20 THE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920 HKLP WANTED MAUL T HEX WANTED FOR RAILROAD - v TARD SERVICE. "WAGES 64 CENTS AN HOUR EIGHT HOURS WORK A DAT. 96 CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDITIONAL. HOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS A DAT. BOARD AND LODGING PLACES WILL BE ARRANGED FOR STRIKE CONDITIONS, BL'T STRIKE DE NOUNCED BY RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED; PRO TECTION ASSURED. PERMANENT PLACES FOR GOOD M EN. ATPLT TO A. T. MERCIER. SUPER INTENDENT. ROOM 32. SECOND FLOOR. UNION STATION, PORTLAND. OR. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. 0O INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify ea automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld era and tire vulcanizers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. lovcrnment war department for train ing ao'dlers as auto mechanics; don't en roll In any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed If after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the achool; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the worid: four large schools. Write nearest branch. LPt. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TK ACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets, Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier at., Seattle. Wash. $300 TO ITiOO A MONTH!! Are you earning that? Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks if you take advantage of the gas engineer n- courses offered by the LEADING AUTO SCHOUL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECOKD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN AN V OTUEK SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll, and don't pay us a cent una; you are convinced that well deliver the goods. That's fair, isn't HI , Write for our $1 S8-page catalogue. Ifa free. Ask for Book No 5. Ot'K COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE VN ION A VEX UK S W A SCO STREET. 18.287 YOUNG MEN iave, in the past 10 years, been assisted Jn finding positions through the Port'and V. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency." and no extra fees or commissions are oharrged. Employers naturally turn to the Y" for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present la far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position If you are prepared for It All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ inert service for ex-service men. MR EX-SKRV1CE MAN Are ou hunting a Job. or seeking a career ? Have you discovered here you fit in? Woud you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal interest in you ? The Y. M. C A. Advisory and Em ployment Dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can help you find the place for which you are beat fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL,. Automobiles. tractors. vulcanizing This school not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is su pervl&ed by leading automobile and trac tor men of Portland. Students do prac tical repair work. Free tuition t o ex service men. clip this ad. Send it or call at office 41J. Y. M. C. A. building. 1'H E PUBMC SSMPLOYMJNT BUREAU. City of Portland U. S. Government. Can furnish help, male or female, free of charge to either party. Men's Iiv, Flat Iron bldg., 311 Pine street, phone Bdwy. 4376; Women's Div.. 202 Beck bldg.. Broadway and Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4 ami. ANY Intelligent person may earn S100 and upward monthly corresponding for news papers; $15 to 9'- weekly in spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particu lars. National Press Bureau, Buf falo. N. Y. BOOK KEEPER wanted for wholesale house, must be first -class man; splendid opportunity for the right party ; state experience and furnish references. AG V'2'2, Oregon lan. LA BORERS for out-of-town work ; free fare; company goes good for board and room; uOc an hour, 1 pay for Sundays. App:y 210 Commonwealth bldg.. bet. An keny and Burnstde on 6th. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE A GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take ML Scott or Hawthorne car at Second and Alder to East 20th, or phone East SOt8. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 42 HAWTHORNE AVE THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY At) EVENING CLASSES. FARM HAND, married, must have own furniture; houe and water furnished; board t hem so Ives; wages $00 per mos O 1 tf. Oregonian. "WANTED Two experienced electric meter testers: must be competent to teat house and power meters. Eastern Oregon Light & Power company. Baker. Or. "WANTED Bank bookkeeper, experienced in use of Burroughs posting machine: good chance to advance. C 128. Orego nian. IOUNG MAN, IS to 20, as assistant ship . ping clerk; one with some office experi ence preferred. Answer, giving phone, references, etc., V 130, Ore gon i a n . "WANTED High school graduate to learn banking business: good chance for ad vancement; .salary $35 to start. C 120. Oregonian. "WANTED Night clerk in first-class hotel; answer in own handwriting and give experience ana rererences. BC 333. Oregonian. IOUNG MAN as shipping clerk, one ex perienced in tire business preferred. An swer, giving references, phone number, tc, A B :i63, Oregonian. "WANTED Young man, 17 or IS years of age. for office or clerical work : must operate typewriter. Write A J 420, Ore gonis n. WA NT ED Man to run gasoline sprnyer and handle spray gun, long job. Write experience and wages wanted to Box 101. Mosicr. Or. "WANTED Man to solicit flag decorating for Shrine convention. Inquire W F. Birk. Ltpman. Wolfe Co.. main floor. SALESMEN mnke from $3 to $20 per day; cash daily. 839 Chamber of Commerce Bldg . 4th and Stark. "WANTED For mere, concern, bookkeeper, good opportunity if competent; state ex perience. AF 358, Oregonian. LEARN the vulcanizing ou sin ess. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. MN and wife as janitors in promiuent t heater. A J 422. Oregonian. MAN for janitor in apt. house: room fur nish ed; sing! e man. 705 Davis st. : apts. EXPERIENCED counter man wanted. 126 5 1 h st. t TWO typist. 1111; 2 typists. 9112: 1 sten ographer, 9123. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Old man to work on ranch. Tabor 7581. FREMSER on Hoffman: good wages, steady work. AV o,.8. Oregonian. It'MPER pilers and swampers; also a team; steady work. 714 Couch bldg. WANTED fie il boy.-Campbell Hotel. ' HELP WANTED MALE. SWITjCHMEX WANTED. Men experienced in railroad yard work desiring employment should call at once or send names and addresses to super intendent Southern Pacific Co. Strike conditions prevail, but the strike is unauthorized and denounced by office of railroad brotherhoods. Apply to Mr. A. T. Merrier, super intendent, rdom 32, second floor Union Station. Portland, Or. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. PETITION CANVASSERS. Wanted, at once, petition can vassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition to ordinance on part of majority of voters, and especially small property and home owners. Apply Room 42ft, Oregon Bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of delivery boys and package boys. Apply superintend ent's office. 0;lo to 10:o0 A. M. CITY SALESMAN for tea and coffee route, retail selling: guaranteed salary, com mission anl bonus on tales. We furninh everything. Man must furnish best of reierncee, also bond required. Producer can work himself into a good-paying, permanent position. Jewel Tea Co., 21 S. Grand. WANTED 4 wide-awake salesmen with car to demonstrate and sell the onJy au tomobile tub that will not deflate when punctured air filled only: exclusive ter ritory; don't answer unless you mean business. Call 10 to 11. L. S. Hughes, Seward hotel. -- MALE STENOGRAPHER. And office assistant for manufactur ing plant in St. Johns. An excellent future for an accurate and energetic worker. Call Columbia 28. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Big de mand for high-salaried executives: past experience unnecessary; we train you by mall and put you in touch with big op portunities. Write at once for particu lars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Washington, p. C. REALTY SALESMAN. Firm opening city sales, requires two live, fully capable salesmen with car. Here is an exceptionally good oppor tunlty. W 250, Oregonian. WANTED Man to solicit tunas for evan gelical Christian institution of world -wide standing; permanent position and good salary for right person ; must be lover of God's word, energetic, "of good address and, preferably, good education. Address V 833. Oregonian PRINTER For all round work in countrv shop wanted quickly; model 15 linotpe and country Campbell press will take most of his work; 940 week to one who t-an deliver the goods. The Morton Mirror, Morten. Wasn. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate wth mn w. h r am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard. 1205 Wilcox bldg. WANTED. 1 DOGGER. 2 LA BOH EHS. 2 TRACKMEN. WIND RIVER LRR. CO. APPLY IU7 Y EON BLDG. WANTED Man for shipping dept.; must understand making of bills of lading and packing groceries. Apply. In own handwriting; starting salary JS0 per mo. L. H. Manning & Co.. P. O. Box 3163. city. A FIRM that is well established requires a salesman ; a spienaia opportunity ior a man that wants to make a parmanent connection. See F. J. Schnell, 10 to 11 A. M., 400 Mohawk bldg. WANTED Chauffeur who thoroughly un derstands mechanism and upkeep of au , tomobiles to drive private car; mall written application, stating experience, to K., drawer 4198, Portland, Or. WANTED Young man for of fire and reportorlal work who can operate type writer; in application state age, if mar ried, e perience and references. Address A H 423. Oregonian. WANTED 6 energetic, ambitious sales men on bakery routes: must be neat, courteous and have sales ahilitv. yee Mr. Paulifter. bet. o and 7 P. M.. Im perial hotel. WANTED Man in lumoer office; must be rapid and accurate for assistant to bookkeepei ; must he familiar with lum ber weights and freight rates. AB 333, oregonian. WANTED -Real men who know their own ability and will work on a com mission basis where they will receive a large remuneration. See JUacGibbon, 702 Spalding b 1 d g. . LOOK HERE. MEN. Anyone wanting a good truck propo sition on a guaranteed contract, see tsarnes i wroaaway. WANTED First-class shoe repair man; state wages; gooa joo ror tne right man. Iradley-Evan to hoe Co.. iv.lama.ih Falls, Or. HIGH SCHOOL boy or boy going to school with motorcycle to work afternoon and lea rn our business. Metzger-Parker- Ferguson. WANTED Young man. helper in packing dept.; starting salary $70 month. Ad dress, in own handwriting. L. K. Mao- ning & co. f. U. iiox 31HJ3, city. WANTED Boss carder; good chance for advancement: a nrst-ciass second hand wire particulars. Eureka Woolen Mills, KureKa. cat. WANTED Flrst-cass barber; cuartntpe $32 and tit) per cent over $44. Phone or wire C R. Christie, care O. K. Barber Shop, Astoria. Or. WANTED Names men. over 1 7. wishing become U. S. government railway mail clerks; $110-1150 month. AV ati:'. Ore gonian. W ANTED A number of good bricky ard men, wages $5 per nine-hour day; set ters 85 cents to $1 per thousand; no strike. Idaho Pressed Brick Co. TIN N ERS wanted at once ; furnace and general sheet metal work; $8 eight hours, open shop. Yakima Hardware Co., Yakima. Wash. WANTED A man cook for restaurant do ing $o0 per day; will pay $2.". board and room, per week. AV oiKi. Oregonian. WANTED Young man to assist in motion picture theater. See Mr. Evans. Amer- lean theater. 1st and Alain. ON E experienced rip-sawyer and one ex perienced cut-off saw operator. Add I v Oregon Box & Mfg. Co.. 1144 Macadam. WANTED Press feeder for No. 1 Miehle press, also ob r.ress, at once. Telephone) Register, McMlnnvllle. Or. BARBER Steady Job; 2 Saturday men. S. II. Howard, sec. Master Ba.ro era' as sociation, HO 4th st. APPRENTICE boy wanted. Oregonian mali room. See M. Henderson this aft ernoon. BARBER wanted; guarantee $25: 70 per -ent over $40. Address J. F. Paradise, Baker, Or. HELP WANTED MALE. AX OPPORTUNITY is offered to a elejn-cut young man, 20 to ar years of age. who is interested In advertising. A lot of experience la un necessary, but tact, courtesv. ambition and a willingness and interest in the work together w-Hh ability in salesmanship are vital. The position, which Is in the advertising department of a dally newspaper, will pav a fair aairy to start and advancement wiii be made as you have proved your . ability. In answering state age. edu cation or other Information which you believe qualifies you foi the position. Ex-service man preferred. ADDRESS K 59. OREGOMAK.' WANTED First-class automobile washef and simonizer for garage; must have at least 2 years experience; give references and phone number and address KrvSU, Oregonlan. ar SWITCHMEN WANTED. Men experienced in railroad yard work wanted by O.-W. R, & N. Co., at Portland. Oregon. Strike conditions pre vail, but unauthorized. by Railroad Brotherhood. Application should be made to B. E: Palmer. Supt., O.-W. R, & N. Co.. room 31, second floor. Union Depot, Portland, Oregon. SEVERAL gO'.xi positions open for typists, stenographers and stenographers with knowledge of bookkeeping who have had lumber experience, both In and out of town. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 447 Morgan Bldg. BOY between 32 and 13 years oid to do light work on farm for board and rea sonable salary ; one desiring to "go to school can arrange to do so. Call I 12;S Vernon ave. after 1 o'clock, or write P 60. Oregonlan. MARRIED man for farm work, irrigation, hay, good permanent position for right man ; attractive location, house, milk, garden, wood; write in full concerning your experience; state wages demanded and give references. G P4. Oregonlan. EX-SERVICE MEN'S free evening school conducted by the Knights of Columbus war activities committee; 18 subjects to choose from; at a to bid to Oregon service men. Enroll now, 290 Grand ave. North, or -00 Beck bldg. WANTED Reliable couple, no children, for country place; very experlenred in house and farm ; $100 a month and furnished: references required. Phone Main 316. - WANTED Man about 43 years of age to do general work around our p'ant; steady place; wages $:j.i0 per day for S hour.-' work; give phone number. B 32, Oregonlan. MILLWRIGHT foreman. $10 day: man and wife, flunkeys for logging camp. S123 and board. 233 Burnside. BOY with wheel. $73 per month, delivering meseases in business district; no tack ages; no Sunday work, but must be 16 years of age or older. Apply federal Telegraph Co., 7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED AT ONCE First-class opeVT- shop, all-around bollermakers and four good drillers and helpers for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak sts. WANTED Young man of good education to start at tiie bottom and learn the business : to one making good there Is every opportunity of advancement in, tne sening ena. a ppiy a i, Oregon in. WANTED Clerk and- typist with ability as general merchandise salesman, salary $133 per month, railroad office; give ad dress and phone number. AO 84. Ore gonian. V O I N ( i man for iunior Dosition in bank about 18 ta 20 ears of age, of good fa mil y and qualifications. Address, giving age. references and experience Box L 77, Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE First-class, open shop all-around lathe machinists; also any press machinists ana one appren tice boy, for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. Firth and oak sta. OFFICE man wanted, one with some gen eral business experience preferred: state age. experience, references, salary ex pected. etc. AG 379, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man to take charge of fire insurance office ; must be compe tent to manage men ana get tne bust ness. BO 333, Oregonian. WANTED Christian man to drive Ford delivery; must be over 25 and know city. Apply between 2 and 4 P. M., 414 East Ash sr. WANT 4 tinners, one plumbT, 2 carpenters ana one auto painter, ior out -or -town work; must be first-class workmen. For details apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANTED AT ONCE One first-class open shop cupola man, who can handle the repair or" ladies. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. r inn ana ubk sis. MAN to act as purchasing agent In com missary "f en stern Oregon Inst it ut ion ; must have reply in Thursday. BJ 344, t regonian. WANTED First-class janitor, one ea pa hie of handling a bolter; middle-aged man prcierreu. Apply Rainier hotel WANTED AT ONCE One first-class middle-aged man as night watchman. Ap ply 50 Oregon bldg., Fifth and Oak km WANT electrician for city; permanent work, but must qualify as first -clajs workman. Apply ilu Oregon bldg. Help WaJited Salesmen. WANTED The Vogan Candy Company is in ine marKet ior a liveware salesman ; a man who is capable of calling on the highest-class trade ; previous experience selling candy not essential, but must be a top-notch salesman, with ambitiun and a willingness to work hard ; a fine opportunity for a hustler. See Mr. Cook, between 2 and 4 P. M. Positively no other time will be granted for Interviews. A LARGE eastern corporation desires the services of an honest, ambitious, intelli gent salesman to represent them In the Portland branch office; this is a life time opportunity and even if employed it will pay you to investigate this; fasci nating, well paying, rapid promotion to right party. Call after 10 A. M.. 1109 Spalding bldg.. Mr. For. FAST-MOVING Ford accessory on exclu sive state proposition; large eastern firm wlli advertise ; correctly handled, should bring small fortune; only sail amouut capital to start. See R. W. Purpus. Ore gon hotel, factory representative, by ap point m e n t aJ I'terTiitpve n i n g s . IF YOU have ever made money handling a specialty come and interview me at once as I have the beet proposition or! the market for a hustler and you will like the work. Don't delay as this wilt be quickly snapped up. Ask for Mr. Wark. Hotel Oregon. EXCLUSIVE .territory on several well known Ford accessories made by estab lished Arms can be secured if you are a live one and have small amount of capi tal to start. For full particulars see R. W. Purpus. factory representative, Ore gon h'otcl. SALESMEN who desij-e to better their condition where their advancement de pends on their energy, ability and am bition. See MacOibbon, 702 Spalding bjd s. WANTED Specialty salesman, good com mission, fast seller, good territory now open. Call Main 6440. WANTED A good salesman to work on commission. A M 40S. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced truck Apply 92-94 North 10th st. salesmen. DOES $33 to $.0 a week look good to vou? Call after 4 P. M.. 726-727 Corbett bldg. WAT K l A GENTS. AGENTS at once, seutng fitOe per month hospital tickets 501 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FK.MAI.E. WANTED Chorus girls to .ioin musical comtdy immediately; will send ticket by return wire. Ohlson &. Lowebery, Nam pa, Idaho. YOUNG lady bookkeeper and stenographer wanted. Pacific Tent A Awniag Co.. J North 1st st. COMPETENT and exp. . stenographer steady position. Cutler Mfg. Co., 303 E. 10th st. FIRST-CLASS dressmakers and finishers; best of wages to reliable help. 2(Xi Rivoii bldg. Park-st. entrance. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, with some experience in legal work, desires po sition. R 99, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED real estate house solicitor wants to meet with reliable firm. AE 418. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced maid, lard. Hotel Vv'il- W ANTED Stenographer. . Stubba Electric Co., Sixth at Pine. YOUNG lady for general office work and stenographer. Call at 43 Front St. STENOGRAPHERS desiring positions call Main 6344. PRIVATE secretarial opening. Call Main 6344. STENOGRAPHER wanted: will ,take be ginner if competent, r 201, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO TOT7 WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY f A salary that la paid wbtle yo learn the business that increase frequently as you gain experience T DO TOTJ KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN T And what excellent opportunities thejr have for promotion to-executive positions ? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating; for young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601 th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Street. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company PETITION CANVASSERS. Wr.nted. at once, petition can vassers to obtain signatures for referendum on city ordinance. Easy to obtain signatures as wide spread opposition to ordinance on part of majority of voters, and es pecially small property and home owners. Apply Room 426, Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak streets. MACKINAW COAT MAKERS. FLANNEL SHIRT MAKERS. PANTS MAKERS. Good pay and liberal guarantees: ex perienced workers. Oregon City Wool en Mi.ls Garment Factory, 244 Russell au, near Williams ave. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced soda fountain dispenser. Apply superintend ent's office. 0:10 to 10 MO A. M. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand for high salaried executives, past experience unnecessary ; we 'rain you by mall and put you in touch with big opportunities. Write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk. 1418, Washington. D. C. OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitfbus and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance If given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. II lb bard. 1205 Wilcox bldg.. Portland. Or. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. If you want to get Into this class you will have to hurry as we will fill this wck and then will take you three months to enter our Comptometer school. Course $40. See Miss Frank. 3Iii Morgan bldg 1 HAVE more positions open than I have pupila ready. Why not take up work which will make you independent T Six weeks course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from 6:o to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. A-I EDUCATED, experienced stenographer as private secretary; initiative, executive and business ability required; capable of assuming responsibility during advertis er's absence, reference required. Ad dress BK 370, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced fur finisher and an apprentire to learn operate fur ma chine; one living with parents preferred; w ages advanced as progressing. Setrll Fur Co.. 4C5 Morrison st. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women agd 20 to 25 for wood working factory at St. Johns.' Good pay and steady employment. AB if 9 2, Ore- gonian. HOUSEKEEPER for residential hotel; must live near C'Ui and Wash.; must be willmg to familiarize herself with work and be ready for position by May lo. G 126. Oregonlan. WANTED By w idowcr, a housekeeper, one who wants a good home and likes children of school age. H 120, Orego nian. GIRL Cook and general housework; fam ily of two adul ts in apartment; wages $60. Alverado apt.. No. 2. Phone mom- l n gs. Main o. . ANY girl in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main Z4o0. DM car. , FAMILY man for farm work; $0O per month ; must furnish own living, wife to keep boarders at 40c per meal. 228 Alder s L WANTED Names girls, women, over 17. wishing U. S. government positions; 195 month; experience unnecessary. Answer AV 564. Oregonian EXPERIENCED help in ail departments, best working conditions in city ; no phone applications. Portland hotel laun dry department. WANTED -GirI, 7 to 14 years, to care for on large ranch; best of home, near nice school. Address Mrs. A. H. Lee, Hol brook. Or. WELL EDUCATED GIRL wanted for filing work In an office; small salary to start: no experience required. L 269. Oregonian BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. $125; stenographer. 1O0; legal stenographer temporary; bookkeeper and typist. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. STRONG, active women to sort news papers and magazines. Northwest Waste ft Cotton Co., Front st. GIRL, for 3 hours' housework in exchange for nice roon, breakfast and wages. ul llalcjgh st. Phone Main 3730. WANTED Bx:erienced lady clothes Ironer. good pay to good ironcr. Union Laundry Co.. 2d and Columbia. WANTED Business college or h.. a. girl to work for room, board and wages. Main 7457. . THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl In distress. ttu5 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. SIX experienced girls to wait on tables. N. C. Republic restaurant. 246 Madi son st. WANTED Woman to assist in day nurs ery: evenings and Sundays off. Apply 14 East 7th St. GIRLS for off bearers in box factory. Ap ply at Oregon Box a: Mfg. Co.. 114 Macadam. HOUSEKEEPER by widower with chil dren school age: good home, no washing, own boss. AB 363. Oregonian. WANTED Two apprentice girls. Union Station restaurant. E. M. Crouch, man ager. WANTED 6 ambitious women for pleas ant, profitable outside work; full or part time. 627 Corbett bldg. WANTED An elderly lady to keep house and care for 5 children; no wasntigs. T. King, 26o Fremont. WANTED Competent stenographer and bookkeeper; references required. Cutler Mfg. Co.. Bast 10th and Mill sis. WANTED Competent girl for reneral housework; good wages; 3 adults. 7,12 Main, near King street; I WANT chambermaid. 62 N. 4th St.. J'ortlandOr. WANTED A woman to assist with, work at nursery. Apply 14 E. 7th st. LADY wants lady to share the care of 1 flat and as companion. Main 5473. WANTED Good plain cook, middle-age, for a small boarding house. 669 Savier. TWO girls wanted for Hawaiian show with carnival at once. Call Broadway 70:. EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted. .V.h st. , BUS GIRL wanted. 126 th su 126 HELP WANTED FKMAXK. WANT ; stenographer to write letters, answer phone and attend counter In our real estate department: will consider beginner if rapid and accurate. Call before 8 and after o. Hitter, Lowe ec Co.. 101 Board of Trade bldg. GIRL wanted for general office work, must be able to use typewriter and must be very good at figures; no short hsnd required; give references and salary ex pected In first letter. K 96. Oregonlan. W.OMAN to care for 0-room house and ft y ear-old girl while widowed mother is employed. Call after 7 P. M. 200 E. 77th street North. MV car. EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted; steady position; salary $100. Oregon State Chamber of Commerc. ground floor. Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 44Q. GIRL to do light housework and care for children; good home, no washing or cooking. Phone Marshall 1458, morn tngs. WANTED Experienced stenographer for railroad office, Sb7.ftO to start; excellent opportunity for advancement. B. 60, Oregonian. . WANTED A chambermaid. 1731 Derby st. Phone Wdln. 1:9 1j. Wanted Domes tic. EXPERIENCED woman for general nouse work In small family at Riveria station. 20 minutes out on Oswego electric: wages 7i a month: no washing. Phone mornings. Main aoo4. m,i fnf cnrai hnuBework: gooa wages, two In family, no washing; walk ing distance to central part of city A pply 424 Oregon street. Phone Last 2V2. WANTED. Middle-aged house worker for refined countrv home; 3 in famtlv; baby's wash ing only ; references required Call o 4 Ilea Hotel Cornelius. 4 to or S to 10 P YOUNG rancher wants housekeeper who is used to country and ncrt afraid of getting lonesome, who prefers easy place to high wages; give age, street address. phone. A v wj. urcsonmn. WANTED Experienced woman to coo and assist in general housework ; second girl kept; small family, wages J50 per month. Phone East 7182. 400 L. 24th st. N. STEADY girl for general housework, all electrical conveniences, cooking not es sential, one who is fond of ch Uiren. very good home and good wages. 4J1 Jy. aoiu N. E. m2W2. b GIRL for cooking and general housework, small family, good wages. Apply rJf 10 o'clock. Mrs. F. C. Malpas. ol Kearney st. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and a little downstairs work; no furnace. no washing; small family; high wages. 7 S3 F I an'de rs e C . WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; every other Sunday ce. Good home. Marshall i03. 50 Eliza beth st.. Portland Iita. REFINED WOMAN with daughter or middle-aged woman to share modern home in exchange for care of Jnvalid lady. pay board; garoen space, i m.w - WANTED Competent woman ior housework; no washing . f U.y' comfortable room with bath. Call 10 to 12 A. M ., 7 i o r lanaera oi. WANTED Experienced girl to assist with care of child and make aly useful: good wags. Cull &-1 John son St . , or tci. - - r:iHI, for housework in small family good homo and wages. Apply mornings . .vnm. t Crescent apts.. oUl wueeiuuu COMPETENT girl for cooking and down :Us?afrs : work; no laundry; wages $70; references lrinb L Phone Automatic M1-S2 h to off jet terrible fact. SOS Tillamook Ft. . ,.vi)L'uiirvrir.n irl lor cookinc and rfowimtalrs work; second rIH kept: good wages. Main 4JUi. m mhhiimi'h E'CPKRIKNCED girl for cooking and some 'housework: adults: no washing or Iron ing. 741 Irving street. aiain ivji. tilHL wanted for upstairs work and a!-iilt jn care of year-old baby. 1'taone Main fl, or call at i Mnt nn vTvn v.t tterien eed cook and lecon girl; no laundry. ItHio Thurroan st. Main WANTED Girl for plain housework. small family, good wages. Vl'i Schuyler t.. near 'Jlst at. isortn. ii' i n.-Tf.n Snhr.nl alrl to assist wltn housework for room and board and suit able wages. Phone Bdwy. 41SU. WANTED Competent nurse girl to ir for 2 small cniiaren; niue ti. wages. Marshall WA STKr tlood experienced girl for gen eral housework. No laundry. Main oo3 Call before 10:30 . WANTED Young girl Id assist Willi housework and care of children: nt cooking, no washing. Tabor K:i!l. . .i n i riV tn lake rare of little baby and help with a little housework; good home and w ages, .. i rum .d-upi-Ti'T eirl for general housework within walking distance of downtown. a -nil Bro idw ay 4 W ANTBD Kxperlcm-ed girl for second work, small family, good wages. Apply mornings, 1 1 a onn --a st. WANTEU a.trl for general housework. April In: 3 in family: pieasam no me . good wages. Phone Kast SHiia. mornings. h-ivtu'ii rnmni'trpl cirl for second u-nrU ibyid wages. I'lione Main DIM; or apply " West I-ark st. nr.vTirn a miridle-azcd lady to do light h.i.nrk and cook for 4 men In the count :v. A. H. Kid iinoe. Yamhill. Or w3TV. Middle-aged woman to assist In' housekeeping: good, wages; close in. H 121. Oregonlau Woman lo care for baby dur Ine dav for good home and some wages. C. S. preferred. Call 1J7-40. .mipl'TS-kt irirl- general housework .1.11 family and house: peasonable wages. 44 Vista avenue. Main L'MJ2. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR HKCOND WORK. PHONE MAIN S-'14 OR CALL ISO KING ST. WtNTED Young woman to asist with housework: no washing, no Sunday din ner, trail East otMo. WANTED Competent girl to assist wl(b housework and care of S-ycar-old child. Automatic ul---i. WANTKO A woman for cooking and some housework. 1 aoor ii'Ji. WANTED A girl for general housework. IOoO umPcrianq roan. Main ti'oi. WANTED A girl for general housework. Phone Woodlawn 484. alter 4 o clock. GiKl. wanted for general housework; good wages. Lan io a v. GIRL, for general housework; 3 adults; al conveniences. 7,"9 Kearney st- WANTED A girl to assist with light housekeeping. 143 Broadway. NEAT intet'lgent girl for housework, good lilture. IU1 commercial aLicti. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; Apply at 407 14th st. GIRL for second work, family of . 784 Love j oy st. Main 247. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. 60O Glisan st. NURSE girl wanted for 7-month-oid baby at 341) 10th st. Main 41)1-0. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Woodlawn 4264. after 4 o'clock. EXPERIENCED GIRL for second work. small' family, good wages. 77 Park ave. GIRL for general housework: beht wages, 4 In family. East 6.149. 8'iQ Knott st. WANTED Nurse girl, experience not necessary. 316 Broadway bldg. Y'OUNG wjmari for housework; must like children $4.. Tabor 22.10. GIRL wsnted for general housework. Ap ply 616 Evereu st. HF.I.P WANTED MAT.K OR FEMALE. WE NEED a first-class bookkeeper and office man or woman: one experienced in automobile or garage work preferred: Vtate references, years of experience and other qualifications. C 131, Oregonian. TWO young, cx-scrvlce men with several years' general office and accounting ex perience, wish to get located with good reliable firm: can furnish referencce. Woodlawn 5623. MOTION PICTURE. If you are ambitious and interested In motion pictures. It w ill be to your in terest to see us. 523-025 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Woman or elderly man to so licit. Apply after 2 P. M.. 414 E. Ash at. EDUCATIONAL. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky Bldg., Thlrdr and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school. $5 per month. 230 Tillamook sL East 3s60. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K Welles, ex-assist, state supt., mgr., N W. Bank bldg. Main 8276 THE International Correapondence Schools can raise your salary 191 Broadway. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg Mn. 4S35. Teaching positions. free registration. TATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. EDrCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you tha trade in S weeks, give you a set of tooii and some pay while learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex -service men the course is free to you. Wnu or call for particulars iri catalogue. 234 BurnslJg "t. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEKNKK-WALkKR Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking bookkeeping, secretarial. "ree catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach vou tha trade in 8 weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed: pay wh,lle learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'3, BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, atenography. civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learniog. give you set or too.s fiee. position secured. 33 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 43 Railway i-xenang. b'.dg. Free booklet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school: Individ ual Instruction. 122 '.4 Grand ave. E. 427. UTUATIONS HAMF.U MALE, STKA M engineer, stationary, wanta situa tion with a reliable company; can nan die any steam plant; can do all re pair work and will give best results and expect a reasonable salary and stesdy employment, if interested address C b3. Oregonian. ROSE CITY HOUSE RENOVATORS on the Jod and it will be no time be fore every inch of walls, ceilings, wood work, windows and everything shine fr,m cleanliness. Our way is the sclentlflc, troubieless way. Broadway laua. CHEF or manager, can take charge of commercial Hotel, summer resori. taia orcafeteria. 12 years' experience: at lioerty, bo anvwhere; can get crew if necessary. Reed Hotel, room- 7. Phone Main 4S93. . WANTED Position as foreman or supt.. mill or yard (sawmill), can nanaie ooin and do the shipping, up to 100.000 feet capacitv; lt years' rail experience; re sults, pay; no results, no pay. AV GUI, Oregonian. , WANTED Work for a new ton ford truck, pneumatic tires: naui aayioma of its capacity, day or night. Phone East 7141. Rayburn &. Kenaston Co., 1H2 '4 Grand ave- S. EXPERT dairyman, first-class milker, un derstands everything aoout aairy ""' ness; would like entire charge of small dairy: can handle 40 cows: for particu lars address AR 361. Oregonlan. HIGH school boy wants work after -P. M. and Saturdays. Can operate type writer; take some dictation and kr.owa EXPERIENCED engineer wanta steady work; if you want a steady man, don t miss this chance. 802 E. 3d St., The Dalles. Or. WEST MAGuIHs. Painting, paper banging and tinting Phone Auto. 21-77. Res. and shop. Sl7 East 89th St. CLASS A CH KF at liberty, commercial hotel, summer resort or caio wonv, anywhere: can get crew If necessary: references. Room 7, Read Hotel. t CHAUFFEUR, 8 years' experience, o years wilh one family; niarnea mu, reasonable. Pnone East 721VJ. Krlnk. W. H. YOUNG man. employed in office until 2:H0 P. M., wants position driving, care taker, etc What "nave youl Best of city references. G 2o7. Oregonian. COLORED porter wants wholesale or re tail store lo care tor; can give wwi ui cltv r-jferenc. Call evenings. Automatic 525-2S. EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR would like a position with private family. 6 years references from last employer. B( S18. Oregonian. CARPENTER will figure new or old work. house raising, cement or me Let me give you a figure. Evenings. Main 6705. MAN and wife with one child want a aituatlon on farm with separate house, or with bachelor; have references. AJ 417. oregonian EMPLOYMENT by elderly man, janitor or general housework; references. D 132. Oregonian. tti .nerienced carpenters wish to build houses for owners or architect by day or contract. AG 312. Oregonlan. FLOOR waxing, washing woodwork, win dow cleaning. housecleaning. Tabor 22l;0 evenings. BAKER f Irst-clasa. all-around man. spe cial on French and Vienna coffee cake: A. rtt steady position. Tabor t4". ,,,-- . - u , v din ji. rillf-l'ionCGd 1 M 11 1 1 0 T. wishes position in apwum-n- - 22, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. single, experienced farmer, wants work on good farm. A 2S0. Ore gonWn. PLACE as baker helper or second baker; any night Job; country preferred. G t tregon ii PAPER HANGING, painting ano general house repairs. Call East 6738. Fair prices and good work assured. PO ITION as sawyer In lumber mill tip r0 M. References furnished. AV 639. Oregonisn. TWO experienced truck drivers desire po; sitlon driving truck or touring car. E K4I.0. COOK, restaurant exoerlence. wants work, city or country; steady man. F 73, Ore gonlan. WANT steady Job driving In city for wholesale or retail house; have good delivery car. Tabor ::o. POSITION as chauffeur wanted by ex-service man: good mechanic; best of refer .ncs3 Phone Automatic 313-01. xil around married man wanta steady work; atate wages. AV 570. Ore- gonian. ELDERLY man wants dishwashing In small hotel or restaurant. AH 42J, Ore gonian. HAULING Wanted, for 3-ton truck-tin or out of city: very reasonable rates. Tabor 8670. CKS SPOOLS AND SEWER T 1 ON M. WOODLAWN 5433, AND SEWER CONNEC- ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or houseman. AO 374, Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants position as porter or haii boy. John Yoshioka. S1J Madison. PLOWING WDLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-toi truck In or out of town. Tabor 6679. PAINTING and 'tinting: prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Tabor 8077. CITY garden lots to plow, and harrow. Broadway 32S. Broadway 3016. BOY wants Job on farm, has hud some experience, age 17. G 50. Oregonian. PAN ESE wants work in garage, chauf fer or truck driver. Tabor 32oS. AN experienced specialty salesman desires a good position. Main 416. Bookkeepers. 8tenogriner, Office. COST accountant, young man. 30. thor oughly experienced in standard coat accounting system as applied to sreneral line, would like position in same line or in a special line: llher take charge or assistant. AL 36S. Oregonlan. ACCOUNTANT EXPERIENCED. CAP ABLE AND PRACTICAL. DESIRES POSITION WITH RELIABLE FIRM. IN OR OUT OF TOWN. H 127. OREGO NIAN. ACCOUNTANT, experienced as junior, de sires position with reliable firm where advancement may be earned: in or out of town. H 127. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wishes work In an orfice. either clerical or stenographic; good penman: over 2" years' experience. L 267, Oregonlan. TEMPORARY work, experienced account ant, books checked, systems installed. AE 407. Orerotilan. SITUATION WANTED KKMA.I.K. YOUNG, educated lady, desires position ss companion, experienced automobile driver. P 79. Oregonlan. REFINED, healthy young mother will give baby one or two nursings a day. Sellwood 2640 A DEPENDABLE nurfe cares for children evening-- The sick THRU the day. Mar. 349. FOR your family sewing: special atten tion to children. Call Tabor 4851. srTl'ATION wanted by .ex perlenced cook; private family. C 2M4. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants lo keep house for men. H 203, Oregonlan. WOMAN wanta ironing. Mrs. Hall. Main 9375. light cleaning. FOR all kinds of carpenter work call Main 3476. kWOMAN wants work by the day. Phone 22 l-57 WORK by day. 45c per hour, car fare, lunch. E. 341S. Mrs. Harrison. A WOMAN 6!M7 after wants day work. 9 A. M. Call East LADY wants work, washing and ironing. Mar-hall 1'.'7. WOMAN wanta dav work. East 567. room 21. SITUATION WANTED FFMAT.F- YOUNG woman of pleasing personality w-ould take charge of a gentleman's home for the summer: no objections to leaving te city: must have small daughter with me: highest references given. Call Main 79o. WANTED Bv married coup.e. position out of Portland in hotel as clerk and waitress, both experienced: permanent Position preferred. B 298. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady desires ft nish ing work on ladies' suits to do at home; work, cailed for and returned promptly: all work guaranteed. D 131. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED A-l stenographer, univer sity graduate. wishes position woTh mornings: can do anything. App.y 2IS. Oregonian. WANT woman to care for child from 8 - till 5. week days, in vicinity of Uolladay and Larrabee. East oi7. room 24. even ings. EXPERIENCED hotel maid or house keeper: mame-1; have girl past 5. Will take housekeeping rooms as part pay. A E 375. Ore?onlin. WANTED A place for a 14-year-old girl for the summer: country preferred. Marshall 2370. Mrs. Dyer. 207 Sherman street. WANTED A p'.ace 'to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away. References. Wd'n. 1611. TWO experienced telephone operatora want private exebanre work, day or night. AE 380. Oregonian. LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE cur tains done up like new. Will ca:u Esst 8518. CATERESS Prepares and serves lunch eons and dinners. East 2534. or Tabor 621. OVERSEAS nurse wishes position as tele phone operator on private exenange. a 4 13. Oregonian. IALY wanta house cleaning, other work, hour, day; work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. RELIABLE elderly lady wants light work; would care for children hourly; give phone num-ber. AK 410, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, 8tenoarrnpners. Office. SEVERAL good stenographers: one good bookkeeper: one private secretary: two multigraph operators; five typists and several office girls listed with us for positions. If vou r.eed any of the above call us. Business Men s Clearing House, 447 Morgan bids. Main 57HH. BOOKKEEPER Expert accountant wants set of books to keep requiring only part time: expert work, reaonaute prices. Hroadway i TEMPORARY bookkeeping and steno graphic work, by hour er day: also small sets of books to keep, wanted week days. Main 6718. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2M7. GIRL wishes position as office assistant. H 77. Oregonian. Dreaammkers. NEW 20th century dressmaKing school and helpers' shop; cutting, fiting. by pat terns or chart; night ana day classes. Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash, Main 622. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking bv expert de signer. C74 Kerby. corner l-'argo. Wood lawn 5233. COATS. DRESSES. SUITS MADE AND REMODELED. DRESSMAKING D-Pi, EMPORIUM DYE WKS. BDWY. 4250. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING. MAKING OF SUITS INTO DRESSES. SUMMER VOILES. ETC MRS. KELLY. E. 7307 HEMSTITCHING. Rc a yard. M. Dal ton. room 201 Broadw ay-Tamhlll bldg. TBE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers. 424 Mor rison sc. near Uth. PLAIN and .fancy sewing, alterations, coats relined. suits. dresses, Mar. 3619. DRESSMAKER Special, maker-over, tai loring. .3 per da Sellwood 33.2. FOR neat, plain sewing or crocheting phone Sellwood 244". COATS. SUITS AND DRESSES; SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. TABOR 602. COATS, suits guaranteed. and dresses; 1 abor 6042. satisfaction Nurses. PRACTICAL nurse and companion wants permanent position ror seml-lnvaliu among refined people; excellent refer ence srlven. A mi. oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse. 21 years of hos pital training, will take all klnda of cases. Call room IS. East S49. PARALYTIC or sick lady patients taken by graduate nurse; private residence. Tabor .. VISITING nurse wishes cases: can furnish Al references. Tabor 2176. PRACTICAL nurse cases considered. desires Phone position; V.. 4034. all PRACTICAL nurse wsnta case; answers. AK ::'.S. Oregoniftn. no phone Housekeepers. YOUNG woman with y-ar-old baby erirl wants iH.sltion as housekeeper for pen tlemxn of refinement and good char acter. AE 37S. oregonian. FIltST-CLASS lady cook wishes house keeping for wealthy bachelor or widower without children. V 26.". Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED -widow with boy in. house keeping, ranch preferred; good cook. A 1 41. Oregonian. WISH housekeeping, neat elderly adults. H 120. Oregonian. ady ; I fmrx tics. THE VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS TABOR 4638. House-cleaning, floor-waxing and all kinds work In the home and office. EXPERIENCED young woman desires gen eral housework: best of wages. P 269. Oregonlan. . WANTED TO RENT. Itoaee. RESPONSIBLE family of 4 adults, would like to rent 5 or 6-room furnished bun galow or house, permanently or during the vacation period beginning about May 1; can guarantee best of care and at tention to property and furnish refer ences; must be clean and In good dis trict, (iive rent and location In reply. Box AH 427, Oregonian. HAVE CLIENT wishing to lease splendid home. Irvlngton preferred; absolutely re sponsible: will give best ot references and take long lease. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7076. DESIRE lo lease 7 or 8-room. modern, furnished house with garage: will take excellent care of property. J. E. Ba'sley. Manager. Standard Oil Company. Phone East 351 S. WANTED Bv April So. 4 or 5-room un furnished flat by responsible couple; no children: if reasonable will lease; best of care given. Phone Tabor 21 48. FURNISHED house on west side. 6 to 9 mnm: must he In good locality; nct reference. Marshall 571 or Bdwy. 152. WANTED To rent a 5 or 6-room fur- . .. hiim-ftlna- or house bv responsible people; can lurnisn reicrcncco. a !ot. WANTED To rent by May 1. 5-room bun. gaiow with garage. Best of references No children. John A. Walter, Broad way 1038. . CHOICE 5-room bungalow, garden. $35; to responsible couple without children who will show prospective buyers. Evenings, Tabor 7055. WANT to rent 5-room furnished house; need not be elaborate but clean; price reasonable. AP 313. Oregonian. WANTED to rent 4 or 5-room house: will buy f urnishlngs; have children. Call automatic 517-20. NVANTBD To rent. Kclial-le person wants a 6 or 8-room flat or house, west side; references. phone Main 2133. BY MAY 1 8 to 8-room modern house: Irvin'gton preferred: small family adults; re-oon.iible party. Phone East 87S6. WANTED To rent, by May 1st. 5 or - room modern house witli garage; will !ea?e. Main 1S71. BY RELIABLE adults. 5 or 6-room mod ern, clean house or fiat. East side. East WANTEO 6-room modern rent or leiM, ra.-t fide. aduiLs; best references. Ta bor 600. WANTED For long: period, furnithed & room house. V 1-3. Oregonian. OK 6-ROOM bunjTiilow, furnished : re r n o n ; i ible parties; references. Tabor S00. MODERN 7 -room house, west aide. Mar shall 3714. Apartments. 4 OK 3 -ROOM modern unfurnished apart merit by reliable resident; will take lease. Main 31 iu. UNFURNISHED 5-room apt.. Port. Keiirht.- or Nortn I'oruana; aauits. -liars haii 3714. GENTLEMAN traveling great deal desires ru-m.ne room ann Haee-p.ng porcn; east ?lde preferred. V -ST. Oregonian. Rooms Hira Bo-tra. WANTED Room and board, private f m t!y. in Irvlngton. near club house, for boy in years, until end or school term. Mrs. George Youell. Hotel Norton ia. WOULD like to place 4-year-old bov in a wo'-kingman'j. home, must be reasonable terms. it -'-'-. oregonian. WANTED Tard and room In private family fo" father and 2 daughters. G 1J7, ' Orcgouiaxu WANTED TO KENT. Ke.nu M itll Board. ROOM and board for 2 children. 13 ana 14 years, where parents couid room; wi'l furnish beds and bedding If necie sary; prefer a homelike place and ne.! Couch school- district if possible. P I'Til, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board for widow and boy. 3 years old. In Cathoiic home, walking distance, where child will have mother's care during day; state terms and particulars. AV 6.'0. Oregonian. WANTED By the 22d, room and board in quiet place by man on night shift; re quire meals about 10 A. M., 3 P. M ; will carry lunch, pay 40. Call East 5367. bet. 1 and 2 P. M.. or L 52, Oregonian. Housekeeping; Rooms. WANTED By refined, quiet, elderly lady, warm, light, comfortably furnished h. k. room in private home: would consider caring for child occasionally evenings. AJ 4'-'3. Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED Warehouse on spur track. 5000 to l..ooo square ft. Certainteed Product Corporation. Tenth and Flanders. MisoelLaneoue. WANTED To rent improved acreage front 2 to 10 acres: must have some kind or. bldg. to live in; prefer on or near Bate Line road. between Montaviile and Gresham; must be reasonable rent. H. 123. Oregonian. - FOB REST. FOR RENT Hotel Burlington. 716. neat at. jouna lumber mill; part ot trace. SUNNY PARLOR room, modern, kitchen rnvueges it desired. 427 Clay St. 1 ur.i.be- Rooms. PRINCESS HOTEU UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms, single, community and privat bathe, reasonable rates, day. week or month. 34t East Burnside at. East 171. Just across the Burnside bridje HOTEL. ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Take Depot car to Uth and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modem, respectable; transient, 1.50; with private bath. $2. DAYTON HOTEU. First St., Corner Taylor. Niceny furnished rooms, hot and eoTA water and . steam heat in each room. Rates ?3 week up. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. Kast Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel; dignl ffed and refined: 1.25 per day, doub.e yi.7u; 6 per week and up. ANSONIA HOTEU 124 14th at., at Washington. Rates, to per week up. l day. Fire proof; larse, attractive, spotless rooras, close to amusement and shopping center. NETHERUND hotel. 126 13th. To the stranger within our Kates as well as to all borne folks, this hotel extends a cordial welcome; steam heat, phone, , . rcafonablr rates. LARGE front room, suitable for two; free phone and bath; nice residence: home comforts: board it desired; west side. Main 647. HOTEL TAIT. 1-tth and Stark; pleasant, desirable. 11 outside rooms, telephones, elevator; rates o per week up. HOTEL. LEROY. Right downtown. 90 Fifth street, between Stark and Oak, $1 day. $5 week; steam heat, hot and cold water. HOTEL. BARR. 112 N". 6th, 1! blocks from depot. $1 per day. $5 per week and up: hot and cold water, steam heat, free phone and bath. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. Washington street at -0t h ; rates. 95 week up; transient. $1 day up. Main 31. FU RN lsH ED houaekecpiig rooms with bath, phone, lights; near iaurethurst Park. Tabor 4723. ST. PAUL. HOTEL. 4th and Aider Cleaa. modern, central; transient, $1 up; per manent. $5 UP. LEEDS APTS., single rooms, modern, fire proof bldg.; hot and cold running water. 210 Market St. X BW MANAGE M EXT C I ea n a nd re spectable. I7tc and up: $3.00 per week and up. 387 Yamhill st. HOTEL OCKLF.Y Morrison at. at Tenth. Rates 91 a day up. Weekly S4.4 up Steam heat. Free phone and baths. LA Rij E modern room, 10 min. to busi ncTs center, west side, reasonable. 34tf College, near Broadway. BIG parlor suitable for two; sleeping rooms, one small sleeping room. 141 13th st. FRESHLY cleaned sleeping rooms. 33 N. 17th st. ---- N ICE front room, suitable for two. 434 Yamhill, cor. 12th tt. FRONT rma II sleeping room, heat, phone, i-2'27 week: near Y. W. C A. Mar. 1675. 7&r, 91 DAY. $2.50 week up: outside rod ma Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. NfCK front room suitable for mai wife: garage for car. Tabor 3045. SOME rery srood sleeping rooms. it.. near Taylor. 208 17ta EXTRA well furnished rooms at 202 14ih rt. See the.-. Main 3i7!. HARRISON hotel. Front and Harrison; outside rooms. 92.&0 up;- board tf dcireL SINGLE f urn i lied room with light and heat. $1$. Gray Gables. 2W Tenth. WILL share room with clean-cut Christian young man. 12.-14. evenings. EM PRESS hotel, rooms by week or da ; next to Columbia theater. 6th and Star.. NICE sleeping room. 273V lth si. Unfurnished Boenas Fl N E H. K. rooms, single and en suit e ; modern, reasonable. 631 Hoyt. Broad way 4046. ' Furnifohed Rooms in Private Family. A LA RGE front room, warm and com fortable; runr. Ing water, suitable for 2; near Broadway car; rent reasonable. Phone East iM 0. LA RGE ROOM for 2, s.eeping porch if desired, hot and cold water, steam heat, walking distance. 470 Columbia. COMFY room on East Broadway - and Irvlngton carlines. private home. East 1276. A LARGE, well furnished room in Irvlng ton home of young couple for gentle man; home privileges. C tiS. Oregonlan. 1. 17TH ST., front room ; East 6S40. near Sunny side car, large board if desired. Phone NICELY furnished rooms, modern, walk ing distance. 50 H King su Mary hail 1257. TWO nicely furnished front sleeping rooms. 1 8l N. ISth st. Phone Broad- BEAl.'TIFLL sunnv rooms, modern con lenience, near Multnomah ciub. Phone Main 40p5. NICELY furnished room, walking distance; phoTie. bath. heat. 73S Johnson. Main 3 716. LARGE ROOM in widow's borne for 1 or 2 persons. 924 : breakfast, use of piano. Call Sellwood 1412. ON E large front room In modern home. 63 East Salmon. Phone East 7100. 448 TAYLOR ST., clean pleasant front sleeping room for gentleman; reasonable. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, exclusive and refined establishment. 745 Hoyt. BTEAM-HEATED room In modern apt. for business women: central. Marshall 5730. SI-EE PI NO ROOM for rent, suitable for 2; C. S. preferred. Inquire &3i Flanderi rt MODERN, well furnished, from 1 to 4 people. 9-SO r.nd up. Broadway 121. CLEAN, well-furnished, steam-heated room, reasonable. 561 Glisan. FRONT room for gentlemen In home near Campbell Hill hotel. Main 4R. CLEAN, warm room. oOO Uth st. suitable for 1 or 2 Rooms Wilh Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL. tMI AND HOYT iT. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on Pacific coat. American plan, with or without bath. J2.r.O a day up: rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. WANTED One or two young ladles to share large, well-furnished room ; pri ' vate entrance, fireplace, next to bath; good home cooking, in exclusive resi dential hotel: shown by appointment only. East 80-S9. NO RTONI A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families an AT business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. " THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th at. for business g-irle and sturents, reasonable rates. Mar. 125 1 . ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; 94.S0 per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st 402 MORRISON, cor. Llth, ehioce rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking distance. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ROOM and board for young gentleman. Phone East 4616. THREE partly furnished basement room. 783 Kearney, Marshall 3 4 oft.