THE 3IPRXING OREGONIAN, SATUKDAT, MAY 1. .1920 15 CLIQUE CONTROL, CHARGE Washington Republicans Dominat ed by Group, Says Candidate. TACOMA, Wash.. April 30. (Spe cial.) That a small clique controls the republican party o Washington and that a group of paid, professional politicians manipulate the legislature at each session so that it closes with a stigma, attached to It, was the charge made today by Senator Phipps. Spokane, in speaking- before Tacoma republicans. He is seeking- the nom ination as lieutenant-governor. He urged that independent voters be brought into the party. AMUSEMENTS. When you see CC, Hop a CC car . . to OUNCIL CREST PARK Portland's big free amusement Park on the mountain top. Opens Tonight Rides and games are in operation try the new thrills on the Scenic Dancing in the big pavilion, which has been newly decorated for this oc casion. Hear singer Monte Austin who is back for the season to fcing exclusively at the Crest with a whole new repertoire of New York hits. Hop a CC Car ase Portland VS. SanFrancisco SATURDAY, 3 P. M. and SUNDAY, 2:30 P. M. Vaughn-St. Park Phone your want ada to The Orego fi'ian. Stain 7070, Automatic 650-95. l!llllllllll!lllll!IIIUIIII!lllllllllinillllll!lll!!ll!llll!llllllll!lll!lll!IIIIIIII!lll!llll!i Switcliinrten I Wanted I H Men experienced in railroad yard work pi wanted by Southern Pacific Company at H San Francisco to take the place of switch- men on strike, not authorized by Railroad i Brotherhood. Permanent jobs and steady work. Apply to A. T. Mercier, Superintend- H ent, Southern Pacific Company, Room 32, I H Second Floor Union Station, Portland, for EE interview and transportation to San Fran- cisco if accepted. 1 H Southern Pacific Company f ' J. H. Dyer, General Manager EES IllllllllllillilllllllllillllllllllllllllM UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. FREE Employment Office 16712 North Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon Trackmen, Bridgemen, Helpers and Laborers WANTED AMUSE MTCNTS. HEiLiGBrop-hd:yM:uroT -S1KCIAI, PRICE- MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 LAST TIME TONIGHT, 8:15 -MARGARET- la the Dramatic Snceeaa, "THE WOMAN OF BRONZE" SPLENDID SUPPORTING CAST. EVE. S2.SO. S2. Sl.SO, 91, TBc, SOc TODAY S3, l-50, SI, 75c, SOc r-C MATINEK TODAY. BAKER Last Time Tonight, Peg o' My Heart Tha Plar That Haa Sent a Gal of lAtigrbter Around tha World Next "Wliaff Tear Husband Doinsf ALCAZAR Today All Week, Mat. Wed. and Sat. "Pego'MyHeart" With VERKA rULTOS and GEORGE NATAJfSOJf PANTAGES MAT. DAILY. 2:30 Broadway Favorite Entertainers JIMMY CASSON and HAZEL KIRKE In Their Own Eons and Dance Creations. Assisted by Mr. Fred Klem at tn Piano 6IX OTHER BIO ACTS. Three Performances Daily.. Night Curtain at T and 8. Take Your "Sweetie to Hear AL HEFTY The Bar With the Golden Hair. Portland's Greatest Danes Drnmmer. He will beat his Tom Tams while the Orchestra Plays. "YO-SAN" (Japanese Fox Trot) "CHING-A-LING'S JAZZ BAZAR" (Chinese Novelty Fox Trot) "BO-LA-BO" OEryptlan Fox Trot) AND "OLD MAN JAZZ" (Fox Trot) These Beautiful. Captivating Melodies now being featured and played with effect by The Big Dance Orchestra D Luxe. They Play the Right Time. OH BOY. "Ton iust can't keep still." Where the Big Crowds of Beat Dancers ' Are Going. BROADWAY HALL Every- Week Night. Largest, up-to-date, finest floor, best ventilated pavilion in the west. Special led tea prises given svery Monday night. BASE BALL PORTLAND vs. x SAN FRANCISCO April 27, 28, 29, 30; May 1 and 2. Games begin 3 P. M. Sunday 2:30. ANG ' aV Big Broadwar AM CSEMENTS. 3 Klghts Sun.. 15c to 1.25; Men.. Tues-, I5c to H 4 Mats. Sun.. Moo., Tuea Wed.. 15c to 75c VOTE Entire proceeds of the matinee Wednesday, May 5, will be donated to National Vaudeville Artists. Doc Baker in "FLASHES. Anthony Rogers. Newhoff & Phelps. William Cutty. Hart A Dymond. Rinaldo Bros. Klno Krams. Topics of the Day. WALLIS CLARK CO. This show closes with tha matinee Wednesday, May 6. "THE .MIMIC WORLD" Loews Great $10,000 Girl Musical Comedy SllCCA- The most beautiful and elaborate vaude ville act ever shown in Portland at Popular Prices. Last Performances Today Tonight. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Matinee dally at I : Evenings at 7 and 9 Those Popular Boys MIKE AND IKE Present Their Greatest Farce of the Seaiton -THE MERCHANTS" Feature Night FKIDAT Chorns Girls' Contest. f T I T Fsort at MARY MacLAREN IN "The Road to Divorce" Also a big roaring comedy and the Pathe news. Open from 9 o'clock In the mornlna until 4 o'clock of the following morning. GLOBE Washington Jim Corbett in "The Prince of Avenue A" MEETING NOTICES. KIRKPATRICK COUN CIL 2227. SECURITY BEN EFIT ASSOCIATION. The nubile is cordially Invited to come to the big celebra tion and picnic at beautiful Crystal Lake Park next Sunday. May 2. opening date. Big programme, two ball games, races, contents, dancing afternoon ana evening: ladies 25e. gentlemen 50c. Hoch's famous union mu sic. Refreshments sold on the grounds. Admission to park 10c. Just the Place to go tor a good time. Cornel B. P. O. ELKS, NO. 142. Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Robert D. In man. this (Saturday) after noon, May 1. at 2.30 P- M at the Scottish Rite cathed ral. M. R. SPACLDINO, Sec. PORTLAND. OR.. POST NO. 1. THE AMERICAN LEGION R e g u 1 ar semi monthly meeting Monday evening. May .. 1920 at 8 P. M.. Central library, loth and Yamhill sts. Installation of officers for coming -ear. Decisions on Important ques tions of policy. Good entertainment. Re Ciuest large turnout. JOHN A. BECKWITH. Secretary. The annual meeting of the Columbian Cemetery association will be held at the cemetery. Monday, May 3, at 10 A. M. One director will be elected and other bus iness will be attended to. All owners of family lots are entitled to vote on signing the by-laws. , F. P. WALKER. Pretfdent. H. J. FLECKENSTE1N, Clerk. A. AND A Si RITE. Mem bers are requested to attend the funeral services of Bro. Robert D. Inman, 83 deg., at our cathedral this after noon at 3:30 o'clock. By order presiding aficer. WASHINGTON CHAPTER No. 18. R. A. M. Called con vocation thla ( eve ing, East Eighth and Burnsida sts., at 2 and 7:30 o'clock. R. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. ROY QUACKENBUSH. See. COLUMBIA LODGE No. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Satur day) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Labor In the F. C. degree, vIb iting brethren always wel come. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec SUNNYSIDE LODGE NO. 1-63. A. F. AND A- M. Spe cial communication this Sat urday, temple 39th and Haw thorne. F. C. decree 2:30 P. M. and E. A. degree at 7 P. M. Visitors welcome. Bv order W. M. JAM EH J. GAY Jr.. Secy. OREGON LODGE No. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER, Sec. PALESTINE LODGE No. 141 A. F. AND A. M. Special communication. Saturday. May 1, 7:00 o'clock. M. M. degree. Vlsting brethren welcome. Ar leta station. Mt. Scott car. W. S. TOWNSEND, Sec. OREGON SHRINE. NO. 1. O. W. s. J. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening. Mav 1. f 1" M -j Pythian temple. Wen ' l - nu mmniu sts. Social. SjskssS y uruer oi ine w. M . p CLARA B. GRAHAM. Worthy Scribe. ODDFELLOWS' BAND MAY PARTY at Multnomah hotel assembly room Satur day evening May 1. all Oddfellows. Re- ; " "iciiu, jnvuea. Grand march at 8:30 dancing and cards follow- .... uicneKira, plenty of re freshments, special features. L. QLIMBY, Chairman. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna. - w. ... Jm.. ,oi-, ota St. FRIEDLANDER'S lor lodge emblem. lass pins and medals. 10 Wasblngtoa sv FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We snerlal. ize in funeral designs. 141 Sk 6th, opposite .ntri.Tr or. rraiid a. jiKin I JO. JAPAN FLORIST 168-170 4th t.. Firehouse Market. All kind of flower. Bedding and vegeta ble luijvulo. Japanese enruDberv nursery stock, tubs, basketa, sar- UCs( at tUO. a34J)s-ll4l Bi 1 9. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists. 354 Washington. Main T60 Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged . LUBLINER Two storea. We strive to nlessa. ss Aiorrjson. .rortiana.notei. Marsnall 753. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 257. CLARKE BROS.. lorlats. 287 Morrison c Main 7700. Fine flowers and floral de signs, ino Drancn stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funers sprays tl.Sfl up. Bdwy. 2870, 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington St., Dei. 4tn ana am. .Main OIU, A 1161 MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE -WORKS 26 Fourth St., Opp. City Hall. Neu Bros. Efb BLAESINC5 GRANITE CO. I TT THIBOAT W.DISON BTRgtT I TOO LATE TO CLASSITT. WANTED Lady cook for small sawmill. Phone Alain 7511. n ! DIED. McOTjADDIN In this city, April 2i. Mrs. William McGladdin. late of Vancouver, Wash. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. TXTNEBAL NOTICES. HAZLETT In Roseburg, Robert Henry Hazlett. aged 58 years; beloved husband of Elizabeth Hazlett of 1090 East 17th st. North; father of Robert F.. Stanley, Earnent, Fred W.. John V., Mary Jane, Elizabeth and Hilda of this city, also James H. Hazlett of Chicago, 111., and Hugh H. Hazlett, of San . Francisco. Cal. The remains are at the funeral home of Downing & McNemar, East 7th and Multnomah sts.. where services will be held today (Saturday) at 2 o'clock. Friends invited to attend. Interment Rose City cemetery. ' BAXJM April 19. 1920. at' the family res idence, ot8 Fremont at.. Adam Baum, aged 60 years 10 'months and 5 days, be loved husband of Sophia Baum, father of Henry, (leorge and Alvln Baum, of Portland: Mrs. Mary Harding. Lingle. "Wyoming. Funeral services will be con ducted today (Saturday) at 2 P. M.. from the Congregational church, on the corner of East 7th and Stanton sts. Friends invited. Interment Kose City cemotery. Remains at Pearson's under talking parlors, .Ruusell st. at Union ava, KARR In this city. April 29. 1920. Winni fred E. Karr, aged 38 years, beloved wife of Edwin I. Karr of 402 E. 33d st. N.. mother of Evelyn Mae and Harry Elliott Karr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Elliott, and sister of Keith E. Elliott. Friend invited to attend the funeral services at Holxnan's Funeral Parlors. d and Salmon eta., at 2 P. M. today (Sat urday). May ,1. 1820. Interment Rose City cemetery. INMAN Funeral services of the late Rob ert D. Inman will be held today (Sat urday) at C:30 o'clock P. M.. at the Scottish Rite cathedral. Lownsdale and Morrison streets. Interment Portland crematorium vault. Friends invited. The remains will be at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth, until 1 o'clock. OGILBE In this city. April 28. 1920. Hor ace W. Ogilbe. ared 66 years, late resi dence Palatine Hill, beloved husband of Sophia H. Ofrllbe. Friends Invited to at tend the funeral services at the resi dence. Palatine Hi IV. at 11:30 A. M. to day (Saturday), May 1. 1920. Interment Riverview cemetery. SINSETH At Dallas, Or., April 28, Roy W. Slnseth, aged 81 years. He is sur vived by a wife and one child. The fu neral services will be held at the chapel of the Portland crematorium at 10 A. M. Saturday, May 1. Friends Invited. FREEMAN In this city; April 29. Louis Freeman, aged 39 years, beloved hus band of Rose Freeman. Funeral serv ices will be today (Saturday, May 1. at 2 P. M., at Eagle Creek, Or. Ar rangements In care of Miller & Tracey. THR1STEN At Dallas, Or.. Martha Thris ten. agtd 78 years. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M-, at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Greenwood cemetery. CAWOOD Funeral services of the late Grace E. Cawood will be held this (Sat urday) morning at 11 o'clock at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park ceme tery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES tor funeral serrlcea. JONB3 AUTO LIVERY. Marshall 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th St., west side. Telephone Broadway 430, automatic 545-58. The funeral borne of refinement and distinctive service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections wnaiever wnn any omor undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sta. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and ..1st streets, west side. Lady assistant. Main 2601. A 7885. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors wtth all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133, automatic 5ai-M. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. 414 IS. Alder. Phone Ksst 52. Trfet service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson Jfc Ross. Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. PT 1 TTRPTT E- Eleventh and Clay. -Li- !-XljIS,V-n Kast 781. T 1833. VRTPONT Twelfth and-Morrison Sts. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 6802-04 92d St., Lents. Tabor 527. AR 7PI I PQ Pfl 592 Williams ave. M. LLLLLn bUi Eaf,t i0ss. c 10g8 BREEZE & SNOOK t&s.'bTm SKEWKS UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d i. a a.'i. Lady assistant. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ATi92',,l!i6;o,152' 100' 12T- 28- I". 17. lwo. 114. JJ4. 1U5, 100. 192. 10. 171. 193. 163 IT.ft. 120. 18, 279, 170.- 167. 197, 204. 250. 228. 125. 198. 195, C! 183. tS7. S2. 1?3. 4S7. 261, 182, 164 act l. .19. 1 I . inM. 185. 127. 16H. 12.r.. 126. 1 ft E 120, 106. 103. 181. F l'.o. 172. 102. 118, 105, 144. 107. 108, 103. G139, 205, 152. 04. 171. 123. 220 H 18. 114. 292. 103. 21.1. 226 107 in.t 103. 108. 227. 222, 220. 210, 223. 144 J 210. 144, 223. 220. 222. 227. 108. 107, 213. :10. 197. 112. 104. 220. aio. !::! S2. 113. M 118. 191. 919. 215. N 221. 215. 392. 1S6. 190. 230. 18... 218 O 199, 161. 190. 119. 120. 227, 221. 230. l-'l, J S I, i-O. lij. 180. 100. 275, 223, 104. 183. 107. F 188. 186. 105. 108, 219. 217, 162. 106. 190. 282. 163. 184. 286. 2.17. 286. H 700. 123. 182. US. T 163, 234. 17S. 187. 210. 168. 188, 172, 233. 160, 76. 192. V 224. 123. 131. 226. 224. 2. 275. 214. 137, IS-', 1UV, lOt. 270, 120, 133, 836. 134. 226. W 168. 102. 105. 103. 186. 220, 215. 106, 1IW. 402. 213. 672. 223. 107. 124. 223. lOfl. X 160. 229. 231. 159. 184. 119. 118. 160. 16. l.iK, . 1UO. 101, 216, 218, li. lbd. Y 213. 230. 160. 222. 22S. 215. 219, 173, -'lb, 244. 174, loH, U, Z18, 167, 189, 232. 168. 216. 332. 161. 294. AB S04. 484. 417. 398. 306. 460. AC 570. 374. 382. 417. AK 456. 303. 459. 359. 436. 434. Ar 375. 423, 301. 427. AO 317. 8S7. 423. 374. AH 33, 303. 431. 422, 362, ISO. AJ 374. 424. 305. 367. 337. 315. 8, 374. AK 171. 304. 431. 894. 359. 361. 341. 358. 336. 358. 308, 433, 308, 431. 418. 425, 308, 430. 359. . AL S3. 375. 4S3. 422. 482. 483. 480. AM 314, 422, 3, 379, B75, 315. AN ISO. 810. 368. 317, 419. 644. 676. 422. 482. 374. 478, 4S1. AO 373. 313. 4IO 421. 485. 415, 373, 372. 415. 648. 4l6. AP 109, 318. 820, 413. 379. 376. A K 25, 379. 705. BC 371. 374. 48. 1 811. 4.MI. 375, 381, BSO. 384. 453. 318. RF 377. 402. 378. 375. 806. 872. 377, 378. 402. 878. 480. BI 133. Above answers will be destroyed If not called for within six days. Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Dally and Sunday- Per line One time 12c Two coawmtlv tlmee ........... ,t2e Three connecatlTe ttracs .......... .SOc 6cTfn ronnerutiTe times 63a The following clannif icrattons excepted, the rat of which l 9c per line per dart Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. Vo ad taken for lette than two lines. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except Person als" and "Situations wanted") will be taken over the telephone It the adver tiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, hut statements will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for The I)ally Oreohian until 7:30 P. M.x for The Sunday Oreconiaa until 6 P. M. Saturday. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas- I sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other I : r a ... A . -. . , r ,-. - it oo I liuwuiauon, leiepnone ine uregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JLIJLS R. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems established, maintained; income tax service: refer ences. 72S-29 Pittock blk. Bdwy. L ALTERATIONS. ll risti and makintr of ladies' car- mcnts: reasonable: work guaranteed. I. Reubin. 4Qa Bush'oTc Lane bldg. AS3.AVKBS AND ANALYSTS. MSNT-N'.A ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second IrQld. silver and platinum bought. At'TO PAINTING. T?avPrA.IiJ1'0- QUALITY. FINISH. STANDARD AUTO PAINTING CO., EAST THIRD A X P t A DISON SIS CARPET WEAVING. RllRCThe kind that wear the h:t ,r. ... ... from your worn-out carpets 5v the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress lui Union ave.). Rag rugs woven. barPet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 1S3 K. Bin st. Phones East 35S(). B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. ., Send for Booklet. xi rugs steam or dry cleaned, 1.50 T. , FLUFF RUO CO.. Q4-5g Union ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITB OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO.. 172 B. 17th St. Sellwood 8622. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THR IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3K7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. A 1254. CHIKOPHACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIROPODIST. DR. B. LOUISK COX. 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. morgan oiog. Main 4998. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Kstelle and Florello De Venv. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Fsrlors 302 Ger Ilnger bid., s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. GARTNER, foot spe-lait: corns, bun Ions, foot arches made to order. 811 Swetland bldg.. 5th' and Wash. Main 30S1. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers. needs repalrin g or cl caning Tabor 3883. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTKR CO.. 1510-11-12 Roval bldg. Marshall 5822. Multigraphlng. mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main, 1790. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1 000. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile and concrete, phone Jack Wempe. Woodlswn 6230. DANCING. MRS BAYH, 308 Dekum bldg. Private lessons day nod evening. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Kilers bldg. DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 415 East 7th. East 1S47 and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MiYrnDc Dcwniiwn and IIIWIUIIU IlkMUUilU Repaired Bought and Sold.- NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. 248 First st. Main 871. Utfm H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO M 31 N. 1st. Pnrflnnri riw R. I nding and electrical repairing ed motors. Bdwy 1045. A 1046. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If you want big crops: read about "G. M. Wonder" in our 1920 catalogue, Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d St.. Portland. Or. GLASS AND GLAZING. WINDOWS repaired, any part of city: auto service. Edw. Fransep. Bdwy. 716. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park. MACHINERY INSTALLATION. MACHINERY INSTALLATION. Complete plants or single machines, of every description, motors, etc., by ex perts. Wdln. 11S0. East 5945. MEAT BLOCK TRIMMER. ED. OPBERT. MEAT BLOCK TRIMMER. Blocks trimmed by an adze. Price ac cording to condition of block. 4103 52d st. H. E. MUSIC TEACHERS. L Carroll Day. piano, vocat lessons, prac- I ties piano. 1 nr. day. So mo. Bdwy. 2o55. WHOLESALERS . AND MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. HIDES. WOOL A-ND CASCARA HARK. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. KAHN BROS.. 105 Front St. GRATN MERCHANTS. MBJW'frUM. F1PK. PACIFIC GRAIN-cbTBoarlTf Trad, bldg. THEM -LLlNE CO.., 846-8789 Front. ; PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. H-A-TA..A?I"I CAZg: EVERDIXG & FARRKLL. 140 Front St. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St- RO P EAN D B I N P E RT VVI N E . PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrun. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN CO- Second and Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. OREGON HUMANE SQCIETYI yEW TonAY- T.v..iirii oil cases of allesred cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The societv has full charge of the city pound at Its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phono any time. Woodlawn 764 Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rub. and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reveralble, llsnd-Woirra FLUFF RUGS Room-Slae Flaff Rigs. Woven, 17.50 Rag Hosts Woven All Staea. Clothe. CleanlnfC and Dyeing: Depta. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0sl3 Rngm. Steamed Cleaned, (1.SO WKSTKRST FUTP RUO CO. K4 Union Ave N. 1'hone East 5t WE CALL FOR VOIR OLD CARPETS, ' Rngs and Woolen Clothing; FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ont Promptly Raaj Hiiga Woven All Sixes Mall Ordera. Send for Rooklet. Carpets C leaned. Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUO CO. 1W East 8th St. Phone Cast 3580. $25,000.00 v Apartment House Income 1300 net; paying- 18 per cent on Investment: partly furnished: all outwide apartments: will take $5000 or 16000 in exchange, some cash, and balanca on terms. - 702 Title & Trust bids. , . iviain wu or a owo, uuu - NXRSERV STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, snruns. roses, en. . OREGON NURSERY CO.. ORKNCO. O- NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubcnsteln. the veteran op tician, Sllll ins ine ucai , very moderate prices. Torls. Kryptoks, also the ci.eaper grades. 26 Morrison. . OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS . - T A "P A RAVING. t ii..;. ..a,. nut-nnniTM on t he x aunt-1. J " " 1 --t- . . hi. .i-rvlrp ThOU LPttDIB . I i .abu.w . . - . . . . . . .. nur.iT'HTS trial will convince you. Charles W. oooa man. optometrist, 209 Morrison. M. -i- EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST- T-ffsJ ed with modern instruments. t Glasses fitted from 2.5l) up. A. E. HUKW1TZ. optometrist. -5 1st St. ORIENTAL BUGS. ORIENTAL RUGS woven, repaired, washed, cleaned and stored by nature s own modern plant. Broad way oita. CARTOZIAN BROS.. Inc.. Importers of oriental rugs. ORIENTAL RUGS. Native Expert in Repairing, washing, cleaning and atorea. M. E. D1N1HANIAN. Established 1914. Broadway 2870. 4G5 Washington St. ORIENTAL - RUGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. CLEANED AND KEPA RED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON. TEN YEARS WITH ATIVK11 BROS. 151 N. 23D. PHONE MAIN 6208. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LINDSTSY. specialist in goiter and rheumatism. 610 Morgan bldg. Main 6960. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. All communi cations strictly confidential: prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN & CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg., 52 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.. Washington of fice, room 1113. 625 F St.; New York of fice. Woolworth bldg. R C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. s. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum b;dg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICLVN8. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, f-male disorders, akin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLIiSAT.F. Prlcea Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th. M. PRINTING. DOIUTIIUf F. W. BALTKS - COMPANY rnlilllriU 1st and Oak sts. M. 76... PAINTING. GET YOUR painting, kaisominlng. decorat ing and sign work done before the ru.-h scsson. lo2Q Olisan. niouc TAINTING, paperhanging John C. Con- ru lao luin st. i.wc"-.-j - PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING FOR painting, paperhanglng and intinf call Woodlawn 1003 after 0 P. M. All work guaranteea. PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING. Satisfaction guaranteed J. FT Mvera. BllndSchool. Marshall jOo. POULTRY SrPPUES EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue free Routledge Seed & Floral .Co.. 14o -d st.. portiana. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST. . j I! .....vth ne In the w e ouy anu c 1 J , . T, , w-l.--. nd furniture line. Phone Main 90 1 2. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. "transfer and"storage. "OREGON AUTO DESPATCH T"V, CafUtr Wll Vl ft RDUtatlon. MOVl.N'G-PACK'G-STORAGIi-BAGGAGE 13th ana Kearney. rsranun PH0r;E BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO. 64-86 Front Street. STORAGE AND HAULING. DISTRIBUTION CA RS OUR SPECIALTY. Phones aiaio . noir.nx TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan SC., corner 13th. Phone Hroadwav 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal u;i Lowest Insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M OLFEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine, PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main 5195. A 1051. FOR any local or long distance hauling or moving call feellwooo. slot. Portland Heights Beauty 14 spacious rooms, 2 bathrooms, extra fine fireplace, solid oak buf fet, oak floors throughout, 2 fur naces, white enamel finish, M block, unsurpassed view of the city, fine large garage. The lady who owns this place must sell at once anH "will give someone a great bargain. Easy terms. Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 3089. No Agents. STORAGE SPACE Investigate Oar Plant and Ratra. Why Assume Expensive Leases -Under fresent High Costa CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Drayst;. , and Storaare, 12th and Ciliaua. Phone lldn;. 34; 'a $25,000 Restaurant for Sale Best Location. Good Chance for Right Man. Long Lease, - J 214, OreKonlan. Mortgage Loans Uwprt latrrrat rateat Installment re pi;mpnl if desired. Buildlna; loana made. . No delay In cloaina;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 117-210 A'orthweatern Bank Bnildine. Slar.ball 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. mortgage: loans United. Slate Ban BoUdlns NEW TO DAT. ' ; & A BUNGALOW AMONG THE FIRS S350U ' $1000 cash. $20 monthly, buys this larsre, -well-built bunealow, full hase mcnt. concrete foundation: pround 100x100. with beautiful native trees. Fine lawn and garden, spot. FRKD W. (.KR1IAN CO, 732 Chamber of Commerce. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian, Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. SEASIDE, boardwalk corner, beautiful 7- room cottase. 4 bedrooms, strictly moo ern. hand-rubbed piano finish woodwork, larjre basemerit with laundry room. 14 foot front porch, wide steps, back porch, best white enamel plumbing1, splendidly furnished. Price 3500O or will rent $400 for season. O 14. Oregonian. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease, two choice lots 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on, board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. Addrtba H. ISO. Oreconiaa. CANNON BEACH 2 acres water front; modern o-room house, iirepiac: near Hug point; only $4000; beautiful site. Owner leaving: city. Investigate. Max. MANHATTAN' EiiACH lot. ocean front, in Tillamook. Or.- Inquire 604 E. I Jth at. b. For hair Flat and Apartmrn 1'roprrty. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. FIX-FAMILY APARTMENT, close in, east side, low price of $7250 for quick sale: terms. Phone 316-1 before l A. M. and after P. M- WEST SIDE, large 2-famlly flat bldg., 13 rooms, modern, easily changed to apartments. Splendid income, owner. Main 704U. 10-ROOM apt. house, by owner. Call evenings. 0 N. 21st. Phone Main 5223. For Sale $350. Westmoreland lot; paved streets, cement wa.lks; 1 block from -ar; good view. Irlce $3.M and street assessments, i'hone Tabor 604. Splendid tract of 24U lots, CSx100 each, located within the o-mile circle, about 4 of a mile south of Ryan place; one half cash, balance as you liko jt. Come ou, Mr. Speculator. Fred W. berman Co.. 7:12 Cham, of Com. OWN several residence lots, tine loca tion, near Franklin high school, good n i h .r-, rH UK! 11 lot a At attrac tive figure on easy terms and mill buiid or finance building of homes. For fur ther information see J. A. Clock, 8410 ftrtb st. S. E. Phone Tror laoi, "CAPITOL HILL A bargain, for Bale at a sacrifice to cioti& up an estate; lots e, ana iu, block 20. No reasonable offer refused. P. C. Oibbens. Trustee. 1011 Powell st-. Vancouver, B. C. NO REASONABLE OFFER RKKli'SELK Two lots near Sandy blvd. on 62d st. Let us show you this property. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO.. 211 Hallway Exchange Bldg. LOTS AT BARGAIN. YOUR OWN TERMS. TT e noNDS TAKEN AT FAR. 6 LOTS NEAR SANDY BLVD & 41ST. J400 to $10)u No agents. Owner East 401. IRVINGTON CORNER. Nnrthpast corner East 24th and Siskl you. limxlOO; id?al residence site ; ail improvements paid. rt- 1215 Fourth ave.. Seattle. Wash. ALAMEDA Park corner. 62 4x100, 30th and Skidmore. $450 cash, $i0U city liens. 5 years or more in which to pay; taxes paid to date. Go see It. Bdwy. d04A evenings, CHOICE buildinc site on E. 2Sth. ne Tiilamook. 2 lots for $1 S00 cash. Don't miss this. Willis Maguire. Mam &4; Sunday East 51U1. 4oy Concord bldg. No agents. TWO-ROOM apt. for rent cheap; neatly furnished. bet. Steel and 1 Hroadwav bridges. 222 S Couch st. Call today and tomorrow. Phone East hull. CORNER, 100x100. 27th ave. and 63d. two blocks from car, near Franklin school, $.)O0 lesK than I paid. Terms to suit. Woodlawn S727. $10 DOWN. $5 MONTHLY. Splendid tract. rSx2o."j. on Mt, Scott lint-; price $500. Fred W. German Co., til2 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 80x100 nort beaut corner A insworth and Boston avenues; $1050, beautiful building site. Phone Main 4b5o, owner. FOR SALE -Alameda lot. choice location, would consider good car in trade. H, L. Clark. M.lwaukie pool hall, box 226, Milwaukie. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 100x100 corner lot for sale by owner at a bargain. A 220, Oregonian. DEAL WITH OWNER Lot 5072 4. on Hancock, near Grand ave.. $1 $50. In cludes all improvements. Call Ea-st 68ti7. FOR SALE 1, 2 or 3 lots on Denver ave.; good property. 11S7 Denver ave.. near Kiuingswortn. NUMBER of fine bldg. lots. Clinton, near 43d St.. 50n each. Owner. J. H. McMa hon. 260H East 43d. Tabor 5361. LOT in Alberta district. $325. $5 down. $5 per month. 105 E. 30th st. N. LOT. 32x31, lot 2 I'hone Tabor 1507. For Sale Hyde Park, $250, -Ho ii Hem. FINE TTCVrNGTON HOME. DOUBLE GARAGE. ::W ENGLAND COLONIAL FTTT,E. 8 large rooms, extra large living room lnr7 lihrarv wVit.-h run lim used for 1 downstairs bedroom If necessary, a per fect gem or a Dutch kitchen ; n nisnea throughout in oM ivnrv and finest tap estry paper: material and workmanship tne verv best that riony couia nuy. x will sell this palatial home $1500 under wnai you couin butfd it lor. T-ocated on corner of 12th and Brazee. r or appointment phone TURNER & WINSHIF. Tahor 2124 Or Tabor 5614. ROSE CITY PARK. MOVE RIGHT IN. $1000 DOWN. $5000 T-room 14 -story house, located In the hea rt of this exclusive district, modern in every detail, double constructed throughout, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, all the modern and up to the minute built-in effects ; a wonderfully good buy at this price; i block to car. tnown oy appointment onlv, H OLDEN t: KOHLMAN, 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg." Main 6550. $3200 TERMS S3COO. $32 0 T ERM S $ i 2 . 3140 VS. 29TH ST. N ALI5ERTA CAR Vacant. modern. 6-room bunealow, lame sleeping porch, full concrete base ment, buffet. Dutch kitchen, plenty built-ins, high grade plumbing, electric fixtures and gas, bedrooms and kitchen in white enamel. This Is a real bunga low, not a cottage. Better than new and splendidly located in Irvington Park, lot COxlOO, alley, 8 fruit trees, berries, roses, lawn. Takfl Alberta car to 30th and Killingsworth. Owner on premises. 1 to 5 daily or phono E. 4526 before 10 A. M. or after 6 if, M. BARGAINS. CH A RMTNO 6-room bungalow. Haw thorne: hrtwd. firs., cara-re : $ 1500. SPLENDID 6-room home, hdwd. flra inrougnout, garage: suouit. EXCELLENT 7-room home. Ir'lrgton, hdwd. firs, throughout, beat location; MAGNIFTCENT 8-room home, west ride, choice location; hot-water heat; GRAND 10-room home. hdw. firs., lot 75x100, best location. Irvington: hot water; garage. Eat 27.t. HE RDM AN. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250; "Beautiful 6-room 2-storr house. 15x15 reception hall, 15x18 living- room, steeping porcn, i-rencn doors to living room, garage. This home Is situated in the most desirable part of this most ex clusive district and in a dandy buy. We will be pleased to rhovv you this bargain by appointment. IlOLDhiN V lvl Hlj.MA.N, 228 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 6550. BY OWNER. LEAVING CITY. Attractive modern home, toward Irv ington district, i rooms, den. butler, pantry, finished" attic, furnace and built ins: no incumbrances. Price $75n $4000 caan, terms, jaat -o0. ISO agents. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CARKT COMPANY. Su.-ceedr-d bv CARET-SAVIDGR COMPANT. 21T Railway Ex-h. Rldg. Main T4S7. REAL SERVICE TO HOMRSfiEKERS. We could fill this whole page with ads. descriptive of astonishingly pretty homes we have for ale. Hut what's the use? Following .s a list of several that an Investigation will prove a real reve lation t. you. A gallery with 500 photos of home lor s;tJe is open for your inspection: 8 experienced re.l estate sulesmcn with autoM will gladly ehow our homes, with out obligation. ANOTHER KINS ROPE CITY HOME. $ t O00 J ust off Sandy blvd. must he eon to be appreciated. Walnut doors, richly finished, built 6 years ago when homes were right. $32000 cash. WALaING ntSTAXCE. $ow0 Just a couple of blocks acrosa Broadway bridge, easy walking distance. 2-story. 7-rooms, fuv, fireplace, paved et- $lt-0 down. N?:AR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. ijoOuo looxlOO lot. paved street. 2-story, -room house, iu A-t condition, fireplace, g-arage, near Miss, car, 20 bearing fruit trees; all kinds of berries, $2000 down. .o HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. S4-00 Here is a cozy, attractive Hi tie home on East 47th st. : 5 rooma, beautifully tinted. large atti--, fireplace, unusual buffet, white . enamel .Dutch kitchen, vines and. flowers. $1)00 down. ACROSS B RO A DW AT BRIDGE. $0000 2-story. 8-room home. 1 bToclC north of Broadway, furnace, fire place, paved street, garage, no street car fare needed here. $1000 dot n. , ALBTNA 7-ROOM ROMK. $o9M) Located on a fine 100x100 corner lot. with paved street, sidewalk and sewer paid in full. 4 rooms and den, bath and toilet down. 3 large bedrooms up, fireplace, 20 bearing fruit trees. $1700 cash, required, -.Ti J,v?NTS wsmrcss corner. jlbUO 100x100. corner Jersey and Main. Liens all paid In full, small 3-rm. house. Owner sacrificing to raise money account sickness Terms. .v- - ALBERTA RXAP. -x00 6-room. 2-story home. Just off Alberta, St.. with furnace, white enamel plumbing, large Dutta, k'trhen. attractive built-in ef fects. Convenient trms. , FTT ALBERTA BUNCALOW. '- - , $lt04 You will enthuse when vou see thirf oua;nt little bungalow home. 5 rooms, all plnsterrd and fin ished :n white enamel, attractive light features, .lust .".0 ft. off piived street. $700 down. 2-STORY ALBERTA HnME. $2100 bl-ck north of Prescott et.. 7 room, 4 bedrooms, bath and toilet, T.OxlOO lot, 2 large Roval Ann cherry ti-ces. 1 b;ck t Ir vington tar. Only $Cu0 cash, re quired. ACRE IN MONTAVTLLA. $6000 A tS-room modern home with firr -nace and fireplace that would cost $fi'iM) to build today. Sewr and sidewn'iks all in and paid. An area of 200x100 feet. flOOO hi'ken houses, fruit and berries. Gurage. $3ooo required. K00 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM!. ?4300 Briind new bungalow in Ron City. 2j of them all similar to this one. rooms In white, en amel, expensive built-ins. oak floors, cosy fireplace, full ce ment basement. substantially built throughout; only a few hun dred down payment required. See these new homes today. EXCEPTIONAL ROSE CITY HOME. $4470 A co'mplete. u itra modt-rn 5-rm. bungalow, finished In ivory, un umrilly attractive. Furnace, fire place, oak floors throughout, full cement Diisement, all built-in fea tures. French doors, garage, paved street, all liens paid. On 54th st. $1Go0 down. HERE IS A BARGAIN. $3400 Ride out and see it yourself.' No. 5111 41st st. S. E-. on a hard surface stroet and car line. S-rm., 2-Ktory. well-built home. All" as sessments pcid In full. Splendid yard and shrubbery. Only 700 down. Non-resident owner. SUNNY 5TDE SPECIAL. $26u0 Located on East Taylor St., minr 3!tth st., a 5 -room bungalow typo home, paved street, assessments paid. ruxln0 lot, 2 light ai.-y . Itetlroomi. white enanu'i piumb In,?. interior finish in white, en amel. Splendid buy fur the money. $500 down. ATTRACTIVE WOC DLAWN BARGAIN. $2025 Large 7."125 lot. Rooms spacious and well arranged. Huilt only a few years. 2 large hedronms and sleeping porch, near Willie ms ave. cir. A bargain. About $mm required. JUST SEE THIS SACRIFICE. $270o Woodstock 7-room, story and half bungalow type home, substan tially built; 3 bedrooms upstairs, uui inishd bath and toilet first floor. $500 down. FINE BUY IN ALAMEDA. $3200 tl-room bungalow, all on one f loor. living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 light beuruonis. buLii ami toilet nnd den. hardwood floors throughout. Full cement basement. Here is a home you can buy for a small duw n pay ment and tho price is $4ou under value. MONTA VILLA SPECIAL. $ 2500 Splendid .".-room bunga low. we'.l built and in wood condition, (rood plumbing. large garden spact. hearing fruit trees and tiuail fruit. $500 down, balanca J ike 4 -ROOM ALBERTA HOME. $1700 Small 4 -room cottage, bath, toi let, gas. cbctricity. Here is a bij value for the money. $400 down. MILWAUKIE AVENUE, WEST OF LADD'S ADD. $2700 5-room nunga low on corner lot. paved street, sidewalks and sewer paid In full ; 2 b-d rooms, bath and toilet, fireplace, lauudry trays, rfas, electricity. On Sell wood car line. Very close In. $LOoo down. LOW. I on 37th PRETTY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. ..!; hi ri.rrmm nio.lni bun iralow on 37 1 st.. In Hawthorne uisirict; 2 fin- .-i 1 . ...wtuir Bhiln.l3n..i of choice varieties of shrubbery and fruit trees. $1MH to handie. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Su :ceed d by CAREY-SA V'.UOK COMPANY. 21 Railway Kxjh. Bldg. Main 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. $1000 tor a 5-room on Raleigh; In fine condition; oniy J50O cash. $2000 for a good li-room with basement near 18th st. N. . UKd terms. $4500 for a fine 7-room on corner of 10th N. in the finest of condition. $1000 cash, balance terms. $3-oo for a tt-room on 21st N. $500 cash. $3000 for a line 5-room on Kelley tsU with large garage; $500 cash. , F. L. HLANCHARD, Phone Marsh. 620. 61W-20 lUy. Ex. FOR SALE Fine colonial house; large living room, sunporch, hall, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three large bedrooms, sleeping porch and large bath room on second Hour; maid's room and bath on third f ioor, two fireplaces,- fine furnace. French doors to sun parlor and sleeping porch. Beautiful shrubs, large v trees and fine lawn. 4.L East 21st Et. North. Inquire of owner, 1013 Hoard of Trade building, or telephone Wood lawn 2341- evenings or Sundays. IRVINGTON. N EW t - ROU M HOME. Located R4 Hrazee. 75x100 corner E, 10th. All hardwood floors, gas furnace, nloi. inll.nn era ra u-f fsnlunil i.i 1 i u-Vi fixtures, w allpaper and tile bath. Very well built and lor sale by owner. BUNGALOW. Finest m Alameda drive; large living room, lSxSO; dining room, breakfast room, run room, 2 bedrooms, connecting batn. sleeping perch, garage, every thing, only $n59; no agents. East 1347. " 7 "room bung alow! 1 S3X100 CORNER StOuO. 7-roora bungalow. corner, paved streets, fireplace, furnace, ail buiit-ins and double garage; a dandy buy. Call Broadway 30$0. KASTMORELAND BEAUTIFUL EAST MORELAND. 6 rooms, modern, built for home, lOOx 100; bearing fruit trees; only $3000. some terms. Marshall lo22. FOUR-ROOM house; bath, toilet, - gas; good lot. E. 1 5th, near KUllnssworth; $1400 cash. Owner, Woodlawn. 308. OWNER SACRIFICING FULTON HOME. 8-room modern home, full cement basement, garage, paved st., 1 blk. car, best district, only $:t250. Some terms. &ee today. Mar. 1022.