THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, TIIUItSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920 15 NEW TODAY. t 'fit" , 4 ' i r - . : ?.' .fww-": t v - ' i . .iA .. r-;j iit fee"! . J I' Stocked and Equipped The two photos above will give you eome idea of the lay of this splendid 130-acre stock ranch, lo cated 3 'i miles from railroad town in Clarke county, Wash.; 37 acres are in cultivation, 20 acres in tim ber, balance slashed and pastured; 30 acres in oaU: 3 wells, '1 NprinKS, good trout Btreni and a very fair country 6-rooin house, new barn 60x6:2, separator house, all neces sary outbuildings; splendid fam ily orchard of large bearing fruit trees: the land is Just rolling enough for perfect drainape. In cluded with this place are 25 head of cattle. 4 brood sows. 5 shoats, 1 wason, 3-year-old team. 1 buggry horse, 1 saddle horse. 100 hens, 13 geeae and 12 ducks. 1 cream sepa rator and small fols and house hold furniture. The outrange is unlimited and this place is ready to step into and to no to work. The price, in our estimation, is ridiculously low, being $!0OO as it stands; $6000 cash, plenty of time on the balance. FRED W. GERMAN CO. ' "IIS CHAMBKR OK COMMERCE Knob Hill Bungalow in exclusive district surrounded by elejrant residences; best neighborhood in Portland; close in on west side; large corner lot; beautiful lawn, 6 spacious rooms; French plate glass windows; bookcases and buffet, fireplace and steam heat. You won't find a better home at any price in Portland. Price $11,500. Terms to responsible parties. Shown by appointment only. Phone Tabor 3080. RKAt ESTATE. For Sle Beaeh Property. 4 SEASIDE LOTS 1M CAUTWRHiHT PARK. New sea wall and new ocean pier now assured. Hard-surface road from Portland, fin ished this year. Your cholee of over 100 lota from 75 to $7Hi. Inquire WHITMKK-KELLY COMPANY 414 PIttock Block. Portland. Or. F. M. COLE. Seaside. Or.. Authorized A cents. OR KEN T G earhari trot t are, faces ocean, good location, five bedrooms, fur- nlHhed completely; will rent July and Augut or for six weeks. L, R. Bailey v . onnwestern fctanK old p. uk RA1(K Or will rent or lea?e. two choice lots, A0xl4O feet, at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad ; near dance pavilion and hotel. Address 1 1 SO. Oregonian. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. HAWTHORNE. FINE HOME. $0C00 Fine 7-ronm large square house ; furnace, fireplace, all built-in; full cemen t bauernent, cabinet kitchen, trays; 4 bedrooms: lot .ixluu. east front: paved st. paid; on E. v'Sil near Hawthorne; some terms, MT. TABOR SWELL HOME. $30ut Swell 0-room house; furnace, four fireplaces. - toilets : all built-ine : corner, loOxluO; fine view; $1000 cuy i icns paiu : on hi. iaa ana Morribon, I blk. to car; about VU4Mj caiih. Big: snap. Worth $14,000. SWELL 0-ROOM RESIDENCE. 2 LOTS. $8500 Swell, strictly modern house, 5 bedrooms ; nothing missing to make it up to date; lot UmixIO"; lots of nice fruit: on Ef ;t:id uud Clinton: any terms if desired. URI'SSI & BENNETT. ftiS-Ttgl Board of Trade. Main 74.".2. 7f.0u. PI'PLEX FLAT. FINE TNTBST 74 ENT. LIVE IN ONE. RENT THE OTKKR. EACH FL.AT HAS FIVE ROOMS AND BATH EACH, SEPARATE FURNACES. FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. LA ROE ATTIC. ONE t; IN OLE GARAGE, LOT 50x50: WALK ING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE; ONE BLOCK ROSE CITY CAR. POINDEXTER, :0S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE, 271-20. MODERN. duplex house. SS0OO, near Sunny side and Hawthorne cariine. west of 20th: each apartment has' 6 rooms, large attic,, fine cement dh semen t and furnace: street entrance to basement; well built and f I rat-class condition. Write Mrs. Wiley, Oregon City. Route 6, Box 3-B. MUST LEAVE CITY. Two 4-nn. flats, corner, 50x100; chick en houses and runs, fruit and berries; frtOftO: easy terms. THOMSON. HENRY BLDG. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. SIX-FAMILY APARTMENT, close In, east Bide; low price of $7 'J 50 for quick sale: terms. Phone 316-19 before 0 A. M. and after P. M. J t500 Modern '2 five-room flat building and parage; walking distance, east side; rent 0o per month. Phone East 370. 6tfu East Madison. For Sale -Lots, ALAMEDA PARK 'bargain. Lot 50x160. rear 2fth, between Mason and Dunckley st voets; faces both streets, and two houses ran be built on lot If desired ei ret improvements unpaid. $850. Will accept $500 cash, buyer to assume city liens. Great bargain ; must be sold to settle est .it p. WTNTHROP HAMMOND. 127 Sixth St. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lots, near Jeffer son high and Peninsula park; 18 minutes by street rar to vahington and Broad way. HO TOM, $7MJ; 60x100, S500. $50 caxti, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON" CO.. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. I OWN several residence lots, fine loca tion, near Franklin high school, good neighborhood. Will sMl lots at attrac tive firure on easy terms and will bulid or finance building of homes. For fur ther Information see J. A. Cock, 3410 55th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 1301. LEXINGTON HEIGH T S -R e e d college dis trlct : high lot. splendid bungalow Bite; worth $T0; will take $450. easv terms Owner (afternoons), 4431 53d ave. Wood siock cars. EAST front corner lot. 37th and Tillamook sts.; all assessments paid; $ 1 000. C. D. McConahy, 917 American Bank biag , Seattle. Wash. COK N KH, 8UX100 ft.. .$1050. Ainsworth and Boston avenue; some cash, terms rea sonable. Phone Main 4 S3 5. evenings, St-ilwood 21. LOT FOR SALE, one block of Sandy blvd. . Inquire at 745 Milwaukie, or phone Sell- wood 31 SI. . FOR SALE University Park. 2 lots, each S3 1-3x110 feet: improvements in and paid. Phone Broadway 1083. THREE lots for sale. Vaileyro.d; Inquire 6218 Powell LOT for sal East SRth and Mill. Haw thorne district. Call owner. Tabor 394L REAL ESTATE. -Lot PARKROSE. 2 AND 3 ACRE TRACTS. t50 TO SIOOO PER ACRE. Eay terms; Parkrose. just outside city limits; low taxes, no. street improve ments to pay; 40O acres, rich garden soil, now open for saie, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, selling agents, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th an d Stark sts ; branch office end of Parkrose car line. Do You Want to Buy on PORTLAND HEIGHTS? The best way to do Is to see Mrs. Brooke. She is an old resident, knows every foot of the district and has most of the Saleable nrnnrt v in her hands. EVERY CUSTOMER (no exception XS A rt,f tKKMB, BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive. Foot of Elm st. Marshall 4827. For fcale Hoonea. BIHR-CARET COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY SAVIDGK COMPANY. Main 747. 219 Ry. Exch. Bids. 500 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The public Is invited to come to our snowrooms on the second lloor of tne Railway Exchange building, corner of Third and Stark streets, and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gal lery crammed full of neatly arranged photographs of homes. Eight real estate salesmen with autos to show you prop erty. A pleasure to show our homes. -No obligation on your part. NEW ROSE CITY HOMES. Twenty brand-new Rose Citv bungalows juat being completed 5 and 6 rooms oak floors, finished in white enamel; select yours today. a&y payment pian. VACANT ROSE CITY HOME. $400 The owner moved to his ranch last week and left us the keys to -his 7-room. 1 -story bungalow elaborate interior decorations, ex pensive built-lns, 2 toilets, oak floors, fireplace; 75x100 lot. just off Sandy blvd.; 91000 down. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW- $3500 1 block from Peninsula park, easy walk from Jefferson high school; 7-room, li-story bungalow; attic, 4 bedrooms, hot-air furnace; on terms. PFTNINSULA HOME. $3100 2-story. 7-room home on large lot. 4 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing; a well-built attractive nome. 1 block from St. Johns car 14 bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries, grapes and other fruits, garage; I5O0 down. MONT A VILLA SPECIAL $2800 2-story. 0-room home in good re pair, on car line ana navea sis. all street and sewer liens paid In tull; here Is certainly lots of house for a small amount of money, 6 bedrooms, best plumb Ing; it wtll pay you to investigate this offer quickly; about MK) down required. UNPARALLELED SNAP, M ON TA VILLA. Honestly, we are ashamed to write the price, out there fcn the ooen. It looks about $1000 too low. It hardly seems possible that one could buy a HH)xl00 lot with scwer and sidewalks in aud paid for and a 2-story. 6-room house IS bearing fruit trees and fine earden. all for $2100; a few nun dred down will do. I'll say it's a snap you will, too. 5-ROOM MONT A VILLA BUNGALOW. S105O Here Is a first-class modern bun galow at a very low price; $500 down. 8-ROOM ALBERTA HOME. $0500 Modern home in Alberta near car ana ecnooi. complete ly reumsnea and in Al order; piped for fur nace; $700 down. T'NUSUAL OFFER ALBERTA. $2200 Here 4s a dandy little home, very convenient. practical arrange ment, easy to keep spick and span. 5 rooms. 2 light bedrooms, best Dlumbinz. gas. electricity, nno Ipum in bath and kitchen; very attractive inside and out; $700 down. ANOTHER ALBERTA HOME. 4' SOxlOO Iot near car. fine fruit. chicken house and berries; $3O0 down. C-3 ALBERTA HOMES FOR SALE 65. All sizes and prices. See ours before you buy. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded by CAREY SAVIEKJB COMPANY. Main 7487. 210 Ry. Exch. Bldg. OPEN EVENINGS. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE. $5250. Here's one. folks, right up to the mln ute In every respect; hardwood floors In everv room. Quality of workmanshl n ml material socak for themselves. All wo RHk 1h the orivilege of showing you this snlendid bungalow. Complete in every way furancc, fireplace, buffet, etc.; paving paid. Yes, there is a. garage, A. G. TEEPB CO.. 264 Stark st., nr. Third. Main S0D2. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $5gO0 ROSE CITY PARK 5800. 5-room and breakfast nook; large attic floored ; large living room, fireplace, beautiful buffet: oak floor, ideal kitchen, full basement, furnace: all Plate glass in front. This is a new home and cot more than the above price above ground: worth $f504 with a small outlay. Call Marshall 3352 or Tabor 30W0. FOR ale of trade, 9-room house, H years old, 85x100 lot. Full improvements, 40 minutes' walk from Third and Burnside; for lair payment. oa;ance ime rent at 7 per cent. Or trade for modern four, five or six-room house, 50x100 lot, equally as close In. Owner, phone dur ing office hours. Broadway 671. LAURELHURST SAttlFICK. $5350$ 1 250 CASH. Modern 8-room home: hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, full cement base ment, I bedroom, down. This is a snap. Onlv $1250 caeh. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $2100. $600 cash, balance like rent, buys this nice double-constructed, 5-room bunga low with bath, buffet, built-in kitchen, basement, on 50x100 lot, with fruit and berries; 1 block to car. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87S7. $3750 $3750 $3750. 7-room modern double constructed home near Jefferson high and grade schools, 1 blk. to Union ave. Owner want ing larger home has reduqpd price. $U0Q cash to handle; paved and paid. In A-l condition. Marshall 3352. Tabor 3000. J. B. Rock Co., 403-4 Couch bldg. OVERLOOK ADDITION. $5500 tt-room. modern, 2-story house, built-in bookcase and buffet, hardwood floors, fireplace, large closet each bed room; full cement basement, wash trays. sewer, sidewalk In and paid for; lot 50x100, east rront: reasonable terms. Overlook Land Co. Phone Main 216. $4500 By owner, in Overlook Addl tlon. 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors In living room and dining room. built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. Terms. Overlook Land Co. rnone Main zio. 3100 BY OWNER 6 rooms, modern, base ment anu garage. oantenooin de Skid- more. 10 t5 rooms, near Arleta school ML. Scott car. f"500 ISth and Hoyt. 9 rooms, mod ern. BROADWAY 3232. - - WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS . ft-room modern house, fine nelghbor- nooa, x diock to car; Deautitui view. larK-e room. 2 fireplaces. 75x1 OO lot: asphalt street, paid ; price for quick sale snouo; jiooo cash will handle; no agenta. 3i am ii.a. SAVE COMMISSION. Buy my 6-room home, with two lots, In Hawthorne district. 336 E. 44 th- can Tabor Jov. BIG. elegant house, cor. 30th and Holaate. 7 fine, big rooms, partly furnished? lot 45x115. only $3200; $5O0 cash, bal. month ly. Owner, East 3225. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, trior. A All rooms In old Ivory; $3650 this week only; terms. Owner, 303 Commonwealth bldg. J77.0O LAURELHURST $7M0. Complete home for quick safe. ZIMMERMAN WHITE. SI 3 Chamber of Comm erce bl d g. FtR SALE 4-room, 2 lots, comfortable houEe. sas.. etc. . Inquire 2.i8 77th N. Take "M-V car. $2ii50 6-ROOM furnished house, full base ment, lot &0xl00. fruit trees. 211 Wash. . TRVINGTON HOMES. EAST 413. Mc DON ELL. REA L ESTATE. For Sale Houe. $4500 ROSS CITY CAR. 6 rcoma and sleeping porch, hard wood floors in main rooms, fireplace, bookcases, built-in buffet, all good size rooms, full cement basement with fur nace, the owner fa hfre from the east and says sell the house. This ho:ise. without the lot, cost over 4lOO five years ago. It is exceptionally well con structed, located 150 ft. to Rose City Park cariine, east front, 2O0O cash will hande it this is a full 2-story bcuwe and is usrely a cnap. Rose City branch office, 45th rtnd Sandv blvd. Tabor 2ft4 J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com, Bldg. TRVINGTON. MUST GO QUICK. 8 rooms Dutch coloiHal. in rink of condition; center entrance wonderful, living rooms, sun room, dining room and complete kitchen on first floor:' oak floors, fireplace, tapestry walls: .1 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, fireplace; In one of thes grand bedrooms; full basement, fruit room, coalbin. All of this for less than (8500. C. M. DERR. COB A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 4th St. Main 4522. I2ft50 G5o DOWN. 1 BLK. TO R. C; P. OR E. A. CAR. Near 2t h and Sandy Blvd., 5 room cottage and garage, this place la priced to sell immediatlv. If you want it don't delay. Full 50x100 ft. lot. A?k for Mr. Clesr watpr J. U HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Com Bldg. Main JOS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WEST SIDE. If yeu are looking for an investment as well as a real home, don't fail to look at th Is modern 7-room residence. which Is priced at half its worth. There is maid's room, furnace, two fireplaces. gas heater and gas stove included In price of $HSOO; a. full lot and everything in A-i condition. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. LAL'RELHURST COLONIAL SIX ROOMS FINE OARAGE MOVE RIGHT IN. f15'0 WILL HANDLE BEST OF EVERYTHING. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT Main 1700 Sunday and Evenings. East 2086 . Mr. Delahunty. TO EXCHANGE For Oakland, Cal., home or building lots, nne ,o-aere tract near Columbia river, about 80 mlics from Portland : 1 0 acres 1 2-year-old com mer cial apples. 10 acres alfalfa. 10 acrpg pasture and wood iot; cot me $koo; wili trade or sell to give you a bargain. This la a splendid opportunity for some body. Address C. E. Butler, 308 12th tU, Oakland. Cal. LAURELHURHT BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS 1500 Cash will handle. MOVE RIGHT IN. BEST OF EVERYTHING. EXTRA FINE BUY. Phone for Appointment Main 1700 Sunday and Evenings. East 208tf Mr. Delahunty. $20O CASH, balance to suit, buys a good 5-room cot tage with bath. gaH. elec. lights, etc.: IVOxlOO-ft. lot. 2 biks. to car: this is cheaper than renting; price $1750. See Mr. Chris ten son, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. THAT VACANT IXT. Why not turn a burden Into Income 7 We design and build apartments ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 24 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY. ft nice rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, buflt-ina. cement basement, sta tionary tubs, garage : a beauty, S5400, J15O0 cash. Tabor 5105. E. G. ADCOCK. 513 Dekum bldg. LEAVING CITY Must sell 8-room house. 100x100 lot. 15 assorted bearing trees, berries, shrubs, etc. ; full cement base meiU. sewer connected; no Hens or mort gage to assume: complete plumbing, gas and lights. $3250. $.10 cash, $25 per montn. t-none lauor tfi. An abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title; it is merely a history of your title. A Title insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore when you buy property get a Title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust company. 6-ROOM modern house, witn built-in ef fect; furnace and fireplace ; full cement basement and laundry trays; good garage on corner, all assessment a paid , $4500 for quick sale, some terms. Tabor 2841; no agents. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, CLOSE IN. Modern 7-room home taken over by our bank must be unloaded at once. Bank is making an exceedingly " low price oi .tutF on Terms ror quick sale Ke ATCHISON. 2Q4 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 beautiful rooms, strictly moderir In all respects : street apsensment.M In and paid; garage; $5250, S12501 cash. Tabor t205. E. G. ADCOOK. 513 Drkum bldg. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY Is a iruar antee by a responsible company that you will not suffer los on account of the title to your real estate. When you buv real estate get a Title insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. SELLWOOD SNAP. FURNISHED. Five-room plastered cottage, bath, elec tricity, gas, iruit: practically new fur niture; all for $1100, eay terms. See at once. 1611 V East 13th., phone Auto matic 21o-f. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY is a guar antee or the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title in sured. Better be safe than sorry. Title and Trust Company. $350O SEVEN ROOMS, MODERN $35M. Best buy in RICHMOND DISTRICT. Terms. f remiss, eio Ltiamber of Com nierce piag. PORTLAND BANKS request title Insur ance instead of abstracts. why ? Ask your banker, he knows. Title & Trust Company. ROSE CITY PARK MT. TABOR. Well built, real homes, modern and in perfect conomon ; iois ovx iw; garages, TITLE INSURANCE Is the modern way o nanonng titles to real estate. Quicker costs less and no abstract required. Title ana trust, company. OWNER leaving, modern S-room b tinea imr guou oaiempni, corner 101. ouilt-ins' onlv block Hawthorne car Marshall 102. A NICE 3 -room bungalow, large iot, shrub oery ana xruit. near car line: a bureau at S1550. B. M. Price & Co., 200 Henry oiag. cneaper man aosiract meinoa. akk your oantter. oe snows, imp ana xrust com pany. . CLOSE your real estate deal without ai ance Policy. No abstract required. Title ana Trust jjompany. WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy you do not neea an abstraet of title. One premium pays for all time. Title and Truet Company. WHEN you purchase your home have th title Insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Title and Trust Company. BANKS request title Insurance because it is best. Ask your banker, he knows. Title & Trust company. EVERY purchaser of real estate shoul have his title insured. Better be safi than sorry. Title and Trust Company 1 MUST sell regardless of price, choic Jrvington home; no commission; terms if required. aj 4Jo. Oregon ian. FOR SALE 6-room house on Willamette Heights, with entire rurnlsnlngs; $3800, terms. E li.t. uregonian. , th rkk koa4 rt-siaences. run inr- . terms; ownra sacrifice. Evenings. Ta oor iui)i. -ROOM house. 50100 lot. cios in- fn nace. fireplace, bath, wash trays; $4000, terms. uwner, v. ojw. SlftftO 5-ROOM house, lot 30x6O. wt -..-t close in, on Hood st. ; handy to N W Steel works; terms. Owner, Sell, iio.y ml.i""'-"' n. . 1., - o rooms Dutch Kiicnen, iiirnace, 00x100; I block car, terms. Marshall 1022. FOR SALE Good 4-room plastered house with 2 or 4 lots. Iswn. fruit and berries. An IT ma fi7th xf KnMh Tnhn (Ino $2750 BUTS $45O0 home If you can pa $1000- cash; rentins for $45 month; must go quick. 301 Corbett bldg. 2 10-ROOM houses for sale, furnished housekeeping rooms. 29 1 3d st. FOR HAWTHOrlNE HOMES CALL HUBBELL. TABOR 8892 HOt'SE for sale cheap: close in. tf&9 i. Clinton st. Phone Sellwood 1392. MODERN S-room bungalow, dist- Tabor 5146. Hawthorn HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 420U RODABAUOH. $34S0 OWNER sacrifices Hawthorne bun galow. 340 E. 52 d. Mar. 230O. BANKS prefer title Insurance Instead of abstract. Title and Trust Compauy. BE AX ESTATE. For Sale Houmi. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON TH.E PACIFIC COAST. 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGl'TRE TO BUY YOU II HOME. We extend vmi a cordial invitation to v1tf our LARGE SHOW ROOMS AND INSPECT our displav of over HrtO PHO TOGRAPHS OK HOMES FOR SALE. Kvery district In the citv REPRESENT ED. Many REMARKABLE BARGAINS. Every home Is perwonailv APPRAISED AND INSPECTED BEFORE BEING OFFERED 'FOR YOUR CONSIDER A Tioy. We safeguard your EVERY IN TEREST. We put vou in IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. We will helo you make your DOWN PAYMENT IF NECES SARY. 14 Automobile at Tour SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. $5300 BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY ON THE ALAMEDA: A rooms, every conceivable built-in. H A R D -WOOD FLOORS. fin Dutch kitchen. SPLENDID FURNACE: hnu like nw. This if the BEST BUY W E HAVE IN ROSE CITY for the money. TERMS. $450O DISTINCTIVELY BEAUTIFUL ALBERTA. Splendid material: superior workmanship; DOU B IjE CONSTRUCTED: t-olid paneled dining room: built-in buffet: fire-pla-: MODEL WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN; fui! cement bssement: furnace, etc: 2 set of plumbing. THIS WAS BUILT bv a lumber man for his OWN HOME. When vou pee it you'll buy It for yours. JG. 32d st. $2050 R-room bungalow bargain: AT- BERTA. Combination living and dining room ; electricity. a; good cement basement : snlend id garage: Jarrrtt t. THIS IS IN USUAL VALUE. $1790 Here's a NTCE LITTLE AL BERTA HOME: electricity. a. good cement baprment: ABUN DANCE OF FRUIT. BERRUiai. E. 26th st. $2500 ROSE CITY BUNGAI.OW; attrac tive 5 rooms, at the PRICE ND TERMS " MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOU TO PAY. Typical an- 1 fornia line; dining room wit a massive beveld glass buffet, white Dutch kitohen, 2 nimny bedrooms with fine convertible SLEEPING PORCH ; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; cement basement; SUCH EASY TERMS. Just think! Only $400 down! BAL ANCE EASIER THAN RENT! KENTON HAS SOME WONDERFUL BUNGALOWS, and we have secured OVER 30 OF THEM FOR YOU. Below are a few: $3500 A QUAINT. LOW, RAMBLING BUNGALOW you'll be GLAD TO CALL HOME: largo combination living and dining room : cosy fireplace: ideal Dutch kitchen: punlicht Is always lingering in that URBAKKAST nook: HARD WOOD FLOORS; fine cement basement with laundry trays. If vou HURRY you CAN SELECT vour OWN COLOR SCHEME: "place is just being completed. Owner will take good building lot as part payment. E. Buffalo street. '21Q0 ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM SHIN GLED BUNGALOW: PRACTI CALLY NEW; full front porch; - DUTCH KITCHWN; full garden lot K. Farragut. SUCH EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1000 K ENTON BUNGALOW COT TAG E ; comfortable; substantial: LIKE NEW; plumbing; electric ity, gas, paved ft. Paid. -Just $300 down. Peninsula ave. THlb IS A BARGAIN. '35 THIS NEW MODERN BUNGA- LOW CHALLENGES your AT TENTION. Large living room with cheerful fireplace, pretty dining room with -ft. built-in buffet. HARDWOOD FLOORS, full Dutch kitchen, central hall lined with well arranged linen closets (a place for everything); 2 nunnv bedrooms; WOODWORK r.ip fc'A'TlHK HOUSE FINISHED in WHITE ENAMEL: best white enamel plumbing; FULL LOT; 2 kilm t it Tahor car. TERMS, i You couldn't build this today for $3500; A UENtiMt dauuaj .rnnm CALIFORNIA BUNGA LOW BEAUTIFUL. NortU of WoBtmnrpland : spiend id full width front porch : paneled din ing room with massive buffet: SPLENDID WHITE DUTCH kitchen: healthful SLEEPING PORCH. HOUSE LIKE NEW. Reynolds. H blk. to car. TERMS, 13500 FORCED SALE; modern 6-room FINE DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED HOME: BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND SHRL'fciliblli. iwrence 11, Rose City car. TERMS. I200O DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. Typl CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW : attractive, rumbling lines, laree " front porch, pretty living room with fireplace, buiit-ln bookcases. hi mAd ceiiincH. solid paneled dining room with massive built-in huf rut. 11 a lev bedrooms, white .nnn..l nlmnMne: corner lot. ciotie to Woodstock car and school. TERMS. FRANK. L. McGUTRE To Buy Your Home. ,.. Abington Bldg. . Main 1008. Successor to IT. D." McGulre. Established 1SS0. "FORTY YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE." .UHin H A W T HORN E B U NO A I 0 W 53000. wv A REAL BARGAIN tv.1. 1. int what vou have been look ins clly : almost liumeUt.te possesion b. had. a WARRIXEK RITTER. LOWE I'O., m -:t-.i-T Board of Trade bid. -T55SoSOO CASH! BAU 1,1KB RK.NT ' , ii, house, on BOxlOO corner lot; r:. .... int. r fruit: 2 block, to -VT ...hV.l- IS minutes' ride to town. 633 N. V. BanK J3lUg. jwam "- ; R.OSK CITT. Beautiful 6-room buiiRalow. alt on ... fmnr. oak floors,, French , . ...liuiiirn all bullt-lna. kb race;' tnia la something clanay; 1.1O0 Hi balance monthly. 2u Oregon bids- Broadway 16:8. inVlMlTON $6.".00. r-.n vou beat it? A fine. -room house i- j i tir.rtf firenlace. furnace. In ...,k kitchen all white enamel; double ,,.: lot iOxlOO; immediate IoK aion. Call Main Soil. See " HOLMES for HUMES. r.,wui.v-r LOT and ood 8-room house c nrh x i mis is In a fine uis trlct and la a Rood modern house; by soending a few hundred aoiiars on m nlac. a profit of 110U0 could be u.; in reselling; eaay terms. 2.10 t'ham. of Co'". Turner it ... . . i- a v inniTION. 5-room bunira low. with sleeping porch, built-in buftet, fireplace, full cement bauernent, furnace, auxllHJ lot; an mm v-... and paid. Price $4oO; U0(.O cash. P JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. WBank Bldg. Main 8i67. HOUSK 6 room, good condition, carpets. mm.- lnciudins cat ran, ffaa not water heater, bed, dreseer, chairs, fruit trees, roses: four doors from rirland sta tion; no agents; $800 will handle. non Tabor 'JiiJ. modkrN. attractive ouniealow. Laurel k,.rt- orrner lot on car line: lar, h&rdwood floors, tiled bath, ra v. M fin a lawn and imported shrub hrv urice $M.00. 1074 Glisan. Phone Tabor OS'Jtk 1500 FIRST payment will buy this 8-room bun aalo w; 3 car lines; near JefferHon hich and Penlnnula park. Price $3300, JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 33 N. W. Bak Bldg. Main 878 sei.i.wOOD SNA P tlurnished. liKM. rooms, plastered rmtuite, bath, elect ri citv. eat. fruit, practically new furniture all for (oOO down. Mar. 10-'. Call fi2tf Chamber of Commerce. I'OR SA LE by owner. 3-room houne, lot; sink, toilet, electric lights, gan. blocks from Sellwood car barns. No. Clatsop ave. fu 2 V tlOOti 5-TOOM COTTAGE $1000. Near car line, hard surface and schoo trnnri .tAxlOO lot. fruit and berries: term? SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXOH MtWT sell completely furnished 7-roo modern bungalow; garage, macadamise t.. flue shape; terms; snap of owner, $47T0. oH'Jl 4lst St. eliwood 1Q53, ROSE CITY PARK, corner lot room house, furnace, firepalce, hardwood floors ana oum-ins. -jau owner, Tabo 4S92. FOR bALib pour-room modern cottage. largo rooms. Large nam room, ttutlt-in basement, gas and electric. Call and see it. HMi fci. etn st.. in Beiiwood. vor KALE By owner. 5-room bunminw all built-ins. full cement basement, 'lot jOOxiuo. can laoor wis. BEAUTIFUL Rose City Park bungalow. A rooms, full attic; $3800. No agents. Tabor 18. In for a neat, modern 0-room bungalow. "?eiy located in the Hawthorne l . .. " dandv full cement basement, fire plaoe built-in look.aSe and full Dutch kUchen kla radiator and water heater REAL ESTATE, For Saie HOME TS WHERE THE HEART IS. And you can't woo or cajole content ment unless you provide a place for her. Getting a house is a simple matter, but making it your sanctuary of home re quires judgment and loving care. With a merciless appraisement, coldly Irt specting. we enter more different houses daily than you could imagine. When we approve it means our commerclnl and et htic senses are stirred. Now, we offer a 7-room bungalow near the Ken ton district for $5S0, which for perfect construction and appointments Is hard to duplicate. The living room and din ing rooms with hardwood floors and fireplaces extraordinary and the bed rooms are intimately exquisite. Furnace, full concrete bsHcment, wash tray. 40x175 lot, garage, big garden, and a plethora of 01 her splendid features just wait ing for your approval. Terma ar ranged. Mi honey. COB A. MrK ENN A CO., S2 Fourth Street. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia 6500 ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE. H excellent rooms with breakfast nook, hardwood floors throuchout. excellent furnace, beautiful enameled finish, all good -size rooms and In very good con ditton. place occupied lens than one yea r, east f ron t. on paved st reel, large garage with full cement driveway, near car line. Terms $2UOO cash, balance ar ranged. Rose City Park branch office, 45th and Sandv blvd. Tabor 2004. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. LAURELHURS'l. rnnvvn LOT. FINE VIEW. BEATJTl FI'L GROUNDS. ALL KINDS FRUIT avi. SHIM' RS. STRICTLY MODERN RKSIDENCE. WITH HALL. LIVING hoiiv. MINING ItOOM. DEN. BREAK FAST ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR, FH"R BEDROOMS H&ijnXD KM UK. TWO THIRD FLOOFt. TWO BATHS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. OWNER MOV ING TO C ALI FOR N I A. CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE .POSSESSION. PLAC E CST $27,000; WILL SACRIFICE FOR $L-:t.iMo cash. POINDEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1HO0; RESIDENCE 271-20. MILWAUKIE HOMES. Good car service, modern homes; gas. electric lights. Bull Run water; fine bth grade and high schools. If vou are looking for a home come to Mltwauike. Prices range from $lo0. to $7000; some very easy terma , KLEEB ft PARRY. Flr-t State Bank Bunding. Phone 1. Automobile Service. Milwaukie. Oregon. $3150. EASILY $1000 under value, and only $1500 canli buys mis tine w-room nounu, on paved street, with all liens paid; has large living mom with bookcases and fireplace, paneled dining room, large built-in kitchen and large bedroom on ground floor; 4 good bedroom closets, etc., and good bath: toilet both up and downstairs; full cement basenient, laun dry trays; 100 feet to car; 12 minutes' ride to business center. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON". SINGULAR CHARM AND BEAUTY. FROM LARGE HALL YOU ENTER BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROO M . W OO D WOUK OLD IVORY. WALLS IN FRENCH GRAY; DINING ROOM IN IVORY AND OKAY; 3 BEDROOMS IN WHITE ENAMEL; SLEEPING PORC1L 1X700 $20IM CASH. $ti0 PER MONTH. NO AGENTS. FOR APPOINTMENT, EAST 1347, $7,00. DUPLEX FLAT. FINE INVEST MENT. LIVE IN ONE. RENT THE OTHER. EACH FLAT HAS FIVE ROOMS AND BATH EACH. SEPARATE FURNACES. FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT LARGE ATTIC. ONE SINGLE GARAGJC. LOT oOx.'.O; WALK ING DISTANCE. EAST tilDE; ONE BLOCK ItrE CITY CAR. PO I N DEXTER. 20S SELLING B LDG. MAIN lSuo. RESIDENCE 271-20. $27 50 l.",(M CASH. 4-room bungalow, 2 additional rooms upstairs which are unfinished but could be utod as sleeping rooms ; large living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bath on first floor; gas and electric lights; good basement; garage; 0xl20 feet of ground. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HUM B FOR THE NBWLTWKDS $3200, A nrartirjillv new newiywed apartment house type of bungalow, splendid pergola entrance, Murpny aisappearing - o-u. d renting room, large living room with f irenlut-a and seat. Pullman buffet kltch en and breakfast nook, built-in V table and seats: beautiful lot. on paved street and car line; $300 cash, any large monthly payment will do. red v German C.. 732 Chain, of Com. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOM E. Pinf.t m Oak Crovf : beautiful grounds 2 1:. acres, large, beautiful house, full basement, two bedrooms on first floor, breakfast room, sleeping porch, all con veniences, garage : no repairs needed nvwhere. Don't miss this If you are lit.iUlnur fnr an KlpCMtlt home. $15,000. cash. Phone or see me at once. Will W. Thompson. Oak Grove. Or. st-room house with sleeping porch and bath, full Dascmeni, mi nfxiw. irun 1 1 cunlcii. berry and rose bunhea ; new garaga; will well everything includ ing furniture, bedding and dishes, chick ens in the yard and coal In the base ment: price $2imm. See owner. 743 East 83d st. S. Woodstock car. 100100 FEET of ground, with choice fruit and berries; nouse na o room, niwpiua porch and den, some built-lns. fireplace, full basement, furnace; 1 block from car; 1 blocks from Willamette boulevard. Price $4Fon; $ikmo rafli, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7P7. (1050 R. C. PARK: almost new, partly furnlsnco ; dii ii, khb. nrtmuiy, isit rorner lot: Part cash, balance 6 per cent mnv rirht In; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $400 to get nice little nome; gooa neignnornooa, near school. Owner. TaDor o.a. .-.7.0 ROSE CITY PARK $5700. Talk about your bargains, 5 rooms, den and large sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, all on one floor. $200 will handle. See J. A. Mccarty at E. 30th A GHsan office. Tabor 34o3. Evenings, Tabor oO7. IRVINGTON. NEW 6-ROOM HOME. Located 5H4 B razee. 7."x loo comer 10th. A II hardwood floors, gas furnace, niBto windows, garage, splendid Ilgh fixtures, wallpaper and tile bath. Very well built ana ior saie py owner. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS win r run. 111011, t n 1 v v. v e, . 1ENCE; NEVER BEFORE OFFERED FOR SALE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY BARGAIN, $3eOO. 7 " rooms, modern, full cement base wtnnt- fine woodwork and pictures, al imnrAvemenU paid; grounds 10HIOO. a! kinds of fruit and berries, chicken house vard and garoen. r-none pen. TWO houses on full lot. one house with A rooms, oiviaeu in 1 wo -room apart ments each with private bath. Second house with four rooms and bath, full (..mrnt basements ana moo em conven lences In both. 404 13th. Marshall til 30. INSURANC3. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY. EXILE BUR K ITT, AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO, MAIN 1800. WEST SIDE SNAP. T.ronm house, like new, with or wiK out furniture; full basement; going east sell everytning ior iiou. iou ioosevel pt reeL ; MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new. -t-room uungaiow, net Union ave. and Piedmont; a few hun dred dollars down will handle It; balance like rent. Fnone uwner. rast 4000. 0 CLOSE IN $3250 A good comfortable 6-room house. $500 will handle. See J. A. Met 'arty, E. 3th & Glisan office. Tabor 3433. Evenings, Tabor ood. TRVINGTON CAR. T2-nl new ft-rOOm butlCAlAW AII modern, furnace, hardwood floors, built in. etc.: a.uuo aown. ifrnn on balance See it today. Phone owner. East 40O0. SrVEST SIDE $1200 DOWN 5 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, fol basement, near oin ana larutners; pric li'.'nd E. D. Schomacker. 417 SoaMin. bldg.. 3d and Washington sts. Main 103 tTrooM modern house, close to srr&dd and high school; sell or trade smaller house: prefer Kenton district- Owner, WooGiawn -1 $30V 6-room house and 3 -room house, East Fortiana. ciose in; ioiai rent $42 50 miut sell this property at once. See owner, oil .m ere n ants i rust bldg. iv nn win ouv a property tnar win you a home and $30 permonth, call Ta bor ws. $2350 UOOU tour-room nangaiow. near H. S. Zsimmo-rman c v nne. sis Cham. of Com. Piog. $2.0O O-room nouse on nvsiw. c. Flan ders. near aja at. ; terma. ore owner. 2K0 Morrison U 7rVO $10o CASH, balance $10 per month buys 3-room bungalow, west aide. M. E. Lee. 413 Coroett bids. . . REAL ESTATE. NEAR 36TH AND HANCOCK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $:!Hkl. LOTS OF CLASS AND DISTINCTION. Here, folks. Is one of thosw really good-looking modern bungalows. We do not overd escribe this charming home. You Jut picture to yourself the kind of a bungalow you want and here you will find It. From hardwwod. floors to garage, every detail is complete. When pasern by stop to admire a home the owner Has a reason to feel proud. This Is that kind of a home. Let ua show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st., nr. Third. Main 3002. Branch office, 60th and bandy. $ 7O00 P I F. DM ON T $7O00. A WONDERFUL BUY This Ik a real home and nicely located In the heart of the Piedmont district; rooms, music den and breskfast room, all nicelj arranced and modern" to ;li minute, beautiful large Ii tng rooms, with hardwood floors, firrpiac. book cases and very pretty buffet In dining room. Dutch kitchen in white enamel, large cement bane ment with A 1 fur nace ; full lot, nic lawn and shrubbery, large gsrare : Paved streets all in and paid. ThiH home will have to be teen to be appreciated. Kasv terma C. A. WARRINKR. RITTE ft. LOWS A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade b!dg ROSR CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $4750. TOUR OPPORTUNITY' Tot! will ap preciate the real value here. This truly modern, double-coi.B true ted bungalow nas a value far In excess of present prices. Finished In rb-h old ivory and white througnout. hardwood floor, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement bauernent. furnace, etc. full lot. assessment paid Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark st.. nr. Third. Main 30&2 . Branch office, 50th and Sandy. VERY SPECIAL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $6000. i An unusually well built 7-room bunga low; living room, dining room, with beau tiful built-in buffM; den. fireplace, hard wood floors, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trayn; run lot; street improve ments In and paid. This is an extri good buy. Wo do not know of anything In lrvtngton as good for the money. See r;. m . raaaen. ssie-i manager, METZGER -PARKER-FERGUSON CO., Ground floor 2i Oak st. Main 3534. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. MODERN 7-room bungalow with sleeping porch. hardood fioora, buffet and china closet, fireplace a rid furnace : 4 bedrooms, cement basement; paved utreets In and paid for; lot 60xlm: house now vacant, ready to move into; will be sold at a bargain, on enwy terms. Mrs. W. W. Lucius, ::R5 East 37th st. Phone Taboo 3089 today. ENGLISH TYP1S 8 rooms and sleeping porch, located on lot aoxlil.v with fine .awn. truit tro and unobstructed view ; fireplace and furnace. This is an extremely weil-buil home, the siding on this houe is ail selected cedar; street Improvements are all In and paid. Here Is a buy for some one with ,Wmi CLE VELA ND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Each. Bldg. Main 6752. FOR $3S00 we offer this fine home in Irvlngton park; ft rooms; living room dining room, music room ; all hardwood floors; paneled dining room with a beau tifu) buffet; built-in kitchen; 'J large sleeping rooms with lighted closets run nlng full length: good bath, fireplace, furnace heat; cement basement; 50x100 east front lot : garage; fruit trees and shrubbery; 3 blocks to car. Can giv terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 877. $ HANDSOME HOME. FINE VIEW. LARGE CORNER LOT. THERE ARE 10 ROOMS AND BALLROOM. FOUR BEDROOMS. LARGE SUEEPING PORCH. THREE BATHS. TWO MAIDS R OO i S. H A R D WOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. NO PHONE INFORM A TION. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. SOME TERMS. POINDEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE. 271-20. NEAT ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $3500 REASONABLE TERMS $3500. Just 1 blk. from car and paved streets 5 poomn ,nd full-floored atticr all tuil in con v.. fireplace, full cement base ment. full lot. garage; all street Im provements paid. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1140 E. i:TH ST. N. S320O S50 CASH. Vacant: modern 5-room " bungalow, sleeping porch, buffet, beamed celling. Dutch kitchen, full concret. basement, plumbing complete; a fine bungalow for somebody; aoxlOO lot, fruit trees and berries, block t. Alberta car In Irvlng ton Park; see this today; owner on p'emlsea from 12 to 6, or phone East 4.VJ. $;IOUO WEST SIDE $:;ooo. BEAUTIFUL, RIVER VIEW. Well-built 7-room house, good basement, hard-surface streets In paid, full iOxlOO lot: $70O cann handle, balance monthly payments, rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. I.OWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. full and will like LARGE B-room modern residence. lot loosioo: casn. rent terms: run nase- ment. bath. 2 toilets, furnace, grand porch around 3 side, of house, splendid ly constructed, double walls. Tlila prop erty 1. .aslly worth $1000 mora than price asked; $4.0: vacant. '2 short block, south Woodlawn car at 15th. Much paving will be in this summer. 0.' Liberty st- Owner. Tabor So 4 fore noons. Do You Want to Buy on PORTLAND HEIGHTS? The best way to do Is to see Mm. Brooke. She is an old resident, knows everv foot of the district and has most of the saleable property in her hands EVERT crSTOMER tno exceptions) la A REFERENCE. BROOKE, Ml Montgomery drive. Foot of Elm st. Marshall 4627 13. son. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. A home that has real charm and all the comforts; living room and dining room ivory and mahogany; breakfast room, sun room, maid's room and bath. wt floor; also extra lavatory and tele phone room: 4 beautiful bedrooms. 2 sleeping porches: hardwood floors throughout; tiled bath, shower, 2 extra lavatories. 2d floor. East 419. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Most desirable 7-room residence In the best part of Portland Heights with a delightful extensive view of rlvere. mountain, and city, standing In two lots, beautifully landscaped; living room very large and finely proportioned: ar tistic fireplace. French doors, sleeping porch snd every convenience; a bargain at JtfOOO for quick sale. BROOKE. Mar. 4827. Call morning.. OWKER LEAVING CITY WILL SELL. Double constructed B-room home for $3S00: $1700 cash for equity, balance easy; fireplace and furnace; full cement basement; garage, brings in $tt a month; near Peninsula park and Jefferson high school. This is a good buy for quick ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6.13' N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. A WONDERFUL BUY. One block west of Laurelhurst. in an Ideal location, a 7-room modern bunga low, 4 bedrooms, den. a real kitchen; all rooms light and airy: built bv owner 3 years ago; spruce siding, double con structed: In the pink of condition: mov ing to California, hence the low price of J5S00. Call Marshall 3352 or Tabor 3000 LAURELHURST COLONIAL SIX ROOMS FINE GARAGE MOVE RIGHT IN. $1i00 WILL HANDLE. BEST OF EVERYTHING. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT. Main 1700 Sunday and Evenings, East 2056. Mr. Delahunty. 2-FAMILY FT. AT. RIGHT CLOSE IN. ON 11T1I ST. NEAR MAIN. (3000 CASH DOWN. BAL. .1 YEARS. TOTAL PRICE $12,500. One flat has 5 rooms, den and sleep ing porch, the other has 5 room.. RITTER. LOW E CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. .7.-0 IRVINGTON BtfNGALOW. 1 rooms, modern, hardwood floors, cor ner, fireplace, furnace, garage, full ce ment basement. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK 6T. HERE'S A GOOD CHANCE. S-room bungalow, lot 5oxl00. corner; garage: $2500: $950 cash down. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. S-ROOK shack, lot. nice lot for $000; $150 rash, balance $10 per month. M. E. Lee. 413 Corbett bids. REAL F.STATK. A "GEM BUNGAI.OW ON CHOICE ROSE CITY PK. CORNER. ARTISTIC. COMPLETE, LATEST MODEL. Of 6 rooms on one flor and one In attic; lare living nn. with music al cove. In white with mahogany tnmmirc; attractive fireplace. sfiect bookcases, charming side and ceiling fixtures, very light beam ceiling dining room 1th chok e burVot. etc. ; 3 lars bedrooms, complete bath and dainty breaktaM room, basement and garage to match ; full oak floors, lots floor piufts; hou. Is full of merit. See exterior. 5-it E. 47th N.. cor. Bnut?e- For interior c IL on Mr. Schaefer. Bdy. ot7 or Main bC $UOO, H cash. $5375 PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $5S7.V This attractive 7-room modern bunga low Is located in one of Portland's mot exclusive residential districts; street im provements in and paid; beautiful buffet and bookcases, paneli d dining room. den. fireplace, hardwood floors, fine Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, truit closet, laundry travs; full lot fxl"0; ga ranse; fruit and berries. $2UkJ will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldir. Main 377. A "GEM OF A BUNGAI.OW ON CHOICE ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Of latest design and highest execution. 6 rooms on one floor beMdes a dainty breakfast room, extra room in at t :c : isrge iiving room with music alcove, in white with mahoganv trimminc; ai;rar- tive fireplaee.-select bookcase?1, very light, largo dininc room with window jcit. large plate-gias windows, charming nle and ceiling fxtures; 3 large "bay-windowed' bedrooms, comp.ete bath with built-ins, large fuii cement floored bae ment with Lrst-cia&s furnace, truvj and other convenience? and a GARAGE" to match; fuli oak floors and eery thing else to make it cony, comfortable, con venient and complete. I '.ESI DBS i en jovs the privacy of a CORNER LtT. S e the exterior of t his "ilEM," T''j K. 47th N., rn:$ Brazee, then call Mr. Schaefer, B1wt. 5107, or Mam 6ti6; $Su00, one-half cah. 2-ROOM COTTAGE. 0WS.1OO-FT. LOT. $1150. 77th st.. 4 blocks sou: h of Lose City Park car line ; sard en. berries, side walks, curbs In and paid; fik'.O cash, bal ance $25 month and interest at rt ier cm I. J. L. H A R T M A N CO M PA N Y . Branch office 4th and Sandy blvd. Ta bor 204. BEAUMONT. 6-room home, beaut i fully located and superbly finished; largo living, room, walled with imported tapestry; raftered dining room with matched panels, hard wood floors. Including kitchen ; Inviting s.ceoing porch, immense concrete os ment and furnace and fireplace; built-ins numerous: gars ce, 50x1 Ou lot ; 2 blocks from car line and priced at $.000. Ask for Mrs. GraV. COB A. McKENNA &. CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522 ROSE CITY bungalow. 5 room, large at tic, hardwood door, white enamei nu Uh btantif ul f iren'aee. built-in ef fe.-ts corner lot, full concrete basement; paved street. Price :;S5rt. reusonaMe terms O. W. Bri an. 500 chamber of Ccmnurce bldir. Main lyiltt; evenings, .vtarsnau 805. ftosK - CITY. $41150 Best buy for the monev In Rose Citv: owner going California : 7 rooms, tin e location ; save ..,. mmiosiAn- 1 r.oo flTHt payment gives you deed to place. $L00 dtie 3 vears with privilege of renewal, balance $:,0 per month, including interest, pay- Vex than rent: lot .10110: fruit tree. In hlm now. For full parttcu.ars ca.i Tabor 7:,2. No agenis H-II.T. HA'DI,F. A vnAil tt-room buniralow. on North xi. ToVwr. hniiRf Is cl built and at tra'rtive: good plumbing; full ha-einmt : larao lot with all kinds of beu ring trult . i , - .'Hti'Mfn Ti ou . nara nurfic strr-t and sewer In and paid. ITlcc only Slli. JOHNSON-rXinSON CO . 6S3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main T.t-R v.l.HI'HST. My home In l.ureihurt. n?ar Rose r-liv oar is for sale. room ini ludlna S bedrooms and .let-pind porch, lnterto: .-i.i, m Mv Drice is $) . re oulres cash payment of -.T.OO. balnnc-e niorteraa;.. It you are " nice Home and have the initial, plione me. No arents and no commlsaiona In cluded. Bdwy. 'JSS. (o.VMt 1700 CASH buys a .".-room cottage, "a living rooms, '2 bedrooms; on Terry st.. west of Brandon: 1 block to car. 4 to school: &0XIOO lot: paved street and sewers In and paid for: bath, toilet, lavatory: cement basement; double con- traoleSoHvsrN-rvor,soN Co.. 33 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3.87. ROSE CITY PARK, LOVELY HOME, fteven 'rooms and sleeping porch resi dence; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, full cement basement, laundry travs: MIxlOu lot: street paved, paid. 7."0 cash, price only $.V.00, Includes new saraire to be erected; a R real bargain. ."..0 E. :'.vth st. N P.. M. car to Knott. ATTRACTIVE BL'NiiAI.OW. Owners moving Into country, will sell their attractive .".-room bungalow on 41st st : In the very best of repair, wa . nicely tinted, bath, electric lights and ra-: good view and full lot; price only SOOO. and 7.V) will handle. JOHN E HOWARV. 31 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. A REAL HOME IN THE HEART OF ROSE CITY PARK. Strlctlv modern G-room. lH-storv bungalow: corner lot. by o ner who la going away. ttoom ior oiiiiai',. ,. ln- or ' bedrooms uptalrs; Jrl-N0; 7r.O ca.-h. balance easy terms. P ore- gonian $7O0 POFtTLA ND H EIHI S TEKMs 7 room.-.; larae liv.. din., kltch built lns cement basement, furnace, flrepl-'-e. 3 bedrooms and sip. porch. rlnr'U. bath. ZIMMERMAN WHITE. elS Chamber of Commerce, Fourth and Stark sis. n n i a ti.-r rrc WEIGHTS. a room modern home, fine nelghbor- . Kaoiifnl view. 1 Mock to car 1,.1-ir,' alrv room. 2 fireplaces. 7T.J100 . ,.,,hnit utr.'t. paid: once for Quick sle. o.Vmi. $1000 cash will handle; no ngents. M.-tln 1123. Ve;rY homev S-room buncaiow. fireplace, furnace, buffet, fine plumbing, larire closets, breakfast nook, white enamel and old Ivory finish. 37O0; 10i0 cash, balance terms. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bleig. Main 377. " $3100 $700 CASH. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, complete kitchen; rooms light and con veniently arranged: full cement base ment: laundry trays. JCiHXSON-lMlDSO.V CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87S7. IRVINGTON HOME. Good 0-room home. 24th, near Thomp son, $7500; comfortable 8-room home on 0lh and Brazee. $7S00; 8-room home on 16th near Knott, $7000. These homes all have full lots and garages. alc Donell. agent. East 419. $3000 $1000 CASH 5-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, gas aud elec tric lights, basement, laundry trays, SOx 100 lot; 2 blocks from car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bl d g. Main 377. 5-ROOM house, lot 100x109. three biocks from car. near Franklin H. S.. has all modern conveniences, full cement base ment, floored attic, garden, fruit trees, berries and nice lawn: garage: cheap for cash. Owner. Tabor 8700. ;t7,-,0 An S-room house, brick basement, gas. electricity, good plumbing, nlcelv pspered and kalsomined. fine view, on 70xs5-ft. corner. 20th and Sherman sts.; a splendid home. Turner & Co., 2i0 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON PARK BEAUTY. Distinction, art. comfort and dura bility is the making of this real home. 5 rooms, strictly modern; old Ivory fin ish: paved street. Owner. 124& E. 30th st N. Woodlawn 6100. ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow, close to car. fur nnc and convenience, furnished. $3750; requires quick, action. COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. MODERN 5-room bungalow, E. 25th near Holgate; full cement basement, Iaundrv trava. lot 50x100; at. paved and pi!d; $2700, $5O0 cash. bal. contract; no mort gage. Owner. East 3225. OWNER leavln? city: 6-room house oid Ivory finish, bath, furnace, wash trays, full cement basement, garage: lot 50x liMl; 4 bearing fruit, trees. $1300. East 772. 2-STORY bungalow, 6 rooms, full lot, $4500 Q3 Melody ave. Suburban Home. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, (rom $1H00 up. Inquire 3d house nortn f Rlslev station, on Oregon City car line, tlgn "Aider Brook-" IMMEDIATE possession, 7-room new modern home on the boulevard at Mult nomah station. all modern conven iences. $5500; your own terms. Call OWNER. Main 7115. REAL EST AT E. Suburban Home. OAK GROVE BARGAIN. 5 acre, two blocks f rom the car on 'Ac nioit prominent corner In Oak Grove. All under cultivation. 2 acres In or chard, consisting of Lambert and Royal Anne cherries rnilh a few Kentish, a'i in ful I bearing; a:o 30 wonderful chetnui trees in bearing. 1A5 app'.e trees of dif ferent variet:e; CUMJ currant aushe and lots of straw berries, rote and L-autif a', shrubbery; nice house of 7 rooms, bui t on bunK&!ow style with two f i replace? and fine water svstem, electric :ig V and bath. This place is worth $15,000. but owner wt;i Facrlfice for $5oO. JOHN K. HOWARD. 3TS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. S acres, located 1 mile from city lim its on good ma .-ida mixed ro;d. fine plastered house, full cement basement, iaundrv Irayn. barn, chlrkcn house; half acre of s t ra wbern-s. s acre of rasp berries. 2ft apple trees, pears, prunes, plums, gooseberries, currants, acre of potatoes. The entire ple in crop: good fencing : person lv inn pec ted by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUc-ON, Ger'.ingtr bid?. MILWAUKIE SUBURBAN HOMES. Best of soli, fine car service, hard rur face roads, modern bungalows with gas. electric lightrf. c'ose to car, with 1. 2. or 10 acres land. If you waul a real suburban home e can suit you. KLEEB A PARRY. First State Bank lt d?. Phor.e 19 Autontoolle Service Milwaukie, Oregun. OREGON CITY LINE. At Concord itatlon. well Improved haif arre. with Iois of fruit: modern r.-rooni new bunpalow. bet of piumbin. hardwood floors. fir.'ptace. s,oepln porch, cas radiator?", finest llsht fix tures. A fine place, located on tbe paved road. Offered away below value. Per- pon."'ly Inspected by Nelson wiin jun. r'EKGl'iOX. Gerlingcr bias. MULTNOMAH STATION". M .". Good 5-room houe. pood barn, chick en houses and ell farm buildups. liullf. iniri alone could not be rebuilt for ices tliHn ::;,iU. Two acres of land, all hlgnly Improved. In all sorts of and fruit: ood schools anil good people. Two blocks to station. .T. Ry. T.. K ARN'OPP Excil. IVrlS. CO., Ma.n 3iu 67 V COI.fMBIA K1VKI! VIEW. 3 '3 acres near Sandy road. ery sijrht lv; trout Htreaitl. 7i bearing fruit trees, beautiful rrove. balanie in cultivation. 7-room houae. fireplace, electric liirbts; also o-room houne, barn and chicken house: bfauliful driveway, cement W3ift. eic. ; (tood reason for offering at the low price of t50'H; easy frm. a p. osbi:rn". 610 McKay bids., od a nd Stark. ATTRACTIVB Sl'BVRBAN HOME. 4 acres with Itood plastereci houM. 4 rooms downstairs, larae attic, base ment, etc.; lama barn and other out. bulldin.s: itas: laces sood rond. near Gi' bert station: all under cultivation. 2 acres In berries; price .".:ou. terms. Less for all cash. U'EllDEMANN COMPANY. J13 Chamber of Commerce. ACRES, located clo.. to Aloha station nd near th. paved road, on graveled road: all under cultivation: new 6-room lHth and plastered bunsalow. with ce ment basement and floor: '2 lance chicken houses. IOO bearinjr fruit trees, lofran and other berries. This ia close to school snd Is a high-class place. Price $47l0: yi.Hvo cash. Personally inspected. J uHN FKKiil'WHf. Oerllng-r b!tl -HUOM El:NC.A1.0W. near Multnomah, at the Junction of two improved county roads; around about 80xl4o; houc is new. every modem convenience; owner is compelled to leave this locality and will sell for V-'."B. on terms, or will make heavy reduction for cash. For particulars call at 4o4 Piatt h'.df.. Ui Park st. We can run you out to th. property In 15 minutes. AT KVEHfillEEN" STATION". On Oregon city car. larite o-room modern bunitalow In tirst-claes condition- lot 17."ixlt): excellent shrubbery and beautltul local view; $Co0. some te.rms.Kr KNGLEHART CO., M aln 7l,l)C. Henry B'dg. BltYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS. ew subdivision near Oswevo Iske' mater, electric Usli. rock roads, flshluic and boatlnn: priced from a:0 per tract. In on ground floor. Owner, 000 Con cord bldg.. Second and Stark. OSWEGO I'room bungalow, hot and coid water, elec. lights. Krden. etc.: lot 7ix 12U- new and modern and below cost: on ith St.. tust S. or "A" st. See owner or D. I. Batnrlck, 013 Cham, of torn. 1,1,1c Main 1:..V H'lU T1F1L SUBURBAN HOME. Modern in every detail, and two acres, at station. Red Steel cariine; tojon: easv terms, or will consider modern beiich home as part payment. Address owner. G 122. Otegonian. ON 13 ACKE ASH LOG BUNX1AI.OW ALL IS CULTIVATION. CeAjSE IN: ll. YOUR OWN TERMS. MUST SELL TODAY SEE OWNER AT CIS COUCH OS W EGO LA K E A C RE AG E. Five acres on rock road close to lake and H. K. station; only 4t'0 per acre. tilo Chamber of Commerce bldg. iTl.lO BRYANT: 2 acres: house, we, I. elec. phone: terms. Main 3072. Frank McKarland. 20S Falling bids. For Sale Hualnes. Property. ABSOLUTELY fireproof building OOxloi), two stories. baiMMiient and sub-basement, a I connected by larse electric elevator; Mutable fnr warehouse, factory or storage- price tttUMMi, which Is one-fouitn oi what builclng would cost to build now. T u rner A Co., 2110 Cham, of Com. RORE" CITY business building and lot 7ox lijo ft . suitable for any kind of businers. on ,.7lh St.. near Sandv boulevard: price S2::i.mi: this is a bargain. Turner 4i Co., 2.'.o Chant, of Com. For Sale -Arreac. g.-.O DOWN. 13 MONTHLY. Fplendid tract of I acre near Giioert station. Estacada line; all In large bear ing fruit trees; Just a short distance oif of macadamised road, not far from Lents Junction, the end of the 6c fare limit- Total price $IS",0. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. " acres up. located within SB miles of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water: work nearby buy on your own terms, prices $20 to $u- per acre 'l.EUDDEMANN CO.. f13 Chamber of Commerce. IOO ACRES in Washington vou..., county to TpPr NT and 3 V " h abou? 2. million feet of good merchantable timber: a. good portion of this land would be able for farm land: to be sold lmmeoi- H ol nee. tely for only !;. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 63 N. W. Bank BKig. Vain 8787. TIG ARD ACREAGE. One acre, located right at Tlgard on the main highway: bearing fruit trees and new five-room house, just be ing completed: only Sn.'O. ing con "JOHN E HOWARD. 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 50OO ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only: easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. o,. ACRES near Concord station on Ore. " gon City cariine. all cleared, neat 2 room cottage, chicken house, good well; can be bought on easv terms. 209 Ore gon bldg. Broadway iar.8. MULTNOMAH station. quarter-acre on the boulevard. $700. $125 cash and $15 per month. The best boulevard buy at Multnomah. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry building. ACRES. $2500; at end of Hawthorne ave. car Hne; a fine home alte: beats buying a lot or two at same price a few blocks nearer In. Owner. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1585. 6'4 ACRES at Mabery station on Bull Run line, unimproved. Ideal place for summer home. $lloo. terms. 2C9 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 20 ACRES. 1 mil. from Boring. Or., 3 acres cleAr. small housey rich soil, no rocks or gravel, very good fences: $1250. 420 Cham, of Com, bldg. OWNER'S sacrifice, beautiful 10 near Van couver; well Improved. Ideal location -$3500. 141 East 69lh North. Evenings Tabor "055. A BARGAIN In 40 acres, close to Llnne rnan Junction. Phone E. 5347 or cail 8 Union ave. N. evenings. F. Bath. 3 ACRES near Wlllamina. level, cleared fenced. 4-room house barn: $1350. JliO cash. la mo. J. K. Sharp. 83 H 3d at. 10 ACRES. $2750: short distance east of city: uncleared, but a big bargain. Hart. 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. FINE acreage. 42d and Simpson sts.: some tracts In fruit and nuts: tersns: Alberta car. R. W. Lary. 1213 N. W. Bank bide 6' ACRES, partly cleared, rwar Sylvan on Canyon road; a good bur John Bain 507 Spsldtng bldg. MILWAUKIE PARK. Evergreen station fine view acre. $0OO cash. Box So, Park wood. Or. 16 Al-RES FARM LAND. 6131 92D ST. S. E. TOM ALLEN. 107.5v