Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 26, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Gompers Charges Labor to
California Backers Declare
Forces Deserting Senator.
Defeat "Veto" Body.
Little Bank
helps ambitious
people to success
Host ex -food Administrator Can
Do Is Break Eren in South
of State, Is Answer.
"Blind and Bigoted Actions In
flame Minds Who Accept on
Faith" Is On Charge.
xii 1913.
cp no ?oJrk
(Copyright by th New York World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
LOS ANGELES, April 19. From
this end or California, where Hoover
has most of the newspapers and all
of the Republican State Central Com
mitteemen behind him, and where
the sentiment for the League of Na
tions is perhaps stronger than at any
point la the United States, the con
fidence of his adherents is naturally
stronger than around San Francisco,
where the bulk of the Johnson shock
troops are massed. '
"Our polls," say the chiefs at Hoov
er headquarters, "show a constantly
Increasing Hoover trend. Among the
women, especially, we find that Sen
ator Johnson's hold is waning. To
the best of our ability these polls
have been made without the people
who are listed being aware of the
identity of the organization making
the poll. Our meetings have sur
passed our expectations in every part
of our district. We note among our
partisans scores of former Johnson
leaders. Indeed, when the Senator's
previous successes are considered, it
must come almost exclusively from
converts from Johnson ism. We have
neither the time nor the money for
an exhaustive canvass, but to the
extent we, have been able to survey
the registration, we are satisfied that
we will come to Tehachapi with a
vote of such magnitude that it will
be difficult for the Johnson people
to overcome it in the north."
Hoover's Strength Viewed
At San Francisco the other day, be
ing one of a group in which were C.
C. Moore, who heads the list of dele
gates on the Hoover ticket; Ralph
Merrltt, his campaign manager, and
half a dozen others of the clan, I was
exhorted in this wise:
"To begin with, we have all the
strength that was behind Willis
Booth, who contested the 1916 pri
manes for the republican senator-
ship with Johnson Governor Johnson
then. Is it to be supposed that Her
bert Hoover, with the appeal of his
national and international career of
accomplishment and the sentiment
for the peace treaty, will not make up
the few thousand votes by which
Johnson prevailed in those primar
According to some of the Johnson
literature, got out to answer the
charge that he betrayed Hughes in
1916, his majority over Booth in those
primaries was 15,085. If Hoover gets
all the votes that Booth got, his vie
tory would seem to be certain, but
the Johnson folks say this declaration
is one of the broadest pieces of hu
mor that has been brought out by
the campaign. Booth's strength, they
point out, was among the conserva
tive elements 'of the republican
party, typified by W. H. Crocker and
M. H. Da Young, who in the present
contest are on the Johnson ticket.
Let us take the subject from the
viewpoint of Meyer Lissner. Johnson's
southern campaign manager. Nat
urally Lissner would be no more
likely to give his candidate the worst
of it in the talking than would the
other fellows, but he assures me this
is the situation as he sees it without
bis natural bias:
ITt 1919.
JOS. ! l lf.l
iy 1920.
that has come into action since they
got the vote
Union labor is almost solidly for
Johnson In the north, where it is tre
mendously powerful, and Hoover
seems to have the edge on' it in the
south, where it does not amount to
much in political comparison .
There is no question of the concern
of the Johnson people at the extent
of the Hoover sentiment, but their
alarm is 'no so great as to demand
Johnson's presence. He wired asking
if they thought his presence was re
quired, when word came to him of the
progress of his rival for the Califor
nia vote and. they answered that he
was more needed in the east; that
they could handle the situation out
Movrmrkt Declared Stranger.
"The Hoover movement," he says,
"is stronger to-day than it will ever
be again. It might have seemed a
menace some weeks ago, but cer
tainly is not now. The noise is being
made by the same outfit that tried to
head off. Johnson when he announced
that he was coming out here to an
swer the president on the league of
"They assured the Senator that the
whole country was against his posi
tion and that it would be absolutely
destructive to his prestige to appear
with such a programme.
"The outcome of it was that John
son had one of the most enthusiastic
meetings of his whole career; the hall
would not hold the people who
flocked to hear him. The next mani
festation of this group was when
De Valera came out to talk for Ire
land. They succeeded in inducing
him to give up the hall engaged for
the meeting because of the alleged
hostility of the people to his cause,
and he spoke to several times as
many people as might have crowded
into the hall, at an open-air meet
ing. "The same result will mark the
campaign for Hoover. Even " the
people who sincerely regret the re
jection of the peace treaty will not
turn against the senator. Those who
opposed him on other occasions will
probably be against him now, but
that the Hoover movement should
prevail against a man who carried
his state by 300,000 Is not worth a
serious thought.
"They say they will carry this part
of the state. They will not, but sup-
Pose they did; northern California
will 'be Johnson's by 60,000. We could
close our headquarters tonight, call
in every speaker and all go fishing,
and Hoover would not get a vote to
meet that. The very worst we have
to fear, and that is remote from our
thoughts, is that we will break even
in the south."
Lissner has poll sheets also, sheaves
of them. They show every section.
except the aristocratic residence sec
tion, as very much Johnson. -The al
vergence of the reports coming Into
the rival headquarters mean only that
canvassers always reflect the senti
ment of those who send them out.
Both sides fcewail their poverty
and speak in awe of the size of the
other fellow's sack. Actually neither
side has any money to brag about.
The Johnson folks have the fatter
of two lean wallets. I happen to know
that the Hoover crowd had to delay
some printing until they had gone out
and passed the hat for a couple o
hundred dollars to pay for it.
Bnnlnrss Supporting; Hoover.
The Johnson effort is to presen
Hoover solely as the candidate of th
reactionaries of the party, leaving th
senator as the single hope of the pro
cressive element. The fact is that
. neither side can claim anything Iik
a monopoly of either faction. Hoover
has the support of business largely in
the northern part of the state, despite
the presence of nine miilonaires on
the Johnson ticket of the professional
men who are generally progressive
In both sections and really seems more
the progressive candidate in the south
than the other fellow. He has th
women, whom the Johnson folks ac
cordingly class as reactionary, though
the misses and mesdames on th
Hoover roll are those associated with
every, "ujililt" and radical rn.ovem.ent
Information From Michigan Said
to Link Hunt to Mystery of
Mrs. Beatrice Andrewatha.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., April 25. In
formation received here today from
the chief of police of Hancock, Mich.,
convinced officers working on the
case of James R. Huirt, alleged big
amist, that the woman said to have
married him February 5, 1919, at Ta
coma. Wash., under the name of Har
ry M. Lewis, was Mrs. Beatrice An-
rewatha. wealthy English woman
nd a sister-in-law of Joseph Host ins,
formerly of Hancock and now of Ta-coma.
Mrs. Andrewatha planned to go on
long honeymoon, it was said, but
othing further was heard from Jier
by her relatives.
Officers here said they had a list
of the relatives of the woman be
lieved to have married Huirt in Ta-
coma on that date and that the name
f Hoskins was included. In addition.
they said they had found a number
of unmailed postal cards, bearing Ha
waiian scenes, addressed to them in
her handwriting.
They stated they had asked the po
lice of Sacramento, Cal., to locate a
package they believed Huirt had sent
there from Los Angeles to C. N. Har
vey, the latter name being one of his
alleged aliases.
They declared they thought the
package contained documents which
would aid in locating Nina Lee De
loney, one of his alleged "wives,"
who disappeared from Santa Monica
near here January 26 last.
Daughters of American Revolution
Go on Record In Favor of Lib
erty Memorial Park. "
WASHINGTON, April 25. Before
leaving on their annual pilgrimage to
Mount Vernon, Daughters of the
American Revolution at a brief ses
sion Saturday of the annual contin
ental congress inaorsed pending fed
eral legislation designed to American
ize aliens.
The congrsss also went on record
as favoring universal physical educa
tion, federal aid to the states In ma
ternity and child welfare work and
creation of a forestry and agricul
tural experiment park of, 100.000 acres
near w asnington, u. c
as "liberty memorial park.'
More than 890 delegates to the con
gress made the trip to Mount Vernon,
where wreaths were laid on the sar
cophagus of George Washington and
Martha Washington and a tree from
Yorktown. planted In soil brought
from each of the 48 states.
With an address last night by Dr.
David Jayne Hill, the annual meet
ing of the Daughters virtually was
concluded. Routine business will be
considered tomorrow.
about the. legs but cs ran the "super"
an awfully close race for the aearsst
telephone pole. .0 SfLr.- Molt established
a speed record' in reaching the pole
and climbing it.- Three , clerks ' who
came along gained points of safety
by narrow margins.
then a formidable force was or
ganized to attack the goat from front,
rear and both flanks. Billy was over
powered and tied. Two hours later
he began to feel sick and was ready
for an armistice. Soon afterward
peace was declared and the ropes
were removed.
Freight and Passengers to Be Car
ried by Planes in Mexico.
GAhVESTON, Tex. Airplane freight
and pa&senger service throughout
Mexico is assured within three months
dispatches to Mexican Consul Meade
Fierro here state. Huge multi-englned
planes, operating ln'four distinct air
routes, will fly between the Mexican
capital and the cities of Tamplco,
vera i.rui, uto xjareao ana r. I rano.
to be known? Two machines will operate dally each
British and Mexican capitalists, it l
reported, are backing the new venture
which will Inaugurate service under
the name Mexican Air corporation.
Sixteen British-made airplanes,
each having a carrying capacity of
14 passengers and three tons of
freight, have been purchased as In
itial equipment.
WASHINGTON, April 25. (By the
Associated Press.) Sweeping charges
that the present congress has failed
the nation "with completeness and
abandon" are made by Samuel
Oompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, in the current
issue of the American Federationist.
America must get rid of its veto
congress and elect an action con
gress," he said. "The no' cengress
must give place to a 'yes" congress."
The labor leader asserts that con
gress has failed on the peace treaty.
In reconstruction and the high cost
of living, and that it also has "failed
ns in intelligent comprehension of
every great question affecting the
lives and welfare of our people."
"Cvaa-ma Eager to Do WnDg."
"The sins of the present congress."
he added, were of commission as well
as omission, as there had been "almost
an eagerness to do the wrong things."
the enactment of the railroad bill be
ing cited as a "shining example."
"The blind and bigoted action of
congress in refusing to deal intelli
gently with the peace treaty has made
it impossible for the United States to
manifest the proper concern in these
affairs." said Mr. Gompers after as
serting that the affairs of the world
are the concern of the United States.
On our own continent there is the
same need. For weeks a sensational
sub-committee has been going up and
down the country gathering testi
mony, the evident purpose of which
can be but to Inflame the minds of
those who think little and who take
much on faith. At periods all too
frequent the United States is brought
to the verge of war with Mexico. It is
not difficult to see the evidences of
satisfaction on the part of predatory
Interests at each of these periods, nor
Is It difficult to discern the propo
ganda which fosters the development
of them. It is no longer possible to
feel with certainty that high govern
ment officials have not been made the
tools and pawns of those who seek
intervention, the latest term for which
is "Cubanizatlon
. Class Domination Condemned.
Democracy must mean equality of
opportunity. It must mean the sov
ereignty of the masses. It must mean
absence of domination by a select
ruling class or caste or clique.
. "Congress has done much In recent
months to indicate hostility to these
principles. Powerful forces In the
United States are seeking to wound
and 'cripple democracy. They do not
want 'eauality of opportunity. They
want an unfair advantage In the in
dustry of the nation, in the legisla-
ures of the nation and In the courts
of the nation.
"The labor movement of America
speaks and it must be heard.
We will resist with onr power the
re-election of those who have been
false to the trust which humanity
placed in them."
It is a trifle exasperating to have to save nickels
and dimes, when you want to save dollars, but
after all many considerable fortunes started just
that way.
Also, the more capital you have to use, the sooner
will you be saving dollars. Let the convenient
bank, illustrated above, collect your loose change.
And if you have a streak of good luck, there is a
place for bills, too.
Get a home savings bank and start saving in dead
earnest. Don't let the foolish extravagance of the
age affect you; save now, that you may buy worth
while things later on.
One Dollar Opens an Account Here.
Ladd & Tilton Bank
Oldest in
trict meeting In i thjs city May 1
at which delegates are expected to be'
in attendance from Salem, Albany.
Springfield. Harrlsburg, Junction
City and Cottage Grove.
H. 8. Hudson, supreme master from
Portland, will be here, it is an
nounced, and the programme will be
In the nature of a May day festival.
During the last few weeks there
has been a contest on between the
different lodges In the district for
member which Eugene leads with
about 100 applications.
District Convention and Festival
Will Be Held at Eugene.
EUGENE. Or., April 25. (Special.)
The United Artisans will hold a dls-
Personnel Drawn From Volunteers
From Ranks of Veteran Fliers.
OTTAWA. Ont. A Canadian air
force is to be formed' immediately.
The personnel will be drawn from
volunteers from the ranks of former
officers and airmen of the royal air
force resident in Canada. These will
train at centers which will be in
operation all the year round, and of
fleers and airmen enlisted in the new
force will spend at least one month
out of every - 24 in active training,
receiving pay and traveling expenses
during their active period.
The fore will probably be limited
in the beginning to about 5000 men,
inclusive of all rank, and the train
ing centers will not number more
than one or two to begin with for
the whole dominion. It Is understood
the government wishes to avoid an
expensive permanent organization.
The organization of the force will be
placed in the hands of Canadians who
have had experience in flying at home
and on the war fronts and who are
Interested in building up a Canadian
air militia which can be readily ex
tended and mobilized in an emer
Superintendent Chased nj Tele
phone Pole Until Rescuers
Overpower Savage Animal.
GREENSBURG, Pa.. April 25. (Spe
cial.) Billy's penchant for drinks of
strong alcoholic content is a matter
of common knowledge, but, prohibi
tion having cast its shadow over his
young life, he tried a chemical souse
with disastrous results. Whenever
the miners of Keystone Coal company
mine No. 2 used to have a beer party.
Billy, pet goat of the settlement, was
an honored guest.
While nobody was in the company
office yesterday Billy ambled in and
knocked a fire extinguisher from the
wall. ' The contents flowed over the
floor. Billy tasted the liquid, evi
dently liked It, and lapped it up clean.
Then he went on the warpath, attack
ing everything in Bight, which at the
time happened to be tables, chairs.
desks, typewriters and things. The
sound of battle' attracted Superin
tendent Mull, who investigated. Billy
b ythis time was a bit uncertain
S. at H. green
Holman Fuel Co.
stamps for cash.
Main 353. 660-21
(Continued From First Page.)
Another "Pacific coast port of Mexico
Manzanillo, state of Colima, is men
aced by revolutionary forces, accord
ing to an official bulletin issued by
the Sonora military officials here to
Phone your want ads to The Orego
ntan. Main 7070. Automatic 660-9.
Invigorates and strengthens the hair
loiiicies, ana aiso supplies a looo. to
Impoverished cells.
The ointment should be applied
Just before retiring, rubbing in well
at the roots of the hair, but care
should be taken not to injure the
scalp by a too brisk massaging. In
the morning tne vk.JAM should b
removed, using warm water and as
little soap as Is necessary to clean
the scalp. This procedure should be
followed every- other night for three
or four treatments. After this a very
small portion of the ointment may
be applied to the scalp twice a week
just to keep it moist and stimulate
a natural hair growth. At all drug-
&ll MM ittU fill Vt
v4, JUMfi
A Beauty Spot
. Eastmoreland
is 6hown above, and it is
only one of many. Why
live in a commonplace,
uninteresting: renviron
. ment, when you can build
in a beautiful home dis
trict, where residence re
strictions prevent any
thing: undesirable ever
creeping in? Let us show
you some of . the fine
homes already built.
The Ladd Thrift Plan
will make home owner
ship in Eastmoreland
possibse for you.
Z4 Stark Street.
Political Party Charged Wkh In
citing Racial Feeling-.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., April 25. Gov
ernor Cox of Ohio, candidate for the
democratic presidential nomination,
in an address here last night charged
republican leaders with attempting
to inspire racial feeling to the end
that it might be aroused against
President Wilson and bis administra
tion. 'Republicans," he said, "are seek
fng support of every disloyal element
in the country."-
The governor unfolded his plan for
reducing the high cost of living. He
suggested that the government Iffsue
a price list after establishing the
actual cost of production. "Then."
he suld. "if the consumer would re
fuse to pay more than the govern
ment Indicated should be paid, high
prices would begin tumbling."
ti -
Six Song Records
for your
While not new, the songs are still quite popu
lar; these Victor Records are specially good.
All 10 Inch Double Faced 85c Each
-Let Me Dream" Sterling: Trio
"Buddha" Peerless Quartet
"Wheu the Preacher Makes You Mine"
"Granny" ,
Both sung: by Adele Rowland
"Lullaby Blues" American Quartet
"When the Bees Make Honey"
"You'd Be Surprised" "Freckles
Both sung by Billy Murray
"Sahara" (We'll Soon Be Dry Like You)
"Nobody Knows" (And Nobody Seems to Care)
Both sung by Esther Walker
"While Others Are Building Castles in the Air
Sung by John Steel
"Bye Lo" Vernon Dalhart
And scores of others.
VICTROLAS $23 TO $1500
Convenient Payment Terms
Sherman,Jiay 6rCa
Sixth and Morrison Streets
(Opposite Postoffice)
'"ra m tit .
mrwmmm rmmmm i iwm.iinnn mm ,wjiii.ii w .
, rf?
Now, when the prices of new car- f ff
pets and rugs arc climbing out of ff
reach, is the time to protect the ff
floor coverings you already own f ff i:
and double their life and wear f ff
by providing yourself with an .
electric vacuum cleaner, f Jff
' Cleans W xthout Beating and f Mf (
- m I -jmr- m wj MM M . -,-; '. M
X -'' "" --'-J" :- i; 1 ' -- am I I Marshall 5100 for a ii'7:,:',:i I I
1- W l Demonstration , V
' : Electric Store
P. R, L. & P. CO. if sJtWf--Electric
Bldg. f&-
If . &smv
II Ha With Many Years 1 .
ttg-' Experience
i rTf.-1T " r'iEffi'Er O LX registered pharma
lH J 'TT'hkSwt: cists are reauired to fill
tfl ZaSESfeBfSjL r thLe Prescriptions J
I riyrt 1 brought to the store of "De- 1
'IS! H 1 ! Pendable Drugs."
fils ' I. jP U VjffaTrf That will give you some
llm J QiltJdrs idea of the volume of busi-
111' "'jjgfrT,. j Ik ness handled and of the I
:j'( il I if service rendered. . I
III' Tf" I iifrtif I a -ml Open All Day, Every Day, li
; Ljj J A" N'ght ETenr NighU
m sow sss
5SSC3i! Ai- PHON.rWN72lli
f7, i'rmjJ y;f!illl''wg!lrcla'y 1