16 THE MORNING OUEGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL IT, 1020 roil BALE ACTOMOBIU FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE Al'TOMOBTLIS. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR 8 Al B Al'TOMOBILFA sOm BALK ACTOMOBan, 130 UNION AVE. It7 KKO TOURING 600 1817 GRANT 6 TOURING 6C0 1917 OAKLAND ROADSTER 600 1014 STUTZ ROADSTER ?00 1017 BU1CK LIGHT 6 TOURING.. 1050 19H STUTZ ROADSTER 100 FORDS FORDS. 1915 FORD TOURING .' 335 1917 FORD TOURING, extras 430 1017 FORD TOURINO, extras 478 1917 FORD TOURING 400 1017 FORD ROADSTER 875 1918 FORD ROADSTER, extras... 450 1918 FORD TOUR, new tires, extras 500 1020 FORD TOURING, like new... B7S 1920 FORD CHASSIS, new 899 1920 FORD COUPE, new 925 1017 FORD PANEL DELIVER!. . . 475 150 UNION AVE. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. TWIN STATES MOTOR CO. CHANDLER CARS. Chandler Dispatch, wire wheels, newly painted body, maroon; wheels black, nickel trimmings, a beauty, Al mechanical condi tion, tires like new $1900 Chandler. 1918. 7-passenger tour ing, wire wheels, tirst-class me chanical condition, good tires loOO Chandler Chummy roadster, 19,18, r , . t . 1 -i innrlftinn. new tOD. enod cord tires 1500 SEDAN. ' 1918 Chandler Sedan, In beautiful nnnHitll.n , W i rO Wheels. COOtl tires 2000 Telle, 1017, 5-passenser. first-class mBKhinfral condition. heWlV tainted, cood tires 1050 Bulck roadster, 1917. repainted, niv tnn mechanically tierfect. good tires 1150 MbiwpII fourtnr. 1018. first-class condition 050 Saxon. 1017 mode!, 5-passenger, overhauled and repainted TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE. Aider at 16th. IF TOU HAVE $350. OR ANT PART OF IT UP TO 4500 we will sell you a car on time payments. We have a nice, clean line of used cars to select from. Look them over. We will help to arrange terms. Also a number of good used trucks of various sizes to select from. All of our used cars and trucks go through our shop. Get one from us and add i our name to a long list of satis fied owners. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE Agency for PACKARD AND K ASH Cars and Trucks. 421 Burnside St. Ask for Jones. DODGES. 1 1915 Dodge Touring. 1 1915 Dode roadster. 1 1S10 Dodge touring. 1 1B17 notice touring. 3 lois Dodge touring. 1 191K Dodge roadster.' These curs are in dandy shape, com- rlmcly overhauled, several with nei tops. They look like new. If you are going to drive a Dolgo this season. It s time to set busy. MYERS A" 188 Grand ave. 'TO CO. Open Eves. BUiCKS. roadster, louring. 7-pass. 5-pusa. 1 1II17 4-cyl. 1 1IM7 4-cyl. 1 WIS 6-cyl. 2 1818 6-cyl. FREE SERVICE GUARANTEE. . MYERS AUTO CO. 188 Grand ave. E. 6563. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR, " OVERLAND 5-pass. touring. This is a good auto mobile for some one: in aood mechan- ' ical condition but it must be sold at once: .lust giving it away; the first one here gets it for $300. Mr. Fiuhart. 58 23d st. N. HUDSON SUPER SIX I will put my car right up beside any new car and you cannot ten tne atiierence; must be sola; will guarantee the automobile and sell it for $1050 below present price. Call up mornrnga or evenings. East 6949. CADILLAC EIGHT. Wilt sell my Cadillac 8 touring car. lust completely overhauled and painted: good tires, new top and full set of tools for $1950: could give some terms. PUona 'Tabor 0233. 1918 DODGE TOURING. In excellent condition, driven 4700 miles, two new tires. others good; l.umDer. sDotllxrht and other equipment: will demonstrate: eash or terma. Phone ' East 6054. MOTOR and chassis for sale, can De either mude into bug. truck or touring car; model K3 Overland, good shape. Call at Overland Pacific Co.'s shop. nils MAXWELL touring car. in fine con dition; 3 tires; car Just repainted, looks I and runs like new; a big bargain; will sen on terms. Phone East Ib2. OVERLAND touring, model 90; used pri vately; good paint, good tires. A real bargain. $72o, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near tiurnside. 1917 MAXWELL touring car: car just over hauled and repainted: looks like new: will sell at a bargain and give terms. FhJnc Marshall 1050. apt. 42. DODGE touring car. will sacrifice for $700. Leaving the country and need the money See It at the Union Depot Ga rs ge. cor. Bdwy. and Hoyt. i'RANKLIN Late 9B. run 4500 miles. 102O license and insurance: Just the same as new. Will sacrifice. $1000. 3.4 fci. ttroaoway. rnone HAINES ROADSTER. 1917 4-passenger, new paint. 1 tires. A. C. STEVENS. 16th an ington sts. Bdwy. 1B14. five cord d Wash- CHEVROLET roadster. 1917: go Ical condition; newly painted; her. for $590. Sellwood 3071. 1917: good mechan- good rub- I MUST SELL my 1918. 6-cyl.. Lexington touring, first-class shape: good rubber; a bargain. Call Bdwy. 532. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET for sale by nu-ner: appearance and mechanical con dition good. Phone Sellwood 3330. fS5-FORD TOURING. NEW TIRES NEW PAINT, GOOD SHAPE. 095 DAVIS. WE8T SIDE AT 21ST. Tois "CHEVROLET in good condition. Woodlawn 23S7. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BtOKERAGE. .All standard makes. Call and' look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terras. FORD TOURING, tires almost new, fine mechanical condition, demount able rims, speedometer ......$400 FORD ROADSTER, 1919. good tires. 1920 llcentte $550 CASE TOURING, repainted, good tires. self-starter, electric lights. .(375 MAXWELL TOURING, good paint, over size tires, mechanically right, $300 METZ 1918. in fine condition; this car has only been run 4000 miles, $450 STUDEBAKER. six cylinders mechan ically in fine condition; leather upholstery $4o0 CHEVROLET. 1917, in fine condition. good tires, must be sold this week $550 CHEVROLET. 1919. good tires, in fine mechanical condition $i00 STUDEBAKER llffht four, five tires, paint and upholstery In fine shape $50 OLDSMOBILE 6, 7-pass.. ideal stage car. Priced ...$faj0 MAXWELL TOURING, 1918. looks like new. five good tires, used only In city $' CHEVROLET TOURING, 1918. in fine condition, tires practically new. for ., W OVERLAND MODEL 90, five good tires, bumper, spotlight, good me chanical condition $750 OAKLAND, 1018, light six. looks like new, five good tires and refln lshed $900 BUICK LIGHT SIX, five good tires, new top. reflnlshed In blue $1050 BUICK 7-pas.. in perfect condition, five cord tires, for quick sale. ... $1300 CHANDLER. 1918, looks like new, ex cellent mechanical condition; only $1450 STUDEBAKER. 1919. light six, run only 2300 miles, cord tires, 175 WILLYS-KNIGHTt .7-pass.. runs better than a new one; a bargain for quick sale. C. G. BLEASDALE. 530 Alder. Broadway 1852. WILLAMETTE GAS. ENG. WKS. East 3d and Burnside. Tel. East 653. 1919 WTI.LT3 SIX. Fine shape. 1118 0-CTL. OI.DSMOBILK. Like new. iniS SUPER SIX HUDSON. Fine shape. 191H MAXWELL. Been run BO00 mUes. 1017 fl-PTI. I'W .IVROT.KT. ChcaD. 1017 HUP MOBILE. One of the good Iftlfl OWEVTOLET. Model 490. 1918 FORD HOAWTBR. Elect, starter. 1916 FORD DELIVERY. Working every dav. 1912 BUICK ROADSTER. $275. 19.1.8 DODGE TOURING. B50. All cars f-verhsuled in our own shop before offered for aale. 1918 MAXWELL in dandy shape; this is a real buy as you will admit. 1917 CHEVROLET touring. 1915 STUDEBAKER 6. make us an offer. 1917 STUDEBAKER 6. 1915 FORD .CHASSIS, perfect condi tion. COLUMBIA AUTO SALES. 345 Union Ave. N. East 66. USED CHEVROLET3. We are the headauarters for these cars; our prices are reasonable; each ea1 is In good condition and terms that wli suit you. TOURING CARS. ROADSTERS AND DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 490 CHEVROLET TOURING. 1916 1918 1017 1919 All good and at the right price: tcrirn no brokerage. BROADWAY 2411.. 631 ALDER ST. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on 1920 new Maxwell. Will take Ford. Dodge. Chevrolet or Maxwell as part payment on brand new 1920 Maxwell and give terms for balance.- CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. SAFETY FIRST. You take no risk and you save much money in buying a guaranteed Used Paige from the Cook & Gill Co., Paige distributors. Only four left. Easy terms, but hurry. See Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281. COLE "EIGHT" CHUMMY. Here's one that will hit your sport ing blood. Come in and see it. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. 1918 OVERLAND Country Club, first class in every respect, 5 wire wheels and tires. This is a dandy little car. Let us demonstrate this one. Easy terms. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th & Couch. Bdwy. 121. WE WILL pay spot cash for light and medium-weight cars in good condition Don't bring us any Junk. THE COOK & GILL CO.. 11th and Burnside. Ask for Mr. Argo. 1919 DIXIE FLYER. Driven 4000 mf.es: cord tires. A new car at the price of an oia one. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. 1917 BUICK light six. 5-passenger. in ex cellent conamon; only run 12.000 miles all good tires, new spare tire; the best buy in the city. uuo. can owner. Mr. Rothschild, Bdwy. 115 or Mr. Knox, at Bdwy. liao. OVERLAND touring, good mechanical con dition; good tires. Will sacrifice X40U ana give terms. urand ave. North, near Kurnalde. STUDEBAKER. 1918. B-cyiinder D l.nv model roadster, perfect condition. 8A0 last isurnsiae si. CHEVROLET. 1913. Al condition. A real bargain t $bo. terms, jo Grand-, ave. Iortn, near Burnaioe. BARGAIN Must sell my Oldamohll a . 1018, 7-pas.. looks like new; 5 nearly- new Cora urc c. lull". 1917 HUDSON' speedster, in fine ronrii tion. good tires. This car is a bargain and win give terms. rnone .Mar. 1G13. 1918 STUDEBAKER, 7-PASS., IN GOOD COND1T1UK. "".1- IKAD1S FOR FOKL. Dr.i..uu. i si, rilllLLAC touring. 115 model. 4 hue. gain, $475, with terms. 30 Grand ave, North, near Burnside. 1913 FORD, cheap for cash, pood condition Owner, 4245 43th ave. S. Ji., Woodstock . II f 8AXON six touring, late '17, best of condi tion, $475, half cash; must, sell, financla! reasons. BJ 322. Oregonlan. 1918 FORD for sale. Good mechanical conditibn. See owner. 264 Davis, bet. 3d ana fin. HERE is a bargain 83-B Overland, good jrtecnaniuai tuuumun, tuvu ruooer. so-5 Sellwood 462. FORD delivery. Al condition; good tires. A real bargain for $275; terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 PAIGE 6 Five-pass., cord tires and extras; owner must sell quickly; $450 down will nandle. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 1918 CHEVROLET. $400. 414 Gllsan St., cor. 10th. AN excellent Ford chassis at the right price. 3S9 Everett st. Broadway 151. FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring body; Al shape. $75. Phone Marshall 5763. CRACKER-JACK SALE Where you can get a real bar gain in a used automobile. 1919 MAXWELL. like new.. 700 1918 MAXWELL, overhauled and repainted. In first class condition 650 1917 MAXWELL automobile, all gone over in the shoD then repainted: fine, small, up-to-date automobile 1919 CHEVROLET First class condition 700 OVERLAND, model 85. all in good condition WILLYS-OVERLAND 6. over hauled and repainted; cord tires 950 STUDEBAKER condition .... -All In fine KISSEL SEDAN All In fine shape: runs good and ap pears Just like new 1917 CHALMERS Light 6 If you want a good car that has been put through the shop and repainted, a bar gain, look at this 900 1918 CHALMERS Hot Spot Light 8. all fine and looks like new 1100 1919 CHALMERS: good buy. 1350 HUDSON LIGHT 6. the 6-40 car. in fine running condi tion as is 650 ANOTHER HUDSON Light 6 that has been overhauled and repainted .. ....... HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 1916 HUDSON Super Six that we have overhauled and re painted: we give you the same guarantee as a fac tory does on a new car.... 1200 1918 HUDSON Super Six: we have overhauled it and re painted It. You are given the same guarantee as the factory does on a new car. 1750 HUDSON Limousine, late model, great buy: looks Just like new 2400 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 613-617 Washington St.. Portland. AT OUR BIG REMOVAL SALS OF USED CARS WE OFFER A 1020 CASE. 7-pass.. 6-cyl.: like new. 1910 MITCHELL, 7-pass., as new. 1019 MITCHELL. 5-pass., very little. 6-cyl.: good 6-cyl.: used 1914 BUICK. 2-pass.. 4-eyL 1017 MITCHELL, 2-pass., 6-cyl. 1919 JORDAN. 7-pass.. 6-cyL 1018 MITCHELL. 4-pass.. 6-cyl.. ch'mT. 1918 MITCHELL. 5-pass.. 6-cyL and many others of various makes. Used Car Department. Open Sunday 10 to 4. MITCHELL, LEWIS- STAVER CO.. East First and East Morrison Sts. Phones: East 7272. Automatic 212-16. HUPMOBILES. 1 1916 HUP TOURING. 2 1917 HUP TOURING. JUST BEEN OVERHAULED. GUARANTEED IN EVERY WAY. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave. East 6563. 1918 CHEVROLET COUNTRY CLUB ROADSTER. A dandy little car at a very low price; wheels. Dumper, spouisni. TERMS. BROADWAY NO BROKERAGE. 2411. 631 ALDER ST. LATE 1917 OLDS 8, excellent shape: spot- lizht. motometer. Slue wiau.-tiiuiua, e tia tire and rims, new cord tires on rear. SOME buy at $030; your own terms. TERMINAL GARAGE. Cor. 5th and Hoyt. Broadway 15S BUGS. BUGS. BUGS. All kinds of them. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. 1918 FORD TOURING. Newly painted, Keleey body, one-man tou. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. LATE MODEL CHEWROLET BUG nnlntpil a beautiful robins egg blu This is without a doubt the classiest In NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3G96. BUY FROM OWNER. Almost new Paige with A Goodyear safetv tread tires and wire wheels, spot light and motometer: appraised at $1800 present value, will take $500 less, all cash. 215 Tenth. 1917 GRANT 6, Just repainted, new top, s;ood tiros and mecnanicaiiy in first- class shape: must be seen to be appr ciated. Ask for Hooker evenings i Sunday. M. A M. garage, cor. Hoyt and 11th sts. Phone Kroaoway mu. pnnn 1916 Come, have a good look good top, new paint, good tires, shock aDSOroers, Fpceuumcim, hcwij u aauir and only !: terma. TERMINAL GARAGE. Cor. 5th and Hoyt. Broadway 1566. 3918 DODGE TOURING. Will sell this car for $975 cash..- Car is in fine running condition and look new. Call Tabor 8152 or see., car at 21 Washington street. AUTO, by owner, 6 cylinders, 5 passenger, Studebaker. clover leaf roadster. A-l condition. 1918 model. 19 series, cost ' $1975. wilt take $75 if sold this week. Tavlor. 431 E. 37th St. . HAYNEa SEDAN. - 7-passenger, like new. with Westingr house shock absorbers, cord tires; a fine car. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington sts. Bdwy. 1614. 1917 REO, 5-passenger, new top. good fin ish, spotlight, tires In good condition; must sell at once; a good buy at S650. Call Mortworih. Bdwy. 1130. or McChes- ney. Bdwy. 266. CHANDLER. 1018 7-passenger with f Ive cord tires, motometer and bumper, in perfect con dition. A. C. STEVENS. 10th and Weshington sts. Bdwy. 1614. REAL snap. Overland bug: a good one; Just overhauled; good tires, starter: $275. 383 Everett su Broadway 15L USED CAR DEPT. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. . 68-60 23d St. N. Main 780. VELIE 6-eyI. touring car. Must be sold at once. Fine condition, paint and top like new. good rub ber and a fine motor. At a bar gain price, $1250. MITCHELL, 7 pass.. 6 cyl.. fine shape. Will sell cheap. A good . car for little money. If you are interested in a good Mitchell, don't fail to see this car. , OVERLAND, model 00. "Country Club, in fine condition, new tires, good top and fine mechanically. The best-car for the money. Be sure to see it. Mr. Fiuhart, Main 780. OLDSMOBILE. 8 cyl.. fine con dition. Will sell for $8O0 for quick aale. Let me show you what a nice, snappy little car this is. FORD TON TRUCK. worm drive, first-class condition. Test it any way you like; guaranteed O. K.; $550. OVERLAND model 85 touring. 6-cyl., newly painted and in first class condition every way, new top, good rubber and a bargain at $900. SAXON 6 cyl. touring car. Just been put in very best of condition, light and economical, ' quiet, amooth and powerful car. No rea sonable offer refused. Be sure to aee this car before buying. Every car we sell is guaranteed. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1 1914 Ford touring 1 10 IS Ford touring. 2 191S Ford toufing. 5 1917 Ford touring. 4 1918 Ford touring. 4 1918 Ford touring 1 1917 Ford del I vary. 11917 Ford coupe. 1 lllfl Ford coupe. 1 ii Ford sedan. 1 1919 Ford sedan. MY3KS AUTO CO. 188 Grand ave. Open Eves. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Look then over before you buy. EASY TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. 65-71-73-75 Grand ave.. cor. Stark. (Morgan-Atchley bldg.) OPEN SUNDAYS. EVENINGS THE OUT-OF-DOOR MAN'S CAR. "STUTZ." famous l-alve motor; low, racy auspension; expensively equipped with motometer, wire wheels, spotlight. Hart- rord racing shock absorbers, cord tires. our modern expert mechanics adiust and rebuild all Stutz cars for res-ale : new car guarantee and service. For imme diate delivery, seriea S roadster. th model that Is in such demand; also spe- -ieni(rr. i-iace your order rof a reoum sttutz at tne price of an ordi nary car. ALITOR EST MOTOR SALES CO.. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. lentn at Mimon. 1020 DODGE. Immediate delivery of 1920 Dod touring car: run less than 1000 miles $1300. ROM Chamber of Commerce bldg iw residence Alain 32-.J. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled 120 Rear axle overhauled A Valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto recharged 5, We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. 1918 5-PASS. PAIGE. 5 splendid tires. newly painted, in A-l mechanical con dition; run about 10.000 miles: Just like a now car. See this one if you want a splendid car. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th at Couch. Bdwy. 121. DODGE. A late model Dodge bought Sept.. 1918. run only in citv by present owner and looks and runs like new. 5 cord tires. 2 of them brand new. Leaving for California. Cash only. Price $1050. a saving of $.100 over coat of new one and immediate delivery. Phone East 7S2S. 1918 PAIGE, 7-psse.. all equipped for a for-hire car. This car ia In perfect shape mechanically and appearance: 4 ford tires. If you are in the market for a stage or hire car be sure and aee this one. 1920 llrense. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th & Couch. Bdwy. 121. 1018 5-PASSENGER BUICK. 1918 Five-pasaenger Buick fully equipped: the price is right. See It at N. E. cor. Broadway and Burnside ata RAINEY & SCHIFFER. Phone Broadway 31. OAKLAND SEDAN. A nifty family ear. MYERS AUTO CO., 188 Grand ave. Open Evenings. SMALL MITCHELL SIX. l18, with good tires, extra tubes and tire, new paint. In good condition, looks . " a new. rrlv $870. i it? rt,ons Woodlawn 2313 after J914 CADILLAC. $850 Five cord tires; car in fine easy terms. shape; P. H. DUNN. 1652 East 13th at. Sellwood 1333, 019 OLDSMOBILE touring car. aImo"t new. driven only 260O miles. Just broke in. bumper, motometer, extra tire tube and tire cover; a new car at a blsr sav ing: $loOO. some terms. Phone FlnuH.i,. 4G34. j 1917 4-CYL, Bulck. S-oassenree In cellent condition, newly painted, all good tires. (2 new), spare tire, spot light mirror and several other extras. $750' Call owner. Sellwood 1343 or Mrs. Knox at Broadway 11.10. FOR SALE 1918 6-cyIlnder Studebaker automobile, first-class condition: six cord tires and all extras: mechanically perfect ; used privately. Phone owner. Main 3453 or Wdln. 5275. TWO late model Maxwell cars, uaed short time by local Maxwell factory branch: guaranteed condition. Will demonstrate: $875 for immeniate sale. Phone East tJl, or appiy aimwcii jaotor sales cor poratlon, 363 E. Oregon st. INSURANCE. FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY EXILE BURKITT. AGENT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO MAIN 1800. LIGHT BUICK touring, run less thai 10.OOO mllea; new paint Job. Innka 111. brand new car. O. K. mechanically good tires. Price $1100, with terms. l- down. Mr. Argo, nroaaway dsi. OVISKbAM' live-passenger. used bnt never abused, for sale by private owner at t.iw, ierm. ir is in excellent con- CHEVROLET touring, overhauled, painted extra good tires: looks and run. nn. must sell and will take best offer and MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, ax'.es. we wrecK ait maicea or cars and Mil their parts at half price. David Hodes 1920 CHANDLER Over 200 worth of extras, guaranteed condition; snap if sold at once. BARNES. 71 Broadway. Bdwy. 2162. FOR SALE 1919 Baby Grand" 4 ISe" tires, x gooa extra; nrst-class condi tion: sj. terms. j. k. Morgan. 711 FOR SALE at discount, contract on new Overiana lour. inquire at upper fii 586 Weat Gllsan. T 92. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for piano or city lot Maxwell car. Phone Tabor 7094. after 5:30 r-. 00. HUDSON speedster. 1920: used privately Owner will sacrifice and give lerms. 3 'irar.tl ave. near uurnsine. 191 7 . APPERSON Chummy 6. cheap: this is no Junk. u l.ovcjoy. xfin 6329. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. One of the important reasons why our place of business is most interesting to the automobile buyer lies in the knowl edge that under a, most acceptable policy a great variety of motor cars may be found from which to make your selection. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1019 Touring $1125 1918 Tourlne 075 1917 Touring 925 1916 Touring 750 WIS Touring B73 1919 roups 1850 1917 Sedan l:HM) 1U1U Chassis 850 1 panel delivery body for small car. good shape, cheap $ 50 101X DOIHJfc: delivery 975 1U17 OVERLAND delivery 550 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good tires r-j.-j 1918 FORD Sedan, electric starter 775 1017 FORD touring- 450 1919 OVERLAND 90. a remark able buv 77J loiil OVERLAND tour'lngl 'oniy '. '. .V0 1016 REO tourlna good value BOO 1016 B-40 HUDSON 925 1912 CADILLAC, good service car 400 litis BUICK roadster, a beauty.. 1S00 1917 BUICK touring 1U50 1917 BUICK. 4-cyl.. touring 775 1919 VELIE sport model, onlv.. 1750 1018 STUDEBAKER SIX. good shape, new top. new paint 1000 1919 FRANKLIN. 5 cord tires, demountable rims. 2 bumpers, wind deflectors, .lust like new 2500 CADILLAC MOTOR CARS. We are proud that we have these reailv fine cars to otfer upon such a reasonable Da-i. 1918 touring car. in perfect condi tion, a beautiful car at a very rea sonable figure $3600 ivih. 4-pass.. equipped with Westinghouse shock absorbers: a remarkably attractive car 3730 1913 roadster, newly painted.... 1250 It gives us great pleasure to offer these cars to you on very easy payments. We are open Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington SL at 21st. Main 6244. SEE THESE REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. LARGE HUPMOBILE. PERFECT CONDITION. A SNAP $1000 -PASS. PAIGE. NEWLY PAINT ED; A BEAUTY l STUDEBAKER ROADSTER. PER FECI MECHANICAL CONDI TION J 1916 FORD. OVERHAULED. GOOD SHAPE I 191S ANDERSON DEMONSTRA TOR. RUN 000 MILES. AT A SAVING OF 300 SEVERAL OTHERS. CALL AND LOOK. EASY TERMS ON ALL. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO.. Ill 13TH ST.. BET. WASHINGTON AND STARK STS. OPEN SUNDAY 10 TILL 3. CHEVROLETS. 1916 CHEVROLETS. 1917 CHEVROLETS. 1918 CHEVROLETS. 1919 CHEVROLETS. These are great bnrgalns and all are ! ia tne, pes 01 condition. M. MOTOR CAR CO. 353-355 Burnside St. 654 HUDSON in perfect shape mechan ically, good tires; will make a dandv stags car. terms. Fbr sale at a bargain, easy SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th & Couch. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour. ins car, almost new; bargain; five good FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT. Cord equipment- I 11 yju are in tne irarKet for a real car, this should be your choice. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. 1918 BUICK In fine shape mechanically. good paint, pantasole top and fairly I goou uren. easy lerms. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th & Couch. Bdwy. 121. I'Jio .vil tVHi.LL, seat covers, spotlight, ex tra tire and rim; Just overhauled; a snap 11 ,010; your own lerms. TERMINAL GARAGE. Cor. 3th and Hoyt. Broadway 1386. 1918 FORD TOURING. T.lk j new. Over side tires. 5150 will handle. NINETEENTH ANO COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. ATTENTION. 1918 STUIlEliAKER DKLIVSRT In the best of condition, for sale or trade for passenger. Communicate with own er, AB 374, Oregonlan. 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. Driven 2700 miles. Cord equipment. You must hurry to secure this one. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 36UC 1918 REO s-ton delivery, dandy tires and newly painted; in fine shape; cheap at $75A); terms. TERMINAL GARAGE, Cor. 5th and Hoyt. Broad-way 156. WE HAVE the largest selection of late model used cars in 1'ortlanu. at very easy terms. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3096. LATE OVERLAND touring; private owner: car like new; all new non-sKia tires, self-starter, new battery, etc.; new paint, top, etc.: will guarantee and give terms. b45 E. Stark. MODEL 90 OVERLAND. Like new, at hlr mlD. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 8096. VELIE. 1919 5-passenger in excellent condi tion, tires all good, spare tire on rear. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington sts. Bdwy. 114. 1918 ELGIN CHUMMY. These cars are ver-v scarce. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3096. 1919 BUICK 5-passenger touring; all cord tirea. good spare tire, spotugut. Dumper; only run 0500 miles; car as good aa netv: $1525. Owner. Main 2324 or Mr. Knox, Bdwy. 11.10. 85-4 OV3RLAND New top. new paint Job. new tires. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. 1918 DODGE COUPE, in dandy shape: has only been driven 8600 miles: 1K20 li cense, fine cord tires and Is like a new car. Call Hackett. Marshall 3018 even- Ingg. Will sacrifice. 1919 DORT TOURING at the pries of a I Ford. NINETEENTH AND COUCH. Bdwy. 3606. FORD touring in good running order, good naint. top. tires, shock absorbers, spot light intensiflers and other extras; $3.Vt cash, or some terms. Tabor 5207. 1U73 Division st. ford touring, good mechanical condi tion- good tires. A real bargain fori $.125; terms. 30 Grand ava. North, near Burnside cl-uii-i; R FRANKLIN TOURING Thor oughly overhauled and repainted: car In fine conamon; vei mm. dwit uiti uo.. 11th at Burnside. MAXWELL, 1917, Al condition; good paint, good tires. Bargain at $550. with terms. 30 Grand ave. -ortn, near Burn side. tftlfi FORD touring, atarter type, no starter. run 43H miles, perfect condition, $75 extras. fS.V). Tapor i.'u. litis CHANDLER CHUMMY. $1425 Ford aa first payment, balance easy terma: no insurance, cast u,n. OVERLAND tourln-t. A-l condition: must leave city. Big sacrifice. East 6632. WE'VE BEEN ASKED THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BUYING A USED CAR FROM US AND BUYING ONE ANY OLD It all sums itself up in the fact that "We are not used car deal era." Every used car in stock was traded in as part payment on new STANDARDS. PETERSONS and MONROES, which means that our profit was made in the aale of the new car. It also means that we get in a lot of 'em. that we have to turn them out as fast as they come In. and that we are naturally well enough pleased if we get all we paid for 'em. This fact that we are an es tablished distributive agency for aeveral wall-known atandard makea of new cara naturally means that the same high ctaxs methods of doing business that prevail in disposing of new cara are In vogue tn the work of dis posing of the used cars. Thu. when we place our knowledge of new and uaed cars back of our purchase as la necessarily the case when you purchase here you are assured of clean-cut mer chandising and close margins all along the line. Among the cars now ready for you to drive away at a moment'a notice are: APPERSONS HALVES BUICKS OLDSMOBILE 89 COLES CUTTING BUGS FORDS R. C. H. BUGS CHALMERS STUDEBAKERS REOS OAKLANDS SPEEDWELLS VELIES WINTONS LAMBERTS OVERLANDS MITCHELLS REGALS PAIGES DODGES SAXONS FRANKLINS MAXWELLS and Excelsior Motorcycles (with lid car). Think it over and remember tile difference in buying here. You wouldn't buy diamonds except from an established, responsible dealer; you wouldn't buy real es tate without a deed: you wouldn't deposit your money In a bank that was not known to be reliable. Why should you be less careful about where you buy a used car? Let'a look them over together you to decide what make you pre fer how you want to pay It and away you go. ready for the road and ready to go to the end al- ways sure that your car will bring you back. The well-known dependable "Obye Policy" holds good in this aale a square deal. Liberty bonds accepted. LOUIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO.. Used Car Department. 12 Grand Ave. And Broadway and Couch. COUPE. l.ate model Chevrolet fn beautiful mn. dition; has extras. This car wirl cost you practically w hat an open cs r would cost you and will give terms that wiil suit you, FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1017 BUICK SIX ROADSTER. Cord tires with snare, bumpers, soot. light, good condition; at a real price; terms; no Drokcra.se. This Is a fine buy. BROADWAY 2411. 531 ALDER ST. 119 CHEVROLET touring. 3 good tires. spotlight, good paint and flrst-claea me chanically: 102O license. Be sure and see this one. $H5 and eaey terms. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th fc Couch. Bdwy. 121. DODGE TOURING. Dodges don't stay on our floor long. Act quick. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 13th and Washington. 1918 BRISCOE. This ia a dandy car for the price. just Deen overnauiea ana rune like a clock. Good tires. $700, easy payments. SIMONTON' MOTOR CAR CO. 14th A Couch, Bdwy. 121. 1918 HUDSON speedster, none better than this one; looks like new anu penorras equal to any: new cord tires. NINETEENTH and COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. BUG MATERIAL. We have a number of "wrecks'" you can buy at your cwn price. Will make great bugs Hupp. Rambler. Case. Over- AUTOMVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont Su Phone E. 60.,,. STUDEBAKER roadster. J91 .. 3-pas . nlV TeW T flflVl II U II 1 1 1 . I & I II . Keen In starase balance of time; looks and runs like new: guaranteed: won derfnl buy for $6xt with lerms. 89-91 N 9TH. NEAR FLANDERS. PACKARD. OLD BUT GOOD; RUNS FINE, 1230. 47 NORTH 9TH. 1918 MODEL 90 Overland. This car is like new and S2Wi win handle. NINETEENTH and COUCH. Bdwy. 3696 CHEVROLET louring. 1016. mechanically perfect, guaranteed; a good car ror the man who has not much money. $450, with terms. 89-91 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. FORD BUG; A BEAUTY: $150 DOWN, BALANCE EASY. 47 NORTH 9TH. SAXON SIX. in Al condition: looks lik new; must sell. A Dargaln at $675 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. Big USED CARS. Prices Stock right. No misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CASH OR TERMS. " Just Brl-ig an Honest Face AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY 43Q-34 Belmont St, Phone K. BQ57. M.IXB ELL touring. 1916; motor in Al condition. A real bargain. $400, with v - - hi., i iii u ave. ,-ortn, near ij urn side. STODDARD-DAYTON bug, good runn4n( uiuci , 1 1 1 ii i-1 i -rr i-1 1 iii i once; Slou TERMINAL OARAfJE, Cor. 5th and Hoyt. Broadway 1586. 1918 FORD SEDAN, excellent mechanical CO li u 1 1 1 ii 1 1- 11 . 1 1 - run 1 1 miles: selt starter n an tne extras: price $725. some terms, call sellwood 11 1 . MAXWELL. 1919. in the best of condi tion: good paint, good tires. A real bargain. $930; terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. A FORD auto by private owner: complete ly overhauled. Phone Col. 283 after 7 p. M. or can be seen at 1227 Lombard. Best buy In the city. DODGE CAR. LATE '19. S-PARSENGER, A-l CONDITION, FOR SALE. 100 2f. 17TH ST.. AFTER 6 P. M. SOME HARE BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1920 VELIE touring at a discount. 1010 MOON touring;. 1018 WILLYS-KNIGHT. 1918 BUICK light 6. a snap. 1917 DODGE touring. 1017 CHANDLER chummy. 1917 JEFFERY :oadster. 3917 OAKLAND touring. 191S MAXWELL touring. 1917 CHEVROLET touring. 1918 FORD tourins. THESE CASS ARE ALL IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE AND WILL GIVE YOU SERVICE AND VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. RED CAP MOTOR SALES. 409 STARK. BDWY. 3961. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 4:iO-34 Belmont St. Phone E. titi."7. WEEK-END SPECIALS. Don't spend another Sunday without a car. ror.l Touring Cnr In fine shape... 4.-.0 iwunnn Ai-iner one rord Roadster Oood bargain 4 Chevrolet 40(1 Touring See this. . . hevrolet 4110 Touring Another.. Dodire Tourins; See this one 7 Dodge Touring Another one s Grant Six A retl bargain Overlnnrt Tourlnar Light four 475 Overlanl Touring Hig four 425 OveeUnd Big Six Some bus 7.-. Klrin Sport Model Almost new... lr.no Lexington Sport Good as new.... lii.'.o rve.i new car completely equipped 1450 Dixie Flyer Slightly used 12: Oakland Touring. 1017 See this Oakland Touring Late 1918....! Packard Some bus thla or.e Scrlpps-Booth Roadster Nifty .. Chaimern In fine condition Kle-in riium-nt A beautiful car. EliTin Touring Sllchtlv run 7511 sr.n ST.". 773 075 975 1600 An 1 a Lot More. We have the nicest selection of good need cars in town. Come and pick out yours. CASH OR TERM? Just Bring an Honest Face Oren Eveninrs. Open Sund'nvs AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY 4W-14 Belmont St. Phone K. 6.157. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder st. 1016 Ford Roadster $aio 1918 Ford 472 1918 Ford 430 1916 Ford Iate model Ford bug S50 .Cheap 300 373 Cadillac bag 1918 Maxwell ; 191T Maxwell 50 OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. EASY TERMS. 450 A-I AUTO WORKS & PAINTING Co.. 525 Alder st. 1 FOR HIRE CARS. Ni.-e big 7-passenger equipment prices that will fit any pure. 1918 CADILLAC 8 JSdtlo 1913 CADILLAC 8 14011 1917 COLE 8 J-..V, 1018 CHANDLER 6 '. 14.10 1918 STUDEBAKER 6 1OI10 1913 WINTON 6 00 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, e Washington st. at 21st. Main 15214. USED CAR BUYERS. Come down and look over our stock of used cars. You do not have to buy. Just pick out a good one you like before the spring rush begins. Used cars will be scarce and the prices are going up. H. Jb M. MOTOR CAR CO.. 353-335 Burnside. USED AUTO BARGAINS. 1 Velle. $1030. 4 Overlands. from $250 to $750. 1 Franklin. $700. 1 Maxwell. JSOO. 1 Chevrolet roadster. $373. 15 Fords. $275 to $-.00. 10 cars, (ion tn $2O0. 5 Ford Bugs. $350 to $450. 1 I.lppert Stuart truck. 1-ton. $2 1 Bulck ton truck. $600. Reasonable terms. LONG SILVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave. CHANDLER. 6-CTLINDER .TOURINO car in dandy condition, 5 tires, for $SO0. is is a real ouy. car toons line. BROADWAY 2411. 331 ALDER ST. LISTEN. FOLKS! The East Side Bunch Speaking. Would you. honestly, deny yourself and your xamiiy tne pleasures or a good automobile when you, ran buy one of our slightly used cars for such a small payment down? Just bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 4'0il4 Belmont St. Phone E. 61.-.7. FRANKLIN TOURING. No need of saying anything about a Franklin. Thla one is aa good as the best. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, luth and Washington. 1018 MAXWELL. Just overhauled, cood paint: a dandy car for the price. $600. and very easv terms. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th 4c Couch. Bdwy. 121. 1920 FORD coupe, like new: tires show no fdgns of wear whatever: run 12no miles: has had lest of care: $100 worth of extra equipment: total value $1011 ; owner will sell for $930. Call Citv Ga raee. 12th. bet. Alder and Wash, sts. OAKLAND SIX, LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW ; MUST SAUKiriLK: TERMS. 47 NORTH BTH. 1918 CHEVROLET 4-0O. 5-passens-er. only run 78O0 miles, all on city streets: all new non-skid tires, good spare tire: car looks and runs like new; $700. Call own er Main 77SO or Mr. Knox, Broadway 1130. CADILLAC RUNS FINE. $150. 47 NORTH 9TH. FORD TON TRUCK. 38.-.. A real stronjr, well-built Ford 1 truck. See thla. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 4?0-34 Belmont St. Phone F.. 6n57 1919 DORT touring, a classy small car, the price of a Ford. MNLTEENTH and COUCH. Bdwy. 3696. 1017 Fonn. IOIS FORD. ii Kurd delivery. 1919 MAXWELL. FORD BUG. 1918 t'OI.E. OVERLAND MODEL S3. These have foi See Torn e some of the bargains we Sundav, and many others. N. W. COR. 14TH & COUCH SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING. 1916 OVERLAND 6. fine shapo SMI 1917 REO 4 7im 1019 NASH 1 I"" 191!t PATTERSON 1.Mhi 1919 HUDSON sedan 2-V.n 1P1S SAXON 7no 1019 CASE -'!"" 1017 CHALMERS 4?-l 188 10TH ST. MARSHALL 232. Opposite Library. REAL CLASS. Four-passenger 1919 Studebaker six the best of condition. Don't pass it u THE USED CAR 15th and Wa EXCHANGE, shington. OVERLAND ROADSTER. Model 91. completely ove-hauled: f : .e dandy Flsk tires, new paint and good top; a bea'utiful runabout. MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 Grand ave. Near Taylor. CHEVROLETS. CHEVROLETS. HOW MANY DO YOU WANT? WE HAVE THEM. PRICED RIGHT MYERS AUTO CO., 18S Grand ave. WE hrtve two good Ford tourings car e-i hand: both of them are In good cor.d. tion: prices $375 and $475 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR' CAR CO . . 14th and Aider. Broadway 24i. 101S PA IOE convertible roadster. i'o lhoe that want something different and want a speedy car come and tr this out. Priced rirht. essv terms. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th fc Couch, Bdsy. 121. FORDS, right-priced Fords are THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. J5lh and Washington. CHEVROLET bug. beautiful b;tio paint body, in fact this I the classiest bug in Job. new tires, ne without a doubt tow n. NINETEENTH and COUCH. Bdwy. 3696 1918 CHEVROLET ROADSTER, condition. $600 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. and Aider. Broadway 210. 1919 NASH 5-pass. touring: good rubber, just out of slinp and is in splendid condition. Priced to sell quick. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO. 14th & Couch. Bdwy. 121. BY OWNER. 1017 Keo 4. f :r.t-class mechanical con dition, good tires and spnrc. new top. apottlffht: $025. Car can be Keen at my office. 104 u Oak at., Saturday or Sun day forenoon. 1918 FORD touring, new tires and in won derful shape: $150 will handle. NINETEENTH and COUCH. Udwy. 3GIH! FORD TOURING car bargain: I have a 1918 model. In good condition and wit.i good tires: 1 will give you a snap price on it. Call me in the evening. Adams. Broadway 4152. FORD ROADSTER, JUST OVERHAULED. $425 ON TERMS. 47 NORTH 9TH. HUDSON Super Six. Just been complete overhauled, guaranteed and service given same as new car; an exceptionally good buv for $700, with terms. 80-91 9TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. SAXON SIX. A DANDY LIGHT SIX. $tMHl. TtiKMs. 47 NORTH 0TH. FORD coupe, aimost new. Una of the latest models, has electric lights ann starter, bumper, special steering wheel and 1020 license. Has only been run a iww miles. Call Flke. Bdvy. 14WV 1010 HAYNES. like new, your offer may tske it awav. NINETEENTH and COUCH. Bdwy. 360H HL"SON speedsters, two of these, botn been overhauled and repainted: guaran teed and service given same as new car. many extras: $16iH and Jtl7n0; terms. 8!l-H1 0TH ST.. NEAR FLANDERS. Automobiles vtameo. TIM BER-AUTO trade; owner offers HI acres. 50 heavily timbered, nr. spruce. C. and H-, unincumbered, lower Colum bia river H mile, low value $3000, an1 cash for late high-grade roadster; prefer Stutx Bearcat. Marshall 4314. W F. WANT cars. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make tha: car m.'an mon.-y to you. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. .'31 Alder St. Broadway 2796 WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THS USB.D CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownadale St. S. W. Comer. 15th and Washington. FOR SALE Or will trade, ij acre with small house on 94th street S. K.. for light car. Must be in good condition, plione Tabor bitl2. WE ARK in the market for used cara Drive them In and walk awav with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. WANTED Ford than 1017 mod touring car. not older win pay cash; no dca - ers. Phone Main 039: WILL pay spot cash for 1919 Ford with starter: prefer to deal with private owner. V ltitt. Oregonlan. WANT to buy liprht car; quick deal. pa cash. Tabor 4573. Motorcyrlea. USED MOTORCYCLES. All makes, terma if desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST bIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand avenue. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-2O6 3D ST. MAIN 6139. NEW HARLE Y-DA VIDSON MOTuK CYCLE. CAI-L lol N. 11TH ST. 1919 ELECTRIC Henderson. A-l $300 cash: $325 terms. Columbia shape. b2U. Aoto Tires and Accessories. FOR SALE Two new 4 H x.15-lnch. Fisk nnnskid S. S. fabric casings, $35 each. Main 681. FOR SALE AMBU electric trouDie moot er, complete: cheap. nm. Cook, loul' A. box y. fornaua. Automobile for Hire AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1020 modela. reasonable rates. 132 12th street, between Washington and Alder. Broadway 640. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON3. LO W N SO ALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. O. N. SMITH, THIRD AND O LIS AN STS. A 262U. BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mat, 232. lOTti AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF A- BENNE.TT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GASAUt, 3D AND TAYLOR, MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3347. FOR SALT TRCCKB AND TRACTORS. WILL sell reasonable. 2 Federal trucks, one 2-ton, brand new; also l-ton, uttd or wsnt work for 1 or both. Phone East 4451. SACRIFICE 191S 14-lon Ford truck top. express body, etc.: need money; $350, good shape. Main 2OO0. FOR SALE One 2-ton IrucK with 15-foot wheel base. One 3 -ton truck. Both In first-class condition. Call East 1169. KEW"5i4-tor. trailer, coat" T 050 ; fell $006; small payment, easy terma Wiliiams, Alder hotel. 3-TON White truck: motor rebored and In excellent condition; consider good lour ins car for part. 30 F.verctt, WANT truck for income-bearing properiy Red Ash Coal Co.. Vancouver, Wasu I 4