Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 26, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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APRIL 20, 1920
City Editor Main 7070. A 0015
Sunday Kdltor Main 7070. A 60'J5
Advertising Department. .Main 7070. A t;0.t5
Superintendent of Bids. . .Main 7070. A 60S5
ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor Vaude
ville. ThlB afternoon and toniRht.
BAKER Broadway near M orriaon Baker
Stock company In "Peg o My iiearu
ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) "Pea
o- My Heart." Tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy. "The Merchant." Three showa
daily at 2. 7 and 9.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and mnvinl pictures. - lo o.
4:45 to H P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
bolldayB. continuous 1:15 to 11 P. M.
1PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
vine. Three shows daily. -!:30. 1 and
On Sale at
Business Office. Oreeonlan.
Robert Morrei.i. to Appear in
Court. Robert Morrell, merchant,
will be heard In the municipal court
today following his arrest Saturday
night by Patrolman Pratt on a charge
of driving an automobile while in
toxicated. Morrell was arrested after
a collision with an automobile driven
by Charles A. Buchholz, 421 Broad
way, at Eighth and Burnside streets.
The patrolman reported finding a
whisky bottle almost empty in the
rear of the machine driven by Mor
rell. C. A. Hibbard. who was riding
in the same machine, was arrested
on a charge of drunkenness. Morrell
gave 230 bail and Hibbard $100.
Engineers to Have Dat. Tomor
row, will be engineers' day at the
Kiwanis club, when it meets in the
Tyrolean room of the Benson hotel at
1S:15 o'clock. A. II. Lamm, consulting
engineer, as chairman of the day. will
introduce W. M. Marsh, assistant en
gineer of the Spokane, Portland &
Seattle railroad and president of the
Oregon chapter of the American Asso
ciation of Kngineers, who will tell of
the work of the association in the
United States, and O. Laurgaard, city
engineer of Portland and president of
the Oregon state board of engineering
examiners, who will tell of the asso
ciation's work in the state of Oregon.
Osteopaths to Have Clinic. Dr. E.
M. Downing of York, Pa., a member
of the official board of Osteopathic
Research Institute of Chicago, will
conduct a clinic on spinal diseases at
the April meeting of the Portland
Osteopathic society to be held tomor
row afternoon and evening in the as
sembly hall of the Morgan building.
Dr. Mary E. Giles, president of the
society, will call the meeting to order
at 2 o'clock. Dr. L. R. Purkey having
been appointed committee chairman
to take charge of the clinic. An even
ing banquet will be held at the Ben
eon hotel.
Oa me Is Raided. As Patrolmen
Gladwyn and Pierce were strolling
down Savier street at 4:60 o'clock
yesterday morning they were attract
ed by the unmistakable jingle of
money. "How's that for game?"
someone is said to have called out in
unmistakable gambling parlance. The
officers' raided the place at 691 Savier
street and arrested five men and took
$21.20 and a deck of cards as evidence.
Those arrested included: Joe Mar
tain, charged with conducting a gam
bling game; Nick Martain, . Wolas
Kitchen. I..eo SeridricK ana iv. uen
chuk, charged with gambling.
Garage Materials Molested. W
li. Snider, 1384 Tabor court, who is
trying to erect a garage, is the victim
of a couple of hostile armies, accord
ing to a report which he made to the
police yesterday. Mr. Snider declared
that the boys of the neighborhood
have been playing at war and have
carried off a lot of his material for
use as missiles. They even went so
far as to take the blocks out from
under the new garage, he said. Pa
trolman L. T. Tharp was sent out on
scout duty from the police station
Woman Charged With Being
Prunk. In certain social circles
lady is reputed to be one who can
carry her liquor in a genteel manner
and it was apparently one of this
kind that Patrolman Eppenstine men
tioned in a report turned in yesterday
morning. "Arrested a lady at Sixth
and Stark streets. She was too drunk
to give her name." reads the report.
The police later learned that the lady
was Bernita Selice, housekeeper, 40
years old. She will be heard in raunic
lpal court today.
Scream Frightens Thief. Mr. and
Mrs. V. D. Van Court. 344 East Six
teenth street North, were aroused
from their slumbers at 2:10 yesterday
.morning when a burglar climbed
tealthily in through the open bed
room window, according to a report
made So the police. When Mrs. Van
Court screamed the burglar sprang
out and ran away. The police were
called and Motorcycle Officer Wright
made an investigation but was unable
to locate the suspect.
Red Triangles to Hear Street.
George Hotchkiss Street will be the
chief speaker .at the monthly meeting
of the Red Triangle club in the Y
M. C. A. cafeteria at 6 o'clock tomor
row night. He will tell of his ex
periences while serving as a "Y" sec
retary with Italian troops during the
war. when he taught them mass sing
ing in the American style. The club
is composed of men and women who
served with the "Y" at home and
Palette Club to Exhibit. Seventy
canvases are to be on exhibition to
day in the central library when the
Palette club opens its second annua
spring exhibition of oils and water
colors. The pictures will remain there
two weeks. The club has ten mem
bers who organized four years ago,
The exhibitors are C. C. McKin. Mor
gan Powle. Clyde L. Keller. Alfred S,
Rix, D. J. Pedersen. S. Mizzuno. Fred
Strickland. R. Bruce Horsfall and
Jaul JLauritz, all local men.
Japanese Laborer Arrested. T.
Kishimoto, Japanese cannery laborer,
was arrested yesterday morning by
Inspectors Schuiplus and John Mo
loney at Fourth and Flanders streets
following a fight which he is said to
have had in which he used a hug
knife with telling effect upon th
face and head of a countryman, by
the name of Charles loko, who
employed at the home of J. A. Mc
Pherson, 647 Summit drive.
Commerce Club to Dine. The For
eign Commerce club of Portland will
hold a dinner in the main dining room
of the Portland Chamber of Commerce
tonight at 6:30 o'clock. E. H. Parke
will preside over the meeting and th
speakers will include H. L. Hudson,
traffic manager of the Port of Port
land; E. M. Warren, member of th
Port of Portland commission, and D.
F. Morrison, of the Evening Telegra
Lecture Series Start Tonight.
Tonight the first of a series of lec
tures on teaching Americanizatio
will be given in the central library at
8 r. M. by Professor Ralph P. Boa
An added feature will be music by
uninese singers under the direction o
H. F. Chum. Walter Jenkins will lead
community singing.
Bots! Here's Your Chance! $5
In cash prizes Just for a name. Let
us tell you all about it. Contest blank
at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store,
3d and Morrison. Come early! Adv.
Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co
mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ave. East
11S8. Adv
r eet hurt? Have our foot spa
cialist examine your feet; free con
sulfation. Knight Shoe Co. Adv,
Kelly Springfield Trucks All-
capacities. Jeffery & Han await.
Marshall 142S. Adv.
C. Krause Held As Gang Leader.
C. Krause, who Is declared by the
police to be the leader of a gang that
has been causing considerable dis
turbance in the vicinity of East Fail
ing street and Union avenue, was ar
rested yesterday by Officers Cash,
Scott and Nelson being held on
charges of gambling and of resisting
an officer. His bail was placed at
$50 on each charge. The patrolmen
reported that they discovered a gang
of about ten boys and men shooting
craps at Failing and Union yesterday.
When they approached the gang dis
banded and ran. The officers, how
ever, succeeded in capturing Krause
and took him to the police station
after considerable trouble.
Three Dogs Reported Lost. The
loss or possible theft of three dogs
was reported to the police yesterday
by residents in various parts of the
city. Lillian Schialer, 474- East Thirty
ninth street, reported to the police
that she lost her Boston and English
bulldog. Miss E. O'Gara. 969 East
Thirtieth street North, reported that
her white fox terrior dog had been
stolen. The loss of a white terrier
og was reported by Mrs. F. Inchan-
ti, 87 North Fifteenth street.
Machine Wrecked, Man Sleeps.
Harry Smith was arrested at the
wheel of his wrecked automobile late
esterday at Fourteenth and Northrup
treets by Motorcycle Officers Forken
nd Abbott and a charge of drunken
ess placed against him. The man's
machine had gone over the curb and
was badly smashed. The officers re
ported that they found Smith serenely
leeplng where he Bat, unmindful of
he wreck of his car.
Speeder's Hearing Todat. Leonard
Franseen, aviator, who was arrested
n a charge of speeding after a three-
lle chase down Union avenue Sat-
rday by Police Lieutenant Ervin,
ill have a hearing in the municipal
court, today. Franseen, according to
the patrolman, made a speed of 60
miles an hour piloting his motorcycle
n his effort to escape, and was over-
aken only when he reached the ap-
roach to the interstate bridge.
Autoist Is Arrested. Earl Itutch-
nson, machinist of Newberg, was ar
rested on the Terwilliger boulevard
esterday by Patrolman Sims and
harged with violating the state auto
aw by having only one license tag
n his automobile. He was also held
for investigation by the auto theft
ureau when it was discovered that
he engine number on his car had
been defaced.
Contractor's Hearing Today. Ted
Nadeau, contractor, who was arrested
Saturday by Inspector Mallet on a
charge of obtaining money by false
retenses, will nave a hearing In the
municipal court today. Nadeau, who
out on bail, is charged with pass-
rig a check for $25 without having
ne money In the bank. Charges
gainst him were preferred by J. H.
Rader, 243 Front street.
Pokas' Trial Today. Mike Pokas.
levator man at a hotel at Second
nd Yamhill streets, who was arrested
on .a charge of violating the prohibi
ten law by Patrolmen Russell and
Huntington Saturday afternoon, will
be tried in the municipal court to-
ay. According to the police. Pokas
ffered to sell a bottle of liauor
for $13.
Uniform Theft Charged. William
E. Carter was arrested at 92 North
ixtn street yesterday by InsDectors
chulpius and John Molonev and
lodged in jail for investigation in
onnection with the alleged theft of a
nnorm trom one of the rooms of the
odging house. Carter Is 37 years of
age ana saia ne was a laborer.
Hood River Fruit Ranch. 160
acres at farkdale, Or.. 40 acres of
same In 7-year-old apple trees. Owner
win iaxe part cash and balance in ex
change for Portland city property.
Rare opportunity. Apply V 118. Ore
gonian. Adv.
TIE No-Host dinner dance club met
Saturday evening at tha, Rensnn
hotel for the first time since Lent.
Among those who are members of
tnis jolly club are: Mr. and Mrs,
i.. C. Shevlin, Mr. and Mrs. Irving L.
Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawlev
noximan, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C.
King, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Mills,
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine G. Labbe. Mr
and Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Mr. and
airs, uoy Webster Talbot, Mr. and
Airs, uavid T. Honeyman. Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Warren, Mr. and Mrs.
James C. Zan, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan
V. an, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wer
nicke, Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell.
Mr. and Mrs: Robert Noyes. Mr. and
ftirs. Clarke D. Simonds, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferdinand C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur M. Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Kurt H. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
R. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.
corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L.
Devereaux. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Morris H. Whitehouse, Mr,
ana Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Edward Grelle, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles C. Hlndman, Mr. and Mrs.
Carlton B. Swift, Mr. and Mrs
Stanley A. Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
nam Maxwell Wood, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice E. Crnmpacker, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Dennison Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A
D. Norrls, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Beebe, Mrs. Josephine Andrews, Mrs.
Polly T. Lombard. Mrs. Mary Scar
borough, Mrs. Grenvllle Vernon. Mrs.
Fred H. Green, Miss Dillingham.
C. M. Mlall, Ernest F. Swigert. Ham
ilton Corbet, Sidney Petersi Lester
Hodson, Howard R. Charlton, Charles
H. Holbrook and Philip Frye.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong
entertained with a dinner, last week
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan J.
We Turned Away $291,500
Business in 1919
Not that we could not have taken care
of that much additional business, as
rushed as we were
122 applicants who applied for the above
amount waited too long and were uninsurable.
Act Today!
Tomorrow may be too late. Have one
of our 50 agents in Oregon arrange for
an appointment with one of our medical
examiners or phone Main 447.
Home Office ' ciSLla' Portland, Ore.
a. I MILLS. Pres. C. B. BliTOBU Gan. Mgr. EL M. STRONG, Asst. Men
Malarkey who recently returned from
a several months trip through the
orient. Covers were laid for 10 in
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Malarkey, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar B. Piper, Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Logan. Mr. and Mrs
Warren E. Thomas and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. William McPherson
of Howell, Mich., are the guests of
their brother and sister-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. George L. McPherson. They
are receiving a great deal of social
attention during their visit.
Mrs. Edmund L. Devereaux was
hostess for two tables of bridge with
a few additional guests for tea, when
Mrs. George McPherson presided at
the tea table. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Robertson en
tertained with an informal supper
for Mr. and Mrs. McPherson last
Several affairs are planned for this
I. N. Fleischner has purchased the
John 'A. Bell residence on Vista ave-j
nue, and with his daughter. Miss
Elise, plans to move into the new
home about July 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Katz, who
have been In New York for a few
weeks, are expected tb arrive in
Portland within a few "days. Mr
Katz's sister, Mrs. Lear Rltter, and
her son of Salt Lake, are guests of
Mrs. Katz's sister. Miss Edith Shear
man at the Katz residence where
they will be until June 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Langdon will
make their home in San Francisco,
much to the regret of their many
friends in Portland. Mrs. Langdon
left last week and will be Joined by
Mr. Langdon in a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth V. Vachon
were dinner - hosts for Mr. and Mrs.
Langdon, when covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Nancy
Zan Scott, Sidney Peters, and the
hosts. The dinner was followed by
line party at the Orpheum.
Mrs. Arthur Trumbell Brown en
tertained for Mrs. Langdon with a
farewell tea the day before her de
parture. "
Word has been received In Port
land of the transfer of Commander
Rifus F. Zogbaum from the Great
Lakes Naval Training station to the
Navy Yard at Portsmouth, New
Mrs. Zogbaum who was Miss Mar
garet Montgomery of this city, with
her two children, will accompany her
husband. Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, who
is In Washington, D. C, attending
the National convention of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, will visit her daughter and son-
in-law at their new residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires are
spending a few weeks in California.
Most of their visit will be passed at
Del Monte
m 0 m
Frederick L. Warren is in the city
again after a trip south and east
with Mrs. Warren, who remained In
Tulsa, Okla., with her Bister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Warwick Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll De Graff of
Duluth, Minn., spent a few days In
the city last week the guests of Mrs.
De Graff's brother and sister-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gilbert have
as their guest Miss Celine de Brie
of Philadelphia, at Riverdale. Many
delightful social affairs have been
given for Miss de Brie, among them
being a luncheon for which Mrs.
Gilbert was hostess.
Mrs. Gilbert's guests included Mrs
Peter Kerr. Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis, Mrs.
Elliot R. Corbett. Mrs. George S.
Whiteside, Mrs. Otis B. Wight. Mrs.
Reade M. Ireland, Mrs. Lee Hawley
Hoffman, Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor
Miss de Brie and the hostess.
Mrs. Reade M. Ireland will enter
tain for Miss de Brie tomorrow.
One of the dinners that took place
before the No-Host dance on Satur
day night was given at the University
club and included Mr. and Mrs. Maur
ice Crumpacker, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Robertson, Mrs. Mary Scarborough
and R. W. Crosier.
Mrs. Charles L. Powell Is enter
taining Mrs. J. G. Woods of Lewis
ton, Idaho, this week in her home on
Thompson street. Mrs. Woods has
Just returned from a visit in the
The wedding of Mrs. Elizabeth
Johnson to F. E. Gieseker was sol
emnized April 22 at ' 2 o'clock at
a quiet home wedding. Dr. Johnson
officiating. After a two months' mo
tor trip through California the couple
will return to Portland to make their
home. Mrs. Gieseker wore a beauti
ful blue trlcolette traveling suit and
corsage of orchids.
Mrs. J. Babler and daughter Avice
Mae, who have Just returned from
an extended stay in California, are on
their way to North Beach to spend
the summer with Mrs. Babler's
mother. Mrs. Babler and her daugh
ter are planning an extended trip
through the Orient about August.
WOODLAND, Cal., April 25. (Spe
cial.) An interesting announcement
made here is that of the engage
ments of Miss Ruth Dickey of Wood
land, and Eugene Moore Jr., of Aber
deen, Wash., and of Miss Henrietta
Dickey of Woodland, and Frank
Cowglll of Los Angeles. All of the
principals are students of Stanford
University and the engagements are
the outgrowth of campus friendships
BAKER, Or.. April 25. Mr. and Mrs.
C. D. Potter, well-known young Baker
couple, who were married in this city
April 15, have returned after a honey-
Insurance Company
Bo sfnt-CnrratlvePTogT It
Smart style
and quality
m a terials
make every
wearer of
Mallory Hats
a n enthusi
astic adver
tiser. The
Exclusive Kuppenhcimcr
House in Portland
Morrison at Fourth
moon trip to Seattle, Portland and
Eugene. At the last named city they
visited many of their former class
mates who are still attending the
state university. The newlyweds will
reside at 2613 Court street. Baker.
That is the term the Calculator
ust serve for $15. an average of S3
a year and less than a cent a day.
Tne calculator auos ana subtracts
simpler than any machine, regardless
of price. A demonstration convinces.
Calculator Co.. 518 Corbett BIdg. Mar
shall 657. Adv.
Police Ballet Punctures Tire,
YAKIMA, Wash.. April 25. (Spe
cial.) Frederick Mercy, proprietor of
the Mercy, Empire and Majestic the
aters in this City, failed to hear the
order of a policeman when he drove
upon a sidewalk early Friday morn
ing and the officer fired twice at the
car. One bullet punctured a tire and
the other crashed through the wind
shield, but fortunately missed the oc
cupants. Elma After Pythian, Home.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. April 25.
suits, hand - tailored to
your measure ;
correctly designed;
faultlessly tailored;
permanent in form and
at the price of the
ready-made kind !
Your Credit Is Good
Easy Payments
104 Fourth St.
Bet. Washington and Stark
Why crowd
Your Toes
in Narrow
Toad Shoes
and Suffer?
Wear the GROUND GRIPPBR hoe and
exercise your feet, prevent flatfoot.
fallen arches and all foot trouble.
Washing-ton St.
823 Washington St. (Near 6th)
Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops,
Chicken, Fish, Eggs, etc.
150, 20. 25
and all short orders, any time
of day or night
Excellent Chicken Dinner Sunday
ii i t i
BS-nsJ' ' J.' 'sxl. " ' TRADEMARK K
Ill nun M IN AT s. m
woosTER's imhwg1
! r Prints
General Merchandise. . V- I
488 to 494 Washington SU LJ r O TTL VOllr
Take the car home from I L L
Wooster'. I iV CO St
(Special.) The Elma community serv
ice has decided to take up the matter'
of securing- for Elma the Knights ofl
Fythias state home. It ia believed
Klma would be an Ideal spot for such
a nome.
Music and Dancing
Portland, Oregon
Featuring GEORGE M. OLSEN and His
Refined Dance Orchestra
Feature Night, Every Wednesday Evening
Special Supper Attraction
Dinner, 5:30 to 8 P. M. Supper 9:30 to 12 P. M.
Music and Dancing
You will find it
convenient to do
"A Bank for
puts one of these beautiful No. 102 Radiant
fires in your home.
Today and Tomorrow
Portland Gas & Coke Co.
Alder, Nur Fifth.
on regular savings
3 on specal sav
ings subject to
check on minimum
monthly balance,
if not less than
No charge to de
positors for han
dling out-of-town
No service charge
for checking ac
counts. DAY
both' nrofiuhl.
your banking at the
and Stark
rMrrr Mm dm:
The Three -Day Plan and
Its Merits
In order that we may pive you better service, improve working
conditions and eventually cut down the cost of production, our
drivers will deliver only in the morning and collect or pick up
laundry afternoons. By adopting this plan we are also eliminating
a fault that we have for years tried to overcome, and this is car
rying soiled clothing in the same delivery machine at the same
time with the clean or ready for delivery thus making your
delivery absolutely sanitary.
All laundries are rushed on the first three days of the week and
eighty per cent of the shortage and unsatisfactory work is caused
by this rush. Then there is nothing to do on the last days of the
week, yet the employes must be paid a full week's salary under
the present high cost of living, and we are paying it.
LAUNDRY PRICES are high enough now, but unless conditions
change and the patrons of laundries will send in a part of their
work the last three days of the week prices for laundry are
6ure to go higher.
THEREFORE, to avoid the faults mentioned above we have
adopted the following plan of collection and delivery:
Monday P. M. delivered Thursday A, M.
Tuesday P. M. delivered Friday A. M.
Wednesday P. M. delivered Saturday A. M. tj
Thursday P. M. delivered Monday A. M.
Friday P. M. delivered Tuesday A. M.
Saturday P. M. delivered Wednesday A. M.
Under this plan we guarantee better and more satisfactory work.
We.Dq Four Kinds of Laundry at Four
Phone East 494
Is Your Bathroom in
Keeping With Your Other
Home Furnishings?
Superior Quality
and Service
The M. L. Kline Co.
84-86-87-89 Front St., Portland, Oregon
and one of the
New World Life
Insurance Company
Branch Office, Stevens BIdg.
Portland, Oregon.
Estab. 20 Years in Portland
C, Gee Wo
Root and Herb Remedies
162 V2 First SU Portland, Or.
When you consider that no
feature of your home con
tributes more to year-around
satisfaction than modern san
itary plumbinp, can you af
ford to neglect this vital,
permanent, comfort-bringing
part of everyday life?
Ask Your Plumber for
Plumbing Fixtures
A visit to our Display Rooms
will reveal to you many
new ideas in planning your
Filing Cabinets
65-67 Broadway
Portland, Oregon
Fcvr Up-to-Date Plans
Adequate Rates
Assets Over $1,000,000
Headquarters 608 Beck BIdg.
Main 1220 A 1112
Watch for
The Comet
Visible Soon
to make to order from your own ma
terials, or cutting and fittitie only
Zd Floor. Medical Bids. Main S123.