THE 3IORXIXG- OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, A PR Hi 23. 1020 B EAT, KSTA TE. For Sale Houses. J. A. WICKMAX COM PANT. "Shortest Way Home.' Tears of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts. fm lUarltv with valuta and a splendid or ganisation, enable us to give you tbe TiiHximum sei vice in home buying. There is never any question regarding the price being- right on any piece of property offered by us; It Is simply a cjueation of the arrangement and design of home suiting your requirements. 51400 Will buy a .'-room house with lot 40x300, Portland. Heights section; $4no cash, terms at ti per vent on tief erred payments. $1700 Here Is your opportunity to buy a very attractive. convenient home consisting of 4 rooms with Ka. rage, and about acre of ground, bearing orc hard and good noil, reasonably close in on the east side. Terms. ITjii .'-room and bath, with full base ment, wmh trays. . buffet, Dutch kitchen, finished fir floors. This home fs attractively decorated, xf -optional electric f ix tures and $200 worth of shrubbery and flowers, just set out. Terms. . $3050 Buys home, in Sunnyside dis tvict with 5room and bath down. 2 and sleeping porch up. This prl-e has been reduced to the limit for a quirk sale. Improve ments paid. Terms. $2lioO I fere is your opportunity to get in the Hawthorne district a semi modern 5-room bungalow on 40x TOO lot, with street improvements in and paid. This is an absolute bargain and will require quick action. Please ask for Air. Llnd quist. JE3o, Buys corner home of 4 rooms and (ien or breakfast room down, at tic finished into - addit ional rooms; street improvements in and paid. ' 'onvejiient to Mis sissippi and Williams ave. cars. $3500 Buys corner home, one block of Alberta car. 3 rooms and den down, 3 rooms ami bath up. full basement. Convenient to schools, stores, etc. Terms. HAWTHORNK BUNCALOW BARGAIN. eWOu Owner Juat purchased larger home and will give immediate posses sion to hisO-room bungalow, all on 1 floor, fireplace, with beau tiful large mantle, with heavy French plate mirror; mirror door in closet for guest wraps ; la rge buffet with mirror and plate g'ass doors; select grain finish in living room, white enamel in the rest of home; Dutch kitchen; hardwood floors in 3 rooms, lino Jrum. radiant fire in fireplace, gast hot water heater and curtain rods included ; street Improve ments In and paid. This is the host buy in this dim rict, and should, sell today. Terms. See today, ns East 41st St.. between Jiarrison and .Lincoln streets. 34500 6-room modern home between K. A n keny and Sandy boulevard ; t walking distance on the east side. I This property will appeal to one 1 ' who desires close-In location. r Wf have any number of good buys, are continually getting in new listings; list only saiaoie nomes that we know are worth money. Come in, inspect our pho tographs before buying. We can save ou money. .1. A. "WirK'MAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Ex. Blilg. Main I0t4 and &S3. BEST HOME BUY IN THE CITY. Right ajiere in East Portland. Your Investigation will prove it: 7 large rooms, big sleeping porch, finished at tic ; every room has necessary built-in fonveniencep ; modern bath, 2 toilets, eiectric lights and gas. 3 fine fire places. King furnace, full cement base ment and iitumlrv trays; is double con structed throughout; 50x100 lot, good garage; 1 block to Sunnyside car. A banker paid $S500 for 111 is home only a Jew years ago; $7500 gets it now; $1250 rash will put you in possession, balance month ly payments like rent; no mort gage or liens to assume. If you are looking for a good home and reul value j ou will not be disappointed in this one. It is a pleasure to show vou. See L. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal bldg. For appointment phone Main 280b. f US00 TERMS $CS0O. $000 $0800 $OS00 $GS00. West side, close in res. ; attractive, modern, 7 large rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, 1! f i replaces, cement basement, enameled plumbing: many other fine features; sits on $.000 lot, 50x100; house In ordinary times would cost $4500. This Is an exceptional offer, folks, which you should gladlv investigate; bet. 2 car lines, conv. to hospitals, etc. Terms arranged. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. A bin gt on Bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland." NEW REAL BUY HEIGHTS. Large living room, dining room, kitchen breakfast room, bath, three bed rooms with built-in wardrohfls on lower floor, i wo bedrooms on upper, house Is new and has all the built-in conveniences. fine view. This house was built for variy and they are not able to carry it, o will sacrifice it for $0500. Small pay ment down and good monthly payments. Seo Mr. Epton, J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. TERMS $4250 TERMS. LOOK HERE! FOLKS. 7-RM. DOUBLE CONST!): FINE RES.. N. MT. TABOR. FURNACE. FIREPLACE. HDWD. FLRS., ALL FINE P.T " I LT-IN F E A TU RES ; NON E BET H' E R FOR QU A LI T Y A N D V A LU E. ATTRACTIVE AND NEAT COZY HOME. LARGE RMS.. FINE LOT. FRUIT AND NUT TREES. LA W N : PAVED STS. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. - Main 4803. A REAL BARGAIN. 6 room modern home, Sunnyside ; 2 blocks to car line ; extra large living ruom, built-in buffet and bookcases. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, cement brse ment, furnace, gas stove and heater, wood stove, inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bat h : large back yard, fruit trees. Price $40OO; take $1 W cash. bal. $25 ino.. no interest. Paved st reet and all Improvements paid. Call Tabor 5054, or 125 E. 32d ht. HAWTHORNE AND RICHMOND HOUSE. Moderate cash payment and a few dollars on your rent money, will get vou xtra large 7-roorn, 2-story house, mod ern, excellent condition, built-ins, pan eled dining room, buffet, ref rltierator. cupboards, cooler. S bedrooms, lots of , closets, attic, good cement basement . with cement iloor. woodlift. Extra Rood lot. all Improvements in and paid; $4250; $(150 cash. AJ 305. Oregonian. LAURELHURST. My home in Laurel hurst, near Rose ; it v car. is for sale, fl rooms, including 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch, interior Jinish in white. My price is $6500. re quires cash payment of $2500, balance mortgage. If you are interested in a nice home and have the initial pavment phone me. No a gents and no commis sions included. Bdwy. 2MS. SPECIAL HOUSE BARGAINS. $2000 7-room house. furnace; 306 Hancock st.. near Broadway: $0o0 cash. $3500 U-room. cement basement, fur nace ; 750 E. Couch. Easy payments. $3750' ti-room house, large lot; 7S2 Fast Salmon: eapy terms. $5000 0-room house, sleeping porch; 411 Hassalo. near tith: $750 cash. F. W. TORC.LER, 100 Sherlock bid sr. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $4250. New modern 5-room bungalow, fire Tace. hardwood floors, breakfast room, buffet; old ivory finish; all rooms pa pered: garage ; $ 1000 down, balance payments. MARSHALL 858. Aso one at $3750; same tprms. 4?!0n. ENTRA BARGAIN. " !TU S'N YSIDK. CORN ER HOM E. T roAins; modern, all conveniences, full cement basem-nt, wash trays, furnace, garage, fine woodwork : improvements paid. Leaving city, house vacant. W ill fie at house Friday, Saturday and Sun May. !t6 E. Salmon. Tabor 73. 0 ner. PO RT LAN D HE IG H TS. OWNED BY NON-RESIDENT. $3S00: $500 down. $4o per month: 7 r vm hovse on hard surface st reet. 2 l-iocks from car. 50x125 with fruit t rees and roses. 517 Abington bldg.. Main 887. RARE BAGAIN $1800. 800 E. 3"th. near car line: 5-room house. II. S. Street. Cash $750. Main 3W14. yo R PALE A-room bungalow, 3 lots an1 all kinds fruit and berries and chicken run: can move in May 1. Take Kenton rar. get off at Buffalo St., go east to 250. IP. V TNG TO N B T'NG A LOW B A RO A I N, $7500. terms Well built. Ivory finish, oak floors, fireplace, parage, extras with house. Neuhausen, Main S07S. $75oO LAURELHURST $7500. ' Complete home for quick sale. ZTMMKRMAN & WHITE. SIS Chamber of Commerce bidg. Suburban Homes. I.OTS. Ji and acres, on highway. 1 and 2 blocks to Oregon Electric station, near Multnomah, 6 cents fare; water, gas. eectricity ; easy terms. Owner, 319 Railway Exchange. Main 675. Res, East 7SS. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 op. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsiey station, on Oregon City car i2n "Aider Brook. JtEAL ESTATE. Suburban Borne. THE BEST BUY AROUND MULTNOMAH STATION. 8-room bungalow, in fine shape; large porch, fine view, with 3 acres of fine land; Ilea extra fine, on gravel road, 4 blocks to eta.; family orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries, flowers and shrub bery; has lights, gas and water; good basement chicken house. Dirt-cheao at price SiiOOO; $1500 cash, balance terms, .oon t fail to see about this right away. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak St. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. S acres, located 1 mile from city lim its on good macadamized road, fine plastered house, full cement basement laundry trays, barn, chicken house; half acre of strawberries, acre of rasp berries, 29 apple trees, pears, prunes, plums, gooseberries, currants; acre of potatoes. The entire place in crop: good fencing; perttonaly inspected bv Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg 5-room Bung a lo w n e w and 4 acres fine land at pleasant home. or. This bungalow is brand new; 5 good rooms, cement basement. 2 dozen fruit trees. good new woodshed, garaice: ground all plowed, ready to seed and plant; the very best of soil: a RU7 Chev rolet car; good well on porch, all for $3200; $1500 cash, balance good terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. MILWAUK1E SUBURBAN HOMES. Best of soil, fine car service, ha-d sur face roads, modern bungalows with gas, electric lights, close to car, with 1, 2. 5 or 10 acres land. If you want a real suburban home we can suit you. KLEEB & PARRY, First State Bank B;dg. Phone 19. Automobile Service. Milwaukle, Oregon. A SACRIFICE AT MULTNOMAH STA. A good 6-room house and i acre of fine land, small barn, chicken houNe. good well, family orchard, lots of ber ries and flowers. garden over half planted: 400 feet from Capital highwav; beautiful view; at the low price of $2250. $1000 will handle, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. OREGON CITY LINE. At Concord station, well improved half acre, with lots of fruit: modern 5-room new bungalow, bet of plumbing, hardwood floors, fireplace, sieeping porch, gas radiators, finest light fix tures. A fine place, located on the paved road. Offered away below value. Per serially inspected by Nelson with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. GRAB THIS ONE NOW AT $4000. Five rooms with 2 fireplaces; good well In kitchen; in fine shape; garage, wood shed, good barn, chicken house, big yard: all fenced in ; lots of fruits and berries and flowers, and the very best of land : on gravel road ; 7 blocks to station, tic carfare. $1000 cash, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. & ACRE?. located close to Aloha station and near the paved road, on graveled road; all under cultivation; new G-rooui lath and plastered bungalow, with ce ment basement and floor; 2 large chicken houses. 100 bearing fruit trees, logan end other berries. This is close to school and is a high-class place. Price $470; $1000 cash. Personally Inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, near Multnomah, at the Junction of two improved colinty roads; ground about 80x140: house is new, every modern convenience ; owner in compelled to leave this locality and will sell for $4250. on terms, or wiU make heavy reduction for cash. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. We can run you out to the property in 15 minutes. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Choice 1410x100 cor, near Evergreen. $ 500 Six rooms, plastered, nr. Evergreen 1700 Six rooms, two lots. Courtney 2100 Six rooms, plastered, two lots 1000 Improved 5 acres, near station 300 Two acres, strictly modern home... 8000 One choice acre, 4-room house. 10 minutes' walk; $500 cash 1500 O. E. APPLE, OAK GROVE. OR. 10 ACRES. 3 miles east of Montdvilla, all in cul tivation. 100 assorted fruit trees, large fancy log house, ba rn and fine cellar; good water, on good road, 10 blocks from cartlne; part in crop, good soil; $7G0 per acre on easy terms. OWNER. Tror 8352. 511 E. 501h N. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Wonderful homesite overlooking beau tiful Oswego lake. magnificent yew cedar, dogwood and maple; wire front age on rock road, water and lights; you will be glad to snow ner this; only S800, less than price of ordinary city lot. Owner, 5o0 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark 10 ACRES IMPROVED FOR $3150. Good bearing family orchard, new room unfinished house, good well, 4 acres cleared, balance brush, fenced all around, nearly level, rich soil; 12 lrtile out, near gravel road; requires $1050 casn, balance mortgage. J. B. RULE Y, 028 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Modern in every detail, and two acres. at station. Red Steel carline; $0500; easv terms, or will consider modern beach home as part payment. Address owner, O i-'J, uregonmn. 5 ACRES AT CITY LIMITS. On Columbia blvd. : house, barn, wind mill fruit, fine cultivated land : $0000. terms. R. W. CAR Y, 121 N. W. Bank bids. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONLY $2500. with 100x100. fruit trees, barn, ce merit basement, bath, water, lights: 7 cent fare. 500 Concord bid;?., 2d and Stark. " For Sale Btisinesfi I'roperty. WANT PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY? SEE THIS. 70x100 corner on the west side, on car line. 3-story building; rental $145 per mnnfh. no exDenses. except taxes and insurance, and we can offer you this property for $12,500, with some leims. See Mr. Jiipton, J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7i31 An Investment of $8500 will pay ap proximately 30c-- Where can you equal this on cnoice cioe-m pn!;ii. COOVEH & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing B:dg. Mar. 3003. A RSOLUTELY fireproof building 50x100, two stories, basement and sub-basement, all connected bv large eiectric elevator ciit-ihio for warehouse, factory or stor agc; price $10,000, which is one-foui th of what building would cost to build nOW. J. uriier OZ. V - v v. nm. ui v-wui, ROSE CITY business building and lot 50x on r7th st., near Sandy boulevard; price $2300: this is a bargain, xurner -o 230 Cham, of Com. QUARTER block. East Water st., close in trackage hard-surface street; will sac ritice. By owner. M 120. Oregonlan. For Sale -Acre x -n ii acre, on highway. 1 and blocks to Oregon Electric station, cios-e Multnomah. 6 cents fare; water, gas. electricity : easy terms. Owner, 319 Railway Exchange. Main 6u. Res. East 7088 u. ACRES near Concord station on Ore room cottage, chicken house, good well; can oe uoukiu uu " gon oiag. proautty 4 ACRES, $2500; at end of Hawthorne ave car line , m" one, ueis . . - 1A n torn at mama a fas blocks nearer in. Owner. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mars nail lo. 51 RE DUTIFUL ACRES FOR SALE. 1 hinrk from Shattuck luation. S. P. electric, red car; 19 minutes ride; cheap for cash, or terms. "c'. -'l'aiM o.. aiL iPRES at Mabery station on Bull Run line, unimproved,' ideal place for summer nome. nw. iciuw. -iw Oregon bldg. Broaawav 20 ACRES. 1 mile from Boring. Or., acres clear, smau nouse. ncn soil, no rocks or gravel, very gooa iences; $1250. 420 Cham, or 1 orn. oiag. a BARGAIN In 40 acres, close to Linn man Junction. Phone E. 5347 or call 8 Union ave. iN. evenings. jjath. r a rnr.fl near Willamlna. level pU fenced. 4-room house, barn; $1350. $150 cash, ia mo. j. n. anarp, itd st. 5 i-t ACRES, partly cleared, near Sylvan on tanyon roau , a. gouu ouy. jonn Bain 507 Spaming Diag rw- - . . . inipi u eu, near electric, $GOO0. Owner, evenings 16 ACRES FARM LAND. TOM ALLEN. aiqi or st s v. HALF ACRES. 71st st.; 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. Owner. East SSB0. 100 ACRES. $150 per acre, 2 miles of city limits. Broadway 4tiS3. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ON b-THI RD mile from cannery and sta tion, 15 mile from Portland': 10 acres, fruit and berry land, all in cultivation; 8 acres in crop, all fenced and cross fenced, on good road; has 4 -room house, electric lights, machine-drilled well with gas engine and pump; barn, chicken house and other outbuildings; family or chard, cow, heifer, etc., for $4500, half cash, balance terms. 5-room house, modern house and three lots, some fruit, m Sherwood on S. f. R. R.; price $1900. $00O down, balance terms; four acres adjoining this property all in cultivation, has running stream ; 3 acres very rich garden soil, can be ir rigated; 1 acre berrv land. This is all In high stale of cultivation; price 20u0. half cash, balance terms. Price for all $3000. terms. See Mr Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. - 410 Henrv Bids. SPLENDID 13-ACRE. EQUIPPED TUALATIN FARM, $50UO. Located 1 mile from electric sta tion at Tualatin, 12 miles from Portland; IS trains a day each way ; virtually all in cultivation ; fine dark loam soil, in crop clov er, vetch, wheat, oats, loganber ries and family orchard : S-room house, barn, chicken house, tank nouKe. gas engine, good well, pair mares, wagon and harness, other farm implements, 40 chickens. 35 ma 11 chicks, all for J5000; one third cash, balance terms. See SAM H EWE Y, AT J.L. HARTMAN CO.. NO. 7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. TWO ACRES. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW,' ORKGON CITY CAR. Close in, fronts on paved Pacific high way, 4 blocks to station, school and stores: 2 acres rfch garden soil, acres adjoining in commercial flower gardens. 1 in cultivation, other brush and few stumps, easily cleared; brook crosses cor ner: good 5-room bungalow, gas. wired, good well on porch ; orchard, 12 bearing trees. Owner going to Canada, needs the money and reduces price to only $2800 for quick sale; JOO0 wiil handle. G. W. Felker, 92S Chamber of Commerce. SMALL HOME IN CRUSH AM. 1 ACRES, all in cultivation, good plastered bungalow, concrete foundation, city water, plenty of fruit. 2 good chick en houses, cow barn, wood house, some laying hens, fine Jersey cow and calf, $2000 ; reasonable terms. 2 Vs ACRES, near Base Line road ; very "bent of soil, all under cultivation, all kinds of fruit, good 5-rootn house, garage, cow barn, chicken house, fine location: price $2250. K RIDER & ELK INGTON, Gresham, Or. ACREAGE. 1 14 acres, close in. near the new G ieeley-ht. extension. 3 blks. from car line; beautiful home site, aH cleared and level; $3,000. M AHON'EY. COB A. McK.EN.NA & CO., 82 4th st. Main 4522. AND 2-A ORE tracts, near good car service, wirhin 30 minutes of P. O.; price $150 per acre and up; 1 arre with 2 room house, only 9500; $100 cah. bal ance $10 per mdnth. 6 per cent interest. Also 3 acres rich land, little creek: on car line: nice orchard, 5-room plastered house; all in cultivation: nice home, price right, terms to suit. Alto S acre, Ryan p.aee; fruit, water, gas. electric lights, telephone: Tor aie cheap, easy terms. A. M. HOWELL. 401 Bd. of Trade Bldg. ONE MILE FROM CLATSKAN1E. 73 acres, located on county road, good soil;" 2 wells, 3 acres under cultiva tion, all can be cultivated ; 5-room cot tage. -ow barn, chicken house. Place well fenced. Price $1050. $700 cash. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 20-ACRE. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. EASY TERMS. At town of Damascus. 14 miles out ; faces good rocked mad. will be paved: 17 acres under cultivation, 8 acres young bearing orchard: good spring, very sight lv; some timber. Out-of-town owner authorises sale at $ 4O00. terms as you wish. Best of soil; a genuine opportunity. J. C. CORBIN CO.. "05-6-7-8 LEWIS BLDG. TOU WTILL BUY THIS. Nearlv 2 acres, located south of Errol station, half mile from car. 6c fare. All under cultivation, except a small park. Good 3-room cottage, small barn and chicken house, city water, ga?. electric lights. Graveled road. Price $175. $3no ensh. Happy, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. NEAR TIGARD. OREGON. 10 acre. located on a graveled road, all can be cultivated, 1 Vj eeren under cultivation, 2-rooni rustic house. Very fine soil. Price $1000, with $500 cash, or will make liberal discount for all cash. Happy, with John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. SPLENDID VIEW ACRE $1000. $500 cash, $10 monthly buys this beau tiful home site, located right on the Oregon Electric terurban; 19 young, fruit trees. strawberries, raspber-'ies, gooseberries and currants and grapes ; city water adjoining place: also electric lights and gas; 7?c commuter's rate. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. OSWEGO OPPORTUNITY. 7 acres of fine garden soil, no rock or gravel; 9 miles, machine from. 4th and Wash.; 1 miles of Oswego station; good rocked road to within few feet ; 5 acres under cultivation; cheap house, well; $2500, terms eay. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 LEWIS BLDG. OPENING of Stokes farm. 42d and Simp son t. N. E.. .lust outside city limns. All fine cultivated land, city water to each tract, no gravel, all kinds fruit and English walnuts; short distance to Al berta car and Kennedy achool. On tracts Sundav afternoon. Special terms to homeseekers, R. W. CAR Y, 1219 N. W. Hank bldg. $50 DOWN. 515 MONTHLY. Splendid tract of 1 acre near Gilbert station, Estacada line; all in large bear ing fruit trees; Just a short distance off of macadamized road, not far from Lents Junction, the end of the 0c fare limit. Total price $1350. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up. located wit bin 30 miles of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby: buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $ti5 per acre LEUDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington price. $5 per acre and up.. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg-. Tacoma, Wali. MILWAUKIE PARK, Evergreen station fine view acre, $000 cash. Box 30, Park wood, Or. FniU and Nut Lend. A GOOD PRUNE ORCHARD. 57 acre in the place and is in fruit as follows: 20 acres bearing prunes. Jl srre iiearina: lo anberries. 3 acres bear ing cherries. 5 acres new cherries, 12 nc.roi bear in sr apples; ordinary house and barn, good dryer; 7 mi:es out of nloir 1 mile to R. R. station. W ith the piace goes 1-3 the crop, except the loganberries, of which the owner gets i: Price 350 per acre; possession this fWRITE J. A. MILLS. SALEM, Or. Blfgh Hotel. Homcftteads, Relinquishments. TH ERE are many good claims now open to ex-service men in the O. & C. R. R. land yrant. I have the only complete mans showimr roads. railroads and homestead lands. Come in for com plete free information. Map of Rose- burg dist. ?3: Portland district $2.oU. ANDERSON MAP CO., 632 Railway Exch. Bldg. Phowe Main 536X - HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 160 acres in Tillamook county, some improvements, one-half miie from saw mill. Inquire W. H. Savage. Hebo. Or. . - For Sale Farms. WELL IMPROVED 38-ACRE FARM. With stock, crop and equipment, well located on good road, a little east of Gresham; good house with full concrete basement, fine large barn, good chicken houpe. etc. ; family orchard. berries, English wa lnuts, good water system, plenty of timber for home use. Price JHSC0. with farm team, good milch cow, chickens, harness, wagon, hay rack, har row, plows, cultivator, disc, mowing ma chine, hay rake, garden seeder and small tools. K RIDER & ELK ING TON. GRESHAM. OR. 5 ACRES with 5-room bungalow, garage, chicken house and barn. This Is your chance to see how you like farmine ; best of soil; ro stumps. Phone East 1885. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $73 to $200 per acre: easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 209 Failing bldg-. f RKE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley Xarms. Paul Bossier. Stockton Cal REAL KSTATR. -Farm. AT PORTLAND'S DOOR, 10 acres, four mlcafrom court house. Good house, large, fine barn, large orchard, silo, complete water system. One-half in culti vation, balance grass pasture with stream through it. An ideal dairy farm. Splendid potato land and the combination will brrng large returns. Sufficient cedar for fenc ing and tir for fuel. $30,000; Vs cash. Main 530. Mr. Knappenberg, with McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO- ANOTHER GOOD ONE. 50 acres four miles from court house, on good road; 5-room house, good barn : 3 acres fine orchard. Running water i7i house and barn. Extra fine soil. Right at market. Will subdivide and st 11 in 9 and 12-acre tracts. $375 per acre; reasonable' terms. Main 530. Y Mr. Knappenberg. witn McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO... EASTERN OWNER WILL SAC RIFICE. 10 acres 12-year-old app!e or chard. Newtown and Spitzenberg; all in perfect condition. near Newberg. on good rock road. This is unusual opportunity. Attractive Investment. Let us show you this. Main 530. Mr Knappenberg. with McCRI LLIS-CLE A VELA ND CO. 322-326 Henry Bidg. WOOLOROWERS. ATTENTION IMPROVED SHEEP RANCHES. 12.000 acres, deeded. 4 OOO acres under lease. Ail under 4-wire fence, cedar posts. Rich pasture good soil. Com nines warm winter pasture and early lambing, with fine foothill summer range. Abundance of water on all parts. Improvements extra good. ( estimated value $50.000. 4 iarjre sheep barns, concrete foundations and walls, (will house .1000 sheep. Shearing houses with everv modern convenience. Water piped to all barns and buildings. Railway shipping point on Jkropcrtj. Choice ol 2 railways. 1000 acres under plow for hay. 120 acres suited for a'.fa'.fa. Said to be'the best improved sheep ranch In the northwest. In perfect working order. Price includes deeded lands, leanes and the privilege to pasture lO.OoO sheep In forest reserve. Will sell isiiecp at market. m $130,000 One-third vcash. MacINNES A- PRATT. 413 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. i2 ACRES 2 mile of Banks. Or.: 76 acres under cultivation, free of stumps: 23 ACRES BE A VKRDA M LAND: 7-room houe. barn 60x72 and all necessary out buildings: spring water and creek along side of pla-e. family orchard, some ber ries, two milk routes R. F. D. and tele phone ; prie $20O per sere ; $4oo cah. the balance on 8 years' time at 5-. This Is one of the One farming com -muni ties In Washington county And this land Is right at ton and schools. 20 acres 3 miles S. W. Forest CS rove; 9 aTrn under cultivation, all fenced, one mdc woven wire; 4 acres bottom land, bal an re rolling ; 12 fo 15 acres tillable ; running water; on county road: near neighbors and country well settled; fair barn, no house: price $1800, $1000 cash, balance 6 Pr cent. J. It. SO H RECK. 502 Spaldinr Bid. Main 881. 53 ACRES, located on the main rosd. that Is bing paved. between Wood burn and Newberg. 8 miles from Wood burn. All ran be cu Itivated ; 8 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pasture and the balance In timber. Spring and creek on place- Good, fencing ; 3 -acre or chard, bearing. 4 -room house, barn 30x 4o, other buildings. Cream and mall route. With the place goes team. 3 heifers 1 brood sow. U pigs. 200 chick ens. 15 stands of bees, plow, harrow, cultivator, new dtag saw and other Im plements. Will ffonslder cottage or bun galow in Portland up to $2Ot0 and Mine cash. Personally inspected. An- . demon, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bid g. CROPS. STOCK, FURNITURE, MACHIN ERY. 20 acres, located 30 miles from Port land; all under cultivation ; one mile from town, high school and transporta tion ; all in crop; good rich soil, now used as dairy; sandy loam soil; 6-room house. barn, 3ox30 : chicken house ; county road; price $4200. with six good fresh cows, two brood sows, 20 chickens, wagon mower, cultivators, plow, har row, potato digger, hay rake, horse and harness, tools and household furniture. Neison. with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bids. 100 ACRES, located 4- miles south of Oregon City and near New Era. All can be cultivated; 60 acres under cultivation and being seeded to crops. Beaver creek flows through the plate; small orchard. 1 - room uouse. Darn .uxio. macnine shed chicken house, garage. mile to school all rural conveniences and telephone. ith tuts place goes cows. J horses. 150 chickens, 3 turkeys. Very large and complete line of machinery. Including potato digger and all small tools, $50:0 cash and balance on long-time pay ments at 6 per cent interest. ee Happy, witn jonn rerguttoo. uemnger bldg. A SACRIFICE. We have 7 38-100 acres, only 14 mhes out, near Reedville; must be aold at once: fair house, barn, fruit, good well. Price $1900; good terms. HESGARD. PHONE 4522 CUE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 FOURTH ST. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; iny years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTKR. LOWE A CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Building. PRUNES PRUNES PRUNES. 33.72 acres. 3 acres of which are In cultivation and in prunes from 4 to T years old; there are two 2-room shacks on this property; it is all fenced with w oven-wire fencing; zu acres of tlm ber which will average about 10O cords per acre; 15 miles rrom cove Orchard in Yamhill county. This Is in a splendid prune section ana me price is only fOOU XGUO cash. $200 yearly. ERED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. I ok bALt zoo acres; house, 4 rooms, kitchen, 2 chicken nouses 14x2.8 eat-h 1 8 acres wired for chickens; rain water cistern, well and barns. Price $5(m0; aino ju acres, main roaa. w miles iroal town of Coalinga. price $4800. EWARD A. WEBB. .Real Estate Broker and Insurance, Coalinga. Cal. YAKIMA VALLEY SNAP Realize 50 per cent on your investment; so acres. 50 acres alfalfa. 30 acres corn ; 4-room house, outbuildings, fully paid govern ment water right; 1 mile to town, on main highway; $265 per acre, one-tnird rash, balance very easy terms. Hover. 5:2 Sel'.tng bldg., Portland. Or. Main 4193. Other tracts any size. Write or call for new booklet and price list. INCOME PRODUCING FARMS. At Gresham, the best farming section In Otegon, close to Portland and paved roads, we have some exceptionally good bargains In stocked and equipped farms, chicken ranches, berry lands, v homes and suburban acreage. KR1DEK & ELK ING TON, Gresham, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Ropue River valley ranch. 201 acres, HO cultivated. 30 in grain. 6 in alfalfa; fruit trees. 2 sets buildings, good com mercial timbea 2 miles to depot; stock and implements: age cause of selling. Price IS0O0. Owner. THEO- KORNBROPT. Merlin Or FOR SALE Desirable stocK ranch. 4R0 acres; 330 bottom land suitable for alfalfa. Price $26 an acre. Nothing can beat sheep and alfalfa. M. Fitsmaurice. Condon, Or. 5 ACRES. ONLY $T0 DOWN. On county road, close to S. P. electric sta.. store and school; price $500, $50 down, 4 years' time on balance. Draper 4ul Board of Trade. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil. 's tillable; employment' eajy terms. J. R. Sharpe, S3 Va 3d at. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale $500 UNDER VALUE. 20 acres of the very best loam soil, no rock or gravel, all tlllao, 10 acres In high state of cultiva tion, 2 complete sets of buildings. 1 good 6-room house, excellent well of water on back porch, good dairy barn, orchard of assorted fruits, berri es of all kinds; second set of buildings of 3-room house, small barn, chicken house, etc. ; good garage, all fenced and cross fenced; only 2 miles from Battle ground on good auto road, school wagon picks up children at door, excellent public and high school at Battleground. Price $2500. At tractive terms. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Washington. 160 ACRES, NEAR CHEH A LIS. WASH. All good land, 75 acres cleared ant) in crop, bal. pasture, 30 acren more very easy to clear; close to school, on Pacific highway ; modern 8-room house, with bath; barn for 60 head of cattle: ga rage, milkhouse, granary, machine sheds, chicken houses, gasoline pump and large s to rape tank, binder, mower, rake, plows, drill, manure spreader, wag ons, etc. 28 head of fine Holst-in cat tle. 3 work horses. Price $2u,oh; eaay terms. We have lots more farms of all sizes and prices for sale and some ex change. See us. we can save vou mon ey. Peper & Richards. 508 Buchanan bldg. A PLACE WORTH WHILE. AN ACRE bargain and an ideal home place ; 39 acres at Gresham : modern bungalow, near depot; barn and orchard: all in cultivation and crop: can be plat ted, farmed or rented at a good figure: near high school, library and all citv conveniences, gas. phone, water, etc. This is worth twice tho price asked. $17,500. See owner. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. DEAL WITH OWNER. 150 acres, dairy, fruit or potato ranch; good location ; with or without stock Route 1. box SI. Kalama. Wash. WANTED KF.AL ICHTaTK. OVER $1,000.100 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1921. FRANK L. McGUIRE, LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Tou want RESULTS? TRY our LIVE, efficient method of HOMESELLING no charge except the standard brokerage oi" 5 per cent in event or a SATISFACTORY SALE. OUR RECORD: 860 homes sold during 1910. 0 homus soltl in 1 day, Mareh 13. H20. 112 homes sold during March. 1 B2. 300 homes sold since January 1. U20. We personally inspect and PHOTO G RAPH everv hou.e listed. We DIS PLAY ALL PHOTOGRAPHS IN OUR LA RGE SHOW ROOMS, which are con tinually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. FRANK L. MrOUIRK personally makes ail appraisals. Tour home t sold IE LISTED WITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY. If you cannot com down, telephone and we'll gladly rail. Fourteen naichnirn with autos to m ork on the sale of YOUR HOME. FRANK. L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main IO68. DEAL WITH AN OLD RELIABLE FIRM. wrc f:ll ci1"Y homes. 200 HOMES SOLD SIN'Ctt JANUARY 1. 1020. We ran sell vour home oulck. Our tP pruiser will call and inspect your home and advise as to its value. al?o take m . x 7 -1 1 1 nholn which In dUJDlaved oar large showrooms, where hundreds of prospective buyers will lew iu Eight live-wire Hales, in en ho drl their own earn, backed by thousands of dollar spent in advertising, bring rthuitt. Faun lor our appraiser 10 can toaay. B1UK-CAHEY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAKKT-SAVIOUK COMPANY. 19 Raiiway Exch, bldg. Mala 746T, "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND" llotnfs wan ted, many cltcnts wailing, hunurctls sold through our office. We need yours today. Main 4H0;t. -Ml. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bidg. lUG, Third St. IT MIGHT be to your advantage' to list vour houpe witi me. 1 sen nouses omy, and have many buyers. AIL Hi Lings will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WB GET RESULTS. C. A. WAR KIN ER. BITTER LOWE &. CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE A CLIENT TOR STRICTLY MOD ERN HOME; MUST HAVE AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS BESIDES MAID'S OCA UTERS. THE PARTY HAS THE MONEY. WILLING TO PAY FOIl A GOOD HOME, HUT MUST BE WOKTU THE PRICE ASKED. POINDEXTKR, 2H SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. M A KE A SPECIALTY OE SKLL1NO HIGH-CLASS HOMES FROM OUOO CP, l.AC KELH L'KSX. I K VINUTON. A LA M EDA MT. TABOR A X D T li E HEIGHTS. IF VOU HAVE A HOME FOR SALE. ONE WORTH THE PRICK ASKED. PHONE OR MAIL FULL DE SCRIPTION. POINDEXTKR. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN lhOU. RESIDENCE 271-20. WANTED 10 acres good land, about 25 acre in cultivation; not less than 5 rnom house, good outbuildings; have 5 room modern house, 75xloo lot to ex change in on sarae. No one but owners need answer. W. S. Raymond, 963 E. liHh North, Portland, Or. HOMES WANTED. ' We have a list of prospective pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from 3l)4iO to $uoon la good dis trict. Phor.e. write or call. -COS A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth SL Main 4522. WANTED Modern bungalow, 5 or 6 rooms, garage, paved streets, desirable location; Rose City Park preferred; must be value for price and deal w 1th owner direct. Address AJ 424. Oregonlan. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WAMKD. Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 000 homes in the last year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. WB have many inquiries for moderate priced west side houses: call us up if you want to rell. Main 6007. LCEDDEMANN COMPANT, t 13 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES WANTED. We have added ft house department and a-re pleased to have your property If It Is for sale. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. WANTED To buy from owner, modern bungalow on east side; will pay about half cash, balance terms; state price and location; must be reasonable. AV 02. Oregonian. I WANT a. vacant business corner lot on car line. $500 to $150O; must be good location, on best of terms; give full de tails by mall. Cunningham. 730 Hoy t street. WANT ROSU CITY HOME Modern 3 or 6 rooms, from I35O0- to $5uoo, cash or terms. Phone Mr. Nei son, Marshall 1022. I WANT HOME IN HAWTHORNE. Modern. 5 or 6 rooms, $30iM) to $4500. with some terms. I mean business. K. Nelson. Marshall 1022. - WANT 15 to 25 acres, well Improved with modern house, on paved highway, for cash buyer. HENRY W. GODPARD. 243 Stark St. W A NTED 5 or 6-room house; bungalow preferred; will pay cash: state price and location. D 123. Oregonian. MODERN apartment house, well located, direct from owner. AH 35. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 5 rear Woodstock car. rooms one floor. Marbhsll 1022. Farm W anted. WA N'T KD To buy farrn or acreage from owner. P. M. Madden, do Washlnctoe Countv Realty Co., Heidel bldg. Pnone 2731. Hillsboro. Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 160 acres of timber, fir and cedar wilt cruise approximately 16.0O0, 0Ht feet, located In Washington county, one-fourth mile to the Portia nd -Tillamook electric railroad. If interested, write N. E Truax, 151S Caas u, Omaha. Neb. YELLOW FIR. 15 to 45 million feet of an excellent quality of yellow fir in a solid body, ready for milling ; flume nftw in opera tion to the railroad station. H. E. Noble. 31 6 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres or second-grow ta timber claim at low price at North. Lin coln county. A good bargain. J 147. Oregonlan. WANTED Tract of timber near Port and suitable for cordwood or piling, about 4oo cords or less will do. L J IS, Ore gonian. SAW TIMBER, YAMHILL CO. Aoout 7 million feet on S. P. electric, half mile from side track. Draper. 401 Board of Trade. TIMBER LANDS. WANTED To BUY Port Orford cedar cedar logs, 22 in. and up In diameter at Hmaii tnd : 14 ft. and 16 ft. ionihs; prime qualtty. free from visible defects. Want approximately 50.000 feet per morth. vtuote price Co. o. cars, giving rate to Helena Ark. PENROD-JUrXDEN COMPANY. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Mcwi?hia, Tenn! PARTY with small portable mii! to cut oy me thousand. T 105, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. TO LEASE. AND PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 215 acres. 22 acres in alfalfa. 30 acres in grain, this place can aU be cultivated with an exception of a small part, which Is open pasture-, rent Is only $80 per month, fair farm house and barn; personal property for sale: 45 high-grade (lulsieln cows, of which ti are reg istered; 5 2-year-old heiiers to freshen this summer. 12 head of yearlings. 21 head of calves, of which are registered. 1 regi tvred Holstein bull, 7 head of work horses, 1 tractor with plows. , mowers, rake. disc, feed grinder, gasoline engine, ensilage cutter and blower, all small tools and machinery of every kind. 2 large ilos, this place Is located 3 miles wet of Vancouver, and is known a one of the biggest money-makers on river. Price, including U personal, propcr'v. $10.50) Kf00 cash, balance $.-hm every iHt days at 6 per cent interest. ' See Mr. Blair. THOMPSON. SWAN LEE Third and Main Sts . , A ancouver. Washington. FO R RENT or sale. 73 ac res. a oou t 30 acres in cultivation. 4 acres commercial orchard, apples, pears, cherrie. prunes, p.utns. etc., small fruit; bal. of Uiid mostly in crop except about 5 acres: crop consists of w heat, a is, clover tmot hy ; bal. not In crop I'm.; fur po tatoes. Will rent land, sell crop with or without equipment. Place located 5i mis went of St. Johns. This (i.a. is a money-maker tor the right part v. Only an experienced farmer need applv. Address owner, W. s. Jones, Linnton. Or.. R. R. i. 5 ACRES Modern bungalow, fruit, berries, all under cultivation, best of soil: aood location. 14 miles out. 54 mile btatlou on Oregon Electric; MiiaU but complete farm. Phone East loS.l. 80 ACRES near Oregon City. 17 cuttivaTod. ba i Id tries, orchard ; season rent 2no; also sell tenant 50O cords wood hunt ler can dear $20im). Evening. Tabor 7055. TO EXCHANGE REAL KST.XTE, SL'NNY CALIFORNIA. 43 acres fine fruit and berrv ittnd in tbe heart of Redwood valirv about 37 acres under 1 uiiivat Ion. balance in woods past ur. place fenced and cross. fenced : comfori a ble 5-room house. fnir barn, chicken and outbuilding; eood or chard of assorted fruits. a'so grapes. borne-. shruybi, et- -fine well Bnd never faling spring for irrigation purposes, a. so shkiU stream throush the plaee. I nd lie fine, on main county road 111 thickly settled local it v. c!oe to school with all rural ad'vanta&es at door; I mile rrom two It I; sta tions and S'i miles from Ikiah county seat of Mendocino counl; Xtz miles of which is paved high way. Price to sell soon on I v Ks.'.oo; na-f rash. KalMme i0 suit or w exchange for good rn nt h or im proved city property at cash valu ation. Pictures and ail informa tion at office of THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. TMd and Main Sts.. Vancouver, Washing ton. TO EXCHANGE y0r Oakland. C.. home or building lots, fine 3u-L-re tract near 'iluintila river, about SO mlies from 1 oatlanO ; 10 m res 12-year-old commer cial apples, lo acres alf.ttfa. lo acres pasture and wood lot ; c-ist me $mm; H1 trade or veil to gie you u bargain. This is a fplendid opportunity tor some body Address c. E. Butler, 36i 12th at.. Oakland. Cal. ort-ACllK FARM, AM. STOCKED AND KJL"J ri'Kr. Fine 30-acre farm near Vatieouver, ash.. all stocked and equipped, with cows, good team, hogs, chickens and all farm machinery and tools. Will conidr a good 5-room, house or bungalow as part pavment. HEUAUUK INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. CLEAR OK INCUMBRANCES lfto acres of land in Cowli tz count v. Washington, about 3 mile from 4 rail roads, about HI miles from Kelso. Larue creek runs through place. Price SJouo. Will eehange for good house and lot in the city up to $35oo and pay differ ence in cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. WAX! $1 J.4M10 WORTH OF PROPERTY. Have kkI apartment building, cist side, pay tug good income, some t h ing w orth your consideration, and will con Mdor Jl I.OO0 in good clean property. See Mr. Lptun. J. ROB BINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Maii 713 L $30oo EQUITY In nw 5-room modern bun aglow, lot 100x100, chit-ken house, garage, some fruit. 1 block from tar line, for grocery stock or what have 3 ou ? BROWN & RIDDLK. 324 Rallwav Exch Bldg Marshall 3331. EXCHANGE OFFICE. 1 Tour proposition can be matched : we don't tie it up; call and submit it: large or small. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 41l Henry Bldg. $35uo KWL'ITY on 7-room house: all Im provements paid; for sale or trade. Lots, smaller house or acreage, pay or take difference. n 105, Oregoninn. WA NT ED To exchange for Portland res idence property. 100 acres of pine and fir in Douelan coquy. Or. fet, value $0000. H. H. H unt. Kfl. Wash. LOTS 7 and S. block 5o. Waverleigh Add., to trade; ciear except street improve ments. G. S, Alien. Vancouver. Waali., R. t. 22-ROOM frame bldg. furnished In H. K. apartment a ; lot 145 feet deep; good rental pioperty; equity $65O0. Mtg. $3500. ' W-iat have you? 211 Wajh. EXCHANGE for Portland property, 40 a., 37 under ditch ; Hurmlaton. or. Owner. Mgin 15fl3. $5500 AUTO for timber. 1116 model, first class running order. Call Main 7750. TO EX C II A NG E M I SC E LEA N EOF . 20 .VOLUMES of MeKsages and Papers of eery president, new nd complete; booka cost new $5, to exchange tor either couch, dresser or any piece of fur nlture to the value of $40. Wdln. 2023 WILL exchange lot in University Park lor larm team, harness ana wagon. J. Brady R. 1. box ft A, Vancouver. WILL trade a good yownsr team of work home ana it esii cow for a late model automobile. 806 Powell Valley road. WANT auto to trade for furniture and casn. iain 44.. FOB- SALE. Horse. Vehicle. Livestock. GOOD young family eow, srlvlna 3i gal lons 01 iTi 1 1 k a nay. ery gentle and good looker. cheap at $110. 4122 7 3d st . a. r. iount ocoit car. FOR SALE A lot of farm horses, wagons and harness to be sold cheap on a cios ing om aaie. uranq avenue touth 3-YEAR-OLD Jersey. fresh with ca"7 milking 4 1 gMllons per way. Cneap tor DEAD stock removed quickly; caah paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone YOUNG. fresh 5-aal. Hoistetn : 1 Guernsey; gentta family Jersey. $70. 51 East Ash. ' WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats Campbell-PIieian Land &. Cattle Co., 3o,; Couch bldg. 10 HEAD of horsen. 4 to 6 years old. 1200 to 1MM: aome wen-matched teams. In quire 564 Northrup st. 3 A-l HORSES, will work anyw here. 1 7o0 and lStNj pounas. Art nte A. Pike, R. 3, box 134. weavenon. or. , IN. FAR M WAGON. Take Brooklyn car. 4oS Clinton at. CHOICE cows for sale by -owner. Monday. Seliwood 3110. FOR SALE 2 fine Swiss goats, both frtoh Sellw ood 845. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland enuenngy o., oodiaw n 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for dead cows. i loorj.i OOOD young famlTy cow. cheap, $63. 29th and Powei; vai:ey roaa. WANTED Beef cattle and -a Ives. Mar hall 2178. W ANTE D Work for 1 124. Oregonian. teams. j, OOOD cow for sale. St. Johns. 507 Baltimore 91. FOR SALE Two fresh family cows, and $85. Lombard East. WANTED Boot cattle and vai. Tabor 7U30 , FOR Hordes Vehicle, I j clok. EIGHT mares and geldings left, from 12 to lin lbs., one 7- tar-old hore. lt-rt by Mr. Monemu n, for $t5 : on account ot the congestion, of railroad traffic due to The utr'ne, 1 have been uiiabie to thip in any s.oik. 11. HA RN. Hawthorne Stbies. Corner E. 6th and Hawthorne ae. 11 HEAD of good fre!i cows, mostly high grade Jerseys; 2 Jerses. 4 f t eh w ith our.jt call es ; 1 Guernse . 1 Holstein. 1 Rrown Swiss. ail youn. gentle and heavy, rich milkers. Crearn separator and cooler; also a ood ouig ranch team. Bargain if taken at on e. Call at the old dairv ham. 211 h and Powell Valley road. WocustoCK car. 11 HEAD of first-class cows, mostly hisr. -grade Jerseys. 2 registered Jersejs. baih f r. Ph. wit h oung calves ; 1 -Guernsey. 1 Holstein and 1 Brown Swis. all young, gent.e and heavy, rich milkers: cream separator and cooler; a'so a good young ranch team. BarsHin if taken at on-e. Call at the old dairv barn. 20th and Powell Valley car. Woodstock car. ' HEAD of marts anil horse, neatv boned, blocky. built chunks. 13ou to 15u0 pounds. Ai! horses gua ran teed as rep 1 esented. 3 ets of heavy work har ness, sanitary Staples, ;;("5 L 11 tou ave., S. corner of St v ; n a. I t i i a s s. OLNG TEAM of true and weli broke mares for farm work. must we. eh 1 2O0 to 1300 pounds each. tan aljo use wagon and ha mess. Call on or phone J. L. Bowman at the Browtis vi : le Woolen Mills store. 1 HAVE 2 big teams, harness and wagon. Itiito ibs. and up; real workers: $35u and $45ti; and 2 seta of harness, one wagon; will take late model Ford tar. Phone 211 .?, M j I wankie ,1 block s.ut h S. I', tie pot. Mliw aukie. George S:n it h. FROM the country. 5 nice, young, gcntie fre.h row; some heavy, ricn mi. kern; $t5 and up; iso one bulldog, a r m! night watchman. Phone 2'. J. Milwau k te. On bitjuk ou;h tv P. dupoU Mii wankie. George Smith. FO R S A I.E Cheap y oung chunky tea m. weighing 24011; have stooped tanning and will sell them at low prit-e Mrs. West. MS Front. Take south Portland tar. G A I DEN S PLO W E P. R A S E M EN TS EXCAVATED. Teams for hire ; c t y our orders in now. First come Pi si served. re.ton Warehouse Stables. Phone Tabor 27 10. FOR SALE -Cood team of blckv horsea: 5 years Old. weighir.g 27n; harness and good 3'4 aii.n, wiil te'H thrm at bar gain. 22J Gibbs. Take souili Portland ta r. oT T"STA r.LtiS. 172 Kearney st . 15 good horses aid mares, some we'l matvhed teams. Call and t-r? tlii strk before bu ing; every horse so;d with a guar antee. G. l. W illtauison. li A V K no list; for m v two tea ms of yourg nares, bay and man, wc is 1 2S"0; to brow n. w eigh 32on; all god workers, sound and true ; trial g i en. 4U Sj la-nisL- st., St. Johns. P tit now. Organ and Musical Instrtiment. PIANO SAI.K. Eery lined i:nn hai positively been redueed t-t a prl-' vou eaunot beat. C'ome in and see. 1 oil II be roiivtnreu HA I I.I- V, nin he p :n v , ST I X RAl'll 1U HER. rr.ahog. . .$213 . 275 SMITH A RARNES. pi. tin oak HMI.EV. plain wainut.. Tit t E t, pi. tin oaU ST St ; K It, phi i n iiiahogaiiy 1 KVINO. 01; ejise lEtKER UKOS.. old stvle M A N.-KI Kl.l . kmIim.I MAVNARO PLAVER. latest Myif, inaliocr.ny with roll and bench... 270 i:n 45 UN I V ERS X L PI. A ER. plant al- t ut. mils and tench 410 'I'crmt CiM'n. Itond .A. c"pl?l sKini:ii.iM";.i.rrs mi'mo . 125-127 4tn it., ftet Wwb. mimI A r SECURITY STORAGE CO C LOSING OUT 475 K in he 1 1 I pi icht. nrl v 11 e w . .$'t0 7"0 Stein way A Sons' C;riCht 2I0 9t Stepcr A ttonn' fine maiuKan. 35 473 Haliet at Davis Uprmht 275 Bord & Co. Paris Upright 73 250 Coiiard JL Collard Upright. ... 65 MMi Men icul.all modcru player Piano 395 Parlor Organs. $25. $35. $45 to $55. We atore our piano tor 75c motithlv. We buy and cll piauoN oQ'V for ca.-h. SFCUIH I V STO RAG E CO.. H'3 10th St. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. factory, rebuilt and Uf-cd pianos. $;mhi Stecer Wax Cin asMau ainuL. $515 Si0 Steger dull ntalioKauy 4U tfUO Steger Mission oak 43 7.1O Steinway at Sons i.:nght 4J. 6in Hot-art M. Cable mahncany.. 2PA 650 Stiver upi ight grand ok . .... 464 550 T :iulllMll iri;c t priMl'l Others for $1!5. $235. $265. $200. etc Terms $6. S $ 1 0. W to $1S monthly, bt HW'ANJiA.M CU, lUihAt Mark Sta FINE UPRIGHT PI V NOS. Hl-$3Ml; TERMS. ILirdman. 3 K 1 mlM i s. Hoh.irt M. able. Miliou. S!i" l;ty ana .-uillh A Haines niake. kohU-r t amp.N.11. lia--eiton Bros-. S;dda rt, 1 r as Ar 1 1 a n'ir. tur low expfiitsi. no oin iiuitm. ai.uw a u to sU at $1om-15u beiow up town sforr-f. t'oituate lluni. lirokeiatf' Co.. 312 Wort-ester bldg. ORGAN BARGAINS. M a SON HAMLIN $20 StMlONNINGER 2 WEA v'KK, 15 stops 3. BECKWiTH. 15 stops 4." And Others. SEIBKitl.ING LLCAS MLSI,: CO.. 125-127 4h si., Bel. Wah. and A lti-r sts $175 VPTKUI.A. iiiahognny taoinei, in cluding 0' almost new rccorti. 1 ne W'i sona. Victor ami Columbia; lor a u uick sale loi; leaving the t.x n. t 'a.i ai Stelwxn apt., apt. I . from 7-tt:3i P. M. Cor. St. Clair at Wash. st. Main .t)-... TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vietroia and record; on 1 proposition will please u. St- i burling- l.ucaa Aiuhiu Co., 125 4ih st. Mam h5.s. BIG PIANO SALE. K v-erv 1 ltd piano pox. 11 ve v red nee -i. SE1BKKLING-1.UCAS Ml SlC t:o.. 12 4'-h ?t.. Bet. Wash, and A 1 tier his. PIANO WANTED. HigheM cash paid tor used i'iano and player piano; gcl-our prtt:-s. SifOcrliim- Lucsh Piano Co., 125 4lh st. Main ."niJ. WM. RAAM, pi.inn tuner. plaor-iiano ex pert, many years foreman Sherm an -Cla y A: Co.. xaIHi Harold S. C.tlbert. Hs-i Yam hill at. Phone Auiomaliu 5324. USED PIANO SALE Not a take ?ale. Sv-e them. SEI H E R LI N O - LUC AS VCS.IC CO, 12.". Lh si.. Ket. Wash, and Aider SPOT CASH PAID P)R I SED phonographs and records, player -pi a no rttilH. Newman" a Exchange, 12& 1st at. Main 44 HJ NEW $ 125 ma hoga ny Vict ro la and S4i finest, records; bargain for casn. East 42P3. FOR SALE A beautiful mciiow tone Wel lington piano, practical. y r.ew, $.!UO. JOlh and Ogdcn h'V K. . WEBBER pianola piano, better than new; coat $ 1275 ; ; must sell at once f-r caad or good t-rn.s. AO 424. Oregon :n. 2xiE W pi j no. seil ciiea p ftir cash or trade for anything. AO 422, Oregonian. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED, 1 Oc per roll Haroid S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill. I PAY CASH FOR I'SED I'lANoS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhii: St. SMALL PACKARD ORAND FOR RENT. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3M YAMHILL. WILL sacritice old violin for $::5 or type writer. Room 331 Milton hote'. FOR SA LE Piano like new CaTi after 5 P. M.. or Sunday. 271 E. 34th st. CASH for p)wno or Victrola. Main 6517. Furniture for Sale. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going e st or to Ca 1 if urnia : we .a 11 sa ve you money on your freight in our tnruh t-aro; fireprotif slnruK. C. M. Oison Transfer 6: Storage Co., 24H I' me st. COOK STOVE, . TaOor t04. 4-bo, No. S. KITi " H EN tre;t!ure. table, $:',.50. lai ' deck. $u; sanitary coucn. $5; mattress. $3.50. 08 Grand ave., room 1, after noons. r OR S A LE Oak nlning tab.e, child's wicker nursery chair. 4-burner as stove antl automobile refrigerator basket. Phone Eat 1454. RANGE. 115: square dining table. $5; chairs, folding suiky, bed and mattress, fruit jars; will trade for trunk or suit c a se. B 33 E. 7 1 11 L N . SINGLE white enamel iron bed. sagleen ppring. $15; also fine hair matt re as to fit. $25, 424 Clav St.. apt. 37. THE FURNITURE of my 5-room modern house ts lor sale. Call at 55u E. 4ith et. N. and nave 25 to 73 per cent. No dealera. FURNITURE for 5-room hnuf e for sale at bargain; all new; leaving town. Phone Tabor W273. t FURNITURE for 4 rooms, all or part: ruAs. rockers, D. R. set, bedroom ei, etc. No dealers. picae. 3 1 o Larrabee, Apt. 3. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. and Spruce Diw, 31 N. 5th m. Burnfide and Couch. Bdwy. 273! Steel bet. 3-ROOM Uat for rent, furniture for sale. Main H-0. FOR SALE First-: !. a. furniture at 775 1 v on st.; on v lew Saturday an d Sunday. A ROHN sjphon refrigerator, in pcifect conditionJ Tel. Seliwood 2304. GARLAND ga? range. hi:h oven, perfect condition; cry reasonable. 221 11th. FOR SA1R. Garniture for bale. $:.C5 scr-Lu r. n ccXrOLtCM A T ic. vhc S-j"rwear is almost li't a- htv as t':e ordinujv ?oico Icuni and guaranteed absolutc.y waterproof on botn sides. W e lt id roiis in brow n and green, r (uueil to !,"m per ard on account ot a ?li;ht discoloration. First Cojr.e hirst Ser rd. MlSlf Fl liMTCRK CO., J.SiS-1'JO FIRST ST. KIMBALL PIANO, burled na'nut case. $225: mahogany music cabinet. $15. I mversal combination loeo, coal and lias mnne, nick 1 irimmei. in good t ou tfit ion. S 1 0O; L'n i ersa! wood and coa ! ran sc. gas p. ate wttached. $35; be ei rte mirror, walnut frame. 2;vti:. $50; ta pest ry covered oak davenport, gooti as new. $-V : dandy oak bookv.', $5 ; iw o pood heaters. " gas p aiea. waslitubs Citdies. coo kit. g utensils, curtain. Jr'1 .lair. etc. 123v Kerby st. Woodlawn 5674. Foal try. BART CHICKS. 30OO a week: O. A. C. and Tom Bar ron; get the beM while ilic gctutiat is good E'X $150 : ht'tlinc. NORT ! t W EST POU I .T R Y CO. . S2d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. BABY CHICKS FoK SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hen.-, the w or Id's greatest layers. Eggs ironi free-ranpt Hoganied sto'-t onl ; March chteks. 14 per IOO; April. Max hmc5 Jime, 1 2 5l per l'U. OAK HI LL HATCH K R Y. Petalu-nn C'. PETALUMA White Leghorns had the wond in egg product ion ; xxe sell BABY CHlX at $13 30 per 1 00 during May ai d June, sate arrival ot lull count, siroim. !ivu chicks guarantee!- The Pionct-r Haicberv, 441 0th t-t., Petaluma. Ca . LA liGEST kind S. C. Black Minorca vgRs. 1st pen $2, 2d $1.50 frr 15. Fine la.v- r. Mis. F. A. Ne.baucr, iiresham. t re?on. DAY-OKI) CHICKS. Hatch off Friday : from Wh i :e Leg horn hijrh egg record, trap-nested stock; bred to lay. Tabor 7S21. PROM PT DELI V ERI KS on Leghorns. Reds and Rocks; best niK-k. pru-t-s reasonable. "V rile today, t . N. Npti liain. Sulcm. Or. PRi MPT DELI VEK1 ES on Leghoins, Rcd and Rocks; best stock, prices reasonable. Write toa. C. N . N ord ha in, S;t r m. l"r. PACK NOW, Your egg1 for winter use; clean, frcv-n-i"l. tn'erti. East 404. FOR SALE Porta Me chicken house and run xx ay tor is hen?. Call 1210 E. Madi-f-.n st. Phone Tabor 1117. 15o S. C. R. I. R' d bab chicks; Silx ia and Oold I o!lar strain ; 30c each. Broad -xa lJH.-. FoR ALE Sctt'ut t L. Tancr-. $1.50 Ftr-,t S. E. gas. Wogjnir.od. W. fccttinj. 451 tSOtu ;ii l BRAHMA $3 Per selling. 47 t'tli st- E. B road w ay 213. F 'R SALE S. i'. xxhitc legliorn puilctB, :i lalna. 4"-;i timh street S. K. Dngy Unbhils. ItinU. Pet lwl. WK BC'Y. rise ,nd sell fur-bcariug ratj l:is wnd other fiir-hrmnn innnu'.s. List what tu liMr with lib. t:itiug your lon er.; price tu large lot ahipmeata. Th I ur .v sp"ci a t x Karnmit; Cl.. 515-51 7 N P Hvc.. KHfKC. N lak. $--. PlilZl-; WINNER FROM NEW YORK. A ri lit t . li w ai'ver Pt-rjtla n. t;n,-i new stU'ls; lor $: up. Port '.and Kennels. Tabor 1 ."!. I'ats boarded. RABBITS WANTED. Prix a te pa 1 t h; art 111 g rabbit ry will ity pricea for alt str.e and breeds t' rwi'ints. L 127. Ft'R SALE A fcv 'J months otl Pointer pupit. Aildu ss r tail on II. W. N lute, Bjii 1 leu ron lid, Vxsii. Box 23. 'I" 1 1 fine "insfr and braM cage. C3ti E. :iMh ft. N. Automatic 310-77. UK M ill' tl. I Ih rl r. Mountain roiicr with v;i;e E a t 35 Ml launrhm aand Batata. M'll SALE 40x..x3i.J' 35 h. p. launrh i 11 perfect conti U 1011 : pain ted a ltd o er iia u led. read v to work; prito $ 1500. illiaiu S. KiniH-x, Astoria. Or. LIVER t-Hiiibi'rtt, freight and phmoi tn n- rex x heel pripeilcr. m5 ft. lng. 15' ft. bt am. tio-toii capaelty. for sale cheap. H . E. No bit-; 3 Bi I .umbermetiH b!da. BT R BOAT for sale or trade to. ,nr. C.ii I a Tier 4 P- M ., No. 35 B a 1 net CiU mcoiaiif. 1124 Macadam road. FOR SA LE New trolling boat. Stxl"-, fl. without engine. Inquire loot lajinbard l , ctrner Buchanan, St. John. Machinery. AIR COM PR KPSOR9, A I R TA N KH. u. s. two-sta;e compbessoks. Air hope, check x .. saiety va vee. roupting aud MutomatU kauwica, vr thing lor the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR c EQUIPMENT CO' Briadxnay 33ou. 329 Couch ( a - T N R E M I NtlToN up mach ine with t emplet, hush 'de and I H. I. 1. c. est ingliou in'Hr with reostal. ui( a lle fr rest a ura nt tr small niat na r kct. Mam 343. Call after 7 P. M. Friday or Saturday, or any time Sunday. HOISTIN' engine? for rent or pa ie. ion -rrete utiers. electric hoists, construction equipment, stamiard Mach. Co.. 5.1 Itl at. Tj lev riter. R Ell I LT t y tie writer, all kind- for sa 1 rent, exchange. N'e are exclusive dis tributors of t'orona portable. $5 com plete xlth carrying caje; buppnta for all I1UKCS E W. PEASE COMPANY, IB) Sixth t. Main 22-5. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. AI' make overhit'iVfi. Ex-rt tneehamcs. REPAIR ESTIMATES oN RKCJC EST. - Biiv. Sell, Rent and Exchange. At n 1 n i3?7. S11 pplit.s. 2i3 ' .- ' rt. UL ARAN T ELD factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments. Send for price Urt. The Wholesale Type x riter Co.. 32! W ashington st. Ft R R EN T UndTwood ty pex rit rr, ..0 per month. Empire Transfer. Bd y. 153. VISIBLE machines, years guarantee, $2o. The Rebuilt T.xpewriter Co.. 3i4 Oak at. makei rented and repaired. Oregon pex riter Co.. P4 5th. Main 30S. N E W. rebuilt, rate. P. D. st-trond -hand rentals at rut Co., 2M Stark. Main 14U7. REMINGTON No. lu. late model, periett comiition. $5. BH Flanderw t.. Apt. 1. LIKE new cw. Kein.ngton No. 10. with nard tablf. East ."!iM. x ood L C. SMITH tvpew riter in fine condition. $B. 2"Hl- Morrison streeL M isellaneous. FOR SALE Combination range In A I cor.d ;i ion ; used only few months. A lo a fine oak china closet ; no dealers. Phone Tabor 434. . LAW N mower. $7.50: large heater wi; n C"!I $7.5o; hxlo tent, $12.50; 4-foid fire place screen. $2.50; lion Age jarato cu tivator. $15. Tabor 47T INFANT'S Hhoit coat, lilted with silk. $10, and infant iamb's wool cape, $7. Wdin. ::;.!. 11114 Kerby t. AV I LL rent one of the bent duck lakes on Sauvies island to the right party. P 121. Oregonian. FOR SA LE 1 fta ir carpet, 1 gas range. 1 elei irir fixture, 1 rattan go-cart. Ca4 Main 2Qtrt. FOR SA LE One large and one small safe. 10O. Oregouan. E Y ES tested free ; spectacles guaranteed. Or. Balding. 245r Alder ?t. Mam 1I2. FOR SA LF. Lad'e' us-d rsniient.o. 403 A'.isky b?dg. Vogue Apparel Exchange. E LECT R 1C vacuum cleaner for oa'.e ; goud as nexx ; 525. F'hone Broad ay 4'i2l. CLssY aoda fountain. $35i cash. 245 1th ft. N. 175-EGG incubator and J'.O-chick brooder; both Buckeye. Call Mam 4s 42. H I ERS money-maker fountain. Long poo corn machine at sacrifice. 113 2d st. GOOD sewing machine. $. 25 N. Cth St. Room 403. Phone Broadway 2330. LATHE and vulcanizing; plant cneap. For quick. Bale. Tabor G0tt. SET Russian table furs; large co.lar an muff. Marshall 3S2( $75 HOOSIER kitchen cabinet, $.10. TiHl 1524: latest model. DI AMOND xa anted, Si--kt.. cash Lud&y . bargain. Main 3ii4 before 5 ;30. FOR SALE ptT 1000. OuOti loganberry tips for $ AV 7i5. Oreironian. FOR SALE. CHEAP Gem earphone. Call 12 to 4 P. M. fc-74 Thurman st., city. HEAVY slab and blockwood; alao 4-foot slab. Tabor 8i7P. COATS, furs, buita. gowns and evening ureases siightly worn. Main 037. FC R SALE C..h register. ate. adding ma.-hine. shoxcye 43 l.-t ft., near .Ay'i. FOR rent, vacuum leaner. 2i-hr. day el; wr.yxvhere. Bdwy. 25; form W. 1250. REBUILT typewriters, E. W, Pcate ec Co.. 1 1 Sixth it. SSCON D-HAXD tent and co- crs for Pacific Tent & Aw.r.lnr. 1 N. Ls tt LtK AOrIN.; JIACUTNE. S15. ; BETT BLDG. MARSHALL 557 IS COR- FOR f irst-clats, 5121. 4 ft. t .r wood. Bawy.