THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920 SEAL ESTATE. Kor tale Houses. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $3500 You, who appreciate construction combln?l with splendid arrati ment, should see this home. The owiit built It for his own home six years ago. The best of cvory thing was urfed, such as plate gla. windows all through, re in furred water-proof concrete, hot water heat. Aside from the ukuhI downstairs rooms are four bedrooms a. tile hath fwith shower) costing $100 billiard room, cement garage. The loca tion is the best. You could not erect this today lor $13000. Seeing is believing. , Main 530. IRVINGTON'S BEST. $20,000 For artistic design, excellence of construction and choice loca tion, you cannot equal this home. Built only one year ago when material was one-half present cot-t. The best of everything was put into this home. T t is compW l in every detail. Has 4 beaut If ul bedrooms, sun room, break fawt roon, very large liv ing room, splendid d In lug room and klt-hen containing every modern convenience. Finest oak floors, wonderful tile and show er hath; trouble garage. Lot 75xlOO. In that part of Irving ton where the new homes pre dominate. Not a large home, but a fine one and a, good buy. Main 530. NOB HILL FORECLOSURE. $17,500 The owner (now a none-resident) of this beaut if ul property built it about 10 years ago for his borne. He put into it the best of everything. The wood work, the plumbing, the electric fixtures were especially selected. He employed the best architects a nd builders, and the condition of the property today proves their splendid workmanship. Ev ery room (and there are 12) is large, well arranged and beauti fully finished. The halls and closets are large. Special atten tion was given to minute details. First floor has reception hall, living room. library, dining room, breakfast room, pass pan try, kitchen, back, hall and lava tory. Second floor has 4 beauti ful bedrooms, sleeping; porch and 2 baths. Third flo'or has two maids' rooms with mslds bath .. nd hlllinrri room. The house has two hearing systems, its own splendid hot water plant and rhn central healing Plant. This home cost the owner $20. 500. Today's cost would be up ward of $40,000. Beat location in Nob. Hill. Among the exclu sive hoiiies. " Owner's sacrifice price. $17,000. Buyer needs only 7rou casn, anown oniy uy ap pointmenu . Main 530. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg. CUTEST LITTLE HOME IN ROSE CITY PARK OISTRICT. 11(100 :i-room bungalow, apartment style combination kitchen awl dtimig - room, cosy liv ing - room. light and airy bedroom. mce law n, fruit trecw just think ! ONLY $40 down; li blocks from car: this Is a dream bungalow ami Just the place for a small fa mil v. HOLDER & KOllLMAX. 22S Ch. of t orn. Bldg. Main 6550. $5 no. STRICTLY MODERN NEW BUNG A LOW JUST F.EING COMP1.KTKD. HAS VKPvY LARiiK L1V1NO ROHM. DININt R KiM. TWO BUD ROOMS AND BATH FIRST FLOOR, TWO LARGE BED ROOMS. SEWING ROOM AND BATH SECOND FLOOR. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. FULL SIZE BASE ME NT. FURNACE. GARAGE. CORNER LOT. AT LEAST HALF CASH. CAN BE SEEN TODAY. POlNDEXTEii. 2S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE, 271-0. $12.0mt PROPERTY FOR S75O0. Only 15O0 cash, 10 years balance, 75 acres, 35 excellent crops, finest soil, rich outrange, all kinds buildings, orchard, small fruit, machinery., 54-ton silo, new le Laval cream separator, 11 fine cows, bull, team, colt U years, poultry, hogs. bees, stream, wagon, hack, gravel road t'ente place, 3 4 miles, excellent town creamery, boats, many daily trains, old man, wife sick, nothing like this offer; great iucome. Mr. Becker, 312 Labbe bldg. IRVINGTON'S BEAUTIFUL CORNER On a lOoxlOo ft. lot, located in the best part of district, a home of 8 rooms and large attic for. maid's quarters, oak floors, dining room in mahogany, bil liard room, sleeping porches, steam heat, plate glass throughout, in fact the ideal reached in all arrangements. Too large for present owner. Could not be built in pre-war period for price asked. By ap point men t only. Mar. 3.15. H. KtM'K CO., 4U3-4 Couch Hldg. O YOU KNOW A B A TIG A IN . $31 Wt H A W TH O R N E B UNO A LO W 1 50 31 AT. ft rooms, one floor, floored atlc with stairs up. good basement, laundry trays, fireplace, bookcases. buffet. Dutch kitchen, reception hall, lot 50x100, hnrd surfaced street, all assessments pand near 50th-st. car. This is a wonderful bargain, house, would cost i o build. NO EXCUSE IN RENTING. We show you todav. Terms. Mail- 7007. M ariols or Williams. S20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. M T. TAHOR BUNGALOW ADJOINING PARK. 5 rooms and ceiled attic, large living room and otntng room finished in white cement basement, 5(1x100 lot with all street imp. In and paid. This is an idea home for children, art" it is only a few hundred Teet from the children a play ground in Mt. Tabor park. Price30O0 terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 67.VJ. IRVINOTON. 50x100 New modern 8-room residence, rood district, phono for appointment. 50ioo 6-ronin modern bungalow, good fjiHinri. immentare possession. 50x100 Beautiful 7-mom modern resi lience, almost new, Westmoreland, near Kced College. DONALD MACLEOD, KMH-2 Spalding Bldg. $2b00 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, CORNER LOT. JjTtr.n 4 ROOMS, MODERN, NEW. $33o0 . ROOMS, 3 DOWN, 2 UP. $;H50 5 ROOMS. BUNGALOW. THE A ROVE PLACES ARE GOOD BUYS. GOOD TERMS. NICE DISTRICT S H O Vv N BY A PPOI NTM ENT ON L Y MARSHALL 7. ' UNION SAFE DE I'OSIT & TRUST CO., I4 OAK. ST. A REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN. ft rooms and attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, ell buut-ins. full cement base meiU, furnace, wash trays, full lot, near -ar, paved and paid. Also a garage. This is a splendid buy at $5000. $UM0 cash, no mortgage. Mar. 3352 or Tabor oovn. J. B. ROCK CO.. 403-4 Couch Blag. 12S30 FOR a good 4-room modern house on 2 good lots, has water, gas. electric j ignts, good bath, furnace heat, con crete foundation. double constructed lots of fruit and shrubbery, garden in easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main37Sl BY' OWNER. 100x100 ft., 8-room modern house, hot and cold water, gas. elec iricity and telephone: fruits, berries and r lowers, good cnicken house and runs 25 minutes from the center of Portland on the Oregon Electric RRilwav. For further particulars and price call Main l I-CJiMi. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. $2OOO$7.0 cash. bal. contract. $: wr mo. including interest at 6 ner cent A 5-room mod. bungalow. 2 blks. from Laurelhurst Park, bearing fruit trees, berrres. shrubs. This is a bargain and won't last long. Terms alone will seil it. Call Marshall 335J. $55 OA IRVINOTON A large, modern bun galow. with extra bedroom or two on first floor; also extra plumbing. Several ntiarooms ana ns tn complete upstairs. Mortgage Tore Mo.-iure. immediate pos session. i-.asT .tn Jn . R. T. STRKKT. REALTOR. Fast got. I-ADU'S ADDITION. Beautiful modern home sacrificed to seme estate. tto. Also 2 houses and garage on valuable quarter Mock, B. loth, near Morrison, very low price. PHONE WOODLAWN 1430. 6- room bouse in Camas. Wash. ; lot 5ox ii mi, on ;in hi. ioi a. djock 43; house good condition: improvements all in and puiu ior. lonei in nouse. Price $-500 some icrnu. RTCHTER & FOX. Washougal, Wash. $3n0O GOOD bungalow with 5100 lot in Overlook, 87S Capital ave. Easy terms. House has 5 rooms and all assessments paid. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. lOtt 2d St. LOTS OF GROUND $8fw Neat little 2 -room house on ground lnOxloo. all in cultivation, good garden and woods ned, $150 cash. $10 mon thly This is a good buy. Fred W. German Co 732 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROoM house, St. Johns, Or. ; full base ment; three block; to car line on Charleston :t.; lot 50x107. Price $3000: cash or $3."no trarie. RICHTER '-FOX, tjm 'Washougal, WaaJu REAL ESTATE. lor bale Houses. DUTCH COLONIAL. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $0050. OWNER LEAVING FOR EUROPE AND MUST SELL AT ONCE! .WE do not know how to write an ad strong enough to impress upon you the high quality of this splendid home. We doubt whether this home could be reproduced today lor less than $1tooO. It was built hy the present owner for his own home. You will find the finest grade of Ten nessee oak Moors throughout; everything else that entered into the construction of this home is of equal quality. There is a wonderful view to be had from this property. Do not miss the opportunity. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st.. near Third. Main 3092 Branch Office, 50th and Sand. IRVING TOM RESIDENCE. New and modern 1 2 -room Irrington residence, containing spacious living, din ing and breakfast rooms, library, sun parlor and large central hall, all finished in the finest selected mahogany and oak, hardwood floors throughout; five large bedrooms, artistically finished; maid's quarters separately arranged; three toi lets, two tile bathrooms, all plumbing fixtures of the most expensive and san itary type; house contains large finished attic and full cement basment; three artistic tile fireplaces, stationary vacuum cleaner, large grounds, beautiful, with rare flowers, plants and shrubs. This beautiful home for sale by owner on rea sonable terms. M 121. Oregonian. OWNER MUST SELL LEAVING CITY. Close-in home for sale in exclusive im proved residence district, on corner lot facing rose park, with 14-foot alley in rear; house built and occupied by pres ent owner, who desires to sell quickly: eight rooms and strictly modern; all very best const ruction throughout , fine porch, shrubbery, flowers, etc. ; every thing you want In a home ; buy direct and save commission. Priced for imme diate sale, with easy terms. Phone East 2163. IRVING TON HOME. First time offered. Attractive, strictly modern 2-story 8-room home with sleep ing porch on E. loth st. N.. near Knott: fiOxl 1 0 lot ; cf rter entrance hall ; large llvrng-room with connecting den; spa cious, well-lighted dining-room; pass pantry to convenient kitchen ; 4 large stjua rj bedrooms and sleeping porch on 2d floor; finest oak floors throughout, tile hath ; servants' rooms and bath on 3d f'oor. Having no further use for the house and not trying to profiteer, only asks $10,000; half cash; easily worth $ R, H. Torrey, Tabor 407. "ROSE CITY PARK. C-ROOM BUNG A T)W CORNER LOT. $5150. Here, truly. In a good buy ; a good, substantial bungalow located in one of Rose City Park's most beautiful cor ners. 1 block from car; finished in white throughout; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark tt.. near Third. Main 3092 Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. $500. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. In the most besuttful and desirable portion of Portland Heights, magnifi cent view overlooking the city and moun tains: handsome 7-room home, spacious living room. fireplace. large front veranda, built-in bookcases. Dutch kitch en, large, light, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, maid's room, fine w hite porce lain plumbing, cement basement, fur nace, beautiful grounds, shrubbery and flowers: lonxioo; discount for cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. AJaln 37S7. $24.75 V A OA NT VAC A NT $2475. NEWLY TE "OR AT ED. FINEST CONDITION. 6 rooms, full basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. lot ftoxHN). corner, near car. some fruit. This is Just the cutest litle place you ever saw. newly painted outside and decorated inside and looks just like a new dollar. NO EX CUSE IN RENTING. We will show you this today, move In tomorrow. Very easy terms. Main 7'.Ki7. Mariels or Williams, S20 Chamber of Commerce blfig. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, $rS3U. Strictly modern -room bungalow riht on Sandy blvd. Iarge living roon dining room with built-in effects. Dutch kitchen and hreakinst room. Mne sleep ing Dorch. Beautiful hardwood floors. good basement and furnace. Large porch and plate glass -windows. Fine view. .An idea l home. Ai l improve ltients in .nd paid. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. :t1!i Ry.'Exch. Bldg - Main 675. YOl'R OWN TERMS. ft 1 9.V V AC ANT ! WHY R EN T ? $ 1 fW). NEAR PENINSULAR LBR. CO. MILL S-roora house, good plumbing, gas. etc., nice lot, some fruit, house just newly painted and pa pered Inside, good con dition, just off Willamette blvd. NO EXCUSE IN RENTING. We will show you today, move tomorrow, anybody's terms, fair enough isn't It? Main 71KS7 Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Large ground, beautiful shrubbery ana native trees. rooms, living room, music room, dining room, kitchen, with built-in refrigerator: 2 owner ; bed rooms, hath, also maid s room on first floor. 2 large bedrooms on second floor; old Ivory finish. Larze verandas, garage very attractive price: full particulars bv calling Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East ROSE CITY PARK. S3S0O Here is a dandy .-room bungalow and bath, cement bysement. 1 bloek from car: if you are look ing for a wHl-built home in this exclusive district, look no fur ther let us show you this cosy home. . II OLDEN & KOHLMA N. 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main fioT.o IRVINGTON. STRICTLY MODERN HOME WITH LARGE LIVING ROOM. DINING RM.. KITCHEN. FIRST FLOOR; 4 LARGE BEDROOMS. LARGE SLEEPING PCH., BATH. SECOND FLOOR. LARGE AT TIC. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WA TER HEAT. $14. ""0. ' POIN DEXTER, 20K SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, 271-20. 115 THURMAN STREET. W I LLA M ETT E HEIGH TS. 7-room large ground. unobstructed view, large sun porch, large living room, dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen, :t large sleeping rooms, bath, also 1 finished room in basement. Old ivory finish, fine garage. For this week onlv. Price $s0o0. For appointment call Mrs. Harry Priee Palmer. East 707ft. LOG BUNGALOW. Artistic and commodious 4-room log bungalow on one acre of land. This is as pretty a country home as one can wish; close to the station and paved road. Price $1800. Kor full particulars phone Main r6U4. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. YOUR OWN TERMS. $2250 A REAL BARGAIN $2250. S-room plastered, double-constructed bouse, small basement, electric lights, gas; good plumbing ; large lot 95x100; lots of berries. This, is a bargain and terms are right. Main 79C7. Mariels or W II Mams, b-0 Chamber of Commerce bid. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGaCoW within three blocks from Multnomah station on two improved county high ways; every modern convenience! i dandy, which I must sell on account of leaving ine aistrict. for particulars, see my representative. BEN RiRSi.ivn at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st-, during the week or at Multnomah on Sundays. $2750 $500 CASH. 4-room bungalow. 1!" additional rooms upstairs which are unfinished, but could be used as sleeping rooms, large living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath on first floor; gas and electric ngnis; goon oasement. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 63B N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALAMEDA -PARK. 6-room modern house; large living room wiin in epiaie, uining room, Lutch Kiicnen. run cement oasement,- furnace, beautiful bedrooms u Detain Von must inspect interior to appreciate its vaiu. rncp oouu; casn vasoo. Owner. v oouiawn o-. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Must sell 5-room double constructed oungaiow ; Karaite, urepiace. iurnace. ce ment basement. 1 block to car; price .or; i w casn. oaiance and In terest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W, Bank Bldg. Alain 37S7. $3000 FO R 7-room bouse and lot 50x 1 00 jn v ernon aaumon, or ,ooo completely furnished: 16 fine fruit trees. h-ri-i etc.. good garage, all modern conven iences; a nice home and cheap; $loo0 Ca.SH. uo- ittiii-c iu ouii. TURNER & CO., 230 Chamber of Com HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. SEE IT TODAY MOVE RIGHT IN ONLY $1000 CASH REQUIRED 6 rooms, strictly modern, sleeping porcii, uiiiu uuu ijwiB, iirepnace, fur nace, garage, paved street, near car Owner, Tabor 7608. WANTED BEST RESTAURANT that I can buy for $300 down, balance terms If you have one. see LEWIS with COBB FOR SALE by owner, 4-room modern bun- , galow, witn garage;, cash, or tarma, Tui. REAL ESTATE, l-'or fcale -House. BIHR-C A RE? COMPANY. Succeeded bv CAREY-SAV1DCE COMPANY. Main 74S7. 210 Railway Exch. Bldg. COO MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The public Is Invited to come to out show rooms, on the second floor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Third and Stark ntreets, and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery crammed full of neatly arranged 5x7 photographs of homes. Eight real estate salesmen with autos to show you property. No obligation on your part.. ROSE CITY PARK. $3900 Completely furnished 5-room bun galow, just a stone's throw off Sandy Blvd. on 65th st. Fire place, white enamel Dutch kitch en, built-in buffet. Built only 4 years. $1000 down. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4300 Brand new bungalows in Rose City; 20 of them, all simllarto this one. 5 rooms1 in white enam el, expensive built-lns. oak floors, coxy fireplace, full cement base ment, substantially built through out; only a few hundred down payment required. See these new homes today. LOW PRICED ROSE CITY HOME. $2000 Located on 7ith st., in Gregory Heights. Rose City: typical 5 room bungalow; 2 bedrooms, best enamel bath and toilet: ftOxlOO corner lot. Small down payment. Immediate possession. BROOKLYN SNAP. $2750 f-room bungalow, 2-story home on Powell st. ; 5 rooms down. 4 up. with bath. toilet. Paved street paid for. House not of the latest design, but In very good condition. Only $500 down. YOUNG FARM IN WOODSTOCK. $4000 10Ox2C0-ft. lot; 2-storv 8-room house with garage, bath, toilet, gas. electricity; 45 bearing fruit trees and every kind of small berries and grapes. $150O down. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. $2750x--i"Oom bungalow. r.OrlOA corner lot 3 blocks to Hawthorne car. Paving paid. House needs a lit tle repairs, but big value for the money. $1000 down. UNPARALLELED PENINSULA BUY. $2600 Here is a real downright pre-war bargain. A 7-room home on a large VTxlM lot. 1 block from Columbia park and car. Cement basement, bearing fruit trees, garden space. Only $:i(M down. Owner leaving for his ranch. fi-ROOM ALBERTA HOME. "5(X Pipelews furnace. beautiful bay windows with built-in window sests. a large Dutch kitchen. A splendid home at a very low price. $1000 down. fi. MORE ALBERTA HOMES. Phone Main 747 and a salesman will he pleased to drive you around to in.pect them. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded by CA REY-SAVIDGE COMPANY. Main 74S7. 210 Railway Exch. Bldg. EAST MAIN ST. 6 ROOMS. $::Wi0 Good 6-room lions. 3 bed rooms electricity, bath, full basement, all light, airv rooms, corner lot, .ox.: liens M In and paid: on E. Main and 23d; $Su0 cash. $25 month. X MT. TABOR 6-ROOM RUNG A LOW. $32.0 Nice 6-room bungalow, electri city fireplace. 3 bedrooms, all on one floor: attic: lot .Oxloo. on E. 03d. near Glisan; $1000 cash, $L'i month. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 420O Fine f-room bungalow, fine attic, cement basement, electricity, hath, in pink of condition; 5nioo. east front, E. 32d near Alberta; $1000 cash. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31 Board of Trade. Main 7452. , ROSE CITY PARK. $5950. , One of the mot beautiful bungalows In this popular district. There is charac ter and distinction to this splendid bun galow. The quality of workmanship and material speak for themselves. In terior decorations and light fixtures are so far above the average that there is no comparison. It is needless to say this ? , .(V KarHvnnt flflum f fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, break- last nOOK, COmciii. uo.orici., . rage, etc. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2G4 Stark st.. ' near Third Main 30U2 Branch Office. 50th and bandy. DON'T MISS THIS. Here you get it all class, value and location-MJ rooms, breakfast room, mu sic den and sewing room; strictly mod ern throughout and exceptionally well built nd in the pink of condition; beau tiful large living and dining rooms, with a hardwood floor, built-in bookcases and breakfast room, finished In white enam el; all bedrooms and bath in white., large cement basement with good furnace: full OOxloo lot. nice lawn and shrubbery and garage in keeping with house; paved streets all in and paid; close to car. If you are looking for a real home and a real bargain, you have it here. ('. A. WARRINER. RTTTE'R. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg ONE BLOCK ROSE CITY CAR. $3500 $750 CASH. 7-room bungalow, full basement. Vox furnace, ,OxloO-f t. lot. This is a sna. Ask for Mr. Clear water. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. 9300O WEST SIDE $30OO. Good 7-room house, full basement, full 50xlO0 lot. hard surface streets. This home has an unobstructed beautiful river view, and clear of all incumbranc e. $700 cash will handle, balance almost like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-..-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bncalow in Roso City Park; all rooms on first floor, fire place, built-in bookcases and huf let ; ivory finish: dining room, trimmed in mahogany; cement basement; gas beat ing plant; ROxlO. lot: good lawn wtih shrubbery: garage; price only $5400; $1500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. jSOOO LADDINGTON COURT $8000. 6 rooms and very large attic; both living and dining rooms ldx21 ; large rec. hall: 3 Dearooms: aen. r irepiace. buffet, bookcases, oak floors, cement porch. A splendid basement. See it to- aCLE VELANTJ -HENDERSON CO., 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. GA RAGE. BUILT FOR HOME. NEVER BE FORE OFFERED FOR SALE; PRICE $8750, TERMS. OWNER, EAST 1155. jtjOi'O FOUR cottages with 100x100 feet of ground at southwest corner of Water and Grover sts.. South Portland. Terms can be arranged. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 106 2d St. OWNER LEAVING CITY. cement basement, paved streets in and paid. This is a bargain ; $2800, $0."J cash, balance 6. 995 E. Main, between ' o r H UAt h $3000 BY OWNER Double constructed house, o, rooms ana Dttn, just rinished: full floored attic, large basement. 1H corner lots, Miriam ave.. Willbridge. 1 block off Linnton Toad. Phone Main 605. asa. ior r oster. $ll.noo Irvington. Beautiful home. 22d st., 9 rooms, '2 baths, hardwood floors through out ; 2 fireplaces, lovely porches, faces east, garage. rast 41U. ROSE CITY PARK. FOR SALE BY OWNER. PINE SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON CHOICE CORNER SANDY BLVD. CALL AUTO- MAI IJ fVK f AnTlvULARS. SNAP $1250, 5-room plastered house and 3 bearing fruit trees, electric lights, gas ana teiepnone; aiso equity in - lots ad , joining. Phone Tabor 4502. $5750 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern, - corner, hardwood floors, garage. Actquick if you want a good buy. Spencer, with COBB BROS.. 263 OA K. ST. BARGAIN Vacant bungalow at 1125 E. 2ttth st., near Alberta car. Go and see it. tneu can Aiain nn. A SPLENDID 5-room modern cottage for --m'o. l"'h t uiibb mis Bargain, call Woodlawn 61 FOR SALE A beautiful, modern house on Ainswortii ave.; big bargain. CalL Wdln. 6ir,6. A MODERN corner bungalow, $4500. fe duced for quick sale: in Rose City,' one block from car. 618 E. G4th st. N. 3 COTTAGES f or-sale. $ToOO eactou Call Woodiawn 6136. REAL ESTATE. For rale Mouse. ROSE CITY PARK. ... CRM; BUNGALOW. If you are looking for a first -class home in every respect. It will pay you to see this one. Plan and construction are- excellent ; oak Moors, furnace and fireplace, modern built-ins. good plumb ing, full basement, eat front and con venient to cars ar. a few of the many good features of this desirable homo. The price Is only $5250, clear, terms. ALSO AN EXCELLENT 6-RM. HOUSE ON AN OVERSIZED LOT t7100 Sq. ft.) AT $4100. ONLY $1(H0 CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT YOU AT -Phones: Office, Mar. H50. Res., Br. 3366. W. N. EVERETT, 611 Gasco Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $5oOO. Tf you ever expect to buy a genuine barga in. here Is your opportunity ! You will be surprised to find a Immiso of this high quality, with all the built-in com forts and conveniences you will tlnd here for such a low price. Hard wood floor, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch klti h es. full cement basement, furnace, et:. : paving and Bewer paid; a very ideal lo cat ion, near car: this house in In per fect condit ion. If we can just get you to look at the house our purpose has been accomplished; it will sell itself. See It today. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2G4 Stark St.. near Third. Ma hi 3092 -Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. SELLING THIS WEEK. Someone gets a house bargain, a good Investment, less than cost and easy terms if desired. ""648 E. Taylor. Move in now. six rooms, fully modern, good cond f tlon : big bathroom, large pantry, electric fixtures, real furnace and fruit, oh. more than any family could use ; price $4000. You suggest terms yourself. Going and Mississippi, snug bungalow style home; five neat rooms, recept Jon halk bathroom. Dutch kitchen and the cellar is finished off: could be used if desired: full lot. good soil, pn tty flow ers and dandv garden; all Improvements made and pa'ld ; only $0i. about $5O0 cash and rental terms if desired. One other home, well located, very reasonable; easy terms; consider "al. property or securities in trade. Submit ano se mv agents, the PACIFIC AGENCY. 514 Swetland Mdg. HALF ACRE. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. .lust 2 blocks to Psrkrose car. excellent view of highway; all . kinds berries, some garden plant ed, balance ready for gsrdening. This Is a bargain; $25rtO. terms. Ask for Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTMAS COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Com. Bldg., Main 208. FOR SALE TT S GOVERNMENT PORTABLE BUNGALOWS. W have '2 new very at t raetive bun fruinw nnrtHhU houses built for U. S officers' homes during the war: houses are complete, made of 3-ply material, have 6 windows. 5 doors and 2 par titions; excellent flooring and roofing. Put them on your acreage or vacant lots, send them to the beach for your sum mer home; anv 2 men can put them up In 3 davn; would cost about $!OoO lo build. We are selling them at only $.-.0i Se thse to appreciate them. TURNER A CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. ' HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. LA RGB GROUNDS. T,et us show you this beautiful mod ern Hawthorne bun ga low, 5 rooms, and full floored attic, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bookcases and buffet, full Dutch kitchen, large cement basement, gas water heater and wood range go with plnce. Ground M"xI00. with abun dance of nice fruit trees and shrubbery, paved streets, all in and paid. Close to car Quick possession ran b had. Terms. C A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. Bun b alow of 7 pleasant rooms, all on one floor, finished In old Ivory; every modern feature. Hot water hrat. Lot is extra large with choice shrubbery and fruit trees, located in t he best part of Laurelhurst. near park. ' Garage with concrete walls and floor. A very desir able, well, constructed home and worth more than price asked $7500, half cash. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 368. 413 Board of Trade bldg. LAURELHURST SNA P. ffi-.rMHOICE LOCATION $6500. Very nicely arranged and modern to the minute. 6 rooms, sleeping porch and music den; all built-in conveniences, fireplace, hardw ood floors, full high ce ment basement, furnace, f ul I lot. paved streets, all In 'and paid large garage. This house was built for a home and is exceptionally well -constructed, reason able terms. . C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. IiOWE '0.. 2Q1 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2500 EAST EVERETT ST. A 5-room cottage home: cement base ment, watih trays, paneled dining room, btitlt-ln buffet : vacant and in the bent of condition: 50x1 0O lot; fruit and bar rier, sidewalks and sewer In and paid; $lo0O down. bal. $30 per month; NO IN TEREST, or $4.,o down, $J5 per month, including 6 int. You can't beat this. RUM M ELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark st. Id UST sll qulcklv, 2 houses, convenient to Jefferson high school, 5 and 7 rooms; garage.' beaut if ul shrubbery and fruit , both com pletely furnished ; f urn it ure worth $1500. Owner ea t. Instructed wif? to discount and sell our signed exclusive contract. Price $7oo, reduced to $000 for both houses. Fine for In vestment of two families. Can be rented for $loa per month. George E. Engle h art Co. Main 7 2rttj. Hj l Henry bid g. $3750 KOR a 7-room house at East 2 til h and Sherman sts.; lots 7ofiO ft. on cor ner: both streets hard surfaced and all hwrampntu paid : house has brick foun ds tlon, good plumbing, gas and electric ity. All rooms niceiy papered ; sightly location. This is a splendid home and verv cheap at this price. TURNER A CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. CHOICE LAURELHURST LOT. Total cost of this lot was $2117. Our price today is $160Ot all free and clear. Located on Burnslde street, just west of Floral avenue., with fine view of park and city. See our sign on It. MacINNES & PRATT Main 2S0s. 413 Board of Trade Bld?r. CASH By owner, at a sacrifice, $15oo ; fivf-room house, furnished, bath and toilet, electric lights paid In advance two years; no street assessments; have cement walks to car first of May. Take Mt. Scott car to S6th St., go south 3 blks. No. S612 65th ave. Phone Auto matic Lents 641 2. $3260 RICHMOND. 5-room bungalow, terms, foil basement and attic: white enamel bedrooms and bath, Dutch kitch en, fireplace, buffet, wash trays, gas hot water heater and range, also linoleum, paved street, one block from car. 1 184 Ivon St.. near 30th. Tabor 3742. SEE THIS DANDY BUY. Lamre room house, double-constructed, woodsued; lot 40xlO0; for quick sale, price $0oo. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. TWO modern houses in goo it condition with cement basements; first house ar ranged for 2 apartments. 3 rooms each: second house has 4 rooms, both on 5ox 100 lot. Mar. 6139, automatic 404-1 3. $J05o $A50 cash buys four-room house, attractive location, close in; six bearing fruit trees, paved street, some furniture, good car service. Phono Main 435. Sellwood 291. - LAURELHURST 7 rooms and S. P., fine home; hardwood floors throughout, lo ft. frontage; worth $8000. quick sale $7500. $2000 cash. 6 per cent on balance. Owner. Tabor 6JS6. 5-ROOM new bungalow, near Killingsworth ave., 50x100. modern, hardwood -floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement. Main 700. FOR SALE by owner. 5-room modern bungalow, near w-ashington high school $4t00. Call 560 E, Aider, or phone East 707. ; $3r.t0, CLOSE IN 6-room modern house. Brooklyn dist., garage, full cement base, ment with tubs, furnace, fireplace; good terms. COBB BROS. U63 OAK ST 5 ROOMS, modern, lot 55x100, built one year; price $27oO; -small payment down, bal. monthly. 1076 Francis ave. Owner, R. E. Jacobson. 1076 Francis ave. FOR SA LE A modern $450O home in a good district: come in and make me an oifer. No sgents. . H. J. Driessel, 1205 Wilcox bldg. VACANT $1500, $200 down. $0 per mo.. including Interest. 4 rooms, basement. 9 bearing fruit trees; on car line. Phone Wdln. 5430. BUNG A LOW New, attractive, on full lot, for sale. $500 cash. bal. like rent, oli KEAL ESTATE. lor Sale .Hoiife. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST ooo photo ; raphs of homes FOR SALE STS K FRANK L. Mr-GUI RB To Buy Your IInm We extend you a cordial invitation to visit our show rooms and inspect our WONDERFUL DISPLAY F OVER 1miO PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. Every district In the city repre sented. We personally appraise every home before offering it for your con sideration. W PROTECT YOUR EVERY INTEREST. We put you in IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE H iM K YOU ARE 1 ,0 K 1 NG FOR . If necessary, WR WILL HELP YoU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. 16 Automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings aud Sundays. $ 3500 A LO V E LY L A U R E I - H UR ST, new. vacant. W ITU DECISIVE CHARACTER; Ideally located, bet possible consiruotiou ; RE CEPTION HALL WITH FULL MIRROR; living room with arits ti chery fireplace, dining room with mssfive buffet; HA RDW'i ton FLOORS I h rough - out; ill WOODWORK In WHITE EN A MEL: splendid Dutch kite li en. HK VLT1 KUW LIGHTING EF FECTS ; a tru home in every sense of the word. $3465 New RfPB CTTY. clever, artistic; BUILT-IN LABOR SEVERS; fine client basement, paved ttre-t: FULL LOT: E. ftOth. OWN YOUR HOME. ZQO0 WONDERFUL VALUE IN THIS HOLLADAY HOME: five rooms and sleeping porch ; f urn a fire P'ace; HOUSE LIKE NFV; Kat 7th. near Oregon; COULDN'T RE BUILT TOD A Y for $ViO0: A PLEASANT HOME. WHY NOT OWN IT? $3500 MTTST SELL THIS ATTRACTIVE HOME AT ONCE: 6 rooms: IOC B L E CONSTRUCTED. MODKKX; B E A U T I F U L LAWN AND SHRUBBERY: LAWRENCE ST.. CLOSE TO ROSE CITY PAR. Just west of LAURELHURST. $3500 THIS ALBERTA BUNGALOW WILL HAVE a strong APPEAL FOR YOU. Extra lnrge rooms; DOUBLE - CONSTRUCTED; nu merous clever build-inn; best plumbing fixture; SPLENDI D Fl" RN ACE; laundry trays; full lot ; close to car; E. 2t h st. AN UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE HOME. $2650 ALBERTA BUNGALOW BAR OA IN; 5 rooms; combination 1,1V! NG AMI DIVING H OM : CONVENIENT KITCHEN; 3 SUNNY REDROO.MS; BEST WHITE ENAMEL PLUM HI NG F I XT l! R K S : ELECTRICITY; GAS: GOOD CEMENT BASE MENT; full lot; SPLENDID GA RAGE. Can arm oge T K R M S. This won't last; SEE IT TODAY. $3150 NEW HAWTHORNE RUNG -Lo W ; very a rustic lines ; fire place; Attractive built-in bonk TiHa; French doors lead to pan eled dining room with inaN've built-in huffe; POLISHED II A RD WOOD FLOORS; model white Dutch kitchen : 3 sunny . bedrooms; best white enamel plum hip e ;' elect ricttv ; gas; FIVE CORNER LOT. Terms. This IS A SPLENDID BARGAIN, own your home and prosper. $2075 HOMES CORDIAL ATMOS PHERE INVITES YOU to this a t tractive 5-room HI" NG A LOW ; comfortable; nrt; FULL OAR DEN LOT: 7AxlOO; 1ft I.AKGK FULL-HEARING FRUIT TREES. Summer-)! be here soon. E. 7:th; 1 blk. to M. V. car. , v $2750 A real ROSE CITY bungalow. . rooniH. like n!W. unUMimly artis tic lines, lull tront porch, paio-'n-d dining room, convenient k i l - be n ; plumbing; 5ox100 lot, garage; eay terms; on E. 65th. $2250 Jefferson high-school diMrict. paved street. Hens all paid: a modern, srtiftle. practically new California bungalow, white enam el plumbing, electricity and gas, combination living and dining rom. convenient kitchen, 1! airy bedrooms: Conimer-iisl st., near Alberta; only $560 down, entire . balance $15 pr mouth. 6 per cent: a wonderful bargain' HURRY! $2400 Furnished. Sellwood district, and a reat bungalow; llreplace, built Ins, white enamel plumbing. electricity and km. 2 airy bed rooms, full cement basement, ga rage. houe; like new. Sure, it's a bargain. We have over h'Ut home ior sale arid natural !v have many unusual opportunities tor the horns buyer. See our list first. . $3950 One of Hawthorne's most attrac tive bungalows. mansi ve brick columns, very pretty living room with cheery fireplace and built in bookcases; artistic solid pan eled dining room, massive buffet, an ideal Dutch kit hen, 2 ai rv bedrooms, white enamel plumb ing. Tins pretty little home is one of our best buys; only 1 block to car; paved st. paid. $3050 A real bungalow bargain, low, rambling California bungalow linen; large front poreh full width, massive column; Ideal floor plan, many built-in conve nience, white enamel plumbing, eleetriclty and gas; 5 large, airy rooms: esst of Laurelhurst, very easy terms. $205fJ Onl v $500 down, a f Is wt borne bungalow, bargain. B-'fore you buy look t this 5-room typical bungalow. iHrge front porch, pret ty I Ivin g room, art 1st lc dining room with it-foot hui.t-Jn buf fet, full Dutch kitchen, "J airy bedrooms, white enamel plumb ing, electricity and rum; non-real dent owner reduced price. If you are In the MARKET FOR A HOME, it is of GREAT ADVANTAGE TO YOIT to come to our office and look over our WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF over KOO PHOT. 'GRAPHS OF HOM ES for ssle. Every district in the city rep resented. WK CAN SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. SEE. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1O0S. Successor to H. D. McGuire. Ablngton Bldg. Main lo;S. WATCH FOR OUR OPENING AN NOUNCEMENT. WE WILL HE IN OCR NEW HOME SOON. One of th BEST EQUIPPED REAL ESTATE OFFICES in the VS est. BARGA I N 4-room cottage bath, toilet, gas. electric It y. i block to car cement walk paid: $1250. terms. Modern five-room bungalow, near oar. close in, paved street paid. $1:1)00, terms. Dubois, S03 Spalding Bldg. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKITT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1800. FINE. 10 ACRES IMPROVED. CLACKAMAS. Good house and barn. See us at once if you want a snap ; $4 50, terms. COBB BROS.. J3 OAK ST. WE MUST have acreage, farms and cltv property. Come in and list yours w ith us either for sale or exchange. We gt results for you. PKPER at RICHARDS. 508 Buchanan Bldg. IF YOU are. looking nr a farm or acre- ge, priced ritfht. and want service, see Mr scnmitit, tne Acreage un, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry b.dg. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, itrlrtiv modern; furnace, hardwood floors, butu- 1ns, etc.: siuuu now n. lerms on balance See it today. Phone Owner. East 4O00. $1050 3 LARGE ROOMS--$250 DOWN This is only 3 blocks to car: a beauti- v ful lot and a comfortable home. place is now rented $ 1 mo. . easy terms, $20 mo. LObtt Jtftt;j . oak ST. MODERN 6-room house in best Richmond Tin r h Iritxhn . i fruit; $2000 cash, balance term's, owner, incur uiuu. 65 0O IRVINGTON HOME. One of the finest corners on Tillamook st. : 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, garage and many other modern conveniences. COBB BROS.. L'o. OAK ST. 14750 FULL lbt with good 7-room resl dence. 99 E. 12th. near Washington st Splendid buy. Terms may be had. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 106 2d St. K0O WHY PAY RENT $hO0.. Furnished 5-room houseboat with sleeping porch. South Portland. Also have one at Willamette moorage. Charles Ringler & Co.. -'jr Henry bhlg. S-ROOM 2-storv house in good location 2 blocks from car line. 1275 E. Taylor. riit'iirj lentil S-ROOM house,-west ride. $750. $100 cash bal. $25 per mo. M. E. LEE. 413 Corbett Bldr. " WEST SIDE BARGAIN. South . Portland, well-built. 7-room modern home; 50x!tMi. East 4021. 4-KOOM buTisitlow on Hawthorne car. At v baxsain. . . -tv.-U REAL ESTATE. SEVEN rooms and sleepinr porch. sfrWCy modern home, on St. Johns rrllne; ihite enamel finish; h ood f ioors: gam ge. Pri- e, $ l rot cash, terms to suit, eerythinfi in and paid. 5-room bungalow, , 1 -story, H block to MontaviMa car and paved street: fireolace; laundry (ravs; modern t h rough out ; price $3oot). $J15 down: small monthly pay ments on balance. 5-room. 1 - story bungalow in St, .Tohrs. 1 block to car; a fine home with some fruit: modern n vrn Dnecs : full concrete basement ; $J5uo, $1250 cash. Arrange terms. 4 rooms. Mt. Scott, close to car. A good litte home for $lo50. $550 cash and terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Gcrlinger bid. ROSE CITY PARK. - NIFTY BUNGALOW. $1750. TOUR OPPORTUNITY! You will ap preciate the real value here. This truly modern, double-constructed bungalow has a value far in a of present pr'ucs. MniHhed in rich old ivory and white througnout; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement brt.yment. furnace, etc., full lot; assessments paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark M . near Third. Main 3002 Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. DOUBLE GARAGE. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL STYLE. 8 largo rooms, extra large living room, large library w hie h can be used for a downstairs bedroom if nec ssary, a per fect gem of a Dutch kitchen: finished throughout in old Ivory and lincwt Up eetry paper; material and workmanship the vtry bet that money could buy. I will sell this palatial home $1500 under what you could build it tor. Located on corner of 12th and Brazce. For ' appointment phone TURNER cWWINSHIP, Tabor Jl'.'-i Or Tabor 5i'.4. IN WEST Pied nt. beautiful corner lot. ISOxi no. on paved street, one block from peninsula Park, near Jefferson High school, branch Library and car barns. Splendid home and income. Two f la ts. both completed for housekeeping. Lower I lat nas reception nail. iivinu room, paneled dining room, bed rooms a ml clothes closet. Dutch kitchen, front ami back porch. Upper flat, large living room, large uutcti Kitcnen wun oum ins. bedroom. Dl istered sleeping porch bath and J clothes closets. beautiful eajit front, nice lawn, also several fruit trees, berr'es, etc. 5."u if tn Ken hi onrp. Owner here for few days only. Phone Wood lawn .. 4. " wTlIlAMETTE HEIGHTS. $f75M. Extra well-built i:nd welt-k'-pt home Is now of fe-ed at t he present price for tuick alc. Strictly ncd.rii and right up to date; hsrdwood floors, all built-in on ven iences, sleeping porch, etc. ; fine lew of city and surrounding hills s nd mountains: grounds largo and beautiful; high and sight )y. .1. L. K-ARNOPP CO P.P By. Kxch. Bld. Main r,, 5 $ : i5i o rich mo no d I s r . . ; :.ot i. A grnd lilt I borne of 5 rooms wit h la rfirc nt r v. full floored attic a i if i full IvHM'inont ; there Is also a lin- large miiii n:er kitchen with water, electric lights, i-himney for stove all complete. The lot is 75xlOO 1U abundance of fnnl and berries; only one-half blo-k to ear; all street and se-er improvement pid. SMITH- W A VON V. R CO.:. St oe k E x b. UNIVERSITY I' ARK. 5-room bungalow, 1 block to ear line; strongly built and nicly planned: lot lOxlji) f.-i ; for $-750 this is good aluc; $5uo down. Mahoney, COE A. M. KEVNA & CO., S- Fourt h t. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia n:;.v . SNAP $3iiu. 7 ROOMS PAVED STREET. Sun ny side district, one bloek to c r, r!ne-in : f u il basemen :, furnace, laun dry, ouilt-in sideboards and hookcases. linoleum, gas ranee and water heHter go with house; requires $2O0O cash. A real bnrgaip. 1-AURKLIiURST CO MR. KOEHLER. M-tin 17K. 27 O1 Stark St. . RY OWNER. I could writ' a lot a hont my home near 33d and . Sandy and then not do it justice. It has to be seen to lie appre ciated, and-It will stand inspection both inside and out. Takes $2.".uo cash to handle. Hal. term No agent. I am moving to a larg r house. Phone today. Hdwy. 2S or E:it 7704. IRVINGTON PARK $32HO. Six rooms and sleeping porch in a splendid district, garage, too: 5oxloo lot, full basement and furnace; you will get a rise out of this when you see ll; now read that price over again. Mr. Gr;iv, COE A McKENNA & CO. b2 Fourth St. Main 4,VJ. A T 4."0 E. I'TH ST. North. ' Irvington.' rt-room modern home, full cement base ment, furnace. 4 fine fruit l rein apples, pears, cherries t ; lot 5uxIim. Will ne.i piano and f urn it ure If tieuesrary. I am leaving ctt v. will give a good barga in lo hotnes'-eker. Call after 0 P. M., or plume Kant 7l2N. o ner. N 1 FTY new Irvina ton bungalow, finished in enamel ; large living room, den. Freneh doors, tile bath, tine fix. Lure. ok floors, large garage: ato'iite)y up to the minute, with ele trie tirepiaee; one block to car. Price complete $M)O0. Owner, E a st 7 5 5 tf. - ;; no W FIVE-ROOM B T " N G A 1 S W : OO 0 EASY TERM S NO INCUMBRANCE. Nest and clean, nice neighborhood, love 3 v corner, near Laurel hurM. on car line, paved street, sewer, electricity, gas. Phone owner. Automatic 2L"-So. after 6 P. M LEAVING clt y , must sei I mv J-roin houe. 5 rooms platertMi. 4 ceiled; gs and llirhts, sewer connected; 5o ft. to bard-surtace St.; 5oxl0o lot. 7'ng fruit trees, chicken hou;e and run; $ltHhi, $sim cash, bal. terms: 1 per cent dis count all cash. owner 12? E. Davis ft LAURELHURST MODERN HOME. Hie of t he bct : dandy location. 100 feet to car; use the phone for full In formation. Tabor 7'M or Main oU52. Owner. Or call at 270 Stark st. AN INTELLIGENT BUY $4.-,no TERMS. rooms, strictly" modern: reception hall, fireplace, f urns re, built-in?, etc. Excellent location. Paved street, lawn, roses, berries. See owner. 521 Marguer ite av $700 Cottage in Firland. 5 large rooms, attic and basement: all in tirst-ciass condition: lot lOoxlOO: plenty of fruit and berries, good chocken nous and runs: this is an ideal home. Call owner Sundays and evening. Tabor 4.112, uays Broadway 201.1. THAT VACANT LOT. Whv not tu-n a burden into Income? We design end build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. w offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 824 N. W. Bank bldg. NEAT, clean house, 3 rooms and bath ; large porch ; modern conveniences; big corner lot, shade trees, fruit planted; sell furnifrhed if desired: special price this week for cash, owner, V 216, Ore gonian. GOING EAST 7-room modern hungalow housc, full cement basement, hardw ood floors, buffet, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full lot. fruit trees. Must be sold this week $2'H)0 less than copt to build. Terms. 4'S E. 5th at. Phone 214-QO. ii'lV INOTON 7-room housfl; oid ivory fin ish, large living room; built 5 years, at V- cost of today's construct ion. Hon no and owner at 542 East 10th st. .N. Phone East toi WILL SELL MY HOM R OK H ROOMS. BTM, OAS. ELECTRICITY"; 2 LOTS WITH 15 BEARING Fit I ' I T TREKS; $4000, EASY TERMS. 4M5 41st av). yjooo 5-ROOM house with 50x50 foot lot. ir,8 E. 13th, near Yamhill st. . Easy terms. . PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 10H 2d St. $1700 LARGE 5-room cottage in ivory finish, modern except bath; improved at.; $250 dow n. $25 month. Call out of workin'g'hours. 70Q9 00th ave. S. E. 4-ROOM modern unfurnished fiat or apart ment wanted on west or east side, but must be close in: rent $4 to $50 per month. Call Steinberg. Main 4110. 50x100 Corner. Sellwood. $ 11 oo old story house thrown in); improvements paid; terms. A. A. LINDSLEY. Main 2274. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large, splendidly built modern bunga low with 2 level lots, 2 blocks from car. Main 7 J94. HAWTHORNE: MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 42I9 RODABAUGH. j'j.ROOM H. K. for sale by owner. Call Sl E. 0th st. $1150 CASH. 4-room house. 40xl0. 1140 E N . -5 1 h st. , A . A . Harden . . ' rOR HAWTHOHNB HOMES CALL. H.UBBELL IABO& 333. REAL ESTATE, l'or ale - Houses. FIRST OFFERING OF DELIGHTFUL LAURELHURST HOME. A suiden mo beii.c imperative, own er Is hen to make iuick .of one of most admired 2-storv 7-room houses with sleeping porch and garage, located on E. Flanders t. in how bloek of tract. B-iiit for home and unusually bos vy const rue t ion ; n:ce entrance bail, very large living-room: beautiful French doors to charming dining-room; Kreuvh doors to den ; cotiv en lent kitchen ; 3 great big square bedrooms and large in closed s.eepmg porch: oiu ivory ii.nn. finest oak floors, massive firepiace. be.-t ' furnace, f u II cement basement. I'r ice of $.5oo is away below actual value. Term-, j Tshor 407. i ALAMEDA VIEW CORNER. j Charming, will-appointed S-room hems j with riel-ightful sleeping porch and ga- , rge, Io ated on rhoice loolio view eor- j ner; tCe vestibule. i(W2tS living room, j larg den, French doors to massie I preh. beautiful cining-room witn lots ot light and wail space ; pass-pantry, very , convenient kitchen with best linoleum iid stove; 3 large bedrooms. e:sb orate dres-ing-room. 2 baths, large sleep ing porch, attic; one of nicest basements In city with expensive hot water heat irvc ; finest os k f toors and woodwork throughout: built for home bv present owner and no expense spared. Priced i much be low actual value. T abor 40 . PENINSULA PARK BUNGALOW. A perfect dream of a place; 7 rooms, each surpassingly lovely; immense living and dining rooms w un hardw uod tloor. larce fireplace, built-in kitehen. full en creirt basement and tine furnace. a.h trays, large, airy bedrooms, atlle; lot 40x175. in garden; garage; house has t southern exposure; $5ou. Mahonev. COE A. MeKENNA & CO . S2 Fourth St. Main 4522." Evenings, Columbia 63 S. LAURELHURST CORNER BUNGAt-OW. Owner moving into apts. will sell one of classiest a-story bungalows with ga rage, located o-n choice oversized corner. Living-room 11x36 with masMve fire place, lots of windows. French doors to den. to very pret ty dining-room and to dainty breakfast room; convenient kitch en; sewing or maid's room with toilet on 1st floor; 3 weli -ventilated bedrooms cm iid floor ; old ivory finish, nicely pa pered and oak floors throughout. Per gola fenced back yard: only 3 years old and like new. Price $10.500; is far be low actual value. Tabor 4"7. IN LAURELHURST. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME. You can move right in. A very mod erate payment and the money you pay for rent, with a few extra dollars, and you can be your own landlord. Drive out to office at E. S'.'th and GMsan sts., get key and inspect this beautiful plnce, or phone Tabor 5433 Eve. Kat 2utjtj. $7 MM). 8-room house on large corner lot In Iaurelh urst. Hardwood floors in every room. The bet of everything. A big bsreain. By a ppoint mcnt only. Tabor a i;j;t. Eve. East 20. your house, is it for sale? Talk It over with us. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC 514-20 Swctland bids. UNIVERSITY PARK. S-room rntUiie. fru1thlc for elderly couple or suh. on a prominent corner lot; looxll' (eet. a I in garden; also I'M? 2- room cot la ge w ll ic i coiled be ren e1 out ; $2'tHi. and a payment do n that you couid make cjm'v. Ma lnuifv. COE A. McKENNA & CO, S2 Fourt h st. Main 4522. V. venules. Colum bia 0-w- $TOii0. STRICTLY Mt'DERN home. WITH ENTRANCE HALL. LIVING ROOM. DINING RoOM. HiiKA K FAST ROoM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR; FOUR H K D ROOMS. BATH SECOND FLOOR; AT TIC. HARDWooD FLOORS. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. UASCO Fl RN ACE. t : A R AG E: WALKING INS TANCE. EAST SIDE; ALSO HALF RLi ' K CAR LINE. POl N DEXTER. 2is SELLING BLDG. MAIN' 1MM; RESIDENCE, 271-20. JST.nO IRVINGTON $C500. New 7 - room bungalow. 2 bedrooms, large music room, breakfast nook, beau tiful fireplace, hard wood t ioors through out, all wh ite enamel, best of taper-trv paper, tiie- bath, all ready to move rigot into; who will be the lucky one? iJali Law rence. Main rrt-M. See HOLMES FOR HOMES. THIRTY-EIGHT HUNDRED, K 1G HT H UN DR ED I 0 W N. Six-room bungalow tn good condition, ft blocks' distil nee from car; two lots on corner, nine fruit t rees. good assort ment of berries and shrubs ; l.-irge chicken house and pens; guud gMrage; have a look, let Mr. Gray show you. COE A McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth Si Main C71. Main 4522 . HOLLAJJAY PARK. HOME. ooo. ATwas a home; In excellent condi tt'in; ne offered for sa:e before. Neat, modern, wcll-huilt 2-tory 0Jroorn home located In fine district on Waseo t .. near 24!i st. Large rooms, nicely pa pered, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, no hardwood floors; beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Terms. Tsbor 407. j:;.-0 IRVINGTON DISTRICT $"500 i ;ood -room house, nice garage, on a corner, improve nents in and print; thrff rilc bedrootus. This is a gret sua p mul w 111 not )Bt long; only $.to dow u and $25 pi-r month, including interest. HOLMES FOR 'HOM ES. FOR SALE R. C. PARK 5-room strictly modern bungalow, in heurt of R. C. Park. 1 sliort bio. k from rar. Splendid construe t io n ; ha rd wood floors througnout; breakfast nook. All sorts of bui.t-:is; garage, corner Ittt. es st front : very desirable in every wa v. ('all Tabor 5704, afternoons, or bcfor 0 a. m. - $j.".oo ATTRACTIV E 5-room bungs low or.d double g-trrtT. on beautiful corner lot. one block t ro.n gra.i sehool. nenr Jefferson high. Peninsula I'ark and branch library. Garage rented at $5 mo. On -r leaving city, will aacrific bis e4- ity for $725. balance $2H wr month and interest. See ow ner at I2o0 Kerhy St., eor. Simpson. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH $2750. Dandy five-room bungalow with full basement. 50x100 lot. gently terraced; blok from good car service, newly deco rated, lovely shade trees; $500 down, bal ance like rent. Grav. " COE A. McKENNA CO. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished ; garage, full cement basement, lot 50x150, fine view. Best buy in Portland ; all large rooms. Big sacrifice. Uw price. $4.-"0. part terms. A lso 7-room modern corner; must sell, fine shape. Snap. $2Soo. Owner. 400 Hawthorne. Don't wait, you may be late. - 3 LARGE rooms, good floored attic, porch 8x21 ; grounds. 8oxlO0; 14 hearing fruLt trees, lawns, ros9. garage, chicken house and runs. Mount Scott car to Iaurel wood. Price $1S00. $3o0 down, balance monthly. TABOR 2601. BUNGALOW. Finest In Alameda drive ; large living room, INxrtO; dining room, breakfast room, sun room. 2 bedrooms, conneting bath, sleplni? porch, garage, everything, only $ifcj5u; do a .rents. East 1 i47. IRVINGTON Hom R. Hall, living. 1 in ing and den In old Ivory: walls in French gray: 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch in white enamM; 5 years old: built by day labor. $f050. terms. East 1347. No ugents. NEW ti-room house; dining and sleeping porches, bath room, basement and large lot ; beautiful view ; at Mount '.ion ; $TiW. easy terms. John Bain, owner. 57 Spalding bidg. $5fM DOWN and $20 a month for 5-room hnngamw at 12:14 E. Broadway. 1 b?o, k (rrfin Rose Cit v ca rline. Price J;oo. Immediate po6ession. Phone owner. Tabor 7346. from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. FOR SALE by owner. S-room nouse. full lot; sink, toilet, electric lights, pas. 2 blocks from Sellwood car barns. No. 4aJ Cia t sop av e: "6-ROOM BUNGAT,OW. ONLY $25 no With lOOxloo. fruit trees, barn, cement basement, bath, water, lights: 7-cent fa re. 500 Concord b id g. . 2d and Stark . FOR S A LE 2 -room furnished hou;; io"t 4-"txl00. Terms if desired. Phone Tabor Ji 'X z $1750 BUNGALOW. 4 rooms. furniture free; nc horn: $550 cash. Mam a7" Frank McFarland. 28 Failing building FOR SALE By owner. 5-room bunss.ow a: I built-ins, full c-ment basement, lot 1 OOx 1 00. Call Tsbor 9015. VERY "MO L E R N BUNG ALOW. 6 rooms and Ideal sleeping porch. A good bu v for $4ooo, on terms. 514 Swetland bid?. 6-ROOM house, price $3o-tO; $500 cash", bal. $-0 per mo. and interest. 1010 E. UTth sc. N. $3450 HAWTHORN E bungalow, sacri ficed. Owner giO- E. 5-ud- iiar 23oo REAL KSTATE. For Sale -Houses. J. A. W1CKMAN COMPANY, . ? "Shtrt-,t Way Hine.' Yea rs rf s; Uily of loca I loivi it Ions, a Thorough knowledge of distri:s. fam.i i ,i r 1 : with Villi e and a s o I e n d i d or ganization enable us to give you tne in-, imum ecrv u o in home buying. Ttu re is never m viues: ion reardinir the price be i ng rig nt. on any piece of property of fci l b us ; it is simply . question of the arraiiK. mont ani ile s i;n of home suiting jour req airenie u;. $l.'j50 Here is the chamc for you tV knock old high cost a hard rap. This modern new bu-.c-iiow was put under roof inst January, on account of sukness tt;c owner was not able to proceed lo com pletion. This was built fr a liojoe jtnd everything Is of firt c m material and workmanship. If ou .iut.i want to see the nifiy..4 d-sign. come in uvl we uiil ti you about it. The prue ale Is for house and It as it si anus, at no profit ; less t ban cost. HAWTHORNE HOME. $2I50 Here is an t rcti ve appea ri r.g , lionie .f 4 rooms and baih. down and 2 rooms uv . S f u I cctmn . basement on a. parti tl 3ot, wifa S:.oo4t norms surrounding it. haii surfnee stre.-ts and sewer in and paid, absoiute bargain; term. $2itt Buys 5 rooms and sleeping porch in the ScU wood d stnet with :uil S'liHt i.t, on pa ed st r. t. m and paid . can make easy terms. $25o With hnrd surfaced street, in the Ha w i borne clist rn t. Now. ius 5-room bunga iow will be offered for a short time nt ; his pri. e, wo w ih be fran k with ou. T h. p!aie needs pitint outside ami tinting inside : when th;s is rtous, owner wul raise price to $.".500. A chance tor ou io save the d.l ference, $2SOO Smi -modern bungalow. 5 rooms . and reception ha I; garage auU . tine chicken house, ami a good one; ail fixed up In firsi-c nss s pe. Th is bungalow is good wit h:n and w it hour . p:tint all m first-class shape. It hss a cle.iu. nea t appearance, painted white. Just the place you would b( glad" to own. in the Alberta district; 5txluo lot. . $2500 On hill, overlooking the cltv, oriS block from the Irvington int. Irv- ing ton Heights; 6-room home, w. good cond it ion ; hard -surr ac st reets in and paid ; 4 roon; a and bath down and 2 up; 3 b-rt--rooms Htid an extra room u that- may be tthed rs ;v bedroom or store room. Considering the lo cution. "ou w iii find this ft -4 ex. epi ion ai bu , and w i'.l tureiy -'ll mi once. $2750 P'e.ijing to t he eye. a nswers t h dt serip; ion. cotnpleie and homv is this 5-room bungalow: situs ted on lot wTth all t irmi -class thru- bery. just the bungalow you w i i d ret m a bout, when in yout h, a your o n. Painted white. W in first-claps condition, prs.-. t icn ! !y new . wiihm loo feet tii hard surfaced street. $,,.o m Highland, hard furfnred s. in and paid: het.n N iian s and Union ave . h:iif block :-V Jalnu; Park; full r-story house; fuii lot, g.irage. fir.iilace; ho:i. in good" u mn IN LoO K I ij FOK A HME you will MISS 4 if ou pass this buy. $L.' Close in. near H A WT HORNS A E. The ow ner has decidt-J k sell and is offering her home a prUe that will seii qui' k; ronrn. st oi v h nd h: 1 '. the ouIsk'.q Ppe.t i a iu-e liax timt ini li e c I) ! iiii-s. Surrounded bv attrartiv homes. Street improvf mtn!i paid. $3750 Ro n a 2 stor-v. semi-modera homo, in fine coiolition: X roon.s and den down, ami t hre t'el rooms with plenty of closet r-oin -n secfimi floor: full benier:t: ssh trays; : lo lot. HIVv. eeeral bearing fruit tr-es. Uri . re. luted t:om $ismi f.r H ,juick sale. Street improvements pu.u. HAWTHOIINE HUNGALOW HAKGAI.V $4.mmj Very ttr;i. live iutiKlii0w " i rooms nud rien. hardwood floors firepiace, buiii-fna, bufi.t luiv!i kitchen, a tt rart : v ' v finished id t fie. h. t elected gram fir: fuU eminent basement and watu trvs. improvements In and pa;-"1.. Immediate possession, terms. Lei us show you. We wish to call jour attention. NOT t. the NUMP.EU of hous-s we of f. r bur the quality (real baraius are nert-ssar-' i.y inn. ted as t.. You hi.I ttwi ! 0v-U?e. ou s' -J ith OUI salesmen Is NT LttST. for ihey are In a posi tion to show yon actual bargains in th district oU d. si re. .1. A. Wl.'KMAN COMPANY. -'04 P.ttiwjiy Kxinange li.dE.' Main 1014 M:id 5:t. $3'ho TERMS J.'L'on. $.JiM TEKMS $;;L'tni 11 4ii E 1'UTM ST. N.. Al.ltEKTA CAR. acant. modern. 5-room bungalow, iJirge nl.epir.g p, rch. full c,.m rete bAae ment. buf Tet. I mteh kitehen. plenty bui It -ins, high k'r.t.i.- plumbiuK. fW-ir.i' fixtursa and gas. bedrooms and kiKin in while ciiMiifi. This is h real buiiKa-' low. not a cottage. H tier lhn now rj splen.iidiy iocMUd in Irvington I'ark. b.i ooxloo, alley, fc truil tree., brr:.w. rum-H lawn. Take Alberta car to 3oth and Killingsworth. owner on premises 1 to 5 daily or phone K. 456 before lo A. M . or after P. M. HEA! Mt INT lU NUAl ' VV. Just u. eharimng buiiK.its oak po' Ishe.l floors thiongiiotit ; liv., din, music iuotii or den. Hutch kitchen. 2 large b-i-ro..m, b:iism-i1 an.l scr.-iu d-in -o epm t por. h. furnace. firepla.-e; f.ovljio pa el street : all paid. on-lerfut f oia rs. ruMi-n and .-b rubbery. 4 block from crtr. Pine homeM ourround ing Oil of t tie most homey homes in I'ortlnr-P w ners moving on ranch. onlv $.75a Terms. TH E KUKP A. .TAO.'RS CO.. , l-4 5t h St . M:t:n '.. SOUTH M T. TAHUH. . 5-room cot rage, nu n t. $ I.o. . 5- room bungalow. . lots, large trdl t t ees. JSL'li.lO. r - MT. SniTT. 5-rootn bonne. $imho 30o rnh. 5-room biing;itow, $Jf,u $(150 ca-ll. W. I. KtAliAlGM. HUH H iw t horne Ave. Tabor iHOr.'-'-- ALAMROA VIEW KL'NWAIUV. Cory rt-room colonial bu nea low wlfr large att:c and garacre. located on choice S.i-fr. lot. haittg unobstructed view .ot. entire city; oid iorv fr.iish and fine oan floors throughout; tile bath, large plaie giasa view windows across enure fronf. Neat us a pin and a rar bargain- i, V5o.o. Terms. Tabor 407. HOSE CITY PARK. Pine a nd a 1 1 rm t I, e fi-room home on -d t. N. Onk floors, firephice, furnac 50xloo lot. Srret being paved. Just 'a" gr:in.l. substantial buy. and most che ful home, and a wonderful buy at $47u. Term:. THE FRED A. .TACOP.S CO . 104 .lih St. Main MohKRN H11LDING FOR LEASE Corner of E. ;4th and Yamhill. stor:es. 3::slO lot: I'd floor suitable fr l-Hluo or dance hall ; would make f : ne laundry or factory location ; long lea good terms; would cut in to parts eeV Mr Ross. . . 1 NTE KST.ATE INVESTM ENT CO Main 174.1. 40 Henry bldg. ' 5-ROOM buniralow style h.ue with dta and sleeping porch, fireplace. buffet lull plumbing, gas and electric light. full cement basement, furnace. lOuxloO leet of ground set to berries and frutu, sma!I chicken house; - block from ca price 445o $17oii cash. JOHNRON-OOWSON CO . 33 N. W. Hank Hldg. Main 3787 $;irtO $65 CASH. 4-room house, living room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, gas and electric lfgh t. basement: convenient to both Hawthoruc ave. and Sunnvside ar. JOHNSON-IOLSON CO.. r?t N. W. Hank lildg. Main 37S7. BUNGALOW. IookIOO. EASY TERMS. Corner. 14 bearing run tree ; blocVi tn cir, good 5-roo:u bungalow, furnace, gvrae; $:;jm. ".ih iown. Wooustook. J. 1. COKF.IN CO.. SO.-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. $r.t50 R. C. PARK; almost new. partTy furnished; bath. Ran. electrteity. la rue corner lot; part cash, balance i per cem ; move right in ; some distance out. but fine c ha nee for hciieit man with $tiuo to get nice little home; good ne:phharhood. near sehool. Owner. Tabor i:07S. LA I "ItE L H U R, ST S N API A real bungalow. 5 rooms, den sr.-l break t ast-room ; large lot; beau it ul shrubbery ; full basement ; hot water' beat, and many other dandy feature.;." Largo garage. .T. A. McCartv, -'70 Stark st. Main 17QQ. Eve. Tab. 5057. " $350 $500 CASH takes bungalow of 7 rooms, 5 rooms and bath on first floor, full basement, screen for windows; nous in nice condition; lot 5'cl 1 1, all kinds of fruit and berries; cn move into at ome. This is a bargain. Tabor H441. $3750 DOCTOR'S home; going away: near high and grade school; never "offered before; near Piedmont Main S05J. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 81S Cham, of Com. Hdg. - 3-KOOM bungalow, large lot. phrnbbers a nd fruit, clowe to ear. Sma U pa y men Terms like rent. H. M. Price & Co , Main S-45. " ROSE CITY $ -2 5 1 TERMS. 4-room modern bungalow, basrmeH, bnth. 50loo corner lot. feeing easi, re duetion for -sh. Tnbor 47oi. tiHOi M house, la rise piece of ground, west side. iM-i'-e otiv $J4'M; easv terms. l. E. JUEE, 413 Corbett BlU.