrooms, fractional cor ner lot, ' pave dstreet. paid; E. 30th and , Aider, close In; 1500 caah, $25 month. ' - 5--ROOM NICE BUNGALOW. $2650 Nice bungalow In fine condition inside; electricity, bath. 2 bed rooms, attic, cement basement, 7 fine fruit trees, amall fruit: 5 Ox ' 100; paved St., liens all paid. On E. 18th near Falling-. Half 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 4 LOTS. $370 Good 8-roora cottage; elec, base ment, bath. 4 lots. 200x100; barn, chicken house. 22 fine full-bearing fruit trees; sewer and sidewalks paid; fine place to raiae chick ens; on E. 34th near Gladstone; half block to car; about $1700 cash. GRUSSI tc BENNETT. 31$ Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $5500. f FOLLOW EVERY 'LINE OF THIS AD Grasp every word of it for here's one of those real nifty, comfortable, home like bungalows .where all the little de tails and conveniences are featured. You .will, appreciate -the big living room ex tending the entire, width 'of the hduse and .the high- quality of Workmanship . and material. Complete, - even to the Gasco furnace and Instantaneous hot-water heater. Let us show, you. A. G. TEEPE & CO , . 264 Stark st , near .Id. Main 3U92. . Branch Office, oOth and Sandy. ; BIG SNAP ON EAST -MAIN" ST. Only $1S0O. fine 3nxl00-ft. lot, with habitable 4-room house; street Is paved, sewers in, handy to car, - school and stores; pay Vj caah, bal. $18 per mo. The lot without the house is worth, the price! bee ' . E. W. HUGHES. 507. Journal Bldg. r FIN'R Piedmont heme, has 8 large rooms, h. wi S loora- witbh Inlaid bor-ler. Furnace, buf ft t, den, 2 large - parlor bedroom, cenient basement, laundry traya, beautiful lot with shrubbery, 75-xlOO, cement waists, paved street.. Good neigh borhood in restricted district. Price $5750, on easy terms. - Must be aeen to be appreciated. H. Lezenby, . Wdln. 5051. - - 100 PORTLATN-D lOOtX HOMES. 1000 houses, for sale, ten roe what you want and 1 will get you the best price possible; prices range from $900. to $ 75.0oO. A SAMPLE. - Six-room house on corner let 50x100. three nice bedrooms, lots- or shrubbery and a fine garage, only $500- cash and $25 per month including Interest. RELIABLE LWESTilENT CO.. . 305 Oak st. Bdw y. 4133. STRICTLY modern Hawthorne bun galow, h. w. floors, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, bookcase, ce ment Tjasemcrri, laundry trays, paved street and cement w-aiks. Prici only $3V0 on easy terms.. Don't miss this bargain if you want a 1-ungalow. Mrs. Lucius, Tabor" 3089. . $1250. $1250. A REAL BARGAIN. Semi-modern four-room bungalow and garage, situated opposite Vernon Park, near Ainsworth St. Interior very con veniently arranged. Artistically deco rated and finished In white enamel. Terms "can be arranged. 1244 K. 22d street North. MT. TABOR HOME J-'OK SALE BY OWNER. On fine corner lot, with unsurpassed view of mountains; 7 pleasant rooms; living room, dining' room, kitchen, one bedroom and vjavatory . on first floor; 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; 'an unuaua'lv pleasant home. Yes. there is a . garage. Price $5500, half cash. Phone Tabor S8KI. , . $1450 BUYS 5-room cottage with ga rage, on a corner lot. easy walk ing distance of west side. Paved streets; cement walks and steps. Better see this today before some one gets It. Mr. Lazenby,-. Woodlawn 5051. OWTJER GOING AWAY AND MUST SPILL. Best buy in the Hawthorne paved dis trict; five-room modern bungalow with large floored attic, bedrooms in old Ivory, convenient- kitchen, white enamel, full cement basement, furnace, fire-place, bookcases: priced very low for qyick rale; $3850. balf cash. Owner. 200 E. 51st St.'. half block north Hawthorne car. ROSECITY PARK. 5-room bungalow ' with garage, on paved street: strictly modern: built 9 months; hardwood floors throughout: old Ivory flrlish. French doors, breakfast nook, pantry, cement, baeement. furnace: three short blocks to car and stores. For sale by owner. Will, take liberty bonds as first payment up to $201)0 at par. 'price $65QO; $2000 do-A-ri. Call Tabor 1 1S6. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. -$4750, TERMS. Fine home, 8 rooms, modern, walking distance. 124 E. 15th St.. near Morrison. IRVINGTON, a strictly modern home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch with 3 rooms and hall in hardwood, furnace, fireplace, all modern bullt-ins and complete Dutch kitchen, full basemen t, laundry trays, garage ; In fact, everything in a reaj home. $ioOO; terms If desired. PACIFIC AGENCY. IN1.L, 514 Swetland Bldg. fl4o0 $300 CASH. For a 4-room new bungalow, near Peninsula industries; bath and good plumbing; this knocks the rent ques tion absolutely dead. Investigate. 907 Yale street, near McKenna. CUE. A. McKENNA & CO., Branch office Columbia 3S. CLOSE-IN HOME $5000. 8-room, modern, walking distance to town, full cement basement, furnace. 50x100 lot. A bargain, only $1250 down, balance easy. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms conveniently arranged, basement, attic, and on a paved street, block from carline. You should see this. J.I300. J.IOO down. COE A. McKENNA & CO., n Branch office ' Columbia o3S. GOOD 7-room house, 3 up, 4 down; lights. Dam anu coiiei: tine garden spot: ltox 100; lots of fruit; $1800; $400 cash. $25 per month; 179ti Druid st. Call after 6 o'clock or for particulars phone Marshall i!3U2betweeu12 and loclock. 7-ROOM bungalow In good district for sale at once, will take small car as part payment. This is strictly modern and an A-l home, a real sacrifice at $40OO, terms if desired. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., ' Z14 Swetland Bldg. $1100. ALL CASH, or $400 will handle, 5-room bungalow and bath on 65th ave., a rock road: furniture and all cooking utensils included. Fred Spear. Tabor 5887. - ;" ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, newly tinted; everything modern. $0000, terms. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., ;14 Swetland Bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, - Irving ton dis trict: paved streets; furnace, fireplace; J370O. S120U cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. Main 542. $2."00 $;0O CASH, balance like rent, nice ti-room house, close to Stevens school and walking distance, east side. , PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514 Swetland Bldg. EXCEPTIONAL 5-room bungalow, near pavement, vacant. $2S.'iO; if $1 KMt cash immediately, balance $20 anil t per cent monthly. Tabor 70.',-,. FOUR-ROOM house; bath, toilet, gas: good lot. E. 15th, near Killingsworth. $1400. terms. Owner. Woodlawn r.9'-. SIN rooms, bath, furnace, buffet, big closets, full basement, fine lot, paved street; price $4500. terms. OtS E. 35th st. HAWTHORN E MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4299 RODABAUGH. FOR SALE by owner, 5-rootn cottage. Phone Tabor T0tl. 5-ROOM cot tag at View Point station on Oregon electric. Call Marbhll 44.U4. HE.IL ESTATE. Fur Sale -House. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 900 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE To Buy Your Home. P'an to attend our May carniva; of . home bargains. Over yno PHOTO GRAPHS OK HOMES FOR SALE. MANY REMAUKABLB VALUES. Every dis trict In the lty represented. Every home has been personally appraised before be ing offered for your consideration. We protect all your Interests. We put you in immediate, touch with the home you are LOOKING FOR. If necessary, we wrlll help you make your DOWN PAY MENT. . 16 Autos at Your Service. Open Evenings and -Sundays. $5500 A LOVELY LATJRELHURST WITH-DECISIVE CHARACTER; . ideally located, best possible con struction. RECEPTION HALL. WITH FULL, .MIRROR; living room with artistic bookcases; choery fireplace, dining room with massive buffet; HARD WOOD FLOORS throughout; all WOODWORK IN WHITE ENAMEL; splenuld Dutch kitch en: BEAUTIFUL LIGHTING hhtbtis. A true home in every sense of the word. $4250 NEW. ROSE CITY. just being COMPLETED: living room with art brick fireplace and beautiful built-in bookcases; French doors lead to distinctive dining room with buiit-in buffet; ideal Dutch .. kitchen; HARDWOOD FLOORS; - - splendid cement basement with 0 furnace and laundry trays; . -: floored attic; close to school and car. Easit 47th. $3465 Is the -price we ask for another ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITV; clever, new. BUILT-IN LABOR SAVERS that will make your work days pass QUICKLY and - PLEASANTLY; E. 50th. WHY NOT COME INTO OUR OFFICE and LOOK OVER our list .of SPLENDID ROSE CITIES? $3500 lOOxlOO SELLWOOD home: own er is losing $1500 for a' QUICK SALE. There are -6 pleasant rooms, best white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas; house is very modern and unusually at tractive; paved street paid ; terms. . $2400 Substantial home in the Sellwood district; this price includes fur niture; attractive 4-room typical bungalow type, clever lines; best white enamel plumbing; full ce ment basement; GARAGE.; easy s terms. E. 22d st. '$2100 BUI A FEW BLOCKS FROM - BEATTTIFUL LAURELHURST ! PARK, is this DELIGHTFULLY ATTRACTIVE 4-roora BUNGA LOW: DUPLICATE OF a 4-room MODERN APARTMENT:- newly painted and tinted; paved street paid; E. Couch st. THIS IS AN - . IDEAL LITTLE HOME WHERE YOU'LL FIND HAPPINESS AND 'PEACE. $3500 P LEASAN'T HAWTHORNE HOME. 6 rooms. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; many labor-saving bullt-ins; white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas, good cement basement. 52d near Hawthorne. - Terms. THIS IS GOOD VALUE. $3501) HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN; verv attractive. room DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED; . full-wldtn front porch, large liv ing room, paneled aining room with massive burtet. wnite Liutcn kitchen, 3 lisht airy bedrooms, , sleeping porch, best while enaiu . ci plumbing; WILL SELL FUR-j N IS H ED if desired. Can arrange I terms. $265 ONLY $5O0 down for THIS UN USUAL HAWTHORNE. Before YOU BUY look at this 5-room BUNGALOW BARGAIN; very at tractive lines: full-wio.. tront porch, pretty living room, artis tic dining room with massive 6 fl. buffet, full Dutch kHchen. 2 sunny bedrooms: white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. NON RESIDENT SACRIFICES THIS FOR QUICK SALE. $5500 WEST OF LAURELHURST Is this truly splendid home bar gain; 6 attractive rooms; "mod ern; close to Rose City car on Lawrence. THIS MUST BE SOLD AT ONOE, ,and THEREFORE IS sacrificed. ALBERTA HOMES. $2690 TYPICAL ALBERTA BUNGA LOW: DEFIES COMPETITION; onlv $5"K down and $20 pen mo.; U N US U A L L Y -ATTRACTIVE lines; pleasant living room with cheery fireplace; paneled dining room. Ideal Dutch kitchen; 2 airy bedrooms; best white enamel plumbing: electricity. gas; full cement baeement with fruit room and laundry trays; WOODWORK. ALLIN WHITE ENAMEL: fill- ished floors. E. 27th. near Go ing. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE THIS. $2500 ALBERTA partly furnished home, "only $50O down; built-in conven iences; white enamel plumbing; VCNT. immediate possession. Prescott St. A REAL BARGAIN. We Have 70 HOMES IN ALBERTA. If vou are in the market for a home it will PROFIT YOU TO VISIT OLR OF FICE and look over our listings. Over ilOO PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale. MODERATE HOME BARGAINS from everv district. Avail yourself of the OPPORTUNITY NOW. SEE FRANK L. .McGUIRK " To Buy Your Home bington bldg. Mam HA Deal with an Old. RELIABLE Firm. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW HOMh IN THE EXCLUSIVE ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $5300 Elegant 6-room bungalow fin Ished in white enamel through out; all floors finest grade oak; all the modern and up-to-the-minute built-in effects; cement basement, furnace, fireplace in 15x0 living room: 18x18 dining room; beautiful plate glass win dows nothing is left out to make this a comfortable, convenient and attractive home. ONLY $1000 DOWN! Shown by appointment HOLDEN & KOHLMAN, Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6jjQ. ALAMEDA PARK. A REAL BUNGALOW $7S50. K HOME OUT OK THE ORDINARY. Lots of class and distinction. Here's a home you will be proud to own. 5 rooms and den. We just can't say too much about this place. All we can hope to do is to get you to inspect it. You. your self, can be the judge. Se this today. A. G. TEEPE & CO., 64 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. SAVE YOUR- CARFARE. Five-room cottage within 20 . minutes' walk over town. Lot 50x100. On paved street, all im provements in and paid. 2 blocks to car. 5 large cherry trees and other fruit. A snap at $350O. $500 down. F. R. Jsse, 527 Corbett Bldg. Main 7141, ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room modern house; large living room with fireplaee. dining room. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, 3 beautiful bedrooms upstairs. You must inspect interior to appreciate its value. Price $5500; cash $3700. Owner. Woodlawn 27. COULD YOU BELIEVK IT 7 A,- 5-room bungalo.-. furnace, buffet, cabinet kitchen. 100x100 with 15 bear--, ins fruit trees, berries, etc., garage. Now vacant. 1 block to car. The price s only $3150, terms. EDWIN JACOBSOX, 71SSpalding. ' Main 5012. THESE for sale at-the old prices: 4 -room house, a-cre cleaTed. $17oO. terms; 4 room bungalow, $ 1 0i0. H cash ; 7-room house, lOoxKM), $lMHi. $5i0 cash; 7-room house. 100x100. $4000. 6 cash. E. K. Cumpston. Sellwood 1422; evenings, Sell wood :;o:i3. 7-ROOM house near Killingsworth ave.. V- block from car. Has 3 large bed rooms, china closet, bath, cement walks, ari-surf uced st. Kerries, ehrubberx and lawn. Corner lot, 100x100. Price only $2600. $000 down -and $20 per mo. H. Lazenby. Wdln. 5051. MOUNT SCOTT bargain. 6-room house, modern, on large 1 15xll5-foot lot, 4 bearing fruit trees, right on cariine and hard eurface street for $3575, $ too cash balance easy. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514 Swetland Bidg. ROSE CIT YB V N OAL OW 5 room, strict ly modern, breakfast nook, attic, garage, clone to car. beauti fully located : $6ooo, terms. E. G. Ad cook. 513 Dckum bldg. Main.6S14, eve nings Tabor 5205. 6-ROOM ceiled house, full lot. fruit, chick en hou&e, (1200; 4fc0 cash, $15 per month. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. y 243 Stark st. Main 5429. ROSB CITY New, strictly modern. 7-room. Built by day labor. Buy from owner . at cot-1. 364 East 55 th iU N. KI AL ESTATE. For Sale -Uo HU.VIE BEAUTIFUL WALNUT PARK., b-room Queen Ann buugaiow, beau tifully finished large living room and dining 1 room, 2 bedrooms, birdsee maple floors, fine fireplace and built in buffet. Has 5 rooms, pantry and bath on ground floor: fine large kitchen and pantry: beat hot water healing sys tem; nice large basement. laundry trays, etc Full-size lot with alley: beautitul lawn, fruit trees and shrubs; everything In first-class repair: this home has to be seen to be appreciated; price bJtto and terms. Everything clear. Let Mr. Ellsworth show you. witb THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 ath st. Main 6-69. ATTRACTIVE NORTH MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. , j. and bath. 50x104 lot: has 2 bedrooms, fir floors and stove heat, gas and electricity, natural enamel finish; half basement, fruit trees shrubbery, lawn and garden: all tn furniture Including a .- fine Planoe" with this cosy home at .00. terms. Property is all clear; can you beat it T Half block to carline. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO - 104 5th st. - Main 6S6Q. , . . . - . . ..i-n-PI T- ! ' NT( : VI -OW . A clean, complete, strictly 7 room home, hardwood f .oors. fireplace, well lighted cement emeot, laundry trays. 'Z large, light bedroom bath tub. larce. light kitchen witu ruction and best, work man - double construction ship and finish tnrougnout . .1" last: $1000 cash and monJ:I. eluding interest. Phone 321 e"n Khown afternoon by tieo- Milan bmttn. 312 Henry B!dg. ONLY $7500. 8-room Laurelhurst colonial. Fine cor ner lot. commanding an "noh8lr"crttffrtd view in all directions from every room Hardwood floors in every room; a Ia"e living room, large library or bedroom, dandy kitchen, large dining room; up stairs r extra fin sleeping rooms and enclosed family sleeping porch. JJ?r7 closs to car and fine neighborhood. This Is aforced sale. Act quick. No acents. Mr. Dflahunty. Main. TT00. HAWTHORNR DISTRICT. ri.osB IN. ADJOTMNG I. ADD TRACT. Mrtr T.n.nm homo, brick and ce ment construction with tile roof; a very attractive looking place, taken over by our bank and must bo. unloaded. Thc will make an exceedingly low price or $S."rt0 on terms for quirk sale. See bunk's representative at 104 Henr bid. Phone Main 54:15. , ., LAURELHURST fOKM) BUNGALOW. One of the homekst bungalows ee orfered for sale tn LaurcHuirM.: beam -f ullv located on an oversized lot east of park: ii rooms, den and brcaKiast room; fine basement; hot-water he-, fireplace, lars garage, fine slirohbcrT. -r T '.nn - nnms, tfm. SfrOWB by P" Mi-n At-.lv .T A. McCarty, E. "0th and Glisan. Tabor. 3433; eve., isv7. , . Tabor WKX.L-BUTLT house adjoining 24th nd Sandy bouleTard. 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, full-sisie lot. basement, hot wter heating system, fireplace, etc Last 8440. ' ALAMKDA VIEW BUNGALOW. Co.y rt-room bungalow wiih large at tic and jrarase located on S.r,-root lot. commanding unobstructed vie w Cf en- tii-f fitv: tod ivory iinisn heavy oak floors throughout tile baih. larce plate gLasa view winnows . " u ni.it lit tip home in the iioui. imv cc. mo. city and neat as P". eay terms. Tabor 40 P. A DP.rtUlirii.J ..w . I ! 1 w.ll ft-room oungaiow. vr i-v . T - built house: 9k floors throughout, plate ftiaas. furnace, fireplace, m fact ee'V thing you could wish for in a lovely homeland priced away below market viue. pACIFIC REALTY. Main St7. 4Q9 Spading R'dg. AX INCOME AND A HOME. We have a, lai ne house close in that the upper floor brines in 10O per month and a fme home for. yourself on first floor; $:i:00 will handle, bal. very easy. This is a good buy as an investment. COVER & G REGORY. GRAND AVE. AND AN K. EN Y. EAST 243. " IRVINGTON HOME. $titiott. Neat, modern, well-built .-ftory. 6 room home located in nice "fi'V'!,0 ' large rooms, nicely papered, J111-'.-furnace, cement basement, no hardwood floors, beautiiui law u u.nu Tabor 407. terms. HAWTHORNE IKME. 7-room Queen Anne bungalow, let: nice large light rooms, kitchen, good plumbing. fme basement. some fruit, paved ot ntr frutch cement streets. s'l.'itlO- $7n down. THE FRED- A. JACOBS CO.. 1o4 Fifth st Main OSrtO. J4-00 7 ROOMS, lot S0xl40; jimw cat-n. number of fruit trees, grapes and ber ries' streets and sewers in and paid, be tween Belmont and Hawthorne ayes . near 30th This is your chance tee .1. P? McKennav Belmont at 31UU 13 years. Tabor 04!13. . pKK; almost new, partly bath. gas. electricity, larc $1050- P.. C furnished ; corner ioi. mi ,,. iut balance o per tcm. ffneVaS" for honest man wlih 00 to LA ntcS little home; jrood neighborhood. near school. Owner. Tabor2J m S " BY OVVNKR. LEAVING CITY. Attractive modern home, choice Irv ineton district. 7 rooms, den. butlers Lmtrv. finished attic, furnace and built-in"- no incumbrances. Price SoO..; 4000 ,Mih terms. Kast 2."7S. No agents. $4250. PIEDMONT-PENINSULA PARK DIS TRICT 6-ROOM MODERN BUNG A -lOW- BEST BUY FOR THE MONEY. OVI.Y $4250. DARING A Mc R E YNOLDS. 615 CPU CH B I .DG, t FOlt Si.E or trade. 5-room house, or chard, hen house with eight runs, capa city 500 chickens; will trade house with S lots or 10 lots, 50x125 with 15-ft. alley, 2 blocks from carline. Wdln. 1868. 146K . E. 15th North. 9ROOM MODERN HOME, ALL UP-TO-DATE FURNACE. ETC. WE ARE IN' A POSITION WHERE WE MUST SELL AT ONCE. TAKE KENTON CAR TO lOMlUUn ST, WALK THREE BLOCKS NO RT II TO 157 B. FAR R AOUT ST. 7 ROOM houee. large shed. 2 chicken houses. G fruit trees; walking '1istar.ee from business district. Also 5-room house Piedmont district, close to -car barns; $ii500 euch. Owner, 591 Borthwick. a:. Woodlawn S539. 6-ROOM COTTAGE IN SUNNYSIDE. On paved street, on "7x100 lot. A good buy at $2Oo0; A ensh. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st. Main 66P. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow; near Union ave. and Piedmont: a few hun dred dollars down will handle it, balance like rent. Phone owner. East 4O00. i a t.r bv owner. modern 8-room l. rtUDA full cement 1 asament f urna roaiuina distance. Phone E. 373, bun day and, evenings, or Main 6356 during the week, from 11 to 4. , -m o p 1 e n d id Mt. Taor home. A lovely rooms full cement basement, fireplace, ritrnu.ee. extra large lot. iruu trees fruit R.iiendid view. , See J. P. McKenna, Son" at 3lHh la years. Tabor 640. Bel- INSI'RANCE. FIRE AUTOMOj-HILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKETT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1S00. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. fireplace, "bullt-ins Dutch kitchen, new linoleum, large attic, full cement basement, ber ries 1 block Richmond car; $37.50; sub stantial payment down. Owner. 1203 Ivon st. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS. -ft rooms, semi -bungalow, fine attic. 1 hardwood floors in livinsr and dining ' room, beautiful view; $55i0; terms. BROOKE. Marshall 4S2i. MODERN 7-room bungalow: all street im provements in and paid for: a bargain. Owner leaving city; furniture for sa.ie. 1176 Ivon st.. near 39th st. Richmond To SETTLE an estate, lot 50x100. on Bel mont st.; $2100. This is the bet buy I know of. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont Si,th13 years. Tabot 64$3. COSY 4-room bungalow. S4th St.. big lot; V $550 CaS. oia"-r " ' on tui niture free; only $175. Main 3672. McFarland. 208 Failing bid g. . I SMALL house in Kern Park, with barn "suitable for garage; corner lot 40x100. price '. on ir:iir. n io, kji c- - troniun. or phone Main 0s. BY OWNER New. modern, i rooms and sleeping porch. It has all the built-in conveniences and nil up to date. Come out and see it. 1SS Laurelhurst ave. HAVE now. up-to-da.te. modern 5-rooin house for sa.e by owner in Kenton dis trict. Address lolO Interstate ave. Take Kenton car. it SALE 5-room house, garage, chlek en house, all kinds fruit and berries, flowers; 4 blocks from Mt. Tabor car. $1;H5. Phone East 576 FOR SALE by qsvner, 4-room modern bun galow. lth garage: cash or terms. T I. be'lwood 231 1 , BY OWNER 6-room house, lot 25x100, in Irvington, close in; see thN, priced right. Part 'cash. 440 E. 1 1 1 h N. -..ROOM house near park 1 block from Kenton car. Takeimerty rono payment, balance like rent. Eaut 6753. REAL ESTATE. For Pale House. LOOK THESE OVER. A splendid 11 -room noma In excellent neighborhood on East Madiaon; modern and in eood reDair: - blocks to best car service in city; "SxlOO grounds, beauti- J fully 1 landscaped,, with terraced drive way. An excellent buy; jfisOOO, term. A most char-minpr 6-room colonial bunjralow in Ho City park: ab-oIuttSy 'complete and modern in every respect; 60x100 lot. garage. 3 blocks to car. This frrand home must be fold immediately. This is your chaJico for a positive bar rain; $0-00. New, modern 5-roomr bungalow in A -1 district ; tinished just lk you would want it : h. w. floors, all built-ins. fa ncv brick fireplace. Dutch kitchen with cozy I breakfast nook, tapestry paper and I whits enamel ; nice baement, garage ; - $4l!5t and easy terms. Fin .7-room home on Miss. ave.. 1 b!k. to. car. 4 blkH. to JelTerson hiffh school; modern; ooxlOo corner, full ce ment basement, trays. The house is in A-l condition; $40o. terms. TH E LAWRENCK CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. OWNER MCST SELL LEAVING CITT. TaADD'S ADDITION. Close-in home for sale in this exclu sive, improved residence district, on cor nr Int lacinu Knst RrtK a rk. With 14- foot alley in rear; hout-e built and occu- ( pied by present owner, who desires to sen quickly ; eigh t rooms and strictly mo.lern ; all very best construction throughout; fine poreh shrubbery. Mow ers, etc.: every thins: you want tn a hoine : buy d ireet and save commission. Priced at $7fi00 for immedinta sa!, with gv terms. Call 646 Cypress st. or phone ROFTC CTTT PARK". NEW BUNGALOW $300. SEE THIS NOW TODAY. You VouM never expect to "buy so fine a home as this one so Intensely modern, so d own -right eood in every ws v and go ideally located for so little money. Wo .iust caa't over-de&crile this beautiful bunga- low home. Just give us an opportunity to show you. Oh, yes, there, is a garage. A. G. TEEPE &. CO ; 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office, oftth and Sandy. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. JSOfVJ. VACANT, MOVE IN. 5 room and ceiled attia, largw living and dining rooms, finished in ivory; cab inet kitehn. two fine bHrooms; spaee for more to attic ; cement ba.Tnnt. . standard plomMng. fine v!fw of city, close to Ml. Tabor park: HAxlOO lot: all et. Impft In and paid. Price $.".0X, $ToO cash. bal. rent terms. OT -."E-V BLA NT - HBN D FTR S ON CO.. 212 Railway Each. Bldg. Mara $752. ALA VEDA PARK. NEW BUNtlALOW A G EM. $C750. Tt-ere, folks, is one of those re-al gond lookiug. supcr-modprn bungnlow. bui!t alons the new modern lines. Kiht up to tiic minute. Nothing bet ter. - h:vcr -thing that otto could possibly ask lor you willflnd here. Let ua s.how you. . G. TEEPE & CO.. 204 45 1 ark st., near 3d. Main .tt)2. Branch Office, ouah and landy. .-ji0O -UA U- R KL H UR-ST B A RO A I N a.VjMJ S-room. modern, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, French doors. Dutch kiteh on, eood bath, 2 toilets, full basement, furnace. wah trays. I bedroom on first floor and 4 up; fuU lot with all tmproe ments in and paid. $I2H cash will han d.e. CLKVKLA XD-H EN D ERROtN CO.. 212 Railwny Exchango Bldg. Main U7.V. BUNGALOW Five rooms, breakfast nook and garage, Alameda Heights district. 3.th and Fremont, hardwood floors, beautifully papered. fireplace. white woodwork, large cement basement, Boyn ton furnace, every convenience, paving and sower paid ; terms. OWN KR, week days, 401 Title Trust bldg.. Main 4472. Inspection, Sunday, ll to 4 P. M. by owyr.R. r-room f'alifornia buiiR-Hlow, fireplace, built-in bufft. white enamel kitchen, with all the built-in conveniences, full cement ba:o merit, furnace heat, laundry trays. 40x 120-foot lot ; Karuitc. irevs ami ishrubbcrv. some furnishings iro with the phue: price 30, $i:'X cash. Inquire Moo MistsHiptii ave. NOB MILL, $l2.r.oo. $ift4M cash ar:guiRED. V-room house, modem. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, all large room a. 2 fire places; a fine furnace; SOxlOO lot: 1 l; blocks to car. Shown by appointment onlv. Call Tabor 3UM. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Beautiful 8-room house and sleep i Kg porch. This is a high-grad. wonoorfui home, and can be bought without value consideration; fine view, ioveiy grounds; on corner 7."xll0. PACIFIC REALTY. Main S47. 4o; Spalding Bldg. HKitK YOU ARE. A 3-room shuck with chicken -house and barn, be:ning fruit trees, berries, lot 50x200, walks and curbing in, hard-surfaced street paid, close in; price JS1200; $;i00 caah. EDWIN JACOBSOX 71S Spctldliis; Bldg. Main 5642. ONLY $25iO ROSE CITY PAR K. 4-rooin bungalow, h.odern, and corner lot. This is an attractive little p. ace; white enamel cabinet kitchen; you can pay $500 down and move in. PACIFIC REALTY, Main 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and den. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitch-n. cement basement, c. f ioor, furnace. garage; 40x1 00 lot. Price $40o0. $l0O (sh, balance terms. C. K. ADA-MS. 5o7 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575. Keening Wdln. o4;::t I H AVE coma down from Pund ieton to sell my property and must oispose of it this week, 7-room home, at 7 -5 Willam ette blvd.. opposite Columbia university. Will sacrifice, for quick saie for $24o0 on terms. Will be home qViily from 4 to 7 P. M. Deal with owner, who is down here to make a quick rieal. Ruth Frick. ROSE CITY PARK, $1 175. $:J00 cash, balance like rent, for 3 room newly painted and nowly plastered cottag; full lot, 11 bearing fruit trees with garden in; 1 hlocls from Sandy blvd. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514 Swetland Bldg. IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Treated 684 Brazee, 75x100 corner E. 19th. All hardwood floors, gas furnace, plate windows, garage. Splendid Jight fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very well built and lor sale by owner. $5O0 CASH A brand new 3-room and bath bungiow in Rose City Park; mod ern buiit-lns and Dutch feitchen : can , nave choice or paint on this if hurry. Price 2225. dirt cheap. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC, 514 Swetland Bldg. you $2700 Cottage in Kiriand, 5 large rooms, attic and basement : all in lirst-clats condition; lot lonx 100 ; "plenty of fruit and berries, good chocken house and runs; this i an ideal home. Call owner Sundays an J evening. Tabor 4JI2, aays Uroadway 2U13. S IX- H OOM B UNG A LO W. Lot oOxlOO. modern plumbing and sewer, one block from street car and paved street. Total price $2bc.6J. Easy terms. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. KENTCN dist.. Kairport ; a B-room house on Baldwin; a 4-room house on Terry an 1 Russett; a 3-room, with fireplace and cellar. No. 16 Staitord. near inter state. Cheap; term?. D. D. Bathrick, 10S E. Winchell or 115 Ch. of Com. HAWTHORNE $2000 5-roo'n house, cabinet kitchen and basement, fine kwn and garden, one block to nr: vry easy t.rms. EDWIN JACOBSOX. 71 S Spalding Bldg. Main 564 2. liU K R V Pick your own color scheme for a brand new little Hose City bungalow of 4 rooms; strictly modern; Rose City Park ; $lo cs'n. balance easy. PACIFIC AGENCY, 514 Swetland Bldg. LAURELHURST. 6-room bungalow, brand-new. modern in every detail; hardwood floors througn out. eiegant plumbing, fine location ; ga rage. Owner and bui:ier. N. o. Eck liind, Taoor 6 St-. $1350 $550 CASH, balance to suit. 4-roo:n house and fu!l lot in Alberta district, a bargain nt thin price. PJfCIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514 Swetland B!dg. " FOR S.V L E HOUS E 9 room, good looking. well built, choice neigh borliood. Laurel h rust ; $5luo.' terms. Owner, Main 279. FOR S A LE 3-room cottag. $;on a terms. 4704 7!t h st. S. E. Take Scott car to Firlaiid s:a. me FOR QUICK SALE $20O0 cah. piastered S-room Injuse. elec. lights and gas. 1275 E. Taylor st. Tabor 9075. jr.nd 5-ROOM hou plumbing; S:,5o tiovvi rlose in; Rood -.) a iTion-.h. on- ! .;r'1.?tior.'.'s" HODHIW li. ! lola iiOOO. term. MUL 111 Ure.ba.rn, KF.AL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICIvMAN COMPANY. "Shortest Way Home." Years of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, fa miliarity with values and a splendid organization enable us to give you the maximum service in home buy ing. There is never any question re gard !ufi the price being right on any piece of property offered by us; It Is a simple question of the. arrange ment and design of home suitta your requirements. 410 Complete Jn every detail; attraetrre, modern, desirable ts the truthful description of this bungalow. 5 rooms on first floor, vith an additional -room and sleeping pch. second floor. We are anxious to get quick action ' on this, as the price for value given is one of main drawing cards; in fact, you will like it, and it Is no doubt the very home you are look ing for. " 4200 In best section of Hawthorne dis trict. This Is an attractive two-story house. In the prime of condition. Sleeping porch and th usual Uui It ins. $4." 00 Stand ifig as a sentinel, majestic in appearance, dquble constructed throughout, considered practically new, design and plan desirable in every detail. Garage. Ttiis modern two-story house in Hose City district. SC750 Nestling among the evergreen trees is this pretty, new, modern bunga low consisting of rooms; Just the. place for newly-weds. Or to those w ho have shared .loys and sorrows for many moons. You will like thjs attractive bungalow, painted white. Kjer tne iron; porca is trellis or roses. S36.-.0 Here Is a bungalow that we believe will sol at sight; S rooms, large attic, fireplace, hard-surfaced streets in and paid. In the heart of th Hawthorne district. The rooms are all large, ligh and cheerful. $2750 An opportunity of only a few days. if you will come In the oft Ice we will be. glad to explain to you this bargain in 5-room bungalow, cen trally located in the Hawthorne dis trict. Hard-surfaced streets in and paid. $200i MILWAUFCTK. Oregon. Did von evr think of living in a quiet sub urb, with good car service? We ar In a position to sell vou a bar- gain right in thr City of Milwaukie snd can give terms on this 5-room bungalow, or cottage- type borne. Basement and'Utrgo tic. J2..O0 Alberta district, ha rd -surfaced sts. in and paid. You can make no mlF ke in this home at tho price of fered. It la high and sightly, over looking the cit, east frontago, SO xlOO lot. 4 rooms on first floor and two rooms second , J370O In central. Aibina district, east . front, harti-surfaced street, is a mod em twewtory home. We would be giad to show you. The condition of the house and location will appeal to you. We have any number of good buva, are continually getting In new list ings; list only sa'able homes that we know are worth thn tnoftey. Come In, inspect oor photographs before buying. We can savo vou money. J. A. WICK MA N COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exchange. Main 1024 and !5. BEAUTTFTTL "BUNG A LOW AT BAROArV. Plrtur.-so,uo. xettine in Alameda Tark, on lo0li."t foot orncr, with native trees, shrubs and excellent lawn. Nine-room. l.-story buiiRalow with Jill modern HrtKtiu mont.s and convo-ni.-ncea. French dor.s, co e ccllinjrs, larpo fireplace, Ihilch kitchen with larKC built-in .( relrtKt i ator. t Kull ceniett.buseinnnt with fruit closet and luMiidry. Larg.j parage, well lightedv pitrn-: Jio.ono. House can be lnspTtrJ at any timi-. t'ci-upHticy can be M-turii by May 20. i'or lull inf oiniutiun' apily to E. TAYl.4K CO.. INSIDE PKOl'KRTY DEALEHS, TWELFTH KLOOK Y EO.N liLDG. ROOMS, PAKKKoSri ACRE TRACT. GARAGE. Living room, fireplace, dining room, buff.'t, a big" kilcht'O. bedrjom and bath down, U bcilroontK, hk-fping por;h aud, "attic up; full deep bttH-menl, highly im provod acre, bearing fruit trcs and ber ries of all kunt-. Kardeu, flowers, lawn. chickn houses and pen; gas, electricity, pressure waier, Mdwalks to Sandy blvd. and car line; price ?05mi. J. lA. HAKT M A N C M PA N Y. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Parkrose branch office on Sa.ndy bU d. at end oi' Parkrose car line. KOSE CITY PA Ft K. NIFTY JiL'NGALoW. . $i;5o. YOt.-lt OPI'OKTCNITY: You will ap preciate the real aiuc here. Tills truly modern, douhle-constructcd bungalow" haj a v;i 1 ne fa r in exec.-s. of present price?. Finished i iW rich old ivory and white throughout, hardwood floors, lire place, buiTt-t, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement furnace, etc. ; full lot. assts. paid. Le us show you. A. G. TEEPE & CO.. 264 Stark st., near 3d. Main 3092. i Branch Oifice. 5oth and Samdy. WEST SLokK Mi lNT TABOR. IJIOOM BLNG ALU W G A KAGE. H 10x1 SI BEARING FRUIT. Adjoining Mount Tabor Park, we have a beaut ifu i bungalow home of 7 rooms and sleeping pore h. 4 bed rooms, largo Jiving i(H.m, liL water heat, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fine garage, choice lea ring fruit, all -street im s. in ana paid; to the man who value largo grounds jn a sect ion of fine Monies, thin is a wonderful uu at $Tio. reasonable terms. CLE V ELAND- M K N D K R SO N CO. , 212 Railway Lxch. Bldg. Main 6752. A REAL SNAP. Modern 5-room bungalow, full lot, re ception hall. I i x in g -room, solid paneled dir. in:-; - room with beamed cei ling and built-ins; white enameled kitchen and bathroom. 2 bedrooms with clothes clos ets; all newly painted; wah trays in bade men t. Price $2t50. Terms. Owner. Main 7iil. IRVINGTON HOME. Just a splendid 6-room colonial homo with heaps, of shrubbery, roes, several young fruit trees ; sun porch, sleeping porch, 3 nice bedrooms, fireplace, all the built-ins. good furnace; all Im provemen ,s. in ami paid ; 3 hlocka from car; tiMHt. $ 150 cash THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S69. ST. JOHNS. S-room house with bi lot. !'5xlOO feet, 2 Mocks from carline. bui I t-in Dutch kitchen; some fruit trees; here is a dan dy, close to the iud ust rial district, lor $;;.;uo and only $."oo down. - - COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Branch office -Columbia 60S. IRVINGTON HOME Centrally located, near E. 21st and Tillamook sts., large living room, cen tral hall, dining room, screened in front and back porchct, 3 large bedrootiLS and bath on second floor, bedroom and bath on third floor. Appointrneii 1 arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Paimer, 44o E. 21st N. hlast 7976. PORTSMOUTH. ySp!endid 5-room bungalow with screened-in sleeping porch ; large clos ets. :vnd a biij lot. OUxllO feet; 1 block tb ca.rline ; 6 fruit trees; 2750, 500 ci o w n . COE A. McKENNA &. '0.. Branch oi'fice Co.umbia 0.". MAUXU'IOKXT lO-Hc.'OM HOME, IRV 1XHIUX, HARIiW'uOD KLuilK-S, . L.AV ATOIIIKS. - TU1LKTS. FINK BATH. MUSIi.' liOHM. (.'liNTKK HAI.L. LA1IUH " UIV'INU ItOU.M. HUTWATEK HEAT I'HAKMIXG LOCATION". THIS IS SWELL Ho.MK. CALL I'P FOK PKICE. 1 have numlier of others, if you want homff ca Kasl 7;l. HeriiinHn. A very goo1 l-ronri home with ,leep in(t porili. urn.H-e, rti-.. on lot .nxI00; terms. '' '111 t" Klad to show you. K.HWIN JACOBSOX. 'IS Spalding Bid ST. Main 504 J. " ALAMEDA DISTRICT. Thrc blocks from Bdwy. oar, $2000, JRlMl caf-h, balance term-. 4-rooru cottage.; lot 7.1x100. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 410 Henry B:dg. J501H1 Bl'YS a 7-room bunitalow. 2 blkH. front Rose City car line on 41st. strictly modern Karage. paved streets paid: $KoO ' cah. K. G. Adcooli. 5 IS hrtunr bids. Main 1C4. evenings Tabor ."J0r.. CLOSING ESTATC 32000. 5-room house. 'J tine lots. 4 '- blocks from iflberta carline: icardep. fruit trcet-. berries, etc.; pplendid location. Call at C.lenn ave. N. for particulars. ti-KvKM.S and sleeping porch, a strictly modern home: well-located. t4o00: ea.y terms. 1 PACIFIC ACBXOT. INC., '.14 Sw eila ml B'dg. BU V- THIS WKEK. S.VVK COMMISSION, ft-room mod. hous.-. -J lots, on comer, with ii. tine bearii'C fruit tree?; prlc- easy terms. 4buo 41st ave. S. & 1