THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 102O 1. NKW TODAY. 4, 4 i -v-v. -3 y- J,.-'.:..7vt,;-. Stocked And Equipped .The two photos above will give you eome idea of the lay of this spiendl'l 130-acre stock ranch, lo cated 3'4 miles from railroad town in Clarke county. Wash.: 37 acres are in cultivation. 20 acres in tim ber, balance slashed and pastured; SO acres in oats; 3 wells. 2 springs, pood trout etreajn and a very fair country S-roou house, new barn 60x62, separator house, all neces sary outbuildingrs: splendid fam ily orchard of laree bearing fruit trees: the land is just rolling enough for perfect drainage. In cluded with this place are 25 head of cattle. 4 brood sows. 5 shoats. 1 wasron. 3-year-old team. 1 buggy horse. 1 saddle horse, 100 hens. 13 ge&ae and 12 ducks. 1 cream sepa rator 'and small tools and house hold furniture. The outrange is unlimited and this place is ready to step Into and to bo to work. The price. In our estimation, la ridiculously low. being JS500 as it stands; $6000 cash, plenty of time on the balance. FRED W. GERMAN . CO. 732 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE 2 EXCEPTIONAL HEIGHTS HOME A TRUE SPIRIT OF ART. combined with splendid material and excellent work manship, make thin home a thing of rare beauty. You'll a ppreciate the picturesque bungalow lines, low. quaint And rambling, and the unusual massive cobblestone col umns upholding th great front por"h. Thts home is PRACTICALLY TRIPLE CON STRUCTED, 54x4S ft., exclusive of porches. From the reception hall one glimpses the spacious living room, with ita artistic stone fireplace and its bookcase built In at either end. and the paneled dining room with Its heamed ceilings and lus trouH hardwood floors. The Dutch kitch en is Ideal, being equipped with a Hughes No. 5o elect ric ranee and fine, linoleum Ovhlrh go with the house). A long central hall is lined with linen closets; fine white tiled bathroom, BEAUTIFUL LIGHTING FIXTURES; 2 sunny bedrooms, maid's room ; splendid cement basement with fiASt'O FURNACE and laundry room. etc. Th view of river anil mountains from this Willamette Height home Is incomparably beautiful. This is a bargain that occurs but seldom. Owner must sell. On Vaughn atreeL Total price $7000. SEE FRANK L. McGl'lRE, Abington bldg. Main 1068. Open Kvfnlnga and Sundays. $20,000 APARTMENT HOUSE INCOME $350 PER MONTH Paying 20 on investment. Furni ture of six apartments goes vyth place. Hot water heat. Laundry trays in each apartment. Folding beds, built-in buffets. Full basement. Large front and back porch. Lot is 80x150 feet. Terms. 701-2 Title & Trust Bldg. STORAGE SPACE Investigate Oar Plant and Rate. YV by-Assume Kxpensive Leases Under Present High Co&is? CLAY S. MORSE, INC. . Draywce and Stone,, 12th and tiliaan. Phone BUwy. 3470. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS tutted States Bank Building REAL ESTATE. For Sale Bravh Property. SEASIDE LOTS IN CARTWR1GHT PARK. New sea wail and new ocean pier now assured. Hard-surface road from Portland, finished this year. Your choice of over U00 lots from $7S to $7i0. Inquire VH ITMER-K ELLY COMPANY. 414 Plttock Block. Portland; Or. I". M. COLE. Seaside. Or., Authorized Agents. FOR SAI.K Or will rent or lease, two choice lot?, nuxl-w feet, at Tillamook bearh, on board walk.- county road and railroad ; near dance pavilion and hotel. A Qdrcfra tt lou. Un-conian. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. $7."Ou. OTTLEX FLAT. FINE INVEST VENT. LIVE IN ONE. RENT THE OTHER. EACH FLAT HAS FIVE ROOMS AND BATH EACH. SEPARATE FURNACES, FULL-SIZE CONCRETE BASEMENT. LA ROE ATTIC. ONE M.NULK (tARAlilfi LOT 30x50; WALK 1M1 DISTANCE, EAST SIDE; ONE H I AH K KOSK CITY CAR. POINDUXTEK, IMift SELLING BLDG. A1 A I . 1!MI. KKSIDENCE, 271-1!0. Jkltji iiN . duplex house, fSuno. near Sunny side- and Hawthorne car! inc. west or utn : each apartment has rooms lurjre attic, fine cement basement and iuruace ; street entrance to basement well built and firt-class condition Write Mr Wiley, Oregon City, Route 6, SIX-FAM ILY APARTM KNT close In esst side: low price of STJT.O for auicl Fair ; terms. Phone SI 0-19 before 9 A. M. and .fter 6 T. M. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. PERFKCT 15 CRKS. $5500. ON THE CAR LING. Just a few blocks from depot, auto road to the door: 14 an re in cultiva tion and the crops are In ; 1 acre pas ture with living spring; choice orchard, including walnut trees and berries: at tractive 6-room bungalow, hollow-tile milk house. Oood buy. Large chick en park. Owner Is called away at once and makes this sacrifice price. B. McCHESNEY. 304 Vi Oak st. Broadway 66. Do You Want to Buy on PORTLAND HEIGHTS? The bent way to do is to see Mrs. Brooke. She is an old resident; knows every foot of the district and has most of the saleable property in her hands. EVERT CUSTOMER (no exceptions IS A REFERENCE. BROOKE, 341 Montgomery drive. Foot of Elm st. Marshall 4827. X OWN several residence lot, tine Loca tion, near Franklin high school, good neighborhood. Will sell lots at attrac tive figure on easy terms and will build or finance building of homes. For fur ther Information see J. A. Clock. 3410 65th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 1301. ROSE CITY SNAP $500. SOxlOO.on East SOth, near Broadway; paved st. and all improvements in; rlce for quick cale $500, plus $163 city liens. GRUSSI ft BENNETT, 31R Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7.452. HIGH-CLASS residence site, less than pre war price; 150x157. over 4 lots: cor. E. 50th and Stark. 1 block eaft of "Oreen Gables." Liberty bonds taken at par for la purchase price. Owner. Tabor 1037. EAST front corner lot, 37th and Tillamook s ts. ; a 1 1 assess in e n ts paid; SI 000. C. . McConahy. 917 American Bank bldg., Seattle. Wash. CORNER, 80x100 ft.. $1050. Ainsworth and Boston avenue; some cash, terms rea sonable. Phone Main 4s33. evenings. bellwood 291. FOR QUICK SALE. $1825. Corner E. 19th and Stanton; all Imp. paid; splendid building site. East 2S71. LOT FOR SALE, one block of Sandy blvd. Inquire at 745 Mllwaukie. or phone 8ell wood 3181. ROSE CITY bargain, sightly residence lot, corner 65th and Hill Crest drive; price $400. Owner, Tabor 500ft. FORSALE University Park. 2 lots, each 33 1-3x110 feet: Improvements la and paid. Phone Broadway 1P3. FOR SALE or trade, two lota, small bouse in Rockaw ay beach for one lot and small house in Portland. Tabor 537. THREE lots for sale. Inquire 6218 Powell Valley road. LOT for sale. Eajt 3th and Mill. Haw thorne district. Call owner. Tabor 3141. For bale House. CHOICE ROSE CITY PARK CORNER, WITH ARTTSTIC. COM PLETE, FINE BUNGALOW of 0 rooms on one floor, besides break fast room and one In attic; large living room with music alcove in white witn genuine mahogany trimming, attractive fireplace and select bookcases; a light, beam-ceiling dining room with choice bullet; 3 large bedrooms, complete bath and dainty breakfast room; basement and large garage to match ; full oak floors, lots of floor plugs, etc., and de signed in toto. by an artist OF MERIT, which a connoisseur will appreciate. See exterior, 521 E. 47th K., cor. Brazee. .then call Mr. Schaefer, Bdwy. 5167. or Main W6, to see interior; $aooo. '-a cash. hawthorne bungalow. $3000 just on $3000. There are a few like this on the mar ket. Owner la leaving city and forced to sell; 5 rooms and full floored attic: fire place, built-in bookcases and full Dutch kitchen, gas radiator in living room, gas water heater goes with place; nice full cement basement, paved sis. all in and paid ; nice location. C. A. WARRtSER. RITTKR LOWK & CO., 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2350 CLOSE IN, TERMS $2350. ft rooms and rec. hall, 2 bedrooms, bath, toilet, good living and dining rooms, kitchen ; full basement, wash trays, cement walks, hard-surface St.. sewer, etc.; on Rose City car. CLEVELA XD-HEXDERSON CP-, 212 Ky. Exch. bldg. Main $3 ISO -rm., firep!., gas heat, GOxlOO, fruit. Piedmont dist., $850 cash. Main 403. G. C. OOLDEXBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 years In Portland." A WONDERFUL. BUY. One block west of Laurel hurst. In an Ideal location, a 7 -room modern bunga low, 4 bedrooms, den, a real kitchen; all rooms light and airy; built by owner 3 years ago; spruce siding, double con structed; in the pink of condition; mov ing to California, hence the low price of $500. Call Marshall 3352 or Tabor 300U. WEST-SIDE SACRIFICE $7500. 7 rooms Including living room, 16x27, two fireplaces, 2 toilets, full cement base ment, furnace, wash trays, SOxlOO lot ; located in Nob Hiil district, west of 23d st.; owner forced to, sacrifice, house va cant, move right in; reasonable terms. LLEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. $2100 $4M CASH. 5-r. neat home; full hast., en. plumb ing, paved sts., sewer, 25x100; 5 min. on ' SW" car; conv. to I. 11th and Haw thorne; walking dist. Hurry! for this won't last. Main 4S03. U. C. GULDENBERG, Abington Bldg. '35 years in Portland." JiSOO ROSE CITY PARK $5800. & r. and brk. nook; large attic, floored; large living- room, fireplace, beautiful buffet; oak floor; Ideal kit.; full bast.; furnace; all plate glass in front. This is a new home and cost more than the above price above the ground; Worth SOoOO with a small outlay. Call Mar shall 3:52 or Tabor 3090. 1RVINOTON HIGHLAND ADDITION. 7 -room, modern bungalow-style house, pretty decorations, papered in tapestry and newly painted, fruit trees, roses, shrubbery and lawn, garage, hard -surface in and paid; leaving town, must sell; only $4750, good terma to respon sible people. Phone 318-32. BUNGALOW BARGAIN $4000. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPIH3 PORCH. Fireplace, furnace, cement basement, 2 bedrooms downstairs; 50x100 lot; dan dy garage with full cement drive. Lo cated near E. 00th and Flanders. $luuo cash. A handsome buy. R. F. FEEMSTER, 300 Abington bldg. SOME BUY. 6-room plastered house, with full base ment, on "fixlOO lot, with, garage, fruit trees, berries and shrubbery ; 2 blks. from car, sidewalks In and paid. A buy. $27M, terms. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. . Main 17-43. 410 Henry Bldg. 13750 $3750 8750. 7 r. modern double const, home near Jefferson high and grade schools. 1 blk. to Union ave. Owner wanting larger home has reduced price, $ 100O cash to handle; paved and paid. In A-l condi tion. Marshall 3352, Tabor 3000. J. B. Rock Co., 403-4 Couch bldg. ROSE CITY. 5-room modern bungalow, furnished, nice sleeping porch, enclosed with glass windows, cement basement, pretty-vine-covered porch, fruit trees, roses and shrubbery and nice little home in a de sirable location, $2900, at easy terms. Phone 318-32. LAUKELHL'RST SACRIFICE. $5350 $1250 CASH. Modern -room home; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, full Cement base ment. 1 bedroom down. This is a snap. Only $1250 cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Ry. Ech. bldg. Main 0752.' LEAVING CITY Must sell g-room house. luux ltKj lot, io assort ea Bearing trees, berries, shrubs, etc. ; full cement ha.n- ment, sewer connected; no liens or mort i?ape to assume; complete plumbing, cas and lights. $3250. $8.V cash, $25 per i montn. rnone laoor .ta. GROVE LAND r A tt k. Keautitul 5-room bunaalow. tine condition, large attic .strictly modern, beautiful location, near Franklin hign; l oik. Hawthorne car; naved streets: $5250; terms. Main R02. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $1400 Will buy a 5-room house with lot lux.w, roruniiu ncignis section ; $400 in cash, terms at 6 per cent on oeierrea payments. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004 and 53. 6-ROOM modem house, with built-in ef fect; iurnace ana urepiace; tun cement basement and laundry trays; good garage on corner, alt assessments paid, $4500 for quick sale, some term Tabor gS41; no agents. " FIVE-ROOM house, 2 years old: full lot: 1 block to Hawthorne car; paved streets and sewer in and paid, for quick action, $2000. EDWIN JACOBSON. 718 Spalding Bldg Main 5H42. $25)0 ELEGANT VIEW HOME $25,000 100x120, with garage; this property cost $40,000 to build 7 years ago: has everything desired in high-class home CHA8. R1NGLER A CO., 225 Henry Bldg OWNER leaving, modern S-room bungalow, a;ood basement, corner lot, built-ins; only $:jono or $5fW rash, balance to suit. 1 block Hawthorne car. Marshall 1022. KEAL ESTATE, lor Sale- Houses, LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIKIC COAST 80O PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. We extend you a cordial .invitation to visit our LARGE SHOW ROOMS and in spect our display of over feHMJ PHOTO GRAPHS of homes, FOR SALE. Every district in .the city represented. MANY REMARKABLE BARGAINS, moderate terms. Every home is personally AP PRAISED AND INSPECTED before be ing offered lor your consideration. We safeguard your every Interest. We put you IN IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. We will help you make your DOWN PAYMENT IF NECESSARY. 14 Automobiles at Your Service. Open Evenings and Sundays. $5500 HAWTHORNE'S BIGGEST -BARGAIN. THE HOME HEM7TIFUL awaits your coming. Appealing to you in an ungual way is its -iuiet charm and comfort, making you feel thoroughly "at home." Every imaginable device to promote com fort. Six rooms. INLAID HARDWOOD FLOORS, tapestry wall paper, artintlc LIGHTING EFFECT, hot WATER HEATING SYSTEM. Stephens M. $3500 Modern HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW; furnished, 6 rooms, built-in labor savers. Terms. $2500 GRAY SHINGLED HAWTHORNE BARGAIN: 4 rooms, built-lns. E. 34LU. $3500 ALBERTA BUNGALOW DIS TINCTIVE. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED with lars-e rooms, numerous shelves, huiit-ins. best plumbing fixtures. SPLENDID FUR NACE, laundry trays; FULL LOT; close to car. A REAL HOMI. $2S0O BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PARK offers a 5-rm. attractive bunga low, attractive bull tins. model Dutch kitchen, gas, electricity; 1 blk, to car. Only $500 down. You'll appreciate this. $1790 Five-room comfortable ALBER TA : electricity, gas. best plumb ing fixtures; APTN DANCE of FRUIT TREES AND GRAPES. E. 20th. $3950 6-room CALIFORNIA BUNGA LOW BEAUTIFUL. North of Westmoreland; splendid full width front porch ; paneled din ing room with massive buffet ; SPLENDID WHITE DUTCH kitchn ; healthful SLEEPI NO PORCH. HOUSE LIKE NEW. Reynolds, blk. to car. TERMS. '$3500 FORCED SALE; modem 6-room. FINE DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED HOME; BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND SHRUBBERY. Lawrence 8. Rose City car. TERMS. $200 DOUBLE CANSTRUCTED. Typi cal CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW; attractive, rambling lines, large front porch, pretty living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, beamed ceilings, solid paneled dining room with massive bulltin buffet, 2 airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing; corner tot. doso to Woodstock car and school. TERMS. $2600 THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST BUNGALOW VALUES IN OUR OFFICE. 5 attractive rooms. SPLENDID FULL WIDTH FRONT PORCH; solid paneled dining room with leaded glass buffet and beautiful ceiling, large window seat, model Dutch kitchen, 2 sunny bedrooms; also 2 ln ished rooms in attic ; cement b-isernent. NEW $200 BOYNTON FURNACE; house like NEW; corner lot. close to care; Ju.Mt $.VK down. THIS IS ONE OF THE RAREST BARGAINS IT HAS EVER BEEN OUR GOOD FOR- j TUNF. to offer PORTLAND ! HOME SEEKERS. $2500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW ; attrac tive 5 rooma. at the PRICE AND TERMS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOU TO PAY. Typical Cali fornia lines ; dining room witn maasive beveled glass buffet, white Dutch kitchen, 2 sunny bedrooms with fine convertible SLEEPING PORCH ; best whit enamel plumbing fixtures: cement basement; SUCH EASY TERMS. Just think! Only $4M down! BAL ANCE EASIER THAN RENT I $2325 THIS NEW MODERN BUNGA LOW CHALLENGES your AT TENTION. Large living room with cheerful fireplace. pretty , dicing room with ti-ft. built.-in buffet, HARDWOOD FLOORS, full Dutch kitchen, central hall lined with well arranged linen closets (a place for everything); 2 aunny bedrooms: WOODWORK OF ENTIRJfl HOUSE FINISHED in WHITE ENAMEL; best white enamel plumbing; FULL LOT; 2 blks to Mt. Tabor car. TERMS. You couldn't build this today for $3500; A GENUINE BARGAIN. We have 115 HAWTHORNE HOMES. $2500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW; attrac tive 5 rooms, at the PRICE AND TERMS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOU TO PAY. Typical Cali fornia lines, dining room with maaaive beveled glas buffet, white Dutch kitchen. 2 sunny bedrooms with fine convertible SLEEPING PORCH ; best white enamel plumb ing fixtures; cement basement ; SUCH EASY TERMS. Just think! Only $400 down! BALANCE EASIER THAN RENT I KENTON HOMES. $3500 THE LOW, QUAINT. RAMBLTNG LINKS of this SPLENDID KEN TON BUNGALOW will appeal to your artistic sense. There's a large combinatfon living and dining room with fireplace. Ideal Dutch kitchen, sunny breakfast noon; HARDWOOD FLOORS: 2 liEht, airy bedrooms, fine cement base ment with laundry trays; k. blk to Kenton car. This will intere-s . . v j " com pleted. Don't you WANT TO PUT THE FINISHING 'DECORATIVE TOUCHES IN IT7 SELECT your OWN color scheme. The owner will take a good building lot as . part payment. E. Buffalo. $1000 HERE'S A COMFORTABLE KEN TON BUNGALOW cottage; $30 - down. $15 per month; substantial, LI KB NEW; combination living and dining room. convenient kitchen, large, airy bedroom, patent toilet. electricity, gas paved street paid; Peninsula ave nue. THIS IS A BARGAIN. We have over 30 KENTON HOMES. $950 $300 down, $15 per month, se cures you this comfortable four room plastered home in good re pair; electricity, gas. 41st ave. If you are In the MARKET FOR A HOME. H is to YOUR ADVANTAGE TO come to our office and look over our PHOTOGRAPHS OF MORE THAN 8O0 HOMES for sale. EVERY district In the city represented. vWE CAN SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. We seek to satis fy. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg.. Main 1063 Successor to H, D. McGuire Established 3 8 HQ. "FORTY YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE.' BEAUTIFUL HOMES that you'll b nrm.H to own and show your friends; If you are wanting sometning gooa at right price for appointment call Main 80-12. 5-ROOM new bungalow, near Killingaworth ave., uOxlOO. modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement bailment; easy terms. Main 700. ROSE CITY PARK MT. TAROR Well built, real homes, modern and In perrect condition ; iocs trtJx MJ ; garages $6000 each; no agents. East 4021. ' WHY PAY HIGH RENT? New tenthouse and large lot for $400 60 cash, balance sio per month. M. . Jee. tio yoroett mag. -ROOM house, fine lot. for S&odl f3O0 cash, balance $lo per month. M K lAe. 413 Corbett bldg. (:t500 WEST SIDE, built 7-room modern E. 4021. Well 50x100 home, I MUST sell regardless of price, choice lrvington home ; no commission ; terms If required. AJ 425, Oregonian. THREE good residences, full lots; easy terms: owner' s sacrifice. Evenings, Ta bor 7055. $1650 6-ROOM house, lot 30x60, west side, close In. on Hood st. ; handy to N W Steel works; terms. Owner, Sell. 1105 6-ROOM bungalow, $275o,: 44 -room hotel snap. $7000. Tabor 6337. HOUSE for sal cheap; close in. 6SS K. Clinton st. Phone Sell wood 1302. MODERN 8-room bungalow, dist. Tabor 5146, Hawthorne HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES J ADUn ftUJJABA UtiH. $3450 i-OWNER sacrifices Hawthorne bun iIatu KlA W. AH Uur mo REAL ESTATE. For hale-Houses. "IfUDSECITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. A few of the strong features- of this home are: Oak floors, excellent built lns. splendid fireplace and furnace, ar tistic eiet-trln fixture, rooms larire sized. ample closets, reception hall with full beveled French plate mirror, full base ment, construction and materials are good, east front and only . block to car; the neighborhood Is one of ths. best of district; price $5250. terms. ANOTHER ' ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Six large rooms, plenty of closets and storage room, very convenient Pullman kitchen, full basement; was built bv owner for his own une, and the work manship and materials are of the best ; the lot Is 71xlOO. with a choice assort ment of fruit and ornamental tres. and an abundance of small fruits and f'ow ers; the owner ts obliged to sell account of surgical operation by wife; the pries la only $4500, and terms on a 6 basis. ALSO A FINE IRVINGTON HOME FOR $7350. TERMS. YOU COULDN'T BUILD EITHER OF THESE HOUSES. ALONE. FOR. " , THE PRICES QUOTED. PHONES: " m Office. Mar. 1050. Res-, Broadway 366 W. N. EVERETT. 611 Gasco Bldg. Fifth at Alder. 5 ROOMS BRFAKFAST NOOK GARAGE. NEAR CAR. $3750. NEVER BEFORE ADVERTISED! Railroad company transfer owner to California. You never would expect to buy such a quality home for so little money. This is modern In every way except furnace; has hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, floored attic, full lot, 200 feet from car. See this today. A.- G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. nr. Third. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ALL GOOD ONES. $2500 6-room nice home ; East Alder snd 30th; $500 cash. Big soap. $3250 6-room house, AJxltO; Ivy st., nr. Union; snap: $5u0 rash. $3500 Nice 6-room house, garage, corner E. 34th and Market: terms. $4250 Fine 7-room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, buffet, Dutch kitchen : lOOxlOO corner, lots of fruit, chicken house; E. 45th, 3 bio kn to car; $Hhr cash. $5500 Fine large square 7-room house. furnace fireplace. full cement basement, all bultt-ins, SOxlOu, east front, paved street; liens pd. ; E. 83d near Hawthorne; a fine home; some terms. GRUSSI A BENNETT, 31S-321 Board of Trade. lain 7452. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALQW. $4750. YOUR OPPORTUNITY! You will ap preciate the real value here. This truly modern, double-constructed bungalow has a value far In excess of present prices. Finished in rlr h old Ivory and white througnout, hardwood floora, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen-, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc. ; full lot, assessment paid Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. nr. Third. Main 3092. Branch office, Suth and Sandy. VERY SPECIAL I RVINGTO N BUNGALO W. $0000. An unusually well built 7-room bunga low; living room, dining room, with beau tiful built-in buffet; den, fireplace, hard wood floors, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace and laundry tray a; full lot : street Improve ments In and paid. This Is an extra good buy. We do not know of anything in lrvington as good for the money. See E. M. Padden, sales manager? METZGER-PARKER-FERGl'SON CO., Ground floor 2oU Oak St. Mln 3534. Formerly. Stanley S. Thompson Co. LAURELHURST. CORNER LOT, FINE VIEW. BEAUTI FUL GROUNDS. ALL KINDS FRUIT AND SHRUBS. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. WITH HALL, LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM. DEN. BREAK FAST ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR. F U R B E OROO MS S ECO N D F I .OO R, TWO TH 1 RD FLOOR, TWO BATHS, HARDWOOD FLOORS. OWNER MOV ING TO CALIFORNIA. CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PL AC K COtST 27,50; WILL SACRIFICE FOR S23.O0O CASH. POINDBXTBR, 208 SELLING BLDG. . MAIN 1800; RESIDENCE 271-20. MI LW AUK IE HOMES. flood car service, modern homes; gas. electric lights. Bull Run water; fine Mth grade and high schools. If vou are looking for a home come to Mllwaulke. Prices range from $100 to $7000; some very easy terms. KLKEB & PARRT. First State Bank Building. Phone 10. Automobile Service. Mllwaukie. Ore con. $i:i,r00. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. A home that has real charm and all the comforts; living room and dining room ivory and mahogany; breakfast room, sun room, maid's room and bath, 1 t floor: also extra lavatory and tele phone room : 4 beautiful bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches ; hardwood floors throughout; tiled bath, shower, 2 extra lavatories, 2d floor. Last 41 a. LAURELHURST COLONIAL SIX ROOMS FINE GARAGE MOVE RIGHT IN. $1.VK WILL HANDLE. BEST OF EVERYTHING. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT. Main 1700 Sunday and Evenings, East 20S6. Mr. Delahunty. OVERLOOK ADDITION. $?V500 6-room. modern. 2-story house, built-in bookcase and buffet, hardwood floors, fireplace. large closet each bed room ; full cement basement, wash trays, sewer, sidewalk in and paid for; lot 50x 1 00, east front; reasons ble terms. Overlook Land Co. Ptione Main 216. $1700 HERE is your opportunity to buy a very attractive, convenieni nome, consisting of 4 rooms, with garage, and about acre of ground, bear ing orchard and good soil, reason ably close In on the eant side; terms. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main ltMM and 5flt3. 14500 By owner. In Overlook Addi tion. 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors In living room and dining room. built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, etc. Terms. Overlook Land Co, Phone Main 216. $31(10 BY OWNER 6 rooms, modern, base ment ana garage. uinicootin oc sKia more. $1600 3 rooms, near Arleta school; Mt. Scott car. $7500 18th and HoyL 0 rooms, mod ern. BROADWAY 3232. VACANT -4 -room pitta tered house, large corner lot. PenlnHula district. fruit, chicken house, paved St., paid; $1650. $250 cash. $20 per month. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 24S Siark St. Main 5429. &0X10O-FT LOT snd good 8-room house at 455 E. 11th N. ; this is In a One dis trict and Is a good modern house; by spending a few hundred dollars on this place a profit of Siooo could be mde in reselling; easy terms. xurner sc io. j:;o ('ham. of Com. a ROOMS and bath, no fixtures. IrtoxloO 1 blk. to car and pavement. $13(HJ. $250 cash, rent terms on Data nee. jmme diate possession. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 244 Stark St. Main 542J OWNER MUST SELL. Am compelled for business reasons to leave city and have a nifty 5-room bun galow, all in spienaia condition ; ft as ftipnucA nreolace. attic, on dav ne. blk. N. Hawthorne car. For particulars call Tabor Mi. IRVINGTON HOME. r.nAd 6-room home, 24th. near Thomn son, $7500; comfortable 8-room home on out h nd Brazee. 7nn 8-room h-m on 16th near Knott, $7000. Thepe homes an nave tun jo is ana garages. - Mc Donell, sgent. East 419. 11450 $:ho DOWN ; 4-room plastered house, electric lights and plumbing, 2 lots. This is a snap and win be sold al once. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and $;j7,V An 8-room house. brik basement, a-as. electricity, good plumbing, nicely papered and kalsomined. fine view, on 70x8"t-ft. corner. 2th and Sherman sts.: a splendid home. Turner & Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce. . 6-ROOM house, lot 72x98 corner, all im provements n, on car line. $2250. $250 cash, balance $25 per month. Vacant INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24tf Ptark St. Main 5420 NOW VACANT $2000. -room hon, newly painted- In fine shape. E. 30th and Burnside. REAL KSTATB. For iMile -Ho .T. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." Years of stud v of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of our districts, familiaritv w ith values and a splendid organization enable us to give you the maximum service In home buying. There is never any question regarding the price being right on any piece of property offered by us; It Is simply a question of the arrangement and design of home suiting your requirements. I220O Buys 7-room home In first' class condition. full lot, large fruit tree; convenient to Miusissippl ave. cars. 28.0 Five rooms and bath In Trvlnr ton Park: a well built home in good condition ; rooms are all large, light and cheerful;. 50x100 lot, with alley. $3050 Buys home In Sunnysfde district with 5 rooms and bath down. 2 and sleeping porch up. This price has been reduced to the limit for a quirk sale. Improve ments paid. Terms. $3000 Buys corner home 1 block south of Alberta car; 3 rooms and den down, 3 rooms and bath up; full basement ; convenient to schools, stores, etc. Terms. $2000 Here Is your opportunity to get In the Hawthorne district: a semi modern .-room bungalow on a 40xlH lot. with street Improve- , ments all'in snd paid. This is an ; absolute bargain, and will require quick action. Please ask for Mr. , Lundquiat. 12730 Five rooms snd bath? with full basement. wash trays. buffet, Dutch kitchen, fintahed fir floors. This home Is attractively decorat ... ed, exceptional electric fixtures. and J200 worth of shrubbery and . - flowers Just set out Terma. $3050 Buys corner home of 4 rooms and den or breakfast room down; attic 1 finished into 2 additional rooms; street improvements in and paid; convenient to Miss, and Wms. cars. Laurol hurst home bargain. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $-4o00 Owner Just purchased larger home and will give Immediate possession to his 6-room bunga low, all on one floor; fireplace, with beautiful large mantel, with heavy French plate mirror: mir ror door In closet for guest wraps: large bullet with mirror and plate glHbs- doom; select grain flnlnh in living room, white enamel In the rect of home; Dutch kitchen ; hardwood floors In 3 rooms, lin oleum, raldantflre In fireplace, gas. hot water heater and curtain rods Included; street improve ments In and paid. This la the best buy in Uiis dintricL, and should poll today. Term. See today. 3M3 East 41st st.. between Harrison and Lincoln sts. LAURELHURST HOME BARGAIN. $S75U Let us show you this beautiful home, fdraltv located and attract ively finished: 7 rooms, sun room, breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout; 2 fireplaces. 8 bed rooms and sleeping porch ; all bulit-lna; full ctninnt basement. furnace, garage. This house has a large living room acrora the entire front, spacious rooms, and the home la in excellent condition. 'na iiiHiae ana out. 'i n is prop erty is absolutely worth tht money. We have any number of good buvs, are continually getting In new listings; list only salable homes that we know are worth the money. Come in. Inspect our photographs before buying. We can save uu money. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Lxuh. Bldg. Main JUV4 and 583. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE. $0250. Here's one, folks, right up to the min ute in every rat. pec t: hardwood floor in every room, quality of workmanship and material speak for themaelves. All we ask la the privilege of showing you ins spitnaia Dungaiow. complete in every way furnace. fireplace, buffet etc.; paving paid. Yes, there Is a garage, A. G. "TEEPE CO:, 261 Stark st . nr. Third. Main 3002. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. $0500 LA V R K LH U R ST $ 6500. A KEAL BUY. T his strictly modern semi-bungalow. foiiBiBiing ol o rooms, sleeping porch una music dun, la In the choice location of Iaurelhurst. It la a very weil built nome, wnn run tHJxiuu lot; large garage all street Imps, in and paid. Vou ahnuid see this bargain before you decide on a no me. treasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTKR LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade "Bldg. EAST BURNSIDE. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. Corner lot about GO x 120 with abun- aance or iruit trees and h rubbery : all street Improvements in and paid; good 7-room house, fi replace, large basement. Price $45uti. This is located on the N. W. corner of East Burnside and 8oth st. xaae a iook. C. A. WARRINER. RITTKR. LOvVK At :0.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Number 3 .sill) East 41t at., near Fran cts ave. ; basement, fireplace, electric lights, etc.; lot MixUH): price $4-"'. 10UU caoo, Daiance easy monthly pay men ta. G-ROOM HOUSE. Number .VJG. street. S. E. corner D3d ave.; lot feOxlui ; price -'. JO, ..t.u cash, balance monthly, 6 per cent inter est. BROWN & GRANT. 201. 2i'J Fen ton Building. Broad w ay PENINSULA BUNGALOW. Ouick Doafeesaion can be had here ; rooma, strictly modern, except hardwood floors. good furnace. fireplace. fui built-in Dutch kitchen. This bungalow is completely furnished and the lurnl tare can be bought at a surprisingly low figure. Price of bungalow without fur niture $300; reasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Do You Want to Buy on PORTLAND HEIGHTS? The- best way to do Is to see Mn Brooke. She is an old resident, know every foot of the district and has mos of the saleable property in her hands. EVERY CUSTOMER (no exceptions) IS BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive. Foot of Elm st. Marshall 4t27. ROSE CITY LOT. On 37th st.. east front, 50x100. Slskivou st. . price $690: everything I and paid. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. Alain a iaureinursi lot, so; balance on easy terms. Brooks, wit Price $43uO, on terma. Personally in dW JUO W I. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 ROOMS. BREAKFAST NOOK. $5w00 $1000 DOWN. For sale by owner, almost new. abso lutely modern, nnisnea in ivory, tn vard all graded and seded, level come lot. A-l furnace, street liens paid, sum extras. Shown by appointment only. Ta bor bS22. No agents. 14.100. EXTRA BARGAIN. Sl'N'WSIDK. CORNER HOME. 7 rooms, modern, all conveniences, full I enment basement, wash trays, i ui nac garage, fine wood work ; Improvements paid; leaving city: house vacant; will be at hour" Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day. 060 E. Salmon. Tabor 4 3. Owuer. BKAVTI FT'L ALAMEDA PARK, SPLENDID 8-ROOM HOME. We make you an exceptional offer: this beautifully appointed home of ft rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. furnace. fireplace. charming buiit-in features. $R."iOO. R F FEEMSTER. SJ Abington bldg. IRVINGTON Duteh colonial. 9 room. 2 fireplaces, hriw. floors throughout. 5 bed rooms, every modern convenience, fine garage, beautiful location. 117-foot front age, on paved sts., $13,000. terms. Miiu &U2. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. FOR sale of trade, B room heuse, 11 years old. fc.'SxlOO lot. Full Improvements, 40 minutes' walk from Third and Burnside; for fair payment, balance 1 Ike rent at 7 per cent. Or trade fer modern four, five or six-room house, 50x100 lot. equallv as close in. Owner, phone dur ing office hours. Broadway 67. $700 ROSE CITY PARK, corner lot. 7 room house, furnace, ftrepalce. hardwood floors and bullt-lns. Call owner. Tabor 4302. m SAVE COMMISSION. Buy my 6-room home, with 2 lots. In Hawthorne district. 3336 E. 44 th. Call Tabor 36 6 ROOMS, Rose City, a fine home, only $roo. See this at once. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. A RARE BARGAIN SlftOO. 800 E. 3th. n-r marline: 5-rm. house H S. street. Cash, $700. Main 3014. REAL ESTATE. NEAR 36TH AND HANCOCK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $M00. LOTS OF CLASS AND DISTINCTION. Here, folks, is one of those really good-looking modern bungalows. We do not overdescribe this charming home. You Just picture to yourielf the kin of a bungalow you want and here you will find It. From hardwood floors to garage, every detail is complete. When paspersby stop to sdmira a home 'he owner ha a reason to feel proud. This is that kind of a home. Let us show you, A. G. TEMPB CO.. 264 Stark at-, nr. Third. Main 3012. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. $.".5,000. HANDSOME HuME. FINE VIEW. LARGE CORNER LOT. THERE A RE 10 ROOMS AND BALLROOM. FOUR BEDROOMS. LARGE SLEEPING POKCH. THREE BATHS, TWO MAIDS ROdViS. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT WATER HEAT. LARGE GARAGE. NO PHONE INFORMATION. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. SOME TERMS. POIN DEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN lftrtO. RESIDENCE. 271-20. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $0750. Itxtra well-built and well-kept home ts now offered nt the preent price for quick sale. Strictly modern and ngni up to dat: hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, sleeping porch, etc. : fin view of city and surrounding hills and mountains: grounds large and bciuttul; high and sightly. J. KARNOPP & CO.. 310 Ry. Exch. Bidjr Msln 6..V $.-.n0 DOWN. Modern ft-room house, on Marguerite ave. on 5rtxlOO corner: everything in and paid; close to Hawthorne ave.; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement. This la offered for les than 2-3 of the value of the place. For short time onlv; the property Is renting for $50 per month and is a good investment If vou have another home. Marsteia, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bid. $31.0 EASI LY $1000 under value, and nn v II.MMt cash buvs this line u-room houce on paved street, with all liens paid; has large living room, with book- caaes and fireplace, panetea aining room, large bedroom on ground floor; 4 good bedrooms, cloaet. etc., and good bath ; toilet hnth u o and downMalri : lull ce ment baaement, laundry trays; HU feet to car, 12 minutes to nusiness cenicr. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6.t3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. VIEW PROPERTY- $470. STEAM HEATING PLANT. Six rooms, all large and sunny; house la double constructed : has full cemt basement, cement wash trays, fine steam hmt nr olant: located a in on a fine horn overlooking the Willamette river. $2500 caah. balance easy. LCKDDEM ANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067 1140 E. 2TH ST. N. 152(H) sa5u CASH. Vacant; modern 6-room bungalow, sleeping porch, buffet, beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement plumbing complete; a fine bungalow for somebody: 50x100 lot, fruit trees and berrien. block to Alberta car In lrving ton Park: see this today; owner on premises from 12 to A. or phons East 4326. $650 WILL HANDLE. A good 6-room bungalow on North Mount Tabor; house ia well built and at tractive; good plumbing, full basement, large lot. with all kind of bearing fruit trcp and berries: chicken houe: hard surface . street, and sewer ia and paid. Price onlv shimmi. . JOHNSON-DODSON ".. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37R7 LA RG E 8-room modern residence. lot luOxlOO: s4O0 cash, rent terms: full nafe- ment. bath. 2 toilets, furnace, grand porch around 3 slues or house, spienaia ly constructed, double walls. This prop erty is easily worth $10"0 more than price asked; $4500: vacant. 2 short blocks sou t n W ood lawn car s t 15th. Much paving will bo in this summer. 6u5 Liberty st. Owner. Tabor 854 furs noons. PENINSULA PARK HOME. Double constructed, 6-room house. 5 blocks Irom the park: 19 Portland blvd.: 6oxn0 corner; full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace; lots of rose bushes, 2 holly trees, 4 bearing fruit trees; walks paid. Prme $31541; $500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger building. Main 8520. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Most desirable 7-room residence In ths best part of Portland Heights with a delightful extensive view of rivers, mountains and city, standing ' In two lotH, beautifully landscaped ; living room very large and finely proportioned; ar tistic fireplace, French doors, sleeping porch and every convenience; a bargain at $90ir for quick sale. BROOKE, Mar. 4827. Call mornings. . TRVINGTON FLATS. Four flats. 5 rooms each, located on 14th sC, near Broadway; furnace, fire places, gas ranges, beat of plumbing; everything In and paid ; price $1 3,500. with small payment down. . They are paving 20 per cent on thin investment, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bulidlu Main 8520. HOME AND INCOME. 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, fireplace, full rment basement, f urnace, income now $130 per month besides reserving thre rounia for own use; 5o.100 eat front 1't, 50 ft. Broadway on Williams ave.; prle $7010; a sure bargain; only $3000 cph. Main S2. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOME BARGAINS. $2150 Hunnystde, 6-r. home. $2ti50 Bungalow, 6-r., garage, 100x100 with fruit trees. f:t50O H-r. home. E. 24th st. $3H04 San Rafael at., 6-r. home, 50x j witn large iruit trcs. $H5U Houseboat, 5-r., furnished. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY. Besutlf ul 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, oa k floors, fireplace, French doors, gas radiators, alt built-lns, ga rage ; this is eometh In g clamy ; $ 1 50 down balance monthly. 2utf Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. t,it0 I RVINGTON $0,-00. Can you beat it? A flue ti-room house. hd wd. floors, fireplace, furnace, fine Dutch kitchen, all white enamel; double garage; lot .Vtxl'W): immediate posses sion. Can Alain l. see HOLMES for HOMES. I4u00 6- ROIJM modern home. bet ween Eat Ankeny and Sandy boulevard walking distance, on the east aide. This property will appeal to oue who desires close-in location. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY, 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1004 and 583. ALBERTA New bungalow, f rms.. strictly .modern, large attic, naw. floors. lurrace al! built-lns. built by day labor, material snd construction guaranteed. $4250, (120 caah, 1 bmck car. Main 2. GEO. J. MOO RE CO. 1QQ7 Yeon Bid , HOUSE 6 rooms, good condition, carpets, 3 stoves Including gas range, gaa hot water heater, bed. dresser, chairs, fruit trees, roses: four doors from Firland sta tion; no agents; $h00 will handle. Phone Tabor 2020. LAl'RELHCRST 7 rms.. bungalow type breakfast room, it lee ping porch. 4 bed rooms, strictly hlgh-clar with all latest Improvement; garage. m'UU, aome terms Main M2. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg MODERN, attractive bungalow. Laurel hurst ; ocmer lot on car line : lare rooms, hardwooa iioors, tiiea bath, aa rage, fine lawn and imported shrub bery ; price $D.Mo. 1074 Eat Gltsan. Phone Tabor o2o. HAWTHORNE district, for sale cheap. brand new house witn l or - lots, ooubl entrance good planning, 4 rooms and ha tli. Pullman breakf art room. 2o0-ft E. AAth and Powell Valley road. Phone Tabor 739. kg-1. 1. WOOD SNAP Furnished. I10OO. rooms, plastered cottage, bath, electri city, gas. rruii. practically new iurniture all for iooo down. Mar. 1U22. Call Citi t'hamber of Commerce. VACANT. 9 rooms, walking distance butane section, full lot, improvements paid, 37f. Him cssn. INTERSTATE LAND CO., : 24$ Stark ht. Main .V420 SAVE YOUR RENT. $8M. furnished houseboat. South Port land; 5 rooms, large porches: wood raft; electric lights, city water: big bargain. CHAS. RINGLER & Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. FTRNISHF.D 6-room house, ptano. etc. garajze. fruit: 7axion; paved street; close I n ; $2750. trms. . w. Bank p Id g, FOR SLE 4-room, 2 lots, comfortable house, gas, electric, etc Inquire 258 J7th N- Take "M-V car. 734 K. BURNSIDE $4KK. Modern S-rm. houw, 4 bdrms.. fire place, furnace; a snap. Main 3914. SELLWOOD bargain, $3ooo. 6 rooms. Dutch kitchen, furnace. .VixlOO; 1 block car. t e rms. Marshall 1022. FOR SALE Good 4-room plastered house with 2 or 4 lots, lawn, fruit and berries. 4ri East 87th st. North. Tabor 003. $2750 BUYS $45O0 home If you ran pay $1000 cash: renting for $45 month; must Kn quick. 301 Qorbett bldg. ONLY $1050, 3-room cottage, rented, $12 ppr 'month. "2 blorks to car, $250 rash, $20 Pr months COBB. BROS. Main 00 C 2. RLAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hoi HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS. ment unless you provide a p. ace for her. Getting a house is a simple matter, but making it your sanctuary of home re- quires judgment and loving care. With a merciless appraisement. cold'y in- j spectmg. we enter more different houses daily than you could imagine. When we approve it means our com meroial .and Cfiieiic sens's are stirred. tu, offer a 7-room bungalow near the Ken ton district for $5Ht. which for perfect construction and ttppointmn ts is hard to duplicate. The living room and din ing rooms with hardwood Cimui and fireplaces extraordinary and the bed rooms are intimately exquisite. Furn.tre. full concrete basement, wash trays, 40 x 175 lot. gara ge. hi garden, and a plethora of other splendid features jusi waiting for your approval. Terms ar ranged. Mahonev. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 2 Fourth Street. Main 4522. Evenings. Columbia fi.". $13 $aoo DOWN for a new little four-room bungalow, close to the St. Johns industrial dis trict; here is a dandy opportunity for considerable saving. s owner is forced to leave city and must sell regarUlebs. M A HON KY. COE A. MeKENN'A & CO., K2 FOURTH STREET. Main 4522. Evenings, Columbia 6,1S. IRVINGTON. STN 'ROM i-ULAR CHARM AND BHAlTT. BEAUTIFUL LIVING "ROOM. WOOD- WORK OLD IVORY. WALLS IN FRENCH G RAY; DINING ROOM IN IVOR V AND r.RAY; o HKtKUlS IN WHITE ENAMEL; SLEEPING- POKiMl. $"750, $2Hk CASH. $00 VF.R MONTH. NO AGENT S. FO Pw Al'POlN T M K N T. EAST 147. FORTS MOV TIL Fine five-room bunpralow. one b'ock from car line; big lot ftOxlin. screened sleeping pon'h, rooms conveniently ar ranged; $2750. term. MAMON KV. C(C A. McKKNVA CO., 82 FOl RTH STREET. 'Main 0S71. Evenings. Columbia 750u. DTTLEX FLAT. FINE" INVFST- M KNT. LTV E IN ONE. RENT THE OTH KR. EACH FLAT H AS FI V K ROOMS AND BATH KAril. PFPARAT'i FI,' KNACKS. FCLL-MZE CONCRKTK BASKMKNT LA RG K ATTIC. ONE SINULK OA RACK, LoT 50x.i; WALK ING DISTANCK. EAST S1DK; ONE ItLOrK ROSK CITY CAR. 1'wINDEXTF.R, 2i'S SKLLTNG BLDG. MAIN IS M. RKSIDKXi'K 271-2. ilOMR FOR TUB NEWLYWKDS $3200 A practically new- newlywed apartment houe type of bungalow, splendid pergola entrance, Murptiy disappearing bed. dressing room, larce living room ith fireplace and seat. Pullman buffet kitch en and breakfast nook, built-in table a nd aats; beautiful lot, on paved street and car line; $.i( cash, anv larte monthly payment will do. Fred W. Ufrmin Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. BKALTIFI'L Sl'Hl RBAN HOM K. Finest in Oak Grove; beautiful grounds. 2t a-re. Iari;. beautiful house, fuli bament. two bedrooms on first floor, bieakiaxt room, siepii;g porch, all con veniences, garage: no repairs needed a nyw here. Don t miss this 11 you are locking for an elfgant home: $15,000. '? cash. Phone or see me at once. W.ll W. ThompKon, Oak Grove. Or. FOR SA LB FARM : 2t0 acre, more or less, loo acres undr cultivation, bal ance timber and tature; two houses. 2 barns, silo, all kinds of farm outbuild ings, all kind a farm ma eh inet y. run ning water, two wells, 1 miles from nearest town. Price SI 10 p.-r acre; term. Ideal farm. LEVY ft Z I MMKRMAN CO., 2i2 McKay Hldg. FOR SALE. CHEAP A nice I-room house, full basement, big bathroom, lot rOxli. R frqit trees. 2 big shade treea. paved streets and sewers all paid for. 4 block. from carllne, 5 blocks from a school; if .you want a good home cheap (lou t mlsf thia burcain: price $21 .0 : good terms ; come and ae for yourself. 04 E. llta ft. N. Phone WoocIIawn 2641. 3- ROOM houne with keeping porch and bath, full nasemem. mi i"ixum. i run ti ees garden, berry and rose bushes ; new garage: will s-ll everything includ ing furniture, bedding and dishes, chick ens in the yard and coal in the base ment ; price $2V See owner. 743 East 3;id st. S. Woodstock cat FOR SALE FARMS: fii acres, mor or less m cum aiion, i mimT. bottom land ; ramiiy orchard. kooi! house. 2 barns, granary, outbuildings, machinery, etc. Everything for farming. Price 7."'Mi- terms LEVY A ZIMMERMAN CO.. 2t2 McKay Bldg. 11.V R. C. PARK; almost new, partly lurnianen; oai n. corner lot: part cawh. balance 0 per cent; move right In; some distance out. but fine chance for honest man with $;no to get nice little home: good neighborhood, near school. Owner, Tabor 207. $.-.7.".0 ROSE CITY PARK $.".750. Talk about your barKains, 5 rooms, den and large sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, all on one floor. $2Mtu will handle. See J. A. McCarty at K. '.M h z Gllsan office. Tabor 3433. Evenings. Tabor 5iij7. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS: BL I l.T rut; 1 1 v ' .i ii . i. r. iv i i w.-t -1 E N C K MS V E R BEKORK OKKKKt'D FOR HALE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY. OWNER. EAST 1133. MR- WAGE EARNER. VOI R SMALL PAYMENT GOES. ,'i'rnom 'house, pml-modern. on car, school one block; must sell: make offer. IMu-h E. 7th st. N., corner Aiberta st. and E.7th N. FOR SALE FARM: m acres nion or less. 21 unucr cultivation, un uini-e raaiiy -cleared. 1 Si miles from nearest town. Price ;r.oo. LEV Y A ZIMMERMAN CO.. 202 McKay Hldg. BARGAIN, 30O. 7 rcoms, niouvrn. full cement base ient. fin wood work and pbturs. a ! I Impro .-ements paid ; grounds 10nx loo. a Ii kinds of fruit and berries, chicken hoifse vard and garden. Phone Sell. 733. two houses on fui lot. one house with n two 3-room apart, private bath. Second rooms, aivun-u ments each with bouse with four rooms and bath, fult cement basements and modern conven iences in both. 404 13th, Marshall 6Kil). MODERN 8-room house on E. 7th st.. near Broadway, right up to date and In fine locality; ea.y walking distance; price jfv.u.o; for particulars call at 404 Piatt b.dg.. 127 Park St. " ' 1NSURA NCE. FIRE. ACTOMOBILE. LIAPTLITT EXILE Bl'RKlTT. AGENT NEWARK. FIRE INSURANCE CO. MAIN 1S00. GROVELAND PARK bungalow, by own er; 41 E. 54 1 h st. ; six rooms. Kara a furnace. tirepiace. beautiful bum-m! hardwood floors, wh ite enamel ttniah; pris o200; very cbolce. WEST SIDE SNAP. 7-room house. lik? new. with or with out furniture; full basement: going east sell everything for 420o. 7i0 Kuosevelt s t ree t. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand new, 4-room bungalow, near Union ave. and Piedmont ; a few hun dred dollars down wiil handle it: balance like rent. Phone Owner, East 40on. 3250 C LOPE I N S3250. A good comfortable 6-room house. $.",ofl will handle. See J. A. McCarty. E. 3!t h A Glisan office. Tabor 34G3. Evenings, Tabor 5o57. " "l RVINGTON CAR. " Brsnd new H-room bunga'ow. strictly modern, furnace, hardwood floors, built ins. etc.; $1000 down, terms on balance See it today. Phone owner. East 40O0 WEST SIDE 1 -'oO DOWN. 5 rooms., modern, sleeping porch, fui! basement, near Mh and Caruthers; price $4200. E. D. Schomarker, 417 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington stj. Main 1 1 ,T m $1704 LARGE 5-room cottage In Ivor) finish, modern except bath; improved st.: $250 down. $25 tnon t h. fall out of working hours. 7QQQ 6"th ave. S. E. $joo0 6-room house and 3-room htu, East Portland, close in: total rent $42. 50 mut sell this property at once. tie owner. 511 Merchants Trugt blng. $250 CASH 4-room hnu-e, furniture, . full lot good locality, block from car. Call at M4 Swetland bldg. IK you will buy a property that will irive you a home and $30 per month, call Ta bor 9 338. $2350 GGOO four-room bungalow, near 11. S. Zimmerman &. While. 61$ Cham, of Com, bldg. $2500 6-room hour on 5Oxl0O. E. Flan ders, near 53d St.; terms. See owacr. 200 Morriaon st. jsnll-ROOM furnished houpe. full base ment, lot 50x100. fruit trees. 21 1 V ah. IRVINGTON HOMFS. EAST 419. McDONELL. SWELL bungalow. 4R36 43d St. S. E. Terms. Flnt-rBdwy. 344. 2 10-ROOM houjB for sale, furnished : housekeeping rooms. 201 3d st. FOR H AWT WORN BS HriMK " CALL HUBBELL. TABOR 8S02. REAL ESTATK. For Sle -lIottes. ROSE CITY PARK SPECIALS, t-. $73.-,t Hit AN D N KW 2-story. 7-rftAfk home, aholuu-ly the lat thlnicft style and workmanship; Pvd home is complete in every respect. 11x17 living room. den. break faM room, ail rooms finished in wfSite enamel; large plato gla win do s in living room and dlrf iig room; fine garage with cement runway; sewer in, street pavei and paid for; It Is needless to mv that It Has hardwood floors oi the finest grade. Iurnace. lire piace. every built-in: truly a wn derful home. Shown by appotrtVl ment onlv. J.TSOO Hre comes a SURPRISE A beautiful bungalow on a CORNER LoT Take another look at the price 5-room bungalow, hard wood fhwrs, tirepiace, w hlie enamel finish, full cvment base ment ; large, comfortable rooms ; street pax ed. -This ciasy bunna. low has just been reLitlshfd side and out. Convince youtOif that this is real value; let ua show vou. HOLDKX A KOHLMAN. 2-R Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6.".'0 W e are open cveninus to fc;;i0 I'. M. Come iu and inspect our photos at fciav tune; we will be glad to show ou. $O0 ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE. excellent rooms with bre;fkfast nook, hardwood floors throughout. eeoiint furnace, beautiful enamel-. finish, aii goKi -size rooma and in very good en ditioii, place occupied lt?s than -ne 'ea r. east front, on paved street. Irtr? garage with full cement drivewav, nar car line. Terms 2ooo cash, balance aj--. r nged. Roc City Park branch ofri. 4oth and Sandy blvd. Tabor 2!0 - 1 J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Coin. Bldg. $3 500 ALB E RT A BV NG A LO VV uduil EASY TERMS. Js ' This is a neat, well-built, modern bb galow. just 1 short block from car, 5 rooms and floored attic, f irf ulae a,fiU built-in conveniences; Dutch kitth" nice finished waxed floors throughout, dandy lull cement basement with u crete fruit shell' around the entire l.-. iiu-tu; full lot and good parage; s;rpi improvement-- ail paid. SL-'UU vaah will handle, balauce tas. C. A. WARRINER. 'i0 RITTER. LOVbE Ac CO.. .--' 201-3-6-7 Board ot Trade Bids. - MODERN 7-room bungalow with sleeping poich, hardwood floors, "T? butit and china clobet. fireplace f and iurnace ; 4 bedrooms cm;nt basenient; paved streets In and"- paid tor; lot ioxloo; houWe now ' ' c aeant. ready to move into; be sold at a bargain, on ea i-Tms. Mrs. W. W. Lucius, tiH.i East 37 tn st. lhone labor 3oio today. ! 8 ROOMS $3200. rf Good 8-room house, which ts arrar- d for tw o lamilies; the uttaira brluj;.--' Ya $20 per muutti now; It has 2 toilet?. -pw. nectrtc lit;hL. lull basement and wa-n-tii ; lints ueigiiborbood. handy to -tarr and 5 unit men w aia to lute gramn'. .ii scuool. This is a bargain ; $bUO doVTn, buiauce $Jo per muntn. LI ' E DD E M A N N COM PA NY, " PIS Chamber ot Commerce. Main 60r?f''t TWO FAMILY HOUSE. LA Hoc OUuLNbJs. 8 rooms and 2 baths. 2 separate 1"t; tmncfb. all nicely arranged tor 2 1 am ines; ground . .Mixl.'u; nice lawn, iruit ti'ts and snrubuery; about 1 Mock tfetV i .uaiii? ave., on Gi aha in a v e. l'i, 4.iUoo, Thi ia a good uumc and. income. C. A. WARRINER. "Ot .t.. I W..u.l l I r-.l.. I!Mr, LOWE 4& CO., 1 ; - ; - T- ECR J.'ihOU wo offer this fine homsi i rv iiiKton lark, f rooma. using - r.KMtt, u uiiitg room, music i oi , ati li d uua iioor; paneied uining room witna lo-a ti nt ul buiiet; buiu-iu kitchen ; 3 fii r&i Mreplnji rooms w till llKhled cioSeLs ruu nins lull length; good bath, Iirepie. 1 1 ui u ace beat, cement titt;ninl; .ivx iou eant iront iit; garage, iruit trees "and aiirubueiy; & blocaa to car. Cau 11 terms. -T- JOHNSON-DODSON CO., . fc. N. W. " Ban K Bida- ' Main "T 11000 COTTAGE $l5O0. 2U PER AlOTH 2U. 4 rooms and bath, good cement hac nitnt. stationary laundry tra s iu klijli eu; lull mt v ith aoout la large fruit trc-c; connected with ter; no 4My neUtf ; X bioca irom c ar and paved af C. A. V AKKlNbK. KITi'fc.11, LOWE 4c CO. ' IT" "J01-a-o-7 Board at Trade lildfc. WiY t : $37.10 $ 10OO CASH. ' I RVi.NOTO.s HOLLA DA Y. T.i 6-rni. majestic t ea. overlooking O. N. iiaruwoou firs., furnace. 2 Lv6- places, in excellent shape. Weil buitu Main yt-. G. C. GOLDENBKIIG. 7. . Abington Bid;. "35 years in i'or(..ani.', 3-ROOM modern houke, 6oIO0 lot, pVoT- d stret. 1 block to car, cluse in; -So0, can be handled for $ou0. 7-room house on l0"x 11 0 ot for S2.m. six blocks to car; $tto will hatfdle. ftee Mr. T hum as. n 1NTKRSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743- 410 Henry Bid? WL.ST SIDE $7000. . - 7-r. si pg. I'r., den. 2 fireplaces, furtf., cement bat., en. plumbing. modern. All ractive home, lot alone worth oltVO; 3 car lines; close In ; vacant, movaiu. Main 4o3. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington BUIg. 3S years in Portland." - 1 1 ; -STORY 5-room cottage in Sunnystde. near 34th st; sewer, sidewalk, improved Mrcet, lawn. tree;, shrubhury. buj-ViUi buitet, plumbing, etc.; room lor gaM'-a and garage; concrete foundation. PPico only 2.ii. S.)tu cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSyN CO., G:t3 .N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7H7T HAWTHORNE -Bungalow, 5 rms, attract ive linca. well built, large f. cored attir: re c.ption null, fireplace. oooKcanes, iim a kitchen, full cement basemer t. la anbury trav-, fit e lcation; free of incumbrance, pavet". street, sewer; lo0, $1000 iaa. Min S02 t.EO. T. MOORE CO. 107 Yeon flitir. KINE h-roum house, bath, 2 toilets, laundry tray, lots of closet room, carpets, mi linoleum included in the price; lO0i lot. improved with cherry, apple, p: wac and walnut trees. Very low price - f $3500, S125U cash, balance $35 per monti. JOHNSON-DODSON Co.. 633 N.W. Bank Bl d g Main 8787-t ONLY $250 DOWN. I" FCLTO.N 5 rooms, bunjealow typ. ra'.it, 5 Ox 125 lot. facing river, beau'tfu'. view; locality, on KuJton tar. $20. only $250 caJh, balance same as rent. Main o2. ; CEO- T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Plif. A GOOD 5-roorn house, lot looxllo ch -lien house snd run. 2 blocks to St. JAhits car. fruit and berries; $5jO will give you Immediate possession; price $3000. siee Mr. Thomas. 1 INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldff.' IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM HOME. Located 6S4 Brazee. 75xlo0 corner E. 1 Ot h. A !t hardwood floors, gaa turn see. plate windows, garage. Splendid light fixtures, wa 11 paper and tile bath. Y wry well built and for sale by owner. KO t SLB A beautiful ft-room house, modern in every rcp-ct. In Laure, huir. Kine lcation. must be seen to be a'p prMiated." Th's house is worth about $ 1 J. 000 ; our price is $s500 and er' tT.ns. 202 M.Kiy bid g. OSWEGO 3-roorn bungalow, not and ce-'cl water, lights, garden, etc., lot Ttiv 1 20, new and modern and below ro?' On 5th ft.. Just S. of "A" st. See owiner or D. D. BatUriuk, 515 Cham, of Cots, b.dg.. Main 1155. - ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BCNGALOW. 5-room, conveniently arranged, fur nace. 1 blocks to car, high-class ra tion re distorct. I'r Ice 1750. Inciudan furnitur. Requires quick action. i I'OBB BROS.. 2t OAK ST. I;oE ITY 8-room oung.ilow, thoroufful-' m-drn from hdw. floors to f urnai c ; bedrooms, gnrage. 14 blocks north Saa rtv. prttieot section Rove City Park ; $rtJ50. halt ah. Main &U2 GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Blag. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. Walking distance, center east s:. hR5 iurnace, everything up to date; $3750. $750 cash, balance like rent, f'ar- FIVE-ROOM BCNGALOW. . ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modem, street improvement In and paid, garage: buy direct fiwp - ownwr. Call Tabor HSff. V 5-ROOM bungalow, reception hall KreccT doors. Dutch kitchen, full hament f ' lot. fruit, garage; $2050. Edwin Jacut pon. 71S Spalding bidg.. Main 5G42. 7-ROOM modern house, close to grd and high school; sell or trade smat' house; prefer Kenton, district- Owuc". Woodlawn 212S.