TIIE MORNING OREGONTA!, WEDNESDAY. APRIL. 23, 1920 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. A 6005 Sunday Editor Main 7070, A 605 Advertising Department. -Main 7070. A 6095 Superintendent of Bids . .Main 7070. A 6085 AMCSEMEyre. KETLIG (Broadway at Taylor) Margaret An(relln in "The Woman of Bronze." Tonight. ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This afternoon. BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Stock company in "Peg o My Heart." . This afternoon and tonight. ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) "Peg o' My Heart." This afternoon and to night. LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com edy. "The Merchant." Three shows daily at 2. 7 and 8. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhil!) Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5. 4:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and bolMays, continuous 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dallv, 2:30, 7 and 9:05. THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Pale at Business Office, Oregonian. Fifth Show Arranged. On account of the demand for seats for the four puppet show performances to be friven Friday and Saturday of this week at the Little theater, a fifth show has been arranged. On Saturday morn ing an extra performance of "Alice in Wonderland" will be given, compris ing six scenes. This show will be given Friday afternoon and evening and on Saturday afternoon and even ing the four acts of "Columbine" and two acts from "Alice in Wonderland" will be presented. The plays are put on by the Cornish Players of Seattle and are sponsored by the music edu cation school of Portland. Grange Indorses Millaoe. Notices of indorsement of the higher educa tional mlllage bill continue to come to supporters of the bill in this city. Pomona grange of Josephine county gave a unanimous indorsement Satur day evening. Recent indorsement in Douglas county have been those of the Cattlemen's association. Sheep and Ooat Growers' association, Umpqua Post of the American legion, Sutherlin Parent-Teacher association and Rose burg Commercial club. Oswego grange No. 175 has also Just Indorsed the measure, as has Webfoot camp. Wood men of the World of Portland. Oil Salesmen Arrested. Thonas S. Howson of Seattle and Frank Whitehead of Aberdeen. Wash., rep resentatives of the Gra-Tex Oil asso ciation of Texas, were arrested Mon day night in a local hotel by Deputy Constables Watkinds and Miles on the complaint of Henry J. Schulder man, corporation commissioner, charged with selling corporate securi ties without having filed required certificates with the state. Prelim inary hearing was waived in both cases, which will he taken direct to the grand Jury. The men were re leased on bail of $450 each. Pratt Lecture Tonight. The sec ond lecture of the Robert Murray Pratt series on "The Religion of Sensi ble Men," entitled "The Spice of Life" will be given in the auditorium of the local Y. M. C. A. tonight at 8 o'clock. This lecture is a popular pre sentation of the philosophy of modern manhood in the light of psychology, scientific research and common ex perience. Gault Patton will be the special soloist of the evening. Lec ture given under the auspices of the association service department. The public is invited. Prisoner Found In-sane. J. E. Creighton, whose threat to shoot a waitress with what proved to be a tack-hammer led to his arrest last week, was committed to the Oregon state hospital at Salem yesterday fol lowing an examination by Dr. Will lam House. He was found to be suffer ing from the delusion that he was being pursued by persons of a certain religious faith who would kill him If he did not Join their church. Creigh ton is 33 years old and an expert telegrapher. Man With Black Beard Wanted. The police are searching for a man with a heavy black beard who was discovered in the act of prowling the basement of L. B. Drew, .133 South Ivanhoe street. It is thought he may be wanted also for various thefts committed about the city. The man was discovered in the basement by Mrs. Drew, but before she could call the police, made his escape in an auto- bile which be had left standing In front of the house. Husband Takes Wife's Rings. Mrs. Mable Bennett of the Irving apartments reported to the inspector's bureau yesterday, that her husband Frank Bennett had left, taking her diamond rings valued at $2000 and $200 in money. She said he might go to Sacramento, Cal. She described him as 22 years of age, 6 feet inches in heighth and weighing 140 pounds. Women and Girls Annoyed. Will iam Murtinger, who was arrested at Fifth and Columbia streets on a charge of disorderly conduct, will be given a hearing in the municipal court Friday. Murtinger is said to have been sitting in his automobile. which he had parked by the side of the street, and annoying girls and women when they passed. A nt I - Hanging Discussed. Antl capital punishment was the topic dis cussed at yesterday's meeting of the housewives' council. Chaplain Howard was the principal speaker. It was voted at the session to extend an In vltatlon to all candidates. Irrespec tive of political parties, to come be fore the council and present their policies. Larceny by Bailee Charge. Deputy Constable Watkinds left last night for Corvallis to bring back R. E. Nevius, arrested Monday night In that city on a charge of larceny by bailee. Nevtus is accused of taking an auto mobile and furniture which he did not own from Portalnd. Bond Is fixed at $1150. Business Man going east visiting all large cities including New York to purchase merchandise and investigat ing conditions would like arrange with business houses or individuals to execute commissions, procure in formation any character; best of ref erences given. W 156, Oregonian. Adv. Patriotic Social Thursday. Th Sons of Veterans will Join with th daughters of veterans in giving social tomorrow evening at 575 Court house. After the literary entertain moat cake and coffee will be served, All Relief Corps women and Grand Army veterans are cordially invited. Wanted to Rent. By a business man, small furnished or unfurnished apt. or sleeping room, with private bath, west side preferred. X 163, Ore gonian. Adv. Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red, wash cleaned. Cartozlan Bros. Inc., oriental rugs and carpets. Wash., near 10th. Adv. Feet Hurt? Have our root spe cialist examine your feet; free con sulfation Knight Shoe Co. Adv. The Kelly truck shows on inspec tion its Inbuilt quality. Jeffery Hanawalt. Adv. Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co. mine agents. 321 Hawthorne avo- East 11S8. Adv. Let Us Have a business men for county commissioner. Who? Chas Rudeen. Advt- For Sale. Good dental practice I mall town. AV 806, Oregonian. Adv. Dr. Higgs will be in his office May 1. Selling bldg. Adv. Offices for rent. Fenton bldg. Adv. Milk Curb at the Moor Sanitarium. Adv. Reed Students Pat Taxes. "Pay- : up day" at Reed college yesterday! collected nearly $200 in taxes from j students. A row of collectors met students at the main entrance before i the first classes. Seniors found the . opportunity to turn in dues for the j senior ball, which is the last social ! event of the year. A tax of 50 cents '. to defray Saturday's "Junior Weed end" expenses was collected, and stu dent body fees received due notice. The new student council, elected last week, will meet at noon today with Tom Brockway presiding. Next year's budget for the student body, river day plans and appointments will be con sidered. Retiring council members are: Robert Osborn, Calista Eliot, Martin Peterson, Marguerite Twohy, Charles Spackman and La Verne Scroggin. Passenger Agent Visits Northwest. I. W. Carter, district passenger agent at New York for the Union Pa cific system, has been a visitor to the Pacific northwest for a week past, spending the greater part of the time in the Puget Sound section. He spent Monday on a trip over the Columbia highway with William MoMurray, general passenger agent of the Oregon-Washington, as his guide. The trip included a number of stops at points of interest and he was espe cially interested in the smelt fishing at Sandy, the hatchery at Bonneville and the view of the gorge of, the Co lumbia river at Crown Point. He is returning east via California. Searchlight Test to Be Made. The big army searchlight, which has been tried out in Portland, will be used in experiments to ascertain the helpfulness of its rays in fighting forest fires. Colonel Stevens of the recruiting office has offered to lend it to the United States forest service for tests to be carried on at Willam ette Heights or Council Crest. Signals similar to those used with a helio graph will be flashed to the summit Larch mountain, the tower of the tate capitol building at Salem and to Silverton. Members of the Radio ub will assist in carrying out the lans. College Office Flooded. A flood escended on the Reed college office Monday night and Noah, the Janitor, was absent. The registrar yesterday morning was greeted by floating fur- lture when she opened the office oor. A chemistry student on the floor above had left the water Tun ing and gravity did the rest in soak ing college stationary supplies. Luckily the dean of women's office scaped dampening. In this were on xhibition a number of R. Bruce Horsfall's. bird pictures. The office and Janitor force spent most of the morning clearing out water-soaked debris. Garden Management to Be Topic. Garden Management in Late Spring nd Summer" will be the subject of a lecture forming a part of the exten- ion course of the Oregon Agrlcul- ural college, to be given by Professor G: Bouquet, professor of vegetable gardening, at the story hour room in he central library Friday evening. The series of lectures for the month f May will deal with various phases poultry raising and management. The small fruit industry was the topic andled by Professor Henry Hartman last Friday. Shkephebder Is Arrested. Ed ward Crosson, sheepherder, was ar rested yesterday at Kenton by Police Sergeant Crane and Officer G. Roberts telegraphic warrant from The Dalles charging him with larceny by bailee. Crosson had just arrived with a carload of stock. The sheriff t The Dalles was immediately noti fied of the arrest. No details of the harges against Crosson were received here. White Slaver Sentenced. Jouquin Miranda yesterday pleaded guilty to an indictment charging white slavery nd was sentenced to imprisonment t McNeil's Island for 13 months by udgc Bean. He confessed to having rought 16-year-old Anna May Lee, a ister-in-law, from Weed, CaL, to Portland for immoral purposes. He will be taken to the federal peni tentiary today by a deputy United States marshal. Education Measure Indorsed..; Members of the women's association of the First Presbyterian church yes- erday unanimously Indorsed the higher educational relief measure at luncheon in the parlors of the church house. The business meeting was presided over by I,. K. Moore, who called on Mrs. S. M. Unander and Mrs C. R. Templeton for talks. Joseph Cohen Sought. The where abouts of Joseph Cohen, who Is said o have come to this city from New York City 15 years ago, is being sought by his 80-year-old mother. Mrs. Bessie Cohen, 2240 Eighty-fourth street. Brooklyn. N. Y. Mrs. Cohen in a letter says that her son's last known address was 42 North Twenty first street, Portland. Longshoreman Hit On Head. George Sythe, longshoreman living at 223 Pine street, was rendered un conscious by being hit on the head by a chain while assisting in loading the steamer Nome City at the Clark- Wilson lumber mill yesterday after noon. He was taken tto Good bamarl tan hospital, where his Injuries were pronounced not serious. Liquor Suspect Bound Over. George H. Harbeck, who was ar rested by the police January 13 at 493 Alder street, where 40 pints of moonshine whisky were confiscated was held to the federal . grand jury yesterday following a hearing before United States Commissioner Drake. He was held under $1000 bonds, which he has not yet produced. Arrested Guardian Released. H. H. Graf, arrested In Eugene Monday for failure to make an accounting in guardianship, was released yester day on bail of $2000. He had failed to respond to several court orders of Circuit Judge Tazwell and the con tempt order, accompanied by a bench warrant, followed. Fire Protection Promised. Addl tional fire protection for the industrial district on the Columbia river slough was promised by the city council yesterday, after a large delegation of manufacturers had been heard. The city commissioners promised imme diately to lay a 16 or 24-inch water main to supply the entire district Drug Dealer Fined. Federal Jurfe-e Bean yesterday assessed a fine of flOO against Lee M. Gleason, Who was In dieted by the federal grand Jury Mon day for dealing In drugs and narcotics Gleason appeared for arraignmen yesterday morning and entered a plea of guilty Investment I $5000 buys interest in fast growing, high-grade local business. Now on paying basis and with entire Pa cific coast territory. Busi ess well established, good profits. Excellent chance for ambitious man. Act now. O 165, Oregonian. II. Stamps Gtvesi $1 VICTROLA 1 dg n II I HlaSte? ll is the trade-marked name of the H-S y vJLj product of the Victor Talking Ma- -EEi; Orx yCxMi lltstl chine Co. Be sure to get the gen- ! A h W li I ilSil uine VICTROLA there are rfj (ill nf I 1 1 n sf la scores of imitations on the mar- ; (( V f JJjU iigggftl ket today. gj m7 y Ijlgilp gjl Victrolas $25 to $1500 J The First M H Convenient Terms J5 STRAW 1P8'1C, h l! HATS Shermanay&Go-l are rolling in. Smart, light and cool. As usual, we are the first to show them. High-grade 6traws; Toyo and genuine Panamas. $4 to $10 For young men from 17 to 70. See our Morrison entrance display. Exclusive Kuppenheimer , House in Portland. Morriwin at "Percolator" Is Still. It looked like an ordinary coffee percolator and In fact it had been until Louis Fierta had added a few auspicious coils and other apparatus. The so-called per colator was found to be a minature still when revenue agents invaded Plerta's domain and the small op erator in moonshine whisky yester day pleaded guilty to a violation of he federal prohibition law. He was fined $200. Leave ow Absence Granted. Stanley Myers, deputy city attorney. and candidate for the republican nomination for district attorney in Multnomah county, was yesterday granted a leave of absence from the city service to enable him to devote his entire time to his candidacy. S4GD.00D OF BONDS VOTED XOKTH BEXD WILL SPEND BIG SUM OX DEVELOPMENT. 750 Acres of Tide Land to Be Pur chased and Improved for Industrial Sites. NORTH BEND, Or., April 27. (Spe cial.) By a vote of nearly 7 to 1 the issuance and sale of $400,000 of city bonds for the purchase and improve ment of 750 acres of tideland was authorized at a special election here yesterday. Of the 390 votes cast, 337 were for the project and 53 against it. The land to be purchased embraces the entire tidal area at the mouth of Pony inlet, near the northwest limits of the city. It will be reclaimed by dredging and filling and used for industrial sites, public docks and com mercial purposes. Fifty acres of the Spring lunch menus the sort that make eager appetites; serv ice prompt yet un obstructive; a quiet - environment yet only a step from the busy street. naturally, we are speaking of your fa vorite dining place. Ye Oregon Grill I J -A. C 7 INFORMATION WANTED Regarding Whereabouts of SIDNEY B. WALPOLE Who Has Been MISSING from home since Monday, April 19. Aged 25, light hair, blue eyes, about 5 feet 8 inches in h e i g h t, weight about 135, slender build, small, refined features. Wears gold-rimmed glasses of unusual appearance. ' When last seen wore a black and gray plaid mackinaw coat, khaki-colored shirt, corduroy pants, dark tan outing boots, heavy gray socks with white ' edge, woolen plaid cap, some what faded." Phone residence of Theodore Burkhart, Main 6041, or ad dress 955 Hilton avenue, Port land, Oregon. mmv&Y-zs mi JJs&VVUV- "' Slxtfc ui Morriaoa f 3 "35l j I Street. Portland JMWitlS cjb " "SL Opp.He rt- EEtJ Xti fffrtkf 1 fcSi li ' Seattle. Tinas, 1 . . . . area adjacent to the harbor channel has already been offered the port of Coos bay as a site for the proposed large terminal dock. Of the bonds authorized It is con templated to sell approximately $100,000 at an early date to make pay ment on the land. The rest of the issue will be held In reserve until definite plans for the improvement are completed. PREMIER is a fine, old, aristo cratic family mmc For more than a quarter of a century Premier motor cars have been among the best. Now comes a Premier the finest of a fine line a car so exclusive and so dis tinctive that, even among the finest cars you know, there is none with gyP CJp) which it can be fairly compared. sp: jy McCraken Motor Co., Distributors Burnalde St. Broadway 93 RijllLjC H PREMIER H gSJQ MOTOR. CORPORATION KSL INDIANAPOLIS. U.S.. SHv Xf TMC ALUMINUM I X W I T M MACMCT1C G K A K SMIVV Ll X ARCADIAN GRILL Music and Dancing MULTNOMAH HOTEL Portland, Oregon Featuring GEORGE M. OLSEN and His Refined Dance Orchestra Feature Night, Every Wednesday Evening Special Supper Attraction Dinner, 5:30 to 8 P. M. Supper 9:30 to 12 P. M. Music and Dancing Nobles, Here is the emblem you have been waiting for. Not the ONLY emblem officially approved by the Shrine Committee, but absolutely the BEST. Graceful in design, rich and elegant in appearance. Made of solid cast bronze, gold finish. WiU last a lifetime. Pins, radiator caps and large easels for high-class show windows, mantels, desks or dens. See display in window of Stout-Lyons Drug Co., Perkins Hotel Pharmacy Rates to the trade on application to H. P. EMERY, N Phone, Automatic 219-68. Official Concessionaire. PARISH WILLIAMS RECITAL HelUg Theater Wednesday Even ing, May 5. Mail orders now being received by Mrs. W. E. Thomas, 300 North Twenty fourth. Enclose check and self-addressed envelope. Prices 50 cents to $2. Add war tax. Adv. Attention! For I P L The Hart Schaffner & Marx label in the clothes we sell is your guarantee of style, economy and complete satisfaction SAM'L ROSENBLATT & CO. Fifth and Alder Gasco Bldg. elejkcmt trunfe- fcaVeiOU ixuamig Trzr irre,-, JHAT SHIELDS YOURUKSKrS SALES MANAGER WANTED National organization with Distributors Everywhere, desires reli able connection for Portland and Oregon territory. Will school proper man and assist in organizing sales force around him. Merchandise is staple article with excellent repeat value and accumulative future. .Thirteen Hundred Dollars neces sary to cover sample line now in Portland. Write or phone for interview. J. C. WATERS, 914 Benson Hotel. Plione Your Want tin style, for economy buy all-wool you want to in clothes, buy wool and you'll less often If you want style you must have all wool The style does not last without it Hart SchafFner &l Marx Ads to The Oregonian save all- buy i rr i -i ii mi K Printers Bookbinders Desks Filing Cabinets GLASS & PRUDHOMME COMPANY 65-67 Broadway Portland, Oregon HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Burj Strati, fust oil Union Squat Fame OA lor food trrtc. comfort and excellent cuialno at reasooabta prices. Rates from 91.75 a Day Breakfast 40e and 75c Ltmch 60c; Sunday Jc DutarS!.25;SaaU7f 1.60. Municipal Car Bno direct to door. Motor ana moots traina and ateamers. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vi First St Portland, Or. Watch for The Comet Visible Soon Phono your want ada to The Ore Io nian, Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. J Mpi GEO ? tmpf Ego K nr