THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TnUKSDAT, APRIL 15, 1920 PLOWING HELD BACK BY WET WEATHER Grain Season in Oregon Getting Late Start. Is FALL WHEAT IN FINE SHAPE Effect of December Freeze on Fruits Is Xow Developing. Potato Planting Delayed. The first weekly crop report of the te aon was issued yesterday by Prank Gll lam, meteorologist of tne local weather bureau office. The summary of weather and crop conditions In Oregon follows: While vegetation . got an early start In favored localities, owing to the mild, open weather of the previous two months, it was checked by the cold rains of March and has advanced but lfttle since. In Southwestern Oregon and scattered places in some of the sheltered valleys vegetation is slightly in advance of the seasonal av erage. Considerable plowing had been done up to the beginning of the March rains, but the soil is now too wet to work generally in the Willamette valley and in north eastern counties of the state. While fall-sown grain Is In fair .to good condition, it Is greatly in need of warmer weather. In Morrow county both winter wheat and rye are only fair, the former crop being very backward, and in Umatilla county the crop is not up to the average. Home wheat In Wasco county was blown out, necessitating re-seeding, and some seed that did not germinate in Wallowa county last fall is now coming up. Early own spring grains are coming up -to good stands, and with favorabre weather much ground that is now ready will be seeded to oats and spring wheat. Meadows need warmth for best results; although they are green, growth is slow and unsatisfactory. Pastures and ranges are also late in starting, and up to the ' present time have furnished little feed for stock. . Cattle and sheep have come through the winter in farr condition. The hay shortage in some districts is becom ing serious and stock will surrer if pasture and range are not soon available for graz ing. The effects of the December freeze oo fruits are now developing. Winter-killing has been serious -in some orchards, but as to the extent of the damage it is too early to determine. Peach trees have undoubt edly suffered most, rnlle cherries and pears did not escape. Cherry bloom is Just beginning to show in Hood River county and buds are swelling in good shape on pears and apples; quite a number of these trees show trunk and limb injury, which will probably mrrect the crop to some extent. In Jackson and Josephine counties only a few pear trees are In bloom, but a few warm days will bring them out Spraying for "scab" should now be under way. but rains have delayed this work seriously. Cherry and pear trees are in heavy bloom in Douglas county and some prune orchards are nearly in full bloom. Some early potatoes have been planted where soil conditions permitted, but. sjis ground Is still too wet for this work. CAI.UORMA WOULD BUY BACK BAGS Strong Demand From Southern Dealers for Limited Supply Here. California bag dealers :who sold ban here at the start of the season are now trying to buy them back and are indicat ing 21 cents, but there are few sellers in the local trade as they have no more than their requirements and some of them not near enough. With the California c'roo now certain to be much heavier than was at first estimated Jt is probable that the course of the bag market will continue ud ward. Farmers who refused to buy early when the quotation was around 13 or 1 cents, now find the market price at inter - ior points to be 2- cents In carlots. The eastern wheat market was strong yesterday. There was buying of club la this section yesterday at 30 cents, but na demand for hard wheat was reported. Coarse grains were unchanged on the local board. At San Francisco August barley sold at $2.73 and December at $2.73. Reports from the mills indicate light of ferings of export flour to the grain cor poration this week at the old price. A Chicago bulletin said the French gov- offcrlng to resell 2.000.000 In Argentina rules very firm, with an active export demand causing sharp short covering. Speculators have been, absorb ing good quantities, being Influenced by the good foreign demand. Oats continue in a depressed staia and huvera amar- I ently are not anxious to make purchases l at current lee vis. Foreign are being of fered in larger amounts, but even the re duced prices fall to stimulate business. Argentina values are firm." CCBE BCTTEB 18 OFFERED FREELY Eggs Are Steady, With 36 Cents Bid for Country Shipments. Cube butter was offered more freely yesterday at 68 14 59 cents, which indi cated a weaker market, but no changes in print prices were announced. Eggs were steady, with most buyers bidding 86 cents for country supplies. The shipping situation has not changed. The roads accepted eggs fr Seattle, but would not guarantee shipment Poultry and dressed meat prices were unchanged. Cmnby Rhubarb Received. No California produce was received yes terday except by express. Los Angeles wires said the situation there was bad and nothing could be moved out. Tho first shipment of Canby rhubarb arrived and was put on sale at 13.50 a box. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $7.21S,011 47.112 Seattle 7.220.fr4 884.5W9 Tacoma 1.2SS.363 133,1 9 Spokane 2.470.209 743,438 - r PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: STOCK POOLS ARE ACTIVE SPECULATIVE ISSUES FORCED TO HIGHER LEVEIj. Bulls Base Their Operations on More Encouraging Strike Out look; Bonds Again Weak. NEW YORK, April 14. Basing their calculations largely on the more encour aging aspects of the railroad strike, bull pools continued to press their advantage In the stock market today, many issues making substantial accessions to recent gains. Stock dividends, actual and prospective, as represented by American Tobacco, Wool worth and Union Bag & Paper,- helped to sustain the advance, particularly among specialties, in which gains extended from three to 15 points. In several instances highest quotations were made toward the close. Sales 1.275,000 shares. The money market followed its course of recent days, call loans opening at 7 per cent, but advancing by easy stages to 12 per cent at the end. Quotations for time money were unchanged and few loans, ex cept for short dates, were made. Steadier conditions prevailed In the tnr. gn exchange market. Advices from T-n- on Indicating an phtIv ri .a in ,v.A u ., i, England diSCOUnt ratM AtwaiinnaH nn surprise. With liberty Issue -i-.,, . again weak, the entire bond market re acted, rails and industrials also losing ground. International tbaclc 1 !. ..... by H on call. of O&ta No. 3 white feed Corn No. 3 yellow Eastern grain In bulk Oats. 36-pound clipped Oats, 3-pound clipped ri. i0 j yenow.... April Bid May Bid $60.00 63.50 64.50 fiO.OO 61.00 66.50 61.00 61.50 65.50 20 per w HbAT Government basis, 2 fuaucj. FLOUR Family patents, $13.15; bakers, hard wheat. $13.75; white wheat. $12.05; irraham. $11.80; valley. $11.40; straights, $11 per barrel. MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartagre $1.50 extra; mill run. car lots of mixed cars, $43 per ton; rolled barley. $72; rolled oats. $66; ground barley, $72; scratch feed, $M4. CORN Whole, $74; cracked. $76 per ton. HAY Buying price, f. ' o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $31.50; cheat, $19; oats and vetch, $26; valley timothy, $2829. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 58 V & 5!c lb.: prints, parchment wrappers, box lots 63c per pound ; cartons, 64c ; half boxes. hz c more; less than half boxes, lc more; butter-fat. No. 1, 62 & 63c per pound at sta tions; Portland delivery, ordinary grades. 64c. EGGS Jobbing prices to retailers, Ore gon ranch, case count, 37c; candled, 39c; selects, 42c. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long horns, 83c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, 81c; Young Amer- cas. 32 c. POULTRTi-HenB. 865)37c: broilers. 50c: ducks, 45c; geese, 20 ra 35c; turkeys, live, 40c; dressed, choice. 50c. v EAL Fancy, 23c per pound. PORK Fancy, 22 c per lb. canceled an- ernment Is offering to bushels of oats. Baltimore other cargo of oats. v The California state crop report puts the winter wheat condition at b5 per cent versus 99 per cent last year and 93 per cent in 1018. The preliminary estimate ot acreage sown is 781,000 acres. Indicating a production of 11,060,000 bushels 'versus 16,35,000 bushels last year. Weather con ditions during the month of March wer generally favorable to the farmers. Terminal receipts in cars were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland Wednesday ... Year aKO is a Hon to date. Year ago Tacoma Tuesday Year ayo Keawon to date . Year ago. ... . Seattle Tuesday Year aso Bea.son to date. Yt-ar ago 2 ... 1 7 ... 11 4 7B31 171 3527 422 1966 6 Si 4 9fiU 2297 632 964 ... 10 ...' 1 1 12 6343 80 2858 171 778 5163 32 .... 148 1154 84 1 6 2 1 21 .. . 12 .. . 15 5575 238 791 639 1134 5.177 71 1106 523 2432 fcl i.AK PRICKS TO ADVANCK MONDAY Sharp Rise in Market la Announced by Refinery. There will be an advance in. local sugar prices Monday. Fruit sugar will sell at about $18.40 a hundred. The Western Sugar Refining company yesterday notified jobbers of an advance of $1.25 in the re finery price to $17 and as soon as the sugar bought at this price reaches Port laud it will be sold accordingly. The pres ent quotation here is $16.75 on this grade. Jobbers are making only partial allotments to their customers and will continue to do so, as they can get but a fraction of their orders filled at the refinery The Cali fornia-Hawaiian Sugar company had made no announcement of a new price yester day, but it is expected to follow the West ern soon. Still higher prices in the sugar market seem to be inevitable. Cuban crop esti mates are being steadily reduced and raw sugars are advancing accordingly. Raws sold in the New York market yesterday at $18.50 and that the California refiners muft soon pay this price to the Hawaiian planters Is not doubted. Local jobbers believe It will not be long before they are paying $20 for sugar at the California plants. CORN WEAKENS IN GREAT BRITAIN Shippers Are Offering More Freely at L. oarer Prices, Commenting on the condition of the com market in. the United kingdom, Bioomhall cables: 'Shippers appear inclined to offer corn more willingly at lower prices and sub stantial quantitisa of Plate are being put forward at reduced figures. Demand from feeders continues about steady, but the absorption is not of sufficient proportions to maintain prices. It Is becoming In creasingly evident 1o purchasers here that shipments from Argentina are likely to continue in liberal volume. The market Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $3.50 7.25; lemons. $5.256.25 per box; grapefruit, $3.25&7.50 per box; bananas, 10llc per pound; ap ples, $1.25&4 per box; strawberries, 40c per basket. VEGETABLES Cabbage. 56c pound; lettuce. $4.5004.75 crate: cucumbers. $1.25 3 per dozen; carrots, $3 4 per sack; cel ery, $7S'8.50 per crate; horseradish, 20c per pound; garlic, 4045c per pound; cauli flower, $1.752.50 per crate; tomatces, $4 4.25 per box; parsnips, $3.504 per sack; artichokes, $1.501.75 per dozen spinach, $1.65 per box; rhubarb, 8c per pound, peas, 15lic per pound; asparagus. 12 15c per pound. POTATOES Oregons, $77.50 per sack; Yakimas. $S&8.50; new California, 16c per pound ; sweets, 10c pound. ONIONS Oregon, $6.5007.00 per sack; Australian Browns, $77.50 Pr sack. Staple Grererie. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis. Cane granulated. 16.30 16.75c per pound: extra C, 15.90 16.35c; Golden C. 15.8016.25c: Yellow E. 15. 70 l.15c ; cube. In barrels. 17.15(9 17 60c: powdered, in banrels, 17. 7518. 20c. NUTS Walnuts, 32 & 31e; Brazil nuts, , SOe; fiiberta, S5c; almonds, 35$3Sc; pea nuts. 15p15Hc; chestnuts, 25c; pecans, 32c; hickory nuts, 15 16c; cocoanuts, $2 per dozen. SALT Half ground, lOfts, $17.75 per ton: &ns, per ton; dairy, $26.50 28 per ton ; best refined, oOs. $36.50. RTCE Blue Rose, 16c per pound. BEANS White. 8c; pink, 8U.C; lima, 13c per pound; bayous, 10c; Mexican reds, 8c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 39 51c. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations. HAMS All sizes, 37nMOc; skinned, 31 vzc picnic, 4W-c; cottage roll, sOc. LARD Tierce basis, 25c; compound, 2ic per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 25 29c per pound; plates, 23c. BACON Fancy, 44 52c; standard, 83 4ic per pound. Hides mad Felts. HTDEf? Salt hides, under 45 lbs., 2c green hide?, under 45 lbs., 25c; salt hides, over 45 lbs., 21c; green hides, over 45 lbs.. 18c; green or salt calf, to 15 lbs., 67c green or salt kip, 15 to 80 lbs.. 80c; salt bulls, 17c; green bulls, 14c; dry hides. S2c dry salt hides. 26c; dry calf, under 7 lbs. 55c; salt horse, large, $8; salt horse, me dlum, $7; salt horse, small. $6; dry horse. large. $4; dry horse, medium, $3; dry horse, small, $2. PELTS Dry pelts, fine long wool. 35c: dry pelts, medium long wool, 30c; dry pelts, coarse long wool, 25c; salt pelts long wool. March take-off, $3 to $4; dry goat, long hair, pound. 28c; dry goat, short nair, pound, 20c. Hops, Wool, Kt. HOPS 1919 erop, 95c per pound three-year contracts, 4oc average; one- year contracts, 65c MOHAI R lx n g staple, 3 5c 3 6c ; short staple. 25 30c. TALLOW NO. 1, 13C; No. 2, 10C oer pound. CASUAKA MAKK. fCT DOUnO, 11 ftC car lots. 12c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 407 50c; valley, medium, 50 w 52c; coarse. 39 57c. GRAIN BAGS Car lots, 21 22c m Beet Sug m jfcn m Car A Pdv m H A, L pfd III -L.OCO .... m Sm & Si far m sugar Htg emm lob. Tel A Tel m Z L fc Sm naconda Cop tchison G A WISH aid win Looa 37 uim. ottu at unio.. 4. ziM) em steel B & S Copper lif Petrol anadis n Pac. Cent Leather. Chi M 6c St P hi & N W Chi R I A Pac Chino Copper. ol Fu & Iron orn Products 23.0OO rucible Steel a.iuo uba Cane Sug 24.2O0 S Fd Prods. l.Mt cne en Electric. Gen Motors . .. No pfd .... t No Ore ctfs llnols Central nsptr Copper. M M pfd. nter Nickel .. nter Paper . . C c Southern. Kennecott Cop Mexican Pet.. Miami Copper M idvale Steel. Missouri Pac. Montana Pow. evada Cop. . , Y Central.. Y N H St H orf & West. Northern Pac. Pac Tel & Tel Pan-Am Pet.. Pennsylvania. . Pitts &. W Va. Pittsburg Coal Ray Con Cop. Reading nop ir & Steel Sin Oil & RtK. Southern Pac. Southern Ry .. Studebaker Co S0.4tM Texas Co 4.0(H Tobacco Prods 5,1 0O Union Pacific. 000 ntd Retl Strs 12.800 8 Ind Alco. 13.000 U S Steel do pfd 7tah Copper. Westing Elect Wlllys-Overlnd National Lead Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. Oils. LINSEED Oil. Raw. barrels, 2.06 raw, cases, $2.21: boiled, barrels. 2.08 boiled, drums, $2.11; boiled, cases. 12.23. TURPENTINE Tanks. S2.46; csjm 2.B1. COAL Oil, Iron barrels, 14HG17C eases. 2TS34c GASOLINE Iron barrels, 27c; tank wagrnns, 27c: case. 39 c. FUEL OIL Bulk, t: 10 per barrel. Coffee Fntnrrs Advance. NEW YORK, April 14. Reports from Brazil that there had been large sales covernment-held coffees to Europe duriitg the past rorlnipnx, rvavems lire govern ment stocks to 870.O0O bairs, appeared to make rather a bullish Impression in th market for coffee futures here today. Th oDenins: was 16 to 23 points higher, with active month selUns; about 16 to 26 points above last nlirhts closing llgures aunn the early trading. At 14.53c for May 14. .0e for September, there was scattered realizing, however, and prices later ease oft to 14.42 for May and 14.39 for Sep t ember The close was 15 to 18 points net hirher. April. 14.34c: May, 14.45: July, 16.67c September, 14.40c; October, 14.36c; Decern ber. 14. sue: January. i-.bc; Aiarcn, Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s. 14 lie Santos 4s. S3c. Kastera lairy ' Produce. NEW YORK, April 14. Butter Firm packing stock, current make No. 2, 41 Q 43c: otrvers uncnangea. Egirs Easier; fresh gathered extra firsts, 474Sc; firsts. 434ic. Cheese Firm, unchanged. CHICAGO. April 14. Butter Unsettled creamery. 46 4r24c. Kitgs Higner: receipts, i,835 cases firsts, 4OV4 041c; ordinary firsts. 37 33c: at marK, caeca inciuaea. is4Uc Poultry Alive, higher; springs, 40c fowls. 41 He. Dried Frnlt at w York. NEW YORK. April 14. Evaporated an pies dull; prunes Irregular; peaches quiet. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 14. Spot cotton easy, aitaaiing. 43c. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. 1S.100 2,700 4.3UO 13,(XMJ J.-'OO 10,700 10,300 BOO l.soo 6,000 1.200 6.000 14,100 300 l.loo imo 2.8O0 2,700 iOO 5,500 bOO 1,200 l.WOO 1. bOO 3.0O0 30O 2, :ioo 6.U0O l.ftoo 18.KOO 1.5O0 5O0 20.UOO :ioo l.SOO 2110 1O0 2.SK0 2.5O0 300 1.800 1O0 87,400 4.000 5O0 20 loo 6.000 52.9M l!),.-0O 6.S00 00 59,200 !oo 1.90O KO0 6.:too a.loo 2.300 25.6O0 Last High. Low. Sale. 102 4 89 100 48 48 4tK 144 143 143 115 114 114 lOS 10o lOUVs 68 B7 67 Tk 142 135 140 102 t 9a 7. 96 96 9UVl 19 18 19 64 63 W 82 81 81 173 170 170 143 140 1411. 33 33 33 99 97 97 26 26 26 39 38 39 121 120 121 87 86 86 38 36 37 85 85 go 36 34 35 6 36 36 39 39 39 105 103 104 271 267 267 59 67 57 69 68 68 13 13 13 154 153 154',-i 369 358 3i 78 76 78 39 38 38 8U 89 89 58 57 58 98 96 96 22 22 22 87 84 8.V 17 16 18 31 31 31 207 294 204 24 24 24 47 47 47 27 26 26 37 37 37 14 14 14 72 71 72 33 31 32 94 93 94 79 78 79 41 41 41 1B0 112 114 40 40 40 30 30 So 62 62 62 19 19 19 85 82 84 114 112 113 42 41 41 100 9S 99 23 22 23 125 122 122 211 20S 208 74 73 73 120 119 119 82 80 81 9R 94 95 lOO 105 105 112 112 112 77 76 76 52 52 52 24 23 24 90 89 89 43 42 43 114 110 114 mind. 1.72c; cables, 1.74c: drachmas. 8.77c. uovernmrent bonds weak; railroaa Dona weak. . Time loans strong, all dates 8 per cent. Call money strong: high. 10 per cent. low, 7 per cent: ruling rate, 7 per cent; closing bid, 9 per cent; offered at 10 per cent; last loan, 10 per cent. After the close the following quotations were made: High, 12 per cent; closing bid, 11 per cent: offered at 12 per cent; last loan, 12 per cent. Bar silver, tl.19. Mexican dollars, 90 c. Bank acceptances, 6 per cent. LONDON, April 14. Bar silver. 68 d per ounce. Money, S per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 6 per cent; three- month bills,' 6 per cent. HOES QUAHTER HIGHER BUYERS PAY $17.25 FOB LOAD AT LOCAL YARDS. CORN IS UP WITH WHEAT FRESH STRENGTH DEVELOPS IX CHICAGO MARKET. Government Weekly Crop Report Is Construed by Traders as Bull ish Oats Also Higher. CHICAGO, April 14. Fresh strength de veloped In the corn market today largely as a result of the high prices prevailing for wheat- The close was nervous, at to lc net advance, with May 81.67 to 1.67 and July 81.60 to 81.81. Oats gained to c. In provisions the out come varied from 10c decline to a rise of 20c. From the outset In the corn market, much notice was taken of the fact that exporters were paying 60 cents or more above the established minimum for wheat. Besides, the government weekly crop re port was construed as bullish, for it said the condition of winter wheat was In gen eral unsatisfactory and that seeding, ger mination and growth of other grain bad been retarded by unfavorable weather. Oats were governed by sympathy with corn. Provision; averaged higher. .rv... r.hino. markoe letter received yea- r, r-ri r rkfhAir A Hooke compaDT of Portland said: Corn Trade was mainly local anu tne absence of conspicuous pressure gave the market a strong tone most of the day. The failure of receipts to show any In crease In the fa-;e of reported improve ment In the local strike situation was a nr riiMnnnlntment to short sellers. Th. rm n market was a listless affair with nrlmi unchanged to 1 cent higher. Shipping demand Is at a standstill because th tntnflnartatlon conditions. The wviv .nv.rr men f weather and crop re port said planting In the south was one to two ve.-lta late and germination slow on account of unfavorable weather. This is a reminder that the season is approach ing when day-to-dny fluctuations will be intlenced more by weather conditions and crop advices. 'Prospective supply and de mand conditions, as well as the existing disparity between corn prices and livestock values favor lower prices, dim m mime dlate situation which Is .featured by sn henc of rash pressure makes it advis- hla tn rnnflne short sales to the bulges. Oats fluctuations were exceedingly erratic, particularly In the May delivery, which moved rather violently in both di rections on small orders. The report that France was offering to re-sell oats at the seaboard caused a sharp decline, but the recovery was equally as rapid when the importance of this report was minimized by sdvices to- the effect that the sslea were simply made because the oats were not available and 'he ocean tonnage could be used to good advantage for other grains. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Mav 81 7 81 6 Jui'v 1.60 1.61 Sept 1.5o i. !n- OATS. Mav 95 . July 80 . PORK. 37.50 v Cattle Are In Small Supply; Spring Lambs Sell at 92 0 -Receipts Are Light. Hogs were the firmest feature at tha market at the stockyards. A full load sold at 117.25. an advance of a quarter, and other sales were made at 117. Only few cattle were available and thev sold within the former range of prlcea. Half a aozen neaa ol spring lambs brought 820. xne oaya sales were as follows: 6 steers. 1 steer.. 1 cow.. . 1 cow. . . 1 cow.. . 1 cow.. . 1 cow.. , 1 cow.. . 1 cow. . , 2 cows. . 1 cow. . . 3 cowa. . 2 cows. . z cows. . 1 cost, . 1 cow. . . 1 cow., . Wt. Prite.l 1190 810.40 71 hogs... 1 bull. 1 bull. 2 hogs.. 4 hogs., 8 hogs.. 1 hog.. , 8 hogs. . 11 hogs.. 4 hogs. . 4 hogs., 6 hogs., 1 hog. . , 930 980 . 9HO . 890 .1000 . 8!M) . 940 .1070 . 750 . 690 .1020 960 950 700 970 820 .130O . 400 . 230 . 207 . 235 . 620 . 230 . 202 . 165 . 312 . 195 420 10.50 0.5O 7.0O 6.95 8.00 7.50 8.2, 9.50 6.00 5.00 7.75 7.00 7.5 6.0 8.00j 7.00 7.50 7.00 16.85 17.00 15.7J 14 OO 17.0O 16. 16.85 18 .7.1 16.8:i 15.201 16 hogs.. 2 hogs.. . 13 hogs... . 9 hogs 10 hoga... . 1 hog 18 hogs... . 2 bogs... . 1 hog 13 hogs... 6 hogs.. . . IO hogs.... 10 hogs... , 3 hogs... . 6 hogs... . 2 hogs... . 1 hog 5 lambs.., 6 lambs... 32 hogs... . 2 hogs.. . , 5 hogs... , 3 hogs.. . . 2 lambs... 2 ewes. .. 1 yearl... 1 buck.. . Wt. Price. 197 817.25 126 17.00 178 197 202 211 520 230 235 380 210 202 240 188 280 260 195 370 370 58 175 2S0 158 156 110 155 130 250 15.00 16.75 16.50 16 75 15.O0 17.00 16.75 14.75 16.75 17.O0 16.75 16.75 15.75 16.75 16.00 15.2S 15.25 20.04 14.50 15.75 16 75 16.73 16.00 12.50 15.50 8.50 25c per lb. for string; SSOSOc for wax: bell peppers, Loa Angeles. 60r75c; Hub bard squash. 4Oftc per lb.; summer squasti. per crate, 81 00 125; tomatoes. Mexican. 83.7594; fancy, 85 per 30 lb. lug; potatoes, rivers. 87.5068 per cen tal: plowouts, 86.7507; sweet, Tt8e per pound; new potstoea. 9pllc per lb. : onions. Australian brown. 8.7506; lm- penal Valley, 8c per lb.: wax. 83.5004 per crate; cucumbers, hothouse, 83-50j4 per box: English. 82.25; garlic 35640c per lb.: artichokes, 85078c; turnips, 81.75: carrots, 81.2501.5O; beets, 82.50S; let tuce, southern, 1(M.60; Imperial Val ley. 12 42.50; peas, 6?7c; asparagus, 1 9c; fancy graded, lO&llc; green aspara gus, 4 9c: spinach, per lb, 2&3c; green onions, tl125 per box; celery, per crate, river, 81.50fe2.50; Watsonville, 834: eggplsnt. Los Angeles. 35040c per lb; cauliflower, per dozen, 75c9ll. Fruits Navels, 83.2506.25; Valencia. 84. 50jr5.50; lemons. 83.2505; grapefruit. 82. 2508. 50; lemonettea, 82.5003; tanger ines, 83 0 8.50 per half orange box; ba- as. Central American. 8 010c: pine apples, 8406 per dozen; spples, Newtown Pippins. 8 tier, 82.50 0 2.75; 4 tier. 82.40 0 2.65; 4 tier. 82.1002.35; rhubarb, bay stock, per box, 81.75 0 2; strawberries, Los Angeles. S3 3.23 per crate; Imperial Val ley. 8303.5O per crate. Receipts Flour. 13.683 Quarters: wheat. -V5 centala; corn. 2345 centals: potato. 70 sacks: hay. 181 tons: esisa. 164.320 dozen; oranstes, 237 boxes. 811.2Si912.00 10.75011. 5 9.7510.75 9.O010.O0 7.50'a 8...0 (l.50 7.50 9.2510.25 8.25i 9.25 6.75 0 7. 3.25i 3.75 6.00W 8 00 , 15.50017.00 , 10.00's 14.00 7.UOU 10.90 7.00 0 8.50 , 17ST17.25 , 1 6.25I& 16.75 . 12.25U 16.25 , 13.000 15.50 BONDS. U S Lib 8s. . .95.00I Anglo-Fr 5s .. do 1st 4s OO.oBiA T &. T cv 6s do 2(1 4s . . .87.50 Atch gen 4s .. do 1st 4s. . .90.60!d A R O con 4s do 2d 4s. . .87.44N Y C deb 6s. do 3d 4s. do 4th 4 s. Victory 4s. . do (il U 3 2s reg. . do coupon U S 4s reg. . do coupon Pan 3s reg. , do coupon 98 94 73 61. 88 91.80IN P 4s 711 .87.54jN P 3s 50 . rac 1 & 1 as. . 85 ..96.50Pa con 4s t87 .101 S P cv 5s 100 .101 So Ry 6s 81 .106U P 4s 78. .106 U S Steel 6s.... 93 ..85 ..85 I 'Bid. louex 75 Ariz Com 13 Calu & Ariz . . . 65 Calu & Hecla..355 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, April 14. Closing quotations: North Butte ... 19 Old Dom 82 Osceola . 47 Quincv ........ 57 Centennial ....12 Superior ft u Cop Kange .... 44iSup A Boston... 6 raxt Kutte .... 14 Shannon Franklin 8l:tah Con ..... 8 Isle Royalle ... S3 Winona 1 Lake Copper... 4 Wolverine 191 Mohawk ...... 66 I Greene Can .... 35 Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swirt & Co 119 Llbby. McNeill Llbby . .,. 3o-iI National Leather , 13 Swift international 42 Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 14. Copper dull, un changed. Iron, tin, antimony unchanged. Lead quiet. Spot and April. 9.25c bid: May .and June, 9c offered. Zinc steady. i.ast St. Louis delivery. spot. 8.30c bid. New York Sugar Market. NEW TORK, April 14. Raw sugar firm. Centrifugal, 18.32c; refined firm; litre granulated, I61& 16.IVOC. Mav.. July.. May.. July.. R7 50 87.35 I.QW. 81.66 1.59 1.54 .93 .85 36.70 Close. 8167 1.ft0 1.55 .95 .86 86.70 19.50 20.30 May.... 18.12 . July 18.70 Cash prices w , Wheat No. 1 No 2 northern LARD. 19.65 20.42 R1B3. 18.32 18.70 19.42 20.22 19.42 20.25 18.12 18.70 follows: northern spring. spring. 82.70. IS 12 18.70 $2.75; Coni-Mo. 2 mixed, 81-68; No. S yellow. 8168. ' , Oats No. 2 white, 81.01 1.01; No. 8 white. 99Vyi .81.0. Rye Nof'qhoted. . Barley 81.72. Tlmothyseed 89 9 IS. CI verseHr. 84O0 53. . . Pork Nominal- . ', . .. ' Lard 818.82. . Ribs 17 018 2. Clraln at -Sao Tranrisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 14. Orain Wheat 83.66 2-3 per cental: oats. red. 82.9003.05; barley, feed. 8303.10; corn, California yellow. 83 0 3.20. - Hay No. 1 wbeat or wheat and oat hay. 835 3: No. 2. 833035; choice tame oat hay. 837040; other tame oat hay, 833 037; wild oat hay. nominal: barley hay, nominal; alfalfa hay, 83237: stock hay. 829032; barley straw, 7Oc0l . per bale. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 14. City deliv ery: Feed Mill, $45?4 per ton: scratch feed, 885; feed wheat, 889; all-grain chop, 873; oats, 872: sprouting oats, 877; rolled oats. 74: whole corn, 875: cracked corn, 78: rolled barley. 876: clipped barley. 881. Hav Eastern Washington timothy mixed. 842 per ton; double comfpressed. 840; alfalfa, 840; straw, 820; Puget sound, 838 per ton. Minneapolis Tirain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 14. Barley, 81.31 01.60; flax. No. 1, 84.7204.77. Xaval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., April 14. Turpentine dull, 82.20; no sales; shipments. 9; stock, 1294. Rosin firm. Sales. 899: receipts, none; shipments. It: stock, 15,872. Quote: B. 815: O. E, F. O. H. I, 817.25: K. 81H; M, 818.75; N. 818.75-WJ, 819; WW, 819.25. Livestock nrlcea -. . K - Pn.H mr. A we as follows: Be sratn. pulp-fed steers... Choice steers Good to choice steers"...." " Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers , Choice cowl snd heifers Good to choice cows, heifers... Medium to good cows, heifers. Canners Bulls . I Prime light calves ......"."..., Medium light calves Heavy calves Stockera and feeders Horn Prime mixed Medium mixed . . . , Rough heavy Pigs.j , Spring lambs 17.0O20 0fl t.astern lambs 17.OOW18.00 iint vaiiey iambs 15.75W1T.00 Heavy valley lambs 14.25013.75 . rum on 10 medium lambs ... 1 l.oosr 14.5s leanings 5.O015 "Wethers 14.5nifrl5 Ees 10.0OW14.00 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. April 14. Hogs Receipts. 90oo. Packers and shippers afforded good nunei Tor supplies at nana, prices gen eraily steady with Tuesday's average. Top, n.i.; market sales. 813. 500 14. 50. Cattle Receipts. 6300: supplies mostly killing grade: trade active: prices on beef steers and butcher stock generally 15025c higher. Top steers. 1549 pounds, at 814: market sales. 812013.25. Tanners and cut ters unchanged, veals steadv: too. 814.50 Blockers and feeders, demand quiet, mar ket dull. Sheep Receipts. 3000: market unevenly higher than close of week. About steady with last Tuesday. Best wooled lambs. 75 pounds, 819.75; clipped lambs. 94 pounds 817.50; wooled ewes, 814.50; clipped. $12.25. . Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. .April 14. Cattle Receipts 400O; beef butcher cattle, 25c to 50e high er; quality much improved. Top yearlings. 816; best medium and heavy weight steers. 5.75015.85; bulk of sales. 813.50015.50; few choice cows. 812.25: bulk. 89. 50W 11. 50; canners firm, bulk, 85ifr5.50; bulls and feeders nominal; calves steady to 00c high er; bulk around 814. Hogs Receipts. 6000; opening fully 2a higher. Most packers later bidding steady Top. 815.90; bulk, 815015.75; good strong weight pigs around 814.50. Sheep Receipts. 9000; market uneven. Iambs, mostly 00c to 75c higher. Top. slioru lambs, 818.25; choice heavy weight. 91i.o94r'17. iu; sheep nominal. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITV, Mo.. April 14. Cattl. Receipts. 450; market active, 50c to 81 higher than last Thursday. Top steers, 814.50; bulk, 812013.50; top yesrling steers snd heifers. 813.50; bulk, 812013.25; good to choice vealers. 812.50 13.50. Sheep Receipts, 100: few sales fat lambs around 75c higher; best offered at 819.50 500 fat Texas goats, 18.25; market active and all holdings moving. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 14. Hogs Re- re!pts78; market steady. Prime, 816.750 17.25c medium to choice, 815.5016.i5 rough heavy,, 814.750 15.25; pigs, 813.500 14.50, . Cattle Receipts, none; market stesdy. Bent steers, 811.50012; medium to choice. 89.25'ft' 11 ; common to good. 8 09.25; cows nd heifers, 81o01O..iO: common to good. 86.5009.50; bulls. 8708.25; calves, 87 0 16. SAN FRANCISCO rROUICK MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits,, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, April 14. Butte! Extra grades, 58 c; prime firsts, nominal. Eggs Fresh extras, 42 c; firsts. 39 c extra pullets, 28c; undersized, 33c. Cheese Old style California flats fancy. 26c; firsts, 28c; Toung Americas, 27c. Poultry California bena, large, 43045c; mall. 40041c; strictly young roosters. 50 0 55c for good: old, 22 0 25c; fryers. 65 060c; broilers, 45gi50c for large; geese. per lb., 34j?37c; ducks, 30 o sac. Belgian hares. 21024c; JacK - raDDlts. 1303. 00 per dozen. Turkeys, dressed, nominal. Pigeons, per dozen. 82.50 0 3.50; squabs, 65060c per lb. vegetaoies Means, imperial valley. 10 Money. F.xcnange, Kte. NTW TORK, April 14. Mercantile pa per. 6 07 per cent. Exchange strong. Sterling, 60-day billa. 83 91; commercial. 60-day bills on banks. 83.91; commercial, 60-day bills, 83.91: demand, 83.95; cables, 3.96. Francs, demand, 16.17 cables, 16.15; Belgian francs. demand. 15.10: cables. 15.08. Guilders, demand. 37; cables, 37. Lire. demand. 21.97: cahl-es. 21.95. Marks, de- Tulath Linseed Market. DULTJTH, April 14. unseed. 4.83. 84.800 The legislature of the state of Bahia, Brazil, recently approved project for the dredging; of the River Grande, an affluent of the River San Francisco, for the purpose of making: possible a line of river boats to serve a district with no railroad facilities. We offer oar participation S36.225.000 Equipment Trust Certificates , New York Central Railroad 7 Dated April 15, 1020. Maturing: In IS annual Installments beginning April IS, 1021. Denomination of Certificates S5O0 and fioob. Issued under Trusteeship of Guaranty Trust Co. of N. Y., with whom title of equipment is vested, and used by railroad under lease. ( Interest Oct. 15 and April 15 Price: 100 and Interest This is one of the first ' reconstruction financing plans of one, of the great railroad systems and this money will be Used for replacement of rolling stock, machinery, equipment and supplies by the great New York. Central Railroad and its branches. Act promptly if, you wish to take advantage of this opportunity. Details on request. ClARn.KT.NDAU. 6 CO. INC life PAVING WILL PROCEED Xo Protect Against Work Filed With County Commissioners. CHEHAUS, Wash.. April 14. (Spe cial.) When the county commission ers met yesterday to consider the winlock-Cowliti paving under the Donahoe road law- there was not protest of any kind filed and the work will proceed immediately. AU- red, James & Hendricks have the con tract. The total cost of the work will be about 1206,000. This Is the Job on which Lewis county commissioners were obliged to make a reassessment owing to the increased cost of labor and mate rial. The pavement will be of con crete. 18 feet wide, and will connect Wlnlock with the Pacific highway at Cowlitz. POTATOES AVERAGE $100 3 00 Cars Shipped Out of Yakima Valley In March -Bid Xow $160 TAKIMA. Wash., April 14. (Spe cial.) More than 300 cars of potatoes were shipped out of the Taklma val ley during March, according to rail road figures given out here. The value of these shipments Is estimated at more than 8500,000. A month ago shippers said there were not more than loo cars of potatoes left in the entire valley, but 316 carloads, to be exact, were sent out during the month, and it is stated now that at least 25 carloads more will go out before the 1919 crop is cleaned up. It is estimated that the March shipments of potatoes brought an average price better than 81 00 a ton. CITY DESIRES SUB-BASE Suitable Landing Place Will Be Selected for Airplanes. THE DALLES, April 14. (Special.) Definite action was taken by the chamber of commerce last night to make this city a sub-base In the air plane forestry patrol service. A com mittee was appointed to select a suit able landing field and a telegram was sent to Senator McNary urging him to use his influence in the matter. A committee to select a landing field is composed of L. Barnum and Hallie Rice. The telegram to Sen ator McNary points out the need of adequate forest patrol to keep down destructive flrs which In this sec SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STA1 HUNT OF The Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Company, Limited of Liverpool, in the kinsrdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the thirty-first day or uecember, 1019. made to the in urance commissioner of the state of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up .-. $ 200.000.00 Income. Net premiums received durlng; the year Jl.338.478.51 interest, aiviaenas ana rents received d-urlns the year.... 63,271.07 income xrom otner sources re ceived during life year 4RT.55O.S0 We offer the unsold - portion of $3,000,000 City of Edmonton Alberta Gold Bonds ' i . Due October 1, 1929 Payable in U. S. Gold Coin 5H's at 86.58 Wire orders "Collect" Total Incom i;891,ftW88 - Disbursement. Set lo?es paid durlnff the year including adjustment ex penses $ 5S2.967.2; (.vitimipsiung inu wianei paia durinic the year M7.941.12 lixei, licenses ana lees paid. during the year 59.536.T9 Amount oi m.ii otner ex penal tures 61,031.80 xt? in 1 1 in' iq inu tor account of borne office 618.171. 14 Total expenditures . . . AmM(t. Iue from authorized com pan len on losses paid Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value .... Cah deposit with trustees .... Cash In banks and on hand... Premiums in course of collec tion written since Septem ber 30. 191VI Interest and rent due and ac crued ........ .$1,679,638.06 S 203.000.13 1.232.796 B0 1.406. 4J.t.31.0 463 342.74 ll.r.4.t.4 Total sac-eta 41.957.930.06 uenuct doak vstue or ronai and stocks over market vstue 158.436 SO Total assets admitted in Ore- ton .$1,799,473 66 LiabiliUea. . Grows claims for losses unpaid. $ 58.334.08 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding; risks....! SM.KTA 4 ( All other liabilities 71.5OO.00 CeSS PLHI aBTSnTCS SASK U MAIS 4 Freeman mith & Camp Co. SsSBBBBBBSsBSSBsja Total liabilities, exelnsir of capital stock t 91 1.404.48 BuNinens in Orpros for th Y Net premiums received- durlns; the yesr Louse paid durlnK the year. . Lofteea incurred durlnff ths year THE THAMKS MKBSEY MARINK IN SIBASilK tO.rl, L1.UITED. Statutory resident attorney for aerrice, Tavlor. TounK tc Co.. 449 Sherlock bide Portland. Oregon. Geor Taylor asset to OreEon. 1 ' a 5.27 T . 18 1.417 4S 1111 INSURANCE WE WRITE ALL LINES C. De Young & Co. Main 7351 810 Spaldinjr Bid?. Leave the Man- agementof Your Property in Our Hands OWNERS of office buildings, indus trial --.plants, hotels and apartment houses find it an agreeable relief of time and w o r ry to place the burden of manage ment upon the shoul d3 of the Strong & Mc??nghton organi-. zation. ' . ' " Ours la a Scientific " Service Strong 6 MscNcitfhtor. pobtlamo Cos bit? Building U cat&OM , FEES FROM AXA. DOMINION GOVERXMEST TAXATION $348,000.00 Edmonton 5V Gold Bonds DENOMINATION: Jl 000 Dated: October 1, 1919. Due: October 1, 19. i Redeemable by drawings on Interest dates at par from tax arrear collections which may 'be used for the sole purpose of redeeming- these bonds. Payable in Gold Coin of the United States at tho quarters of Morris Brothers, Inc., or In New York. Semi-annual interest payable April 1 and October 1. YIELD! DIO! Edmonton is the capital of the Province of Alberta, Canada, and has a population of over 60,000 people. It is served by three transcontinental railroads: The- Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk Pacific iand Canadian Northern and is one of the most substantial and promising cities in the Dominion. These bonds offer clients and investors an unusual opportunity to ob tain GENERAL OBLIGATION bonds of a substantial city upon such a high interest return basis as 74. Legality , ap proved by Messrs. Malone, Ma lone & Long, Attorneys, Toronto. PRICE: 86.58 TCT NET 7V2 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If TM mtia sasall van t lka.t . Tt.a. . ji 70a mDHii-ii Tonr iAtrtr r rUrr bond. m. If ton rui bur nw.r 1 lK-w vi. w Za iTL " - mm On April U. -,92,,. tB. cicVinrNe York mTrk.rpVs "Sere a, .Its. e-lw- They TS th" ov"n"' vnc for Liberty and Victory boiJd. miFiSZZ tho world, and tho hiehest. We advertise these prices dallvB. f,!i--r 1st 1st 2d 1st 2d Sd 4th Victory n '.WaV-v.;- wedduVf7e wntx sell at tho New York market, plus th. accrued I . r n U00 bond- W Borclar and lire proof 8af. Bases for Beat. open Until s F. M. Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Praam afunlefnal Bond Il. r-.-i.i u,.., Marrii Rullrtlnv UMLll . . .. . . . . . ... . k 8tre. BeL irth l UI..K. .Established Oyer a Quarter Century -I tion last year destroyed 3. 600,000.000 feet in timber. TANK UNIT IS EXPECTED Centralis Assured of Award by Washington Adjutant-4Jeneral. CEXTRALIA, Wash.. Arjril 14. (Special.) As far as the state Is con cerned, the national guard tank: com pany assigned to Washington by the war department will be located in Centralis, Adjutant-General Thomp son Bald last night, addressing: a meeting- of business men in the cham ber of commerce. Tha required min imum of 100 men has been enlisted, an armory assured and there are excellent maneuver grounds. The equipment Jt Is expected will be placed hero will have a valuation of 1, 500, 000. In some parts of tho United States natural cement rocks are found which contain nearly the proportions of ma terials to produce Portland cement iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisin W Are Members of Distributing Syndicate of E $36,225,000 New York Central Railroad 7 Equipment Trust I Certificates fj We offer our allotment for investment H PRICE: 100 and Interest f'' 1 Yielding 7 ' Due Serially EE . These certificates are issued on the "Philadelphia Plan" with the Guaranty Trust Company, New York, as trustee. . EE EE Certificates will represent approximately 75 of cost EE of equipment, consisting: of 9200 freight cars, 265 EE steel coaches, 193 locomotives. EE Equipment Bonds have a splendid record for prompt payment. EE Full information on application. BOND DEPT. J I Ladd g? Tilton Bank I Oldest in the Northwest I-hEMBspv trftvuiM. asnrC Washington and Third iiiiiiiHiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitin 0 lafiX 7 Equipment Certificates New York Central Railroad . These certificates are a price lien on raUroad revenues ranking ahead of 1st mortgages. Issue for purchase of equip ment, which is held in trust until fully paid for by road. NOTE ISSUE REPRESENTS ONLY 75 OF PURCHASE PRICE Serials Dated April 15, 1920 Due 1921-34 Denominations $1000, $500 PRICE: 100 TO YIELD 7 BHsssk ' Off! Uador- SorsioOro3MaamiateptdmjemJL Bonds Trusts Acceptance Lumbermens BIdg.