18 THE 3IOKNIXG OKEGOMAX, AVEDXESDAT, APRIL 1, 1920 REA L ESTATE, "lor Sale Houses. BIHR-CARET COMPAXT Succeeded by CARBT-SAV1DGB CuMPANT.J Main 7467. 219 Railway Exen, Bids. COO MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE, The public is invited to come to our ihowrooms on the second floor of the Hallway Exchange building and inspect the hundreds of photos on display. A gallery crammed full of neatly arranged 0x7 photographs of homes. Eight real estate salesmen with autos to show you j.roperty. A pleasure to show our homes. io obligation on your part. THE CREAM OF ROSE CITY. "We have 20 Roso City homes just be ing completed, ranging in price from f MiOO to $5000. They are exceptionally well built, finiwhed in white enamel and oak floors. Arranee to go out today and inspect them. ROSE CITY HOME. $7000 Located on 72d st.. one-half blk. Sandy blvd. 7-room magnificent ly f intHhed bungalow type; every modern convenience. Interior dec orationM very fine. $2000 cash required. Brand-new Rose City bungalows. Make your selection early; phone for appointment; pleased to show them to you. Small down pay ment. "EXCEPTIONAL ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $25O0 Juift think of thin 6-room 2-story modern home, complete set white enamel plumbing, furnace, 3 bedrooms, many fine built-in ef fects, large white enamel .Dutch kitchen ; convenient terms. ANOTHER ALBERTA BUNGALOW. fl.300 5-room modern bungalow; this Is a sacrifice; the owner must raise a little money quick; 1 'a blocks from Alberta rar, 150x100 lot, house newly tinted throughout. $2800 You will surely get full value for your money If you buy this home; 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, best white enamel plumbing, ideal arrange ment throughout, expensive light fixtures, large plate-glass win dows In dining-room, panel walls, many built-in features; here Is truly a wonderful bargain; you will not find Its equal for the money in Portland today; seeing is buying. Terms. TRETTT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 4000 Very attractive I'i-story typical oungatow on a ouxiuu comer lot; all assessments, paved streets in and paid for; 4 large, light, airy nearooms, nrepiace; this i! choice property right in the heart of Hawthorne; $1200 cash, re- I quired. RTJKNYSTDFJ. 4250 Here is a home near Laurelhurat park in Wunnyslde district that is an unusual proportion: tt-room I bungalow, alt on one floor, with furnace, fireplace. Karate, paved streets. Dutch kitchen and large I attic with stairway; the price is I easily souo low: the owner is sac rificing; his loss, your gain; let us snow it to you toaay. -ROOM STIXNVSIDE HOME. 94UO Large, well-built 6-room 2-story home on mast autn St.; this home is in fine condition Inside and out; white glazed brick fireplace, marble mantel, white enamel Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, 50x100 lot; owner leaving for the East; his sacrifice; price cut xor quick Bale; conven ient terms. -"MONT A VILLA BARGAIN. 12500 Typical California bungalow, low, rambling lines, all built-in ef- , fects, art brick fireplace, built only 4 years, a wondertul bar- gain; this home could not be built for $3000 today; terms. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Ifain 74S7. 219 Railway Exch. Bldy. OPEN EVENINGS. $4itm ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful six- room bungalow, three oiocks to car ana Sandy blwi. This is a real bargain and SHiOO below present values. $3800 H A W T II O R N E DISTRICT. Modern bungalow. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fun basement; one-half block from Hawthorne ave.. on hard urfftfA streets: all improvements in and paid for. $;1R0 WAVERLY HEIGHTS. Love ly five-room bungalow, fireplace. buffet, iJutch kitchen, basement, wash trays : . &xl00 lot on hard surface streets; all pain for; terms. 1500 ALBERTA DISTRICT. Five room cottage, bain and toilet, base ment, DOxloo lot, rour large fruit trees; terms. f 12O0 WEST SIDE. Four-room cot tage, hot and cold water, walks and euros, ;hjxiim) jot; one block to car. DEKt'M & JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 2233. $4300 ROSS CITY CAR, G rooms and steepinfr porch, hard wood floors In main rooms, fireplace. bookcases, built-in buffet, all good size rooms, iuii cement basement with fur nace, the owner in here from the east and says sell the house. This ho-ise. without the lot, cost over $4100 five years ago. It in exeeotionaMv well ron- etructcd. located 3-V ft. to Rose City I rar canine, east irom, cash will hands it; this is a full 2-story lie use una is usrely a cnap. Rose City branch urjicc, om nna sanoy nivd. Tabor 2004. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY, 7 Chamber ox uonu Jsiuff. $7. -00. WALKING DISTANCE. EAST SIDE, -XKAR CORNER. UNION AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST.. STRICTLY MOD KRN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. EN TRANCE HALL. LIVING ROOM. DIX- I(r ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM, KITfHEN. FIRST FLOOR: FOUR r.KDROOMS AND HATH SECOND FLOOR; HARDWOOD FLOOR'S. LARGE A l l IL, M U-MZE CONCRETE BASE MENT. GASCO FURNACE. GARAGE. HOUSE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 'nMATKH, SE LLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. k BEATJTrFFT, RIVER VIEW, ft. 3000 WEST SIDE 131100 T rooms and bath, good full basement. i sui in good stiane: ooxioo lot: on hard- i surface streets and car line: clear of all I incumbrance?: $700 cash will handle. i valance almost line rent. Watch Our Ads We Get Results. I C. A. Warriner, lb HITTER, LOWE & CO.. p 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I R VI GT ON. 1 MUST GO QUICK. rooms Dutch colonial. In pink of condition ; center entrance wonderful. living rooms, sun room, dining room nd complete kitchen on first floor: i oak floors, firenlace. ta oestrv wa Us : , "bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor, fireplace in one of these, grand ea rooms; tun basement, fruit room. t coaibin. All of this for less than $8500. I C. M. DERR. COE A. McKEN.NA & CO.. tV? 4th St. Main 4S22. BEAUMONT. 6-room home, beautifully located and suoerblv finished ; large Iivinir room. wailed with imported tapestry; raftered iminc room witn matched panels, hard wood floors, including kitchen: inviting seeping porcn. immense concrete base- ment and furnace and fireplace; built-ins j numerous, garage, 50x100 lot. 2 blocks irom car line and priced at 9000. Ask for Mr. Gray, COE A. McKEN.NA & CO., 2 Fourth St. Main 4522. $2050 J-ROOM bungalow, good lot. fruit, clo to car; a good buy. $rtno cash. 33250 6-room house, in pink of condi tion, good basement, corner property, full lot. l diock to car: .uo casn. 5-mom bungalow, fireplace, clean, full cement basement luu lot. iruit ; a buy. $2i30f terms. EDWIN JACOBSOX. Main 62. 718 Spalding Bid ONLY $2000 Rose City bungalow. Four rooms and hath: 2 blocks to Sandy: S4O0 I cash. bal. $20 per mo. and interest. Call 3043 oak St. Bdwy. 2H0. For Hale Business Property. NORTH PORTLAND TRACKAGE AND FACTORY SITES. Will Sell or Lease. Located In best Industrial district. close In. adequate transportation tacil- ties. These choice properties are due to increase In price within the next 30 days. lei us rina your new location. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N.W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. .ABSOLUTELY fireproof building 50x100, two stories, basement and sub-basement, ail connected by large electric elevator; (.u i table for warehouse, factorv or stor age, price $10,000. which Is one-fourth nf what building would cost to build now. Turner & Co.. 230 Cham, of Com. HOSE CITY business building and lot 50x too ft., suitable lor any kind of business. on 57th St.. near Sandy boulevard: price j:;o; tn is is a oargain. l urner &. Co., :to t nam, or vom. . WELL-LOCATED store on car line, 50x100 - JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Suburban Homes. ALL IN CULTIVATION. Ci,C?E IN- ft St 10. YOUR OWN TERMS. MUST FELL TO DA 1 COUCH BLD'J. SEE OWNER AT 615 HEAL ESTATE. Fnbarban Bomet. 6-ROOM beautiful home with one-half acre of ground; everything desirable to make a complete place : plenty of fruit and berries and facing on the hard-surface rd. : 'i blks. from car, ttc tare. Price $4725. terms. 1 acres at Risiey station, on Oregon City line: sightly place, rich' soil and bearing fruit and berries. This will please anyone that can use a 4 -room. 9'his is a pretty suburban home. '-4 acre of ground and 12 bearing fruit trees. 300 strawberry plants; 6-room modern bungalow; sleeping porch, etc.; $3750. Let us have the pleasure of showing you our large lift of suburban acreage. Ask for the acreage man. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. THE BEST BUY AROUND MULTNO MAH STATION. 8-room bungalow, in fine shape; large porch, fine view, with 3 acres of fine land: lies extra fine, on gravel road, 4 blocks to sta.; family orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries, flowers and shrub bery; has lights, gas and water: good basement, chicken house. Dirt-cbeap at price, $0000; $1500 cash, balance terms. Don't fail to see about this right away. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak st. 1V4 ACRES. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Here we have a most complete assort ment of fruit and berries of all kiuas, beautiful lawn with shrubbery and trees; tt-room house, concrete basement, bath and toilet, electricity and gas ; double parage, chicken house and yard. Every thing in first-class shape; right at sta tion on Oregon Citv car line. Price only $5500; $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade bldg. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN HOME, 5 ACRES. 2 mile from city limits, just off the Base Line road, ail in cultivation. lies a Imost level, well drained, very fertile soil. Just the place for poultry, berries and fruit. Bull Run water, gas if you wain in a smati nou.e, some outbuild ing, berry plants, an unusualiv good buy for $27.10; pay $8r0 cash, the bal ance long time at 6; glad to show it MacIWES Jtr PRATT 413 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 3S68. SILVER SPRINGS STATION. 1 acre orchard and berries, together w'i r h 5-room modern bungalow, garage, chicken house and yard: cement walks. Ba, eietiricny, iuii cement basement in which are wash travn and an elRdrie automatic water system, giving water under pressure. There is a beautiful lawn and shrubbery, making an ideal Huuuroan nome. itico only $00 00; $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg-. LEN ACRES ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Li.UJSt; TO J'OKTLAND AND CAR You will find nothing- better in a sub urban home; every part of the land is unaer cultivation; nas fine up-to-date I-room bungalow with lighting system, bath and ail. modern conveniences ex cept furnace: beautitul lawn and flow ers, nice little barn, chicken houses, all painted and in excellent condition; two acres in fruit and nuts, one-half acre jn oerries, two acres in clover; price of this is $10,000: imnrnvpmnt. .Inn. would cost $7000; let us show you what a lovely piace thii is. STEWART & BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. A REAL BARGAIN. ( --"-a-i iy nun acre, or vrixiTd It., located ..p,..!. . mo Din Lion, uresnam line, vc commutation fare; 13 assorted fruit trees. ... miS, 1 an)iurneii, Biraw- jerries, currants and gooseberries; good . - - n n . v t , km, r-nnjiric: llgnis. fireplace; garage, barn. Price $1850; haif caon. ji you naven t half cash, we will assist you temporarily to buv thl place. I'PrSnriB 1 1 V I ncnanl al O V. i - . Brooks with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger building. -ACRE PARKROSE HOME. $US00. Located rieht nn fiutirti i-ra A-.? A blocks from car line, is an attractive 5-roora bungalow with concrete founda- iion. 'j casement: dining room has ouiii-in Dunot ; 7.x200 ft. ground, 13 fruit trees, berries, garage. This place has a commanding view of highwav and makes a. very pleasant home. "Price only $3S00; $1500 cash. J . L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of' Trade bldg. SUBURBAN HOME ON RIVER FRONTAGE. 5-room modern bungalow on lot 50x400. located on the Willamette river. Strictly modern and in pink of condition : gas and electricity, fireplace: price $3500: only $.00 cash. We have photo at of fice. Jt is seldom that places of this class are ever offered for sale, so better oe saie tnan sorry. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. GRAB THIS ONE NOW AT $4000. Five rooms with 2 fireplaces: good well in kitchen; in fine shape: garage, wood shed, good barn, chicken house, big yard; all fenced in; lots of fruits and berries and flowers, and the very best of land: on gravel road ; 7 blocks to station, 6c carfare. $1000 cash, balance terms RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. MILWAUKIE SUBURBAN HOMES. Beat of aoll, fine car service, hard sur face roads, modern bungalows with gas, electric lights, close to car, with 1, 2, S or 10 acres land. If you want a real suburban home we can suit you. KLEEB & PARRY, First Stale Bank Bidg. Phone 19. Automobile Service. MiVwaukie, Oregon. A SACRIFICE AT MULTNOMAH STA. A good 6-room house and i acre of fine land, small barn, chicken house, good well, family orchard, lots of ber ries and flowers, garden over half planted: 400 feet from Capital highway; beautiful view; at the low price of $2250, $1000 will handle, balance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. MODERN BUNGALOW AT MULTNOMAH. New 4 -room bungalow on one acre of good ground; city water, gas, electric lights, cement basement, white enamel finish; located on good graveled road, close to station. Price $4000: $2200 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON, Ger linger building. 6-ROOM HOUSE on choice tract of ground. witn oearing xruit trees, cnicKen house, rabbit house, small barn ; you can keep your own cow and have all the chick ens and rabbits you wish just outside of the city limits. 1 am the owner of this property but have no further use for it. and will give you a bargain. See me for particulars at my oiiice. 404 Flatt bldg 127 Park st. ACRES, located close to Aloha station and near the paved road ; on graveled road; all tinder cultivation: new 6-room lath and plastered bungalow, with ce ment basement and floor, 2 large chicken. nouses, hhi Deartng iruit trees, logan and other berries. This is close to school and is a high-class place. Price $4700: $1000 cash. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger building. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, near Multnomah. at the junction of two improved county roads; ground about 60x140: house is new, every modern convenience; owner is compelled to leave this locality and will sell for $4250. on terms, or will make heavy reduction for cash. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. We can run you out to the property in 13 minutes. OWNER must sell at once, 20 acres, near ly an unoer cultivation, on top of Mt Scott, where you get a beautiful view of the city and the two rivers; good road right to the place; $500 acre: adjoining land selling at twice that amount: some terms. Phone week days East 4464. RIVER front for sale by owner; 5-room Dungaiow on acre, m mncs from Portland, on paved road, 35 minutes by Oregon City electric. $3500. terms if de sired, at least $500 cash. Call Broadway 420J. $3400 HANDSOME bungalow. Lake Grove Oswego Lake; fireplace: nice bathroom: near electric station: H acre: garage; natural trees, fruit, garden. Main 3t72. Frank McFarland, 20iSFailin'g bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car 11ns. t'mm S1S00 UD. Inauire 3d house north of Risiey station, on Oregon City car line, sign 'Alter eroon. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home ACREAGE. 4 -acre chicken ranch. 3 blocks from station. 1 block from school, 15 miles from Portland, near paved highway; on good road; 6-room house, plastered; full basement, good chicken house, barn. 140 fruit tree, &U bearing. Price $4,100. terms. We have this and many others to choose from. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. 5 ACRES ON COLUMBIA BLVD. at city limits. Fine cultivated land, fruit, house, barn, windmill; city water to be had. $6OO0. Terms. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. $1000 NEAR Oswego lake. 2-room house, barn, chicken house, cellar, trees; $200 cash. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. . For Sale Acreage. WELL IMPROVED SMALL PLACE. 7 acres, located ,c mile from good town, Washington county, Oregon; on graveled road; black loam soil; all under cultivation ; good young orchard, begin ning to bear; new 5 -room house, with fireplace; 20x32 barn, 18x24 chicken house; price $3500, with young team, wagon and harness, single harness and buggy, plow, -harrow, cultivator, aO chick ens, cow and crops. $170 cash, the balance on easy terms. Brook. s with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger building. TN TIGARD. 4 and 29-100 acres, located one block from the pavement and 3 blocks from the depot; all under cultivation; 100 loganberry plants. 150 raspberry plants: good fences; 5-room plastered house, ga rage, chicken hou.se; close to school and church. Pn: $3,100: 1300 cash. Nel son, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger building. AND 2-ACRE tract;, near good car service, within 30 minutes or P. O. : price $150 per acre and up: 1 acre with 2-room house, only $500: $100 cash, bal ance $10 per mo.. 6' interest. Also 3 acres rich land, little creek: on car line: nice orchard: 5-room plastered house: all in cultivation; nice home; price right: terms to suit- Also acre. Ryan Place: fruit, water, gas. electric lights, tele phone: for sale cheap; easy terms. A. M. HOWELL. 401 Bd. of Trade Bldg. SPLENDID VIEW ACRE S1000. $500 cash, $10 monthly buys this beau tiful home site, located right on the Oregon Electric ! terurban; 19 young fruit trees. strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants and grapes : rity water adjoining place; also electric lights and gas ; 7 k c commuter's rat. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES. GARDEN HOME. Five7 acres, located 5 blocks from the station ; 31- acres under cultivation : all can be cultivated; new house, few fruit trees; 4 blocks from improved road: very low car fare and good train service. Price $4300, on terms. Personal Iv in spected. Markers, with JOHN FERGU SON, Gerlinger building. $.10 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY " Splendid tract of 1 acre near Gilbert station, Estacada line; all in large bear ing fruit trees; just a short distance off of macadamized road, not far from Lents Junction, the end of the tic fare limit. Total price $1350. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL HOME IN GRESHAM. 1 i acres, all fine land. ,wiih good plastered bunga!ow, full concrete foun dation, city water, gas and electricity available: good varietv of fruit; some berrien: cow barn, 2 good chicken houses, good bunch of laying hen, good mi ten cow and heifer, all for $2tt0; half cash, balance monthlv. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, Gresham. Or. 4 ACRES, SUBURBAN. tlR0DOWN. Faces good improved street, near 82d street; paving; no better land for fruit and poultry In Oregon: 23 minutes' drive of 4th and Wash.; near good car service. 30 minutes out: very light clearing; over city iota; inmi; terms as you wish. Cannot be equaled for the monev. J. C. CORB1N CO.. 303-6-7-8 Lewis Bide. IOO ACRES in Washington county to be sacrificed: it is the S. K. i of Sec. 6. Tp. 3 N. and 3 W. : has about 2 million leet ot gooa merchantable timber; 1 good portion of this land would be suit able for farm land: to be sold immedi ately for only SI750, all rash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 6000 ACRE3 In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds . accepted at par. write xor map showing location, terms, ere. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wasn. AC RES. 5-room log bungalow, close to electric line. 14 fruit trees. 1 acre under cultivation, $:200; can be handled for $1000 down; Immediate possession. bee Mr. Thomas. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. 24 ACRES near Concord station on Ore gon City carline. all cleared, neat 2 room cottage, chicken house, good well can be bought on easy terms. 209 Ore gon bldg. Broadway i ACRES. $2500; at end of Hawthorne ave. car line: a fine home sue: be buving a lot or two at same price a few blocks nearer in. Owner. 9X0 Chamber of Commerce. Phone (Marshall l.S5. 6Ji ACRES at Mabery station on Bull Run line, ttnlm proved, ideal place for summer home, Jlioo. terms. 2(9 Oregon bldg. Broadway OWNER'S sacrifice, beautiful 15 nea couver ; well improved, ideal lo :..100. 1 41 East 69th North. Ev To Urxr T055. beautiful 15 near V irati enings. rAX YOU BELIEVE IT? ONLY $1000. 4.3 acres, cult lvated: well, barn, close to electric station. ow concora bldg. 2d ana Marn. A BARGAIN In 40 acres, close to Llnne- man Junction. i'hon r. o34i or call 8 Union ave. N. evenings. F. Bath. 5 ACRES near Willamina. level, cleared, fenced, 4-room houtse. barn; $1350. S150 cash, $ltt mo. J. R. Sharp, 83 Vj 3d st. 10 ACRES, $2750; short distance ea?t of city; uncleared, but a big bargain. Hart, 910 Cham, of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. FINE acreage, 42d and Simppon sts. : some tracts in fruit and nuts; terms: Alberta car. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bide. 54 ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvaa on Canyon roaa: a good buy. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg 16 ACRES FARM I-AND. 6131 92D ST. S. E. TOM ALLEN, HALF ACRES. 71st st.; 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. Owner. East 3860. For 6ale Farms. FOR SALE DAIRY OR TRUCK GAR DENING FARM: 100 acres more or less. 90 in cultivation, beaver da m and sandy loam soil, a It bottom land ; good buildings. mile from Pacific highway. mile from nearest town. Price $200 per acre. Ter.ns. Fine bargain. LEVY & ZIMMERMAN CO., 202 McKay Bldg. 1240-ACRE wheat ranch, 1100 under plow. clo?e to R. R. station, good well and buildings, 6O0 In crop : all goes with sa le, present crop should sell for 21, 000. Price $4.1.000. Complete farming otitfit. Consider ot her good property to St:;o,000. bal. to suit. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden nto income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything, furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. 1040-ACRE wheat ranch M, mile to R.R. station. O0O under cul. ; leased for this vear; tah buildings, share of crop should sell for $0000 or 7rtOO. For quick sale. $25 per acre : $10. 00O cash, bal. your own terms. No trade. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trad-. FOR SALE FARM: IfiO acres 7 miles from Washour-jal. W ash. 120 acres till able, 2 creeks and 2 springs on snme. Will give terms, as must sacrifice place on account lea ."inpr for California. LEVY A- ZIMMERMAN CO., 202 McKay Bldg. SE-LLWOOD SNAP, FURNISHED. Five-room plastered cottage. -bath, e'ec tricity, gas. fruit: practically new fur niture: all for $1900, easy terms. See at once. 1 Hi 1 East loth., phone Auto matic 21B-66. FOR SALE Destrabie stocK rsneh. 40 acres; 3.M bottom land suitable for alfalfa. Price an acre. Nothing can beat sheep ana anana. ju.. Mtzmiurlce, Condon, Or. 4fi ACRES. 12 cleared, in oats, balance tim ber; good 5-room house, barn, orchard, " on main road. $1800 cash buys it; this is a snap. George Beers, Sandy, Or. Phone o SO ACRES. 24 miles from Oregon City: 40 acres in croo: pcod building; running good buy. Investi gat e. Edwin Jacob son, 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. 150 acres, dairy, fruit or potato ranch; Route 1, box 8Q. Kalama. Wash. CHtnKK.V FRUIT. GARDEN RANTRF.q rear Portland. S73 to $200 per acre; easy terms; oem boil. r arma ror sale, aU sizes. McrRri.ino. zuw railing bidg. FOR SALE Ftock ranch, o20 A., 100 head of catt'.e; $7500. Mrs. Alice Carmack, MI1WHUMC. SACRIFICE Improved foothill SO. worth $2500; immediate sale $1050. cash $5O0. Evenings Tabor 7055. 141 East 60th No. REAL ESTATE. For bate BE INDEPENDENT. Buy this small farm and go Into the chicken business. It will pay for itself in two years. 30 acres stocked and equipped ; 10 acres cleared, & acres in oats and vetch. Suitable buildings, run ning spring water. Good team, harness, wagon, cow and calf, chickens, all tools and . machinery; familv orchard, fruit and berries; this is a knap; act quickly; $3750 buys all. $1500 cash. Call Main 630. Mr. Knappenberg. Main 530. ONE OF THE VALLEY'S BEST. 62-acre orchard with good improve ments and running water; 40 acres ap ples. 14 acres walnuts. 8 acres cherries, peaches and berries. Ten to 12-year-old trees in perfect condition; best prospect for large crop this year. This offerig warrants your consideration and close investigation; (30.000, S cash. Call Main 530. Mr. Knappenberg. Main 530. RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 110 acres near Harrisburg; 15 acres or chard, apples and peaches. 15 acres ready for corn ; 50 acres natural grass, balance timber; 5-room house, good barn, hog pen and cattle shed; a splendid buy. Price $11,000, cash $3000, balance fv years at 6 per cent. Call Mr. Knappenberg. Main 5:;0. The man who knows farms. McCRILLIS-CLE AVE LAND CO., 342 to 326 Henry Bldg. 8 ACRES. In the best fruit belt in Chehalem valley. 34 acres in cultivation. H acres in young prunes, 22 acres in oats, balance is oak and pasture land ; a lot of this can be cultivated; good 6-room house, barn, workhouse, granary, R. F. D., milk and. cream route; on good gravel road, and will be close to the new Newberg and Yamhill high wav i mile from school ; the personal consists of 2 cows, tome young stock, lorat, Imple ments and crop; 1 feel that this place is offered very reasonable and will make someone a good home: there are 5 towns within a radius of 4 to 7 miles; price now is fSOOO. half cash; good terms. Hesgard. with COE McKENNA &. CO.. 82 Fourth Su IMPROVED WHEAT FARM. 800 ACRES IN WINTER WHEAT, ALL CROP TO BUYER. 1500 seres, all lies well for tractor, very productive soil, all in cultivation. On good road, 5 miles to town and R. R. station. I m provements high class ; 7-room house, lfirge barn. 2 large machine shed; good drilled well, inexhaustible suppi of pure water, equipped with pumping outtit and storage reserve. r. Possession will be given al once. T heat never looked better. Price $45 pr acre. Terms, $20,000 cah, with easy terms on deferred pay- mm is. j MacTNNEvS PRATT. 413 Board of Trade bldg., Portland. Or. 60 ACRES, nearly all in cultiva tion, and in crop: fenced and cross-fenced (woven wire) : on good gravel roads; fine barn, Kilo, good well, water piped to house, pump and gas engine; fair house, 1 acre family or chard, 2 registered Holstein cows, 2 heifer calves. 1 good team, chickens and farm im plements; the soil Is the best of black loam, suitable for fruit, berries or general farming; this place is only 3 miles from pave ment and one of our bet valley towns, and 27 miles from Port land. Price 111.000. hat cash. Hesgard, with COE .A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth Street. IMPROVED WHEAT FARM. 700 ACRES IN WINTER WHEAT. i;t(H acres, all in cultivation, lies al most level, deep rich soil, easy land to work with tractor. On good road and only 8i miles to railway depot. AH 'the buildings are first class with Plenty of pure water. This is an old established wheat farm with a splendid record. The price Is only $33 per sere. Pos session al once. Terms 1 ; cah. MaclNNES A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. 130. WELL Improved, S miles Castle Rock, Wash. ITardman and Hammeii places SSOOO, $3000 csuth. baL easy. Possession at once. 1AOO wheat land. CTaresholm. Alberta 800 well Improved, will seed 400 a.. $j0 acre. 800 fenced only, will break 320 acres. I!? ft svere. Take coast or B. C. land nr most an good property as payment, batancs crop payments. M F. MILLER. Clsreaholra. Alberta, Canada. K0 ACRES, nearlv all cleared: 60 acres 1 cultivation. fenced and crossfenced: ove 1 800 bcarinc prune trees in neart Clackamas county prune belt; about 200 apples and other bearing iruit trees rood 5-room farm house, hot and coN soring water in house and bath ; also good well, concrete milk house 10x12 lnrce barn 40xO. and ether outbuilding;: macadam road and R. F. D. by door live Forms: in every field, creek runnln through place; S miles from Estacada. Price $1 3.0OO ; one-third down, balance easv terms. Inquire owuer, P. M. Wagner, Estacada. Or. 100 ACRES, located 4 miles south of Oregon City and near New Era; all can be cultivated, 60 acres under cultla tion and being seeded to crops; beaver creek flows through the place : small orchard, 7-room house, barn 34x70, ma chine shed, chicken house, garage; mile to M-bool; all rural conveniences and telephone. With this place go 8 cows, 3 horses. 150 chickens, 3 turkeys, very large and complete line of ma chinery, including potato digger and all small tools. $50uO cash and balance on long time payments at 6 per cent inter est. See Happy, with JOHN FERGU SON, Gerlinger building. CROPS. STOCK, FURNITURE, MACHINERY. 20 acres, located 30 miles from Port land; all under cultivation; one mile from town, high school and transporta tion ; all in crop; good, rich soil ; now used as dairy; candy loam soil; 6-room house, barn 30x30, chicken house: county road. Price $42O0, w 1th 6 good fresh cows, 2 brood sows, 20 chickens, wsgon, mower, cultivators, plow, harrow, potato digger, hay rake, horse and harness, toots 'and household furniture. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger building. MR. FARM BUYER. I' you want a real farm at the right price, it w ill pay you to "see me before buying. 1 can save you money. 1 have some 500 fine larms; my years of experience tare worth many dollars to ou and It costs yu nothing, bee or write to me, A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOW E & CO.. 201-7 foard of Trade Building. PRUNES PRUNES PRUNES. 3.72 acres, 3 acres of w tiich are in cultivation and in prunes from 4 to 7 years old; there are two 2-room shacks on this property; it Is all fenced with woven-wire fencing; 20 acres of tim ber which will average about 1 0 cords per acre; 1 miles from Cove Orchard. In Yamhill county. This is In a splendid prune section and the price is only $2000; $600 cash. $2O0 yearly. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. YAKIMA VALLEY SNAP Realize 50 per cent on your Investment; acre. 50 acres alfalfa, .'10 acres corn ; 4-room house, outbuildings, fully paid govern ment water right ; 1 mile to town, on main highway; $265 per acre, one-tnlrd caah, balance very easy terms. Hover. 512 Selling bldg., Portland. Or. Main 4093. Other tracts any size. Write or call for new booklet and price list. INCOME PRODUCING FARMS. At Gresham, the best farming section in Otegon, close to Portland and paved roads, we have some exceptionally good bargains in stocked and equipped farms, chicken ranches. berry lands, small homes and suburban acreage. KRIDER A. ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. 10 ACRES. $75 DOWN. On S.- P. electric, close to sta;.. store and school; good soil ; price $1000. $75 down. C years' time on balance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. LOGO E D-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good soil. Va tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharps. 83 V 3d st. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Kossler, Stockton CU REAL. KSTATE. For lNtk Farm. SOME SNAP BUYS IN UNIMPROVED LAND. $000 40 acres, 1 miles N. Grande Ronde ; smai i creek runs through it: some timber: rolling land: out range; i cash, terms on balance. $800 SO acres. 4 miles N. W. Grande Ronde; 30 acres bottom land ; In heart of about 10.000 acres out range: large creek runs through it ; some small timber; Vi ca&ii, terms on balance. $1500 44) acres splendid timber: lies 1 miles S of tirande Honde : level land, good soil. A Wine proposi tion; easy terms. Call Main 530. McCRILLIS-CLE AVELAN D CO.. 322 to 326 Henry bldg. 4 ACRES ON NEWriERG HIGHWAY. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. This is positively one of the best uys close to Portland; all under cultivation but an acre. Most all in crops ; rood 8-room house, larg. extra well finished barn, plenty of outbuildings, all In good condition and pain'.ed. ith this goes good cow, team horses, harness and waon brood sow. 8 pigs. 24 hens, some implements and tools ; also some furni ture, enough to tart housekeeping. Everything for $10,500. Might consider a tuiigalow tn fort land to mi and S10OO cash, balance can run long time at o per cent ir desired. STEWART A BUCK. 315 N. W. B.nk Blug. 85 ACRES IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY W ILL TAKE HOUi-E IX PORTLAND AS PART PAYMENT. This place loins electric stat'en; every foot under cultivation, part in crop, more plowed; mostly fenced with woven wire; running water for stock, and well on porch : 5-room bungalow, large barn and outbuildings: with it goes 12 head of good cows, 6 horses. 3 hogs, about 60 hens, all farm mah Inery and too'.s. Everything for only $10,000. Will take house at cash value, some cash and give 10 vears on balance. STEWART & BUCK. 315 N. W. Fank Bldg. FO R SALE FA R M SNAP: 80 acres. 6 niis from Waaliougal. Wash. Ptacti cally new house, all other outbuildings for farm ; nearly all ready for cult i ra tion. 14 mile from state highway. Price $1000. Must leave for California, rea son tor sacrificing place. LEVY ZIMMERMAN CO., 2Q2 M?ay Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WEST SIDE If you are looking for an Investment as well as a real home, don't fail to look at t his modern 7-room residence m-hich is priced at half its worth. Ther is maid s room, furnace, two fireplaces, gss heater and gas stove included in price of tttSCO; a full lot and everything in Al condition. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St FINE alfalfa land for sale on easy terms. M. K. Lee. 413 t'oroett bldg WANTED REAL WTATK. OVER $1,000,000 WORTH OK HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. I20. FRANK L, McGUIRE. v IA RG EST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Tou want RESULTS? TRY our LIVE. efficient method of HOMESELL1NG. (No charge except the standard broke race o 5 per cent tn event of a SATISFACTORY SALE i. OUR RECORD; S0O homes sold during 101 homes sold in 1 day, March 13, 1920. .112 homes sola during March, 1020. 352 homes sold since January 1. 1'0. W personally inspect and PHOTO CiRAPH everv house 1 Hteri. We Dia PUT ALL PHOTOGRAPHS IN OUR LAKOE SHOWROOMS, which are con tinually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. FRANK L McGUIRE personally makes all appraisals. Your home is sold IK LISTED W ITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY. If you cannot come down, telephone and we ll gladly calL Fourteen salesmen with autos to work on the sale of YOUR HOME. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abtngton Bldg. Main 109. DEAL WITH AN OLD RELIABLE FIRM. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list jour nouse witn me. 1 sell houses on I v. and have many buyers. All listings will be given proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS WE OFT RESULTS C. A. WARRINER, RITTER IAJWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE SELL CITY HOMES. 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1020. We can sell your home quick. Our ap praiser will call und inspect your home and advise as to its value. alo taks a 4z 1 -In. photo, which is displayed in our large showrooms, where hundreds pf prospective buyers will view It. Eight live-wire ualesmen who drive their own Cars, backed bv thouiunria nt rinliari ntnt In advertising, bring result. Pnons wt uui appraiser 10 can toaay. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded bv CAREY-SAVIDOE COMPANY, 219 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 74S7. HAVE A CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MOD KRN HOME; MUST HAVE AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOMS RESIDES MAIDS V A KTEKS. TH E PARTY 11 AS Till MONEY. WILLING TO PAY FO rt A -GOOD HOME. HUT MUST BE WORTH l rt I'KICK ASK ED. POJNDEXTER, 20K SELLING BLDG MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE 271-20. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SELLINt HIGH-CLASS HOMES FROM S00OO UP LAURELH I RST. I RVINGTON, A L A - " KUA, MT. T A HO R AND TKE HEIGHTS. IV YOU HAVE A HOME FOR SALE. ONE WORTH THE PRICK ASKED. PHONE OK MAIL FULL DE- W.'KI f TIU.N. POINDEXTER, 20 SELLING BLDCL MAIN 100. RESIDENCE 271-20. LET GEO. T. MOORE CO. SH your homo. We ire earnest 'y In want of homes of all sixes snd have buy ers r r modern hemes irorr. S.1500 $10,000: some a!l. cHSh. If you have onn for aale, phone, write or call GEO. T. MOORE CO. for servif e. Min 802. 1007 Y-on Building HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from S30OO to $00O in good dis trict, t none, write or call. COE A. McKENNA St CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4322. IF YOU have a 6 to S-room house, hot water heat or Gaeco 1 urnace. on Port land Heights or West over, get in touch with me at once; nothing hut first-class property considered. Edwin Jacob&on, ' opauung diur. .Mam um.'. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. x-rice must ds rigni and very easv terms. We have sold over H00 homes in the last year. If you want action, Ilt iwi us. f 1 -j w. vierman (.o., 10- 1 rra m . or Com. w r; may v, ouyers tor o. 6 and 7-room bungalows In good diHtrtcts; muat be modern. Ask for M r. Tavlor or M Helm, with L. K. Moore, 317 Board o Trade, Main ri7. OUR books will show we are selling a nousc a uy; 11 you wane yours sold, pnone us. it we nut it we sell it. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. b'Jl Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES WANTED. We have added a house department ano are pieasea 10 nave your property 11 it is ror ssue. Joan ergusoo oer linger bldg. WANTED To buy from owner, modern oungaiow on east side: win pay abou half cash, balance terms; state price ana meat :m ; must oe reasonable, a V 2. Oregonian. WANT 15 to 25 acres, well improved with modern house, on paved highway, for cash ouyer. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St WA NT to buy for spot cash a lot below the hill in Alameda Park; might consiri er fractional lot if located right. AF 32. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room buneaiow Irvin ton or Laurelhurst ; not over $tiO(M; pay sjihh casn. naiancc assume mortgage good monthly payment. 62 E. Taylor. WANTED A or 6 arres with 4 or o-mom house and out-huildings not over $4000 and must be worth money ; prefer prl vate owner. AO 4-1. oregonian. WANT home property not to exceed $50O0 between Hawthorne and Belmont. wet of uOtu street; owners only. Ah 3oS. Ore gonlan. WANTED To buy a 7 or 8-room house with furnace, well situated in Irvington state price, terms and particulars. AF 32 . Oregonian. MUST have 6 or 7 -room bungalow, cood location, on Portland Heights or West over. eowin jacooson. 4 to spaidin bldg. Main 5642. w A XT to buv from owner a 4 or ;-room modern bungalow for cash: 710 objections to extra lot; must be reasonable, fhon East 3204. MUST have a Rose City bungalow; let m hear irom you ai once: no agents nee answer, can dwy. air. King. HOUSE with 3 or 4 bedrooms, center h 1L W. floors, fireplace, cost about 7ono. Irvington; no agents. A 110. Oregonian WANTED Hotel, rooming or apt. house, in good location; owners. AH 422. Ore gonian. MODE RN apartment house, well 1 oca ted, direct from owner. AH 330. Oregonian. I WISH io rent or buv moderate-priced beach cottage. AP 412, Oregonian. WANTED REAL" ESTATE. LIST your houses and lots and business property with .1. J. Ocder o.. ornoa ave. N. near E. Ankeny at. Phono East 1. I Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED To lease 1 to 3 acres, small house and buildings suitable for cnicnens and rabbits near some good town. AM 42.'t. Oregon la n. TIMBER LANDS. 40 ACRES. 30 under vultivation. needed to clover, oats and vetch, balance pasture, ings, 2 weils. pump. 2' miles from fenced: 7-room house, barn, outbuild town. 40 miles from Portland, good team. 6 cows, .-a Ives, chickens, all farm ma chinery, furniture. 3 years' leajie at $250 per year. Total price of tock and this year's lease and crop. $20O0; will con sider auto part payment and terms. See Sletten with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24S Stark t. WANTED To BUY Port Orford cedar Iocs. In. and up In diameter at smaii end : 14 ft. and 16 ft. iencths; prime quality, free from visible defects. Want approximately 50.000 feet per month. Quote price C o. b. cars, giving rata to PXROD-JU:lDEN COMPANY. Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Me'Tiphis. Tenn. FOR SALE lt0 acres of timber, fir and cedar will cruise approximately m.wiu. Ooo feet, located In Washington county, one-fourth mile to the Portland-Tilla-mook electric railroad. If Interested, write N. E. Truax. IMS Cass St.. Omaha. Neb. m 9lixl0 SEATTLE DONKEY. 1200 fest of 1-tnch line, zsoo reet 01 j-incn une, au necessary blocks, chockers. yarders and small tools: price $2000. K. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. FOR Quick cash sale, small mill: also lath mill, 3.000.000 yellow fir. 1.500.000 cedar; will sell half or all: spur on place; close In; $65oo. 534 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Men with small mills to saw logs by thousand: will pav good price and furnish timber for 3-year run; will finance reliable men. X US. Orcgonian. WANT man to build and run small mill: all equipment and timber furnished: long Job: will pay good price per thousand. X 110, Oregonian. SAW TIMBER. YAMHILL t'O. On S. P. electric; 320 acres, half mile from sta. and sidetrack. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade. b'OH SALE 160 acres of second-gro to timber claim at low price at North, Lin coin county. A cood bargain. J 147 Oregonian LOciOKR with small outfit wants contract or Ktumpage. Lieo'rge O. Kelly, Korest, Wash. WANTED Man to taks contract building donkey engine aleds. AO 415, Orego nian. WANT single or double saw bolter gang lath saw. Call Tabor 16i5. in J FOR KENT FARMS. SEASON S rent $200: SO near Oregon City 17 cull iva ted : build I nan. orch rd. ais 5O0 cords hrt -growth wood: hustler cau clear ooo. t-veninjs. labor o... TO EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCES. lftO acres of land in Cowlitz county. Ws shins ton. about 3 miles from 4 rail roads, about 10 miles from Kelso. Large creek runs throueh place. Price $2 mm Will exchange for aood houue and lot in the city up to $35o and pay differ ence in cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. JtioO EQUITY in new 5-room modern bunaglow. lot lt'Oxl'M), chicken house. garage, some fruit. ' 1 block from ci line, for grocery stock or w hat havs you ? BROWN & RIDDLE. 324 Railwav Exch. B'.dg. Marshall 3331. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Your proposition can be matched. We don't tie it up. Cull and submit It. Large or small. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main I74T 411 Henry Building TO TRADE Two lots. E. 0th and S':ld more sis.. Wellington Add n, ana .."U tn Liberty bonds, for an Al Buick ma chine, or Docige. LEVY ZIMMERMAN CO., 2i-. McKny Hide. 0 VOLUMES f Messages and Papers of Every Preslden t, new and complete; books cost new. $.". to exchange for either couch, dresser or any piece of furniture to the value of $40. Woodlawn JO 2.1. WE HAVE several farms stocked and equipped that we can take w nouses on. Call at our office and let us tell you about Irlicm. STEWART BUCK. 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. LOTS 7 and 8, block o.", Waverleigh Add., to trade; cieax except street improve ments. G. S. Allen. Vancouver, WaU., It. l. PRACTICALLY new o-room bungalow and 'j lots, rents tor -U. tor I'oruano House and Int. Will a hsu mo some. T 12X Oregonian. 22-ROOM frame bUlg. furnished In H. K. a pHrt.nenls ; lot J rcet deep ; .good rental piopcrty: couity H.".rt0. Mtg. $3300. What have you? 211 Wa-th. THREE lots closs to ,r to trade for auto. grocery, residence or ranch, i'hone In bur M. V A N CO U V E R bun ga I o w. Zt rooms, in ex change for Portland residence; win pay d it ference. 614 S wet land bldg. EXCHANGE for Portland property. 40 a.. 3 under ditch ; llcriulslon. Or. Owner, Main L"03. TO EX I'll A NG E M I SCI-XLA EOI 8. SIGHTLY reMdence lot in Rose City Park d 1 strict for light or medium car ; will turn lot In nn part payment If necessary on etra good car. Tabor oif0. $17. DIAMOND disc Edison. 34 selections. swap xor inrnnure, ur waai nave you. Mm shall 303. WILL trade a good young team of work horss nnd fresh cow for a late model automobile. BOti Powell Valley road. FOR SALE or trade. 12-V. battery. good condition. Main 1041. FOB BAI.bU Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. MATCHED team bays, mare snd horse, o years old. weight about 24.V) lbs., well broko to ride or drive, in fine shape. Price $225. Marion Fuel Co., Taylor st. dock. O. T. STABLES, 172 Kearney st. 13 good horses and marcs, some we'l matched teams. Call and see this stock before buying; every horse sold with a guar antee. G. D. Williamson. HAVE no use for my two t'-ams of young mares, bay and roan, weigh 280O: two brown, weigh 3200; all good workers. sound and true; trial given. 401 byra cuse St.. St. Johns. HAVE 3 dandy Mllbu rn w scons for sale s t less than half price. Come and see these before you buy. They are a real bargain. 2S7 E. Morrison it. Phons East 26. 1 TEAM well matched young mares with fine colt, 2 weeks old; 1 good work horse, cheap. Portland Damascus Milk Co., E 2d and Broadway. GOOD young family cow. giving 3 gal lons of milk a day. Very gentle and good looker. Cheap at IUO. 4122 73d st . S. K. Mount Scott car. FOR SALE A fat bull 4 years oiri; 14 miles east of Concord sta t ion. Oregon City car. Wm. F. Oetken, Milwaukle, Oregon. TWO span logging horses weighing about 3O00 to C3C.0 lbs.. 3 to 6 years old. Can be seen snd tried to suit buyer at Wood ysrd. foot Taylor st. 4 dock). 140d-LB. Belgian mare, heavy In foal. Sell cheap: no place to keep her. Marlon Fuel Co.. Tsylor st. dock. $70 TAKKS blocky-built voung black mare, weight about MOO lbs, broke to work or ride. Foot Taylor st. dock. FOR S A LE Team of horses, both mares, 6 and 7 years old. 3ooo lbs- P. o. box 4H3. Miiwaukle. route 2. tAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phons Milwaukle 69-J for results. WE BUY and sell came, sneep snd goats Campbell-Phelan Land A. Cattle Co- 3ui Couch bldg. 3-YE A R-OLD Jersey, fresh with calf, milking 4 gallons per day. Cheap for cash. S'.HJ Powell Valley road. $125 TEAM. 2700 lbs., good workers, also several other horres, very cheap. Atlas W owl yard. 327 Front St. FOR SALE Grade Toggenburg buck kids. from purebred registered buck, $10 each. 3. C. Holt. Oakridge. Or. FOR SALE Chester White pig. tt week:; old. Buckley ave. between Base Line and Section Line roads. DEAD horse, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co., Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash for deafl cows. Tabor 4203. GOOD voung family cow. cheap. $6, and Powell Valley road 29th WANTED Beef cattle shall 2178. and vdhei Mar- FOR SALE fall. Call R heiTers : Main 1374. will be fresh FOR SA1 r Horwe. Vebirlew. Livestock. YOUR CHANCE. GRAB IT. A large overstuffed davenport, used ju.t long enousii to call it second hand, with loose cushions and spring edge, uphoitttrnl in ery pretty taietry of excellent qualitv; cost $173. and now only $12 75. Eav Term?. M1SH HKX1TIKK CO.. ISS-iyO First St. BARGAINS. HORsKS. HARNESS. WAG ONS. BUGGIES. 14 head mares and horses. 1200 to 1600 pounds each. 5 to 10 years old ; some nice single chunks and a few matched work teams; prices from $50 to $100: one nice pair of sorrel mares, both 5 years old. broke to all harness and saddle; $S5 for both. All horses are guaranteed to be sound and true putlers. They are grain fed and ready for work. We have a number of farm wagons, harness and buggies, all cheap for cash. Call at stable. v3 Ruucil st. and Van couver ave.. one block west of Williams menu? car. BIGHT mares and geldings left, from 12O0 to J Oihj lbs. ; one - ytar-oiu nors-. by Mr. Stoneman, for $05; on account of the congestion of railroad traffic due to the strike. 1 have been unable lo ship in any stock. H. HARN. Hawthorne Stables, Corner R. 6th snd Hawthorne ave. VINE young team heavy gelding o'..''. wiih or without neriy new n a mess, heavy and spring wagon, plow, harrow ; several months' hauling contract if ne :rri Corner HOth and East Stark. M I. Tabor (MT. SStb) car to end, four blocks north, one east. ll HEAD of good fresh cows, most y high- grade Jerseys; registered jersev a, frejih with young calves; 1 Guernsey. 1 Holstein. 1 Brown Swiss. ail young, gentle and heavy, rich milkers. Cream separator and coo'er; a'so a good young ranch team. Ha ream if taken at once. Call at the o:d dairv barn. 2lth and Powell VaUey road. Woodstock car. 11 HEAD of first-class cows, mostly high- grade Jersea. 2 registered Jerso?. Do.n fresh, with young calves; 1 Guernsey. 1 Holstein and 1 Brown Swiss, ail young, gentle and hea vy, rich milkers : cream separator and cooler; a'so a good young ranch team. Bargain if taken t once. Call at the old dairv barn. 2tih and Powell Vai'.cy car. Woodstock car. JUST arrived. -." head Grand Ronde vai'cy marcs and horses, weight looti to 1 iuu ibs.. matched teams, mare tn loal, sev eral good sadd !e horses. Slock in good shape. Will sell cheap to save teed expense. Trial allowed. Wootlyard, foot Taylor st. (dock). MUST t-ELL TO MEET AN OBLIGATION. 1 ps.r or ail of my 4 young work mule that weigh o2C0 lbs. and are sound and gentle. Can be teen working at St. Johns terminu'. ur evenings at barn at lvanhoe and Chicago sis., bu Johns. Free title guaranteed. I HAVE 2 big teams, harness and wagon, JrtoO lb, and up : rel orkci s ; $;io0 and $100; and 2 sets harness, one wk on; wil! take late model Ford car. Phune 29 G. Mtlwajkie. One block south S. P. depot. M il waukie. Weorge Smilh. HEAD of mares snd horse, neavy boned, blocky. built chunks. lUO to K.oo pounds. A .1 rsei gu ran teed as rep resented, li -ts of Ifeavy work har ness. Sanitary Sishles. otT Union ac, S. corner of Stevens. L. Glass. FROM the country. nice, young, gentle fre-th cows; some heavy, rich mi.kers: $tv. and up; Rimo one bulldog, a real night watchman. Phone 20 .1, Milwau k te. One block sout h f . P. depot. M il waukie. George Smith. HOT-WATER tanks. SO-g:.. $7: 40-ga... $0 ; tested and guaranteed : tnv u nd furnace coils, gas heaters installed. Kx nert nlumbinn, repairing. East sule Welding Shop. 203 Adams st.HaatS5l. Pianos, Organs and Muslca Instrument. " ' PIANO SALE. Every used piano has positively been reduced to a price you cannot beat. Coins In and see. You'll be convinced. BAILFY. mahegany 243 STBINBACH A PURER, mahog 275 SMITH & BARNES, plain oak 2T."i RA1LEY, plain wainul HOMER, plain oak SINGER, plain mahogany - IRVING, oak case 210 PECKER BROS., old style fi" MANSMELD. walnut H0 MAYNARD PLAYER, latent style, malmrxnv with rolls and bench... 403 UN 1 VERSA L P LA Y EH, plain w:l- r ut, rolls and tench Trms Civen. Bonds Accepted UEI BERLI NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-127 4tn fet.. Bet. VYash. and Alder st SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $47." Klmhsli Uprlcht. nearlv ncw..2!n 7M Stein wv 4k Sonn Upright 250 f00 Steger at Sons' tine mahogany. 30 5 475 Ballet & Davis Uprlgnt 1J 273 Bord Co. Paris Upright 3 2 .0 Collard A; Collard Upright.... W 800 Memicnhall modern Player Piano 895 S Parlor Organs." $2.1. 3.". $L to $. We store your piano tor 7c monthlv. We buy and tell pianos only for cah SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 103 10th St. ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE. New. factory, rebuilt and used plano. $imo steger Wax Circasmn Walnut. S.'WS 800 Steger dull mahogany 800 Steger Mission PiK 750 Steinway A Sntns' L'prlcht 43i 6tMJ Hobart M. Cabl mliRny.. 2. ."0 Steger upright grand oak 4b Thompson larg L prig hi J Others for $233. $265. $290. etc Terms $. $10. $12 to $la monthly. KCHWAN PIANO CO.. 10th &. Stark Ma, FINE PIANOS. $lO0-$2T.O TERMS. 3 Kimballs, Hamilton, llartmsn. Sher r i m. riuv. M 1: ion. Koch ier Ac Cain p- bcil. H axel ion Bros., many others. Look them over; iou will find them far b low any others in the city. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. ORGAN BARGAINS. MASON fr HAMLIN SCHONNI NGER WEAVER. 1 3 slops BECKWITH, 15 stops And Others. SEIBERLTNG-LUCAS MUST.C 12"i-l27 4'h st.. Bet. Wash, and $20 3. 40 CO.. Udr et. TRADE YOUR PIANO er onfan on a new Victrota and records; our proposition will pi ease you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Muslu Co., 125 4th St. slain eAe. COLUMBIA Grafonola on stand. Quar tered oak finish. I'ltona tone arm. a selection of 12 double re orda. 1 al bum. 100 needles. 27. Perry Music Co . . 4 27 W a shin g t on st. BIG PIANO SALE. Everv t f d pi:ino pn.i.tiv-Iv r-tVircJ. SKI BERLI NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12"t 4h s.. Bet. V!li. and Alder sts. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our prices. Sieberllng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main HoH WM. RAAB. piano tuner, player-piano ex pert; many years foreman Sherman-Clay & Co.. with Harold S. Gilbert. 3H4 Yam hill st. Phons Automatic 632-84. USED PIANO SALE. Not a take sale. S e tiiein. SKI RERLI NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th st.. Bet. Wsyh. and Alder ss. SPOT CASH PAID FOR USED phonographs and records, player-piano rolls, Newman's Exchange, 128 1st st. Msin 44M5. FOR SALE -V beautiful meliow tone Wel lington piano, practically new, $3oo. Jtith and Ogden ave. S. E. EDISON. Victor or Columbia, cabinet st le wanted, party out of city. Main 3St4 to (av; pav cash if bargain. WEBBER plan jIh piano, better than new; c ost 1275 : ; must s-ll at once for cash or good t'-rn a. AO 421. Oregonian. FOR SA LE -Thorn puftii player piano, w al nut case; $500 cash or terms, ciee at E. 52d St. S. li- A. car. FOR SALE Genuine i-'0 Cable p. ano. vt-v reasonab'e. 33 1 1 th si. Marshall 3 HO-;. NO DEALERS. GRAKOLONAS with records rented. SI. a w eek. Empire Transfer, 54 Broadway. Broadway 135. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. 10c par toll. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill. 1 PY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. H A HOLD S. GILBERT. 364 Yamhill at. SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 5S4 YAMHILL. WANTED Good -toned piano, can be Id, cash if bargain. Main 3R64 toosy. NEW lor pi inn. scil cheap for cash or trade anything. AO 422. Oregonian. CASH for piano or Victrola. Main 6517. Furniture for frmle. GOOD 6-hole steel rang with wood or coal heater, oea, maiireea ana a sani tary cot. East 6eity. KURN1TURE of five-room flat, reason able. HOVi Cook ave.. cor. Mississ ippi st. BLACK oak dining room set. kitchn table. dishes, cooking utensils. Call Marshall 2277. 428 Columbia, apt. 33. TWO beds complete, black lea t her couch, wall mirror, chiffonier. East 22tfii. FOR SALE Bargain, fine Alcazar duplex range. 0. Tabor 5Q2Q. A- MAJESTIC range, 1 matlrce; a snap. Main 937S. FOR SAT Farniture for le. K I MP. A LI. PIANO, burled wa'nut ctse, 5225: mahogany music caolnct, $15. Universal combination wood, coal and kms ran re. nn. kl trlinmrti. in good con dition, $ IOO; Universal wood and coa run ec. gas plate attached. SS5; bi vei plaie mirror, walnut frame. 2:S.6:6. 5. taptbiry covered oaa dacnport, cooU as new, 955; candy oak. bookcase, $25; two good heaters, gas plates. satul. dishes, cooking utrniis. curtains, fruit .larK. etc. 12: Kcrby st. Woodln 5614. DON'T racrific your furniture tt goinc east or to California; we can sv you money on your freight In our through cars: f lr-oroof storage. C. M. Olsoa Transfer fc Storage Co.. 248 Pins at. t C'K SALE 1 fu'l bed. complete, best qualitv: 1 baby bed and maitrts; 1 oak chiffonier; 1 garbage can; aj! er? reasonable; no dealers. ISO E. 75lh st North. M. V. car. 6-HOLE range. $35 value, $20; 2-hole gas plate. good rocker. 12.50; rugs, car pets, lawn mower, garden too'.s. princess t; -esses. $20. 3S4 E. Washington. COOK STOVE, $0; 4-ho:e, Tabur 601. No. 8. Phone FOR SALE Golden oak dining room tabte, chairs and china closet, fumed oak li brary tabie and chair and sew ins ma chine. Call East 575. FOR SALE A tlining-room set. 1 library tab and 1 rocker. Call from 5 to 8 eenmgs. :'.15 E. artihst. OFFICE FURNITURE Irom N. W. Stes. and SDruce Dlv 31 N. 6th sL. bet. Burnslde and Couch. Bdwy. LiJJ. m WINDSOR folding bed. Oak with bevel mirror. Call East 7b S3, between y and 1- A. M. . 0-ROOM f at lor rent, furniture for sale Ms in 1!20. , ron I to HA HT CHICKS. T.OOrt a week: O. A. C. and Tom Bar ren; get the best while tne getting is good F.-rv $l.r0 a setting. SORT 14 W EST POU LTR Y CO . 82 d st. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 31P. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from S. C. White Lcghonn bens, th world's greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hogani?:ed stock only; March chicks. 14 per 100; April, Mas. and June. 512.50 per 1W. OXK HILL HATCHERY. Pft!uma. CaV PET A LIMA White Leghorns lead ths world In egg production; we sell BABT CHIX. at $13.60 p-r 100 during May aed June, safe arrival of fuU count, strong, live chicks guaranteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. 441 6th St.. Petaium. Cal. LARGEST kind S. C. B ack Mjuora esrs. 1st pen $2. 2d Sl.oO fer 1. Fine la--rs. Mrs. F. A- Ne.bauer, Gresham. Oregon. PROM PT DELIVERIES on Leghorn. Reds and Rocks; best Block, prices reasonable. Write today. C. N. Need ham. Salem. Or. HATCHING EGGS White Leghorn. O. A. C and Taacncd strains, good stocks: heni two years old: $tt hundred. $l.o0 for la. A. L. Hampton. Jennings Lodge. Or. FoR SALE Setting egcrs. Hoganlrd. W. L. Tancred; $1.."0 setting. 4S31 60t tt st ret S. E. FOR SALE S. C. w bite leghorn pu'..ct. a'l laying. 4SJ1 60th stroot S. E. Dog. Rabbit. Bird. 1'rt Stock. WE BUY, raise nd sell fur-bearing rab bits and other fur-bearing animal?'. Lis.: what you have 'vith is. staling our low est prices on large lot shipments. The Fur Spec 1 a It y Farming, Co., 515-01 N. P. ave.. Fargo. N. Dak. FOR SALE A few 2 months o'd Pointer pups. Address or cail on H. W. White, Ha t tleground. Wash. Box 23. CLASSY Boston Terrier puppies for 421 Second st. TWO fine singer and brass cage. 606 E. ;;th st. N . Auto ma tic 3 io-77. lsunt'hew utl Boats. SEA M.ED. Who wants a cry fat boat? T have a mahogany decked sa sd that wi! . make 30 miles per hour; fully equipped: w ill scii for $..0. Mr. Gore, phone Easi FOR SALE 10 x0i x3 33 h. p. launch in perfect condition; painted and over hauled, rcao v to woi k ; pru e $ 13v. William S. Kinney. Astoria. Or. FOR SALE Modern 4-room houseboat completely furnished. "a II after 5 P. M. or Sunday No. S North of ScIlood frry. west side. MOTOR BOAT for sale or trade foi car. C;i!l after 4 P. M , No. 33 11. net ciuu nn o rage. 1 1 24 M ata-lam road. KOrTVALk New trolling boat. 37xlOS t' without engine. Inquire HM4 Ixmibard t.. corner Buchanan. St. Johns. FOR S A LE Furnished. 3-room boutCboAU Call Columbia 758. FOR SALE New 17ft. ror. $!.U. Call P.dwy. cine. Wis.. ' before 1 P. Machinery. ONE tingle Ihrc air com pressor, com plete witii storage tank; one H. P. D. C. G. E. motor and starling rheottat: a'l in Kood condition, rtaii Tor uwe; a good buv for garage or ulcanixtng shop; will s(M"i motor separately. M lies &- t'larkr. 20 N. Broad w ay. Phone Broad ay 4 2-V AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. L. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air bose. check alves. safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. .MR COMPRESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO., Br-ad w ay 3300. 329 Couch st- LATH MILL and cut-up plant, buildings snd sidetrack ; new machinery, complete and operating; plunt is close in on S. P. trt ks; s p lend id Mir. covering 2 blocks ; can be handled for S20m1 caah. baiance on terms. Call Tabor 3'.!L FOR SALE Hot-air furnace, g'xwi an new-, at a tair price. Call East 22ti. 401 E. K.th s-t.. -tty. Hi j I ST I NG engine for rent or bale, con crete mixers. ele trie hoists, construflioo eo 'itpment. Standard Mach. Co.. ftS 1st st T pew riters. RE BUI LT t pew riter. sli kinds for sa.c, rent, exchange. W c are exclusive dis tributors of Corona porta ble. $30 com plie with carrying case; suppiica for all makes. E W. PEASE COMPANY. UO Sixth st. Main 22-3. DO AN E GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buv. Seli, Kent and Exchange. Alain H07. Supplies. 2n3 S Oak et. GUARANTEED fartory rebuilt typewriters. A LL M AK E3. sold on monthly pa rnems. grn1 for price list. The W holt-sale 'Xy pe rn riling Co.. 321 Washington st. VISIBLE maclinos, years ruaram.ee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 3Q4 Oak st. Al I makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. fr 3th. Main 36638. NEW "rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. A $73 JUST REBUILT Remington JO lor $.i' 60O l'Ia nticr st., apt. 1. M bc el la neoue. YOUNG MAN S suit, nearly new, siie 34; medium brown, snappy belted model ; very reasonable. 'a:l Tabor M'3. HEAVY slab and blockwood; also 4-foet e'ab. Tabor S67?. SINGER, aewing machine and gas plate for sal cheap. 33' 3th. COATS, furs, nulls, gowns and evening drefe slightly worn. Main 37. lull SALE CAh register, aafe. ma'hine. j'howcHJ'e. -i3 l.t ft., n adding ur Ah. Fi-'R rent, vacuum vltanrrs, any h ore. 1'ilw y. 2'.h 2t-hr. da form W. $1; REBUILT typewriters. 10 Sixth st. E. W. Pee 4c Co., SEt'ON D-H AND tent and covers fjr . l a. if i- Tent & Awning. I N. IM rt- Dfc-K ADDING MACHINE. I5. A 16 CO K HKTT BLDG. MARSHALL 337. FOR fir.-t-cla.-'a, 4 fL fir wood. r. 121 liu wy FOR SALE One Urge and one small sale. P lift. orcgo iih n. M f CO R M A C K m n ir.e nnrhnc for chfwp. full at OIO E. 74th yt. N. ON E eet of llr ard classics for price 0. V 113. Oregonian EYES te.-ted free; a portables guarant-ed Ir. B-ldtng. 245'i Aldr St. Main 1:2 FOR SALE lad'e' used garment. 4i3 Aliky bldg. Vogue Apparel Exchange. ST R E ET CA R uniform. $10. chiffonier. $12. Call forenoon or evening. Kast 7 70. LA R E sable fur collar and muff. Ma thail SS2U. SOME ERMINE FUR for sale cheap. Cail at 143 N. 16th. Broadway 4S2'J. -CARAT emerald, in rough. $4000, or fr,r acreage. AG 3 IO. Oregonian. TODD check writer, nearly new, tJ N. 5th et. Broadway 2739. .50. SI ELECTRIC vacuum (leaner for sale; good as new; $25. Phone Broadway 40V4. BLACK folding ro-cart. Phone Ta'oor 3206. like new. $15. 1 PEDESTAL wah basin, steel enamel, $0; 1 wa II bRtn. $rt. new. 324 .1 ackson. BERE'S money-maker -popcorn machine at a Fountain Long riftce. 113 2d bi. Cl.VsV soda foun tain. S35o caah. If.th ?t. N. IKON BED and fine springs, months. $12. 2004 E. G2d sc. used N. 0