V TTIE MORNING OREG ONI AN, THURSDAY, APRIL, 15, 1920 21 FOR RKNT. j ltoom With Board In Private Family. (NICE la rue front room with alcove and co ay fir -place; also furnace heat, hot nd cold water, bath, with breakfast, block from car. Mount Tabor. Phone Tabor fiKSO. jLIOHT corner room, suitable for man and j wife or 2 men; smaller room suitable 1 for 1 or 2 men; first-class board, walk IJIng distance. 681 Oilman. Marshall 1248. !BO(.)M andboard for 2 ladies employed that would share the same room; modern home. Fbone East 1147 before 1 P. M. or alter 4 P. M. -ROOM and board for 2 people, suitable for man and wife or 2 men, in modern home, walking? distance. Phone East 1147 before 1 P. M. or after 4 P. M. ROOM and board In private family. All borne conveniences; one block from Haw thorne car. 2o4 E. 23d. East 8300. StiNTLEMAN will share nice Urge front room, walking distance, opposite Mult nomah club. 5S0 Salmon st. Main 3732. AOOOD board and room; good home cook ing, shower bath; walking distance. 741 til laan LARGE! front room in modern home. 431 neat Park st. WANTED Child to board, excellent care. Full charge preferred. Aut. olo-i-- GXD room, nice home, near Multnomah club. 2 good meals. Main x-'iw. Furnished Apartments CAMBRIAN APARTMENTS. 433 COLUMBIA, COR. 12. S and 3-room furnished apts., light, airy rooms with every modern cooven- 11 lei ce, 10 min. walk f im center of city; ir mtam .f tn 17 nAi mn rflnulrfld. Marshall 2593. ' THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern. 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; all outside with French doors and balcony. Permanent and. transient. 8TELWYN. 166 St. Clair St.. Cor. Washington. HIGH CLASS. Elegantly furnished apartments; all outside rooms and sleeping porches; ev erything very modern and clean ; also bachelors suite for refined gentleman; references required. Marshall 280. l-ROOM furnished apartment. May 1st. suitable for small family, in exchange for light janitor services; work will not Interfere with man having other em ployment. P 85, Oregontan. W ANTED Refined couple, mldddie aged, to share lovely home with two ladles; C. S. preferred ; only congenial and refined couple need apply. Main 1080. BXCBLLENT apt., "private family, large grounds, living room with fireplace, bed room and kitchenette. Price ."(), not in cluding light or gas. Tabor 4337. jHRiiK rooms and sleeping porch, $;"0; 4-room corner front, oo; 4-room siae apartment. taO. Lucille Court apts. Bdwy. 2071. LKtED APTS. 3 and 4-room apts., mod ern, fireproof bldg.. steam heat, hot ana coid water, private baths. 210 Market st. Walking distance. MCELY furnished 2-room apt. with bath. available April 3 ii. Adults, reierences. 4.Y Elbridge Apta, 274 N.. 21st. iSdwy. 4730. .WANTED Refined, congenial lady to share lovely apt. with other employed business w omen. Phone Marshall 4uJo, after 6 P. M. SOUTH HAMPTON APTS.. light, airy, clean, 3-room furnished apt., 5. 414 10th St., corner Hall. Phone Main 31oo- SINGLE rooms for bachelors and working gins; also 2-room apts.; rent reasonable. 510 Flanders. JHE FLORENCE. 388 11th.. 3 and 4-room apts.. completely xurmsneu, aiso t-roora t iat. rurmsneq. S ROOMS, furnished; bath, phone and lights furnished; new place, never rented; 2. 827 Maiiory ave. union ave. car. I'PRNISHED 4-room aot. 349 Benton. blocks of east end of Broadway bridge. No children. fRABODY APTS.. 10th and Upshu; Housekeeping apartments, 1. 2 and o-rm. Bteam heat; reasonable. Broadway 1546. I-ROOM furnished apt., large and airy, electricity and gas. 410 Grand ave. S. Walking distance. East 4177. H EWLT decorated and beautifully fur nished 2-room apt. reasonable. 745 Hoyt. f HE STAN FIELD, modern 2-room apt., furni shed, reasonable. M ain 39 2. TOURNEY bldg., furnished ana unfur nished 2-room apts. 207 & 2d su t-KOOM furnished Apts.. 45 Trinity. apt., SoO. Mar. 93. VMON AVE. and Kllling.worth. $21.30. all complete, concrete bVdg. DEN ISO N APTS., 10274 BELMONT. Three-room apartment, furnished. GLADSTONE apts., 2 rooms and Kitchen ette. 71 Grand ave. g OR 4-ROOM apartment, furnished, close In. Phone East 3862. -ROOM furnished apt. The Jeffersonian, 16th and Jefferson. 8-ROOM modern apt. The Janette. 469 V, Jefferson at. MULTNOMAH APTS.. 3-room apt., $25. 227 Market st. Automatic 51408. WILL share apartment with couple or with two ounj women. Broadway 4972. BAGGAGE and furniture moving. Phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer, 389 Stark. 8-ROOM. private bath, steam heat; adulia 840 Vi Mississippi ave. ALCO APTS.. E. Couch and Uniou modern 2-room apts.. reasonable. MADDEN HALL 3-room apts., furnished. Mar. 1160. one ua- ft-ROOM furnished apt., Morton apts.. Wash. st. Main 10S2. 697 l-ROOM furnished apt with private bath, $32.50. 882 E. Ash., Alia Apts. J-ROuM apartuient. private bath, 500 Van couver ave. fc.. 4i. Adults only. Unfurnished Apartment. J-ROOM apt., very desirable. 390 Clay st. Flats. 4-ROOM upper flat, bath and pantry, 200 McMillan, cor. Crosby St.. $27.00 as it is. or $;0 newly tinted ; near Broadway bridge, tfractier, Main uoi or Kast 4i'.t l-ROOM flat, with or without garage; walkinsr distance, west side, Brood neicrh bo r hood, large yard with fruit trees. King manager, 54o Marshall st. UNFURNISHED 4 rooms and bath, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors and electric stove, walking distance; adults. aJi &ast 8 ROOM flat. 00th and East $21. A. H. B1RRELL CO. Glisai Mar. sta 4114. Furnished Flat. J0 MODERN. 5-room, partly furnished. 908 Commercial. Woodlawn 187. JTJRMSHED flat for rent or furniture for sale. 42V E. Market. JsU'ELY furnished 5-room lower flat. Mill st., cor. West Park. 385 Housekeeping Rooms. MARKER apts., 186 Sherman; single and double housekeeping rooms, completely rurnlsoeo, steam neat, electricity, laun dry. Marshall i83. U RNISHED front H. K. suite, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone, also sleeping rooms. Hotel Stewart, 147 Bnadway. Main 7U44. IHE BEAVER. 12th and Mar.; furnished H. K. rooms, $15 up. including gas range hot water, electric lights, laundry roam THREE nicelv furnished housekeeping rooms at UK0 E. 8th st. N. Phone East 6P7. 1 0 ft RENT Nice housekeeping rooms, 2 en suite. 121 Russell st. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer, 889 Stark. ON K and two H. K C rooms, Bu r ns apt., 3SJVfe Hawthorne st. TWO light, clean H. K. rooms, close In; 2 t.eds; walking distance. Bdwy. 2S14. NICE light basement room, 312 Clay. TWO H. K. rooms. 229 Fifth street. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. THREE well-furnished private family; nar dren 291 3ith st. H. K. room In car line; no chll TWO light, neat H. K. rooms with kitch enette, running water, - rent, reasooauie. 6H1 Everett. 105 20TH. COR. FLANDERS Neatly fur nishea nouseneepmg rooms; aiwr r . M..- Bdw y. 4594. - NICE H- K. rooms, everything furnished. very reasonable. 1324 E. Msln st. FOUR furnished rooms for housekeeping. Call at the house. 1261 E. Yamhill. NICE, clean housekeeping room for rent. 62 N. 2lsL . BASEMENT housekeeping room suitable for bachelor. ixtn it l-ROOM furnished H. K. suite. Ash, near 7th. Call mornings. ONE housekeeping room, or 2. 300 11th st. desirable for you R cheerful unfurnished roome with bath; walking distance. 560 E. Morrison. CLEAN front housekeeping room, modern, walking distance. 466 Main st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, ia BaUwood. Phoaa 217-&U. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Koonm in Private Family. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, electricity, phone, bath, furnace heat, walking distance. 292 Tillamook. - near Williams ave. ; employed preferred. E. 6376. $2o FOR 3 nice furnished rooms, electric light, s;as ranee, sink, hot and cold wa ter, heating stove with wood furnished; no objection to children. Main 76o2. H. K. ROOMS, single or en suited hi ldreii taken; electric light, $2.50 and up. Broadway 1218. House FOR RENT To man and wife, the krwer floor of private residence, consisting of double parlors, large kitchen and butlers pantry; aiso large front bedroom on sec ond floor; references. F 6o, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale iniamook st., near Williams avenue; walking distance. G. W. Nelson. 288 Russell street. WHEN TOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 680. A ' 6747. J LOCAL and long-distance moving and haul ing; rirst-ciass equipment, ureen i ran. Co.. 202 h Alder at. Main 1261. 572-61. FOR RENT House on E. lth L, 6 rooms and bath. For particulars call Wain. 1359 after 6 P. M. FOR RENT May 6. six-room, house, close in; stoves ana stair carpet xor sate. a 410. Oregonian. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. 2 OH Grant t.E.1167. 8 ROOMS, 450 E. Sherman, between 7th ana stn sta So. Phone East 4174. $25 MODERN 3-room house, walking dis tance; yard, adults. 297 Hancock Bt. Furnished Houses. fcE VEN-ROOM furnished home on Portland Heights for rent during summer months; wonderful view of city and mountains; glass-enclosed sleeping porch, piano, telephone, vacuum cleaner, etc., all modern conveniences; JS0 per month. Call Main 3995. 7-ROOM bouse, clean, good condition, walking distance, flowers, fruit, good neighborhood: rent $60; adults only. Phone East 858. NINE-ROOM house for rent, furniture new and good for sale: garage, close In, east side; beautiful home. Call between 10 and 1 o'clock. 734 Hawthorne ave. THREE furnished rooms and basement. from May 1 to Oct. 1, large yard. 8 E. 11th st. S. East 1442. COSY 6-r. house, partly furn., fireplace. 18 miles out river, l mile to car; 3 a. cleared. Free wood. Mar. 3403. 8-ROOM bungalow, good district. $75 per month, 2 or 3-year leaee. East 3281. TO SUBLET Furnished bungalow 6 rooms, Mt. Scott car, 4U month, rtione - -l -1 4. FURNISHED house for sale or rent in St. Johns. Call Woodlawn 6136. -ROOM furnished house. Nob hill dis trict, for rent, $100, Tel. Tabor o06. Stores. ONLY ONE STORE VACANT. At East 26th and Clinton sts.. there are 3 groceries, drugstore, bakery, dry goods store, barber, butcher, moving picture theater, public hall, apartments on this corner. Opening for hardware or dressmaking and millinery. See jan itor, Waverly Court or call Broadway 119. A DANDY CORNER in good brick bldg., grocery, tobacco and confectionery,, do ing over $50 a day; just the place for a man and wife; rent $25. Phone E. 6086; no agents. FOR RENT For storage purposes, top floor brick warehouse, electric service; 6000 square feet. 10O Tenth st. N. FOR SALE Lease on store room, trict, Broadway. Call room hum bldg. auto dis 401 De- 431 STARK ST. Fin large store and basement, $75. Wood row, 104 2d. Main 1430. STORE, 1187 Milwaukie st.. $15 per month ; good location for meat market John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. TWO stores 25 and 27 Grand ave. Appl to F. A. Ballin. East 860. LARGE store on Williams, near Broadway. Inquire 319 Williams ave. Offices. PRIVATE office, ehare reception room : fine office. $15; service. Stock Ex. bldg. FOR RENT Desk room, No. 802 Title A Trust bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 15.-V0 BUYS interest In vulcanizing and rtfimsr station and vou run tne piace. $25H Cafeteria doing $1)0 .to $100 per dav : fine opportunity to retail pastry. $fioO Restaurant on Washington st dninr 145 osr dav : rent S50. gOOOO Ladies' ready-tor wear rtore In southern Oregon, or fixtures $010 and invoice : on main street. i:7.".0 Movinr nlcture theater In town of 70OO; run by present owner for past NORTHWEST BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 428 Lumber Exchange bldg. $32.10 GROCERY, fine location, good fix tures. 2-year lease, orictc oiug.. muniain in connection; rent ou, reu:ipLa going on farm. See Harper, INTERSTATE LAND CO., 244 Stark St GROCERY st invoice or will consider son well imnroved arreare as nart payment price about $3,100; doing $100 day busi ness. SKK LKWia, COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. rnvPB ETR GARAGE. On busy street; has big storage and repair business; clears over $400 month. Call 511 Railway Exchange. ONE 2-chair barber shop for sale In good Willamette valley town, cneap. r or in formation Inquire at O'Brien-Shold Bar bers' Supply Co.. 271 Washington st. 4.TTTO service station, does vulcanizing, sells tires, accessories; owner show you clearing over juu montn. trice nw Call 511 Railway Exchange. RAKERY. 300-loaf capacity oven; Imom hoitr than s iihhi uer mo.: no aenvery, fhiin rent: dandv location: price $1300. SEE LEWIS. COBB BROS.. 263 Ohk at. IN SOUTH Portland, two 2-room apts. completely furnished, with sleeping nnrch: also a garage. Main 1379. 1060 West Kelley. trmn is rnnma H. K.. elojw in. rent $50, npttinr 1140. well furnished: terms. See Harper. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. MANUFACTURING. Opening for active man able to invest $3,100; employ 15 people and large prof its. Room 4Ui ueKum oiog. ONLY restaurant in good town, well lo cated, with some furnished rooms: good business: bear investigation. pwner. Rid gefleld. Wash.. HUSTLER, to buy interest In well estab lished takery concern; should understand selling. R 85, Oregonian. FOR SALES Completely equipped drug store In exclusive neighborhood; price $3000. Wdln. 6273. A GOOD bakery the only one In the county, a good paving proposition, for sale. AV 640. Oregonian. FOR SALE Milk route and equipment about 50 gallons per day, desirable loca tion. Inquire 115 E. 46th st. Tabor 4668. IF YOU WANT TO GET INTO BUSI NESS. SEE NORD. 200 HENRY BLDG. BARBER SHOP very cheap, 2 chairs, com pletely furnished. 836 Union ave. North. CALL Main 1023 for a good $700 grocery store. 510' fc ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LIVS HUSTLER to take charge of state ' distribution of a well-known product; must be able to handle salesmen and have $5000 to $10,000; this will stand close) investigation; product well estab lished and a big moneymaker; a desir able connection to man who can qualify. Apply room 645, Oregon Hotel. Hours 11 to 1 P. If. DRUGSTORE. Dandy location at one of the best transfer corners on the east side, soda fountain and fixtures at their reason able value, stock at invoice, about $4000 to $50OO. A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. S20 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. COME In. se what we have to offer, business chances galore; rooming and apartment houses ranging from $400 to $60o0, aleo east side homes; no trouble to show; list with us, WE GET RE SULTS. WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 14 West Park Street. GROCERY STAPLE LINE. Excellent corner, fine, clean stock, sales run $5000 a month; will sell fix tures at their reasonable value and the stock at Invoice. A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. PARTNER FOR TIRE STORE. Partner wanted for auto tire and vul canizing business; owner has more work than he can attend to alone and wants Interested partner; will teach buyer the business and only $500 cash required. Room 401 Dekum bidg. LIVE producer with automobile for ex clusive distribution of an automobile Inner tube, air-filled, only, which Is guaranteed not to deflate when punc tured. Apply L. S. Hughes, Seward hotel. FOR SALE Restaurant and bakery with ail equipment, including French range, gas oven, steam table, etc. ; small stock groceries; good location: will Invoice at about $750; might consider small car as part payment. C 285, Oregonian. A BONDED adjuster and business man leaving Saturday for Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. Detroit, Min nea polls, Madison and way points, so licits business needing personal atten tion. Call Broadway 673. 900 RESTAURANT, fine location, well equippea, good stock or tobacco in con nection; receipts $35, rent $15; terms. See Harper, INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark at. BEST paying logging contract ever offered by large lumber company In eastern wash.; must buy truck and trsiler. $2250 needed to swing deal. 71 Broadway. Tei. powy. zioz. SI 900 LIGHT urocerv and confectioner v. corner location, lease, une location, rent $25. receipts average $40; terms. See Harper. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 oiurx st. FOR SALE Grocery arud ron fWt inn.rv good corner, doing good business: sales $50 to $0O per day: two living rooms in back; rent $.10 a month; invoice $2000. i oi. uregonian. 11 H. K- ROOMS, kitchenette. 2 baths. $40 rent; nne corner, big yard room; alwavs full: finely furnished. Sickness on mv ranch; muFt sell for quick deal; $700 casn. w wrier, jviain t CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal oi so-canea interest in established real estate business get advice of Portland neaiy ooaro. urefoo oiag. bdwy. 1902. xj l i kt room, in a .io-room hotel: can snow oetter tnan suoo clear last month can be run nicely by counle or two ladies. Other business forces me to sacrifice for $400. borne terms. V 114. Oregonian. A SWELL buy. delicatessen, doing a nice Dusiness ana making money; living rooms, good stock and fixtures : lease. $1500 cash. Fine for man and wife. K 79, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Greenhouses, best location. no competition within 100 miles; terms easy; write for particulars Jewe.l Greenhouses. The Dalles, Oregon. FOR RENT 18-room beach hotel, a!l fur- nisnea ana equipped ; ouilaing in fine shape; close to station; reasonable. George Morse, owner, Kockaway, Or. FOR RENT Pool hall and card room. with 5 pool tables and 5 card taoles; $100 a month. See owner at 810 Union ave. N. FOR SA LE Cash and carry grocery, ex cellent location in Yamhill market dis trict; big volume of business; good lease, reasonable rent. BC :34, Oregonian. NICE littl" confectionery, ice cream and notion store doing good business. $1V). 42;l 6th st. Come between 12 and 1 o'clork. fl4i0 Restaurant, located in good district. 800 men on payroll, no opposition rent $15. receipts $60, terms. See Morris INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark st CASH grocery. Invoice: i handle; living rooms 1 si ightly used furniture. Belmont. bout $l(MH Will nth barh; also E. 69ii9. 84i FOR SALE Beaut if ull v-aonoint i ,ii. sive beauty parlors; good clientele; for sale cheap to quick buyer. Address AV on.f. wregonian. BUSINESS on "Washington st. for sale: big profits can be made ; small capital required. Call before ,10:0 A. M. 522s Washington. BARGAIN, new O-blade Ooeli razor blade sharpening machine, entirely nickei- plated. 109 No. 18th. Bdwy. "JS31. S. F. Coburn. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Have opening for handy man with $ 500 ; can c 1 ea r $200 to $250 mon ch. jau room 4M Dekum bldg. IF YOU have $150 to $20O and want to make some real money call and Investi gate my proposition at once. Appiy room 556, Hotel Oregon. GUARANTEED PROPOSITION. I have a trucking contract for log ging for big mill. Barnes, 71 Broad way. BUYER wants an apartment house not over $10.000 ; must be reasonable, mod ern, good location, walking distance. AO 412. Oregonian. OLD-ESTABLISH PJD groc. and conf.. east side corner, $JSO0; making money caab business." Tabor 794. No agents. GOOD investment; blade grinding with auxiliary device : sharpen knives, scis sors, rasors, clippers. 86 6th st.. nr. Stark. DRUGSTORE IN GOOD LOCATION DO INCJ GOOD BUSINESS; MUST GO EAST. FISHER, TABOR 234. RESTAURANT, good location, doing good business; terms or cash. Owner leaving town. Apply 473 Wash. GROCERIES, confectionery, cigars, tobac co, soft drinks; doing a good business. 1062 Corbett st. S-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, $250. 293 G LI SA NfSTREET. W A N TE D SH E EP TC SHEAR; MA CHINE OR BLADES. 235 MARKET ST. BARBER chairs and supplies, great sacri fice. 86 6th St.. bet. Stark and Oak. BARBER SHOP for sale. North Tenth st. ; 1 chair. 144 FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures, 2 living looms, rent $18. 514 Alberta st. Tr" I ShO CrA I BUSINESS OrPORTUNrrXES. $3600 BUYS candy store, west side, on Bdwy, two-year lease, terms. $1200 buys cash grocery and notion store on east side, 2-year lease, 1 living room. $1H00 buys grocery and confectionery, 2 living rooms, rent $25, average $50 a day. $1000 fcuys photo ga'lery, all complete, or will exchange for good auto. $2100 buys furniture hospital. At invoice, feed and grocery store. In cluding Dodge delivery car, doing $123 per day. $1500 buys 4-table pool hall, soft drink stand. MEAT MARKET. $21 Of) buys west side market. $1300 buys east side market. 7u buys east side market. $1500 buys confectionery. Ice cream, soft drink stand. 6 living rooms, rent $30. $2500 or invoice, grocery, 6-room, flat. roni od. j $675 buys cash grocery In apartment district; 1 living room. RESTAURANTS. $300 buys west aide restaurant, rent $900 buys 12-stool lunch stand, heart of city. See BROWN A BIDDLE, 324 Railway Exchange. 1 HAVE a stock of general merchandise wmcn win invoice about $300U. locatea t AJvadore, Or., which Is a new town on the P. E. & E. R. R., about 14 miles from Eugene. This is a fruit country and a good location. My reason for sell ing Is I have two stores and have no one to run this store. Therefore I am forced to sell. I have a lease on the store build ings for S VMi-a 1 have a $2oOO note payable on demand -t 7 secured by a mortgage on 20 acres or land, which I want to sell. WM. G. KLUSSMAN, Irving, Or. A CLEANING and pressing establish ment with a first-class dressmaking and alterations dent., doing a aood busine all furnished ; a good opportunity for man wttn small family, win give terms or trade for small car and some cash; If interested call In person. Morri son st. FOR SALE A good paying grocery busi ness, located in county seat; did a gross business of over $100,000 for 1910. About $10,000 stock. This business has made the present owner .$40,000 In the past four years. If interested, write room 601, Seward hotel, or phone for an inter view. PARTNER WANTED For a growing wood and coal business; must be steady and reliable and willing to work ; profits are extra good ; re quires only $650 cash. The right man m anted more than bis money. Meet owner today at room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 18-room beach hotel, furnished and equipped, good building, plenty of work ciose oy ; win take nouse or improveu acreage to $2o00, some valley town. GEO. MORSE, Owner, Rockaway. Or. DELICATESSEN, ft ivtonls. a tahlpR. steam table, etc rent $35 : rents basement out for $12 This is a good location right down town doing good business. call Main 04&o. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. HOM E AND BUSINESS. Fin irr ot-erv doinr ltk ner dav: bes location; new building, on car line; 5- room atrictlv modern bunealow : a first- class proposition; price $t.VM); will take Dome or rancn up co uuv. oai. ierm. hc ai, oregonian. A GARAGE with fully equipped repair shoo, lathe, drill, etc.; bt sale or gas oline. . oil and tires; $5O0 month clear profit: will sell at invoice. $2500 re quired. Room 401 Dekum bldg. S120O CIGAR and confectionery store, cor ner location, with lease, good fixtures, with fountain; receipts $4. a day; mut sell on account of husband in hospital. See Morris. 248 Stark st. hrik; STORE FOR SALE Eastern Ore eon. doing about $30,000 annually; small nvorhtii Islha rutin to 1 923 : lUmD O invoice; terms or discount for cash. A V 604, Oregonian. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted for concrete garage 100x100: Ions: lease: sell gas, oils, tires, storage and auto repairing : profits are large. Koom 401 ueKum oiag. DELICATESSEN, grocery, lunch counter and soda fountain, doing from 1 5 $100 a day; rent $30: close In on went side. This is a good buy. Call Main 5385. 401 StocV Exchange bldg. AN ESTABLISHED food producing piant requires more capital for expansion, partner with about $3000 required; a genuine proposition for the right man. F :.2, Oregonian, FUEL BUSINESS. Partner wanted, must be able to drive triK k ; owner show you 'can make over $jon month: $426 required. Call ol 1 Haiiway Exchange. $1S50 CAFETERIA, dairy luneh. well equipped, located on Washington st., with lease, receipts average $lO0 per day; on account of health must sell thi-3 week. See Harper. 248 Stark st. A RESTAURANT, good location, doing good business; owner leaving town; will sell reasonably If sold soon. Apply 473 Washington st. El'lHT-STOOL. lunch counter for rent, furn 'shed. Call between 6 and 7 P. M. 2K5 2d st. HuHiness Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Good logging or milling show or sawmill: size depends upon deal and accessibility. O. A. Clark, AV 602. Ore gonian. MODERATE size H. K. rooming bouse fur nishings, bedding first-class; must be bar gain; cash; deal with owner; state price. AK 417, Oregonian. WE HAVE cash buyers for restaurants and rooming houses. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5256. Hotels and Rooming" Houses. THESE are rock-bottom prices on H. K. apartments which pay big returns: 14 rooms, net $120; moaern, near Itr Jtr F1 650 cash. 11 r., H. K., close in; $950; good fur ni1irr.. H. K., wonderful furniture and Innm 1 200 0 rooms, good building and low rent; $500. J KRVRR RECOMMEND A PROP- . ERTY UNLESS IT iS UNDER THE MARKET. L. SIMMS. Main 5109. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. 20 rooms, modern building, rent only $40; fine location residential ) : furniture fair, but needs some renovating and you have a place worth $2000. Price only $S7o. B. F KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldgv 13-ROOM housekeeping house; good furni ture and income ; west side location; a good buy. Call 163 Vs West Park st. "Wells & Anderson. 20-ROOM housekeeping house; low rent; lease, good furniture. Making money, pnee $2000. Terms. Wells & Anderson. IF YOUR rooming house is for sale, call Main 3638. If It is well located we can sell it for you. C. E. Bowden Co. FOR SALE Rooming house 33 rooms, all full; rent $50, lease; also Ford sedan. Call Automatic 552-01. HAVE the cash for rooming house, small apartment house or hotel; prefer west aide. E 142. Oregonian. MRS. M. E. LENT, Hotel and apartment house broker. 72S-4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR best bargains In apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com. bldg. THE ONLY HOTEL for sale on 6th st. See Mr. Magoon. 626 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 6127. POLLY AND HER PALS -I.-- i i SfecattLw! z? 1 AT LEAST ONE SKCHKT IS SACKED BV C1IF1 gTERRETT. BCSrXES9 OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming vronsee. LOVELY HOME AND INCOME. 12 rooms In the Nob Hill district; fur nace, electricity and furnished far above the average; completely furnished in best quarter-sawed oak furniture and best quality rugs in finest condition; In come $ 140 besides 2 lovely rooms for elf; rent $50; price $lKOO, some terms. WHITE TEMPLE. rooms, 3 kitchenettes, near Morrison st. Rent $50; furnace, electricity, very well furnished, nets ISO, all H. K. Must sell and will take $10511, about $750. cash. MAIN 33H. C. E. BOWDEN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTEL property in central Oregon town; -siory ouiiding; &uxloo lot on Mam street. 21 roomi1pn second floor, office, dining room, kitchen and rooms for fam ily and help on first floor; Columbia highway passes door; house alwavs full and overflowing; fine opportunity for man and wife: owner will sacrifice this entire property, completely furnished, for $4000. For full particulars see my representative at 242 Washington .. r phone- Main 8220. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. 75-room modern hotel, strictly fire proof bldg.. ground floor, lobby, eleva tor, half the rooms are with connecting baths, telephone In the rooms, house thoroughly renovated throughout. 5-year lease at minimum rent; $10,000 cash handles It; small balance to be assumed on easy monthly payments. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., S20 Henry Bldg. Main 5690. 84-room transient house: hot and cold water, telephone each room: best of fur niture. 12 rooms, close In. clears $ft0; man. 8 rooms, clears $50 benlde apartment. 12 roams, good furniture, fine garden, fruit trees and berries ; large chick en bouse. $1100; $700 down; rent $30: close In. MAIN 1023. 215 STOCK EXCHANGE. 43-ROOM apartment earning over J300 per month net profit; price $5500. $30K) cash, balance on terms; first-class brick building and close to business district : This Is one of the best little apartment houses on the market and a splendid in vestment. Turner & Co.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOtr WISH TO BUY OR SELla Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, see r". K1BHUON. WATCH OUR ADS; WB GET RESULTS. HITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-&-7 Board of Trade Bldg. APARTMENT house, brick building, well furnished, 6 2-room, 3 sleeping rooms. 4 rooms occupied by dentist, drug and dry goods stores; lower floor 2 years' lease, $50 per month; net Income $1M per month; price tOOO. terms. Harry Ball, 432 Lumber Exchange. 2d and z-tark. Main lwtii. SAVE COMMISSION. Buy from owner. 10-room hotel and restaurant, doing good business; must ell ; wife Is sick: terms. LEE HOME KKsTA URA NT, MILWAUKIE, OR. SICKNESS FORCES SALE. 18 rooms, all H. K. apts., rent very reasonaoie; lurnace, electricity, 3 baths, S toilets, fairly well furnished, all apts. have H. and C. water In sinks; west side, price II8OO, half canh. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 Henry Bldg. 1 ROOMS, H. K., close in, rent $:'.5; price $700, term 12 rooms. H. K., good fur niture, rent $35; price $800. terms. 14 rooms, partly furnished, rent $4o; price $050. Safe Investment Co., 423 Henry puiiamy. SMALL TRANSIENT HOTEL. Right down town, brick bid. North west heat, running water, great chance ior a woman alone, it s so easy to handle. Clears Dig money; 3O0 handles IU A. J. DeFOREST Sc. CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2090. DO YOU WANT 32 rooms for $1(M), income $."oo? 27 rooms for $32.V, income $0M? 7 rooms for $.". 0. income S150? See Mr. Magoon, Main 6127. C. of C. bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME NOB HILL DISTRICT. West side. 12 rooms, excellent furniture, income slOS off of 8 rooms. This Is good buy. Call Main 5385. 401 Stock hx.'hange bldg. DO YOU WANT A HOME? $2000 cash for 12 rooms, modern fur mshlngs; may occupy first floor of rms. and rent second floor for $05. Mr. Magoon. Main 61 27. TO BUY OR SELL A ''HOTEL. ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSE SEE A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 820 Henry Bldg.- Main 2690. We Buy Chattel Mortgages. $3500 21 ROOMS, H. K., modern, steam heat, rent $60, lease : terms : well fur nished. See Harper. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark st. FOR SA LE by owner, rooming bouse for men, lid rooms, x.ioo net profit a month this Is a snap; no agents. BJ 368, Orego man. TEN extra well furnished rooms In Whit temple district, close in. if Intereste call Simms, 620 Chamber of Commerce. Main bl2i. 25-ROOM apartment huse; weis located fine furniture, low rent. Bargain. Fri; $.1000. terma Call 1G34 West Park su wens & Anderson. OW NER has 12 room s h ourek ee pi n g. f u r niture and rugs fir-t class, desirable lo cation, went side; $700 cash w(ll handle BQWy. -3 if t . HIGHEST CASH OFFER this week takes 11 -room ant. houre: sacrificing- on count of health: look it over and mak an offer. 175 N.- 17th st.. cor. Johnson 35-ROOM transient brick hotel. No. 1 Iocs tlon. 2-year lease, extra good furniture. A snap at $4500. Hlmms, 626 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. 16 ROOMS 5 housekeeping, rest sleeping, right down town, few blocks from P. O. : hot-air furnace ; lease. Call Main 53t5. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. $ 1 2 3u B L'Ys 9 ROOMS " fine furniture, including $150 Grafo nola and 25 records. Phone owner, Marshall 3S40. 84-ROOM apartment house, modern, brick, good lease, good furnltuie. Price $100. Terms. Bargain. Call 163 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. 5-ROOM lower fiat Tor rent, new f urnl ture for sale, reasonable, best west side location. Main 3160. I HAVE several downtown hotels, rooming houses and apartments for Immediate sale. Bdwy. 3822. room 29. FOR SALE Rooming and boarding house, good- house and good district: must sell for health. Marshall 3370. Owner. FOR SALE Rooming house, 26 rooms, some H. K. rooms; $1.QQ. Main 7319. 20-ROOM transient good lease: $1700. house; brick bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOST $10 bill in Oregonian bldg.; reward if returned to Douglas Powell, Oregonian business office. LOST Near Linn ton. Sat., a baty-lue-trimmed bootie. Finder please send to Mrs. Brett, 093 Johnson sL LOST Pair glasses In case, bearing name and Boise address. Finder please notify East 5553. after 7 P. M. LOST Brown Persian cat. in the vicinity of Irving-ton Park. East 632. LOST PLAIN GOLD BRACELET; RE- LOST Black dog, long shaggy hair. Notify 'American Railway Express Co. LOST Elks tooth, plain setting. Broadway 211. Reward. Cfe5 4lfc4a'V X HUH Sc 1m, Crmt BHt ridtfi mJ LOST AND FOUND. $3 REWARD. ctat t-v A.-1.-1 t nirvn.K. I No. 540772. Initials I. T. n bot1? cranks: double bar truss fork, cement steel rims, vltallc tires. Morr coaster 'brake; color, red with cream trimmings. N0Ufy JOE'S BICYCLE SHOP. Main 8747. 2f3 Fourth Street. THE following articles were found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.. April 13: 3 purses, 2 single gloves, 2 pairs gloves 3 pairs rubbers. 2 1 cuff link, 5 packages, pen top, 1 dook, 1 plunger. 1 wooden leg. 3 lunch boxes, 20 umbrellas. 2 suitcases. 1 bat. Owner can obtain property at First and Alder streets. ' LOST, strayed or stolen. 1 English bull dog, white with brown spot over lert eye: last seen Saturday noon. A ny in formation, call J C. Helper. lO.tfa Wil lamette blvd.. Bdwy. 3667, and receive reward. LOST One black folder In vicinity or Bdwy. and Wash., containing ts. or l. r- E. lodge receipts and $30 in currency. Finder please return to F. A. Pounstone, 4041,5 Wash. st. g LOST On Pacific highway, near falnion creek, wash., one new noou nr anu. rim, 31x4-inch; reward If returned to 22S Henry bldg. PARTY tht took m v sketchbook, valued as keen sake Is under suspicion, rreiurn by parcel post. Elms Gray, 224 Was Ington st.. room 9. LOST Child's hat. between-. Albina and Haiffht on Killlngsworth st.. J riaay evening: reward. 35 Jesaup st. -v ooa- lawn 4775. LOST In Woodard & Clarke's, black gym nasium baa and a p Dare I. Call a, ois Reward. FINANCIAL. tut ottw rvwrw tttj a nh kr. Join this association and get your real MUtA loan nn IhA en-ooeratlve plan. Loans foi any amount to run from 8 to 10 years, repayable in small monthly Installments. Part or all of loan may h niLiri ntf mt an v tfm Every bor rower participates In full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association in ronmuu U1(JN SAVINGS UJA ASSOCIATION. t9 4th st. WE BUY WAR BONDS. VICTORY. LIBERTY BONDS. New York quotations. April 5. 1920. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th IU.. Ai. m AU 4Ul 4 k S Market ..$16.60 $9.86 $2.14 $89.92 $97.80 Interest .. 1 07 1.05 .23 3.01 1.4J 'Total ..$97.67 $90.01 $93.17 $91.93 $99.22 Mall orders receive prompt attention. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, Licensed by the City of Portland, 405 Spalding bldg.. Fourtb Floor. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU "BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND &. MORTGAGE CO.. 248 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. FOR RENT SUITE OF FINANCIAL ROOMS. We offer for rent rooms 411-12 United States National banK ouiiain for financial offices; high-grade occu pants only. WAKEFIELD,. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth Street. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned - on cattle. sheep, hogs. etc. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Main 8026. CASH naid for morteires and sellers' con tracts nn rel estate tn Washington. Ore gon. K. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermens bldg. WK BUY first and second mortgages and sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman & v-o. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment prlvl COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES CO MP AN X. 01 Third Street. Main 8067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bidg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan a lowest current rates on Willamette val lev f;irm : no commission: no delays, DEVEKEAUX JIOKTOAO E COMPANY, b7 sixth tt., Portland, or. $4(H, $300. $600, $S00, $1000, $1200, $1500, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action - pay off $!Of or more at any Interest date, Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 130. MORTGAGE" LOANS.' FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5H PK CENT. 6 PER CKNT, 7 ft. l UNION ABSTRACT CO., 84 4th ST., HENRY BLDG. CITY AND FARM LOANS. No Commission. No Delay. $1000, $1500, $2O00, $3000 and UP. We loan our money on real estate. F. H. DESHON, 015 CHAM OF COM. IUBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money oc real estat 1 at and 2d mortgagee, contracts, liv stock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman A Co, 210 Chamber Com. Main 3(26. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suuuroan anu i m.i iu ouiiuiui loans specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at gofng rate lnterent. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property and also Ira proved larm property, current rates. WM. MacM ASTERS. 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY, LOWEST RATES W EST E R N MON U At ftl O K TU AGE CO. 80 Fourth st., Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real tate. 6 and 7Tfe. long time, short time monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. 7'JS Gasco bldg., rth and Alder. CBLLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges: no commlpMon or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 371. $800, $400. $500, $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 783 Cham, of Com. Main 045. $50O $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. B07 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. A- IL Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Comrrtgrce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONEY nn farm and improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter. 1203 Spalding bldg I T 160 Umi IlUo r -i r-T -A 1 13 5Sf A .. ' .A-,s- sTfciafcTh FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Fstate. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or lor improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method or paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for OO months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark fcL. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6H per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay MOO or any mul tiple thereof account princlpaL semi annually snd reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS, Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 6Vs to 7 per cent. You pay one half of 1 per cent account, principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you pay $10 monthly and interest. Yeu have privilege of paying $10O or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five to ten-year period; 54; and 6 per cent. Same repavment "-'vnege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege, A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. Meaey to Loan Chattels and Saiarlc. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A&SN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSI NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY, PIANOS. V1C TROLAS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FL'tt NITL'RE. 394 STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERRMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. 3U4CK SERVICB YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. . LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOL1LES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans, and leave the security in your possession and you can repay us la small monthly payments. ASO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their note. Rates reasonable. Privaie offices. Au business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY tLlCENSED.) SOO-3 07 Dekum b.dg. Marshall 3280. & W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on tbeir o,wn notes. Weekly. ein monthly or monthly payments. Jbaca transaction strictly conndentiaL, No MOKTGAUka NO IN DORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household xurnltnre, piano, etc.. without removal CALL AND IN VEtoXlGATK. COLUMBIA DlSCoCNl licensed. 213 Failing isudo. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jeweiry, legal rates: all article held a year; estao- LUfced lSS-4. Dan Marx &. Co.. WaD.. GEO. HARVEY Loans money an noui hold goods, legal rates. labor tuo. HATHA WAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates. ut Wasriagton oiag. A.OUHS W MDlta. $18,000 UNTIL JAN. next; eecuntv a shingle mill witn ceuar contract -iu.uvmi. Uoo iM-t: nrovernment land and uoit con tract worth total $75.uuo. Will give good bonus and interest. J. 11. SuiLhoii. JBen- son ho te 1 . WANT $.100 at 8 per ceut; $du at i per cent; ioJ at b per cent; oou at - per cent; 7.u at 7 per cent. Property in Portland and vicinity. Fred W. Gerinau Co., 73J Cham, of Com. bidg. IT I !;ST MOKTGAG r r oxi BAL,ai O.N improved I arias and city property. 1(M to io.uw. f. h. uiiaaoN. ota CHAM, or. COM. WANTED CGO0 or $Miu on 5-room house. fireplace, Mxluu lot. rreo spear, iator bb. uuu coin st. a. c. WANT $j000 for building purposes, weil secured, for 5 year. b 11, Oregonian. SfcE OKEGON 1NV. & AiorwTG AGE CO., 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stars. PERSONAL DR. J. W. BATDORF, D. P.. 304 Dekum bldg.; nervous and cureaic diseases; NEW METHODS. 1 to 4 1. M. Main lltiu. Bring thla ad for free examination. R. MATH1LDE A.RN ESEN, medical m- nat grauuaie. aieaia uatil. scieotinc massage. electricity. aol Cuiuuioia uiu. w-m -oog. iauiea oniy. s'EBvhiT HJLNMSBUT, ieaaing wig and loupe makers, nuet bloc numau hair goous, ban ui eslng, manicuring. laoe and scalp ircv w , aue. jibiu $1 GETS botn feet Hied up at Dr. Eaton a. w bo doesn't hurt you; yr. here, exam. tree, oloue piua., axlii oc v an. awy. Zb2-k. DR. ELNA SOKENSEN, 6ub Panama bldg. Uruitieb: tnaAoag ior stomach, kidney. rheumatism, cutustipatlon. open tvciungg. kiiii.i'UL'H steam bath, violet rav: lm prove your system. Mr. Rollins. 40 Clay. Malnb. rR MARGARET HAYNla gives chtro pracue steaia baths, violet ray vibration uiatsage. -13 Swetland bidg. Main lltiJ. SCIENTIFIC body massage, vioiet ray and magnetic treatments, a io O P. M. Mra Creia Lyncn, i-i uenum bids. GRADUATE nurse treats tumoago, etc. Hours '2 to a or by appointment. Phoue Wain lt4y. otiice dun-c iniid su Superfluous hair, motes, warts removed by lu neeuies memwu , uiai n j otie r in ley, 614 buah Ac Lane bldg. Main iiitity. UK. J. ABLING. drugiees physician, acute and chronic diseases a specialty. 3t0 Gerllnger bldg.. second ana Alder. BL'BY ter. -Please write to me. Walter Car MYRTLE CLARK, manicuring, face i scaip treatments. 733 Morgan b.dg. LADY BARBERS. 253 Everett" cor." Shaves, haircuts. face manage. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, scalp. 322 FUedner bldg. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you See Vlereck. collections. - Dekum bldg. RUPTURE i-A-N .tits VbKbU without an operation, f ree Doo.iet. r. o. box IIOJ PRI MED A BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs. b4 v. aah. aen. zij morning PILES CAN BE CURED without opera' poo. r ree oooKiet. r. o. dox hoj. MASSAGES, FOR LUMBAGO, ETC.M1 ' BUCnAiNAW BIjUU. MA1.i ELECTRIC body massage, 10 A p. M. 460 Morgan bidg. Main M. to 7.7 MRS. LA R KINS. private manicuring Zorns Hotel, Fifth snd Morrison, apt GEORGE, please write to me. PERSONAL. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $2G per set. Don't mat ter if broken; oid-timers are most val uublc. Crowns, bridge work bought. Bring or mall. The -American Brokerage. 4i Spalding blUtf.. 4th floor. 3d and Was a. CHIROPRAC IC treatments cure acute and caronic uiseaes oy removing impinge ment of nerves and through the nerves restore normal function o organs. is charge for examination. Dr.W. L, Bishop, Q4 7 Morgan bldg. Eve s only 6 to 8. A BONDED adjuster and buin maa leaving caturaay xor Denver. Krwu City. St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, Min neapolis, Madicton and way points, so licits business needing personal atten tion. Call Broadway 673. LA LUES and gentlemen who demand re- ii nea ana exclusive service patronize Dr. Ironside's ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS, Scientific majssage by masseur or mas seuse. 3Q8-11 Broadway bldg. Main 56. LADIES and gentlemen who demand rs- imea ana exclusive service patronize Dr Ironside's ELECTRIC CA BIN ET BATH si Scientil ic manage by roasseure or ma-seu--e. 3U-1 1 Broadway bidg. Main 5. BATHS Steam baths ana massage, new equipment, ipoiiensiy clean; lutb floor Broadway bldg. Marshall $187. Trained nurse tn attendance. Dr. Laura &, Downing. WILL the lady who wishes to buy a leather coat or raincoat call at our local office . and take advantage ot the few amples returned to u by our salesmen? United, Rubber Co.. 72B Morgan bldg. LADIES' and gentlemen's Panama, straw, felt and -beaver hats cleaned, blocked.' dyed and renewed; buckram, net and w ire frames. LaFranoe Hatters. S7 Morrison street. I GUARANTEE to cure coma, ttunlous. lug. nails, warts and moles absolutely; new Invention, no pain, do soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Bore l years; arches fitted. &ua Dekum bldg. " WM, WILLING. " " Collector of overdue accounts, motes and claims; give me your business; I gt results, 0-1 Leo ave. fee U wood 1150. THE FUR SHOP. Expert remodeling at a aavlng. bummer prices now In eifecL. 006 swetland bldg., oth and Washington. PILES can be permanently cured without alorribon at. SPECIAL NOTICES Proposal Invited. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE OF CERTAIN SHIPBUILDING STRUC TURES AND EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT THE PLANT OF COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING C O RP O RAT ION, PORTLAND, OREGON. L Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, room 509 Northwestern Bank building. Portland, Oregon, until S:0O o'clock P. M.. April 19, .1420. and then publicly opened, for the following: Two -) shipbuilding ways with com plete aerial system, staging and keel blocks, machine tools, air compressors, boilers, locomotive crane, electric motors, railroad rail, steel material cars, and other miscellaneous equipment. II. Complete description of the material and equipment will be available and per sonal inspection of" the plant may be made upon application at the above of fice. III. All bids are to be based on the entire lot of material and equipment, "where is a Is," in its present condition. IV. The successful bidder will be required to take delivery, dismantle and remove from present location, without further cost or expense to t he U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation prior to May 30. 1920. V.- Earh bid must be accompanied bv a cert if ied check or bank draft payable to U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), which sum will be retained bv the said corporation as liqui dated damages In the event of the fail ure of the successful bidder to make good his bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish suitable bond for the faithful performance of his con tract, and upon receipt of such bond the deposit mentioned in 'this article w ill be returned. VT. The XT. S. Shipping Board EmergeneT Fleet Corporation reserves the right to reject anv or all bids. Deposits mad by unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon rejection of the bid. VII. Terms of payment net cash. vii r. Bids mu.t be placed In sealed en velope addressed to the U. 8. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, oi.u Northwestern Bank building, Port land. Oregon, and marked "This i a sealed bid to ba opened at 3:0O P. M.. April 19. 1920." , C. O. YOAKUM. District Manager. Supply and Sales Division U. S. Shipping Board Emer gency Fleet Corporation. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In ac cordance with chapter J.m ot ma. gen eral laws of Oregon for 1917, and all acts amendatory thereof and supple mental thereto, the board of directors of Me-iford Irrigation district, a munici pal corporation duly organised and exist ing under the laws of the state of Ore gon, with its principal office in the citv of Medford. Oregon, will receive sealed proposals and bids for the construction of work.s for the irrigation of the lands of Medford IrriKation district in accord ance with plans and specifications filed in the office of the board of directors of Med l ord irrigation district In the Medford Furniture & Hardware building, in the city of Medford, Oregon, where Kaiti plant and specifications can be seen and are now open for examination, on or before the 15th day of May, 1920. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of that dav. At id lime and place the said board of directors will open In public anv proposals and bids so received, and as Vonn as convenient thereafter the, said board will let said work to the low est responsible bidder. The said board, however, reserve to Itself the right to reject any and all bids, and may re advertlse for proposals, or may proceed to contract the work under Its own superintendence. Any person or persons to whom contract may be awarded shall enter into a bond, with good and suf ficient sureties, to be approved by the board, payable to said district for its use. for not less than twenty-five '2bi per cent of the amount of the contract pric. conditioned for the faithful per lormanee of said contract. Dated Medford, Or., April 13. 190. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Medford Irrigation District. Pvr Leonard Carpenter, president ; 15. G. Cole maji, director; W. A. Folger, di rector; E. M. Wilson, secretary. NOTICE is hereby given that in accord- ance with chapter U57 of the general laws of Oregon for 1917. and all acts amenda tory thereof and supplemental thereto, the boa rd of directors of Medford Irri gation District, a municipal corporation uulv, organized and exiating under the laws of the state of Oregon, with its principal office in the city of Medford, Oregon, will sell $1.1150.000 In bonds of . the district out of the Issue of Sl.500.0hO of bonds of Medford Irrigation District authorized at an election duly held by the electors of said district on the 28th day of September, 1918, at the office of -the board of di recto as of the Medford " Irri- ition District In the Medford Fur niture & -Hardware building In the city of Medford, Oregon, on the 15th day of May. 1920, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon' of that day. Said bonds to be sold shall mature serially in annual amou its so as to be approximately equal, pr inclpal and In terest, beginning five years after the date of issue and continuing up to and including a period of 40 years there after. Said bonds shall be negotiable In form and payable In gold ootn of the United States of the present standard and weight of fineness, or In Its equiv alent. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of six ( per cent per annum. ' payable semi-annually on the 1st day of January and July of each year, prirr ciple and interest payable at the place to be designated respectively in the bonds and coupons, said place to be in the United states and to be designated by the successful bidder or bidders, tiaid bonds uhall be of the denomination of not e;.a than one hundred dollars (MH0.uO nor more than one thousand dollar ($HH0.00. Coupons for interest shall be attached to each bond. Sealed proposals addressed to E. M. Wilson, secretary, board of directors of Medford I rrigation District, Medford. Oregon, w ill be received by the said board of directors at their office for the purchase of said bonds until the said 1Mb of May, 1920, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon ' of that day. Such proposals may be Tor all or any portion of said $1.2T0,O0 in bonds to be so sold. The saJd board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Medford, Oregon, April 13k' 19'JO. HOARD OF DIRECTORS. MEDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By LEONARD CARPENTER, Pres. E. M. WILSON. Secretary. . v K. O. COLEMAN, Director. W. A. FOIA1ER. Director. 6EALED PROPOSALS will be received a the office of the undersigned. 401 court house. Portland. Or., until 12 M.. April ir. 1920. for an automobile truck. Hide will be opened In room 3(4, oourthoue. t 4 o'clock on that date. Certified check for f per cent of the amount of proposal, payable to R, H. Thomas, school clerk an i business manager, must nrromdny each proposal. The board of directors reaarve the right to reject any and all bids. Specifications may be oh tained at 401 courthouse. R. H. THOMAS. School Oork and Husiuet Manager. Luted April 12, 1020. V.