lti THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, RAL ESTATE. For Salt jf LAl'RELHURS-T. ! I have just purchased larger home and i J 1 give Immediate pofasesiiou to any house, C rooms ana sleeping porch, on Multnomah near Sandy, on ueat car lino in city; entrance in central ha. I ith splenuid staircase to second floor: finished in old ivorv ; living room naa artibtic fireplace with beautiiul lar.i mance! ; French doors into living room, a so double French doors from living room to porch; Dutch kitchen, 3 larg; bedrooms and glass-inclosed sleeping jiurch and bath on second floor; avei y room has the necessary built-in con veniences; hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace. Price $0500; initial payment of $2500 required ; no commis sions, no agents. If you are looking or h. good home of real value phoue me at East 7704. CiASSV ROSE CITY PARK BVNGALOW. $5500 Truly a description of this oeau tlful bungalow does not d- it justice nitty 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch, a 11 the mod ern and up-to-the-minute butit ins to make this home comfortable v and convenient, hardwood .oorz or the finest grade, dandy iur nace, ilrepiace, iull ceintiil base ment, garage; very attractive home, both in the Interior and outsiue; just J Ms blocks ir.un ca.. Shown by appointment omy. HOLUE.N & KOHLMAN, 22S Ch. of Corn. bldg. Mam C.:-. " lUVINGTON II ES1DENCE. $7500 for a modern, up-to-date home ot 0 rooms, reception hull ; living room in ivorv and mahogany, lutcn Kilcht-u . in whit with white maple floor. oeU rooms in white, large closets; one of the most artistic homes in Irving ton. Ha jurna'-e, fireplace, buifet. French dooia between living and dining rooms, large basement, furnace. - toilets, garage; uii in the finest of condition. Half cash, i If you want something line ace this. : Fnone Marshall 820. L. BLAXCHARt). 319-20 Railway Exchange b!dg. J-KOOM. modern. living room. uining room, large kitchen and bedroom, f irt floor; 3 iarge bedrooms second floor ; ail white enameled on second floor, large modern bath, clothes chute, large ce ment basement, house In firat-class con- , dition. can se!i one or two lots; fruit, berries : house with one lot for $3o00, $1000 cah. easy terms on balanve. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. Main 642. A REAL SNAP. "WEST FIDE. t fi-room bouse, not new, but- in good condition, corner lot, one block from car; lot alone worth $2o0o; price S2OO0. $4oo down, balance easy; this property c oses an estate, so the reason lor the low price. See Mr. Epton. J. ROEBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 79SL $15,500. IRVING TON CORNER HOME. A home that has real charm and all the comforts; living room and dining room Ivory and mahogany; breakfast room, su n room, maid's room and bath, 3 st. floor; also extra, lavatory and tele phone room ; 4 beautiful ued rooms, 2 porches; hardw-ood lioor thro-igaout; tiled bath, shower, 2 extra lavatories, 2d floor. East 410. ROSE CITY PARK. 4000 Nifty ti-room bungalow on COR NER lot. furnace, fireplace, em inent basement, all the modern built-in effects to make ::;ls a comfortable and convenient out; very attractive. Shown by ap pointment oniy. hOLDEX & KOHLMAN, 2S Ch. of Com, bldg. Mam ft53. ROPE CITY PARii. LOVELY HOME. Seven rooms and sleeping porrh resi dence; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, full cement basement, laundry tru vs; UuxtUO lot ; street paved, pa id. $750 cash, price only $55uo, includes new Kraqe to be erected; a great bargain. 500 E. 30th at. N. B. M. car to Knott. 1RVINGT ON RESIDENCE. $S5oo A fine home of U rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, buifet, 2 toilets, with large fin ished attic, full basement, with fine fur pace; on Thompson at. A verv fine buy with easy tnrms. Marshall 820. l BLANCH ARD, 519--01 Railway Exchange bldg. JjV0 $00O CASH Takes bungalow of 7 rooms. 5 rooms and bath, on first floor, full basement, screen for windows, bouse in nice condition ; lot 50x1 11; all kinds of fruit and berries; can move in at or.ce. This is a bargain. Tabor 044 1. $25,000 PORTLAND H EIGHTS, fine home. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, MH Chamber ot Commerce blag. lOOOO PORT LA N D HEIGHTS, modern. ZIMMERMAN & WHITE, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Suburban Home. GRAB THIS ONE NOW AT $4000. Five rooms with 2 fireplaces: good well In kitchen; in fine shape; garage, wood shed, good barn, chicken house, big yard: all fenced in; lots of fruits and berries and flowers, and the very best of land: on gravel road; 7 blocks to station. 6c carfare. $1000 cash, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 oak SL. OAK GROVE. $1250 1 acre, unfinished house, barn, well cleared. 300 cash. $1 7CKH - acres, 3-rooin house, rilled well, $500 cash. $kaoo 2 acres, fine, modern home. $Ooo I acres. S-rooni modern home. $ I o,00 2 acres, finest home ou Ore gon City line, halt cash. WILL W. THOMPSON. Oak Grove. Or. JiEW, modern, beautifully scenic located suburban ti-room bungalow. about 1 acre, electric lights, phone and gas, Pullman car water service. superbly landscaped grounds, through native trees, snrubs and perennial flowers, on main macadamized road. 3 blocks from Evergreen station on Oregon City car line; price $12,000. with terms. Address AN 350, Oregonlan, for appointment. 10 ACRES. 2 miles from Oregon City, near high and grade schools and car; 1 'i-acre orchard, 9 years old, variety ; 8 acres cleared, some timber for wood, good loam, no rock; 4-room frame house, largo attic, small barn and outbuildings, good well, some machinery and tools go with the place; price $3200, half cash. For full particulars call or write O. O. Slet t e n . 2 4 8 Stark St., Main 5420. ft. ROOM BUNGALOW, near Multnomah, at the junction of two improved county roads; ground about 80x140; house ia new, every modern convenience ; owner Is compelled to leave this locality and will sell for $42. 0. on terms, or wii. make heavy reduction for cash. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. We can run you out to the property in 15 minutes. ' fo "acre s. 3 miles east of Montavllla, all In cul tivation, 100 assorted fruit trees, large fancy log house, barn and fine cellar; good water, on good road, 10 blocks from cailine; part in crop, good aoii; $7o0 per acre on easy terma. OWNER. Tabor S:io2. 511 E, 50th N. SUBURBAN HOME. One acre at Aloha station, all under eultivation; 3-room house, chicken house; fenced, good well, pump, fruit ana ber ries; $800. half cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24S Stark St. Main 5429. NEAR MULTNOMAH STATION. lialf-acre tract, with apples, plums, gooseberries, strawberries and in fact a large assortment of bearing fruit; good plastered bungalow, chicken house and runs: $3000; terms on part. 615 Cham bgr of Commerce bldg. LOOK. AT THIS. Fine bungalow, electricity, water, con crete basement, outbuildings; IS i acres w it h large family orchard in full bear ing. This is a real buy; only $3700. PACIFIC REALTY. 40f Spalding bldg. Main S47. ACRE TRACT AT CRESTON SCHOOL. Don't miss this if you want sewer, gas, w;er, lights and good car service; high school and graded school in walking dis tance. Prentiss, 815 Chamber of Com merce bldg ONE acre, small house, large sleeping porrh. garden, barn, chicken house: partly cleared: 3 blocks from Lake Grove and school: like rent, price $12U0. $400 cash. Mrs. L. M. Johnston, Broad way 1010. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Modern in every detail, and two acres, at station. Red Stee.1 carline; $ti."00; easv terms, or will consider modern beach home as part payment. Address owner. G- 122, Oregonian. LOTS, 4 and H acVes. on highway, 1 and 2 b ocks to Oregon Electric station, near Multnomah, 6 cents fare; water, gas. electricity; easy terms. Owner. 31 ! Railway Exchange. Main 075. Res, East 70P8. TIG A RD ACREAGE. CLOSE TO STATION. Oniy $325 per acre, on hard road, and the real place for that rustic bungalow, chickens, fruit and berries Prentiss, 613 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME nfl well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d hou$e north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car line. ign "Alaer Brook." 5 ACRES AT CITY LIMITS. On Columbia blvd.: house, barn, wind mill, fruit, Jne cultivated land: $000, terms. R. W. CAKY. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. REAL ESTATE. Bnborbaa Borne THE BEST BUT" AROUND MCLTXOMAH STATION. S-room bungalow, in fine shape: larre porch, fine view, with 3 acres of fine land: lies extra fine, on gravel road. 4 biocks to sta. ; family orchard, all kinds or fruit and berries, flowers and shrub bery; has lights, gas and water; good basement, chicken house. Dirt-cheap at price, S6000; $1500 cash, balance terms. Don t fail to see about thia right, away. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. i 305 Oak, St. 5-ROOM BCNGAT.OW NEW AND 4 ACRES FINE LAND AT PLEASANT HOME. OR. Thia bungalow is brand new; 6 good rooms, cement basement. 2 dozen fruit trees, good new woodshed. garage; ground all plowed, ready to seed and plant; the very best of soil; a 1017 Chev rolet car; good well on porch, all for $32O0; $1500 cash, balance good terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak SU MILWAUK1E SUBURBAN HOMES. Best of eoll, fine car service, hard sur face roads, modern bungalows with gas, electric lights, cloe to car, with 1. 2, A or 10 acres land. If you want a real suburban home we can suit you. -. . KLEEB & PARRY, First a Late Bank Bldg. Phone lit. Automobile Service. Milwaukle, Oregon, A SACRIFICE AT MULTNOMAH .ST A. A good 6-room house and v acre' of fine land, small barn, chicken house, good well, family- orchard, lots ot ber ries and Dowers, garden over . halt' planted: 400 feet from Capital highway; beautiful view, at the low price of $2250. $looo will handle, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. For Hale Business Property. PotfTOFFlCE, ROOMING HOUSE, OTHER OFFICES. Will sell now, $15,000: would coat now, S30.00U; rent on old-time leases, $105 per month; 2-SLory brick wiyi full base ment, steam heat, hot and cold water t h rough out, 40x 1 uO on principal street in Gresham. Address 'First Stale Bank, Gresham, Or. " ABSOLUTELY fireproof building 50x100, tyo sTories. basement and sub-basement, ail connected by large electric elevator; bui table for warehouse, factory or btor agtr; price $10,000, which is one-fouith of vi:at builuing would cost to build now. Turner & Co., 210 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY business building and lot 50x 100 ft., suitable for any kind ot businets. on 57th et., near Sandy boulevard; price JU.'IuO; this in a bargain. Turner Si Co., 2::o Cham, of Com. $45,000 FINE brick building, close in, for quick sale. ZIMMERMAN WHITE, 818 Chamber Of Com merce bldg. FOR SA LE- Business corner; the north west corner Sixth and E. Burnslde: al.o good corner lot. 17 E. Davis. Terms. Phon e East2704. owner. QUARTER block. East Water sc., close in"; trackage hard-surface street; will sac rifice. By owner. M 12. Oregonian. SPLENDID 15-ACRE. EQUIPPED TUALATIN FARM, $5000. Located 1 mile from electric sta tion at Tualatin. 12 miles from Portland: IS trains a day each way; virtually all in cultivation; fine dark loam soil, in crop clov er, vetch, w heat, oats, loganber ries and family orchard; 8-rootn house, barn, chicken house, tank house, gas engine, good well, pair ma res, w agon and harness, other farm implements, 40 eh Ickens, :;5 small chicks, all for $5000; one third cash, balance terms. See SAM HEWEY. AT J.L. HARTMA.V CO.. NO. 7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. SMALL HOME IN GRESHAM. 1 a; ACRKS. all In cu 1 1 i ation. good plastered bungalow, concrete 1'ounda.t.ion ciiy waier, pieiity oi iruu, smitt en houses, cow barn, wood house, some laying hens, fine Jersey cow and calf, $200; reasonable terms. 2 M. ACRES, near Base Line road; very best of soil, all under cultivation, all kinds of fruit, good 6-room house, garage, cow barn, chicken bouse line location ; price $2250. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. ACRE AG E. 3 acres, close in, near the new Greeley -si. extension, 3 bl ks. from car line; beautiful home site, all cleared and level; $5000. M A HONEY. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th tl. Main 4522. 20-ACRE. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. EASY TERMS. At town of Damascus, 14 miles out; faces good rocked road, will be paved ; 17 acres under cultivation. 8 acres young bearniK orchard: good spring, very slant ly ; some timber. Out-of-town owner authorizes sale at $4000, terms as you wish. Best of soil; a genuine opportunity. j. l rt tins ju.. 305-6-7-8 LEWIS BLDG. SPLENDID VIEW ACRE S1000. $500 cash, $10 monthly buys this beau tiful home site, located right on the Oregon Electric !terurban; 19 young fruit trees. strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants and grapes; city water adjoining place; also electric ligntb ana gas; i fec commuter a rate, FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. OSWEGO OPPORTUNITY. 7 acres of fine garden soil, no rock or gravel ; 0 miles, machine trom 4th and Wash.; I'i miles of Oswego fetation; good rocked road to within few feet; 6 acres under cultivation; cheap house, well; $2o00, terms easy. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-H-7-8 LEWIS BLDG. OPENING of Stokes farm. 42d and Simp son tt. N. E.. just outside city limits. All fine cultivated land, city water to each tract, no gravel, all kinas xruit ana Eiigtisn walnuts; snort distance to a i brra. ear and Kennedy school. On tracts Sunday afternoon. Special terms to homeseekers. W. CAR Y, 121i N. W. Bank bldg. S50 DOWN. S15 MONTHLY. Splendid tract of 1 acre near Gilbert station, Estacada line; ail in large bear ing fruit trees; just a short distance off of macadamized road, net far from Lents Junction, the end of the tic fare limit. Total price i ; u. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. SEE THIS TODAY. 6 1-3 acres in crop and fruit, 3-room livable house, -s diocks east or tireen t.orr fitation : S3200: reasonable terms O E. trains leave Jefferson-street depot 10:10 A. M-, 1:15 and 2:20 P. M. This will make your home and a living. L 2o6, Oregonian. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington tor sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, nc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. 1 acoma xsmg., xacoma, wasn. AND V acre, on highway. 1 and 2 blocks to Oregon Electric station, ciose to Multnomah, t cents iare; water, gas. electricity: -easy terms. -Owner, 319 Railway Exchange. Main 675. Res. East 7tiSS. ii ACRES at Tiard on Walnut ave.. with fine, up-to-date house with all modern - conveniences; an in cultivation, a beau tiful country home with great monev maklnr possibilities from th land Turner & Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES in cultivation. house. barn cnicken house and yard, good well, fruit trees all bearing, adjoining Gladstone Park. Mrs. w . c oreen. 10 Center st. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE: 10 acres logged off land; small --room nouse. gravel road. l'4 miles from Gobel; $125. Address C. H. Bibbens. rtiageueia. wasn. in aPRES. 1 mile from Borinr. C acres clear, small house, rich soil.' no iocks or ci. sunt icuces; 11250. A BARGAIN In 40 acres, cloee to Linn- man Junction. Phone E. 5347 or call 8 I'riion vg- - gg"iK. -r . jKath. O ACnriO near iiihiiii, icvei. cleared fenced. 4-rbora house barn; $1350. $130 cash. 15 mo. J. R- Sharp. 83 & 3d sC 5 ACRES, partly cleared., near Sylvan on Canyon road: a good buy. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. SACRIFICE Beautiful 19 acres inmrnt;. near electric. $3000. Owner, evenings! MrLWAUKIE PARK, Evergreen station flne view acre. $GU0 cash. Box 30, Park wooa. - r. 16 ACRES FARM LAND. TOM ALLEN til31 it-U bl. a. iu. HALF ACRES. 71st st.: 2 blocks from Hiwinorne car. f wner. ,ast 8800. 100 ACRES. $150 per acre, limits. Broadway 46R3. miles of city HIGHLY improved 10 acres just outside city limits. cawj. 193. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Acreage. 15 ACRES ON CAR LINE, $5500. For a home we .-now of nothing better, good auto road and 5 blocks from sta tion; perfect tract of land, 14 acres in cultivation, l acre pasture with fine spring; iota of fruit and berries; In cluding 20 walnut trees; attractive -room plastered bungalow, has fireplace; tile miikhouse and woodshed, barn, large chicken park; possession at once, $55oo. half cash. This is out Gresham way. D. McCHESXEY, 304 Vi Oak at., Broad- wty 2G6. Homesteads. Relinquishments. TH ERE are many good claims now open w .-urvice men in tne kj. &. J. it. it. land grant. I have the only complete maps showing roads, railroads and homestead lands. Come in for com plete free Information. Map of Rose burg dist. $3; Portland district $2.50. ANDERSON MAP CO.. 632 Railway Exch. BJdg. ' Phone Main 5360. For Salt -Farm. ABSOLUTELY the best farming or dairy kkuouiuu j ii me vvmametie vauev, u acres river bottom land on Willamette river, located 20 miles from Portland on a crushed rock road partly fronting the river. 250 acres In cultivation, the remainder in oak and fir timber. Beau tirul orchard, 2 acres in peacrrs and other fruits. This can be divided into - farms- Good wells and springs suit able for irrigation; close to church and schools. Fair set of buildings, new silo hop dryer, big chicken hoiue and fair barn Woven wire fenced and crous lenced Partly in crop no,w, soil sandv and black loam, not an acre of poor land. fhe owner must sacrifice this wonderful farm at a price far below its actual value. S5 an acre takes this rii Tur!e" C'' -30 Chamber or ommerce bldg. FOR SALE. ,iJ?LaKre 70 In cultivation, big dairy barn, two M.os, good seven-room house and one five-room house, mostly all seeded; one mile from United rail c'os church and school. 15 miles to Portland; well drained; the very beet oil in Washington county: $225 per acre on the Liberty road. TERMS. 'formation may be had at 166 North -1st st. or at C. R. GoObey'a terminal gat age. S. E. COR. 5TH AND HOYT. Portland, Oregon. A SACRIFICE. We have 7 38-100 acres, only 14 miles out, near Reedville; must be sold at once: fair houwe. barn fruit, good well. Price $1900; good terms. HESGARD. PHONE 4322 COE A. Mf-KENNA A CO., 82 FOURTH ST. RJt ' H garden land. almost & rr. equipped with tools: crop now growing taking off cauliflower, carrots, cabbage, onions, spinach ; others coming along fine Over 3000 acres seeded cut-over land: some cleared, buildings, on good stream; an ideal stock farm. For $.1000 A good little farm, with cows and chickens and bees and every thing. Write for complete description and pictures. Lawrence Perry. KeNo, Wash. MR. FARM BUYER. Tf you want a real farm at th right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. 1 can save vou money. I have come 5oo fine farms my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me, A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 201-7 Board ol" Trade Building PRUNE S P R U N E S PRUNES. .33.72 acres. 3 acres of which are In cultivation and In prunes from 4 to 7 years old; there are two 2-room shacks onthls property; it is all fenced with oven-wire fencing; 20 acres of tim ber which will average about JOO cords per acre; 1 Vi miles from Cove Orchard in Yamhill county. This is in a splendid prune section and the price is only S 'OOu $000 cash, $2O0 yearly. FREU W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $3600. V,. al- 57 -: terms. part trade: on Molalla river and R. R.. 4 mi. to Can by; fiueot soil, about 40 a. tillable, bal. river bottom; lots of apples, pears, some grapes, old set of buildings: lust the place for loganberries; about 10 a in cultivation. R. K. station at place. Write W. B. Bender. 2S6 Clay st trail Main 5278, if not in. leave your number. 120-ACRE fruit and stock farm; 14 acres prunes, o to s years oiu; 4 acres apples, cherries and pears: 25 acres teeded to oats and wheat: some clover; 1.0OO.OO0 ft. good saw timber; new 8-room house, finished complete, hot and cold water and bath; good 60x60 barn, granary and other buildings; $95 per acre; good terms. E. T. DAVIS. Owner. Estacada. Or. AT $75 PER ACRE TO MOVE QUICK. Good soil, about 10 acres cleared, some fruit, plenty of running spring water, house, barn and several other buildings. 3 miles from electric line, rural mail, telephone ; just the place for poultry or mock ; iand lies very nice on county road; make your own terms. Address A. Meyers. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE 200 acres; house. 4 rooms. kitchen, 2 chicken nouses 14x23 each: 18 acres wired for chickens; rain water cistern, well and barns. Price $5000; also 320 acres, main road. 9 miles from town of Coalinga. price $4800. E WAR D A. WEBB. Real Estate Broker and Insurance, Coallnga, Cal. YAKIMA VALLEY SNAP Realise 50 per cent on uur unesuiiciu; ou acres, u acres alfalfa, 30 acres corn ; 4-room house, outbuildings, fully paid govern ment water right; 1 mile tc town, on main highway; $265 per acre, one-tnird cash, balanc very easy terms. Hover. 512 Selling bldg.. Portland. Or. Main 4093. Other tracts any size. Writ or call tor new booklet and price list. INCOME PRODUCING FARMS. At Gresham, the best farming section in Oregon, close to Portland and paved roads, we have some exceptionally good bargains in stocked and equipped farm, chicken ranches. berry lands, email homes and suburban acreage. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham, Or. A FINE location near Portland. SO acres within 3 miles of new paved road, level land with running water through place: good complete farm building;, young family orchard. $12.(0O. See or write for terms. F. I. Mill. 4044 Washington st. FOR SALE Very fine irrigated farm. 500 acres, goo a ouuaings. near town; price $ 100 per acre, 1 -3 cash, balan.-e time to suit you. Owner would con sider city property. M. E. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. 3J ACRES. 17 miles south, near station. luoo wa inut ami iruu trees, some bear ing; 200 sacks spuds to acre: buildings, wood and springs; $8500, terms. Aut 213-06. 5 ACRES with 5-room bungalow, garage. chicken nouse ana Darn. This is your chance to see how you like farming; best of soil: no stumps. Phone East 18S5. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. near Portland, lid to suu per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for eale, all sizes. McFarland. 209 Failing bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil, M tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe, 83 3d st. GOOD Poultry farm 3000 capacity; un-to- date. .Must sen. v rite owners. Cole man Sc Charters. Spirit Lake. Idaho. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Rosaier. Stockton. Cal. IV ANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE client with cash for suburban home, 2 to 10 acres. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24S Stark St. Main 5429. WANT to buy from owner for cash 6-room bungalow or modern house, furnished or not, with garage: Hawthorne, Sun a aide district. BE 420. Oregonian. WANT 13 to 25 acres, weii improved with modern house, on paved highway, for cash buyer. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. HAVE client with cash for modern 5 room bungalow in good district.. INTERSTATE LAND CO. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. WANTED To buy from owner, modern 6 or 7-room bungalow on east side. Will pay cash. BF 377. Oregonian. WANTED From owner. 6-room. modern house. 2 lots or more, near car. Can pay half down. Phone A. 218-50. WANT to buy from owner. 5-room bunga low In good residence district. State price and particulars. M 240. Ore gonia n . HOME wanted, not exceed $5000; ex change for good 160 acres land and will pay balance cash. Phone Main 1346. WANTED 5 . or 6-room house; bungalow preferred; will pay cash; state price and location. D 123, Oregonian. MODERN apartment house, well located, direct from owner. AH 359. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for modern suburban home; no agents. R 208, Oregonian. WANT nice bungaiov in Rose City park; owners only. V 120, Oregonian. tTANTF.D REAL BUTATR. OVER $1,000,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY I. 1!20. FRANK L. McGUIRE, LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON m THE PACIFIC COAST. You want RESULTS? TRY our LIVE, efficient method of HOMESELLING (no charge except the standard brokerage o 5 per cent in event of a SATISFACTORY SALE). OUR RECORD: 809 homes sold during 1919. 9 homes sold in 1 day, March 13. 1920. 112 homes sold during March, 12. 304 homes sold since January 1. 1020. We personally fnspeel and PHOTO GRAPH everv house listed We DIS PLAY ALL PHOTOGRAPHS IN OUR LARGE SHOWROOMS, which are con tinually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. FRANK L. McGUIRE, personally makes all appraisals. Your home is sold IF LISTED WITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY. If you cannot come dow n, telephone and we'll gladly call. Fourteen salesmen with autos to work on the sale of YOUR HOME. FRANK. I. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. DEAL WITH AN OLD RELIABLE FIRM. WE SELL CITY HOMES. 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE, JANUARY 1, 1920. We can sell your home quick. Our ap praiser will call and inspect our home and advise as to its value, also take a 5x7-in. photo, which is displayed la our large showrooms, 'where hundreds of prospective buyers will view it. Eight live-wire salesmen who drive their own ctn, backed by thousands of dollar spent In advertising, bring resuita. i'lione for our appraiser to call today. J31UK-CAKEY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY-SAV1DCE COMPANY, 219 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 74S7. . "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." Homes wanted, many client waiting, hundreds sold through our office. We need yours today. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Ablngton Bldg. 106 Third St. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me. 1 sell houses only, and have many buyers. All listings will be given pioper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE A CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MOD ERN HOME; MUST HAVE AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS BESI DES MAID'S QUARTERS. THE PARTY HAS THE MONEY. WILLING TO PAY FOil A GOOD HOME. BUT MUST BE WOliTH THE PRICE ASK ED. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING" BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. i 51 ARE A SPECIALTY OF SELLING HIGH-CLASS HOMES FROM $0000 UP. LAURELHURST; I K VINGTON, A L A -M EDA. MX. TABOR AN D TH E HEIGHTS. IF YOU HAVE A HOME FOR SALE. ONE WORTH THE I'KiCE ASKED. PHONE OR MAIL FULL DE SCRIPTION. POINDKATER, 23 FELLING BLDG. MAIN l0O. RESIDENCE 271-20. WANTED If you have a good house worth from $500O to $0000 in Irvlngton. Ala meda. Laurel hurt or any good neigh borhood you will sell quickly, get In touch with me at once; have customer waiting. E. M. Padden. a los manager, Metzger-Parker- Fersupon Co.. 2i! Oak st.. Main 3534; formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. " WANTED 40 acres good land, about 25 acres In cultivation : not lrH than 5 rooin house, good outbuild Ings; have 5 room modern house, 75x100 lot to ex change in on same. No one but owners need answer. W. S. Raymond, 963 E. 19th North, Portland, Or. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers waiting who want homes ran ic ing from $3000 to $6000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. M ain 4522. J WANT a vacant business corner iot on car line. $5ti0 to $1 5t0; must be good location, on best of terms; give full de tails by mail. Cunningham, 735 Hoyl street. WANTED Modern bungalow. 5 or 6 rooms, garage, paved streets, desli able location; Rose City Park preferred; must be value for price and deal with owner d irect. Address AJ 424. Oregonian. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price nlust be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 600 homes in t he last year. If you want actioQ. It.U w it h us. ' Fred W. German Co., 732 c h a m. of Com. W A N T E D To buy f roirf owner, modern bungalow on east side; will pay about half cash, balance terms ; state price and location ; must be reasonable. A V 062. Oregonian. W A XTED S-room house, must be strict ly modern, excellent connition; only rhoiit location, prefer Irvlngton or Laurelhurst. a bout $S5tM. Give full particulars. P 227, Oregoniii n. LIST vour home, farm, su our ban acre age lor sale or fade with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark wt. Main 5429. WANTED One to five acres with modern house. good suburban district, near pfhool; have $15O0 cash, will assume. Tabor 4721. 63S E. 45th t. No. l-'arma anted. WANTED To buy farm or acreage from ow ucr. P. M. Madden, c'o Washington County Realty Co., ileidel bldg. Pnone 27'; 1. Hil ifooro, Kjr. Wanted to Rent Farina. WANT TO RENT A FARM. Myself and family; two big hard working boys: a farm Is what we want: we are experienced; no hot-house plants; want to rent with stock or ucrhaos buv stock and equipment. The valley pre ferred. You see or write G. S. Smith. 432 Cham, of Com. bldg. He knows what we want. TIMBER I .AND.. FOR SALE' 100 acres of timber, fir ana cedar. Mil cruise approximately 16.04)0. OUO feet, located In Washington county, one-fourth mile to the Portland-Tilla- mook electric railroad. J f interested write N. E. Truax. 1518 Cass bl, Omaha, Neb. 9iiX SEATTLE DONKEY. 1200 f-et of 1-Inch line, 2hto leet or 4-inch line, all necessary blocks, checkers, yarders and sma 1 1 too is; price s L't m mi. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. YELLOW FIR. 15 to 45 million feet of an excellent nuuiitv or yeuow rir in a solid bod v ready for milling; flume now in opera tion to the 1 a i I road station. H. E. Noble. iJiu l-umiiermens bldg. FOR SALE 12( acres of high grade yel low pine, cruise approximately 1.2(o,000, located In Klamath county, Oregon. A good bargain. V 124. oregonian. PARTY with small portable mill to cut by the tnousana ; good rate. T 19 Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $3600 EQUITY In new 5-room modern buna glow, lot 100x100, chicken house. garage, some fruit, 1 block from car line, for 'grocery stock or what have you 7 BROWN RIDDLE. 324 Railway Exch. Bldg Marshall 333t. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Lot 6, block 11, Council Crest Park Add., or will trade for Seattle property. I will ad vance money to pay all assessments to date. H. W. Davis, 1616 Palm avenue. eeanir, vvasn. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Your proposition can be matched : w don't tie It up; call and submit it; laagi or small. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO Main 1743 410 Henry Bldg. ' Sij5ttO EQUI T Y on 7-room house : ali Im provements paid; for sale or trade. Lots smaller house or acreage, pay or lake oirierence. a regonian. WANTED To exchange for Portland res idence property. 1 00 acres of pine and fir in Douglas county, or. 6.000,000 feet value nw. h. m. num. t.eito, Wasli TO EXCHANGE Improved 60 a. close to Eugene on pavea nignwav: -would con sider two Ford trucks or two liirht tniu-. Ing cars, bal. cash. Box 42 Goshen, Or. LOTS 7 and 8. block 55. Waverieigh Add. to trade; clear except street Improve men is. G. S. Allen. Vancouver, Wau R. 1. 22-ROOM frame bulg.. furnished in M. K. apartments; lot 145 feet deep; good rental pioperty: equity ouu. aitg. $35UO, What have vou? 211 Wash. FOR SALE or will trade for farm or city property, two hi sections of timber land in Lane county, containing, over 7,000,000 DESIRABLE close 4a building lot at 20th and E. Everett, for small suburban house and lot. L 237, Oregonian. FOR SALE One new , 3M:-ton Acme truck; would trade for good house and lot; corner preferred. Phone Wdln. 1771. EXCHANGE for Portland property, 40 a, 37 under ditch; Hermiston. Or. Owner Main 1503. r' $55o AUTO for timber. 1016 model, first class "running order. Call Main 7759. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE For Oakland. Cal.. home or building lots, fine 30-acre tract near Columbia river, about SO miies from Portland : lo acres 1 2-year-old commer cial apples, lo acres alfalfa. 10 acres . pasture and wood iot; cost me $&00U; win trade or sell to give you a bargain. This is a splendid opportunity for some body. Address C. E. Butler. 3GS 12tn st., Oakland. Cal. HAVE a party wanting to buy a firsw rlass. going hop ranch : have to offer $20,orw) worth of real estate securities, drawing 6 per cent; $:io.oo0 worth of clear property; will assume some, if at tractive enough. L. K.. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. 30-ACRE FARM. ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Fine 30-acre farm, near Vancouver. Wash., all stocked and equipped, wit h cows, good team, hogs, chickens and all farm machinery and tools. Wili consider a good 5-room house or bungalow as part payment. RELIAiiLE INVESTMENT CO.. SO 5 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCES. 160 acres of land in Cowlitx count v. Washington, about 3 miles from 4 rail roads, about IO miles from Kelso. Large creek runs through place. Price $20o. Will exchange for good house and lot in the city up to $3.'iOO and pay differ ence In cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. TO EXCH A NG E M I SC KLIANEOI' 9. WILL trade a good young team of work norses auu irsn cows ior a lte model automobile, feo Powell valley road. WILL exchange lot in Univrstty Park lor tarm team, harness and wagon. J. Brady, H. 1 . box 93. Va ncouver. FOR RENT FARMS. TO LEASE. AND PER SO N A L PROPERTY FOR SALE. cres. 22 acr-s in alfalfa. 0 acres in grain. This olace can all be cultivated with the excep tion of a small part which is in open pa.tnre; rent is only $0 per "jonth. Fair farm house and barn. Personal property for sale: 46 high Krale Holstein cows, of which 6 ar registered; 5 2-vear-oId Itelf "rs. to freshen this summer: 12 head of yearlings. 21 h-ad of calves, of which 6 are registered: 1 registered Holstem bull. 7 head or work horses. I tractor with Dlows. mowers, rake. disc, feed grinder, gasoline engine, en! la re cutter and blower, all small tool and machinery of everv kind: two lare silos. This place is located 3 miles west of Vancouver and i known as one of the biggest money makers on the river. Price, in cluding a!l personal propertv. $16. 5MI; JMIOO cash, balance $5lM evi v dayi.. at 6'.' interest. See Mr. Blair. THOMPSON'. SWAN LEE. 3d and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT OR LEASE. A suburban home, close in to business center, 8's big acres of land, ail of it In cultivation and In full bearing fruit ot all varieties. The fruit alone means to tne tenant who will take care ol It al most twice th rental we ask. The bal ance of the land Is now ready for rrous of all kinds, having he-n uloushed. harrowed and di.-ed. It Is an unusual opportunity to rent such a place as this at the low rental we ask to the risht partv. The land is verv rich and alt ready for seed at this moment. There is a aood comfortable 7-room house, basement. big barn. tow barn. four chicken nous-s. and the prunes, cher ries, apples and pes rs in full bearinr: this ore Hard is immense. The location is on a paved road the entire distance from the business center to the land and 3 miles beyond it ; run n in e ater and gas in the house. It ceriainlv is a beau Li! ul place to live In. and ou can get everything on a ear's lease if vou are willing to work and take good care 01' the place for onlv 150 per month, and you can pay monthly, at that. At. J. CLOU ESS Y. Ablngton- bldg. LEASE for t-aie; about 15 acres cleared land, good soil, a nd 3b acres of brusn and pasture land; 5-room house, barn and chicken house; family orchard. Price $100. Green Bros., Route No. 5. Au rora, one mile from Fargo depot on the electric railroad and o miles from Au rora. 5 ACRES Modern bungalow, fruit, berries. ail under cultivation, best 01 soil: cond location. 14 miles out. a mile station on Oregon Electric ; small but complete iarm. Phone Eatt 1885. SO ACRES near Oregon City. 17 cultivated. buildings, orchara; seasons fnt $200; also s-ll tenant 500 cords wood; hustler can clear $20"O. Evenings. Tabor 7055. FOB HAUL Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. COM PLETE farm outfit, mare gelding. about 24(lt pounds; harness, farm wagon: also Home cable for pulling stumps; $11U for all. Young 1 5M-pound "sorrel 1 hor?e, sound and true. $105. Ch II rear of paint store. Otto Wagner. 205 Russell St., near Williams ave. HEAD of marcs and horses, heavy boned, blocky, built chunks, 13ti0 to 15ou pounds. AH horses guaranteed as rep leaentcd. 3 sets of heav y work har ness. San i ta ry Stables. 3.i Union ave., s. corner of fttvni. L. Glasa. YoU.VO TEAM of true and well broke mares for farm work: must weigh 1 200 to 1300 pounds each. Can also use wagon and harness. Call on or phone J. L. Bowman at the Browns llle Woolen Mills store. 15 II EA D Grand Ronde valley (eastern Oregon I niHres and hors. weighing 1 WH to 15O0 lbs. Mated teams, si tig In workers, drivers, saddlers, mare in foal; gentle, well broke. Prices from $05 up. Stables foot Taylor st. (dork). . I HAVE 2 big teams, harness and wagon, ltno lbs. ar.d up; real workers; $35o and $450; u nd 2 sets of harness, one wagon ; will take late model Ford car. J 'hone 21 J, Milwaukle ;1 block south S. P. depot. Milwaukle. George Smith. A SPLENDID opportunity to get into ihe milk Boat business. 1 will sell 20 fe male goats, including some expect iooa ily fine k:da by a pure-ured registered Tog gen berg buck: all for $500. HD 37a. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Cheap v oung chunky team, weighing 24io; have stopped farming and i!I set! them at low price. Mrs. West, bOS Front. Take south Portland GARDENS PLOWED. BASEMENTS EXCAVATED. Teams for hi re; get jour orders In now. First come first served, C res ton Warehouse Stables. Phone Tabor 2710. FOR SALE cheap, a good bticicy or saddle horse, weight 1 150; or w ill trade for kooiI farm horse for cultivating. Ste phen Huh. R. 2. box 30. Fourth Plain road. Nancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Good team of blocky horses; 5 years old, welghli.g 27O0; harness and good 3' wagon, will sell them at bar gain. 229 Gibbs. Take south. Portland car. O. T. STABLES. 172 Kearney st. 15 good horses and mares, some well matched teams. Call and see this stock before buying; every horse sold with a guar antee. O. D. Williamson. HAVE no use for my two teams of young mares, bay and roan, weigh 2SU0; two brown, weigh 320O; all aood workers, sound and true ; trial given. 401 Syra- cuse st., St. Johns. CHEAP for cash, Jersey heifer, year old, and cow- calf, six weeks, or will trade tor hens. See at plat e on M it waukie road, opposite Wichita school house. GOOD young family cow, giving 3 gal lons of milk a day; very gentle and good looker, cheap at $110. 4122 73d st. S. E. Ml. Scott car. FOR SALE A lot of farm horses, wagons ?,ud harness to be sold cheap on a clos ing out sale. 20 Grand avenue South DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mtlwaukie 60-J fo,r results. YOUNG, fresh 5-gal. Holstein; 4 -gal. tluernsej-; gentle family Jersey. $70. 751 East Ash. 3-YEAR-OLD Jersey, fresh, with calf milking 4', gallons per day. Cheap for cash. 800 Powell Valley road. WK BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bldg. 10 HEAD of horses. 4 to 6 years old. 100 to 1S00: some well-matched teams. In quire 504 Northrup st. 3 A-l HORSES, will work anywhere, 1?04 and 1HW pounds. Archie A. Pike. R. 3 Box 134, Beaverton. Or. PAIR iron grays, 4 yrs.. w t. 2500; well broke; new heavy harness, .3 wagon; cheap. Tabor 6034. FOR SALE 2 ftne Swiss goats, both fresh. Se 1 1 w ood S 4 3. 1AD horses, animals hauled awav free DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. W ANTE D Bee f cattle shall 217S. and waives. Ma GOOD cow for sale. 507 Baltimore at. St. .fonn FOR SALE Two fresh family cows. $125 and $S5. 54'. Lombard East. GOOD young family cow, cheap, $05. 20th and Powell valley road. WANTED Beef cattle and veal. Tabor 7030 FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle. Live toe L. 11 HEAD of good, fresh cows, mostly high- grade Jerseys. 2 registerea jerse. fresh with young cajves. 1 Guernsey. I Holstein and 1 Brown Swiss, all oung. gentle and heavy rich milkers, cream separator and cooler, also a good young ranch team ; bargain if tukeu at once. Call at the old dairy barns. 2:th and Powell valley road. Woodstock tar. l lanos. Organs and Music al Instrument. PIANO SALE. Everv used piano has positively been Come in and see. You'll be convinced. BAI LF Y, mahogany STEINBACH & DL'BER, mahog.. SMITH & BARNES, plain oak... BAILEY, plain walnut . .$245 . 270 . 150 . 2:.o . 240 . 6t HOMER, plain oak SINGER, pluin mahogany IRVING, oak case DECKER BROS., old style MANSFIELD, walnut 100 MAYNARD PLAYER, latest style, mahogany with rolls and bench... 465 UNIVERSAL PLAYER, plain wal 1 i:t, rolls and tench 410 lerms Given. Bonds Accept-o. SE1 BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-127 4th at.. Bet. Wash, and Ald-r t SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $475 Kimball Upright, nearly new. .$290 750$teinMav & Sons' Upright 290 900 Steger & Sons' fine mahogany. 35 475 Hallet k Davis Upright 195 275 Bord & Co. Paris Upright 75 2.0Collard . Collard Upright... J two Men.ienl.all modern Player Piano S93 S Parlor Organs. $23. $35. $45 to " Wa store our piano Ior 75c monthlT. We buy and sell pianos only tor cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 103 10 th St. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. factory, rebuilt and used pianos. $000 stca-er Wax Circassian Wainut.$5i3 800 Sieger dull mahogany 46j 80i Steger Mission oak 434 7."0 Stelnway Sons' Upright 43i ftoo Hobart M. Cable mahogany.. 25 650bteger upright grand oak 4b5 L."0 Thompson largo Lprlgnt Others for $105. $-35. $265. $200. etc Terms $6. $s 410. $12 to 18 monthly. SC11 WAN PIANO CO.. l"th A SfrkA FIN E UPRIGHT PIANOS. $lO0-$OO; TERMS. Hardman, Jl Kimbalis, Hobart M. Cable. Milton, Sherman-Clay and enutn Barnes makes. Kohl-r Sz Cainplol Haa elion Bros.. Stodd;irt. Derwas fc Harris, our low expense, no commission, a.ovs tis to setl at least $Umi-$15U I'e.ow up town stores. Compare them. Brokerage Co SI2 Worcester bid g. ORGAN BARGAINS. VASON f.- HAMLIN $- SC H ON N I NGEU V WEAVER. 15 stops B EC K WIT H, 15 stops 4j And Others. SEIBEaLlNG-LUCAS MUSL- co 125-127 4 h si.. Bet. Waah. and Alder sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new ictroia ana reroru our proposit Ion w ill please ou il.-r- 125 4th sU Main t5! 6. BIG PIANO SALE. Everv 1 trd piano pos.tively r-.l'toe J- SE1 LERL1NG-LCCAS Ml'MC CO.. 125 4th tt.. Bet. Wash, and Alder bts. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid lor us-d pianos and plaver pianos; get our prices. Sieberling- Lucas Piano Co., 125 4th st. Alain 85. UMHAAB, piano tunr, player-piano ex pert, many ears foreman Sherman-Clay & Co.. with Harold S. Gilbert. 3s4 Yam hill ft. Phone Automatic 532-84. " iEDPlANO SALE! Not a lake sale. See them. SKI BERLl NO- LUCAS VUSIC CO. 1 25 4; h si .. Bet. Vah. and A Ider :s. SPOT CASH PAID FOR USED phonogra phs and records, plu er-piano rolls. Newman's Exchange, 1-H 1st t M a i n 4405. ' FOR SALE $.15 saxophone with Al ae. or w ill trade for phonograph. Todd, Marshall 3548. FOK SALE A beautiful mehow tone Wel lington piano. precti-aliy new, $300. 30th uid Ogden ave. S. E. FOR RENT Cabinet grafonola, new music. Espire Transfer, 254 Broadway. B roa d w a v 1 5 5. WILL store East 0251. piano for use of same. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c per roll Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill. I PAY CA HAROLD S. ?H FOR USED PIANOS. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhil: St. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 34 YAMHILL. WILL sacrifice old violin for $,;." or t pe writer. Room 331 Milton hotel. FOR SALE Piano like 5 P. M.. or Sunday. '. new. Call after 71 E. 34th st. BEAUTIFUL mahocany Weber upright, latest style, as good as new. Tabor m;o;l CASH for piano or Victrola. M.iin 6517. Furniture for Kale. BIG AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, THURSDAY. SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. Big auction sa lea w here you can your furniture and kitchen ware a great a ing buy OKI FURNITURE CO., 211 Second St. 4-HoLE c-oksiov es, $7 : 2-hole gas plate, $2; porch cnalr. 3.5; rocker, $2.50; drf sser. $5; Kitchen treasure. $ ;...o; go cart. $3.5o; la'vn mower. $2: gartien tools. hose; sanitary coiieii, so; prets uriu, is. 3 K 4 V., W a s h i n g l 1 DON'T sacrifice your furniture it going east or to Calitornia; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M . Olson Transfer &l Storage Co., 24S Pnir at. 5-ROOM house for rent; 4 rooms good fur niture for sale. lane jitney at inira and Stark, get off at St. Johns ferry, ask at Smith's grocery store. Phone Colum bia 5l. COOK STOVE, $5 Tabor 604. 4-hole. No. S. Phone THE FURNITURE of my 5-room modern bouse is lor sal. Call at 55o E. 40th st. N. and tave 25 to 75 per cent. No dealers. FURNITURE for 4 rooms, all or part; rus. rockers, D. H- set. bedroom set. etc. No dealers, please. Lavrabcc. Apt. 3. OFF1C E FU UN 1 TUR E from N. W. Steel and Spruce Div.. 31 N. 5th st., bet. Burntide and Couch. Bdwy. 2739. OK SALE 3 solid mahogany. hand carved, dining chairs wild cane seat and back; 's price. Tabor 270. C0MM0DE, with mirror: nice feather bed. : Glisan st. Phone Bdwy. 8133. FOR SALE U-ft. after 7 o'clock. range. Call East 6346. SuM E furniture, linoleum and chickens tor aale. Marshall 4"0t. 22 Boundary st, A BO H N SIPHON refrigerator, in perfect condition. lei. seu. .ni. rtR SALE First-class furniture at 773 Don st.; on view Satuprday and Sunday. Fooltry. BA H Y CHICKS. 3000 a week; O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; get the best while the getting is good Esgs $150 a netting. NORTHWEST POULTRY" CO.. R2d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3I7. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganlr.ed stork only; March chicks. 14 per loo; April. May and June, 12 50 per 1O0. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petalmna. Cal. PETALUMA White Leghorns lead the world in egg production: we sell BABY CH1X at $13.51 per 100 during May and June, safe arrival of fuil count, strong. live chicks guaranteea. 1 na rionter Hatchery, 441 Otn st.. Petalmna. Cai. LARGEST kind : 1st pen $2. 2d e rs. M rs. F. Oregon. . C. Black Minorca eggs, $1.50 fcr 15. Fine lay A. Ne.bauer, ores ham. P ROM P X DELIVERIES n Leghorns, Reds and Rocks; best stock, prices reasonable. Write today. C. N. N eed ham, Shi cm. Or. FOR SA LE tOO purebred month-old V. Leghorn chicks, $200. Mrs, H. J. Cat- low, Mctzser, Or. PACK NOW. Tour eggs for winter use; clean, fresh la id, inter tile. East 404. 150 S. C. R. L Bed baby chicks; Silvia and I Gold Dollar strain; sue each. Broad way 1285. J3 WHITE LEGHORN "hens. 1-year old; 1 rooster, Tancred strain; $1.35 apiece. Mrs. L. ! Johnston, Bdwy lolO. LIGHT BRAHMA ejsgs. $3 per setting. 4755 0th st. S. E. Broadway 213. Dog, Kubbits. Bird. Pet Stock. RABBITS WANTED. Private party starting rabbitry will pay good prices for all sizes and breeas of rabbits. D 127. Oregonian. FOR SALE A few 2 months old Pointer pups. Address or call on H. W. White, Battleground. Wash. Box 23. BE AUTI FUL Hart Mountain roi ier w ith cage. East 55SH. FOR SALE Good singers. Caii the Stuuio, Main 48. FOR SALE. 1g, KsbNH, Birds. Pet Mock. WE BUY. raise and sell fur-bearing rao bits and oth-r fur-bearing animal-, l.i what ou have iih us. stating your low est prices on large lot shipments. The Fur A Specia tt v Farming Co., 515-517 N. P. ave.. Fargo. N. Oak. FOR SA LE Reg;stercd fox t err. or pup. Well marked, excel.cnt pcdicrcc Come and see them S intiay morning El.iott's Kennels, ti! ' Beech st . I au lichen aiud Boat. FOR SALE 31-ft. motorboat. one of bet hulls on river. boat is completely equipped, has 20-25 n. p. heavy duty motor, would make fine f islnnx boat ; ha good boa t house with Hi. 0. Ad d re?s A V 67o. Oregon ian. FOR SALE IO'xHS'xS1.-' 85 h. p. launch in perfect corn! it ion ; painted and over hauled, read - to work: price $ 1500. William S. Kinney, Astoria. Or. K1VER e ten in boat, freight and passenger ai-rew w heel proeiier. 65 f 1. long. 15 ft. beam, tin-ton capacity, for sale cheap. H. E. Noble. JJI6 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE New trolling boat. :i7xl0-3 ft. without engine. Inquire HM4 Lombard St., corner Buchanan, St. .h'hns. Machinery. 1 -TON REMINGTON i.e machine with com plete high aide and 1 11 . P. D. Wcstinghouse motor with reostar. suit able fr restaurant or small rn-'ut mar ket. Main 348:. Call after 7 1. M. Fiiuay or Saturday, or any time Sunday. WELL-DRILL IN; machin good cider, ar.d ho:st. .it; tcasoline tump-pu:lor $2; atagflaw macnine, 15. i:4; , Call Main FOR SALE cheap, new two-botttnn sutke. No. 12 Mnaliy cutter and blower. Cims. Bernard. Bavcrtn, or. FOR SALE I 20 h. i. return f ue bo'.Vr. 1 li h. p. s'eam ennine. 1 saw mc. l: M ca paclt y. Address Box ;'.14. Newport. Or. HOISTING engines for rent or sa e. con crete mixers, electric hoists, consiruct-.on equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 55 1st st. Tj pe writ ere. KKFl'lLT typew riterf "all kinds f,.r . rent, exchange. Wa are exclusive li tributor of Corona portable. ."it com plete with carrying case; suppltis fur u.l maUes. K. "W. PEASE COMPANY, 111' Sixth st. Alain 22"5. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE All maks overh-".'d. Kort mch .:. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell, Rent a ud Exchange. Main rt'if7. SupHif. rt. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt t p writrt. ALL Al A K ES. s.ld on monthtv pav;itenls. Send tor price ii.--t. The Wholesaiv T pc wr ter 1 ' o . . 321 Washington m. Ft.' Ft KENT L'U'i'Tw nod ( pt- w ne.-. $ 1 5n Pr month. Empire Transfer, Baw. VIST B L E m a oh i nes. year guarant ee, S Jtt. The Ktuilt T pew nter Co.. ::4 Oak st. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oiegun Typewriter Co., !4 5m. Main 30ds, NEW, rebuilt. --otiri-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Ma n 147. REMINGTON No. 1". condition, f50. fitai late niudtv, pr(. 'landers si.. Apt. LIKE new. Rem ! i'R ton No. lo. wan hat d wood table. East 3;sl. L. C. SMITH typewriter in f me condi t.n. $40. 2tS12 Morrison street. UNDERWOOD 5. guaranteed. Automatic 213-3. L 235. Ort-gontan. Miscellaneous. PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE. Showcase?., rash register, desk, tents aid and ihans. househo.d goods. Etectric fans. too!., hardware. N EU M A N S E XC H A N G K. 12! First. Mam 4 l'.5. Tabor 70 BLUE and white in'aid linoleum. used, size 12 f-ct. Also Kuud water hcait-r. almost new. 121U East Flandtrs. ii'ar 4;id. MoKESYACK. So f.-t. -I.t-jncl-vs in ametr. -id Iret of 12 and 4u !t--t of 1 pa uce binds on s: ackan cste r for a inc. Tabor 1715. FUKNITUKE 5-room I .at. now rugji and furniture; must se to apnreoia t va.iif, prh- $r.oo cash. Notd, 200 H.-mv o .iu. FOR SALE, t he.(p; l overst uf t ed char. havv; 1 babv's ben. T0 E. 75ih st. N. MV omp.vie : 1 orio.e. HOT water tank. J 5. sheet steel ; ba t h tub. $0; gas plate. 1 7o3 OreRi.ii st. M V ca r FOR SALE Combination range in A 1 con dition; used only few months; no dealers. Phono Tabor 434. FERTILIZER manure delivered east Tabor 2704. Main 445. Gn rd"n rest sidts Johnsons hook stork. 21s Main st New and seeond-hand books, buu&h;, told ami exchanged. All subjects. LSED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladies, reasonable price. 1152 East Gli san. Montavilla caf to 30th. Tabor 2u5. 1 OR. SA LE Prai i ica lv sweeper, worth $45; will C;C1 East 043i. new vacuum iell for $1.50. Wood for sale cheap. 10 to 10-inch siab and bio k wntd. $0.50; prompt delivery. Phone Main 5347. GET YOUR paiiitinir. Wa Isoimni 11 g, decorat ing and siicn work done before the rush reason. 1320 E. Gilsuu. Phone Tabor 26. lUK SALE Gas range and pas water heater in best condition. 1251 East Har rison. FOR SALE Diamond. 21-karat, commer cially perfect. fry bl ii lian t ; t eaona ble cash price accepted. P 111, oregonian. 3 REFRIGERATORS for sale. 1 doz. tables. 3 cultee urns. etc. Inquire at o3 n.e Carlton hotel. Hth and Wuh. BROWN taffeta crepe de chine liroadw a.v- a m h 1 11 a t eria I. h I m for sale chea 1 bldg. pin k 2ol FOR SALE Ha 1 ge. second- ha nd . for sale cheap; 2iVxM. ." feet nc-p. 52 1 Board of Trade bidg. Main iii7. BEST cigar case in town, ail ptategiass. marble base, 56 inches long. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. SPLENDiD electric Clbourne pie nn chine with sw Itch box. $45U. Broad way 4314. STR A WBER (IV plants. 1'iogrcssiv e. Ev er beatirig. $2 per 1. postpaid. 1'. It. Juba soii. Granger. W ash. VACUUM cleaners sold, rfpmreii. tented, exchanged, bought. Bcntiey Co., Ma.n 4:o7. PACK NOW. Your rpss for winter use; clean, frc&h 4 id. inter: lie. East 44. FOR SA LE Lh re t ase. wa:i tobacco First street. ash register, cigar case, ice box. 1I0 FO ft S A LE Loganberry pla tit s. thousand. L o. b. S.ilcni. box b-ni. Or. COLLAPSIBLE Sturp"ss ste-! t., hy buggv In tme condition, Cil5, at 731 West liue street. BLOCK w o,.d and mb. 10-in-it lenrin.-; quick de'ivery and Tine wood; $ to $0 cord in 2-cord lots. Itioailw ay 2Kt. WILT, rent one of the best ouck irko on Sauvies Is'aml to the light party. P 121. OregoniarK FOR SALE One large P loo. tire go liatij Lim one biuali E Y ES tested I ree ; t-pectacles g uara nt ee'. I r. B-ldmg. 245 Aider t. M a in I;;i2 FoR S A LF Lad'e' !ifl ga rruen is. Alisky bldg. Vogue Ap parel E xchan g e. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner tor .ale; good as new; $25. Phone U.-oa-i w hv 4i24. CLASS Y 1. .da N. fountain. $."5o cash. 175-EGG incubator and 150-chick 01 ooQtr ; bo . h B tick eye. fail Ma in 4 s 4 2. H 1 ERS money-maker four; tain. Lon g noo corn machine mtsacrif ice. 113 2d st. SET Russian sable furs; large co lar and muff. Marshall 02". 7a HOOSIER kitchen cabinet, $50. Tabor t!524 ; latest model. DIAMOND wanted. -bargain. Main 3Mi4 " -k t . . c a s i 1 bp 'ore 5 FOR SALE OiU'O loganberry tipd for 573 per loop. AV 71. Oregonian. HEAVY Hlab and blockwood; also 4-foot iJlttb. Tabor S070. CoATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses slightly worn. Main 0507. FCR SALE Cash register, sfe adding machine, showcase. 43 1st rt., near .-h. RE LU 1 LT t pew titers. E. W. Pe aae Co., no Sixth st. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for aie Pacific Tent &, 1 N. 1st -t. DESK. ADDING MACHINE. $15 BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 51 COK- FOi; f irst M'Jl. class. 4 ft. fir w ood. Buw y. CHILD'S gray coat, unfinished. Bdwy. DETROIT Jewel gas range, practna. ,y new. at a bars a in. 431 Good no ugh nidw. FOR SALE Two pool tables. 210 Yamhill s t ree t. FOR SALE Second-hand furnace, good condition. Phone Tabor 40M. FoR SALE 4ne 7-foot cou nter, o, uartoi -awed uk; cheap. 814 Clinton st. GAS FT'MP. Army Garas Bow ser. 1 -gal. e. Main 147. tank. $120. FOR rent, vacuum cleane-s. d"l. anywhere. Bdwy. 25s; 24-hr. dav. I form W. 125: 1,0x3' TIRES. :the and vulcanizing Plant cheap. For Quick sale. Tabor iMj. FOR KALE. Miscellaneous. NURSERY STOCK. Special prices on a) fruit trees; prunes, 5 varieties. 1 to 5 yrs. old; c hon e I ;o o y r. ea rly apples : pea c u. plums, pea rs. some choice Engi ish wa nuts. f,!terts and almonds: holly trccsl roses, nil st an card varieties ; a so shrub bery and pants. Ana be I Nuisciy. :;.U0 s-:.. S. E.. Alt S. car. Tabor 7711. 1 OR SALE Floor cases, soda fountain. 1 Urge and 1 small. National register, tint and roil top desk, candy cases, dear cases, wali case, meat sheer, coftce urn. revolving stools. ri riger or, scales, cheese cutter, hair price. 1 safe. 242 Sa Imon. Main 342 SEWINGM ACHINEa. 20 late drop-neaas. I ke new. Singers. Whites. Natiouai, Rotary. Willamette, etc.. $15 to $35. A largo number of good machines from to $1'-. Machines rem fd, $3 per month. Singer store. Moose bldg.. i3 4tq st. Main us.33. DO YOU WEAR slz. 50. 33 or 40? If ou do call at our wholesale office and s- e t he- sa lesmen's samples we have 011 hand, consisting of ra.ncoats. leather coats an 1 motor coats. United Rubber Co., '-ti Morgan b:d. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. o.d for less; no axents employed: com plete line of parts Ior all makes; ma chine repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. lt0 Tiiird. near Baylor. LD FA LSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pav up to $25 per set. Don't mai ler if broken; old-timers are most va. li able. Criwrs., brid.jework bought Brl -or m-nl the American Brckerage. 4'--Spa id: n g blue , 4 th floor, 3d and Wa:i TEAMS FOR RENT. Basements excaaled. gardens plowed Leave OT'deis wi;h barn man. Cochran barn. 4ii Syracuse st.. St. Johns, or phone Tabor 2710. Get your order hi no w . kodaks and pens repaired We cl im w e re a boon and a blessing K men In fixing the faults of a Kodk or pen. SANDY'S. 32! Washington St. M l "ST SELL TH I S WE E K 10-loot cigar case, 8-foot cand v ess', 1 round cigar case; scale, cash register, show cases, meat aiicer. cheese cui;cr 1 13 2d si. ft a ! ES Fi -e ani burglar-t roof s-a tes. lit v and s -oond-hand. a light prices, bought SftVd Hnd exohanged. NoRRlS SFE A- LOCK CO. D s-, ord St. Phone Mam 204. a - oR SALE one Paine phonograph. 12 com Torteiv. n-wir.g ma chine. leather luattro-s, pillows, disues and cooking iit-iisUr, ,.v cheap; one cotton ma; iress. Wd.u. 2H5. ll-o's Albina ave. OFFICE FURNITURE trom N. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Div. D. C. Wax Otfiert Eiuipinent llou Bdwy. 273'J. 31 N. 5th. b t. Burnsido au4 Couch. O. Ai. Ba'-cov k. Mgr. . t HOT-WATER tanks. 50 gab. $7. 4t g.. t-s:od and g uai antetd ;, stove and lurnaie coils. bas iieaters installed; ex pert D.umbintt. riitirtns. Ease Sic.e VWidit.g Shoj. 203 Adorns at. East S5D. ALL KINDS of wan vd, traraed. Veaiher-bt- a ten and old, laky roofs rejuvenated by our fj;nou$ and instantaneous rubber bonding system ; all worts, guaranteed. Phor.w A utoma tic 527-33 ; East 42 4, BA R AIN. new U-blade Odc'l rator blao 9 pialcd. 1lI No. Ibth. Droadway 1 . l ot'urn. Foli SALE A diamond nn, cosi $40, 1 for ha f Phone 525-:.?. or Mam b'.u today, between s and 10 A. M., or S'.- Mruay. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR COKD W00D AN l COLMKV SLAB; ALsO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON ELABj IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7oi. FOR SALE Small reg.ster. back bi;-. large and small Ue box, floor casts, counter case, cigar wall case. Lout case. Gas griddles. 273 3d St. LATEST styles full dress tuxedo suits, a. sa s'lk hats for aa!e or rent at Bareii s ciuthiug store. 51 3d. Muiinomah ho tat bldg. DA N HI' R Y icebox, library table. drc.-.r. dining table, couch, ait oak. fine cond. 1 ion ; fold mg Ko-cart, gas plale tliea. 4 - E. Car ut hers st. 1-O R SALE cheap, turj?es coi'apsinle babv bu'v and baby basinett. both as pood ns new. Call 62 K. 3'Jth St. South or call Tabor 120S. 20 Vol. CM ES of A me: nan I nst itute o Electrical En sincere; books In good sr.ape; make me an oflc-r. 5b04 30:h ave. S. E. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, ' montn.y. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET MXOKU STORE. 3"2 Morrison. Marsnall 721. sAKKa New and second-hand; some with burglar chest, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE At SUPPLY CO.. Broadway Lttitl. 4S Front St. HEAVY block and slabwo,.i mixed 10-inch: also 4 - f 1 . country slab and old growth T 1 r : d .iv ci ed prom pt'.y. Call Tauor !o42. A T T E N T 1 Lath $:; 5o per 4 177. E. 2d it nd s. P.llLDERS. t housa nd. Call M arket. East KODAKS. We buy, pel I, rnt and exchan g ko ilaks Sandy's. 32. Washington s:. 1 RiUL-ToP fletk ;:id 1 hair. 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top, 1 bate. Bus hong & Cu , 01 park st. FOR SALE AI'TOMOBn.FS. 1015 FORD TOU II., LIKE NEW. ..$333 1V15 FORD TOUR.. LATE BODY. . 850 1015 FORD TOUR. $75 EXTRAS... 37 lit 1 4 FOR D CHASSIS 275 1017 FORD ROADSTER 375 1017 FORD TOUR.. EXTRAS 451 1017 FORD TOUR.. NEW TIRES. 475 101S FORD TOUR.. NEW TIRES. EXTRAS 500 1010 FORD TOUR.. LIKE NEW 625 1019 FORD TOUR.. EXTRAS 650 l',20 FORD KOAD.. LIKE NEW... 375 1020 FORD TOUR.. NEW 753 1010 FOR D TOUR.. WIRE WHLS.. 625 BUS FORD SEDAN 725 1017 FORD 1-PANEL DELIVERY. 475 AND LOTS OF OTHERS. 150 UNION AVE.. COR, BELMONT. 101 K CHEVROLET, five cord tires, sod paint, good top. li2u liceiibc, in f lrst riasii mechanical condition; most be soid at once; a bargain at $0 tasn; couid u rra nj,e some terms. Call Mar shall 501b. DODGES. 11013 Dodge touring. 1 11 15 I odve roadster. J 1010 Dotlge touring. 1 1017 iKjde touring. 110 18 I odge 1 1018 Dodge roadster. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS Grand Ave. Opening Evenings. 1014 STl TZ Boar Cat Bug, $750 Olds s." $700. 1020 Hudson Super Six, $2500; been driv en 2000 miles. 101S Pautfc touring. 1110 Paige touring. 5 new tires. l'.M'. Liberty touring, lit 2d Chevrolet touring. lOT'J Buiek touring. Baby Saxon. 440 Bl li.V'Sl DE. PHONE BDWY. 3455 $ 700. Oakland Sensible six touring car: mo tor thoroughly overhauled, tires 00 per cent new. spare tire. lube. rim. bumer. spotlight and cut-out; must sell; $7U0:' &250 cash, balance on terms. Mr. Taylor. Broadway 4184. FOR SALE Owner leaving Portland, ll2 Essex, run 200P miles. $200 worth of extras, better than new; no agents r brokers: price $1500. Apply box A K K 0. Oregonian 1019 DODGE touring; Alemite lubricating system, bumper, spotlight, special made curtains. 5 new tires, perfect condition. Mam 2Q42. Sunday. Tabor 4200. 1010 OAKLAND, 5 -pa as. ; this car runs and looks iike new ; can be seen at Rus -n-light A: Penny, East 3d and Broadw n . 101 IODGE touring ear. 3 cord tires, a- -weather top included, perfect mechanical condition ; price $1250. Call Bdw y. 1S2 7. llJlO FORD touring. 1020 license" $315; some terms. 170 E. 7th St.. tla&t 6234.