Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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JUUUZES TIMBER MEN Double Trading Stamps Will Be Given Today With Cash Purchases All Over the Store I
Oregon and Washington Are
Discriminated Against.
Coast State With Less Than Half
Lumber Supply of Northern
Sisters to Get Protection.
Amazement on the part of local for
estry officials and lumbermen- greet
ed a Washington dispatch, published
yesterday, which stated that no air
craft would be detailed for forest pa
trol service this season in the Pacific
northwest, while the same item an
nounced that California forests would
be protected by a squadron stationed
at Mather field.
This is queer economy," comment
ed E. T. Allen, secretary of the West
ern Forestry and Conservation asso
ciation, "which deprives Oregon and
Washington of needed protection. In
my opinion the announcement arises
from some departmental squabble at
Washington and should not be con
sidered as definite. We still are opti
mistic regarding the prospects for
aircraft forest patrol the coming sea
son." Most Timber In Tiorth.
Statistics in the local office of the
forestry service show plainly that the
preponderance of timber to be pro
tected lies in Oregon and Washington,
and not in California, and that the
patrol service established last sum
mer should be continued. To this end,
it is said, lumbermen of the Pacific
northwest immediately will take steps
to have the recent war department
order rescinded, if 'conclusive argu
ment will be of any avail.
The standing timber of Oregon, by
board feet, is 452.000,000,000 feet; In
Washington 303.000,000,000 feet; and
in California, 324.000,000,000 feet. The
two states of the northwest, forestry
figures prove, more than double the
timber resources of California, while
Oregon alone exceeds her southern
sister by more than 100,000,000,000
feet. It is this preponderance of val
ue, so plainly evident, that causes lo
cal lumbermen and forest protection
ists to wonder why the war depart
ment withdrew its aircraft fire patrol
from Oregon and Washington.
District forestry officials say they
received no premonitory advices re
garding the discontinuance order,
save in a letter from headquarters,
received a fortnight ago, which said
that prospects for air patrol in Ore
gon were dwindling rapidly.
Planes Locate Flrea.
During the 1919 season, Oregon for
ests were under surveillance by four
planes, with bases at Salem and Rose
burg, covering the forested dfstricts
both north and south from those cit
ies. Numerous fires were located and
reported by the aviators and were
controlled before the flames had
gained headway. The value of the
patrol- system was conclusively dem
onstrated, say timbermen, who be
lieve that a number of raging and de
structive fires were frustrated in
their incipiency by the aerial espion
age. Under the original plans of the
forestry service, according to K. A.
Elliott, state forester, sub-bases were
to have been located at Portland, Sa
lem, Buge:.e, Roseburg, Medford.
Klamath Falls, Prineville, Marshfield
and Baker while all five north
western states were to be under the
watchful wardenshlp of aircraft dur
ing the fire season.
Last season's operations in Oregon
proved that the airplane patrol, at a
height of 10,000 feet, easily could dis
cern a very small fire at a distance
of 30 miles. During a season of 35
actual flying days the five planes of
the Oregon service covered a distance
of 39.900 miles.
The recommendations of State For
ester Elliott were that one complete
observation squadron be established
in Oregon, to sustain a daily patrol of
the 28,000,000 acres of timber, brush
and cut-over lands which constitute
the state's fire risk. Such a squad
ron would consist of 18 planes, proba
bly of the DeHaviland type, with a
complement of 180 men and. 40 offi
cers. "Every timbennan is naturally cha
grined at the decision of the war de
partment," commented L. A. Nelson,
of the local office of the West Coast
Lumbermen's association. "Steps un
doubtedly will be taken to secure re
consideration of this departmental
blunder, but just what course will be
pursued I cannot say. It is almost
certain that northwestern lumbermen
will protest vigorously."
Arrangements Completed for Gath
ering to Be Held at Enter-
prise This Year.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. April 30. (Spe
cial.) The current Issue of the Bui
letin, monthly publication of the Ore
gon Federation of Women's clubs,
edited by Mrs. Charles H. Castner,
carries the official call for the 20th
annual convention, to be held at En
terprise. June 1-4. inclusive. Delegates
from western Oregon will leave Port
land over the O.-W. R. & N. line at
5:30 o'clock. May 31, arriving at Wal
lowa at 12:15 P. M., the following
Mrs. Jay H. Dobbin, president of the
Enterprise Women's club, has named
chairmen of commitees for the ap
proachlng convention as follows: Cre
dentials, Mrs. George Holmes; hos
pltality, Mrs. S. D. Keltner; music,
Mrs. O. G. Crawford; reception. Mrs.
George Rheem: transportation. Mrs.
O. L. Turner; pages and ushers. Mrs.
Lee Carlton; information, Mrs. Daniel
Boyd; decorations, Mrs. O. J. Roe
press. Miss Nan Heaton.
On arrival of the western Oregon
delegates at Wallowa the members of
the Women's club of that -city will
give a luncheon, alter which the Jour
ney to Enterprise will be completed
by automobile. The Joseph Women's
club will serve a trout supper at Wal
lowa lake.
Mr. Grace R. Wilmot of New York
City will give an address at the con
vention on interior decorations.
Sellwood Wants Road Bonds.
After Representative James S.
Stewart had explained the measures,
hy special request of the lodge, the
United Artisans of Sellwood Friday
night unanimously adopted resolu
tions approving the millage tax bill
for higher education and elementary
schools and the 4 per cent road bond
ing amendment.
Plan to Do Your Shopping at the Store and Get the Benefit of This Saving. Filled Books of S. & H. Stamps Redeemed in Cash at S. & H. Office on the 3d Floor EE
Portland Agency Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Dutchess Trousers Richardson's Quality Linens Carter's Knit Underwear Sweeper Vac Electric Cleaners
OWK Chocolates
60c a Box
Main Floor Delicious
OWK Chocolates with
whipped cream centers
200 boxes on sale Cft
Saturday. Special "UC
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methtds
Sale of Tennis
4th Floor Regular $2.50
Tennis Rao- C-J OK
cprets. Special Dl-0
$3 Tennis Racquets $1.50
$3.50 Tennis Racquets $2
Saturday Will Be a Great Day in the Sale of Women's Apparel
All Women's Suits Reduced All Women's Coats Reduced All Silk or Wool Dresses Reduced All Dress Skirts Reduced
Women's Coats
Second Floor Choose any Woman's Coat in our
entire stock at a reduced price. An especially at
tractive showing of dressy coats in the very newest
styles: Fancy cape effects, draped models and
plaited or semi-fitted styles. Many with large patch
pockets, novelty belts, fancy collars' and cuffs. SH
vertone, bolivia, velour, polo cloth, camel's hair,
duvetyne and silk. Sale prices $49.50 to $138.00
Utility Coats
Practical styles for street, motoring or sports
wear. Coats of polo cloth, wool jersey and novelty
mixtures. Loose and belted effects, also semi-fitted,
plaited and tailored models $22.50 to $49.50
Leather Coats
New Coats of leather or leatherette very smart
for motoring and street wear. Short and length
models. Patch pockets, belts, large or small collars.
Some have plaited backs. Brown, tan, black, gray.
Sale prices range from $25.65 up to $135.00
New Silk Petticoats
Second Floor Taffeta Petticoats Messaline Petti
coats Jersey top Petticoats with silk flounces Jer
sey Petticoats a great range of the most popular
styles await your selection at this store. Tucked,
ruffled, plaited , hemstitched and corded effects.
Prices range $7.49, $10, $12.48 and $15.00
Georgette Crepe Waists
Special $4.28
Bargain Circle, First Floor A selected lot of high-class "Waists go
out on the Bargain Circle today at a special low price. Of splen
did quality material. Many charming styles in the assortment.
High or round neck waists. Beautiful embroidered mod- OQ
els. Also many in beaded and braided effects. Special Dfx.iO
New Middy Blouses
Second Floor New Middy Blouses of cotton, pongee, serge and
flannel. Plain white with blue serge or flannel collars. Some of
the styles have adjustable collars and cuffs. Also Middies of red
or navy flanneL Middy prices range from $2.50 up to $10.00
Smocks $3.50 to $16.50
Second Floor Smocks of crepe, beach cloth, corduroy, rice cloth,
voile, jersey and pongee. Slip-over and buttoned styles with long
or short sleeves. Many are embroidered in fancy designs. All the
newest colors, including two-tone effects prices $3.50 to $16.50
Hair Bow Ribbons
Values Up AQg
to 65c at t
Main Floor Quality Hair Bow
Ribbons underpriced for Satur
day. Several hundred yards in
this offering. Fancy plaids,
stripes, checks and floral effects
in a wide range of the newest
color combinations. Values up
to 65c Specially priced A Q
for Saturday at the yard
New Veils
Very latest novelties in Motor
Veils, Sport Veils and Veilings
by the yard. Dept., First Floor.
New White Footwear
Special Showing
Main Floor Women's Boots, Oxfords, Eyelet Ties,
Tongue Pumps, Sport Shoes, Emmy-Lou, Keds, Tennis
Shoes in fact every conceivable style in White Foot
wear may be seen at this store. Every pair marked
at a reasonable price. SPECIAL OFFER With every
pair of Women's White Shoes we will give a $1.25 pair
of white sandal rubbers free of charge. White Iot
wear prices range from $2.25 up to $15A)0 a pair.
Men's Shoes $7.00
Men's $10.00 Dark Tan Laced Shoes with round toe,
rubber heels, Neolin soles size 6 to 10 r7 Afk
widths C and E Special' for Saturday at
Men's. $10 Tan Grain Leather Shoes, bluch
er cut half double sole. Sizes 6 to 11; E only
Sale of Handkerchiefs
Main Floor Dont miss this extraordinary oppor-"
tunity to buy Handkerchiefs, for such bargains
are seldom offered even at this store. There is
still a splendid assortment to select from. One
corner embroidered and fancy colored border ef
fects. Irish linen, shamrock cloth and fine swiss
materials. Sale prices range from 1O0 to 790
New Neckwear
In Great Variety
Main Floor With the coming of warmer weather
dainty neckwear will be much the vogue. The
woman who desires the newest creations will(
find here the very latest novelties in collars,
guimps, sets, etc, in organdie, net and lace ma
terials. Neckwear of quality at reasonable prices.
Filet Laces $1.59 and $1.79
Real Filet Lace Collar Lengths of fine quality. Many beautiful
patterns to select 'from. These make pretty collars and are very
inexpensive. 17 and 21 inches long. Easily made into collars.
Priced special $1.50 and $1.79. Lace Department, First Floor.
All $15.00 to $35.00 Hats
A mid-season clearaway of about 200 Trimmed Hats. These are
patterns and models which have served their purpose as show pieces
and must be closed out at once to make room for incoming stock.
Large, medium and small hats in black and all the leading colors.
$15.00 Hats Now $ 7.50
$35.00 Hats Now $17.50
All $20 Trimmed fl- ft ft ft
Hats priced special
All $22.60 Trim'd "! "I OK
Hats priced special
All $25 Trimmed
Hats priced special
All $30 Trimmed - ftft
Hats priced special DXJ.UU
Children's Hats at V4 Off
Sale of Dependable Coffee
Model Grocery, Fourth Floor
Dependable Coffee, 1
lb. cans special at only
Dependable Coffee, C- Kft
3-lb. cans special at wi.tJU
Dependable Coffee, (PO Cft
5-lb. cans special at Di.JU
Argo Corn Starch, 3 for 25
K. C Baking Powder Oft
250 25-oz. cans, each vlC
English Walnuts, Brazil Nuts
or Soft Shell Almonds qe
priced special, the pound OUC
14 Cakes Royal White Soap $1
15c cake Borax Soap given FREE
Men's $3.00 Union Suits
Special at $1.59
Main Floor Here, Men, is an
opportunity' to buy your spring
and summer Underwear at a
good saving! Famous "Kerry
Kut" Athletic Union Suits
made from Kerry-Kool Kloth
a cool long-wearing fabric espe
cially adapted for this purpose.
Fancy figures, squares, dots and
satin stripe patterns. First qual
ity garments! Complete show
ing of sizes. $2, $2.50 fTQ
and $3.00 Union Suits
Union Suits
Main Floor "Shedaker" Trouser
Seat Union Suits widely adver
tised in the leading magazines.
Made with patented elastic trou
ser seat, giving perfect comfort
in every position. Soisette, nain
sook and fancy madras materials.
Beautifully tailored. QQ
Priced special garm't O.L.O7
Men's $4, $5 Hats at $2.45
$2 to $3.50 Ties $1.29
Main Floor Closing out odd lines
of Men's Soft Hats. Several
good styles in a broken range of
sizes. Mostly light colors. Reg
ular $4.00 and $5.00 PO JT
grades. Special at Di.ftJ
Main Floor Men's high-grade
Neckwear specially priced for
Saturday. Large assortment of
beautiful patterns and materials.
Regular $2, $2.50 and OQ
$3.50 grades, special
Boys' SuitsSpecial $6.75
: Ages 4 to 10
Main Floor Junior Norfolks for little fel
lows 4 to 10 years of age. Made up in blue .
serges and fancy mixtures. These have all
around belts and tailored lapels. CJJ r7K
Full lined straight pants. Special D). 4
brown and gray mixtures; at wlt 4 tf
Boys' Corduroy Pants
Priced fr2 fS)
Special rmjy
Main Floor Famous-- "Dutchess" make,
but owing to slight defects they are sold
as seconds. Dark brown shade flJO fiCk
very serviceable. Ages 6 to 18
Girls' New Silk Dresses
At Special Prices
Second Floor Choose any Girl's
Silk Dress in our stock Saturday
at a reduced price. Beautiful
new spring models made up in
plain or fancy silks in light and
dark colors. Mothers, will find
this a splendid time to buy the
children's Dresses at a substan
tial saving. This season's most
attractive style for girls of 10
years to intermedi- 1A
,ate.. All silk dresses 4 vfr
Sport Skirts
The Sport Skirt will be an im
portant item in daughter's ward
robe. Girls are wearing them
with Middy or Smock making a
very smart combination for school
and sport wear. Saturday we
place on sale a large number of
fancy colored wool 1 A rVL'L"
and silk shirts at 4 wfr
All Girls' Coats Reduced!
Very Latest Spring Styles
Second Floor Our entire stock of Girls' Spring Coats now on
sale at special prices. 'This season's smartest styles in belted and
loose effects with fancy collars and cuffs. Ages . f L.'
Girls' Wash Dresses
LOT 1 Girls' Wash Dresses in plaids and plain col
ors. Sizes 6 to 14. Regular $3.50 grade, special at
LOT 2 Girls' Wash Dresses in many attractive
styles. Plaids and plain colors. Ages 8 to 14; $4.50 val.
LOT 3 Girls' Wash Dresses in large plaids with
contrasting color or white Swiss collars; $5.50 values
New Long Silk Gloves
Special $2 Pair
This is sure to be a
great season for long
gloves because of the
vogue for short sleeved
blouses and frocks. The
wise woman will take ad
vantage of this sale and
lay in a good supply.
Silk Gloves
of fine finished Milanese
fabric Made with double
finger tips. Well-known
make. White only.. IJO
Priced special, pair D4
2: Clasp Silk Gloves
At $1.49 Pair
Center Circle, First Floor Women's good quality Mi
lanese and Tricot Silk Gloves with double-tipped fin
gers and fancy embroidered backs. White P1 ACk
and black. Priced special at the pair, only D-l.x
Chamoisette Gloves $1.50
Center Circle, First Floor Women's Chamoisette
Gloves in 2-clasp and strap-wrist styles. These are of
excellent quality and finish. Some have fancy stitched
backs, others with -Paris pointing. Black, Kft
beaver, chamois, brown and white. Special wJJ-.tll
Creme Oil Soap
90c Dozen
Creme Oil Soap is made of
olive oil and other pure ingred
ients. Cleanses the pores and
softens the skin. Dont overlook
this opportunity to buy high
grade toilet soap. Priced Qfts
special at the dozen cakes fUC
15c Toilet Paper
$1.19 Doz.
Waldorf Toilet Paper of fine
quality. Put up in standard size
rolls. Regular 15c - Q
grade, Saturday, doz. 0i.J-
Drug Offerings
Listerine at 230, 450, 850
Lux Soap Flakes, 2 for 250
Mentholatum 230 and 450
Merck's Milk Sugar priced 750
Mercolized Wax priced at 890
Saline Laxative at 400. 750
Pluto Water 450, 3 $1.25
Water Glass, for preserving
eggs, pint size 350 quart size
5O0 rgal. 750 gaUon $1
Special Demonstration
Thermatic FIRELESS Cookers
Housewares Dept., 3d Floor
Many housewives have solved the servant problem in the kitchen
b,y preparing every meal in a Thermatic Fireless Cooker. Food
comes out perfectly cooked as it could be done in no other way.
Even ices and frozen dessert may be made in a Thermatic. Come
in today and see our culinary expert prepare Baked Beans and
Steamed Brown Bread in a Thermatic Fireless Cooker. 3d Floor.
Basement Sale of TRIMMED HATS
$5.98 to $7.98 Values $
- K f to"-? i N
The Basement Milli
nery Store will hold an
other great $5 Sale of
Trimmed Hats Saturday.
Over 200 beautiful mod
els will go on sale at sav
ings well worthy of your
attention. There are
large hats, medium hats
and small hats. Flower trimmed hats
in great variety as well as a large
number of models trimmed with pon
pons, wreaths, ribbons and ornaments.
An especially good collection of smart
turbans. Hats of splendid $5.98,
$6.98 and $7.98 grades (gjr ff
priced special for Saturday 50.UU
Basement Millinery