TIIE MOKXIXG OREGON! AN, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1020 17 NEW TODAY. Here 1 Thev Are! ' -v.- -l S ' ; f til ; 1 r 4 1 3Sa.'-,., J- Vacant ready to move in. Call Main 4564. Ask for Mr. Schultz. Come and see us for prices. IT ' a survey Wells & Co. 602 Gasco Bldff. Ready Cut and Portable Chicken Houses A portable chicken house can be made any lengrth desired by using our additional units. Garage Extensions to add onto your portable ga rage for use as a chicken coop can be had at a very low figure. Write or phone for catalogue. Elwood Wiles & Son Saira Office SOS Title A Trnt Hnildlne. I'honr Mnln 472-1. Factory, Foot Williams Ave. APARTMENT HOUSE WAiTTED IP TO e.MUMMl. Client has J20.080 cash, good income property worth $12,500 and will as sume morlKase. Can get quick action for desirable property. HENRY W. GODDARD Stark St.- Send Us Your Old Carpets (Wo Call and Dollver) Old Ituarn and Woolen ClnthlaK. We Maslar Reversible, Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Kuks. Wuvfa, 17.5a ftaa? Raara Woven All Slvee. tnea Cleaning nnd Dreing Uests. alail Orders Seail for Uouklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 8x12 Rhitm, steamed Cleaned, WBSTF.R. KLIt'K UK. to, yi Union Ave. ft. Plaune Kust $51$, LIBERAL LOANS We loan oirr owmnonrv on $ i actat liret and second mortgages, contracts! nvesiooit, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, of Com. Itldff. Main ttt2. REAL JEST ATE. I-or Sate Bfai h Property. SKASIDE LOTS i v ". HTWRICUT D A ti i - .New ea wall and new oce.n pier now Rssuretl. Hard -surface road troin Portland, finished this vear Your choice of over 200 lota from J7" to $700. Inouir 131 I muivnciLUi V-U.M rrt4 I 414 fiiiocK ttiocit. Portland, F. M. t'OLK, Seaside, Or. Authorised Agents. Or. FOR SALE Or win rent or leasa two choice lots. :0xMO feet, at Tii.amook beach, on be a rd walk, county toad and Addreaa H ISO, Oret-rLm. Ma umvwwmi2xsu RKAt ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apftrtiafnt Property. 4 FT, ATS. On the southwest corner. of -0th and Marshall . st. there are 4 modern flats In two building, on 50100 lot, all with ieprat base ments and furnace. 2 with lire places, lower lata 5 rooms, upper o rooms, and all in first-class con dition, bringing in tins Inromft and can show food interest on in vest ment; alue of lot worth half the price asked for plAce. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO., -Main 14. 83 4h Et. SIX HOLSKS IN ONE. Six-family flat, two more flats to be completed ; full lot, Karate, on car ilne. eloiw (o bank, department store and OLher business houses; 30-minute car ride to center of city; Income $ 1 i 8 month; can be increased to $200; price, includ ing; furniture, for quick, sale. $7000. $2000 cash down. Why buy a house? Buy this; it will Rive you a modern home and the rent will pay for it. bee owner at 215 Lumbcrmeps bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4-1. 4-rAMIIT FLAT. $8500. Incorae $133 per month. This, is a fine iittle place in the Hawthorne ave. district. Full details at RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bid. SIGHTLY FLAT PROPEKTV. Close in on west side; a very derfra ble place to live or to rent ; two nve room Hats with lireplace. one four-room flat: all command a mugnilicent view of city: cut price $ 10,500. STRONG CO., 634 Chamber Commerce. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. PIN-FAMILY APARTMENT, close In, east side, low price of $7250 for quick sale: terms. Phone 316-19 before 0 A. M. and after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Apartment house in bent dis trict on west side ; first-ciass condition and paying; Rood interest on investment, price $26,500. term?. Owner. Main 2473. 22-ROOM apt. for ale or w ill trade for small grocery; cloae In. Call at 193 Wwt Park. 4 FOR SALE Furniture of II housekeeping roomy, all full ; clears ISO month. ltl Park st. Main :i:.7. For Sale Lota. r.nxloo T.ot Near Alberta. LIBERTY BO.NL AS DOWN PAYMENT. Bui. $10 per month. Thia ia a fine H0x100 east front lot on E. 11th. It will pay you to look this up and take advantage of the low price and exceptionally easy terms, a lots are about the only thlnca lett that are sell itK R-ay beiow the real value, and we don t tuinit this condition win last, very long- RITTETt. I.OWBJ CO., , 2IM-3-0-T Board of Trade Bids. REAL SNAP. .0x100. IS minutes' atraetcar ride to Broadway and Washington streets. Price soo. easy terms. JOHNSON-TJODSOX OO.. ".ft X. W. Hank bldff. Main 787. LOTS 50x100 as low as $100 to 400 for sightly corner; water, gas. electricity: very few left ynn county highway. 1 and '2 blocks to Oregon electric ma., o-cent fare; easy terms. Owner, .119 Railway ICM-hange. Main HIS. Res. East 7G8. LOTS. 50x100. $100 to $400 for best level. sightly corners, fortlanu rarK. popular west side, residential: 6c tare, water, gas. electricity ; easy terms. 310 Railway Exchange. Main t75. Res. East 7688. FOR SALE Southwest corner ;10 and Al berta. 110x100 feet, good business corner, suitable for garage: $:'i0. 15d0 rssil, balance on time. Inquire oOO Uraham ave. LOT in Parkrose: paved street, sidewalk. 1 block off Sandy blvd.: cash or will take good automobile hi trade: non-resident, will be in city only a few days. L. O. Hughes. Seward hotel. VALUABLE quarter block on Belmont st. all paved and paid, worth s.l.llio. Must sell for $:!850. A rare bargain; tetms. Owner. East fM7. LOT for sale in Lapine, Oregon. I am In 1-00. bu; would discount 30 per cent for cash; clear title in my possession. Lot 11. block L'O. W 8..1. Oreeonian. OWNER House, three lots, on comer; 11 fruit trees, perries anu nowers: price SI 100. terms: no agents, please. Box AV 5!in. Oregonian. FOR SALE Alameda Park lot, 50x100. facing north on Mason st. o0 feet east of o'd st.: price JsiooO; all improvements paid. Phone East 1Q05. EAST front corner lot. 37th and Tillamook sts.: all assessments paid; $1000. c. D. Mci.'onahv. 117 American Bank bldg., Seattle. Wash. CORNER. 80x100 ft.. $1050. Aiusworth and Boston avenue: some cash, terms rea sonable. Phona Main 4SU5, evenings. Sellwood QUAKTEH block naar 51th and Haw thorne, on corner, paved street; price for 10 days. $14a5; terms'. Owner. East 0047. FOR SALE -A good corner lot on 6th, E. Burnside. on terms. Phone owner. East 04. 90x100 CORNER, southeast corner 53d and Lincoln, close to Franklin high; fine view of city. Owner. Tabor 18:1. TWO fine bid. lots, Clinton St.. near 4.1d St., $500 each. 3. H. McMahoa. 260B E. 43d st. Tabor B3B1. LAURELHURST- lot, Just across street from park, for sale bj- owner. $1425. frea of all incumbrances. Phone 219-65. THREE lots for sale. Inquire 6218 Powell Valley road. For tsale -House. HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAINS. $4Joo-Ve have seen homes similar to thin -ti-ilal ul li.'ifiliil unit riVar An attractive home, tt room and I bath, full cement basement, wash U ays, usual built-ins, street lin provemen la In and paid. Terms. $4000 Ker a dandy ti-roorn. bunRalow, ail on 1 floor. Very attractive ly rimshed in selected grain fir i with heavy plate glusa mirror in f one aoor, mantel and outre t, hardwood floors in o rooms; Dutch kitchen : back porch can be uaed us sleeping porch if desired.- Terms. We think these two homes are the very bet to be had at the money In this desirable section and will be glad to show you. J. A. WICKMAX COMPACT. -'04 Ry. Kxch. Bldff. Main 1004 and KOS15 CITV PARK. $4200 I.et us show you this thoroughly double-constructed home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fire place, but.'et. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. wash trays, furnace, garage. Enough said. You cannot duplicate this buy. Ternis. J. A. WICKMAX COMPAXY. JUST TOUR STYLE Bungalow, double-constructed. 5 large rooms, f i replace and all other modern conveniences. 3 years old and all In tip-top shape, one block from Hawthorne car line. This is your opportunity. Price $3700. half cash. See Mr. DeYoung. SIO Spalding Bldg. Main 7351. or evenings, Sellwood "3"J8. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $:tro. . - roo m bungalow, ha rd wood 1 1 oors ; breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen; inside finish in old ivory and papered, fix tures, shades, screens, garage, imp. In and paid. $1000 cash. Corner E. 37th and Sherman. Open. MARSHALL 8.18. $2750 5 ROOMS and bath, with full base ment, wasn trays, Dutret, Dutch kitchen, finished fir floors. This home is attractively decorated with exceptional light fixtures and $2TiO werth of shrubbery and flowers just set out. Terms. J. A. WICKMAX COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 10U4 and R3. EAST 15th and East Alder, valuable quar ter diock. paveti, pam. u-room residence and garage; also 6-room cottage : sacri ficed and must be Fold. Will sell either house separately. East 6147. 6-ROOM HOUSE Columbia Park district, on paved street. All modern and extremely well furnished. This is a good buy. Terms. Main 53Hu 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. 4-ROOM house, center of Irvington, ce ment basement, some plumbing, finest fruit tres. shrubs, etc. Total price nine more man grouna value $U0O Owner, East 7l7tJ BEST paying logging contract ever offered by large lumber company In eastern Washington; mu-et buy truck and trailer; needed to swing deal. 71 Broad way, rnone uroauway -lti; MODERN 4 -room I ungalaw for sale by owner, ?100, $300 lwn.. balance ertsy terms; r.-orih looking at. Mt. Scott car line. -4i:S HHh C S. B. 5-ROOM bungalow, corner east 2d and Davis; lot ooxiou, nrepiace. cement base ment, laundry tubs, garage; $1'.00, terms, Broadway ItiQS. 'JOH Oregon bldg. tt-ROOM new house. acre of land. Price $400. $400 cash, balance $J5 per month. .l . C. a vi mn uivil. FINE east front lot. small new house, west Piedmont; trult and shrubbery; only 5-ROOM bungalow. $3150; clean and neat termw. Tabor 4308. MODERN home with garage, fully fur nished. 1014 Hawthorne ave. Call todav, HKAUTIFL'L home lor sale bv invne,; rums, modern. Call Woodl&wn 61 U. KEAI, ESTATE. For 8le -Houaea, MODERN HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES. ARLINGTON' HEIGHTSt-30,000. One of the moat exquisite modified putch Colonial homes In Portland, over looking the entire city. The livlnR- room ia lOxUS in size and finished in best Af rican mahogany; hardwood floors throughout. :; tiled bathrooms, all In side sliding doors are leaded glass: hot w-ater heating plant, etc. Price Jo.0'; wrrl take an Irvingtoa borne to tlO.O'M) as part payment. . WEST SIDE $SO. 7 rooms, besides 2 finashed rooms In attle; full cement basement, furnace, wash trays; on Hoyt st.. between 17th and 18th; building alone worth this much money; reasonable terms. ROSE CITY PARK JSGOO. H rooms, s'eeping popdh, garage, fire place, all bullt-ins, Dutch kitihen. full cement basement, furnace, wash tra,yt.; house in perfect repair, neat and clean, ej years old; paved atreet, H block to Sandy; clemr of debt; a ciea title; terms. ADJOINING I.4UREI.HURST $4000. 5 rooms and sleeping porch; maple hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buf fet and bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, wash travs. paved street: house newly tinted; 100 down, 40 per month. Mt. SCOTT $rt-joo. 8 rooms, arranged' for renting up staiis; 2 toilets, electric lights, gas. full basement, wash trays; house in fine condition; on i."th St.. near curline and handy to tine grammar and high school; fSOO down, $30 per month. LUEDDEM AN.V COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main f6". ROSE CITY PARK. ROOMS AND SI.KEPINO PORCH. .-.;;5o. HERE. FOLKS. IS A GENUINE BAR GAIN'! Probably never usain an oppor tunity like ihis one. Owner forced to sell. This beautiful home is ideally lo cated near Smdv blvd. Hardwood floors, fireplace. buiTet," Dutch kit-iieu. fuil ce ment basement, wash trajs, etc. Full lot; paving and sewer paid. 1-et us slio.v ou. A. G. TEEPE CO.. ' 284 Stark St. Main :;oi. Branch office 50 1 h and bandy. ONLY $3250. Good o-room house, east of I. sure. -hurst. 1- block from car: good condition; 2 extra lots joining lor garden without cost, garage for 2 cars; $?5o cash, bal ance Vil a month and Interest. SIFTY 5-ROOM .HOUSE. StricTly modem. Hawthorns district; $4500. GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE Kowly painted -outside, painted and tinted inline all like new; $il."i cash, with suhsiii - lal monthly payments; price $4250. GEO. E. EXGLE IT ART CO., Main 728. B24 Henry-Bldg. $ 5500 PIEDMON T $5500. 1171 Commercial, a nifty ti-room hnrne, buiit when they put the real material in homes, about 7 years aao: entrance hall to large living room, large dining room and extra large kitchen; enclosed back porch: closet on that Is larise enough for a room; a tine basement with trays and best kind of furnace: 'A nice beiliooins and bath up; lot 50x100 ft. to alley, with beautiful trees ot dogwood and fir. Let us show you. $l..o0 cash will handle. ROGERS, with COK A. XcKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 Fourth at. Board of Trade Bldg. (.ROOM COTTAGE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. ACRE TRACT. $5000; garage, a real bargain. Parkrose, just outside city limits, 2 blocks south of Sandv blvd.; gas. pressure water, gravel street. SO bearing fruit trees, ber ries of all kinds, all garden tools. $-00 combination range. IS laying hens, won derful g-irden soil; hair cash: act quick. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY. No l Chamber of Com. bldg. BRANCH OF FICE. 45th and Sandy blvd. Tabor 2!)04 Call for appointment. $450. Bungalow-type, double constructed house. 5 rooms, fireplace, large attic, basement. lot 50x10(1; fruit trees, ber ries, garden and roses; must be seen to be apprecited; 23 minutes W ashington and Broadway; price includes combl na'ion gas and wood stove and Ruud heater. SHOO cash, bal. $2550. payable at $20 a month and Interest. 1253 DELAWARE AVE.. Phone Wdln. 61,3 for appointment. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Choice 7 rooms, living room 18S4X30 with fireplace and French doors opening on attractive porch; four bedrooms, one with fireplace and sleeping porch; two lots in fine perennial garden, beautiful shrubs; close to school; exclusive neigh borhood: wonderful unobstructed view: $0000 for quick sale. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery Drive. Corner Elm st. Marshall 427. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income? We liasign ,nd build apartments. I ' rasres. residences. anything; rurnwh nlitna and finance. Kstablished ten ?er- We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. : - ....... . i o P.il'.nll i'n laa bAllbfAL 1 V ' i24 X. W. Bank blag. $430(1. EXTRA BARGAIN.' SUNNYSIDE CORNER HuME. 7 rooms, modern, all conveniences, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, aaraae line woodwork ; improvements paid. 9t6 K- Salmon. Tabor 73. owner. 3Hu R1CHMON D 5-rooni bungalow ; terms full basement and attic, white enameled bedrooms and bath. Dutch kitcUen. fireplace, buffet, wash trays run hot -water heater and range. lino leum, paved atreet. 1184 Ivon, near 3Uth. Tabor oiiJ, NIFTY new 7-room Irvington bungalow, finished In white and old ivory enamel: tile bath with exceptionally nice fixtures; lar-e living room with art tile fireplc and French doors; oak floors; all built in conveniences; large garage; one block to car. Telephone .iwner. East 75..B. 7000 BY OWNER 7-room, strictly mod ern Laurelhurst bungalow with all pos sible built-in features; full basement with laundry trays, etc; lot fiOxlOO ft.; street improvements in and . paid far. & ki hsb Oreeonian. MoJnT TABOR OR SUNNYS1DB CAR. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 1 LuTS, BUILT FOR HOME; EVERY CONVEN IENCE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED FOR SALE. REST CAR LINE IN CITY. O N iS SACRIFICE sale by non-resident owner of ti-rooin nouse witw ...t.n.. No t"4 Belmont, cor. Slst; take SS or Mt.' Tabor car to 31st, tenant will show vou the property and write the owner. Mrs Grace Quick. Wasco. Or. inr.j r. C. PAKK aimosi new, partly corner lot; part cash, balance 6 per cent; move right in; some distanoe out. but fine chance for honest man with I COO to get nice littfe home; good neighborhood, near school. Owner, Tabor Htii8. UNIVERSITY PARK BUNGALOW SNAP. SIX rOOmS i"inia tutia, a i tin, iui, close to car; the very best In this dis- a . 7.ll 615 COUCH BLDG, MAIN 0054. jo-Q Snap for few days only; G-room modern house: stone basement, cement Moor wash trays, fractional lot 267 Mc Millen at., clote toStl and Broadway bridges. Apply 2o McMlUen st. THV1NGTON CAR. Brand-new ti-room bungalow, strictly modern furnace, hardwood floors, built in etc $1000 down; terms on balance. See it today. Phone owner. East 4000. " " " INSURANCE. FIRE AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY. -J. . . rr. mm V.'l TT illWVT NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE Ca MAIN 1800. 7-ROOM house. corner lot : priced for quick, sate. i ""'-'o to suit you. M. E. Lee. 413 Corbett bldg. HOUSE and 2 lota. Piedmont- owner leav- lna town . oargaiu 1.0 tikjic party. r or 1 nail 818-2.V ' FOR SALE or trade, corner lot, good 5- block from Ankeny. East 56t,. 8-ROOM house. 1! lots, bath and toilet; 10 ... r-Aoc qiiH borriea: X 1 KOO 1 110.1 r- u h 72i) E. Tacoma ave. Sell. ;1CQ.- FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, ' 3-roorn house; electric lights, g'as. near two car 11 ruM riollwnori J44? 6 ROOMS, carpets, stoves, etc., handv to carline: death in family reason for sell- 1 rail Tihnr 2!lLf IRVINGTON car. on East lth -st.. just fin ished; 8 rooms: terms to suit. See It today. Phone owner. East 4000. O-ROOM house, hardwood finish. 2 fire places, fine location for roomers, ln guire 475 Holladay. East 40H8. FOR HAWTHORNE HOMPJS CALL HUbBELL TABOR 8892 SWELL bungalow. 468 43d st. S. E Terms. Finch, Bdwy. 344. CALIFORNIA bungalow. .Irvington car: a perxect Dome; terms, owner, fiast 4000. REAL ESTATE, Fsr Sale LARGEST HOME SEM-ERS ON THE PACIFIC COAfT. 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. SEE FRANK L. McGUlRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. You are always cordially welcome to visit our show rooms and Inspect our WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF OVER 00 PHOTOGRAPHS Of Homes for Sale. Many UNUSUAL BARGAINS. Every PHOTOCiRAPH hss accurals Informa tion descriptive of the HOME IT REP RKSENTS. Homes in every section of city. EAST TERMS. FRANK L. MeGtTTRE personally A HPRA ISES EVERT home before offering it for your consideration. We safeguard your EV ICR Y INTEREST. We put you in lmmodiat touch with the HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. WE WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IP NECESSARY. . 1,4 automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. $5500- A BARGAIN THAT OCCURS BUT SELDOM; owner leaving for Alaska, authorises us to SAC RIFK'iO HIS BEAUTIFUL HOME for a q ol ck sale : 1 20s 1TOO grounds; improved with a DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED nine ' room, modern home, 2x4.1 f"t. exclusive of porches; SPLENDID HOT WATER H K A " 1 1SO. ys v tern, large family sleeping porch, fine front porch full width and side of house ; double garage : abundance of fruit ; berries and shrubs; a summer paradise; you couldn't build this homo today for $10,900. TERMS. $4200 AN UNUSUAL PIEDMONT. 8 spacious rooms. besldea music room; fine furnace, many bull t Ins, 4 sunny sleeping rooms; con venient to Jefferson high and park. SIMPSON. $J500 SPLENDID LITTLE ROSE CTTT BUNGALOW ; Just what you've bnn looking for at the PRICE AND TERMS YOU CAN PAY. 6 ronm t y pica I California bunga low type, very attract ive. 1 ln ing with massive beveled glaas buffet; clean white Dutch kitchen: If sunny bed rooms with convertible sleeping porch; - best white enamel plumbing; good ce ment basement; SUCH EASY T E H M.S. Tins home .is LIKE NEW. a home you can' grow up with. E. 7th. $l'SOO A WONDERFULLY DISTINC TIVE LITTLE HOME, walking distance to Krankiln high; ART ISTIC GLASSED-IN VESTI BULE; cheery fireplace: living room with Indirect lights; clever dining room with massive bev eled glass buffet : convenient white kitchen ; large sunny bed rooms: bert plumbing fixtures; good floored attic, where 2 more rooms could be finished ; cement basement with furnace. FU LL LOT WITH FINE GARAGE. 30th Ave. This .is without DOUBT A BARGAIN. $500 W EST OF LAURELHTJTtST , HOME, A -1 condition. H rooms, , modern, numerous built-Ins. fur nac. oOxioo lot that slone Is worth $2fmn. VOU COULDN'T BUILD THIS HOUSE FOR $."00. E. 24th. TERMS. $J,".0O A PPLEND1D GRAY SHINGLED HAWTHORNE bungalow: 4 of t iio most a (tractive rooms Imag inable, such clever built-tnu. FULL. GARDEN LOT fgrow your own salad , A HLiNDAN't'H OF FRL'TT. E. 34th. south of car. You'll be pleased with this. $r.O ALBERTA BUNGALOW BAR GAIN; 5 rooms. 'O.M RI NATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM. C OXVEX1KNT KITCHEN, 3 SUNNY BEDROOMS. BEST WHIT K E N A M EL PLU M B I N G FIXTURES, GOOD CEMENT BASE MENT. ELECTRICITY, GAR, full lot; SPLENDID GA RAGE, can arrange terms. Jarrett st. $-'-!ttO SELLWOOD BUNGALOW 5 rooma with sleeping porrh, large front porch. COM BIN AT I ON LIVING AND DINING ROOM. J bedrooms. LOT OUxino on- Bid well, close to car; TERMS. $ltWM THIS UNUSUAL BARGAIN DE FIES COMPETITION; real ar tistic bungalow; DOUBLE CON STRUCTED; pretty living room; attractive dining room. 2 airy bedrooms, fuli set of white enamel plumbing, electricity gas, good cement basement, on E. 74th. clOfe to Gllsan. SUCH EASY TERMS. It's worth your w nue to MiE l itis. we know that you won't be DISAPPOINT ED in the least. The above are but a few homes Cliowen from more than Sot) HOM ES for PA EE. PHOTOGRAPHS OF EVERY HOME IX OUR OFFICE DISPLAY ROOMS., Jf you are thinking of buying a homa it is to your ADVANTAGE TO SE: OURS. Every district In the city Is represented. MANT WONDERFUL BARGAINS. SEE. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 10tl8. Successors to H. D. M.-Guire. Established In l.SKo ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $0000. LOTS OF CLASS AND DISTINCTION. Truly a home to be proud of; located 1 block north of Sandy on 40th street, fac ing east one of the prettiest homes In the district. You will appreciate the wonderfully planned and admirably ex ecuted interior. From hardwood floors to furnace, every detail is complete. It'll cost you nothing to see this won der I ul bungalow home. See it that's all we ask. . A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main S02. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. IRVINGTON SNAP $4500. S large rooms, sipg pr., attic floored ready lor more rooms, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, lin. clo., Dutch kit., cloak rm., reept. hall, fruit rm., en. plumbing, ce ment basL, enamel bui It-in re frigerator, paneling, beaming, 50x 100, fruit, paved sts.; choice elect, fix.; worth $trHJ0; terms. M. 4&o3. I. C. GOLDEN BiORG, Abiugton 'bldg. "35 yrs. in Portland." ft-ROOM COLONIAL $9750. West side; all modern conveni ences. Ma in 4803. G. C. GOLD EN BERG, Abington bldg. WHY" PAY RENT when you catu, buy a U-room modern standard -bui It ndTjste from owner ? Lot ..sxloo. large .awn. bearimjc fruit trees, flowurs. large basement ; near schools and car line chicken run. See owner In evening, loot L. liRh isorih WEST SIDE J houses- on full tot; one house has 6 rooms, divided Into two apartments : modern conveniences: sec ond house has 4 rooms with modern conveniences ; these houses have cement basementu and are in good condition. 4o4 l-lth st. Marshall 61.11. l.'iOO R. C. Park bungalow. 5 rooms, nice and clean; gas. bath, electricity, chicken house and run, woodshed; lot 50x7o; two blocks to car; $loto cah. baiance $-5 per month, including interest, owner, 1S1"J Siskiyou, near 72d. LAURELHURST home. Every conven ience, hardwood floors throughout r 7 rooms ana aieepin g porcn ; lo-root frontage; worth $ooo. wuick sale. $70H), $2000 cash; may take $5oO in trade, tl per cent Interest. Owner. Tabor :iMI, 6-ROOit bungalow, nice corner lot, 50x1 00, J. niKi ki. car, ciose in. orao tnis one. $270. EDWIN JACOB30N. 718 Spalding Bldg. Main 5G42. OWN your own home on your rent money. Five-room modern house, E. 53d and Everett; price $J500. $5o0 down, balance on good terms; nice lawn and frnit trees. Call E. 73:t for particulars. 5-ROOM bungalow, full lot, garage, fruit, lorries, nice ya.d, east facing. $2050. Terms. EDWIN JACOBSON. Owner. Main r-042. A SNAP. See owner at 1"01 E. 12th North ; dandv 6-room house. $.;.0O. Come out tnis evening. Will go quick at this price. 4-ROOM bungalow, one-fourth acre, chick en if nue. herrv bushes, vaunt fruit- - rear Council Crest; $1500, en terms! Marshall 5210. SAVE YOUR RENT. $850 Houseboat, furnished, $850. 5 rooms, ideal Iocs t!on ; va lue. Chas. Ringler & Co., 225 Henry bldg. FUR SA LE 'orner store and d weliin g, opposite school, in good neighborhood; lot 5QX 1 P. M a In 1 20 1 . COZY 5-room dwelling; light, gas and water; cheap. -Take a car as payment. Owner, jii.s r. ixeiiy st 7-ROOM modern houe. close to park blks.. west side, by owner. Ask for Rate, ..-. n.kum t)risr WELL built house, 0 rooms, large sleeping porcn, wiimii iwiiiis uii,ih.t, en sine; reasonable price; terms. Owner, T. 3422. MODERN rt-room bun pa low. hard w ood floors throughout: garage: lot Iotoo ft.; $8M. Phone Owner, Tabor 2228. IKAIa ESTATE. For hale HouVe. s-R, BUNGALOW. 13TIT NEAR VAILING. $2650 Nice a-R. bungs lo ; elec, bath, at tic, cement basement, buffet, trays, fine lot, 5uxl0). Paved St., paid ; 7 fins fruit trees, smalt fruits; about half cash. BUNGALOW. 75x100, K. IRVING STREET. $2100 bungalow; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; lot 75xl0O; bldg. for garage ; bearing fruit trees and small fruits, on E. Irving, near 75th, 3 blocks to car; $750 cash. -R. HOUSE. COR. E. MAIN AND 2-1 D. $3850 Good 6-R. square house : 3 bed rooms, ill light, slry rooms; elec. bath, basement, comer lot &0x7V. paved st., paid; $850 cash, $25 per me. GRUSFI A 'BENNETT. S18-G21 Board oX Trade. Main 7452. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW GARAGE. $6330 TERMS. The most beautlfnl O-room bungslow sind garage, very sttractive, and espe cially being on a corner lot, paved streets, at this price and terms offered, hardwood floors throughout, tapestry walls, fir place,, bookcases. French doors and proarola off dining room, attractive lattice flower boxe. breakfast nook, con crete basement, excellent furnace. Th Is Is neat and clean, complete ready for possession, shown by appointment only. Ask. for Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Blag. 4th A Stark Sts. Main S. NIFTY BUNGALOW ALMOST NEW. $4o50. TOr WILL HAVE TO HURRY! Here is a thoroughly double constructea oun- tra!r.r K11II1 m nn rr n A w. and modem lluen Kxtiep't tonally large living room extend ing entire width or nouse; mrnooi Moors Hrenlace buffet. Dutch kitchen. breaafast nook, cement basement, wash trays. tc. ; paving and sewer paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St. Ms in S00. Branch Office 30th and Sandy. KENTON DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow with large living room 14x28 feet; dining room. den. kitchen and bedroom downstairs and -bedrooms snd attic up; flns fireplace, concrete basement, furnace, wash trays. Dutch kitchen. Tiffany lighting fixtures, hardwood floors; lot 40x175, one block to car line; shown nly by appointment; price $5S0O; this is a beauty. Maboney. COB A. MeKENNA A CO.. 2 Fourth Street. Main 6871. Evenings, Columbia 639. KENTON DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow with large living room 14x2H feet: dining room. den. kitchen and bedroom do n stairs, and 2 bedronni and attic up; fine -fireplace, concrete basement, furnace, wash trays. Dutch kit. hen. Tiffany lighting fixtures hardwood floors, lot 40xI74. one block to car line; j-hown only by appointment prl -e $5800; thia ia a beauty. Mahoney with COE A. McKEXXA A CO., 82 Fourth Street. Main 6871. Evenings, Columbia 638. W ES T SIDE S X A P. 7-room house, like new. with or with out furniture; full cement basement; bath, -gas, electricity ; new paint and paper; $4o0 piano; china cloae t. stool, chairs, tables, sewing machine, carpets. Inlaid linoleum In pantry and kitchen, just new, new washer, wringer; gas. fire and water In basement. Come and see tills. Going east. Sell everything tor $I'J50. ko Roosevelt st. BEST VALUE. MT. TABOR-HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Nlcelv arranged 5-room modern bun galow, excellent condition, fuil basement, furnace, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, white enamel, nics living and dining room, with tire place, bookcases. U beu roonia. old Ivory, large floored Mttic ; ei inr neighborhood. Va block north Hawthorne car; $4lo0, half cash. Owner, 'Gtl Iv. 1st. h..:ai:t!Fi;l laurelhurst HOME. If you are, looking for a real home, by all means see this. Seven fine large rooms not Including sun-room; hardwood ihuim ihriiunhout: 2 la rite fireplaces. French plate windows; full basement; fine furnace; garage: lots ot bullt-ins and special features which make up a real home. Will gladly show by ap pointment. J. A. McCarty, Main 17oo; evenings Tabor 5057. ' IRVINGTON. Singular charm and beauty. From laigti hall yuu enter beautiful living room. woodwork old Ivory. wal Is in Hench gray ; dining room In Ivory and gra y : 11 bedrooms. In white enamel ; sleeping porch. $s75o. $2HHf cash. $60 per mo n t)i. No agents. For appoint ment East U147. $.;750 FOR splendid 8-room house and lot 1 ox no it. on corner at r.asi .ui. anu Sherman sts.: ail streets are paved and assessments paid: house has brick Inun dation, electric lights, gas. nrst-oiass plumbing. Thia house. although not new. Is a well-constructed house and in nrst-clafa condition and very cheap at tills price. TURNER A CO.. -MO Chamber of Com. OWNER FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, close in. near Hawthorne, paved street, six bearing fruit trees, beautliul View; building about eight years old : $:ooo; want $1000 down ; excellent plumbing, gas and wood range, kitchen cabinet and bedstead included; just the place for newiyweds; nh-e yard. Phone Main 4So5, evenings Sellwood I'O? . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, T rms.. $5000 K. aoth and Holgate. 7 rooms. $2oO. K. 24th and Gladstone, 4 rooms, $J4M). K. 2Mh and Holgate, 5 rooms, $2ttO0. il 25th and Cora. 4 rooms, furnUhsd, $2000. PHONE OWNER. EAST 3225. FOR SALE by owner, beautiftiiiy furnished 5-room bungalow. fireplace. vhite enamel Dutch kitchen, bath room'anj bedrooms; young fruit trees and lots o berries; price $3000; terms. 1320 Grand ava. N., and Holman, one block from Woodlawn car R.ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. J JULULKH r KO M CAR LINE, GOOD GARAGE. CLOSE IN; pwi.-r XAf.f.O. TERMS. SEE BROWN & U1DDLH. 824 RAILWAY EXCHANGE B LDG. MARSHA IJ. a 1 OWNER, going Into business, will sacrifice Sellwood looxlOO businerut corner: mod ern 6-room house on inside lot : on car line, paved street, no incumbrances. I paid $50O cash: make me an offer. Tel ephone East 4o'.9. A. V. Goddard. 003 East Ankeny st WEST SIDE. Six-room modern home on Willamette Heiahts fine neishborhood. 1 block to car -beautiful view, lsrge. airy rooms. firooiacea. 7.xlo0 lot. asphalt paved street; price for quick sale $o.-oo: $I0tH) cash will nanaieji no bk""- m m m iun S I XR OOMM O D E R N BUNGALOW. p p 1 r t.' 400. TERMS $750 DOWN. Newiv tinted - W blok to car; full "X.aiamnt cement, sidewalks, sewer, aa aar in mm livlna room. 3 tine bedrooms. North Mt. Tabor: real sacrifice. Phone Tabor .11 off. Owner. SELLWOOD ROOMS. PARTLY a-T DVlUI?!i $19410; paved street, elect, lights, bath; all clear of debt: $-Vh cash, balauce to suit. Automatic 216-O0. $135o R rooms, large lot; it is no man sion, but your full money's worth; lib eral terms. See J. P. McKenna for bargains. 13 years on Belmont at 38th. Tabor 641)3. EAST MORELAND BEAUTIFUL EAST MORELAND. OOO Almost new O-room modern house, looxloo. 12 fancy fruit trees; ideal home. Marshall lo-j i7m LEAVING TOWN. Must trad or sell mv equity to a new modern 5-room bungalow. R. c. Park. What have yuu to trade? AG 4 1 H. Oregoislan. modern 5 rooms, sellwood $2:;o. Real bur piasted house, large rooms, full basemanU best foundation, wash trays; only $7oO cash. Automatic 21-6d. . LEAVING CITY Must sell beautiful six room home, all modern conveniences, everything in ftrt -class condition; walk ing distance. $5000; $2mo cash, balance to suit prchnr. Owner. 772 Belmont. W ILL furnish pians and erect latest de signs nifty AIRPLANE BUNGALOWS by day labor, saving you 15 to 25 per cent E. D, Roberts. Col. 73tt weekday morn Ings, 185 E. 15th evenings. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Snap for quick turn and easy terms too. You must see this. It is different in construction and finish. Call Main 4Ui tor ipi"MUmrin. IRVINGTON ARTISTIC HO.ME I l (a Art a rooms, sti perreci; central entrance; ...ii.. ulnnail hllliia rH r-tr m n:i , ' j double garage. McDonell. East" 4 1st. ' FOR SALE Bv owner. 5-room modern Dungaiow, mi- it ''""ru lorougnout; oa P-U a, .a cv. .1 . IRVINGTON IfOMfl"" EAST aid. McUOMiLL REAL FTATC For bAle BIHR-CAREY COMPANY Succeeded bv CA RE Y-S A VI DOE COMPANY. ?ir KatTwav Exch. b.dg. Main i7 i0 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The publio Is invite! to come to our showrooms on the second floor of in Railway Exchange building, corner of Stark and Third streets, and Inspect the hundreds of photos on dwplay. A a"1 Iery crammed foil of neatly arranged 5x7 photographs ef home. Eight sales men with a u toa to show yeu property. A pleasure to show you our homes. No obligations on your part. OA N'T BUILD FOR S530O. $4700 une of Hawthorne's artistic bun- f a lows A dainty home with eautiful Interior color scheme. This home has everything we know of that goes to make a strictly modern home. You will f ail in love with this thesUnute vou see t. Garage, paved streets, fumare. oak floors. fireplace. Further the owner has been transferred to Corvallla at a great lncrea.se fn salary. otherwise $.54K) would not touch it. Rea sonable terms. NEAR UM'RELHURST PARK. $4250 ft-room modern bungalow, a'l on one floor, on JtSth St.. Sunnyslde district; fine buffet. 3 bedrooms and Hlceping porch, stairway to floored attic: interior In white enamel ; dandv furnace and fire place, garat. all street liens paid in full; fruit room and laun dry room ; wner leaving state ; will neti furniture; great sacri fice: $150O down. t?'r FOR SELLWOOD HOME. $509 down takes thla 5-room house; gas. electricity, bath, toilet. 1 H blocks to sellwood csr. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $2500 Here is a clever luce 5-room bun ga'ow with a fireplace and all built-in features, built only a few ears. Montaviiis. district. 2 blks. to car; $1400 down. ROSE CITY HOME. $450 St rictl v all modern 5-room bun- gs'.ow, furnace. firepla-e. oak floors, paved street. lull cement basement: $2HM down. CHARMING ROSE ITT HOME. $5mio H -e- you will find lut our re quirements In a strict ly modern home. : bedrooms, all targe and light, nn a sleeping porch, hard wood f logics, butlt-lns. laxgs living room, lurnace. fireplace, ia unary trays; 1 ht blocks from Sandy blvd.. on 66th st. ; $1250 down, l;eal anap. 60 MODERN ALBERTA HMFS 60. 0-ROOM ALBERTA HOM K. S2SOA M.itrh thia iurce anarloun modern tome In Alberta district for $2no and you win a new hat, ladies cheerfully Ineluied; beautiful lirfht fixtures, many built-Ins, near car. $1000 cash. Terms. THIS ONE H 4.8 PIPELK8S FURNACE. $2iitK) Can you heat it? 6-room, 2-story modern home with beautiful bay windows. '.nt!t-ln seats. I.rg re- itn-nt basement. Dutch kitchen only IOO feet off A Iberia car; $ptoo down. This home la cheap at -i200. SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SACRIFICE". $;.0 Large roomy 2-story tf-nn. home, built onlv 5 vea r. on K. Yam hill str.-ct. clo.se In ; hardwood floors in large 1 x24 living room nnd reception hai 1. turiiace. ivory finish, paved streets paid. 101 f05u ; v.nc nt ; Immediate pos se ssion ; $S00 down. A pleasure to show our houses. No obligation on your part to purchase. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, Succeeded bv CA REY-8A VIDGE COMPANY, 2lf Railway Kx-'ii. bldg. Main 74t7. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. DUTCH COLONIAL. 6 Rooms and s leeping Porch. $7250. OWNER LEA VI NO FOR EUROPE AND MUST SELL AT ONCE. Folks, we cannot say too much. It Is absolutelv Impossible to overdescribo this wonderful home. No better material, no better work man ship can be imagined. Finest hardwood floors throughout. Kxceo t tonally large living room ; the fireplace is of tile and is practically Impossible of reproduction today. May we not have the pleasure of ho wing you? A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3002. lira nct Office, 501 li and Sandv. $3150 EASILY" $10O0 under value and only $15oO cash buys this fine b-room houjte on paved street with all liens paid; has large living room with book -caai-s and fireplace, paneled dining room, large built-in kitchen and large bedroom on fcround floor. 4 good bedrooma, closets, etc.. and good bath, toilet both up and downstairs ; 1 ull cement basement. Jaun dry traya; IOO feet to car, 12 minutes' ritte to business center. JOHNSOX-D DSON CO., :n N. W. Hank bldg. Main 3787. BEAUTTFUL IV-room bungalow In Alameda Park. This is strictly modern. has hardwood fioors. fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, built-in book cases and all other modern conven iences; good cement basement with laundry trays; garage; paved streets, nice lawn and rosea. Owner wania to move and will give someone a bargain on thia plaoi ; easy t r m s. Phone Mrs. Yager, Woodlawn 40t4. FOR $oMH we offer this fine homa in Irvlngtou Park ; 5 rooms, living room, dining room, music room, all hardwood floor, puneltd dining rcom wttu a beau tiful buffet, built -in kitchen. 2 large sleeping rooms with lighted closets run ning full length; good bath, fireplace, furnace heat, cement basement: ooxloO. east-front lot; garage, fruit trees and shrubbery; a blocks to car; can give terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main T.787 IRVINGTON. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE, NINE ROOMS. TILED BATH. HARD W OD FLOORS. IloT-WATER HEAT. LARGE ATTIC. FIXE BASEMENT. CORNER LOT. GARAGE.' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ; PLACE COST $14,000. FOR QUICK SALE $10,500. SOME TERMS. OR MIGHT TAKE SMALLER PLACE AS PART PAY. POINDEXTER, 2R SELLING BLDG., MAIN l&OO; RESIDENCE. 271-20. IN LAURELHURST BRING ON YOU R CASH. SELLING OUT 50u ON THE DOLLAR lOOxloO or 5uxino. Overlooking Laurelhurst park twe finest bomesltes in Portland; bought ten yere ago before there was a house In the district st double the price I am now asking; don't grumble if you lose It. A fair chance- to all. Phone me day or evening. Tabor 8433. evening East 2QQ. IF YOU HAVE $2000 cash you can buy a modern 8-room home in the best part "of Laurelhurst. 50xlt0 lot. furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors and everything- built In. Price onlv $025O. Phone Main 7141. ask for Mr. Smock. 05O WILL HANDLE. A good 0-room bungalow on North Mount Tabor; house ts well built and at tractive; good plumbing, full basement, large lot with all kinds ef bearing fruit trees and berries; chicken house; hard surface street and sewer In and paid. Price only $:t(Ko. JoHNSOX-DODSON CO.. H33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON. Notice. I havo on of the finest -California bungalows ever offered for sale; 5 rooms, garage; only $IR00. ALSO A beautiful 1 1 -room house in the best part of Irvington which has never been offered for sale before, and is a ra re bargain at $12,500. Call Lawrence, Main 80M.. See HOLMES FOR HOMES. $2750 $500 CASH. 4 -room bungalow , 1 additional rooms upstairs which are unfinished, but could be used aa sleeping rooms; large living room, dln.ng room, bedroom, kitchen and balh on first floor; gas and electric lights, rood basement, garage; 40x120 feet of ground JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Hank bldg Main37S7. jT.oo prtce"iTpto PELL $4.".6a Out-of-town owner say a sell before first of month a 7-room modern home in good dtatrlct. Fireplace, furnace, ce ment base., garage, paved, near car. Among 7000 hum: a coat of p-iint mould make it a SC500. $2hh cash. bal. easy : no tntg. Cali Marshall 352 or Tabor 3 OOO eve. HOLLA DA Y A DDITION -."- room bunga low with sleeping porch, built-in buf fet . f I rep' ace. full cement basement, f ur nace .".OxIOO loir all street improve ments in and paid. Price $4600. $2000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. . 3 N . W . Ban k b d g. M a i n 3787. NICE 4 -room cottage for S2.VH1. $50Q down. Th is olace is quite modern, located on!y 2 biocks to car. ou large lot looxl'io. with ali KtriflR or irun ana oerries. net ter see this today. Phone Tabor 3080. IOO cherry trees, chicken corral; $ 1 500 cash, inquire Bays. 75 Host at. Mar shall 4X REAL ESTATE. r fale DON'T YOU REM EMBER my ent husiam w hen 1 described ' home In Portsmouth a few da ago. The first party that looked it over, who had previously floured the tow n In ef forts to locate pom'! h Ina .suitable, vol untarily told me when he bought the house that m v advertisement w as not exaggerated. Now ye of little faiti come close! I have another available near Peninsula Park, a seven-room bun galow, with a living room that wi'l make all your tomorrows and tomorrow nights rosrv from dancing. Hardwood floor, cavernous fireplace. Tiffany light ing fixtures which cannot be duplicated today. American kitchen we don't have to seek foreign names for our efficient methods), furnace. wah-trays, f-oll con crete basement, light and airy bedrooms, and a lot 40x175: your idea of a garden may be started now. but I am ratis-fied that what has been done will meet with your approval: oie block from car line: $5M0 and worth it. Me a gain. Ma hone v. COE A. McK KNNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St.. Main 671. Evenings. Columb'a 63. $5750 ROSE CITY PARK. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5 rooms, breakfa nook ad sttic. This is indeed an attractive bungalow. I hardwood floors In main rooms, ot her 'rooms ntcelv finished, gray tile firep!aee. very attractive built-in features. all room, en&.nel finished, 5xlu torner lot. paved rtret and ew er impi ove mnts in and paid It will bo a pleas ure t4 show you thl plate and It s a real sacrifice. Scs Mrs. Boon. Rose City Park Branch Office. 4Mh and Sandy blvd. labor 2.04. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. ROSF. CITY PARK. COM P LET ki BUNG A LO W S 5500. Here, folks. Is as complete a home as you w II 1 expect to find for this anion 11 t of mon e v. You will admire the larre living room, and til t'.ie remark a bt v clever and deliglitfullv distinctive :ea fires that go tt make this a ral home. The GaM'O furnace and Instantaneous hot water beater are two Items that indicate the completeness of this charm ing bungalow. Let us thow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 164 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3 9 2. Branch Oftice, JOth and Sandv. FIX hi IKVIXUTOX HOME. DOC RLE GARAGE. NBW ENGLAND COLONIAL STTI-K. 8 large rooms, extra targe living room, large library which can be uead for a downstairs bedroom If necessary ; per fect gem ef a Dutch kitchen : finished throughout In old Uory and finest tap estry paper; material and workmaaship the very best that money could buy. I will II this palatial home $1500 under what you could build It for on the am location; financial condition necessitates a quick turn on this property. Phone me day or evening. Tabor 3433. Evening East 2H OFFICE E. 30TH AND G LI SAN. DRIVE OUT TODAY. GET KEYS AND INSPECT THREE BRAND NEW HOMES. $1250 .ash. a few dollars with your rent money and move right in ; guaran teed double constructed and first class In every particular: you can't put them In the same clasa as some of the cheap er ones you probably ha ve hoen ; there Is a big difference, as I will show you. built and sold at h. tual cost; no big commissions or buildr'a profit, which makes a saving of at least $1M0. t all or phone Tatbor 333. Evening. Kst 21 CRESTON. 5-room bungalow In best of condition: iy block to car. 6 block Franklin high school: vat ant;-must be old by Jun 1. See thi. 50H .'.2d ave. S. E.. or call Mr. Gray, Main 4522. COE A. MeKENNA A CO.. 82 4th street. FOR SALH BY OWNER. A beautiful 5-room mooern bungalow : fireplace, built-in bookcaacs. hardwood floors, hallway with large French mir rom, Dutch kitchen, two large slry bed rooms, full-sized cement basement and trays, wood lift, ox IOO lot. 1 block to car line ia beautitul location In West moreland; $1HJ down, balance easy terms. This Is a splendid buy. Sell wood 2846. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. dandy large rooms, all on one floor larce II vins room, full width of house massive cobblestone fireplace: eastern hardwood floors t hroughouu This Is a w onderf ul buy for someone. Exception ally laiae lot: garage: full base man t furnace. Price $.oti. Will make some terms. J. A. McCariy. Main 1TOO; eve nings Tabor 5ikjT. ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN. $350O Buys home of 3 rooms and dn down, 3 rooms and bath up; full basement, wash trays; recent 1 painted ; corner home ; conven ient to grade school, car and stores. 1 errns. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 24 Ry. Exch. Hlug. Main !Oj4 and rrt ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN. NEW, DIFFERENT. 3 rooms, breakfast rdom. 'arse attic best floor plan built; finished In old lvorv. tapestry paper, cut-out borders: extra-fine location, corner iot, ail im provements paid : reasonably priced liberal terms. Call owner. Tabor 8292. WET-SIDE SACRIFICE. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. located where you can sit on the veranda and look out over the city: In a fine neighborhood and a REAL sacrifice at the price of $7uu0; $JoOO cash and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 LAURELHURST HOME. 85350. A modern 8-room Home, hardwood floors. 1 1 replace, furnace, buffet, ca bi net kitchen. lull cement basement, one bedroom down, four ocdrooms, bath and 1 01 lot on 2d floor. This is a real buy at :i.o. rvo casn. CLEVKLAN D-H ENDERSOV CO.. 212 Railway Exchange b'.dg. Main H7.VJ $3150 BUYS comer home of 4 rooms and den or music room down, suic finished into 2 additional rooms, street improvements in and paid convenient to Williams and Miss issippi ave. cars and Jefferson high. J. A. WICKMAN COMPAXY. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main in;4 and net NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. New 5-room bungslow about 6 blocks from Laure-lhuret park; has fireplace, furnace, hardwood lioors and all the latest built-in; xi,,oo cash and term. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 30o OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. N1CR bungalow. 1 blk. to Irvington car line: strictly modern, hardwood lioors fireplace. furnace, cement basemen t This in a good buy at $40oO; will take $oo down. Hetter see tnis today. M . a. lager. r'none wooaiawn 40o4. KILLIXGSWORTH AVE. DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow, full cement base nient. launurv trays, cabinet kitchen. bedroom, bath and toltet down. 3 bed rooma up : 50x 1(m lot: 3 blocks to car Price $:;tMMi, eusv terms. CLE V ELAN D-H EX DE RSOX CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. ON East 3Sth t. N.. near Brondway. S room house : reception hall, living room dining room, large kitchen. 4 bd rooms and s'eeping porcn; splendid new fur nace fireplace, hardwood flours. Price $TM50. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East 707 tt. ROSE CITY. 8-room bungalow, all on one floor: tire n ui'f. oak floors, r Tench doors, teas ra dialors. -til built-in. grage; If you want something clata-sy. see tnis st oi.ee; SIoc down, balance montniy. tiroadway Itk.N 2ui Oregon b:ag. FoR SALr. y owner, modern ..-room cottage in Hawt norne dtst.. .)x 1im ;ot a'.l kinds of frutt tre-rs. bertlea and roses; good garag-. improvem.'tits all in and pa id lor. c.asy terms. M. i i. Den ton. 32 HurnsiU-1. Phone Bdwy. After O P. ).. Wdln. 5t;io. WILLAMETTE HUir.HTS. 7 ROOMS. PRICE .MK. 7-room modern house in tile best nar of W.l'.ametle Heiguts. one b.o k to t-vr iovelv view; siiu earn ana terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. RftA OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN- WILL GIVE IMMEDIATE PoSSESSlttN 5 rooms, modern, ;i replace, hard wood floors, lurnace garage. OWN Eft, T A HOR 4?.U BVENINtlS. TABOR 7r8 $3tto CASH, ba'.ance $25 per month an interest, buys a 5-room hous: tMtli. tni let. gas. electr.c lignt.; - b ack ot car clo&e in on eat viae; price $2000. Ca.l at 4-j in ry o.og. . ADMINISTRATOR SALE 7: Furnished cottage. 2 lots, fruit, chit k ens. nice nttie name lor $i7..n, on Mt. roit line near rwern far a. r'none Bdwy t i GROVELAXD PARK bungaiow. by own 4r- 41H E. 51th st six rnnmi m e hardwood floors, while enamel nui h; $375 CASH r. cor., paved sts. 3 kv Irv. car. I3M7.V: garage: AoxHai, f jco I87J. CASH 7 r. eioe m: f.rep. paved; 387i Ma.n 4803. pr REAL FSTATC For tSale BEST OF BITS. CLOfcE IN, ON MISSISSIPPI 45AH LINE WE HAVE A SIX-ROOM; HOCSS ON QUARTER BLOCK: THIS IS BUSI NESS PROPERTY AS WELL; QUAR TER BLOCK ALONE WORTH $10,000. FOR QUICK DISPOSAL, $4500 BUYS IT. TERMS TO SUIT. DO NOT OVER LOOK THIS BARGAIN. RI ELY A GUSTAFSON. 950 YEON BLDG. MAR. 145. J70 0 A WONDERFULLY A R TT ST I a HEIGHTS bungs. ow. ber-t of ma terial, ruperior orkman&hiP. 1 PRACTICALLY TRIPLE CON- STRUCTED. 34x4S ft., exclusive o. porches; the masMve cobblestone cotumns. the artistic fireplace. lh greet front porch and the low. rambling, ty pical bungalow lines give this beautitul iiae an un usuallv attractive character: from. the reception hall one glimpse, the large lining roon with :t large Mone fireplace aTid its built in bookcases on eith r end. ana beamed ceil.ngs and polished hard wood f!oort. There i an ideal Dutch kitchen with a Hushes No. 51 electric range and line linoleum which go with houe. The central hall is lined witii linen ciosct. fine tiled white bathroom; hou-e is cnii'ppcd with hc.-t w hlte nlumb m: fixture; 2 minnv bedroon.s. a maid s room, splendid full cement bafrement w(:h a GASCO Hit s' CE and iaundry room. etc. This home commands an unob structed view of river and moun tains; Ideally located on Wi.lam- e t te Hf'.ghO 1 otai pnw - w. TERM 3. SEE FRANK L. McGLTRB To Buy Your Home Abington Bldg. .wa,B 1 Successors to n. u . . w ..- a. 1 . v. -..J 1 Cfiii FOR TY YEA Ris of'rELIA RLE SERVICtiT NEAR 38TH AND WANfOCK NIFTY BUN G A LO YV $ 000. LOTS OF CLASS ANT. DITTNCTIO Here, folks, i- one of thoe reall good looking modern bungalows. V c-n" overde.scribe this charmlns oin Job just Picture to yourseif the kind, bungalow vou want, and here ou w.U find it. From hardwood tloors to garage, every detail is complete VX hen by stop to udmire a home t he ow ne r ha reason to feel proud. This is that kind ot a home. 1-et us show you. . f- TFKPK CO.. 64 S'ark St', near Third Main 3O0-. Brancn otucv. av - WIIVT $250 WILL DO. 5Mi wi'l ou I-cs5ession i atri.-ilv miMlcra - of room bungalow -sun i;ir.w. y he r All. nMt Willi al l lumrovements in and paid, also - passenger auto. good as new . tirver off sire.us of Portland., or can be had without car. if you mre 1(Mkinf! for sometning classy and real easv to handle, act qua tt and investigate. F. R. Jesse, o-i Corbett bldg. Main 7141. LAURELHURST HOME. I am offering my semi-colonial dene of rooms and glass-enclos-d s'eeping porch, corner Multnomah and. Sandv Finished In white enamel, hard wood" floors. French doors, fireplace and furnace; level lot. This is a very at tractive home and am offering it for sak- today for the first time at a price of $V(H, on terms; 1 am occupying the home and wl.l gladly show It to anyone interested. This is a hish-chiss Jome at a reasonable price. Schiller B. Her man. Broadway 2SV "7. . . r. V- a. XII- T m Til lU Modern 5-room bungalow, with Tur nac locateil on -i acre of ground 'iih in large bearing English walnut trees. 4 cherry, 1 a'moad : all kinds of small fruits. Gord garden, sil and a lino place to keep chickens. Street Improve ments in and paid. Here W a country home In the city. Price $7iwx. on t'-rm. Reduction for cash. owner going to California C L E V E LA N P- H E V DE R SON CO. . 212 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main A752. BARGAIN. WEST SIDE. Listen to this: Lot 50xHo on Love jo v ifTet ne r 24 th. good 1-room house, double constructed througkout: reception hall. living room lti2-4 with f. replace: very lisht dining room, pass pantry, large kitchen, a very large bed rooms, fireplace in one bedroom. Bleep ing porch on third floor. This is a real home. Price only 7500. ha,if cash, hal. t.e. Gibson. 2!j Stark. Mar shall 12. VERY fine 2 -story 8-room modern house. with attic, large sleeping porcn. not water heat, fireplace : more t han 2 lot, garage, and all in good condition; in good d"i.-trict, with fine, view of citv; located 1 -" 0 K d a - n a r H M w dome. Give immediate possession to right party at $S5 per month, and might Include stove and some ch rpets; fin-? home and reasonable rnt. i'iM at room 1J02 Northwe-tern Bank building. No phone information. FOR ONLY $3500 you nn have possession of a pood home and $45 a month income: excellent bids, and fine location on Hawthorne ave. This place will be rold $LV under pres ent value. Phone Marshall 200X L-ANDY 3 larce rooms and sle-ping por-.t. fine for either winter or ru,iwurr, ys""' tered. hot and coid water, gas, elec tricity, cement basement nd cement wwlks near good car service and pave ments, fine condition. $25o, $Hmm) cash, or might accept 10 acres or more im proved acreage within 3o miles of Port ;ttwl near same -:ue: would preier some bui. dings and water, near rail and auto. Call owner, automatic ii02t. r J 51. $2100-- LET us show you this nifty ti- room lltl'TIl- . - -"JUiD ..-.w a.. bath up; fireplace, newly painted and decorated throughout; new a rpet on living room and sts irs Included in price; corner lot witn garage: convenient to car, stores and hich school. Term. J. A. WICKMAN COMPANY. 204 Ry. Exch. Hlug. Main l'H4 and ft DID YOU EVER HEAR 0 SUCH A BARGAIN 8-room 2-story house, living room Tina fireplace and book.-n s s, archway to din ing room. Dutch kitchen. bedrooma. ba Hi and sew in g l ooni ; corner iot. wra Pt ved and paid. G RO V ELA VI) PA R It A DDITION. Only -t40ti. $1200 cas-ft will hand'e. M.tln 1 1 4V. $4-M SOM KTHINtf CLASS V g420ft. 5 r. rhoi. ungsloW on larce lot. paved; va riety of fruit and berries ; near car. grad and Jefferson hich s t ools; harfl wood floors throughout ; garage. Th home Is not in St. Jhns lents. but close In. In a fine dist. $2oort cash. bst. easv. Marshall 3:152. Ee.. Tabor 3-0. .1. B. Rotk Co.. 4:t-4 Couch bldg. IRVlNiiToN Here la your chance. Well built, modern t;-room house, 1 stories. 5 rooms on first floor and l:irge finished room on second; Vox furnace. Se this at once. Price $42o. terms 2rMH cash, balance to suit Schi ler B. Her man. BROAI'WA V 28. 6-Ri OM modern house, with built-in ef fect; furnace and fireplace: full cement basement a nd laundry tays; good garage on corner, all wemfnti paid. S4.',ou for quirk aa'.e. some terms. T-bor 241; no agents. HuSri CITY Beautiful home-like 6-roro bunaa'ow. on 41t.i near Sandv; mouern in every respect. Prl $47 25. terms. St hi ler B. Her man. BROADWAY 2s C-KOoM hou-e. full let. 1 Mock to rived t. and car line: water, gns. elect, light. Must sell th's we.-k. U;25. Trm.v EDWIN JaCOBSmx. 71H Spalding Bldg. Main 542. 7- iiuu.M beautiful m;iern home In Roe Citv Park, beautifully furnished : 4 bed rooms, woodwork in white enamel ; ca -r-trfe. driveway: all built-in fixtures. Ca ! Main 5::-5. 4Q1 Stock Kx hange brd. Suburban Home. GARDEN HOME ACRE SNAP Fine acre with all kinds of lull bari.ig fruit tree and herrles: foun.lnt'on for hous; there s a small J -room shack house nd 3 smail chicken houses: all fenced; fine vtell: sas : located about 0 minutes" wslk frm Garden Ho.ne station on Oregon Electric. If vou want a re 5.1 anap. gr b ihis acre; price i- only i;no: half cash. 9 t; G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 W-hlTgtrn St. Main S2o " SM ALL ."-ROONf H I ITk and ore are fine cultivated l-nd. s-jino Half ea-h. Alberta car. 1219 N. W. Bank bid;. i