13 THE JIOI'ALNG OREGON! AX. riUDAV, APRIL 3. 1920 BEAL ESTATK. fnborban Homes. WONDERFTL 2-ACRE HOME, At ale Grove, Z blocks to Oregon city car. This home is hlghiy improved with beautiful orchard, fine vineyard and every variety of berries in abundance: 7-room mod ern house with electricity, can, water, furnace, hardwood floors, garage with water n. beautiful grounds and very sightly. Price SKK: reasonable payment down. Mr. Knappenberg, Main ooO. A BEAUTY NEAR GLADSTONE. Modern 7-room bungalow with bath, furnace, cement basement, gas, electricity; beautiful ground, jaid out by landscape gardener, containing profusion of flowers and shrubs: garage; 400 ft. from Oregon Electric station; a delight ful home. Price $bO(M. $25(H cash, balance to suit. Mr. K nappe ti ter. Main ZZ. M cCPJLLIS OLE A VK LA D CO.. 322 to 32tt Henry Bids. WONDERFUL 2-ACRE HOME. 'At Oak Grove, 3 blocks to Ore (gon City car. This home is highly improved with beautitul orchard, fine vineyard and every variet y of berries in abundance; 7-ioom modern house with electricity, gas, water, furnace, hardwood floors; arage with water in; beautiful grounds and very vis hty. Price 1 H000; reasonable paj meat down, itr. Knappenberg. Main D30. "Modern T-room bungalow with, bath, turn ace, cement basement, gas, electricity : beautiful grounds, id id out by landscape gardener, eontaining profusion of flowers and shrubs: garage: 400 ft. from Oregon electric station: a delight ful home. Price $0500. $Jj'o raxh, balance to suit. Mr. Knap pen berg. Main McCT tUJS-CLKA VELAND CO., 322 to 3-tf Henry Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. NTS W M ODKRX BCN'U A LO W. HALF ACRE FRUIT AND BERRIES. $0700. Here, folks. Is one of those real good looking, exceptionally well-built bunga lows. Living room extends entire width of house, with large plate-glaes windows, hardwood floors, rirepla.ce. built-in bul let, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, ce ment basement and wash trays; nninhed in old ivory and white throughout. This is ideally located. Let us show you, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 261 Stark St., near Third. Alain 30t2. Branch Office 00th and Sandy. $3000 EASY TERMS. I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ' One block of river at Island Station. T i -cent tare. Wonderful view of the river, lots of bearing fruit trees and ber ri.?3. modern chicken house; wDout " acre, all fenced. rood 6-room house, city water, gas. lights, etc.; 3 bedroome: nice and neat and in line conditiou. It's an unusual buy ; investigate. KA8KR & RAINEV. S23-C Gasco Bidg. Main 7tjQ2. IDEAL SUBURBAN ACREAGE. rtS1! acres, right on the most rapid and dependable car line our of the city; le.ks than 30 min. from First and Al der; has well-built 8-room house and mobtly in cultivation ; in the midst of tmall acre homes, for which the un improved acres have sold within the last lew days as high as $2000. one acre; you will be surprised when we tell you how cheup this can be boughf. it's ideal for subdivision ; less than, one third the. acre. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bidg. . PARKP.OSF! HOME. Tf vou want an ideal suburban home located on main highway only 4 blocks from car line, this is it. 0-room bunga low, concrete foundation, with U base ment, gan, electricity and water, lo fruit treos, berries, garage and beautiful loca tion. Price onlv $;ioo: good terms. F. L. EDDY. . HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201 -7 Board of Trade Eldff. BEAUTIFY PORTLAND. ONE ACRE, located .lust south of "Beavcr-to-i. All unde cultivation. 20 bearing fruit trees, 3 rows of strawberries, rasp berries, blackberries. Modern 4 -room plas'e.ed bungalow, best of plumbing. Gas city water, electric lights. The rooms are exceptionally large. This is on the main road and close to depot, either Red Electric or Oregon Electric. Price 2S0O. on terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Gcrlinger Bldg. I or Male Business Property . CHOICE Vancouver busmesa corner, lot f4xl00. located corner 6th and Broad wsv. S-rcom house and large outbuild ings on pronertv ; would make sp.cndm garage. Owner on premises. Mrs. B. M aoutrkv, 113 E. Gth St., V ancouver. ay an!.. Phone Foil 5ALK A pood business corner, northwest corner E. 6th and E. Burnside. uso good corner lot. 17 E. Davis. Terms. Phone East 270. Owner. APARTMENT or lodge site. 100x100. 11th and Salmon. This is sure a bar gain. B 104. Orogonlan. For Sale Acreage. REAL PROPOSITTONON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. fi arres facing thi popular highway; lies just right ; l a If . under cultivation ; tome fine trees, all fenced: just 20 min ute' ride from heart of city, with pave ment all the way; Ideal spot for home, chicken or berry farm. Price $3500; let is show you. T.U3DDE M ANN COMPANY, iM3 Clinmber of Commerce. Main 60tii. ACRE TRACTS. Well -set tied neighborhood with good " ljomes; pressure water, convenient to flectriu sta. nd paved highway: in i - mile circle; splendid for chickens and t-uit: $H0O. $200 cash. bal. easy. 1,. P. LAMB, C. of C bldg. Mar. IPS... 10 ACRES, S under cultivation, 1 i acres nrchard; 4-room bungalow, fair outbuild ings, near car ; 13 miles from Portia nd ; non-e tools go with place. $3000, half a,h INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 1.429. J4S Stark St. TWO acres at Oak Grove, aU under culti--vatlau ; fruit, berries, cement walk to house. 6 -room modern house, iurnace. fireplace, hardwood floors. $8000; $2000 cath. long time on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 5420. 243 Stark St. 10 ACRES NEAR NEWBERG. . One of finest tracts in the valley, shot soil, fine for fruit or berries, all under cultivation, spring water, new 4-room bungalow. See owner. Price $3200. WALTER SCHULZE. 28 N. Second St. Phone Bdwy, 727. h ACRES WITH S-ROOM "HOUSE, $1030. 'JO minutes to station, fine soil, all in cultivation, 2 acres in. wheat, rest ready lor loganberries, and 2-roo.o. house, lot 50x130, 4 biks. from Orenco sta. : price $'120. See H. JEIB.'IANN. Orenco, Or. fcOOO ACRES in southwestern Washington for vale to settlers oniy; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing " location, terms, tc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE- 2 acres, all in fruit, bearing liM'harii 107 trees, all kinds small fruit; no house, good well. 1 miles east Lents on Gilbert road ; price iwni, terms. Phone Main 7S0S. or call 213 West Park. 3i ACRES, bargain. $1400; new house and f barn, fine soil. 3 acres In cult., running f water. 20 miles from Portland, near Scappoose : terms $300 cash. Also an other 20-acre p ace for $6O0. Garland. 201 3d. 3 1-3 ACRES in crop, fine soil, HO fruit trees, miles out. 11c fare, house of 3 room?, $1S00; reasonable terms. Owner, 720 E. Davis. 5 8 ACRES, fair buildings. 5 cultivated, $1300. $500 cash. long time 7 per cent. 141 East 69th st. North. Phone Tabor 7055. I'OR SALE 10 acres logged off land: small 2-room bouse, gravel road, m jniies from Gobel: $425. Address C 11. B . bbens. Rid g e f i eld. Wa sh. T1GARD ACREAGE. Only $323 per acre, hard road, c'.ose to station, easy terms. Prentiss, 610 Chamber of Commerce b'dg ACRE near Willamina. level, cleared fenced. 4-room house, barn; $1350. $150 cash. $li mo. J. R. Sharp, 83 3d at. ACRES, partly cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road: a good buy. John Bain 507 Spalding bldg. T ACRES FARM LAND. TOM ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E. HK5HLT Improved 10 acre, juat outside city limits. Tabor 2026. REAL ESTATE For tale -Acreage. $23 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY. "We bave about 23 one-acre tracts. a!l set out to apples, cherries, pears, plums, prunes, black raspberries and red rasp berries. These tracts are within one half mile of an lnterurban station and about 1 miJe from the 6c car line. They are in the yery highest state of culti vation and in perfect condition. The acre which has the gooseberries on it netted the owner last year nearly $300. The surroundings are good and the price, $1300 per acre, makes this an attractive proposition to the man desiring to get just, outsld f the dtv limits. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. , 16 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE $4500. Faces good road. 2 miles from 4th rt.. electric line and highway: land lies perfectly. 6 acres cleared, balance easily cleared; creek, family orchard: nice plastered house. 5 rooms and attic: ce ment basement, fireplace, etc., barn and good well. Price $4500; terms. $2000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. U'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. ON3 ACRE, at Oswego Heights, 3 blocks from Pacific hichway. on rocked road, 4 mile from Oswego station; 17 bearing fruit trees, some berries: good 3-room bungalow, cement basement, electrin lights, good fixtures; chicken house and runways; 1500 gallon tank for water system but not. connected: well and force pump. Price $1750, $1075 cash ; H acres adjoiui.ig can be leased ou ah ares. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. ARK YOU INTERESTED IN CRAN BERRY CULTURE? 10 acres of theJ V. . v n n t T "i -i a uuci ry due, imis 01 i-ons Beach, Wash., on the Sand Ridge road; good 5 -room house, nice garden spot, good well. Email packing house, 3 acres in bearing vines: will -be big crop this year. Price $45,000, $15,000 cash, bai anc e terms. C K. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2o75. Evening Wdln. 3435. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acres with good plastered house; 4 rooms downstairs, large attic, basement, etc. ; large barn and other outbuildings; gas; faces good road near Gilbert sta tion; all under cultivation : 2 lfc acres in berries. Price $5500, terms. Less for all ca?h. U'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. 14 ACRES, 10 MILES OUT. Located close to paved road, on dirt road. 14 mile from electric station ; TJ acres undirr cultivation, small creek, lot of fruit. 2 acres cl.erries, 4 acres apples, 300 rhubarb plints; fine red shot soil; 5-room cottage, milk house, store hous1, old barn. Price $3b00, with $1500 cash. Person all v inepet ted. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. YOU YYILI, BUT THIS. Nearly li acres, located south of Errol station, half mile from car, 6c fare; all under cultivation, except a small park; good 3-room cottage, small barn and Wiic ken -house, city watc-r, gas, eiec trie lights; graveled road; price $1750, $3oO cash. Happy, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 160 ACRES in Washington coantv. about 20 miles from Portland, about half suitable for cultivation or fruit land; about 2 million feet of timber, con-, siderabe portion of which is cedar. An excellent location for a cedar shingle mill. Owner non-resident and is forced to sell to raise money. Pries $1750, ali cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 27S7. FIVE acres, all in cultivation, located o miles from Oregon City, 14 mile from electric line, on good dirt roaa, mile from rock road now being paved ; good 6-room plastered house, cement foun dation, barn and chicken houses : 112 prune trees and large family orchard, all kinds smal 1 fruit and grapes; $4000. $ 1 600 cash, balance easy terms. Owner will call lor and show place by appoint ment. H. A. Lee. R. 3, Oregon Cltv. WHY WORRY AliOUT HIGH COST OF Ll ING ? 7 acros. all n cultivation, very best of soil, fenced, good well, on good road, c lose to school and stora. 3-rocm house, bam; 7 miles from courthouse in Port land. $3000. EDWIN JACOBSOV. 719 Spaidins Bldg. .Vein 5C?2. RIGHT AT G RES HAM. $4200 Extra choice 10 acres adjoining the city limits at Gresham, all in wheat and looking fine; large barn, potato cel lar, some fruit trees, on good road, juat a short walk from business center. See this quick if you want a bargain. Price 91200, easy terms. KH1DER ELKINGTON, GRESHAM. OR. iZO ACRES, no buildings, 15 acres natural Oregon growth trees, (balance slashed and cleared, aU fenced : springs and creek: natural site for trout pona; good soil, lies sightly; 35 minutes from Port land. 1k mile south Columbia highwav. 2 miles east of Park Hose. Will sell all or pa rt. This is some beauty spot. Call Tabor 9443, in the mornings. SIX-ROOM house, barn, l'i acis. $1S00; store building. 2 rms. above, barn. 1 a cres, $1 700; two-rm. shack, two acres, $1000; fruit, water, cultivated; also 1, 2. 3-acre tracts, $250 up; raiso potatoes, chickens, cow; close to United electric, school, highway, west side, near mfg. district; plenty work; easy terms. Owner, 319 Railway Exchange. Main 675, res. East 70S. 2-ACRE BARGAIN. $S-'V0. 2 acres with fruit and smalt house, bam. chicken house and yard. This place is all under cultivation and certainly a bargain at $'0; $550 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTEIt. I OWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. C acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre. LEU D DEM ANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 6S ACRES. 4 acres in cultivation. 4-room house. 100 fruit trees, assorted, spring water, a'l fenced with woven wir. 5 blocks to car line. 30 min. out, $3S00, $1000 cash, easy terms on balance. Se Mr. Fisher. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark. 3 ACRES. 7-room house, large barn, all kinds fruit and berries; house is modern, also fuli cement basement; right on 82d 6t-; will make close price for cash or take house ar first payment. ROOTS & MORRIN. Tabor 2259. 50 BEAUTIFUL acres, 4 mi. west of Olds & Kings, very choice to subdivide, easily worth $300 per acre, for quick sale $165 per acre. Owner. X 219, Ore gonian. Homesteads, Relinquishments. EX-SERVICE MEN. The best of the O. & C. railroad home steads will be taken in the first draw ing May 10, 190. You will do well to make your selection at once. There are 70 good farm tracts in the Portland di-strict. CIO in Roseburg, and 6 in the Vancouver district. I have been over much of the lands and will show them at a reasonable price. Maps of all parts of the state. Anderson Map Co.. 632 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 5360. 160 HOMESTEAD. 12 cleared, fine creek, house. 2 fine cows. 2 brood sows, 13 chickens, 3-year lease on adjoining ranch near Eugene, all for $9O0 cash if taken immeaiaieiy. owi coroeit oiag, 160 RELINQUISHMENT, 3-room house auto road, 6,000,000 timber, mill close HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale or trade; 1G0 acres. Call Sellwood 70, Mrs Miller. Fruit and Not Lands. FOR. SALE Prune and neach nrr-harri- small improved farms, acreage tracts ana resiaence property, a. l,. Robinson & Co., 122 E. Alder st.. Walla Walla Wash. APPLE orchard for sale: 20 acres 10 years Oia, J. Mi 1 iw irj:.i coun.y seat town. Ad dress Box 'J76. Dallas. Or. For 6ah -farms. 160 ACRES. 3 miles from Carlton: new 5 room bouse, barn; 75 acres in cultivation and in crop, balance in fine fir timber; on gravel road; stock, crop and, improve ments, all for $&500 cash. HESGARD. WITH COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S3 Fourth St. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL 20 Al.Kfc.Si u miies irom ancouver, all level and under cultivation; 5 acres in bearinc prunes; good livable house, ham and other buildings; good well, l miles from pavea nignway. 1 miie to K. R ; price $3600. terms. b33 East 30th st. S., Portland. 35 ACRES In Lane county. Oregon ; o0 acres beaverdam, 12 acre cleared; good full set of -farm buildings; 145 acres merchantable timber on logging creek ; price $23 per acre; terms: part exchange. Applv to owner between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M., 266 Jefferson st., Portland, Or. GOOD Poultry farm 3000 capacity; up-to-date. Must sell. Write owners. Cola xnaa ft Charters Spirit Lake. Idaho. BEAL ESTATE. For Kale -Farm. IT COSTS TOU LESS to buy a farm from us than from tn owner. Why spend your time in riding over the country when ? a-ve already done this for jou. Come dircctlv to our office snd state your wants. Our farm expert can place ou immediately upon the exnet farm you want, v e have hundreds of choice farms to select from and our vears of expe.-ience vil! save you time and money. Let ua be of service to you. It costs youfnothing. For appointment call Main S30- McCRlLLIS-CLEAVELANtV CO 32 to 326 Henry Bldg.. , SEE THIS TODAY. Pp.endid 80 acres with good buildings, water system and fine . orchard; extra good team. 9 choic cows, 5 bogs, chickens: one-half now in crop, balance pas ture. On rock road within 20 miles of Portland. Very rich clay loam, producing large crops. Com pletely equipped; $14,500, $9000 cash, balance to suit, 67o. Ms in 5K0. McCRILLIS-CLEkaVELAND CO. - CHOICE CLARKE COUNTY DIVERSI- xxtL.Lt XAkiii STOCKED. 161 acres of the very best loam soil, no rock or gravel, all tillable, no acres in high state of cultivation, most all seeded to crops, balance in open seeded down pasture; fine spring, 8 -room mod ern house, large dairy barn, garage, concrete root cellar, granary, potato house, new chicken house and park, large rilo. the best pressure water sys tem, water piped to all buildings; 2 a:res of assorted orchard; personal prop ory consists of 9 excellent dairv cows, 4 2-year old heifers, 4 yearling heifers. 3 extra good work horses, span of 4 3' ear-old colts. - tine brood sows, new binder, mower, rake, 2-horse cultivator, wagons1, hack. 'J harrows, disc. 3 piowa, new Da Laval separator, stump puller, platform scales and other things too numerous to men tion ; Ideal country home, overlooking a beautiful valley, ctose to fine trout stream and picnic grounds, in tenter of best improved farming district In Clarke county, only 2 miles from large general store, church, garage and high school : this farm wil I have to be seen to appreciate its value: only" 11 miles from Vancouver on good auto road; price $32,000. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. HALT! LOOK. 40 ACRES Convenient to Portland, on good road, to be hard-surfaced: close to school, church, store, community hall, rural route, telephone, etc.: all free loam soil, especially adapted to clover, grains, potatoes, berries, fruits, etc. : 39 l(s acres cultivated ; acre bearing orchard ; extra good build ings. consisting of 6-room frame house: double-wail fruit and veg etable room, woodhouse. steel windmill and tower, elevated tank: chicken house; also extra good large red barn well ar ranged with stalls, cow stanchions calf pens, grain rooms, la rge hay mow. e.c : barn well worth $2250; might take $3500 bungalow ; terms. An exceptional bar gain, as non-resident ow ner says sacri fice to $7500. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. ' ABSOLUTELY the best farming or oairy proposition in the Willamette alley; 380 acres river bottom land on Willamette river, located 29 miles from Portland on a crushed rock road, pa-tiy fronting the river; 250 acres in cultivation, the re mainder in oak and fir timber; beauti ful orchard, 2 acres in peaches and other fruits. This can be divided into 2 farms; good wells and springs, suitable fo- irrigation: clote to church and schools: fair set of buildings, new silo, hop dryer, big chicken bouse, house and fair barn: woven wire fenced and cross fenced ; partly in crop now ; soil sandy and black loam, not an acre of poor land. The owner must sacrifice this wonderful farm at a price far below its actual value; S3 an acre -takes this place. Turner ft Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce. THREE MILES FROM OREGON CITT- 33 acres, located on a good road and clone to electric station; 34 acres of finest land in the state of Oregon. 24 acres under cultivation and in crop, 1 1 acres pasture, family orchard, good fences, spring .snd creek; good 6-room house, barn 36x48, chicken house 16x36; one mile to school. With this place goes 3 horses, 4 cows, 1 yearling, 26 chick ens and a complete line of machinery, crops and tools. If you want a well located, productive place, all ready to move onto, you will buy this small farm. Perfionallv Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. BIG BARGAIN NEAR GRESHAM. WELL IMPROVED 3K-ACRE FARM. With stock. rop and equipment: well located on good road, a little cast of Gresham; good house with full concrete basement, fine large barn, good chicken house, etc. : family orchard, berries, English walnuts, good water system, plenty of timber for home use. Price $8800. with farm team, Rood milch cow, chickens, harness, wagon, hay rack, har row, plows, cultivator, disc, mowing ma chine, hay rake, garden seeder and email tools. KRIDER JL- ELK I NGTON, GRESHAM. OR. 1276 ACftES. on Shutr flats, Gilliam . county. miles from elevntor. 1 - miies south of Arlington; l!0O acres under plow, 400 acres now in crop : 4." h.-p. Hoit caterpillar engin'e and full equip ment; 5-room hou.e, barn, all fenced; farming all done by machinery. Price . $40 per acre. Place row pays 7 Fr cent asked in rent. This is your last chance ' on the flats at this figure. HESGA RD, COE A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth St. 30 ACRES, located on the main highway. 2 miles west of F.stacada. Oregon ; 25 cres can be cultivated: 20 acirea under motivation : rood soil : one spring and well; 4-room house, good large barn 30xJ 40: rural route. j ms place is on me mad that Is being paved. Price I3500. $500 cash: or will exchange for house on l lie WPSl Binpc Ml l I. . v i - sonallv inspected by Mishler. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. MR. FARM BUYER, If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to e me before buying. I can tave you money. I have some 30O fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and It costs you nothing. See or writs to ma. A. G. "BENDER, BITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. EAST OF OREGON CITY. 50 acres, loca i ed 8 miles from the electric depot of F-eaver creek; 30 acres under high state of cultivation; 15 acres of timber. Good soil, free from rock or gravel. Good 7-room frame house, 'nam, chicken house, half acre of fruit, good spring on the dace. Well at the house. Price $3000; $550 cash. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. WE HAVE a nice 7 U -acre, just south of Reed v ill e, 4Vi acres in cultivation. 1 acre in fruit: some timber: beet of soil; 6 roora house, chicken house, and if you art quick you can get this for $1900, $600 cash, balance $10 per month. HESGARD. WITH COE A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth St. I HAVE had placed in my hands for sale by non-resident owner a 301 -acre farm about miles from Wilsonvilie, front ing on Willamette river. No buildings worth mentioning, about SO acres cleared Have been instructed to sell this prop erty. Can be oought for considerably less than $100 an acre. Will do business with bayers only: no agents. Joe J. YAKIMA VALLEY 20 acres. close to town: 8 acres bearing orchard, bal ance corn, alfalfa, plenty water; 6-room house, barn, outbuildings; price $5500; $1500 cash, balance 7 yean, 6 per cent this is a rare bargain and will not last long; act quick; call for new booklet. mo Slllnir hlri- AS GOOD if not the best bur in Yamhill county. Listen A farm of -SO acres. K in cultivation but 8 acres and all in crop, good buildings, house modern, beautifully located. Only $133 per acre. C. D. THORNTON. Amity; Oregon. $75 DOWN ON BKU ACRES. Close to sta., store and school: good soil; work near by. Price $950; $73 down; 5 years time on balance. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. A GREAT bargain. 385-acre dairy and stock ranch with good outside r no- One mile from tf. P. depot, at $150 per acre. Terms easy. L. F. Crouch, Can- ary. kjt. ACRES. 17 miles south, near station 1000 walnut and fruit trees, some bear ing; 200 sacks spuds to acre: buildings, wood and springs; $b300, terms. Aul a 13-0 6. STOCK or dairy ranch for tale. 1090 acres 4 miles from ocean. $32.50 per acre, with Hereford cattle, sheep, horses and hogs Owner O. Doweil, Florence. Or. ' CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms tor pale, all sizes. McFarland. 209 Failing bldg. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley larms. Paul Rcssier. Stockton. Cal. RIAL ESTATE. Fr Sale Farm. J3,PBOVED "WHEAT FARM. S0O ACRJiS I.V WINTER WHJSAT AU CROP Tt BITER. 1500 acre. In .11: lie. well; .11 oper y. : very productive; a,l in cultivation; exceptionally jood .hot On cood roada. 5 mile, to town and R. R. station. Improvements high c!aa; T-room ,Jiouae. large barn. S large machine eneda; good drilled well. incxhauntibl9 upply at pure water, equipped with pumpinjr outfit and atorage reservoir. Possession will be jriven at one. Wheat never looked better. 41J itoard of Trade Bids.. Portland Or Price 45 per acre. Term.. S.-0.UO0 eah. v itn easy terras on deterred pay ments. MielN.NES A PRATT. 5-ACRE FAR M. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. o acres in cultivation, nearlv all in crops, wheat, oats. hay. etc.: 3 acres or fine beaverdam for corn or truck growing-: good 6-room house. 2 good barns, large silo, chicken house and other out buildings; U good milch cows; Income -lK per mo.; a calves. JO hos. - good work horses. J(X chickens and a stands of bees. All farming implements, wagon, surrey, buggy, all garden tools, milk cans and pails, etc. About 6 tons hay. ensilage, whar, otts and seed potatoes. This is J2 miles from Portland. In Tuala tin valley. 3 miles from paved highway on good road; has milk route, mail everv 2?)', 1 mile trom li. R. station. Price J14.000. Terms. Pee Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE l.NVESTMKNT CO.. Man hu 41 Henry Blcg. 6S ACRES. In the best fruit belt In Che halem valley. 34 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in young prunes. -2 acres in oats. . balance Is oak and pasture land a lot of ihN can be cultivated; good tt-room house, 'barn, workhouse, granary: R. y. I., milk and cream route: on good gravel road, and will be close to the new Newberg and Yamhill highway! mile from school; the personal consists of 2 cows, some younc stock, come imple ments and crop. 1 feel that this place is offered very reasonable and will make someone a good home: there are 5 towns within a radius of 4 to 7 miles;prlce row is 80Oo, cash, good terms. Hes gard. with. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. SJ Fourth St. MLST SELL. S0-acre farm, p.ar Portland, on Kood rock road, near school, in fine fanning district, splendid soil, no rock: running mater, good 7-room house, large barn and other outbuildings; 40 acres in crop, bal. pasture and some timber. A good place and a good l.uv. Can be sold on terms. Price 120 per acre. KDWIN JACOBSCN". 71 Spalding Bldg. Main S6S2. OS ACRES 70 acres in cultivation large dairy barn. 2 silos, good 7-room houe; also a 5-room house; mostly all seeded 1 mile from United Railway; close to church and school, 15 miles to Portland well drained, very best soil in Washing ton county, on Liberty road. per acre, with terms. For further informa tion call at 16S North 21st St.. or at Terminal Garage, southeast corner Fifth and Hot sts.. city. 40 ACRE?. i In cultivation, only 5 miles wicgtm t-iiy; ncnoois adjoining, fine buildings: pressure water system: R. F. L).. telephone, milk and crtfam route. We can take in some trade on this. Price $12,500. HESGARD. WITH COE A. MrKKNNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. LOGGED-OFF lands, S10 acre up: running water; good soil, hi tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. S3 V. 3d at. WANTED REAL KKTATK. OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' Worth of Homes Sold SINCE JANUARY 1. 1020. BY FRANK L. McGUTRE. LAIKiEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. You want results ? TRY OUR LIVE. EFFICIENT method of HOME SELLING I no charges except the standard broker age and .". per cent l-n the event of a SATISFACTORY SALE). Ou record: 8G! Homes sold during 1919. " ' ",'Jllis Koli lu une iay. March 9. 112 Homes sold In March. 1920. wSI Homes sold since January 1. 1f20 We personally Inspect arid PHOTO GRAPH every house IlBted. WE DIS J'ViX PHOTOGRAPHS In our LARGE SHOWROOMS. WHICH ARE -ONTIM;aU,Y THRONGED WITH f'A"T HOME.-RUTERS. Your home In SOLD IF LI.iTKU WITH US We need IT TODAY. If you cartnot ' come down, telephone us and we'll Kladlv call vr.''T-enfnJed?air,,m'n- wl,n "" to home" sale of YJLR FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Tour Home. Ablnfrton Bldg. Main lr4 Deal With an Old. RELIABLE Firm i? "re "nstant!y turning away buyers for improved 211 to ..-acie farms which can be bandied for small payment down. List yours r'Uus no' '""t m can teit it TODAY. Larger larms are mov ing rapidly. Write or phono us to day If you wish to sell. McCniLLIS-CLEA VF.LAND CO., 322 to :I2 Henry Bldg. Main OoO. I MAKE A SPECIAI.TT OF SELLING HIGH-CLASS HUM KM FROM StiuuO UP. LAURELHLRST. 1 RV I NGTON. A LA-Mi;PA.',-MT- TABOR AND THE HB.1GHTS. IF YOU HAVE A HOME 1-OR ALE. ONE WORTH THE PRICE A.?RIPTION NE R MA'L FULL Dfc;' POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BI.DO. MAIN 18DO. RESIDENCE 271-20. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me. 1 sell houses only, and have many buvers. All listings wUI be glvea proper attention. WATCH OUR A DS W B GET RES ULT3. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER LoWC & CO. 801-3-5-7 Board ot Trade B1J. "i-VS, AJIBNT VOn STRICTLY MOD ERN HOME: MUST HAVE AT LEAST HVk, BEDROOMS BESIDES M AID'S XyA.R-T,fc:KS THE PARTY HAS THE MO.NLi. WILLING TO PAY FOR A tpPcaJId"1- BE WORT" I'OINDEXTKR, SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE JTi-aQ. HOMES WANTED. " Ws have a list of prospective pur chasers watting who want homes rang ing from $3000 to 16000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. ' COB A. McKENNA A CO. 92 Fourth St. Main 4322. WANT 5 to 10-ac-e place with building- near car line and rood road. Price must be reasonable. EDWIX JACOBSOV. 718 Spalding Bldg. - Main S642. HOUSES WANTED. " have added a house department and are pleased to have your pronertv if U is tor sale. JOHN FERGUSON. Cier Itnffer bids;. PRIVATE party wants a modern 6 or 7 room house or bungalow; lot 300x100 preferred; will pay cah If baig-ain: no agents. P 219. Oregtmian. WANT at once a four or five-room modern house, not over $J0O0, any good district $500 down,- balance monthiv payment Main 4192. 30S MeKav bldr. HAV E client with cash for suou-ban horn. 2 to 10 acres. Interstate Land Co.. "43 Wash, st. Main S4i!. HAVE $j00 to pay on 5 or 6-room house in .St. Johns or Portsmouth, o 17 Oreffonian. WANT 4 or 3-room modern buncalow tose In. Main 5429. WANTED Bargains in farms and acre age. Claude Cole. 2L Lumbermens bldg. Farm Wanted. FARM want-jd up to $:.0.OO0; must be equipped and a money-maker; hav; one 0-room and one 7-room modern house and lots and J family- flat property, all good income, bearing. VH1 ajtve as first payment. Write full --scrtption to L Thompson, 4312 46th st. 8. E. Wanted ta Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. X hare a client from the east with the cash. Will purchase personal property find craps and rent your farm. If you want to dispose of your equipment and rent the fa.n. write- me at once. I will send my client rignt out. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. WANT to hear fro.n parties with smal. mill, about 10.OOO can. Will buy Ieas or contract. Have timber and musV hsve mill at once. P Oregon ian. WANT party with sniall portable mil! to cut by t housaud ; fine chance. is" 1 6tf, Origoalao- TIMBEK laANDS. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 150 acres with to 7 million feet of fir timber that iil make excellent farm land hn -lard : sawmill and outfit for saw in g ::,', 0oo feet daily; good eel of buildings; more timber land available. Le: us show you this propertv. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITIES CO., -II Railway Exchange Bldg. oJ0 ACRES SAW TIMBER. On west sid. S. P. electric, half mile from side tract, for a good sawmill deal !we DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. FOR RENT-FARMS. tOR RENT 04-acre dwiry end hog ranch located 32 miles S. W. of Portland, on highway and electric R. R.; good 9 room houft. built for 2 families: barn. 60x60. good new silo and all kinds of outbuildings, goof, family orchard of ap ples, pears, cherries: good water system piped to house and barn. The place is fenced off In fields with running water In almost all for mock ; most of the croo was put In last fall and part of the ground plowed tar the spring crops Will rent the place for $700 cash rent if . the party will pav for the growing grain and plowing that Is done. The place la alt equipped with 10 good cows that are bringing an Income of over 9'00 per month; a fso 2 good teams and all kinds of farming tools, hay In barn, plenty of seed oats, everything to do business. If ou have the cm!. don't wait to write if you want a aoed place, but phone 5J5 Gaston, or come out and see what I have cot. Take . P. car that runs to McMinnvllle. get off at Gaston and go one mile sOuth to in; place. W. A. tood man. Gaston, Or. TEN ACRES Section Line road; ho us, barn. 171 3d st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARM TRADES WORTH LOOK ING IP. A1 acre, fine loam soil, alt cul tivated; good orchard; to-room house,' barn, chicken house, wood shed and tool house. 2 horses, waton, harness, oats and potatoes; half mile to R. It. station, high school and town: pa ed high way to Portland. Price $2Suo. half trade. No. 222-3. 10-acre prune orchard. 1 mile from Yamhill; trees 3 years old, all Italian prunes ; on county road ; near high school and good .tow n on electric R. R. Price 2J."0. Owner will trade for lo to i0 acres. Improved, at $:i000. No. 20 J-3. 47 acres near Etna, Wsh., all good sandy loam soil; 5 acres cul tivated; acre orchard ; -room house, barn and outbuildings : mile to school and store; on county road; price fT."o, terms, or trade for house and lot in Portland. No. 115-3. ri acres near United R. R. and Linnton ; all good level land ; acre bearing orchard: also lozan beris. currants, raspberries; Rood spring; small M-room house: chirk en house and other bldgs.; Im proved road, " blocks to s-hnol and Ft. R. station : price $:;h0; .".00 rtow n or w ill trade for house and lot in Portland. No. 179-3. S2 acres in Tamnill county. 4. acres of tillable land; a-tes cul tivated; 3 springs; on county road, ha if mile to school and church : will sell for $o04iO; $00(1 down or trade for house and lot in Port land. No. 17S-3. 30-acar farm near Iwnald, on Oregon Electric; 2. acres are ti!l avle; 10 acres cultivated: 20 acres pasture; all good valley loam soil; ori-nara with a'l kinds of fruit: 3 room house, ba rn. chicken house, hog house and wagon shed; 2 horses. 1 cow. calf, ii hogs. 38 chickens. wacotv and harncfi; piows. cultivators and other too. a. Near school and church. Prie S:Wtt0: SI 0O0 down or will trade even for city home in Portland or Corvaliis. No. 229-0. 29-acie fruit ranch, near Med ford to trade for a house and lot in Portland: has 10 acres Newtown Pippin apples; 4 acres apricots; 2 acres Hartlett pears; 1 acre win ter Nellies; 5 acres grain; 7 acres pasture; new 4-room bungalow; good welt, barn and other bid us. Will sell for $40O(. f IlKiti down or trade for house and lot to SJ0O.. No. 225-0. RALPH ACK LET. 027 Corbcit Bldg. EXCHANGES. We can handle your- properties, farms for city oropcrtv of all kinds and a pm rt ment houses, bouses. etc.. lor other properties. Hee MR. KPTOX. J. ROB BINS. HOT Railway Exchange. Main 7031. lb ; ACRES nar Crexm el. : 00 acres meadow-, balance pnsturt;; cond 0-roin huns;a!ow, runn'ng water, vaiii' d $in mho, or tiad for city propertv ; in assume. INTERSTATE LAND CO. M i n0 4 2!. 2 I SS tal k Pt. PROPERTY OWNERS. ATTENTION. If you have a house or lot, small screage or farm that ou wibh to e! or exchange, see IV per A Richards at 50H Buchanan bid g . We a re h ut 1 c rs. 0-ROOM modern home. lot lOOx 1 00; f rae of all Incumbrances; In Yancou er. Wash., to exchange for Portland horns "Will pay cash difference if worth It See BROWN A B1UDLE. 324 Railway Exchange. Marshall 3331. NEBRASKA Income for Willamette valley farm or ranch ; vi hie S20.O00. encum brance $rS0O; prent Income S173 per month : will pay S200 to 30O by per sonal attention. Want farm for equity. Guy MGreen. College View, Nebraska. I WANT good farm between Portland and Salem up to $;0,C00. as part pa mnt on business corner on one of bet Kiectn In Portland; my property should net you at least S1QOQ per month. T 23A. Orcgontan. HAVE CLIENT who will trade city 'resi dence worth $:;om for a small fa rm worth JOono to $rtOX and aosuino; f.rm mun be under cultivation, li. J. rrters,l. 1200 Wilcox bldg. Main 0416. East 0S00. EXCEPTIONAL Beautiful lO acres! H -j commercial orchard. Rood buildings, near Eugene ; give even for resudcoe worth f 4O00. Owner, 141 Eaet too-ili N. Tabor 7000. TRACT of 30 fine bldg. lots, S. E. cor. 43d and Division; will sell or exchanse. Owner, .1. H. McMahon. 2t0 East 43d Tabor 5361. TO EXCHANGE Improved 60 a. clove to Eugene on paved highway; would con sider two Ford trucks or two light tour tng cars, bal. cash. Box 42 Goshen. Or. FOR SALE or will trade ror tarm or city property, two W sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7.000,000 feet. Address Hotel Osborn, Eugene, Or. BRICK STORE bldg.. good town, near Portland, S38.000; leased. Will accept farm in valley to $ 17,000. 323 Ry. Ex change bldg. PORTLAND improved property to trade for Tacoma or Seattle residence. Owner. AV 708. Oregonian. 6-ROOM house on East Broad w ay. near 10th: will accept smaller house to S1OO0. 323 Ry. Exchange bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, nice lot in Van couver. B. . G 210. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOl'S. WANTED 2 refrigerators, will exchange groceries for one large and one small one. W 161, Oregonian . GUITAR, mandolin, wheel hoe and gas heater to exchange for fl re less cooker or tent. F 104. Oregonian. FOR BALK. Horses, Vehicles, ! Ve4ock. NEARLY new set double work hj-rnc-j with col la it, hames. bridles comolete, S00; worm $100. Call isS E. 7tn North, cor. E. Flanders. SADDLE HORSE Well-bred blue roan, weight llOO lbs.. Aery gentle, good Lfc. sound. 5 years old. See Ward, foot of Taylor st. dock. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats CampbeM-Phelan Land sc. Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg. S20 PONT, aound and rides or drives; also lJOO-lb. horse, good worker. S40. 327 Front st. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. p o rtland Rendering Co.. Wood lawn 20. FRESH young Hoist eln cow, big milker, for sale cheap. Main 7618. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. TWO fresh Durham heifers with calves FOR SALE Light team of mares, harness and wagon. 17Q E. K illingswori h ave. N. FINE 4-yeroId Holstein dairy cow, heavy milker 1026 Portsmouth ave. PIGS for sale. O. Wr, ton. Oregon. R No. Hergert. Beaver- WANTED -Beet cattle and vea Tabor 7039. FOB SALE. H orses. V eh iv lea. LA ea lev k. BARGAINS in horses, harness, wagons. 13 head of good serviceable mares ana s:eia InRp. weighing from 1100 to 16"0 lb.. acs 5 to 8 cars; priced from SOO uo. This stock Is juKt out of work and gram fed. Have a few nice single workers as well as i-eve-al matched teams amonr them. Will hitfh any horse for. vou and guarantee them as we represent mem. S t.ets double harness. 4 farm w aiton 3 buggies. If nsed any thing in this line it will ray you to se.s this stock at stable. 23 Russell a;.. near Williams ave. car. DAIRYM EN ATTENTION T 20 head milc'.i cows for sale. 12 fresh, a'l si nee M a re h 10; 4 co m i n g fresh i n July. 2 in June. 2 in 10 das; want to s-ll aU together. Selling wn account of ab'trtasje oi pasture; sell cheap; terms, ti montns. bankable pa pet ; all tested, first-class shape. Phone A 1 7 Wood land. Wash., or write AV G.'O. Oregoninn. FOR Immediate sale, my good young work teams of horses and mares, also two good span of young mu.es. Tnls stock -an be seen w orking. Call at Cochran barn, 401 Syracuse st.. St. Joins. 12 HEAD eastern Oregon marea ana horse., weighing iooo to 1 .". lbs.: gentie sut.e workers, mated teams, aaddtera. Stables foot of Taylor st. tdock. WANTED To buy some Holstein or Dur ham cows; give price and particulars in first letter. I'eorge Buhcb, route L phone 5 F 21, Oregon City. 1 1 To BUYS medium weight tam. mara nd horse, broke to farm work: nearly ctv, - complete hames. Marion Fuel Co., joi of la!or st. tdocki. BIG. gentle Belgian mare, very Heavy ir. foal ; have no p's ce to care tor .er; wi.l sell cheap. Woodyard foot or Tay lor su (dock i. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phoas Milwaukie C9-J for results. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. PIANO SALE. Every used piano has positively beea reduced to a price you cannot compare. BAILEY, mshogany case.. $24 S DUNHAM, plain mahogany -0 HOMER, oak case - IRVING, oak case 40 SMITH AND BARNBS. mahogany case 275 MANSFELDT. walnut case 1 SINGER, plain mahogany JENNINGS Ac SON old style b0 UNIVERSAL bungalow player with roils and bench 410 Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 120 4th , bet. Wsah i n gton and Aider. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $475 Kimball Upright, nearlv new.. $210 700 Steinway & Son Upright 20 tH Steger c Sons line mahogany. 3'.0 470 Haliet & Davis Upright l"o 270 Bord & Co. Paris Upright 75 I'oOCollard & Collard Upright.... bo bOU Mendenhall Modern Player Piano . . ; 395 3 Parlor Organs, $20. $J5. $45 to S05. W e i to re your piano tor 7 0c monthiv. We buv and hell pianos onlv for cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 103 10th SU ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New, tactorv. rebui It and used plano. $?uo Steger Wax Circassian Walnut. $05 HK Steger dull mahogany 460 KO0 Steger Mission oak 430 7.i0 Steinw ay Sons' Upright 430 Mo Hobart M. Cable manogany.. 215 tt.'.O Steger upright grand oa. 460 50O Steger upright grand oak 465 600 Thompson large Upright 303 Others for 110. $2 JO. $260. $290. etc Terms $6. $. $10. $12 to $18 monthly. SCH WAN PIANO CO., HUh &. Stark StS. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. 200 New VICTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; beat prop osition. Main 8086. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 120 4lh St. EXPERT plser piano tuning, repairing. Work, guaranteed. V. Krema r, 2.4 Mf r kct. Main 0O12. Own shop: pay casu for pianos, phonographs, record, ex change musical instrument?. Minn 6"12. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records; out proposition will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 120 4th at. Main t0e6. ORGAN SALE. $20 snd up. Mason -Hamlin, Weaver, Eotey, Hcckwith and others. Seibcrling Lucas Music Co., 120 4th si., bet. Waao ington and Alder. WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAIN. $070 genuine Hazeltun Bros.' piano, with $20 manoza ny bench, only $220 , $."0 dow n. $10 mo. The best piano oar- ain in t ortiana. i z Worcester oiag. WM. RAAB, piano tuner, player-piano ex pert, many years lorcman Sherman -Clay 4i Co. with Harold S. Gilbert, 3t4 Yam hill at. Phone Automatic 632-M. PIANO WANTED. Tay cash; got our pries. Seiberling-Lu-ca Music Co., 120 4th t. Main 8086. CABLE piano, plain polished mahogany; sell ceap: owner moved to Calii orma. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED IMano, at once: ran b old, for country , cash. Main 3864 before 0 30 P. M $6-M GENUINE Kingsbury piano, plain mahogan . only $230 with bench; almost like new; term. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Cabinet gratonola. nsw music. Umpire Transfer. 04 jtiroadway. Hromiway BEACTIFUL Wellington piano for . a I most new. 1 120 ogden. East more I and d lr.t rirt. $irtO GENUINE Kimball only $i70; bw eet tone: $00 uown, $12.00 mo. 012 r-c-cier Dldg. WANTED Nire loned iano; pay cash ii reaoi.abte brga in. Mar. 0 ';. I70 BUYS $0O piano, nice mahogany cue ; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WILL store piano for jf sa iu. bast eJi. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c pr roll Harold S. Gilbert. 3 Yamhill. East b2di 1 PAY CASH FOR USED PIAN(S HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhii: St. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 04 YAMHILL. FOR SALE Small Royal piano. Good as new. 114 K. Main. WILL store pl"no for use? best care; no chilnren. Tabor C40. FOR SALE Piano-accord ion. $ J00. Eat 061. $(iiH PEERLV:SS band organ for sale; ea.-y terms 204 Market Furniture for Kale, LOOK O V E R T U K FO L LOW I N O lit of elighCy used rou nd dining tablc; etery one Is up to date and practically like new : 04-inch in solid quarter-saw ed oak. In early English finish. $30. So'ld oak Jacobean table, 8-1 out extension, $37 Ou. 4S-tnch fliiHh-rim quartered oak, wax flnmh. $:s.0t 40-inch solid cm k tab. $24.90. 43-Inch solid oak tabie for $ll. 0. Square extension tables from S4 10 to $12.00. Kasv terms. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-1U0 First st. 30 SINGLE iron beds witn spr.ng and mattrc5S. complete st the extremely low price of $S.0O. Call early and aecure these. Also 20? ma p wood frtldin g chai rs In fine condition at very low price. Term If desired KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 First St. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to Ca lit orma: we can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer fc Storage Co., 248 Pine at. FURNITURE for sale; flat for rent: lady leaving city and w;t set flat, complete ly and nicely furnished, ready for house keeping: west side, walking distance. Main 1U20. SPECI A L on rugs We have e crai rugs 0x12 and smaller that must be sold at once. 31 N. 0th, near Burnside. Bdwy. 273'.. Ueedoifiee furniture. DUOFOLD davenport, nearly new; cost $S4. sell for $."i. or trade for Knc. Rrit tanica or overstuffed chair. 720 Vaughn. CHARTER-OAK good range. 6 holes, warming oven, water mil; excellent con d it ion. PhoneEast400taf ler 0:30. FOR SALE Small M osier safe. 12 book case section. 1 library table, 2 chairs 4O0 McC'ay bldg. DINING set of colonial gold'i oak. wax flr.icb ; table, buffet and 4 chairs; look new. Call East 0746. FOR SALE Majestic range and w oJ heater in good condition. 60 Umatii.a iv e. FURNITURE for sale. privut residence, rugs, gas range, chairs, beds, etc: no dealers. 441 3d st. M ain 402 8. FOR SALE ft rooms furniture. Broadway RANGES and water heaters moved free: connections a specialty. Tabor 2307. 0 ROOMS line furniture, fine location; $300, trade for auto. 302 3d st. FOR S A LIS Living room furniture. Call at 408 EOlst at. N. or Tabor 0J0. ELEGANT mahogany library tab and mirror for ea'.e. 646 E. Ash. near lath. WOOD RANGE, price $20. 1411 K. Burn side. Tabor 2404. OrioJe. $4. MA HOG ANY dresser. 2 chairs and other furn it ure. Ma in 343. 372 Bros a way. Poultry. TA N" R E r W HI T e'lkGHORN ITing hens.. $1.70 each: incubators, hatch. ng eggs. Tabor iS FOB SALE, jToultry. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hna. the world's greatest layers. Eggs from frre-ranpe Hnginized stock enly; March chicks. $14 per 100; April, Miv and June. 12 per 10. OAK HILL HATCHERY. PetshlTs. BABY CHICKS. 3000 a week: O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; ge; the bet whi;e the gctung good Fjtr; $1 00 a sorting. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. S2d st. and 74th ae. S. E. Tubor 3107. PET ALU MA "White Leghorns lead t h world In egg production; we sell BABY CH1X at $13 00 per lOO during May and June, tate amal of fuii count, Mront, lte chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 6th t.. Fetaluma. Cal. BABY nih'KS. PROM PT DELI V KKI l-S on Tjfghorns. Reds and Rocks; best stock ; prices reason a ble. rite today, i N. Need bam. S lem. Or. LARGEST kind S. C. Black Minorca exes, 1st pen $2. 2d S1.00 fr 10. Fine lay ers. Mrs. F. Jk. Neabauer, Gresham, Oregon. HO WHITE LEGHORN chickens. :a in. Oregon City ar line. Kverjr,n station. t:iatkes. cat field road. I'hone Oak drove 101. R. I. SETTING EGGS from my prize Ho ganized stock. jK.iott strain, April. Mar, J une. special $:;.0t. Dick Lapoca. S. Urcton City. R. F. D. Rt 1. CHOICE At red a puppies. $20 up. Bush Farm. Lents. Or., fe 1 7. R. N. Lents. Automatic 4322. DAY-OLD chicks, ready lor delivery. Trap nested stock. ll labor 72. WHITE LEGHORN and S. S. HsmbirK pu'lts. Tabor 60. 6'.4S S?4:h sr. S. K. FINE O. A. C. White I.fghoro cocKerei tr sale. $1. Phcne aiM-00 log. Rabbits. Birds. Tet Mwk. ON E pa:r thorous hbred Engiu-h sheep dogs, male and female, not reiated; a so three 3 months old puppies. Address box 2S:, route 1. Milwaukie. Oregon. Phone oak. Grove 1G-J- Call nuon or evenings. WILD animals wanted: cub bears espe cially; water spaniel pups for aa.e: ma.es $2". females $10: express prepaid to you. Address Thomas Siegtnund, box 70, Wa!!ow a. Or. WANTED Two male fox or rat terr.ers from one to two ears old. Jake Meier. GaMon, Or., care Merrick LumDer Co. r LEM ISH Giant rabbits, first-class pedi greed stock: can be seen at 200 E. 40th st. Phone Tabor 032 w. Launches and Boat. OEAN trolicr with ears of experience wishes partner to buy ha if intvrot in boat "Spray." Can be seen at Oregon Cltv Or. $1600 cmti. E 106. Oregonian. WILL buy a heavy-duty launch, 30 H. P.; Rie particulars, alto price; or enstne a one or hull: must be reasonable. Box 6M. St. Helens. Or. FOR SALE Trolling boat, cedar hull, oak ribs, 80-ft. long. 8-toot beam. 14-h. p. engine; built li19. J. R. Embed., Port Columbia, Wash. T ROLLING boat for sa'.e. 57-10 1C04 Lombard St.. St. Johns. Machinery AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TV Of STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing tor the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO.. Br )adway 33uo. 329 Couch st. ONE 10x12 compound scared Tacoma en gine In f irst-cla a torditim. looal-d nrar li Center, Wash. I ru e wtt U "led and r ik Ring, pre sen lecation, $:;2o. Thcil Bros.. Ridgeii'M. Wah. NEW TRACTOR. Will handle 3 14-inch plows, 24-inch separator. Pri--e $ 1 Addrei?s J. F. Matthews, 182 East 14th st reel, Portland. Or. PA LM EU en cine. 8- H. P.. h" y d ut . wltn mod. B Gis S''ar and 22x24 wheel and coil; $IS0. SSO Powell st. Kuh. FOR SALE New 3-H. P. ga.ohne engine with magneto at a d. scour. t. 2i3 Eat Morriaonfct. HOISTING engines for rent or sa!, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 00 1st st. Tj pe writers. R EBU1 LT ly p? writer, all kind fnr sa . e, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $0O com plete with carrying case; supplies fur ali makes. E W. PEASE COMPANY. HO Sixth st. Matn 22. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SKR'f ICE. AH makes overhud. Exnerf tnchantcs. REPAIR ESTIMATES U.N R Kyi' EST. Buy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Msin (.397. Sjppl!s. 2.33 k rt. GUARANTKKD tactory rebuilt tpewriters, ALL MAKES, t.old on monthly pa rr.ents. Snd for price ti.-t. The Wholesale Tj pe w ritei Co., 321 Washington st. 1SIBLE machines, years cuarsntee. $20 The Rebuilt Tpewriter .o., 3' 14 Oak tt. ALL makes rented and re pa i red. Oregon T pew nter Co.. 04 Mh. Main 3iH. NEW. rebuilt, 'cond hand rent a 1 at cut rate?. P. D. Co . 201 Stark. Main 14"7. M ,ft-etianemis. REED A LEE EX "II A NG E. 3:4 E. HilPiiside sf. at Cran1 '. Open frum 6 A. M. I" 12 1. M. I'ii one Ea?t 6J07. FOR S I.E. 1010 2-speed iMMim moirrv'-Ie tandem, with side car. uhiM. lishts. god tlrc. t'ap Williariis. 1 101 E. 27th tt. N. oo.llaw n 271 4. Two-Inn Pey truck, nrds re pair, fall and ee it; only li.ilf a block f rem hn e. Would cun aider a Ford In trade. Two-hor.-e in 1 1 U wajon. honk-ki-cpi'r dnk. t pew rite-"s ark, No. 0 Underwood t lw rlt rsr. one curved and two uprignt glas Show t ases. Lighting plant 1-K W.. r.2-v t lighting plant and battel y com pie.e; price $00o, regular pru e $'i7". Would trade lor aut.o ot .me vilue. s1'' M r. Roadman, 4 4't Eat Burn.-tuc. I'hone hunt eii. 111 4 M'rkrv tmukn motorcyce. CL'STOMKII WANTS 101f bo'Ice roadster, sma'l ra.-h register. jclws showcase about feet Ion c. bu - -Ie. METAL PLA'IING WORKS Opportunll v for an expert mrt! plater w I th $.".i0 to purchdf ha f int ercst in a cin C bu.fi ne-s. 1 : ou ever expect to have a itus; ncss of your own. tnis in we. I worh looking Into AGENTS WANTED for towns and citir.w oiit.iie f Portland. Must be lot al leM'ient. alert and furnish referen.-s. r on' t write. 4 a 1 1 at the Exchange when text in Portland. FOR S ALE One living room su.te. one dining room buile. two bedroom ;uUr: on terms; 13 laying R. I. R. hens, one rooster; also garden tools. Call 4 40 M 1 Her ave.. or phone Sellw ood 2122. SOLID OAK rocker. St. Andrcasberg bird, lemalt: also beautiful yellow sinner with cage; 2 fine does. Flemish and Be.ian: leaving city. Tabor 07:. l.ibO E. Har rison. FOR SALE Ruud gas water heatrr. used 6 months; 3-bnrner gas stove with oven; washing marhine. water motor, good ropair. Phone Wood lawn 13SO. 1204 Willamette blvd. FOR SALE Two dtetaphones and two dictaphone transcribers. complete ; in good cond it ion ; late mode is. i'hone Broadway 301. M C LT1G R A PH. exceilen t cond n ion. ul over $sK. inc! uJ ing power drive, auto malic feed, printing ink attachment, ex tra t P. ''C-; must sell lor $-0o. N 2:0. Oreg on ia n. G'.xRLj CENTURY camera. BoM'h & L.-mb lens. Rett! photographers out;'it com plrte : bargain at $70. Cal! and s e it. 1449 Winona st. Take Woodlawn car. PLOWING AND DI RT MOVING. With CLETR A?. from 1 acre up; r :r.;,e-in acreage or lo'.a preetrred. 420 E Morrison. Ea?t S4. FOR S LE Lady's n vy blu ffTS Mi.t. size 40. in A-l condition; paid $00 last fall : sell for $2o; too hina:! lor owner. 2" 7. Oregon ian. THREE switches with curls, natural wavy polden brown hair. Tabor 07&i. 33iO E. Harrison. TWO $100 white ename: barDer chairs. $110 each; good as new; perfect oruer. j. L. Farley. 6022 41sfave. S. K. GLADIOLI 12 named bulbs 0c Wdin. 1224t. T. A. Drews, 1020 E. 20d N. A B. car ELECTRIC lamp. $7; sanitary couch. $0. S Grand ave.. room l.af ternoo ns. FOR SALE 3ar:nd gas range, fine con dition. Tabor :.:. FULTON sulky. 1 HO Enieretta st.. west of Chautauqua blvd. at Lombard. St. J. FOR rent, vacuum !caners. 21-hr. day, $1; delivered a n y w here. Bdwy. 2"S. GAS water heaters and range boilers sold and Installed reasonable. E. 4W02. TWO gas ranaes and a few pieces of fur niture for sale. 4.'.2 Goodnoug ft bldir DARK auburn hair switch, for ie very reason a Die. v an. st . room I l.ARGF fi-hoie range with rennir s ti RrtlA 41st 1L S.E.: W S ear t . a FOR SALE. Micel1aneoaa. U. S. AR M T GOODS AT SALVAGE PRICES. RLA VKET5 1. MI1RT?, BREECHES " ERA l.LS t1 .( i ES LEGGINGS TK.NTS QUILTS KRCOATS A COMPLETE LINE OK R EC LA I MET ARM V GOODS. Ma. I crdcra 4-oiiciied. WHOLESALE AND RETAIU HORTFNSTEI.V M EST? K R I-S-pest Ira 'T.- in A rtr v S 2"-0 SECOND, NEAR ilADlau.N. r.rr, TTF VKRS, ATTilN HON. 1 J-ft. Deer Fly tl utt e rug Tom. 1 Eureka F.y shutt.e iom. 1 Nt.-w.omh 4-ha rnes loom. 1 cavers I'ri.'nd hand loom, wnn :t e-ju:pmen:. In fir;- ia;.s v or. d it inn. Wil .-el all T pa rt. an be set n at 10ls Jntei:ate ac. Phone oou la w n 2,V. .1. p. W unt h. PAV HIGHEST CASH PRICE f-r showcases. cash rffl'ler-". dek!". tents, card tables and c tiairs. houenoi J good E.ettrl- f.ins. too's. h a reTvr a re. N t; M N EN ii A N CI E. 1? Fir:. Main 4410. lsoor a70. SEWING MACIirNES. -0 late drop-heaos. l.ke new. Singers, Wh.tes. National. Rotary. Willamette, etc., $10 to $.0. A Uro number C good machines from $3 to $10. Machines rent ed. $J pr mott'.a. Singer si are, Oleosa bdg.. lt3 4th sr. la:n 633. tOR SALE One penny kev Nst'onal rer itor. oia fountain, lare refriscrator. ciRar and candy floor ne. wall casca. f at and roll top de.ks, 3-piec.e n-.ahocanv fr"t. Garland tas range, ttcam table, meat hi uer. m.rror, chairs, sale. cas. bas c riddles. A, taruice. 242 Salmon. Mam 342. SE WING machines, new and second-hand, sold for les; no agents employed; com plete hne of parts for all makes; m thmc repaired and rented. Main 1H3L E W I N G M A C 1 1 1 N E E M PO RIU M. 130 Third, near Taylor. O LD FA LSE T E ET H BOU '7 T. AN'c pv up to $20 per set. Don't mat ter if brokt-n; oUl-tiincrs are n:tst valu able. Crown-, bndsework bought Brir.T or m h i I . the American Ii rc k r r.? z e. 4 o Spalding Mng.. 4th floor. 3d and Wasn. SAFES Fire and bui glar-proof kafes. ne-r and ?eond-haml. at risht prices, bought Sold and exchanged. NORRLS SAi E LOCK! CO. 105 Second St. Phoi.e Main 20. S. HOT-WATER tanks. 50-gal.. $7: 40 gai.. $'.; tested and guara 11 iced ; stov e and 1 urnace coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert Oi urn Inns. rfa iring. Fast Side Welding Shop. 2n3 Adams st. East 5TilH. ALL KlXl.S of warped, cracked, weather beaten and old, leaky roofs rejuvenated by our Lnious and iru,tiijnco js rubber bonding system; all work guaranteed. Phor.e Automatic 027-30; E-st 4124. bargains: for sale: Auto tent, auto gaaoline cook store, six -hole ranse, fire less cooker, bicycle 4 gents), lawn mower, 18-in., nearly new. Phone Bdwy. 42L BOX WoO U $4..VJ a load, in Alberta, Wood lawn. Piedmont. Peninsula. Kenton, I niv ersity Pa. k and M. Johns. North Portland lue. Co., Woodlawn 0i&, W 00a Uwn 01S4. WILL the lady or gentleman w no w ihca to buy a. leather coat or raincoat call at our loeal ofine and taUc advantage of the Hample.H returned to us by ur sales men? United Rubber Co., 720 Morgan bldg. STOP UEAO this: Sir-sh r pen in s la w n-mo w rr blades Installed: repairing; ued mowers bought and so hi. Shop 2 47 Grand ave. and Main street. Tabr :ti40. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COLNTKV SLAB; ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS, PHONE E. 7U20. MUT SI ILL TODAY. Rcf r: gera tot s show c ases, scales, cash re sisters, cheese cutter. soUa fountain. 1 I Second xt reet. TWO 1 oil -top desks, one mahogany, one oak; chans to mieh; bargain. ;;i N 0th. Broadway 270:. Other office fur ni! ure. LATEST styles full dre.-s tuxedo suits. as 'ik hats for sale or rent at Bareli's clothing store. 01 id. Mu.moaiah aotal bio g. N E W 'S I NG E RS." $0 dow n. t monthly. Expert few in t; maehtne rejairlng. Kl'RRlMl.N STREET MNGKK hi ORE. OJ Morrison Marshall 7JL K11HAKS AND PENS RKPAIRKD. e bu. e!l, rent and exchange Kodaks. F'ilin in at 1 at ti Ibex, re done. SANDY S. 3-y a.-h itigton iit. iAFKS Nrw and second -band ; soma with bursiar rlirit". at reasonable prices. PAUIFIC Si'ALB toLPPLY CO.. Proad w - y ;!:. r ron l S?. HEAVY block and aanwoi murd Hl-lncri; ao 4-ft. country slnb and old growth fir; d-j ID vrcd promptly. Call 1 auur four t TITEL range, kitchen rjoife. gas p.ai. wer lnatr and lifmm: tlo nd organ; rean.na hie. Tabor 4'.D 01j tVith M. S E L KIIRKAIII.M! M IlAWliKllllY PLNTS. T h ' I 'rogrr 1 v e vx 1 1 1 give x on full crop l hiM f.i II ; 2 per l't. postpaid. V. R. .toh r'in. I'rai'ser. 1 a.h. Wi ll Ilk llll' c a 1 v.- . UL P T to Di-inch slab and block weed. $: also 4 ft. siihwood; ptonipt delivery. Phone Main 0;4T. Ii U ' K si el ra n re. fine cond it ion . with coil, fail afternoon or evening. 000 E. r.Ttt h s: .. n a r 1 1 a w 1 home. T KKI. RANGE Excel leu I. in prim con - dirnn. reasonable in price. Phone Wooi- 1 a vx n 4 -V.t!. DIAMOND Iteautiful stone, about 1 k : f he;, p. le l ban w hoU sale cost. 312 Wo reenter bldg. GITTAR. mamlolin. wheel ho and gas beater lo exchange f..r firi-lcss cooker lr tent. Se 1 1 wood 212. C-H,D investment blade grimier w it li aux 1 tary devlee. Sharperis knives, scissor. TH7.f r. c'ipper. v; t;th st . nir Stark. JOHNS! N'S I OK rTOKK, 24S Main st .e w and second-hand books, buuh L, told snd exchanged. Ail subje-ty. 0 ET TOUR painting, ka honunmc, decorat ing and sign work done before the ruh Benson. 10-0 E. Uih.n. I'honft Tabor 266. Fo K SALE R.irge. second-hand, fur sal cheap; 2'xS0. " feet deep. 024 Board of Trade bldg. Mnm WS7. P.oYAl. electric v.uuin cleaner for jeni $1 per d y. deiivert-d. I'hone Pdw v 4f'2t. F.leotric Maid Shop. inth sr' W ELI A SSO I : T E D polar oes for aie, J thund red. Phone Broad w ay Sltio. Call 1.'4 N. ?th st. BLOC K w ood and s:an. 1 6-inch lengths; quick de'ivery and line w ood : $ft to $li c o rd in --cord lots. Broad way 2 1 3y . USED APPA RF.L. secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1102 East G .1 san. MontaviUa car to oath. Taoor 2s jO. LADY'S light weight black and purple check sua: worn twice, half price, $.;o. i::i Eleventh st. VACUUM cieaners Solu. repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bent ley Co.. Main 4yu7. ' FERTILl ZER. Good garden manure, delivered any where in city. Tabor 27Q4. Main 4480. ATTENTION. BCILDKRS! Lath $;;.0 per thousand. Call Kast 477. E. 2d and Market. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy s. 329 Washington it. 1 R0LL-T0P desk and chair. 1 T. W. dejis. 1 fiat-top desk, 1 safe. Bushong & Co" KOI; SALE God f-liole kitchen raiwt- orth :; r vtu ex.-hange ror K(Jrt p.12 rug. Call Mam 41 nit after l a. M vsS-Ti:TED home-earned fruit; must sc leaving city. Tabor S172. NKW Ruud water heater, $ls3o! TaTor 21'7. i-XfK SALE One large and une sinail a.' H 100. Orego nab. FOR SALE Dictaphone and t rfrrismitt e- only used two months. 423 Pittoik b;k". RF.rxUILT typewriters. K. AV. Peae 4c Co 110 Sixth t. SECON U-l' ANU tent and covers far sale psi lflc Tent & A wr in?. 1 N. lt t. DESK. ADDING MACHINE. $13. 01S COli- BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 507. t'Oli first-class. 4 ft. tir wood. Baw v 5121. HKAVT flab and block wood, also 4-ft alab. Tabor b79. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dreses M.ghtiy worn. Main 907. hC R SALE Cash register. safe add.nc machine, showcase. 43 l.t St.. near .sh. BU RBANK best potatoes. $7 a suck tJ N . Ifit h st. Broadway 4 4.Q, e v e n . n g FOR t-ALK Big losd dry wood, aaacd J in.'h . I'hou Faft 1 1 0. TT i- SLAB and old growth cord wood. Cgat Z !: 1