11 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, APRIL, 12, 1920 -A FTOM OB i i.-rk C. G. BLEASDALE, TERMS NO BROKERAGE. A U standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition, Make your own terms. VORD TOURING 30n FORD P.OAI'STER. 1919 63" MAXWELL TOURING 300 FORD TOURING - -. 81; CASK TOURING - 375 STI HEHAKBR, 6-cyl 450 CHEVROLET TOURING 5 KRISl'OK LIGHT 4 ' OLPSMOBILE. 6-ClfL " MAXWELL MS. liko now 675 MUGK TOURING 830 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLCB 830 HUDSON- SUPER SIX 900 (JAKl.ANTl LIGHT SIX 930 WILLYS-KNIGHT 1000 BUIOK LIGHT SIX. 1017, J 100 Hl.-ICK LIGHT SIX. lltlS 1275 BUICIC BIG SIX. 7-PASS. 1350 OLDSMOUILE ROADSTER 1100 CHANDLER TOURING 1450 STUTZ, I'M 8. ltl-valve 2300 PAir.E, 7-PASS .. 730 -1IETZ. 1018 : 430 STUDEBAKER 6, 1919; a bargain. C. O. BLEASDALE. 030 Alder art. Broadway 1S32. SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING. 1918 HCPMOBILB 11J" lIf OVERLAND 6. fine shape 80 1017 REO 4 11119 NASH 14'I0 I'll U A TTRKMnV I.iOO 1910 HUDSON Sedan 2250 3 918 SAXON j95 lOI'l Ci KM . -1- '0 1917 CHALMERS 930 1S8 10TH ST. MARSHALL 1232. Opposite Library. HUDSON Kuner Six: new paint, new cord I tir-s, mechanically perfect. Bdwy. JO. 39.S5, easy tenna. Automobile Wantea. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make that car moan money to you. PORTLAND CAR. SALES CO.. TS1 Alder Bt Broadway 2i06. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. . WE PAY CASH. TILE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. S. "V7. Corner. 15th and Washington. W A N'TED Light cars. Buicks. Paises. Dodges, Fords and Chevrolets. Portlund I Motor Sales Co., 449 Burnside Bt. Open I Sunday. tl'E ARE in the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder at. iLATE model Ford, Dodge or Chevrolet I louring car; will pay cash, call -oat. jjenn, Marshall tiOO. WANT 2 ?-ton trucks for freight haul on pavement; must have stake body ana laipuuiin. oi.i. ji ctunii.ii. HAVE spray baths and bathtub and other plumbins; Hrst class; exchange for auto. WANTED Light truck; will trade small house with two lots. ueo. a. c.lne. Qgwogo. Or. WANTED Storage batteries, cash lor old I storage batteries. aocox auio acnooi, Union Ave, and Wasco st. WANTED A good Dodpre or Chevrolet. Mr. Halford, Bdwy. 3455. 449 Burnside street. WANTED Late model car. Bulck 6 pre ferred. Must be bargain. All cash. Phone Broadway 4407. WANTED Metx roadster; condition of body and top no object: must be cheap for cash. B. 1'. ttouelier. j.yons. ur. WANTED 5-passenger car. will pay up to $1000 rash, (.all Mr. wenn. Alar, woo. WILL give cash for Ford roadster or bug. Bdwy. 470. 9 N. 9th st. Motorcycles. used motorcycles. All makes, terras 1 desired. Used mo tors, parts, etc. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 41 Grand avenue. Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. . FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE3 TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories. PARTS PARTS FOR EVERY MAKE AND MODEL, TAKEN FROM WRECKED CARS. AT FROM 50 TO 80 OFF. COAIE HERE FOR ALL YOUR AUTO REQUIREMENTS. SHIP MENTS OF 2CE W GOODS AR RIVING EVERT DAY THAT "WE CAS GIVE YOU A BARGAIN ON. AUTO SALVAGE -CCs. BROAD WAT AND FLANDERS STREETS. FOR SALE -AMBU electrio trouble snooti er, complete; cheap. Won. Cook, route A. Pox 3. fortianq. Antomobllea for Hire-. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rat.. 132 12th street, between Washington and Alder. uroaawar oil). " NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON'S. LO W N SD ALE GARAGE. BOWY. 240S. 15TH AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. , THIRD AND G LIS AN STS. A 26291 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF BF.NNRTT, CARS FOR HIRE W1TUUUT U til V UU, A KM I GARAGE. . , . rr. , 1 " I . .ii ...... .aa. - Oil A.lS . J I.UIt. mAin 1QOI, 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, Siollius. iiicuwaf, craauwar ail. l"OK SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS WHITE FIVE-TON DUMP. Thoroughly overhauled; new tires. 12 inch, uianLa. $3000. - THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch Sts. G- M. C. fX-totk l"tt-ex press body, splendid con- rnu on meciiauiLiiiU, overawe urei, ixo. two ciiras. 33 Nrth Park Street. TitATLSK. zvi-ton. practicaly new: con- nations for motor truck: cheap. Jef- fM-y Hanawalt 65 -N. 2Jd st, Marshall Tini.r. sell reasonable, 2 Federal trucks. one 2-ton, brand new; one 1-ton, used on one work, for 1 or both. Phone Last 44 M. 2-TON truck with transfer body and top, select ric lights, self starter, new tires. reaxlv fr work; at sacrifice for $1100. 41 1 Sumner st. Phone oodlawn 4.4- FORD TRUCK CHASSIS. $450. TTTS WHITE COMPANY. TP IS. 2-TON Federai. $150. Light car tmrte or some terms. 3'H Tillamook. E. 454L 3-TON White trurk; motor rcbored and In excellent condition ; consider sod tour lug -car f ot part. -jeverfeti. TOB 8AT.1 FOR. SALE TRCCK9 AND TRACTORS. TRUCK MEN HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO GET A SPLENDID TRUCK AND SAVE MOST OF THE FIRST COST. REBUILT PACKARDS. Paekards which we have taken In trade . and taken into our shops and thoroughly gone over. All worn parts are replaced with new from our parts depot and the truck comes to you in condition for years of service. Tour in vestment is less and your profit on run ning la more. Better a used good truck than a new poor one. TWO 3-TON PACKARDS. ready to go to work, priced for quick ssie at 91630. TWO S-TON PACKARDS. rebuilt and ready for road work, from $1630 to $2200. Republic two-ton model, good tires and body with rain curtains, for $1830. Ford one-ton for only (300. We also have a 5-ton .log trailer yon can buy for little money. We have a stock of small tracks going for small money. We can arrange' convenient terms on ail of these. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Tenth and Burnside Streets. PACKARD AND NASH DISTRIBUTORS. Ask for Jones. Open Sunday A. M. GET THIS TRUTH ABOUT BUYING OF AUTO TRUCKS FOR CONSTRUCTION 'WORK IN OREGON. SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. DO NOT BUY TRUCKS on representation of salesmen or dealers of so-called easy money. Good contracts and pay for trucks In lew months or year. Bring us your offered contracts . and truck-buying propositions and get the benefits and advice free lrom owners and contractors of auto trucks with years of expe rience. , PROFIT BY THE ' MISTAKES MADE IN THE PAST AND BEN EFIT BY HELPING US PUT THE AUTO TRUCK OPERATION IN DUSTRY ON A PAYING BASIS. THE OREGON MOTOR TRUCK HAULING CONTRACTORS, 201 Worcester Building. Main 4907. FREE TRIAL MONEY-MAKING TRUCKS. Come in and choose your truck. Thev are all completely overhauled. Put it to work lor ten days. If you are not sat isfied, bring it back and exchange It for any truca in tne House, ' SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 1-ton worm-drive Ford, express body $ r,o 1 V. -ton White, with cab 1500 lVb-ton Federal 909 2-ton Republic 1400 Li-ton Reo boo 1-ton Republic, express body....... 750 1-ton Moreland 939 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. GKANNING & TREECE, 542 Alder St., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. BARGAIN IN CHEVROLET 1-ton track, pneumatic cord tires all around, only run about 3O0O miles. This car is ready to go and give you immediate service. Will take Chevrolet touring or roadster in traue ana give time on balance. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and AKlcr. Broadway 40. USED TRUCKS FOR SALK. If you are Interested in trucks come tn Vancouver ana ree ours before you buy vk nave come exceptionally gooa bar gains in all iate model worm-drive itucks to o tons. Can give very good terms. HANKEL & TROEH, 215 W. 4th St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 144. STCDEBAKBR DELIVERY Motor in fine snape; an pneumatic tlree, self-starte ana gooa e.ecinc llgn-ts. will take ligh touring car or roadster in trade. This car is a Dargain. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. ILATE model lVi-ton Panhart. large body i'i' ciK-ioacu cao, electric lights; good condition. Day Elder. 114-ton; front tires pneu matic, cab. presto light and tanks; used three months: bargain. Mack. 2Vu -ton. used two months. Snap, e.:,i, ur Lcnus. BROADWAY 2162. 71 BROADWAY. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A JOB WITH A TRUCK? Here's a real proposition, almost new i-ton worm-drive Packard, on one of the best road Jobs in the state. SEE US FOR PARTICULARS. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch Sts. PASSENGER BUS. White, Al condition mechanically; new tires; owner is leaving the city. J20OO FOR A QUICK SALE. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch Sts. SH G. M. C. We are overhauling this truck, better ' see work being done and the bargain for 9 L WV. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch Sts. REPUBLIC. Si -ton. nearly new pneumatic tires; snap for $R85. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch Sts. DO you know that a truck will make money lor you 7 bee me regarding the i- . l .-Luu iruLR on iue maraeL Mai 4028. Mar. 2766. DODGE DELIVERY, A ride In this truck will prove the bargain. 33 North Park Street. FOR SALE 12-20 Yuba tractor with o-uuiiuiu power nit plow; run ou days' A-l condition. Box 884, Walla Walla' Wash. ' ONE-TON REPUBLIC. Splendid Condition. $700. THE WHITE COMPANY j FOR SALIil 3 Mi -ton long-whee!bae Velie trucK. 5U is. urefonian. FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck body with curtains, cneap. rnooe main 1172. AUTO REPAIRING. E. H. CHAMBERS. GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING MAXWELL SPECIALISTS. 23D AND DIVISION. SELL. 3755 GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. 5th anA Hoyt. Bdwy. 1586. WANTED MISCEIXAXEQCB. HIGHEST market price paid for diamonds. H. D- Ol i ver. 1 22 Second st. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., &4 6th, HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla monda. Dan Marx A Co., 283 Wash, st. JUNK Rags, paper, metals, oid clothing, tools, furniture: good prices. East 5171. WANTED To buy a hemstitching shop M 90, Oregonian BICYCLE for boy. 12 years old, $10 to $13. Phone Mam 5342. PIANO pupils. 31 Grand ave. K . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY DIAMONDS. If you peed money, see us: we will buy your diamonds for immediate cash and pay what your diamonds are worth; any amount: spot cash; no delay. Pawn tickets bought: any jewelry, go.d. silver, platinum, at full value. t All Business Strictly Confidential. Private Office tor Ladies. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, Licensed by the City of Portland. 405 Spalding Bldg. Fourth Floor. TOOLS WANTED. Shotguns. Rifles. Electric Fans, Teuls, tov?3. Cash Registers. Showcases. Desks, Chairs. Sewing Machines, Typewriters. Bicycles, Furniture, Musical Instruments, Store. Restaurant and Hotel Fixtures Bought. Sold. Rented, Exchanged. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 First. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR, He pays more than anyone In the city for suits, overcoats and ahoea, The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 1229. or 253 Madison St.. neat 3d st will call anywhere la the city, day or evening. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I pay spot cash and the highest mar ket value for diamonds,. No amount is too large for me to handle. 1 am com missioned by a large diamond concern to buy ail the diamonds offered. My lo cation Is downtown and convenient. All business is strictly confidential. Ernest Deeds, 340 Washington st. Main 3173. FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save $100. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., 163 W. Park., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main on 29. TJP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND Oy E RCO ATS. We pay any price for men's clothea OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d il, N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 9S44. $8.50 UP TO $25 GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S 6UITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3032. 243 V4 BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL MB BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. CLOTHING WANTED. 1 don't set the price before I see the clothing, like others do, but 1 pay what it is worth. Call and see me first. Mam 734. 201 m First St. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mail, the American Brokerage. 405 Spalding bldg.. 4th floor. 3d and Wash. I WANT USED CLOTHING. 'We -pay from $10 up for men's used soits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your gooda 167 1st st.. near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECLVLTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call, day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORK. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANTED Will pay cash for second-hand cafe; give size inside, address and phone. AO 34, Oregonian. rola. la from owner: no agents: must be snap lor cash. AM 746. Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand canoe: will pay cash; state price and condition. BC 2io, Oregonian. WANTED A 10-ft. electric restaurant sign; give description and number of lights. G. - E. Lehman, Eugene, Or. Furniture Wmmec HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, ruga, carpets, stoves, and all household goods, and will pay the highest cash price. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and stoi-e and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, CALL MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 221--3-225 Front St, MARSHALL 696L GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLd ATTENDED TO SAME DAY, HlGIIEoT PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE Of OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 183 FIRST ST.. PHONE MARSHALL 598L CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING TBB BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. . MAIN 309. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICS FOR USED FURN1TUR14. CALL EAST 6417. ASK roU ILK. ORMANDY. WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES. ETC., TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 477S. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St- Main 7728. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds ot household goods. Call us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. .Marshall Crown. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First su REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding CoifUiandlloyt-Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WAITED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used fu mi Lure, prices. . Main 5064. Will pay beat HELP WANTED MALE. COMPETENT man to take charge of prop erty and equipment for lara-a ranch : should know farm and orchard equipment and parts used. Answer, stating ex perience. Dufur Orchard Co-Owners Co. Dufur, Oregon. WANTED A flrat-class short order cook. must be quick and reliable, wages $150 per montn ana cnance ior advancement. Apply to chef. 17 Broadway, Hazlewood. NIGHT man in garage, must be a good car worker and understands handling all kinds of cars; references required. Union Depot garage, cor. Broadway and Hoyt WANTED Experienced hotel clerk, night duty; call at Seward Hotel between 9 A. M. and ii a. toaay. WANTED A young man for porter and general won in oaaery ana restaurant. a rv orxn FURNISHED apt. and some salary to man and wire ior a lew nrs. janitor work daily. i-iauretie Apia., zzv nth st. WANTED Good circulation man for daily paper. mui uc Eouu solicitor. Ad dress AV 591, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced hotel clerk, day Trie K.. ueiwr urnuu it.-1. xsaKer. JT. LOGGING teams, Woodlawn 2329. $12 per day. Phon WANTED Window washer. Multnomah hotel. Apply Asn-st. entrance. BOY about 18 years for factory work. American box at uraie iig. uo. LEARN the vulcanizing Business, write 158 E. Broadway. Call or BARBER wanted, good man; no student $20 guaranteed. 105 N. Sixth st. WANTED A man as helper, landscape gardening. raoor jjw. FIRST-CLASS vulcanizer, one capable of taking charge. ,l K. nth st. N.. apt. 3 WANT handy man for janitor service. N. ISth st. WANTED Waitress. 201 N. 20th. Chesterbury hotel, WANTED Dining room girl. 2915 Woodlawn WANTED Experienced auto painter. An ply. 105 East Water street alter 9 o'clock. HFTLP WANT MEN WANTED FOR .RAILROAD YARD SERVICE. ' WAGES 64 CENTS AN HOUR. EIGHT HOURS' WORK A DAT. 98 CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDITIONAL. HOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS A DAT. BOARD- - AND LODGING PLACES WILL BE ARRANGED FOR STRIKE CONDITIONS. BUT STRIKB DE NOUNCED BY RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED: PRO TECTION ASSURED. PERMANENT PLACES FOR GOOD MEN. APPLT TO A. T. MERCIER, SUPER INTENDENT. ROOM 82. SECOND FLOOR, UNION STATION. PORTLAND. OR. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY requires) the services of 4 boys under 17 tor delivery and- transfer work. Also an experienced stock man. Apply Employment Department. 6th j loor. . WANTED Exnert wet and dry cleaner and dyer to take charge of dry cleaning department; steady employment: must be able to turn out strictly first-class work: wages $30 weekly and 5 per cent on amount of business done; 5 people employed in cleaning department; give full particulars as to age and experience in first letter. xakima ctcau i akima. Washington. iiTTnvinrlVR SCHOOL. . ... y.ii nAtAm vulcanizing. This school not run to make money but to make automotive mccnanics, is - pervlsed by leading automobile and trac tor men of Portland. Students do prac-tiA-i ,.n,ir wnrli. Free tuition t O ex- UrvlA m.n cIId this ad. Send it or call at office 416, Y. M. C. A. building. t . t , , - L-i i. : l AA.nA-.ra In tnifl cilv i- - outre services or A-l leagerman. -fi-"- cant must be a man of good personality about 30 years of age, good penman and i...... v. a ri ...ffiUnt mrience to handle .v.. ..ll. tn their satisfaction. Posi- Iaa aa aaa u,i,rv S135. For partic ulars see employment manager Y.M.C. A THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. -(.. t iat- i a ,i I h. liovernmeni. ( -q a furni-h heln. male or female, free a? . . v. . . - ia -liber nartv. Men's Dlv. Flat iron bldg.. 811 Pine street, phone Tld,. 4371: WfSmen s U1T., -v- bids.. Broadway and Oak. Phene Bdwy. 4369. ANY Intelligent person may earn $100 and 1,-pward monthly corresponoina ii papers; $15 to 25 weekly in spare time experience unnecessary; no canvassing ...fTi . - Knd for partlcu r-r. National Press Bureau. Buf falo". N. Y. WANTED Good, capable Japanese boy In small country town in eastern Oregon: small family; modern home, equipped t.w AAnvmi-nce? oermanent place to capable boy; might consider man and wire, av ot-y. oicF-y-"- AUTOMOBILE sale-men. two hlgn-graoe : aiaaa.h to sell locally pop ular, low-priced car; prefer men who can .-Ahe own demonstrators; aiso nwi two experienced energetic used car sales men. AG 41o. oregoni-ii, BOOKKEEPER, out of town corporation must be experienced, permanent position, , aa nondwrltlna- -ivlnK ref erences, age and salary required. AV 581, Oregonian , i - . v-T-wTi Qimna bov ever 16 years. work in stock room and lemrn genera i.. h.. .in,.. steady position. Appl ,-iih'rels. to Mr. Gitbert, Simon's store 2d and Alder sts. n.MiiL- ir c- o it p wanted for wholesa house, must be first-class man; splendid opportunity for ttie rigni party; experience and furnish references. AG Oregonian. RBgUIRH services of good accountant: do not know ourselves just what the Job is worth, but estimate we require about half of the time of a $250 man. C 63, Oregonian. , ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wanted for special edition work In Portland; can also use man to cover outside towns. Apply 404 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 8116. LABORERS for out-of-town work; fre fare; company roci room; 50c an hour. 1 V pay for feundays. AoDly 210 Commonwealth bldg.. bet- An- keny and Burnside on 6th. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE t UAS n TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. Take ML Seett Hawthorne car at Second and Aider to East aotn. or pnun- -. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL - a T,IS-II-D -V" XT i VP 41)- J1AT I nvra.i u .. THF SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOTJ BOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. WANTED hiXperrent-a wW , i-mer give rciercuLta su Muirion Label & Carton Company. Sao Jose. CaU FA KM HAND, married, must hat. own hum. and water furnished: board themselves; wages 90 per ino. O 1". Oregonian. WANTED Several young men from 18 to 24 for a manuiaciuring piam , good wages and experience not neces sary. A ppiy of WHOLESALE grocery, city shipping clerk. splendid opporiuimj. """- . , ase experience, references and salary expected. AM 370. Oregonian. THE Oregon scenic inn v-w. i- driven to nne i.'w ,v - land and Seaside, beginning April 20. Apply at office. 62 Broadway. Monday. BOY to help around the nousa wltn light work; a i u mo., 1 "uuii . , . . who likes to live on ranch later on. AG S72. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONUh hirst-class open- shop braSS lOUnury lliumci a iu, w wim. ,u cityT Apply 620 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED AT ONCJsi Flrat-class open- shop all arouna mi nm iw worm, in cltyT Apply S20 Oregon bids.. 6th and Oak sts. SALESMAN call trwr on grocery, hotel or drug trad to carry highly profitable and staple side line. Secord A Stusser. 123 A First st. WANTED Two experienced electric meter testers; must be competent to test house and power meters. Eastern Oreton Light & Power company. Baker. Or. OFFICE boy. opportunity for advance ment in established wholesale line; atate age' references and phone number. BF 3341. Oregonian. WANTED Foundry foreman, on. compe tent to take full charge; will make It an object to right man ; no others need apply. a J wiwian. car trsMEN make from 15 to $20 per dav? cash dally. 8S Chamber of Commerce Bldg- 4th and stark. . BUSHELMAN and presser; steady posi tion, good salary. Henry W. Jacobson. 324 Morrison st. xar a vted First-class painters and tin ners, work out of city. Apply for de tails Bio Oregon oiag. WANTED Reliable man for day work in office bldg.. must be handy with tools; steady position. All oregonian. WANTED For mere, concern, bookkeener. good opportunity If competent; state ex perience Vfil-xo man wanted for off tee work and collecting: , 14 wk. to start. BC 2S0, Oregonian. BARBER wanted for out-of-town; guarantee. Apply 377 Stark at. 30 WANTED Japanese bus hotel, 171 Loward-ie. boy. Maliory HELP WANTED MALE, 0 POSITIONS OPEN TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ' JUNE 1 TO 15. Prominent bankers, accountants and business men of Portland will address students of THE MILLER SCHOOL During April and May. Actual demonstration of bank: work and mercantile work on ADDING. , CALCULATING and BOOKKEEPING MACHINES Will be given by experts from leading banks and business houses. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY NEVER BEFORE OFFERED BY A BUSINESS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. courses are short four to eight weeks. A life vocation for eight weeks of study. 20 of these positions are In leading banks for young men. If yoa are a high school student. Investigate this oppor tunity. Only a limited number of students ad mitted. 903-4 TEON BUILDING. 600 INEXPERIENQCD men wanted t I -"-"j n aaigoiDuiia, iroca anu w . . i mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanlzers; only auto- I mobile and tractor school west of Mis- I sissippi approved and employed oy u. a. overnment war department lor train ing soldiers as auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have lnsoeet-ri ki. aa . Hiipnari fare refund ed If after iwpwin',1 I a . aaT Ion vou find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world: four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MnnKR- A TTTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets, Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier u. u"n'c, rvasn. SSon TO t.inn a MONTH U Are yeu earning that? Many automo bile experts are. Y'ou may Join tne high-salaried, skilled-mechanic ranks u you take advantage of the gss engineer ing courses offered by the LLADlNtJ 1 HTn cr- ir -. . i t- t.. T- il w WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL 1 uitAUUATES THAN AN X SCHOOL InveeUgate. enroll, and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we ii l deliver the goods. That's fair, isn t in Write for our $1 88-page catalogue. ats tree. Ask ror Boost .o. o, OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE ITMONAVEXUE AND "ASCO STREET. i a ot vriirva MVV hare. In the past lO yearm. been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M f" A aHvlciirv n nr. emDloyment dept. This is not an agency," and no extra fees or commissions are charrged. Rmnlnvas-t-sat nainrallv turn to th " for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boya Our demand at nreaent 1m far -reater than the supply. Yon nevoe harl xnK an nntfortunity tO get a better position If you are prepared for it. AU men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a job. or seeking a career? Have yon discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem, confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a personal Interest in vou? The T. M. C. A. Advisory and Em ployment Dept. can assist you In choos ing, and. can help you find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service mon. See one of the secretaries. Room 307. CARRIER wanted for ease side route Mouth of Morrison st. Will net a profit of $40 per month. Apply City Circula tion Dept.. room ZOJ, oregonian Ding. NOTICE TO STOUT MEN. Just received a large shipment of men's suits, for stout men: ail nano- tailored in all-wool worsteds, serges and tweeds, at special prices. lUO SECOND 1ST., COR. STARK. WANTED Worknlg foreman or superin tendent for manufacturing department of company making bee keeper sup nlles: steady work and permanent posi tion with up-to-date and rapidly grow ing firm: position requires a high-grade man with some exoeriencei in manage ment of similar business as well as ac tual machine operation. A. E. Wright ac Sons, Nam pa, Idaho. WANTED Salesmanager to open office and roanaae salesmen for high-class ar ticle; exclusive territory, big profits, ev ery merchant a. prospective purcnaser, no competition. Do not miss this oppor tunity; $350 to S750. capital required. Should make S50O0 per year. Call or write at once for particulars. Pacific Sales Co.. ail Ferguson bldg.. Los A- goies, Lu TWO bricklayers for big mill company. cor o hours. Call. SKINNER fc W HITE, 35 N. 2d at. YOUNO man. about 20 years of axe. do billing In cigar department of whole- sale house; must operate typewriter and be aulclc at figures. Answer, stat ins ace, experience, references, educa tion and salary expected. AJ a 00. Ore. gonlan. EXPERIENCED dress cosds salesman. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor. Meier t a razLa; m. OLD-UN E life Insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life Insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Klbbard. 1205 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Two neat energetic young men to travel as salesmen with manager; country men over 21 preferred; must be able to travel: salary .and commission. Call for Ituthruff, Oregon hotel, alter 10 A. Al. YOUNG man with some experience ss I storekeeper: good opportunity for man who had shipyard experience handling pipe, fittings, etc; must give first-class I reference; state age, phone and salary I expected R lia, oregonian, WANTED An ambitious man who is will ing to work and la wining to learn when l he Is given Instructions that will give him valuaDie compensation. u- opaia- Ing bldg. WANTED First-class barber to go to Ab erdeen, Wash.: guarantee RdO a week; SO per cent over $42; for particulars ap ply to the Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Sup- piy Co. YOUNG man for junior position in bank. about AS to -v yrs. oi ag. or goou family and qualifications. Address, giving age. reference and experience. Box AO 338. Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitors, quick money. S3. 00 aud si.su paid xor orders ousiness directory page, old established weekly; no collecting; other publications. Clydo. 210 Stock Exchange. PRINTER WANTED Want country print er; must DO arooa picavuiau anu uii- a round printer; might consider two thlrder. Pay fair salary. Wire Dispatch, Dayton, Wash. A NO. 1 COOK for logging camp In good location; must o iiji-bqh:ii. wgea ij correspond. Triple A Lumber Co., Wil bur, Or. BARBER wanted; guarantee $20; 70 per cent over $40. Address J. F. Paradise. Baker, Or. WANTED Two day porters for first-class club, ISO per monm, room ana ooara; state in writing experience and refer ences. L 131, Oregonian. . YOUNG man for grocery delivery. Apply Monday afternoon. Sealy-Dresser Co., 2O0 Stark street. WAN TEX) Flrst-claas presser. steady po sition. Apply in person. U. S. Dry Clean ing Co., 180 Grand ave. WANT active young men, both experienced and inexperienced, for window washing; good pay. Apply 610 Oregon bldg. WANTED Students to learn vulcanising and retreading; latest methods taught. 433 Stark st. Help "Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN wanted, who call on the log ,in, paRim. for an exceptional orono sition. Gunther-Klng company, 14C ' Page st. WANTED A salesman with executive ability to qualify as sales manager, with suitable remuneration, in a unanciai id stltutlon. 702 Spalding bldg. SPECIALTY salesman, preferably one now employed by wholesale grocery; good salary for live wire; full particulars in first letter. u liu. oregonian WANTED Experienced truck salesmen. Portland Denby Company. Inc., 10th and Davis streets. WANTED Specialty salesman, good com mission, fast seller, good territory dow open. Can Main tt4ij. HELP WANTTTD MAT.K. Help Wasted Sslensem, LARGE EASTERN MANUFACTURING! CORPORATION. . REINCORPORATING IX OREGON. WHICH WILL EMPLOY ABOUT 200 PEOPLE, DESIRES THE SERVICES OF COMPETENT STOCK SALESMEN TO SELL. $100,000 PRE FERRED STOCK ON COMMISSION. NONE BUT HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN CONSIDERED. D. D. HAIL. ATTORNEY, 47 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. SALESMAN Experienced or not- Are you big, ambitious and able to put your shoulder to the wheel on a big deal a real man's Job. Do you love the glory of putting something across which takes hral-M And vnrk Y Do vou dream Of do ing things, making money and strive to make your dreams come, truer xi o, a rwl vmi hat Koma cn.nl tal and KOOd ! references I can put you In the way of VIOOO per month. Get in touch with me at once. Bt 6. oregonian. LARGE eastern corporation desires the aervlcea of an honest, ambitious, intelli gent salesman to represent them in the Portland branch office: this la a life time opportunity and even If employed it will pay you to Investigate this; fasci nating, well paying, rapid promotion to right party. Call after 10 A. H, 110 Spalding bldg.. Mr. Fox. WE have an exceptionally good proposi tion fnr a. h ffh-rrado motor trucK sales man for territory work. If you are that man, call and ee us. Don't waste your time calling unless you are a first-class truck salesman. GAltFOKD OREG )N MOTOR SALES CO. Park and Davis Sts. A MONEY-MAKING proposition, liberal enough to attract the best tire salesmen In Portland; with the biggest season on record only a month away; now is the time to begin. Weaver Tire Co.. 3U3 Burnside street. WANTED A high grade tire salesman to fAvr citv. (iooa nosiuon ior man who ability. In answering, give full particu lars, age, previous position, etc. BF r.3V, Oregonian. SALESMEN to sell to auto owners on street, also dealers; live proposition ior live men; big profits, sure seller; pay every dav. Call between 12-1 P. M.. 6-7 P. M.. No. 5 Park st., room 11. CITV KALES MANAGER WANTED. Experienced city real estate salesman to take charge of sales department; good contract: reliable connection. Write X 12:t. Oregonian. A LARGE financial institution requires the service, ot two ciean-cui ana ag- sresswe salesmen; earnings are better than SaOO monthly. AE 364. Orego nian. w kk hi vou ever offered a paying busi ness of your own.' utiw i.namocr oi i Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. WANTED AGENTS. ! AGENTS at once, setimg oOc per month hospital tickets, sui tjoroett niag. HELP WANTED TTMAU. TWO waitresses for country hotel, $70 and board; good side money. Call SKINNER fc WHITE, 35 N. 2d St. WANTED School girl, over 19, to stay with 2 children 5 nights each weeK lor home and some remuneration. Apt. house, west side. For. information ca.ll Monday. Tabor ltl30. wantkd stenoaraDher. one who writes legible hand, accurate, gooa jnnsnan character; do not object to beginner. Permanent: 175: advancement. Service d e partment Y. M. C. A. APPLICATIONS will be received from VAtm. women ac.a -U 10 o. ior wooa- worklng factory at 6t. Johns. Good pay and steady employment. AS o92. Ore gontan. WAITRESS We want one first-class tray waitress, saiary .., room ana ooara, work a d.vs a week: sood side money. Address, with references. Pilot Butte inn. Mend. Or. AN experienced woman for srneral house work In eastern Oregon town ; moaern home, small family, good wages: good home to capable woman, ay oik. ore gonian WANTED Trustworthy woman to help in lunch house from 12 A. . to v f. i. 12 per week. Apply Sunday. SS0 Ross st. Monday Willamette iron & oteei lunchroom. BOOKKEKPKR and stenographer, some cashiering. Sl-a; sienograpner. ,n'o; .tnoarrsoher t.mnorarv. book keeper and typist. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to 1 The Salvation Army Atescue nome, anav falr and Alexander sta. Phono Main 345ft. DM car. GOOD HOME to suitable lady about April 13 for 2 or G hours' light housework afternoon ana evening in immiiy a adults. Irvlngton. AB 3S1. Oregonian. WANTED A competent stenographer, ex perienced In law work; must be speedy and accurate. caiarj .t..v. ki lew phone number. AJ .ii2. Oregonian. GIRT-S wanted. First street. Apply at factory, 34 X. THE Florence Crittenden Horn, is ready to help any girl In distress. 955 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 516. ArrtvT trlris wanted for steady factory work: good wages. Apply American Can Co.. 14tn ana rront. WANTED Two highly recommended maids lor cnamor wora; salary each. BP gl-. oregonian. WANTED Smart girls to learn fancy gown pressing: good wages while learn ing. AO 289. Oregonian. WANTED Two apprentice girls. Union Station restaurant, b. u. t-rguua, man ager. NEAT, rellabl. girl to wait on trade in store ana ao uuusewurn, gtu .wages. room and poara. iui mmm-rciai at. MARRIED woman wanted for dining-room work; no Objection m a cnuu. wax -noil ii 21st st. fnone pqwy. WANTED Chambermaid for few rooms and care of linens, iaesteroury notei. 201 N. 2Ul n. BILLING clerk, grocery experience pre ferred, gooa opponuniiji'nai. i pa tlculars. AO 860. Oregonian. WANTED A stenographer, salary $90 a month; permanent, oervice rum Duppiy Co.. 393 Oak st. v GIRL to operate a power machine In cigar factory, light work. La. Gran Marcs, Ci gar to.. V phi Mtrect. WANTED Young lady for office work; must have knowledge of typing; salary $10 a week. Apply between a ana 2 to day. 406 Oregonian bldg. CANDY girl. $12 week, experience unneces sary, prefer girl living with parents. Call after 10. Hams, l'jn'fr otn st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 2d st. 26 N. WANT WAITRESS. 52 THIRD ST. EXPERIENCED coat finishers. Oregonian. ' N 124, WANTED 2 waitresses, good par. Apply Canton Rest. 1Q9 George St.. St. Johns WANTED Girl to work in dining room. Campbell rtiu nmci. "WANTED Teachers for mission school. Apply 17Vi First st. i o'clock P. M. W' VNTED An experienced waitress. 1 lory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Woman for plain housework. 12TH 12th st, Bdwy. 6Q99. . GIRL, or school girl, for general house. work. Main SOOT. T25 Kearney. WANTED Chambermaid. 1731 Derby st Fhone WdLn. 2&1S. HELP WANTED FIWAIE. DO YOTJ WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY T A salary that is pal while you learn the business that inc-eases frequently as you gain experience? DO TOTJ KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN T And what excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions T WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment -lpcrviior will rladly tell you the facts and will also explain the many other ad vantage of telephone ope ratine tor young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park, and Oak Streeta. The Pacific Telephone fc Telegraph Company. 40 POSITIONS OPEN TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. JUNE 1 TO 15. Prominent bankers, accountants and business men of Portland will addreta students of THE MILLER SCHOOL During April and May Actnal demonstration of bank work and mercantile work on A DDI NO. CALCULATING and ROOKKEKPlXtl MACHINES TVill be given by experts from the leading banks and business houses. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY NEVER BEFORE OFFERED BY A BUSINESS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. Courses are short tour to eignt weeks. A life vocation for eight weeks of study. 20 of these positions are in leading banks for young men. If you are a high school student, investigate this oppor tunity. Only a limited number of students ad mitted. 903-4 TEON BUILDING. MEIER A. FRANK COMPANY requires the services of an experienced fur operator for our fur workroom. Two experienced saleswomen for the crockery department. An experienced saleswoman for the art needle work department. There are also vacancies for 8 girls between the ages of 16 and 18 for posi tions in the marking room and dairy lunch. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for drug sundries. Apply before 10:o0. employ ment Bureau. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. WANTED Experienced drapery sales women. Apply Kmployment Asureau. oia floor, Meier A Frank Co. OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with ladies who are ambitious and willing to work hard (or real success. if you believe you can sell life insurance If given help by su pervisor, call or write W. IS. Hibbavrd. 1205 Wilcox bldg., Portland. Or. SALESWOMEN Experience not neeess- sary but better. Exceptional oner. Main 182. Mr. Perry. Sunday 2 to 3 P. M., or Broadway 19 Monday 8:30 to 10 A. M. The early bird catches the worm. Also women capable of taktns charge of crew. I HAVE more positions open than I have pupils ready. w ny not taae up wora which will make you independent? Six weeks' course enables you to hold a good position. Call at our school and be con vinced. Class hours from 9:0 to 12:30. Room 411 Beck bldg. A-l EDUCATED, experienced stenographer as private secretary; Initiative. ex-cuuve and business ability required; caps ble of assuming responsibility during advertis ers absence; reference required. aa dress P.F 70, Oregonian. COLLEGE student or school teacher who is interested in giving private KnKllsn lessons to a Japanese three or four afternoons or evenings a week: walking distance prelerred. Alan aaaress 6th. H. v T. "WANTED Lady to do hand pressing in dry cleaning department; must ne e?. rt: waees weeklv: steady employ ment: give full particulars as to ace and experience In first letter. Yakima Steam Laundry, Yakima. Washington. tilRL for general office work. Bdwy. 4:1.11. Wanted Dome tic. MIDDLE-AGED working lady can have 2 rooms free for little worK. Ull at 1701 E. 7th St. Harney, Sellwood, after 5 o'clock. WANTED An experienced nurse maid ror care of children, must be competent. r i erenres, wages .10 to 0. Apply 219 Cornell road. Phone Main 9415. WANTED Competent woman for general housework; no wasning. smaa lanuiv, comfortable room with bath. Call 10 to 12 A. M., 773 Flanders st. WANTED Girl for cooking and some downstairs work, small lamiiy, no wash ing: no furnace; high wages. 783. Flan ders st. WANTED For housekeeping, elderly girl or widow with not more tnan a cnuu; adults 3. no children, good home. Jacob Leder, Corvallis, Or.. 192 3 A st, WANTED Competent girl for general housework in family ot tnree auuits; good wages; good room. 445 E. 15th st. N. AN EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and downstairs work; second gin Kept: gooa wages. Main 4207. 463 Montgomery drive. $60 for competent baby's nurse; permanent position. sain iw,". vunicu bi., Hd. Marshall. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housekeeping; two in tamiiy. oui ucn St.. cor. Columbia. WANTED May 1, girl or woman for gen eral housework. .o wasning. plain cooking. Wages $30. M al n 8734. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and some housework: aauus; no wasning or iron ing. 741 Irving street. Main 7057. MAN wants housekeeper, neat, who can work in small store at times. -.all or write 613 Mllwaukie st. I GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages; -u min. irom town. Main 2Q94. WANTED Experienced girl for upstairs work, small lamny. gooa wagea Apply ' mornings. 115 North 22d st. WiANTED Experienced, girl for second work. Phone Main 5214 or call 1S9 King St. GIRL for second work. $35 month; private sitting room, bedroom and bath. Knight station. Sellwood 1008. GIRL for light housework: good home. 3:;4 Jackson street, cor. W. Broadway. Mam 7090. NEAT, intelligent girl for housework; good future ior a icikuic, iu girl. ,o Commercial st. - WANTED Experienced girl to assist with housework and care of 4-year-old child. Automatic S12-?8. jIRIj to assist in general housework, small family; no washing. Call Wood lawn 4446. COMPETENT maid wanted: references re quired, rnont i aoor oi.-i. GIRL for cooking and downstairs work. No washing. Wages $60. Phone East S9U0. WANTED An experienced cook In family of two. west siae. iatl Main i.ibl. WANTL1D A second rirl; 503 21st su. Portland Heights. Marshall 2169. GIRL wanted for general housework; good . K$ei. Call 68 alia it. HELP WANTF.O FEMALE, Wanted Pomeallra, W" ANTKD A Rood woman to lo ail around houFework on a ranch In eastern Oregon: ware per month; mu-c have no children. Please cnd the an swers of this add to Airs. Frank Mad dock. Condon. Or. . WANTED. M addle a treri hnimu nrker for rcfina country home; 3 in family; baby's wash i'.ff only; references required. Call office Hotel Cornelius.. 4 to 6 or S to 10 T. M. ANTKD Experienced, -woman to cook ana a..nst in general house woric; girl kept: mall familv: wages $"0 ncr month. Phono East 71S2. -400 K. 2tH Bt. N. GIRL, to help with housework and care oC cni.aren. Kxprrlence not necrsar ; must like children : good waKa. V" Bryce ave., Alameda lrk. Broad w ay car. STEADY girl for general housework, alt electrical conveniences, cooking not c sential, one who is fond of children, very good home and good wages, 4U1 E. 16th. N. B. :.1.3. TWO girls. $30 each, to divide cookimf and housework and help with girl i and. hoy 7. No laundry work. Installed elec tric cleaner. biiO Thompson, cor. Stith. Take Broadway car. o and nice room with bath in exchange for general housework and cooking: J grown people and children: no laundry work ; havo Installed electric creanef. Kawt WORK lG man, alone, nice home, wants housekeeper to care for home for her apH rtments : one employed pref trrre Wriln. 1736 after 0:30. A GIRL, to assist generally, small family, good wagea. 714 Lovejoy. Main b71. HELP WANTKH MALF OR "EM AU. MISS MATTINGLY'S PRIVATE SCHOOL shorthand, typewriting. day. night elates, individual instruction. Phone Main 38J3. 14th. noar Jefterson. EDUCATIONAL. MOLEU BARBER COLLEGE -111 teach you tho trade in 8 weeks, give you a svt of tools and some pay white learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-servu-e men tho course is free to you. Writ or call for particulars ar.d catalogue. 34 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business Coilege, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER"COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced th i s term. 2 33 M ad inon. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 503. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, give you set of tools free, position secured. S3 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. EAST SIDECOMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; individ ual Instruction. 124 Grand ave. E. 47. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Atisky Bldg., Thlrdr and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school, $5 per m on t h. 230 Tillamook st. East 360. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asstst. state su pt., mgr., N W. Bank bldg. Main 827?. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4835. Teaching positions-free registration. YATES-FIPHER Teachers' Agency Fre. registration, slain B2i4. jjroaawai oiag. TT"AT!OXt WANTED MALE. YOUNG man (26) wishes employment; will consider any legitimate proposition, experienced theater manager and op erator, familiar with electricity. Mr. Allen. Broadway 1231. or P. O. Box 307. city. PLUMBING Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORK?. Phone East 1134. 161 Russe'l at. EXPERT dairyman, first-class milker, un derstands everything aooui uairy ,7 ress; would like entire charge of small dairy: can handle 40 cows; for particu lars address A K 3fll. Oregonian WANTED Work for a new ton "ort truck, pneumatic tires: naui anjuims of Us capacity, day or night. Phono East 7141. Kayburn & Keuastpn Co. ll2j Grand ave. S. YOUNG man. U. S. soldier, w Lines employ ment from 8 to 10 evenings; noa paruiu lar. Address 305Mi Grand ave.. or phone East 654 after 5:30 P. M. WEST llAGEiKa. Painting, paper hanging and tinting. Phone Auto. 219-77. Res. and shop. 3T East 39th St. CLASS A chef and dinner man. commer cial hotel or cafe work; reiertm. get crew If wanted; go anywhere. Room 7. Read Hotel. COMPETENT bookkeeper and general of fico man, various experience, desires po sition Ann 1 .Mam o.ii, be r of Commerce bldg. . EXPERIENCED shipping clerk and tal.T man. thoroughly understands shipping; for sasli aTid door and planing mi Plione Marshall 3210. , EXPERIENCED clmufleur desires position in a private family; best of references. Dantol K. Shcelian, care SSL Vincent's Hospital. SITUATION by salesman to sell automo- , biles after 7 P. M. weekdays and all day Sunday: commission, l'hone after P. M. evenings. Sell. 1590 y. I ' i : K I K N ' II' gi-ocerynian w ants po.l lion as manager, or bead salesman of grocery dept.; best of references given. AV 3311. Oregonian. CARPENTER will figure new or old work, house raiting, ccnieut or tile garages. Let me give you a figure. Eveninss. Main 67!.V . EX-SERVICE man. fsir knowled-re start ing, lighting and ignition, wishes work in. or out of town. Phone Sell. 879. w 70. Oregonian. YOUNG man seeks posilion in auto reparr shop. Some experience, good on elec trical work. Will start at most any w a Re. References. W 79. Oregonian. E X P E R 1 EN C E D hotel clerk wants work; would consider night or day shift; ref erences. Woodlawn 1622. E GARDNER. Lawns leveled, seeded and Phone East 6290 after 6 P. M. rolled. HOUSE cleaning and wood work, alsca other job work wanted by experienced colored man. Phone Bdwy. 2120. WANTED Position as a helper in auto repair shop. Have had some experience. H ft2, oregonian. CARPENTRY Plans, estimates, built-in work, rough and finish. Phone Marshall 1121. BUSINESS college student desires posi tion bookkeeping and some typing. BIT 598. Oregonian. - JANITOR and wife. 15 years' experience. bet of relerences. no cnntiren. want oi fices or apt. house. AH 159. Oregonian. COMPETENT physician wants temporary or permanent general practice. BF 337. Ore gonian. BAKER All arouna married man wants steady work; state wages. AV 070, Ore gonian. MARRIED man must have work, con crete or laboring. Room 304, Marshall 3983. HAULING Wanted, for 3-ton truck, in "or out of city; very reasonable rates. Tabor S67'.. . PAPERHANGNG. painting and tinting; good work: right prices. Marshall 2493. MAN wants watchman position, references. O 181, Oregonian. CARPENTER work, alterations, repairs. Tabor 91MI9. CONTRACT or work for 2-ton truck. dump body; Hustler. V 67, Oregonian. HARDWOOD floors cleaned and polished. Call Tabor 6140 evenings. DENTIST, registered in Oregon, wishes position. Y 1S6. Oregonian. CESSPOOLS AND SEWir. CONNEC 1 1 0 N S. WOOD LAWN 54S5. w SH1NGLERS WHEN YOU NEED A SH1NGLER PHONE WOODLAWN 359S. JlPAtMi si'luwi ''j . use i o, wants pu is j t ion. BJ 316. Oregonian. ELDERLY man wantsposltion as Janitor or houseman. AO 374. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position as porter or "hall boy. John Yoshloka. 212"j Madi-on. ' PLO Wl NG WDLN. 6214. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CITY garden lots to plow and harrow, Broadway W7. Broadway 3016. WVNTKD Hauiing contract for 2-tos tril' k in or nut of town. Tabor 6679. CEMENT work of all kinds; good work guaranteed. Sellvsooil 9I'.. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work, reasonable. Sellwood U99. El.DKRLT man wants c!erkinB or light work; small hotel. AE 352, Oregonian.