18 THE MORNING OREGOXIA.X. FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1920 BEA L .ESTATE. Su bur bam Homn. BERRIES AND I'OfLTRT. CL.Otffi.lN SUBURBAN FARM. An Actual Bargain. fi acres, 2 miles from city limits, just off hard-surface road; lies beauti fully, with flue view; all In culti vation and seeded; lots of berries, tmia.ll house and outbuildings; Bull Run water on premises, gas If de fired. - This place is Hplendtdly adapted to poultry and berries and it is a find at the price, $2750. with cash, balance on mortgage at G per cent. MacIXXES & PRATT, Main 3K0s. 4U Board of Trade Bldg. 1 ACRE, all cult.: "-room house, city water, chicken house for ItiO hens; 6 bearing prune trees, all kinds of berries; near Alberta car. Pric $2100, terms. 14 acres, edge of city, all cult.: goou 4-roum plastered house with ivment basement; city water, small barn. 25 bearing cherry trots, near Mt. Scott car; $25oo, term. F. H. Jesse. 5 -7 Corbet t building. WOXDERFITj view home. Mt iDKHN BUNGALOW $.P5d. Ml'LTVOMAll DISTRICT. Only 2 years old and modern as you could v i:ih 4 rooms and sleeping perch; tripie constructed : large living room i with ftreplure, iine bath, gas. electric j lights and cement basement; nice Ihwu with shrubbery and flowers: tement j waUn; located just off the paved high- ! way on good mace. a tun sireci una nas a wonderful view of the whole valley, the w zl coast range of mountains and the Council Cret lulls; there's over ne third of an acre of ground with lots of berries. Price is a sacrifice for quick ale. $:tK.-jO: $2hou cash required, balance mortgage. LISTKX We have several other mod ern homes at MI'LTXCMAH; in fact we tnive all the GOOD places listed exclu sively . if you want the best In the distrl't'a the right price, phone us for appointment and we'll be glad to show uu. g. g. M FORMIC CO.. 212 Washington St. Main S220. fi(l.iys mi 1 Evenings. Ma hi 03 1 S. MODE UN CH IC K EN 1 1 A NCH. 3 ACRES. FULLY EQUIPPED. In the W jmliawn iistnct, at the edge of city limits, we have the best equipped hlcken ranch tn th" s tate ; equipment alone worth about $230o; there's a good modern 4-ro-vn house with basement: bearing fruit ; recs and berries: If you know the chicken business you can make this plat' pay for itself in the l? st 3 years : 15 rew incubators, "on hatching" cnp.iclty; brooder houses for 25nu chicks; ab-mt 000 chickens, horse and all tools go. Owner going east; price In only $H5'K for everything; half vasn will handle. G. G. McCORMlO CO. 242 Washington St. Main S22U. Sunday and Evenings. Main 31a. ONLY S30.CV $750 CASH. .lust 21" blocks of Island station, first ttattou rfouth of Mllwnukie: 7!-cent fare. Near the Willamette, with good eiw of it; 0 rooms, house in fine shape, cement basement, t tc. Ground "nx I'M, on coi ner of 2 grav eled roads and only I Mock of paved river road ; hearing cherry, peach, n p ple and quin-.-e trees; berries; chicken house for loo chickens. This is a d; ndy buy with all the advantages of both city and country and low carfare. KASEU A flAlNhY. 823-0 Gas' o Bldg. Mdin 7Q02. 11GDKRN BUNGALOW WITH ACRE. W OKT11 $ ."( 1 l M I PR1C 10 $ 3 S 50 . Close to station at Garden Home we have the nicest little bungalow you ever stepped Into: four rooms and sleeping porch, acre of ground, all In cultivation: fireplace, gas-beating radiators, Dutch kitchen, garage, fine bath with shower ; niftier than any apartment you ever lived In; a positive sacrifice for only S3H50, about half cash. For the best and mojt sightly suburban homes around Portland, s-e the G C. MeCORMIC CO., 242 Washlngtonn St. M a hi 8220. SOUTH OK ALOHA STATION. 10 acres, located on the main road, all under cultivation, fenced and croma fenced, ion bearing apple trees of sev eral varieties ; berries for family use ; good fl-roorn lathed and plastered house, full basement, bark porch' glassed in; w trod for lights, which will be put in this spring: also gas and city water; chicken house 16x30 and 10x30; 4 mile to Mhool, it ta nds of bees ; $1200 cash and easy pavnents on the balance at brl. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. ACRES, located close to Aloha staiion and near t he pavc-d road, on graveled road ; all under cultivation ; new 0-room lath and plastered bungalow with ce ment basement and floor; 2 large chick en ho'i.se.s, i,n hearing fruit trees, logaii and other berries; this is cloce to school and Is a high -class place. Price $4730, J lOOO cash. Personally Inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. SHATTi'CK STATION. . Five acrs on Rhattuck road, adjoin ing Be i vert on highway : magnificent hhade trees, full bearing fruit, plenty of berries, fair 111 g., good water system, pipes water o all parts of ground : 1 3 minutes from courthouse. Price $H3uO. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Wonderful homeite overlooking beau tiful Of w ego lake. magnificent yew, c-ecar, dogwood and maple; wide front age on rock road, water and lights; you will be glad to show her this; only $h0, less than price of ordinary city lot. owner, 300 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. SPLEN DID l4 and a acres as low as $:ioo to $000 : very few tracts left with advantages of highway. 1 and 2 blocks to Oregon electric station, near Mult nomah, popular west side suburban. 0 ceut fare, water, gas. electricity. Owner, 3 1 !l Hallway Exchange. Main 673. res. East 7SS. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from S1S0O up. Inquire 3d house nortn of RUley station, on Oregon City car tine, sign "Alder Brook.' For Sale Buwinews Property. FOR SALE OR RENT Good paying hut house ; will sell stock and lease or w ill sell plac outright; no opposition; in a live town. For particulars write B 230, Oregon! an For Sale -.Vcreage. BY ACRES, all under cultivation, on Red electric. 30 minutes' ride from city ; good 2-room cottage, woodshed and eh icken house. 3 mLnutes walk Crom aiaiion; finest kind of berry land, only 1 mile from cannery. Owner will trade for home In city or will take good con tract or sell for $2000. Some terms. TL'RNKR & CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. IN GRESHAM. BY OWNER. Nearly 2 acres. 3-room plastered house. Bull Run water, small burn, large chick en house. Jersey cow. calf. 24 chickens, plenty fruit and berries : price S2tiJ0, $i;i(o cash. Inquire at Ellis Davidson's at Greshain. 5t'0O ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $o per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WE VEKHAEL'SER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wasn. BIG SNAP. 5 acres, al! in cultivation; good 7-room house, large barn, outhouses, al) kinds of fruit, good well and wind mill: right on K2d st.; hard-surface street. Price $0300. Wlit take home in on this. Tabor 223V. FIVE aors on Shatluck road, adjoining Bcaverton highway; good elevation, no bldgs. ; B. R. water, fine site for coun trv home. Price $3230. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 7 ACRES, close to Portland, all in culti vation, house and barn, good road, $2330. Terms. EDWIN JACOBSONr 7iS Spalding Bldy. Main 3042. OSWBGO LAKE ACREAGE. 4 or lt-acre tract t at greatly reduced orlces Prentiss, 013 Chamber of Com merce r? ig. i 00 One-acre home, right at electric station ; 2-room house, good well, wood house: $70u. K1UUKR A KLKINGTON. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE or rent, two acres; good well, no house, good garden land : 1 07 apple trees. 4 cherry trees, ali kinds small fruit- Main 7SQS. 50 ACRES eleeant land on West Side. 4 miles from Court House. Fine for in vestment or sub-division. Sacrifice right from o w ner. P hone East 09 4 7 . 3 ACRES near Willamlna. level, cleared, fenced, 4-room house, barn; $1350. $130 cash, $1S mo. J. R. Sharp. S3' 3d st. RAilE CHANCE 10 acres, part in or chard, at bargain price and terms from owner. I 1 '!, Oregonian. 4 ACRES, cleared, right at station: 2-room shack ; very best of soil ; $ 1 7 3n. terms. 2Q Oregon hid g. Broadway 1 038. 6"; ACRES, partially cleared, near Sylvan on Canyon roan; a good buy. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. Id ACRES FARM LAND. TOM ALLEN 6131 02P ST. S. E. SACRIFICE two acres in Newberg for Lhe price of one. Tabor 3383. HALF ACRES. 71st St.; 2 block from Hawthorne car. Owner. East 3S0. HALF acre Anabel Station. Mt. Scott car for sale. Tabor 5041, REAL ESTATE. for Sale Acreage. CALDWELL'S ACRES. IN MT. BOOTT DISTRICT. 6 CENT l'A R E, BULL RUN WATER. GAS. $20 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH BUYS THE BEST HOME SITES AVAILABLE ON THESE TERMS FOR PROP RTV IN CITY LIMITS. IN UTlRE WHITMFH-KELLT COMPANY, 414 I ITTOCK BLOCK. OR A. W. LAMBERT A SON. . 44 Ii ALDER ST. 24-ACRE BARGAIN. On paved Capital highway, half hour by auto and train. 24, acres of rich gar den noil, every foot under cultivation: 7-room house, old barn. 3 wells, several varieties of fruit. The renter on this place has grown rich in 4 years raising garden produce. The price of this place Is $10.(M0, with only SIMM) down. This Is the richest garden soil you ever saw. and don't forget It's on the paved high way. Let us take you out today. H OLDEN A KOH LM A N . 22S Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Main 6350. Evenings. Tabor 3343. CLOSE-IN CHICKEN RANCH. . Located southeast of Portland 7 miles all good land, under cultivation and in) crop; small orchard, good plastered house of 6 rooms, Liarn nd chicken houst for T.oO chickens. This is close to station. Price $4500, 2000 cash, balance easy payments at i '0 interest. Personally in spected. Plufto here. JOHN FERUU SON, Gerlinger bldg. WELL EQUIPPED FOR CHICKENS. Neat t-r.iom plastered cotta ge with large attic-; fine well of water. city water -and light available; never 1 fruit, trees; close to electric station on the w-est sidy ; low fare to city ; one acrr of fine land and well equipped for chickens, price $2150, on terms. Manners, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. o 30-100 ACRES, mile from Tigrd. on Walnut ave . 'i uuie from oid sjnoi n iid ciiur-h ; 7 - room houe in good i on -d irlon and beautiful la ndsca ped ya ra ; bam Is large i'iid well buiil. There are iiht-T outbiltl' : .. al !n kihx! condition; I acre of or: i : ,i v. it'n oeveral varieties of fruit and . I: in tin of berries; owner is anxious to s,-i t ills place and It can be had for sliori time a: $4300. TURNER & CO.. 2;j Chamber of Com. FOR SALE 1 2-jicve poultry and fruit farm, one in lie from good town on Co lumbia highway; seven-room house; water piped from spring to house, grav ity system; creek; 34x12 chicken house, orchard. Hmal! fruit, tine view; price $3000, easy terms. Owner. Seth M. Hall, at home after P. M. and Sun rtavs. H41 E. 13th st. Phone Sell. 341!. 6 1-3 ACRES, unimproved, at Mabery sta tion, on lit::: Run line ; ideal place for summer home : SI lh0, terms. 209 Ore gon bidg. r.L-orfd way 1 05S. I or Sale -Farms. A MONEY-MAKER PRICED RIGHT. 0-acre chicken farm with abundance of fruit ami harries. On rock road E4 mile from Capital highway. Beautiful new plastered bungalow containing ev ery known built-in convenience. Com pletely furnished with absolutely new furniture. Houses for 20nn hens. Good y - i n and outbuildings. This Is a eplen- .d bargain. See It today. $MO0, cash $5ooo. It will be a pleasure to show this. Call Main 330. See Mr. Knappen berg, with McCRILLlS-CLEA VELAND CO. A MINIATURE FARM. $:tono complete, cash $15oo. i acre with good 5-room house, gas and elec tricity. lOo ft. from pavement and 4 blocks to Oregon City car. rtd bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries and fine garden. " Chicken coop and park. A real snap, act quickly. Call Main 530 for appointment. Mr. K n a p pen be rg with M cC R I LLIS-CLEA V ELA X D C O. 32-ACRR ORCHARD. 14 ACRES WALNUTS 10 ACRES AP PLET. H ACRES PEACHES, PEARS, CHERRIES. This Newberg orchard Is a splendid money " maker as well as a delightful home. 1 4 acres of young walnut trees afft year produced $H.50o, lo acres joung apple trees produced $0000. Bal ance of farm ( acres i Is in cherries, plums, pears, peaches and berries. There is a good S-room house with running water and bath. Large barn and out buildings. On Eoorl road In heart of best orchard dittriul near Newberg. $ IS, 000,. cash. See Mr. Knappenbcrg. The man who knows farms, with McCR I LLIS-CLEA VELAND CO 322 to 320 Henry Building. SPLENDID .TUALATIN EQUIPPED I5-ACKE FA KM- -$.OO0. Located 1 mile from electric station, 12 miles from Portland. IS trains a dav each way; virtually all under cultiva tion, fine dark loam soil, in crop, clover, vetch, wheat. oats. loganberries and family orchard, S-room house, barn, chick jn houe. tank house, ga engine, good wjell, pair mares, wagon and har ness, other farm implements; 4 chick ens. 35 small checks; all for $5000, one third ea -th. bal mee terms. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids. l ACRES, on two electric lines and Pi cnic highway. 7 Vs miles west of Port land ; J 2 acres best beaverdam, bal ance almost beaverdam; all in high state of cultivation and thoroughly tiied unu equipped with one 7-room and one 4-room house, large barn, concrete build ing, working cabin, large cnicken house and running water. This place has an established horseradish business which will pay tor place In a few years and owner will teach purchasers business. Land will also raise asparagus, onions, cHery, rhubarb, etc. No agents. E 2t9, Oregonian. 11 ACRES all cultivated. 1 mile Forest Grove, just off paved street, good 4 rooni house, barn. 2 chicken houses, family orchard, grape arbor, 1 acres loganberries: $4750. Terms. 00 acres close to Forest Grove. 40 cultivated, on rock road, most in crop, on milk route, good buildings. good spring between house and barn. 0 cows, heifer. 2 calves, bull, team, all farming tools and feed. A fine buy at $10,000. Half cash, bal O'c. Se Mr. Taylor or Mr. Helm, with L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. IN THE WHEAT BELT. 50O A. when t i anch," 30) A. in wheat, too A. under cultivation. !0 A. pasture; spring and creek on property; 3 miles from loi.e. Owner wishing to leave for CaL, is sacrificing for $35 per A. $7000 cusii. bal. paablc In four years at 6 per cent. Crop jfai lures unknown. Nothing to do until harvest. The 3i)0 A. crop should make the first payment. Call at 4o4 Co'jch st. lor information. 800 A. LOGGED-OFF land ; lies level; creek runs through the land; partly seeded; plenty of grass right now to turn , stock out; lots of other range this piece commands; taking whole piece, can be had tor $12. 5t per A., half cash, bal. to suit. Address box 222, Castle Rock Wash. RIVER BOTTOM FA R M FO R SALE. About 320 acres, approximately 200 acres cultivation; good buildings; well fenced; about 100 acres in crop; near R. R. and highw-ay. Price $125 per acre. Address Box 201. Newberg, Or. $50 DOWN ON 6 ACRES on S. P. electric : close to station, store and school; p.ce $6oO: $50 down. 4 yrs. time on balance. Drapers, 401 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT 27 -acre farm. Linn county, 70 acrt-e cultivated, buildings and hear. ing orchard. Will sell cheap; long time ana ey payments. u. y. frice & Co, 200 Henry bid-;. m .Y & ' O L Q ..Itlva! Ian J 1 1 o iwo lu. v. . 6uu ounaings 17 miles east of Portland, on Columbia nienwaj , i'i "r wub reasonable. E. D. Chamberlain, Troutdale. R. I. Ijnor.e - or pen. FARM NEAR HIGHWAY FOR SALE. 90 acres, good 7-room house, fair ham. about 20 miles from Portland .near paved Address Bex 201, Newberg. Or. CHICK FN. FRUIT, OARTEV RANCHES, rear Portland. $73 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarl.tnd. 209 Falling bidg. 30 ACRES near Oregon City, 4 blocks sta tion. 1000 fruit and walnut trees; 3 acres timber; red shot soil, watered. $S5O0 terms, t Phone 213-0O. " 1 i I W .1 Cl , 130 acres, dairy, fruit or potato ranch: good loca; ion : with or wit hout stock. Route 1, box SO. Kalama. Wash. WESTERN CANADA. Improved farms and stock ranches for sale. For particulars write G. W. Church drawer W. Calgary, Alberta. Canada. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 h 3d st. FREE FARM LISTS, San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Bossier, Stockton. CmU HEAL ESTATE. For fele- Farm. WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT 3 GOOD ONES. 640 acres, all in cultivation, deep oil, no rock; 320 acres In winter wheat, barn for 20 head of horses, garage, granary. 4-room house, abundance of tine water, on two good roads. 2 miles to R. R. depot; this ranch has been farmed con tinuously for IS years without a failure. Possession at once if de sired. The owner will accept 10 acres near a good town as part payment. Price $30 per acre. $10,000 will handle it. The crop should bring that. 1280 acres, all under cultivation except 30 acres. Deep soil, no rock ; farmed with tractor. On elegant roads, 5 miles to R. Jl. de pot and town; 5O0 acres readv for spring grain; 4 -room house, large garage, well 733 feet deep. Inex haustible supply; gas engine and reservoir. Ail well fenced, cedar posts. There has never been failure in this district. Owner must have money for other business and Is putting it at the low price of $20 per acre. $10,000 will take it; possession at once. 1310 acres, a tine Improved wheat farm. 30 mile to good town. Ail in cultivation. 700 acres in win ter wheat : land lies almost level, deep soil, good buildings, well and windmill, plenty of water ; posses sion at once.' This In an old-established wheat farm with a tine rec ord. The old peop'.e want to retire. Will sell at the low price of $35 per acre, half cash. This is a find. MacIXXES A PRATT 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. FULLY EQUIPPED HOME ON - PAVED HIGHWAY. 40 acre, all tillable, most all in cultivation ; fenced and cross lenced; best of water, almost level, family orchard; 73 Italian prune tr; -s in full bearing, good house, completely furnished with the lol loping first -class furniture : I trass bed.", kitchen range, heating stove, dining table, bufiet. kitchen cabi net, rcgi. shades, cooking utensils, large barn, fully equipped dairy, machine shed. chicken houst. woodshed, extra good heavy span of mare?, d good dairy cows. 3 calves. ;; brood sows, 30 chickens, cream separator, 2 plows, mower, rake, harness, aptke-tooth harrow, fanning mill. wagon, all small tools, feed and seed; 15 acres now seeded to crop; this is exceptional ly iine land, no rock or gravel ; only mile from small railway town. 10 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway. Price $0300, ha!f cash. T H OM PS ON, SWAN A LE E, 3d and Main Sis., Vancouver, Washington. 130, WELL improved, 8 ml'es Castle Rock. Wash. Hardman and Hammed places. $8000. $2000 cash. bal. easy. Possession at once. 1000 wheat !and. CTsresholm. Alberta. 80O well improved, will seed 40o a.. $50 acre. 800 fenced only, wili break 320 acres. $28 acre. Take coast or B. C. land or most any good property as payment, balance crop payments. . M. F. MILLER. Claresholm, Alberta. Canada. SOUTH OF McMINNVILLE. which Is macadamized and will be pav-d. j ana one mile rrom th west side high way; 37 acres under cultivation, all cai bfr cullivnted 8 acres or standing timber, 12 acres if the beit beaverdam land, un der cultivation and' tiled: 23 acres seeded to clover; creek on the place; this is one mile from the red electric station and 0 miles from McMinnvllle, in a high-class seer ion. Price $450o. The be.iverdam on the plaur lit worth the price asked. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. SOUTHWEST OF BEAVERTON. 30 acre". located on good road; al" good land and under cultivation; good 6 room house; barn end outbuildings; all In fine shape. Price $0520 with the fittick and equipment; fine young team, harness, sulkey plow, disc harrow, snlke- looth hariow. wagon, cows, 60 chickens, 1 half cash. Thlji is a fine farm In a good i locality. Personally Inspected. JOHN I risKULSUX, Gerlinger bldg. WHAT ARE YOUR CHANCES? If you stay in the city, they are slim. Indeed Hard times are coming and you know what that means to city folks. Why not a home in the Yakima valley? You can b" your own boss, be Independent on five acres Call or write for booklet and Information of what others are doing on smalt tracts under government irrigation. A little cash will start you to lmiepndence. HOVER, 312 Selling bid. Main 43. m iiiw Hiiro nai you. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the rignt price. It will pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 30o fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and It costs you nothing. See sr write to me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-7 Board ot Trade Building. SNA P For $ OOOoj 5l A. upland. 40 A . plow land. bal. pasture and timber; 10 A. In oats. 2 acres ready lor potatoes; 2 houses, 1 large barn, 40 bearing fruit trees, good water: with it goes 4 cows. 1-year heifer. 1 2-year Holstein bull, tine team, harnesses and . wagon, buggy, mow er, rake, binder. 2 plows. 1 disk, culti vator, drag harrow, cream separato, fanning mill, other small tools; com plete outfit: don't wait to write, for it can't last. Address Wm. McKinley. Cas tle Rock, Wash., box 222. $;;tl.oHj hi 2 acres, 40 acres hill pasture land, 272 acres very best bottom, silt loam ; 150 acres plow land : bal easily cleared: good house and barn, sheds, hog pens, fenced and crossed; this is of the very best soil and an Ideal stock or grain ranch ; used for dairying at pres ent: stock can be had with place if de sired ; 6 ml. from town on good road, close to school; place well watered; laeal for thoroughbred stock raiser; half cash, bal. on terms. Add ress Wm. McKinley, box 222, Castle Rock, Wash. TWENTY - A C'RE FA R M H OM E. Nicely improved 20 acres on Powell Valley road; very best of soil; lies fine; new six-room house, well .and pump on back porch, good barn and chicken house, hoghouse. woodshed, 20 Irult trees, good variety berries, currants and grapes; this is a bargain for $5000, half cash. K RIDER A ELKINGTON. Gresham, Or. DAIRY FARM. OWNER RETIRING. Young man, here is your chance; the most modernly equipped dairy farm in Washington county, 100 acres, fully stocked, ready for business ; crops all in ; cee me at once; consider any rea sonable offer and terms. George John son, with T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce, Fourth at Stark. gXAP 10 A., ml. to town; 22 A. plow ground ; level; orchard ; crop mostly in ; new bungalow, good barn; fenced with field fence: team. 2 colts. 2 doz. hens, sow to farrow next month, plow, disc, harrow, mower, rake, hack and all small tools; phone in. K. F. D., mall; taken this week, $55 no, cash. Address Wm. McKinley. Castle Rock. Wash., box 222. $13.000 102 acres. 1 3 acres bottom land, bal. bench; lies good, mostly level, shot soli; close In. 1 Vi miles from town; oid house, good bam and machine sheds; all fenced; nice little creek runs all the year round ; can't be beat for stock ; to ap preciate this place you must see it; some terms. Wm. McKinley, box 222, Castle Rock, Wash. SEVEN acres, high state cultivation; good set buildings: just out of Portland on paved highway : $0500, easy terms ; will sil part on easy terms or trade for good farm $S000 lo $10.0tM and pay cash dif ference. C. C. Lundy. 346 Madison sL, Portland. CUTOVER lands, 40 miles from Portland, 2 to 6 miles from, highway and railroad; grazing $0. tillable land $15 to $25 per acre : schools, phone line, cream route; terms. 6T. Columbia Timber Co., Goble, Oregon. 100-ACRE sloe, grain and fruit ranch, near Jacksonville. Or. ; good Improve ments, good soil, fine timber, abundance of water, good location: a bargain, $10, 600; terms. Moreland Realty Co., Grid ley. Ca!. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Hotel, room In g or apt. houpf. In good location: owners. AH 422, Ore gonian WA NT ED To buy unimproved la nd or with some improvements: give ali par ticulars. Y 32. Oregonian. WANTED to buy or rent . 6 or 7-room house, close in; west side preferred. A 279, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. . SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE To Sell Your Home WE NEED IT TODAY. You want RESULTS? Try the Mc ( GUI RE SYSTEM. An efficient. live method of HOME SELLING. (OUR SERVICE IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. No Charge except the standard brokerage of 5 in the event of. a satisfactory sale.) Our record: SOU Homes sold las year. 9 Homes sold in one day. 112 Homes sold in March. 1910. 330 Homes sold since Jan. 1. 1920. FRANK McGUIRE personally inspect. APPRAISES AND PHOTOGRAPHS every home listed. We display all photographs In our large showrooms which are continually crowd ed with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. 14 courteous, experienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of your HOME. FRANK L. McGUIRE Ablngton Bldg. Main 10C8. Open Evenings and Sundays. DEAL WITH AN OLD RELIABLE FIRM WE SELL CITY HOMES. 200 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1, 120. We can eeil your hom quick. Our ap praiser will call and inspect your home and advUe as to its value, also take a 5x7-in. photo, which is aisplayed in our large showrooms, where hundreds of prospective buyers will view it. Eight live-wire salesmen who drive their own cars, backed by thousands ot dollars spent In advertising, bring results. Phoue for our appraiser to call today. B1HR-CAREY COMPANY. Succeeded bv CARKY-SA V1DGE COMPANY. 219 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 74S7. HAVE A CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MOD ERN HOME: MUST HAVE AT LEAST FIVE BEDROOM B BESI PES MAI D QUARTERS. THE PARTY HAS THE MONEY, WILLING TO PAY FOR A GOOD HOME. BUT MUST BE WORTH THE PRICE ASKED. POINDEXTER, 2A SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1SO0. R ESI DEN C E2 71 -20. SMALL ACREAGE WANTED CLOSE" IN. We want from 1 to 5 acres with fruit and berries and good house or bungalow from 5 to 8 rooms; price mut-t be right; some cash buyers. Send us your listings right awav. We know bow to sell them. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., :.05 Oak St. WANTED at once, small suburban home of one to five acres; will pay cash. Call or write to R. Ackley. 527 Corbelt bldg. ATTENTION. MR. FARMER. We have several real buyer (or farms from 40 to lOO acres. If your farm Ls good and price is right we can sell it right away. Send In your listings. We know liow to sell them. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers waiting who want homes rang ing from $3000 to $0000 in good dis trict. Phor.e, write or call. COE A. McKBNNA & CO.. 82 FourthSt. Main 4522. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD HOM E FOR S VLE ANY GOOD L 'CATION. FROM $00n UP. MAIL OR PHONH FULL DE SCRIPTION. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE 271-20 WANT colonial homo on west sld9, 3 or 0 rooms; prefer some view but do not want to pay more than $5000 or $00oo; must be strictly modern. A 281, Orego nian. HAVE many buyers for west side prop erty south of Madison st. Handling wet-t side property la my specially. Call and see me for quick results. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED N EA R J E FFERSOX HIGH SCHOOL Home 5 or O rooms, modern, with basement: about $25oo or $34xK, with terms, please. Marshall 1022. HOUSES WANTED. We have added a no use department and are pleased to have your property If it Is for ale. John Ferguson Ger linger bldg. W A NT ED Vacant business corner from SloiM to $20lHi; Ftate size of lot and full pa n icula rs : can pay $2un cash, balance $ I o ter month. 6 per cent interest. C 1 32. t regonian. M I'LTVOMAH home wanted ; quarter or half acre preferred; like 4 or 5-room modern house; want to deal with owner direct and will pay all cash. AH 416. Oregon iaru H A V E liuyers for well-improved suburoan homes, on good auto road; also can han dle some acreage tracts. See Mr. Tay lor or Mr. Heim. with L. K. MOORE, 317 Board oTrade. I H A VR several people wanting modern bungalow s, 5 to. 7 rooms ; must be mod ern ant in good locations. See Mr. Tay lor or Mr. Helm, with L. K. MOO RE, 317 Board of Trade. Main 8007. DON'T sacrifice vour equity in the home on a mortgatfe or real estate contract before ycu see B. M. Trice A Co., 200 Henry bldg. HAVE you a modern bung&iow or house for sale In Mount Tabor Park district at a reasonable igure on terms '.' If so. I-t me hear from yon. H 1Q1. Oregonian. WANTED Apartment house. Have cash buyer for apartment house. $1 5.04)0 to $;to.on0; must be bargain. Cad Main 7487. MODERN home not over $25.0oo; must have 4 or more bedroom. ; pre cr hoi water heat. Must be in good district. John M. Payne A Co. Mai n 0 1 2. WILL, buy 4, 5 or 0-room house if price is rlgliv : Mt. Tabor or AHierta districts preferred; some terms. East 637. b ROM owner, modern 0-room bungalow ; aH ca.-h. O 1S3. Oregonian. Farms Wan tea. I WANT, to buy a (arm from the owner of 55 to 50 acres, within 15 miles of the city, on good road ; must be reasonable for casii and mortgage back. Cal 1 Main li03. 5o Chamber of Commerce bldg; evenings. Main 3223. FARM wanted. 10 to 30 a.. Imo'd, Wash ington Co., west to orest uro e. K.utn to Sherwood. What have you ? Give de tatfd descrip., terms. AV 571, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. SPRUCE. H HEM LOCK. CEDAR. 126.noo.000 feet of high-grade timber on about 2200 acres in a solid body ; standard gauge logging railroad con nected with mam line to the Columbia river, locomotive, flat cars, donkey en gines and full equipment reaoy lor Im mediate operation, for sale by owner. H. E, Noble. 310 Lumbermen blrg., Port iand. Or. FO R HA LE 160 acres timber land in Douglas county. Oregon. Estimated commercial timber, good average sixe. all fir. 5.OO0. OOo fee t. On main line Southern Pacific. 3 mites from Yon calla, or 4 miles to Dra in. Can be logged by truck to either station. Good proposition for small mill for either ties, timbers or yard stock. AV 3: 5. Oregonian. WANTED Good logging or milling show or sawmill; sire depends upon deal and accessibility. O. A. Clark, AV 602. Ore gonian. 13 TO 45 MILLION old-growth yellow tin good location lor a mill with a flume to loading station on railroad. H. E. Noble. 310 Lumbermen bldg. 320 ACRES TIMBER on S. P. electric: Yamhill Co.. half mile from station and sidetrack : good terms. Draper. 401 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Tract of timber for small mill; small payment down and balance as cut. AF 334, Oregonian. WANTED Man to take contract building donkey engine alexia. XO 413, Orego nian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 2Vfe acres near Beaveron. all cleared: fairly good 5-room house. Good proposiion for someone. Luddcmann Co.. U13 Chamber of Commerce. TO EX CHANG I -REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Your proposition can bematched; we don't tie It up. Call and submit it. large or small. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bid g. S20 ACRES, desert claim, close to Bend, Or.; 05 acres clear, small house, fence around; plenty water for irrigation; sell cheap or trade for Portland property. Mrs. V. Johnson. 5021 4Sth ave. S. K. FOR TRADE A hardware and grocery stock at invoice ; good location ; desire an improved Wills mette allev ranch. L. T. Griswold, Mansfield. Wash. 50 ACRES Good productive farm in sub urbs of Port land, value $600 per acre ; trade for Arizona, Southern Idaho. CaL property. Owner. AP 419. Oregonian. LOTS 7 and 8, block 55. Waverie:gh Add., to trade; clear except street improve ments. G. S. Allen. Vancouver, Wash., R. I. 160 ACRES fine hill land, 30 miles from Portland, about million timber: widow will sell cheap or exchange for other property. Phone Ea.'t 607. SAN DIEGO vicinity to exchange for Sea side property. $50O to S1200. L. B Ryan. Bridsl Veil. Or. EXCHANGE $ooo lot for house and land Woodlawn oOTO. TO EXCHANGE MISCKLIAXEOt'S. TO TRADE Good soil: can raise fine fruit; I mile from S. P. railroad. mile from Pacific highway, in Lincoln county, half way between Albany and Newport: mod ern house. 5 lo 7 rooms, on Sell wood. Richmond or Woodstock car line 734 E. 17th st. S. Phone Sell wood 2303. EXCHANGE, large house. E. 47th st.. late car or truck. East 3057. for FOR SALE. Horaea. Vehicle. Livestock. TEN mares and geldings, heavy boned, hlocky-built ehunka. weighing from 120O to 134MI lbs., from 5 to 7 years old; one good pair of logging horses, weighing about 35oo lbs. All horses guar anteed as represented. H. HORN HAWTHORNE STABLES. COR. E. 6TH AND HAWTHORNE. BARGAINS, HORSES. HARNESS, WAG ONS. BUGGIES. 14 head mares and horses. 120O to 1600 pounds each, 5 to lo years old; some nice singie chunks and a few matched work teams; prices from $5 to $loO; one nice pair of sorrel mares, both 5 years old. broke to all harness and saddle. $.H5 for both. All horses are guaranteed to be sound and true pullers. They are grain fed and ready for work. We have a number of farm wagons, harness and buggies, all cheap for cash. Call at stable. 203 Ruswell t. and Van couver ave., one block west of Williams avenue car. FOR SALE Team of blacks, mare ard hore. 5 and u years old. weight 3nk lbs.; gray and bay. 5 and 8 yr., weight 2(iOO lbs. ; guaranteed good workers and gentle ; harness and w agon goes with them. Take Woodstock car to Pow ell, 3 blocks east to X'i. MUST SELL TO MEET AN OBLIGATION. 1 pair or all of my 4 young work mules that weigh 5250 lbs. and ar sound and gentle. Can be seen working at St. Jonns terminal or eenings at. barn at I van hoe and Chicago sis.. St. Johns. Free tills guarri nteed. JUST from the farm. 4 big horses, harness and wagon : 1 ooo lbs. and up: win give guarantee with them; 6 nice oung gentle lows with calves : come and look at thern. 1 block south of S. P. depot. Mil waukie. Henry Smith. . Phone 2U-J. Mil waukie. FOR SALE. & team, of good young horse and mare; weight from 1300 to 1500 lbs.; 5 to 7 ' rs. old; some well-matched teams; all horses guaranteed as represented, free trial allowed. Sanitary Stable. 35 Union ave. S., cor. Stevens. L. Glaaa. HAVE moved to town and Intended to team but find I am too old; must sis pnire of my H-year-old mares that weigh 330 lbs., round and true : a splenuid brood team. Lktvts, 34Ki 54th st. S. E.. near Powell Valley road. HAVE 5 dandy Mil burn wagons for sale at less t ban half price. Come and see these before you buy. They are a real bargain. 287 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2220. 4-YKAR-OLD chunky built Belgian mare, weight 1350 lbs. ; also 5-year-oid bUck Percheron mare, W'eight 1450 lbs., gen tle and broke to farm work. Foot Taylor st. i dock). O. T. STABLES. 17tn and Kearney sis., 20 good young horses and mares, some well matched ; tea ms weigh from 1200 to 1800; every horse sold with a guarantee. G. D. Williamson, 35 HEAD of milch cows. 10 fresh. 5 pring ers. consisting of Hols te Ins. Jerseys and Durhams; all must be sold. Price from $5t to $125 each. At Hamilton farm, $ miles east of city on Columbia blv d. $225 BUYS span young chunky built brown mares; weight 2400 lbs.; gentle and well broke to all farm work. Woody ard, foot Taylor et. t dock . 7 GOOD cows, some frenh and some com ing irei.ii soon, different breeds; will sell cheap, 105 and up. M Pow ell Valley rd. Woodstock car. GOOD TEAM, 0 and 7, geldings, weight :i;;tio, with or without contract. Call Bdwv. 321 between h:30 and lo A. M.. or Bdwy. U33 between 7 and K:30 P. M. $1000, $3000 CASH, 12 cows, horse, wagon. eq uipment. 1 1 acres. 4-room house ; sell cows, wagon, equipment separate: 35-gal. milk, route. Fred Spear. Tabor 5HH7. FOR SALE Young gentle Jersey cow . Fresh 2 months, giving 3 gallons dallv. Test 0' r . Price $70 for quick tale. Phone Main 8170. lou-LR. and 2GH-lb. team of. good young geldings; all gentle, serviceable, true, in good condition. Marlon Fuel Co., toot Taylor t. idix'k). BARGAIN $125. team 270 lbs., also sev eral horses very cheap. Atlas Wood Yard. 327 Front st. . , FOR SALE 1 Holstein bul.. 1 jears old; 3 Holstein aieiieis. 4 Holstein cows. H. Sulr.er, West Port land, care of Bill Ruchtrig. . JERSEY COW, good milker, owner leaving town. Call or phone Taylor-street dock. Main K0o5. FOR SALE A lot of farm horxes. wagons and harness to be sold cheap on a clos ing out saie. 20 Grand avenue South. FOR SA LI" Tea m of horses, both mares. 0 and 7 years old. 31MH1 lbs P. O. box 403. Milwaukle. route 2. FOR SALE Young fresh row and calfl. 21th and Powell Valley rd. ; Woodstock en r. ONE 2-inch Melburn larm wagon, box and seat complete; will sell cheap. 402 Flanders at. k YOUNG work team, weight 2OO0 lb., Vneap. 21th and Powell Valley rd. Woodstock car. DEAD stock removed quickly; cash paid for dead cows and crippled horaea Phone Milwaukle 60-J for result a $S5 TAKES my Jersoy cow giving 3 gal lons of rich milk per day; 4 years old and gentle. IOIO Foster st. St. Johns car. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbeli-Phelan Land A Cattle Co.. 302 Couch bidg. FOR SALE, cheap I team and harnei. Inquire 41S Foter road. Phone Tabor 1371. . FRESH young Holstein cow. big milker, w 1 in or without ca:f. for auie cheap. Main 701S. DiiAD horse, animals hauled away frse. Portland Renoering Co., Woodlawn 20. DEAD HORSES taken quickly.- cash for uead cow a. Tabor 4203. FoR SALE Prize-bred registered Chester White pnn g pigs. wu 1 ier. Sher 1 d a n. 2MH-LU. team cheap. Come and see them w or king. A tlas oodyara. 327 Front. ONE ll-year-old horse for sale. $35. 42d and Columbia blvd. Fred Scheller. FOR SA LE 4-year-old caw. coming i 1 esh ioon. Corner 43d st. 4245 45th ave. S. E. FuR SALE Cheap, Jersey cow, fresh. S44 E. 24th st. Piano, Organs and Muslcml Instrument. " ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORK. New. factory, rebuilt and used pianos. $!ioo Sieger Wax Circassian W alnut. $515 bU Steger dull mahogany 401 800 Sieger Mission oak 435 750 Stelnway A Sons Upright 433 300 liobart M. Cable mahogany.. 2. -1 050 Steger upright grand oa 403 5 3d I hompson Imtkm l prian 1 ioo . Otners lor I5. $235, $205. $200, etc. Term $0. $N, $10. $12 to $ls monthly. SO it WAN PI AN" Co., loth c Stark Sta PLAYER 'PIANO BARGAINS. . Our player piano snaps Include bench and two uozen rolls; terms given. UNIVERSAL, walnut $425 MA YNARD. mahogany 5oo S EI BE KITING-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. TRADE YOUR PIANO or or;an on a new Victro:a and records; our proposition will please you. Selber ling-L.ucas Music Co., 133 4th at. Main o5b. - FOR SALE Columbia grafonola, prac tically new, cabinet style, golden oa k and 20 records; cash $ft5; a bargain. J Phone Broadway 5433. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid lor used pianos and player pianos; get our prices. Sleberling Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th at- Main 360. WM. RAAB. piano tuner, player-piano ex pert; many ears foreman Sherman-Clay A Co.. with Hai old S. Gilbert. 34 Vaai hill at. Phone Automatic 532-14. $150 COLUM BI A phonograph, like new, and 12 selections for $!H; moving out of town E- B. Good. 4M1 Holman st. W ood lawn M1 GRAFOLONAS with records rented. $1 a . week. -Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bros dw a y 15 5 . TENOR saxaphone with Al case. $50. or will trade for Victroia. Todd. 304 I'an ama bldg. Mar. 54S. f to 4 :30 p. M. WANTED Standard make piano, good condition; give full particulars; will nay cash. AV 000. Oregonian. FOR SALE: Cheap, a Bush lane Cir cassian walnut piano, used only one vear 151P East Hovt at. PLAYER ROLLS EXCHANGED. lvC v roll. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. " I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS"" HAROLD l. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill M u SMALL PACKARD GRAND FOR RENT HAROLD S. GILBERT. 334 YAMHILL. ' PIANO BOX for sale. Tabor 3643." FOR 8 ALE. Pianos". Organs and Mimical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. MANDSFELDT. walnut .$1$3 . 205 SMITH A BARNES, plain case BAILEY, plain walnut IRVING, plain oak V 1CTOR. latest model SINGER, plain mahogany BAILEY, plain mahogany :t3 275 270 25 HOMER, plain oak We fully guarantee our used pianos. and can assure you they are real bar gains. Terms given. SEI BERL1NG-LUCAS ML'SIC CO, 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. $473 Kimball Upright, nearly new..$210 7.V) Steinwav A Sons' uprigni w 9diSteger A Sons' fine mahogany. 3'.5 473 Hallet Davis Upright 193 275 Bord A Co, Paris Upright ii 250Collard A Collard Upright.... goo Mendenhall modern Player Piano 393 8 Parlor Organs. $25. $33. $43 to $55. We store your piano, lor 73c monthly. We buy and sell pianos only for cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. lo3 10th St. VICTROLA FOR PIANO. $200 new Vtctro'.a and record outfit, trade for used piano; our proposition will please you. Main 85h0. Seiberllng Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th St.. between Washington and Alder streets. Furniture for Sale. BARGAIN WEEK AT MISH FURNITURE CO. USED STEEL RANGES. We have a splendid assortment of used ranges in perfect working order, tnclud.ng such standaru makes aa Garland, Charter Oak. Majestic, Acorn. New Leader and others, some w 1th reservoirs, oth ers w-lth coil. Come and look them over. Prices begin at $1V75. Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE Co.. 1SS-190 First St. A M leaving town, w ill sell elegant w al nut bedroom set. consisting of dresser, chlffo-robe and urcssing tab'e w ith triple mirror, rocker and chair. full sized bed, ppring and mattress, almost new. Price reasonable Also ten pair ruffled bedroom curt a Ins. Wdln. 4t2. LEAVING town, will sell plain taupe liv ing room rug. lx 12 hall i 'ig, 4-t7-6 grass rug. wicker chair: so wicker biri cage, ivory t a bouret t. oot bed. ruffled curtains and deer bxasU Wdln. 4O02. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California: we can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. $1 Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 24S Pine st. FURNITU RE for sale at 705 Gllaan st., oak fl inlng room set, 1 sewing machine. 2 bedroom sets, 1 settee, upholstered chairs. 1 parlor table. 1 Morris chair, etc. No dealers. FURNITURE f r 2 bedrooms, including rugs. $23 and $15; Universal ranu'', $3o; heater. $10; butfet. $2"; kitchen table. $2. sewing machine. $3. Tabor b:G. 17u K. 72d st. N. ARE moving and must sacrifice our beau tiful golden oak dining room et con sisting of table, buffet anil six chairs. Ma ke us an offer. Phor.e mornings, 271-31. THREE rss. davotiport. chair and rocker to match : 2 rockers, library tabh-. Fac tional bookcase, china closet, chiffonier. 354 E.5 1th st. FOR SALE 2 stoves. 9x12 rug. oed. writ ing desk, oak dining table, chairs, cy clone sweeper, curtains, couch. 503 E 10th st. South. ON E genuine Spanish leather couch h ree large rockers, one oak desk, saaitarv couch. Call East 2558. East 15th s i. North. and one FOR SALE Mahogany office lurmture and rugs for two rooms; nearly new; reason able price; no dealers. H 120, Orego nian. 60 SINGLE iron beds and springs for sale cheap. In good condition. BJ 306. ur goman. DINING room suite, table, sideboard, chairs aud draperies and rut; but gain lor 14.1. Nonhrup si. Main 43 1 2, FO K SAL E I o I d e n oa k . sq ua re dining table. 1 4-foot extension, good condition , also oak urease r. Phone East 1434. 8-RO0M house for rent, turnuure for sale at a brgln. Inquire 134 Grand ." ve Nodealera. DAVENPORT. $15, mantel bed With glass $10. peanut and popcorn machine 15. Any time. v X. 10th at. DIN'iN'G-RooM table and four chairs. J This set is ,il;nost ucw. Price $0". Call E.i 33 ;s. FURNITURE of 9 room, tor sale or trade fur a Dodge or Bitlck car. Be 24, 01 e gonlan. W ILL sell It ing room and dining toum furniture, diapca and gas rngc. 411 K. 2 2d N . b GAS ra n ge, " w ood heater, cua 1 hea :er. why buggy, oil tank and foluiug oam tub. 213 a1 orris. - OFFICE FURNITURE troin N. W. Steei and Spruce Div.. 31 N. 3 to bt.. bet BuniidB and Couch. lid . 273U. NICE new hardwood parlor table lor tale. Savicr su ACORN GAS RANGE, laic model. 144 E. Webster. Phone 314-01. FURNITURE of ln-om apartment tor sale. Broadway 135a. SA XITARV COUC H . Tabor 8404. $10. 103U K. Stark. ANTIQUE black walnut bedroom suite for s!e. 4lO East 5-ii st. Ft- UN ITL'KK of six -room Mat for rie, flat for rent. 007 Oih at. Main :;050. FOR SALE Bedstead and springs, also clot hea w ringer. 301 E. 4 4ihat. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. White Leghori.s, Keds, Barred Ply mouth Rocks ; strong chlctua hatched lroin best hogar.izeti heavy laying stock, prices raauutble. J. N Ncediiaoi, u.eick Or. BABY CHICKS. 3O00 a week; o. a. C. and 1 oni il.- row; gel the b.-st w hue Gie ict.-i.uug 1 good. Eggs $1.50 a set tir.g. NORTn V. KT PuLL'IKi CO.. H2d at. and 74th ave. S. E. Tabor 3107. BABY CHICKS FOR SALag. Chicks from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's- greatest . layers. Eggs from irec-rangi Hoganize'3 stock only, March chicks, 14. per SlM; April, May and June, $12.50 per IOO. OAK Hli-u HATCHERY. Petaluma, CaL PETALUMA While 1-gnorns lead the w orld in egg product ion ; we sell BABY CH1X at $14.50 per iKI during May and J una, safe arrival 01 lull count, strong, live chicks guaranteea. Tne lioneer Hatchery. 441 6th st.. Petaluma. Cai BROOD COOPS for hen and chickens, dandles, w itn reniova hie hot tain, paint ed, $2 each ; also drinking fountains. Elliot L, b2d and Di via.ou. 1 a bor 2201 . HATCHING EGOS While Leghorn. O. A. C. and Tanched strains. gooutoKs; hen two years old; $0 hundred. I.5o for 15. A. L. Hampton, Jennings Lodge. Or. O. A. C. White Leghorn sett In gs. From Hoganized stock. 15 eggs. $1.25. Wood law nMS. HATCHING EGGS Buff Orpington prise w lnners. $2.50 per 15. J. A. Menzies. Tigard. Or. Phone Ttgardvlire M. ;i(Mi WHITE Iegliorn laying hens for sule. 37c per pound. Phone 'l!wooiJ 125. Address box 33, Arleta Station. PACK your eggs for winter use now; clean, freah-layed, infcrtile.E. 4U4. Iug. MaboiU-. illruM. Irt tluc. WE BUY. raise, and sell fur-besjiing rab bits, and other tur-bearing inin.iis. List what you have with us. stating your low est price 011 large lot smpmenta. The Fur A Specialty Farming Co.. 51$-3l? N. F. ve.. Fargo. N. Dak, C.OOD-LA Y ING stock R. I. Red settings. $1 each. I'none Main oi-t-t. ONE genuine Alaskan male Esqulmo pup. Inquire r.. autn si. aoum. BEAUTIFUL Hart mountain rol.er w ith brass cage. East 550. A PAIR of mated St. Andreasberg rollers. $7. 37 E. North S3d and Burnslde. Lafanehe and Boat. FOR SALE Trolling boat. 2i ff by si,, with hlx-horsepow er Atlas 1 mperial en gine; boat and engine two ears old. with all Ashing gear ready to tish ; boi can be seen at Barr Shingle Co.. Kalama. Wash., or write to box No. 507, Kaia:ua. Wash. WANTED to lease for 6 months, without ope rat or. 1 2a-horse-DOw-er launen: bank reference." Fred Houcl Cathiameu FOR SAT-E iH-ft. hu;'., tank. pipe, cutch. shaft, pump, etc.. in good order. DMi2 Corbett st. FOR SALE One motorboat. 22 fee: long. Sunday from 1 P. M. to 0 P. M.. Alhlna Ferry. EatSlde. FOR S4.LE Hoiisebont. 5 rooms, hiith and sleeping poroh ; furnished or unfurnished. 14 Willamette Moorage, Sell wood 5ol. FOR SA LE Furnished, 3-room houseboat Call Columbia . 73S. Macliiner. FOR SALE Donkey engine. 0x10. dav. F. M. Miles. oOO McKay Main 1390. Monoids;. rR PALE. Machinery AIR COMPPESSOR3. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPHESSOKS. Air hose. check valves, saieiy valves. Coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR A EQUIPMENT CO Broadway 3300. 329 Couch st. SEE us for steel and cast pulleys. W e have for immediate delivery any sixe from h-lnch diameter to OU-inch. Send us your requirements and save time and money. The J. E. Martin Co.. 1 Ijit-st.. Portland. Or. FAIRBANKS -MORSE GAS ENGINE. type, 8-H. I.. with magneto; only run few houis; $9u cah. Marshall 3840. 733 Hoyt st. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 35 l.st st WANTED To buy pome conveyor be't rollers for an IS -inch belt. Ca 11 East 255 or write 313 Hawthorne ave. A 15-h. p. horizontal firebox ooller In best of condition, tor sale. Box 12:(. .Amity, Oregon. 40 H. P. C. L. BEST track layer; run W) days; completely rebuilt. Box bt4. Walla walla, wasn. I Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters all kinds for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $5 com plete with carrying case; supplies for all ua kes, E. W. PEASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth St- Main 2283. DO A N E G U A R A NT KKD TYPEWRITER SFKV1CB. All makes OTerhaul ?tl. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. Main 0307. Supplies. 203 Oak St. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewiiters, ALL MAKKvi. sold on monthly paments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Type writing Co.. 321 Washington, st. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters for rent. Empire Transfer, 254 Broad -way 133. VISIBLE mach) lies, years guarantee. $20. The RebjiltTypewruer Co.. 3'-4 Qak at. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., !4 5th. Mam UtiO NE W. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at ctrt rates. P. D. Co.. 231 stark. Main 1407. WAN ! ED Underwood typewriter for cau. Main 10'. PRACTICALLY new t pc writer, condition. Photic Tabor 170. Ierf "ct 31 isrel Uneous. KODAKS AND PKNS KEPAlRKD. We claim we're a boon aud a biessng to men In fixing the faults of a Kodak or pea. SANDY S, 3-1 Washington St. SAFES Fire and burglar-prcof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, be u gilt aoitl and exchanged. NOHR1S SAi A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 204. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W. Stee! Co. and Spruce Div. D. C. Wax Ofiics Equipment House. dy. S73U. 31 N. 5th. bet. Burnaiue and Couch. O. M. Babcock. mgr. ALu KINDS of w arped. cracked weather bra ten aud o!d, leaky roofs rejuvenated by our I mo us and iuaiantancoue rubber bono. In system; al work guaranteed. Phone Main l04'. FoR SA LE Wood. I irst growth body wood, first class. $0 per cord. $8.50 per cord for 2 cords or more delivered In Vancouver. asli. S. R. Howell. Phone 30-R. SPECIAL SAi.L. Gundy cale, cash register, show raes and a ful' line of store and restaurant f 1 xtures. 113 2d st. FOR SALE Back bar. lift top floor case a. wall cases, large and small Ice box, gas griddles, registers, counter case, chairs, at sacrifice quick sale. 273 Third. BLOCK" WOOD and heavy iab, 10-incn lengths. Quick delivery and line wood, $0 to $3 cord in cord lots. Broadway 2l'.'.L bxlo TENT $12. 5o. Iron Age garden culti vator $15; 22 special rifle $15, all prac tically new , good va ! ue. $ 1 uO Paisiev shawl $75. Tabor 47"u. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WcciD A.M L'uLM'liV SLAB; AI..-O COAL SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE L. 70-0. aEW "SINGERS." $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine reoainng. MORRISON STUEKT SINGER STORE. J? 2 Morrison. Marshall 21. gA FKS New and a-v-ond-nand ; some wth uurgUi dusts, at reasonable prices I PACIFIC SCALE t SUPPLY CO.. I Broadway F.OQ. 4FrontSt j A BARGAIN in ladies' new sample 1 uresses. srr.ea iu to 42. tnoat alt cotors also spring cout and haad-maUe f blouse;-. 4v4 I'lttock block. ( Jl.D LA W N mow er made better than new. Stlf sliarpening teel blades ap plied. Grinding and repairing. Uncd mowers thought a;id sold. Tabor 3t4 3 LATES T tyles lun dres luxeJu suits a. so i hjK ha l.- lor ;.k 01 lent at BareU s rlothitig "tioii 3d .Vluimuiiiali note. oiug. i ROLL-TOP desk und chair. I T W. desk. I flat-top deek. I safe. Bushong A Co tl I'irk st. JOHNSN'S Puo. STOI1K. 24 H Mi In at. N w and second-hand koks bought, sold i.tnl ej.chaiia;eU. Ail subjects KODAKS We ouy. ell, ren ana exchange ko- daks. Sandy's, 321t Washington st. FERTILIZER. iood niM nu re, ue i v ereu cu -1 or wes L side. Tab-jr 2iM. Main 44S5. RELIABLE lias Range. 4-burner. sMe oven. Price $15. Call Woodlawn 357 or 1 100 Mai lory a e. IVoltY r ed Sturgis 1 nny buggy; co.si cl for $55 e jellent cotiutlion. 7 -V E. Mam st. Latt 0.".0!. USED Al'PAREL. secured from wealthy lad ie. re;: olia hie price. 1132 Ia.st ti . l !an. Mont a ilia . ai- to 3!th. Ta bor 2i5. " V Ol F R SA LE CH EA P lo to 10 moi sib and block wood. SU Mi; tro.iit delivery. Phone Main 5547. STRAWBERRY piiints. Progressive. Ever bearing. $- p-r ino. postpaid. 1. i;. JoUll s.011. liraiiRi r. Wafch. BE Al'Tl 1TL hand -knit sweater lor g.-l 12 to 14 vearw: $'.. or will trade one ; or 4-ournr gas stoe. H M. "rcKonan. ONE wood and roal a in ot ne . used SMI-pi . ranre for sate. Jt.".u; i weeks. lOJl M:ss- YA Tl'M cleaners sold, repaired, ren.r (i. I exchanged, bought. Beniley Co., Man 1 4!o7. I DR ESS M A K EIUS form and i-omhina lion 1 tacpet frteeper and 1 leaner, cheap.! Wdln. ::414. 1 TIB R ironer. 1 1 Victrola. !'I2 let l. w as-lung Albiiia 1 ve. .-Ii. ruK. ture Co.. 5oS Wi!Itams VAi'lTM -leaner sold, renteu. lepaiieo. exrhatigVd, oought. Ray Bent.ev. .Main 4'.Hi7. GENTLEMAN'S brown ( oat. size 37: cost I 10; reil for $30. Worn once. East 1 RL'UD water heater, $l; 1 4-burner gas range. lo. both in good condiilou. j.- I bor 2:7. ! SINtiER sewinn machine and gas plarc lor I a cheap. 33Q 5th. ' G.tl as new. . cheap. East rooms furniture for sale ;::65. LAH'lE icebox for snle. 00. S feet h:go. j Coffee Cup Lunch room, 133 Pitrk si. COATS, furs, suits, count, and ire?e. slightly worn. VUI.A1AN IZING molds for sa ! e. Broadw ay. i; E. FOR SALE (.ood pool table. tn0ard el A It D WOOD fold'n chairs at 1U r- t prices. HWS Front st. Main 141H. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st e. near Ash FOR lent, vacuum cleau rs, 24-hr71jay $i -dvL anywhere. Bdwv. 25J; fo-m W. J250 E BUILT type Arit lid Sixth at. K W. Pease SECOND-HAND tent und covers fr ale Pacific Teat A Aw.ilng. 1 N. lt si. I DESK ADDING MACHINE. $LV3is COR. BK'f'f BLDG. MARSHALL i37. -UK' r OR tirst-cl-at. 4 512L. lir wood. Bdwy. WAYNE outside live-gallon gas pump and nve-bb'.. t-nK.tor.8a yiru- Taoor 37i2. PACK your eggs for winter ue now"-clean.fresh-layed, infertile. E. 404. HEA V Y block and slab wood, a Iso 4Tf0"ot slab for aale ; cheap. Tabor 6079. Dl A MoN D stick pin. $7.".. sing!r stone karat, perfect. Broadway 3205. MR-- lam nair ann combings, brunette. ' eaoort j fODD check w riter, i.ear y new. N . .th st. Hroad way -j , ,;;t. l'Oll SALE P loo. Ores larg! and one small sate. Mct'oRMACK mowing machine for tale heap. Call t .'! K. 74h t . N FOIL SALE -Cheap, good $125 range com plete. Address A E 303. Oregonian. VACUUM CLEANER ftor sale. Good as new $25. 00. Phor.e Broadway 4024. DIAMOND RING, about Phone East 54S2. carat. $150. GOOD Singer sewing mar hue ;,, ewelient condition. cali Mum 0q.i. FUEL OIL delivered Phone East 362. In bulk by truck FOR SALE. M isceUavneou. K,R SALE National cash regb-ter. safe. oda fountain. 8 and 6-foot floor cases, wall rases, large refrigerator, steam la n,fk revolving stool, gas range, dishes, platform scale, computing Toledo sole. check writer, small refrigerator. cerrs 'i. meat si leer, lift top cigai griddle. iM? salmon. Main 542. U. S. ARMY GOODS PALE'. Sa Dept.. 523 Pacific Blk., See-on d and Y e r. Sea t Ue. 1 0.ooo lbs. Red Cross white cotton in ? and 6 lb. bales at 3(c a ib. delivered; fine for quilts and padding Rov F. Dt. SEWING MACHINES. 20 late drop-head?, like new. Singers. Whites. National. Rotarv. Willamette, etc.. $13 to $35. A large number of good machines from $8 to $10. Machines rent ed. $3 per month. Sinjer store, Moos Mdg.. 103 4th st. Main DO YOU WEAR size 36. Ah or 40? I? Ton do call at our wholesale office and se- the salesmen 8 samples we have on hand, consisting of raincoats. leather coats and motor coats. United Rubber Co.. 7-6 Morgan bldg. SFWINO machines, new and second-hand. so!d for less; no agents emoloved; com- plete ine of parts lor all makes; ma t-bines repaired and rented. Main tHJL. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 110 Third, near Taj-lor. Gooi dishes, w ash tubs, many -mail -tfcles. good bed linen. 1 good qu lit. 1 spread, good si! verw are. few quarts e:" anned fruit. Don't miss this; a bar K;ln; no dealers wanted. 415 4;h , corner Ha!l. room 1. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pey up to $25 per set. Lon't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most lu able. Crowns, hridgework bought, Brpig or mail, the American Brokerage. 4a5 Spalulng bids., 4th floor. 3d and Wash. CA RLE ORGAN. 6 octaves, walnut ase. fry good condition. 5; a'.so ooi!apil baby bucny with practically new whec. $ 1 2. J 1 22 East 23d t. X. Woodaw n 302S. TRADE in that old vacuum cieaner for a new one. We handle all make and will give vou a liberal allowance. Phonn Ectre Maid Shop. Bdwy. 4024. 133 10th st. HOT-WATER tank SO-gaL. $7: 40 gsl . $; : tested and gnaranteed ; stovo and furnace coils. Tai heaters Installed; ex pert plumbing. repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams Ft. East t510. TOR SALE ACTQMOBlTJEx CASH OR TERMS. JUST BRING AN HONEST FACE. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont at. Phone E. 6057. BT'ICK ROADSTER AT $973 00. This car has cords and one extra, mounted and glass wings on wind shield; runs and looks as good as new; we will give liberal terms and take $350 .down, bal. long, easy terms. Have a look at 505 Alder st. G ENL'I NE FORD PARTS. PORD RE PA I RING. WILLIAM T HUHHSOV CO.. Authorized Ford lealers Since ISOJ. ou N. Broadway, at Davis St. 1!1S BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour ing car; almost new; bargain; five good, tires. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1010 5-TON Republic trueli, used leas than 3 months: tires almost perfect. Price extra low FAG COL PALKS AGENCY, INC. 411 Davis SU CLL BET vou a cookie that you'll fall for this Chevrolet. It's a P19 at FIFTEENTH AND WASHINGTON. WE have two good Ford touring ear on hand : hot h 01' them are in good condi tion; prices 375 and $475 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. 1010 CHEVROLET TOURING. This car Is new and we will show you more alue In t his one than you can find anywhere n this city. We w ill lake $273 down, bal. long. easy terms. 5o5 Alder st. HIft CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Perfect condition. $6O0 nnd terms. KIKLDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14ih and Alder. Broadway 24. BUB" K For R, $ s.V. This one i new and we will ta ke pleure i s ho. wing lhi one We will Ih ke S3M down, bal. long, easy terms that ou can meet. 5d5 Alder t. '"1EVROLET bug. beautiful blue paint Jot. new urc1!,. new body. In fact thisi is wuhout a doubt the cLisslcst bug In Il'V Ii NINETEENTH AND COUCH. FSdwy. SOO. 1010 sh npe. M. 1 Prict :. '.-too truck, excellent right Cash or terms. FA JEOL SLES AGENCY. INC. 41 1 Dav is St. l!17 CRANT . .lust repainted, new top. good tires and mechanically In flrst c;asf sliupe; must be seen to be appre ciated. Ask for Hooker evenings or Sunday, M. A M. garage, cor. Hoyt and llth sts. Phone Broadway 1 72. ltl BC1CK 6 touring car. 5 U. S. cord tires, extra tire. bumper, spotlight, weed chains, in fine condition; A-1 me chanically. $1.V0; some terms. Phone Frank Smith. Broadway 11 SO. j j F'P.I G: A BEAUTY $150 DOWN, i BALANCE EASY. 47 NORTH 9TH. ID lODGE TOURING. Wl'.t sell this car for $f75 cash. Car 1 ! I in fine runntr.g condition and looks " j r.ew. Call Tabor S152 or see car at 211 1 Washington street. I AUTo. by owner. 6 cylinders. 3 passenger. ' I Stude baker. clover leaf roadster, A-l . L condition. UMS monei. 1 v series, cost 1 JGH75. will take !75 if old this week. Taylor. 431 K. 3th st. PACK A RD. OLD BUT G OO D ; RUNS FINE; $250. 47 NORTH 0TH. r IIAVXMS SEDAN. 7 -passenger, like new , with Westing- :; ou"e xntH'K ausoroera. rnrtj 1 res : a fine car. A. C. STEVENS. IGth and WMnhington sts. Bdwy. 1014. CADILLAC RUNS FINE. $150. 47 NORTH 9TH. I nn and evening . WILL SACRIFICE my new lo-jn -c1inde-Main '507. Ja-kson auto, only run GOO miles. If you are in tne market tor a high-class auto In the 12000 class see this car. No dealers. AE 410. Oregonian. ) rTvrv"rV in Al condition : look iu new; must seii. A barcaln at ITihi wtt: terms, side 30 Grand ave. North, near llura- OV ERLAND touring. 75 model, Al con dition. WIU aacrifice at $45o and give tfrtna. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn- side. OV EKL AND touring, model 00. uaed pri- at e(y : gfo'' pn int. good tires. A real bargain. -.- wixn terms. u Grand ave. -Norl h. near Burnside. 25 BROWN LEGHORN pullets, nil laying, and 2 cK-ker-!s; 10o week-old White Lrc horn chicks 2rso E. Stark. Tabor 724. 2 YoUNG. gentle cows. Jersey-Durham an! Jersey-Holstem ; w ill be fresh in few 7.1 East Ash st. 101 FORD for condition. See 3d and 4th. tale. Good mechanical owner. 264 Davis, bet. DoDGE roadster complete, best condition, by private owner. Cal East 32!. AM leaving city, will sacrifice A-l Lex -Ineton car. Call Sell w 00c? 20-4O. HERE is a bargain S3-B Overland, good mechanical condition, good rubber. $525. S- ! ' w ood 4 62. PM8 PAIGE 0 Five-pasw., cord tires and extras: owner mut sell quickly; $4"i0 down will handle. Mr. Arto. Bdwy. 32M. 101 s" THL V R O LE T in good mechanical con diilon; new- top and new paint; $55o terms. Portland Garage, 3th and Taylor' lftl 7 A PPKRSOX Chummy C. cheap: this ) ro lunk. 704 Lovejov. Main 0321. CHEVROLET. $100. .--. iOth. 414 Glisan st 1 AN excellent Ford chassis at the right ; p-iee. 3fcO Everett st. Broadway 151. I FoR SALE 101 Ford touring bodv At s.:a:te, $75. Phone Marshall 57C3 ' I FoR SALE- 1s.:a:-e, j'T UVF.LLANI leave ci'y AND touring. A-1 condition: muvt Big sacrifice. East 663X.