Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 14, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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" 11
City Kdltor Main 7070. A 6005
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 0005
Advertising Department. .Main 7070. A 6C85
Superintendent of Bldg. . .Main 7070. A 6095
HEIMG (Broadway at Taylor) Rlccardo
Stracciari, baritone. Tonight.
ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. This afternoon.
EAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker
Ktoek company in "The Five Million."
This afternoon and tonight.
AI.CAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison)
"Bringing Up Father." This afternoon
and tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy, "Kaay Money." Three shows daily
at 2. 7 and 0.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5.
4:45 to 11 p. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays, continuous 1:13 to 11 P. M.
PA NT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally, 2:30, 7 and
On Sale at
Business Office, Oregonlan.
. Portuand Attractive to Soldier.
'Nothing less alluring than a whole
bunch of wars will get me away from
Portland after my present enlistment
is completed," is the way Sergeant
C. Kendall of the 27th infantry ex
pressed his satisfaction upon arriving
home yesterday for a three month
leave. His family lives at 1673 Haven
street... Sergeant Kendall has had a
varied and interesting experience
with the army, having first entered
service In 1898. He enlisted in the
21st infantry at Vancouver Barracks
in March, 1916, but first came to that
post when the regiment with which
hr had served in the Philippines was
assigned there in 1912, upon the re
turn from the islands, and was sta
tioned there four years. He went to
the Mexican border with the regiment
in 1917 and in July, 1918, went to
Siberia where he remained until last
August. Upon the arrival of the regi
ment at San Francisco it was ordered
to Minneapolis and Sergeant Kendall
has been assigned to the University
of Minnesota.
Four Sentenced In D r v a Deal.
Charles Yee, Chinese, who was &r
rested in a raid on his establishment
at Fourth and Flanders streets and
who is declared to have been in the
act of giving a package of cocaine to
a drug addict, was fined $100 yester
day in municipal court on a charge
of having cocaine in his possession.
Ah Fong, taken into custody at the
same place and who is said to have
had about $20 worth of "hop" on him
at the time, was given 30 days on a
similar charge. Dick Slowe and George
Vilson. who were said by the officers
to have come Into the establishment
while they were there for the pur
pose of making purchases of cocaine,
were arrested on charges of vagrancy.
Slo'we was given 43 days and Wil
son 30.
Kecki.ess Driving Charged.
Charges of reckless driving and of
failing to report an accident were
filed against Tommy Iatisso, truck
driver, yesterday as the result of an
accident in which he is said to have
driven his truck into the automobile
of C. W. Breckel, 1111 Rex avenue, on
Taylor street, between Fourth and
Fifth streets Monday. Breckel said
that he was passing with his machine
when I.atisso suddenly started his
truck and ran into the other car.
Breckel filed charges of reckless driv
ing against latisso and the traffic
bureau a charge of falling to report
an accident. He will be given a hear
ing in the municipal court today.
Bot to Get New Trial. A new
trial for the suit of Miles Eckerson
against county officials held to blame
for his imprisonment in the county
jail for a week without a charge
against him will begin next Friday
in the circuit court, though the ver
dict of the jury in the first trial,
which ended last week, was set aside
only two days ago. The boy. who is
1.6. asks $2000 damages. The Jury
awarded him $525, but their verdict
was held illegal because It divided the
amount arbitrarily among the de
fondants. Sheriff Hurlburt, Jailer Roy
Ivendall and Patrolman McFarlane.
A Tiew Masonic lodge, to be known as
Waverly lodge, will be instituted to
morrow evening at Waverly hall.
Twenty-sixth and Clinton streets.
Officers of the new lodge will be:. Dr.
Henry Brophy. worshipful master
Kdmund Hammond, senior warden
Jack R. Murphy, Junior warden. This
lodge has been in process of forma
tion for several months and starts
with bright prospects. Members of
the order are cordially invited to be
present tomorrow evening.
Moonshiner Gets 30 Dats. Jesse
F.ddy of. Eugene yesterday pleaded
guilty to a federal complaint charg
ing him with moonshining and was
sentenced to 30 days in the Multno
mah county jail. Judge Wolverton
imposed the light penalty In consid
eration for Eddy's wife and five chil
dren. It was his first moonshining
offense, according to Deputy United
States Attorney Reames.
Neighborhood Club Meets Tonight.
The Neighborhood Community club
will meet at the Neighborhood house
this evening at 8 o'clock. Judge Taz
well and Dr. Parrish will be the
speakers. The evening will, close as
usual with a community sing lead by
Walter Jenkins. All in the. com
munity who are interested are invited
to attend.
Aged Watchman Hurt. Louis Lar
son, night watchman at the Ship
timber mill at Linnton had his back
injured yesterday morning when he
accidentally fell 18 feet from a pile
of lumber. He was taken to Good
Samaritan hospital for treatment.
Larson, who is 67 years of age, lives
at Linnton.
Ex-Alaskans Meet Tonight. A
programme consisting of literary and
musical numbers will be given at the
meeting of the Alaska society at the
Portland hotel this evening. Cards
and dancing will follow and refresh
ments will be provided. All ex
Alaskans and friends are invited to
Trails Club Luncheon Todat.
The Trails club will hold weekly
luncheon meetings Wednesdays at 12
o'clock at the Washington-street
Hazelwood. All members and their
friends are invited to attend these
Bird Houses Lecture Topic. Sat
urday afternoon in library hall. Mrs.
A. L. Campbell will give a talk on
how to build bird houses. Her lecture
will be illustrated and she will be as
sisted by Mr. Campbell in giving the
Americanization Conference Post
poned. The monthly meeting of the
conference of Americanization work
ers which was scheduled to meet to
morrow at the central library has
been postponed. Those interested
please watch for further notice.
Orpheus Male Chorus Concert.
William Mansell Wilder, director;
lSleanore Osborne Buckley, soprano,
Tuesday evening, April 20, Masonic
Temple, cor. West Park and YamhilL
Restaurant Man Wanted. Rock
away beach needs a good live restau
rant man the coming season. For in
formation write to J. J. Krebs, Rock
away. Or. Adv.
Oriental Rcos stored, rep'rea. wash
cleaned. Cartozian Bros. Inc., oriental
rugs and carpets, Wash., near 10th.
Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents, 321 Hawthorne ave. East
Christian Science Lecture. Sixth
Church of Christ, Scientist, announces
a free, public lecture at the Heilig
theater, during the noon hour Friday,
April 16, by Mr. George Shaw Cook,
C. S. B., of Chicago, 111., member of
the Board of Lectureship of the
Mother Church, the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
Doors will open at 11:30, and the
public is cordially invited to attend.
Moonshiner Gets Six Months. H.
E. Sackett, Nyssa, Or., homesteader,
was sentnced to six months in the
Multnomah county jail and fined $500
by Federal Judge Wolverton yester
day as a result of a conviction two
weeks ago by a federal Jury on a
charge of moonshining. The case was
prosecuted by Hall Lusk, chief as
sistant to United States Attorney
Two Plats Will Be Read. At an
open meeting of the Drama league.
Miss S. A. Bacon of Reed college will
read two plays this evening at 8:30
o'clock. The titles are "The Prince
Who Learned Everything Out of
Books," by Jacinto Benavente and "A
Bright Morning," by the Quintero
Three Divorce Suits Filed.
Divorce suits filed yesterday were:
Angelena Costanzo against Angelo
Costanzb, Marie L. Skoglund against
William Skoglund. and Kittle Tucker
against John B. Tucker.
Notice. To the friends who have
visited Pis-gah home colony, butler in
charge, please do not deliver to any
one but A. J. Lawrence, who has a
letter of authority. Hattie B. Law
rence. Pisgah mother. Adv.
Ladies who demand and appreciate
refined and exclusive treatment go to
Dr. Ironside's for an electric cabinet
bath. 308-11 Broadway bldg. Phone
Main 56. Adv.
Inter-Vallet Motor Transport
offers daily freight and express serv
ice between Portland and McMinnville.
A. C. Forrester, traffic manager.
Wanted. Men's suits. 40 short. 38,
for Woodmere Old People's home.
Signed, Pisgah mother. Adv.
The Kellt-Springfield truck is the
product of 15 years of experience. 65
N. 23d St. Adv.
Cordwood, strictly first-class Wm.
Haight. Bdwy. 2417. Tabor 8867.
See our windows.
Albert Kkstrom Mast Answer
Two Charges in Court.
The ISth of the month is an unlucky
day for Albert Ekstrom, truck driver.
He was arrested yesterday on two
charges, both the result of automobile
Mrs. D. D. Moreland, 255 Twelfth,
stalled the engine of her machine on
Broadway bridge and while trying to
crank it up again Ekstrom struck
the rear of her car. Mrs. Moreland
was knocked down and bruised.
Ekstrom was taken to the police
station and while there was identified
as a man wanted on a charge of caus
ing a collision on March 13 by failing
to give right of way to a machine
driven by Robert Ellison.
He gave $100 bail on each of the
two charges and will have a hearing
In the municipal court today.
Portland Marine Corporal Goes to
Knter 31are Island Meet.
Corporal Raymond B. Powers, who
has been attached to the local marine
corps recruiting station for the past
year, left Monday night for the m
rine rifle range at Mare Island, Cal.,
to participate in the western division
rifle competition. Corporal Powers Is
an expert rifleman and his qualifica
tion . record shows one of the highest
scores ever made in marksmanship.
While . the' western shoot will in
elude only representatives from the
west coast, the high scores are ex
pected to have an opportunity to try
for the team that will represent the
United States at the Olympic meet
Riccardo Stracciari. distinguished
Italian baritone, sings at the Heilig
Spring calls for light' weight
headgear. You will like our
in. feather weights. In pearl,
tan, seal brown, myrtle green,
and black.
Watch the papers for
announcements of our
Spring Style Show
Exclusive Kuppenheimer
House in Portland.
be a candidate for county superin
tendent of Linn county at the coming
election. He will file for the demo
cratic nomination and probably will
be unopposed in the primaries. Mrs.
Ida M. Cummings, the present school
superintendent, is a candidate for re
election and has no opposition for
renomination In the republican primaries.
Mrs. W. J. Burns Receives Token
of Gratitude for War Work.
Accompanied by a citation express
ing the gratitude of the French re
public and signed by the minister of
foreign affairs, a medal of a beautiful
design, attached to a white ribbon
and stamped with red, white and blue,
was received bv C. Henri Labbe, local
consul, to be presented to Mrs. W. J.
Burns, well-known society matron, as
token of appreciation of the work
which she did during the war in mak
ing surgical dressings.
Mr. Labbe presented the medal to
Mrs. Burns, on the eve of her de
parture for Europe, where, if possible,
she will visit the land of the people
for whom she did so much during the
great conflict. About 90 per cent of
the dressings made in the Spalding
building under her supervision went
direct to the French stations.
The medal is of bronze and upon
the face is engraved the likeness of
a nurse, in the act of lifting a
wounded poilu. On the reverse side
is engraved. "R econnalssance
Francais," in other words, the thanks
of France.
Mr. Labbe said yesterday that, so
far as he knows, no person in this
. ft
JliiililllfalilililiHW 9
Good Numbers
From April List
"Desert Dreams"
" Fox Trot by Lewin $1.25
"Rainbow of My Dreams"
Fox Trot by Freed-Wallace ?1.25
"Rose of Washington Square"
Fox Trot by MacDonald-Hawley $1.25
"Who'll Take the Place of Mary"
Waltz by Dubin-Gaskill-Mayo $1.25
A New Arrangement of the
Hawaiian March,
Special Attention to Mail Orders
Aeolian Player Pianos, $745
Pianolas from 800
Duo-Art Pianos from 1225
IhTil 1 1
i jlpjuHjy . Sixth and Morrison Streets, j
Sensational Sale
Our Finest
Consisting ,of Broadcloths, Ua Juers, Crepe de
Chines and Pussywillows. These shirts are
sold regularly from $16.50 to $18.50 each.
This special sale is way below present whole
3 20 Washington St., at Sixth
section of the United States has re
ceived a similar honor from the
French government and declared it to
be a signal recognition of a most
meritorious piece of war work.
We wish to express our sincere
gratitude to our many friends and
neighbors for their many kindnesses
and sympathy during our recent be
reavement. Adv T. SHEPRO AXO FAMILY.
Ir. Kerr to Speak at Hood River.
mercial club next Monday nigrht Ir.
W. ,J. Kerr, president of the Oregon
Agricultural colleife. will deliver an
address in support of the higher edu
rntional millHpe bill.
HOOD RIVER, Or., April 13.
rial. )- At the meeline: of the
The Gomet
S .
A, ,
In the homes of people who
can afford to be particular, you
are almost sure to find Sweet's
Chocolates. Yet Sweet's are
neither hard to get,nor expensive.
It's their uniform high quality
that makes them preferred
smooth, creamy centers supe
rior, selected nuts and fruits
mellow, extra 'thick coating of
light and dark chocolate every
thing that goes to raise chocolates
above the ordinary
tonight, 8:30, direction Steers & Co
man. Prices, $2.50, $2, 1.50, 1. Gal
lery admission . 75 cents. Gallery
doors open 7:45. Adv.
Harrisburg Proressor in Race.
ALBANY, Or., April 13. (Special.)
Professor L. L. Gooding, superin
tendent of the Harrisburg public
schools, announced today that he will
ONLY a step from the
street, yet. remote
from its noise and bustle,
this Grill provides. the'
means of refreshment and
relaxation for busy pro
fessional and business men
and women.
. Enjoy here the excellent
food, the trained service
and the atmosphere of
ease and restfulness which
should accompany every
meal. '
From 12 to 2
Ye Oregon Grill
Broadway at Stark
I 1 .1 ill I t.---i
a nor, selected nuts and truits
I JjllJS! mellow, extra 'thick coating of
fJ 6X I jgjfgil light and dark chocolate every
JL S3r l a JUSHH thing that goes to raise chocolates
I j
choice pariicuIarJMi W
W. C. ALLEN CANDY CO., Portland Distributors
SJ"' I""! !:,.':! h.;!:':!V!l!"-'-:V;"!!:l:-!:'!;V'--" 'VV!:-'-''!l.':lTH:i'l:!!-'.:l:'i!;!!.': :l-i':!"fM.M m ,,., j
Hello Portland
Portland is from now on the home of the
World's Famous Sensational All-Star "Dixie
land Jazzapaters." The orchestra you have all
heard about. Playing all the very latest dance
hits of the east, from where they just finished a
coast-to-coast tour.
They Play the Grand Opening of the
, - ' Formerly the Apollo Temple
This hall is under new management and every
thing is New; Decorations, People and Music.
We will cater to Ladies and Gentlemen. Good
floor management at all times. -
Music and Dancing
Portland, Oregon
' Featuring GEORGE M. OLSEN and His
Refined Dance Orchestra
Dinner, 5:30 to 8 P. M. . Supper 9:30 to 12 P. M.
Music and Dancing:
Feature Night Wednesday, "Mardi Gras Night"
Special Supper Attractions
Filing Cabinets
65-67 Broadway
Portland, Oregon
40 Positions Open to High School Students
JUNE 1 to JUNE 15
Prominent bankers, accountants and business men of
Portland will address students of
fje iHtUer
during April and May
Actual demonstration of bank work Snd mercantile work, on
adding, calculating and bookkeeping machines will be given by
experts from leading banks and business houses.
This is an opportunity never before offered
. by a business educational institution.
20 of these positions are in leading banks, for young men.
If you are a high school student, investigate this. Only a limited
number of students admitted. Courses are short four to eight
weeks a life vocation for eight weeks of study.
903-4 Yeon Bldg.
8:13 O'CLOCK.
"The Evidence
for Survival";
Tickets at Shrmn Clay's I'- to 75c
Geary Street, Just ofl Union Square
Famous for good tervtce, comfort and excelltat
cuisine at reasonable price.
Rates from S1.75 a Day
Breakfast 40c and 75c lunch 60c; Sunday
75c Dinner (1 .25; bunoays
Municipal Car tine direct
Motor bus meets trains and
60c; Sundays I
tys$1.50. I
to door.' j,
steamers. Jf.
Estab. 20 Years in Portland
C, Gee Wo
Root and Herb Remedies
162'2 First St., Portland, Or.
115S. Adv.
Milk Curs at the Moore S.a.nltarlua
Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian
Main 7070 A 6095