Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 20, 1920, Page 24, Image 24

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Films Left Before 11 A. M. "
Ready by 5 P. M. Same Day
We Please the Critical
Meier & Frank': Main floor.
In the Lower Price
Down stairs Store
Worth Looking Into Today
Meier & Frank's: Basement Balcony.
Tn& Qjjal it Y Store or- Portland
- Men!
Wonderful Tricotiiie Suits
" ia7
5f: . 1
Furniture Gift Shop
One of the most delightful places in Portland to shop is
this place of many gifts -at Meier & Frank's which ad
joins the Tea Room on the ninth floor.
There are hundreds of
unexpected. th i n gs to be
Venetian and other im
ported glass.
Mirror black and other
ancient porcelain vases
from China.
Wonderful lamps of Ital
ian period.
Small tables for occa
sional use.
Sociable tea wagons
which save many a step in
the well-organized house
hold. -
Cosy fireside benches.
Decorative fruit and
Art objects of many
kinds from Japan.
Small mirrors in a num
ber of shapes.
Charming flower paint
ings in antique style.
Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor.
We want every woman in Portland to be sure to
read this news.
It is probably the last lot of these suits we shall get.r
They have the fine technique of custom tailoring and
they are developed in heavy extra-quality navy blue trico
tine. - All have the narrow shoulders, tight sleeves and youthful
skirts which give character to a plain suit.
These suits at 59.50 are so unusual that they would make
it worth while to come a hundred miles to geUthem.
Silk lined ? Yes, every one of them !
Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor:
Embroideries 25c
1000 yards of Swiss and Cambric embroidery .edges
and flouncings in designs suitable for a multiplicity of
purposes. ' .
4 to 12 inches wide.
Excellent values. . ..
Meier & Frank's: Embroidery Shop. Main Floor.
New Novels Just Off the Press
"Anthony Trent, Master Criminal"
Wyndham Martyn, $1.50
'The Talleyrand Maxim"
J. S. Fletcher, $1.90
Frank Bacon, $1.75
'The Romantic Woman"
Mary Borden, $1.75
"The Ancient Allan"
H. Rider Haggard, $1.75
Wary Austin, $1.75
"Deliverance" -
E. L. Grant Watson, $1.90
Meier & Frank's: Book Store, Fifth Floor.
House Dress and Apron Sale
$2.29 to $2.49 Aprons
$3.50 to $4.98 Dresses
I First rate percale or gingham at each price.
Gold Medal and Mina Taylor models.
The Aprons at $1.98
fasten in the front or on the shoulder and en
tirely take the place of a dress. Cut plenty
full. .Trimmed with white or contrasting
color. Belted, pocketed and . with short
sleeves. Plain colors, plaids, stripes and
checks. Broken sizes, including 36 to 46.
The Dresses at $2.98
are of percale or gingham in pretty plaids,
stripes and checks. Suitable for house or
street wear. Many are samples, one or two
of a kind. One and two-piece styles. Sizes
36 to 46 in the lot but not in each model.
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle. Main Floor.
$1.98 $2.49
Sale of Girls' Wash Dresses
89c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49
SEVEN of these dresses are pictured. Many are of such good
materials that it would be impossible to buy the fabrics alone
at the prices of the completely made dresses. Pretty colors and
styles that girls will enjoy wearing.
Dresses 89c
Values Regularly to $1.50
Some made of real Amoskeag plaid cham
bray, guaranteed fast colors. Others of printed
percale, plain and plaid ginghams. Trimmed
with contrasting colors or narrow white pleat
ing. Nearly all belted. Cut full and well
Sizes 2 to 12 years.
, Dresses $1.98
Values Regularly to $2.98
Plain chambray, tan crash? plaid and striped
girMham. Trimmed with braid, hand embroi
dered, and smocked. Attractive color combi
nations. Sizes 2 to 14 years.
Dresses $1.49
Values Regularly to $2.29
Made of fine quality standard ginghams
which will wash and wear well. Plaids, stripes,
plain or with contrasting combination. Some
belted, others trimmed with braid and em
broidery. Ever so pretty." Sizes 2 to 14 years.
Dresses $2.49
Values Regularly to $3.98
Middy dresses of plain blue chambray or
white twill with sailor collars trimmed with
soutache braid, embroidered emblems, scarlet
ties and piping. Cut full and box pleated. Also
plain chambray and plaid gingham with con
trasting embroidery. Sizes 2 to 14 years,.
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor.
Gordon Jiffy Slips
$5.50 to $10 a Car
Put your car in summer dress.
Give it crisp, clean slip covers which can be fastened on
in a few minutes and detached easily whenever laundering
is necessary.
Such slips maje the car look cooler and fresher and they
protect the permanent upholstery and give a pleasantly
spotless background to feminine dresses. v
'Sizes to fit 95 per cent of all automobiles made.
Sets complete for back and front seats $5.50 to $10.
All of striped denim in beige and brown or beige and
blue combinations. '
Meier & Frank's: Upholstery Store, Seventh Floor.
Fur Cold Storage Vaults
On Our Thirteenth Floor
Every fur that values its
good looks wants to be sent
to this
. Vacation Resort
where moths are always ruth
lessly frozen out and where the
invigorating cold dry air re
stores the original luster and
character of the fur.
Phone, Call
or Write
Fourth Floor
are being made daily for fur
scarfs and muffs, fur coats and
capes, fur rugs, oriental rugs
and cloth garments.
Reasonable charges on your
own valuation. Each fur storage
article is insured against moths,
fire or theft..
Our Auto Will
Call for
Your Furs
Marching Victoriously On
The West's Greatest
Shirt Sale
Men have come, bought in dozen lots and come back for more. This is
the sort of sale that makes a hit with a man. Big, .generous, spectacular
alive! It started last Thursday with 19,920 shirts. We've kept a" small army
. of attendants busy filling up the gaps caused by heavy assaults of eager
buyers. "Wonderful how we're managing to keep assortments up. There's
something more than words back of this shirt sale !
Particularly good news for silk shirt buyers Saturday we received
600 Wonderful New Silk Shirts
to Go in the Sale at $9.85
The silk shirt group was the "piece de resistance" of the sale from the beginning
and now, strongly reinforced, it holds out as potent values as ever. Real full-bodied
silks are these that give men a new conception of silk shirt sej-vice. Broadcloths,
La Jerz, Crepes de Chine, Pussywillows, etc., in a tasteful lot of patterns and colorings.
Still a good selection in these other groups:
At $6.95 regular $8.50 and $10 grades. Shirts of except ionally good f
quality silk pongee, China silks, Crepes de Chine, silk mixtures, woven
striped flannels, etc. A whole shirt sale in itself!
At $3.95 our special $4.85 gi-ade, as well as shirts of regular $3, $6 "j
and higher crades. Imnorted nnngpp silks and woven madras, satin- -
striped tub silks,, silk-finished poplins, Russian cords, etc.
At $2.65 regular $3.25, $3.50 and better grades. Shirts of serviceable
ervAtA rn'on on1 nlui'n m o A c moivtri -7lA i will a . n A i r f rwA flnthc
Lots of good-looking patterns. " J
-Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor.
It" 4& .
.... ..' AW "r-
Meji's and Young Men's Tuxedo
and Full Dress Sirits
As throughout our clothing lines, qual
ity is characteristic of these assortments
of full dress and tuxedo suits. Quality
and style. We knew that the demand ex
isted and would grow stronger for su
perior garments of this type and we set
out in typical MEIER & FRANK fashion
to secure the best. This we are satisfied
we have done.
These garments have been tailored to
our specifications by exclusive makers of
men's dress aftire. The results show it-
in all the important details of the
High-grade black -unfinished worsteds
in the newest approved styles, silk lined
and beautifully finished. Dress coats are
in three-britton style with peak lapels and
outside breast pockets. Tuxedos are in
one-button styles with peak lapels, flat
pockets and are silk lined throughout. '
Fit guaranteed.
Prices begin at $75 and go to $85.
New dress and tuxedo vests in finest
silks and correct designs are priced from
$7.50 to $12.50.
Meier & Frank's: The S'tore for Men, Third Floor.
Trie QjjautV Stork oi Popjlknd