IG THE .MOltXINCl OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1920 ft KAL KSTATB. For rale Acreage. bFLKVDID 1.VACRK EQIMPPED TUAL ATIN FARM, $5000. t Lorafed l miM from electric station .( Tualatin, 12 miles from Portland; IS train a day each way; virtually all in cultivation; fine dark loam noil, in crop -lo er, vetch, wheal, oath, loganber i is and fa mily orchard : h-room houe, harn, chicken house, tank house, gas on cm e. Kood well, pair mares, wagon and harness, other farm implements. 40 chic-kens, 35 small chicks: all for $50o, 1-3 ah. balance term?. See SAM HJSWBV at J. I HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 i:HAMBKR OF COMMBKCB BLDG. 23 IlOWN, $12.50 MONTHLY. We have about 25 one-acre tracts, all set out to apples, cherries, pears, plums, prune, black rat-plwrries and red rasp b rris. These tracts are within one half mile of an inteiurban fetation and about J miie from the Oc car line. They a re in the very highest state of culti v:t Hon and in perfect condition. The acre w h ieh has the gooseberries on it netted the owner last year nearly $300. The surround in firs are Kood and the price, $130 per acre, makes this an at tractive proposition t the man desir ing to get just outside of the city iim Jts. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. o? Com. CHTCKKN RANCH Highly developed hich must be sold on account of death of owner; large tract of ground on hard-surface boulevard, three blocks from good car and 14 miles from ity limits; place will be sold, together with large stock of fuil-blooded chick ens; all improvements on the place are in very highest stale of perfection; mere Is plenty of fruit, berries, flowers and ornamental shrubs; good 5-room house with basement; price $6000; there is nearly 512000 worth of personal prop erty going with this perfect little chicken ranch. For particulars, call upon the attorney for widow at 404 Piatt blog., 127 Park St. ON'il ACRE, at Oswego Heights. 3 blocks l rom Pacific highway, on rocked road. mile from Oswego station; 17 bearing fruit trees, dome berries; good 3-room bungalow, cement basement, electric lights, good fixiures: chicken house and runways; 1500 gallon tank for water system but not connected ; well and force pump. Price 91750, $1075 cash; 6 acres adjoining can be leased pu shares. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger B!dg. AJFtTC TOU INTERESTED IN CHAN- HKRFIY H:LTL"RK? lO acres of the best cranberry bog. 3 miles of Long Bach, Wash., on the Sand Ridge road ; wood, 5-rcom house, nice garacn spot. food w ell, fcm.iil packing house. 3 acres in bearing vines; will be big crop this 3 ar. Price f 40,000, $ i.,000 casn, Dai ance terms. K. ADA MP. 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg, Maibhall . -575. Evening Wdln. 345;;. 14 ACRES. 10 MILES OUT. Tocated close to paved road, on dirt mad, mile from electric station ; .12 seres undi r cultivation, small creek, lot of fruit. 2 acres cherries, 4 acres apples. ;I0 rhubarb plants: fine red shot soil; 6-room cottage, milk house, store house, did barn. I 'rice $3t00, with $1500 cash. Personally insfKM ted. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. HERE is a dandy piece of property. About tnree and a half acres, right in town, adjoining th hotel. Good, rich soil. . Forty-five fruit tree, eight years old. different varieties; raspberries, black berries and gooseberries. No buildings, but fine building site on aide street, half block from paved street. Located In Washouffftl. Wash. Price $3000; iia.lt cash, balance terms at 7. KH'HTER & FOX. Washougal. Warn. 15 ACHES on crush-d rock road, miie from hard-surfaced highway, close to school and electric station. 13 miles fmm Portland; tood modern A-room house, plastered and has basemen, gas lor lights ana coo King, gona oarn arm outbuilding. 5 acres in first-class com mercial orchard, tiie remainder of ground sowed to clover and oats: price 75o, $i.'ion will handle; will give Im mrt iure possession. Tl'RNER A CO.. 2:10 Chamber of Com. Homesteads, Relinquishments. 100 HOMESTEAD. 12 cleared, fine creek. houn. 2 fine cons. 2 brood sows. 13 chickens, 3-year lease on adjoining ranc h, near Eugene, all for $000 cash if taken immediately. 301 Corbeit bldg. 100 REUNQUISHM EXT, 3-room house, auto road. O.OOh.ono timber, mill close by; quick sale. 1W0. 301 Corbett bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale or trade; 100 acres. Call Sell wood 0, Mis, Miller. Fmit and Nut Ixnd. APPLE orchard for sale; 20 acres 10 years old, 1 mile froi.i county seat town. Ad dies ljux 276, Da lias. Or. For Bale -Far ma. ABSOLUTELY the best farming or oaiiy proposition in the Willamette valley; :SS0 acres river bottom land on Willamette river, located 20 miles from Portland on a crushed rock road, part.y fronting the river; 250 acres in cultivation, tne re mainder in oak and ttr timber; beauti ful orchard, 2 acres in peaches and ther fruits. This tan be divided into 2 farms; good wells and springs, suitable for irrigation : close to church and Kchools; fair set of buildings, new silo, hop dryer, big chicken house house and tair barn; woven wire fenced und cross- , lenced ; partly in crop now ; soil sandy and biack loam, not an acre of poor lana. The owner mut sacrifice this wonderful larm at a price far below ita actual alue ; $H5 an acre takes this place. Turner & Co.. 250 Chamber of Commerce. IRRIGATED FARMS In dry! sunny, healthy climate In Deschutes valley ; rsted as the finest pota to land in Ore gon; 80 acres, 22 in alfalfa, paid-up forever water right; the beat of im provements ; plastered house ; price is I $4(K0. an absolute bargain , possession at once. Also 160 acres. 30 in finest of alfalfa, fully equipped; also cattle and horses with thi plate; owner too old to farm; price $9O0O; will ta ke in small p ace near Portland or a residence up to $4000. Personally inspected. McCIure A Sr hmauch Co.. '106 Railway Exchange bklg. Main 1503. WHEAT. WHEAT. WHEAT LAND; 3000 ACRES A SNA P. 2100 In wheat. looking fine: 500 In summer fallowing now and 000 more to summer fallow; of the crop goes with place. Do you know what that means' .lust this, that you may get from $3 to $5 per bushel for wheat be fore next yea r this time. 000a im provements ; no stock or implements; prtue $40 per acr. casn. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bids. $12,000 PROPERTY FOR $750O. Only $1500 cash, 10 years balance. 73 teres, 35 excellent crop. finest soil, rich outrange, all Kinds building, orcl-ard. m;i;l fruit, machinery, 54-ton silo, new Ie Lrtval cream separator, 11 fine cows, bull. team, colt 2 ears. poultry- hogs. lces. stream, wagon, hack, gravel road, Hio.ii place. 3Vj. miles, excellent town. creai"ry. boats, ma ny daily trains, old man, Nvife sick; nothing like this offer; Brett income. Mr. Becker, 312 Lnbbe bids. 10 ACRES ON RED CAR LINE. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 'Nearly new 6-room house. cement basement, good barn and other out buildings, land plowed readv for crop, on good road ; owner called east and tt i',l sell on good terms: $1800 will "handle. 6 per cent on balance to suit, on jrood road and near station: tin fruit trees; in Washington county, Oregon; price $G4."A STEWART BT'SH. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EAST OF OREGON CITY. To acres, located 8 miles from the electric depot of Peavrr creek; 30 acres nndr htch state of cultivation; 15 acres of timber. Good soil, free from rock or gi-avel. Good 7-roorn frame house, barn, (.hi- Un house, half acre of fruit, good spring on the place. Well at the house. Price $3010 ; S550 cash. D.ivis. with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. CLOSE IN FARM. "187 seres, about f miles center of town West Side. Main county road, about 60 acres under plow, about mi a ores heavy :mhir. Owner refused $10,000 offer for the wood. All tillable, no rock or gravel. Set farm bmldines. 120 per acre. .7. C. roRBt.V Co., 305-0-7-R Lewis Bldg. 16.' ACRES in Lane County. Oregon; "0 acres benverdatn, 12 acres cleared; good full set of farm buildings; 1 45 acres merchantable timber on lodging creek; Trice S2." toer acre: term; part exchange App'y to owner between 10 A. M. and 5 V. M . 2nH .lerrerson St., rorimno, vjr. 7r DOWN nv 91; ACRES. Close to sta.. store and school ; good noil; work near by. Price $050; $75 tiowr. . ."S venrs time on balance. .. DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. A GREAT bargln. 3K5-acre dairy and tot k ranch with good outside range. One mite from S. P. depot, at $150 per acre. Terms easy. r . crouch. Can ary. Or. DELICIOUS apple orchard, close in, large profits, wonderful soil: 150O young bearing trees; easy terms. P 166. Ore- gonla LOOGED-OFF lands. H0 acre up; running water; gnoa soil. ninoie; em pioymtni easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 3d st. 100 ACRES, close in. rich s-oM. partly cleared (corner rents for $600) ; price 175 're. J 211. Oregonian. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin alley ia r J 1 7- 1 am usie., tv-n if". .. REM, ESTATE. Fur Sale Farms. A FARM BARGAIN. , 1 7S acres, very best of soil : located on the bank of Willamette river, on good road. 2 mile from Butteville. 22 miles from Portland : 115 acres in high state of cultivation, balance pasture and timber; 1 7 acres in wheat, 34 acres i J clover, 12 acres in real beaverdam, bal ance ready for seeding; about 350,000 tt. of iaw timber. goooV running stream th rough place; 6-room houee w ith bath, hot and cold water, large barn with 3 good si'os. machine shed, hog house, milk house, gas entrine and pump, elec tric lights in all buildings. Farm is all fenced and cross-fenced mostly a oven wire. Price S28.5O0. $12,000 cash, bal ance on terms. See Mr. rienmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 1745. 410 Henry bldg. 52 ACRES, practically level land within half mile of the depot at Washougal, Wash. All clear, excepting about ten acres which Is small oak grubs and small oak timber. Wood enough to last five years. About half of cleared land plowed and seeded, balance In pasture. No stumps on cleared land. No build ings on land. This Is a fine piece of property. If you want to get into the prune business, here is a dandy. No better. Five or six acres of this land Is under back water, when the water gets very high; but goes off in plenty of time for late potatoes or good pasture bal ance of the year. Fenced on three sides. Price $10,000, half cash, balance five years at 7Ci,. RICHTER A FOX, Washougal, Wash. BIG BARGAIN NEAR GRKSHAM. WELL IMPROVED 38-ACRE FARM. With stock, crop and equipment; weil located on good road, a little east of Gresham ; good house w ith full concrete basement, tine large barn, good chicken houe, etc.; family orchard. berries, English walnuts, good water system, pienty of timber for home use. Price JSS00, with farm team, good milch cow, chickens, harness, wagon, hay rack, har row, plows, cultivator, disc, mowing ma chine, hay rake, garden seeder and small tools. KRIDER A ELKINGTON, GRESHAM, OR. 624 ACRES Cherry Co., Nebraska, section 1, township 2S, range 32. 160 r". In cul tivation, balance good grass and hay land. 30 miles from Mullen and railroad. 2 miles from store and postofflce. Good well and windmill, good steel tank. Shed for 25 bead of stocic. Hog house and garage, sod house. Corn cribs for 1000 bushels of corn. Four acres fenced hog tight, balance about half fenced with wire. Price $15 per acre, or would trade for ranch around Washougal. Wash., of equal value. Here la a anap if you want to raise stock. RICHTER A FOX, washougal. wash. 30 A.. A ROUT eight acres under plow, about 25 acres can be plowed. Eight room house. Good spring water piped to house and barn. Family orchard, team, one cow. two calves, a few pigs, two dozen chickens, wagon, buggy and har ness, plows, harrow, cultivator and some other tools. Eight miles from store, postofflce and railroad. Price $3600. Half cash, terms on balance at 7. or Night consider some acreage trade. Bal ance cash. RICHTER & FOX. . Washougal, Wash. 30 ACRES, located on the main highway, 2 miles west of Eatacada, Oregon; 25 acres can be cultivated; 20 acres under cultivation; good soil ; one spring and welt; 4-rnom house, good large barn 30 x 40; rural route. This place is on the road that is being paved. Price $3500, $.u0 earth; or will exchange for house on the west slope of Mt. Tabor. Ranch per sonally inspected by Mishler, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. 220 STOCKED ar.d equipped for only $22 per acre, with 55 acres in winter wheat, 2 acres potatoes; all household goods: in lower Pa louse country. Whitman county. Get busy if you want this. Oniy 1' mile from station. $2500 will hand e 86 acres near Scio, Or.. in valley, 65 In cultivation ; $2500 will handle this one; miie to town, on good auto road. Price only $500; good terms on balance. PEPER A RICHARDS. 508 Buchanan Bldg. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. 1 can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. 74 A. SEVEN miles from Washougal. Wash. Forty acres under plow, balance timber and pasture. Two hundred appl trees, thirty Barllett pear trees, thirty prune trees, two and a half acres of young prune trees, plenty of all kinds of small fruit. Five-room house, good barn and othr buildings. Fencing, running water, two wells and spring. Price $75io. $,000 cash, balance easy terms at 6. RICHTER & FOX, Washougal, Wash. 98 ACRE44 70 acres- in cultivation, large dairy barn, 2 silos, good 7 -room house; also a 5-room house; mostly all seeded; 1 mile from United Railway ; dope to church and school. 15 miles to Portland: well drained, very best soil in Washing ton county, on Liberty road. $225 per ' acre, with terms. For further informa tion call at 166 North 21 t &t.. or at Terminal Garage, southeast corner Fifth and Hoyt sts., city. 40 A.. FOUR and a half miles from Wash ougal. Good road to place, on mail route. Small house, good bam, plenty of water; water piped to house. About fifteen acres in cultivation, about ten more slashed and seeded to grass, bal ance timber. Land lies fine. Some fruit and berries. 1000 ft. of dimension lum ber on the ground. Price $4000, haiX cash, balance terms at 7-. RICHTER & FOX. "Washougal. Wash. 172 ACRES, 6 miles eut from W'ashougal; 70 acres in cultivation, aiance in pas ture and timber; good road to place; good team, wagon and harness; 17 head of good milch cows, milk check now $Lfi per month; farm tools to run place. Ail goes for $13,000; half cash ; balance 5 years at 7 per cent. Reserve auto truck and one small gas engine. Would real farm to responsible party. RICHTER & FOX. Washougal. Wash. ACRES, all cleared but about two acres. Two sets of buildings, fine spring water, fruit and berries. About eight miles from Washougal, Wash., and about 2 Vfc miles from store, postofflce and railroad. Price $6000. half cash, good terms on balance at 6- Stock and machinery can be bought very reason ably. RICHTER '& FOX. A Washougal, Wash. HAVE had p!ced in my hanae for sale bv non-resident owner a H01 -acre farm about 34 miles from Wilsonville, front ing on Willamette river. No buildings worth mentioning, about 80 acrea cleared. Have been instructed to sell this prop er t v. Can be oought for considerably less than $100 an acre. Will do business with bjyers only ; no agents. Joe J. Thonnton, Wilsonville, Or. FOR SALE 200 acres; house, 4 rooms, kitchen, 2 chicken houses 14x28 each; 38 acres wired for chickens; rain water cistern, well and barns. Price $5000; also 30 acres, main- road, 9 miles from town of Coalinga, price $4800. EWARD A. WEBB. Real Estate Broker and Insurance, Coalinga, Cal. YAKIMA VALLEY 20 acres. close to town; 8 acres bearing orchard, bal ance corn, alfalfa, plenty water; 6-room house, barn, outbuildings; price $5500; xifSOO caah, balance 7 yeais, 6 per cent: this is a rare bargain and will not last long; act quick; can tor new booklet. Hover, 512 Selling bldg. ALBERTA FARM. i -SO-acre farm. 1 1 40 under Plow, snlen- did buildings, flowing well, price $70 per acre, including 5O0 acres seeded to wheat, s-ju.w" casn, oaiance caop pay ment: win lane goon 1 arm nere in trade, Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermens bldg. A REAL FARM SNAP $0 PER fi40 acres. 110 acres cultivation, farm eastern Oregon and considered one of the best of its kind, really js worth twice mis price. tr-inia. occ Mr. ipto J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. AS GOOD ff not the best buy in Yamhill couniy. uioLcn a 1a1.11 VL w acres, it in cultivation but 8 acres and all in crop good buildings, house modern, beautifullr C. D. THORNTON. Amity. Oregon 33 ACRES. 17 miles south, near station 1000 walnut and fruit trees, aome bear' ing; -w Bti-ofuus ' j ttvio, ouuainga, wood and springs; $8500. terms. Aul 600 ACRES. $65,0O0,near McMtnnville. on Yamhill nvr; one 01 .nest rarma in vatJ ley. Investigation solicited. , Hart, JTI0 Ch. of Com. Tel. ,tfar. 1585. -" A BARGAIN. TT 422-acre stock, grain and dairy ranch combined, west of Oakland. For particu lars writboxSltaJtLand. Or. STOCK or dairy ranch for sale. 1090 acres 4 miles from ocean, $32.50 per acre with Hereford cattle, sheep, horses and hogs. Owner O. Powell. Florence, Or. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all aires. McFarland, 209 Failing bldg. GOOD Poultry farm 3000 capacity; uo-to-date. Must sell. Write owners. Cole mad A Charters. Spirit Lake Idaha. KKAL ESTATE. For &ale MODERN CLARKE COUNTY FARM 160 acres, rich loam soil, I'M) acres in high state of cultivation, balance in paature and timber, all .fenced and cross-fenced. fine water. 2 acre of assorted orchard, fine 10-room plastered house, with full set of white porcelain plumb ing. irge airy rooms, with butlt- . in effects, 2 large barns. fully equipped with bay forks, etc. Ga rage with concrete floor, granary, chicken houses, hog houses, pump with gas engine attached, elevated tank, dairy, together with: New tractor, plows, disc and harrows attached. 2 binders. 2 mowers, grain drill. hay rake, walking plows, 3 wagons, manure spreader, platform scales, potato planter and digger. fanning mill. tedder, a b-lacksmlth outfit. 4 horses. 2 cows, hogs, several sheep and lambs and all manner of small tools, crops are all seeded, extra good stand. In highly Improved farm district, ad joining some of the best prune orchards and diversified farms in Clarke county; beautiful view of Mount Hood, St. Helens and sur rounding country: short distance from large general store and high school; 1 mile from North Bank paved highway and railroad sta tion, only 8 miles frm Vancouver. Jt would cost $0000 to build this farm house. Price $40,000. Lib eral terms. THOMPSON" SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main sta., Vancouver. Wash. 80 ACRES FULLY EQUIPPED JN I'M PQL'A V A LLE V. only 3 miles from a progressive town on the S. P. R. R. Of the 80 acres more than 65 are In cultivation. Of this 40 acres are bot tom of a rich sandy loam soil, 5 of which are beaverdam, with water to Ir rigate. At present 10 acres are in wheat, 10 acres in oats. 16 acres in clover, 6 acres in vetch and oats. 0 acres in young prune trees. 10 acres oreDared for corn. with selected seed corn. Plenty of tim- ner tor iuei and watered bv two small streams and springs; running water at nouse ana oarn. New hoube of 7 rooms, with large attic for 4 more rooms; not quite fin ished: insured for $1500; new barn has cost over 2OO0. with silo; outbuildings. The place is fenced into 4 fields with woven wire a nd rails. Wifh the property go 6 cows, 2 fine teams, 3 brood sows. 22 pigs, a full complement of tools and implements From 1 Vi acrea of clover was ihreshed 624 pounds or seed ; 1 4 a--res In corn averaged 75 bu. to acre. Th" Vmpqua vfMiey ii3s tne r ncut climate in Oregon. Corn always cures. It Is low priced for $0000. Terms $400O cash. MacINNKS PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. IT COSTS YOU LESS to buy a farm from us than from the owner. Why spend your time in riding over the country when we have already done this for you ? Come directly to our office and slate your wants. Our farm expert can place you immediately upon the ex-tot farm you want. We have hundreds of choice farm to select from and our years of expiince -vill aave you time and money. Let us be of service to you. It costs you nothing. For appointment call Main o.IO. McCRlLLIS-CLEAV ELAN D CO.. 322 to 32t Henry Bldg. SEE THIS TODAY. Splendid 80 acres with good buildings, water system and tine orchard : extra good team, choice cows, 5 hogs, chickens; one-half now in crop, balance pa- , ture. On rock roa d wit h in 20 miles of Portland. Very rich clay loam, producing large crops. Com pletely equipped ; $14 5(H. $14000 cash, balance to suit, 6. Main 5:,0. McCRILLIS-CLElA VELAND CO. IDEAL DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. 320 acres, all rich, practically level land, about 200 acres tine bottom land, about 2u0 acres under cultivation. 30 acres more very easily cleared, balance in woods pasture. Watered by sev eral fine springs, well and two trout streams. Good 10-room house w ith large fireplace, la rge atone dairy, dairy barn, silo; four large hog houses, with steam cooker and vat, large granary and warehouse, chicken and outbuildings. Fine orchard of assorted fruits in full bear ing. Close to school, church and with all rural advantages at door, daily truck service'. 4 miles from R. R. and boat transporta tion, 12 miles out on fine auto road and in the heart of the fa mous I.aCamai val ley. Price only $45,000. cash, bal. to suit. Will take part pay in good income bearing property. Pic tures and full information at of fice of THOMPSON SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main sta. Vancouver, Wash. THREE MILES FROM OREGON CITY 35 acres, located on a good road and close to electric station ; 34 acres of finest land in the state of Oregon. acres under cultivation and in crop. II ! acres pasture, lami ly orchard. good fences, spring and creek ; good 6-room house, barn 30x48, thieken house 16x30: one mile to school. With this place goes 8 horses, 4 cows. 1 yearling. 26 chick ens and a complete line of machinery, crops and tools. If you want a well- located, productive place, all ready to move onto, you will buy this small farm. Personal! v inspected by Nelson, with JOHN .FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. WANTED REAL VI STATE. 1 MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SELLING HIGH-CLASS HOMES FROM $0000 UP. LAUHELli URST, IRVINGTON, ALA MEDA. MT. TABOR AND TH E HEIGHTS. IF YOU HAVE A HOME FOR SALE. ONE WORTH THE PRICE ASKED. PHONJi OR MAIL FULL DE SCRIPTION. PO IN DEXTER, SOS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me. 1 sell houses only, and have many buyers. All listings will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WB GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE A CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MOD ERN HOME; MUST HAVE AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS BESIDES MAID'S QUARTERS. THE PARTY HAS THE MONEY. WILL1NO TO PAY FOR A GOOD HOME, BUT MUST BE WORTH THE PRICE ASKED. POI N DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20 HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from $3000 to- $6O0o in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. T COB A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ONE or more acres with some fruit and good house near electric line and good road. W ill pay up to $."0O0. $L'000 down, ba l. monthly or mortgage. Ask for Mr. Marshall, Main 106S. HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department and are pleased to have your property if ii is ior eaie. juh.n t bKULSU.N, Ger linger bldg. PRIVATE party wants a modern 6 or 7 room house or bunga low ; lot 100x100 preferred; win pay cash if bargain; no agents. f ziw, uregonun. WANT at once a four or five-room modern nouse, not over sjouo, any good district; S ."VOO down, balance monthly payments. Alain -iih-.'. ..us aicKay DJdg. TWO to 5 acres. Improved, within 10 miles of Portland, near car line and good road, must be a bargain. Write 2H McKay oiag. rortiana. ONE ACRE at Bensonic Heights; also 5 acres new snuouvrr, w asn., to ex- cnange ior gooa Biguiiy tot. see xlall, 211 Wash. st. SMALL cottage or bungalow. Portland rieignta or k ouncn crest; casn; imme diate. H 209, Oregonian. FOR CASH Residence lot. Rose Citv. near Sandy preferred; must be cheap. Phone Main 8720- WANT house equity ; have 1 ii-ton Fed eral truck with bed; might consider va f cant lots. 702 Title A Trust bldg. tV'ANTED At once. Rose City bungaiow. No agents heed answer call. Bdwy. 206 Mr. King. - " HAVE client with cash for suburban home. 2 to 10 acres. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Wash, st. Main 5429. WANT 4 or 5-room modern bungalow, close in. Main 5429. 5-ROOM bunsaiow, 100x100. for cash; good location. Tabor 4299, Rodbaugh. WANTED Bargains In farms and acre- age. Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermeai bid;. WANTED BE AX ESTATE. LAROKST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. FRANK L. McGCIRE (To SU Your Home) WE NEED IT TODAY. You want RESULTS? Trv the Mc OL IRE SYSTEM. An- efficient live met hod of HOME SELLING. lOL'R SERVICE IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. No charge except the standard brokerage of 5 per cent . in the event of a- satis factory sale.) Our record : Ri; Homes sold lant year. 9 Homes sold in one day. 112 Homes anld in March. 101X 378 Homes sold since Jan. 1, 1920. FRANK L. McGl'IRE perwonallv inspects. APPRAISES AND PHOTOGRAPHS every home listed. We display all photographs in our large showrooms which are continually crowd ed with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. 14 courteous, experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your HOME. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 106. Onen E venires and Sundays. DEAL WITH AN OLD RELIABLE FIRM. WE are constantly turning away buyers for improved 20 to 50-acre farms which can be handled for ' sma II payment down. List yours with us now so that we can sell it TODAY. Larger farms are mov ing rapidly. Write or phone us to day if you wish to sell. McCRILLIS-OLEAVEL AND CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. Main 5U0. WANT business block or income property for cash and farm. P UK, Oregonian. Farms W anted. WANTED Small chicken ranch up to 10 acres. small payment down. x iti, Oregonian. 10 ACRE'S or more, imnroved: running wa ter: southwestern Wash, preferred ; not over IJ000. Box 75. Artel. Wash. Wanted to Ren WANTED TO RENT. T haw a client from the eaut with the cash. Will purchase personal property and crops and rent your farm. If you want to dispose of your equipment and rent the fa .in. v.-rite me at once. X will end my cUcnt rignt out. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER IJIKDS. YELLOW FIR. 15 to 41 million feet of an excel: en: quality of yellow fir In a aoiid, body, ready for miiUng; flume to. to opera tion to the railroad statical H. S Noble, 310 Lumbermen blvtg. 320 ACRES SAW TIMBER. On west side. S. P. electric, half mile from side track, for a good sawmill deal see DRAPER. 401 Board of Trade. WANT to hear fro.n parties with small mill, about 10,0't-o cap. Will buy lease or contract. Have timber and must hsvc mill at once. P 2oS, Oregonian. WANTED 2 loggers to join me in a prop osition tht will net $12,000 to each. Ericsson, Hotel Madras. STUM PAGE 5O0 cords, sound fir timber, near Portland. $1.50 cord. Owner. 417 Chamber of Com. Phone Main 5250. WANT purty with small portable mill to cut by thousand ; fine chance. N 160, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR SALE. Iease on 240 acres for 1920. About 50 A. unttfer p.ow, balance pas ture and timber. Four horses, a cows. 1 yearling heifer, 3 calves, 2 heavy wag ons, 2 buggies. 2 sets of work harness. 1 single driving harness, cream separa tor, mowing machine and other machin ery to run the place. Ali household goods. Also 2 hogs, about 2 dozen hens and some small chickens. Pienty of fire wood. AH goea for $1100, including lease on place. Half cash, balance terms at 7. RICHTER A FOX. Was-hougal, Waan. FOR RENT 10 acres, 9 cleared : good house, barn, chicken house, orchard; balance pasture ; lots work handy ; nice p ace to live; $175, $75 down, bal. in tail. Small places for sale, also large farms. GEORGE BEERS, Sandy. Or. Phone 67 SO ACRES near Oregon City ; 17 culti vated : buildings, orchards ; season' rervt $200 ; aUo aell renter 500 cords wood; hustler can clear $2000. Eveaiu-. Tabor 7055. TEX ACRES Section Line road; barn. 171 3d st. hOUM, 20 ACRES potato land, just plowed; rent for cash and farm. P 1 05, Oregonian. FOR RENT Oregon farm. 49 acres. $10 month. W. C REUTER. St. Maries. Ida. TO EXCHANGE REAL, ESTATE. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND. . SALE OR TRADE. In two tracts. 20 and 40 acres. 40 acres cultivable, balance pasture and 1 imbor ; 24 acres 8-year-old aoule trees, which produced 10OO boxes last year : habitable buildings. Price $85U0. Will either or bo to and take any good city property for all or part. Immedi ate possession. Johnson, with SK OT H EI M-BROWN CO., 331 Railway Exch. EXCHANGES. We can handle your properties, farms for city Drojterty of all kinds and apart ment houses, houses, etc.. for other properties. See MR. EPTON. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. PROPERTY OWNERS. ATTENTION. If you have a house or lot. small acreage or farm that you wish to sell or exchange, see Peper A Richards at 508 Buchanan bldg. We are hustlers. 5-ROOM modern home, lot 100x100; free of all Incumbrances; in Vancouver, Wash., to exchange for Portland home Will pay rash difference If worth it See BROWN A BIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange. Marshall 3331. 10 ACRES, close in; all in cultivation; 4 room bouse, fine barn and chicken houses; fine strawberry and loganberry soil ; $050 Per acre. Owner, 511 E. 5oth N. Tabor 8;;52. NEBRASKA Income for Willamette valley farm or ranch ; value $25,000, encum brance $5&0O; present Income $175 per month; will pay $250 to $300 by per. sonal attention. Want farm for equity. Guy M. Green. College View, Nebraska. EXCEPTIONAL Beautiful 1 Oaeres. 6 commercial orchard, good buildings, near Eugene; give even for residence worth $4000. Owner, 141 East Via N. Tabor 7055. TRACT of 30 fine bldg. lots, S. E. cor. 43d and JJi vision; win sell or exchange. Owner. J. H. McMahon, 20O0 Eaat 43d. Tabor 5361. TWO ACRES AT RUBY JUNCTION. Will trade for good car or for work grading and filling roadway. Strong A Co.. 63 4 Chamber Commerce. TO EXCHANGE Improved 60 a. close to Eugene on paved highway; would con sider two Ford trucks or two light tour lng cars, bal. cash. Box 42, Goshen. Or. FOR SALE or will trade lor larm or city property, two W sections of timber land in Lane county, containing over 7,000,000 teet. Address Hotel Osborn, Eugene, Or. SMALL car and some cash for m v strictly modern 6-room bungalow. 514 Shetland bldg. V A NCOUVER -5-room bungalow and large lot in exchange for Portland property; will pay difference. 534 Swetland bldg TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SINGLE BARREL SHOTGUN AND CASE TO -TRADE. FOR GOOD FLY ROD OR MACHINIST TOOL CHEST: WILL PAY DIFFERENCE. EAST 2991 AFTER 6 P. M. W ANTED 2 refrigerators will exchange groceries for one large .and one small one. W 161. Oregonian. GL ITA R, mandolin, wheel hoe and gas heater to exchange for flreiesa cooker or tent. F 104. Oregonian. FOB SALE. Homes, Vehicle. livestock. 1 BIG brood sow-weighing 300 pounds; also 2 young brood sows: price reasona ble. 632 E. 4th. Woodstock car. BARGAIN No. sound, true, of 78th st. 1 farm team, 2700 lbs., 1967 E. Stark su, corner GOOD family cow ; must be sold today. Price $100, as I am leaving the city. 617 N. Jersey at. Phone Col. 411. DEAD stock removed quickly: cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukee 69-J fox results. "WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and 'goats Campbell-Phelan Land A Cattle Co., 302 Couch bldg! GLADIOLI -12 named bulbs 50c. Wd.ii 1220. T. A. Drews, 1025 E. 23d N AB. car. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Port land Rendering Co., Woodlawn 20. FRESH young Holstein cow, big milker, for sale cheap. Main 7618. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 420a. TWO fresh Durham heifers with calves at $65 and $55. 751 E. Ash at. WANTED BcX cattie and veal. Tabor tOf FOR MIX Horttn. Vehicles. IJTestock, BARGAINS In horses, harness, masons. 15 head of good serviceable mares and geld Incs. weighing from 1150 to- 16O0 lb., sues A to 8 yars: priced from $50 up. This stock is juit out of work end gram fed. Have a few nice single workers as well as several matched teams among them. Will hitch any horre for vu and guarantee them as we represent them. 8 sets double harness. 4 farm wagons. 3 buggies. If you nred anv thing in this line it will pay ou to see this stock at stable. 2i3 Rut? sell st.. near W illiams ave. car. YOUNG, gentle family cow. giving 4 gal. of rich milk per day. Will sll very reasonable. Woods' ock car to u4th at., north to Powell Valley road to a small ellow house. FOR immediate sale, my good young work teams of horses and mares, also two good span of young mulen. This stock tin be seen working. Call at Cochran barn, 401 Syracuse at.. St. Johna. TEAM of geldings, weight 2000 lbs.. 4 and 5 years old, gentle end good workers, no further use. will r-ell for any reasonable offer. Martin's place, Tlat and Powell Valley road. 12 HEAD eastern Oregon mares and horw. weighing 104H to 14.-0 lbs.; gentle snirf.e workers, mated teams, saddlers. Stables foot of Taylor st. dock). WANTED To buy some Holstein o Dur ham cows; give price and particulars in first letter. George Buhch, routs 1, phoVie 5 F 21, Oregon City $175 BUYS medium weight team, mars and horse, broke to farm work; neariy new complete harness. Marlon Fuel Co., f-oT of Taylor st. (dock). 3-YEAR-OLD Jeruy. fresh with calf, milking 44 gal. per day, for sale very cheap. &d0 Powell Valley road, Wood stock car. BIG. gentle Belgian mare, very neavy in foal ; have no p'ace to care for her; will sell cheap. Wood yard foot of Tay lor L (dock MUST be sold at once, my work team. 5OO0 lbs., which 1 bar. left witn the barnman at Creaton warehouse stables, 50th. Powell valley road. SADDLE HORSE Well-bred blue roan, weight 110O lbs., very gentle, good life, sound. 5 years old. See Ward, foot of Taylor st. tdock. FINE 4-year-old Holstein riairv cow, heavy milker 1920 Portsmouth ave. Pianos, Organ auid .Muni cat Instruments. PIANO SALE. Every used piano has positively been reduced to a price you cannot compare. B A I LET, mahogany case $24$ DUNHAM, plain mahogany HOMER, oak case 250 IRVING, oak case -40 SMITH AND BARNES, mahogany case 275 MANSFKLDT. walnut case 1 SIN;er. plain mahogany 2.0 JENNINGS A SON old style 60 UNIVERSAL bungalow player with roils and bench 410 Terms Given. S EI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th, bet. Washington and Alder. BABY GRANT HARDMAN PIANO. BARGAIN. COLONIAL DESIGN. MAHOGANY CASE. JUST LIKE NEW. A RARE OP PORTUNITY TO GET A HIGH-GRADE INSTRUMENT AT A BARGAIN. NO DEALERS. SEfcl EVENINGS OR SUN DAY AT 475 E. &4TH ST. NORTH. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $475 Kimball Upright, neariv new.. $210 750 Steinway & Sous' Upright 20 SMH) Steger A Sons fine mahogany. S. 475 Hallet A Davis Upright 15 275 Bord A Co. Paris Upright 75 25U Coliard A Col lard Upright 85 oOO Mendenhall Modern Player Piano 395 3 Parlor Organs, $25. $35. $45 to $55. We store your piano for 75c monthly. We buy and sell pianos ontv for cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 103 10th St. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. factory, rebuilt and lined pianos. $00(1 Steger Wax Circassian Walnut. 505 MOO Steger dull mahogany 45 hOO Steger MibSion oak 4;(5 750Sieinway A Sons' Upright 4K5 500 Hobart M. Cable manogany. . 2-ft 650 Steger upright grand oak 4i5 5."i0 Steger upright grand oak 4tt5 G.iO Thompson large Upright 355 Others for SPJ5. $23 $265. $2VU. etc. Terms $. $. $10. $12 to $18 wonthlv. SCHWA.N PIANO CO.. loth A Stark Sts. PIANO FOR VICTIIOLA. $200 New V1CTROLA and RECORD OUTFIT, trade for used piano; best prop osition. Main 8580. SKI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records, out proposition m ill please you. beiber-ling-Lucas Mualc Co., 125 4ih st. Main babti. ORGAN SALE. $20 and up. Mason -Hamlin. Weaver, Eaiey. Beckwith and others. Seiberling Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th L, bet. Wash ington and Alder. WONDERFUL. PIANO BARGAIN. itt genuine naze it on brua. piano. wnn -u manoxany oencn. only J2o $5 down. $15 mo. The best piano bar gain In Portland. 312 Worcester tdg. WM. RAAB, piano tuner, player-piano ex pert, many years ioremaa Shennau-Ciay c .o., un naruiu o. uuurri, ttbi I am hill fct. Phone Automatic 652-&4. BEAUTIFUL large let or lctroia with many line recorus, aiau. a. it,2, ore gonian. PIANO WANTED. Pay caah; get our price. Sef berling-Lu- cas A1UB1C .o., i im i. main otj. CA BLE piano, plain polished ma hogs ny sell cea p ; owner moved to CatUornia, 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Piano, country; cash. P. M. at once: can be old, for Main 3864 before 5:30 $6tK) GENUINE Kingsbury piano, plain mahogany; only J.ii with bench; almost like new ; terms. 312 W orcester bldg. PHONOGRAPH Cost $275 30 davs ago; trade for good uaed piano. Apt. ill. Aiain o i. 3TJ n rttv.-s i ctoinri graronoia, new music Empire Tranafer, 254 Broadway. fcsroaaway i. $600 GENUINE Kimball only $175; sweet tone; $5o down, $12.50 mo. 312 Wor cester Diag. W A NT ED Nice toned piano; reasonable bargain. M ar. pay cash $175 BUYS $4-0 piano, nice mahogany rase, urnim. j ' - Mmvmirr oiag. WILL store East 6251. piano for use of same. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c per ron. nm-j v"n, tfg-w lamnui. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3H4 Yamhil! St. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT. ALMOST new piano for sale, cheap, terms FOR SALE Steck upright piano, cash. E 492.. WANTED To buy second-hand Victrola Phone n-asi n aucr i o ciock. FOR SALE Small Royal piano, new. 1014 E. Main. Good as PIANO Hallet A Wood la wn 124. Davis, old style. Phone W I LL store pi i no for use ; best care ; no children. labor i-teu. Furniture for ale. LARGE bevel plate mirror m walnut frame. $50; tapeatry upholstered oak Davenport. $50. beautiful oak bookcase sliding doom. $25: Universal ran Re. gas plate attached. -tu; lovely china and cut glass, bluebird dishes, pictures, gas pi ate. n waters. cook in g utensils. etc 12:.9 Kerby St., cor. Simpson. Wdln r74. DON T sacrifice your furniture if going tan or io La i norma , we can Save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer c btorage Co., 24J Pine st. FURNITURE for sale; flat for rent; lady leaving city and will a-cli fi-it, complete !y and nicely furnished, ready for houie keepin-g : west side, w alking- distance Main l'Jjy. LIBRARY table, box couch, living-room . I urn i ture. totcnen taoie and cha trs, oak buffet, curtains and fixtures: all good reasonaotr Kj. dim . kc car. ONE couch. 1 bookcase, 1 buffet, 1 daven port, aewtng table and various other noueenoin articles, tjim Haxeifern place, lmiui oinui bi. r ii jii i a. oor 4 1 iu. SPECIAL on rurts We have several rugs i a a. nil biiiniirr mai must d sold at n?e. oi r. inn, near rturnslde. Bdwy i o lbbq on ice lurnnure. j i ' 'f olu navenpon. neariy new ; cost sen ior or irane ior Knc. Brit- tanlca or overstuffed c flair. 725 Vaughn FURNITURE for sale, private residence, ruffi, sras ranffp, cnairu. oens. etc; DO a eaters. oa si. Main 4029. FOR SALE 5 rooms furniture. 2773. - Broadway PLAYER-PIANO mupic rolls, cabinet and furniture. Marshall 4727. RANGES and water heaters moved free; connections a specialty. Tabor 2307. 5 ROOMS fine furniture, fine location; $350 trade for auto. 352 3d st. MAHOGANY dining room suite. 195 between 8 and 4. FOR SALE Living room furniture. Call at 45S E. 51st N. or Tabor 530. FOR SALE. Furniture for Hale REMOVAL SALE. We must vaeat by May Zi. .as our store was leased over our head. Our entire stock of furniture, stoves, carpetn. rugs, etc., will be sold t a big sacrifice, A few of the many bargains we re offering: Round Tedcstsl Dining Table, re duced to $1185 Solid oak Dining Chairs, reduced to $ Beds, reduced to Springs, reduced to $ 2.50 Chiffonier, reduced to $12.50 Gas Ranges, reduced to $12.50 Wood and Coal Range, with water coil, reduced to $10-85 New Congoleum Rugs. ftxI2, re duced to $14.85 Overstuffed leather Craft Rock ers, reduced to $21.85 Cotton Mattreaees. 40-lb., reduced to. $1185 STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 204 First St., Near Taylor St. FINE VALUES IN GOOD USED RUGS. Four grand 0x12 Royal Turkish rugs in very pleasing colors and patterns. life-time rugs and priced only $5, $75. $70 and $65. 16x19'- feet hlgh-graH body. Brussels rug reduced to $62.50. 9x9 body Brussels at $3.V 2 81x10Vb Brussels rugs. al most new, for $34.75 each. All wool 9x12 Scotch rug for $17.50. Easy terms. -MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1st Street BIG AUCTION'SALES TUESDAY, THURSDAY.' SATURDAY AT 2 P. fS Big auction, sales where you can buy your furniture and kitchen ware at great saving. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 211 Second SL 50 SINGLE iron beos with spr.ng and mattress, complete at the extremely low price of $b.50. Call early and secure these. Also 200 manlewood folding chairs In fine condition at very low price. Terms if desired. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 First St. OAK and leather davenport, gas si.ove, Kuud heater. Main 46o. Poultry. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's createst layers. Eggs from free-ranxe Hoganlzed stock only; March chicks. $14 per 100; April, Ma and June. 12.50 per 100. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petatuma. ral. BABY CHICKS. S00O a week; O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; get l he best while the getting is good Egs $1 50 a tbettlng. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. 82d st. snd 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. PKTALUMA While Leghorns lead the world in egg production; we sell BABY CH1X at $13.50 per 100 during May and J uie, cafe arrival of full count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, 441 ttth at.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS PROMPT DELIVERIES on Legnorns, Reds and Rocks ; beat stock ; prices reasonable. Write today, i. N. Need ham. Salem, Or. LARGEST kind S. C. Black Minorca eggs, 1st pen $2. 2d $1.50 far 15. Fine 1. ers. Mrs. r. A. Ctbtuer, Gresham. Oregon. It. 1. SETTING F.GGS from my prise Ho- gan:zed lo k. Kliloit strain, April. Ma , June, special $:t. 5i. Dick Lapoaea. S. Oregon City. R. F. D. Rt I. TANCRED WHITE LEGHORN laying hens. $1.7- each; incubators, hatching eggs. Tabor 322. PACK NOW. Your eggs for winter use; clean, fresh laid, infertile. Eaat 404. DAY-OIJ) chicks, ready or delivery. Trap- neoted stuck. Call Tabor .2ti. WHITE LEGHORN and S. S. 11 am burg it. S. L. pullets. Tabor H-.95. IkMS S4rh SETTING hens for sale and two roosters. R. 1. and Elliott strsin. Tabor 3H. FOR SALE One dozen laying bens. each. Tabor iHS. I ok. Rabbit. Birds. Pet Stock. ONE pair thoroughbred EngJihh sheep dogs, male and female, not related. aio t tarte rt months old puppies. Address bos 29. route 1, Milwaukte. Oregon. Pnone Oak Grove 16-J. Oall noon or evenings. WILD animals wanted ; cub beara espe cially; water spaniel puna for sale, males $20. fnmaiti $10; express prepaid to you. Address Thomas Siegmund. box 7, Wallowa, Or. RABBITS WANTED. Private party atarung rabbi try will pay good prices for all sixes and breeds of rabbits. D 127. Oregonian. WANTED Two male fox or rat terriers from one to two years Ota. Jaae Meier, Gar-ton, Or., care Merrick Lumber Co. FLEMISH Giant rabbits, first-class pedi greed stock: can oe seen at wi c. -jlo st. Phone Tabor 5329. FOR SALE 10 choice pigeor.s; Kings and Carneaux; $10, Wdln. 5170. FIVE singers and brass cage. No. Auto. 310-7T 63 E. 36th HAVE female canary to rive away. N Oregontan. lsuorhr and Boat. OCEAN troiier with years of experience wishes partner to Duy nan inierwi m boat "fiprav." Can be keen at Oregon City Or. $1000 cash. E 1Q6, Oregonian. WILL buy a heavy-duty launch. 30 H. P.; give particulars, a'so price; or engine alone or hull ; must be reasonable. Box St. Helens. Or. FOR SALE Trolling boat, cedar hull, oak ribs, 35-ft. long. 8-foot beam, 14-h. p. engine; built 1919. J. R. Em bee h. Port Columbia. Wash. RIVER steamboat, freight and passenger screw wheel propeller. 65 ft. long, 15 ft. beam. 60-ton capacity, for sale cheap. H. E. Noble. 311 Lumbermens bldg. m i a to 1-i.H. P en cine for sale: good for ftsh boat : $250. S. Swartz. 1124 Mac adam at.. South Portland. Harriet club. TROLLING boat for sale. 37-10. 1004 Lombard St.. St. Johns. Machlaerry. nw. io12 compound geared Tacoma en gine in flrst-claui condition, located near Ixi Center. Wash. Price with sled and rigging, prese.it location. $3200. Theil Bros.. Rid geficld. Wash. NEW TRACTOR. Will handle .1 14-inch plows, 24 -Inch separator. Price $1380. Address J. F. Matthews. 182 East 11th Ptreet, Portland. Or. PALM ER engine. 8-BT. P.. heavy dut, witn mod. H Gies gear and 22x24 wheel and coil; $1S5.SS0 Powell st. Rush. FOR SALE New 3-H. P. gasoline engine with magneto at a discount. 289 East Morrison at. HOISTING engines for rent or saie. con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 55 1st st " Ty pew rlters. REBUILT tvpewnter. all kinds for sale, rent, exchsnge. Wa are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $"0 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth st. Main 22S5. DOANfi GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. Alt makes overhauled. Exoert mechanics, REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 Oak et. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. S-nd for price list. The Wholesale Type write Co;82lWasJngtnjiL FOR RENT Underwood typewriter. ST AO per month. Empire Tranafer, Bdwy. 155 . VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 3u4 Oak st. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. M iaeej laneous. FOR SALE Goid 6-hole kitchen range. Worth $:.0; or Trill exchange for good 9x12 rug. Call Main 4909 after H A. M. ASSORTED home-canned fruit; leaving city. Tabor S172. must seil. NEW Ruud water heater, 2"'7. $18.50. Tabor BOXWOOD for -ali. $4.75 per load. Phone Woodlawn 15 9. FOR PAI fc. M i M-e 1 1 a neou a. REED A LEE EXCHANGE, 394 K. Burnstde St. at Grand A' a. Open irom H A. M. t r. l J p. M. Phone KaM 6257. FOR SALE. Two-hors milk -wagon. One run fd and two uprlcht show cM'-" Lighting plant 1 k. w. 32 volt lict Ing plant and batt-rv com plei : price $550; regular price $675. Would trade for auto of ame atue. See Mr. Prior-:-tn. 449 Eut Burnslde. Phone EM 86 1 . Motorcycle 1914 Flying Merkel tan dem: fcpeedometer. brad I ifih t . good con dition. Captain Williams, 1 101 E. 27th st. N. Wdln. 2714. Customer Wants 119 Drtdge roadMcr. small cash regis ter. glaa chow cae about 6 it. long, bic-le. Help Them Along. There Is a little metal plating works st the S. E. corner of Union ave. and East Burnstde st. They do ail kind of mi1 eft nickel and copper plating. They are a new Portland Indus-try and need your patronage. They have room fcr a not her expert finisher to come In as a partner. Why not ha e them polish thofc rusty auto parts and put your table stiver In condition for the Shrin ers ? Here is a chance to be a big help In keeping a ni-e little industry in Portland. Give them a boost; they need tL AGENTS WANTED for towns and cities outside of Portland. Must be local resident, alert and furnish references. Don't write. Call at the Exchange when next in Portland. t S. ARMY GOODS AT SALVAGE PRICES. BLANK ET . D SHIRTS, BREECHES OVERALLS GLoVKri LEGGINGS TENTS QUILTS OVERCO ATS A COMPLETE LINE OF RECLAIMED ARMY GOoDS. Mail Orders Solicited. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HO RTF7NSTEIN e MESHER I-a'Set Dealers in Armv Saixag 250 SECOND. NEAR MADISON. RUG WEAVERS. ATTENTION. 1 9-f I. Deer Fly shuttle rug loom. 1 Eureka Fiy sh utile loom. 1 New com b 1 -harness loom. t Weavers Friend hand loom, with a'l equipment. In flr: r lass condition'. -WiiT sel 1 all or part. Can be seen at 151S Interstate ave. Phone Wood lawn 20S5. J. P. W unsch. PA r HIGHEST CASH TRICj for showcase, cash register, desks. tsnt, card tables and chairs, houachoid good. K.ectrlc fans. too', hardware. NEWMAN EX CHA N G E . 12 First. Main 4415. Taoor 79. FOR SALE One penny key National rec ifcter. soda fountain, large refrigerator, clear and candy floor erases, wall ca-es. flat snd roM top desks. 3-plece mahocanv set. Garland gas range, steam table. mat si leer, mirror, chair. .aie. scales, caa griddles. At sacrifice. 242 balmon. Main 342. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less: no scents employed; com plete line of parts for ail ma kes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431- S E WI NG M ACH IN E F- M PO KlU M, 190 Third, d ear Ta ylo r O LD FA LS E T E ET H BOLT, H T. We pav up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most valu ab:e. Crowr-, bridge work bought Bruit; or mail, the American Brokerage. 4o. Spalding bbiff.. 4th floor, 3d and Wash. ONE set Wells Bros. 311 Litt'.e Cant tap and dies. U. S. S. and s. E. It . i-iies to f,. One bench drill V.M. extra viae attachment with 3 different cen ters. Portland Cutiery Co.. b ttth St.. near Stark. TIME CLOCK Brand new Thomas Sim plex recorder, with 50-card rack, used only five weeks; suitable for m her ga rage or factory. Bush A Lane Piano 'o. Main M7. jA EES Fire and burg tar-proof afe. new and second-hand, at right price, bought old and excha'ic;. d. NORR1S SAFE A LOCK CO. 105 Secord St. Phone Main 20V HOT-WATER tanka. .'.0 Kl . $7; 40 gal . $; teated and guaranteed ; atove and furnace colls, gas hea ters instated ; ex pert Diumomi. rD3inns:. Lt Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams at. Eaat Klt ALL KINDS of warped, cracked, weather beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our famous and inataiijaneo a rubber bonding )item. all work guaranteed. Phoi.e Automatic 527-33: Eaat 4924. " BARGAINS! FOR SALE! Auto tent, auto gaxoline cook stove, six - hole range, t Ireics-t cooker, bicycle cents , lawn mower, 18-in., nearly new. Phone Bdwy. 4211. BOXWOOD $4.50 a load, in Alberta Wood lawn. Piedmont, Peninsula. Kenton. U nlversity Pa r k and St. Johni. North Portland Fuel CO., Woodlawn 59, Wood lawn 39a. PLACE TOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB; ALrO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7020 FOR SALE Mahogany wall canes, floor cass to match, suitable for drug or jew e Irv storr at ttcrxf tee. modern "cadi register and small safe. 12o Broad dwa , MUST SELL TODAY. Refrigerators show cases, scales, casn registers, cheese cutter, soda fountain. 1 lo J-orond street TWO roll-top desks, one mahogany, one oak; chairs to match; bargain. 31 N ' Th. Broadway 2739. Other office fur niture. LATEST styies full dress tuxedo suits, a so sUk hats lor sals or rent at Barsli s clothing store. 61 3d, Mu.mouiah nutai bldg. HONEY. STRAIN ED. LIGHT. MILD. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Quart boc, 24c pound in cases. E 31. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. 13 monthly Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. SS2 Morrison. Marshall 721. KODAKS AND PENS REPAIRED. We buy, sell, rent and exchange Kodaks. Films in at 1 at 6 thev're done. SANDY'S. 329 Washington St oA EES New and second-hand; some wlLh burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 196S. front St. HEAVY block and s abwood mixed lti-mch; also 4-ft. country slab and old growth fir: delivered promptly. Cail labor 9Q42. 1 HOTEL range, kitchen range, gas pa I, water heater and hea ting stove and organ; reasonable. Tabor 4576. 5103 o4th it. S. E. GOOD investment, blade grinder with aux iliary device. Sharpens knives. tacis.-ors. razors, clippers. 86 6th St.. near Stark FOR SALE About 15.000 feet of eood cedar log in a boom at Burlington: good buy for right party. Call M. 777i. NATIONAL cash register: registers lc to $5; $92. .V for quick disposal. 643 1st st. Mar. 557. CIRCUMSTANCES compel early sale of tirst-class solitaira lady's rinc an a bar gain price.. phnne Main 1 439. JOHNSON S BOOK STORE. 248 Main st New snd second-hand books, bought, sold and exchanged. All subjects. GET YOUR painting. Kalsomtning. decorat ing snd sign work done before the rush season. 1320 B. Gilsan. Phone Tabor 266. FOR SALE Barge, second-hand, for sale cheap; 26xS0, 5 feet deep. 524 Board of Trade bldg. Main 66S7. PACK NOW. Your eggs for winter use; clean, fresh laid, infertile. East 404. ROYAL electric vacuum cleaner for rent, $1 per day, delivered. Phone Bdwv 4Q24. Electric Maid Shop, l :;:; lot h s't. t 1 A M O N D ring, lady's. latest style, while mounting; rt.'i ; also diamond ear screw, $70. In Union station barber shop. W E LL-A SSO RT E D potatoes for saie. T hundred. Phono Broadway 3163. Call 124 N. 6th yt. BLOCK wood and siao. 16-inch lengths; quick, delivery and fine wood; $o to $9 cord in 2 -cord lots. Broadw ay 2199. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1 132 East G il ea nXlntaijl2aca VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented exchanged, bought. Bent ley Co.. Main 4907. FERTILIZER. Good garden manure, delivered any where In city. Tabor 2704. Main 44S5. ATTENTION. BUILDERS! Lath $3.50 per thousand. Call East 4477. E. 2d and Market. KODAKS. We buy. wU, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy'a. 329 Washington at. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk 1 flat-top desk, 1 safe. Buahong A Co ' 91 Park t. FOR SALE One large and one small sale p 1 oo. Ore go j j a n. FOR SALE Dictaphone and transmitter only used two month a. 423 Pittock blk FOR SALE Piano and Suger cniue. 763 Vs Ihurman. 111 FOR 9 A I.E. M iKc-ellaneoua. Wll.l. the lady or gentleman who wlahe to bu a leather coat or rimcoat call at nur local of 'tec and take adxantas of the f"w -aniplt returned to us lv our als mcn? L nitcd Rubber Co.. 726 Morgan Md a. ST Op RK AD THIS! Spl'-fharprnm? lawn-mower blade int;allcd; repairing; used modern bou a nd so ',i. Shop 2 47 Grand ave. and Main street. Tabor 364.1. EVKURKA RING STUVWHEKRY PLANTS. The "Prosressive "ai-' give vou full cro: t hi fall ; $2 r postpaid. P. R. lofns"n. Grancer, W a."h. g V. KK SALE CHEAP. Irt to Itt-tnch slab and bovk wood. $: a;?o 4-ft. siahwood; prompt deli cry. Phone Main .'."; 7. BUCK rtel mnc fin rordttion. with coiit. Cat! afternoon or evening. 550 E. .;6th St.. near Hawthorne STEEL RANGE Excellent, in prim ron di:ion. reasonable in prce. Phone Wooc- 'u t n 4-"'.t1. DIAMOND Biautiful stone, about 1 W k ; rhe:tp. le.xn than wholesale cost. 312 Wo reenter bid if - GUITAR, mandolin, wheel hoe and gas beater to exchange for f irqless cooker or teat. Sol! wood 212. REBUILT typewriters. K. W. Pease A Co iECON-HAND tent and covers for saie. " Pacific Tent A- Anln;. 1 N. 1st at. DE-K ADDING MACHINE. $15. MS COR. L ii BTT BLDG. MARSHALL 55 FOR first-class. 4 ft. ttr wood. Bawy. M21. HFA.VY siab and block wood, also 4. -ft. 'ab. Tabor St79. FOR SALE sck omy. -Co id Feed potatoes, bv the 10 Front st Mam 8720. CO ATS. fur. uit. gowns and evening rtre-e t-Lghtly worn. Ma-n 9-'t67. Ft-R SALE Cas-h regrter. fraf(T adding machine, showcase. 45 1st st., near Ash. BI RPANK brM potatoes. $ 7 a tack. 95 N. 1 rtt h t. Broadway 44A5. evening. FoR S. I . E Wood and coal ran ce, extra larse oven1 l.'a:l Woodlawn 3v FOR SALE Rig load d--y wood, sawed 141 inchey. I'hone F.at 110. TIE SLA B and old groAih cord a ood. East 7 299. FOR SALE 4-foot country tlabnood. East 21. FOR rent, vacuum cleaner. 21-hr. day, $1; dehvori-d anyrc. Bdwy. 2-S. GA1 ta rr heater and range botirrs sold and installed r h sonar I e. E. 4' FOR BALK AFTOMOBnTA notice ?rrci at a, THURSDAY SALE OFFER. T1 9 Chevrolet touring, motor prrVrt, hody h.is beau'.iful fimli. Has clock. dashlir;ht. moto- i trr. epot'ight. large t-pecial steering w heel and bumper. No- brokerage or Intere to pay. TM) Tar at 750; $2j0 down and six. months for balance. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. CHEAP CARS. We have a number we have bought at a rap. all in good chape and ?uaran tced. Come ocr and see ht $10O w ill do. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. Belmont st.. cor. Seventh. Phone E. 6057. THAT BIG BRICK BUILDING." Ill P.MOrULr: TOt RING. 111 S. complete! o ei hau-ed. run snd looks like new. $11mi. terms. Hurry for this one . mi-91 N. WTTL NEAR FLANDERS. MoToRS. gears, bearings), wheels, axie W e reck all makes of cars and sett their parts at half price. David Hodet o . U.'-7 North 11th at. MIST stell my 1919 Sturiebawer, fuliv equipped, with ntri rim a and tires, at once, c h.a p ; must leave town In thre da1'. Call Broadway Uyo before 10 A M 1917 HL 1' K 4 roads-it r, in line condit.on fieri w.; wn: make dandy aiemena car. Price $725. terms one -third down. nee lo mo. Mr. Argo, Hdwy. 32l. 191 H DODGE TOURING. Wi'.i st.-: I my U1K Dodge, cord tires, new top. plate Ria.-s In back, has h.d be--t ot care. $lo.".o cah. Call Main 50;t.l 1917 FOKD touring, firnt -class meehsn i al condition, one-man too and t-peed-omeier. a argain fur cah if sold at on.-e 2'-9 E. 52d t. FORD RUG. rlassv. $T-V 15. U . ION A V E., COR. BELMONT. 1919 VELIE. A '"AH LIKE NEW: MUST BE SEEN To BE APPRECIATED. CALL HI B BARD. BDWY. 11 I. DELIVERY CAR. 1911 Chevrolet. ttrt-clats condition; irsurance and 1 tec use ; $H."0; terms, ow ncr. Tabor S FoR SA I.K Prtva id v-used, laie-mndel Hupmobiie. A I condition ; two brand new cord", bump-r and fpot light. This w eek $1254) Eat 3.'0. 1919 FORD touring, tots of extra. $025. 159 UNION. Colt. BELMONT. Tot R 1 NG car; e! f st arter. ne w.y pain t ed. all new liret ; looks and runs like new car; late model. 210-212 Jefferson st reet. M 'DEI. Overland dchx ery. like new ; will sacrifice f.r cash. Se Tom. N. W. cor. 11th and Couch. Broadway 440$. CLASSY FORD BUG. new iy painted; has lots of extras. 5 2,". A I D ER S T . 1919 DOlM IE delivery, cord t ir.s, cood a new ev.'ry way. IDHmj cash. 5o0 Eaet stMrk. i;.t 7t;i. 191 7 - PASSES GE it Mitchell. A-1 shape, used privately ; this is a real car at a C--ar hRreatn. Phone Wood law n 5114. 191i CilEVKOLET; extras, looks like ne-; will Micrilrp for caah. Call Tabor 4s74 after7eveninK. Ill PMoBlLE. the ory ear you are looking for. Good tirei. poxl mechanically. Only $7"t. Term. Phone ;;2i-97. PRIVATE party. Ford roadster. 1917. wilh delivery box. cheap, and terms. See it to.' ay. 9 to 12. 5-'2't Wa?h. Ft. GOOD buy Ruick D45. 1917. light H. $1hm. L. H. Buntzel A Co., 110 l.;th at. Bdw 4J LEAVING TOWN, must soli Maxwell t o (Idv, new paint and. a snap. Inquire 329 Fourth st. WHITE ".".O" roadster and ca"h for u-paa- sen ser car. M a rsha 1 1 "I9S0. 1912 FRANKLIN'. 3-passenger, in perfect condition. 2o8 N. 23d st. .Marshall 1982. STUDEBAKER 15-4 in good order; bar ga in. Phone Tab or 1 9 2:. SAXON 4 roadster and Fiat bug for saie cheap. See at 4S5 Union ave. ONE 191 Onkland touring car in excellent condition throughout, equipped with ex tra tir-?. spotl'ht. etc. Price $no; terms, Garford Oregon Motor Sales Co., ki h an 3 Da vis sis. DODG10 TOURING. See it. At a fnir price. Cr In good srnpe. Terms f neccSM.. Call Mr. Ella, Bdwy. 4 I S4. PHI N. Broadway. insurance;. fire. automobile. li ability, exile burkitt. agent, newark eire insurance co. MAIN 1800. 1917 RUH'K Lcht 6 touring; original paint: like ne w : 1 o,".o. 150 UNION AVE.. COR. BELMONT. 1916 OAKLAND touring car, a real car at a reuulw r price. First -class .- r.ril fon front tirea to top. W'tll sacrifice. ChII Bdwv 41S4 and inquire for Mr St-mh-y, 1" N. Broad wry. WILL sell my 191 Maxwell roadster, aa good aw new, has nw perial-niade top. a clay looking car. jurst right for a salesman ; easy terma to responsible prty. Ownor Marshall 34S6. AM BUYING a bouse, must ell m v Vir. torv Moon, 192. 5-pa.-s. ; 3 wire wheels and tircK. Ray fie Id carburetor, bu inner, in fine condition, run 2MH miica. Phone i aoor .'.t- t ccr o t ' i . ii . 1;17 MOIjEL euper-slx. in Rood condition new- paint, new top with piaie g'ass and extra lire: will sell for $1130; this car Is worth $1500 and will go quick, ko ra.i . early. Bdwy 127d. Ask for room 424 1913 FORD touring. for quick sale $275. 150 UNION. COR. BELMONT. MAXWELL 1919, by owner, fine condition mechanical ly ; icood tiro. Phone Bdwy. 422:;. 2 Front. t. aft.r 6 P. M.. Mar shall :t7S. 74 Nort hrup. 1917 FORD tourina: has been owned and driven by pri ate party oniv. Price and term? ri sht. See Tom. N. W. cor. 14th and Couch. -Broadway 44is 191 FORD touring. A I condition : price and term." riant. See Tom. N. W. cor. Ilth and Couch. Broadway 44nS. 1919 MAXWELL, like new. $5.-,n: easy terms. See Tom. . W. aior. 14ih and Couth. Broadway 440 &.