17. SEW TOD AT. KEAL ESTATE. KEAL ESTATE. REAL KSTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL F.STAT E. REAL FSTATE. For Sale Hojee. SEAL ESTATE. -Beach Property. For Kale Ho an re. For h-le Houses For fce) e Houses. For Sale For Sale THE 3IOKNTXG OUEGONLY.N", FRIDAY. APRIL. SO, 1920 g SUM! HER HEAT will not worry you if you sleep in a converted portable grarape. Windows, doors and full floor furnished to make convenient and healthy sleeping rooms. A double portable jraraere can be. partitioned off Into four rooms 9 feet by 10 feet. Rent the Rooms at a profit to, yourself. Aek . about our Easy Payment Plan Portable parage and chicken coops whipped anywhere in sections. Can ' be erected in a very few hours. Writ or Phone for Catalogue. Ehvood Wiles & Son Sle Office. . . 803 Title Trust Building, l'bune Main 4724. Garage on exhibition at factory. Completely Furnished FOUR FLAT BLILDI. YlEtDl SPLENDID lCO.MI3 Tjocated near the center of the Nob Hill apartment house district, only half block to 2;!d-st. car line. There are 4 flats, each containing: 5 rooms. The rooms are larger than in ordinary flats and better arrangred. The furniture is pood not an item has been neplected in the equipment. The property is an excellent money maker and can be' made even better than It is. Owner has prone to Arizona for her health and wants to make a quick tale. lrice 9i:i,SOO TKKMS McCRIII.IS-ri.KIiI,AXD COMPANY 023 to .IZS Henry Bid. MAIN s:io it .sii "T A BUNGALOW AMONG THE FIRS $3500 J1000 cash. 20 monthly, buys this larte, well-built bungalow, full base ment, concrete foundation: ground juuxiuu. wun oeatmiui native trees Fine lawn and garden spot. FHKH W. KKRM.tX CO., 7IW Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST HOME Hero is your chance. I have pur cnasea larger nouse and wiir sell my present home on Multnomah and grive some one an excellent deal. It is modern two-story, six - room house with sleeping' porch. Finished In old Ivory. Built before the 'war with the best of material. See for yourself end make me offer. A $2500 cash payment required. 'Will accept lib erty bonds. Phone Broadway 2SS or Tabor S270 evenings. Portland Height Beauty 11 spacious rooms, 2 bathrooms extra fine fireplace, solid oak buf fet, oak floors throughout, 2 fur naces, white enamel finish, block unsurpassed view of the city, fine large garage. The lady who owns this place must sell at once and will give someone a great bargain. Easy terms. Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 3089. No Agents, r Send Us Your Old Carpets i vt e can' ana JJellver) Old Kin and Woolen Clothtnc We .Make Kevernlble, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Kugs, Woven. I7.50 Knar Rurs Vorn All Nixe. Clothes 4 leaning nnd Uveitis Dcpta. Mail Order Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 13 It uKK, Steamed Cleaned, $ L50 WKSTKRX FLI IT Rl ; CO. 54 1 nion Ave Fhonr i;ant 516 AVli CALL FOR VOIR OLD , . i'ARPETS, Kuks and Woolen Clothing FLUFF RUGS AH Work Turned Oat Promptly Ra Rugi Woven All Sise Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carvets leaned. Laid and Refitted. OnTHWEST Rlt. CO. 1KH Kant Nth St. rione Kast U5SO. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contract, livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. S10 C ham, of Com, Bids;. Slain 3026, W- 1 . ' .m- i i FOR SALE Or wJM rent or lease, two choice lota 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road, and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel AddrtM H 130. Ore go man. for Sale Flat nod Apartment Property. SIGHTLY FLAT PROPERTY. No. 301 16th st.. Just above Mont gomery, a well-built flats of 4. 5 and 6 rooms, close to car and business. A very desirable place to live and to rent. Mag nificent view, good income, low price. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamlvr of Commerce. G. M. Strong. Main 25b7. F. H. frUronr. INVESTORS' NOTICE. Six family flat, full lot, garage, on car line, clove to bank and other business houses, 30 minute car ride to center of city; $120 month income, can be In creased to (200; price 96000, 92000 cash down. The best investment in the north west. See owner, 215 Lumbermen bids-, phone Bdwy. 421. 15-ROOM APT. HOUSE ON TAYLOR ST. Price for this swell place, furnace heat, clearing $110 per month, and walk In? distance, rent only 940 per month, a quick sale for $1700, $1000 down. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 OAK ST. WEST SIDE. 9 ROOMS. CLOSE TO LIBRARV. Rent only $27.50 and making: rood money ; fine for man and wife; all for 9650. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST., SWELL 20-ROOM A PA RT. HOUSE. WEST SIDE. CL"OSE IN. Say, If you want a real buy In a fine place, all for 92250, $1000 down, making money. See us. A errand bargain. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. r WEST SIDE APT. HOUSE. 20 rooms and rood furniture, furnace heat, clearing: 9165 per month; pries $2250. $1X0 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 205 OAK ST. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. STX-FAMILY APARTMENT, close In, east side, low price of $7250 for quick sale; terms. Phone 31G-19 before 9 A M. and after 6 P. M. WEST SIDE, large 2-family flat bide.. 13 rooms, modern, easily changed to apartments. Splendid Income. Owner, Main 7040. For Sale Lots. $350. Westmoreland lot: paved streets, cement walks; 1 block from csrr ; rood view, price $350 and street assessments. Phono Tabor 604. $15.40 EACH". Splendid tract of 243 lots, 25x100 each, located within the fl-mile circle, about s4 oi a mile south of Ryan place; one half rash, balance as you like it. Come on, M r. Speculator. Fred W. German 'o., 732 Cham, of Com. I OWN several residence lots, tine loca tion, near Franklin high school, good neighborhood. Will sell lots at attrac tive figure on easy terms and will build or finance building of homes. For fur ther Information see J. A. Cock, 3410 55th st. S. E. Phone Tsbor 1301. "CAPITOL HILL" A bargain, for sale at a sacrifice to close up an estate; lots S, 0 and 10, block 20. No reasonable offer refused. P. C. Gibbens, Trustee. 1011 Powell at., Vancouver, B. C. KO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Two lota near Sandy hlvd. on 62 d at. Let us show you this property. WESTERN PACIFIC SECURITTES'CO.. 211 Railway Exchange BIdg. LOTS AT BARGAIN. YOUR OWN TERMS. U. S. BONDS TAKEN AT PAR. LOTS NEAR SANDY BLVD & 41ST. 9400 to $1000 No agents. Owner East 401. 100x100 NEAR 50th and Hawthorne, pave ment in, sacrificed at 9160O. also beauti ful quarter block corner 55th, Belmont, worth 9W00, for 9300. Owner Wood- lawn 1430. $10 DOWN, $5 MONTH LT. Splendid tract. 58x255. on Mt. Scott line; price $550. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 80x100 northeast corner Ainsworth and Boston avenues: $!O.0, beautiful building site. Phone Main 4635, owner. FOR SALE Alameda lot, choice location would consider rood car in trade. H L. Clark. Milwaukie pool hall, box 226, Milwaukie. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 100x100 corner lot for sale by owner at a bargain. A 220, Oregonian. LOT 50x100. Groveland Park. 53d st.. rea enable price and terms. Evenings, Tabor l54Q. FOR SALE 1, 2 or 3 lots on Denver ave" good property. 1187 Denver ave., near Killingsworth. NUMBER of fine bldg. loea. Clinton, near 43d St.. $500 each. Owner. J. H. McMa ' hon. 2600 East 43d. Tabor 5361. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE. $5250. Here's one. folks, right up to the minute In every respect; hardwood floors in every room, quality of .workmanship and material apeak for themselves; all we ask is the privilege of showing you this splendid bungalow; complete in efery way furnace. fireplace, buffet, etc.; paving paid. Yes, there is a ga rage. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near Third. Main 3002. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. BEAUMONT BUNGALOW. Just a charming ifjingalow; oak pol ished floors throughout; liv.. din., music room or den: Dutch kitchen; 2 large bedrooms, glassed and ecreencd-ln sleep ing porch; furnace, fireplace, 50x100 lot; paved street, all paid; wonderful flow ers, roses and shrubbery; 4 blocks from car. Fine home surround iti?s. One of the most beautiful homes in Portland. Owners moving on ranch. Only $5750., Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6865. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bunea-low. all rooms on- one floor, hardwood flcors, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, garage and all built-ins, newly painted and tinted; this Is one of the best buys in the city. $0NOO, terms. Ask Kellogg, A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 H:nry Bid.. Main 2600. HAWTHORNE. 5-room house, 2 years old, beautiful lot, 50x100. Garden in and up; one ir.jc. to H. car ; clos 3 in, paved sts., $2000 ; terms. EDWIN JACOBSON, 718 Spalding Bldg. Main 5642. HAWTHORNE DISTRTCT. Just listed this little 5-room bungalow, fireplace, all built-in features. Dutch kitchen, furnace, garare. near the ave. west of 3ttth; terms: $3500; for real good buy come to our office if you are in the market for a home. You'll not be sorry. This is only one of the numerous listings. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. $30OO EASY TERMS. 5 rooms and ceiled attic, large living and dining ro.ms, finished in white ; cement basement ; 50x1 M lot; all st. Impts. in and paid : unobstructed view of city. Locitd close to Mount Tabor Park and children's playgrounds. OLE VELA ND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $5500 1 RVTNGTON BUNG A LOW $55O0. A 6-room bunralow. floored attic, full cement basement, wash trays, beautiful floors, furnace, fireplace, all bulll-ms, whit j Dutch kitchen, etc., 50x100 lot, gar-ige; st. Improvements in and paid. Terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. Fme and attractive 6-room home on 62 d st. N. Oak floors, fireplace, fur nace, SOxlOO lot; street being paved. Just a grand, substantial buy and most charminr home and a wonderful buy at $475. Terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S60. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100 lot. large barn, chicken pens. a gooa ouy, lenns. ask Kellogg, A. J. De FOREST & Co.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. S2750 Modern bungalow of 5 rooms, hall and bath, newly tinted, Dutch kitchen. floored attic, iun-sisen casement, arc chicken house and run: lot 50x100; terms. Tabor u bunaays ana even ings. 461I 72d st. k. h.. tHioO & ROOMS, full lot. a dandv little home; see it. Zimmerman &. White. 818 Cham. of. torn, fiUNNTSTDB. NTCE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 92700 5 -room fine 1 H -story cottare, electricity. cement basement, bath, paved street paid: close in on Eat 2th, near East Oak; terms can be arranged. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3oOO Nice 6-room- bungalow, electricity, basement, trays, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, front and back living rooms, glssa doore between living and din ing rooms; lot oOxlOO; f bearing fruit trees: in East 71th, half block to Git nan t. car; about 9 1 ooo caah, balance 5 years, 6 , per cent. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 LOTS. $4230 Fine 7-room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, cabinet kitchen. 2 toilets. bath, lot 100x100; fine view; lots of fruit; 2 blocks to car, in East 45th bl; $1000 cash. GRtrSSI BENNETT. 31-21 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARTC. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $53O0. If you ever expect to buy a genuine bargain, here is your opportunity I You will be surprised to find a houe of this high quality with all the built-in com-forte- and conveniences you will find here for such a low price: hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en, full cement basement, furnace, etc.; paving and sewer paid. A very Ideal lo cation near car; this houre Is in perfect condition. If we can Just ret you to look at the house our purpose has been accomplished; it will sell itaelf. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. 5-ROOM modern oungalow, hardwood firs.. run lot, naif biK. to car. on ztn st.; im provements paid; $3700, half cash. . 6- room story and a half oungalow on Interstate ave., close in. fireplace, full basement, H blk. to paved st. ; good view of river. $4000. $1000 cash. 7- room modern Rose City Parle full lot. 13 fruit tres, all improvements paid, $50C0, half cash, 7-room. house, .modern plumbing, ce ment basement, U lots, fruit, berries, chicken house, small barn, walks In and raid. 9G00; $1000 cash; easy terma on alancc. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 5420. 248 Stark Ft. MT. TABOR MANSION. One of the finest homes on Mt. Tabof hill. 8 room; all modern conveniences; approximately 5 Tot, beautiruiiy ianu- bk-u non uflR nil IlinH. Af sHpilHhatw B tlti more ruit on the place than you could ever uxe. This is blosuom time and the orchard looks like a bower of beauty. Will give purchaser uee of J W acres adjoining, mostly in bearing fruit, for taking care of it- The sale of cherrten alone this year should more than pay all of your taxes. This property is still in acrease. as It has never been sub divided, and taxes are very licht: ab solutely the hfht buy on Mt Tabor hill at $1 5.500. Will show only by appoint ment. Call Main 5425. afk for M R. ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. tRVTNGTON COLONIAL HOME. 8 rooms, center entrance, double fire place, li ving room, sun room, larjje hall, dining room, paw pantry and com.plete kitchen 1st floor. 3 lovely Dedmoms htij s. p. 2d floor; thin can be sold for le.ss than $S5oo. on should se this at once. C. M. DERR. SALES MGR. COE A. McKENNA &. CO.. 82 4th St. Main 4522. 9R500. STRTr'TLT MODERN NEW BUNGA LOW JUST BEING COMPLETED. HAS VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. DININf ROOM, TWO BEDROOMS AND BATH FIRST I-KK: TWO IjA rl'i Ei BKI) ROOMS. SEWING ROOM AND BATH. SECOND FLOOR, HARDWOOD FIOORS TH KOUtiMOl, 1 , ri Lli MAH rl.AI; MKNT, FURNACE, GARAGE. CORNER IOT. AT LEAST HALF CASH. CAN BE SEEN TODAY. POIN DEXTER, 20R SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. BEAUTIFUL HOME. EXTRA FINE SHRUBBERY. Grand large living, delightful fireplace. nice aining room, one iarne oearoom up, with flreplare, good heating plant; lo cated on lo Ox 1 25-f t. lot ; heaps of fruit, berries and fine rarden soil: rarare; paved streets.' all paid; fine homes sur rounding; 4 blks. from car in Beaumont. This is really a verv homey home and you m ust see it. Real value $10,000, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th t. Main 69. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. ,t 5-room bungalow that Is In a class to itself; very modern. including many huilt-Ins. oak floors. flreDlace. furnace, garage. Let us show this to you. Price 96500. C. M. DERR. SALES MGR. COE A. McKENNA &. CO., 82 4th St. Main 4522. IRVINGTON PRETTIEST CORNER MOM E 918.000. 30 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. 2 BATHS. HOT WATE R HEAT. H A RL WOOD FIjOORS THROUGHOUT; IVORY, MA HOGANY AND OAK FIRST FLOOR; IVORY SECOND. 100x100 GROUNDS; DOUBLE GARAGE. THIS HOME WAS BUI LT 4 YE A KS A GO AND WOCLD COST ABOUT DOUBLE THE PRICK ASKED TO DUPLICATE. McDONELL EAST 410. FINE VIEW! MOST SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD, CORNER LOT. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. HARDWOOD FLOORS FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS. THERE ARE 10. ROOMS. BALLROOM AND 2 BATHS HOT WATER H EAT, LARGE GARAGE. PRICE J35.OH0. SHOWN ONLY BY AP POINTMENT. NO PHONE INFORMA TION. POI NDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1 800. R E8IDENCE, 271-20. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern S-room house. - sleeping porch, natural trees, near Kenton car . and school, furnace, scene furniture, linoleum In 3 rooms, fine range, water heater, etc.: house is in good condition. 50x100 or ion xlOO. which include good garage. Price reasonable. For information phone Wdln. 2o73, or address Box feO. Kenton Station, Citv. HAWTHORNE bungalow. 5 rooms, h. w. floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcase; cement basement, laundry travs; cement walks, paved street; lawn. Phone Tabor 1524. Price R3500; terms. IRVINGTON. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE WITH HALL, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR THREE BEDROOMS. SLEEPING P'CH AND BATH SECOND FLOOR. LARGE ATTIC. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FUR NACE. GARAGE. COR. LOT, tlO OOO. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE '71--0 HAWTHORNE. Five-room bungalow. dandy little home, 50x100 lot. located on B. 32d and Main; better than a corner, good neigh borhood and possession at once. This is one 01 the special opportunities Price $3600. $1000 cash, balance to suit if you are a buyer, look at it. Phone Tabor FOR .SALE or rent, by owner, ciosa in modurn .i-room cottage, with garage, iuii oHHiMnenL. targe aitlc. fruit tree improvements In and paid for. Im mediate possession; price $320O: half v j . "," l i" nouse, His s Karaei from 10 A. - M. to 6 P. M. or call i a. i - , 11 w n nenm. " WEST. SIDE HOMES; w e nave a. rood list of west side homes from $7 ooo up. See us before you C. M. DERR. SALES MGR. .-tK A. m. oh Li .X A & PO 82 4th Main 4522 91750 WEST SIDE. rroom-and-atttic cottage, plastered ana naieu; porcelain piumDing, gas, eiecinc ji n i, Dignny location ; near car; convenient to- snipyarar and Indus trial plants. $300 cash, balance to suiL A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 ?L W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. LOTS OF GROUND 9800. Neat little 2-room house on ground 100x100. all In cultivation, good garden and woodshed, $150 cash. $10 monthly This Is a good buy. Fred W. German Co" 732 Chamber-of Commerce. BRYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS New subdivision new r Oswego lake water, electric lights, rock roads, fishing and boating; priced from $3to per tract. Get in on ground floor. - Owner. Ouv Con cord bldg.. Second and Stark. NEW 6-room house; dining and sleeping porches, bath room, basement and large lot : beautiful view; at Mount Cion 97000. easv terms. John Bain, owner. 507 Spalding bldg. . FOR H AWT HO AN E HOMES ' CALL HUBBELL. TABOR 6692 FINE TRVINGTOV HOME. DOUBLE GARAGE. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL RTYLK. large rooms, extra large living room, large library which can be used for a downstairs bedroom if necseary, a per fect gem of a Dutch kitchen: finished throughout In old ivory and finest tap estry paper; material and workmanahlp the very bet that money could buy. I will sell this palatial home 91500 under what you could build It for. Located on corner of 12th snd Braxea. For appointment phone m TUKNBR Sc W1NSHIP. Tahnr 2124 Or Tabor 5404. I 9n2O0 TERMS 9320O. S3JO0 TERMS 93200. 1140 K. 29TH ST. N., ALBERTA CAR. Vacant, modern, 5-room bungalow, larr aleeninar oorrh. full concrete base ment, buffet. Dutch kitchen, plenty built-lna. high grade plumbing, electric fixtures and gas. bedrooms and kitchen In white enamel. This Is a real bunga low, not a cottawe. Better than new and splendidly located In Irvtngton Park, -lot 60x100, alley. 8 fruit trees, berries. Ton1", lawn. Take Alberta car to 30th and Killlnrnworth. Owner on nremines. 12 to A daily or phone 15. 4526 before 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. FOR SALE by E. G. Ad cock. 543 Dekum dick. . Ktchmond. ;;mn. o-room pun? low. modern to the letter, streets assess ments in. paid; beautiful lawn, $50O cash. $2200. Mt. Tabor. 5 -room bunra- low. Dutch kitchen, nice bath fixtures, Imorovetnents nulri. onlv $6O0 cash, Rose Citv. S400O. 5 -room bungalow. 1 blk. to car line, etrictly modern, a snao; part cash, balance $20 per mo. $r00. R. C. bungalow, 5 rooms. - attic, sleeping porch, full cement basement. furnace, fireplace, nice bath. 2 nice mir rer doors, hdw. floors In sll rooms, built- in-;; beauty. E. G. Ad cock. M3 Dekum bldg. Main 6M4. Tabor 52"6. BARGAINS. 1 CH A RMTNG 6-room bungalow. Haw thorne! hdwd firs., araraere: $4500. SPLENDID 6-room home, hdwd. fin. throughout, irn rare: $6500. - EXCELLENT 7-room home. Irvington, hdwd. firs, throughout, best location; $8 50O. MAGNIFICENT S-roem heme, west rfde. choice location; hot-water ne&t 1 14.000. GRAND 1 0-room home. hdwd. firs., lot 75x100. best location. Irvington: hot water; garage. East 273, HER DM AN ONE BLOCK ROSE CITY CAR. $35O0 9750 CASH. 7-room bungalow, full basement. Fox furnace, 50xl00-ft. lot. This is a snap. Ask for Mr. Clfar water, J. L. HA RTMAN COM PANY, 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. JUST COMPLETED ROSE CITY. 6 rooms, 1 Ivln g. di n In g. 3 bed rooms, built-in buffet, break Tast nook, tapestry paper. Ivory finish, hardwood floor, fire place, cement floor in bailment, laundry trays, furnace, trees, garage, driveway, all improvements in and paid. Owner will show place. 650 E. 46th st. N., bet. Stanton and SUkiyou. REAL HOME for sale at 677 E. 45th st. N, Large livtnr and d inlng rooms wit h built Ins; window pea t In d inlng room ; fireplace and hardwood floors ; Dutch kitchen white enameled; 3 bedrooms and sleeping pdrrh on second floor; large clothes clonet : Boynton furnace. Owner at 451 Weidler. East 2H04 AT 456 E. 10TH ST. North. "Irvington." 6-room modern home, full cement bane ment, furnace, 4 fine fruit trees 'apples, pears. cherrles ; lot 50x100. Will aell piano, and furniture If necessary. I sin Iravtnr city, will give a good bargain to homeseeker. Call after 6 P. M., or phone East 7)2. owner. m $2Ton Cottage In Flrland. 3 large rooms, attic and basement: all In flrst-claKS condition; lot 100x100; plenty of fruit and berries, good ehocken house and runs; this is an Ideal home. Call owner Sundavs and evening. Tabor 4312, uays Broadway 2" 13. THAT VACANT LOT. Whv not ten a burden Into Income t We design and build apartments Ka ra re, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. CASH By owner, at a sacrifice. $1500: live-room houe. furnished, bath and toilet, electric lights paid In advance two years; no street assessments; have cement walks to car first of May. Take Mt Scott car to K6th St., go south 3 blks. No. S612 65th ave. Phone Auto matic Lents 6412. ALAMEDA PARK. 6-room modern house; large 'living room with fireplace, dining room. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace. 3 beautiful bedrooms upstairs. You must inspect interior to appreciate Its value. Price $564)0; cash 93bOO. Owner. Woodlawn 6227. $3000 FOR 7-room house and lot 50 x 10 in Vernon addition, or $340 completely furnished ; 16 flne fruit trees, berries, irrwid b a rase, all modern conven iences: a nice home and cheap; $10O0 cash, balance to suit. TURNER A CO., 230 Chamber of Com. v-jrtf) RICHMOND, 5-room bungalow, terms; full basement and attic; wnlt .nunifl bedrooms and bath, Dutch kitch en, fireplace, buffet, wash trays, gas hot -iiter heatr and range, also linoleum. paved atrect.-one blot k from car. 1184 lvon St.. near 3!th. Tabor 5(42. SjOr.O R. C. PA RK ; almost new, partly furnished ; nam. gas, electricity, large corner lot: part cash, balance 6 per cent: move right In; some distance out, but fine chance for honest man with $6O0 to ret nice little nome; gooa neignoornooa. near wnuui. w -mo. T.AURELHURST SNAP. A real bungalow, 5 rooms, den and breakfast-room; large lot; beautiful shrubbery; full basement; hot water heat, and many other dandy features. Irge garage. j. a. aic arty, z.u; Stark st. Main 1TO0. Eve. Tab. 5057. ' $200 CASH. PRICE $1850, 6 ROOMS I Plastered, porcelain hath. electric lights, gas. fine condition. 50x100 lot, fine soil but rear end quite low); it's a great bargain and close in; MA car to Russell, 502 Ross st.; vacant. Owner. Tabor 854. NEAT." clean house. 3 rooms and bath; large porcn; moaern conveniences; big corner lot. shade trees, fruit planted ; sell furnished If desired ; special price this week lor cash. Owner, V 216. Ore gonian. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow; near Union ave. and Piedmont: a few hun dred dollars down will handle it: balance like rent. Phone Owner. East 4 OOP. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS, GA RAGE, BUUl" FOK, HUM rJ. NEVER BE FORE OFFERED FOR SALE; PRICK $8750. TERMS. OWNER. EAST 1155. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Cozv 5 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, cement basement, paved atreets in and paid. This is a bargain; $2b00, $650 cash, balance 6. 9U5 E. Main, between 33d and 34th. 911.000 Irvington. Beautiful home, 22d st.. 0 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors through out: 2 fireplaces, lovely porches, faces east, garage. East 410. ROSE CITY PARK. FOR SALE BY OWNER. FINE SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON CHOICE CORNER SANDY BLVD. CALL AUTO M T1Q 313-52 FOR PARTICULARS. SEE THIS DANDY BUY. Large I -room house, double-constructed, woodshed; lot 40x100; for quick sale, price $tliio. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. TWO modern houses In good condition with cement basements; first house ar nnrfd for 2 apartments. 3 rooms each second house has 4 rooms, both on 5ux 100 lot. war, piop. uiommic -to -18. LAURELHURST 7 rooms and S. P., fn home; hardwood floors throughout, 12u ft. frontage; wortn smuo. quick sale 97500. $2uou casn. o per cent on balance. Owner, 1 aoor 0-00. INSURANCE. FJRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKITT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1800. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern; furnace, hardwood floors, built ins, etc.; $1000 down, terms on balance. pee It toaay. r-none uwner, iast 40O0. (O WHY PAY RENT $Ann Furnished 6-room houseboat with u.nlnr norch. South Portland. a have one at Willamette mooraae, Charles Ringler & Co.. 225 Henry bldg. FOR JSALE by owner. 5-room modern htmealow. near Washington hi ah irhnAi 940OO. Call 560 E. Alder, or phono & ROOMS, modern, lot 55x100, built one year; price 927Oj small payment down. bSL. monini). JVi'i rmnciH e. KJ W n T, r. E. Jacobson, 1076 Francis ave. 8-ROOM 2-story house tn good location, 2 blocks from car line, 1275 E. Taylor. Phone lapor - - WEST SIDE BARGAIN. South Portland. well-built. 7-room, modern n 01 tit- . uv i w. if-i. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. 7-room. modern, in perfect condition garage. E 4921. t a HGAIN Vacant bungalow at 3 125 K 20th st., near Alberta car. do and see - It. then call Main iiu. NEW IRVINGTON. Hers 1s one T am enthusiastic about. A heatrtiful bungalow type, 2-floor plan, latticed porch, center hall to large living room with ftro-otace; hull to dintng room, to den, btth and bedroom. Just a beau tiful kitrnen with breakfast nook ; two large bedroom, sK-eplng porch and hath up; baths tiled, finish ivory, walls tap estry papered; oak floors, fine conciets btsmeit hot water heat, making a com pie 7-room home and a bautif ul ettins; on a :.otoo lot with garace. It will be a pleasure for me to take you through this artistic home. Mr. Rogers, with COE A. McKENNA CO. Main 4022. R2 Fourth 6L Board of Trade Bldg. ROPE CTTY PARK 5-ROOM BUNG A LOW CORNER LOT. 95150. He re. truly, ts a good b uy : a good , suhstant lal huncalow. located tn one of Hose "lty Park e most beautiful corners, 1 block from car; flnltbed In white throughout ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., . 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3002. Branch office oOth anJ bandy. CREPTOV. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. 5-room cottars with entrance hall: all rooms good size and very beat of con dition; full basement, full lot, a number of fir trees; S block to the car. Price $3000, very easy terms. Possession at once. Make appointment to see it st once. C. M. DERR. SALES MOR, COE A. McKENNA 4c. CO., 82 4th St. Main 4522. IN LAURELHURST. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME. You can move right in. A very mod erate payment and the money you pay for rent, with a few extra dollars, and you can be your own, landlord. - Drive oh to office at E. 89th and Glisan eta., get key and Inspect thin beautiful place, or phone Tabor 3433. Eve. East 206. 97500. 8-room house on large corner lot In Iaurel hurst. Hardwood floors In every room. The best of everything. A big bargain. By appointment only. Tabor 8433. Eve. East 2086. YOUR HOUSK. IS IT FOR 6 ALE? Talk it over with us. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swctland bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. An exceptional and attractive buy for you In an extra well-built home of 6 rooms. with fine fireplace, best of plumbing, nice electric fixtures, full con crete baaoment, good furnace, laundry tra vs. etc. ; on f ull-slxe lot: a choice property for $.voo, and can offer very attractive terms. A. H. HJRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON. 8-rom house, cement banement. laun dry tra vs. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, den. sleeping porch, 1 utch kitchen and all built-ins, one of the Ideal homes of Irvington; a bargain at $uttj0. Terms. Ask Kellogg. A. J. le FOREST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Targe ground. beautiful shrubbery nd native trees. 9 rooms. living room music room, dining room, kitchen, with built-in refrigerator; 2 owners: bed rooms, bath. altQ maid's room on first floor. - large bedrooms on se-ond floor; old ivory finish. Large verandas, garage very attractive price: full particulars by calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 7T H. 650O WALNUT PAR K $0500. A 7-room house, with den, full cement bameit, wish trays, all built-lna, large kitchen with cabinet pantry, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. Its vacant an.i In excellent c ondttion. 60x10u lot. Garage. lurge fruit trees; hard-sur- fact st. and sewer in and pMld. Terms. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. CRESTON BU NG A 1 ,0 W . A w e I -constructed, homey. 5-room place, nicely located as to car service and to Franklin high school, basement, electric lights, rss. choice plumbing, on full lot. All for $2500, $500 cash, bal ance to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N.'W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. NEW IRVINGTON RL'NGA LOW Five rooms; paper walls, bullt-lnn, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, lsrce 2d floor tin tin ished, with Aniahed front sta irs ; fine lighting fixtures, enameled wood work, garage; corner lot 5i by loo. mttn view of M t. flood. At corner 11,th and Brazee. price $7500, terms. Sfe I .add Extate company. 2-16 Stark st. Mar. 5454. ROS-: CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rms. and lance rettic. oak floors, fire place, kitchen llai, enameled throu Kn out, cement bamont, furnace. In fact strictly modern, on benutiful corner, full lot, paved and paid. This Is a bargnin at $5150; $I5V) rsHh. Will b glad to show you. ' Mir. i;:52. Tabor 5O00 eves. .1. P. ROCK CO.. 4Q3-4 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY. One of those pretty 5-room bungs Iowa with bruad roof and two round dormers, colonial type porch, hdu'd. floors, fireplace, furna-'e. cetnnt bail ment and driveicny. garage, etc. ; dou ble constructed, finished few - month.; good tet ma. Kinehart, -605 Yedn bldg. Main 2418. Buy This for a SELECT BOARDING HOUSE. This fine largo residence Is ideally sit uated for the above purpose and Is be sides a splendid investment at the price ottered. LADD ESTATE COMPANY, 246 Stark Street. ' ROOM 3. modern. lot fi0x150. fruit and berries, 1 block to paved st., near school, $3000; $500 cash, rent terms on balance. 5 room modem bungalow, full lot. va ra ge. fruit and harries, near car and school. Price $2500; $600 cash, easy tor us on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark. NO FARTHER. $2150 $H5o. bal. easy terms on co tract; no mtg. 4-rm. and floored attic large enough for 2 more rooms. Blck to car, near jerr. nign and rrade schoo a. Paved and paid. This ts a big bargain. is won 1 last long. Marshall 33-Vj J. B. ROCK CO.. 403-4 Couch Bldg. BY OWNER. lOOxlOO ft.. 8-room modern nouse, not ana coia water, aaa. elec- trtcitv and telephone: fruits, berries and flowers, good chicken bouse and runs; 25 minutes from the center of Portland on the Oregon Electric Railway. For further particulars and price call Main HAWTHORNE $4iO0 HAWTHORNE. Just a bargain. That's all. tiono nmh ha I. ecy. 6-rm. modern home on 52d St.; let 50x116, fruit, berries, chicken house mith cement floor; double garaa-e; no mortgage : puved, paid,. Marshall LAPP'S ADDITION. Beautiful modern home sacrificed to settle etate, 92AO. Also 2 houses and garage on valuable quarter diock, a, xtn, near Morrison very low price. PHONE WOODLAWN 1430. WEST SIDE HOME. CLOSK TV 75xlO0 with well-built houe on I9th st.: an ideal apartment site with d resent good Income: lovely location ; must be sold; will not turn down any reasonable oi'cr. wi otot-K e.icn. bldg. 0VNbR sacrifice R-room modern bunra low. carpet, linoleum; all butlt-lnn new garage, splendid car service: close to Jefferson high snd grade school: nice district: hard-surface street. 86ft Haight ave.. Dtiwren i-nevcr ana Manor:. BUNGALOW. Finest in Alameda drive: Iarr living room, 18x30; dining room. breakfast room, run room, 2 bedrooms, connect i ng but li. sleeping porch. garage, everv thing. only $6fr50; no agents. East 1347. 0-ROO.M house, vacant, move in; house in good condition; near car; $1&U0; $500 casu; long time on balance. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 542'J. . 248 Stark St. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. .13x100 CORNER 14 OOO. 7-room bungalow. corner," paved streets, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins and double garage; a dandy buy. Call Broadway 30fe. 930OO W. ML Tabor. 6-R 1 H-atory bung., cor. lot 67x1 OO, near Glisan ; good auto street, flne view; well built, with F. P., etc., sewer In and paid ; 5 h years old; must have 9140o cash. Tabor 2'.34. $ 250 850 CASH PUTS FO V R- ROO M nous?, attractive location, close in : six bearing fruit trees; paved street, some furntur. rood car service. . f hone Mala 4M35. Sellwood 2?. . $3000 DESIRABLE PORTLAND HTS. MOM K. 6 ROO M S AN D BATH . S E K AT ONCE. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. FOR SALE by owner. 4-room modern bun gslow. with garage; cash or to reus. Tel. be U wood 3311. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. (4750. A.T3. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main o09J. Krmnch i) flic 50th and bandy. BEST HOME VALUE IN PORTLAND. Come m ith me and I will prov it to I your entire satsifaction. Located rlcht 1 here in Sunnvside. 1 block from Sunny. side car. It has 7 large rooms, big sleeplnr porch and floored attic, full rf- mnt basement. 3 flne nreplaees, furnace heat. This home wa built for comfort, convenience and iermanency. Nothing wmji left out to make It complete. Every room has built-in conveniences, the liv- I ln room, dining room, kitchen and the I hrrirnnnm 1 '.rr mith me. I will lho you th best borne value in Portland I for 975O0, end on the finest term im- I scidable. Do not hesitate looking at 1 this if you want a real value. See E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal Bldg. Main 2P5S. LAURELHURST HOME. Here Is Voir chance. T hir purchased lurtcer house and will sell my present home on Multno mah snd give someone an excel lent deal. It Is a modern 2-story 6 -room house with sleeping porch. Finished In old ivory. Built be fore the war with the best of ma terial. See for yourself and make me an offer. A $2500 cash pay ment required. Will accept lib erty bonds. Phone Broadway 26S or Tabor 8270 evenings. HUGE PARC A TV 5ono. 8 ROOMS WALKING DISTANCE. 50x100 lot. house In fine condition. cedar finish, tiled fireplace, fulf cement bast-ment. furnace, washtravs : locatea within 2 blocks of Williams. Union and Broadway, amonr fine residence ; cellent as a home or for renting out rooms; Just 15 minutes wi1k to business center; property easily worth $75oo. This will be sold soon, so hurry if you want a real pickup; $1250 down, balance to I suit- LUEDDFMANN COMPANY, . 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. RESTRICTED district, residence fuV- nibhed, 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping I porch, large attic, floored, buiit-ln buf- I fet. panels, fireplace, hardwood floors, I i urn ace. concrete nssrnicnt. iaunor trays, etc. : cm ra ce with concrete f '.oor High-class neighbors. This house alone I would cost you smjoo to ouild. My price. furnished. $ lono. The rues snd furni ture are brand new. $27H cash, liberty bond, or automobile: tho rest. $50 a month. This house can be rented as It I t for $ a month or more. Cali Wood- lawn 238. No agents. $300 CASH. Balance terms, buys a 7-room house, located on SuxlOO fU lot, a real bargain ror s.ouo. $r,oo CASH. Balance terms, buys a modern 4-room bungalow in excellent condition ; full base ment, cement foundation, linoleum on kitchen and bat hi no in floors. 5ttxi ft. lot. only 2 blks. from car. Owner will j sen ror sjum. see sir. cnristenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., "Mwin 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. A clean, complete, strictly modem 5- room home, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace, well lighted cement basement. laundry trays. 2 large, licht bedrooms. I best-grade plumbing. large-size ha th , tub. larre, light kitchen with bui't-in. double construct Ion and best workman ship and finish throughout: built to laHt : SKHto cash and monthly, in cluding interest. Phone 32419 evenings; unown afternoons by Leo. Milan bmiui. 312 Henry Bldg INVESTMENT SNAP. Why piiy rent when you can buy on Alberts street, close In, 2 etoreiooms 1 lth modern 5-room apartment with sleeping porch above. All city improve ments in anri paid for. Huiidtng tn rirst- cns-conntlon. Present income $tir. p.- month. Owner Is leaving city and will sell for 4 . and $IKV will handl. Can vou teirt this for an investment? John E. HOWARD. SIS Cham, nf Com. IRVINGTON NEW MODE RN BUNGALOW. Five-room bungalow, finished In Ivory and genuine mnhogar-y. roc ms beautliully papered and tinted : furnace, fireplace, etc. ; large attic, full cement b.iseiunt, la'se rarare. This Is en elegant home for someone, on Broadway car line. Price only $i5m. CALL OWNER. MAIN 27 5 rooms, break fa m nook, floored att -, harriwnnd floors. flrenlace hullt-in book case, m rlt ing de.k and bti nt ; a lovely kitchen and bath, large cloches closet, full-size basement, laundry travs, fur nace, garage ; lot fox ion. By owner; no sarrfits. First house south of Sandy hlvd. .i . r w.. v j i- d st. N. SACRIFICE Foil QUICK SALE. Very attractive five-room modern bungaJow with larrd floored attic, fine full basement, trays, furnace, fireplace, i book canes, bedroom old ivory, bath 1 and Dutch kitchen, white enamel : Va block from Hawthorn ave. and car. Ex cellent district. Will make lug discount for large cash payment, owner. 266 L. M.t ?t. ATTRACTIVE BUiAIV. Owners moving Into country, will sll their attractive 5-room bungalow on 41st st.. in tha best best of repair, walls nicely tinted, ba'h. electric Hrhts and ra: good view ard full lot. Price only UuiA IT'.rt .111 k. n'. JOHN E HOWARD. 318 Cham . of Com. $400 DOWN, bungalow. 2 blks. from Miss, c;ir, 5itlOd lot. sidewslks in and paid, full basement, elect, lights. ras. water and bath. Price $2SO. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. 1RV1 NGTON 91 S.500 I RVI NGTON. Unusual in deslrn and finish. Complete in every detail. See thi before buying. You won't regret. A REAL HOME NET'H A U8EX, Main 8078 LOOK AT 7S0 MULTNOMAH ST. Vacant 7-room house, newly painted and decorated, in Irvinrton district, fine irt r.oxio-t with fruit trees, worth 45oo. for nuick sale S3500. Terms. Owner. ! 417 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5256. JUST THINK. n-room house, full lot, one blk. to car. near Richmond school, for $1350; $50 J cash. EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spa. Uiin S jdr: Main 5642. 5-ROOM bunralow with basement, white I enamel kitchen, bnth. all street Im provements in and fully paid; larsre lot and fruit trees. Price only $2o0O and g.-nO will handle. See Mr. Lundrren. with John E. Howl ard. 31i Cnamner or commerce. NRSDiJ OUICK ACTION TO GET modern Hawthorne bungalow in choice location: everything in pink of condi tion. $ 4 1 00. Term a. ED WIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bldg. Main 5642. 6-ROOM bunralow and P. lots, all kinds of fruit and berries. $4."no; $.,on down. $M everv 00 (lavs, or miriit lease for while to rood tenants at $35 per month. Take Kento 1 car. r" t off at Buffalo st. and xo east IO 2. tiutiaio st. tui.-.o 300 CASH. 920 monthly; nifty 3. room house; built-in conveniences, elec tric Uchts; neat ana in good condition. om R4th st.. . t.. k'tiR SALE by owner. 4-room house and grage. on 40x100 lot: price $78i, $540 - cash, naiance m pr monm. -aii even- In rs. 5000 60th st. s. E. 5-RM. NEW BUNGALOW, NR. KILLING.- WORTH A V r-.. .''XIj". AlO ll. It rs II. W. FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FI RNACg, CE- MENT BASEMENT. MAIN 7o. IRVINGTON TWO HOUSES. NOT NEW BUT GOOD, ON 14TH NEAR THOMP SON. ONE 95500; OTHER 945O0. r: a st 1 1- LARGE and roomy; 6 rooms, bath and sewing room, stnctlv modern; hard sur face paid in full; very close in; 95500, half cash. Owner. East 7152. THREE modern houses. 2 rooms, Portland HclEhts, $1800; 4 rooms, some furniture, $23uO; 5 rooms. $26O0. Tabor 6337. COSY story-and-half bungalow. double lot. fruit, berries, garage; terms. Tabor ;r,j6. MODERN 8-room houe In fine condition. 2 blocks from Washington high, walking distsnce. by owner. Phone E;ast 7lG. ROSE CITY PARK. Ftrtctly modern 5-room buncaln with sleeping porch. 12:' 5 Wistaria ave. $1150 CASH. 4-room house. 40x100. 1140 E N. 25th st. A. A. Harden. ""HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMKs" TABOR 4293 KODABAUttH. YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Tou will ap preciMte the real valuv here. This truly modern. double-constructed burga low has a value far In excess of present prices, FlnUhd in rich old ivory and white throughout; hardwood floor, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc. ; full lot; ass in. paid. Let ua show you. BEAUTIFUL PIED31CNT. $6500 You house hunt erf ! How many of you realise the to Vantages of living In Pied mont ? Here you $ct mot excellent car service, view lo cation, fine homes. rood schools, splendid improve ments. We have one of Piedmont's choicest bunga low fr $65K: living room, dining room. kitchen. tmo bedrooms and bath on first floor. 2 bedrooms and s'eep inr porch on second fUor. garage ; construction and ai -ran cement good ; ask us to show you this. Main 530. LAURELHURST SNAP. $7500 Ton. who have been looking Tor the house w hicb. .lust suited and have been disap pointed a tth the prtce and ou have found the price a: I rtpht but didn't 11 We the houe or location should see this fine Laurel hurst home. You will probably have to chance it over some to suit " you; it needs paint both out side end in. but a very lliiie money will put it In shape so you can se!l 1: for ll,OOi to $1 2.CH0 and you can buy it now for J7500. $jnoo down. Hardwood floors throughout, large rooms, plate glass win dows and pnly of them. 3 bedrooms snd sleeping pot ch on second floor, la ice center ha!l. living room, music room, dining room and kitchen on firt floor: hot air heat. No garage. All improvements In and paid for. This is a real bargain. Main 530. MeCRILLTS-CLEAVELAND CO. -2 to 326 Henry liluff. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $5500. FOLLOW EVERY LINE OF THIS AD grasp every word of it (or here one of those real nifty. comfortable, homelike bungalows where all the little cetaiis and conveniences are featured. You will appreciate the bia ivinr room extending the entire width of the house ana me men quality oi workmanship and ma terial. Cuinp.et, even to the iva-tro furnace and instantaneous hot irvater heater. Let us shoa you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 26 Stark St. ner Third. Main 3002 Branch Oflice 50th. and Sandy. jtt.t40. T,A t R K LH I R ST. M A G N I K I " E NT BU NG A LOW. NEAR 35TH AND SANDY BLVD. LARGE LIV. RM.. MAJESTIC FIRE PLACE. H A KDWOOD FLOORS. 8-KT. BUFFET. FRENCH DOORH. LIBRARY. rl.h;. R RK FST. RM.. DUTCH K ITCJU EN. 3 LA IfcGE REI CH AM B KRS. F . BAST. H IGH-GR AM-J Fl"RNA"K FRUIT-Itt"V. LAUNDRY. COAL BIN LI N EN C LOS E T. CHOICE E L ECT It H fix., numonnis buUl-irifs. beautiful pluuibiti k fixtures, nice tot. paved sts., blk. car; worth $vKV It f Inejtt conri it ion : will bear close m ctlca t Ion. Never before of fred. twner. a single man. needs money in bufiinss; must sell : real sacrifice. Only 96500. with some terms. Main 4 :;. G C. GOLDEN BERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in I'ortlartd. ROSE CTTY PARK. $5:50. One of the most beautiful bunga'owa in tuts popular district. There i char acter and distinction to this splendid bungalow. The quality of workmansiiin and material speak for t hemswl v-. In terior decorations and light tlxiures ar! so Tar above the average that there i no comparison. it is needles to say this house in complete, with hard wood floors, fireplace. burTet. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, furnace, ga rage, etc. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 261 Stark St., near Third. Main 3012. Branch Office 50th and Sa.ndy. . BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW in lnmiton 1'a i k ; a bsotuteiy the best buy for a small family In the city; 5 bea u 1 1 f u I rooms, plastered and finished m old ivory, all In excellent condition heni wood f lor. buiitln buffet . breakfast nook, f .replace. furnace f u?1 cement basement, bai h. lot 50x100, well kept lawn a nd shrubbery, paved streets and on carltne ; free of all encumbrance. This htrh-cldfs home built $ years e (to won h 97fiou; tan be bought for $57 5o, $2hh cash. H. J. DRJESsiEL. Main 6416 East 50. 1205 Wt'eex Bldg. $:.6.4'. $-;65i. I R V I VITUS'. IRVINGTt N. 6-r. btmralovk, furn.. firepl.. cement bas t, en. plumbms. ped s s.. houte alor.e wort h 9 45. Must he H!d SATURDAY tR NOT AT ALL. 2 blks. Brdway. 3 blks. 1 rv. car; 97.' rah i;. C. GOLD EN BERG. Abington Bldg. Main 403. BEAUTIFUL 1MM K. EXTRA FINK SHRUBBERY. Grand larr llvinr. deligiitful fire place; nice drntng-roorn. one larce bed room up. w tth fireplace : heaps of fruit, berries and fine garden sol ! : garaize ; paved st reds, all paid ; fine home sur roundings: 4 blocks from car. in Beau mont. This Is realiy a very homey home and you must see It. Roal value. $lo. uuo. Trm. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 660. $7nto STRICTLY MODERN HOME. WITH ENTRANCE HALL. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. BREAKFAST ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR; FOUR 41 ED ROOMS. BATH SECOND FLOOR: AT TIC. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASHMfcNT. GASCO FURNACE. GARAGE; WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST SIDE; ALSO HALF BLOCK CAR LINE. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. IAIN 1800: RESIDENCE. 271-20. HAWTHORNE B U NG A L W . Five lovely rooms and librarv and music-room. bath and toilet down: floored, at tic with one f ininhed bed room ; fireplace ; Boy ington tubular fur nace : good large parage ; paved st reets. all paid, and fine home burroundingb; $45O0 ; $VH canh. FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main LAURELHURST HOME. $5250. FINE FOR LARGE FAMILY. 8-room modern, hardwood floors, f re -place, furnace, buffet. French doors, cab inet kitchen, full cement basement, laundry tritys, 4 bedrooms, bath and toi let up. 1 bedroom down. All st. impts. in and rld. Price ST.2.".n. $ ! 250 cash, CLE V E LA ND-HENDERSON CO. S12 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $3675 HAW. DIST. Cor., 7-r.. firepl.. slpg. pr.; $675 cash. Main 403. G. C. GOLDEN-BERG. A-BI.VGTON BLDG. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 rooms snd den, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, c. floor, furnace. rarngc ; 403E hxi lot. Price .iiMio, sfloo.1 cash, balance terms. C V: ADAMS. &OT Cham, of Com. Bldg; Marshall 2575. Evening Wdln. 3433. EASTM"RELAND Seven rooms and sleeping porch, modern in every respect, two fireplaces. wonderful view; lot 100x100. Fruit trees and room for car d-n. Also shades, full lengt h screens and linoleum included. Sell ood 1 24k. $4iHt DOCTOR'S home; roinr away; near high ana grane scnooi : never oi lered before : rfar Walnut Park. Main 8n52. ZIMMERMAN WHITE. 818 Cham, of t orn, bldg. 9 5000 I RV 1 NGTO N. 50x 1 00. 8 ROO M S. ;OOD HCATION; FIREPLACK. KIR. N ACE. SLEEPING PORCH : IMP. PAID. 91500 WILL HANDLE. ZIMMERMAN a- WHITE. SIS CHAM. OF COM. $5m DOWN and $20 a month for 5-room bunra'ow at 1234 E. Broadway, ore block from Rose City carlinc. Price 9:.o. ini mediate possession. Phone owner. Tabor 7:;4. from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. IRVINGTON HOME. 97500. terms. in cluding extras. Charminc plan, center hall, oak floors, ivory finish, gararc N;uhauscn. Main 878. GROVELAND PARK. 9C400 Six rooms and sun porch, cor ner lot. paved ar.d paid: frms. Prentie, il5 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $10. OaW CASH for medium-ajzf. ai! m-dTn houre, west aide, rlowe to Nob Hi. I dis trict. Phone Marshall 1S4. WEST SIDE, for sale bv owner. 7-room house snd bath, at 41 10 th t. Be tween Harrison and Hall ; term. Irvington home sacrificed. Oak floors, flrep'ace. near car line. Neu haujcn Main bo7a. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS OX THE PACIFIC CO At T. r0 FHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMW -FOR SALE. SEE. FRANK L. McCUIRE To Buy Your Home. veex:end vou a coraial invitation to visit our shorn roums and insprct our wonderful d:.-pUy of ever fH PHOTO GRAPHtf OF HOME BARGAINS FOR .SALE. Every district in the city rrp-res-n :rd. K ery home prrnona'lv ap praised. ALL lOUR INTERESTS ARE PROTECTED You arc put m I M M E Dl ATE TUITH WITH THE HoME lOU ARK I OOK1NC FOR. If neces sary. W K YS ILL H F LP YOU MAKS lOUR DOWN PAYMENT 16 auto at our KRVtCE. Opeu Evenings and Sundays. $7000 THE HOME HARMONIOUS AWAITS YOU U COMING. B-a : tiful low ram hi ing bungalow, artistic. deMghtful; niaive cobble-stone front porch : TRIPLE i 'NST liUCTED : reception hall ; ?parioua i mg room witn GREAT STONE FIREPLACE: bookcayes; artistic panled din ing room; L U S T R O V S HA K DWOOD FLOORS; ideal lutch kitchen (equipped wit h 11 ughes No. 5 e.ectric range and fine linoleum;' beautiful lighting fixtures; SPLENDID G A SCO FURNACE; LAUNDRY ROOM. etc. VicW OP RIVER AND MOUNTAINS FROM THIS WILLAMETTE HTS. home la INCOM PA RA Bl-Y BEAUTIFUL. Vaughn t. T:.g 1 a SACRIFICE. THE OWNLR BEING FORCED TO SELL. 5250 SPLENDID DUPLEX LAUREJ HURST in the heart of this beau tiful residence district. Two family dwelling, each with art glass bookcases ; paneled Uir.iHg room; mawiv leaded glass bui fet; ARTISTIC INTERIOR FIN ISH ; model Dutch kitchen : fur nace: laundry trays. This Is an exceptional BARGAIN, being a mortgagee sale. BESIDES HAV ING A HOME TOU CAN ENJOY AN INCOME OF $50 per mor.vh. $3150 THE PRETTTEST EVER. This sensible HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW has every imaginable device to promote rea 1 com fort. Fire p! ace ; booV case; massive buffet; MODEL DUTCH. KITCHEN: best white enamel plumbing; FINE CORNER T.OT. E 45th st. THIS IS A KEAL HOM12 AND A BARGAIN- $2650 ALBERTA BUNGALOW; 5 rooms; combination livlr.tr ard dining rooms-: convenient kitel;-n; 3 sunny bedrooms; electric! y: gas; good cement basement; f nil lot: SPLENDID GARAGE Can arrange terms. THIS WON'T LAST. We have s SPLENDID ALBERTA HOME, modern, attractive, for $35'"Q. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED: numerous clev er built -ins. etc. ; splendid furnace-. K. 2S:h. close to car. HOME SEEKERS THIS IS YOU K OPPORTUNITY. $23nO WEST SIDE REAL BARGAIN Just $5o down. 920 per month IM POSS1BLE TO RENT FOR THAT u-s tlie terms on this very substantial "homey" home of 6 rooms; white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas: sirert liens a I paid. First. nar Curry. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL VALUE AND ONE THAT YoU SHOULD AVAIL YOUR SELF OF. $200 EASY TO KEEP SPIC AND ' SPAN. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW; WOOD WORK ALL IN OLD I VO RY ; new 1 v PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT; white enamel plumbing; electricity; ras. 1 b! k to car and school. THERE'S A SPLENDID UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF RIYKR AND MOUNTAINS. This is UNUSUAL value. $;;j00 HERE'S ANOTHER OF THOSE JUSTLY POPULAR HAW THORNE bunga'owa: rawilrt brick co.umns; very pretty liv.r.g room with CHEERY F1R1V PLACE; built-in BOOKCASES; SOLID PANELED DINING ROOM; MASSIVE BUFFET: i.ieal Du tch . k 1 tchen : 2 sunniest bedrooms; only I blk. to can: paved st. THIS IS ONE Or OUR VERY BEST BUYS. E 4)ih. $3500 W EST OF LAURELHURST this TRULY SPLENDID HOME BARGAIN; attractive 6 rooms: modern: BEAUTIFUL LAWN SHRUBBERY: c'ose to Rose dty . ar. on Lawrence. This Is a FORCED SALE AND IS A SAC RIFICE. , ; 91105 ARTISTIC LITTLE MT. SCOTT one of the NEATEST FOUR-ROOM 'TT AGES in Mount Scott : OJ A 1 N T FR NT PORCH ; corr.fortaoie ; SPLEN DID GARAGE; lot lMtxUt. with FINE F KUIT AND BE R RIES. J ust iu down; $20 per month. A REAL HOME BARGAIN. If you are In the market for a HOME It Is to YOUR ADVANTAGE TO Uma over our WON DERFUL DISPLAY of over thN PHOT. -GRAPHS F HUM FOR SALE. We ll SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY, and GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ab.naton Bids. Mam 100S. 9! ACRES NEAR TIG ARD. One of the prettiest farms out of Pct iand. nearly hsf cultivated: lies .jusi. right: mile off highway; rood bu'.'l Iiiks. Price $55. mm. cUar; wi.l trade for city income ptopertv and assume. I t : E D I E M A N N CO MP A N V 013 Chamber of Commerce. BEST BARGAIN TODAY. 8-room modern residence In perfect conditio!., full oasin-nt. and furnace; w.ilkiuc distance, cast side; sightly lot. good location. Save carfare and tav this with a ftrt payment of $1250, bal ance long terms. Price $50fn, lees hour a Lne would cost today. Call Johnson, with SKOTHF.IM. PROWN CO.. :;-;o-:;;;; Rh iiway Ex. - IMMEDIATE POSS 1 -SS IO N . Mv A-room 'house at 1 106 K. Belinort: partly furnished: must be sMd witivin the next t hree da s. This is busiTi f s propertv and good Investment for some one No agents. Tabor 74"3. Terms. $:;250. Suburban Homes. ONLY 250 DOWN. - Ore and 16-10 acres, all under culti vation, located on the main road, w of Portland. 7 mites from the court house; 24 young fnut trees, beginning to bear: lots of strawberries, raspberries snd black caps: gcod 5-room bungalow, ham. chicken house and yard: close to school and church: nice place. Pr!ce $2mo. on very eay terms. Breuka, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gcrllnjer Bldg. ORE jIN" CITY LINE. At Concord station, well Improved hslf acre, with lots of fruit; modern 5-room new bungalow, best of plumbing, hard wood f'oors. .fireplace, sleeping porch, gas radiators, finest light fixtures; a fine piac. local ted on the paved rotiri: offered away below value; personally lnap-ted by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gtrlinger Bldg. ACRES, located close to Aloha station and near the paved road ; on graveled road, all under cultivation : new 6-room lath and plastered bungalow, with ce ment basement and floor, 2 large chick en houses. 1(H) bearing fruit trees, logan and other berries. This is close i school snd Is a high -class place; prc 9470O 9 ! 000 cosh : personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Geriinger bid. SIX acrs. 3 under cultivation, fruit, ter ries, nw 5-room plastered bungalow, concret ; foundation, half cement base ment, built-ins, plnce for bath; 4 blks. to car, 55 minutes out. Yon can live here and work In city. $4400, include rood cow, ca'f and chickens: hail ca?h. INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 5421. 248 Stark St. TWO ACRES FRUIT. 9150O; fsoo rash: easy paymenTs;. p paved highway, near O.-wego. onlv a -0-minute drive; full b arinr orchard : fTtie surroundings. An enormous sacrifice KASER At RA1NEY. R23-6 GascoBidg. Vain 761?. MULTNOMAH district, i- acre. $550, T acre. $7."0. on highway. 2 b'ocks to Ore gon Electric station. 6-cent tare, watt-r. gas. elect ricit y ; fine for chicken gsr ien. cow; easv terms. ::!! Railway Kx change. Main 675; residence. East 70S. CHOK B SUBURBAN HOMK and acreage, well located, aear car line, irom 0o up. Inouire Id Lqum nonn ef Rleiey station, on Oregon City ear tine, stan "Alder Brook FOR F LE M -a pi 'wood sta t ion, 4 -room cottage with n str and gas. 1Hix 1 2" fenced grounds: 11 bearing fro:t trees : n - r co unty road. Pric $ LiOi. Cai: W Jin. 1Qv.. ' NEARLY 5 acres in whet. fine barn, ga rage, etc.. railes courthouw. lie fare: cars every hour, right at station. $ 1 21'. O wni-. 2 E. 2M h st. Phone E.it 4 . J'i. VERY 1ESIR. RLE ir I" BUR B A N !K)"4K. l'r-r e:l . 1 .i' i" tr more. -tooru h(Ufc. f ii.v chivlcn I'jrk. 7.". nice truit trees, garage. Tel. Tabor 5604, F