12 THE MORNING OREG ONI AN, MONDAY, APRIL 2G, 1920 STOCKMAN, 11, HAS HERD WALDO E. DOUGLAS Off.NS 8 COWS AXD CALVES. Clackama9 County Boy Increases Business From Start Willi One Brood Sow. One of the promising young stock growers of eastern Clackamas county Is Waldo E. Douglas of CherryvilLe, who has made a good beginning' to have a large share In beef production. "Waldo Is 11 years old, the son of 11. W. Douglas, road supervisor of that district for several years. For the last two weeks Waldo has been at Good Samaritan hospital, recup erating after an operation for appen dicitis but his thoughts have been concentrated on eight cows and heif ers out at the farm that he is anxious to be caring for himself. It was with a single sow pig given to the boy by his father "that Waldo started in the livestock business. A fine litter of pigs was raised and he then disposed of the swine and bought some lambs that soon grew into sheep. From the sale of the wool and then of the sheep he obtained enough money to buy several calves. Then he found a bargain buy in a cow that would soon freshen, but didn't have ihe money. So he appealed to W. A. Proctor of Clackamas County bank at Sandy, who takes a lively interest in the business problems of the farmer boys in his neighborhood. "Would he make a loan of J75 to a young man in the livestock business to buy a cow?" Sure he would and did. So the loan was made, the cow bought and now she is paid for and has raised a fine calf. And recently another cow was bought and has a rapidly growing calf at her side. Later the cow will be sold and Waldo intends to buy more calves to run on the outrange with his father's herd. Waldo's in the market for a choice pony so that he can ride out to see th cattle every day while they are on the range. But It must be a bargain, for Waldo is a good buyer and re gards a pony as something of a lux ury, but a necessary part of the equipment for a full-fledged stock man. He left the hospital yesterday to return to the ranch. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 4th St., Opp. City Hall. Neu Bros. rfb BLAELSING GRANITE CO. TJ THIWO AT MADISON STBEgT I 'LORIST. SMITH FLOWER SHOP Portland's progressive florist. We spe cialize in funeral design. 141 tita jpp. Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. JAPAN FLORIST 108-170 4th St. Fire House Market. Alt kinds of flowers. Bedding and Velegable plants. Japanese Shrub bery, Nursery Stock. Tubs, Bas kets, Garden Seeds. Special Sale. MARTIN & FORBES CO. lorists, 354 Washington. Main 2fit. lowers for alt occasions artistically arranged. LUBLINER Two Stores. We strive to please. 328 Morrison, Portland hotel. Marshall 7J.3. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 257. CLARKE BROS., florists. 27 Morrison sC Main 7701. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL. SHOP Funeral sprays $150 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington at., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 6102. A 1161. FUNERAL, DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee FtNKKAL DIRECTORS, now iocs tad in their new residential fu neral home. Morrison at 12th st. West Side. Telephones Broadway 430, Automatic 545-58 The funeral home of refinement and distinctive (service. Note We have no branches nor any con elections whatever with any other under taking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN &SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY - Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street, between 20tn and 21st Streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. A 78S5. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. . F. S. Dunning. INC.. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment- DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross, Multnomah at East 7th. East 54. Irvington district. P. L. LERCII E. 11th and Clay. East 781. T 1S33. ERICS0N Twelfth and Morrison Sts. Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO. 6802-04 92d St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. A. R. ZELLER CO. 5" Y,aDS ave. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK t1" b SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. Rates for Classified Advertisements in The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per line Onetime 12e Two consecatire time ........... .22c Three conseeutlTe time - ........... 30e Seven consecutive times .......63c Tbe following clattMif trations excepted, the rate of which 1. 9c per line per dayi Situation Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. No ad taken for less than two linet. Ccunt six words to the line. Advertisements texcept Person als" and "Mltuattonn wanted") will be taken over the telephone If the adver tiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oree-ontan until 7:30 P. M.: for The Sunday Oregonian until 8 P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases o alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city f'Ound at its home, 35 Columbia bou evard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 7 64. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painleesly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. Edward E.Goudey Co, MORTGAGE LOANS tsLitrd States Bank Building . ff Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. t 3 K- BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting syntems established, -maintained: income tax .ervice: refer ence,, 78-2! Plttock blk.- Bdwy. 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar ments: reasonable: work guaranteed. I. Reunln. 408 Bush & Lane bid-. , ASSAYERH AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Oold. silver and platinum bought. Al'TO PAINTING. AUTO PAINTING QUALITY. FINISH. STAXIlVRD AUTO PA1NTINC1 CO.. EAST Wl'HIRD AND MADISON STa. CARPET WEAVING. DUfiC The kind that wear the best are IIUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rujf Co. (former ad dress 153 Union -e. ). Rag runs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 183 B. nth st. Phones East3580.B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. - Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or drv cleaned. $1.50. , . . FLUFF RUG CO.. 64-86 Union Ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND .RUG CO.. 172 E. 17th St Automatic 213-24. CARPENTERS. CARPENTER work of all kinds, estimates furnished. Call Woodlawn 6109. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3il7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR, 800.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIROPODISTS. DR. B. LOUISE COX. 10 A. M. TO'7 P. M. 440 Morgan bldg. Main 4998. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. E.-telle and Florello De VenT. the only scientific chiropodlnts end arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Oer linicer bide. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns. bun Ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bids;.. 6th and Wash. Main 1081. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through reclpters. needs repairing or cleaning. Tabor 3S8:i. CIRCCLAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Roval bldg. Marshall 5SL-2. Multleranhlnit. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 171fl. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. FOR BRICK WORK, tile and concrete, phone Jack Wempe. Woodlawn 6230. DANCING. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldir. Private lessons day and evening. Main 134.1. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Ellers bldg. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 418 East 7th. East 1847 and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTORS REWOUND Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 627-27. 248H First St. Main 87L H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. SI N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re- winding and electrical repairing I . - Jsed motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. FERTILIZER, FERTILIZE jwur land If you want big crops; read about "G. M. Wonder" in our 1920 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d st.. Portland. Or. FUEL. FUEL Cordwood. block wood, short and 4-ft. slab wood; order direct. Jensen 4b Hale. Phone Columbia 13. GLASS AND GLAZING. WINDOWS repaired, any part of city: auto service. Edw. Fransen. Bdwy. 716. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-88-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bid. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., 63-65 Front St. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEjCOSecond and TaylorPULLER & CoTVrontand MrrTson NEW TODAY. Building for Sale $6000 heavily constructed building, 50x100 feet, to be sold for $3200 Building must be moved from premises within 45 days, as property is needed for other purposes. Suitable for shop, garage, or storage warehouse. To replace this building today at present price of materials would cost $9800. For full par ticulars address B 125, Orego nian. WE CALL, FOR YOUR. OLD CARPETS, Rags and Wocln Clotalac, FLUFF RUGS AU - Work Turned Oat Promptly. Rag Ruga Wove All Mica Hail Orders. Bead for Booklet. Caxvcta Cleaned, Laid mmm Refitted. aOKTHUKsi K IT, CO, latt ttaat 8th St. Phone feaat STORAGE SPACE Investigate Our Plant and Rates. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Drayage and Storage. 12th and tilisan. Phone Bdwy. 3470. Mortgage Loans Lowest IntereKt rates. Installment re payments If desired. Building; loans made. No delay in elosins, A. H. BIRRELL GO. S17-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Uarahall 4114. MUSIC TEACHERS POPULAR and ragtime taught In 10 to 20 lessons: guaranteed or money refund ed; sheet music given with first lesson. Phone Ta bor M815 for appointment. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano. 1 hr. day. 15 mo. Bdwy. 2655. NURSERY STOCK. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc OREGON NURSERY CO., ORENCO, OR. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubenstein, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories, Kryptoks, sjso the cheaper grades. 220 Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICTaNs" ?5t GLASSES AT A SAVING. kiff-svJP 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A ' trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man. optometrist. 2ul Morrison. M. 2124. EYESSC1ENT1FICALLY TEST Sf ed with modern instruments. Glasses fitted from 12.50 up. A. E. HURW1TZ. optometrist, 225 1st St. ORIENTAL BIGS. ORIENTAL RUGS woveiu repaired, washed, cleaned and stored by nature's own modern plant. Broad way 3433. CARTOZIAN BROS., Inc., Importer of oriental rugs. ORIENTAL RUGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON, TEN YEARS WITH ATI YEH BROS. 151 N. 23D. PHONE MAIN 6208. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LINDSEY. specialist In goiter and rheumatism. 610 Morgan bldg. Main 660. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 4 years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on reque.,1. MUNN t CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg.. 6.H2 Market at; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103 625 F at.; New York of flce, Woolworth bldg. FOR that Individual personal service necessary In patent procedure. North west Patent Bureau, 614 Lumber Ex change building. Main 748, consulting mechauical engineers and patent experts. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience V. 8. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Davis Co., 188 4th. M. 797. PRINTING fk W. BALTES & COMPANY, and oak sts. M. 7tjp. 511-65. TAINTING. GET YOUR painting, kalsomining, decorat ing and sign work done before the rusta season. 1320 E. Gilsan. Phone Tabor 2ti& PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con lisk, 133 16th st. N. Broadway 2945. POULTRY SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue free. Koutledgo Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d su, Portland. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main UU72. TRADEM A RKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. MOVING-FACK'd-STORAGE-BAGOAGPJ. 13th and Kearney. Branch, tiHVi Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 NORTHWESTERN TRANSFER CO, 64-flfl Front Street. STORAGE AND HAILING. DISTRIBUTION CARS OUR SPECIALTY. Phones Main 446. 544-68. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan at., corner 1 3th. Phone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO., 24S Pine. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. Main B195. A 1051 MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA HARK. h-AHN BROS.. 195 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PlpgT EMJL1JCLINE CO.. 84-88-87-89 Front. PRODCCEcjM.MlSS10N MERCHANTS EVERDING&FARRELL. 140 Frnn. , ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland CordageCo..14th and Nnnhr..p SASH, DOORS AND CLASS KEW TODAY. . Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Ron and Woolen Clothing-, we Unite Reversible, Ussd-Wsres FLUFF RUGS Boom-Slxe Fluff Rags, Woven. 17.60. R"g R"K Woven All fflxea. Hathes Cleaning and Dyeing Uepla. Mall Orders Send fur ltuukleb Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning Rags, Steamed Cleaned, glo. WESTERN FLUFF KCG CO. S4 Union Ave. N. fhone bt esift. BY OWNER. LEAVING CITY. Excellent modern home in choice Irv ington district, J7500. Good terms. xuuueuiate possession. No agents. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease, two choice lots. 50x140 feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and ru.i ifutiu , near uaiice pavilion and hotel. Address H 180. Oregonian. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property, WEST SIDE, larsra 2-fnmllv fUt hM. 13 rooms, modern. . easily changed to apartments. Splendid Income. Owner. Main 71)40. For Sale Lota. I OWN several residence lots, n n a in,a tion. near Franklin high school, good neighborhood. Will sell lots at attrac tive ngure on easy terms and will build or finance building of homes. Pn. f,In ther information see J. A. Clock, 3410 HIGH-CLASS residence site, lena th. former price; 150x157, almost five city lots, cor. E. 5(ith and Stark. Would uiviue to suit . or more buyers. Lib erty Donas laaen at par tor 4 pur- CORNER. 80x100 ft.. (105O. Ainsworth and Boston avenue; some cash, terms rea sonable. Phone Main 4835, evenings. GOOD lot. 50x100. with sidewalks in and paid ; two blocks from carline. Call nam, iuii. IRVINGTON Lot for sale on 25th St., near Knott; price J 1200; Improvements paid Phone Woodlawn 4841. LOTS In Capitol Will. $200 up. A bargain 8 lots only $1100. 301 McKay ,blds. Main 1004. T ,' 1 j FOR SALE 1. 2 or 3 lots on Denver ave.: " J - - J ' a.e.. near Klilingsworth.' NUMBER of fine bldg. lots. Clinton, near 4;td St.. $50O each. Owner.- J. H. McMa hon. 2606 East 43d. Tabor 3361. R. C. PARK lot, paved street, only 1600. Owner, Tabor 3SJ5. REAL ESTATE. For 8a -Lota. 85o0 PER ACRE AND CP. EASY TERMS. NEW ACREAGE TRACT. NORTH FAREROSE ACRES. WILL OPEN SOON. MAKE TOTTR SELECTION NOW. PLATS WILL BE READY IN A KEW DAYS. AND S-ACRE TRACTS. This Is the propertv lying north of Bandy blvd. (Columbia Highway). In Parkrose, and Is undoubtedly some of the nneit garden land in the state. The land has been overflowed with the spring freshets for years and is now being diked and drained, it now is covered with a rich silt. The plat will be filed in a few days, so be sure and be one of the early ones, come out and see It. PARK ROPE BRANCH OFFICE ON SANDY BLVD. AT END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. OR CALL AT MAIS' OFFICE. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. . For Sal e 11 o uses. 8r,O0 IRVINGTON f500. New 7-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, large music room, breakfast nook, beau tiful fireplace, hardwood floors through out, all white enamel, best of tapestry paper, tile bath, all ready to move right Into; who will be the lucky one? Call Lawrence. Alain hO.tl. H.-e HOLMES t'UR HOMES. ROSE CITY PARK. LOVELY HOME. Seven rooms and sleeping porch resi dence; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, full cement basement, laundry travs; oOxlOO lot; street paved, paid. $7.'b cash, price only SOouO, includes new Karaite to be erected; a great hargain. 5I B. 3th st. N. B. M. car to Knott. IRVINGTON RESIDK.NCE. S500 A fine home of rooms and sleeping porco. hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. 2 toilets, with large fin ished attic, full basement, with fine fur nace; on Thompson st. A very fine buy with easy terms. Marshall a 119. F. L. BLANCH A KD, 61Q-'-0 Railway Exchange bldg. A NO. 1 home for sain st 677 B. 45th N., In Beaumont, large living room and dining room with bullt-lns and window seat, hardwood floors and fireplace. Dutch kitchen, white enameled, three bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch, large clothes closets with windows. Boynton furnace Owner, East 11804, or 451 Weidlcr OVERLOOK ADDITION. $5500 6-room. modern. 2-story house, built-in bookcase and buffet, hardwood floors, fireplace, targe closet each bed room; full cement basement, wash trays, sewer, sidewalk In and paid for: lot 60x100, east front; reasonable terms. Overlook Land Co. Phone Main 216. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. This is a beautiful home and a wonder ful view; 7 rooms and sleeping porch; triple construction; oak floors through out; built for a home and not to sell: very pretty grounds. 75x110. ' PACIFIC REALTY. 40 Spalding Bldg. Main 847. THAT VACANT LOT. Whv net turn a burden Into Income T We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We otfer SECURITY.. SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co Inc. 024 N. W. Bank bldg. 14300 By owner. In Overlook Addi tion 0-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors In living room and dining room. built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. Terms. Overlook Land Co. Phone Main 216. Itmo by OWNER 6 rooms, modern, base- . ... - l: , . men t ana garage. ui.vuwim t ct.u inore, ... . XltiOO 5 rooms, near Arleta school; Mt. Scott car. 17500 IStb. and Hoyt. rooms, mod- "rn" BROADWAY 8232. IRVINGTON. -NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 684 Brazen. 75x100 corner E. 19th All hardwood floors, gas furnace, plate windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures wallpaper and tlla bath. Very well built and for sale by owner. IRVINGTON Just completed, modern six- room bungaiow , jiai -.!""- out, lirep.ace anu - noun, pa- nered and decorated; big cement base ment and garage: price 7350. 590 E. 6tri st. N.. near Stanton. Phone Wood lawn 4841 ' t'M DOWN. 115 MON T H LY. An old 5-room house In good condi tion with Datn ana tuiici, eieciric iignu -h Good cellar, street work all In and paid for. Located at 184 Lincoln st Price 11600. red W. German Co, 732 Cham, of Com. $3000 BY OWNER Double constructed house 6 rooms and bath. Just finished: full floored attic, large basement. XV, corner lots. Miriam ave.. Willbridge. 1 block off Llnnton road. Phone Main 605. ask for Foster. t unoM house, electric lights, bath am toilet. IOOxOOO. lots of fruit and berries. tixiHi 14O0 cash. S25 a month. 170 Druid st. Phone Mar. 23U2 before 4 o'clock. . 3650 8-ROOMs: lot 75x05; very liberal . imnrnvements In and paid. This is in Sunnyslde. You cannot beat It for a bargain. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3Hth. Tabor 64U3. ... t.- TJKIOEKT SNAP IN THE CITY. A modern S-roomed house, with fur nace all street Improvements in. on east side ' For Information call at 803-4 Couch Diag 'OWNER LEAVING CITY, Cosy 5 rooms, sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, paved streets Inland ..id. SJ800, 5UO cash, balance 6 per rent. 95 E. Main, bet. 33d and 34th sts. ' MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new 4-room bungalow; near Union ave. and Piedmont; a few hun dred dollars down will handle it; balance like rent. Phone Owner. East 4000. " ROSE CITY. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, 1 block to carline: a snap; part cash, balance t20 per month. E. G. Adcook. 513 Dekum bldg.. Main 6814. INSURANCE. ' FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY. EXILE BURK1TT. AGENT NEWARK EIRE INSURANCE CO. ' WEST SIDE SNAP. T-room house, like new, with or with out furniture; full basement: going east; sell everything for (USD. 780 Roosevelt street. FOR SALE By owner. 9-room house; lot Ml feet by 132 feet: 9 cherry trees, 3 ra rages and a cottage. All go for $50O0. Good terms. Call Wdln. 613. oi-T.I.WOOD. SELLWOOD SITnn ' 3 rooms, strictly modern, paved street, 1 block car. $S0O cash. See for your self. 16im E. 13th. Automatic 216-66. FOR SALE A five-room bungalow for J2300; In good condition. Owner. Tabor 8167. " FOR SALE Good 4-room plastered house with 2 or 4 lots. lawn, fruit and berries. 46 East 87th st. North. Tabor 603. I750 BUS $4500 home If you can pay $1000 cash: renting for $45 month; must go quick. 801 Corbett bldg. u" 6-ROOM house, price 30OO; $500 cash bal. $20 per mo. and interest. 1096 E. 27th St. N. A NICE MODERN BUNGALOW for sale st 1365 Kelly st. By Owner Price $3230. Marshall 1492. . FOR-SALE A modern 5-room bungalow; furniture if desired. Richmond district. Phone Sell. 1420. 6-ROOM modern house and two lots 1 blk. from car. reasonable. Terms. Auto matic2 12-43. COZY story and half bungalow; double lot fruit, berries; garage. Terms. Tabor SQSi. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. MoGUIRE To Buy Your Home. You are always cordially Invited to Visit our LARGE SHOWROOMS AND OF OVER 80O PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. Every district in the city represented. Many remarkabie bargains: EVERY HOME IS PERSON ALLY APPRAISED AND INSPECTED BEFORE BEING OFFERED for your consideration. We safeguard your PwSSX. INTEREST. We put you in IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. We will help you make your down pay ment if necessary. 14 automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. 15775 ROSE CITY'S PRIZE BUNGALOW. One of BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY'S most delightful bungalows, 5 rooms, spacious, airy; every imaginable device . J?.omole comfort; UNUSUALLY PRACTICAL FLOOR PLAN: living room with artistic fireplace and leaded glass bookcases: splendid leaded-glays buffet: Ideal white Dutch kitchen: 3 wonderfully light bedrooms: HARD WOOD FLOORS; Interior finish Is ex quisite; BEAUTIFUL LIGHT FIX-TL-Kfc.5?: furnace: laundry trays: ga rage. This is a FORCED SALE; owner leaving country. On Alameda. $5500 A LOVELY T.AURELHVRST. WITH DECISIVE CHARACTER; Ideally located: best possible con .r.'iftion; RECEPTION HALL WITH FULL MIRROR; living room with artistic bookcases', cheery fireplace: dining room w,'i.h-. ma"!"v' buffet: HARD WOOD FLOORS throughout: all WOODWORK in WHITE EN A M t'A'.:. -iP:en'lla Dutch kitchen; BEAUTIFUL LIGHTING EF r El'TS. A true home In every sense of the word. 15350 SPLENDID DUPLEX LAUREL HLRt,T HOME In ihe heart ot Portland's beautiful residence dis trict; two-family dwelling, each wlln art glass bookcases; spa clous paneled dining room with massive leaded glass buffet model Dutch kitchen: best plumbing: full cement basement with furnace and laundry trays THIr IS A MORTGAGE SALE. Besides having a home, vou can enjoy an Income of J.'.o per month. Terms. y 3500 THIS ALBERTA BUNGALOW ?is v. "trng APPEAL AR-k ?!.-"-' :''xtr" larK'' rooms; DOUBLE - CONSTRUCTED: nu merous clever bullt-lns- b.t C-i"mi'rB fixtures: SPLENDID fLRNACE; laundry trays; full S'S"" 10 car. K- -s" si.; HOMij '3UALLl ATTRACTIVE -650 ALBERTA BUNGALOW BAR V,,.'n.: 5. foams: combination J'J?. WINING ROOM: CONVENIENT K 1 T C H K N- 3 S IT N N Y BEDROOMS- BEST i'.H'TK ENA.MHI. I-I.UMBING .. T 17 "KS; ELECTRICITY, il GOOD CEMENT BASE MENT: full lot; SPLENDID G A -HAUL; can arrange TERMS. This won't last: SEE IT TODAY. We have 70 ALBERTA HOMES. ,3500 PL RASA NT HAWTHORNE 11 UNISHED: many labur-Nuving bulli-lns; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. good cement base-,T-'." : near Hawthorne; TERMS; THIS IS GOOD VALUE. $3150 N K W HAWTHORNE BUNGA- J " ' . very srtlstlir lines; fire place; attra.-tive built-in book eases: French floor le,l 1 . rled (llnlns; room nliii n.a-i..- bullt-ln buffet; POLISHED ii.iiiunuuii floors; model ivt'n..ri Kiicnen; 3 sunny bedrooms: best White enamr.1 plumbing, electricity, gas: FINE C O K N E R LOT: terms. This j.t a n,r..uill BARGAIN. Own svur uume anu prosper. $990 VERY ATTRACTIVE TVri-t HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW: re ception hall; living room with fireplace and bookCHses; dining room with built-in buffet. WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN; good cement unnemeni wnu laundry trays. E. WE HAVE ISO HAWTHORNE HOMES. $2050 WEST-SIDE BUNGALOW: wood- wurs. an in old ivory; NEWLY PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT; winie enamel ptuiiioing; electric ltV. gas: 1 blk. tO car unH hnnl THERE'S AN UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF RIVER AND MOUN- 1 a 1.N&. tins is unusual value ONLY $300 down. $1700 HERE'S AN UNUSUAL BA l.AIN IX A WEST-SIDE HOME TO CLOSE AN ESTATE : white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; abundance of fruit and berries; via umi-auaiii uu .eDraSKa. We have 100 WEST SIDE HOMES. $3500 THE LOW. QUAINT RAMBLING LINES of this SPLENDID KEN TON BUNGALOW will appeal to your ariistic sense. 1 here s s large combination living and din ing room with firenli.ee- IH..- Dutch kitchen; sunny breakfast iiuna. - Hani. airy bedrooms ment basement; furnace: laundry n-ija. 1 nir i.- ;vii;w and 1 worth your WHILE TO INVES TIGATE. Owner will take i good building lot as part pay ment. E. Buffalo. aouu wr.r or- l.Al'KELHURST Is this most attractive H-room mod ern home; DOUBLE CON STRUCTED; BEAUTIFUL LAWN A-L MlltLHBtltl; Close Rose city car. Terms.- This IS A FORCED SALE AND A oA-nif ice. aee It today. $3SO0 JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT 6-room substantial mn.ipn v. white enamel piumbing: electrlc- ii, aas. ibii.MA. Humaolili st. v e also have a 5-room very at tractive modern home on the corner or iji.gnuena and Haight many labor-saving bullt-lns: bes enamel plumbing ; electricity ; gas AJUTtih.K BA RG AIM. Only w, uuwo. ' 1 rvu aie in uir maraet ror a home it is 10 your ajlivan-iage to look ove our 800 homes. MODERATE TERM-! Every district In the city REPRESENT r.L. neu save your TIME MONEY. See AND FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Successors to H. D. McGuire. Established 1880. DEAL WITH AN OLD. RELIABLE FIRM. IRViVgtox RESIDENTE New and modern 1 2-rooni Irvlnton rniuonce, containing spacious living, din inir ana break rant rnnmi Ihrsrv. sun fr nar.or ana larse central hall, all finished hardwood floors throughout; five larva bedrooms, artistically tin. shed: maid's quarters separately arranged: three toi $ets, two tile bathrooms, all plumbing iixiures or tne most expensive and san itary type: house contain Inrsr finished attic and full cement basment ; three artistic tile fireplaces, stationary vacuum cleaner, large grounds, beautiful, wit h rare flowers, plants and shrubs. This Deauttiul home for sale by owner on rea aonapie terms. m Oregonian. BARGAINS. CHARMING ti-room bungalow. Haw thorne, hardwood floors, very fine, ga rage. I4--.00. SPLENDID B-room home, hardwood floors, throughout. Irvington. garage, S6500. EXCELLENT 7 -room home, choice narawooa noors tnrougnout. best loca Uon. Irvlnrton. IS"00. MAu.Nir iLh,M s-room home, choicest location west siae, cheap. Kat Herd man- ROSE CITY PARK SPECIAL. 14000 We offer for sale a niftv fUAftm house on a full corner lot. all the muut-rij uM-io-ine-minuie built- in effects; furnace. J block from car truly a wonderful buv in this ex clusive district. Shown by appoint meiii. HOLDEN ft KOHXMAV. 228 Ch. of Com, idg. Main 6550. giyOO ROSE CITY PARK corner, 4 rooms first-class condition, electricity, gas. dia. count for hair cash. bVG E. 79th st. Nortn. i a "ui .. $5O40 7 ROOMS furnished; E. 30th st uixlOO lot. li you want a awn hv to step right Into, see J. P. McKenna ieuiiu " - oj. a. jtaic. nuor o4ua, vtfi salk dv owner, s-room noms -.. lot? sink, toilet, electric liRhts. bak l. blocks from Sell mood car barns. No. -4&y Clatsop ave. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room bungalow, all Duni-ins. iuii cement casement. Io 10WCIUU. van a auur wia. IF vou will buy a property that will ri v you a home and $30 per mouth, call Ta KEAL ESTATE. ior baUe -UoUtM. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY Succeeded by CAREY-SAV1DGB CO. Main 74H7. Jli Railwav Exchange Bldg. REAL SERVICE TO HOME SEEKERS. We are loaded to the guards with all kinds of good homes lor sale. Any district. Never before have we had such a varied assortment of fine home Bargains a showroom brimful 1 of photographs of snappy homes. By all means, come In and look them over, or phone Main 7487, and a car will call at your residence to show the best we hae in the district vou prefer. sou homes to choose from NEW ROSE CITY Bl'NGALOWS. I43UU Brand new bungalows In Rose City, 20 of them, all similar to this one. 5 rooms In white en amel, expensive bullt-lns, oak floors, coay fireplace, full cement basement, substantially built throughout; only a few hundred down payment required. See thette new homes tod a v. 0-ROOM WAVBRLY-RICHMOXD. $42tH Great value for the money, 9 room modern home on paved street, 6 bedrooms. fireplace, hardwood floors in living and din ing room; street liens, all paid; bearing fruit trees, nice yard; llsno down. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. $4000 You'll like this 7-room, story-and- a-half bungalow, choice corner lot in heart of Hawthorne, pav ing and sewer all paid, fireplace; garage; splendid buy for the money, terms. PENINSULA HOME. $3300 5-room modern home, built only 4 years, interior is very pretty, hath, toilet. 50x100 lot; this home Is Immaculately neat, abun . dance of shade, fruit and ber ries; $5tM down.' H ERE S A SNAP. $1700 5-rooin Peninsula bungalow, best while enamel plumbing, Iu:i lot. 8 bearing fruit trees, strawber ries; only f.'iUO cash required. ALBERTA BL'NUA LO W. loOO 8-room bungalow-type home, best plumbing, 3 bedrooms, ideal ar t rangement. completely retinted, in Al condition; near car, built only few years ; $7oo down. CAN'T BE BEAT. $230 Here, folks. Is a winner: a very attractive 5-room bungalow, the owner needs a little cash to ad vance on a business venture and is sacrificing, the price was cut from (2000 for quick ale; rooms all large and fine big closets, very neat and pretty ; tew hun dred dollars do n. UNPARALLELED SNAP. $200 On the market for the first time. this home will not last two days: a cozy. attractive fascinating home, 6-room typical bungalow, all on one floor; oak floors through, full cement basement, splendid condition, 2 big cherry trees, apple trees, berries, fine garden xpace; small down pay ment, money-back guarantee on this house. ALBERTA SPECIAL. $2200 r-room bungalow, very attractive. large beveled mirror in reception ha II. white enamel plumbing, ttninndld arrangement; full ce ment basement ; easy payments. KL'LTON SNAP. $3230 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, fireplace, hardwood floors, 3 bed rooms; you .will fall in love with this cozy, at tractive home ; near car ; convenient terms. A5 Alberta homes. Let's ride out and look them over today. Some remark able bargains. Home in every district In the city. Phone in for an appointment, a sales man will be delitshied to drive you around to Inspect them. No obligation on jour pari. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded bv CARE'Y-SAVIIHIE COMPANY. 219 Ky. Kxrh. Bidg. Main 7467. Open Evenings and Sundays. IN TtAUR EliHl' RST. BEACT1K1 L COLONIAL HOME. You can move right in. A very mod erate payment and the money you pay for rent, with a lew exi ra dollars, and you ran be your own landlord. Drive out to office at E. -'I'.Kh and i.llsan stf., get key and inspect thin beautiiul place, or phonu Tabor 3 4X1. Eve. Eat 20tu. JTf.tMl. 8-room house on larce corner lot In Laurel hurst. 11 ard w ood f 1 on rn In every room. The best of everything. A big bargain. By appointment only. Tabor 34.'.tf. Eve. East 20h. I R VI NO TO N RESD K N C K. $750O for a modern, up-to-date home or roomM, reception hall ; living room In ivory and nm lioeany. L'ulch kitchen in white with white maple floor, bed rooms in white, Ihtko closets; one of the most artistic homes In lrv ins ton. Hat furnace, fireplace, buffet, French doors between living and dining rooms, large basement, furnace. 2 toilets, garage; atl In the finest of condition. Half cssti. If you want something fine see this. Phone Mu rah all $2". K. L. BLANCH ARD. MI-20 Railway Exchange bldg. MOUNT SCOTT CAR. $3500 $1000 CASH. R-room bungalow, modern. 2 bedrooms down and 3 up, full basement, garage ; 50x100 iot, 4 blocks to car, on macadam st. J. L. H A HTM AN COMPANY. 7 UhamDer oi om. uiag., juain uo. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS SNAP. Cdiiaisr in-r of 9 rooms, new. modern just finished. Was built for party and they cannot complete their contract and are wiiuiik to sacniine i pru-o ui You cannot build the house for that; street Improvements included. Very easy terms. See Mr. Kpton. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main T931. A. I.RKRTA BUNGALOW. iriOOO Buys the best bungalow in the a inert a aistnci: o larKf. rii-r ranged rooms, large attic, modern throughout, large lot. 5Oxl07; fruit trees. This Is an exceptionally rood buv; If Interested we advice you to act quirk lv; this one Ron't keep. HOLDEN KOHLM AN. 228 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6. 50. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. f.0OO for a 5-room. full concrete base ment, full plumbing, gas and electricity, with fine garage for 4 autos. with con crete floor; lot 50x100. on Kelly at. Phone Marshall 82'J. F. L. BLANCH ARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 6-room bunnalow. oak floors, plate glass, furnace, fireplace, finished in old ivory and while enamel; concrete basement and separata, fruit cellar. This la a good buy. . , l'Ai,ir 1 ncALs , 409 Spalding bldg. Main $41. ROSE CITY. Six beautiful bungalows, strictly mod ern up to date ; classy Inside and outside- H. W. floors, furnace heat, 5 and 6-room beauties. Prices right, houses right, terms riht. E. O. Adcock, 613 Dekum bldg. Main tiS14. Night Tabor 620. , DON'T MISS THIS. Non-resident owner has listed with us a 7-room modern house, on corner, with garage, only lo min. out from post office; accessible to five carllnes. Price S50OO, $2000 down. R1ELY &. UUSTAFSON. 905 Yeon bldg. Mar. 1456. IRVINGTON. $o7SO. Hall, llvlng-dinlng room In old Ivory with French gray tapestry paper; 3 bed rooms in white enamel ; sleeping porch ; lovely home; easy payments. East 1347. REAL BUY E. B V RN SIDE. 6-room modern house, walking dis tance, hard-surface streets, cheap at S3b00. terms. See Mr. Epton. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange Main 71. Kes. Tabor 631!. ROSE CITY. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, all on one floor; oak floors, fireplace. French doors, gas radiators, all built-ins. garage; this is something classy ; $l"oO down, bal ance monthly. 20'J Oregon bldg. Broad way 1 0."3. BUNGALOW. x $bouO. Finest In Alameda drive; living, din ing, breakfast and sun room, 2 bed rooms with connecting bath, sleeping porch, garage, everything. East 1347. LAURELHURST SNAP. A real bungalow-, 5 rooms, den and breakfast-room; large lot; beautiful shrubbery; full basement; hot water heat, and many other dandy features. Large garage. J. A. McCarty, 270 1, Stark st. Main 1700. Eve. Tab. 5057. $2000 FOR a very fine 4-room bungalow, fireplace, full basement, plumbing com plete, fme lawn and rosea, on corner. , bOxlOO, on Glenn ave.; S0O0 cash. Phone Marshall 21. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Ex. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow in good neighbor hood, all Improvements In and paid for; 1 blocks north of Hawthorne car price $2600. OWNER. TABOR P3S2. 311 K. 50TH N. $7000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS TERMS. 7 rooms; large liv., din., kitch.. built ins. cement basement, furnace, fireplace. 3 bedrooms and sip. porch, closets, bath ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. 818 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE house, modern, 12 rooms, cherries and apples: close to car. .2 E. Mad son. Call East 6034. r'OR SALE 7.xl00. 6-room house. In Ken ton, with all kinds of choice fruit. Call Pearl O'Neill. Woodlawn 403S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale FRANCIS AVE. BUNGALOW J 2100. $500 cash, $20 per month, on Francis avenue, cor. 42d at., four rooms and reception hall, white enamel plumbing, gas and elec tricity; corner lot. street improve ments in and paid. ALBINA HOME $3 SOU. On Cleveland avenue, one blork from Aibina school, a good-looking, well-built 6-room house, re ception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor; o bedrooms and bath on second floor, white enamel plumbing, gas and electricity, full cement hafement. laundry trays. $SOO cash, balance $25 per month. MT. TABOR COTTAGE $2S5( Lot 70x100, 0n E. 54th street, near Belmont; streepimprovements In and paid; 5 rooms and large attic; white enamel plumbing, pas and electricity, house in first-class condition; Jum been newlv paint ed, papered and new plumbing; $w0 cash, balance like rent. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW I32O0. $1000 cash, balance $30 per mo . Including interest, well constructed bungalow about 4 vears old and in good condition; living room, dining room, two bedrooms, bath and rutch kitchen with gas range and Ituud hot water heater: extra nice electrical fixtures, one block from t- 11 wood car; this is a tsplendid buy. xLiv.1' Pden, Sale,. Manager. METZGER-PARKER-KERGUSON CO. lownstairs 2 Oak st. Main 3534. rormerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. HAWTHORNE. FINE HOME. $.,,,00 Fine 7-raom large square honse; furnace, fireplace, all built-in; ful'. cement basement. cabinet k itch en. trays ; 4 bedrooms, lot .VxlK. east front - paved st. paid; on E. ;iod. near Hawthorne ; some terms. MOUNT TABOR SWELL HOME. $;000 Swell 9-room house: furnace, four fireplaces. 2 toilets: all built-ins: corner. lOOxloti; fin, view; $ 1 ;.oo cfty liens paid: on K. -V'.d and Morrison, t block to car; about 2rtm cash. Big snap. Worth l-v.OIMJ. SWELL 0-ROOM RESIDENCE, 2 LOTS. $S."t00 Swell, strictly modern bouse. I. bedrooms; nothing missing to niHke it up to date; lot HHixlon; garage with 2 rooms finished; Jots of nice fruit: on K. .'t-d and Clinton; easy t rtnM if desired. OKUSSI & BENNETT. 3 IS. 321 Board of Trade. Main 74. VJ. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms, f.Oxloo lot. all Improve ments paid . c;rare. cement floor and drive; Radiant fire. hardwood floors, all built-in features; Ivory finish, tapes try paper, laundry t rs vs. d ra in and ce ment floor in basement, walnut trees; owner will be on crounds to bhow the place ; on East 4tti h t. N.. between Stanton and Sisklvou. .2nrt SEVEN rooms, larce living and din ing room, kitchen and buill-ln conven iences. beaiitifuWy decorated: '-enient basement, furnace anil ail modern con veniences. ;i bedrooms and sleeping p"rch. 1 block to car line; in Hawthorne addition: terms verv easv. PAHRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. 1 n, second M. SPLEN1H HOME $4M, cash. R larc rooms. lOOxltHi corner, abundance fruit, berries, house in f i n" rond it mn; h;s grand porch around H id s. bath.. 2 toi lets, furnace, buffet. lutch kitchen; price $42-'. and think, you can pav as rent. . Liberty s f. . corner U. t h . 2 blocks south Woodlawn car. Vacant. Open. Owner. Tabor HA4 forenoons LAURELHURST. T-IVINC, RfiOM. I I N I N G ROOM. KIT CH EN FIRST KLO K. KOI H liEO HdOMS. HATH . SLEEPING PuRCH SEC iNl Fl. Mm. ATTIC. H AR1 W n M K LO It S. F U It N ACE; 0.oo ; T E R SI S. HALE CASH. I'OlNrEXTER, SO H SELLING B LI G. MAIN 1 Kl . RESIDENCE 271- 2 -. ROSE CITY PARK 7.0 r:mh. easy pay ments, lovely 7-rooiil residence, slt-'pinp porch, furnace, fireplaie. hardwod floors, full cement basement, laundry trays, Tutch kitchen, in fact, a most charming home; larjre. sunny rooms, paved street: price only $r2.'sU. You will never beat this price for such a home. Call M0 E. ;:ith st., BM car. HAWTHORNE. BUNGALOW. SEE IT TOO AY MOVE RIGHT IN. ON LY UH " 1 CASH REQUIRED. T rooms, strictly modern, sleeping porch, hard wood f ioors. fireplace, fur nace, garage, paved street, near car. Owner, Tabor 7i. LAURELHURST. STRICTLY MOMERN H ROOMS. TWO BATHS, HARinVlM D FL ORS. FUR NACE. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. ldOx 2O0 SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POINDEXTER, 2t SELLIN. BL1H1. MAIN 1HOO. RESIDENCE 271-20. REAL SNAP WEST SIDE corner lot. six -room house, j ust west of shipyards; beautiful view. Price. $2000, $400 down, balance monthly. See Mr. Epton. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main "Ml. $1!.0 R. C. PA RK ; almost new , part ly furnished ; 'bath, gas. electricity, large corner lot; part cash, balance rt per cent; move right in ; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with to get nice little home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner. Tabor 2078. $42r,n PIRDMONT. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT: 0-ROOM M " M'KR N BUNGA LOW: BEST BUY FOR THE MONEY. ONLY $42Mt. DA RING A- Mc REYNOLDS. Hl. COUCH BUILDI NO. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. New, completely furnihhed .Vrnom cot tsire. bath, garaee. two large lots. 5024 l."th St.. cor. OOth ave.; Mt. S-ott car. See owner and key, 12S First bet. Alder and Waphlnglon. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $2650. VACANT. Cozy 4-room bungalow, newly painted and tinted cement bas-ement and walk, paved streets. 5ixNO lot. Call 1122 E. Grant st.. near 3Sth. LOTS OF GROUND $00. Neat little 2-room house on ground, innxPHi, all In cultivation, good garden and woods ned, $150 cash. $ 1 o monthly. This is a good buy. Freii W. German Co.. ":t2 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. C,A RGE, BUILT FOR HOME. NEVER R E FO R E O FF E R ED FO R SALE; PRICE $8750, TERMS. OWNER, EAST 1155. $25 DOWN $15 MONTHLY. Three-room shack on lot, 50x!O, at 750 M;ller avenue, in Seilwood. total price $7000. Fred W. German Co.. 7J2 Cham ber of Commerce. IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern ; furnace, hardwood f ioors. bui it ins, etc.; $10t0 down, terms on balance. See It today. Phone Owner. East 4000. $250o fi- ROOM cottage. Sunnv5fde lot: streets and sewers paid: one block to car: 250 cash, balance easv. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 3'Jth 13 years. Tabor 4J.3. LAURELHURST 7 rooms and S. P.. fine home; hardwood floors, paran. 12-ft. frontage; worth $SooO, quick sale $7500. $2iOO cash. 6 per cent on balance. Owner. Tabor 02 6. TWO modern houses In good condition, with cement basements ; first house ar ranged for 2 apartments. 3 rooms each: second house has 4 rooms, bot h on 5ux 100 lot. Mar. 6139. automatic 404-13. 1-S50 Almost new modern 5-room bun galow; lot 50x100; handy to car: owner out of town: must sell Quick. See J. p. McKenna. Belmont at 3.th Tabor 6403. FOR PALE l -room house on Portland Heights, one of the finest locations; no agents. Address owner, BF 402, Ore gonian. SAVE COMMISSION. Buy my 6-room home, with two lof--i in Hawthorne district; ready to mov into. 30 E. 44th. Call Tabor 35. 4 TWO li-room houses, close In; K. 7th and ;arutners. imfah-p .- 1 o3 .u anu CBr.o. $oo cash. $l.t per month and interest 7 per cent. Owner. Tabor 60. SELLWOOD. 2 LOTS. f-room plastered house, modern, full cement basement, S2.".00. $11100 cash. 1611 E. 13th. Automatic 210-00. $10."i0 CASH. $20 Pr month. Nifty 3-room house, very noit !-nd attractive, built-in conveniences, electric lights, cellar and woodshed. 5014 84th st. S. E. FOR SALE by owner, A-room modern bungalow, near Washington high school S4OO0. Call 560 E. Alder, or phone East 707 5-ROOM house. lot 30x60, west side, close In. on Hood at.; handy to N. W. Steel works; terms. Owner. Sell. lio,V HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4299 RODABAL'GH, FOR HAWTHORNE HOMES CALL HUBBELL TABOR S02 HOUSE for sale cheap: close in. 6a Cilnton L Phone Seilwood 192. KTAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. EV modern. beautifully scenic located suburban 6-room bungalow, about 1 acre, electric lights, phone and gas. i uliman car water service. superbly landscaped grounds. through native trees, shrubs and perennial fiowers, on main macadamized road. 3 blocks from Kvergreen s ration on Oregon City car. iV'-nicX 1- u0. term. Address an 3M, Oregonian. for appointment. LOOK AT TTlIsI Fine bungalow, eiectricity. water, con crete basement, outbuildings; a, acres with large family orchard in fu.l bear ing. This is a real buy; only $J700 PACIFIC REALTY. 409 Spalding bldg. Ma1n 47 1-3 ACRE. NEW HOUSE, RYAN PLACE New .-room modern, two blocks from car. Kyan station; a dandy; a real snao Price s.00": small payment down, bal ance monthly. See Mr. Epton J. ROB BINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931 SEE THIS. RRrt ACRES. 3 .MILES. BEST SOTT ORCHARD. BUILDINGS: ONI Y S 00 TERMS; .MIGHT TAKE HOI'SK S ?1 ING & BLIG. LS " nd acres, on highwav. 1 nd 2 b ocks to Oregon Electric station, near Multnomah, 0 cents fare; water gas e.ecincity ; easy term. Ov ner, CUti Railway Exchanire. Main 673. Res. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line irom lMh up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." BUNGALOW . ONE ACRE. ALL TILLABLE; ONLY $isoo. r.oon TERMS; MUST ell. SEE OWNER. 01.-. COUCH BLlXi. $17:U GOOD 6- house, 1 ia acres bear- V--.. xi !i? lworin 2..00; term. Mam -wv ' i i railing Hide. i ( l.VN cntR. eiec . phone, water. Bldp. l or Sale Hminr. I'rtieriT. Q.ARJKK bi?ck"J Kzl "aier st.. close in; traiKafl hard-surface street; will sac- mice. By owner. M 120. oregonian. FINE brink bulMing. close in. for quick a,e. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE. MS t riamher of Commerce Bldg. For Sale Arrrscf, FOR KALE in Kennow U k vallev. 15 acre under well established irrigation ditch -Hi acros in alfalfa; 2 acres ln earlv po tatoes; good deep jeoil ; small house; 15 cherry trees; good water: within U mile good school, postofflee and depot; good place for man who likes farming. Price JMmiO. Third cash, balance ny terms. Address Box 33. Hover. Wash. SEE THIS TODAY. 1-3 acres in crop and fruit. S-room 1 vable house. 3 blocks east of Green berrT station; f 32O0; reasonable terms: o. E. traiTis leave Jefferson-street depot 1:10 A. M.. 1:13 and 2:20 P. M. This make your home and living. L oregonian. 5 ACRES Linnton district. f7."t0; and S a. res west of Wiliamette Heights. tioOO Will subdtxtd or trade. fi'rtoo aot and -room houso. near Ki I ling h wort h ave. $ltioo Lot and o-room house east of East Moreland. New ton McCov, 71J oregonian bldg. oOOO ACRES in southwestern Washington tor sale to settlers only; easv terms, low price. s." per aero and up. Libert v hnnH. accepted at par. Write for maD hhowinc 1. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COM PANT, i-uK., x m oiiia, ash. U A N D S ' re. on highway. 1 and 2 lioi ks to Oregon Electric Mation. cIom to MuHnomah. cents faro; water ga electricity: easy terms Owner" 319 Railway Exchange. Main 07 " Rea East 7S. " 2 li A 'R ES near Coiu ord stat ion on Ore gon City car line. ! cleared, neat 2 room cottage, chicken hruse, good well; can be hou- h t on easy terma. 2O0 Ore gon bldg. Broadway 1.SS. TEN acres n-ar Reedville. in hich KMt of cultivation, no buildings. pnc right won Id 'pt light car hi part pay- ment . 31'. Failing Bldg. -i A U R ES at Mabery Matinn cm Bull Run line, unttn proved, t ileal place for summer home, $mimi, terms. 2oi Oregon Mile. Broadway 1..-.R. h 3 UEAUT1FUL ACRES FOR SALK7 1 Mock from Sh at tuck f tat ion, S." p eleetnc, red car: 11 minutes" ride; cheap lor cash or terms. Owner. Main bdSO. Full SALE 10 acres logced off land7 miibII --room nous, gravel road, 1 1' miles from Gobel; $42".. Address C 11 HH.I.ens. Itidgel leld. Wash. ACRES near Wlllamina. level, cleared Willamin fenced. 4-room house, barn; $1350. l&t cash. mo. J. K. Sharp, 83 -j 3d st iV A 1 RES. partly cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon road; a good buy. John Bain. 507 Suahlinc bldg. 16 ACRES FARM LAN L. 0131 U2D ST. S. E. TOM ALLEN. HALF ACRES. 71st st.: 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. Owner. East 3i0. HIGHLY Improved 10 wrrca Juat outaide city limila Bd w y. 14 1O0 ACRES. $l.".0 per acre. 2 ill Ilea of city limits Brcadway lloniettteads, Reltnqtitshmenta. liii HOMESTEAD. 12 cleared, fine rreek. house. 2 fine cow s. 2 brood sows, 1 3 chickens. S-year lease on adjoining ranch, near Eugene, a'l for SiMto cah if taken immediately. o'H Corbett bidg. 10O RE LINQU ISH M E NtI o-room house, auto road. 6,0'ii.Ooo timler. mill close by; quick sale. $lo. :.ni Corbett bldg. Fruit and Nut Inda HO )1 1UVKR sarrlflre, 100 acres, 4 '4 miles cast of Hood River; 17 acres in treee; neglected for years; hack; $L5 Ier acre. Fine tr stock, goats, etc. lJaly. 221 Failing bldg. For Sale Farms. FO R SALE Eastern Washington's biggest poultry and fruit farm and baby chick hatchery; 11.1 acres Irrigated; high grade orchard produced $11.00 worth of apples In 1010; modern buildings for 250O hens and Ai'tiO chicks, packing house Incubator house and 25.oo4.-egg electric incubators: water and electricity in every building: 2 dwellings. mod ern: cow, team, implements. Reo truck. 2.""0 chickens. Incubators a complete T-lant in profitable no-rat ion now. Price $2."i.ono. A good proposition for one or two live men not a piker's deal. Pres ent owner gMng into exclusive babv chick; business. E. R. Wells, owner. Prosper, Wash. MR. FARM BUYKR. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying.- 1 can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and It costs )ou nothing. See or write to me. A. O. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. EXCELLENT 14-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. 12 acres under plow, 11 acres seeded, plenty w ood; 3 miles of Oregon City; small house, barn, orchard and creek. : 4 cows, horse, buggy. 50 chickens, new separator, few implements: S30UO; $2100 cash, balance 3 years. Owner F. Bom bard. 6m Duane St.. Oregon City. Phone laS-R. F 'it SALE 2O0 acres: house. 4 rooma. kitchen. 2 chicken houses 14x28 each; IS acres wired for chickens; rain water cistern, well and barns. Price $5oo0; aJso 320 acres, main road. 0 miles from town of Cualingn. price $4S'-n. E WAR D A. WEBB. Real Estate Broker and Insurance, oa unga, 1 ai. IS.". ACRES, 30 A. beaverdam. 12 A. cleared; good full set of farm bnlldir.-gs. 14.". A. merchantable timber on loggin creek. Price 2." per acre; terms; pirt exchange. Apply of owner between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M 20i Jefferson at.. Portland. Or. YAKIMA VALLEY 20 acres, close to tow n: 8 acres; bearing orchard, bal ance corn, alfalfa, plenty water; ti-rm house, barn, outbuildings price f.Vtmi;. $1.00 cash, balance 7 years, 6 per cent; this is a rare bargain and will not last long: act quick; call for new booklet. Hover. 612 Selling bldg. AS GOOD If not the best buv In Yamhill county. Listen A farm of 2 SO acres, ai. in cultivation but 8 acres and all in crop, pood building, house modern, beautifully located Only U.3 per acre. C. D. THORNTON. Amity. Oregon. A FINE location near Portland. 80 aces within 3 miles -of new paved road, level land with running water through piate; good complete farm buildings, vou rig family orchard. $12.M0. See or write for terms. F. I. Mill. 404 Washington at CUTOVER lands, 40 miles from Portland. 2 to 6 miles from highway and railroad; grazing $6, tillable land $!. to $25 per acre; schools, phone line, cream route; terms, 6 per cent. Columbia, Timber Co.. Goble, Oregon. 30 ACRES. 17 miles south, near station, 1O00 walnut and fruit trees, some bear ing; 2"0 lacks spuds to acre; buildings, wood and springs; $b000. terms. A&u 213-00. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $2i0 per acre: easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ail sizes. McFarland. 201 Failing bldg. GOOD Poultry farm 3O00 capacity; ur-to-date. Must telL Write owners. Cole man A Charters. Spirit Lake, Idaho. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water; good soil, tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. S31 3d st-