Sale of Men s Suits nam... y 4 1 VN 6. I 4 ? , . 3 f- JtfL - i f f 's n "V, if. I I. . ! ' . .1 . f Jr - '4 f :. M-.---..s,, Hi,, "' Timiii mi ii ii urn r -ii hull -- iilVri (: : : -i S . .... 4 ( & V SWINGS INTO ACTION TODAY AT 9:15 A. M. IN THE STORE FOR MEN, THIRD FLOOR A Sale That Will Be "Town Talk" in a Mighty Short Space of Time Tfeuvk Jj) flHIS Suit Sale is the complement of the I West's Greatest Shirt Sale, which has been attracting thousands' of men to MEIER & FRANK'S for days and of which the first day notably was remarkable for a larger attendance than we have ever known. The idea of holding a sale of suits had already taken form in the mind of our clothing chief the sale to be on a sufficiently large scale. But the success of the shirt sale upset all traditional ideas of sales-magnitude. A sale coming so quickly on the heels of this monumental event would be likely to suffer by comparison unless Jt too were all-excelling. Therefore authorization was sought, and duly given, 'to hold such a sale of suits as would prove the worthy counterpart of this greatest sale of its kind. And so Our Entire Stock of Men's Suits at About Today's Wholesale Cost It is hardly, necessary to say anything about the great unlikelihood of clothing prices coming down gen erally for some considerable time. Thoe conversant with conditions know that there is no break in the market anticipated rather, the trend of manufactur ers' quotations is" upward. But when MEIER & FRANK'S decides to do a thing then that thing is done independent of conditions. And so this sale. The words "entire stocks of men's suits reduced" mean" just what they say. No camouflage. No tergiversation. No reservations physical or mentals Every suit was carefully chosen for MEIER & FRANK'S, standard stocks. Every suit in these great new stocks is reduced (including BLUE SERGES so often exempted from sale.) How much reduced the following prices conclusively show. And our prices already were lower than manufacturers' prices to us warranted. SUIT- EYE R Y ; ; ' $ 40' . ' ND $45 Hundreds of men's and young's-men's suits in this' group. All good standard makes, sound, in every way. ' Such suits as a man would, never expect to find these days at $34.50 suits that men will be mighty pleased to. get. V , ; . , Many all-wool suits in dependable tweeds, cheviots, flannels and worsteds. Correct styles for men and young men single and double-breasted models. Plain shades of blue,' green and oxf grd, r, novelty patterns in stripes and overplaids. All sizes. 33 to -44 in regulars-and -shorts. --'-' ; . , EYERY :$65 .TO;- ;$75r:SUIT More than 500 men's and young men's suits-in this group. , All-. wool: garments in high-grade worsteds, unfinished worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres. Excellent quality BLUE SERGE ! SUITS are included and other, fjne garments in plain colors, stripes and mixtures. . . , ; : ' T --, ' - ' o ' ; I . . . ' - , " " " - . ' t Society Brand and Adler-Rochester makes. This assortment offers the newest styles in'single and double-breasted models, one and two-button effects, form-tracing English, models with mili tary shoulders and narrow straight-cut trousers, belted and .." pleated sports models, plenty of conservative suits. , , All sizes 34 to 48 in regulars, stouts, slims and shorts. EYERY $50 TO $60 SUIT More than 500 men's and young men's suits in this group. Most of these suits are all-wool fine all-wool BLUE SERGE SUITS are included. Worsteds, unfinished worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres. Single and double-breasted in one and two-button effects. Plain or patch pockets. Light and daVk shades and novelty patterns. All reliable makes a goodly number- of Society Brand and Adler-Rochester suits in this assemblage. .. . All sizes 34 to 48 in regulars, stouts, slims and shorts. . - v $ .50 EYERY $80 TO $100 SUIT A select assemblage of men's and young men's customized clothes is this, the last of the four great groups. The sort of suits one rarely sees reduced the sort of suits for which their admirers cheerfully pay full, regular prices to secure the "distinction these clothes impart but the sale must be all-inclusive and they are reduced like the rest decisively. Finest imported and domestic all-wool fabrics, including super fine BLUE SERGE SUITS. Masterpieces 4f Society Brand, Adler-Rochester and Louis Holtz tailors vf or; men. Styles of unquestionable correctness. Perfection in fit and finish. All sizes 34 to 42 in regulars, some stouts and shorts. $Z O.50 TO Tm& Quality" Store of- Portland rlv. Xor-rory AMcr 3ta. npHE SALE Begins Today at 9:15 A. M.Any Elevator or Escalator JL Will 1 Whisk You Up. in a. Jiffy to The Store for Men , Third Floor : Extra Salesmen in Attendance Alterations (Where Necessary) Will Be Made at Our Earliest Convenience See Fifth Street Window Displays. -Meier & Frank's: The Store for ilen. Tfiird FJoor. The QuALmT Store or Portlaxo .4