Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 15, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Great Special Sale
Employment of ex-Convict Is
Cause of Exodus.
Superintendent Says Most of Men
Leaving of "Floater" Type; In
stitution ot Crippled.
8ALBM. Or., April 14. (Special.)
Twenty-two attendants at the state
hospital who yesterday eerved an ul
limatum upon Dr. Lee Steiner, super
intendent.. that they would quit their
Jobs unless "Happy" Gordon, a. pa
roled convict, was drischargred
from the employ of the Institution,
failed to report for work this morn-
Ins. Included among; tnese mem, ac
cording to Dr. Steiner, were seven
attendants who yesterday were dis
missed from further eervlce at the
It also n reported by Dr. Steiner
that 6everal of the attendants who
left the hospital under fire urged
that they be retained on the pay
roll, while a number of others re
quested that their names be with
drawn from the petition asking' for
Gordon's discharge. None of the at
tendants discharged will be rein
stated, according' to Dr. Steiner, as
their places are being filled with men
fully capable to handle the positions.
Strtner Not Disturbed. -
"While the exodus has left us short
banded," said Dr. Steiner today, "we
will continue to function and within
& few days the Institution will be in
better shape than ever before. In
most instances the men who agi
tated the threatened strike are float
ers and pass most of their time trav
eling from one institution to another
in quest of employment."
It was stated before the state board
of control at its meeting yesterday
that 70 men were involved in the I
threatened walkout, but this asser
tion was found to be false by the
superintendent. The employes now
working at the hospital appear to be
well satisfied with their positions,
according to Dr. Steiner, and he does
not believe the force of the institu
tion will be further depleted.
Fatleata Will Not Saffer.
The superintendent was emphatic
!n his statement today that relatives
of patients in the hospital should not
be alarmed over the action of the
disgruntled attendants, as plenty ot
belp is available to Insure the inl
mates of every possible attention.
Wramcrce Sorority Installed at
Eugene by Miss Fox.
gene, April 14. CSpecial.) Nine
members of the Girls' Commerce club
of the University of Oregon became
members of Phi Theta Kappa, nation
al commerce sorority, yesterday. The
petitioning group numbered 16 when
me application ior membership was
sent in last summer, but seven of the
girls are not now In college. They
will be initiated at a later date. The
nine initiated are Frankie Adams, of
McDocl, Cal.; Ronalda Cameron of
Hillsdale, Mildred Aumiller .of Yaki
ma. Wash.; Dorothy Donlon and Thel-
ma Stanton, both of Portland; Esther!
ien, Margaret Fell and Rachel Par
ker, all of Eugene, and Nell Warwick
of Marshfield.
The installation was made by Miss
Elizabeth F. Fox. dean of women.
Honorary memDer ot the fraternity.
Ccntralia School Board Votes Ap
proximate Increase of $29,000.
CENTRALIA, Wash., April 14.
Special.) An increase of approxi
mately 29.0OO in teachers' salaries!
was granted by the Centralia school
board yesterday at a special meeting!
nd April 24 was set as the date for
a special elecetion to authorize an
xtra tax levy of 8 mills to provide
funds to meet the increase.
The wage scale adopted by the
board yesterday, if applied to the
present teaching force, would amount
to ISo.lOl. The teachers at a recent
meeting voted to stand by the scale
adopted by the bewis County Teach
ers' league, which, if applied to the
present force, would amount to $101.-
IT igay
, din
for everything that needs preserving and beautifying
AND to-day, as during the past 71 years, the name "FULLER" means
the same high standard in Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Enamels, etc.
During this long period of time, in all conditions of weather, season in
and season out, FULLER Products have proven their superior lasting and
beautifying qualities
Thousands of homes and buildings have withstood the test of time and the
elements and are giving the maximum of service through "FULLER Paint
For exteriors and interiors, the FULLER line meets every possible need.
There's a special FULLER product for everything that needs preserving
and beautifying.
Some of th
for interior woodwork
DECORET combined stafn
and varnish in all shades
for refinishing furniture, etc
DEK0RATO the Sanitary
t Kalsomine
Never was there a better time or better
reason for painting than right now. High
cost of everything makes your investment
in home or building worth a great deal
more than formerly.. FULLER Paint and
other products are the best investment for
the protection of your property that you
can possibly make. They save a great deal
more than they cost.
Look Up a
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Northwest Branch Houses at
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma,'
Spokane, Boise
L 'i
1 1 'm, m r
if v
J? I tUD CD ij
r-W::-'M I ill Lrtn WN Ji ' . I
W lt LEADERS m" "" '
duplicate: filings expected
nial May 1, great preparations are
being made by the advisory board, of
which Rev. Owen F. Jones is chair
man. The visitors wil be treated In
a manner that will cause them never
to forget the big celebration in Baker.
It is Just 50 years since the method
or grinding wood as raw material
for paper was introduced in the
I nited States.
Fains, in the back are very often
flue to undernourished muscles. The
muscles that are used most are gen
erally tnose that are Iirst to cry out
in pain. Lumbago and rhenmatism
are two very common diseases that
attack muscles that are not getting
needed food because the blood is im
Treatment that increases the auan
tity and improves the quality of the
blood win otten relieve this suffer
The result of the use of the right
tonic in a case of lumbago is illus
trated by the experience of Mr. James
Knoyle. of No. 432 Garden avenue.
Butte, Montana.
As a result of exposure to severe
weather while in a run-down condi
tion. I developed lumbago in the small
of my back," says Mr. Knoyle. "The
pain gradually extended to my hips
and became very severe. When I
attempted to stoop over to pick any
thing up the pain was so great I
could hardly straighten up again. 1
couldn t sleep well and was losing
strength and energy rapidly.
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been
used in my family for 35 years.
inougn i naa never before had any
need for the remedy. I decided to
Ex-Scrvice Men", of Civil War Al
lowed to Kile at Rosebnrg
Although more than a score of ex-
service men applied at the office of
the land office registrar yesterday ior
information concerning the land with
in the Oregon & California land grant
which has just been thrown open
with preferential rights to former
soldiers, no additional filings on the
land were made yesterday, according
to Alex Sweek. registrar.
Many of the former Bervice men ap
plied for maps showing the various
tracts of land within the Portland
district and announced their intention
of visiting likely-looking pieces of
land and returning to Portland to
make formal filings.
It is generally believed that fil
ings will be made on all of the 144
tracts within the Portland district
and that drawings will be necessary
later when duplicate filings among
the ex-service men must be decided
through the government lottery
method. .
April 13. (Spe
crowd of land-
at the . United
this morning to
file on claims was James C. Haskins,
veteran of , the civil war, who pro
ductd papers showing that he was
given an honorable discharge from
service and therefore entitled to home
stead rights. The aged veteran en
listed in Company B, 181st Iowa in
fantry, in- 1863, remaining 'in service
until the close of the war. Mr. Has
kins resides in Coburg and was al
lowed to file on a claim.
cial.) Among the
seekers appearing
States land office
Action Taken to Prevent Nuisance
Near Camping Grounds.
HOOD RIVER, Or., April 14. (Spe
cial.) To prevent the construction of
garage on a lot adjoining the free
automobile camping ground. just
opened by the city, six citizens have
each subscribed $25 toward a fund
for holding the lot until the city can
by charter amendment legally pur
chase it. There is a general feeling
that a garage on this location would
be a nuisance for campers.
The citizens underwriting the prop
osition were: Councilmen K. W. Sin
clair and Mark Cameron, Mayor Sco
bee. City Attorney E. C. Smith, C. W.
McCullagh and C. N. Ravlin.
clal.) In view of the fact that the
timber of this section, though of
highest quality, is not being utilized
commercially, the chamber of com
merce last night recommended that
sawmills and furniture factories be
Interested in the tiber resources of
Wasco county. Souif steps have been
taken already to Interest sawmill op
eiators and furniture factory heads.
Officers Elected Unanimously.
THE DALLES, Or.. April 14. (Spe
cial.) Officers elected by the direct
ors of th chamber of commerce last
night are: W. H. Wilson, president
L Barnum. vica-president. and N. A
Bonn, treasurer. Messrs. Wilson and
Bonn were re-elected. The vote in
each instance was unanimous.
Phone your want Ads to The Orego
plan. Main 7070. A 09.
Timber Resources Not Utilized.
THE DALLES. Or.. April 14. fSne-
"California Syrup of Figs'
Child's Best Laxative
ALBANY. Or., April 13. (Special.)
Though yesterday was the first day
of the period in which ex-service men
have a preference to file on lands of
the old Oreeron & - California land
give the pills a trial and they more grant thrown open to entry, no rush
than, fulfilled my expectations. In
few days the pain became less acute
and finally disappeared entirely. I
continued taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills until I had built up a reserve
of strength and haven't been both
ered with lumbago since. I have so
much confidence in the remedv that
I have recommended it to several of
my friends."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all druggists, or direct from the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schnec
. tady, X. T.. at 60 cents per box, post
paid. Write today for a copy of the
free booklet, "Building Up thp Blood."
occurred at the county clerk's office
here. Considerable of this land is in
Linn county, but two filings were
made here. Walton T. Wallace of La-
comb filed on a 40-acre tract rear
La comb and Huie A. Hardesty ot Har-
risburg riled on a tract of 40 acres
of rler bottom land near bis home
Baker Will Entertain Masons.
BAKER. Or.. April 14. (Special.)-
In expectation of having several hun
dred visiting Masons in Baker on the
occasion of the Scottish Rite reunion
.April zs-30 ana tne snrlne ceremo-
Accept "California" Syrup of Fig
only look, for the name California on
the package, then you are sure you
child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stomach
liver and bowels. Children love it
fruity taste. full directions on each
bottle. You must say "California.1
. .V
he wrote "The Silver Horde"
Mighty Men!
They recognize but one law
the law that lies in the barrel
of a gun and the flinty hard
ness of bare fists. And when
Marsh with his Wall Street
millions hits the Kalvik trail
to force them to yield their
claim to "The Silver Horde"
he found fight.
And the struggle that followed
resounded with the crash' of
might y fists vibrated with
the unleashed passions of
strong men fighting for for
tune and the love of a woman.
and "The Silver Horde " Starts Sat
urday, April 1 7th, at the MAJESTIC
t lis: vrr 1 '-sj3l I U
Seldom have we been able to offer such a
splendid assortment .of reliable used pianos and
player pianos at prices which make them excep
tional bargains. This sale includes the complete
Wakefield Music Co. stock of pianos and player
pianos, which was purchased by us:
Hobart M. Cable (second-hand) $150
Melville Clark, cabinet grand
Hinze, golden oak, plain case 285
Mendelssohn, dull mahogany 350
Wick, American walnut 375
Kohler, man., plain case, like new 450
Shattuck, oak, only slightly used 435
Save on a Player Piano!
Genuine Armstrong standar action player
piano 450
Bungalow, dull mahogany 500
Shattuck, mah., late style, plain case,
player piano 550
Hobart M. Cable, walnut 675
Strohber, high-grade mahogany 725
Exceptionally easy terms now offered on any
piano in the store. Call today ! Make a deposit
of $15, $15 or $25, and arrange to pay balance on
our deferred payment plan.
Foley '& Van Dyke
106 Fifth Street
Between Washington and Stark
You'll find this SoU
Jilt nt only protects
valuabU paper but
makes them easily ac
cessible on your desk.
Real advice that
suggests a saving
You would have a hard time fig
uringout just how to save time
and money in your accounting
department unless you were
thoroughly familiar with clerical
methods. Baker-Vawter men
are especially trained in this field;
consider them your advisory
board; their experience is yours
for the asking. Write or
phone Mr. Bond.
Baker -Vavter Company
Originators S'Manufactums Loose Leaf & Steel Filing Equipment
Portland Office 651 Plrtock Bids.
Phone Broadway 2292