THE MOltXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1920 19 FOB BALK. Miscellaneous. rOP. SALE One wood building about ISx - feel and one tower about 8 feet quale by 25 feet high: buildings to be nioved from present location. Apply to day bit w een 1 and 4 I. M. at Emer gency Kieet Corp. copper wks. office, 308 N. I4tn at., near cjuimby. I H 8LK Floor" cases, soda fountain. 1 large and 1 small. National register. f'a and rolltop desk, candy cane", cigar cases wall case, meat slicer. coffee urn. revolving stools. refrigerator. mc.ea. cheese cutter, bait price. 1 aafe. -4- . Salmon. Main 34 J. . DO YOU WEAR size 86. 38 or 40? If you do call at our wholesale office and see the salesmen's sainpiea we have on hand, corslstlng of raincoats. 1'ather coats and motor coats. United Rubber Co.. - Morgan bids. 6BIW1NG machines, new and second-hand, old for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main fc43.L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third, near Taylor. DO YOU W'KAIt sine ;Srt, .".8 or 40? If you do call at our wholesale office and a. the salesmen's samples we have on hand, consisting of raincoats, leather coals and motor coats. United Rubber Co., 7-6 Morgan bids. '. JIL KALSB TEETH BOUGHT. We pav up to $25 per set. Ion't .mat ter If broken; old-timers are most valu able. Crowns, brldjtework bought Brin? or in-iil. the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bl'lg.. 4th floor, 3d and Wash. FOR SALE Electric cash register; regis ters 1 cent to $H9.09: like new. Under wood typewriter No. 5, perfect condition. Howe safe 1sx1x30-lnch. brand new. Apply 1'JO Broad way. KODAKS AND PENS REPAIRED We claim we're a boon and a blessing to men In fixine the faults of a kodak or pen. SA NUT'S, 329 Washington St. MUST KKI.L THIS WEEK 10-foot cigar case. 8-foot candy case. 1 round cigar case: acalc, cash register, showcases, meat slicer. cheese cutters. 113 2d st. SAKES Kire and burglar-proof safes, new and socond-hand. at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO. 103 Second St. Phone Main 2045. fuR SAUK Uniforms. 1 officer's serge coat slae 37. breeches 33; like new, $2. one old Issue O. D.. $10: wool coat, size 4., breeches 31. excellent condition Phone Sellwood 91. OKKlt'K FURNITURE from X. W. Steel Co. and Spruce Dlv. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House. Bdwy. -39. 31 N. 5th. bet. Burnside and Couch. O. M. Babcock. Mgr. . bOT-WATKIt tanks. S0-gal.. 40 gal.. $9: tested and guaranteed: stove and fiirnaj-e .-oil. frH heaters installed: tl pert plumbing. reolrlng. East Ride Welding Simp. 203 Adan)S St. East N.l'i ALL KINDS of warped, cracked, weather beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our f.imous and inslanjaneo js rubber bonding system; all wont guaranteed, rhor.e Automatic 527-33; East 4924. JNEW Hatfield 12-blade electric sharpening machine for all kinds tafety blades. This machine Is a m one V -ma ker. and will dv lor itself in a short time- 1-0 Broadway. BARGAIN, new 0-blade Odell razor blade sharpening machine: entirely ' nickel Plated IO'. No. 18th. Broadway 3831. s. F. Coburn. m.nfir wnfth and heavy lilab, It-inch lengths. Quick delivery and fine wood, H to $8 cord In cord lota. Broadway -100. ri-ACE l'UUK ORDER NOW FOR CORD WiHili and COUNTRY SLAB: ALS-O COAU SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLO AO LOTS. PHUN E r.. AUTO llRAKLEX S!isS!i b 4.3, Wallen- Kai-k leather case. Sell pack adapter. plate holder and tripod. Call Broadway 1SSS, Mr. Kcllogs. PANS1ES in bloom, hardy plants, large Klnn..,., uHwnrlerl colors. ."0c OOZCh POSt paid. Marshall Ills. Mrs. E. L. Hull. K. F. l. I. Oswego. Or. vmi a t t.- o ChnrKCnnA'pr Fair hunks-Morse engine and saw, mounted on iron truck. 74a Kearney at. M. kEW SINGERS," $" down. S3 monthly. L -vtnv marlilnfl reDairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison Marshall 721. cafes New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. -Broadway 190G. 48 Front fet FOR S VLE A medium-size coral pink sweater, beautifully knit. In latest style; price $10 cash. Apply n ctay i. call Mar. 4104. KEW "SINGERS." $5 down. S3 monthly, le.'..--, .nu'ipir tiiaehine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Murrison. Marshall i-l. FOR SALE Small register. back be r. ) large anu smau n , counter case, cigar wall case, front case Gas griddles. 275 Sd St. laree and small ice no. floor case. v , t.-t- iiiIdi full dress tuxedo suits, aiso .ilk hats for sale or rent at Barell's clothing store, oi 3d. Mullnoni blag. FOR PAINTER 1 extension ladder, cost $14 sell for $!; 1 extension ladder, cost $o sell for ."; 2 sets ladder jacks, cost f sell for $3. Phone Tabor 6940. FOR SALE Sheet iron bathtub. $: hot water lank. $."..50: gas plate and range. 14 i E. 28th St. North. PRACTICAL nurse will take two children Into her home: under the age of 10 years. AN 421. Oregon!;.!!. 1 ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 1 T. W. desk. 1 flat-top desk, 1 safe. Bushong & Co., Pi I'urk st. FERTILIZER. Garden manure delivered east west sido. Tabor -704. Main 4485. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. 24S Main st New and second-hand books, bough t, sold and exchanged. All subjects. ' KOQAK3. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy's. 329 Washington St. USED APPAREL, secured from wealthy ladles, reasonable price. 1132 East Git Ban. Montavilla car to 39th. Tabor 2825. " WOOD FOR SALK CHEAP. 10 to 10 inch slab and block wood, StVMi; prompt delivery. Phono Main 5347. toit SALE 4-burner side oven and broil er. Oetrott Jewel gas range, good as new. 14 1'Jlli street. GET YOUR panning, kalsounnlng, decorat ing and sign work done before the rush season. 1320 E. Gilsaii. Phone Tabor 206. fcPLENDiD electric Colbourne pi0 rolling machine with w)ichbux. $150. Broad wsy 4:i14. 6'J'RAW BERRY plants. Progressive, Ever bearing. $2 per 100. postpaid. P. It. Juhn son. Granger. Wash. FOR SALE 1 Garland gas range; high side oven and broiler; I mission A chsI heater, nickel trimmings. Call Main lls'lti COMB1.V riON range, gas and coal or wood, chc:ip If taken today, moving to morrow, i none lanor c:e,i. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co., Main 4007. WOOD range with water coils, $15; 3 burner gas range. $10; both in good con fillion. Tabor 2:107. LANGUAGE. PHONE METHOD Write 43 E. 29th sL N. or phone East 7S37. FOR SALE, CHEAP Gem earphone. Call 12 to 4 P. M. 4 ihurman st.. city. BARGAIN, new trunk, cloth lined, for $37.50. wortn sou. ---B Washington. WANTED Old gas ranges and water heaters; condition no object. Sell. 3o05. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 7-PASSENGER model 6-R4 Hudson. 5 good tires, spot light, goou paint. JU20 li cense, first-class shape mechanically, will take Chevrolet or Ford as part pay ment. Phone Automatic 517-01; will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction. 1019 FORD TOURING. WIRE WHEELS. SHOCKS. SI'EEDOM ETER I AND OTHER EXTRAS. $625. I 150 UNION AVE. LATE model Chevrolet bug. painted beau tiful robin's egg blue. This Is without doubt the elassieet in town. 19 and Couch. Bdwy. 3606. . 1917 REO 4, first-class condition, new too extra tire, spotlight. 623. D. MeChesnev' owner. 304 V Oak St. Bdwy. 266. l'j IS HUDSON in A-l condition; car guar anteed same as factory guarantee; some terms. East 3319. 1919 HUPMOBILE. In dandy condition, cheap. Rasrauasen A Co. Main 1771. 1017 BUICK 4. good mechanical condi tion; if you aru lookine for a bargain, call Tabor 790 1. HUDSON speedster. 1120 ; used privately. Owner will sacrifice and pive term. tirar.n ave. neur ournsine. I'ORD delivery. Al condition; good A real bargain for 75; terms tirand ave. North, near Burnside. tire liTJO FORD coupe, fully equipped and Ooodyear all-weather cord tires. Price SHOO. f none ru v j iip., gTUDKBAKER. 131S. B-cyllnder te Lux model roadster, perfect condition. tO rOR 8AI.B ACTOMOBI1K5. IF TOO HAVE $350. OR ANT PART OF IT UP TO $4500 we will sell you a car on time payments. We have a, nice. cleAn line of used cars to select from. Look them over. We will help to arrange terms. Also a number of good used trucks of various sizes to select from. All of our used cars and trucks go tbrough our shop. Get one from us and add your name to m, long list of satis fied owners. ASK THE MAN WHO OWN3 ONE Agency for PACKARD AND NASH Cars and Trucks. . 421 ' Burnslde St. ' Ask for Jonea- C O. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKF.RAGE. All mrAarA nak Call Shd look them over and get ojr proposition. Make your cwa terms. FORD TOURING, fine condition...! FORD ROADSTER. 1U1U CASE TOURING, repainted MAXWELL TOURING METZ. lOlS. In tine condition CHEVROLET, good tires CHEVROLET. 1018 8TUDEBAKER 4. five tires OI.DS.VK'Bll.E 6, 7-passenper CHEVROLET touring. 1M18 OVERLAND, model 90. extras.... OAKLAND. 1018. looks like new... BUICK light 6, five tires BL'ICK 7-pass.. all cord tires CHANDLER. PJ1K. looks like new.. STL'DEBA KER. run only 2SO0 miles ; 400 550 371 300 4.MJ S 700 6 6VI 650 750 9WI 1050 13 1450 1750 WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-pasuenger, a bargain for quick sale. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder St. Broadway 18a-. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Franklin 700 S5t He(o Maxwells Chevrolet roadster $250. $325 5.V 37.1 47.1 Ford bugs. $4l to Ford touring. $:i'M to .... Ford roadsters. $350 to ... 500 500 250 2 studebaker bugs. $200 and 1 Franklin bug 0 cars. $100 to ' 1 1-ton Buick truck 1 1-ton Llppert Stewart .... 1 5-ton truck LONG & PILVA. 462 Hawthorne. 450 200 t.OO 2O0 1400 lOIS PAIGE TOURING, mill PAIGE TOURING. 1!1! LEXINGTON TOURING. 1!1 BUICK TOURING. Model 90 Overland. Bauy Saxon. PORTLAND MOTOR SALES CO., 440 Burnslde, Phone B3455. I FOR SALfa. DODGE TOURING CAR. FIVE PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP OVERSIZE CORDS. 33x4. DON'T WAIT THIS WILL NOT LAST $730. PHONF. EAST S03. 405 E. 10TH ST. NORTH. I91S DODGE touring with extra all weather top, 5 cord tires; pcrlect run ning condition. Price $12o0. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. Burnside and Tenth, Tel. Broadway 321. Ask for Mr. Krog. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDU., 2D FLOOR. WE have two good Ford touring cars on hand; Doth or them nre in good condi tion; prices $375 and $475 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Aider. Broadway 240. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on 1920 new Max well. Will take Ford. Podge. Chevrolet or Maxwell as part payment on brand new 1U20 Maxwe'.l and give terms for balance. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. CHEVROLETS. CHEVROLETS. HOW MANY DO YOU WANT? WE HAVE THEM PRICED RIGHT. MYERS AUTO CO.. 18S Grand Ave. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing car, almost new; bargain; five good tires. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Bioadway 240. 1IER2 IS YOUR CHANCE! 1917 Keo 4. 5-passcnger, one of the rew standard reliahlo cars. In the best of condition; new top, good lires, extra spotlight: must sell at once. $00. Call Broadway 2:rt or 304 Oak street, bet. Fifth and Sixth. 1916 WILLY'S OVERLAND. C-cylinder, t ontinental red steel motor. In line con dition, I almsot new cord tires in rearr a powerful and handsome 7-passenger car; will take $475 cash and balance $400 In 10 monthly payments. Phone Tabor 8850. 1441 E. Morrison. 1918 PAIGE, Linwood model, 1920 llcen: 5-passenger. 5 good tires. Just thorough ly overhauled and repainted; looks and runs Just like new; owned privately and run a doul iu,uuu miiea. jnoue auto matlc 517-01. 1920 HUDSON TOURING. Runs and looks like new. 90-dav guar antee. 4 cord tires. New one will cost $2800. Buy this one at $2300, cash terms, and get immediate delivery. Call Adams, labor tu. or .Mar. o342. FORD COUPE BODY. Ford coupe body, practically new, 1920 model win take touring or roadster body in iraoe. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. lillil BUICK o. ft-pass., in excellent con dition, all cord tires, good spare tire. Bpotlight. bumper, special curtains; car has only run 6500 miles; a bargain $1525. Call owner Monday. Main 2324. or Mr. Knox at Broadway 1130. 1917 GRANT 6, Just repainted, new top. gooa tirus ana mecnamcuiiy in iirst class .shape; must be seen to be appre ciated. Ask for Hooker evenings or Sunday, M. & M. garage, cor. Hoyt and 11th at a. Phone Broadway 1720. 1HI4 OVERLAND T.0. 1014 Overland touring, tires pood; ee this car and you will buy it as it la worth twice amount asked; price $123. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. K. 37iO. Kast 13th and Hawthorne Ave. H1S CM F.VROLKT 4-0, o-pass. : has omy run 7SUO miles; looks and runs like n-w car: has all new Xi on -skid tires; good spare tire. Car must be seen to he appreciated; S700. Call owner. Main 77SO, or Mr. Knox, at Broadway 1130. 1919 T1N IB FLYER, driven 4000 miles, cord tires. A new car at the price of an old one. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3696. NEARLY new roadster (Mitchell 6) driven S3S1 miles, line condition, have 2 cars, must sell one; price llK. terms to ro up o n eible party. Phone Owner. East 0500 CHEVROLET, 1916, Al mechanical condi tion; must ell. A real enap at $450 with terms. SO Grand ave. North, near Burnsioe OVKRLAND touring, good mechanical con dition; goo urea. win sacrino 400 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1V1S BUICK, 5-passenger, 4-cyijnder, oattery. fine condition. Price $550. Main 104. new Call DODGE ALMOST NEW. This is a real bargain. Phone East FOB SAIJf AUTOMOBItCT. DO TOU KNOW YOU CAN PUT TJPED AUTOMOBILES CHEAPER NOW THAN LAST YEAR AND THE PRICES OF NEW CARS HAVE GONE UP? 1013 MAXWELL, like new $ 700 1018 MAXWELL, overhauled and repainted. In first-class con dition 650 1D17 MAXWELL automobile, a I I gone over In the shops, then repainted: fine, small, up-to-date automobile 41)3 11S CHEVROLET, first-class con dition 700 OVERLAND, model 83. all in good condition 683 WILLYS-OVERLAND 6, overhaul ed and repainted, cord tires. 950 1918 DODGE, fine condition, cord tires 950 STUDEBAKER. all in fine condi tion 673 KISSEL SEDAN. all In fine shape, runs good and appears Just like new 140" 1917 CHALMERS light 6 If you want a good car that has been put through the shop snd repainted, a bargain, look at this 900 1918 CHALMERS Hotspot Light 6. all fine and looks like new... 11O0 1919 CHALMERS, good buy 133" HUDSON fiUPKR-SIX.' 1916 HUDSON Super-Six that we have overhauled and repaint ed: we give you the same guarantee as a factory does on a new car 1200 1918 HUDSON Super-Six; we have . overhauled it and repainted it. You are given the same guarantee as the factory does on a new car 1730 HUDSON Limousine, late model. great buy: looks just like new 2400 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 615-617 Washington St., Portland. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motor and hauled .... transmission ver- $20.00 Rear axle overhauled 6.00 Rcline transmission bands, labor and material 3.50 Grind valves and remove carbon... 3.00 Recharge magnets and make motor hit perfect .. .. 0.00 Automotive experts. All work guaranteed. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson st.. bet. Front and First Streets. DODGES. 1 1915 Dodce touring. 1 191" Dodge roadster. I 1910 Dodco touring. 1 1917 Dorice touring. 1 1918 Dodge touring. 1 1018 Dodge roadster. These cars are In dandy shape, com pletely overhauled, several with new tops. They look lige new. to drive a Dodge time to get busy. If rou are going this season, it's MYERS AUTO CO.. 1S8 Grand ave. Open evenings. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled 20 Rear axlo overhauled "a Valvos ground, carbon removed S alagneto recharged 5 We hand-Ian pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. HUPMOB1LE3. 1 1917 HUP TOURING. JUST BEEN OVERHAULED. GUARANTEED IN EVERY WAY. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS Grand Ave. East 65G3. 1918 DODGE touring with extra all weather top. 5 cord tires: perfect run ning condition. Price $1250. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. Burnside and Tenth. Tel. Broadway 521. Ask for Mr. Krog. NEW 1920 BUICK. NEW 1920 FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING BUICK; NEVER BEEN DRIVEN. AN 420. OREGON I AN. OVERLAND ROADSTER. Model 90, completely overhauled, five ilandy Fiske tires, now t.alnt and good top; a beautiful runabout. MYERS AUTCA CO.. 1S8 Grand Ave. Near Taylor. 8-CYLINDER 7-passenger Oldsmoblle; has been driven ooou miles, jusl good "broke in. x win guarantee 10 oe as good as new in every respect, and better, which yoi ou 11 know if you ever broke a new car In." Phone me Tabor 4432 and I'll bring it r Call 495 E. 41st N. Will give to you. some terms. M. H. Calef. HAYNES 1919. 7-PAPP.. MODEL 39: RUN itMMJ MILKS; JUST OVERHAULED LOOKS AND IS AS GOOD AS NEW $-21100. TAKE SMALLER IN TRADE, 1 Lr, 31a. 47 NORTH NINTH ST. OAKLAND SEDAN. A nifty family car. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand Ave. Open Evenings. CADILLAC TOURING. 3-passenger. new paint, good leather perfect motor and 6 cord tires; car is complete in every respect; terms to re- "sponsible party. Phone Bdwy. 4184. 100 N. Broadway. Mr. Lamon. CHEVROLET. 1910. BEST OF CONDI TION; $2.0 WILL HANDLE. BALANCE EASl. 41 IN. IfliX OA. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY. EXILE BURKITT. AGENT. NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1800. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY; NEARLY NEW; $375: TERMS. 47 NORTH NINTH ST. 1920 STEPHENS demonstrator: would consider a Kord or Dodge aa part pay menu jcusl -.eo. FORD BUG BEAUTIFUL BODY. chassis; si..i uow in. 47 NORTH NINTH ST. 1920 FORD coupe worth $10do including cvcr $10O worth or extra equipment, This coupe is almost new. Owner will sacrifice for 92o cash. Call City Ga rage. 12th at. bet. Alder and as h. nORT. l'Mfl A FINE LIGHT CAR: BEST 47 N. TH ST. TOURING car; neif starter, newly paint ed, ail new ures; iooks ana runs like new car; late model. 210-212 Jcfferso street. 191S LIBERTY rdstr., runs perfect. $1200. Our New Location. S11 Burnside. bet. 14th and 15th sts, SAVE $550. Brand rew Anderson six car, $24 Buy this car at $1050, cash or term, call Adams, laDorwu or Mar. 5342. 1918 CHEVROLET roadster, just Ilk new : first-claws in every respect. J Go (J, Frances Motor Car Co.. E. 13th and Hawthorne, r'none e. 3i.o. CHEVROLET touring. gooa mechani cal condition ; good paint, good tire: Will sacrifice at S600 and Sjve term 30 Grand ave. isortn. near tturnside KIRST-CLASS Ford motor and transmk sion, very cheap if you buy the parts to complete a cnassts. Kverctt st. FORD PANEL DELIVERY. First-class shape, bargain. Phone nit. FAMOUS "Whistling Biily" slpam cat lor sale, die a p. iast uioi. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CO.. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Main 780. 5S-60 N. 2 id at. VELIE. 6-cylinder touring car: must be sold at once. Newly painted and overhauled; new rubber and a nice, smooth running car. At a bargain price, $125C - - MITCH ELL. 7-passenger. 6-cyllnder. fine condition: if you are Interested In a Mitchell car be sure to see this one before deciding on any car; at an other bargain price. OVERLAND 90. country club. In fine condition, good top, 5 tires. 3 good. 2 new. 5 wire wheels: splendid battery, all tools, side curtains, chains, top s'lp. all complete. A real bargain, $800. OLDS MOBILE R-cyllnder. newly painted. 5 tires, fine condition every way. Let us show you what a nice, snappy little car this is at $SO0. FORD WORM-DRIVE TRUCK, fjrjt class every way: a bargain at $300. SAXON fl-cyllnder touring car. Just been put in very best of condition: light and economical: quiet, smooth run ning and powerful. No reasonable offer refused. Be sure to see this car before deciding. OVERLAND. 6-cvltnder touring, model sr. newlv- nalnted and overhauled. first-class In every way: new top and good rubber; the best 6-cylinder buy for $900. EVERY CAR WE SELL IS GUARANTEED. WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL. 1917 Maxwell touring $423 1919 Maxwell touring 7 191S Chevrolet touring S FORDS FROM $300 UP. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, Fifteenth and Washington. USED CHEVROLETS. We are the headquarters for these cars; our prices are reasonable; each car is in good condition and terms that will suit you. TOURING CARS. ROADSTERS AND DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder. Broadway -40. OPEN SUNDAY. SEE THESE BEFORE BUTINO. 1916 OVERLAND 6, fine shape. .$ 850 7O0 1917 REO 4 1B19 NASH 1919 PATTERSON .... 1910 HUDSON SEDAN 1918 SAXON .'., 1919 CASE . 14M . 2250 7 2150 i9i7 Chalmers ..:..; 1018 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB 1SS TENTH ST. MARSHALL 232 Opposite Library. 050 750 BUGS BUGS BUGS All kinds of them. 19th and Couch. Bdwy 3096. 1919 FORD TOURING. T.IKE NEW. AT A BARGAIN; EXTRA). 150 UNION AVE. 1920 DODGE. 5-passenger touring car, inoo miles, practically new; Chamber of Commerce bldg., evenings. Main 3223. " run about $1300. 5o Main 1903 MOni.'I. no Overland, like new. at a big snap. l'Jtn ana tuura. jouwj. vt. OTORS. Euard, bearing:, wheels, axles, v m. -rfk nil makes of cars and el their i:rts at half prli-e. David llodcs Co., 105-7 North 11th St. Fill: l touring, in Al condition, with e.S' trie, starter ana lots 01 etnas. m sac. rlfice for $5uo and give terms. 30 Grand ave. Norm, near puniaiuc. mr SALE fatudrbaker 4 touring car, rood shape mec-nanu-auy, gooa tires 42.". Call Wood'awn :t97, alter 6 P. M., or addreJ 921 Hast 22d sttoet North. MAXWELL touring. 1919. very Det of condition ; Ooa pami, K"u tires. win stll at $870 and give terms. 30 Giaud ave. North, tit ar Burnside. AXON SIX, in Al condition ; looks like new: must sell, a oargain ai wnn terms. 30 Grand ave, Rurnide. North, neat Big UEU C A US. IStock No mlnre presentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR Prie right CO. LIGHT 5-PASfcENGKR $450. Private car, good condition, 1917 mode), good tires, original paint, must r;lt; will take $4.M. East 7mi.i. OVERLAND touring, model 90; used pri vately; good paint, gooa tires, a real bargain. $725. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1917 FORD ROADSTER, $373. loO I'MUN AVt. i91S OLDSMOBILE touring, 5-pass., fine mechanically, overhauled ; itrea and spotlight; unay buy. Call owner. Ta bor ? I.'irt. MAX WE LI. 1917, A 1 condition ; good paint, good tires. Bargain at .. with it rniH. .to Granu ave. urth, near Buru isidc. CHEVROLET touring car for sale, in good condition, spot li gut. chains, luk and i cxi ra t irs; $.hjO. cash or terms. Call East 7421. FOR SALE liMS Dodge roadster, uuaran teed in fine condition, cord tires. Phone Marshall 72. Dooly & Co. 1917 BRIS''OE, ."i-passenger: new Goodyear I ires, iuo license; owner win sai rinca for $.;.. 414 Gu&an tt., cor. lotn. BliST Baby Saxon in city. Just overhauled. sell starter, etieap at once. 41 J Graham a venue. CHEVROLET, 191S. Al condition. A real Dargain at 1b-o, terms. io Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1K17 MITCHELL six, cash or terms; will demonstrate. Gall Bdwy. a04o after t) P. M. 1918 FORD touring, fine condition: bar gain for casn. owner. 2t E. S2d at. Broadway 2507. FOR SALE A 1913 four E. M. F. Stude baker in good condition tor uu. l'hone Oak Grove LS-J. 5-PASSENGER 1017 Oakland, little six. first-class condition. laln 2ou. 2ol 12th st. CADILLAC louring. 19io model. A bar gain. ,47.p, wnn terms, ju Grand avs. North, near Burnside. LIBERTY SIX Like new. price right, will consider smaller car in trade. Blase 11 Lister. E. 7th and Belmont. FOR SALE By owner, 1017 Oak. and six touring car. run only 12.000 mlies; llrt class condition ; $"1M) cash. East 5408. DODGE touring, late model. $SiKi CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER, Till Burnside st. 1918 CHEVROLET( 1920 license paid, in first-class condition throughout; $iw caih. Marshall 3018 1919 CHEVROLET, o-pass. touring car, 5 tires. 1H20 license; car in Al condition; a bargain, terms. Phone Marshall 1013. WANTED l-ateat model Ford or Dodge, will pay cash, mun be cheap, no deal ers. Phone Main blH-ri. HAVE bought larger car, let roadster. Sell. ;071 111 sell Chevro ifter P. M. 1917 DODGE good shape, spotlight, extra tire; a good buy. Tabor 155. ON E FORD roadster, run 4.-.0 miles, fully equipped, forsale: Call Marshall 1515. 1917 BRISCOE touring car, a bargain-at J300. 32 Main st. FOR SALE-lfllS Buick. $"To."0, In" fine shape. Broadway 33W. owner. GUARANTEED auto painting al the right price. o.'l E. Oak. East B77. FORD chassis. Just overhauled and In first-class condition. 39 Everett st. FOR SALE My contract for ne,w Buick. Phone East l.".7. i! OR SALE 1917 Tabor 79i7. light 4 Buick car. Call 1918 LIGHT BUICK SIX. perfect running order. Phone Sellwood 1081. after 7 P. M. FORD for sale. East 0543. .:jo. Call 42 E. ud. Phone 1017 3-PASS. roadster, Has I 7427 eveninsa. cheap for cash. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. The Chandler cars listed here bare been rebuilt in our shops and carry aame as original factory guarantee. Dispatch model, repainted, wire wheeie, good Urea $1850 Touring Model. 7-pass., first-clasa condition throughout 1500 Chummy roadster, ftrst-r!a?s condi tion, good cord Urea, with extra.. 1500 Bulek roadster. 191 T model, over hauled and rebuilt, new top. re painted Velie, 5-paF-.enger touring. 1917 model, repainted, overhauled 10O0 Saxon touring, 5-pass.. 1917 model. overhauled and repainted 700 Maxwell touring, 1918 model, good condition gjo Eaay Terms. No Brokerags. Open Sunday. TWIN' STATES MOTOR CAR CO., Alder at Sixteenth. AT OUR REMOVAL SALE vnvr men-grade used cars at big reduction In price. Here are a few w offer for your approval: 11L0 Case, lima i ' y .- .,K 11 cw- l!tu Mitchell' 7-pass.. -cyl. -pass., tt-cyl. Chandler e-cyi. 1!10 Dodge. 5-paa,,.. 4-cy 1!M t'adlll.c. 5-pasi. 4-cyl. 1!17 Mitchell s.n...' V.r.. IMS Mitchell, a-pass'.'. S-cyl'. And many others to select from. A small payment down, balance easy tetni. No Brokerage Charge. We teach you to drive free. Open Sunuava 10 to 4. Used Car Department, JUTCHK1.1,, LEWIS & PTAVER CO.. Kant Urst and East Morrison St.. Phones: Kast 7iT2, Automatic, 21J-16. ROADSTERS. Buick six. Just renewed. See It. Studebaker, four-passenger; here's .clans. Cole eight chummy, a real car at a price. Overland, good shape. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, Fifteenth and Washington. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. J 1f14 Ford tourlnsr. 1 111. "i Ford tourinc 2 !!! Ford tourlnz. 5 1:17 Kord touring. 4 KH8 Ford tourliiK. 1 1!)17 Ford delivery. 3 11117 Ford coupe. 1 mis Ford comic. 1 1!H Ford sedan. 1 1!1 Ford sedan. MTERS AUTO CO.. 1S8 Grand ave. Open evenings. 101S OLDSMOBI LB 8. lf10 BUICK TOURING. T.ATE MOPRr. FORD ROADSfER With extra delivery body worth tW. 1020 CHEVROLET TOURING at a big sacrifice. PORTLAND GARAGE. Used Car Dept. Fifth and Taylor. Mar. oi0. SALESMAN will sell his Hllghllv Used OAKLAND touring demonHtrator. You can not tell this from a new car; faetory guarantee: spare tire and tube; imme diate dellverv and will give terms as low as $400 cash and the balance month ly: will sell at big reduction and In clude 102O license. Mr. Tavlor. at 100 N. Broadway, or phone Bdwy. 41Rt. DIXIE FIIKR. 11!. Rl'N 4iMKi MILES: OKD TIRE?, BUMPERS, KWI.HiHT SPARE TIRE. I.I.'KNME; ALL READY TO GO: $IIM DUW.N. BALANCE EASY. 47 N. 0TI1 ST. DODGE touring ear. In tip-lop shape: thorough ly overhauled., good tires. 2 Rival cord.s. spare tiro and tube. I am for. ed to sell at once. A bis: bargain at $7'0. $2.V) rufh and yeu can pav the balance monthly. Bdwy. 41S4. Mr. Taylor. lfllO HATNKS. Ilk. new: your offer may Iske it away. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 86!. blM-K SPEED TRUCK: NEW CORD iirtr.r.: n.vt BODY AND TOP: S50; 1 Eli MS. 47 NORTH NINTH ST. 1018 ELGIN" chummy. These cars are very i7Lu ana ioucn- rsawy. Solio. 11HS MITCHELL lii tie le six. overhauled, looks Just new. $KiO. CON LEY r A RRITKLE, Our New Location S11 Burnside. het. 14th and lfrllt DORT taurine, a classy small car the price of a Ford, ltflh and Couch. ruwy. jfiUH. UNB. new 1'ord coupe, run 8i0 to looo miles, latest model; one new Goodyear nf. one new utwuycar tire cover and iocs witn car; catio, can Main bti7 Slier n r. H. 1918 model, 90 Overland. This car is like new and $200 will handle. 19th and t-oucn. iiasy. 3oti. 101 PAIC?E. good shape, must be sold to dsy. called away on account sickness $;;H cash or terms. Bdwy. 2lto. o: 45 N. Uth st. 1U1T WJLLYS-KNIGliT. tOri, new. 70a C.(J. LC t Ac AKUU1.KL, fill Burnside. bet. 14th and l."th sts. ncrMuoiuE,, in goou condition, car just repaintea, looks like new and wii lake light car as part ayment, balance terms, t-none Alain eyo. lull MAXWELL, .Vpaxs. touring car. In Al conaition. overhauled and looks like new at a bargain, will give terms. Phone .visrsnail l'.i.Hl, apt. 4. iy-t aiaaw&ll 1 can save you ?I2o on tnc price 01 a new, latent-model Maxwol car and give you a delivery in a short tune. I'none juarsnau iei;i. 1U1S t-rie RULiB 1 By owner, five tires goou paint, top ana iw:ii license; wii sacrifice and can arrange some terms. call Alarsnaii ..hi evenings. FORD touring, good mechanical condl lion: good tires. A real bars-am f $:;2r.;' terms. HO Grand ave. North, near rlurnsiue MAXWELL touring. -V.118: motor In A condition. A real bargain. $4O0, with terms. iu uiwiu avn. .Mjrui, near surn' bide. 85-4 OVERLAND New top. new paint, job, new tires, itfm uuwi. juunjr. .J.1U. MAXWELL. 11. very best of condition good tires; used privately; $675 with terms. U0 Grand ave. North, near Burn - side. BUICK. light six. late model. $1100; ne top. new battery, cord tlras, 1 extra spotlight; look nne. excellent condition privately usea. riionn ispor io-.i. BARGAIN. Franklin touring car. series 9A, wire wheels, good condition. Owner. Pnone 320-32. FOR SALK Cheviolet 4-90. $5.5; good shape: new tires; win consiaer trade fo late model Ford. Evenings 8S E. 12th St.. apartment o. STUDEBAKER -6IA.' Al condition, use privately; win sacrixice at $i.o and glv terms. 30 Grand ave. vorth, nea Burnside. OVERLAND louring, ft mooel. Al condl tlon. Will eacrillre at $450 and git terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn Side. MAXWELL. 1U1!). In the lion; good paint, good bargain. $95i; terms, 'orih. near Burnside. best of cond tires. A res tit Grand av rOK BALK AfTOMOBILKM. FOR EVERT PERSON EVERT PCRPOSB EVERT PURSE WE HAVE A CAR A Butch Six tn the best of condition at pries that is right. Podte tourinc; this will be sold quick. 1019 Maxwell, Just like new. Oldsmobile Eight overhauled. good tires, just Chandler Six. dition. It's a 101 S In fine Con lfupmobile. One fours." or those "mighty Oakland Six, Just going through a gen eral overhauling. Studebaker,' Just ready to go. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fut Not Aiu.ed Cars. Uib, and Washington. COUPE. Late model Chevrolet In beautiful con- dition has extras. i nil ear you practically what mn open cost you and will give term; ear would e terms that will suit you. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 40. 1810 FORD touring car; has been kept In repair: ts now tn good repair, as good as when I got it 4 years ago. it seems . re the engine la concerned. The body and upholstering show some wear, but not bad; was Panted lt ,.,- h. a new look now. I think it la as good a bargain for u aa tn-ry Is lo I'nrt lu nM 1 frlllH 1L UOPl I ri. ewv- 4W5 E. 4 Is N. M. H. Calef. mil rHcvnoi.ET ROADSTER. Perfect condition, ouO and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway . $1000 CASH OR TERMS Buvs nearly new l'J'JO Maxwell tour . u iHHt miles. 19'JO license. ah readv to ao. Call Adams, Tabor 3U or Mar. C:14. Automobiles Wan tea. t- i.. wit i . n.w inAt cash for light and medium-weight cars In good condition. Dou't bring us any Junk. THE COOK & GII.L CO.. 11th and Burnside, Ask for Mr. Argo. WK WANT cars. Customers on our-lisls for all makes of ears and can make that ear mean money to you. PORTLAND CAR KAl.KS CO.. Ml Alder St. Broadway 2TO. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 1-J7 Lownadalo St. 8 W". Corner. 15th and Washington. CASH for Ford touring or roadster. U ALDER. BROADWAY 1S02. TV .4 N'T Bond eeond-hand automobile: wl ir,H, ill arret best land tn eastern ailiinaton. and soma cash preferred. E. Dundee farm. Green, GaslonOr., care 4-ROOM house and .-.Ojl01 lot. clear, trade for auto. Tabor 4'Jti or 1U0S E. Halscy St.. near 61st. , ii-a Dm In tn. market for used cara i irlvu them in and walk awav with Che mnnev PaclflO Auto Co., 523 Alder SU CASH for Ford or Dodge auto Ml Wash. St. Main b.ui. WANT light car in exchange for lot- Phone Tabor Motorcycle i-irr, MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terms it desired. Used mo t0rfrrM.,7kr MOTORCYCLE CO . 44 Grand avenue. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland A gency. ri Pi-TDir- .niiinn,.! H arlev-Da vldeon mo torcvcle. cheap, on terms. ounj. F"R MOTORCYCLES a.mi ' ?V TRY LiS. 2U4--UO au f i - Auto Tires and Accessories. ..11 Kil l.: MHU electric tr.nlblo shoot e chran. Wm. Cook, route A. box H3. Portland. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates, 132 12th i.treet, between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE G A RAGE, BDWY. 24". l.-.TII AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVE RS. G N. SMITH. THIRD AND GI.ISAN STS. A 2829. BROADWAY 2029. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIKE. L. I. SI I. LI V A N S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 2.12. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 12:10. Al.THOF BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 17. PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, hirhway. Broadway 3547. FOR SAI.F TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCK MEN HERB'S TOUR CHANCE TO GET A SPLENDID TRUCK AND SAVE MOST OF TUB FIRST COST. REBUILT PACKARD3. PackarJs which we trade and taken Into thoroughly gone over, are replaced with new have taken In our shoos and Ail worn parts from our parts depot and the truck comes to you In condition for years of service. Tour In vestment Is less and your profit on run ning la more. Better a used good truck man a new poor one. TWO J-TON PACKARDS. ready to ge to work, priced tor quick sale at $1650. TWO 8-TON PACKARDS. rebuilt and ready for road work, from $1650 to $2200. Ford one-ton for only $500. We have a stock ot small trucks going Cor small money. We can arrange convenient ternaa on all of these. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY Tenth and Burnside Streets. PACKARD AND NASH DISTRIBUTORS. Ask for Jones Open. Sunday A. M. ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TRIAL ON TRUCKS. We have one of the largest stocks of rebuilt trucks In the state of Oregon: every truck completely overhauled and put in flrst-class running condition. It will pay you to investigate our line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK: 1916 two-ton Republic $14no 1915 two-ton Reo MOO 1919 Ford delivery, panel body 550 1919 one-ton Ford, stake body 7.-,o 1919 one-ton Panhard, express body 8ini 19IH Ford delivery, express body... 5.',o 1913 lH-ton White 15UO M ANT OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRANNINt. TREBCE. 542 Alder St.. Cor. 17th. Bdw y. 1723. PRIVATE OWNER G. M. C. truck, all up in perfect mechanical shape and good tires, with body, top and windshield. Main 3958. NEW 5i-ton trailer, coat $1950; sell $996; small payment, easy terms. Williams, Alder hotel. 21--TON trailer, prsctically new. connec tions for motor truck. Jefferv & Vlaca- walw 65 N. 23d at. Marshall 112a, FOR SALE THICKS AND TRACTORS. REPUBLIC I-ton trurk; if roil are in the markel be cure to see this one. C. G. 530 Alder tt. BLEASDALE. Bdwy. 1S52. COVERED i-ton G. M. C. truck in r: ccllent conaition, 1J'0 license; terms l re,Don?lh;e party. Main 3bOU. After call Main S.VIO. l'a-TON Maxwell truck, overhauled, good GARAGES. SAVE carase rent. Get a "R EDI MADE" garage, erected, ready to drive In: low. l'hone East 5114. R EDI M ADE F.UII.DING CO.. :'15 Kast 11 th. 2 blocks south of liawt home. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cara TERMINAL GARAGE. Bin and Hoyt. Bdwy. lr.Sd. FOP. RENT Garage n E. lolll and E. Oak sts. 217- Al'TO REPAIRING. E. H. CHAMBERS. GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. MAXWELL SPECIALISTS. 23D AND DIVISION. SELL. 3755. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY DIAMONDS. W"e buy diamonds for cash. At the highest possible price. See us If you want to sell. Pawn tickets bought. 1eelry. Go.d. silver, precious tones. W"e bur valuables of anv Description, for Immediate Cash. No disappointment. Any amount. War bonds. Victory bonds. Honest value paid. Square deal. AI1 busines dential esa strictly confi- Private offices for ladies. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Licensed bv the Citv. 405 Spalding Bldg.. 4th F:oor. WAR BONDS BOUGHT. VICTORY BONDS. We nuy your war bonds and victory iur lum i hi a OM.d ,.r lu,., v- i. f. lock. Lxchange quotations. liring-or jii orucrs promptly attended lo. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 40o Spalding B!dg.. 4ih Floor. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I pay spot cash and the highest mar ket value for diamonds. No amount Is too large for me to handle. 1 am com missioned by a large diamond concern to buy ail the diamonds oliered. My lo cation is downtown and convenient. Ail business is strictly confidential Ernest Deeds. 34o Washington sl Main 3173. $12 50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone 111 Hie city for suits, overcoats aud shoes. Call Marshall 1229. or 253 Madison st . near 3d st. WHi call day or evening. FURS. FUilS. riiRa. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France lur dressing for summer and save S10O. Reasonable prices LA FRANCE FUR MEG. CO.. 163 V. Park., bet. Morrison and YamhliL Main ev.29. SS.50 UP TO 25 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S rUITS AND OV ERCOATS. SHOES ETC. BROADWAY 3U.12. 245'-, Bl-'KASIiit BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL Mb BEFOKE ANYBODY ELSE. CLOTHING WANTED. I don't set the price before clothing. Iik others do. but 1 I see th. pay what me first. is worm. tall and see Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison sr. UP TO $35 FOR MEN S SL ITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price lor men s cloihes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d at.. N. w. c r. Wash. Mam 9344. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don t mat ter If broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brldgework bought. Bring or mall, the American Brokerage. 405 fcpalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash. CLOTHING WANTED. I don't set the price before I see the clolblng. liku others do. but I pay what It la worth. Call and see me first. Main 734. 201 m First St. J U N K W ANT E D J UN K. Spring house cleaning is here. Don't forget wo pay the vely best prices lor rags, papers, all kinds of tools, turnl turear.d old clolmng. Cal, Main 734. 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 u? tor men's used suns aud overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your sooda li 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 738. XOTICK. FOR FIRST-CLASS HOUSE AND ALTO PAINTING. K A I.SO.M IN 1NG. CALL WDLN. U2U;. SHOP .li RUS SELL OUR SPECIALTY Is buying mens cast-off clothing: higucst casa prices pala. will ca'l. day or nigbt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORK. Marshall 3225. 2U9 Madiaun. WANTED Cul-off saw on table with motor for cutting lumber to make crates for shipping bottles. W. S. B. Co loth and Giisan. Broadway 2903. WANTED SxlO or 10x12 tent; mti:i he li good condition; state, price. 12U4 Fran ces ave. Self wood i..o. WANTED Will pay cash lor second-hand aafe: give size insiue. address and phone. AO 361. Oregonian. WA.Mr-u lame raDOit skins. Will pay from 5 to 3'i cents each. Call bet cell 5:.,D and 8 p. M. Main 40j. HIGHEST SPOT CAsli pi Ices paiu for u monds. Dan Marx A Co., 2S3 Wasn. ELECTRIC FAN WANTED. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. TABoR 079S. CASH PAID FOR SHOTGUN OR RIFLE 125 FIRST. MAIN 44 !.".. TABOK Im'.-W W E will buy y, you cash. Or ur old t pewrile gon Typewriter i in.l !" THE Cabinet Morrison st.. Cleaners near ltli. md Dyers. 424 WANT flat-top office desk with dras era. AV 1 10. Oregonian. CASH for elcetrie motors. 51;in 6517. Furniture anted. MARSHALL 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, WE BUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD FT7R. NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED To SAME DAY. HIGIiEoT PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OP UUn cvl- u rusiuAAU. 185 FIRST ST.. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. CALL MAIN SO IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE C1TK fUll k LluMTUhA, CAR PETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING TUs' BUiLit wiiii inc. aiojs&i. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN SOU WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICS FOR USED FURNITURE. . CALL EAST 6417. ASK. FOR MR. OKMANDY. 1 want your furniture. carpets stoves. etc., to ship out and will pay More than other local dealers. a phone call WILL BRING BU YER AT ONCE Who WILL. CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are In the marker, toe same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 First St- Main 772s! CALL MAIN 8878. ' We pay the highest prices for used furniture. 6ec us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORK. MAIN 8878. I WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one artlc.e or a bouse full, and a competent, courte ous "buyer will call. Marshall 2QU3. Crown 1 W ANT to buy a couple of second-hand rugs, somewhere between ex 10 and 9xi2 ' If you have anything to oner call up Main 80. between 9 and 10 A. M. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First at REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on uouscnoiu booub. rai-inc coast r or- i warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7o3. I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 5U64. Will pay beat WU-J- cash Xor furaiiyuc aiaia C0J.7. WANTED MlSTEIXANEOta FurstiDrs vt a. ce. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WAKTID. We want your naed fumltlra, carpets, stovos. and all household goods, and ulli pay the highest caab prices. v TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sll hardware, too a. iporu.ii goods, tents, bl oc. ea. typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office rur allure. When you have nutlilDf to buy. aell or trade CALL MAIX SOTS. LEVIN HARDWARl FURNITURE CO-2-:i-ii-225 Front bb .0 OaMEj of Me&Tages and Papers et every l'rct,ident. new and complete; books cost new $5, to exchange for either couch, dresser or any piece of fur "iuirc to the Value of 4. Wain. 2023. Help wan ted ma i.e. CHEF Willi second cook for first-class club : must be up to date, good on soups, sauces and entrees: 7-day job. but not hard work: uo pastry work; give ex perience and references in lirst letter: no appointments made without comply ing wuh the above; good position for sin gle man. Room furnished: all year around po?itlon. D 11. Oregonian. THE OT.DS. WORTMAN KING STORE lojuires tne services of transfer and de livery boys. Apply superintendents of fice 9:15 to 10:3U A. J4. WANTED APPRENTICE IN MAILING P.OOM OF OREGONIAN; MUST BE AT LEAST 1H YEARS OF AGE; OPPOR Te.SfLT TO LEARN GOOD TRADE. A1V MR' HENIHERSON. OKEGO MA.N MAILING ROOM. W;i?TED"TE'tpe, '"n'ture finisher. Ap ply warehouse. East Burnside aud Union ave. lowers Furniture Co. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, either sex. may earn tplendid income correspoud ina for new. -papers; ail or spare lime: - t- . .,.,.a unnecessary : no iauvasin.i : suhjects suggested: send for particu- 'vrs"v- Natio"1'1 Press Bureau. Bullalo. EXPERIENCED presser on men's new ruins; steady employment and good sal ary. Apply In person at the office of the J1L Hood factory. 233 Couch st.. cor. 2d. WANTED Man with office experience: well established business: smalt invest ment required: good proposition to right party. Sec Morris. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 218 Stark St. WANTED Firsl-rlass brcsd and roll baker; saiary $150 per mo. and 2 mea s a dy; work as late as 12 o'clock at night; open-air shop and electric ovens. Apply Broadway Hazelwood after 9 A. M. EXPERIENCED . cabinetmaker wannd Apply Kaulz Mfg. Co.. 2tith and Xtcolai NIGHT clerk tor out-of-town corporation holel; must be aOie to do book work; answer m own handwriting, giving ae, reference and phone nuniuer. AM 41. oregonian. Yol'NG m.irrtcd man for salesman for tea i.n.1 coffee route In cn; giaiante.d s..lary. voiumis-ioii bonus on sales; bond r.n.i 1'fst of references required. Jewel Tea Co.. 2 1 S. Grand ave. HELP tor riding devices, shoe. s. cone. .- sion.-, sis., musicians. First call F. W. !ta!.'ck Grtsler shows. Arlington lioiei. s attic, opening hero May 3. Report at on e. W I f E- A W A K E iii.n w ho can sell Titian- sceurities: remuneration large for nynii. of anion ion. Call at 7o2 Spald- In bldg. HAVE opening in shipping room for 2 t.riht young men; prclcr men with icmtm experience In packing: good opportunity tor a-ivancem. m. AE 359. Oregonian. PEOPLE FOR A'AI'DEVILl.E: F.XPF.RI- EN.'E UNNECESSARY. NORTHWEST ERN AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES. 2l-2"2 RlVoLl THEATER BLDG. W ANTED .Men to raise melons oil shares: big opportunity; experience unnecessary; expect to teach you. M. E. Lee. 413 I'orbett bldg. WANTED Young man experienced in! uriut ry store and delivery; must have i ct rcr.ecs. Freeman Bros., 874 Al berta. PRINTER WANTED All-around man. single, for permanent position: $33 a week, steady work: must come at once G!oh,-Times. Condon. Oregon. W N T cook for liat ciew. cal.nery tend-' rr; going to Alaska; minimum of 3 mo. nun., S!"f mo. and boat fare. Apply Canoe Pn.-s Packing Co., 8O0 On goniail bl.ig. PHONOGRAPH salesman for outside solic iting: must lie hustler; good proposition t.r riiht man. Ferry Musiu Co.. 427 AVahlngton st. WANT El. A firr MS all-around cook, per month; work Apply to chei. it e.i.i v ; salary 41 o dj.ys p-r week, tidway Haz.lMoo.l Br, IVANTIIIJ Teamster, also farm hand; no mllkiiig or chores. McCoy. S9lh and E.isl Mark. Ml. Tabor iMT. bSlhl car lu end. four blocks nun h. WANTED Good, steady man for pot washer; salary $-'. month and board. . Apply to cnef. Broadway llazoiwood. 12 7 Broadway, after 8::',0 P. M. MACHINIST Steaay work for good man; give ase, married or single, rela.. wsg.-s expected and phone. AC 417. Orego nian. WANTED xoung man for general office wnik. excellent opportunity for ad vancement: give age. relerences. salary and experience if any. R 255. Oregonian. I' 2 US T-CLASS automobile painter wanted, highest wages paid. Apply paint shop tor.'tnan. 4ih floor Northwest Auto Co., Aider at lsth. WANTED Young man to assist in ship ping department manufacturing plant; oi.e living on east side preferred; slate ape and salary wanted. B 112. Oregonian. WANTED Hons about 18 years old to work in foundry core room: steady em ployment. Columbia Steel Co., Tenth and Johnson. 2 Av ANTED Boy. about IS years old, lo work in inanulacturlng department. Applv AVadhams Xt. Kerr Bros., 13th and Davis st. Broadway 3105. WANTED A Filipino boy or 2 Filipino school boys for chamberwork in apart ment house from 1 to 5 and all day Sat urday. Marshall 2830. WANTED First-class pressman, a good hitsiness opportunity for the right man. Pnone Sellwood 2409. lol Nil man for office work and co.iect ing in wholesale house. M 198, Orego nian. WANTED An automobile painter. Apply at lis5 East Water St.. near E. Alder sL, between hours ot 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. WANTED Cesspool digger. See Peterson. corner Front and Porter ats.. at old bouse being w recked. ' W ELL-EDUCATED boy about 18 years of . aire wanted for office work; permanent position; no experience required. AP 4.'.. 1 iregonian. WANTED Strong boy about IS. to work in stock room and help in store. Apply 411 Aider st. ONE cutoff -saw operator and one rip m. ver: must have experience. Apply 1141 Macadam road. Oregon Box A Mlg. Co. BOY for delivering in general office work: permanent position lor bright boy. 316 spal.ltng bldg. SHOEMAKER Experienced hand sewer Apply Then. Bcrgmann Shoe Mfg. Co., 621 tliurman sU " FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic; none other need apply. Beaver garage, 2U9 Union ave. N. WANTED A man who understands gro cery and delicatessen. Apply 150 5th st . L Mover Co. WANTED Experienced man for grocery clerk; good references a!olulely neces sary. Call 615 East Morrison. WANTED Boy lor delivery: must be able to drive Ford car well: references re quire. 1. ''all 615 East Morrison. WANTED Japanese boy for porter work. p'3 North Sixth st. EXPERIENCED hotel, loth and Stsrk. App.y Clyde WAN i ED Good barber for gusrantee. ' See Miller. 23 country; 2 3d St. TUM first-class auto painters. 23d and Washington. K. F. Lan B A R BE R must le WANTED Wages guaranteed; not apprenticed. 2-n;l Burnside, CoUPUE cood carpenters to contract labol on cottane.' Main c.795. evenings only STENOGRAPHER. $100; typist. $100. Sol X. VA . Bunk Bldg. ADV ERTISIN. but mess. 4 1 ; solicitors who can get the 5 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED C Motor Co., ar washer. A. 12th and Alder. M. Beaver BoY over 16 to work In clonk room s) 19 P. 2L University cub. 275 Gia. at. 25 I